April 5, 2015 - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
April 5, 2015 - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Welcome to… • April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday . St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc From the Pastor Sir Winston Churchill loved paraprosdokians, in which the first half of a common saying has a surprising ending. Some of them include: April 5, 2015 ♦ page 1 St. Francis of Assisi Upcoming events Divine Mercy Sunday Sunday, April 12th Prayer Service 3:00 PM at Marshall 1) Where there’s a will…I want to be in it. 2) If I agreed with you…we’d both be wrong. 3) War does not determine who is right…only who is left. 4) Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit…wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. 5) I didn’t say it was your fault…I said I was blaming you. 6) In case of emergency, notify…a doctor. 7) You do not need a parachute to skydive…only to skydive twice. 8) I used to be indecisive…but now I’m not so sure. 9) Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian…just like standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car. 10) You are never too old to learn…something stupid. 11) I’m supposed to respect my elders…but it’s getting harder and harder for me to find one. 12) The last thing I want to do is to hurt you…but it’s still on my list. 13) Light travels faster than sound…thus, some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 14) We never really grow up…we just learn how to act in public. 15) To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism… to steal from many is research. First Communion Sunday, April 19th 1:00 PM at Waldo The Easter bunny told me the other day that he saw some people coloring eggs for the big holiday. To be funny, he suggested that they not only color the eggs but the bacon too. The next day he saw them painting pigs in a farmyard. That crazy Bunny has more paraprosdokians than anyone. A Day to Pray Easter, of course, is about much more than baskets full of treats. It is the central event of our Christian faith. Jesus’ rising from the tomb ensures all of us that death is never the end, but only the beginning of a new chapter of life. With that in mind, Easter is the holiday of the greatest rejoicing. It should be the most fun, involving the most sharing, the largest family gathering, and the deepest gratitude of all the holidays we celebrate. So let’s make sure that no one is alone (or at least unvisited), that no one is uninvited, and that no one is doubtful of God’s great love. May this Easter be all that it can be for each of us! Happy Easter, Sunday, April 26th 1:00 PM at Grand Confirmation Sunday, April 26th 5:00 PM at Waldo Saturday April 18, 2015 Grand Social Hall 1416 Grand Ave 8:00 a.m.—3:45 p.m. $10 in advance, $15 at the door, includes lunch Can I learn to pray better? What are my best ways to pray? Am I connecting to God? Fr. Dave Beaudry Fr. Dan Felton Register at the Parish Office, 601 N. 8th Street St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc The Week Ahead Tuesday, April 7th— Prayer Shawl Mtg: 7:00 PM parish office Wednesday, April 8th— Men’s AM Bible Study: 5:30 AM parish office Finance Council: 6:00 PM parish office Friday, April 10th— NOMADs (Nurturing Other Mothers As Disciples) spiritual fellowship group for mothers; childcare provided: 9:00—11:00 AM, LifeTeen House Serra Club Mtg: Noon at Holy Family Memorial ALL MUSICIANS!! Come and join the CITY WIDE CHOIR to celebrate the sacrament of 1st COMMUNION! SUNDAY, APRIL 19 1:00 p.m. at the Waldo site No rehearsal. Only requirements: Joy and an enthusiastic singing voice! See you no later than 12:40 p.m. in the choirloft. J April 5, 2015 ♦ page 2 UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Sunday, April 12th— · Rosary Recital: 12:15 PM at Knollwood Memorial Pk · Divine Mercy Sunday Devotional Hour: 3:00—4:00 PM at the Marshall site · Baptismal Preparation Class: 6:30 PM parish office Tuesday, April 14th— · Bill Zimmer Forum: Noon at Silver Lake College · St. Vincent de Paul Conference Meetings: 4:30 PM—Grand, Waldo & Marshall at SVDP store · Knights of Columbus: 7:00 PM Grand site · Respect Life Mtg: 7:00 PM parish office Saturday, April 18th— · A Day to Pray: 8:00 AM—3:45 PM, Grand site social hall, keynote speakers Fr. Dave Beaudry & Fr. Dan Felton First Saturday Mass The next first Saturday Mass at Calvary Chapel Mausoleum will be on April 11th, at 10:00 AM. CHOIR SCHEDULE Sunday, April 12th: Rosary at Calvary Chapel Mausoleum The Rosary is prayed at Calvary Chapel Mausoleum on the first Friday of the month at 4:00 PM in the chapel. The next Rosary is scheduled for Friday, April 10th. All are welcome. Grand at 8:30 AM: Gloria Dei Marshall at 9:00 AM: Cecilia Choir Waldo at 9:30 AM: SFA Middle School Choir All other Masses will have an organist /song leader. Ongoing Weekly Events Sundays: Sunday Mass Childcare Service: during 9:30 AM Mass at the Waldo site, in the mini-gym Mondays: EDGE—religious education, grades 6-8: 6:30—8:00 PM, LifeTeen house & Waldo site school hall Mondays & Tuesdays: Religious Education Classes, grades 1-5: 6:15—7:30 PM Grand site school Monday-Thursday: Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon. 5:00 AM—Thurs. 12 Midnight, Waldo site rectory; Adoration before the Tabernacle: Friday 8 AM—4:30 PM Monday-Friday: Adoration Society—Adoration before the Tabernacle: 8:00 AM—8:00 PM at Holy Family Memorial chapel Rosary Recital: 6:00 AM at Marshall, 6:30 AM at Waldo Wednesdays: Holy Hour for Life: 9:00 AM in the Eucharistic Chapel at the Waldo site Women of Hope Bible Group: 9:30 AM parish office Thursdays: Thursday Morning Bible Study: 9:00—10:30 AM parish office Holy Family Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group: 7:00 PM at the parish office, includes prayer for needs St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc Mass Intentions Saturday April 4th—Holy Saturday / Easter Vigil 7:30 PM G †Leo & O’Delia Kattner; †Donald Manlick 7:30 PM W Lois Chupita Sunday April 5th—Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 AM W †Blanche Neuser; †Deacon Paul Kieffer 8:00 AM M †Jack Mrozinksi; †Anthony & Elaine Dufek 8:30 AM G †Margaret Vogel; †James Krueger 9:30 AM W For the Parish 10:00 AM M †Donald Soch; †Herman & Blanche Neuser 10:00 AM R For the Parish 10:30 AM G L/D Mbrs of the Harvey & Lorena Leider Family; †Ronald & Laverne Foerg and William & Agnes Buckmaster Monday April 6th—Monday within the Octave of Easter 6:45 AM W †Bob & Pat Brenk; †John Reich Tuesday April 7th—Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 6:45 AM W †Vic Holzinger; †Charles M. Stangel Family Wednesday April 8th—Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 6:45 AM W †Henry (Dick) Burger; †Frederick Kornely Thursday April 9th—Thursday within the Octave of Easter 6:45 AM W †Dawn Dirkmann; Fr. Rene Balbero Friday April 10th—Friday within the Octave of Easter 6:45 AM W †Clara Zipperer; L/D Mbrs of the Paul Christensen Family Saturday April 11th—Vigil, Second Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM G †Donald Manlick 4:00 PM M †Jim Wilda; †Elaine & Fred Ryer 4:30 PM W †Garfield DeGrand & L/D Mbrs of the Ducat Family; †Don & Rita Lettenberger, Mary Frances Otto, Ted & Mata Lettenberger, Jack Willman, Edward & Frances Pieschel and Wes & Ruth Evenson 6:00 PM M Misa en Español Sunday April 12th—Second Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM W †Sophie Bries; †Ralph Lulloff 8:30 AM G †Edith & Richard Morris; L/D Mbrs of the St. Clare Society 9:00 AM M †Sophie Tesnow; †Bernice Novak 9:30 AM W For the Parish 10:30 AM G †Dolores Grall; Lois Rogacki 5:00 PM W †John Kupsh; †Randy Wanek Easter Sunday 10:00 AM Mass, R = Roncalli High School Auditorium Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed. For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead. - Jn 20:8-9 April 5, 2015 ♦ page 3 Easter Sunday Fr. Dave Beaudry The stories of Easter are filled with images and emotions, such as fear and bewilderment. One need go no further than Mark’s Gospel, proclaimed at the great Easter Vigil in the night watch, to discover a profound teaching. In the words of my favorite Scripture Scholar, “Christians must ponder the mystery and act in faith.” We have a penchant to have everything all figured out. We feel comfortable being in control of each situation we encounter. But what if we were with the women at the tomb? What would we think? Would we be bewildered? You see, “the empty tomb means a full life.” Like the women at the tomb, we encounter a great Mystery this Easter, a Mystery we cannot begin to grasp in all its richness. The Mystery is the person of Jesus who was raised from the dead. What does his dying and rising mean for us? As we unfold the mystery, we act in faith, believing that this Jesus lives first and foremost in our hearts. So we are given the power, the Spirit to infect the world with The Christ once crucified, now exalted. This is our destiny: what happened to Jesus will happen to us. Therefore we live fearlessly full lives in service of others, believing that this same Risen Spirit lies within all of our sisters and brothers. And so as we eat our orange jelly beans and chocolate bunnies and eggs, may we ponder the great Mystery of God’s life given in Jesus, and now through us, that we might bring others to life as God’s love has for us! St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc Readings for the Week of April 5, 2015 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31 Bill Zimmer Forum When: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Where: Silver Lake College of the Holy Family 2406 Alverno Road, Manitowoc * Please note the Forum will be held in the Heritage Room, which is located in the main building on the campus * Time: 12:00 PM, attendees are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch or purchase lunch from the college cafeteria Presenter: Sr. Judy Miller, CSJ ~ Staff Member, Norbertine Center for Spirituality, St. Norbert Abbey, DePere, WI Book: The Paradox of Power from Control to Compassion Author: Michael Crosby, OFM, CAP Pre-registration is not required, nor is there a fee to attend. All are welcome—please join us! April 5, 2015 ♦ page 4 PARISH SUPPORT Weekly parish support numbers were not available to print and will be published next week. Stewardship in Scripture He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. (Acts 10:42) In Memory of… For the week of March 29th Sanctuary Lights were in memory of... Richard & Gary Bogenschutz at the Waldo site Nicholas Wallander and Mary Schmelzle at the Marshall site ~ ~ ~ For the week of April 5th Sanctuary Lights are in memory of... Alice Duruz at the Grand site Donald Soch and Jim Wilda at the Marshall site Eternal Rest to Our Loved Ones We extend our sympathy to the families & friends of: Parish Office Scrip Sale Hours: Monday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Wednesday: 12:30 PM—4:30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM—12:00 Noon Lois Bush Rita Junk Kathleen Norleman Marilyn Schmatz Reminder that there are no Scrip sales this weekend ~ Happy Easter! Our SFA Scrip Coordinator is: Cindi Verch 652-7835 Lenore Typner Brianna Zimmerman May all the faithful departed rest in peace. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc New Evangelization Symposium 2015 April 5, 2015 ♦ page 5 YOU PLAN BECAUSE YOU LOVE… The New Evangelization: Journeying With Christ as a Way of Life April 23, 2015 9AM-4PM Silver Lake College in Manitowoc Featured speakers: Bishop David Ricken speaks on his pastoral reflection, Teach My People to Pray Marcel LeJeune, nationally renowned speaker, will address prayer discipleship and the New Evangelization Breakout Session Speakers: Various aspects of evangelization Father Dave Beaudry Paula Roth Joe Tremblay Cost: $25 by March 31; $30 after March 31 Registration: Contact Shelia Schaut at [email protected] or call 920-272-8276 Sponsored by the Department of New Evangelization and partially funded by the generosity of the Bishop's Appeal Have you planned for the evident? Please call me regarding: · Cremation Niches · Gravesites · Mausoleum Crypts Name(s): ________________________________ - Bishops Appeal 2015 - Phone # _________________________________ Goal: $183,152 Best time to contact: _______________________ Current Donations: $140,212 1,018 families donating Thank you for making a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal. www.catholicfoundationgb.org Please place in church collection basket. Calvary Catholic Cemetery Calvary Chapel Mausoleum 2601 South 14th Street (920) 684-3646 www.calvarymanitowoc.org The mausoleum is open today until 4:00 p.m. Mark your calendars for the annual Roncalli High School Pierside Auction Saturday, April 25, 2015 St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 6 St. Clare Corner Faith ~ Values ~ Academics April showers usually bring flowers. . .but they also will be bringing lots of projects for the St. Clares. 1. Monday, April 13, hosting the Vicariate V meeting - Waldo Site. All women of the parish are invited. Registration in church at 5:30 p.m. followed by Mass at 6:00 p.m. with Rev. Richard Klingeisen. A voluntary $5 admission fee will be collected. A light supper will be served. Speaker is Atty. Michele Birschbach. Her topic is estate planning. If time permits, she will also answer other elder questions. 2. April 18, DCCW Convention at Nativity Church Green Bay, 8:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m. Mass with Rev. Donald Everts. Speakers are Tommy Nelson, Director of Campus Ministry at Silver Lake College. His topic is entitled, “The Holy Spirit, Young Adults, and You! After lunch, Mother Mary Catherine, Community Superior and Founder of Missionaries of the Word will speak on “The Joy of the Gospel Life.” Call Helen for more info or to make a reservation – 682-4727. There will be a collection for Brother Regis – blankets and quilts of any size, sewing supplies including pieces of fabric 1 yd. or larger, cash to defray shipping costs, and rosaries. Fee is $20. Breakfast and lunch are included. 3. April 18/19 – Grand Site: Collection of children’s clothing before all masses 4. April 20/21 – Grand Site: Collection of children’s clothing before Religious Ed classes 5. Tuesday, April 21, 6:30 p.m. NOTE: New starting time of 6:30 p.m. We will have election of officers and discuss donations. Assoc. Dir. Michael Etheridge of The Haven will be our speaker. 6. April 22-23 Collect items and set-up Spring Rummage & Bake Sale at Grand Social Hall 7. April 24 – 1:00-4:00 p.m. Rummage & Cookies Sale 8. April 25 – 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. – Rummage & Bake Sale; 12-1:30 p.m. – Stuff-A-Bag If you haven’t paid your dues, please mail a check of $5 payable to St. Clare to Ann Dvorachek, 857 Lawton Terrace, Manitowoc, WI 54220. If you aren’t sure whether you paid, call Ann at 684-6217. She will be happy to help you. Barb Schiesl will be accepting reservations to the Spring Banquet to be held at the Eagles Club, Tuesday, May 19, 5:30 p.m. cocktails; 6:30 p.m. dinner. Menu is baked chicken and pork loin. The program will be given by Barb Chisholm, Belgian Historian entitled the Peshtigo Fire. Cost is $14. You may call Barb at 682-7421 to make your reservation if you can’t attend the meeting. Register Now for the 2015-2016 School Year! St. Francis of Assisi offers 3K– 8th grade, with before and after school care. Registration materials available on-line or at both school campuses Be an ambassador for our school, invite others to check us out! · · · Multi-child discount Tuition Assistance Wisconsin Parental Choice Program School (WPCP) St. Francis of Assisi School is a WPCP school. Parents may have their child’s full tuition costs paid through the school choice program. Please apply for the chance for free tuition through the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program To apply: 1. Submit Online Application at school.sfamanitowoc.org 2. Bring proof of residency (a utility bill) and your social security number to school office at 1408 Waldo Blvd, Manitowoc Roncalli High School is also a part of the WPCP. For more information contact John Stelzer at 920-682-8801. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 7 RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE Sponsored by the St. Clare Society of St. Francis of Assisi Parish Grand site school hall ~ South 14th & Grand Ave. Friday, April 24, 2015 Rummage & Homemade Cookie Sale, 1:00—4:00 PM Saturday, April 25, 2015 Rummage & Bake Sale, 9:00 AM—12:00 PM $2.00 Stuff a Bag 12:00—1:30 PM, Clean Up 1:30 PM—2:30 PM RUMMAGE SALE Bring rummage to the school hall on Wednesday, April 22nd: 1:00 PM—5:00 PM Thursday, April 23rd: 9:00 AM—2:00 PM Bring items as early as possible so workers have time to sort. DO NOT BRING RUMMAGE ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY! Clean, smoke free clothing, and household items in good shape, would be appreciated. Small appliances accepted only in good working condition. NO COMPUTERS, MICROWAVES, TV’s, TREADMILLS & SHOES! Everyone is welcome to donate or buy rummage and bakery. This is a parish wide event! BAKE SALE Bring cookies to the school hall on Friday, April 24: 9:00 AM—Noon Bring bakery to the school hall on Friday, April 24: 9:00 AM—4:00 PM Saturday, April 25: Before 8:30 AM NEEDED: Jewelry & CLOTHING OF ALL SIZES, FOR ALL AGES! Only non-refrigerated bakery please. Example: cakes, cookies, muffins, bars, breads, pies, kolaches, etc. QUESTIONS?? Rummage sale Call: Karen Tisler at 684-8349. Bake sale Call: Pat Korlesky at 684-6735. Please label and package items but do not price. Engaged and Married couples! In an effort to give practical help to live out the teaching of the Church, a short course on Natural Family Planning is starting soon. You are encouraged to attend our course at St. Francis of Assisi parish beginning May 2nd. For more information, contact John and Margaret Iannitello at 920-684-3797 or [email protected] To register, please go to www.CCLI.org and click on Search/Register for Classes. MASS PRESIDER SCHEDULE: A special thank you…to all who helped make LEO's wine event a great success. Whether you gave a donation, attended the evening or helped by working, we could not have done it without you. The profits will help support the less fortunate in our community as well as the missions we serve in the United States and around the world. Thanks to the Manitowoc Yacht Club for allowing us to hold the fund raiser in its beautiful facility. For the weekend of April 11 & 12 Marshall site—Fr. Finian Grand site—To be determined Waldo site—Fr. Dave Beaudry St. Thomas the Apostle—Fr. Bill Brunner (Changes may occur due to special events.) PRAYER NETWORK If you wish to request prayers for someone, please contact Alice Haen at 682-9163. Alice is the coordinator of the parish Prayer Network. Only the first names of persons to be prayed for and a reason (cancer, health, family problems, etc.) are needed. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 8 St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 9 St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 10 Stewardship Corner Each week we invite you to visit this space as we feature a group or individuals in our parish community that exemplifies our stewardship concepts of prayer, service & sharing. Featured Group: Meals on Wheels Mission: Bringing meals to the homebound. Type of Stewardship: Sharing and service Contact: Lynn Sweetman, 920-682-9694 Meals on Wheels is a volunteer group from our parish, responsible for one route of the Manitowoc home delivered meals for the elderly and disabled. This is a very important volunteer opportunity that allows many to remain in their home. This is a wonderful way to be a steward of St. Francis and to bring happiness to people in need of a smiling, caring face. The St. Francis of Assisi route is always the week starting with the 4th Monday of the month. Delivery is from the Manitowoc Senior Center and takes approximately 1 ½ hours, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. If interested in working with the St. Francis of Assisi Meals on Wheels, please contact Lynn Sweetman. Survivors of Suicide Support Group On Leaving our legacy… When all is said and done, we each have the opportunity to state where it is that our estate goes. So many thoughts, so many questions... Is the parish included with the children in our distribution? Is tithing included in our will? Other forms of passing it on include listing the parish as a beneficiary on CD’s or various insurance plans. What is my plan? Well, that gives me pause for thought…and prayer. Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Support Group will meet Wednesday, April 8th at Aurora Medical Center in the Superior Conference Room from 7:00—8:30 PM. Please enter through the main entrance and take a left down the hall to the Superior Conference Room. Signage will be up. This is an open meeting for people coping with the grief of knowing someone dear who completed the act of Suicide. Please join us. Call Rhonda with questions at 920-901-0779 or through the St. Peter the Fisherman parish office at 920-793-4531. St. Vincent de Paul Help Corner A Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show the love of the Risen Christ by bringing your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 11 EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS Lawrence Lambries Cyril & Helen Marlborough Lawrence D & Cecelia Lambries Marie Fictum Mike & Millie Ebert Jim & Marilynn Johnsrud Jimmy Marlborough Anton & Laura Oswald Cyril & Helen Marlborough Robert & Pauline Keil Jeff Keil Wilbert Hutchison Emil Steeber Margaret Bonde Bernie Bonde Teddy Bonde Stanley & Mae Pozorski William & Layola Kurth Mike Reimer Family Roy Knorr John Knorr Francis Monigal Dorothy Monigal Harry & Jeanette Graczykowski Joseph & Anna Graczykowski Anton, Mary, & Francis Feltman Lolitta (Graczykowski) Pesl M/M Norman Brandt Joanne Kronberg Marilyn Maples Robert Strauss Reuben Schneider Randy Schneider Aloysuis & Clara Cookle & Family Joseph & Regina Kostuhoske Family George & Lillian Francl Family Ralph Keil Karen Keil Harlan Neff Peter Holschbach Family Gerroll Family Anthony R. Holschbach Kathy Barta Don Barta Bernice Barta My Beloved Husband William X. Blashka Mr. & Mrs. Francis Henning M/M Ellsworth Zlatohlavek Celilia F. Spurney Ed & Catherine Spurney Joe & Delia Spatchek Mel (Lucy) Rivest Roland A. & Walter P. Dueno Frances & Roland W. Dueno Charles & Coreen Vesely Melvin, Antonette & Mary Ann Kautzer Jacob & Francis Rogala Marilyn Schleis Frank & Marian Resch Dorothy M. Resch Naomi Knipp Fred & Clara Skarvan Edward & Elizabeth Orth Tony & Barbara Sepnesky Eugene Sepnesky James Zlatohlavek Ellsworth & Eleanor Zlatohlavek Frank & Marian Braun Dick Braun Marie Braun William Scheurell John & Mary Naidl Uncle Jack & Jay Budnik Raymond & Olive Sullivan Patrick Sullivan John & Mary Fuchs John J. Fuchs Frances & Felix Frozena Anna & Leonard Gollata George B. Mangin Sr. John P. Mangin Perry & Irene Dickens Sharon Dvorackek Ron Tate Kathy Braun L/D Mbrs Wm. Scheurell Family L/D Mbrs Francis Strauss Family Erv & Generva Musial Steve & Lucille Kukoski Steve & Barb Kukoski Joseph J. Shebesta Dolores Kent Charles & Wylma Neuser Ethel Neubert Robert Herzog John & Mary Pritzl Reine & Ella Herzog Irene Oswald L/D Mbrs Lloyd Ciha Family Lorraine & Harry Witczak Helen & Louis Sleger M.B.Kangas M. Kangas Leonard Denor Jim Wilda Don Ellerman Robert Dupras Harry, Emily & Angeline Zinkel Jim Wilda Simon & Wilda Families Romona Ambrosius Ross Ambrosius Allen Nonnemacher June Marek Ed & Ann Paul Frank & Clara Riederer William Jarosh Frank & Ann Kutil Clinton Marks Baby Angel & Kellen M. Floyd Orth Sally Orth Dick “Orthy” Orth Logan Treffert Beatrice & Edwin Zagrodnik Serina & Philip Budnik Joseph, Marcella & John Tadych Henry & Agnes Oswald Norman & Christine Zunker Ron & Rusty Zunker Emil & Agnes Decker Shirley Diedrich Shorty & Mickey Muench Gene, Betty & Dave Larson Dale Robinson Aulik, Robinson & Miller Families Cecilia Riebe Dennis Paul Franz Dennis Eugene Franz Charles J. Parworth Lester Parworth William & Layola Kurth Francis & Lois Franz Donna Haase Margaret Bastian Wilbur Haase Stanley & Viola Andrastek Thomas & Esther Shallue Deacon Phil Andrastek Bill Peters Eugene J. Jansen Joe, Viola & Kenny Naidl Deacon Phil Andrastek Bill Peters John & Helen Schultz Stanley & Viola Andrastek Leonard & Evelyn Kocourek Herman & Blanch Neuser Bill Garceau Mary Troullier Sophie & Clarence Tesnow Dorothy & Evertt Bolle Mary & Alex Walters Helen Hornes Danny Handl Grace & Garfield Crawford Uncle Bill Brachmann L/D Mbrs Alex & Paulen Mrotek Families L/D Mbrs Eaton & Zagrodnik Families Bob & David Dornaus Jim & Lorraine Lau William Kronschnabel Anthony & Elaine Dufek Paul & Mary Rohrer Arthur & Isabel Klackner Anton, Lillian, Mildred & Margaret Dufek Peter Gosz Family William Rohrer Family Ralph & Michael Rugowski Robert & Mildred Schad Laurel & Ione Davison David Bowen Ted Bowen Linda Davison Meyer, Leist & Koch Families Dorothy Mailand Mark Mailand Marie Tienor Marvin Wimmer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tienor Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wimmer Sr. James Damman Lester & Eleanor Dassey Delores Yohanek Mr. & Mrs. Alois Gadzinski Mr. & Mrs. Ted Krell Marge Gadzinski Melvin Hynek V. Hynek St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 12 EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS William Karlin Ruth Karlin Brandner Family Klumpp Family Pat & Bob Brenk Remiker Family Sheahan Family Woldt Family Siegfried & Esther Tittl Ned Swetlik Raymond Kodet Dave Penkala Mary Witczak (Molitor) Leonard (Curly) Witczak Bob Molitor Catherine Chilar Charles & Laura Lantow Dean Brennan Todd Brennan Andy Hardtke Deceased Relatives & Family Anton & Rose Bahman John & David Bahman Ron & Pat Kunz Lad & Dorothy Kunz Jim Kirby Men & Women in the Armed Forces Daniel Janda Edward & Emily Janda Norbert & Clara Zelewske Lucy Peronto Gloria Karl Bernadene Ollendorf Harold Janda Janet Derenne Karl Kaufmann Ben & Theresa Mahlik Reuben A. Huntington Mark Stahl Cindy Stahl Mr. & Mrs. John Schuette Lois Schuette Ray Sturzl Vincent Graham Gladie Graham Elizabeth Graham Tricia Briggs LeRoy & Dorothy Blimel Bill Zastrow Mary & Ray Zywicke David Zywicke Mary June Krause John & Julia Aulik Tom Larson Andrew Knipp Edward, Charlotte Ebenhoe Roger Ebenhoe Ronald Ebenhoe Marge Gadzinski Alois & Irene Gadzinski John & Frances Hruby Robert Rysticken August Meyer Family Peter Rysticken Family Ray Fidler Lillian Fidler James Pankratz Rev. Fr. Roger Heck Don, Helen & George Radey Sylvester & Elsie Lasee Bob, Lois & Ray Lasee Vint & Helen Samz McIntyre & Krish Families Francis Wheeler Joseph & Violet Zawada Joseph Zawada Jr. Red & Grace Crawford Karen Crawford Eugene & Lenora Mrotek Richard Bogenschutz Gary Bogenschutz The Stahl Family The Post Family James & Alice Blanchard James G. Blanchard George Schweda Paul Schultz John Leindecker Steve & Anna Foreyth Brian Ruether Cole Ruether Carol Lemberger Martha Brey Marie Fessler Christopher Brey Millie Minor Alfred & Julia Palzer Irene Bishop Madeline Blashka Joe Blashka Don & Geri Leist John Leist Tammie Zinda Alfred & Dolores Ryktarsky Alvin & Helen Klopp William Palmer Sandy Palmer Marie Holly Oran Bushman Steven Bushman Bushman Family Kuehn Family Marvin & Sophie Ziarnik Ken & Nancy Ziarnik In Honor of Anna Mulkey In Honor of Emily Mulkey Mathew & Louise Lewis Family James Zankel Edmund & Rose Zankle Family Carrie Pribyl Kurt Lenzner Randy Rogers Kathy Demeuse Wencel & Alice Schleis Victor & Martha Opichka Cecelia, Joseph & Lisa Kuklinski A Special Intention Robert L. Hall William & Ella Waniger Ben & Emily Delsmann Francis Paszkiewicz All Family Members Matt Muhowski Baby Jack Muhowski Victor & Emma Sickinger Frank Dondlinger Victor Pech Deceased Mbrs Franz & Chizek Families Mary Scherer Bill & Anna Tisler Frank & Florence Skarda Paul Rosinsky L/D Mbrs Kollross & Linzmeier Families Ruth & Lloyd Kalkofen Antonette Kautzer Maryann Kautzer Fred & Clara Kalkofer Gertrude & Sylvester Birringer Eleanor & Harold Barbeau Rose Barbeau Alois & Theas Mrozinski Jack Mrozinski Vilas & Mini Hoffman Tom, Bruce, Brian & Tory Hoffman Oriet & Michael Gospodarek Joe & Clara Franz Eugene & Betty Franz Don & Elaine Thone Leo & Odelia Kattner LeRoy & Maureen Kattner Geimer, Schultz, and Zachek Familes Peter Nguyen Maria Nguyen Dominic Nguyen Peter Hguyen Alice & Don Garber June Gallagher Pauline Steiner Kevin J. Sweetman Albert & Leona Zagrodnik Edward & Agnes Krajnek Catherine Zagrodnik Peter Evan Krajnek Fred & Susan Strupp Joe & Clara Svatek Margaret Marge Vogel Genevieve Crawley Anna Vogel Emma Meyer August, Mark & Lori Haen Theresa & Elphege Kuenzel Pat Babler Bob Karbowski Henry, Bertha & Robert Sturm Steve & Marie Savage Norbert & Gertrude Vogt Edwin & Christine Ploederl Joseph & Theresa Tomchek Marilyn Maples Vivian Kouba Allen Eichhorst Patrick Eichhorst Austin Eichhorst Ralph & Aurelia Klein Todd A. Klein George A. Lettenberger Don Soch Chris Soch Ed, Blanche & Elroy Karl Family of Jan & Catherine Matcynski Delman Ziarnik & Leonard Ziarnik Families Herbert & Grace Orth Joseph, Marcella & John Tadych St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 13 EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS L/D Mbrs Marquardt Family Dick & Dawn Holschbach Clara & John Schmitz Marion & Edward Lenz Randall Schmitz Frank & Lucille Pozorski Francis Pozorski Joseph & Frances Staral Sylvester Staral Charles E. Quistorf Mark A. Quistorf John A Quistorf MaDevill Alvarez Meister Families Koenig Families Henry & Josephine Hutchison Alyce Zietlow Arthur Baer Jacque & Mark Pfeffer Kenneth Brixius Darryl Brixius Adolph Gospodarek Florence Gospodarek Marvin Vnuk Orlean Vnuk Austin Eichhorst Philip J. Budnik Joy A. Budnik Vic Walters Evo & June Balzan Roy Reuther Shannon Balzan Helen Shimek Hulda Caldwell Norman Robinson Grace Robinson Wendy Johnson Dekeyser Bob Johnson Nic & Elaine Everard Stanley Szymczyk Mary Szymczyk/Brotski Karen Szymczyk Clinton & Marcella Gilmore Patrick Franz Joseph & Susan Yanda M/M Frank Polifka M/M Charles Freidenberger Anna Polifka Edith Mott Edwin & Doris Cook Mike Cook Ben & Clara Fidler Dennis Fidler M/M Charles Feidenberger Janet M. Brunner Mary Ziegelbauer George & Diana Ziegelbauer Robert & Mary Platteter Henry & Elizabeth Binversie Lynn & Lois Gospodarek Florian & Alvina Gospodarek Albert & Sophie Rugowski Joan Schmill Dennis Schmill Michael Forest Guse Christel Shirley Winneken Geralyn Barsenas J. Malcolm Empey Blanche Empey Laura Nesemann Fred & Norine Kaye Earl Gintner Ken Gintner Clarence & Irene Klingeisen M/M W. Kumbalek M/M H. Franzen Mary L. Kumbalek Dave Stever Sherry Hockhammer Dick Hallwachs William Scheurell Anna Belonger Martha & Ralph Scheurell Francis Duffy L/D Mbrs Ahearn Duffy Family Sophie & Ed Peaschek Balbido & Paul Peaschek Cecilia & Frank Tadych Deceased Mbrs Tadych & Matczynski Families Theresa Towell John Sr. & Alvina Zucchi John Jr. & Marilyn Zucchi Mary Jane Zucchi Shelby Zucchi Semrau & Wyman Families Henschel & Lulloff Family Marie Holly Clara Fidler Gregory Jagodinsky M/M Joseph F. Drab Joe Strathmann Thelma & Quirin Lensmire Clarence & Alice Fencl Robert Boeckman Robert Benzinger L/D Mbrs Bauer & Zalewski Families Catherine & Joseph Borusky Art & Mary Robinson Joe & Betty Sleger Daniel Greenwald M/M Stanley Bonin M/M Joseph Miller Genevieve Strauss William Sepnafski William & Ella Goetz Edward & Helen Konkel Richard Becker Margaret Becker Joyce King Schwarzenbart Family Tom Mortimer Dave & Frances Mortimer Bob Scherer Lloyd & Marie Scherer Joseph Pribyl Carrie Pribyl Robert & Florence Reznichek Joseph & Anita Hoyer Bill Hoyer Syd Herman William Sepnafski William & Ella Goetz Mary Lippert Eleanor Lippert Rita Bohacek Victor Bohacek James Sahm Antoniette Musial Veronica Marienthal Lorraine Garceau Robert Garceau Irene Gadzinski Alois Gadzinski M/M A. H. Parent M/M Art Allen Frank & Maureen Stradal Ralph & Viola Terens Margaret Trainor Raymond Trainor Grace Shimek Joseph Shimek Amy Duebler Thomm Bob Duebler Wasmer & Linsmeyer Families L/D Mbrs Hearley, Ruelle, & Vieau Families Bill Poole Josephine McCormick Vera Treacy Virginia Fry Katherine Czajkowski Mildred Sather Marian Freiberg Roy Lamach Francis Zipperer Joel Sitkitwitz Daniel Sitkiewitz Novak & Holzer Familes L/D Mbrs Meyer & Borths Families Tim Wiese Alfred Peter Brull Florine Brull Bielawski Gabriel Vasquez Cynara Brull John Bielawski John & Esther Gross Fred & Mary Gross Tom & Clara Ozga L/D Mbrs Pritzl & Schermetzler Families Kenneth Daum John & Marie Oswald Herbert & Eleanor Daum Alois Rozmarynowski Cyrilla Rozmarynowski Robert Rozmarynowski Melvin & Vi Hynek Family Merl & Max Sosnosky Family Harold & Betty Schultz Madeline Blashka Ray & Helen Naidl Barbara Zucchi Joseph Berres L/D Mbrs Charles & Anna Tisler Family L/D Mbrs Josephini & Siegfried Families James Duzeski Betty Duzeski Ted Pauly Pauline Pleier Sr. Mary Jo Kirt Allen Reich John Reich Dixie Oswald Chester & Lorraine Eiles Joseph & Bessie Schmidt LeRoy Eiles Cyril Eiles Robert & Bobby Guse St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 14 EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS Alvina & Florian Gospodarek Lee & Dale Chizek Carol Langer David & Brian Marquardt Robert Davis Scott & Joette Backus Joe & Bernice Gallenberger Melvin G. Schulz Melvin R. Schulz Roland Peronto Eleonore Peronto Rose & Charles Hettmann Jeanette Wernecke Randy Wernecke Christine Lutzke L/D Mbrs Tomczyk Family L/D Mbrs Graff Family James LeClair Bob Ledet Genevieve & Mark Wagner Frank F. Bonk Josephine C. Bonk Geraldine Dondlinger John, Anna & Noreen Wronkowski Clem & Florence Weier Alice Litersky Glenn, Jim & Dave Carter Jo Ann Laurenz Bernard & Bernadine Carter Edwin & Loretta Cavanaugh Sharon Bosserman Dolores Kubis Emma & Earl Kugler Sr. Agnes Pieschel Janice & Mary Beth Marcus James E. Marcus William C. Biaggio Don Pelnar Jean Mueller Joe Rathsack Jim & Joyce King Mary Jane Wilke Rob Wilke Arthur & Rose Wilke Helen & Cyril Marlborough Anton & Laura Oswald Herbert & Agnes Holzschuh Marcel Dempsky M/M Joseph Valinski Family Matt Dempsky Family Leona Heinz Donald Heinz Dolores Georgenson Shirley Olson James Shea Virginia Shea Dawn Dirkmann Ted & Irene Becker Nancy Lemberger SJ & Mary Ann Schmelzer Edward & Grace Check Devri Smith Andrew Wallen Garfield DeGrand Christine Ziarnik Betty Kunesh Emil Ducat Jr. Raymond Ducat Ronald Ducat L/D Mbrs Kirch & Bonin Families Tracie Nack Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Barbeau Roy & Marie Nelesen John & Elizabeth Seifert Melvin Schisel Elizabeth Shupita Clarence & Helen Schisel Brett Hoyt Louis McKee Peggy McKee Beth Komosa Jeannie Klein L/D Mbrs Lishka, Menzel & Vogel Families Joseph C. Knier John T. Cavanaugh Irene Strouf William Strouf David Maltby Arthur & Michael Schmatz Paul & Catherine Massman Aaron & Agnes Bausch Elmer & Isabella Duenkel Christine Duenkel Ernie Peterman Frank & Anna Peterman Angeline B. Tallefson Dennis D. Shimek Mr. & Mrs. William Musil Reine Herzog Kathryn Oswald L/D Mbrs Charles & Anna Tisler Family L/D Mbrs Peter & Mary Frozena Family Sister Anna Tisler Conrad Brazzale Bob Fischer Lawrence & Marcella Pellow Jenny Pellow Helen Schroeder Leo Kozaczuk Delmar Novak Family John & Helen Komoroski Family L/D Mbrs George & Eleanore Danay Family L/D Mbrs Erv & Violet Ploederl Family Newphrey & Clara Check Zeke & Esther Tittl Louis & Rose Walecka Francis & Josephine Powalisz Dorothy & Don Rehrauer Julianne & James Sauer Jr. Marlene Gill Ben & Helen Mahlik Family Terese Eis Bernie Bentley Reubin & Lucille Marshburn Sylvester Staral Todd Hallfrisch Kay Hallfrisch Evelyn Meyer Jon R. Koch Al Meyer Michael Koch Robert Taylor Bernard & Theresa Mahlik L/D Mbrs Keehan and Valentine Families George & Marie Close Herb & Veronica Stahl Ruth & Sherman J. McKay Sherman A. McKay Harry & Elizabeth Klaeser Kenneth Stevens Glen J. Meyers Kim Stevens Wayne & Theresa Stevens Robert & Carol Brebner Carol Soukup Bernie Andrastek Dan Andrastek Tracy Krieser Mathew LeGreve Helen & Happy Handl Ethel & Walter LaPointe John & Millie LaPointe Vince Holschbach Romy Keehan Ed & Ann Junk Rick Brull Mary Jane Brull Logan Brull Chewy Piaskowski Arthur & Violet Edinger Lois Edinger Helen & Jerry Piaskowski Jerry Piaskowski, Jr. Kenneth & Marie Robertson Marshall Pratt William Fischer Family LoEan–Nels & Don Thiers Christine Duenkel Robert Rysticken Deacon Paul Kieffer Names received after March 29th will be in next week’s bulletin. Mission Statement The Manitowoc Catholic Community exists as a sacramental body of Christ, to love as Christ loved, by boldly proclaiming our faith, teaching our youth, spreading the Good News of Jesus, and serving one another and others in an ever changing community. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc April 5, 2015 ♦ page 15 The mission of Roncalli High School is to educate in the Catholic traditions of spiritual growth, life-long service, and academic excellence. On Wednesday, March 25th, the Roncalli students, faculty, and friends prayed the Stations of the Cross. Congratulations to Katherine Froelich and Anastasia Konopacki, who were selected to receive the Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship, awarded for excellence in the academic arena, high motivation to achieve leadership, and strong promise of success. Only 162 scholarships were awarded statewide. Congratulations to the cast and crew of “Bye Bye Birdie” on a wonderful performance. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc What’s happening at… April 5, 2015 ♦ page 16 MARIBEL HEATING & PLUMBING LLC Bob Nelson REALTOR GRI, ABR, SRES E-PRO, BPOR Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, Wells, Septics, Softeners, sump pumps & bath/kitchen remodel (920) 860-0178 Parish Member 610 Tower Ave. Kellnersville, WI. 54215 863-2921 • 732-3506 [email protected] MP230545 THE REAL ESTATE GROUP, INC. Knox’s Banquet Hall • Aluminum Awnings • • Ornamental Railings and Columns • • Rustic Lawn Art • Sunday Brunch 10am-1:30pm Specializing in family style dinners 10 to 300 people 814 S. 28th Street, Manitowoc 684-5779 silvervalleybanquethall.com 1222 S. Alverno Rd. • (920) 686-2004 Manufactured by Brixius Manufacturing, Inc. Serving the Lakeshore Area for 65 Years YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE Transportation Services, Inc. 2880 Dogwood Lane Manitowoc, WI 54220 Tel.: (920) 683-3203 Fax: (920) 683-3247 Reed & 8th Street Thanks for Your Support Dan Wagner Tree Care Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check Large and Small Tree Pruning, Removal and Stump Removal 20 Years Experience B.S. Urban Forestry, U.W.S.P. 920-684-5618 4002 Wildwood Drive Manitowoc, WI 54220 the internet or yellow pages. I 43 & Hwy 151 Parish Member ® North Ridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center Giving Life More Flavor Sausage Company Serving Manitowoc Since 1928 • Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapy Available 7 Days A Week • Exceptional Patient Outcomes MANUFACTURERS OF PREMIUM CHEESE SPREADS & CONFECTIONS Call for a tour today at 920-682-0314 • 1445 N. 7th Street, Manitowoc www.mgmhealthcare.com/north-ridge-medical-and-rehab-center www.PineRiver.com Parish Member FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED MANITOWOC, WI 920-684-8143 • (920) 682-1492 www.checkelectric.net Roncalli Catholic High School Lawrence V. Salutz • Timothy M. Salutz David J. Pawlowski • John W. Stangel Kevin P. Stangel • Darryl W. Deets Specializng in Drywall Finishing, Installation and Home Improvements! 35 collective years of experience! Gary Meyer 920-684-8143 • Cellphone - 920-374-1615 Bob Meyer • Cellphone - 920-374-1614 GREAT SERVICE! FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Delicious Friday Fish! Perch • Walleye • Haddock • Blue Gill Outstanding ing Clam Chowder 426 N 9th St., Manitowoc 920.684.3007 Regency House Senior Apartments Creating Christian Community Personalizing Education Call (920) 686-8126 for information Pray for Vocations • Extensive Nursing Experience • Compassionate Staff • Outstanding Wound Care GUY SCHUETTE BUILDERS Quality Craftsmanship 684-0880 1898 N. 18th St. Parish Member FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Across from Senior Center Affordable Senior Housing Monthly “Pot-Luck” Socials In-House Washers & Dryers Beautiful Park-like Setting Call for a Private Tour (920) 684-1531 Parish Member Owned 929 South 31st Street, Manitowoc ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC D 2C 01-0704 03-24-2015 16:47:54 BILL’S AUTO SALES & CUSTOM PAINT, INC. Quality Pre-owned Vehicles Complete Collision Center We Accept Scrip M. O. Orchekowski, D.D.S. • D.L. Beaupre D.D.S. 4725 Plank Rd., Manitowoc, WI 54220 (920) 682-7881 3836 Calumet Ave. • Manitowoc 920-682-8867 Parish Member www.billsauto.us GENERAL DENTISTRY 1503 Randolph Ct. Manitowoc, WI 54220 920-682-0321 107 Eisenhower St. Valders, WI 54245 920-775-4168 Dr. Daniel R. Boettcher Dr. Matthew R. Culligan Dr. Steven M. Groddy Dr. Estella A. Pizana PERIODONTICS Dr. Michael L. Schmerman FAX: 920-682-3128 EBERT’S ANTIQUES Since 1967 Wanted to buy: Antique Furniture • Crocks • Guns Rahr Kingsbury Items Silver Coins • Jewelry Estates - No Commission Bring in or Call 682-0687 10% Off Entire Bill With Ad • Great Gr Breakfasts • Daily Da Specials • Homemade Ho Desserts • Soup So & Salad Bar Daily • Dine-in Di or Carryout Family Restaurant 2021 Nagle Ave. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone (920) 683-2123 Fax (920) 683-3475 682-1081 2013 N. Rapids Rd. Manitowoc EASTER BUFFET 7330 English Lake Rd. • (920) 758-5757 Windows www.twinfountains.net www.twinfountains. Free Estimates John School 2 miles south of Manitowoc Menards 682-0240 Home Repair and General Carpentry 2816 N. Rapids Rd. Manitowoc Home: 920-686-0445 Cell: 920-860-2225 920-686-1278 Call Tim for a Free Estimate! Fully Insured! All Insurance Work Has A Lifetime Guarantee All Occasion A Catering Jim Vnuk • Manitowoc, WI (920) 901-0006 Available for Indoor or Outdoor Events Serving at Your Site or Eagles Club in Manitowoc Capable of Serving Groups from 50-2,500 we are here to serve all your needs LUISIER PLUMBING, INC. “Serving The Lakeshore for Over 50 Years” 1320 Washington St. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Novak’s Service Center 203 South Liberty Valders Jeremiah Novak 4623 Goodwin Road 682-3666 MP #232233 JOHN KOSS (920) 683-1996 4558 Broadway Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 JOHN KOSS BUILDERS, INC. Sales and Installation of Carpeting • Vinyl • Ceramic Laminate & Wood CUSTOM CARPENTRY NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS • GARAGES • SIDING ROOFING • KITCHENS LEE & DAVE DENK 1507 Twentieth St. Two Rivers, WI 54241 www.johnkossbuilders.com Phone 794-1364 Owner 920-684-5737 Fax: 920-684-5643 Repair and Maintenance We fill propane cylinders 775-9323 682-2480 1-800-236-4827 Working hard to be “Lumber 1” with you! Pro-View, Inc. Certified Home Inspections Matt Schuette P.O. Box 2048 Manitowoc, WI 54221 Phone: 920-973-7841 [email protected] www.proviewinc.net FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC C 2C 01-0704 03-24-2015 16:47:54 Joseph W. Debilzen, Financial Advisor KAMINSKI & POZORSKI Attorneys and Counselors • 18 Hole Championship Golf Course • Practice Facility • 9 Hole Practice Course • Season Passes, Leagues, Full Service Golf Shop Available • Wedding Ceremonies • Wedding Receptions • Christmas Parties • Corporate Events 3212 N. Union Rd. Cato, WI 54230 (920) 682-5901 www.golfbranchriver.com We can accommodate ps of 12 to 275 groups Rick Balzan Parish Member (920) 905-0543 www.balzanhr.com Personal attention to your human resource issues Find the Extraordinary in You SL.edu 2 years in a row! Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sunday 12 noon - 4 p.m. 904 South Eighth Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 Tree Services. Aerial Bucket. Fully Insured 3950 Calumet Avenue TIM NATE PLUMBING INSTALLATION & REPAIRS New Construction - Remodel Residential - Commercial Garbage Disposals - Water Heaters Drain Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES MP #230792 Licensed & Insured Over 20 Years Experience 920-684-8968 “Helping to make things right” [email protected] 684-6694 Siding • Remodeling New Home Construction Windows • Roofing Custom Kitchens/Baths Rubber Roof Commercial & Residential Delicious Catering With All Your Favorites! (920) 876-2984 Serving Food Mon.-Thurs. 10am-Midnight • Fri. 10am-10pm Sat. 10am-Midnight • Sun. 7am-8pm With over 30 vendors, we are a group of collectors and crafters and more in one shop. Four Seasons CHRIS LEWIS TREE SURGERY All Phases of Restaurant Great Breakfast All Day 846 N. 8th St., Manitowoc Bus. 920-682-4029 Cell 920-629-1601 Jung Construction LLC Book Your Next Event at Branch River Manitowoc County’s Finest Golf Facility 1925 North Rapids Road Manitowoc, WI 54220 4117 Broadway St., Manitowoc 684-1622 • Graduation • Special Events Jim Bialek - Owner ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED VOGEL AUTO BODY • JOHNS AUTO SALES “THE PROFESSIONALS” COMPLETE BODY SERVICE • AMERICAN & FOREIGN Serving The Manitowoc Area FREE ESTIMATES For Over 30 Years Compliments 920 682-7684 of A Friend Caregiver Need a Break? 2324 N RAPIDS RD • MANITOWOC Recharge using Azura Memory Care’s Short-Term Respite Care Program. Only $150 per day! (less than $6.50 per hour) At Azura Memory Care, we believe in supporting our family caregivers by offering a cost-effective way for them to rest and recuperate. (920) 284-6584 3720 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc www.azuramemory.com 683-1444 682-5621 HOFMANN MONUMENTS, INC. Calumet Avenue Jim KaderabekSeiler Bros. Builder Construction, Inc. Dr. Chiropractic Thomas - Certified Chiropractic FOR THREE GENERATIONS MEMORIALS - MARKERS MAUSOLEUMS TODD & KEVIN HOFMANN 3104 Memorial Dr. Two Rivers 794-7541 Call us today to schedule a tour and witness our Exceptional Care. Extremity Practitioner Drain Tile Work Dr. Willhite - National Treasurer of the Concrete Work. ACA Council of Internal Disorders Trenching 3713 Calumet Ave. Basement Wall Repair Phone 682-4726 4511 E. Whitetail CT Remodeling New Home Construction Parish Member Manitowoc, WI 54220 682-0756 (920) 682-6680 HOME IMPROVEMENTS New Homes • Remodeling • Additions Exterior/Interior Home Improvements Bill Luedtke • (920) 758-9535 Honesty • Integrity Quality Workmanship Industrial - Commercial - Residential 920.686.1180 24 Hour Emergency Service 2 MARITIME PLUMBING CUT YOUR HEATING BILLS WITHOUT CUTTING COMFORT AND MECHANICAL LLC [email protected]/www.lakeheat.com Residential • Commercial Full Service Plumbing For more information on these products, contact Dale or Jennifer Zipperer Kitchen & Bath Showroom 24 Hour Emergency Service (920) 682-8794 www.maritimepm.com 683-3967 Parish Family NEW TRANSMISSIONS MIKE HOWE BUILDERS NEW TRANSMISSIONS “Building With Pride” NEW CONSTRUCTION • ADDITIONS REMODELING • ROOFING SIDING • WINDOWS DECKS • CONCRETE [email protected] www.mikehowebuilders.com 920-242-3111 Contact John Hiller to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2481 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM AUTO • TRUCK • RV Foreign & Domestic Transmissions Repair/Rebuilt ASE Certified • See Us At Our New Location 4125 Cty Tk CR, Manitowoc (920) 682-9091 OUR GRILL IS NOW OPEN TRY OUR DELICIOUS SANDWICHES, BURGERS & MORE “Fun Place Where Good People Meet” 527 N. 10th St. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC 920-682-6510 B 2C 01-0704 03-24-2015 16:47:54 Parish R & J FRICKE, INC. Silver Lake Country Store Jay Fricke, Parishioner Members Quality Sand & Gravel For Quality Concrete Division of Tri-State Feed & Grain Funeral Home and All-Care Cremation Center • Skip Pfeffer 5814 Calumet Ave. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 • Steve Pfeffer Office: 920-682-3388 • Tony Reinke A Nice Catholic Lady Who Knows The Proper Length of a Hem Ready Mixed Concrete - Building Materials Sand Fill - Road Gravel Email: [email protected] Alterations, Zipper Replacement, Repairs Mix Plant, 3107 Fricke Dr.684-4824 Website: www.tristatefeed.com 929 So. 8th St., Manitowoc Office, 3107 Fricke Dr. 684-9294 Concrete Lifting and Foundation Repair 4903 Vista Road Manitowoc, WI 54221-1054 920-684-8515 www.raise-rite.com Member FDIC Compliments of DR. WILLIAM J. BERO Family Dentistry Orthodontics Bob De Roche 682-2161 [email protected] 2102 Marshall 684-9253 CUSTOM HEALTH PHARMACY INC. John Sowinski R. Ph., Pharmacist/Owner Parish Family St. Vincent de Paul Store 1011 S. 10th St., Manitowoc (Corner of 10th & Washington, next to Subway) 911 Chicago Street Manitowoc (920) 482-3145 920-682-9452 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-1pm Store Hours: Mon 9am-5pm Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am-4pm Sat 9am-1pm Badger Cycle Motorcycles • ATVs • Scooters Snowblowers • Generators 920-682-2127 www.badgercycle.com Thank you for your donations Volunteers always welcome 1351 S. Rapids Rd. • Manitowoc John Kunesh, Owner • (920) 686-1003 Pietroske Inc. Free Estimates • Fully Insured Soffit & Fascia Work Available 4000 Grand Ave. • Manitowoc, WI 684-0224 Buick • Cadillac • GMC Truck • Chevrolet www.Pietroske.com 920-793-3311 Two Rivers, WI Special Events Construction Sites Luxury Units Handicap Units Handwash Sinks Celebrating 50 Years! 920-726-4101 Thank you for your patronage! 9621 Newton Rd. Newton, WI Free Estimates Fully Insured John Kunesh, Owner (920) 323-7264 Local and Long Distance High Speed - DSL Business and Wireless solutions 2205 Forest Avenue Two Rivers, WI 54241 920-553-2211 Buy 1 Adult Buffet get the 2nd for $5.99 (with coupon) Open Daily 11-10pm • Buffet ’til 9pm 3212 Calumet Ave • 920-769-0015 • Interior Painting • Decorative & Faux Finishes • Wallpapering & Borders • Trim Work • Drywall Finishing • Quick, Reliable Service MANITOWOC, WI • 684-5559 Sue Evenson • (920) 772-4500 GREEN BAY DIOCESAN MUSEUM At St. Francis Xavier Cathedral 140 So. Madison St. Green Bay, WI 54301 “Builders Of Beauty” Since 1938 Tours Available In Clover just south of Natural Ovens Phone 920-432-4348 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC 758-2231 A 2C 01-0704 03-24-2015 16:47:54 Parish Office Phone: 920-684-3718 Parish Central Office: 601 North 8th Street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs. 8:00 AM—4:30 PM; Fri. 8:00 AM—Noon www.sfamanitowoc.org / parish e-mail: [email protected] Parish Worship Sites: Grand site, 1416 Grand Ave. Marshall site, 1114 S. 21st St. Waldo site, 1121 N. 14th St. Faith Formation Center: 1416 Grand Ave., 652-7811 School Central Office: 1408 Waldo Blvd., 652-7830 Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Dave Pleier Fr. Dave Beaudry Fr. Bill Brunner Fr. Rene Balbero Dcn. Bob Beehner Parish Deacons Deacon Rich Bahnaman Deacon Bob Beehner Deacon Alan Boeldt Deacon Mike Dolezal Deacon Kenn Nelesen Parish & School Team Barbara Kratz……………….…Director of Faith Formation Ann Lensmire…………………………….Director of Music Mark Knipp….....………….………......Director of Worship Jonathan Blevins……………Coordinator of Youth Ministry Brittany Wilms…………………...Assistant-Youth Ministry Dianne Vadney………………Family Ministry Coordinator Kay Goswitz………………………………..…Parish Nurse Patrick Brandel…………………………………Stewardship Deanne Kuenzi………………………………….Accountant Mike Miller…………………………....Director of Facilities Linda Bender—Elementary School Principal…….683-6892 Steve Thiele—Middle School Principal .…………683-6884 John Stelzer—President, Tim Olson—Principal Roncalli High School…………………………..682-8801 Cemeteries Jerry Schermetzler—Family Services Manager www.calvarymanitowoc.org 684-3646 Want to become a Catholic? There is a process to connect with the Spirit and the Church. Call the parish office and ask about RCIA. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). · · · Mass Schedule Saturday: Marshall site: 4:00 PM Grand site: 4:00 PM Waldo site: 4:30 PM Marshall site: 6:00 PM Misa en Español Sunday: Waldo site: Marshall site: Grand site: 7:30 & 9:30 AM 5:00 PM LifeTeen Mass 9:00 AM 8:30 & 10:30 AM Weekday: 6:45 AM, rotating monthly. Waldo: January, April, July, October Grand: February, May, August, November Marshall: March, June, September, December Radio Broadcast Mass: Sun. 9:30 AM, WCUB 980AM Cablecast of Sunday Mass: Tues & Wed. at 2:00 PM Comcast Cable Channel 20 Sacraments Reconciliation: Marshall site: Saturday, 8:00-9:00 AM Grand site: Saturday, 3:00-3:30 PM Waldo site: Saturday, 3:30-4:00 PM Anytime by appointment. Baptism & Marriage Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick A communal celebration is offered three times per year. Individual anointing is available upon request. Pastoral Care of the Sick/Homebound Please notify the parish office of family/friends who are homebound, in care facilities, or hospitalized. We Welcome You to St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community! Our most important involvement in the parish community is our presence at the Sunday Eucharist— “the source and summit of our life in Christ”. Our parish Christian stewardship is based on prayer, service, and sharing. We are called to give back to God as generously as God has given to us. If you wish to find out more about our parish community, please contact the parish office, or complete this form and drop in the collection basket at Mass. You will be contacted by a member of the parish staff. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ .