- Alexander Hamilton Scholars


- Alexander Hamilton Scholars
2014 Gratitude Report
C lo si ng the opportunity Gap | Bui l d i n g T o m o r r o w ’s L e a d e r s
Dear Friends,
2014 was a wonderful year for Hamilton Friends. Through your support, we selected a record number of new Hamilton
Scholars and provided 13 paid internships to our current Scholars. We also continued to build a stronger financial foundation, setting the stage for program growth in 2015.
It’s been very refreshing to see the national press highlighting the challenges of overachieving, under-privileged students.
Stories that investigate why smart, low-income students are not applying to the best schools and the unique struggles that
they face when they arrive at college further emphasize the importance of the work that we do at Hamilton Friends. It’s
humbling to see the effect we can have on our Scholars’ lives, thanks to your commitment to our mission.
Thank you for believing in our Scholars and helping us close the opportunity gap for tomorrow’s leaders.
In 2014, 36 students representing 19 States
Were selected as the newest cohort of
hamilton scholars.
Black OR African
Jason D. LynchAnne Nguyen
2015 Board President
Executive Director
Sandeep Kaushik
David Hamilton Rhinelander
George T. Cox, Founder & Senior Director
Amy Kent
Dr. Katherine Gunsul
Chris Geczy, Ph.D.
Jason Lynch, Treasurer
Bill Thomas, Co-Founder
Patrick Green
Anne Nguyen, Executive Director
Arthur W. Hollingsworth
Niall O’Donoghue
Academic Advisor, North Seattle Community College
Senior Vice President, Morgan Stanley
Professor of Finance, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Chief Operating Officer, Centura Health - St. Anthony Hospital
Founder and Managing Partner, Lone Star Investment Advisors
Independent Public Policy Analyst
Project Manager, Mactus Group
Vice President, Morgan Stanley
The Alexander Hamilton Friends Association
Associate, The Myers Associates, P.C.
36 scholars in the 2014 cohort were
Joslin Boroughs, President
$25,000 or Below
Board of Directors
$26,000 to $49,000
33 Scholars created 7-year personal
matched with peer mentors to support
them with the transition to college.
development plans at Seattle leader Week.
21 scholars honed their leadership
Retired Newspaper Executive
Board Member Emeritus
Board Member Emeritus
$50,000 to
skills at International leader Week
Through a service learning project.
THEIR career development.
J ohn J imenez is a 2011 h a milton sc h ola r f rom Ga rd e n a , C a liforn ia .
H e i s c ur r e n tly a j un ior at the univ er s ity of pennsylva nia , wh e re he is pursuing a d e gre e in e c on omic s f rom th e wha r t o n s cho o l.
Joh n ’s j o ur n e y to c o l lege is not uncommon. It’s one of 36 th at be gin e ac h ye a r a n d ha milton frie n d s is the re e ve ry st e p o f t he way.
J u n i o r Ye a r o f High School
Senior Year of high school
fr e sh m a n ye a r
so ph o m o r e ye a r
JunioR year
my h a m i lt o n award ap p licat ion
Seattl e L eader Week
i n te r n ati o n a l L e a d e r W e e k
Su m m e r i n te r n sh i p i n Se attl e
JunioR year At Upenn
At International Leader Week in Guatemala, I
thought the week was about volunteering, but it
was about so much more than just that. It was
about self reflection and civic duty.
At Morgan Stanley, I not only obtained insight
into the financial services industry, but also
learned about the soft skills needed to succeed
in a corporate environment.
The Hamilton team is always there for me. Any
time I need to talk I know I can call any one of
them. Even during my stay abroad, I was still in
constant communication with them.
I went to Guatemala to make an impact on the
local schoolchildren, but instead they gave me a
global perspective.
Working at the Cox Shook Harsch Group taught
me to think critically about problems and enhanced my analytical skills. Alongside working
at Morgan Stanley, I had the opportunity to interact with the next group of fellow Hammies
through Seattle Leader Week.
In the next year, I hope to pursue a grad school
education or full-time employment in consulting. Upon graduation, I wish to leave a lasting
impact on the Wharton community.
My brother started having seizures at three years
old and by the age of five, he was given medication. The seizures led to his difficulties with verbal communications...because of his difficulties,
I have learned to be compassionate and accepting of others for who they are.
My family’s struggles fostered my ambitious attitude and goal-oriented mindset. Their hardships
taught me to embrace obstacles and become a
stronger individual. My childhood introduced
me to manhood and allowed me to become
strong and independent. These experiences allowed me to see that anyone could achieve
success; all one must do is beat the odds.
I plan to inspire people to pursue their dreams
and instill the idea that anything is possible
if you are willing to overcome obstacles.
I loved Seattle Leader Week because I got to
meet my Hammie Family. The structure of the
program challenged us to think about our future and to set the foundation of who we were
while providing us with the resources to do
so. The bonds I created during this week are unbreakable and I knew instantly that I could call
any one of my fellow Hammies about anything.
2014 Donors
Schola rs
Brian Atwater and Frances DeMarco
George and Carolyn Cox
Mark and Christina Dawson
Moreen Fielden
Chris and Nichole Geczy
The Hertog Foundation
Arthur W. Hollingsworth
Morgan Stanley
Warfield Munce
Kris and Mike Villiott
Edgar and Gail Berner
Fran Boroughs
Colleen and Guy Brown
Tom and Pam Brown
Susan Burroughs
Alex Cahana and Ruth Landau Cahana
Bob Colvin
Alexis Cox
Karen Duval
Victoria Nelson Eliot and John Eliot
GM Nameplate
Invest in Others Foundation
Jack and Jill of America Foundation
Mohini Kaushik and Surinder Nath
Sandeep Kaushik and Liz Goodwin
John and Nanette Latham
Jason and Holly Lynch
John and Jane Malloy
Hedi Nurk
Sylvie Ring Peterson
Allen and Christine Rickert
Ronald Schwartz
Dee and Bob Simon
Chuck Stempler and Sally McKenzie
Bill and Lyn Thomas
Mikal and Lynn Thomsen
Greg Toy and Jenny Anttila
Peter Warren
Renee Willette and Jay Schwartz
Priscilla Wright and Tom Sundmacker
Be nefact ors
Jack Almo
Kenneth and Elizabeth Asher
Scott Benner
The Boeing Company
Diana and Don Bowar
Alex and Nancy Burlingame
Andy and Kristen Cline
Laurie Warshal Cohen and Michael Cohen
Adrienne Cox
Tim and Donna Dahlstrom
Ron Elzig
Lynell and Eric Engelmyer
Tom and Val Frye
Frank and Sue Gallo
Patrick and LaNece Green
Alan and Katherine Gunsul
Matthew Harsch
Donald Heighton
Kelly Herrington
Margot Hewitt
Kennan Hollingsworth and Marie DeJean
Michael and Judy Holser
Mike Humphries and Judy Ralston
Naveen and Anu Jain
Ryohei Kakimoto
Gunter and Trudi Kaldschmidt
Marvin and Kathy Kalt
Sue Kresovich
Shauna Mazzulla
Jim Moore and Kristi Brandt
Carla and Dean Nichols
Stephen and Annie Norman
Deanna and Craig Norsen
Niall O’Donoghue
Adam Ray
Thomas and Teita Reveley
Don and Karin Root
Patrick and Melissa Shook
Brad Shutzberg
Julie Silcock
Paul and Gayle Stoffel
Christian Ursino and Michael Cunha
Lillian Wagner
Megan Wood and Jack Tawney
Timothy and Vicki Wyatt
Pa r t ner s
Lynelle Beaulaurier
Rebecca Beers and Ewen Syme
Andrew and Brenda Bor
Joslin Boroughs and Evan Hatch
Pam and Brad Boroughs
Frank and Gigi Buchanan
Joanne Buntain-Ricklefs
Bruce Carbary
John and Sharlene Carmody
Dennis and Susan Chiavelli
Bill and Johanna Dock
Kay Dow
Bill Fleming
Artur and Helga Hahnemann
Chris and Suzy Hansch
Kathy Hatch
Stan and Elizabeth Herring
Cathy and Steven Hiller
Alan Hoffman and Flora Lovejoy
Brent and Megan Johnston
Richard Johnston
Amy and Michael Kent
Stephanie and Nick Kirby
Rich and Elizabeth Kline
Edward Lee
Alfred and Carroll Lindseth
Bob Lipson and Sharon Kean
Carol Maurer and Rich Cohen
Peter Miller and Jean Johnson
Chris Pence
Joe and Lisa Petschl
Zarin Randeria
Leslie Redd
Randy and Willa Rohwer
Estelle Schecter
Axel Schweiger
The Seattle Foundation
Bo Shaneman
Leonard and Ginny Shulman
Richard and Cynthia Sonstelie
Kelly Sweet
David and Lynn Tauben
Ron and Constance Williams
Bill and Michelle Youngsman
Fred and Dita Appelbaum
Charles Babcock and Carolyn Bowers
Jean-Loup and Diane Roseman Baer
Jacob Beck
Carson Bell
Gary and Virginia Bellinghausen
Lisa and Bruce Biermann
Roger and Ann Boberg
Matt and Katie Boehm
2014 Donors
Melissa Boroughs
Randy Boroughs
Kelly Bowers
Herb Bridge
Stan Brown
Arthur Burkart
Chuck Burkhalter
Emily Burns
Therese Bushnell
Don and Nita Chapman
Fiona Cox
Margaret Crosby and Michael Feinburg
Megan Davies
R. Mark Davis
Karen Dean
Anne Delaney
Nikki DeMatteo
Thomas Edwards
Kurt and Jill Eenigenburg
Arlene Ehrlich
Joseph and Susan Engman
Ashley Estolas
The late Rance Farrell and Susan Farrell
Brad and Deborah Feldstein
John and Cindy Ford
Roy Fox
Myra and Daniel Friedman
Joe Gallagher
Joel Gartenberg
Cathy Gary
Meghann Glavin
C’Ardiss Gleser
Amy and Ron Goldberger
John Hamer and Mariana Parks
Doug and Debra Hamilton
Ben Hansen
Matt Harrison
Esther Helfgott
William Herrington
Ira Hershkowitz and Carleen Collins
Dalina Ho
Audrey Hollowell
Michelle Hurley
Tiffany Jay
Mary Jiloty
Bob and Heather Johnson
Norman Johnson
Etsuko Kakimoto
Bernice and Wally Kegel
Grant Kinnear
Lois and Karl Kreitzer
Tee Kroon
Tiffani Lee
Christine Liu
Lucky Seven Foundation
Terry Lynch
The Mactus Group
Alexis Madison
Taylor Matalone
Elizabeth Maurer
Barry and Catherine McConnell
Bess McKinney
Truyen Me
Ronald Meltzer and Gail Leeds
Jerry Millar
Naomi Minegishi
Louise Mirrer
Harold Mitchell
Adrienne Moore
Pingchien Neo
Victor Oblas
Craig and Teresa Pape
Christina Phen
David Pickett
Scott and Janice Pinckney
David Powell
Matt and Bonnie Preece
Anna Rachman
Meredith Roberts
Brent Rohol
Alissa Rooks
Darren and Audrey Roper
Morris and Gail Rosenberg
Edwin Salas
Risha Schildkraut
Roger and Katoo Sherrard
Jonathan and Beth Singer
Nathan Sprague
Jim and Jolane Stanton
Jill Steinberg and Laurence Kaplan
Michelle Sun
Jane Suzick
Rolynn Te
Kelsey Tempel
Eric Thom and Michael Curtis
Sandy Truong
David and Sharon Turner
Angela Ursino and Steve Orchekowsky
Karina Vadillo
Amanda Van
Lien Van
Stephen Wesbrook
Ryan and Jaime White
Duyane and Deanna Zeigler
We are grateful for the dedicated and generous
support of community members, businesses,
corporations, Foundations, Clubs and Associations.
Alderbrook Hotel and Spa
AMC Theatres
Bakery Nouveau
Beecher’s Handmade Cheese
Blue Ribbon Cooking
Center for Wooden Boats
The Cheesecake Factory
Community Fitness
Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley
EMP Museum
Grand Central Bakery
Harbor Square Athletic Club
Heavy Restaurant Group
Hotel 1000
Landmark Theatres
The Mayflower Park Hotel
McMenamins Hotel
The Museum of Flight
Nordic Heritage Museum
Northwest Outdoor Center
Olympus Spa
Rick Steves’ Europe
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Children’s Museum
Seattle Mariners
Seattle Repertory Theater
Seattle Seahawks
Seattle Sounders FC
Total Wine & More Bellevue
Trophy Cupcakes
Wild Waves Theme Park
Willamette Valley Vineyards
Woodland Park Zoo
Fundraising &
66% 2014
811 First Avenue | Suite 350 | Seattle, WA | 98104
(206) 774-0764 | www.hamiltonfriends.org
The Alexander Hamilton Friends Association is a qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, incorporated in the State of Washington.
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.