to read this week`s bulletin


to read this week`s bulletin
Church Address: 941 Lexington St.
Church Address: 941 Lexington St.
Office Address: 725 Washington St.
Address: 725 Washington St.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Santa Clara, CA 95050
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Web-site:
Mass Schedule
Weekend: 5:00 pm (Vigil); 7:45am, 9:00 am, 5:30 pm (English)
10:30 am (Portuguese); 12:00 pm (Spanish)
1:30 pm (Cantonese); 3:00 pm (Mandarin)
Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am; Tue & Thu 5:30 pm
Celebrating The Year of MERCY
October 25, 2015 ● 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer for Our Priests
May God bless you in your
priesthood. Thank you for
your ministry; you are in
our prayers.
Mobile App: Saint Clare
Visit us on Twitter @stclareparishsc
Visit and like us on Facebook:
St. Clare of Assisi
Parish Office… 408-248-7786
Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, Pastor
Rev. Pedro Perez Sención, Parochial Vicar
In Residence: Rev. Canon Raphael Ueda
Mary Park, Office Administrator
Paty Rascon, Hispanic Ministry
Madeline Rader, Principal
Sacrament of the Sick
If you or anyone you love is sick and unable to attend
Mass, please call the office.
St. Vincent de Paul…408-645-0506
Catechetical Ministry… 408-248-7786
Paty Rascon
We warmly welcome those inquiring about becoming
Catholic. For information, please call the office.
Saturdays 4:30 pm or by appointment.
Prayer Groups
Spanish Charismatic Group Wednesdays 7 pm
Spanish Prayer Group Thursdays 6:30 pm
Portuguese Prayer Group Thursdays 7 pm
Pastor’s Note
Sacramental Information
Dear Parishioners,
Any reading of salvation history will remind us that God is
faithful. He is true to his promises, steady in his allegiance,
merciful, compassionate and loving. Even when countless
generations ignored his prophets and turned away from
his commandments, God remained faithful to his covenants. He loves us so much that he sent his only Son to
die for our sins.
That level of faithfulness inspires faith. Faith, in itself a
gift from God, does not require repeated proofs. We are
convinced of God’s fidelity to his promises as made
through Jesus Christ, manifested in Christ’s death and
resurrection. Faith grows when one has unwavering trust
in another person. Our faith in God requires humility and
gratitude. When our faith is strong, it is easily expressed
and readily shared.
Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, appears to have had such
faith. He persistently called out to the person he could not
see, but knew only by reputation – “Jesus, Son of David,
have pity on me.” Finally, he approaches Jesus with a
fervent request, “Master, I want to see.” Bartimaeus had
every confidence. He somehow knew that Jesus could
accomplish what seemed, to others, to be impossible.
Contact the Parish office to arrange for baptismal preparation. Baptisms are celebrated monthly except during Lent.
Spanish Prep Class: 1st Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 3rd Sat at 10 am
English Prep Class: 2nd Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 4th Sat at 10 am
Arrangements need to be made at least six months in
advance. Call the Parish office.
The Rosary is recited daily after the 8 am Mass and
before the 5:30 pm Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Hispanic Community has a Rosary Hour every
Monday at 6 pm in the Rectory Chapel.
We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Clare Parish.
We encourage new parishioners to register as parish
members and become active in our parish community.
Registration forms are available at the Parish Office and in
the Church vestibule. You may also fill out the form below.
Jesus responds to the beggar’s deep faith: “Go your way;
your faith has saved you.” Immediately, the blind man
can see and he follows Jesus.
We, too, seek Jesus’ help, whenever we pray.
We cannot see him, but we call out, confident that he will
answer. We even dare to call him by name, the name that
the angel gave to Mary – Jesus. Because Jesus has already been faithful to us, we approach our Savior, our
redeemer, our friend – and we ask for his help, we beg
for his mercy and we plead for his miracles.
Jesus does not tire of our prayers. His Spirit inspires us to
speak them. Our faith reminds us of his faithfulness and
the salvation he has already won for us.
Fr. Tad
Whether you are a parishioner of long standing or new to the parish, if you are not registered, we invite you to do so as soon as possible. If there are
changes to your status, please let us know. Please fill in the details below and place in the offertory basket or mail to the Parish Office.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_______________________________
□ New Parishioner
□ Moving (please remove from directory)
□ New Address
Zip: ______________
□ New Phone Number
Weekly Stewardship
Goal for Fiscal Year
Calendar of Events
Hispanic Rosary Group, 6:00 pm, Rectory
Holy Hour for Vocations, 5:30 pm, Chapel
RCIA Instruction, 7:00 pm, Rectory
Feast of Ss. Simon (patron saint of sawyers
and tanners) and Jude (patron saint of
Hospitals, hospital workers, and impossible
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group , 7:00 pm
Lower Church
Portuguese Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Chapel
Serra Club Meeting, 5:00 pm, North Hall
Bible Study, 7:00 pm, Rectory
Collected to 10/11
Unavailable at this
Budgeted to 10/11
Thank YOU for your generosity!
October Mass Count and Parish
Data Update
Every year the diocese asks us to count those in
attendance at Mass during October. No doubt you
saw the ushers with their clickers. These counts
provide snapshots of each parish and vital information to the Diocese for future planning. This week
the count concludes and we thank you for your
attendance and participation.
Mass Intentions
October 24-31
5:00 pm
Jude Vrana+
7:45 am
David Simpson+, George Silva+,
Lance Corporal Steven Vergano
(safe keeping)
9:00 am
Joe Sebastian+,
Predeswinda Duclayan++
10:30 am
Josefa C. Soares+, Lidia Soares+,
Clementina Nunes+John Cunha+,
Joao Sousa da Silva+, Manuel
Pacheco+, Jose Bettencourt+,
Rosa Silva Dias+
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
Joycelyn Cruz+, Antonio &
Ephegenia Rodrigues & Family+
8:00 am
Souls in Purgatory+
5:30 pm
Mary Lou Boyle+
8:00 am
Mary Lou Boyle+, Tao Mei Yang
5:30 pm
Elson Lourenco+, Daniel Frietas+
8:00 am
Fernando Oliveira+, Daniel Frietas+
8:00 am
Andrea Russel+
2:00 A.M.
November 1st
November All Souls Envelopes
All Souls envelopes are available at the entrances
to the church. We will not be taking any individual
Mass Intentions during the month of November but
will, instead, be praying for those whose names are
written on the envelopes.
Please include the names of all your beloved
deceased on the envelope. If you run out of space,
write them on a piece of paper and place the paper
inside the envelope. Include a donation and drop
the envelope into the All Souls box in front of the
ambo or the collection basket or, mail it to the
Save the Date!
St. Clare School’s
is coming again
Friday, November 13 - 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Watch for more information.
Sunday Children’s
“Finding God” Continuous Faith
Formation Program
Religious Education here at St. Clare’s is more
than just a Sacramental preparation program.
First Parents Class
We had our first class for parents last Sunday. It was so
wonderful to see parents sharing their thoughts and
coming up with ideas on how to grow their own faith and
at the same time helping their families to grow. This article, “5 Tips for Parents” from World Press - Catechesis
in the Third Millennium - summarizes what they shared.
Parents Are First – You are the first and primary educators of the faith to your children. How are you helping
them, as Pope Francis says, “meet Jesus?” How are
they growing in “grace and wisdom” (Lk. 2:52) during the
years you have them under your roof? Do your children
see you taking time to pray and grow in your own faith?
The habits and attitudes you model are the most important ones in your child’s life and make the most impact.
Your words & actions speak to what your kids see as
being most important to you.
Attitude – Your attitude can make a world of difference
to your child(ren). Weekly class attendance, family discussions about what was covered in class and general
attitudes on going to Mass, praying together and involvement in the parish have an effect on your child.
Faithfulness – God desires to reveal Himself to us because He loves each one of us so very much. Through
weekly attendance to our Faith Formation Program and
Mass you are witnessing your faithfulness to the promise
you made at your child’s baptism: to raise them in the
faith and assist them in their spiritual growth. Your goal
is to help your kids get to heaven – this is the most important thing you can do as parents.
Prioritize – When your child sees (even when she/he
doesn’t always like it) that you put weekly faith formation
and Mass attendance as a top priority they become
aware by your example how important faith is to you as
parents. Your actions and choices speak volumes!
The Power of Praying Parents – Pray daily for holiness
in your family and for the spiritual needs of your parish
community. Put your trust completely in God, our heavenly Father, who will hear you and do what is best for
you. After praying and seeking God’s intercession for a
specific intention which was answered, St. Faustina
said: “Now I can see how much power intercessory
prayer has before God.” (Diary 202)
Catechetical Office: Paty Rascon 408.248.7786 X 102
[email protected]
Dear St. Clare School Family,
October marks the launch of our ninth St. Clare School
Annual Fund Campaign! As we embark on this year’s
Annual Fund, we want to thank those of you who have
generously supported us in the past. We hope that we
can continue to count on your gifts in the future, and we
encourage more members of our community to support
this year’s Annual Fund Campaign.
The St. Clare School Annual Fund generates supplemental financial resources to execute our school mission .
The Annual Fund helps assure that St. Clare School can
deliver academic programs that support student success
and maintain our school facilities to better serve our
students, now and for the years to come.
St. Clare School continues to be successful because of
our staff, the students and our school families. Our
school is staffed by caring, committed professionals
who take pride in their vocation of educating our students.
Our students are continuously worshipping, learning,
serving and growing at all grade levels and we are
blessed with school families that remain involved through
readily sharing their time, talents and treasures.
While we strive to maintain our 159-year-old tradition
of providing a faith-filled education, we are met with the
growing challenge of keeping tuition and fees affordable without sacrificing the high quality education that
St. Clare School is known for.
Our goal for 2015-2016 is to raise $100,000 in new gifts
to ensure another year of achievement for each student.
Your financial support, whether great or small, will help
us reach this goal and continue the great work of educating our students within the richness of the Catholic faith.
We are blessed to have you as a member of our
St. Clare School family and invite you to support our
school with a gift that will contribute to the success of
current and future students. Please make your donation
online at or you can drop it off at
the school office. Your gifts will allow our school commu nity
to continue the valued work of educating our students in
academics and in our Catholic faith. All gifts are fully tax
deductible and represent an important, greatly needed,
and significant source of funding .
On behalf of the students and faculty of St. Clare
School, I thank you in advance for your beneficial and
vital support.
Sincerely in Christ,
Madeline Rader , Principal
Tim Maloney, SAC Chairperson
Scripture Readings
for THIS Sunday
First Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9
Psalm: 126
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Mark 10:46-52
Bartimaeus caused a stir. Normally he sat by the side of
the road being a "good blind beggar." But one day Jesus
passed nearby. Bartimaeus jumped up and called out to
Jesus. We can imagine him turning toward the direction
of the commotion and noise. Bartimaeus probably had his
arms outstretched as he shouted out to the son of David.
The people who knew him were embarrassed by his outburst. They tried to hush him up and get him to sit back
down by the roadside. Their actions spoke volumes:
"Bartimaeus, you're not fit for Jesus." But it was okay for
them and other "sighted" people to follow Jesus. In today's readings, we learn that true blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
What no eye has seen,
nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man conceived,
what God has prepared for those
who love him. 1Cor.2:9
Knights of Columbus
Pope Francis said, “We are not Christians
‘part-time,’ only at certain moments, in certain circumstances, in certain decisions; no one can be Christian in
this way — we are Christian all the time totally!”
Come join the Knights of Columbus and we can help not
only you but others to be total Christians.
Contact information on the last page.
Readings for the Week
Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2-7,20,21; Lk 13:10-17
Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21
Beyond the Parish
November 03 - All souls Day of Prayer
Jesuit Retreat Center, 300 Manresa Way, Los Altos, CA.
Ms. Mary Ahlbach and Bro. Joe Frias, S. J. conduct
this non-silent day—an opportunity to come together to
explore our faith and pray together. The fee is $50 and
includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks and concludes with Mass.
Please call the Jesuit Retreat Center for more details:
Nov. 12 - Catholic Professionals
Breakfast Meeting - Three Flames Restaurant
1547 Meridian Ave., S.J.
7:00 am - Mass, Msgr. John Sandersfeld presiding
7:35 - Breakfast and Networking
8:10 - Speaker Presentation: Work as Worship
Ron Trevino, Director of Operations,
Real Options Pregnancy Medical Clinics
$15/members; $20/non-members. RSVP required.
Please RSVP to,
[email protected] or call 408.491.9229.
Nov. 13-15 - Marriage Encounter Weekend
For nearly 50 years, Marriage Encounter has been helping married couples grow in their love for each other, for
God, and our Church. For marriages to remain strong
and vibrant, couples need ongoing support so they can
reevaluate important issues of their marriage during the
years that follow their wedding day.
Married Couples: How do you rate your marriage? If
you’ve checked any of the above, you are a great candidate for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! It’s a
beautiful weekend experience designed for couples of all
ages and backgrounds. It will take you from where you
are to another level! Make this autumn special by devoting one weekend to the most important relationship in
your life.
The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is November
13-15, 2015 in Mountain View. For more information visit
our website at: or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or
Wednesday Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16
Rom 8:31-39; Ps 109:21-31; Lk 13:31-35
Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6
Rom 8:11:1-2a,11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-18;
Lk 14:1, 7-11
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1Jn 3:1-3;
Mt 5:1-12a
Nov. 22 - Archbishop Mitty H.S. Open House
5000 Mitty Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129
Guided tours from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
For additional information about this Catholic college
preparatory, please visit their website,
admission. Or call 408.252.6610
Boletim Paroquial Português
Reflexão pelo Padre Francisco Rodrigues sj
Boletín Parroquial Español
Hoy es el Domingo del Sacerdocio
A leitura do evangelho deste trigéssimo Domingo do
tempo comum, recorda-nos a história de um cego pobre
que sentado á beira do caminho implorava a Jesus que
de si tivesse piedade. Tal eara a voz e convicção deste
cego pobre que despertou a atenção de Jesus e o fez
responder com dedicação e ternura. Contudo, como é
dito no texto, havia uma multidão em redor de Jesus e do
cego. Uns que repreendiam o cego pobre, ao ponto de o
quererem fazer calar. Outros animavam-no dizendo:
coragem, o Mestre está a chamar-te!
Por lo que lo hace un día especial para reflexionar y reafirmar el papel del sacerdocio en la Iglesia, ya sea el
llamado “sacerdocio común” realizado por los fieles,
usando nuestros dones y talentos para servir a los demás, o el “sacerdocio ministerial” llevado por los sacerdotes ordenados. Siendo ellos, testigos vivos y participes
del servicio a la comunidad, llevando misericordia, compasión y consuelo a los que la necesitan. Demos pues
gracias a nuestros sacerdotes por el amoroso servicio
que brindan en nuestra comunidad.
De todos é sabido que na vida há sempre quem anima e
quem desanima. Quem incentiva e quem desmotive.
Quem aprecie o belo que há em cada pessoa e encoraje
a andar em frente e quem se justifique nas debilidades
dos outros para ser ocasião desânimo. No fundo, há
quem aproxime de Jesus, particularmente os que mais
precisam dele, dizendo; tem coragem, Ele, o Mestre está
a chamar-te. E há quem afaste de Jesus dizendo cala-te.
Este cego pobre venceu a batalha, conseguiu o encontro
com Jesus porque quanto mais o faziam calar, ele mais
alto gritava: Jesus tem piedade de mim!
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
A conclusão ´que o cego pobre passou a ver, não só com
os olhos, mas também com o coração. Ao invês, os que
tentaram afastar Jesus ficaram cegos, não tanto das
vistas, mas da vida, do coração, da beleza profunda. Na
verdade, o cego pobre, deixou de o ser e permaneceram
os pobres cegos!
Que o grito do cego: “Senhor, tem piedade de mim”,
chegue até cada um de nós, nos toque, o coração nos
ensine e nos ajude a ver com profundidade!
Mensagem do Padre Francisco
Queridos amigos da comunidade de Santa Clara.
Deixo-vos uma grande saudação e profundo
agradecimento pelo excelente e afectuoso acolhimento
na comunidade.
Sinto-me muito agradecido e agraciado a Deus. Ter
presidido ás festas de Nossa Senhora de Fátima foi uma
graça. Sentir Fátima, na Califórnia, é como encontrar a
Mãe onde a buscamos!
Parabéns e muito obrigado ao Sro. Henry Rodrigues e
toda a direção da Irmandade de Nossa Senhora de
Fátima. Muito obrigado e parabéns. Connie Silveira e
todo o Conselho Português pelo acolhimento e pelo
vosso testemunho e lindo trabalho.
A toda a comunidade: muito obrigado. Rezem pelo meu
trabalho e missão. Todos estão na minha oração.
LOVE!!! Padre Francisco Rodrigues sj
Um Santo e alegre Domingo para todos!!
En varias ocasiones, Jesús le declara al recién sanado:
“tu fe te ha salvado” (Marcos 10:52). Todos los cristianos
deseamos ser salvados. Y, ¿qué es la salvación? La palabra “salvación” viene del latín salus que también significa “salud”. La salvación es el bienestar en todas sus formas. Es el estar bien con Dios, con las demás personas,
con la creación y consigo mismo. Los hebreos le llaman
shalom y los árabes llaman salam que quiere decir: “paz
y bien”. Por siglos y hasta el presente, el saludo de los
pueblos semitas es: “La paz sea contigo”. Se responde “Y
también contigo”.
Según Jesús este shalom, salam, salus, salvación, paz y
bien se consigue por medio de la fe. Hay que tener un
deseo profundo de tenerlo, para así pedirlo: “Jesús, Hijo
de David, ten piedad de mí” (Marcos 10:47). La salvación
no llega a quienes la esperan sentados en una iglesia,
más bien, llega a los que se mueven y obran por ella. —
Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Misales en Español
Para participar y entender más la Misa dominical y las
Fiestas litúrgicas del año, ya puede pre-ordenar su Misal
en español, para el año litúrgico que comienza. Es una
gran herramienta para venir preparados a escuchar la
Palabra y también para enseñar a sus hijos a participar
más activamente en la misa. Contacte a Paty Rascón
después de misa o en la oficina. El costo es $5.
Intenciones para la Misa Durante Noviembre
Les recordamos que el mes de noviembre esta dedicado
a recordar las almas de los fieles difuntos, por lo que las
intenciones de las misas de este mes solo serán para los
difuntos anotados en los sobres especiales para ellos.
Anote el nombre de sus seres queridos ya fallecidos en el
sobre, ponga su donación, y deposítelo en la canasta de
la colecta o póngalo en la caja especial que esta junto al
Ambón. Los sobres “Para los Difuntos” están disponibles
en las entradas de la iglesia y en la oficina.
Oración Por los Sacerdotes
Divino Corazón de Jesús, Corazón lleno de celo por la
gloria de tu Padre, te rogamos por todos los sacerdotes,
Señor. Por tu Espíritu Santo llénalos de fe, de celo y
amor. Amén.
Parish Information & Contacts
Pastoral Staff
St. Clare Parish
Rectory Hours:
Monday thru Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm
Emergency #: 408.904.9187
Facility Emergencies:
Matt Dutra
Mass Schedule
Daily (Chapel)
Weekend (Church)
Saturday English
Sunday English
English - Family
Chinese Youth
(Lower Church)
8:00 am
5:30 pm
5:00 pm
7:45 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
5:30 pm
Every Saturday
4:30 - 4:45pm
Or by appointment
Prayers for Vocations/
Benediction (Chapel) 4th Tues, 5:30 pm
Parochial Vicar
Office Administrator
Catechetical Ministry &
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator
Please call Paty Rascon for information
about classes and liturgical celebration.
St. Clare School
408.246.6726 fax
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Liturgy Committee
Altar Servers
Baptism Preparation
Funeral Coordinator
Quinceañera Coordinator
Vocations Committee
Children’s Liturgy
(Ext. 102)
Perig Vennetier
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fr. Pedro
Fr. Tad (Eng.)
Rogelio Esquivel (Sp.)
Robyn Schroeder
[email protected]
Maria Gamboa (Sp.)
[email protected]
Lucy Silva (Eng.)
[email protected]
Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected]
Paty Rascon
[email protected]
Tom Bommarito
Natalie Plecque (Eng.)
[email protected]
Gloria Hackleman (Sp.)
[email protected]
Diane Madruga
[email protected]
Community & Service
Pastoral Council
Patrick Schneider
Evelyn Amaya
Tony Colombo
Scott McLarty
Gregory Shelby
Finance Council
Joe D’Amore
Jim Thorn
Rigo Rascon
Marcy Taylor
Serra Club of Santa Clara
St. Vincent De Paul
Tom Bommarito
Mick Gonzales
Facilities Task Force
Knights of Columbus
Matt Dutra
Dave Vincent
Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI)
Social Justice Committee
Italian Catholic Federation (ICF)
Hispanic Community
Dolores Wriglesworth
Anne McMahon
Matt Dutra
Elania Tablada
Evelyn Amaya
Portuguese Community
Mandarin Community
Connie Silveira
Rev. Carlos A. Olivera
Louis Yueh
Simon Liao
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cantonese Community
Melissa Poon
Lillian Lam
[email protected]
[email protected]
School Staff
Principal: Madeline Rader
Office Administrator: Cherell Rizzo
Receptionist: Martha Ramirez
(Ext. 104)
(Ext. 105 )
(Ext. 106)
See page 2 for preparation classes and
baptism dates. For private baptisms,
consultation with the priest is necessary.
408.248.8150 (fax)
[email protected]
Anne McMahon
Marah Grace Gebala
Mary Correia
John Sullivan
[email protected]
Sean McMahon
Edwin Alabanza
Extension 200
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]