52 flvs students change their world
52 flvs students change their world
52 FLVS STUDENTS CHANGE THEIR WORLD A SAMPLE OF SERVICE PROJECTS FROM THE FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL MAWI LEADERSHIP SKILLS CLASS OVERVIEW Over the last year, students in the FLVS Mawi Learning Leadership Class have led over 1,000 service projects. Students chose, planned, and implemented their service projects as the culmination of their leadership training. This report shares 52 of the most outstanding and representative service projects. We hope you find them as inspiring and thoughtful as we do! Who are they serving? WHO ARE THEY SERVING? The three biggest impact areas were the environment, youth, and fundraising. Environment Fundraising Animals Elderly Youth Homeless Other Who partners with our students? WHO PARTNERS WITH OUR STUDENTS? The biggest partners were schools and community agencies. Students also ran their own independent projects. Community Agencies Library Religious Institutions Health Care School/Park District On Their Own What leadership skills did students value most? LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS Students said the most important leadership skills for their projects were goal-setting, communication, and teamwork (Team Clock). Team Clock Turbo Button Leadership Styles Personal Branding Communicati on MAD Goals ANIMAL SAFETY BROCHURE Amy saw a need for education in her community due to a rise in dangerous, wild animal encounters. She created an educational brochure which included precautionary steps to take in order to prevent potentially dangerous encounters, and a list of who to call if they do suspect a potentially dangerous wild animal to be in the area. Amy presented her brochure to community residents at an association meeting where they gave her permission to pass the brochure out to over 350 homes in the area! Amy received very positive feedback from community members who said they felt safer now with her brochure as a resource. 6 ADMINISTRATIVE HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER Jenny contacted the local hospital, and asked them how she could help. She filed papers, put patient labels and dates, put in patient information (on Excel), answered phone calls/ transferred phone calls, neatened book shelves, sanitized computer desks, and tallied the number of visitors in the PERC area. AT HOME ANIMAL FUNDRAISER Aaron wanted to do a fundraiser for animals, but found that many pet stores in his town wouldn’t let him fundraise in front of their stores. So, Aaron made colorful posters and hung them throughout his front yard. He collected cat and dog food, brushes, and lots of toys! He even set up a place for cash donations and raised $86.00 in just a few hours. He donated everything he collected to an animal shelter in his community and was very pleased with the outcome. PHYSICAL THERAPY VOLUNTEER Shireen volunteered her time in a Physical Therapist’s office, specifically in the Spinal Therapy department. Shireen delivered paperwork and helped clean the equipment, but recalls her most valuable experience being the time she spent observing how the Physical Therapists worked. Shireen hopes to become a Physical Therapist one day and see’s her future as a Physical Therapist as a way to help patients and have fun at the same time. Dominican Republic Volunteer Brandon went to the Dominican Republic with members of his Church for one week. He helped build houses and provide food in communities of need. Brandon donated some of his own clothing and toys to the children in the village where he stayed, but recalls that just playing with the children as the most impactful experience he had while volunteering. 5K FOR BRAIN CANCER Samantha ran a 5K which benefited Brain Cancer research. Samantha recalls running this 5K as an event that made her strong both physically and as a leader. She was able to complete the race in under 35 minutes and actually won the race for those in her age bracket! This experience reminded Samantha to always push herself and that it’s important to combine a person’s skills and service in order to get great results! Clean Beaches Juan was concerned about the cleanliness of the beaches, rivers, and ponds near his home, so he decided to go out on his own and clean up some of the areas that were in obvious need. He picked up bottles, wrappers, nets, and cigarettes, and felt very positive about the impact he had made on his environment. HOCKEY STAR Brian volunteered by helping a local youth hockey coach run his practices. Brian volunteered for about one month and had a lot of fun teaching the kids on the team everything he knew about hockey. Brian was pleased he could help give the coach a little bit of a break to take care of other issues and he really enjoyed the positive feedback he got from the kids and their parents. He is especially proud of his ability to combine his love of hockey and his leadership skills in to this great service experience! Nursing Home Sarah volunteered her time at a nursing home in her community. Sarah spent time just talking with the residents and offering her company. She helped residents participate in activities and go where ever they needed to go. Sarah used to be very shy and introverted, but after her experience at the nursing home, she is more confident making friends and communicating with the patients. RAISING MONEY FOR A TEAM Jack’s soccer team did not have enough money for a tournament. Jack came up with the idea to fundraise in front of Publix and try to raise the money so that his team could go. After multiple phone calls with parents and store managers, Jack found a store that would allow the team to fundraise. Jack gave the players a list of things to bring and reminded them the night before about the activity. After 6 hours of standing in front of Publix, the team raised 356 dollars, 56 dollars over their original goal. With the money that the team raised, Jacks’ team went to the tournament and started saving up for the next one. 15 HORSE FARM Antonio volunteered his time at a local horse farm where he helped care for four particular horses who had been rescued. He cleaned their stalls, gave them food, changed their water, let them out to run, brushed them, and bathed them. He found that there are many horse owners who do not take proper care of their animals and that this was why the four horses he cared for on that day needed his help so much. Antonio made a positive impression on the owner of the horse farm and has been welcomed back to help out with the horses any time! Muscular Dystrophy Juliana attended a Lock-up for Muscular Dystrophy through her community. Juliana was inspired by the amount of money raised for the organization, but recalls her most inspiring encounter being when she got to meet a few children at the event who have Muscular Dystrophy. She felt proud of her involvement in the Lock-in when she heard how thankful and appreciative the kids were. Juliana hopes to continue volunteering with the Muscular Dystrophy Association and feels very strongly about the cause. YOUTH GROUP DeVonne completed some community service with her Church’s Youth Group that she attends every Monday. One community service activity they did was to tutor and watch over kids from at a local community center. This experience helped DeVonne see how important it is for the kids in her community to have a role model. She was also surprised to find that the kids were very well mannered and nice instead of very loud and impatient, which is what she thought kids were like before beginning this community service. DeVonne hopes that her impact as a role model will continue on and inspire the kids she helped to grow up and help others as well. Vacation Bible School Madison volunteered at her Church’s Vacation Bible School by watching over a class of 4 year olds. She originally thought it would be a boring or uneventful way to volunteer, but found out that it was actually very rewarding and much more fun than the babysitting she had done in the past. Madison received very positive feedback from her co-workers and parents – many who said she was a natural at working with kids. She was able to comfort kids who were scared and sad and made many members of her Church feel comfortable leaving their young kids in her hands. SURFERS FOR AUTISM Russell participated as a Surf Instructor for a program called Surfers for Autism. He was able to teach kids with Autism how to surf all day long! Over 300 families participated in the program and he looks forward to volunteering for many years to come. A HELPING HAND Austin completed his service project through helping one of his neighbors complete some tasks around their home. His neighbor is a single mother with a disabled son and has trouble finding time to do yard work. After Austin completed the yard work, he sat with his neighbors son and watched the cars on the street go by, since that is what he enjoyed doing. Austin recalled feeling very proud of the yard work he had accomplished and looks forward to spending more time with his neighbor’s son and continuing to help them out any way he can. RECYCLING EDUCATION Ashley saw a need for education in her community, specifically on the topic of recycling. Ashley posted educational flyers on recycling around her town. The flyers highlighted why recycling is important to the environment and listed some reasons why it should be important to the community members on a personal level. Ashley noticed that after her flyers went up, more people in her neighborhood started using their recycling bins more often and she feels confident that her community education effort had a great impact on her community! SOUP KITCHEN Marcus volunteered at a local soup kitchen. He was responsible for cooking all of the meat and vegetables, making salads, and keeping the tables clean. He also helped serve drinks and was happy and surprised to find that between the two choices of sweet tea and milk, most of the recipients chose milk, which is the healthier choice. Marcus also read inspirational excerpts from the Bible and really enjoyed being able to put a smile on the faces of everyone who attended. WILDLIFE HOSPITAL Rea volunteers at the Florida Wildlife Hospital each week where she is able to work with the wildlife hospital team in order to rehabilitate injured or abandoned animals. She participates in caring for the animals by preparing their food, feeding them, and cleaning up their enclosures. Rea takes a lot of pride in her ability to do the time consuming tasks that allow the hospital employees more time to do more important work. She enjoys helping the employees at the Wildlife Hospital just as much as helping the animals. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR Rosio volunteered at a local summer camp where she helped kids in areas of life skills, math, reading, and cultural arts. Rosio assisted them in any subject area they struggled with, but found that the most help was needed in math. She helped the kids improve in all subject areas, but found that the biggest impact she had was setting an example for the kids of how important giving back to one’s community is. She encouraged the kids to see that helping people should come from a person’s heart and not because of a pay check. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT FUNDRAISER Miguel completed his service project through raising money for his school’s athletic department. Miguel recognized that their equipment and uniforms needed some updating, so he and his teammates asked the principal for permission to fund raise and then began working. They organized a bake sale and promoted it by posting flyers around their school. Miguel organized a consistent fundraising schedule so that his teammates were able to participate. On average, the team raised about $300/week and recently reached their overall goal of $5,000. Their fundraiser gained so much community attention, they were able to attract a local sponsor and will be wearing their new uniforms this fall! ANIMAL SHELTER VOLUNTEER Annalisa volunteered at a local animal shelter. On her first day, Annalisa got to play with some of the kittens and considered walking some of the dogs but was a little scared at first. Annalisa had previously had a negative experience with a dog which made her afraid, but after some time educating herself and getting more comfortable with the animals, she decided to go for it! She was able to overcome her fear of dogs and actually became quite close with one dog in particular who is disabled. She takes him on walks, helps train him with hand signals, and hopes a nice family will adopt him soon. YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP Shawn completed his service project by helping to organize and youth football camp for kids ages 7-14. Prior to the start of camp, Shawn helped organize the sign up and promotions. During camp, he helped teach the fundamentals of football primarily for the kids focusing on the offense. Shawn kept a positive attitude because he knows how important encouragement is to a person’s selfesteem. 33 kids joined the camp and the money raised helped fund Shawn’s high school football team. Shawn is proud of the positive influence the camp had on the community, the positive influence he personally had on the kids, and the money he was able to raise for his team. CLOTHING DRIVE Madeline wanted to do a clothing and household item drive for her service project. She sent out flyers, e-mails, and used word of mouth to market the clothing drive which benefited the Salvation Army. Madeline also collected money which benefited a local organization that helps provide clothing and furniture for those in need. COMMUNITY GARDEN Dejárae knows that her community needs a little help coming together as one. Afraid of living in an unintentionally segregated community, she decided to bring community members together by starting a community garden. Dejárae has assured that the garden will have enough plots for anyone who wishes to participate. She has even assured that the garden is suitable for growing hydroponics and she has made an agreement with a local produce farmer for him to buy some of the products the community garden produces! She hopes the garden will create a strong bond between neighbors and will allow her to generate funds that will help her build more community events in the future . RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS Jennifer wanted to make people happy for her service project, so she decided to do 50 “random cards of kindness.” She wrote out 50 cards, each with a nice saying or piece of encouragement like, “Let’s make today better than yesterday!” Jennifer and her friends slipped the notes into random mailboxes around her neighborhood in the hopes that they would make people smile! Although Jennifer didn’t get to see the recipients’ reactions, she is confident that her random cards of kindness made people very happy. BEACH CLEAN UP Tiffany decided that a beach near her home was in need of a clean-up, so she pulled together a group to help her. The group split up into pairs, Tiffany gave each pair a garbage bag, and the group made a goal to not leave until their garbage bags were entirely full. Each group was successful and Tiffany felt very positive about the effect she and her team had on the beach. Tiffany even recalled one beach patron who saw what she and her team were doing and went back to pick up a piece of trash she had dropped on the ground. Tiffany received many thank you’s from beach patrons and found the experience to be very rewarding. UNICEF Jessica helped fundraise for a global program called UNICEF, where the money she raised went toward the prevention of neonatal and maternal tetanus in third world countries. $1.80 could affect the life of one mother and child, but Jessica knew she wanted to make a big impact, so she held a bake sale, a raffle, a “walk for the cure,” and sold Carnations in order to raise the money. In the end, Jessica raised $1,172.47 which impacted a total of 651 lives. BOY SCOUT CAR WASH Michael wanted to hold a car wash for his Boy Scout troop in order to raise enough money to go on their summer trip. Michael asked the owner of the car wash for permission, bought supplies, organized tickets for pre-sale, and organized members of his troop to volunteer at the car wash. He also made signs that helped to market the car wash and assigned one of the parents to help handle the money. BOY SCOUT CAR WASH Adil represented his school’s SWAT, Students Working Against Tobacco, team through giving a presentation to county commissioners concerning candy flavored tobacco. Adil had learned how tobacco companies were trying to target youth with their candy flavored product, so he took this opportunity to educate his community and their leaders. Adil’s presentation resulted in a resolution granted by the county commissioners which will have a very positive effect on the health and well-being of the young people in his community. HIGH SCHOOL BAND FUNDRAISER Vlad is a member of his high school band. After some time, Vlad realized that some of his fellow members were having trouble paying their band fee’s, so he decided to help. Vlad organized a car wash in order to raise money so that all members could stay members of the band. He was able to get members of the band and color guard to help him volunteer at the car wash and they raised $700 which was $200 over his original goal. BEST BUDDIES Anaya volunteered through an organization which actually allowed her to volunteer on two different occasions. First, she participated in a clean-up at a nearby bay. Secondly, she was able to volunteer with the Best Buddies organization which supports building positive relationships between young people with disabilities and young people without. Anaya participated on their “Exercise Day,” and had a wonderful experience. She found that she has a deep interest and passion for working with people who have disabilities and has committed to participate in the program again next year. PROMDRESS.COM Andrea started a website where girls could go to find gently used Prom dresses. She felt this was important because sometimes, buying a Prom dress can be very expensive and she didn’t want anyone to have to miss out on an important night because they couldn’t afford a nice dress. Girls who donated their dresses could go on the website and post a picture, and those in need were able to go on and look for one they liked. All dresses were donated in their entirety. FOOTBALL RECRUIT Tyree initiated a Football Recruiting Resource program for his county. This program serves high school football athletes and focuses on helping the athletes understand the college football recruiting process. The program taught the players how to identify colleges, approach coaches, and promote themselves in order to obtain a college scholarship. The players learned how to promote their accomplishments, post their highlights, write letters, and manage their social media presence. The program resulted in many college football camp invitations, several students landed on a “watch list,” and one who did receive a scholarship. Tyree also received attention from a major sports publishing company who asked him to write a weekly recruiting blog. COMMUNITY GARDEN Andre decided to start a community garden for a group of students who were committed to improving their lives after being committed for misdemeanor crimes. Each group member committed to take some time each week to tend to the garden’s fruits and vegetables. When the fruits and vegetables were finished growing, the group decided to donate them to a local church. MILITARY VETERAN FUNDRAISER Shonda’s service project was putting together a fundraiser for U.S. military veterans. Her initial goal was to raise $100 and she accomplished that goal after fundraising for just five days! She held the fundraiser at school, however she also created a Facebook page in order to help promote the fundraiser. NEWBORN HATS FOR THE HOSPITAL Patty wanted to use her sewing skills for her service project, so she decided to sew hats for new born babies in the hospital near her home. Patty used small looms and thick yarn to make the best hats she possibly could. Although she won’t hear back about the impact she had, she knows she did something good and hopes to make more soon. CHAIR POCKETS Lindsay collected twenty pairs of donated jeans and used them to create “chair pockets” for inner city schools. Lindsay cut and sewed the jeans into pockets that can slide onto the back of student’s chairs so that they have a space near their desk to hold their books. This was a huge help to the schools that could not afford new supplies for their students. Lindsay made chair pockets of many sizes so that they can be used for multiple ages and re-used for many years to come. Pencils for Progress When David was a Sophomore in high school, he created a program called Pencils for Progress while preparing to leave for a volunteer trip in Tanzania. David recognized the opportunity to help others both locally and globally. David collected gently used school supplies from schools in his district, then donated half to a local fund for teachers in need of supplies for their students, and the other half to a primary school in Tanzania. Over the past three years, David’s organization has donated more than 1,200lbs of school supplies to the students in his community and students abroad. FOOD FOR HAITI Alison wanted to do something for the people of Haiti who were affected by the earthquake. She participated in the collection with a group that packed nearly 40,000 bags of food. Inside each bag, they packed vitamins, rice, soy, and vegetables for them to eat. PAINTING A HOME Sofia volunteers every year with an organization that paints the home of a low income senior in her community. This year, she was able to take on more responsibility than she has in the past. She supervised the removal process of the old paint before a new coat could be applied. This is a big responsibility! BUDDIES Jorge participates in his schools mentoring program where students from the middle and high school get paired up with an elementary school, “buddy.” Every Wednesday, the buddies meet and get to play on the playground. Jorge had a lot of fun getting to know his buddy and even more elementary school students. He realized how much the younger students enjoyed the time they spent together and recalls having just as much fun as his elementary school buddies! FIREHOUSE VOLUNTEER Devon participated in his towns Fire Rescue by helping to clean the building and organize all of the equipment. He helped organize the fire jackets and helmets and helped wash the fire trucks. Devon believes his biggest impact came from showing appreciation and respect to the firefighters than it was doing the cleaning. RELAY FOR LIFE Kayla gathered a group of friends and students from her school in order to participate in her community’s Relay for Life which is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. In order to raise money for the event, Kayla and her team held a candy sale at their school ahead of time and during the event, they held a bake sale. All together, Kayla’s group raised about $1,595 for the American Cancer Society! ADOPT A FAMILY Briana is involved in her schools student government, so for her service project, Briana gained the support of the student government to participate in a program called, “Adopt a Family.” This program allows underprivileged families from her school to receive gifts and donations for the holidays that they would not otherwise be able to afford. Briana feels that this program was a good choice for the student government to support because it helps families at their own school. CADET BASIC SEARCH AND RESCUE Cameron serves as a Cadet Basic, so he was presented with a special opportunity to volunteer alongside the Civil Air Patrol. During his volunteer time, he was able to help out with search and rescue missions to find lost airplanes or sinking boats. During his time of service, Cameron was promoted from Cadet Basic to Cadet Staff Sergeant. FIREHOUSE VOLUNTEER Devon participated in his towns Fire Rescue by helping to clean the building and organize all of the equipment. He helped organize the fire jackets and helmets and helped wash the fire trucks. Devon believes his biggest impact came from showing appreciation and respect to the firefighters than it was doing the cleaning. INFORMATION DESK VOLUNTEER Mackenzie completed her service project through volunteering at the Information Desk at her local hospital. At first, Mackenzie answered and directed visitor phone calls, but soon she was given more responsibility. She started delivering lab results and transferring patients around the hospital. She also got to help discharge patients from the hospital when they were fully recovered. This was an especially beneficial way to Mackenzie to volunteer because she hopes to pursue a career in healthcare in the future. ANTI-BULLYING CAMPAIGN Tamara knows how harmful and toxic bullying can be both personally and for a whole school. This is why she decided to start a Twitter account that encourages the students at her school to be positive role models and friends to each other and to decrease bullying. Tamara knows that cyber bullying, in particular, is something many young people struggle with. This is why she thought it would be especially powerful to have a positive social media presence for her school. The longer the account is active, the more followers she hopes to gain. KEEP THE PARK Jason heard about a park in his community that officials were considering shutting down. For his service project, Jason acted as community advocate, educating community members about the park community officials wanted to close. He gained support for community members and had a group accompany him to the district office where they were able to convince officials not to knock down their park. BILINGUAL HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER Rosa wanted to complete her service project by volunteering at a local hospital. At first, she was just helping out at the front desk but she soon realized that the hospital staff could use one of her very important skills. Rosa is bilingual, so she helped hospital staff communicate with patients which resulted in her being able to spend some one-on-one time with patients. Rosa made a big impact on the patients she visited and on the staff whom benefited from her ability to communicate more effectively which patients. THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME Katie was able to complete her service project with the help of her church. When Katie learned that many people at her church were struggling financially, she knew she waned to do something to help. Members of her church helped her fundraise money in order to take a few of the kids to Disney World. The fundraiser was successful and Katie recalls never seeing kids smile so much in her life.