Precil dan Paipai
Precil dan Paipai
20 | MINGGU, 17 OKTOBER 2010 | MEDIA INDONESIA Precil dan Paipai FUN WITH ENGLISH FOLKLORE FROM EAST KALIMANTAN A Dragon and a Baby O NCE upon a time, there was a small village in East Kalimantan. The head of the village lived alone with his wife. They did not have any children yet. Rain was falling for days. There was a big storm. The sound of thunder scared all the villagers. They did not have any courage to go outside of the house, and that’s including the head of village. The head of the village and his wife were running out of fire woods to cook. He went outside to find some woods. His wife asked him to be careful. And after he got some woods, he went home. On the way home, he saw a small worm lying on the ground. It looked helpless. The head of the village felt sorry. He carefully picked the worm and brought it home. Amazingly, rain stopped. There was no thunder anymore. Sun was shining brightly. The sky was clear! At home, his wife was surprised to see the worm. Soon, she also felt sorry to the worm. She picked some leaves and fed the worm. It ate all the leaves. The head of the village and his wife were happy to see the worm was not weak anymore. The wife took care of the worm with love. Slowly, the worm was getting bigger. It was slowly changing into a dragon! The head of the village and his wife still loved the dragon. They treated the dragon just like treating their own child. One night, the head of the village had a dream. A beautiful girl came to him. She said, “Don’t be afraid, Father. I’m your child, I’m the dragon. I want to thank you a n d CAKSONO Mother for taking care of me and loving me since I was small. However, it was time for me to leave you. I want to go back to my home in the river. Please, bring me to the river, and you will get a good surprise there.” When he woke up, the head of the village told his wife about his dream. She asked him to do what the girl in his dream asked him. Later, the head of the village and his wife brought the dragon to the river. And when they arrived, the dragon swam in the river. Suddenly, the dragon was able to talk. The voice of the dragon was exactly the same as the voice of the girl in his dream. “Thank you very much, Father and Mother. You are very kind. I will never forget you. I know you both really want to have a child. Just wait for a moment, and your wish will come true.” The head of the village and his wife were standing at the river side. They were waiting what would happen next. They saw the dragon was swimming and was getting far from them, until they could not see the dragon. After a while, the dragon came back. There was a small basket i n f ro n t of the dragon’s nose. It was swimming and pushing the basket towards the head of the village and his wife. And when the dragon was at the river s i d e , they were surprised! They saw a baby girl inside the basket! The dragon said, “Please take good care of her very well. She is your daughter and she will be a very important person someday.” The dragon was slowly leaving them. The head of the village and his wife were very happy. Their wish finally came true. They had a baby! They took care of her and loved her very much. Until now, people in the area believe that when the baby girl was adult, she married to the King of Kutai Kertanagara, a kingdom in Kalimantan. And the people named the dragon as Erau Dragon. And to commemorate the dragon, people always hold sampan competition. They decorated their sampans like dragons. D AHULU kala sebelum zaman kuda gigit besi, tersebutlah sebuah rukun tetangga yang tersohor dengan nama Kapling Dokjing. Penghuninya sangat kompak, rukun, suka gotong royong. Kapling Dokjing terkenal sebagai kampung yang aman, damai, makmur sejahtera. Pemandangannya indah, telaganya berair biru maya. Di tepiannya pohon nyiur melambai-lambai mengundang tetangga kampung seberang datang berwisata. Suatu ketika terjadilah kebakaran hebat di hutan Dwipangga. Maka, berbondong-bondonglah pasukan gajah menyedot telaga Kapling Dokjing sampai kering, untuk memadamkan api yang melalap hutan Dwipangga. Penduduk Kapling Dokjing kehausan, telaganya kering, pohonpohon layu kepanasan. Kaum tupai melubangi buah kelapa untuk mengambil air dan makan dagingnya. Wangsa katak menggali lumpur untuk bersembunyi di dalamnya agar kulitnya tidak keriting. Si Precil, seekor katak yang sudah lepas ekornya, kehausan hingga merengek minta dikucurkan air kelapa oleh sahabatnya, Paipai, anak bajing. Tapi apa jawabnya? “Jangan, ini pohon kelapa emak, airnya buat emak.” Begitu selalu jawabnya setiap ada hewan yang minta. Sambil menangis, Precil mengadukan perihalnya kepada Mak Kodok, emaknya. “Sabar nak. Kita undang Mak Bajing makan enak. Nanti di tengah kesempatan itu kita rayu dia agar mau membagi sedikit air kelapa. Pasti akan malu dia kalau menolak.” Mak Kodok lalu masak gulai ikan yang tinggal memungut dari dalam lumpur. Bumbunya istimewa resep rahasia dari keraton. Bau uap kuahnya mengundang selera tercium sampai pucuk kelapa. Belum pernah Mak Kodok memasak gulai sememikat selera seperti itu. Paipai meneteskan air liurnya tergoda nikmat uap gulai sesedap itu. Ia segera meluncur turun dari sarangnya, meloncat-loncat menuju tempat Precil. Paipai merengek-rengek minta dibagi gulai kepada Mak Kodok. “Jangan, gulai ini untuk Precil. Mintalah emakmu memasak sendiri!” bentak Mak Kodok. Paipai tak berhenti merengek, bahkan mendesak mendekati kuali gulai. “Paipai sabar! Gulainya baru setengah matang. Panggillah dulu emakmu, nanti kita makan bersama.” Kemudian Mak Kodok berseru sendiri ke arah pucuk kelapa memanggil Mak Bajing. Katanya, “Mak Bajing! Ini anakmu Paipai ada di sini. Tak sabar menunggu kedatanganmu, mau mencicipi gulai masakan kami. Turunlah segera!” Paipai kurang hati-hati mendekati kuali gulai. Ia terpeleset dan tercebur ke dalamnya, menjadi bagian dari gulai. Nyaris pingsan, Mak Kodok menyaksikan peristiwa yang sangat mengerikan itu. Bagaimana nanti menyelesaikan dan menjelaskan kecelakaan yang menimpa Paipai kepada emaknya? Tanpa mengetuk pintu, Mak Bajing langsung masuk ke dapur Mak Kodok. Tanpa dipersilakan lagi ia menyendok gulai ke mangkuk yang sudah dipersiapkan dari sarangnya. Panas-panas dicicipinya gulai masakan Mak Kodok. Mata Mak Bajing berkedip-kedip karena merasakan nikmatnya. Baru beberapa saat kemudian ia ingat kepada anaknya. Di mana ia berada? “Mana Paipai, anak bengal bin badung itu? Ih kalau aku bisa menelannya, sudah kulakukan sejak dulu.” Precil yang mendengar kata-kata Mak Bajing itu lalu menyahut, “Itu yang Mak Bajing cicipi tadi kan gulai ikan campur anak Mak, si Paipai.” “Oh, astaga!” ujar Mak Bajing, sesaat kemudian ia pun pingsan. (M-2) Catatan: Cerita lisan kakek, digubah kembali oleh Azarine Pandita Widyadhara (10 tahun) CAKSONO
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