Newsletter November 2014a - Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox


Newsletter November 2014a - Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox
Volume 19 No. 11
President - Steve Margarites
Vice President - Steve Ramerini
2nd Vice President - Nick Andreadis
Treasurer - Dan Doscas
Assistant Treasurer - Tom Argiriou
Secretary - Effie Carlucci
Assistant Secretary - Peter Orfanakos
Parish Council Members 2014
Elene Batanchiev-George Bennis-Denise Chin-Kevin Chin
Christine Ilasi-John Ioannou-Peter Karropoulos
Nick Kontos-Dean Kostopoulos-Dean Koutsoubis
Dennis Lichas-Curtis Meyer-Georgia Psilakis-Steve Stavros
Our Ministry Leaders
Athletics – Chris Varthalamis
Choir – Pauline Kitsopoulos
Church Book Store – John Arettines
Girl Scouts – Agape Bell
Good Neighbor Fund - Pam Praetorius, Maria Mastrogiacomo
GOYA Advisors – Bob Kouroupakis, Janina Nathan
GOYAL - Fr. Louis Nicholas
Greek School PTO – Cheryl Paraskevopoulos, Joanne Kefalas
Greek School Principal – Maria Angel
Greek School Board – George Likourezos
Greek American Preschool – Joanne Kefalas
Bi-Annual Blood Drive - Angela Arettines
HOPE – Melissa Levick, Agape Bell
JOY – Tessie Pando
Junior Choir - Kathy Demacopoulos, Erika Gavras
Little Angels – Alexandra Bennis, Effie Poulos,
Christine Borzumato
Philoptochos – Georgia Constantine
Care Ministry - Sophia DeMonte
Life Ministry – Anastasia Geotes
Players – Chris Christopher
Shrine/Church Beautification – Anastasia Geotes
Pam and Gregg Praetorius, Ritsa Taktekos
Sunday School – Argy Koumas
IOCC - Nikki Larkin, Georgia Stavrakopoulos
Website – Fr. Louis Nicholas
Message – Fr. Louis Nicholas
Email: [email protected]
November 2014
Featured Saint…………………...……Front Cover
Calendar……..…………………Inside Front Cover
Church Information…………….…….………page i
From The Desk of Fr. Lou……………………page 1
From Our Parish Council President………page 2
Choir……….…………………………..…… 3
Sunday School….………………….…………page 4
Philoptochos …….……..…………………….page 5-6
Greek School PTO………………..………… 7
Greek School…….…………………………… 8
Greek American Pre-School………………… 8
Girl Scouts……………………………………….page 9
Little Angels…………………………………… 9
GOYA………….……………………………… 10-13
Stewardship Information……………..……… 14-15
Pictures………………………………………… 16-19
Event Flyers…………………………………….page 20-27
Advertisements……………………………… 28-36
Orthros: 8:30 am
Divine Liturgy: 9:45 am
Orthros: 9:00am
Divine Liturgy: 10:00am
Every Friday Evening - 6:00pm
First Friday of every month - 11:00am
All services are listed on the Church
Calendar on our website.
If you wish to schedule a Memorial
Service or an Artoclasia Service
Please contact the Church office.
Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church,1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn, NY 11740
Tel.:631.261.7272 - Fax: 631.261.7295 - Email: [email protected] - Website:
Reverend Father Elias (Lou) Nicholas - Email: [email protected]
Several years ago a Food Pantry was established in our
Church and it has been able to help feed the needy in our
area. We are currently asking for donations to stock the
Food Pantry with non perishable food (not expired) and
money to purchase supermarket food cards. There are boxes located in the hallway outside the gym. Please see Dean
Koutsoubis and help support this wonderful ministry.
From The Desk of Fr. Lou
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust
Him to help you do it and He will.” Psalm 37:5
Philoptochos or The Good Neighbor Fund, this is
Stewardship. When you volunteer your time to
help at the Homeless Ministry, in the Life Center,
or with the Care Ministry, this is Stewardship.
Helping with the Greek Festival, the Grand Raffle, the Church Picnic, or the Golf Outing, this is
Stewardship. When we visit someone who is sick,
this is Stewardship. The responsibility of every
Christian is not simply to be a member of your
Church, but an active participant. This is Stewardship.
This month I decided to write about stewardship. At the fall General Assembly meeting,
someone said that it was not the responsibility of
the priest to ask for money. I agree 100% and
wholeheartedly with this statement. However, it is
the responsibility of the priest to ask each and
everyone of the members of his community to become stewards of that community. The confusion
lies in the thinking that stewardship is about money. Stewardship is not about money but about a
Being a Steward means to be committed to God
commitment to God and to your church.
and His Church, which means to be committed to
God and one another. We hear this in every serIn my mind there is a formula to what
vice of the Church. “With all the Saints, let us
Stewardship is, and it goes a little something like COMMITT ourselves, and one another, and our
whole lives, to Christ our God.”
First, being a steward of the Church does
not mean you are a member of the Church. Anyone who was baptized in the Church is already a
member of the Church. The Church is the Body
of Christ, of which Christ is the head. At our Baptisms we became a member of His Body, and it is
the Body of Christ that is the Church.
Finally, the Church of St. Paraskevi (All of
us together) are members of the Church as a
whole, and our responsibility is to care for what
has been built for us. A community of love, of
caring, and of commitment to God. You will notice that in this issue of, “The Message” there are
pages from the May 1977 issue. It is very important to stay in touch with our roots and our
Second, since we are the Church, a mem- history. This is because it reminds us where we
ber of the Body of Christ, we have a responsibil- should be heading in our future. Your parents and
ity. This responsibility is to carry out the mission grandparents, and even your great grandparents,
of the Church, which was commissioned by
formed and built this Church community.
Christ. That mission is to spread the Gospel of
Christ, which is to love one another and to care
A very wise man once said, “My parents
for one another. “A new command I give you:
brought Orthodoxy to this country, my generation
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you
built the buildings, now it is the responsibility of
must love one another. By this everyone will know your generation to continue and teach about the
that you are my disciples, if you love one anoth- jewel of Orthodoxy”
er.” (John 13:34-35)
The jewel of Orthodoxy is simply this. That
Third, everything we do as Christians, as a God loves and has mercy on each and every one
Church is Stewardship. When we worship togeth- of us, and in turn we should do the same to all of
er every Sunday, this is Stewardship. When we
God’s people. And this is Stewardship.
come to GOYA, JOY, HOPE, or Little Angels,
this is Stewardship. Coming to Greek School,
Sunday School or The Greek American PreFr. Lou
School, this is Stewardship. Being a member of
From Our Parish Council President - Steve Margarites
Greetings All:
Can you believe it’s November already? The leaves
are changing and Thanksgiving is right around the corner,
and then it’s Christmas. WOW!!!! I am writing this message when it’s October and what is popping into my head is
that there are less than 9 weeks till Christmas. Anyone finished with their shopping??
At this time of the year I generally look back and
reflect on what type of year it was. Well when I do that this
year, all I can say is “OY YEY”. I am sure we all can say
that, but 2014 has been a very difficult year for me. Those
who know me personally know this, but all things considered, I can say that it could have been worse. I honestly believe God is always looking down on us and takes care of
us. He guides us and reminds us that He is there for us. No
matter how difficult things might be, God is with us to comfort us. Father Lou told me many times this year “Just keep
praying as God hears you. When you think it’s not helping,
keep praying, and when you actually think God isn’t listening, He will reach out in a way that only you can see, reminding you that He is listening.”
I would like to share some of my thoughts with you.
This world has changed so much and with all the avenues of
information that are available to us, I think social media is
probably the fastest way to get a message, good or bad, to
millions of people. A great example of this was the ice
bucket challenge: one person’s message turned into a viral
cause, which brought to light a horrible disease. One closer
to us here was our festival commercial, which was shown
on Ministry Sunday. Do you know over 800 people saw that
video in a week? It reached Greeks and non-Greeks across
this country. Some people who live in Los Angeles contacted me about it, t saying they were disappointed they couldn’t come to our festival. WOW is that powerful….
Ok I know you’re probably asking yourself where I
am going with this. Well a few months ago a friend forwarded a YouTube video about Greek heritage. At the time
I really didn’t think much about it except that it was very
interesting . After our food festival, I was forwarded the
same video 3 more times by friends who aren’t even Greek
and who weren’t at the festival. (Yes, the alarm went off in
my head that there was a reason for this; perhaps it was God
speaking to me.) Now I know you all are thinking he is
rambling again, but there is a point to this - I promise.
At the festival I spoke to so many of our parishioners, who asked questions about the church, including
events that had occurred over the past few months. Without
going into detail, I was asked why I volunteer 4-6 nights a
week to come to the church for meetings, taking time away
from my kids; why do I spend countless hours during the
day, taking time away from my job, to solve issues at the
church; why do I take all the questioning of my character,
without defending myself; why do this when all it brings is
personal stress without any visible reward. At the time these
questions were asked I was tired from the festival, so my
response was that I really did not know. However after
praying about it, the answer recently came to me. I thank
God for His divine intervention, and for showing me why I,
and everyone on the Parish Council, and ALL OF YOU
who dedicate your time to our church, do what we do. It
was one word:
Here is the link to this incredible video that was sent to me,
that addresses Philotimo. I hope you are moved and inspired by this video, and remember who we are and where
we came from.
Philotimo (also spelled Filotimo) (Greek: φιλότιμο) is a
Greek noun translating to “friend of honor” or "love of
honor”. However, Philotimo is almost impossible to translate sufficiently as it describes a complex array of virtues.
Philotimo is considered to be the highest of all Greek virtues, which determines and regulates how someone should
behave in their family and social groups. It is mostly about
respect and doing the right thing. In its simplest form it
means “doing good”, and it ensures your behavior will
make you stand out from others. It will tell others what kind
of a person you are and about the way you were raised by
your family. Philotimo to a Greek is essentially a way of
Children are said to have Philotimo when they display unconditional love and respect towards their parents,
grandparents and friends. It can mean gratitude for a small
gift someone might have given you, or a small random act
of kindness someone may have shown you. It is an appreciation and admiration for heritage and ancestors. Philotimo
is honor and pride. It is the feeling of not being able to do
enough for your family, society and your community. It is
expressed through acts of generosity and sacrifice, without expecting anything in return. Philotimo is human kindness and empathy. It is getting more satisfaction from giving than from taking. Philotimo is a motivating power within you.
All the above are examples of how complex and
powerful this one word really is and the different emotions
it can evoke.
So to those individuals who asked me why I do it,
I thank God for reminding me why - it’s Philotimo.
I want to thank everyone on the Parish Council, all
the ministries, and all the volunteers that make this Parish
special, for their Philotimo.
I am challenging all Parishioners to look inside
themselves, to see if they are using their Philotimo to its
potential. If we all are, then any issues we face will take
care of themselves.
Get involved and please support all the ministries as best
you can.
Thanks and God Bless you all.
(As usual eat more cheese!)
Steve :)
The mystery is solved!! This year's
honoree on National Church Music
Sunday was St. Theophanes the Confessor and Hymnographer, Bishop of
Nicea and the younger brother of St.
Theodore the Branded.
teachings. You are the harp of the spir- cert at St. Demetrios Cathedral's Culit, Intercede to Christ our God for the tural Center in Astoria, NY. Although
not church music, many Federation
salvation of our souls.
choir members either attended or par-Apolytikion of St. Theophanes the
ticipated in these wonderful evenings.
We have many musically gifted people
Commemorated on October 11th,
lending their God given talents to the
St. Theophanes was born in Palestine in Federation, and it is a pleasure to attend
775 but grew up in Jerusalem. The
these events as they share their gifts
brothers settled in the Lavra of St. Sava with the world.
where St. Theophanes was tonsured
Here at home in St. Paraskevi, we
and later became a hieromonk. They
are proud, once again, of the talent and
eventually went to Constantinople
accomplishments of the Warrens. Ariawhere they supported the 7th Ecumenina Warren, a junior voice major, was
cal Council which condemned iconocast in the lead role of Jo in Ithaca Colclasm, for which they were imprisoned
lege's Main Stage Opera's production of
by Emperor Leo. A phrase insulting
"Little Women". Brother Andrew, a
them was branded on their faces with
high school senior, was selected to perred-hot needles, thus the name
form in the NYSCAME All-County
"Branded". Afterwards St Theophanes
Band in the percussion section on timbecame Bishop of Nicea. He wrote appani in November. Mom, Marie Michaproximately 150 canons, one of the
lopoulos Warren, performed once again
most beautiful of which is in defense of
in Norhtport's Opera Night.
holy icons. He passed away in 845.
In other choir news, it has been a
At this time members of our choir
sad time. Federation President Anna
are busy attending rehearsals, along
Dounelis sent out a request to all choir
with many other choir members
members of the Federation to pray for
throughout the Direct Archdiocesan
Andrew and Joanna Rigas, choir memDistrict, in preparation for the 30th Anbers of the Assumption Church, Pt. Jefnual Conference to be held at Zoodohos
ferson. Our condolences upon the passPeghe, Bronx, the weekend of Noveming of Andrew and prayers for the conber 1-2. They are working hard to learn
tinued recovery of Joanna. Our condothe beautiful music to the Divine Liturlences also to Fr. Lou and his family
gy composed by Eleni Traganas, Choir
upon the passing of Fr. Lou's uncle,
Director/Organist at Zoodohos Peghe.
Pericles, and to Kathy Demacopoulos
Several members of our choir will be
and her family, upon the passing of
attending the conference, and are excitCathy's father, Fr. John Orfanakos. Eoedly looking forward to meeting, greetnia i mni mi!! May their memories be
ing, learning and singing. Look for our
report in next month's Message.
Until we meet again we would like
to wish everyone an Eftihismeni Imera
AWESOME!! These words are just a
Ton Efharistirion!! Happy Thanksgivfew of the adjectives heard at the coning!! We have so much to be thankful
clusion of concerts in and around our
district. Tuesday evening, October 7th, for! Stay well and see you on Sunday!!
You are a guide of Orthodoxy, a
teacher of piety and modesty, a luminary of the world, the God inspired
pride of monastics. O wise Theophanes.
you have enlightened everyone by your
Eleni Traganas presented a classical
piano concert at St. Peter's Church,
Citigroup Center, NYC. Sunday evening, October 18th, the Hellenic Music
Foundation presented a classical con-
November is nearly here, and with it
the time to be thinking of Thanksgiving. Turkey Day, or better yet, Thank
You Day, is almost upon us and the
choir world is busy and doing well,
thank you for that. The DAD Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is thriving, thankfully, with new
members, increasing interest, and the
planning of events.
Of course, a big THANK YOU is
for you, the St. Paraskevi Community,
for your love and support. An additional thank you is for the support you bestowed upon us on Sunday, October
5th, National Church Music Sunday.
We appreciated your generosity, which
enables the National Forum of Greek
Orthodox Church Musicians to fund
scholarships and programs of our
church music ministry throughout the
Church Music Sunday our choir
honored a very longtime choir member.
Sophia Economou, affectionately
known as "Sally", first joined the choir
as a teenager in Ohio. It was there that
Sally met her future husband, Jeffrey
Economou, choir member, director,
organist. Sally and Jeff relocated to
Smithtown and became members of St.
Paraskevi's Choir where the late, beloved Jeffrey was also the director/
organist. A staunch supporter of St.
Paraskevi, our choir, the DAD Federation and the National Forum, Sally was
recently named the Suffolk County
Senior Citizen of the Year.
Happy Fall everyone! We are starting to get some crisp weather now and are beginning to see the beautiful colors of
fall that the Lord has created for us to enjoy! Take the time to spend it with your children – make a leaf pile and jump
Bulletin Board:
This month's Bulletin Board will be prepared by our Fifth Grade students and their teachers. Please pass by to see their
inspiring presentation.
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival:
This month we will be starting the preparations for our upcoming St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. This is a
wonderful way for students to learn more about their faith. To learn about the Oratorical Festival Program, please join
us on Sunday, November 24th from 12:00p.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Youth Room. Also, there is an essay and poetry component, in addition to the speech component. We will also be talking about an introductory program for 4th through 6th
graders. All parents of students in 4th through 12th grade are encouraged to attend.
Christmas Pageant:
Also starting this month are the preparations for our Christmas Pageant. Please note that there is a new date: Sunday,
December 14th. The teachers will be speaking with the children about the different roles available. We wish to thank
Lisa Schiede, Barbara Strievski & Fran Bertos for volunteering to be our Christmas Pageant Directors this year.
Junior Choir:
Beginning in January, our Junior Choir (ages 2nd grade through 12th grade) will be rehearsing on various Sundays during coffee hour in the 5th grade classroom. For further information or if your child is interested in joining the Junior
Choir, please contact Kathy Demacopoulos at [email protected] or Erika Gavras at 239-6229.
Registration will continue in the upcoming weeks. If you have not done so already and would like to register your child
(ren), please see Christina Varlamos or contact her at [email protected].
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
We wish you all a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving.
November 30th - No Class, Thanksgiving Break
December 14th - Christmas Pageant
December 28th - No Class. Christmas Break
On OCTOBER 18TH some of our Philoptochos sisters, led (631) 757-8113 if you can offer something for the refreshby Father Lou, attended the special Ground Breaking Ser- ment table.
vice of the St. Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade
Upon our arrival we were each given a black marker to
write on the wall of the Shrine. The service took place
above the foundation and we were below on street level
on two big screen
On Saturday, NOVEMBER 22ND , The Direct ArchdioceTVs. His Eminence
san District Philoptochos invites you to the Agape LunchArchbishop Demetrieon to benefit the Expansion Fund of St. Michael’s Home.
os blessed the HierWe would like to have good representation from our chaparchs, Clergy, Digniter to support this worthy cause. If you can attend please
taries and faithful in
email Peggy Pietzak at [email protected]
attendance. Governor George Pataki stated that he was
“Georgios” Pataki for the day! It was amazing to see the
many NYC police and firefighters on the rooftops of build- SAVE THE DATES:
ings to witness this momentous occasion.
It was a two part service– Prayers for the Blessing of Water THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11TH
and the Service of Laying the Cornerstone for a Church.
Prior to the service, this water was drawn from the 9/11
Memorial Reflecting Pool by family members of the vicNOTE:
tims who perished during 9/11. Following the blessing of OUR NEW NATIONAL PHILOPTOCHOS PRESIDENT
the water it was then sprinkled on the site. The 2nd part of IS MARIA LOGUS
the service – Large Donors of this massive project placed
bricks to form two towers in memory of the Twin Towers. NOVEMBER WE REMEMBER OUR SOLDIERS AND
Our Philoptochos President, Aphrodite Skeadas placed one VETERANS – SHAKE A HAND AND GIVE THANKS!
of these bricks. These towers will eventually be installed
permanently at the entrance of the church.
With love to my sisters and family in Christ,
A Special Congratulations to Jerry Dimitriou who was in- Georgia Constantine
strumental in organizing the whole historical event. We
thank Maria Angel and Father Lou for arranging our bus
transportation into the city. It was a day we will never forget.
On Saturday, NOVEMBER 1ST, there will be a Liturgy at
the Cathedral in NYC for our Philoptochos Patron Saints
Cosmas and Damianos. After the Liturgy, there will be an
Open House at our Philanthropy Center at 126 E. 37th. If
anyone is interested in attending please contact me so that
travel arrangements can be made.
Sunday, NOVEMBER, 2ND, is NATIONAL PHILOPTOCHOS SUNDAY. Please join us during the Artoclasia as
we pray for the health of our sisters and during the Memorial Service as we memorialize our departed sisters. A
special thank you to George Loizos for offering to bake the
Artoclasia bread for us. On that Sunday, Philoptochos will
sponsor the coffee hour. Please contact Peggy Pietzak at
The Philoptochos honoring Pauline Kitsopouos
Greek Dancing
The Greek School PTO would like to congratulate all the students on their Oxi Day Performance. Thank you
to the Greek School Board, Mrs. Angel, teachers, Fr. Lou, Josh and the parents who helped with decorations,
setting up and cleaning up.
The PTO would like to recognize the 2014-2015 Class Parents:
Hope Martakis - Kindergarten Kuria Dimitra; Alex Bennis & Julie Bartone -Kindergarten Kuria Sophia; Andriana Sideris -1st Grade Kuria Christina; Lynn Hatzigianakis -1st Grade Kuria Vasiliki; Katerina Vasilopoulos Finkin - 2nd Grade Kuria Toula; Olga McQuaide - 2nd Grade Kuria Anna; Kiki Gialouris Giannaris - 3rd
Grade Kuria Xenia; Paris Pappas & Eleni Lambrinos - 3rd Grade Kuria Chrysanthi; Paraskevi Giannitsas - 4th
Grade Kuria Voula;
Eleni Tiliakos - 4th Grade Kuria Martha; Gena Theodoropoulos - 5th Grade Kuria Elena; and Julie Bartone 6th
Grade Kuria Ria.
Thank you parents for your 2014-2015 membership donations. We ask that each family support the PTO
with a $30.00 donation towards membership dues. If you have not submitted your PTO Membership you
may stop by the snack table during Greek School to complete the form with donation. Your membership and
volunteer time is very much appreciated!
Flynn O’Hare uniforms representative will be here on Saturday, November 1, 2014. Sample sizes will be
available when ordering polo shirts, v-neck sweaters and hooded sweatshirts. This is a wonderful fundraiser for our Greek School PTO. Uniforms can be worn at our special Greek School celebrations and at the
Greek Independence Day Parade in NYC!
Our next PTO meeting will be November 15 at 9:45am. All parents are welcome to attend!
PTO Committee:
Cheryl Paraskevopoulos- PTO President, Joanne Kefalas- PTO Co-President/Treasurer
Helen Orfanakos - PTO Secretary
Mark Your 2014-2015 Calendar!
Saturday December 20 – Christmas Pizza Party & Christmas Carols
Sunday, January 25 –Coffee Hour (Three Hierarchs)
Saturday, March 28 – Greek School Independence Day Celebration
Sunday, March 29 – NYC Greek Independence Day Parade
Wednesday, April 1 – Pre Sanctified Lenten Meal
Sunday, April 26 – Coffee Hour
Saturday, June 6 – Last day of class / Graduation Dinner Dance
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to be added onto
the 2014-2015 PTO email distribution.
The teachers and students are busy at work preparing for
our first presentation. The OXI Day Celebration will be
held on Saturday, November 1st at 11am in the Community Center. On this day, classes will end at 10:30a.m.; the
show will begin promptly thereafter. Please dress your
child in blue and white, or a traditional costume, and come
to support our Greek School and most importantly our
We will be decorating the Community Center in blue and
white on Friday, October 31st at 11am. Parents are welcome to help decorate the Community Center.
On the suggestion of Father Lou, the Greek School will
have its very own bus to the Greek Independence Day Parade on March 29th (see flyer in this issue of The Message). Children will ride free. The cost for adults accompanying the children is $20. All who will be taking the
bus will march in the parade or ride the float. Please see
Maria Angel to sign up (first come, first served).
Greetings! The Greek American Preschool at Saint Paraskevi had a wonderful and productive October. Students
were using their brand new water table and kitchen set.
Our program is growing in leaps and bounds! We are getting ready for our Family Night Fundraiser. It will be held
on Saturday, November 8 in the community center, from 4
-8. There will be dinner, DJ and crafts for the kids! Fun
for the whole family. The donation is $20 for adults and
$5 for children. Please make checks out to The Greek
American Preschool At Saint Paraskevi.
There are many new classes for the 2014/2015 academic
Ta Morakia - Mommy and Me ages 0-2
Wednesdays 10-11:45
Ta Kouklakia - Ages 2/3 years old
Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30-12:30
Music and Gym class: Wednesdays 12:30-1
I am happy to announce that Nicholas Tiliakos, Ph.D. has
joined the Greek School Board. Nick is the Chief Engineer/Principal at Innoveerring, LLC. in Bethpage, NY.
Ta Poulakia - 4 years old
Tuesdays 3:30-5:30
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-3:30
Ta Psarakia - 5 year olds
Thursdays 4:30-6:00
Looking ahead:
No classes on Saturday, November 29th
Thanksgiving Recess
3 year olds
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-12:30.
No classes on Saturday, December 27th
Christmas Recess
The teacher has her undergraduate degree in PreK- 6 and
her graduate degree in Reading. The students will also
have 30 minutes of gym with a Certified Phys Ed teacher.
George Likourezos, Esq.
Greek School Board President
Please join our preschool. It truly is a wonderful program.
Check us out on Facebook at The Greek American Preschool at Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Church. You
can see our program in action.
Please contact Joanne Karipidis Kefalas if you are interested in enrolling your child at Jojobeba@aol or
Thomas Kouttron’s vocabulary
simply does not include the word
“quit.” Even when faced with a daunting, multi-year and expensive project
the teenager pushes on with a methodical sense of purpose and ability to focus
on both short and long-term goals. He’s
a can-do type
of guy and the
fruit of his
work can be
nearly two
years and the
expenditure of
$10,000, the
1949 Oliver
Row Crop
Wide Front 88 tractor that Mr. Kouttron
salvaged from underneath thick brush
on a local farm has been completely
restored. It made its first public appearance late last month when the senior
rode it down Main Street in Huntington
High School’s Homecoming Day parade.
“Over the past two years I began by disassembling the entire tractor
down to a bare frame, discovering that
the transmission casing was cracked
and the driveshaft was bent,” said Mr.
Kouttron about his restoration efforts.
“The engine was also terribly worn and
damaged. Most of the time put into the
project at first entailed the tedious process of removing the paint, dents and
corrosion from the entire tractor and
removing the hardware from the frame,
most of which had rusted and sheared
under pressure. From there I began the
tear down of all individual assemblies
of the tractor, including the transmission, engine, frame and front axle.
To replace the transmission, Mr.
Kouttron made several trips to many
scrap yards throughout Pennsylvania
and Ohio to find salvageable parts.
“After several trips, I returned with
many parts from Barrick Oliver Tractor
Supply, Leid Diesel Service, Maibach
Tractor and McCullough Tractor salvage,” Mr. Kouttron said. “Many replacement parts and assemblies were
also purchased on eBay and craigslist.
After finding everything to complete
the tractor, I completely disassembled
the original transmission from the tractor and used most of the gears and differential from it to rebuild the new
transmission case, which was only one
year newer, however it was the only
replacement I could
find in the northeastern United States.”
As Mr.
Kouttron went about
the process of rebuilding the tractor’s
transmission, he
faced an assortment
of challenges, including moving and
lifting parts that
weighed nearly
2,000 pounds with a few floor jacks and
plain human strength.
“After I completely rebuilt the
transmission from the ground up, I had
to install different bull pinions to allow
for disc brakes instead of the original
band brakes used as an option in 1949,”
Mr. Kouttron said. “Luckily I found
replacement parts and was able to rebuild it as soon as possible. From there
I attached the
main frame to
the transmission
to create a
frame weighing
nearly 5,000
pounds sitting
on the ground
in my driveway.
On the rebuild
for my transmission, I
spared no imperfections and
replaced all gaskets and bearings with
Made in the U.S.A Timken roller bearings; the finest out there.”
Mr. Kouttron replaced every
single bolt and snap ring on the transmission with Grade 8 stainless bolts,
“the strongest and most expensive hardware, all of which I purchased at County Line Hardware right here in Huntington Station,” he said. “Next came the
brake housings and axles and finally the
next major stage; getting the tractor on
wheels and tires and the front axle
welded, fixed and reattached, which
was no easy feat.”
In August 2013, the Huntington
senior purchased brand new Made in
the U.S.A Firestone 6 ply 13.6R 38
tires and two 6.50R 16 tires from Barrack Tire Supply for nearly $1,500. “I
then had them installed on my rims at
All Weather Tire in Huntington Station,
giving the crew a real workout because
they were too big for any machines and
possibly bigger than any tire they had
serviced there in the past,” Mr.
Kouttron said. “After the tires were installed, I stripped all paint from the
rims and coated them in primer and
then painted them Oliver red, which is
high gloss automotive paint that is very
expensive. I applied the paint with my
newly acquired siphon feed spray gun,
used by professionals to paint automobiles. I also had to but many new tools
and filters to allow for my air compressor to run the spray gun. The rims
shined great after six coats of paint to
ensure the paint will last a long time.”
Once the rims were refinished it
was time for Mr. Kouttron to fix the
front axle, welding braces on it and filling the pitting to
make it look brand
new. “I then primed
and painted it Oliver
green using the same
process as used before on the rims,” the
teenager said. “After
I primed the frame
and transmission, I
then installed the axle, which was no
easy feat, requiring
me to lift 5,000
pounds up nearly four feet to install the
axle. Fortunately, I had a small engine
crane to assist me and a few bottle
jacks. Once the front axle was on and
the rear axles were inputted through the
transmission bull pinions, I painted the
whole frame with 10 coats of Oliver
green paint, which made the frame look
brand new.”
With the rear axle in place, Mr.
Kouttron installed the rear rims with
tires. “Each weighed 1,200 pounds,” he
said. “This required my entire family’s assistance to be able
to install them. After the rear wheels were on, I installed the
front rims and tires on new hubs, which I equipped with
brand new tapered roller bearing and seals, making the restoration also a preservation as well. Once the frame was
rolling, I cleared a spot in my garage for it, which ended up
requiring an entire bay of my small two car garage.”
With the
frame now rolling,
Mr. Kouttron installed the dash
tower, which he
had completely
reworked by using
flat hammers and
steel forge equipment to remove
any dents and imperfections. “From
there the dash was
installed and I
hooked up the
manual steering linkages and steering wheel,” he said. “The
next major step was the engine. I began by having to get the
six cylinder Waukesha unseized after nearly 40 years. To
do this, I removed the spark plug and poured kerosene
down each cylinder jug. After the kerosene had soaked in, I
added more and then lit each cylinder jug on fire to provide
pressure to release the engine. Luckily it worked after two
Mr. Kouttron then went about removing all of the
engine accessories including the water pump, manifolds,
head, valve cover, valves, valve stems, push rods, camshaft,
crankshaft, liners, pistons and bearings, oil pump, distributor, oil pan and clutch and clutch housing. “I then brought
the engine block bar to Leid Diesel Service where I had the
top of the block machine flat and level,” he said. “The head
was also resurfaced and my flywheel was resurfaced to allow for the clutch to actually function, instead of just building rusty friction to it. From here I bought a rebuild kit,
which included all new parts for the engine. Over two days
I rebuilt the engine by installing the crankshaft and camshaft, all with new bearings and seals and then installing the
pistons and liners and piston rods.”
Mr. Kouttron then installed the pushrods that ride
on the cam to adjust the valves while the engine is running.
“The head was then installed with a new head gasket and
new valves, valve stems and springs,” he said. “I then repainted the engine and installed it in the frame all complete.
I then installed the flywheel and new clutch, pressure plate
and housing on the engine’s rear and then I hooked it up to
the new driveshaft at the end of the transmission. I then adjusted the timing with the flywheel and distributor. Then I
installed the radiator to run the engine. I then replaced all
the coolant hoses, all the wiring on the engine to the dash
and starter motor and finally put new fluid in the engine,
transmission and, radiator. The tractor now had a new engine, rebuilt with new gaskets seals and wiring, all of which
had been replaced with period correct parts and brand new
Mr. Kouttron is very proud to be able to say that
“everything on this tractor is Made in the USA. I refused to
have it any other way.” The teenager said the tractor
“started flawlessly.”
The senior is rightly proud of his work. “I even
handmade new linkages and brackets that were irreplaceable and I managed to replicate them on my mill and in my
shop,” Mr. Kouttron said. “The tractor drove fine and was
truly a fun experience. The last step was sheet metal
and decals. I had a ton of dent removal work to do
because a tree had fallen on the tractor long ago
making the sheet metal very dented. After two
weeks [of work], all of it was perfect and I was able
to paint it and install it to complete the tractor. I
even handmade the tool box and rear seat cushion
and installed a brand new chrome 3.5 inch stack to
top off the excellent restoration.”
The restoration effort consumed 2,648 hours.
“Every single bolt, nut and washer was replaced and
corrected, making the tractor a true piece of art for
generations to come,” Mr. Kouttron said.
The tractor was built on November 15, 1949
so it is nearing its 65th birthday. “When I finished
the tractor three days before the [Homecoming Day] parade, I couldn’t wait to drive it and show it to the community,” Mr. Kouttron said.
“When the parade day started, many people looked
on and were amazed to see a farm tractor driving down
Woodbury Road and Main Street,” Mr. Kouttron said. “All
in all, the entire tractor was awesome and a town favorite.
Now I cannot wait to begin my next project. I will keep this
tractor for as long as I can, hopefully my entire life. The
experience was incredible and I took many pictures of the
restoration. My work was truly appreciated when people
saw the complete transformation. I just want to thank John
Brigati at White Post Wholesale Growers for donating this
tractor to me and I can’t wait for him to see it all finished.”
We are already off to a great year with our Little Angels
At our last meeting we painted pumpkins and even got to
take them home to our parents :)
Thank you to everyone who donated and or assisted at our
Coffee Hour. Its always a success. Thank you! We have
some busy months ahead gearing up for the holidays!
Please contact one of our advisors for more information.
Little Angels has a new date and time!! We will meet every other Tuesday in the upstairs youth room at 12:30.
We have arts and crafts, a visit from our priest, socialization and play time for our little ones. If you have a child
between the ages of birth to preschool and are interested in
signing your child up for this ministry, please contact one
of our advisors; Alexandra Bennis [email protected]
or Christina Borzumato at [email protected].
The start of the fall season is a reminder of the holidays
that are rapidly approaching. While we are busy with our
preparations and celebrations, we need to be mindful of
the intent of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Nothing expresses one's gratitude for the blessings and
gifts they have received by sharing them with others.
Keep the people we visit in this ministry in your thoughts
and prayers.
As always thank you to the volunteers who share their
time and talents.
God Bless,
Sophia De Monte
The GOYA will be collecting money to
buy $25 gift cards for children in need.
Every year the Kiwanis club takes 50
needy children on a Christmas shopping tour at Sears. It is through your
donations that make it possible for these children to have a very special
Every Sunday in November and December, the GOYA will have a table
set up in the gym during coffee hour to
collect money for the purchase of these
$25 Sears gift cards.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Abatzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Accovelli
Mr. & Mrs. James Adamis
Mr. & Mrs. John Addamo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Akapnitis
Mr. & Mrs. John Allyson
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Amanatides
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Amanatides
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anagnostopoulos
Miss Eleni Anastos
Mr. Gus Anax
Ms. Ann Andreades
Mr. & Mrs. James Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Andricopoulos
Mrs. Helen Andromanakos
Mr. Peter Andromanakos
Mrs. Maria Angel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Annunziata
Mrs. Panagiota Anthony
Dr. & Mrs. Marinel Ardeljan
Ms. Angela Arettines
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Arettines
Mr. John Arettines
Mrs. Maria Christios
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrius Argiriou
Mr. & Mrs. George Argiriou
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Argiriou
Mrs. Mary Argiros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Aroniadis
Mrs. Julia Arvans
Mrs. Dorothy Athanas
Mr. & Mrs. Alexios Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. William Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. Theo Athanassiou
Mr. James Athas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Avdoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Babigian
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Baialardo
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Bakatsias
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Balezos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Ballas
Mr. & Mrs. John Ballow
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris Bantileskas
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Bartone
Mr. Nikolaos Bastakes
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Batanchiev
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bell
Mrs. Diane Bennis
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennis
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Berbari
Mr. & Mrs. Stelios Bertos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bocchicchio
Ilektra Pappa & Vasilios Bogdani
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Borzumato
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brabender
Ms.Mariana Brancoveanu
Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan
Mrs. Jean Camas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Camas
Mrs. Eugenia Canner
Mr. Brian Capatina
Mr. & Mrs. George Caraberis
Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Carlucci
Mr. & Mrs. John Castagna
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Catechis
Mrs. Lillian Catherines
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Chardavoyne
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chidester
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Chonis
Mrs Betty Chonis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chonis
Mrs. Ritsa Choulis
Mr. Sofoklis Chrissides
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Christodoulou
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Christoforou
Nick Christopher Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Christophides
Mrs. Efstratia Christophides
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Christou
Mrs. Malama Clidas
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Constantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Constantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Constantine
Mr. Damianos Contopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Contopoulos
Drs. George & Debbie Coritsidis
Mr. George Cost
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Costanzo
Mr. & Mrs. George Costidis
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Courbanou
Mr. Billy Courbanou
Mr. Aggelos P. Coutavas
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Damilatis
Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Danginis
Mrs. Paula Davantzis
Mr. & Mrs. Spirou David
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander De Borja
Mr. & Mrs. Spyridon Dedes
Mrs. Anne Deloss
Dr. & Mrs. George Demacopoulos
Ms. Chrisanti Demetriou
Mrs. Irene Demetriou
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Devita
Mr. & Mrs. William Diakakis
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Diamandis
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diamandis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Diktaban
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Dimatis
Mr. & Mrs. Stamati Dimitrakis
Mr. & Mrs. George Dimitriou
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dischley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Doscas
Mr. & Mrs. George Doukas
Mr. Peter Doukas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Doumas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dounias
Mr. & Mrs.Jimmy Drakopoulos
Ms. Maria Drakos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Drakoulias
Mrs. & Mrs. Denis Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Drechsler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ebe
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ebe
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Eckstrum
Mrs. Sally Economou
Mr. & Mrs. Efthymios Efthymiou
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs John Emmans
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Essopos
Mr. Nicholas Evangelides
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferrazano
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Finkin
Mr. Costa Fkiaras
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Frangas
Mr. & Mrs. Val Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fusco
Michael Gambuzza & Victoria Attonis
Mr. & Mrs. John Gavras
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Georgalas
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Geotes
Mrs. Jennifer Gerdes
Ms. Kiriaki Gialouris-Giannaris
Dr .& Mrs. Victor Giamos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Giampilis
Mr. & Mrs. George Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Giannitsas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Giove
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gitz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goerke
Mr. & Mrs. Epaminondas Gonatas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gouvoussis
Mrs. Tula Haghicomninou
Mr. & Mrs. Savvas Haji-Georgi
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartofilis
Mr. & Mrs. Dino Hatzigianakis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hatzis
Mr. & Mrs. John Hatzis
Mrs. Alexandra Hatzis
Mr. & Mrs. William Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Heretakis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Heretakis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Homenides
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Houppert
Mr. & Mrs. Agron Huta
Mrs. Urania Huta
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ikonomou
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ilasi
Mr. & Mrs. George Ioanidis
Mr. & Mrs. John Ioannou
Mr. & Mrs. Kleanthis Ioannou
Michael & Denise Ioannou
Mr. & Mrs. George Javaras
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. George Kafkarkou
Mr. & Mrs. George Kaimis
Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Kaimis
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Kaitery
Mrs. Loula Kalkines
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Kalogeras
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kaloudis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kaloudis
Mr. Nicholas Kameno
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Karanzias
Mrs. Peggy Karayianakis
Mrs. Mary Karipidis
Mr.&Mrs. Gus Karkulas
Mr. Athanasios Karopoulos
Mr. Gus Karras
Mr. John Karropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Kavrakis
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Kefalas
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Keisidis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly
Mr. Peter Kentros
Mrs. Pauline Kitsopoulos
Mrs. Dorothy Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Kliampas
Mr. & Mrs. Apostolis Kokkosis
Mrs. Chryssa Kolios
Mr. & Mrs. George Kondylas
Mr. & Mrs. Michail Konstas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kontos
Mr. Thom Kontos
Mr. & Mrs. George Korsanos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Korsanos
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kostas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kostopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Aristotelis Kougemitros
Mr. & Mrs. Skevos Koullias
Mrs. Magdalene Koumas
Mrs. Chrysanthe Koumas
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kouroupakis
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Koutsoftas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Koutsoubis
Mr. & Mrs. George Koutsoukos
Mrs. Maria Kouttron
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kovner
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kritikos
Mrs. Katerina Lallos
Mr. Alexander LaMalfa
Mrs. Maria LaMalfa
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lambadis
Mr. & Mrs. Lambros Lambrinos
Mr. & Mrs. Sid Lambros
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lambros
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Lampros
Mr. & Mrs. George Langis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Larkin
Mrs. Kiki Lecakes
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Legakis
Mr. & Mrs. Aristotle Lekacos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Leodas
Ms. Angelica Leontakianakos
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lepera
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Lessey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Levick
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lichas
Mr. & Mrs. George Likourezos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Limperis
Mrs. Dorothy Litras
Ms. Vicki M. Loizos
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Los
Mr. & Mrs. George Los
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Love
Mr. & Mrs. William Mackey
Capt. & Mrs. & John Makrides
Mrs. Aspasia Mally
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Maltezos
Mrs. Kalliopi Mamouzelos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Manas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Maniatis
Mr. & Mrs. George Manikas
Mr. & Mrs.Elias Manolis
Mrs. Anastasia Manthos
Ms. Mary Margarites
Mrs. Nina Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Margarites
Mrs. Thalia Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. George Martakis
Mr. & Mrs. James Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mastrogiacomo
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mastrogiannis
Mr. & Mrs. Deno Matas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matera
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Matthai
Mrs. Antonia Mattheou
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Mavromoustakos
Mrs. Theresa Mavroudis
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver McGaughey
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McQuaide
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Mendonis
Mr. Vasilios Meskoures
Curtis W. Meyer & Evelyn G. Kittis
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Michalopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Milonas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Mirissis
Mr. & Mrs. Ilias Misoulis
Mr. & Mrs. John Misthos
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mitsinikos
Dr. & Mrs. Theofanis Mitsinikos
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Monias
Mr. Nick Monogioudis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mooney
Rev. & Presv. Dimitrios Moraitis
Mr. & Mrs. David Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mourelatos
Mr.& Mrs. Stephen Nathan
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Neokleous
Mrs. Sophia Nessim
Rev. & Presv. Louis Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs Nick Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Noulis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Orfanakos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oromaner
Mr. & Mrs. Aires Ouzounis
Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Pagano
Dimitrios Pamboris
Mr. Peter Panarites
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pando
Mr. & Mrs. George Panoussis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pantason
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Papachristou
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Papachristou
Mrs. Maria Papadopoullos
Mr. & Mrs. George Papadopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Papageorge
Mr. & Mrs. Themistocles Papageorge
Mr. & Mrs. Iacovos Papaiacovou
Mr. & Mrs. Chrisostomos Papantoniou
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Papas
Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Papazoglou
Dr. & Mrs. Mike Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Paraskevopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Parides
Mr. & Mrs. John Parides
Mrs. Stacy Parkas
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Parpas
Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Parpas
Mrs. Hariklia Patilis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Patronis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pavlatos
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pavlides
Ms. Porfyra Pavlides
Mr. & Mrs. Yani Pavlidis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Philippis
Mrs. Marcy Philippis
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pickios
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pietzak
Mrs. Mary Pitti
Mrs. Mary Pologeorgis
Mr. Nick Pologeorgis
Mr. John Pontisakos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Poulos
Mrs. Irene Poulos
Dr. & Mrs. Jaime Poulos
Ms. Melissa Poutouves Koppelman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Praetorius
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Prodromakis
Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Proscia
Mrs. Georgia Psilakis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pugliani
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rafaelides
Mr. Stephan Ramerini
Mrs. Melissa Rash
Mrs. Georgia Red
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Rentsch
Mr. Charles Riehman
Mr. Edwin Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Rodetis
Mr. & Mrs. Ionas Rotos
Ms. Eleni Rotziokos
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolas Rotziokos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rousakis
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Roussis
Mrs. Eleftheria Roussis
Mrs. Helen Roussis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ruggiero
Mrs. Mersina Samodolski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A Schicker
Mr. & Mrs. James Schiede
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scricca
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selvaggio
Mrs. Katina Serelis
Mr. Anthony Sevdinoglou
mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Sevdinoglou
Mr. & Mrs. Pandelis Shakalis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Shikar
Dr. & Mrs. Ioanis Siderias
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sideris
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Siounis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skaliarinis
Mrs. Georgia Skiadas
Mr. & Mrs. Fotios Sklavounakis
Mrs. Mary Sofides
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Soteropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soupios
Mr. & Mrs. Val Soupios
Mrs. Betty Spinthourakis
Mr. Demetrios Spiropoulos
Mrs. Freda Spiropoulos
Ms. Virginia Stamatakis
Mr. & Mrs. Dionysios Stathatos
Mr. & Mrs. Fotios Stathatos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Stavrakopoulos
Mrs. Helen Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Lambros Stroumbos
Mr. George Strum
Mr. & Mrs. Odysseas Svolos
Mrs. Ritsa Taktekos
Mr. & Mrs. John Tavera
Mr. & Mrs. Gheorghe Telibasa
Mr. & Mrs. John Terletzky
Mr. & Mrs.Christopher Tesi
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Theodoropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Tietjen
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tiliakos
Christina Alonso & Geoffrey Tittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tomasides
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Toubanos
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Trastelis
Mrs. Georgian Treichel
Mr. & Mrs. Angelos Trombettas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tsamis
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tsavaris
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Tsekerides
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Tsivitis
Mrs. Deborah Tsoilis
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsolakis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tsolis
Ms. Anastasia Tsunis
Mrs. Eleni Tsunis
Mrs. Evangeline Tsunis
Mrs. Ellen Vanco
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Varlamos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Varsos
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Varthalamis
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Vasiliou
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Vasilopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Cosmos Vassil
Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Vassilas
Mr. & Mrs. Gerassimos Ventouras
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Viegas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vitiello
Mr. & Mrs. Mihai Voicescu
Mr. &Mrs. Peter Vrankovic
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Whittaker
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Xenakis
Mr. & Mrs. Theo Zaferiou
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zaloga
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zaphiris
Mr. & Mrs. Suheil Zeibag
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ziegler
Mrs. Stephanie Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Zolotas
Thursday, November 20, 2014
It is time to sign up for the St. Paraskevi Christmas Card.
* * * * * * *
The Christmas card will be sent out to the entire congregation.
* * * * * * *
If you are a Steward for 2014, and you would like to have your name in the
Christmas card, simply fill out the form below. No donation is required.
* * * * * * *
If you are not a Steward, and you would like to have your name in the
Christmas card, you can either make a pledge for 2014
or make a small donation of $50.
Please fill out the form below and submit it with your payment to:
St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church
1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn, NY 11740
Listing to be printed as:
Please Print Clearly
Please return no later than December 14th.
The following pages are excerpts from the May 1977
issue of, “The Message.” ENJOY!
Wanted: Choir Members
Positions Open: Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass
(No Others Need Apply)
Physical Qualifications: Must be able to carry
light musical notes part way across the church.
Must have sufficient vision to see the director
from twenty feet away.
Experience: No applications accepted from persons who have not sung, hummed or whistled in
the tub or shower.
Wages: Satisfaction and joy in God’s service.
Fringe Benefits: Social Security - We promise
you the security of social fellowship with other
members of the choir.
Hours: Sunday mornings, with occasional opportunities for overtime. (at above mentioned
Vacation: Missed rehearsals and worship services are primarily a matter of conscience and
the ability to return the glares and pointed remarks of the director.
Retirement: No particular age, but it is generally determined by prayer, printed notes getting
too small, robe too heavy, notes too high, church
too hot (or cold), or organist unable to play the
notes you sing.
Rehearsals: Only when necessary.
Apply: By attending our next rehearsal, by contacting the director, or contacting Pauline
Kitsopoulos at: [email protected].
15% off
Entire Purchase
For First Time
If You Mention
St. Paraskevi
Official Photographer of St. Paraskevi
Email: [email protected]
631-582-4000 tg-law.NET
John C. Tsunis Maria Gasparis