Linesheet - Seaglass Swimwear
Linesheet - Seaglass Swimwear
Linesheet Summ er 2015 Fun, f resh an d f un ct ion al s w im w ea r sep a rates , p rou dly ma de in t he U SA S-M-L 322 Racerback Top Mandara Print Purple Porto Print Watercolor Print A sporty, yet refined, bikini top with a slim-cut racerback that is stylish as well as comfortable. Fully lined. Ship date: 6/1/2015 S-M-L 326 Bralet Bikini Top Watercolor Print Purple Navy Porto Print Jade Mandara Print A beautiful soft bralette bikini top with adjustable straps and bow tie back. Fully lined. Ship date: 6/1/2015 S-M-L 323R Reversible Triangle Top Porto Print / Purple Navy / Jade Porto Print / Navy Watercolor Print / Jade Mandara Print / Navy A lovely triangle bikini top with sliding cups, criss-cross straps and adjustable tie in back. Fully reversible. Ship date: 6/1/2015 351R Reversible Bralet Bikini Top S-M-L Vanilla Dot Print/ Vanilla Mint Shells Print / Black A reversible soft bralette bikini top with strappy back detail and adjustable tie. Fully reversible. Ship date: 7/1/2015 S-M-L 230R Reversible Cage Bottom Mandara Print / Jade Navy / Jade Mandara Print / Navy Porto Print / Navy Watercolor Print / Purple Porto Print/ Purple A stylish bikini bottom with triple string detail on the sides and moderate rear coverage. Fully reversible. Ship date: 6/1/2015 S-M-L 225R String Side Brazil Bottom Porto Print / Navy Porto Print / Purple Navy / Jade Mandara Print / Navy Watercolor Print / Jade A Brazilian cut bikini bottom with string detail at the side and gathering on the backside. Fully reversible. Ship date: 6/1/2015 S-M-L 229 Ruffle Waist Bottom Watercolor Print Navy Purple Mandara Print Jade Porto Print A flirty bikini bottom with a ruffle at the waistline, moderate rear coverage and a low rise. Fully lined. Ship date: 6/1/2015 S-M-L 224R Reversible Cheeky Bottom Mint Shells Print / Black Mandara Print / Navy Navy / Jade Porto Print / Navy Watercolor Print / Jade Vanilla Dot Print / Vanilla A sexy bikini bottom with cheeky rear coverage and a smooth, seamless design. Fully reversible. Ship date: 7/1/2015 Mandara print coordinates with navy and jade Navy Mandara Jade 326 322 B rale t with B ow Back Race rback Top 323R Re versible Triangle Top 225R 230R Re vers ible String Side Bottom Reve rsible Cage B ottom 224R 229 Reversible Che eky Bottom Ruffle Waist Bottom Porto print Navy Por to Purple coordinates with navy and purple 322 Racer back Top 323R Reve rsible Triangle Top 326 B rale t with B ow Back 229 Ruffle Waist B ottom 230R Re versible Cage Bottom 224R Reversible Chee ky B ottom 225R Re vers ible String Bottom Watercolor print coordinates with navy, jade and purple Purple Watercolor Jade 326 Bral et with Bow Back 323R Reversible Triangle Top 322 Racerback Top 229 Ruffle Wais t Bottom 225R Revers ibl e String B ottom 230R Reversibl e Cage Bottom 224R Reversible Cheeky B ottom Navy Mint Shells print coordinates with vanilla dot print Mint Shells Vanilla Dot 351R Str appy R e ver sibl e Br al et Top 224R Reversible Cheeky B ottom (More mint shells and vanilla dot goodness coming this winter...) Solid colors Jade Pu rple Navy Jade, navy and purple 326 B rale t with B ow Back 322 323R 229 230R 225R 224R Racer back Top Ruffle Waist Bottom Reversible String Bottom Reversible Triangle Top Re versible Cage Bottom Reve rsible CH eeky Bottom Wholesale Order Form Store Na me: Date: Buyer: Shipping Address: Email: Phone #: Delivery Date: Po #: 32 2 Col or Pr i ce M anda ra Porto S M Pa yment Type: L 3 26 T ota l C olor Pri c e $ 28 Mandara $ 28 $ 28 Porto $ 28 $ 28 R ac er bac k to p 323 R Br alet top C olor Pr i ce M anda ra $ 28 S M L 3 51R Tot al Po rto /Purple $ 28 Po rto /Navy $ 28 Watercolo r $ 28 Navy $ 28 Navy $ 28 Purple $ 28 C olor Pr ic e Vanilla Dot $ 28 Mint Shells $ 28 S M L 229 Col or Pri c e Pr ic e Tot al Ma ndara $ 28 Ma ndara $2 8 Porto/ Purple $ 28 Porto $2 8 Porto/ Na vy $2 8 W aterc olor $ 28 Ja de $ 28 $ 28 Na vy $2 8 Ruf f le B ott om Purple $2 8 22 4R C olor Pr i ce M anda ra $ 28 Watercolo r Col or Pri c e S M L T ota l Ma ndara /Jade $2 8 M andara/ Na vy $ 28 S M L Tot al S M L T ota l S M L Tot al $2 8 Porto $ 28 Po rto /Purple $2 8 W aterc olor $ 28 Po rto /Navy $ 28 Navy $ 28 Mint Shells $ 28 Vanilla Dot $ 28 Waterco lor $2 8 5 12 Jade C olor Br az il Bot tom C age B otto m Tot al Str appy B ralet Navy 2 30R L $ 28 T ri angle t op 2 25 R M Watercolo r $ 28 Wa terco lor $ 28 Purple S Navy $ 28 C olor Pr ic e Na tura l/Sky Cheek y Bott om One Size 16” x 19 ” x 5 .5 ” Wholesale Terms: Tot al 1. Seag lass Swim wear accep ts who lesale o rders from ap proved cust om ers th at h old a va lid resale a nd /or b us in ess licens e as a pp licab le by sta te law. $ 19 2. Minimu m am ou nt fo r o pen in g wh oles ale o rd ers is $300 . M in im um a mo unt for f ill ord ers is $15 0. 3. Return s are no t accep ted o n who lesa le ord ers un less d efective pro du ct is received . 4. Claims o n d efective pro du ct mu st b e ma de with in 7 d ay s of receip t of yo ur o rd er. Di p Dye Tot e 5. Up on com plet io n o f o ur imag e release fo rm, Seag las s Swimwear g ran ts limited us e of o ur p ho to gra ph s, pro du ct imag es a nd pro mot io na l mat eria ls to b e used to p ro mo te Seag lass Swim wear p ro d ucts and yo ur s to re. 6. Term s availab le for s elect acco un ts. C olor s: Purple Jade Navy Port o Wat er color Mandara Vani lla Dot Mint Shells S ea glas s Sw imwear ~ PO Box 69 7, Ri ncon, PR 006 77 ~ 6 19 .67 7.6 535 ~ s ervice@seagla sss wimw ea r. com Seaglass Swimw ear ~ PO Box 697, Rincon, PR 00677 619.677.6535 ~ service@seaglasssw im