The Voice Spring 2012


The Voice Spring 2012
Opening Doors…
Changing Lives
A Mother’s
Donor Dollars
in Action
People and Companies
Open their Hearts to
CP Rochester
Day Habilitation
Supports Elks
Backpack Program
Champions of
Care Launches
Spring 2012
From looking at the front page of The Voice, it is clear
this issue is different, bold, and marks a visual change in the
way we have begun to tell the ‘CP Story.’
There is much to tell about the wonderful happenings at
CP Rochester. But this issue’s focus is on the pictures and
faces of the people who are at the heart of our many
CP Rochester stories. These stories help our organization
share with each other, families, and our community who
and what CP Rochester is, and what we do every day.
Our agency does many different things for many different
people who require many different types of support. As a
result, the community is sometimes challenged to ‘define’
the nature of CP Rochester and help others to understand as
well. Our stories are of
countless, unique
individuals with numerous
different needs, who are
part of an organization
which provides so many
distinctive services. But
fundamentally, ours is a
story of commitment,
caring, service to others,
and success! You can
clearly see that commitment, caring, and success in the
faces in this issue of The Voice, and every day throughout
our organization, as well as at
You are witness to the many remarkable successes here at
CP Rochester.
However, despite success, in these times of unprecedented
change and challenge it can be human nature to let our
gaze shift to things with which we struggle. This issue of
The Voice rises above our human nature. It tells the
remarkable stories of staff, volunteers, families, children, and
adults we are here to support – and will always support. It
shows us how even one small act of kindness, or persistence,
or applied skill can grow into something truly remarkable
and forever change the lives of everyone involved.
Please take a moment to look into these faces. See for
yourself and share in the remarkable success of how so
many lives are changed for the better. You, and everyone
who actively participates in the success at CP Rochester, are
a critical component of this change. It is clear to me we are
all doing the right things… and doing them right. Be well.
Brian C. Klafehn
Doing the right things…
…and doing them right.
From a Mom:
Staff Determination Helps Diagnose My Son
Speech Pathologist Kim Miller and CP Rochester preschooler Bobby Rule.
My son, Bobby, started at CP Rochester in September 2011 as
an energetic, bright three-year old with severe speech problems.
He had a pre-diagnosis of speech apraxia, expressive and
receptive language delays, and possible auditory processing
issues. Bobby had been in speech therapy since he was one year
old. He spoke very few words and could barely follow a one-step
direction. Bobby had been to many doctors and specialists since
his birth who tried to help him and figure out what was going on.
Less than a week after school began at CP Rochester, the
speech therapist, Kim Miller, and classroom teacher, Laurie
Benwitz, mentioned to Bobby’s father and I that they had
concerns about Bobby’s hearing. I explained that even though
Bobby had failed the hearing screening at birth, over the past
three years he’d had numerous hearing tests and still goes to
the audiologist and ear, nose and throat doctor about every six
months to follow up (I felt like we had been down this road
before, and it hadn’t led to any answers). Kim wasn’t afraid of
being wrong; her only concern was to help Bobby. So we made
another appointment with his ear, nose, and throat physician.
Kim came with us to the appointment and expressed her concerns
to the doctor. The doctor and audiologist were still convinced
the previous tests were sufficient and Bobby did not have a
hearing problem. However, this time I did not accept that
answer since Bobby was learning how to ‘play games’ in the
audiology booth, and I felt some of the testing was inaccurate.
So reluctantly, the audiologist suggested sedating Bobby at the
hospital and doing another auditory brainstem response (ABR)
test to get a more accurate measure of his hearing.
This time, the ABR showed that Bobby had moderate-severe
to severe sensorineural hearing loss (about 70%) in both ears.
This was very difficult to hear as parents, but at the same time,
we were relieved to finally have answers and could start
helping our son.
We owe so much to Kim and Laurie for knowing kids so well
and having the confidence and knowledge to act in their best
interest. They helped our son more than anyone ever has. They
helped our family, and they continue to show continuous
support and encouragement for Bobby’s changing needs. For
three years, no one could help Bobby, and after just a single
week, Kim and Laurie helped us find answers. Thank you Kim,
Laurie, and CP Rochester!
Love, Krissy Rule and Family
The Voice Spring 2012
$ 22,000
2011 Annual Appeal
incr s
2010 2011
Total Dollars
2010 2011
2010 2011
2010 2011
2010 2011
Number of
Returning Donors
Number of
Number of
New Donors
Number of
New Gifts
2011 Annual Appeal Exceeds Previous Year
You may have seen the beautiful 2011
year-end mailer or the CPisMyStory
video featuring CP Rochester volunteer
Tony Nardone working his magic
modifying a bicycle for one of the
children served by the Augustin
Children’s Center. That mailer, and
Tony’s story of commitment, was the
focus of CP Rochester’s 2011 Annual
Appeal which raised nearly $26,000 (an
increase of nearly $4,000 from 2010).
In addition to the dollars raised through
collaborative fundraising, the increase
in donors (both new and returning) is
equally important. When 2010 is compared
to 2011, we see a wonderful trend.
In 2010, there were 534 returning donors
who gave 764 gifts of various monetary
levels. In 2011, the number of returning
donors increased to 665 contributing
1,411 gifts of various monetary levels.
That’s a 43% increase in returning
donors and an 85% increase in the
number of gifts.
Equally important is the addition of new
donors. In 2010, CP Rochester received
support from 482 new donors making
764 gifts. We saw that figure increase in
2011 to 750 new donors contributing
1,103 gifts of various monetary levels.
That’s a 56% increase in new donors and
a 44% increase in the number of gifts.
Wonderful news!
Cultivating individual donor relationships
is important in this difficult fiscal
environment. Donor development is done
in a variety of ways, mostly by getting
CP Rochester’s name out in the
community, sending appeals, and
highlighting success stories. Visibility is
increased even more by hosting
friend/fundraisers like the Sip and Tip
events, the Run for Fun, the Elks
Musicfest, and this donor newsletter
The Voice. The agency also utilizes social
media and its web site. And it asks. The
collaborative fundraising team from the
Al Sigl Community of Agencies continues
to work with CP Rochester on donor
development, planned giving, and
event sponsorship. The results of their
efforts continue to increase individual
donor giving and grant awards. Watch
for additional CPisMyStory features
and other promotional pieces as
CP Rochester moves forward and looks
for creative funding options.
B.E.L.L. Program Off to a Great Start
B.E.L.L. participant Sarah Connors (l) is helped by peer mentor Kelesey Wage.
For so many individuals with intellectual disabilities, the
college experience is out of reach. But in 2010, a $2.5 million
grant was awarded to the Institute for Innovative Transition
by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary
Education Transition, and Postsecondary Program for Students
with Intellectual Disabilities.
social, and work experiences. Some of the classes students are
currently enrolled in at Roberts Wesleyan College include
psychology, computer applications, visual arts, music, physical
education, and others. Peer and academic mentors work with
the students to develop strong, positive relationships with
other students and faculty on campus. Upon graduation,
B.E.L.L. Program students receive a certificate of completion.
This very special grant developed post-secondary opportunities
for individuals with intellectual disabilities. These opportunities “It’s amazing to see the growth in the individuals in B.E.L.L.”
said Lisa McMullin, director of Individual and Family Support
have been created nationwide as studies have shown that
Services at CP Rochester. “The B.E.L.L. Program allows young
people with intellectual disabilities, who have access to the
adults who didn’t have an option for college, the opportunity
college experience, are more likely to become successfully
to explore a whole new world of learning and life experiences.”
employed and retain employment long term.
In May 2011, CP Rochester was
selected to be a critical component of
this grant as the adult partner agency
with Roberts Wesleyan College and
BOCES 2. This collaboration came to
fruition in September 2011 with the
creation of the two-year certificate
B.E.L.L. Program (Bridge to Earning, Learning, and Living).
For successful completion of the program, students in the
B.E.L.L. Program must complete six semesters of academic,
While the program began only a
few months ago, students have
shown excellent development of
self-management skills, community
independence, study skills, and
self-advocacy. In addition, the
students speak with pride and
recognition of their own hard work and growth, and finding
new ways to succeed in a wide variety of environments and
real life situations.
The Voice Spring 2012
New Employee Recognition Program Unveiled
Kalan (r), plays with fellow classmate, Ben.
Throughout our lives, we come in contact with individuals
who bond with us in a deep and meaningful way. We feel
fortunate to know them and are grateful for our time together
and the gifts they share with us. These ‘champions’ may be
teachers, doctors, nurses, counselors, or any number of people
who truly make a difference in our lives and the lives of our
loved ones.
By donating to CP Rochester in honor of an employee, the
agency will designate them as a ‘Champion of Care.’ They will
also present the staff person with a specially-designed
Champions of Care lapel pin which will be worn with pride and
gratitude in recognition of the thoughtful gift. For more
information, go to
CP Rochester understands how a union can develop between
an individual and their caregiver. It happens every minute of
every day. In fact, these connections are a significant reason
why the organization is so successful achieving its mission to
support people with physical and developmental disabilities
choose and accomplish successive, individualized life goals.
Individuals and their families ask how they can formally
recognize an employee who they feel is their ‘champion.’
Based on these wishes, CP Rochester developed an initiative
designed to allow heartfelt individuals to publicly honor an
employee who has made a profound impact on them. The new
Champions of Care recognition program provides consumers
and/or family members a unique way to express gratitude for
extraordinary care provided by their caregivers while also
supporting the mission of CP Rochester.
Ashley Phelps (c) and her son Kalan are all smiles with preschool teacher Miss Leslie.
CP Rochester announces its first Champion of Care, Leslie Weigel-Medwetsky,
a teacher in its pre-school program. Miss Leslie was recognized by Andy and
Ashley Phelps and their five year-old son, Kalan, a student in Miss Leslie’s class.
In this inclusive setting, Kalan has learned through daily interactions with his
classmates how to accept people who may walk or talk differently from himself.
It was an important life lesson for Kalan to learn, and Ashley wanted to
formally thank CP Rochester.
Donor Dollars in Action
$27,000 in Gifts to Purchase
Panoramic Dental X-ray Machine
Thanks to several grants awarded by area foundations, CP Rochester
has acquired all the funds necessary to purchase a $25,000+
panoramic x-ray machine for the Dental Clinic. One major
advantage of the panoramic x-ray is its ease-of-use. Unlike
traditional x-ray machines where the film is placed inside the
patient’s mouth, the panoramic film is contained in a machine
which moves around the patient’s head. This is very beneficial
since many of the Dental Clinic’s patients have difficulty with
traditional x-rays.
Grants were provided by
B. Thomas Golisano Foundation – $5,000
Rochester Area Community Foundation – $10,000
Davenport-Hatch Foundation – $10,000
Paychex – $2,000.
CP Rochester hopes to have the panoramic x-ray machine in place by late spring.
CP Rochester Contributing to Dental Task Force
Under the umbrella of the University of Rochester Medical Center and the Eastman Institute of Oral
Health, and with the support of the Golisano Foundation, a task force has been formed to address the
unmet oral health needs of people with developmental disabilities in Livingston, Monroe, Ontario,
Orleans, and Wayne counties. CP Rochester President Brian Klafehn and Nurse Supervisor Liz Sheen
are members of the Steering Committee. Brian and Liz’s workgroup investigated the current state of
oral health care for people with developmental disabilities and worked to develop a community survey.
A link to this survey can be found at
The Voice Spring 2012
Early Intervention Program Benefits
from Nearly $20,000 in Gifts
Webster Lions Gives
Shared Ski Adventures a ‘Lift’
Several Rochester foundations generously contributed
nearly $20,000 to the Early Intervention Program, a
division of CP Rochester’s Augustin Children’s Center.
Over the last decade, the Early Intervention Program has
suffered from dramatic decreases in state funding and
reimbursement rates. The staff has worked very hard to
absorb the reduction in budget. All monies gifted from the
following foundations will be used to help fund day-today operations, allowing the program to continue the
tradition of providing the highest quality-of-care for the
children it serves.
The Webster Lions Camp
Smile board of directors
recently made a $1,000 gift
to CP Rochester’s Shared Ski
Adventures. Shared Ski
Adventures is a fun, adaptive,
learn-to-ski program which helps people with disabilities
become independent skiers. Because the Camp Smile
charter is for blind/visually impaired children, the board
requested the money be used to pay for season passes
and any special equipment needs for children under 18
who are blind or visually impaired.
$10,000 – Wilson Foundation
The Marie C. and Joseph C. Wilson Foundation was
created in 1963 out of a deep sense of commitment to the
community and its desire to enhance the quality-of-life
for its residents.
The Buffalo Bills Youth Foundation isn’t
all about football! The organization also
gifted $1,000 to Shared Ski Adventures.
$2,000 – J. M. McDonald Foundation
The J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc. focuses on education,
humanities, health, and a variety of social and human
$2,500 – Willmott Foundation
The mission of the Fred and Floy Willmott Foundation is
to support community-based education programs (among
others) developed by not-for-profit organizations.
$1,000 – Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation
The Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation was established in
1968 and is dedicated to improving the well-being of
residents in Monroe and Yates counties by funding
programs which aid disadvantaged children and families.
$2,500 – Ames Amzalak Memorial Trust
The Ames Amzalak Memorial Trust was established
through the combination of residuary trusts of three
brothers who wanted the bulk of their estates to benefit
local charities and improve the quality-of-life in the
Greater Rochester area.
$1,000 – Wegmans Food Markets
Wegmans Food Markets generously donated $1,000
allowing the Augustin Children’s Center to purchase
healthy snacks for the children in its care.
$5,000 from the Rochester Area
Community Foundation
The Rochester Area Community Foundation works to
improve the quality of life in the greater Rochester region
by evaluating and addressing community issues,
promoting responsible philanthropy, and connecting
donors to the critical needs of the community. True to its
mission, the Foundation generously contributed $5,000 to
help CP Rochester consumers pay for home evaluations
for assistive technology. CP Rochester helps consumers
acquire and correctly utilize a variety of devices designed
to assist individuals in their day-to-day needs (while
insurance does often cover the cost of the assistive device,
it does not pay for the evaluations).
Donor Dollars
2011 WalkAbout Raises Nearly $14,000
WalkAbout is a very popular annual event which unites staff, volunteers, families, and
friends of CP Rochester with the other Al Sigl agencies for a morning of fundraising,
‘friend-raising,’ and fun. Last year’s event was held at Marketplace Mall. Money was raised
several ways, including sponsoring a walk team, creating a fundraising team (which many
employees did), and hosting bake sales and Halloween parties, among others. All of the
nearly $14,000 raised for CP Rochester was shared among participating departments and will be used to support the
efforts of the agency. The 2012 WalkAbout is October 28 at Eastview Mall. Call 585-442-4102 for more information.
ROC the Day Nets over $1,000 for CP Rochester
ROC the Day was a one-day, on-line giving event which took place last
December. The first of its kind in the Greater Rochester area, ROC the Day
brought together thousands of community members who made an end-ofyear gift to help advance their philanthropic passions. CP Rochester’s ‘ROC
stars’ generously donated over $1,000 during the ROC the Day event! The
monies were utilized by the agency in support of all its programs.
A Successful 2011 Employee Campaign
While the 2012 Employee Campaign is currently wrapping up and figures being tabulated,
CP Rochester announced its 2011 Campaign brought in approximately $7,000 through
staff generosity. As in past years, staff were able to donate to any United Way designated
agency on the list (including CP Rochester) either through payroll deduction or a onetime payment. Many employees chose to bypass the United Way and donate directly to
CP Rochester; as a result, CP Rochester received the full benefit of their donation.
$20,000 Helps to Keep Consumers Active
in Action
The Al Sigl Sports Committee contributed $20,000 from its fund to CP Rochester’s
Community Recreation program. The gift was allocated to several Recreation initiatives
including $5,000 for Shared Ski Adventures. The remaining gift will be distributed to
many of the agency’s other community-based opportunities such as purchasing tickets
for games, materials for arts and crafts, and family outings, among others.
The Voice Spring 2012
People and Companies Open their Hearts
to CP Rochester
Every year around the holidays,
CP Rochester’s consumers and families
benefit from the generosity of so many
people and companies in our community.
Here is a snapshot of all the good work
the friends of CP Rochester do to help in
its mission to serve.
• Rochester Woodworkers Society
collected items from the agency’s wish
list including batteries, swim diapers,
arts and craft supplies, toys, games,
and puzzles.
• University of Rochester Athletics
sponsored a family for the holidays.
• Lawley Insurance sponsored a family
for the holidays.
• Honeoye Falls-Lima High School
sponsored two families for the
• GE Volunteers sponsored four families
for the holidays.
• The Willis Family sponsored a family
for the holidays.
• David Gilbert donated two living room
chairs to a family with no furniture.
• SenDec | Api Technologies Corporation
sponsored five families for the holidays.
• Westridge Elementary School in Greece
donated two boxes filled with books.
• Rotork sponsored a family for the
• Target on Chili Avenue sponsored two
families for the holidays.
• Janet Donner sponsored two families
for the holidays.
• Windstream (formerly Paetec)
sponsored two families for the
holidays and purchased 120 gifts for
all the students at the Augustin
Children’s Center.
• The Foos Family sponsored a family for
the holidays.
• CaterTrax collected paper products and
cleaning supplies (things not covered
by food stamps) to be distributed to
• Kids Miracle Making Club collected
300 new toys and gently used items to
share between CP Rochester’s
preschool program and Golisano
Children’s Hospital.
Elks members are joined by CP Rochester consumers,
Tom Greenwood (front center) and Ramon Rivera (front right)
as they are presented with food donations.
Day Habilitation Supports
Elks Backpack Program
For the second year in a row, the participants in CP Rochester’s Day
Habilitation collected food items in support of the Elks Lodge #24 Foodlink
Backpack Program. This program sends home ‘kid-friendly’ foods in a
child’s back pack who may have to prepare their own meals during
school break.
CP Rochester and other affiliates are supported through
the New York State Elks Major Projects Program. Each
year, CP Rochester hosts the incoming Elks president
along with a group of representatives from the local
lodges to showcase the agency’s new initiatives and
update them on programs and services offered. The Elks
have been CP Rochester’s partner from the very
beginning with a donation of $5,000 toward the
agency’s first home on East Avenue. The local lodges
have expanded their support by hosting the annual
music festival, car show, spaghetti dinner, and by
inviting consumers’ families to participate in breakfast
with Santa and the Easter Bunny at the lodge.
The Voice Spring 2012
Meet CP Rochester
Board Chair Joyce Weir
Joyce and her husband Bill first became involved with
CP Rochester in the summer of 1987 as they were preparing to
move to Rochester from New York City. They needed to find
therapy services for their 18-month old daughter, Caitlin, who
was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. One of
Bill’s colleagues recommended they visit
CP Rochester’s children’s program. The
Weir’s were impressed by all they saw and
eagerly enrolled Caitlin in the program as
soon as they relocated.
Joyce and Bill were very pleased with their
experiences at the Augustin Children’s
Center. They found great strength in
meeting other parents of children with
special needs through the support group
and Preschool Parent Council. Caitlin
attended CP Rochester’s children’s
program for four years including Discovery
Day Care (as did her brother, William, a few
years later). Once Caitlin was school-aged, she participated in
many of CP Rochester’s recreational programs, including
swimming, horseback riding, power wheelchair soccer, and
adaptive skiing. Caitlin continues to receive support and
services through CP Rochester, including therapy, dental care,
in-home respite, community habilitation, and service
Joyce joined CP Rochester’s board of directors 22 years ago.
She has served on the Consumer Services Committee, the
Executive Committee, and as board representative to the
agency’s Corporate Compliance Committee. As the parent of
a child with cerebral palsy, Joyce brings a deep understanding
and appreciation of the experiences, challenges, needs, and
desires of individuals with disabilities and their families. She
has a unique insight into the agency’s operations and core
competencies. The length of her
involvement with the agency, both as a
family member and board member, gives
her historical perspective on the agency’s
growth and change over the years.
Joyce has experience as a volunteer with
community groups focused on special
education and disability advocacy which
gives her a broader-based understanding
of community and societal issues as they
relate to disability and inclusion. Although
Joyce’s training as a research biologist
may not be directly applicable to the
business of the board, it has taught her to
be a critical thinker, analyst, and problem
solver — all essential skills to lead CP Rochester through these
challenging times.
Throughout their years with CP Rochester, the Weirs have
been impressed by the enthusiasm, knowledge, and caring
dedication of the staff — whether it is a therapist, a direct care
employee, or an administrator. Joyce notes they have always
felt welcomed and supported at CP Rochester and knows
that if she ever has a problem or concern, the people at
CP Rochester will do their best to help. “In a nutshell,” stated
Joyce, “that’s family!”
65th Anniversary Gathering of the Board
Last September at its Winton Road campus, CP Rochester hosted a special gathering
of members from its current and former board of directors and executive management
team to kick off its 65th Anniversary celebration. The event recognized many of
CP Rochester’s past leaders for their contributions to the organization, and provided
an update on the agency’s 2012 key initiatives. Guests enjoyed food, music, and good
company as they shared stories of CP Rochester’s past success and visions of its future.
“I can’t think of a better way to celebrate our rich 65-year history of providing essential
services to children and adults with disabilities,” said CP Rochester President Brian
Klafehn, “than to recognize and thank the people who have championed the vision
and mission of our great organization for all these years.”
Volunteers are Critical
to CP Rochester Success
In her role as manager of Volunteer Services, Tina Bennett
has had the good fortune of meeting people from all walks of
life who want to give their time and talents to support the
mission and vision of CP Rochester.
In 2011,
After having the pleasure of getting to
214 dedicated
know these everyday heroes, she has a
better understanding of why
volunteers gave
volunteers do what they do. Tina says
15,293 hours
the reasons are many… to give back,
of their time…
connect with others, build relationships,
and strengthen (or learn) new talents. Perhaps the most
important reason as to why people volunteer
is the satisfaction they receive from giving
oneself to make a difference in the lives
of others. Whatever their motivation,
CP Rochester is pleased to have all of its
volunteers as a part of its family.
the year are included (e.g. the members of our board of directors
or subcommittees, or students who observe us). According to
the leading nationwide coalition of non-profits, foundations,
and corporate giving programs, the national average value of
volunteer time is $21.63 per hour. This translates to $330,787
in real savings for CP Rochester thanks solely to its volunteers.
While the monetary value of our volunteers alone is
astonishing, it is equally important to remember the long-term
relationships the agency develops with such wonderful people,
and all the experiences and life lessons they bring. CP
Rochester is extremely fortunate to have this support.
In 2011, the agency was fortunate to have
214 dedicated volunteers give 15,293 hours of
their time. This figure is even larger when the
many service groups who come throughout
translates into
$330,787 in
real savings for
CP Rochester.
At the CP of New York State Conference, volunteer Frank Seiler was honored as ‘Volunteer of
the Year’ for the entire state. Frank’s commitment to CP Rochester extends to his participation
on the Consumer Services and Human Rights Committees, volunteer efforts in its Marketing
and Communications Department, and fundraising initiatives on behalf of the agency.
Kay Marshman, former board member; Jeff Baker,
former board president, and his wife, Carol; and
Ray Anderson, former board member, and his
wife, Ruth enjoy the festivities.
Henry Boessl, workshop
volunteer and pianist,
entertains the attendees at
the 65th Anniversary gathering.
The Voice Spring 2012
Volunteer Spotlight
Horsing Around with Ann Rumrill
Over the past few years, Ann
has brought her niece, Carolyn,
along to volunteer with her to
share her wonderful
experiences. Because Carolyn
has Ann’s love for children and
horses, this has been a
wonderful adventure for both
No one associated with
CP Rochester’s Recreational
Horseback Riding program
can remember a time when
volunteer Ann Rumrill was not
a part of the action, including
Ann herself. Since a young age,
Ann has loved riding horses and
spent many of her free hours
learning and loving the fun and
freedom it brought.
“The result,” said Ann, “is that
Carolyn has learned to look
past the riders’ limitations and
see the child.”
Ann graduated from the
University of Rochester with a
Both volunteer Ann Rumrill (r) and consumer Austin Hicks are all smiles
degree in Child Psychology. The
Volunteering for two or three
during a ride at the Meadows of Mendon Stables.
combination of her love of
sessions each year at Meadows
horses, her desire to spend time
of Mendon Stables, Ann is a mainstay at this communitywith children, and the fact that a loved one was diagnosed
based program offered through CP Rochester’s Individual and
with autism, made volunteering with children through
Family Support Services Department.
CP Rochester’s Recreational Horseback Riding program a
“Ann is a great asset to the program,” said Jen Geiger, program
perfect fit for Ann. In her role as volunteer, Ann leads the
staffer. “She is dedicated to supporting our riders so they can
horses or walks alongside of the special riders to ensure
have a wonderful experience with these majestic creatures.”
safety and a successful riding experience.
“CP Rochester’s riding program makes me feel like I am truly
helping someone,” said Ann. “I feel great when the kids wave
and smile at me; they get so excited. I love watching the
children grow with this program, literally and figuratively.”
For more information on volunteering for Recreational
Horseback Riding, or any of the programs offered by
CP Rochester, contact Tina Bennett, manager of Volunteer
Services at 334-6000 x1321 or [email protected].
Bill Felton (l) director of Health and Clinical Services and Cathy Holzermer (r), manager
of the Jefferson Road residence, are joined by CP Rochester President Brian Klafehn at
the CP of New York State Conference last October. Bill was recognized for his efforts
in support of nursing initiatives throughout the organization, Cathy for effective
operations of the Jefferson Road residence. Both were recognized for never hesitating
to assist an area of the organization in need, and for going above and beyond to
assure the needs of all people served by CP Rochester are met.
Independence with
Accessible Home
CP Rochester’s Accessible Home Renovations program, and its certified
‘aging-in-place specialists,’ perform modifications to homes of individuals
with physical or developmental disabilities, or who are frail and elderly.
These adaptations have been designed to provide a safe and usable
environment, allowing people to continue living in the home and
neighborhood of their choice.
In addition to home renovations, CP Rochester also employs an Adaptive
Technology Resource Apartment team. This team of occupational and
physical therapists is available to provide assessment of the individual’s
needs for changes within the home. The team ensures the program is
clinically-based and provides individuals the opportunity to access the most
current technology in designing changes to the home environment to
better meet their needs.
Thanks to the work completed by
CP Rochester’s Accessible Home Renovations
program, along with a grant from New York
State Homes and Community Renewal
program, Elinor Lincoln (pictured with her
husband, Thomas) is now able to get in and
out of her home safely and easily.
Inspiration from the University of Rochester
CP Rochester’s Inspiration Project pairs writing students
at the University of Rochester with people who live in the
agency’s residences. The goal of the program is for the
two-person writing team to produce a complete, purposeful,
polished story.
The interactions between students and residents occur once
per week on a one-to-one basis at the University of Rochester.
During these meetings, students conduct interviews with
individuals and transcribe responses; the students are taught
to listen carefully and at the same time to encourage bold
expression. CP Rochester participants may make up material
about fictional characters, or draw from memory and present a
biographical piece. Together, the partners edit the interviews
with the goal of producing an interesting story.
Jane Gefell (l), and U of R student Katie VanWert work together to capture Jane’s story.
The Voice Spring 2012
Lacing up for the
Run for Fun!
CP Rochester’s 2012 Run for Fun is being held on Saturday, May 12,
rain or shine at the Winton Campus. Just like previous years, the agency
will host an official 5K run for the hard core runners, as well as a one-mile
fun run/walk for everyone to participate in
if they like. Wilson Farms/7-Eleven will again
sponsor this fundraising and ‘friend-raising’
event. Last year, over 400 runners, walkers, and
rollers enjoyed the day and raised over $40,000 to benefit the health and fitness
initiatives for individuals servered by CP Rochester.
Dialogue on Disability
CP Rochester once again participated in WXXI’s Dialogue on Disability community
series; a partnership between WXXI and the Al Sigl Community of Agencies. The weeklong outreach initiative was designed to stimulate community dialogue about the
perspectives and abilities of people with disabilities.
At the heart of this initiative was television and radio programming which celebrated the amazing lives of
people with disabilities. Dialogue on Disability ran in early January and featured several CP Rochester staff
members as experts in the field. Staff spoke on access and inclusion, early intervention, and healthy lifestyles.
QR Codes
If you haven’t noticed already, CP Rochester has embraced the use of ‘QR Codes’
making it easier for consumers, families, donors, potential consumers, and the general
public to stay connected to the agency. These ‘Quick Read’ codes are scanned by smart
phones and other mobile devices with a camera and a scanner app. The scanned codes
then open a targeted page from CP Rochester’s web site on the device. Look for the
QR codes on all new advertisements, flyers, and brochures.
CP Rochester on the Web
Don’t forget to check out CP Rochester’s web page at It is
filled with lots of program and service information, event updates, and photos. The
agency’s Facebook page is also very active and features consumer testimonials, links
to articles, TV commercials, and staff photos:
Students from Siena Catholic Academy spent a morning with the children
from CP Rochester’s preschool program. The students helped the preschoolers
host a ‘Snowball Day’ in the gym by using marshmallows and sharing their
very best arts and crafts skills.
Students from the Monica Leary Elementary
School in the Rush-Henrietta School District
were on-site at the CP Rochester Winton
Campus in December to sing holiday carols.
Nearly 100 staff and consumers took a
break from their day to sit and enjoy the
30-minute concert.
The Voice Spring 2012
from Consumers
Ways to Give
Many CP Rochester donors choose to give from their
immediate assets such as cash and check (or via credit card).
In addition to this type of giving, there are a number of
creative ways to provide long-term financial support, such as
with a ‘legacy’ gift. The goal of CP Rochester’s Legacy Society
is to plan for the organization’s future and set the course for
a strategic vision which will carry the agency forward. Legacy
gifts include bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable
remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, life insurance, real
estate, and others.
• Charitable Gift Annuity – A charitable gift annuity is when
a donor transfers property (cash, securities, real estate) to
CP Rochester in exchange for a fixed dollar payment during
the donor’s lifetime.
Every member of the CP Rochester family has the power to
make future change possible. Together, the agency can
continue to ensure the long-term sustainability of programs
and services for the nearly 2,000 individuals served each year.
• Charitable Lead Trusts – A charitable lead (income) trust is
established when a donor transfers property to a trust,
which generally pays income interest to CP Rochester.
• Charitable Gift from an IRA – Individuals over 70½ may
designate direct contributions from an IRA to CP Rochester.
• Charitable Remainder Trust – A charitable remainder trust
pays income to the donor or beneficiary for a period of time,
after which the property in the trust passes to CP Rochester.
Legacy Gifts
• Life Insurance – A gift of life insurance allows a donor to
pass on part of his or her estate with minimum cost,
maximum benefit, and often an estate tax advantage.
• Stocks – Gifts of stock enable donors to avoid capital gains
on the appreciation in market value of the shares.
• Real Estate – Gifts of real estate include a principal residence,
vacation home, farm, commercial property, and land.
• Bequests – Simple bequests may be made through a donor’s
will and can specify any dollar amount, percentage, or
portion of the estate to CP Rochester.
For more information on making an immediate or longterm legacy gift to CP Rochester, call Peter Gabak, director
of Development, at 585-442-4102 x2718 or via e-mail at
[email protected].
Donations from January 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012
Courage League
$1,000 +
Al Sigl Sports Committee
Alesco Advisors LLC
Alice & Edward Johnson Foundation
Ames Amzalak Memorial Trust
ASC Partners' Foundation, Inc.
B. Thomas Golisano Foundation
Buffalo Bills
Mr. Brian P. Covney
Mr. Robert W. Croessmann *
Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation
Davenport-Hatch Foundation
Elks Lodge #24
Dr. & Mrs. Elmar H. Frangenberg
Fred & Floy Willmott Foundation
Mr. Warren Hern
J. M. McDonald Foundation Inc.
Mr. Brian C. Klafehn
Monroe Wheelchair
Mosier & Muench Associates
New York State Elks Association
NYS Elks Major Projects Corp.
Mr. Sean R. Ossont *
Mr. Donald F. Potter
Richard Weylman, Inc.
Rizzo & DiGiacco CPA, PLLC *
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Rodney B. Janes Memorial Fund
Dr. Leslie Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stenger
TD'S Upper Deck
Webster Lions Camp Smile
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Weir *
Wilson Farms, Inc.
ACM Medical Laboratory
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Apple
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Baker
Benefits Management Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brookes
Mr. Thomas P. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Simon J. Buisman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Camerieri
Canandaigua National Bank & Trust
Mr. Steven Day & Ms. Christy Tyler
Mr. Louis P. Dicerbo II
Mrs. Susan Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Gefell
Mr. and Mrs. William Graff
Ms. Swapna Gummi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Horvath
Intelligent Women of Rochester
Ms. Nancy Lopez
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic
Systems LLC
Mr. Paul Olcott
Mr. Steven R. Olson
Omnicare of Rochester
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Peterson
Mr. Gary J. Petrus
Rochester Guild for Special Children
The Gorman Family Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Walsh
Webster-Fairport Elks Lodge #2396
Wilson Farms/Sugar Creek
Friends Circle
Ms. Peggy A. Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Wilt
41 Kittleberger Inc.
Ms. Ellen Aarsen
Ms. Rita J. Abberger
Ms. Barbara Abraham
ABVI Goodwill
Access Lifts & Ramps
Achieve Brand Integrity, LLC
Acro Research & Development, Inc.
Mr. Gerald R. Adamski
Volunteers at the Adaptive
Equipment Workshop
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Adsit Jr.
Al Sigl Community of Agencies
Ms. Katie Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Albin
Mr. Harry Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander
Ms. Nancy Alexander
Mr. Abedalhamied Alkamil
Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds Allinger
Ms. Judy Almekinder
Ms. Sarah Almekinder
Amish Furniture House
Mr. Chad Amsler
Ms. Harriet Amundson
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Anderson
Mr. Mathew Anderson
Mr. David Andreatta
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Andrulis
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Andrychuk
Ms. Rose Annery
Mr. Eugene C. Antczak
Ms. Janet Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Apple II
Ms. Sharon Aradine
Arlene's Costumes
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Armstrong
Mr. Paul Arnold
Mr. Joe Arrajj
“The staff at CP Rochester is extremely knowledgeable, professional,
and really understand our needs. The field is called ‘human services’
and your staff certainly sees the human need in it all.”
Jennifer W.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee O. Arrington
Mr. Christopher T. Asbury
Ms. Melinda Ascosi
Ms. Kathleen M. Auberger
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Mrs. Ruth Aumick
Dr. & Mrs. John Bacchetta
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bailey
Ms. Laura Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Baker
Mrs. Michon E. Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Banton
Ms. Lynn Barber
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barbero
Ms. Joan E. Bardossi
Ms. Michele Barringer
Ms. Pamela Bartemus
Ms. Andrea Batten
Mr. Barry Baxter
Ms. Lisa M. Baxter
Ms. Amy Beardsley
Ms. Malaina R. Beattie
Ms. Sue Beattie
Mr. Bob Beauchamp
Ms. Paula Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Beckhorn
Ms. Melinda Beebe
Ms. Nancy Beggs
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Begley
Mr. Jason Belicove
Ms. Mary P. Bell
Mrs. Marie Bellanti
Ms. Karen Bellerose
Benco Dental
Mrs. Anne Benjamin
Ms. Eliana Bennett
Ms. Kaylee Bennett
Mrs. Penny K. Bennett
Ms. Tina Bennett
Mr. John Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berdan
Ms. Nancy Berg
Ms. Sharon Bergh
Ms. Krista Berry
Ms. Michelle Berry
Ms. Kate Bida
Ms. Julia Bies
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Binggill
Bipolar Friends & Family
Mr. Peter G. Blanchette
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Blasdell
Lynn & Denise Bluett
Mr. & Mrs. John Boddy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Boerman III
Mrs. Karen Boeschen-Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boessl
Ms. Barbara A. Bogner
Ms. Ashlee Bok
Ms. Peggy L. Bok
Ms. Stephanie Bolster
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bonn
Mr. Richard Bonzalez
Books, Etc.
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar H. Borkhuis
Ms. Diane M. Bower
Ms. Tonhya Bowman
Ms. Lorrie Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Boylan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Boylan
Mrs. Erika Brace
Ms. Veronica Brace
Ms. Heather Bradstreet
Ms. Connie Brand
Ms. Tara A. Branscom
Brazda-Poirier Family
Ms. Keri Brice
Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Brisbane
George, Mary & John Brock
Ms. Jan M. Brock
Brook Hill Elementary School
Ms. Ann Brower
Ms. Danielle Brown
Ms. Emily Brown
Mr. Michael Brown
Ms. Mary Brumsted
Ms. Kelley A. Bryant
Mr. Malcolm Bugler
Mrs. Dolores Anne Bujalski
Mr. & Mrs. Laroy Burgess
Mr. Luke Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. John Burns
Ms. Brenda Burton
Mr. Gino Butterazzi
Ms. Mary Button
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Buyer
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bylund
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Byrd
Ms. Martha J. Caccamise
Mr. James B. Callan
Ms. Beula Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Campanaro
Ms. Kimberly Campbell
Ms. Maria Rosa Capozzolo
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Carde
Mr. Joseph A. Carello
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carlisle Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carlton
Mrs. Maria Casanzio
Ms. Mary T. Caserta
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Casper
Mr. Eugene F. Cassata
Mr. Thomas E. Cassata
Mr. & Mrs. George N. Cataldo
Mr. Bill Caufield
Ms. Ruth Caves
Mrs. Nichole Chaffee
Ms. Kelly Chanthavisouk
Mr. & Mrs. Martin N. Chappell
Ms. Mary P. Chappell
Ms. Cheri Charboneau
Ms. Michelle Charles
Ms. Diana Chastek
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chatwin
Mr. Tariq A. Chaudari
Ms. Alissa Childs
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ciarico
Mrs. Marilyn M. Ciraolo
Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Ciuffetelli
Dr. & Mrs. Stillman B. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Clark
Ms. Nanette L. Clarke
Ms. Carrie Cleveland
Mr. & Mrs. John Cline
Mr. Eric Clingersmith
Ms. Jessica M. Cocking
Mr. Alan A. Cocquyt
Ms. Jean D. Coe
Mrs. Lucie Coffey
Ms. Amiee Colangelo-Story
Ms. Patricia E. Collalto
Mr. Danny Collins
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Collins
Mr. Shaun Collins
Ms. Racquel Colon
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Coloney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Congdon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon D. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cook
Ms. Vicky Cook
Ms. Lori Cooley
Ms. Anne Coon
Mr. & Mrs. Brennan D. Coon
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Copeland
Ms. Rita Coulter
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cousineau
Mr. Bob Craig
Mrs. Amy Jo Crandall
Mrs. Jeanne Crawford
Ms. Kimberly Crevelling
Mr. Charles Crimi
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Crocker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Cronin
Mrs. Kelley Cruise-Sheils
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Crysel
Mr. David Cuff
Mr. Mike Cullen
Ms. Ann Cummings
Ms. Melanie Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Dacey
Ms. Jo Ann Daigle
Ms. Colleen J. Daignault
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Damiano
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon J. Daniels
Ms. Lois R. Dannenberg
Mr. Timothy F. Datz
Ms. Debra Daval
Mr. Patrick Davies
Miss Janet T. Davis
Mr. Joeziah Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Rickie C. Davis
Ms. Cheryl Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. De Ritis Jr.
Ms. Marilyn DeBole
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Decker
Mr. Robert DeFelice
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Deily
Ms. Meghan Deily
Ms. Valerie W. DeLeo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dellavilla *
Mr. Richard Delmerico
Mr. Donald DenBleyker
Ms. Karyn DePalma
Ms. Denise Derrick
Mr. Mark DeRycke
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene S. Dewey
Mr. Diem Dhan
Mr. Leonard DiCesare
Mrs. Vicki L. Dickerson
Ms. Michelle Diehl
DiJunes Liquor Store, Inc.
Mr. Tom Dillon
Ms. Tamara Dillow
Mr. Emedio A. DiMaggio
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. DiMaggio
Mr. Bill Dinse
Mr. Dean Dioguardi
Ms. Donna DiPaolo
Mrs. Laura DiRaimo
Mr. Mike DiRama
Ms. Jacqueline B. DiSalvo
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell V. Discher
Ms. Cynthia L. Dise
Ms. Kathleen DiVincenzo
Ms. Laurie A. Dodge
Ms. Elizabeth Dolski
Ms. Janet Donner
Mr. Brian Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Douley
Mrs. Colleen Dox-Griffith
Mr. Doug Doyle
Ms. Jennifer Doyle
Ms. Emily Dralle
Drapery Industries Inc.
Robert Drayn
Mike & Shannon Drazkowski
Mrs. Janet Dreitlein
Ben Dryan
Ms. Renee Dumond
MaryKay Duncan
Ms. Rebecca Dunn
Ms. Elizabeth Duval
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Debra Duval
Ms. Joan Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ebbecke
Jeffrey Eckdahl
Danielle Edelman
Mr. John Edelman
Edge Landscape
Mr. Richard C. Edic
Donna Edick
Mr. William Edwards
Ms. Donna T. Eggleston
Mrs. Helen Ehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. Ellenbogen
Mr. Chad Ellis
Ms. Dorothy E. Ely
Ms. Elaine Enfonde
Mr. & Mrs. Chris English
Scott Erdeli
Ms. Florence Etingoff
Mr. Walter C. Evangelista
Barbara Evans
Alana Fabry
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fahy
Ms. Terry A. Fahy
Mr. Anthony Fantigrossi
Ms. Dilys M. Farney
Mr. & Mrs. Eric G. Farnung
Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Farnung
Ms. Amanda Farrand
Christine & Elaine Farrand
Mrs. Diane B. Faville
Mr. Pat Feala
Ms. Mary Ann Fedele
Mr. Daniel V. Fee
Mrs. Rose M. Feltes
Mr. William D. Felton
Joseph Ferrara-Schryver
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferrauilo
Mrs. Denise Fiacco
Ms. Catherine L. Finzer
Mr. and Mrs. Fiorica
Cathy Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Fischer
Ms. Mary Fischer
Patricia Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Ann Fladd
Mr. Dan Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fleming
Mr. Tom Fletcher
Mr. Ronald Follansbee
Fonte Surgical Supply Inc.
Judith Ford
Ms. Barbara M. Forgione
Ms. Barbara J. Forquell
Ms. Courtney M. Forquell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Forquell
Mr. Kenneth A. Forquell
Ms. Mary B. Forquell
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Foryt
Mrs. Jessica Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Fox
Fox's Restaurant Waitresses
Mr. Walter D. France III
Mrs. Catherine Frangenberg
Mr. Bob Freitag
Ms. Kristen French
Ms. Amy Fromm
Full Belly Deli
Ms. Elaine Fuller
Marybeth Fussa
Mr. Peter Lewis Gabak
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Gaden
Mr. Douglas Gagne
Mr. Charles Gallagher
Mr. Gerald H. Gamm
Ronald Garcia
Ms. Barbara A. Gardner
Ms. Cheryl Garlock
Ms. Laura Garrand
Mr. Eric Gartz
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew C. Gartz
Ms. Pamela Gartz
Mr. Robert M. Gartz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Garvey
Ms. Carol Ann Gary
Ms. Karin Gasaway
Jennifer Gates
Ms. Karrie Gates
Gates Chili Assn. of School
Related Professionals
Mr. Henry C. Gefell
Ms. Nancy J. Gefell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Gefell
Mr. Raymond G. Gefell
Mr. Frank G. Gehan
Mr. Robert Gerhmann
Ms. Laurie A. Gendron
Genesee Valley Moose Lodge #2290
* denotes CP Rochester Board of Directors member
The Voice Spring 2012
from Consumers
Genesee-Wyoming Railroad
Ms. Janet Genthner
Mr. Dominic Gentile
Mr. Kyle D. Gfeller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gibbons II
Mr. Thomas Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Gifford
Mr. Jack Gilbert
Mrs. Sandra Gilbert
Mr. Dana Gilliam
Kathleen Gilman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Girvin
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Giunta
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Gleason
Carlo Glotzbach
Mrs. Nicole Goldberg
Ms. Andrea Golden
Connie Golding
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Emily Goldsmith
Ms. Maureen Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. M. Gracie
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Grande
Ms. Barbara J. Granite
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Grassi
Ms. Roberta J. Gravelle
Kathleen Grazul
Shana Green
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Green
Mr. Scott Greene
Ms. Teresa Greene
Ms. Melanie L. Greenfield
Ms. Sheila A. Greer
Ms. Carolyn Gregory
Norm Greiner
Matthew Grieshaber
Mrs. Minh Grieshaber
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Grossman
Ms. Linda Grossman
Dawn Gruba
Kristin Guilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Gumina
Mrs. Patricia A. Hack
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hack
Mr. & Mrs. George Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Haefner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hager
Mr. George Haines
Mrs. Kathleen M. Hall
Mr. Robert B. Hall
Mr. Ryan Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Hallstead
Mrs. Anne Marie Hamelin
Alisha Hands
Ms. Desiree Hanks
Mr. George Hanley
Ms. Carol S. Harding
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harling Jr.
Michael Harold
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Harrod
Mr. & Mrs. Len Hasman
Joe Haungs
Ms. Teresa Havens
Mr. Benjamin Hawkins
Ms. Jessica Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Heald
Dale Heckle
Mrs. Alice M. Heim
Mr. Michael Helwig
Mr. Mark T. Henderson
Ms. Robin R. Hendrick
Ms. Betty Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Hendrickson
Mrs. Maggie Hendrickson
James and Irene Hendy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hendy
Mr. Steve Herle
Ms. Eleanor Herrgesell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Herrick
Herring Ceramics Studio Potter
Ms. Mary Hessel
Ms. Charlyne Hickey
Mr. Jonathan H. Hickey
Ms. Judith V. Hicks
Ms. Laura Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Hill
Ms. Karen Hirst
Ms. Jennifer Hobart
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hoffman
Ms. Katy Hoffman
Ms. Ruth Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Holland
Ms. Grace R. Holloway
Ms. Eileen Holoway
Ms. Cathy Holzermer
Home Acres Women's Group
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hondorf
Mr. Tim Hondorf
Mr. Jeffrey Hopkins
Mrs. Tracy Hopkins
Mr. Charlie F. Horst
Ms. Maia Horvath
Mr. Timm L. Horvath
Mr. Richard J. Horwitz
Mr. James R. Hotaling
Ms. Deanna J. Hovis
Mr. & Mrs. Garth Howard
Mr. Kevin P. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Hower
Mr. & Mrs. Sal Howie
Amy Hsi
Mrs. Patricia C. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Humrich
Ms. Janice A. Hunt
Josh Hunt
Huntington Park HOA, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Iaculli
Mr. Rich Iantorno
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Y. Ichishita
Mr. & Mrs. Ignatti
Tasteful Connections Inc
Sara Incarnato
Ms. Alice Insalaco
Ms. Mary J. Insalaco
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Isaacson
James Jack
Ms. Debbie Jackson
Jeffery Jackson
Lindsay Jackson
Mrs. Marty Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Perry M. Jacobstein
Ms. Rebecca Jaeger
Tom Jaeger
Krista Jagoda
“I cannot say enough great things about CP Rochester. The preschool
has helped my granddaughter so much. Everyone there is outstanding.
Thank you so much for caring so much for her. You are the BEST!”
Joe P.
Brandon James
Ms. Lindsey Jeffries
Ms. Christine Jehle
Ms. Annette Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. David Johns
Mrs. Elaine C. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Johnson Jr.
Ms. Julie B. Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Shawn Johnson
Ann Jones and Michelle Abraham
Mr. Craig Jones
Ms. Gloria Jones
Lindsay Jones
Ms. Linda Joyner
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Mr. Edward Juiliani
Ms. Joann Jurusck
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Kabureck
Jeffrey Kaczorowski
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Kallman
Mrs. Laurie A. Kamal
Mr. Robert Kane
Ms. Nancy L. Karner
Mrs. E. Lillian Kase
Edwin Kase
Jenny Kates
Kenneth Kaye
Ms. JoAnn L. Kehrli-Merlau
Ms. Lynn A. Keller
Mr. Joseph R. Kelley
Ms. Lisa Kemak
John Kennedy
Mr. D. Donald Kent
Dr. Robert M. Kerper
Ms. Debbie Keventzidis
Ms. Nancy B. Kidd
Kids Miracle Making Club
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Killenbeck
Ms. Jeannie E. King
Mr. Brian C. Klafehn
Ms. Phyllis G. Knight
Knights of Pythias Jay Lodge #639
Pete & Ginelle Knittle
Ms. Kathleen A. Knope
Dr. Charles Kolthoff
Robert Kopfman/Sharon Humiston
Mrs. Katrina Smith Korfmacher
Ms. Susan A. Korpeck
Mr. Joe Kosciol
Diane Koska
Mr. & Mrs. David Kotalik
Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Koutek
Mr. & Mrs. Kip Kraus
Scott Kraus
Ms. Caroline Kristoffersen
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Krull
Ms. Laura Kucsan
Mr. Richard Kurchyne
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Mr. Darko Kuzmanovski
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kuzniar
Kathleen Labarron-Roberts
Lady Elks
Mr. Roger LaForce
Ingrid Lagoe
Beth Laird
Ms. Majorie Lake
Ms. Mary Lamb
Ms. Lori Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Steve LaMonica
Ms. Cynthia Lamphier
Mr. Jeremy LaPier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Laskoski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lattanzio
Richard & JoAnne Laudisi
Stephanie Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lawson
Ms. Wendy Lawson
Ms. Arlene Leach-Bizari
Ms. Virginia L. Leanen
Mr. James J. LeBlanc
Julianne Lehner
Ms. Laura Lehner
Mr. Powell M. Leitch III
Ms. Nancie Lenhard
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Leonard
Ms. Jessica Leslie
Mr. Terry P. Lester
Mr. Leon L. Levey
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lewis
Chelsie Lewis
Anne Lexer
Ms. Meghan Littlejohn
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Litz
Ms. Donna Litz-Hess
Mr. Christopher F. Liucci
Ms. Carolyn J. Lochman
Mr. Fred Lockhart
Ms. Patricia A. Long
Ms. Nicole M. Loray
Ms. Anna A. Loudin
Mr. Alfred M. Love
Mr. Mark Ludwiczak
Adrian Lugo
Mr. Mark Lusco
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maas
Bonnie Mace
Ms. Judy MacKnight
Ms. Rachel MacLaren
Mr. John R. MacLelland
Mr. Robert C. Maddamma *
Ms. Wendy Magin
Ms. Jean M. Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maitland-Moran
Linda Makely
Mrs. Margaret A. Makowiecki
Mr. Robert K. Malone
Ms. Sandra Lynn Maloney
Jonathan Maltese
Mr. John Malzewski
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Mance
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Manly
Mr. Warren J. Mapes
Mr. Benjamin G. Marcello
Donna Marcello
Mr. Paul N. Marlin
Ms. Carmella A. Marra
Ms. Whitney L. Marrett
Dr. Kay F. Marshman
Mrs. Cathy Martens
John Martens
Ms. Meredith Martin
Ms. Kathryn Martinez
Martino Flynn, LLC
Mr. Richard A. Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Mascaro
Ms. Maggie Maskowski
Mrs. Connie Mastowski
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mathiason
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Mathis
Lissa Mathis
Sean Mathis
Ms. Janet Mawhinney
Mayer Hardware
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Mayo
Ms. Jeanne Mazzaferro
Mrs. Catherine Mazzulli
McAlpin Industries Inc.
Catriona McCarroll
Mrs. Lucretia W. McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McClure
Paul McComb
Barbara McDowell
Mr. Steven R. McElheny
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. McElwain
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. McFarlane
Mr. Patrick J. McGarry
Mr. Brian W. McGuigan
Ms. Patricia R. McKenna
Derek McKeon
Ms. Joyce L. McKinney
Ms. Deborah J. McLean
Mr. John P. Meade
Med-Scribe, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Medwetsky
Ms. Margaret Meeker
Olesya Menon
Angela & Matthew Merrill
Pamala Metting
Tuyen Mey
Mr. Steve Meyer
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Ms. Karie L. Michaels
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Mikush
Ms. Gloria J. Miles
Lindsay Miles
Doug Miller
Eva Miller
Evelyn Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Miller
Jan Miller
Ms. Kimberly Miller
Lew Miller
Mr. Ric Mintz
Ms. Judy Misiurewicz
Mr. Derrick Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Mitcheltree
Dr. Paul A. Mitrani
Martha E. Mock, Ph.D. *
Monica Street Music
Ms. Joyce M. Monnat
Mr. & Mrs. Colin R. Monro Jr.
Mr. Sam Montanarella
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Morabito
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Morgan
Ms. Karen Morris
Ms. Barbara Dean Mosher
Ms. Elizabeth Mosher
“We could not be happier with our daughter’s progress over the past few months. The fact that she is starting to
talk is just so amazing to us and we attribute it to the fantastic program CP Rochester has and the cooperation
of your team. We are so thankful you all give her so much attention and are so patient with her sassy self!”
Gretchen H.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mosher
Mr. Randy Mosher
Ms. Anna Muller
Ms. Kristi Mullins
Ms. Anne Mummery
Mr. Arthur P. Mummery
Mr. Arthur Murphy
Ms. Kelley Murphy
Mr. Mark E. Murphy
Mr. Tom Murphy
Jamie L. Murray
Mrs. Jane E. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Murty
Ms. Kathleen L. Myers
Ms. Valerie Myntti
Ms. Melissa Napolitano
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Nardone
Pam Narsisian
Mr. Robert P. Nasso
Mr. Brett K. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Nestler
Mr. Shane Neuroth
Ms. Colleen Nevin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Newbury
Mr. James A. Newell
Ms. Esther R. News
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Newton
Ms. Lisa Newton
Julian Nicholas
Ms. Heather Nichting
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Niles
Ms. Catherine Noble
Mr. & Mrs. John Notebaert
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Nothnagle
Ms. Kayleigh R. Nutting
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Nutting
Mrs. Ingeborg Oberdoerster
Mr. Richard O'Neill
Ms. Jeanne Opipari
Ms. Teresa T. Ordway
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan M. O'Riordan *
Mr. Robert O'Riordan
Mr. Jeffrey M. Orrvick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Orrvick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Osborn
Mrs. Dawn Ossont
Heather Ostrander
John Ostrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. O'Sullivan
Ling Ouyang
Owen Family
Mrs. Marie J. Owens
Mrs. Chioma A. Owunwanne
Ms. Suzanne N. Paczkowski
Ms. Alexis Page
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Paige
Casey Palermo
Mr. & Mrs. John Palermo
Mr. Joseph Palgutt
Nancy Pallatto
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Palma
Mr. & Mrs. Carl P. Palma
Eric & Erin Palma
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Palma
Ms. Nicole A. Palma
Sean Palma
Ms. Trude Palma
Mr. & Mrs. James Palmiere
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Panosian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Parmigiani
Mrs. Stephanie L. Partsch
Mr. Eric Pasho
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Patalano
Patrons of Maple Tree Inn
Ms. Jenna Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Paul
Carrie Pavlock
Ms. Debbie Pavlock
Christian M. Peacox
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Peak
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Pearce
Ms. Dorothy J. Pearl
Ms. Mary Pedersen
Ms. Francine Pelkey
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Percy
Mr. & Mrs. John Perelli
Ms. Pamela Perkins
Mr. Matthew Perry
Mr. Kerm D. Peterson
Ms. Meghan Petitti
Ms. Mary M. Petromallo
Annette Petrosino
Amy Pettee
Julie Pettee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pettee
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Pettee
Ms. Tammy Pfister
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Phelps
Mr. Adam Phillips
Gregg Phillips
Mr. Richard F. Phipps
Ms. Dawn M. Pierson
Mr. Jim Pinkert
Richard Pirson
Ms. Sharon Pleninger
Mrs. Gail E. Pogal
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Poirier
Mr. Anthony J. Polizzi Jr.
Mrs. Terri Pollhein
Ms. Cynthia Polsinelli
Mrs. Anna Popelka
Lori & Mark Porray
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Potter
Mr. Ted Potter/Ms. Leena Isac
Mrs. Patti Prezyna
Mr. William E. Prindle
Mrs. Jessica R. Pritchard
Mrs. Kate M. Proctor
Proietti's Village Inn, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Pugliese
Ms. Alexandra Quinn
Mr. Jay W. Quinn *
Marci Rado
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ragazzo
RJ Raisch
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Ramminger
Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Ramos
Mr. Paul Rapoza
Ms. Barbara Rea
Ms. Karen Readel
Mr. James M. Redmond
Mr. Pierce Redmond
Mr. James Reed
Ms. Janet Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Reese
Ms. Jessica Reffner
Ms. Linda Reid
Mr. Charles Reidel
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Reifsteck
Greg Reilingh
Ms. Kerri Reuter
Ms. Bonnie Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Rhault
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rhinehart
Mr. & Mrs. David Ricci
Ms. Janice M. Riccione
Richard & Elena Camerieri Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rieck
Ms. Danielle L. Rienholtz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Riesenberger
Chris Rivera
Ms. Jane E. Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roach
Ms. Susan E. Roberts
Rochester Woodworkers Society, Inc.
Mrs. Phyllis T. Rockow
Mr. Devon Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roe
Ms. Susan M. Roethel
Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Rogers
Ms. Kris Rogers
Mr. Fred Rogosch
Ms. Susan K. Rohlin
Gabriella Rood and Maria Carrone
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Rosenberg
Mr. Dan Roser
Mr. & Mrs. Ryben Rosiles
Anne Ross
Rotork Controls, Inc.
Kim Rovitelli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rowe
Mr. Mike Rowlett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rule
Ms. Amy L. Ruthven Reynolds
Ms. Nora Ryder
Barbara Saillant
Ms. Carol Sanchez
Ms. Miriam S. Sanchez
Scott Sanford
Ms. Karen Sardislo
Ms. Jackie Savage
Nicole Scanlon
Amy Scaramuzzino
Gretta Schaefer
Ms. Susan Schepp
Lynne Schicker
Jennifer Schiedel
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Schiess
Arnold Schiff
Leslie A. Schiff, D.D.S.
Dr. Russell Schiff
Jill Schlageter
Sara Schley & Teresa Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Schmalzbauer
Ms. Cheryl A. Schmidt
Mr. John C. Schmidt
Ms. Kristen Schmidt
Christine Schmitz
Mrs. Carol E. Schoen
Ms. Jennifer Schoenweitz
Mrs. Carol Schreiner
Mr. Karl Schuler
Mr. Martin Scott
Mr. Steven J. Sedlak
Ms. Laura B. Segave
Franklin Seiler
Mr. Jonathan Seiler
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Seiler
Ms. Linda Seitz
Mr. Ronald A. Sereika
Serotta Family
Mr. Mach Shackelfal
Mr. Matthew Shafer
Mr. Fred C. Shank
Ms. Kristine Shanley
Ms. Marcia L. Sharp
Ms. Carol A. Shay
Joanne Shearn
Mr. Kevin Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Shepler
Ms. Eleanor Sica Niger
Mr. Andrew Sikora
Mr. Martin E Siegrist
Mrs. Stephanie E. Siegrist
Ms. Marcia S. Silber
Mr. Ronald W. Silkman
Ms. Dale Simmons
Ms. Danielle Sims
Mark & Courtney Singer
Ms. Shannon Sinkin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sinopoli
Mr. Jeff Sinsebox
Mrs. Rebecca A. Skelly
Michael Skibo
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Sklar
Ms. Barbara A. Skornia
Ms. Jeanne L. Slocombe
Ms. Carrie Smarsh
Ms. Linda Smarsh
Ms. Judi Smetana
Mr. Al Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Baxter Smith, IV
Ms. Holly Smith
Stevie Smith
Ms. Mary Kay Smyth
Ms. Sheila Smyth
Mr. Sam Snyder
Ms. Sarah Snyder Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Socola
Ms. Eileen Soebbing
Ms. Jessica L. Solazzo
Ms. Debra Sorensen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sousa
Ms. Joan Spade
Mr. Ben Sparacino
Ms. Lynnette Spears
Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Speicher
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Spencer
Beth Spingar
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Spring
SPS Medical Supply Corp.
Mr. Chris Spurrier
St. John Fisher College
Mr. Brian Staab
Ms. Maureen Steinbacher
Phillip Sterdardo
Mr. William J. Stevenson
Ms. Lorene K. Stimson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Stoddard
Ms. Nancy Straub
Ms. Ritaclare Streb
Julia Strom
Judi & John Sturge
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Sturgill
Mr. Michael Sukhenko
Ms. Lynn A. Sullivan
Sure Hands Lift & Care Systems
Lisa Susson
Ms. Kathie J. Swackhammer
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Szeremeta
Ms. Carol L. Tastor
Mrs. Marilyn S. Tastor
Ms. Lynn Tavernese
Ms. Joan A. Taylor
Mr. Steve Tedesco
Mr. Joseph Tedone
Mr. & Mrs. David Teegarden
Mrs. Karen Terp
Ms. Catherine A. Terrana
Son Thach
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Thaine
The Fiorentino Family Donor
Advised Fund
The PBG Foundation
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gregory Thomas
Anne Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thorpe
Mr. David S. Timmons
Ms. Marcy Tobin
Ms. Pamela S. Tofany-Kern
Karen Tomidy
Ms. Heidi F. Torchia
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Tortorici
Ms. Sheree L. Toth
Mrs. Josephine B. Trabalzi
Ms. Carol Tracy
Ms. Katrina Treu
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trinchini
Ms. Ann G. Tripp
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Trombley
Zanah Trotter
Ms. Susan E. Truax
Mrs. Cynthia Trubisky
Shingo & Natsue Tsuda
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Tuttle
Mr. Shawn Tyszka
Mr. Keith Uhrich
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Mrs. Martha Unrath
Jaclyn Urban
Ms. Marguerite A. Urban
Mr. Paul Valenti
Mr. Raymond Valerio
Ms. Marjorie Van Atta
Mrs. Diane L. Van DerWater
University of Rochester Athletics
Ms. Nancy VanDerwater
* denotes CP Rochester Board of Directors member
The Voice Spring 2012
from Consumers
Mr. & Mrs. Bud Vandewall
Mrs. Carolyn M. Vasile
Nick Vasiliou
Anthony Villani and Suzsanna Marchl
Mrs. Danylle Vitello
Ms. Patti Vito
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vondeak
Christie Vongunden
Michael Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Wahl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wahl
Mr. & Mrs. John Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Wallace
Mrs. Wendy D. Wallace
Mrs. Jane Walsh
Mrs. Suzanne Wapner
Marcie Ware
Ms. Marianne Warfle
Jonquil Waterstraw
Ms. Debra Watkins
Ms. Doris Watson
Ms. Hope Wattles
Ms. Helen Waytowich
Paul Webb
Webster Central Schools
Ms. Mary Jo Weegar
Ms. Jennifer Weg
Mrs. Leslie Weigel-Medwetsky
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Weigert
Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey A. Weinberg
Ms. Sarah Weiner
Ms. Caitlin Weir
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Weir, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Weis
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weis
Amy Welch
Mrs. Laurie Welch
Mr. Marty Welch
Wendy's of Batavia
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn F. Wensel
Jim Werven
Mrs. Faith Weston
Mr. & Rev. Ed Wetzel
William White
Ms. Lillie R. Whitt
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wiesner
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wiesner
Ms. Patricia A. Wiesner
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Wilcox
Ms. Penny L. Wilkinson
Ms. Kerry Wille
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Williams
Ms. Jessica M. Williams
Mrs. Kristina R. Williams
Ms. Terry Williams
Ms. Debbie Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Wilt
Ms. Marla Wiltse
Ms. Lora Winghart
Mrs. Maythorne Winterkorn
Ms. Rosemarie Wolf
Ms. Patricia L. Wollan
Mr. & Dr. Charles G. Woodcock
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin B. Woodruff
Mrs. Marcy Worden
Mr. Travis Worth
Mrs. Marach L. Wray
Mark Wright & Pam Ryan
Mrs. Tricia A. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Wumkes
Mr. & Mrs. Volker Wurster
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wysokowski
Ruoxi Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Yarmel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Yarmel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Yax
Ms. Eunji Yim
Hilary Yip
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Young
Ms. Barbara Young
Hyera Yun
Melissa Zambri
Mr. Pete Zedick
Ms. Lelia Zelazny
Craig Zicari
Mr. & Mrs. John Zielinski
Ms. Rose Ann Zielinski
Rosemary Ziemba-Ball
Mrs. Judith A. Zoltoski
Mr. Mark Zschoche
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. Zuber
Amy Zucarelli-Collins
Ms. Karen Zurbruegg
ABVI Goodwill
Agape Martial Arts
Aladdin's Natural Eatery
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Albin
Alexander Optical
Mr. & Mrs. Lee O. Arrington
Mr. Louis Atkin
Augustin Children's Center
Battisti's Salon & Day Spa
Ms. Paula Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Beckhorn
Bellezza Salon and Spa
Mrs. Tina Bennett
Ms. Krista Berry
Bill Gray's
Blossom Salon & Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boessl
Bonadio & Co.
Brantling Ski Slopes
Breathe Yoga & Juice Bar
Brio Wine Bar and Grill
Bristol Harbor
Brow Diva
Brownstein's Bagel and Deli
Bruegger's Bagel Bakery
Ms. Jane Bryan
Ms. Molly Bubacz
Buffalo Bills
Buffalo Sabres
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Buzard
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Cambio
Ms. Suzanne M. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Carlevatti
Ms. Tiffany Carr
Carrabba's Italian Grill
Casa Larga Vineyards
Mrs. Maryjoan Case
Century Liquor and Wines
Mrs. Nichole Chaffee
The Cheesecake Factory
Cheesy Eddie's
Chicago Cubs
Chili's Grill & Bar
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Christensen
Chuck E. Cheese
Ms. Cecilia Ciraolo-Coyne
Clark House Restaurant
Cleveland Cavaliers
Colie's Cafe
Color Me Mine
Mr. & Mrs. William Coxeter
CP Rochester Clinic Staff
CP Rochester Transition Room
Darien Lake Theme Park Resort
Ms. Elfrida H. Davis
Delmonico's Italian Steakhouse
Delta Sonic Car Wash
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Delvecchio
Ms. Betty DePrey
DHL Express
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin J. DiBella
The Distillery
Mr. Dale D. Dowling
Downstairs Cabaret Theatre
Eastern Mountain Sports
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ebbecke
Eleventh Hour Gift Shop
ESL Federal Credit Union
Esperanza Mansion
Fairy Godmothers
Ms. Suzy Farrell
Ms. Connie Fiorino
Five Guys Operations, LLC
Ms. Dorinda Foos
The Foot Performance Center
Ms. Mary B. Forquell
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Foryt
Fox's Restaurant Waitresses
Full Belly Deli
Fusion Salon
Beth & Craig Gamble
The Garden Factory
Garth Fagan Dance
The Gem Lab
George Eastman House
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Giaver
Mr. David Gilbert
Gore Mountain
Mr. & Mrs. M. Gracie
Grandstands Bar and Grille
Green Acre Farm & Nursery
Green Mountain Coffee
Ms. Carol Halloran
Ms. Maura Hallstead
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Harrod
Hedonist Artisan Chocolates
Hegedorn's Market
Matthew Henning and Rebecca Carter
Henrietta Town Hall
Heron Hill Winery
Hippe Chic Hair Salon
Holiday Valley Mt. Resort & Conference
Mrs. Patricia E. Homeier
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School
Mr. Bill Horeth
Hosmer Winery
Hunt Country Vineyards
The Idea Works
IFSS Dept.
Images by Vincenzo
Inspired Graphic Design and
Crystal Creations
Ms. Barbara Jackson
Jaqueline Oliverncia Salon & Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Jencik
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Johnson
Ms. Jill Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johnson
Ms. Elsie M. Jolkovski
Kango Play Center
Ms. Lynn A. Keller
Mr. Eric Kessler
Kids Miracle Making Club
Ms. Susan A. Korpeck
La-Tea-Da Tea Room and Parlour
Ms. Linda Lagree
Mr. & Mrs. Steve LaMonica
Lawley Andolina Verdi LLC
Lawley Andolina, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Leighton
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Lindboom
The Little Theatre
Loudee's Jewelry
LOWE'S Home Improvement Warehouse
Mrs. Helen Mahoney
Ms. Margaret Makovsky
Marketview Liquor
Mrs. Connie Mastowski
Mathew & Fields
Max's Chop House
MB Book Tique
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McAlpin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQueen
Memorial Art Gallery
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Merkley
Miami Dolphins
Michael's Valley Grill
Midtown Athletic Club
Mirbeau Inn & Spa
Moe's Southwest Grill
Monro Muffler/Brake Inc.
Ms. Kelley Murphy
N A S W, New York State Chapter
Mr. George Nakis/Ms. Lisa Johnston
New York Jets Football Club
New York Knicks
Ms. Heather Nichting
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Nodine
Ms. Laura M. Oburchay
Palmer Food Services Inc.
Party City
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Patterson
Pellegrinos Deli Cafe
Peter Geyer Steakhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pettee
Pittsford Plaza Cinema
Pomodoro Grill & Wine Bar
Mr. Ted Potter and Ms. Leena Isac
Qioptiq Employees
RCIPA Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ricci
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Richards
RIT Inn and Conference Center
Rochester Americans Hockey Team
Rochester Broadway Theatre League
Rochester Community Baseball, Inc.
Rochester Knighthawks Lacrosse Team
Rochester Museum & Science Center
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
Rochester Raging Rhinos
Rochester Woodworkers Society, Inc.
Rock Ventures
Mrs. Jodi Rosati
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rule
Salenas Mexican Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Takahisa Sanada
Mr. & Mrs. David Schafer
Leslie A. Schiff, D.D.S.
Mr. Gregor Schuler
Scottsville Spirits
Seabreeze Amusement Park
SenDec Corp.
Seneca Park Zoo Society
Serotta Family
Shadow Pines Golf Club
Dr. Charles W. Somerville DDS, PLLC
Sticky Lips BBQ
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Story
Ms. Nancy Straub
Studio X Expo Salon & Day Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Sturgill
Tantalo Photography
Target Stores
Tasteful Connections, Inc.
Tennis Club of Rochester
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Teran
The Distillery - Greece
The Leadership Factor
Tim Horton's
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Trahan
Trinity Episcopal Church
Michael & Jenni Tuller
U of R Athletic Department Employees
Mrs. Diane L. Van DerWater
Van Putte Gardens
Ms. Katie Van Wert
VBLSS ITT Corp. Employees
Wegmans LPGA
Mrs. Laurie Welch
Mr. & Mrs. John Wenderlich
Ms. Susanne Wilkinson
The Willis Family
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Wilt
Win-Sum Ski Corporation
Windstream Corporation
Winfield Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Winghart
Ms. Lora Winghart
Woodcliff Hotel & Spa
Zenith Academy of Gymnastics
“CP Rochester is a wonderful agency. My son attended preschool there as well as had Early
Intervention services. The staff is warm and caring and the services are very beneficial. I plan
on having him enroll in your Adult Day Program. I highly recommend CP Rochester!”
Nina O.
In Honor of
Kellen Apple
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Apple
Ms. Melinda Ascosi
Ms. Elaine Fuller
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Gaden
Mr. Gerald H. Gamm
Ms. Karin Gasaway
Ms. Andrea Golden
Ms. Meredith Martin
Mr. Fred Rogosch
Ms. Judi Smetana
Judi & John Sturge
Ms. Sheree L. Toth
Mr. Paul Valenti
University of Rochester Athletics
Julie Cataldo
Mr. & Mrs. George N. Cataldo
CP Rochester Staff
Mr. Brian C. Klafehn
Franklin Seiler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Walsh
Andrea Curry
Julie Pettee
Stefany DeLorme
Julie Pettee
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Dewey
Mrs. Lucretia W. McClure
Dani Drazkowski
Mike & Shannon Drazkowski
Paul Farney
Ms. Karen Zurbruegg
Mary Fischer
Mr. William Edwards
Susan Fisher
Barbara McDowell
Mr. Fortner
Brook Hill Elementary School
Lisa Hahn, Classroom Aides &
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Beckhorn
Kenneth Harzynski
Mrs. Diane B. Faville
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Trombley
Teagan Hendy
Pamela Bartemus
Tim Hillen
Lynne Schicker
Paul Farney
Ms. Nancy B. Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Baxter Smith, IV
Mariah Kappen
Mrs. Cynthia Trubisky
Brian C. Klafehn
Mr. Thomas Gibbons
Connie Mastowski
St. John Fisher College
Elijah Mayo
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Mayo
Lucretia McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene S. Dewey
Anthony J. Nardone
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boessl
Mr. Eugene F. Cassata
Mr. Donald F. Potter
Nicole Fulle
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Connelly
Robert Kopfman/Sharon Humiston
Joan & Gerry Nobiling
Ms. Judith V. Hicks
Laura Oburchay
Ms. Rose Ann Zielinski
Webster Central Schools
Mr. Ronald A. Sereika
Cameron Pettee
Ms. Laura Lehner
Micael D. Pettee
Mrs. Tracy Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pettee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pettee
Andrew Ricci
Alice & Edward Johnson Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Beckhorn
Lori Swatek
Julie Pettee
Brenda Tastor
Mrs. Kate M. Proctor
Mrs. Marilyn S. Tastor
Spencer Thompson
Anne Thompson
Martha Unrath
Brazda-Poirier Family
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Foryt
Robert S. Walsh
Mrs. Jane Walsh
Leslie Weigel-Medwetsky
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Phelps
In Memory of
Angelo J. Amico, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Mr. Louis P. Attoma
Mrs. Maria Casanzio
Mr. Eugene F. Cassata
June & Skip Augustin
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Alice Batog
Mr. Eugene C. Antczak
Bernard J. Bauman
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Wallace C. Bedell
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Isaacson
Sandra Caccamise
Ms. Martha J. Caccamise
Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Ciuffetelli
Mrs. Geraldine Casper
Ms. Rita J. Abberger
Ms. Mary Brumsted
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Casper
Mr. Bill Caufield
Ms. Mary P. Chappell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferrauilo
Gates Chili Assn. of School Related
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Haefner
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Johnson Jr.
Mrs. E. Lillian Kase
Edwin Kase
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Killenbeck
Mr. Paul N. Marlin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. McElwain
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Patalano
Ms. Danielle L. Rienholtz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Socola
SPS Medical Supply Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Wahl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wahl
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Weigert
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn F. Wensel
Mr. & Dr. Charles G. Woodcock
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Wumkes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Yax
Robert & Geraldine Casper
Ms. Eleanor Herrgesell
Victoria Cassata
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Anderson
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Ms. Florence Etingoff
Mr. Brian C. Klafehn
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Mance
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Nothnagle
Mrs. Kate M. Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Rogers
Franklin Seiler
Thomas H. Chapman
Mr. Brian C. Klafehn
Victor F. Corcoran
Mr. Eugene F. Cassata
William Tyler Day
Ms. Esther R. News
Tharan J. DeLeo
Ms. Valerie W. DeLeo
RoseMarie DiMaggio
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. DiMaggio
Marilyn Eaton
Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Crysel
Kristin Guilliams
Mr. Kevin P. Howard
Dr. Paul A. Mitrani
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan M. O'Riordan *
Mr. Robert O'Riordan
Mr. Joseph Palgutt
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Pearce
Mr. Matthew Shafer
Joseph & Rose Fedele
Ms. Mary Ann Fedele
Mary L. Gaetano
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Alfred Geishwind
Mrs. Jane E. Murray
Mr. George Donald Good
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nelson
Ms. Mary Kay Smyth
Daniel R. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Boylan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Boylan
Ms. Jacqueline B. DiSalvo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Hower
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Manly
Ms. Patricia R. McKenna
Mr. Arthur Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Ramminger
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vondeak
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Young
Robert Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. John Boddy
Ms. Dorothy E. Ely
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sousa
Mr. & Mrs. David Teegarden
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wiesner
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wiesner
Ms. Patricia A. Wiesner
Jean B. Hondorf
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Ann Insalaco
Ms. Ellen Aarsen
Ms. Barbara Abraham
Ms. Tara A. Branscom
Ms. Donna T. Eggleston
Ms. Mary Ann Fedele
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Girvin
Ms. Alice Insalaco
Ms. Mary J. Insalaco
Ms. Jeannie E. King
Mr. Powell M. Leitch III
Ms. Judy Misiurewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rieck
Ms. Eleanor Sica Niger
Norman E. Lank
Mr. Eugene F. Cassata
Greta Lindboom
Mrs. Karen Terp
Robert P. MacLelland
Mr. John R. MacLelland
Bob W. Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Rev. Paul James Olcott
Mrs. Ruth Aumick
Ms. Joyce L. McKinney
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Panosian
Mrs. Kate M. Proctor
Paul Paldon
Mr. Paul Arnold
Ms. Rachel MacLaren
Mrs. Kate M. Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Stoddard
John Pfeiffer
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Litz
George A. Pieken
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
David Schiff
Mrs. Jane E. Murray
Leslie A. Schiff, D.D.S.
June Shepler Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Shepler
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar H. Borkhuis
Mrs. Deborah Snell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. De Ritis Jr.
Elizabeth Dolski
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. Ellenbogen
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Morabito
Mr. Robert P. Nasso
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Paige
Mrs. Kate M. Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Tortorici
Ingrid H. Stenger
Jim & Georgine Stenger
Ruth Terwilliger
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Barbara A. Tinsmon
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Kurz
Shogo Tsuda
Shingo & Natsue Tsuda
Mr. & Mrs. W. Volkmar
Mr. Harold C. Augustin
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Thompson
If your name was inadvertantly
misspelled, omitted, or listed incorrectly,
please contact CP Rochester at
* denotes CP Rochester Board of Directors member
The Voice Spring 2012
Non Profit Org.
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Permit #515
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3399 Winton Road South
Rochester, New York 14623
Our Mission
CP Rochester exists to support people with physical and developmental disabilities in choosing
and accomplishing successive, individualized life goals. We do this by providing a wide range of
services to people of all ages in the greater Rochester area. These services include: Outpatient
Clinical, Residential, Educational, and Personal Support Services. Our purpose is to ensure those
we serve safely determine their own pathways in life and live as full members of their
Administrative Offices
CP Rochester Board of Directors
3399 Winton Road South
Rochester, New York 14623
Joyce W. Weir, Ph.D.
Robert W. Croessmann, Esq.
Vice Chairman
Al Sigl Center Delegate
Sean R. Ossont
Judith L. Marsh
Chairperson, Audit & Finance Committee
Joseph P. Dellavilla
Brian M. DiGiacco
Robert C. Maddamma
Martha E. Mock, Ph.D.
Brendan P. O’Riordan
Lawrence M. Samkoff, M.D.
Jay W. Quinn
Brian C. Klafehn
Judith A. Zoltoski
Executive Assistant
Member of:
The Voice is published twice per year for the consumers, families, friends, donors, volunteers,
and staff of CP Rochester. Comments are welcome and should be directed to the Marketing
and Communications Department at 334-6000.
Writer/Editor: Dave Carro, Marketing and Communications Manager