THE HISTORY OF IFPTE LOCAL 32 SOUTHWEST REGIONAL MAINTENANCE CENTER NAVAL BASE SAN DIEGO, CA 1 THE WORKING CLASS HEROES AND EMPLOYEES OF SWRMC IFPTE LOCAL 32 continues our commitment to inform, educate and represent our bargaining unit employees' issues and concerns, for the good of all our employees - and to work with the Employer to nurture our mutual goal of a strong pro-active Labor-Management relationship in order to protect our jobs and support BOTH our employees AND management’s performance of our mission. 2 IN THE BEGINNING… In 1997, employees of Fleet Technical Support Center Pacific (FTSCPAC) in San Diego began the movement to form a federal union. FTSCPAC was created by the merge of Mobile Technical Unit FIVE (MOTU FIVE) and Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEACENPAC). The formation of IFPTE was spearheaded by Don Kopriva and others from Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA, who transferred to FTSCPAC after the Base Closures and Realignment Act, BRAC, of 1993. 3 Employees of FTSCPAC voted for representation and the IFPTE Local 32 bargaining unit was born. IFPTE Local 32 would represent federal employees of FTSCPAC in San Diego and at the FTSCPAC detachments in Everett, WA and Pearl Harbor, HI. After formation, the By-Laws were drafted by Mark Wood, Alan Azimi, Ray Harrison and Don Kopriva. Labor/Management agreements were created to improve working conditions for the employees of FTSCPAC. 4 Don Kopriva of Code 212A acted as President until the first election in which Mark Woods was elected President by the members of Local 32. After achieving numerous improvements in working conditions for the bargaining unit, Mark Woods resigned as Local 32 President in early 1999, prior to his retirement in 2000. 5 MARK WOODS THE FIRST ELECTED PRESIDENT OF LOCAL 32 Mark Woods was the first President elected by the members of Local 32. After achieving numerous improvements in working conditions for the bargaining unit in FTSCPAC, Mark Woods resigned as Local 32 President in early 1999, prior to his retirement in 2000. 6 At the second election, Alan Azimi was elected President and Ray Harrison was elected Vice President. Alan served as President four months and left office when he was promoted to a GS-13 supervisory position. Ray Harrison assumed the responsibilities of President with Frank Rodriguez as Vice President. Three month later, Ray Harrison resigned for health reasons and later retired. Frank Rodriguez took on the responsibilities of President and appointed Gloria Woodley as Vice President, two months later Frank Rodriguez resigned and Gloria Woodley assumed the responsibilities of President of Local 32 and appointed Frank Rodriguez as Vice President. 7 In November, 2004, SWRMC was officially established and FTSCPAC, Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity (SIMA), Consolidated Divers Unit (CDU), and Supervisor of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP) were dis-established. AFGE Local 3723 had two internal units, one represented the Boat Repair Facility and all of SIMA since the early 1980's. It was exclusively blue collar work force, which worked around fiberglass and spray painting operations. AFGE 3723 was able to improve working conditions and establish a standard for protective equipment and environment pay. AFGE 3723 also helped set up a rough but effective transition for all of the Boat Repair employees into SWRMC, where they had another unit which represented the white collar workers of SUPSHIP. 8 GLORIA M. WOODLEY WAS THE LONGEST RUNNING PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR UNION, IFPTE LOCAL 32 FROM 2000 TO 2009. 9 The first President at SIMA UNIT M of AFGE Local 3723, was Pat O'Brien. Other Union Officers were Steward Frank Dodder, Steward Chuck Fenton, Steward Darryl Kolbe, and Steward and then Vice President Calvin Smith of Code 900 . The last SUPSHIP UNIT F of AFGE Local 3723 President, was Doug Perry of Code 132. 10 A consolidation election was conducted by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to determine which union, AFGE Local 3723 or IFPTE Local 32, would provide exclusive representation for the employees of SWRMC. IFPTE Local 32 won the election. Out of 518 eligible voters, 364 employees cast votes translating to an astounding 70% voter turnout. The final totals were IFPTE - 221; AFGE – 120: No Union – 12, solidifying that when given a fair chance workers will choose union representation. Local 32 President Gloria Woodley released a press statement after the vote results. “ Local 32 wishes to express out thanks to the Creator, to our union leadership at IFPTE and to our constant and faithful supporters at all levels and in all places, and most especially to ALL of our SWRMC employees who have believed and created our united body-working together in the high calling to serve the highest and best good of ALL of our employees.” AFGE Local 3723 continues today to represent federal employees at Command Navy Region Southwest, Navy Exchange, VA Cemetery, Balboa Naval Hospital just to name a few of the Units under AFGE. 11 Gloria M. Woodley continued as president of IFPTE Local 32. Frank Rodriguez retired in 2008 and John Oberster was appointed to the responsibilities of Vice-President of IFPTE Local 32. Gloria Woodley resigned in 2009, and John Oberster took over the Local 32 President responsibilities, until there would be a new election, in 2010. John held the intermit position until an “Official Union Election“, was held. 12 In May 2010, Thomas L. Watson of Code 370 was elected as President and Barbara "Bobbie" Rogers was elected as Vice- President. Bobbie Rogers of Code 132, formerly worked at SUPSHIP as Chief Steward, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President of UNIT F of AFGE LOCAL 3723. Tom Watson was the Vice-President of IFPTE Local One at SCRMC in Ingleside, TX, and transferred to SWRMC during the Base Closures Act of 2005, after arriving at SWRMC on Ground Hog Day Feb. 2, 2009, his goal was to be the new President of IFPTE Local 32 and together with Bobbie they turned the union around into with it is today. We wanted to encourage all interested union members to consider running for these challenging office positions as President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Tom retired on Aug. 3, 2012, after 43 years of Federal Civil Service. 13 SIGNING PARTY FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT ON APRIL 8, 2010 Signing the CBA with SWRMC and IFPTE Local 32. Left to Right: LABOR: John Flaherty, Tom Watson, John Oberster, OIC: CAPT Reina, MANAGEMENT: Vince Roman, Calvin Smith and Tim Bennett, April 8, 2010 14 Major changes to our Union and IFPTE Local 32 were put into place, by the new Officers and the Executive Board to make our Union totally transparent to our membership: Ò Negotiated the first Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA, at SWRMC, on April 8, 2010. Ò Established more training for our Union officers and posted all of our Union documents online on the SWRMC homepage. Ò Established a Union Membership Email Distribution System to keep our membership knowledgeable on conditions of employment, pay and benefits. Ò Established a Labor/ Management Partnership under Executive Order 13522, Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services, and a Memo of Agreement, MOA, with management to meet once a week. 15 Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Signed a Memo of Agreement, MOA, to becoming Star Certified under the Voluntary Protection Program of OSHA with SWRMC. Marketed our Union by creating a website, a logo contest for our shirts, hats, cups, lanyards, mouse pads, brochures , and catered Monthly Union meetings to increase our membership ,which has increased almost 25% since 2010. Opened two Union Offices in Bldg. 76 Rm. 136 and 137 for Union business, and our membership. Adopted the Corner of 32nd St. and Harbor Dr. outside the Main Gate, to clean and pick up trash every quarter. Changed our Union By Laws to require that if there is a year or more remaining in ANY elected office, then an election will be held and Union Meetings to be held on the third Wednesdays of every month. 16 Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò We created a Union Members only, distribution Email List: SDNS_SWRMC_IFPTE , and we posted ALL of our Union documents Online at the SWRMC Home Page. Held a Logo Contest for our website and promo items. We purchased cups, hats, mouse pads pens, pins, stickers, lanyards and shirts for officers, to visually promote and show solidarity to our Union. We created an IFPTE LOCAL 32, “Salutes our Member's Heroes”, tribute. We have a website: and created an informational Union brochure from the National. We started to offer a $25 Head Hunter Fee for new members. Still in effect! Held "Hallow-Weenie", hot dog luncheon and a "It's Not Quite Turkey", fried chicken luncheon in the Union Office in 2010. 17 1ST ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY DEC 2011 18 IFPTE LOCAL 32 WINS THE MARGERY F. GOOTNICK AWARD Ò Ò Ò SFLERP's 18th Annual Labor-Management Cooperation Award which was presented during the Society's 39th Annual Symposium, that was held May 10-11, 2012, in Arlington, VA. The Award is presented annually to the Federal agency and union which best exemplify the Board's goal of recognizing cooperative labor management relationship. The award being presented was for the Most Improved Labor Management relationship, applying President Obama ‘s Executive Order, (E.O.) 13522, entitled ‘Creating Labor Management Forums to improve delivery of Government Services. The SFLERP Society: , changed the name of the award this year to honor an arbitrator and colleague of theirs that just recently passed away, Margery F. Gootnick. The winner of the 2012 Labor Management Cooperation Award was our very own SWRMC Command. Tom Watson, former IFPTE Local 32 President along with the Command Chief Labor Relations Spokesperson Vince Roman, accepted the award on behalf of SWRMC’s Labor Management Partnership Team. 19 NEW UNION OFFICERS 2012 On April 18, 2012, at the 2 year Union Elections, these 4 union members ran unopposed for their respective offices. Barbara “Bobbie” Rogers – President, Mark Anderson – Vice President, Jose Aguayosantiago - Secretary, and Judy Lockhart – Treasurer, congratulations to all! Next Election will be in May 2014. 20 OUR MISSION: TO BE THE BEST UNION IN THE WEST! TO UNITE INDIVIDUALS IN THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL FIELDS OF ENGINEERING AND ASSOCIATED OCCUPATIONS; TO PROMOTE THEIR GENERAL WELFARE, PROFESSIONALLY, INTELLECTUALLY, AND FINANCIALLY; TO CREATE AND CULTIVATE THEIR PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND ENCOURAGE A HIGH STANDARD OF PROFICIENCY; AND TO SECURE ADEQUATE AND PROPER COMPENSATION BY LEGAL AND RECOGNIZED MEANS. SOUTHWEST REGIONAL MAINTENANCE CENTER, NAVAL BASE SAN DIEGO, CA 21