February 15, 2015 - Christ The King Catholic Community
February 15, 2015 - Christ The King Catholic Community
The Messenger Christ the King Catholic Community A Roman Catholic Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas 4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas NV; 89118 www.ctklv.org ~ (702) 871-1904 ~ Fax: (702) 251-4935 February 15, 2015 ~ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Readings First Reading — The leper will dwell apart, making an abode outside the camp (Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46). Psalm — I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32). Second Reading — Do everything for the glory of God; be imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1). Gospel — The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean (Mark 1:40-45). MASS TIMES SATURDAY: 4:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:30, 9:30,11:30 am, 1:30 pm (Misa en Español) 4:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Mon - Sat ~ 8:00 am HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am and 7:00 pm FOR THE GLORY OF GOD The entire history of the Jewish people is directed toward one goal: that God might be glorified through the chosen people. Christians, too, are called to “do everything for the glory of God.” In today’s scriptures Paul reminds us that the best way for us to glorify God is to seek to benefit “the many,” as Christ did when he shed his blood for all of humankind. The reading from Leviticus explains one way the Jews sought to benefit the many, by keeping lepers and leprosy away from the chosen people. Jesus finds a better way. He cures the leper, who immediately re enters the community to spread the good news about Jesus to everyone who will listen. In this way both Jesus and the leper fulfill their calling to glorify the God who fills us “with the joy of salvation.” PARA LA GLORIA DE DIOS La historia completa del pueblo judío va dirigida hacia una meta: que Dios sea glorificado por medio del pueblo escogido. Los cristianos también están llamados a “hacer todo para la gloria de Dios”. En las Escrituras de hoy Pablo nos recuerda que la mejor manera que tenemos para glorificar a Dios es buscar el beneficio de “todos” tal como Cristo hizo cuando derramó su sangre por toda la humanidad. La lectura de Levítico explica una manera en que los judíos buscaban el beneficio de muchos, manteniendo a los leprosos y la lepra alejados del pueblo escogido. Jesús encuentra una manera mejor: cura al leproso, que inmediatamente retorna a la comunidad para difundir la Buena Nueva de Jesús a todo el que le escuche. De este modo tanto Jesús como el leproso cumplen con su llamado de glorificar al Dios que nos llena “con la alegría de la salvación”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The Community in Action PARISH STAFF Parish Administrator Rev. Ray Rioux Parish Deacons Administrative Assistant & Hispanic Ministry Deacon Jacob Favela Hospital Ministry Deacon Rich Green Receptionist Gina Pignatello Director of Pastoral Ministries Jane Fransioli Religious Education Department Director of Christian Formation Beth Thompson Co-Director of Christian Formation Beth Thompson & Jason Ealy Administrative Assistant Robyn Runco Liturgy Department Director of Liturgy Directors of Music Liturgy/Music Assistant Mary Ryan Ellen & Ken Lerum Cathy Bruzzese Director of Parish Finance Roseann Tabick Maintenance Department Mark Medina Michael Roberts & Dave Clow Website Bulletin Anna Sy Suzy Jones SACRAMENTAL MINISTRY Baptism: ALPHA PROGRAM (Infants or young children) - Contact parish, (702) 871-1904, during pregnancy or at least 3 months in advance to arrange for preparation program. Parents must complete program before baptism can be scheduled. First Communion/First Reconciliation Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904 Confirmation Teens: Jason Ealy Adults: Beth Thompson R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Inquiry sessions for non-Catholics interested in learning more about the Catholic faith every Thursday at 7:00 pm in Room 5, Activity Center. Call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904 Marriage: Contact the parish office 8-12 months in advance. Call Deacon Jacob for details of the 6-month preparation program. For annulments also call Deacon Jacob Favela - (702) 871-1904 Anointing of the Sick - Call office if you or a member of your family seek the Sacrament. Please try to call before loved one is in the active process of dying. Remembering Community: A welcoming process for Catholics who have been away. More information call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904 HELP & HEALING Al-Anon - Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Room 2 Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada Business phone: (702) 385-2662 Emergency Assistance: (702) 383-2291 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial José & Hortencia Martínez, (702) 436-8605 Family Promise (formerly IHN) Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904. Funeral Ministry - Ministry to bereaved families at time of death. Please call the office (702) 871-1904, before making arrangements with the mortuary of your choice. GriefSHARE - Help and Healing for those who have lost a loved one. Find a meeting near you www.griefshare.org Hands of Christ - Ministry to the homebound, Jane Fransioli, 702) 871-1904 Hospital Ministry - Rich Green, (702) 248 -9199, Jeanette Lombardo, (702) 882-8750 Manna Cupboard - Food pantry for the hungry, Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904. Marriage Encounter - Jim & Mary, (702) 263-2004 Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled marriages, Chuck & Carol Moore, (702) 604-1006 Social Concerns Board - Deals with parish outreach & social justice issues, Dale Devitt, (702) 871-1642 Small Church Communities Chris & Sharon Sellman - (702) 257-2511 Inch for Life - Help available for unwanted pregnancies. Pro-Life Office: (702) 212-6472 Catholic Charities Adoption: (702) 385-3351 Southern Nevada Women’s Resource Center: (702) 366-1247 - Pro-Life counseling and ministry to the unwed mother. Project Rachel - Post Abortion Ministry, (702) 737-1672. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTRIES Preschool - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Level I & II on Wednesdays Grades 1 - 5: Wednesdays Grades 6 - 8: Tuesdays Grades 9 - 12: (see Youth Page) For all the above programs, pre-registration is required through the parish office. Call the Religious Education office, (702) 871-1904 Visit our new and improved website: Scan me with your Smartphone to go directly to: www.ctklv.org Victim’s Advocate - Ron Valance (702) 235-7723 MASSES Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30 11:30 am and 4:00 pm 1:30 pm ~ Spanish Language Daily Mass:(Mon-Sat) 8:00 am HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am OFFICE HOURS Monday ~ Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (Closed Noon - 1:00 pm) Friday ~ Closed CONFESSIONS By appointment only, (702) 871-1904 LITURGICAL MINISTRY COORDINATORS Hospitality Ministers Teresa Fawley, (702) 953-6332 Environment Gail Lehtinen, (702) 565-3459 Flowers Eva & Les Iwafuchi, (702) 332-2865 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Luanne Wagner, (702) 279-2137 Lectors Mike Dunegan, (702) 362-8490 Sacristan - Elvie Insorio & Annabelle Trajano Bread Baker Coordinator Kay Dunegan, (702) 362-8490 Martha & Mary Guild Suzy Jones, (702) 340-8148 Sound/Lighting/Technical Bob LaPorte, (702) 454-1952 Christ the King Pastoral Council Hector Aguilar Linda Dammeyer Ramon Diaz Vince Gorski Rick Houle Roze Kliese Les Lisicki Mary Milanowski Maria Patino Elizabeth Que Roseann Tabick Heda Taormina Hector Vicuna Luanne Wagner Rob Walsh Fr. Ray Rioux Recording Secretary Roseann Tabick Email us at: [email protected] Daily Bible Readings Monday, February 16: Genesis 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mark 8:11-13 Tuesday, February 17: Genesis 6:5-8; 7:15, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mark 8:14-21 Wednesday, February 18: Joel 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Corinthians 5:20 — 6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday, February 19: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Luke 9:22-25 Friday, February 20: Isiah 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Matthew 9:14-15 Saturday, February 21: Isiah 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Luke 5:27-32 Sunday, February 22: Genesis 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15 FINANCES Sunday Collection February 8/9, 2015 E-Tithing Total Necessary weekly budgeted amount Plus/Minus amount for this week $15,612.75 $ 2,005.58 $17,618.33 $20,000.00 $-2,381.67 PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO "CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC COMMUNITY" MASS INTENTIONS If you want the name of your loved ones to be read aloud during mass or written in our weekly bulletin it must be turned in to the front desk at least two weeks in advance. Saturday 8:00 am 4:00 pm February 14 †Julie Fiorvanti †Benedict Padua Sunday 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm February 15 Kitty Litle †Julie Fiorvanti †Dr. Eusebio Castaneto, Sr. †Jerome Husar People of the Parish Monday 8:00 am February 16 †Joe Lavoie Tuesday 8:00 am February 17 †Dahlia Catolico Tiengco Wednesday 8:00 am February 18 †Lita Laxamana Sarmiento Thursday 8:00 am February 19 †Gorgonio Aldave Friday 8:00 am February 20 †Rosemary Christman Saturday 8:00 am 4:00 pm February 21 †Jim Pinkerton Elni Jurisprudencia Sunday 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm February 22 †Nenita Burgos Nino †Julie Fiorvanti †Jerome Lipetzky †Guadalupe Anaya DelaRosa †Patricia O’Keefe Ibel If you have an envelope # please write it on your check. Thank you for your generosity! The second reading Paul says “do everything for the glory of God”. Does your marriage witness the glory of God? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are on May 1-3rd and September 18-20th in the Las Vegas area. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, call Steve and Terri Sharp at (702) 589-0068 or go to www.lvloveyourspouse.org . For information on Spanish-language weekends, call Javier and Maria Lopez at (702) 243-5934 or (702) 206-4270. Prayer List Join us in Community Prayer for parishioners and their family members who are seriously ill. If you or your immediate family member is seriously ill and would like to be added to our prayer list please e-mail the name to [email protected] or call the office at 871-1904. Manuel S. Alba Salvador S. Alba Jr. Margaret Anderson Mary Baratta Stephan A. Barski Bashma Family Victor Bolano Maritess R. Boribon Anthony Brasich Pat Bremer Ann (Dolly) Busacca Jacqueline Cagampang Joe & Cora Canto Kelly Cessna Jeanie Clark Jim Clark Eleanor Constantino Isaura Cruz Rogelio dela Rosa Valerie DeLaRosa John Devlin Mary Dowler Judy Drissel Jessica Duran Don Gibson Marilyn Elsenbast Dr Robert Etor, Sr Maryann Evangelista Tommy Ferriolo Dave Ganacial Geraldine Giotto Blanca Garcia Gomez Matt Grimaldi Christopher Halstead Christi Harcourt Maureen Hart Elvira Hernandez Debbie Hitchcock Harold Hitchcock Pat Holbury Ellie Hunsberger Kimberlee Johnson Elni Jurisprudencia Eddie Kawal Pierre Keyser Bob LaPorte Robert Legaspi Melencio Manalaysay Joan McCoy Vicki Maynard McCubbin Leonila Meneldrez Hortensia Garcia Mesta Rondi Mills Bernadette Morley Adriana Navarette Susan Nelson Kaitlyn O’Connor Chidi Onyirimba Lenilita Papa Perla Pinuela Maria Luisa Pulido Romeo Pulido Rose Reynolds Ramon Rodriguez Remedios Rodriguez Ronnie Rioux Liam Rooney Lila Rubio Angelo Runco Christina Runco Patrick Russell Pacita Sabanal Hermino Salamat Fe Sales Concordio Sales, Sr Samantha Salvador Kirk C Schoeb Raymond Schoeb Toni Slingerland Trock Family Marcela Tumang Julie Ulibarri John Unick Ava Urrea Pacita Uy Michael Valentine Judy Vandever Sammy Washington Warren Welch Steve Williams Felix P Yuzon Francisca P Yuzon Theresa S Zervoulakos A Word from Fr. Ray Una Palabra de P. Ray Our ongoing adult formation through the small church groups affords the opportunity to “Open the Word” on a regular basis using the Lectionary Base (the Sunday readings). The small church group offers a safe meeting experience to deepen one’s faith and to create an intimate atmosphere for fellowship and a sense of belonging to the CTK community. Be sure to consult the bulletin for meeting times and contact information. Nuestra formación permanente de adultos a través de los pequeños grupos de la iglesia dan la oportunidad a "Abrir la Palabra" de forma regular utilizando la Base del Leccionario (las lecturas del domingo). El grupo de la iglesia pequeña ofrece una experiencia de encuentro seguro para profundizar en la propia fe y para crear un ambiente íntimo para la comunión y el sentido de pertenencia a la comunidad de CTK. Asegúrese de consultar el boletín para las horas y mas información sobre el contacto de reuniones. Please be sure to make your pledges for CSA 2015. Just pick up an envelope at the information desk after the Masses on Sunday. Fill the request and either send directly to the Diocese of Las Vegas, or drop in the collection basket at any of our Masses or the business office. Por favor, asegúrese de que sus promesas de CSA 2015. Sólo tome un sobre en el mostrador de información después de las misas del domingo. Llene la solicitud y, o envíelas directamente a la Diócesis de Las Vegas, o pónganlas en la canasta de la colecta en cualquiera de nuestras misas o la oficina de negocios. I apologize for the mistake in last Sunday’s Bulletin as to the grand prize of the 50-40-10. The current grand prize was actually $2,600. Unfortunately there was a typo and too many zeros were added to the sum…..wishful thinking!!! Pido disculpas por el error en el Boletín del domingo pasado en cuanto al gran premio del 5040-10. El gran premio actual era en realidad $2,600. Por desgracia, había un error tipográfico y demasiados ceros se han añadido a la suma ... pensando ..y deseando !!! Questions for Sunday February 22, 2015: Preguntas para el domingo 22 febrero, 2015: What is the parallel between the great flood in the time of Noah and our Sacrament of Baptism? GEN 9: 8-15 ¿Cuál es el paralelismo entre la gran inundación en el tiempo de Noé y nuestro sacramento del bautismo? GEN 9: 8-15 What is the parallels of Jesus’ time in the desert and the great flood and our Baptism in Christ? MK 1: 12-15 ¿Qué es el paralelismo de la época de Jesús en el desierto y la gran inundación y nuestro bautismo en Cristo? MK 1: 12-15 With much love and gratitude, Fr. Ray Con mucho amor y gratitud, ALTAR FLOWERS DONATED BY Nadine Verchick In Loving Memory of Ryan & Paula Verchick P. Ray OUTREACH WHOM DID WE SERVE? February 2 to February 5 47 Households 69 Adults and 20 Children Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00 am until noon Located in the Parish Office FAMILY PROMISE We will be hosting about four homeless families here at our church the week of Feb. 15 - Feb. 22. The families stay with us only during the evening hours. All volunteers must have taken Protecting God's Children and been fingerprinted in order to volunteer with this program. There are many different duties to fill in order to welcome the families to our parish: cooking meals, playing games, visiting, setting up beds, making breakfast, spending the night. Call Jane in the parish office, (702) 871-1904 or email: [email protected] We will also be serving homeless families here at our parish: May 17 - 24 August 23 - 30 November 8 - 15 PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN FOR ADULTS OFFERED You must go to www.virtus.org to register for this workshop which is a mandate for all volunteers in the Roman Catholic Diocese: Christ the King Catholic Community 4925 So. Torrey Pines Drive Wednesday, April 22, 2015 – 6:00 pm Estimated length is 3 hours This session will be conducted in English Wheelchair accessible: Yes MANNA CUPBOARD HELPER NEEDED Are you FREE on Saturday mornings? If so, who would be willing to pick up food at Fresh and Easy on W Tropicana and S Durango on Saturdays from 9 until 10:00 am and bring the food over to our parish church to be put in Outreach refrigerators? If so, call Jane at (702) 871-1904. DACA/DAPA INFORMATION WORKSHOP IMMIGRATION 101 The Christ the King Catholic Community NCG team has scheduled an Immigration 101 workshop for people and parishes wanting to know more about the developments in U.S. immigration policy. Attorney, Kathia Pereira, will present valuable information on policies influenced by the president’s recent executive orders. You are invited to join us on: Sunday, February 22, 2015 3:00 until 6:00 pm Christ the King Catholic Community Center 4925 South Torrey Pines Drive Las Vegas, NV 89118 If you plan to attend, please RSVP with approximate numbers coming to Jane Fransioli at (702) 871-1904 or email: [email protected] DACA/DAPA INMIGRACIÓN 101 La Comunidad de Cristo Rey y NCG ha programado un taller de Inmigración para las personas y parroquias que desean saber más acerca de los avances en la política de inmigración de Estados Unidos. La Abogada, Kathia Pereira, presentará información valiosa sobre las políticas influenciadas por las recientes órdenes ejecutivas del presidente. Usted está invitado a unirse con nosotros el: Domingo, 22 de Febrero 2015 3:00 hasta las 6:00 pm Cristo Rey Comunidad Católica 4925 Torrey Pines Drive Las Vegas, NV 89118 Si va a asistir, por favor confirmar su asistencia con números aproximados de venir a Jane Fransioli al (702) 871-1904 o por correo electrónico: [email protected] LITURGY CORNER LENT 2015 The Story of God’s Merciful Love This Wednesday. February 18th we mark the beginning of the Lenten season, signed by ashes on our foreheads. During this Lenten time we will continue sharing the story of God’s great love for us, begun in ADVENT as we used the “Jesse Tree” symbols and told the story of God’s LONGING LOVE through the biblical figures of the Old and into the New Testaments. This longing love became evident at CHRISTMAS through the birth of Christ and his gift of SELF-EMPTYING LOVE taking on human form, becoming one of “us.” Continuing on through the following weeks of ORDINARY TIME we have encountered the story of Christ as he called his disciples to ministry and went about preaching and healing. Jesus lived a SERVANT LOVE through his ministry and calls us to do the same. Now, during LENT – we will recall the story of God’s MERCIFUL LOVE. This love asks of us nothing less than what Jesus Christ gave on the cross – a love of others, a love of self that goes way beyond that of forgiving. This kind of merciful love asks that we “take on” the suffering of others, that we put on our shoulders their crosses, their burdens. We are called to give mercy – to “be” mercy. No, we cannot physically take on the suffering and crosses of others but we can emotionally, mentally and spiritually become one with them and share their burdens. If we do this, we can be so intimately united with one other. There will be little to no room left for petty arguments, misunderstandings, un-forgiveness, lack of charity, gossip, lying, taking offense at what is said and done or NOT said and done by others, etc. Our gaze will turn from looking at our own selves to seeing others, their needs and concerns and being about truly loving and helping. This is our LENTEN CHALLENGE: to learn true MERCY… to be MERCY… to give MERCY…to accept MERCY from another. HAPPY LENTEN JOURNEY! A Lenten thought from the Knights of Columbus “Love for Lent” We can turn our personal sacrifices during the Lenten season into a gift for others. Often we think of the Christmas season as a time for giving and Lent as a time for giving up. The practice of giving and giving up can become our way of shedding light on one another when done in the spirit of personal charity. A gift from the heart is to give up something of one’s self while giving up something for Lent can become a form of a self-gift--to God and your neighbor. If you give up that candy bar, a donut with your coffee, or that fast food snack, consider dropping the money saved into the poor box on the wall in CTK’s Gathering Area near the Welcome Center. All contributions support the Manna Cupboard Ministry to help feed the needy. Your acts of kindness can be summed up in six words--”Give and receive Love for Lent.” Council 14144 Knights of Columbus FISH FRY COMING SOON Friday, February 20th WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you’d like to help, please attend our meeting on Tuesday, February 17th at 7:00 pm in Room 1. If you would like to help but are unable to attend the meeting, please call the office at (702) 871-1904 The Week Ahead MONDAY - FEBRUARY 16 8:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 Sack Lunches - Room 1 Family Promise - Community Center Talleres de Oración y Vida - Room 5 TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 17 8:00 am 8:45 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 Centering Prayer - Daily Chapel Family Promise - Community Center Adult Confirmation - Yellow Room Lectors Reading Español - Room 5 ASH WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 18 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 Our Lady of Perpetual Devotion - Church CTK Seniors - Room 1 Children’s Word Service - Church Family Promise - Community Center Children’s Word Service - Church Mass - Bilingual - Church THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 19 8:00 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 Family Promise - Community Center YMAC - Jr. Sr. and college age students Youth Center Non Catholic Inquiry - Room 5 Readers Study - Office Conference Room Reader Training - Church Al Anon - Room 2 FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 20 8:00 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 Divine Mercy Devotion Family Promise - Community Center SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 21 8:00 am 5:00 pm Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 Family Promise - Community Center SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 22 8:00 am Family Promise - Rooms 2,3,4,6,7 1:30 pm Misa en Español 3:00 pm DAPA/DACA - Information on Immigration Community Center 5:30 pm Confirmation I & II - Childcare Wing Rooms 1-7 - Youth Lounge RECONCILIATION DURING LENT On Wednesday, Feb. 25, we offer an opportunity for everyone to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Priests will be available to hear confessions beginning at 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and then again from 6:00 until 8:00 pm. You may choose face to face or anonymous (behind screen). Confessions will be heard in Spanish between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. Receiving this sacrament is a beautiful way to enhance your Lenten spiritual journey. The 10 Commandments for Everyday Life Fr. Max Oliva will host a book signing on Sunday, March 1st at Christ the King after each of the Masses. Fr. Max Oliva, a Jesuit priest and author of six books, is pleased to announce the publication of his newest book that explores the 10 Commandments and how they touch peoples’ lives today. Titled “The Ten Commandments for Everyday Life,” this down-to-earth book is rooted in scripture and shares real-life stories that are both inspirational and practical. Published by Novalis, the book is available for purchase online in the US at www.pastoralplanning.or in Canada at www.novalis.ca Fr. Max Oliva is a speaker, consultant, and author on the topic of ethical decision-making in the workplace. He has made Las Vegas his home since 2011. He is a Jesuit priest. His undergraduate degree is in Marketing and he has an MBA in Organizational Behavior from the University of California at Berkeley. Fr. Max taught ethical decision-making to adult learners in the School of Management at Regis University’s Henderson, Campus. In the fall of 2008 he was a Visiting Scholar at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. He began presenting seminars and talks on ethics and moral development to companies and business associations while living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He continues his involvement in Canada as well as in various other locations in the United States. More about Fr. Max, his ministry and how to contact him directly can be found at www.ethicsinthemarketplace.com. Catholic Daughters of the Americas Annual Membership Drive February 9-20, 2015 Our CDA motto is “Unity and Charity” To all Catholic Women in our Diocese – 18 years & older - Mothers, Grandmothers, Catechists, Church Staff, Eucharistic Ministers, etc: The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” We invite you to join! We have four Courts in our Valley! Interested in starting a court in your church? Call for information: Eileen Quinn (702) 435-8084 ~ [email protected] or Suzanne Dalton (702) 3719459 ~ [email protected] or Mary Vodrazka (702) 454-4701 ~ [email protected] www.catholicdaughters.org We need you, God needs you! FREE FREE FREE What's Your Story? Come to a FREE class Wednesday, March 4, 2015 from 6 until 7:00 pm in Room 1 of the Activity Center and learn about Family History & FamilySearch.org We need your help! to make this a success. FamilySearch.org is a free database of over 12 billion names and can be accessed on any computer with via the Internet. It’s FREE to register. This free introduction to Family History and FamilySearch.org will be presented by Ira Gardner, a Family History enthusiast. FREE FREE FREE Thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported the Pasta Dinner. It was a great success! TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITIONS REFLEXIONEMOS SOBRE LA PALABRA DE DIOS Lent, the Church’s annual pre baptismal retreat, prepares us to gather around the Easter font, renew our baptismal vows, and receive new life from the water as the elect are plunged into Christ’s death and resurrection. This core meaning is more or less available, depending on whether we journey with catechumens in the parish and on the vigor of our liturgical celebration of the Triduum. Some persist in seeing Lent as a lonely journey in the wilderness; yet this week we enter the Lenten fast in solidarity with one another. The smudged foreheads you will spy throughout Ash Wednesday on buses, street corners, and supermarket aisles remind you that you are hardly alone in your desire to enact a spring cleaning regime for your spiritual life. Long ago, this kind of repentance was available to Christians only once. Ashes and sackcloth were not raiment for a day, but permanent habits for public sinners. Fasting became a way of life, and if they sinned severely again, there was no hope of restored communion. Happily, this system did not endure. It produced reluctant Christians who even held back from baptism, like St. Augustine did, out of fear. Today we have recovered an ancient tradition that conversion and repentance are constant themes on life’s journey, and that Lent is an annual opportunity to revive our baptismal identity, both as individuals and communities. En esos primeros días de su ministerio Jesús predicó, enseñó y curó a fin de que la gente llegue a saber que Dios estaba cerca. Su mensaje y sus acciones devolvían completamente a las personas a vivir dentro de la comunidad. Al expulsar los demonios y curar a los enfermos él restauró la humanidad de aquellos poseídos y enfermos. Hoy encontramos a Jesús confrontando una enfermedad que debió haber sido aún más atroz, la lepra. Ser leproso significaba separación total de los demás. Te desterraban de la comunidad y tenías que vivir aislado, y condenado a vivir en lugares desiertos, sin ser ya parte de la familia humana, sin participar en ningún evento social y además ni siquiera apto para adorar a Dios. Si tenías la lepra se asumía que habías pecado de alguna manera. Tu vida se resumía en las palabras que la ley de Moisés decía que tenías que gritar cada vez que alguien se acercaba: “¡Impuro, impuro!” Si Jesús tocaba a un leproso significaba que, según los demás, él también se convertía en impuro y no apto para relacionarse con otras personas ni poder dar culto a Dios junto a otros. Aun así, cuando un leproso pidió que lo curara, la respuesta de Jesús fue inequívoca: “Quiero, queda limpio” (Marcos 1:41). Resulta fácil escuchar en su respuesta la autoridad del Hijo de Dios, preparado a dar gloria a su Padre. No obstante Jesús, muy respetuoso en cuanto a la ley, envió al hombre al sacerdote, tal como se prescribía en el libro del Levítico. Para Jesús, aunque la compasión tenía primacía sobre la ley, no la abolía. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.Derechos de —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Christian Formation Beth Thompson 871-1904 [email protected] Religious Education Grades 1-5 First Communion Baptism of older children ADULT CONFIRMATION Tuesday, February 17, at 7:00 pm Yellow Room of the Activity Center Bring a photo copy of your baptismal certificate How do I enroll my child? If you think you would like to become Catholic, or if you would just like to learn about Catholicism, we offer weekly opportunities to learn about the Catholic faith. These informal gatherings for coffee and conversation are held 7:00 pm each Thursday (except major holidays) in Room 5 of the Activity Center. If, due to your schedule, you can’t join us at our regular Thursday night sessions, please call the parish office at (702) 871-1904 and leave your name and phone number. We will do our best to accommodate you. Please contact Beth Thompson at (702) 871-1904 ext. 230 if you have any questions. Elementary Registration for 2014/15 year Grades 1-5 in the Religious Ed Office M-TH 8-4:00 pm - Closed from 12-1:00 pm A BAPTISM CERTIFICATE is required for each child being registered. (702) 871-1904 ext. 230 or 232 No Baptisms may be scheduled until sessions and requirements are completed. • • • • PRESALE ORDERS for World’s Finest Chocolate Solid Chocolate Easter Bunny or Chocolate Covered Almonds. On sale after all Masses This weekend and Saturday/Sunday, Elementary Religious Education Classes Wednesday Classes: 4:00 to 5:15 or 6:00 to 7:15 Please contact our office for information. Requirements: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 02/18 - No Class Ash Wednesday 02/25 - Regular Class 03/04 - Regular Class 03/11 - Regular Class Adults who are age 18 and above A senior in High School or above Adults who have been baptized in the Roman Catholic Faith Adults who are attending Christ the King If you are not registered at CTK, please stop by the Parish Office during regular business hours to register. Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed 12-1:00 pm) Elementary First Holy Communion Mandatory Meetings Wednesday, February 25 Parent/Student Mandatory Sacrament Meeting in the Community Center at either 4:00 or 6:00 pm Meetings are for Elementary Students registered in their 2nd year only of Sacramental Preparation. If you have any questions please contact Robyn at 871-1904 ext. 232 or [email protected] Book Club Upcoming Dates Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 pm Yellow Room Activity Center Thursday, February 26 at 10:00 am Conference Room Schedules for the year are available in the Religious Ed Office or check our online calendar at ctklv.org Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 pm Yellow Room Activity Center If you have any questions please contact Robyn in the Religious Ed Office at (702) 871-1904 ext. 232 Thursday, March 12 at 10:00 am Conference Room High School Happenin’s Jason Ealy - Director of Youth Ministry 871-1904 x 291 [email protected] Join us on Facebook - CTK Youth LV Instagram - CTKYouthLV Twitter - CTKYouthLV February 15th: No Confirmation President’s Day Weekend 18th: Ash Wednesday Get your class to go together. Mass - 5:30 or 7pm 22nd: Week #12. 5:30 - 7:00pm Beth Thompson Director of Christian Formation [email protected] Explore Calendar All classes are on Tuesday nights Feb 27, 28th, March 1st: Confirmation Retreat (Confirmation II only) March 1st: Week #13. 5:30 - 7:00pm 8th: Week #14. 5:30 - 7:00pm Rite of Covenant Sunday 4pm Mass 11th-12th Anaheim Youth Day Trip 15th: Week #15. 5:30 - 7:00pm 22nd: Week #16. 5:30 - 7:00pm 29th: No Confirmation, Spring Break/Easter YMAC (Youth Ministry After Confirmation) Thursdays 6:30pm - 8pm in the Youth Lounge For all juniors, seniors, college-age students. We meet every Thursday Please start thinking about how you can walk side by side with your confirmation student. Youth Ministry —————— Jason Ealy Youth Minister [email protected] Confirmation Calendar Parent Corner: Middle School Please help out YOUTH MINISTRY February 17th: No Class. President’s Day Weekend 24th: Week #15. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Community Center/Activity Center March 3rd: Week #16. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Community Center/Activity Center Sunday 8th: 2:30 - 5:00 pm Sacrament Class 10th: Week #17. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Community Center/Activity Center 17th: Week #18. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Community Center/Activity Center Sunday 22nd: 2:30 - 5:00 pm Sacrament Class 24th: Week #17. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Community Center/Activity Center 31st: Week #18. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Please Register Your Middle Schooler There is still time! See Robyn in the Religious Ed Office Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm Closed for lunch 12-1 Recycle Program Fundraiser Bring in your old or unused CELL PHONES and empty INK/TONER CARTRIDGES. Please write: “YOUTH MINISTRY” on these items. You can drop them off in the Youth Lounge or the Religious Education Office. If your Middle School Aged student needs either/both First Communion or Baptism…. This is the program they need to be in to receive these sacraments!
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