Rel Ann Eng 2014 20-07-2015.indd
Rel Ann Eng 2014 20-07-2015.indd
I.I. 1008 ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 GENOVA 2015 © Copyright, IIM Genova 2015 Passo Osservatorio, 4 - 16135 Genova Tel. 010 244 31 Telefax: 010 261 400 PEC: [email protected] PEI: [email protected] Questo documento contiene dati protetti da Copyright. Qualsiasi riproduzione o adattamento in qualsiasi forma, anche parziale, ivi comprese elaborazioni numeriche o fotocopie, è vietata senza una preventiva autorizzazione scritta da parte dell’Istituto Idrograco della Marina. Stampato dall’Istituto Idrograco della Marina – Ufcio Editoriale – Giugno 2015 Annual Report 2014 LIST OF CONTENTS 2014... FINALLY, NEW HEADQUARTERS FOR IIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO .................................... 7 1. RESEARCH AND SURVEY ......................................... 9 1.1 IIM SURVEY CAMPAIGNS ......................................... 11 1.2 THE MAGNAGHI ......................................... 13 1.3 THE ARETUSA ......................................... 15 1.4 THE GALATEA ......................................... 19 1.5 THE LEONARDO ......................................... 21 1.6 RESEARCH AND COOPERATION PROJECTS ......................................... 23 2. PRODUCTION ......................................... 27 2.1 CHARTS ......................................... 27 2.2 NAUTICAL DOCUMENTS ......................................... 33 2.3 PUBLICATIONS ......................................... 34 ......................................... 35 3.1 COURSES AT IIM ......................................... 35 3.2 COURSES OUTSIDE IIM ......................................... 37 3.3 BOARD OF PROFESSORS ......................................... 38 ......................................... 43 4.1 AGREEMENTS ......................................... 43 4.2 VIDEOS AND PUBLICATIONS ......................................... 43 4.3 EVENTS ......................................... 45 4.4 CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS ......................................... 48 4.5 VISITS ......................................... 49 5. OUR ORGANIZATION ......................................... 51 ......................................... 59 DIRECTION ......................................... 60 2010 - 2014, AN ASSESSMENT ......................................... 62 GLOSSARY ......................................... 63 3. TRAINING 4. EXTERNAL RELATIONS ANNEXES 3 Annual Report 2014 4 Annual Report 2014 2014... ÀQDOO\QHZKHDGTXDUWHUVIRU,,0 A long-awaited event took place in 2014 – on December 20th the agreement for the relocation of IIM to the Selom building at Calata Gadda, in the Old Harbour of Genoa, was nally signed. The Selom building is sizable and, once properly renovated, it will allow for the IIM to expand and develop both as a cartographic service and as a research centre. The Fortress of San Giorgio was deemed insufcient already in the late 19th century and in the last 100 years or so many possible new locations were suggested. Just to name a few, the Fortress of San Martino in the ’50s, an area in Vignolo, between Genova Pegli and Prà, in the ’70s, another one in Genova Pegli in the ’80s, the Cotton Warehouses in the Old Harbour in the’90s. From 2008 onwards, the search for the new headquarters became more focused as the Fortress of San Giorgio was proving more and more inad- equate for the new production processes. In 2014 the agreement for the new location was nally signed and the reconstruction works should be starting soon. On December 20th, an agreement for the cooperation of Regione Liguria and the Italian Navy was signed as well, in order to promote partnerships among national and international research centres and organizations for the protection of the environment and the safety of the sea. The object is “to exploit the Defense professional staff and infrastructures in times of peace” as the Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, stated in his speech. “Everything must be dual use.” 5 Annual Report 2014 The agreement signed by Regione Liguria and the Italian Navy involves the IIM in many activities, among which: forecasting ood and climate variations and managing the relevant impact, hydrographic projects for Liguria, ARPAL and University, water surveying and sampling and relevant assessment and specic projects to allow young people to enter the labour market and to improve marine culture and education. The agreements were signed at the IIM headquarters 6 in the Fortress of San Giorgio. The Minister of the Defense Roberta Pinotti, the Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, the president of the Port Authority Luigi Merlo, the Liguria Maritime Authority Director and Commanding Ofcer of the Port of Genoa Admiral Vincenzo Melone, the director of the State Property Ofce Roberto Reggi, the Deputy Mayor of the City of Genoa Stefano Bernini, and the president of Regione Liguria Claudio Burlando were present. Annual Report 2014 THE ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA The Istituto Idrograco, within the Italian Navy, is the Italian Hydrographic Ofce, in charge of all the ofcial nautical documents published in Italy. IIM’s mission is to support and contribute to the safety of navigation and to the national defence, as well as to promote the study of all sea-related matters and the protection of the marine environment. In order to accomplish its mission, the Istituto Idrograco della Marina carries out the following activities: • hydro-oceanographic research and survey; • production, publication and updating of ofcial nautical documentation; • training, for military and civilian personnel. In 2014, the whole production cycle of nautical publications, from the processing of the data collected by the survey vessels to the building and updating of paper charts and ENCs, was carried out by 240 IIM employees, both military and civilian. Hydro-oceanographic surveys are organized in accordance with the National Charting Plan and with the guidelines from the Italian Navy Chief of Staff, based on specic requirements by the Department of the Defence and on the nautical documentation required. Regular surveys of the Italian coasts and seas are performed – over 550,000 square kilometres of sea waters and more than 7,800 kilometres of coastline – using Italian Navy vessels and IIM teams. After a preliminary processing on board the survey vessels, the collected data are validated at the IIM headquarters, where they are downloaded into specic databases and used to compile and update nautical documents. These currently consist of three chart portfolios (paper, digital and kits) and a number of publications, including Sailing Directions, List of Lights and Signals, Tide Tables, and Radio Signals. Updates are regularly communicated through Notices to Mariners, issued fortnightly. NtMs can also be downloaded free of charge from the IIM page in 7 Annual Report 2014 UNGHERIA SVIZZERA CROAZIA BO SN IA I FRANCIA -E RZ SAN MARINO MONACO EG O T VI NA A MONTENEGRO CR O AZ IA L I A TU N I S IA ALGERIA MALTA Legenda Rilievi svolti nell'anno 2014 MARI D'ITALIA STATO DEI RILIEVI NEI MARI ITALIANI AL 31 DICEMBRE 2014 Area rilevata con metodi superati Area rilevata con sistemi moderni ma da adeguare agli standard attuali Area rilevata con sistemi moderni secondo gli standard attuali "Modus Vivendi" Italia - Malta L I B Ipiattaforma A Limiti concordati continentale italiana 8 Annual Report 2014 1. RESEARCH AND SURVEYS In 2014 IIM research and survey activities were carried out by IIM staff, with IIM equipment, on board Italian Navy vessels. A team of hydrographers on board the Italica took part in the 29th expedition within the Antarctica Research National Program. IIM’s contribution to the Research Program consists mainly of bathymetry data collecting, geodetic and topographic surveying of the areas in- volved by the research and of the denition of the coastline near the Italian base of Terra Nova Bay, on the Ross Sea. Lieutenant Fabio Marziani from the Aretusa and Lieutenant Ottavio Patulli from the Magnaghi sailed from Lyttleton (New Zeland) to the Mario Zucchelli Italian base and collected 80% of the data required to build International Nautical Chart No. 885 (INT 9000). 9 Annual Report 2014 In detail: SURVEY NO 3071L 10 CHART AREA/ LOCATION SURVEY BEGINNING/ END 885 Sea Ross Antarctica 06/01/14 08/02/14 SURVEY VALIDATION - DAYS DURATION - DAYS 8 20 TOTAL DURATION DAY LENGTH KM AREA KM2 28 926.61 1375 Annual Report 2014 1.1 SURVEYS BY IIM In 2014 the IIM carried out specic surveys in the port of Genoa and in Molfetta. An IIM team carried out hydrographic surveys in the Tuscan Archipelago on board the Leonardo. In 2014 the IIM geodetic team operated in Sicily and in Abruzzo, as well as helping Navy units in their operational campaigns. HYDROGRAPHIC (IDROSPED) SURVEY SURVEY TOTAL BEGINNING/ VALIDATION - DAYS DURATION - DAYS DURATION - DAYS END SURVEY NO CHART AREA/ LOCATION LENGTH IN KM AREA KM2 // 54 Estuary of Rio San Pietro and Canale di Calma, Pra’ 15/01/14 02/04/14 2 7 9 21.7 0.34 // 55 Molo Nuovo Port of Genova 03/04/14 1 5 6 10.8 0.44 S.N. 196 Port of Molfetta 09/06/2014 27/06/2014 11 20 31 275 5.5 S.N. 55 Molo Giano Port of Genova 30/06/2014 01/07/2014 2 5 7 6.6 0.3 20290A 116 Isle of Gorgona 20/09/14 25/09/14 4 10 14 56.5 1.13 20310A 71 Piombino roadsted 02/10/14 19/10/14 10 18 28 283 11.95 11 Annual Report 2014 GEODETIC (GEOSPED) SURVEY NO CHART SURVEY TYPE AND ORDER AREA / LOCATION SURVEY BEGINNING/END ACTUAL DURATION DAYS VALIDATION DAYS TOTAL DURATION DAYS POINTS/ STATIONS S.N. 271 Leveling S.S. n° 114 Augusta 06/05/2014 19/05/2014 7 3 10 4 50119D N.C. Topography Vasto 19/05/2014 27/05/2014 5 2 7 5 In Sicily levelling activities were carried out and a Kalesto tide gauge was set up in Augusta. Augusta. Vasto, the harbour. 12 Vasto, the lighthouse at Punta Penna. Annual Report 2014 1.2 THE MAGNAGHI Maintenance works forced the Magnaghi in the port of La Spezia for a long time. The only survey carried out in 2014 by the vessel’s hydrographers, therefore, was in the port of Trieste and, more specically in the basin of S. Giusto, where aircraft carrier Cavour and the new multipurpose antisubmarine frigate Virginio Fasan where accommodated when the frigate was given her combat ag by the Comune di Trieste. Even without their ship, the Magnaghi hydrographers kept themselves busy, however. The data collected during research on deep water corals in eastern Ligurian Sea were validated, published in journals and presented at conventions. In May 2014, Lieutenant Marta Pratellesi, from the Magnaghi, and Prof Roberta Ivaldi, from the IIM, spoke to the general assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU 2014, Vienna April 27 – May 2), presenting “Seaoor morphology: nature of the seabed and the cold water corals of the Levante Canyon - eastern Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean”, a research project by Nave Ammiraglio Magnaghi, Istituto Idrograco della Marina and Centro Ricerche Ambiente Marino di Santa Teresa (ENEA). The equipment on board the Magnaghi was used to investigate the area - multibeam Elac Seabeam 1050 and Side Scan Sonar Klein 3900. The data collected were processed by the staff on board the vessel and by IIM and ENEA scientists. An updated mapping of white corals in the area was thus obtained, 60 years after the rst mapping carried out by admiral Vincenzo Fusco from the Calypso. Said mapping, carried out in the late 60s, focused on cold water corals, shing areas, wrecks and other obstacles on the seabed from the Gulf of Genoa to the estuary of river Arno. Cold water corals are particularly interesting because they account for a peculiar habitat, with a biological diversity three times bigger than in the surrounding areas. The ROV recorded numerous species of Decapods, sh and Echinoderms. Being so rich in biodiversity, cold water corals have become more and more important in the political agendas of many national and international organizations - the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992), for instance, forms the cornerstone of Europe’s nature conservation policy. 13 Annual Report 2014 Lieutenant Pratellesi also published “Integrated mapping of seabed features – Dual use hydrographic surveys for seabed nature and morphological research” in Hydro International. The paper explains the research project and relevant results with particular reference to dual-use potential. In 2014 the Magnaghi team took part in an internaFEATURE | tional competition promoted by Caris, for the selection of the best twelve seabed images to illustrate a calendar. Two sonar images relevant to the Bari area and the gulf of Pozzuoli, processed through Caris software, were submitted by the Magnaghi team. Both images were accepted and one was the most voted in the competition. MARTA PRATELLESI, ITALIAN NAVY, ROBERTA IVALDI, PHD, ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA, IVANA DELBONO, ENEA MARINE ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH CENTRE Dual use Hydrographic Surveys for Seabed Nature and Morphological Research Integrated Mapping of Seabed Features The Italian Navy surveyed the Levante Canyon system using survey vessel Ammiraglio Magnaghi and personnel from the Istituto Idrografico della Marina (IIM), in cooperation with ENEA Marine Environment Research Centre. This system is located in the offshore area of Cinque Terre, eastern Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean. The purpose of the operation in the area depicted in Figure 1 was to collect the data ecological features and habitats at different spatial scales. The methods used for this necessary to update nautical documentation hydrographic research are based upon data Through digital processing techniques, seabed morphology maps, based on shaded-relief on the one hand and to carry out scientific research on the seabed nature and specifically integration and multiple focusing approaches to identify areas to be investigated with bathymetries, were obtained. Echo-strength data (reflectance) can be extracted and on deep coral banks on the other hand. Italian Navy ships are equipped with state of different resolution systems in order to perform data exploitation and multiple usages presented as seabed ‘backscatter’ maps that display not only information on sediment types, the art equipment and designed to be ‘dual use’ in terms of enhanced logistic autonomy, of available resources. This particular approach and the scientific but also seabed morphodynamics and habitat. MBES data show that the Levante Canyon support and service flexibility. Furthermore, Italian Navy personnel are highly trained and results obtained prove the power of ‘dual use’ purposes to make HR maps that can be used the Navy’s expertise can be made available for civilian purposes. The Italian Navy shares its by different stakeholders with different aims but only one standard. is a peculiar meandering submarine valley, extending SE-NW (coast direction), strongly structurally controlled, characterised by a canyon system (from 150m to 800m depth). resources with many Italian research institutes Mapping Data main valley with channels and drainage structures that determine fine sediments and universities, which carry out joint survey activities while performing their institutional The Levante Canyon was investigated in deposition (low energy hydrodynamic processes). These geometries are typical tasks, with no additional costs. Through data integration and the use of autumn 2013 using the high-resolution multibeam echo sounder (MBES) SeaBeam of a valley with a complex origin, referring to different tectonics and hydrodynamics seabed-mapping technologies it is possible to obtain a high-resolution (HR) study of 1050 and side-scan sonar (SSS) Klein3000. The MBES (50kHz) survey was conducted in processes clearly shown by slope maps (Figure 2). In fact, from a combination of seabed morphology and nature, showing a 183 km2 area covering the main part of the shaded-relief bathymetries, slope analysis and backscatter maps, the seabed can be Figure 2: Slope (%) map showing the particular meandering shape of the canyon system at different scales (valley, channels). interpreted in terms of both relict and recent processes (erosive-depositional). Swath systems (such as SSS) are most likely to provide the best HR maps made of Figure 3: SSS Klein 3000 system during the Levante Canyon survey operation. pictures, particularly over wide areas, such as the Levante Canyon (Figure 3). They provide information on sediment texture and bedform It is clear that the different levels of HR spatial software available on board the Italian Navy ship. MBES data acquired were processed by CARIS HIPS&SIPS software and compared with the IIM database. At first, a seabed map of the area with high detail of the seafloor shapes was obtained, and used for other similar sectors of the canyon catchment area. The canyon is characterised by a gully network with a diverging pattern. On a metric scale (medium scale), acoustic backscatter analysis enables the accurate description of the drainage canyon system (with variable slope up to 30% in the channel sectors) and its geomorphic variability in structure and allow for dynamic processes analysis is only limited by the instruments (e.g. sediment transport) to be deduced. and choice of approach made during the For broad-scale mapping of aggregate habitatadvancement of the survey. However, the (>1 km2), SSS and MBES are considered to system selection will depend on survey be the most cost-effective means of identifying objectives and scale of the area to be mapped. Figure 1: Map of the research area showing MBES data. Investigated seafloor depth from 150m to 800m (red min/ blue max). Black square: section studied in detail. 26 | O CTO BE R 2 0 1 4 | Hydro I N T ERN AT I ON A L different sediment types and dynamic For baseline broad-scale mapping of the processes. For small-scale habitat classification continental shelf, where geological features, (<1km2), high-resolution SSS, associated such as sand valley, channels, gullies, with ROV underwater cameras, allows for thesediment waves and reefs are of interest, the quantitative data offered by MBES in ground-truthing of the surveyed area. conjunction with object detection in the order of tens of metres (at 200m depth) is often the preferred choice. However, for inshore areas and depths <50m, where identification of small (<10m) habitat features may be required, a combination of MBES and SSS ensures that both quantitative bathymetric data (0.3m - 1m resolution) and qualitative, high-resolution habitat relief data (10cm resolution) are obtained. In conclusion, Morphodynamics can be shown to integrate morphology (bathymetry) and SSS backscatter maps. Slope is the most variable element and through its analysis, at a regional scale, it is possible to display high/medium sedimentation rate in low gradient sectors (bottom channel). Moreover, on a local scale, it shows hard bottom covered by fine deposits with benthonic features/deep corals. by different size, shape and slope. Operating with MBES and SSS integrated data, morpho-bathymetric analysis and acoustic characterisation of the sub-bottom made it possible to calibrate a large area by ground-truthing. Figure 5 shows the section, chosen for its morphology, and used for higher resolution analysis with SSS. The presence of round structures (mound) of multi-metric dimensions inside the drainage system must be remarked. The highest values of slope (17%) can be found in the steep canyon heads and flanks. Slope values up to 10% can be seen depicting seabed mounds on the northernmost and central interchannel system. MBES and SSS data show higher acoustic backscatter in the deepest sections of the canyon than in the channels and the changes in the seabed nature on the mounds are highlighted as areas of variable intensity characterised by high level of reflectance typical of substrate. Besides that, SSS images show a flat heterogeneous seabed with signs of trawler fishing (Figure 5). 3D and 2D acoustic image of the SS Samuel J Tilden Liberty wreck off Bari, the most voted image in the “Caris Calendar Contest 2015”. The Italian Navy shares its resources with many Italian research institutes and universities relation with seabed nature. HR maps enable the identification of sites of interest for substrate dislocation and benthic features. These were investigated at a larger scale (sub-metric) by SSS Klein 3000, 100-500kHz (Figure 3). SSS operation was planned in accordance with seafloor canyon morphology and optimising recording data operations on board. In fact, SSS lines were recorded in a selected area from 510 to 370m depth (Figure 4), where the seafloor morphology showed variable and interesting features characterised Multiple Focusing A multiple scale methodology approach was chosen in accordance with instruments and In conclusion, the direct sampling bottom data collected on the mounds displayed the presence of biological communities, mainly typical of a deep muddy bottom and small cold water coral colonies, possibly identified as ‘Madrepora oculata’. The hard bottom, probably made of buried coral banks, is also present. Concluding Remarks The sharing of knowledge and instruments is the basis of this integrated work focused on the study of seafloor features with particular Hydro INTERNATIONAL | OCTOBER 2014 | 27 Figu re 4: refe renc of e to th Map e Leva mor Our geospatial toolbox is a powerful enabler for acquiring, processing Acquisition – use QPS QINSy to collect once and use many times and sharing maritime geospatial data. !!#!#"* We are working with those engaged "$#$"(##!$# globally in maritime projects to have seamless systems that meet needs for integrated tools to improve effectiveness in data management and produc- "$!%(""!"###! "$!%(""!"$"$! #" tion. The modern maritime geomatic Validation – use QPS Fledermaus for true space and time 4d environment business process starts with data $"#!(#!#%#!$ collection and input, through validation "#!""(""# and visualisation, to producing and ##"$"(! sharing data deliverables. Fundamental %!#!)#"##!#&# to this workflow is the use of common ""%"##"#"$!$" data files and the avoidance of interme- ##("! diate exchange data files. "!#" A: SS S im ages over lapp ing MBE ph s re nte of S da ve Ca ology th ny ta. of for e seab aling the th on sy the en effe ed re e geop stem prox vi pres im . hy al ar scal ronm ctive en man ent an sical ea ch sedi e geol t be agem es ca og sent arac tech un menta y an use teris en Sharing – the power of geospatial ial de d pr they t of ry tics to rs map nologi of information systems diffe tood. proces esen allow the m ol es t-d ar confi ping diffe are rent Furth ses for ay "#&! to the ine rm purp m erm to be (H Th met rent ed oses be us an eq aps, or de olocen wideho !##%#"$ ed term prov ks to the ar . 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IN TE The solutions for your maritime geomatics data and maritime projects Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] No. 3500 RN 14 AT IO N AL |O CT O BE R 20 14 | 29 3D acoustic image of the Villa dei Pisoni, a Roman building from the 1st century B.C. in the Baia Underwater Archeological Park, voted in the “Caris Calendar Contest 2015”. Annual Report 2014 1.3 THE ARETUSA The Aretusa summer campaign focused on the surveys in Sardinia. In July the Aretusa left La Maddalena for the estuary of the Tiber River for the Plastic Buster research project – against plastic pollution at sea, in collaboration with the University of Siena. In 2013 the project had been carried out by the Magnaghi and the Galatea in the Ligurian Sea, with particular reference to the sea mammal sanctuary. HYDROGRAPHY TYPE AND ORDER SURVEY BEGINNING/ END ACTUAL DURATION DAYS VALIDATION - DAYS LENGTH IN KM Coast 26/08/2014 Still in progress 1 2 // Offshore 05/06/2014 06/06/2014 2 10 25.14 Archipelago of La Maddalena West Sheet (ord.1A) Coast 23/05/2014 Still in progress 8 22 // 323 319A Gulf of Congianus and Passo delle Bisce (ord.1A) Coast // // // // 30093D 323 Gulf of Congianus and Passo delle Bisce (ord.1A) Offshore 06/06/2014 Still in progress 4 5 // S.N. 322 Port of Olbia Port 27/08/2014 30/10/2014 2 4 8.3 S.N. // Ex-Arsenale La Maddalena Port 27/10/2014 27/10/2014 1 2 5.1 SURVEY NO CHART 20306D 324 30093D 323 20302D 325 20302D AREA/LOCATION Porto Cervo Littoral (ord. 1A) GEOPHYSICS - OCEANOGRAPHY SURVEY NO CHART TYPE AND ORDER AREA/LOCATION S.N. // Oceanographic survey and CTD water sampling. Same as hydrographic surveys. S.N. // QTC Seaoor data processing and validating. Same as hydrographic surveys. 15 Annual Report 2014 TOPOGRAPHIC/LEVELLING SURVEY NO CHART TYPE AND ORDER AREA/LOCATION SURVEY BEGINNING/ END ACTUAL DURATION DAYS VALIDATION- DAYS 50105D 325 Completion of geodetic and topographic survey by the Galatea La Maddalena Archip. West Sheet 16/06/2014 22/08/2014 12 14 323 National geodetic network framing, navigation aid determination, conspicuous landmarks, topography check, coastline determination Gulf of Congianus and Passo delle Bisce 08/07/2014 Still in progress 6 4 50106D The purpose of the Plastic Buster project is to monitor the amount of plastic litter in the sea and plan suitable actions to reduce their impact. Sampling and collecting. 16 Annual Report 2014 Researchers from the University of Siena and the Aretusa hydrographic team sampled the waters and the sediment at the estuaries of the Tiber and the Arno rivers to nd out the amount of plastic waste from industrial areas. Testing the sediment and monitoring the amount of plastic litter therein contained is important for an accurate assessment of the increase of plastic waste dumped into the Mediterranean Sea. Core sampling. 17 Annual Report 2014 Sample collecting and sieving. 18 Annual Report 2014 1.4 THE GALATEA The 2014 campaign of the Galatea started in the Adriatic Sea with the topographic survey of the area around Venice and Marghera. The area around Venice is characterized by very particular tide patterns, so it needs to be continuously monitored for an accurate updating of the relevant charts. TOPOGRAPHY/LEVELLING ACTUAL SURVEY DURATION BEGINNING/END DAYS TOTAL VALIDATION DURATION DAYS DAYS SURVEY NO CHART AREA/LOCATION 50118B 225 Venezia Marghera Nord 22.05.14 Still in progress 10 3 21 50113D 24 Crotone 18.07.14 18.07.14 1 1 1 19 Annual Report 2014 In late July the Galatea, on her way to La Spezia, stopped for a while at Punta Penna to carry out the necessary hydrographic surveys of the port of Vasto in order for the IIM to compile a new chart of the port. After La Spezia, the Galatea sailed to the Ionian Sea to carry out hydrographic surveys in the gulf of Taranto and oceanographic activities in cooperation with major national research centers. GEOPHYSICS - OCEANOGRAPHY ACTUAL SURVEY BEGINNING/ DURATION END DAYS TOTAL DURATION DAYS SURVEY NO AREA/ LOCATION 4378D Catania 25.06.14 03.07.14 3 9 4377D Gulf of Taranto 01.10.14 11.10.14 11 8 Vasto, from the lighthouse at Punta Penna. HYDROGRAPHY AREA/ LOCATION SURVEY BEGINNING/ END ACTUAL DURATION DAYS VALIDATION DAYS SURVEY TOTAL DURATION DAYS LENGTH KM AREA KM2 SURVEY N CHART TYPE AND ORDER S.N. 244 S Messina 04.07.14 10.07.14 5 2 5 10878 0.0764 24 1B Crotone Capo Rizzuto 11.07.14 27.07.14 7 4 7 145201 3.6389 NC216 S Vasto 30.07.14 11.08.14 8 11 13 263274.4 10.1079 28 2 Taranto (offshore) 17.10.14 09.11.14 4 7 6 578857.2 109.627 S Taranto (Navy Base) 30.10.14 03.11.14 3 15 5 32065.61 0.9756 O NOTES: 20074D NOTES: To be completed 10190B NOTES: S.N. NOTE: To be completed S.N. NOTES: - 20 153 Annual Report 2014 1.5 THE LEONARDO The Leonardo has been part of the survey eet used by the IIM since 2013. Thanks to an agreement signed by the NATO and the Italian Navy, the Coastal Research Vessel can be used in hydrographic and oceanographic surveys by the Italian Navy at certain times during the year - in 2014, from mid-September to mid-October. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Launched on: Displacement: Length: Width: Draught: Propulsion: Power: Indicated KW: Speed: Autonomy: Crew: 03/01/2002; 433 t; 29 m; 9 m; 2,8 m; nr. 2 Main Electric Motors (Azimuth) Schottel SRP330m and nr. 1 Bow Thruster (Azimuth) Schottel SPJ 57RD; nr. 1 Cummins KTA-38 (700 KW) Diesel Generator, No. .2 Cummins N-14 (236 KW cd.) Diesel Generators and No. 1 Onan Cummins (35 KW) Diesel Generator; 1172 KW (1571,68 HP); 10 kts (Max) – 8 (cruising speed); 1200 NM; 9. 21 Annual Report 2014 On September 17 the Leonardo left La Spezia for Livorno, in order to carry out hydrographic surveys in the waters surrounding the Isle of Gorgona and Piombino, for the update of Charts No. 71 and 116. Unfortunately, the bad weather slowed down the operations, but the IIM technicians and the Leonardo crew succeeded in collecting all the necessary data in the set period of time. 22 SURVEY TYPE AND AREA/ BEGINNING/ ORDER LOCATION END SURVEY No CHART 20290A 116 ord. 1A Isle of Gorgona 20310A 71 ord. 1A Piombino roadstead ACTUAL DURATION DAYS VALIDATION DAYS TOTAL DURATION DAYS LENGHT KM AREA KM2 18/09/14 25/09/14 5 12 17 83.8 9.6 30/09/14 17/10/14 8 15 23 327.9 18.5 Annual Report 2014 1.6 RESEARCH AND COOPERATION PROJECTS The Italian Navy is investing more and more in oceanographic research. Many cooperation projects between the Istituto Idrograco and a number of research centres and universities have been signed in the last few years. In 2014, two of them were particularly publicized by the media: • The Tomo-Etna experimental campaign, within European Project MED-SUV, in collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Geosica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Over 60 researchers from all over Europe, as well as INGV scientists from La Spezia and Catania, on board the Galatea and the Sarmiento De Gamboa, a Spanish research vessel, carried out integrated activities in the gulf of Catania and southern Tyrrhenian Sea to study the subvolcanic and tectonic structure of the crust underlying mount Etna and the surrounding areas, both inland and at sea. Active seismic techniques – waves generated with compressed air - and passive seismic techniques – natural seismic event recording – were employed. The scientists on board the Galatea collected bathymetric, magnetometric and stratigraphic data, as well as hydrologic data to determine the chemical and physical properties of water, while the scientists on board the Sarmiento De Gamboa laid on the seaoor a network of 25 seismic stations to record articial and natural seismic events. The data collected will be shared by the organizations which have taken part in the project and will be used to obtain an accurate tomography of the area, to acquire a better understanding of magma upow, and to investigate sliding mechanisms on the eastern side of the volcano, as well as to study the various faults. 23 Annual Report 2014 • The “MREA14” (Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment), a campaign in the Gulf of Taranto, pro- moted by the IIM and carried out from the Galatea in cooperation with the University of Bologna, the INGV, the CNR through the Institute of Marine Science ISMAR and the Institute for Coastal Marine Environment IAMC, the Climate Change Euro-Mediterranean Centre CMCC and the Polytechnic of Bari. The idea is to carry out a number of campaigns at different times of the year to acquire environmental data for rapid decision-making at sea as well as to check and correct oceanographic forecast models (i.e. operational oceanography). An assessment of the quality of oceanographic forecast models – small and large scale – is crucial, as most oceanographic products used in the Mediterranean sea are based on them. The 2014 campaign was developed in three steps – water column sampling and analyzing was repeated at various points and at various times, so as to account for different possible weather conditions throughout the area. The results were sent real-time to all the research institutions involved, in order to obtain a high resolution numerical model exchange and processing network and to allow for a quick comparison between forecast and observed data. It was thus possible to adjust the numerical models for the forecast of currents (both deep and supercial) in the gulf of Taranto. According to prof Pinardi, of the University of Bologna (who is one of the most important experts in the eld of oceanography), the synoptic dataset thus obtained is the best dataset ever developed outside the US. 24 Annual Report 2014 The institutions listed above are all part of the GNOO, Gruppo Nazionale di Oceanograa Operativa, which is currently under renovation. The IIM is part of the working group in charge of dening the organization and tasks of the new structure. A study on the dynamics of the Arctic icecap was carried out by the IIM Geophysics Department in cooperation with the IIM professors, to analyze the shifting of the icecap and relevant modications and nd new navigation routes. 25 Annual Report 2014 Numeric modelling research is crucial for water circulation simulation, toxic spill spreading and marine forecast, and the IIM oceanographic team has been working hard at it. In particular, a highdenition wave SWAN model for the Gulf of Aden area (see gure) was developed. ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA Tidal elevation and direction. Wave heigh, 10 - metre wind. ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA Wave period and direction. 26 Annual Report 2014 2. PRODUCTION 2.1 CHARTS During 2014, the IIM continued to work towards a standardization of all production processes through the creation of a single cartographic database for all IIM products, in order to improve data management efciency. By adopting a databaseoriented approach production can be streamlined, avoiding duplication of efforts and reducing waste. The complex system which is being implemented, consisting of different software applications, will allow for the creation, the management and the updating of a Hydrographic Production Database in line with the international standards. The system consists of a server hosting the database and a number of clients working as a network and handling information in such a way that any changes and amendments are immediately available to all the users. In this way, all nautical documents will be based on a single database, and all data will be digitally coded according to international standards. PAPER CHARTS The Paper Chart Section issues and updates paper charts. Presently, the IIM paper chart portfolio amounts to about 300 charts, covering all waters within IIM competence. Scales range from 1:5.000 (main ports) to 1:250.000 and beyond (general planning). The 2014 production is detailed below: NEW EDITIONS: 12 NEW EDITION NO TITLE SCALE EDITION 269 Porto di Siracusa 1:10.000 February 2014 43 Da Olbia a Capo di Monte Santu 1:100.000 February 2014 1813 Stato dei rilievi nei mari italiani al 31 Dicembre 2013 1:2.250.000 March 2014 76 INT3370 Porto di Civitavecchia 1:10.000 May 2014 123 Litorale di Civitavecchia 1:30.000 May 2014 6 Dal Promontorio Argentario a Capo Linaro 1:100.000 May 2014 244 Porto di Messina 1:5.000 June 2014 432 INT304 Dalle Isole Baleari alla Corsica e alla Sardegna 1:1.000.000 June 2014 210 INT3466 Litorale di Ancona 1:1.000.000 July 2014 48 Da Capo San Marco a Capo Caccia 1:100.000 September 2014 234 Litorale di Monfalcone 1:25.000 October 2014 62 INT3369 Porto di Livorno 1:10.000 December 2014 27 Annual Report 2014 NEW CHARTS: 6 NEW EDITION NO TITLE SCALE EDITION 150 Porto di Corigliano Calabro 1:7.500 July 2014 44 Da Capo di Monte Santu a Capo Ferrato 1:100.000 August 2014 239 Litorale di Trieste 1:25.000 October 2014 1571 Stretto di Sardegna area Ovest 1:250.000 November 2014 1572 Mar di Sardegna area Sud 1:250.000 November 2014 1573 Mar di Sardegna area Nord 1:250.000 November 2014 REPRINTS: 38 (revised) (revised) – 7 (unrevised) (unrevised) PATCHES: 68 A patch used for updating nautical charts. 28 Annual Report 2014 SPECIAL CHARTS In 2014 the Special Chart Section continued working at the MGCP (Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program), whose main purpose is to create and manage a high-resolution vector geospatial database covering the most sensitive areas of the planet. The IIM Special Chart Section provided geospatial support: • in the “Port And Coastal Survey” (PACS) project using REMUS - Remote Environmental Monitoring UnitS; • in the ITA-MINEX 2014 operation, for UU.NN. minesweepers (AML and paper charts); • to the 30th Naval Group during their voyage around Africa (Gruppo Navale Cavour - “Sistema Paese in movimento”); • in the MARE NOSTRUM and TRITON operations. The 2014 production is detailed below: TYPE OF CHART N.C. Special charts 9 Military charts 9 Operational charts N.E. 4 17 1 MGCP cells (new/revised) 1/7 Digital data construction 16 DA NON UTILIZZARE PER LA NAVIGAZIONE MUST NOT BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSE ELABORAZIONE GRAFICA AD USO ESCLUSIVO MILITARE - RIPRODUZIONE VIETATA. ONLY FOR MILITARY USE - REPRODUCTION PROHIBIT ED 17°15'E 17°15'30"E 9 17°14'30"E 11 12 13 10 14 12 5 3 2 11 12 11 11 10 9 10 1 12 9 16 12 11 12 11 8 0 9 8 40°26'30"N 8 10 10 8 15 15 6 1 1 9 7 8 13 9 11 12 10 11 15 14 10 9 8 9 6 9 8 4 5 3 8 9 7 6 5 4 3 12 17 16 15 10 18 17 16 14 17 10 8 2 18 5 22 20 18 6 7 11 7 10 8 11 20 13 19 15 18 21 19 8 1 10 9 0 8 9 10 17 11 9 13 18 13 14 15 14 16 11 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 9 13 a lav ori 1 15 11 12 11 10 ett a so gg 10 12 Area 13 Area Rilievo n. 9051_1 del 2010 13 13 20 21 12 13 12 12 20 40°26'30"N 13 2 Legenda 9 14 0 12 12 16 11 12 1 12 10 13 4 17 I fondali sono riferiti al livello medio delle basse maree sizigiali. Zo = 0.12 12 Le posizioni geografiche sono riferite al Sistema Geodetico Mondiale (WGS 1984) 13 12 13 12 15 13 1 4 13 La topografia è stata estratta dalla Carta ENC 153 dell'Istituto Idrografico della Marina. La batimetria deriva dai rilievi idrografici n. 8990 del 2006 e n. 9051_1 del 2010. 11 2 Rappresentazione di Mercatore (40°26') 10 13 12 14 3 13 14 12 13 2 11 1:2.500 4 12 1 CARTA SPEDITIVA 15 4 12 TARANTO STAZIONE NAVALE MAR GRANDE 11 13 1 15 16 7 6 13 14 10 8 9 5 5 13 16 1 17 21 5 1 22 23 14 10 6 12 14 16 15 8 17 11 18 21 23 19 12 15 24 22 20 16 14 20 13 23 24 19 Area non idrog rafat a 24 25 19 12 Area non idrografata 17°14'30"E 17°15'E 17°15'30"E Stampata dall'Istituto Idrografico della Marina - Genova, 6 Ottobre 2014 DA NON UTILIZZARE PER LA NAVIGAZIONE MUST NOT BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSE © Copyright, I.I.M. Genova 2014 ELABORAZIONE GRAFICA AD USO ESCLUSIVO MILITARE - RIPRODUZIONE VIETATA. ONLY FOR MILITARY USE - REPRODUCTION PROHIBIT ED Taranto, Mar Grande Naval Station. 1 Plus a further MGCP cell still in progress on 31/12/2014. 29 Annual Report 2014 ELECTRONIC NAVIGATIONAL CHARTS The IIM ENC portfolio includes over 250 cells, updated according to the NtMs. In 2014, 25 ENC cells were issued, as indicated below. ENC NUMERO EDIZIONE TITOLO SCALA DATA EDIZIONE IT500130 1 Corigliano Calabro Harbour 1:8.000 October 2014 IT300043 2 Capo Figari to Capo di Monte Santu 1:90.000 June 2014 IT500269 2 Siracusa Harbour 1:8.000 June 2014 IT100340 2 Mediterranean Sea, western basin 1:2.250.000 February 2014 IT500191 2 Brindisi Harbour 1:8.000 February 2014 IT300911 2 Sardinia Sea, offshore – Cape to Argentiera to Gulf of Teulada 1:180.000 February 2015 IT400128 3 Approach to Gaeta 1: 22.000 February 2014 IT500060 3 Roads of La Spezia 1:8.000 February 2014 IT300029 3 Torre Specchia Ruggeri to Point Torre Canne 1:90.000 December 2013 IT300912 3 (Central) Tirrenian sea, offshore – from Capo Bellavista to Bocche di Bonifacio 1:180.000 June 2014 IT500244 3 Messina Harbour 1:4.000 July 2014 IT400210 3 Approach to Ancona 1:22.000 November 2014 IT300007 3 Cape Linaro to Anzio 1:90.000 February 2014 IT400107 3 From Nervi to Sestri Levante 1:22.000 February 2014 IT400129 3 Ischia and Procida Channels 1:22.000 February 2014 IT400101 3 Approach to Imperia 1:22.000 February 2014 IT300002 4 Imperia to Bogliasco 1:90.000 March 2014 IT400234 4 Approach to Monfalcone 1:22.000 November 2014 IT400239 4 Approach to Trieste 1:22.000 November 2014 IT300003 4 Pieve Ligure to S.Rossore 90.000 February 2014 IT300010 4 Licola to Agnone 90.000 February 2014 IT300023 4 Milazzo Cape to Roccella Ionica 90.000 February 2014 IT400222 4 Approach to Venezia 45.000 February 2014 IT300042 5 Castelsardo to Gulf of Congianus 90.000 June 2014 IT500055 5 Genova Harbour, East side 8.000 February 2014 The IIM paper kit chart portfolio is based on ENCs. It consists of coastal and littoral charts covering waters up to 6-8 miles off the coast. The charts contained in the kits are smaller and easier to use on leisure craft. 30 Annual Report 2014 NEW PAPER KIT CHARTS: 4 CHART AND KIT NO TITLE SCALE DATE 7334-P2b Dalla Foce del Fiume Ombrone a Capo d’Uomo e Formiche di Grosseto 1:50.000 February 2014 7335-P2b Da Torre Cannelle a Torre Saline 1:50.000 February 2014 7336-P2b Promontorio dell’Argentario e Isola di Giannutri 1:50.000 1:30.000 February 2014 7337-P2b Isola del Giglio 1:30.000 February 2014 Aggiornata al 18/03/2015 Aggiornata al 18/03/2015 Aggiornata al 18/03/2015 Aggio rnat a al 18 /03/ 2015 31 Annual Report 2014 NEW EDITIONS: 32 32 CHART AND KIT NO TITLE 7300-P1 Da Riva Ligure ad Imperia – Porto Maurizio 1:30.000 From December 2013 7001-P1 Da capo Mortola a Capo Berta 1:100.000 April 2014 7002-P1 Da Imperia a Ceriale 1:100.000 April 2014 7305-P1 Da Arenzano a Genova Ovest 1:30.000 June 2014 7021-P2b Da Punta S.Agostino a Ladispoli 1:100.000 May 2014 7339-P2b Litorale di Civitavecchia - Installazioni 1:30.000 May 2014 SCALE DATE 7340-P2b Litorale di Civitavecchia 1:30.000 April 2014 7344-P3a Da Monte Biancu a Santa Teresa di Gallura 1:30.000 From November 2013 7347-P3a Isole La Maddalena. S.Stefano, Caprera e Spargi 1:30.000 January 2014 7349-P3a Golfo di Arzachena 1:30.000 January 2014 7349-P3a Golfo di Arzachena 1:30.000 March 2014 7351-P3a Da Isolotto Portisco a Punta delle casette 1:30.000 April 2014 7118-P3a Da Capo Coda Cavallo a cala Liberotto 1:100.000 June 2014 7122-P3b Da Scoglio S.Elmo a S.Andrea 1:100.000 February 2014 7355-P3b Litorale di Cagliari 1:30.000 September 2014 7390-P4 Litorale di Gaeta 1:30.000 April 2014 7391-P4 Da Gaeta a Scauri 1:30.000 March 2014 7410-P4 Litorale di Salerno 1:30.000 March 2014 7026-P4 Da Porto Badino a Scauri 1:100.000 April 2014 7029-P4 Da Scauri a Licola 1:100.000 April 2014 7032-P4 Golfo di Salerno 1:100.000 June 2014 7410-P4 Litorale di Salerno 1:30.000 October 2014 7416-P5a Stretto di Messina – Villa S. Giovanni 1:30.000 February 2014 7064-P5a Da Aci Trezza a Penisola Magnisi 1:100.000 March 2014 7075-P5b Da Torre Mattoni a Torre Pucci 1:100.000 July 2014 7078-P5b Da Torre Chiancia a Torre Mozza 1:100.000 July 2014 7079-P5b Da Torre Suda a Torre di Andrano 1:100.000 July 2014 7081-P7 Da S. Cataldo a Casalabate 1:100.000 February 2014 7082-P7 Litorale di Brindisi 1:100.000 February 2014 7083-P7 Da torre S.Sabina a Savelletri 1:100.000 February 2014 7084-P7 Da Monopoli a Secca Punta d’Oro 1:100.000 June 2014 7085-P7 Da Bari a Molfetta 1:100.000 June 2014 Annual Report 2014 2.2 NAUTICAL DOCUMENTS In 2014 the Nautical Documents Division processed 7036 reports for the NtM bulletin, issued twice a month. The 2014 production of Update Bulletins is listed below: Charts Sailing Directions 466 + 63 Blocks 309 + 36 Harbour plans Radio Aids 33 General 36 Catalogues 61 List of Lights 499 Nautical Info 670 NTM III 549 A new edition of Portolano P2 and Portolano P5 was published, as well as a new edition of Elenco fari e segnali da nebbia, Radioservizi per la Navigazione volume I and Premessa agli Avvisi ai Naviganti. 33 Annual Report 2014 2.3 PRINTING PUBBLICATION TYPE OF PRODUCT NO OF COPIES PRINTED IN IIM NO OF COPIES PRINTED OUTSIDE TOTALE Pubblicazioni 25.400 8.500 33.900 NtMs 3.860 Bulletins 2.496 Miscellaneous NAUTICAL CHARTS TYPE OF PRODUCT NO OF COPIES PRINTED IN IIM Paper charts 61.291 Paper Kit charts 10.314 Other (special requirements) 1.040 10.479 Large, high quality scans 1.930 46 I.I. 31 U IS T IT TO ID R AF OGR IC O DE M LLA o atto lega Alllle N. ganti avig ai Na si a vvviissi o Avv lo sccicol all Fa SA NTI IG A T I MES PRE AI NAV I S I IS V I AV 2014 AGL e I S T I T U T O NA A R IN O T U T NTI IG A NAV I AI I LE D ERA GEN ERE 1 ATT 14 1 – 20 F I C O G R A I D R O L A D E L I.I. 3146 I N A M A R 24 I D R O G R A F I C O D E L L A AVVIS I AI NA (PER VIG GANTI IODI CO Q UIND I CONTEN UTO DE LE) I.I. 3 146 Mercoled Ɣ R O G R A F I C O ELE D E L L DEI NCO D A M A I CO R I DOC N A N U T M ROL AB A BBREV E IAZION N I E SIM BOLI N. 1 TI NA LO /201 UTI 4 CI CINA L FA SEZION AS SC C CIIC E CO OL LO O IGANT1 -IIndice degliA AI NAVIG I IS A L2E- )Comunic Avvisi N V I C V I A azioni e 14 3 - Annu UIND vann rie aio 20 lla ge ICO Q I.I. 3146 M A R I N A I S T I T U T O I D ì 10 dic embre 2014 - Avvvvis viso di vi fonte ita (P) - Av liana Avv vvis vi o pre (T) - Av lim (Situ Avv vvis viso tem inare azio (G) - Av poraneo ne a Avv vvis v i o gene ggio (R) - A rale rnata Avvv vvviso di I T N A.N. - Av rettifica A al F - Avvisi RTE AB Avv ascic Aprile vvis v o ai per i PO AVIG N I I.N 20 Na 3 A RTOLAN olo - Avvisiiana . - In O I IInf nfo nf ormazion viganti Avv 14 I SCICOL VVIS te ital per i RADI A FA fon L di isi a 4 e - Avvisi DE Nautica OS ALE i Na ova” Ɣ - Avviso pre ENUTO redi CARATT ERVIZI ICIN NT en ina viga D lim 5 G CO IN Avvisi pe 14 B ERE GE iso nti N ALL Tari - DC O QU 08/01/20 aneo r i CATA NERALE P - Avv L LO (P) ( (P E ° 6/2 por % ff O 6 LE G tem a A 70 Pe Avvisi pe ATO E LO iso NOTE T A to – r ill raz Reg 014 CIC 4 DEL razionale NE ((T) - Avv (T POS ZIO AL F ime erale r L'ELENC GHI FAS . 1//1 com en 14 SE gen L O "Pr m imp T A iso em mess me ieg Libe na N pres e ess a ag N O FARI O ((G) - Avv N° 7 ASCICO ro:” li Avvis o del presente rettifica AME in abbo degli Avvisi o) ENT Gli Av di N M A iso vv v O i vis v /2 SE ai P e L i i Avv ice B fas Na i urgen O 014 ZION ant cicolo con oste PLE vigE (R) italia ti vengo viganti". N AB Spedizion 1 - Ind nicazioni e varie ai Na ian an an DEL AVVIS IN SUP ne Itali C e (vedi iso sul E a tar Avv no N mu utic e . . . 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TRAINING 3.1 IIM COURSES In 2014 the following courses were held: TRAINING COURSE IN HYDROGRAPHY FOR NAVY PETTY OFFICERS Started in February, the course was followed by 8 petty ofcers who, upon completion of the theoretical part, had their practical training on board Italian Navy survey vessels. MAGNETIC COMPASS ADJUSTER TRAINING COURSES Two magnetic compass adjuster training courses were held in 2014. Starting in March and November, the four-week courses, open to military and civilian personnel, were attended by a number of petty ofcers from the Italian Navy and Army. 35 Annual Report 2014 LEVEL II MARINE GEOMATICS MASTER COURSE – CATEGORY A The IIM master in Marine Geomatics, providing the necessary skills to obtain Category A hydrographer certication, was deemed to comply with the FIG/IHO/ICA International Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers by the FIG/IHO/ICA Board in April 2014 in Tokyo, during the Board annual meeting, and ratied for a further 6 years. Captain Roberto Casula, Head of the Training Division at IIM, presented the improved curriculum of the course to the Board members. The 6th edition of the Master course started in October 2014, introduced by the Headmaster of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Carlo Podenzana Bonvino, by the Head of the Training Division, Capt. Roberto Casula, and by some of the IIM professors. The course is presently attended by 16 students - 12 civilians, and 4 ofcers, 3 from the Italian Navy and one from the Lebanese Navy. The Master Course provides those sophisticated technical skills which are necessary to train experts in the eld of marine geomatics, qualied to carry out high responsibility tasks and keep up with the rapid evolution of the new technologies. The course is open to Navy ofcers from Italy and abroad, and to graduates in technical and scientic disciplines. Among the subjects taught, manage- 36 ment of the coasts and shorelines, maritime infrastructures, geology, geophysics and environmental matters. The duration of the course is 14 months, including training at sea. Upon completion of the course, and after two years of documented operational work, students can obtain the Category A hydrographer qualication, ratied by the International Hydrographic Organization. Annual Report 2014 TRAINING COURSE IN HYDROGRAPHY FOR NAVY OFFICERS IN THE “RUOLI SPECIALI” – CATEGORY B The new edition of the course, providing the necessary skills to obtain the internationally recognized Category B hydrographer qualication, started in November 2013. Category B hydrographers can operate on board survey vessels, collecting and assessing hydro- graphic and oceanographic data, in topographic survey teams, collecting geodetic and topographic data, or at the IIM, processing and validating the collected data to compile and update nautical documents. The duration of the course is 7 months, including training at sea. WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING The cooperation between IIM and the University of Genoa is not limited to the organization of the Master in Marine Geomatics, and includes tempo- rary work opportunities for university students at IIM. In 2014 students at IIM worked in the Geophysics and Nautical Documents Departments. 3.2 COURSES OUTSIDE IIM Since 2000, IIM representatives have been invited to teach navigation and operational meteorology at the Accademia della Guardia di Finanza in Bergamo and at the Accademia della Marina Mercantile in Genoa. Navigation courses focused on the use of ECDIS, which by 2018 will be mandatory on board all SOLAS vessels. 37 Annual Report 2014 3.3 IIM PROFESSORS In addition to routine activities – teaching, tutoring, training – in 2014 IIM professors took part in the FIG/IHO/ ICA IBSC Stakeholders Seminar, IHO (Monaco March 7 2014) for the revision of IHO S5 and S8 publications and the development of new educational products. IIM professors wrote the document submitted to the FIG/IHO/ICA Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors to have the Category B course ratication renewed. From now on, lectures will be in English, as in the Master in Marine Geomatics - Category A. 38 Annual Report 2014 In December a new professor, Paola Picco, started working at IIM. Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography, Professor Picco previously worked at the ENEA in La Spezia. 39 Annual Report 2014 Professors assist scientists from various IIM departments in their activities. In 2014 Professor Ivaldi worked with the staff from the Hydrography and Geophysics Departments at the Mediterranean sediment database, for the denition and the classication of the seaoor, analyzing acoustic backscatter data. A survey was carried out with DISTAV (University of Genoa) in the Gulf of Genoa, for the collection of bathymetric and seismostratigraphic data. During survey vessels campaign, training on board for IIM students was carried out, with particular reference to the TOMO-ETNA research project, in collaboration with the INGV, 40 Annual Report 2014 and to the deep water coral project in Eastern Ligurian Sea with the ENEA research centre in S. Teresa (La Spezia). Operators on board were taught how to assess the main features of the sea bottom and sub bottom through an analysis of the collected data. Among the equipment used for data collection, single and multi-beam echo sounders, sub bottom prolers, magnetometers, ROVs, and corers. Meetings, congresses and conferences: • European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, Vienna, April 27 /May 2; the IIM presented the paper “Seaoor morphology: nature of the seabed and the cold water corals of the Levante Canyon (Eastern Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean)”, Geoph. Res. Abs., 16, EGU2014 -14732. • National Congress of the Società Geologica Italiana, where prof Ivaldi presented the activities carried out with CNR ISMAR and Seconda Università di Napoli: “Recent evolution of a delta plain and a coastal zone: the Volturno delta system (southern Italy)” and “New geological, geophysical and biological insights on the hydrothermal system of the Panarea – Basiluzzo Volcanic complex (Aeolian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea)”, Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 31 (1), 191 and 403. Works published by prof Ivaldi: • “Integrated Mapping of Seabed Features”, 18 (7), 26-29, (author), Hydro International, October issue. • “Re-discovery of cold water corals in the Eastern Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean)”, Deep Sea Life Issue, 4-2014, 16-17, with ENEA-Centro S. Teresa. • “Unmanned Surface Vehicles for Automatic Bathymetry Mapping and Shores’ Maintenance” (co-author), paper presented at the MTS/IEEE Oceans’14 International Meeting , April 2014, Taipei (Taiwan), in collaboration with CNR ISSIA. A study on the dynamics of the Arctic icecap was carried out with the IIM Geophysics Department (see above), as well as a study on the tide gauge in Genoa for the calculation of harmonic constants and baric waves and sea level variations. In January 2014, Prof. Ivaldi became part of the Board of Professors of the Earth Science PhD, IUSS, University of Ferrara. One of her PhD students is Lieutenant Marta Pratellesi, Category A Hydrographer. Together, Lt. Pratellesi and Prof. Ivaldi wrote “Seabed nature and morphodynamics of deep, volcanic, coastal/port areas – an integrated analysis of high-resolution bathymetric data”, emphasizing the importance of acoustic backscatter data in the characterization of the seabed as related to the sedimentary morphodynamics and the water column dynamics, for the development of classication standards through an integrated use of data collected in different context. 41 Annual Report 2014 42 Annual Report 2014 4. EXTERNAL RELATIONS 4.1 AGREEMENTS The External Relations Department deals with all the agreements signed by the IIM, with national and international partners. into effect in January 2015. The advantages are manifold – from sharing with other HS problems and standards, to more efcient quality controls. The most important agreement signed in 2014 was certainly that with the IC-ENC, a Regional ENC Coordinating Centre (RENC) for the distribution of electronic navigational charts, which came In addition to agreements for the sale and distribution of products and data, in 2014 a number of agreements with scientic organizations and research centres were signed. 4.2 VIDEOS AND PUBLICATIONS The External Relations Department staff edited L’Agenda Nautica 2015 and wrote the history of the port of Brindisi and the insert dedicated to Umberto Nobile contained therein. 43 Annual Report 2014 In 2014 the publication Norme per prevenire gli commonly used, the new edition of the Norme abbordi in mare was revised, amended and upis based on the English version. A new transladated. The previous edition, which tion was carried out, tables relevant to light and dated back to 1990, was danger signals were improved based on the French version and updated, and sections of the International Rules for II and III, on current laws NORME E R Preventing Collisions at Sea. and regulations, totally reA NORME D I IN M I ABBOR N IR E G L E V E PER PREVENIRE GLI ABBORDI IN MARE PR RE The rules have two ofcial PEE R written to comply with the PER MA PRE IN M E O R D I NORME VE N R O NIR RM versions: English and French. laws in force. N OE A B B E G PER I I N MARE M ARE GLI ABBORDII IN L I E G LPREVENIRE ARB I B N OR As English, however, is more VE DI RE I.I. 3019 NA A MARI ELL DE D AFICO ROGR UTO ID ISTITU I I 3019 I.I. 9 301 I.I. ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINA A RIN MA LA EL ID O D ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO O DE D DEL DELLA EL E L LA MAR MARINA IN NA RO IC F G A RA GR FIC RO O ID DE O LL UT A IT MA T I.I. IS 301 RIN 9 NA IS I.I. 3019 TIT UT O ISTITUTO I.I. 3019 IDROGRAF ICO DELLA MA RINA P PER NO RM E PE R PR EV EN IR E GL I AB BO RD GENOVA 2014 IN MA RE I IN MA RE GENOVA 2014 4 VA NO GE GE NO VA 2 014 201 GENOVA 2014 GENOVA 2014 In order to promote safety at sea and the work by IIM towards it, a number of videos were created in collaboration with the Printing Department. Two of them – Hydrography explained to kids and Hydrography, much more just nautical charts – were successful beyond all expectations. The IHO asked permission 44 to have them in their website, and so the texts were slightly changed – to make them “more IHO” - and translated into French and Spanish (the videos were already available on YouTube in Italian and English). Portuguese, Japanese, and Korean versions are in progress. Annual Report 2014 4.3 EVENTS OPEN DAY JUNE 19 World Hydrography Day is on June 21, but in 2014 the Fortress of San Giorgio opened to the public on June 19. Visitors were able to tour the old Fortress of San Giorgio learning all the steps behind the compilation of nautical charts and nautical documents. And not only that, as the 2014 edition was dedicated to Hy- drography – much more than nautical charts. Approximately 300 people watched the new videos produced by the IIM (see above) and then toured the Nautical Charts Section, the Printing, ENC and Geophysics Divisions and, nally, the Workshop, where some of the old equipment used to collect data were exhibited. 45 Annual Report 2014 At the end of the 90-minute tour, visitors wrote their comments in the book of honour and were given a reproduction of the pages dedicated to Genoa in the rst Pilot Book of the Coasts of Italy published by the IIM in 1904. 46 Annual Report 2014 SALONE NAUTICO INTERNAZIONALE – OCTOBER 1ST - 6TH As usual, the IIM was present with its own stand at the International Boat Show to promote paper chart kits, sailing directions and historic charts. Visitors admired the display of old hydro-oceanographic equipment and were shown how the ECDIS and electronic navigational charts work. IIM FOR THE ITALIAN NAVY AT ABCD ORIENTAMENTI – NOVEMBER 5TH - 9TH The 19th edition of Abcd Orientamenti, the most important event in the field of education, jobs and guidance in north-western Italy, held in Genoa in November 2014, was visited by over 40.000 people – teachers, students, and relevant families. Representatives from the IIM were present to illustrate possible careers in the Italian Navy. 47 Annual Report 2014 4.4 CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS IIM representatives took part in the following: JANUARY: JANUARY WECDIS CAT Meeting (22 – 24 January, Brussels, Belgium); NOBLE MARINER-14 Meeting (28 – 31 January Rota, Spain). MARCH: Internatinal Board on standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) Stakeholder Meeting (6 – 7 March, Montecarlo, Monaco); Oceanology International (11 – 13 March, London, UK); NATO GMWG - Geospatial Maritime Working Group (16 – 21 March, Leesburg, USA). APRIL: WECDIS CAT Meeting (1 – 4 April, Cork, Ireland); NATO GEOSPATIAL (7 – 8 April, Oberammergau, Germania); 37th meeting of the FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (11 – 17 April, Tokio, Japan); Technical Cooperation Meeting Italy-Lebanon (14 – 18 April Beirut, Lebanon); EGU - European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014 (27 April – 2 May, Vienna, Austria). MAY: Main Planning Conference (MPC) for Exercise NOBLE MARINER-14 (6 – 9 May Rota, Spain). JUNE: Caris 2014 15th International User Group Conference (1 – 6 June, Brest, France); IHO-EU working group meeting for the Joint European Coastal Mapping Programme and North Sea Hydrographic Commission meeting (24 – 26 June, Amsterdam, Holland); Technical Cooperation Meeting Italy-Lebanon (26 – 28 June, Beirut, Lebanon). AUGUST: Antarctic Navigation Course at the Argentinian Hydrographic Service (23 August – 6 September, Buenos Aires, Argentina). SEPTEMBER: IHO-EU working group meeting for the Joint European Coastal Mapping Programme (1 – 2 SEPTEMBER September, Paris, France); IC-ENC Steering Committee (8 – 11 September, Den Haag, Holland); Main Planning Conference (MPC) for Exercise NOBLE MARINER-14 (8 – 11 September Rota, Spain); NATO METOC Orientation Course dal 21 – 27 September (Oberammergau, Germany). OCTOBER: 5th Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference (5 – 10 October, Montecarlo, Monaco). NOVEMBER: Technical Cooperation Meeting Italy-Tunisia (10 – 13 November, Tunis, Tunisia). 48 Annual Report 2014 4.5 VISITS FEBRUARY 13 20 Istituto Comprensivo San Teodoro, Genoa; Scuola Media Don Milani Colombo, Genoa. MARCH 13 19 31 Università della Terza Età, Genoa; Istituto Comprensivo Voltri 1 - Scuola Sec. 1° Ansaldo; Cadets from the Naval Academy of Livorno. APRIL 3 4 9 16 Istituto Tecnico dei Trasporti e della Logistica Nautico “S. Giorgio”, Genoa; Delegation from the Buoan, moored in the port of Genoa; Cadets from the Guardia di Finanza; A.T.L. Coop. MAY 7 13 14 21 27 Istituto Tecnico dei Trasporti e della Logistica Nautico “S. Giorgio”, Genoa; Liceo Scientico Leonardo Da Vinci, Genoa; Istituto Comprensivo Voltri 1; Gruppo ANMI, Rho; Istituto Tecnico dei Trasporti e della Logistica Nautico “S. Giorgio”, Genoa. JULY 3 AISTAP, in collaboration with Galata Museo del Mare. AUGUST 6 Cadets from Algerian training ship “La Summam”. SEPTEMBER 25 Ausburg University. NOVEMBER 13 18-20 24-28 Delegation from the Republic of Uganda; Delegation from the Albanian Navy; Delegation from the Moroccan Hydrographic Service. DECEMBER 15 16 Delegation from the Republic of Uganda; Delegation from the Republic of Nigeria. 49 Annual Report 2014 06.08.2014 13.03.2014 04.04.2014 16.12.2014 50 Annual Report 2014 5. OUR ORGANIZATION In 2014, the IIM could count on 240 military and civilian employees. The IIM deals with the production of nautical charts and publications from the processing and organization of the data collected by the survey vessels, to the compilation and updating of charts and publications, both paper and digital. It is organized into ve departments, most of which are subdivided into divisions. SURVEY AND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT The IIM core business is coordinated by the Survey and Production Department, in charge of all technical activities, from survey planning to the production of nautical documents. It is divided into a number of divisions. HYDROGRAPHY DIVISION The interface between the IIM and the survey vessels, the Hydrography Division schedules, plans and supervises all geodetic, topographic and hydrographic surveys. As soon as the data collected during the surveys are received at the IIM, staff from the Hydrography Division checks and validates them. The Hydrography Division is in charge of the bathymetric and geo-topographic database (coastline and geodetic points). It is also in charge of the historical archive, containing all the data collected by IIM from the 19th century. These paper documents are currently being digitalized and will be gradually made accessible to the general public. The Hydrography Division includes the Hydrographic units and surveys section which, among other activities, takes care of vessels, equipment and software used for the surveys. Through training sessions, the Hydrography Division staff passes on their know-how to the hydrographers on board the survey vessels. CARTOGRAPHY DIVISION The Cartography Division consists of two sections – Nautical Charts and Special Charts. The latter, among others, provides geo-spatial support to the Navy and manages the shipwreck database. 51 Annual Report 2014 ENC DIVISION It is in charge of the ENC portfolio, in IHO S-57 format, from which kit charts are originated. It is also in charge of the help desk for Navy Units requiring assistance with the ECDIS and the AIS systems. GEOPHYSICS DIVISION The Geophysics Division deals with all matters concerning marine geophysics, including oceanography, naval magnetism, nautical astronomy and tides. It is in charge of the Nautical Almanac (I.I. 3132), and Tide Tables (I.I. 3133), published yearly, and of the tide gauge in the port of Genoa. Scientists from the Geophysics Division carry out a number of activities in the field of operative oceanography and provide all the necessary meteo-oceanographic data to Navy vessels du- ring operations and drills, and to sailing vessels during regattas. The Astronomy and Tide Section deals with the tide data collected by the tide gauge in the port of Genoa and in the port of Brindisi. A tide gauge (radar type) was installed in the roadstead of Augusta, for the collection of tide data in the area. The Magnetism Section, in addition to consulting and compass adjusting for the Navy vessels, organized two courses for compass adjusting for Defense personnel. NAUTICAL DOCUMENTS DIVISION The Nautical Documents Division collects, analyses and processes nautical data to update charts and publications. It is in charge of the Notices to Mariners, which is issued fortnightly and can be downloaded free of charge from The Nautical Documents Division is in charge of the writing, revising and updating of IIM publications such as Sailing Directions, List of Lights, and Radio Signals, as well as the General Catalogue of IIM Publications. It is also in charge of the “Col- lezione Mondiale”, a collection of nautical charts and publications that allows mariners to plan their journey in any part of the world. In 2014 List of Lights and Notices to Mariners were compiled using the CARIS software, allowing for the data integrated management thanks to one constantly updated database. The Nautical Documents Division provides the necessary authorizations to whoever wishes to carry out research activities at sea and collects the relevant reports upon completing of the same. 52 Annual Report 2014 PRINTING DIVISION Divided into three sections – publishing, technical and photomechanic – the Division deals with all the technical matters relevant to the printing and publishing of all IIM publications and charts. It works together with the Research and External Relations Department for the publication of promotional material, including videos to be posted on the Marina Militare YouTube channel. 53 Annual Report 2014 I.T. DIVISION It is in charge of all IIM hardware and software equipment, servers, intranet and cartographic workstations. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT It is in charge of all matters related to the administration of the Institute, including copyright, management of supplies and accounting. It is in charge of the sales as well, through the Nautica Shop located in the port of Genoa, near the Cruise Station. In 2014 the purchasing of most goods and services for the IIM was carried out by Agenzia Difesa Servizi S.p.a., against a commission to cover for running costs. GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT The General Services Department is in charge of the maintenance and logistics, including vehicles and transportation. It is also in charge of all matters relevant to the military staff. 54 Annual Report 2014 DISTRIBUTION, EQUIPMENT AND MARKETING DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT The Department takes care of the testing, adjusting and repairing of instruments, tools and equipment for Navy Units and departments. The following was carried out in 2014: jobs 31 testing 185 trials 1 repairs – compass 47 repairs – surveying equipment 34 repairs – meteo-oceanographic equipment 53 repairs – clocks and timepieces 36 jobs outside the IIM – tide gauges 2 jobs outside the IIM – clocks and timepieces 1 jobs in the IIM 2 plaques 30 adjusting 195 electric/electronic repairs 11 DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING It is in charge of the marketing, sales and distribution of IIM products, also through the ofces in Taranto and La Spezia. CHARTS PUBLICATIONS substitutions 226 12 new documents 1763 294 barter 266 112 free of charge 82 50 Taranto 1809 702 La Spezia 1093 107 operational 2240 260 miscellaneous 4917 4093 55 Annual Report 2014 RESEARCH AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT The Research and External Relations Department carries out research projects, as required by the Director. It is in charge of the external and public relations in Italy and abroad, promoting the IIM in conferences, exhibitions and events. It deals also with the media. It is in charge of the library. The following divisions depend directly on the Vice-Director: TRAINING DIVISION AND BOARD OF PROFESSORS Hydrographers and other specialized technicians are trained at the IIM through a number of courses organized by the Training Division and held by university professors (full and associate), as well as famed experts in the field. The professors employed by the IIM provide technical and scientific support to the various departments and divisions, publish essays and articles on journals and present papers in conferences and seminars. 56 Annual Report 2014 PERSONNEL DIVISION It is in charge of all matters related to the civilian personnel. It organizes training courses for civilians and deals with the transfer of employees to and from different public ofces .It selects and collects all the laws and regulations concerning personnel issues, informing the staff and providing the correct interpretation when necessary.It makes sure that laws and regulations are properly applied and takes part in negotiations between the directors and the Trade Union representatives. REVISION DIVISION It is in charge of revising all the charts and documentation issued by the IIM, making sure that they are accurate and in compliance with Together with the Training Division, in 2014 the Personnel Division organized three courses for military and civilian personnel: • Basic cartography - the rst module is to be followed by a second and a third module in the next two years; • Treatment of personal data; • Workplace safety, with particular reference to falls from elevations. the relevant international standards. A copy of each document in force is kept and stored in the division archives. SAFETY DIVISION It is in charge of the safety and protection of the staff. In December, the head of the Division held a course on workplace safety and falls from elevations. 57 Annual Report 2014 58 Annual Report 2014 ANNEXES 59 Annual Report 2014 HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS DIRECTOR R. Adm. Andrea LIACI VICE-DIRECTOR Capt. Roberto CASULA (Head of the Training Division) SAFETY Mr. Emanuele CALCAGNO PERSONNEL DIVISION Mr. Alberto MARINI REVISION DIVISION Mrs. Elena ARMANINO PROFESSORS MARINE GEOLOGY METEOROLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS OCEANOGRAPHY GEODESY Prof. Roberta IVALDI Prof. Lorenzo PAPA Prof. Paola PICCO Prof. Marco PIEROZZI DEPARTMENT SURVEY AND PRODUCTION HEAD Capt. Lamberto LAMBERTI DIVISIONS CARTOGRAPHY HEAD Cdr. Maurizio DEMARTE ENC HEAD Lt. Cdr. Carlo MARCHI NAUTICAL DOCUMENTS HEAD Cdr. Paolo DEI PRINTING HEAD 60 Lt. Cdr. Pasquale DI CIACCIO Annual Report 2014 GEOPHYSICS HEAD Cdr. Lorenzo DIALTI HYDROGRAPHY HEAD Cdr. Erik BISCOTTI From Sept. 21 2014 Lt. Cdr. Nicola Marco PIZZEGHELLO ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT HEAD Cdr. Lucio IOANNISCI GENERAL SERVICES HEAD Cdr. Massimo GIANELLI RESEARCH AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS HEAD Cdr. Paolo LUSIANI DISTRIBUTION, EQUIPMENT AND MARKETING HEAD Cdr. Roberto VACCARO NAUTICAL EQUIPMENT AND WEATHER HEAD Mr. Vincenzo DE SANCTIS 61 Annual Report 2014 STATEMENT 10-14 10 11 12 13 14 NEW CHARTS 7 20 6 1 6 NEW EDITION 7 4 9 15 12 REPRINTS 41 60 69 52 45 PAPER CHARTS FOR KITS 33 20 50 ENC 31 12 23 21 25 MILITARY/SPECIAL CHARTS 6 4 12 26 18 Printed copies 58.604 61.144 50.063 54.999 72.645 Distributed 5.322 11.236 11.632 17.415 12.396 Sold 32.746 45.146 26.811 24.523 24.093 NAUTICAL CHARTS NC 5+NE 62 NC 4+NE 32 748 Sold KITS 13 10 16 52 36 NEW PUBLICATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 NEW EDITIONS 2 4 11 10 11 REPRINTS 0 0 14 15 15 Printed copies 38.502 31.225 41.926 33.121 25.400 Distributed 920 4.160 4.266 5.769 5.630 Sold 21.357 28.071 17.136 16.369 16.368 NtMs 24 24 24 24 24 NtM CHARTS 445 465 535 462 466 NtM PUBLICATIONS 797 673 698 1071 938 NAUTICAL INFO 386 856 699 600 670 NTM III 229 483 458 531 549 BLOCKS 36 15 44 31 63 Printed copies 25.755 18.445 7.545 7.959 6.356 Distributed NtM 21.360 8.654 1.680 1.728 1.656 Sold NtMS 3.312 4.362 2.640 2.710 1.752 SAILING DIRECTIONS HARBOUR PLANS PUBBLICATIONS UPDATES 62 Annual Report 2014 GLOSSARY AA.NN. ARPAL AIS AML ANMI CAT CNIK CMCC CNR CTD DD.NN. DISTAV ECDIS EGU ENC ENEA FF.AA. FIG ICA IC-ENC GEOSPED GIS GNOO GPS IAMC IBSC IDROSPED IEEE IIM IHO I-METOC INGV INT ISMAR ISPRA ISSIA IUSS MGCP MED-SUV MM Avvisi ai Naviganti Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente Ligure Automatic Identication System Additional Military Layers Associazione Nazionale Marinai d’Italia Capabilities Assessment Team Carte Nautiche In Kit Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Conducivity Temperature and Depht Documenti Nautici Dipartimento di Scienze della terra, dell’ambiente e della vita Electronic Chart Display and Information System European Geosciences Union Electronic Navigational Chart Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile Forze Armate International Federation of Surveyors International Cartographic Association International Centre for Electronic Navigational Charts Spedizione Geodetica Geographic Information System Gruppo Nazionale di Oceanograa Operativa Global Positioning System Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero International Board on Standards of Competence Spedizione idrograca Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Istituto Idrograco della Marina International Hydrographic Organization Integrated Meteorological and Oceanographic Istituto Nazionale di Geosica e Vulcanologia Carte della serie INTernazionale Istituto di Scienze MARine Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti per l’Automazione Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes Marina Militare 63 Annual Report 2014 MREA MTS NATO NC NE NTM RENC ROV S.N. SOLAS SWAM UU.NN. WECDIS 64 Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Marine Technology Society North Atlantic Treaty Organization Nuova Carta Nuova Edizione Notice to Mariners Regional ENC Coordinating Centre Remotely Operated Vehicle Senza Numero Safety of Life at Sea Synchronous Wave Acoustic Modeling Unità Navali Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System