decorated cakes - Kretchmars Bakery
decorated cakes - Kretchmars Bakery
QU ESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT ORDERING YOUR SPECIAL CAKE Plan Ahead for Your Cake’s Travel Q. How far in advance do I need to order? A. We prefer 72 hours notice but no more than 3 months. Same day service is probable on standard size cakes with standard decorations if ordered prior to 3pm. Cakes ordered for 9am or earlier are done the prior production day. Q. What payment arrangements are available? A. You may pay when ordering or on pick up of your cake. A deposit may be required on special items or large orders. We gladly accept cash, money orders, travelers checks, local personal checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Q. When can I pick up my cake? A. You may pick up your cake anytime between the time it is ordered for and 6pm. If you come early, it may not be ready. Make sure whomever picks up the cake knows the size, batter, and icing ordered, and also if there are other items on order. Q. What if I need to cancel or change my order? A. We gladly accept changes or cancellations 48 hours prior to pick up at no charge. If made within 48 hours prior to pick up, a $5.00 redecorating or cancellation fee may be applied. Q. Do you deliver cakes like the florist does flowers? A. We have an arrangement with Snyder’s Flowers for local deliveries in the Beaver County Area between the hours of 10am –3pm with 24 hours notice. Fees depend on the distance to the destination. We do NOT ship or mail products. Q. What if I want a specific color? A. If you would like a specific color we ask you bring in a swatch. A color matching fee may apply. We will match it to the best of our ability, but keep in mind food coloring is not like paint and colors may not be exact. Ca k e s a r e d e l i ca t e i t e ms , b u t wi t h p ro p e r care , can e a si l y b e tra n s p o rte d. K e e p c a k e s c o o l . I f yo u ’ r e h o t , t h e y’ r e m e l t i n g. Cl o se d ca r s h e a t u p q u i ck l y. K e e p c a k e s l e v e l . Mo st p e o p l e ca n n o t h o l d a cake leve l wh ile ri din g in a car. Car se a ts a r e n o t l e ve l , s o clean out the t r u n k b e fo re yo u co me . Kret ch ma r’ s Bakery goes out of its wa y fo r cu s to me r WHEN TRAVELING WITH YOUR CAKE *KEEP CAKES COOL *NO QUICK STOPS sa ti sfa ct i o n . T h at ’ s *KEEP CAKE LEVEL *NO QUICK STARTS wh y i f yo u sh o u l d damag e yo u r ca k e a nd w e can fi x it , t h er e i s n o ch a r g e . I f a r e p l a ce me n t ca k e i s n e ce ssa r y, yo u ca n g e t o n e f o r h a l f t h e o ri g in a l co s t . DECORATED CAKES Cake Options *sizes & servings ROUND 2 LAYER SPLIT SIZE SERVES PRICE WITH FILLING 7” Single 7” 8” Single 8” 9” 10” 6 9 9 12 16 22 $11.75 $15.30 $13.20 $19.80 $23.60 $29.65 $13.10 $18.00 $14.85 $23.10 $27.95 $34.60 SHEET SINGLE LAYER SIZE SERVES PRICE WITH FILLING Quarter 9” X 13” 12/15 $19.80 $23.55 Half 13” X 18” 24/30 $34.85 $41.25 Whole 18” X 26” 48/60 $61.90 $72.65 We Bake a Better Batter Up to 2 batters for all cakes except quarter sheets. Split batter for round cakes means one batter on top of the other. In sheet cakes side by side and is a $1.00 up charge Chocolate: moist, rich cocoa chocolate White: lightly flavored with almond Yellow: lightly flavored with lemon & vanilla Neapolitan Swirl: white batter base, pink batter and chocolate $1.00 extra charge and available on sheet cakes only. Barbie Doll Princess Castle Chocolate: rich dark chocolate icing Dino Attack Spider-Man Fluff: Sweetest, very light, special icing shortening Browse our cake gallery at: Thomas HOURS A perfect size for the guest of honor! Order 5:00 AM -Today 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday 724.774.2324 French Butter Cream: butter base, slight yellow hue. WhipCream: vanilla flavored whipped topping, Must refrigerate All icings are made to melt in your mouth and therefore are temperature sensitive. Apple, Apricot, Blueberry, Cherry-Nut, Cherry, Chocolate Truffle, Lemon, Pastry Cream, Peach, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry (seasonal) $5.00 $15.00 Pre printed images of licensed characters, logos or artwork on edible paper. Available on Sheet cakes ONLY. Hand drawn images colored with food coloring and/or icing gels. Sheet cakes ONLY. Non-edible figurines, rings, picks, pop-tops and other items. Pre designed adaptable images printed on edible paper. Sheet cakes ONLY. Your personal pictures, artwork, or logos printed on edible paper. Release form must be provided for all copyrighted material. $5 non-refundable deposit required. Sheet cakes ONLY. Get a “smash” cupcake for the Guest of honor for only 1¢ with the purchase of a 1st birthday cake. Prices Subject to Change without notice. Our cakes are hand decorated. Variation in cake height, color, etc. is common. All of our cakes are shown to the customer for final approval when the cake is picked up. If a problem is discovered later, replacements, exchanges or adjustments are at the sellers discretion. The amount of returned product is taken into account. There is NO reimbursement for a consumed item.
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Beaver PA 15009
Phone: 724.774.2324
Fax: 724.774.4424
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