Saint Kilian Parish - Farmingdale
Saint Kilian Parish - Farmingdale
Sunday, December 27 , 2015 Saint Kilian Parish 485 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 MISSION STATEMENT The Catholic family of St. Kilian Parish seeks to be a vibrant, welcoming community of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit, nourished by God’s word and the Eucharist, and committed to witnessing God in and through our neighbors. THE ST. KILIAN VISION STATEMENT + Hospitality: St. Kilian parish strives to be a welcoming, dynamic faith community. + The Eucharist and liturgy: We seek to nourish the faith life of the parish by celebrating meaningful liturgies, and offering opportunities for a wide range of prayerful experiences. + Lifelong Faith Formation: We are dedicated to inspiring the young and the old through lifelong education, and formation of minds and hearts. + Stewardship: In all aspects of our faith we share our time, talent, and treasure through stewardship. + Parish Social Ministry: We bring our faith to life by serving others through compassionate personal outreach and commitment to social justice. PASTORAL TEAM Rev. Bruce J. Powers, Pastor - [email protected] Rev. Michael F. Duffy - [email protected] Rev. José Luis Tenas - (Hispanic Ministry) [Most Rev. John C. Dunne - (Retired - In Residence)] [Rev. Augustine Fernando - (Retired - In Residence)] Deacon Frank D. Barone Deacon Francis P. Marino Deacon Mark Wetzel Deacon William A. Weiss [Deacon Lucio L. Cotone (Retired)] [Deacon George B. Owen (Retired)] Mrs. Claire Stiglic - Associate Director Religious Education [email protected] - (516) 694-0633 Mrs. Kathleen Singleton - Associate Director Religious Education [email protected] - (516) 694-0633 Mrs. Nina Petersen - Social Ministry/Outreach [email protected] - (516) 756-9656 Mr. Paul C. Phinney - Music Director [email protected] - (516) 420-0950 Mr. DJ Schultz -Youth Minister - [email protected] - (516) 249-0127 Mr. Frank Shanley - Business Manager- [email protected] Rectory Support Staff Mrs. Eileen Donohue - Bulletin /Website - [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Geary - Pastor’s Secretary / [email protected] Mrs. Maureen Ihm - Secretary - [email protected] Mrs. Grace Kaufold - Census Program - [email protected] 2 Schedule of Masses Saturday Evening: 5:00p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Misas en Español: 6:15 p.m. Saturday Cada Sábado Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Family Mass & Youth Mass: 9:30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Sunday Weekdays: 7 a.m. St. Benedict Chapel - 9 a.m. Church Saturday: 7:30 a.m. St. Benedict Chapel Holydays: As announced in the bulletin Reconciliation - Confessions - Mon.: 1-2 p.m. & Sat. - 4:00 p.m. Rectory Office Hours - Mon. - Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rectory Office: (516) 249-0127 Fax:(516) 249-7131 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Pastoral Council Finance Committee Mrs. Carol Budinoff Mrs. Anne Carter Mrs. Addie DeVincentis Mr. Geoff Fenwick Mr. Timothy Fierst Mr. Brian McKenna Mrs. Elizabeth Noveck Mr. James Porter (Chairman) Mr. David Rodenburg Mr. Victor Albanese - Trustee Mr. Pierre Lehmuller - Trustee Deacon Frank Barone Ms. Jill VonHegel Mr. Richard Merzbacher Mr. Frank Shanley Mr. Edward A. Smith Deacon William Weiss Mr. Stephen G. Wilson Pastoral Council e-mail [email protected] St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27 , 2015 HOLY FAMILY FEAST “Parents are the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith.” (Church Document on infant Baptism) My sister Beth, met her husband Tony, soon after Beth graduated with a degree in journalism, from the University of Texas in Austin. Tony, a civil engineer from Berkeley, California had migrated to the boomtown of Houston, Texas to start employment in creating drainage systems for new construction. Both devout Catholics, they met each other in the parish folk group, began dating and married in November, 1981. Parenting began, with the transitions and priority changes it brings, with the births of their two daughters, just over a year apart. When my nieces reached their late teens, I asked my mother one day whether the girls were still attending Mass with their parents. Mom told me that Beth would compromise on most conflicts, but Mass attendance was a strict family rule. Diana had a ring in her navel, but she and her sister were at Mass with their mom and dad, and grandmother each week! What are your family rules? What are you willing to compromise- and what is inviolable? Does God and keeping the Lord’s Day holy through worship as a family with other believing families remain a top weekly priority? The Scriptures tell us that Jesus grew in wisdom and knowledge of the Torah and prayer. He developed an intimate relationship with the Lord whom he came to call Abba (Aramaic for dear Father) through his mother and father first, and then the extended family of relatives in the small village (2-300 people) of Nazareth. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and years, and in divine and human favor”. Scripture relates that Jesus worshipped in the synagogue with other Jews every Sabbath. “When he came to Nazareth, where he had been raised, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom.” (Luke 4:16) Jesus followed the ten commandments of God. The first three commandments place God first in our lives. The next seven command our love for our neighbor. In coming to worship on the Sabbath with a community of believers to pray and meditate on the word of God, Jesus was fulfilling the third commandment: “Remember keep holy the Lord’s day (the Sabbath).” (Deuteronomy 5:12-15) This is why Catholics have a serious obligation to participate at Mass on the Lord’s Day. If Jesus made worship of God in a community of believers, his top priority, so do we! We follow his perfect example. Handing on the faith and the development of Christian moral character happens in the climate of a home where parents have each drawn deeply from the rich traditions of the Catholic Church. Week after week, Advent to Christmas, Lent through Easter season, Pentecost, and Christ the King, stories of God’s loving interaction with his human creation are recounted, meditated on, and celebrated in song and sacrament. “God so loved the world, that in the fullness of time he sent his only son, that whoever believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.” The liturgical year of worship is a rhythm that makes our lives holy; grounded in God. The heroes of the Bible: Abraham, Sara, Isaac and Jacob, Moses and David and the prophets, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James and John – responders all to God’s initiating and inviting Spirit; dance before us in the proclamation of the Word. The Lord of the dance, Jesus our Messiah and Lord of the universe, is at the center. It is at our Eucharist that we feast on God’s word and the sacred symbols core to our faith. It is in the sharing of the Bread and the Cup that our moral character is formed and matures, as we are transformed into what we see; and become what we truly are – the Body and the Blood of Christ. God is truly with us! Merry Christmas! U T H E P A S T O R’ S P A G E Peace, Father Bruce St. Kilian Catholic Church - 3 Sunday, December 27, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY - December 27 - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph - Readings: 1st—1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28; 2nd—1 John 3:1-2, 2124; Gospel—Luke 2:41-52 7:00 John Lutz 8:00 For the Parishioners of St. Kilian 9:30 Domenica & Giovanni Lancia 11:00 Ralph Porpora 12:30pm Michael Mastrantonio Maria Zaia Altagrace Labissiere Charles Nardi MONDAY - December 28 - The Holy Innocents 7:00 Raffy Baltazar 9:00 Regina & Michael Brennan TUESDAY - December 29 7:00 Deceased embers of the Broyles Family 9:00 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Porr WEDNESDAY - December 30 7:00 Kevin Regnerus 9:00 Damian (Sam) Aiello THURSDAY - December 31 7:00 Thomas Smyth 9:00 Thomas P. Slaski 5:00pm Charles & Nina Nardi FRIDAY - January 1 - The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God 8:00 For the Parishioners of St. Kilian 10:00 Dolores Sullivan 12:00 Mary Kochinski SATURDAY - January 2 - Sts Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 7:30 Peggy Sisti 5:00pm Norma Puhalski Frances Gregg Linda Marley Stephen Kester 6:30pm Mariana Toala SUNDAY - January 3 - The Epiphany of the Lord - Readings: 1st—Isaiah 60:1-6—2nd— Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12 8:00 For the Parishioners of St. Kilian 9:30 Kevin Ring 11:00 Robert Cinquemani 12:30pm Kevin Ring Damon Schultz Patricia Hawk Helene Marszalek 4 New Weekend Mass Schedule Due to the desire to fulfill church law, preserve the spiritual life of our priests, and meet liturgical principles, our Mass schedule will be changing. The new Mass schedule will have six rather than eight Masses each weekend. New Mass Schedule: Beginning the weekend of January 2-3, 2016. Saturday: 5PM (English) & 6:30PM (Spanish) Sunday: 8AM; 9:30AM; 11AM; 12:30PM Change is always painful. But with prayer and the grace of God we will make the necessary adjustments in our schedules. Our celebrations of Mass at St. Kilian will continue to be uplifting and prayerful. ST. KILIAN PARISH MEMORIALS FOR HOSTS AND WINE to be used at all WEEKEND Masses (Dec. 26, 27, 2015) were donated in Memory of: +Nelson Giordano Gift of: Lucy Giordano St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27, 2015 DECEMBER 27, 2015 THE HOLY FAMILY Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them.” We might be tempted to think that Jesus more or less raised himself. As the Son of God, it might appear on first glance that earthly parents would be a mere formality for this particular child. But it wasn’t so. Mary and Joseph had real influence, and real authority, over their son. Although Jesus apparently understood from a tender age how he related to God (“Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”), he also knew that he owed appropriate respect to his parents. This is why he stayed in their home in Nazareth and was obedient to them. And because of We wish all of our parish families a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Holy New Year! Rel. Ed. Reminders: There is NO Religious Education class on Saturday January 2, 2016. All Religious Education Classes will be 1 hour in length beginning in January 2016 (i.e. - 4:30pm - 5:30pm, 6pm - 7pm, 9:30am - 10:30am). this obedience, clearly Mary and Joseph must have been deeply influential in his life. Their direction, their teachings, their example, and their rules would all have shaped Jesus in his humanity. It was thanks in no small part to the matriarch and patriarch of the Holy Family that Jesus “advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.” We should be advancing in these ways too! And those of us who are parents are likewise called to direct and guide our children to develop as Jesus did, not only forming our sons and daughters to succeed in the eyes of men, but also leading them on the path of “favor before God.” The Holy Family serves as a beautiful model for us in this regard. They help us learn how to submit our lives to the loving leadership of our heavenly Father. But more than this, Mary and Joseph also serve as intercessors who, like any faithful family member or friend, want to pray with us and for us. Let us turn, then, to the intercession of the Holy Family asking that our families may be holy too. Solemnity of Mary, The Mother of God Holyday of Obligation Friday, January 1, 2016 Mass Schedule: Vigil Mass: Thursday, December 31 - 5:00pm Holy Day Masses: Friday, January 1 8:00 a.m.; 10 a.m.; 12:00 p.m. St. Kilian Catholic Church - 5 Sunday, December 27, 2015 Stewardship A Way of Life at St. Kilian The following are the weekly collections for: Dec. 19, 20, 2015....................$27,350.10 (Last year 2014) ..................$27,185.27 Attendance Dec. 19, 20, 2015 ............2044 (Last year 2014) ..............2199 Parish Collection report-Week of December 19, 20, 2015 Mass Number Of Envelopes Amt. in Env. Cash/Checks Loose Cash Total 5pm - Sat. 167 $4524.95 $628.00 $5152.00 6:15pm-Sat. 29 $404.00 $551.00 $955.00 7:30pm -Sat 62 $1540.00 $163.00 $1703.00 7:00am 56 $1958.00 $175.00 $2133.00 8:00am 92 $3873.00 $326.00 $4199.00 9:30am 108 $2908.15 $439.00 $3347.15 11:00am 137 $4679.00 $727.00 $5406.00 12:30pm 104 $3017.00 $457.00 $3474.00 Mail in Envelopes: $980.00 Total: $27,350.10 Bulletin Reflection: The first reading today provides a challenging guideline for the good stewardship of our family relationships. How do I measure up? Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who embrace stewardship as a way of life. Their relationships with family, friends and co-workers are now different, influenced by a spirit of generosity and sharing, which affect all aspects of their daily lives. The rectory office will be closed on Friday, January 1, 2016 for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God holyday. There will be no Eucharistic Adoration in St. Benedict Chapel on December 31st or January 1st. 6 We have been gifted and called! As stewards of God’s gifts, we are called not only to be grateful, but responsible and accountable for how we use and share those gifts. We celebrate with joy the many ways in which the shared gifts of our parish community are helping so many. We have many wonderful ministries in our parish! Please consider how you may share your gifts as we continue our journey of stewardship renewal. May you be blessed in the New Year. How about a New Year’s resolution to seek out a Ministry or two? As a praying community, we automatically ask prayers for all those who are ill. Names added to the list will remain on for a maximum of 3 weeks. If the individual is still in need of prayers, the office would have to be notified to continue for an additional 3 weeks. If you do not desire to be listed, please inform us. PRAY FOR: Frank Burnside; Msgr. Tom Hartman; Sarita Donald; Denise Wagner; Helen Norjen; John Nelson, Sr.; John Nelson, Jr.; Kerri Ihm; Rosemarie Oliver; Jane Deglman; Hugh Gilmore; Theresa Ross; Vincent Thomas Marino; Jacek Leszczynski; John Sherry; Joan Thorman; Bill Razzano; William Sisco; Mary Shaughnessy; Katie Kelly; Kelly Surette; Phillip Frogge; Debra Donald.. And prayers for our children: Gwendolyn Rose; Kyle Patrick Johnson; Jillian Cordi; Baby Julia Rose Manno; Olivia Macchio; Collin Huber; Michael Cardone; Baby Kathleen Scelfo; Baby Olivia Scelfo; Mackenzie Jordan Borchers. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27, 2015 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal Serving God by Serving Others Second Announcement Christopher Dalen & Meghan Pappas (St. Kilian) Third Announcement Craig Reynolds & Clare Verow (St. Kilian) Readings for the Week of December 27, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/ Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:41-52 1 Jn 1:5—2:2/Ps 124:2-5, 7-8/Mt 2:13-18 1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96:1-3, 5-6/Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-10/Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96:1-2, 11-13/Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 1:19-28 Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph 3:23a,5-6/Mt 2:1-12 ©Liturgical Publications Inc St. Kilian’s goal for this year is $133,000.00. So far pledges total $115,580.00 or 86.90% of goal. Payments received so far total $113,066.25 Now that we have reached 80% of goal, anything between 80% and 100% paid comes back to St. Kilian’s. Thank you for your generous support of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Completing your 2015 pledge ensures that our Parish will benefit by receiving our full rebate. Please consider remembering St. Kilian Parish in your will. Catholics of generations to come will thank you for your thoughtfulness and remember you in prayer. St. Kilian Catholic Church - 7 Sunday, December 27, 2015 SOCIAL MINISTRY/OUTREACH Outreach is our parish community’s response to the Gospel call to help those in need. We serve anyone who lives within our parish boundaries regardless of religion, race or ethnicity. We are located at 140 Elizabeth Street but our main entrance is in the parking lot facing Conklin Street. OUR FOOD PANTRY AND OFFICE IS OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 10AM-2:30PM. We are also available certain Saturdays by appointment only. Spanish translators are available Tuesdays and Fridays. For further information please call 516-756-9656 Nina Petersen, Director of Outreach Thanks to St. Kilian Parishioners, it was a Merry Christmas for many! We distributed food and gifts to over 450 people for Christmas. Your generosity has been truly heart-warming and we want you to know that together we made a difference in many lives this holiday season. –Nina This week our pantry could use the items listed below. Just drop your donation in the bin in the gathering space of the church or bring it to Outreach during our regular business hours. U Jelly Canned Tomatoes Crackers Are you having trouble paying for heat and/or saving on home energy this season? If so, you may be eligible for one of many programs available to LOW INCOME residents, such as: 8 · HEAP- A federally funded annual supplement to assist households with heating costs. Regular Heap benefits are available to income-eligible households that pay directly for heat or pay for heat in their rent. For eligibility guidelines, see Applications can be made (1) online at OR (2) senior citizens call the Office of the Aging (Nassau: 516-227-7386, Suffolk: 631-853-8326) OR (3) all others call: EAC in Nassau at 516-565-4327 or Central HEAP in Suffolk 631-853-8825. SNAP/TA recipients should be automatically enrolled. Call Outreach for further information. Emergency Heap- the household must have already received a regular heap benefit and be in an “emergency situation”. Heating included in rent is not eligible. EMERGENCY HEAP OPENS Jan 4th. HEAP Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement- is available to help income-eligible homeowners repair or replace furnaces, boilers and other direct heating components necessary to keep the home’s primary heating source functional. To receive a benefit, an application must be made in person at the local dept of social services. · REAP- is a PSEG program for income-eligible customers to help save energy and lower electric bills. In addition to surveying the home and giving energy advice, PSEG may install energy efficient products. You are eligible for REAP if you have a PSEG account number, live in 1-4 family dwelling unit that is your primary residence, and you meet the income guidelines. To learn more about REAP call 1-800-263-6786,e-mail REAPLI@PSEGLI or · PROJECT WARMTH – a local, EMERGENCY fuel assistance fund administered by United Way of LI to help with a fuel and/or fuel-related electricity crisis. Applications cannot be made directly through United Way; Outreach can process these applications for eligible individuals or families. Applicant must show a heating and/or fuelrelated electric bill in applicant’s name and address that is in termination, pending disconnect or severely overdue, or be financially unable to secure heating when tank is empty/near empty. Note- HEAP-eligible individuals MUST apply to HEAP before being considered for Project Warmth. Those who received Project Warmth benefits for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 heating seasons are not eligible. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27, 2015 SOCIAL MINISTRY/OUTREACH Did you know we offer Employment Assistance (resume writing, interview coaching, job search tips)? Our Employment Counselor is here Thursdays from 11:00am to 2:30pm. If interested, call for an appointment. Do you need food assistance but work weekdays? Our pantry is open one Saturday per month, by appointment only. Please call for further information about this emergency assistance. ST KILIAN YOUTH Youth Events for Middle and High School Teens: 12/20 Sunday 6pm - Meet at Cafeteria for Caroling with Christmas Party immediately following in the Youth Room at Rectory. 12/27 9:30am - Youth Mass in Church (all teens are invited to sit and sing with us) 8am rehearsal in church music room. REQUEST FOR WINTER HATS, GLOVES AND SCARVES Throughout December, we will be collecting new winter hats, gloves and scarves for men, women and children 12/27 6pm - 9pm - Regular SKY meets 6pm in Cafeteria LaSalle School, (school playground) For Hockey, Dodge ball, Faith talk, and Pizza Then, move church food collection to food pantry, Then finish meeting in Rectory Youth Room. Pickup from rectory @ 9pm 1/3 6pm - 9pm - Regular SkyJ With grateful hearts, we THANK YOU for helping us to help others! JOIN SKY + Contact Youth Minister DJ Schultz: [email protected] or [email protected] to volunteer and for any information Join Sky facebook page@ (Sky) and be a member+ St. Kilian e-mail Collection Envelopes We would like to gather our parishioners e-mail addresses. This information will remain only with St. Kilian’s and will be used only for better communication between the rectory and parishioners. If you would like to submit your email information, please fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Rectory It helps our counters to keep an accurate account of your donations if you write the amount of your donation on the space provided on the front of your envelope. Also, please do not tape your envelope closed. Thank you for your generosity to St. Kilian Parish. Name ____________________________________ Address: _______________________________ __ Phone#____________________ Cell# __________ E-mail Address _____________________________ (Please Print) St. Kilian Catholic Church - 9 Sunday, December 27, 2015 Thank you for your generous support of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Completing your 2015 pledge ensures that our Parish will benefit by receiving our full rebate. If you have not yet had the opportunity to give, please prayerfully consider making a donation to the Appeal. Pledges can be accepted until December 31st and payments can be made through January 31st! Extra envelopes are provided in the back of the church. Join us as we Serve God by Serving Others! Thank You! St. Vincent de Paul Society Today is the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and so we can celebrate that we all belong to the holy family of God which makes us brother and sisters to each other. At Christmas this year, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring the joy and hope to our “brothers and sisters” who are poor by assissting families, providing food, and money for utility and rent bills. Thank you! If you are in need of assistance or would like information about joining or contributing to the Society, please call 516-473-9562. Leave a message and a phone number. A member will return your call as soon as possible. You may visit our website at Please remember the Poor Boxes at the exits of the church. They are the Bread Boxes of the poor and hungry. 10 Flu Season It is that time of the year again. If you have a cold or feel one coming on, please do not receive from the chalice. Also do not feel obligated to shake hands at the Sign of Peace; a smile a word and a wave will do; and do not be offended if someone does not offer their hand. If you are sick there is no obligation to attend Mass. Personal prayer and reflection on the scriptures is encouraged as well as viewing the Mass on television. We are all encouraged to use common sense in these matters; to do all that we can to maintain health, wellness and limit the exposure to infection. Most importantly let’s keep in our prayers those of our parish community who are ill and are not able to participate at the liturgy with us. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27, 2015 Eucharistic Adoration “Could you not watch one hour with me? —Mark 14:37 IT IS IMPORTANT THAT EACH HOUR BE COVERED. THE BLESSED SACRAMENT MUST NEVER BE LEFT ALONE. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A GUARDIAN OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FOR AN HOUR A WEEK OR MORE PLEASE CONTACT THE RECTORY OR USE THE FORM BELOW AND DROP IT IN THE COLLECTION BASKET. ST. KILIAN’S IS PROUD TO BE OFFERING EXTENDED EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT WILL BE EXPOSED FOR ADORATION IN THE ST. BENEDICT CHAPEL WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE RECTORY MONDAY-FRIDAY, EVERY WEEK FROM 4:00PM - 8:00PM NAME:________________________________________ PHONE____________________________ E- MAIL __________________________________________ qMONDAY qTUESDAY qWEDNESDAY q THURSDAY qFRIDAY q4:00-5:00PM q 5:00-6:00PM q6:00-7:00PM q7:00-8:00PM PLEASE SELECT A DAY: THEN SELECT A TIME: PRAYER FOR PEACE A special thank you to Margaret Barrett and her committee for running the Christmas Cash 50/50 raffle. The total raised was $9,105.00. the prize money was $4,562.00 plus a $500 prize for the Early Bird Drawing. This year $2,403.00 was raised by Margaret Barrett and her committee by selling wreaths and blankets. Special thanks to Margaret Barrett and her committee that included Steve Wilson, Dave Rodenburg, Ro Horan and the teens who helped parishioners carry their wreaths and blankets to their cars. Thank you to everyone who worked on these committees for sharing your time and talent with St. Kilian’s. Lord Jesus Christ, who are called the Prince of Peace, Who are yourself our peace and our reconciliation, Who so often said ‘Peace to you’, Grant us peace! Make all men and women witnesses of truth, justice and brotherly love. Banish from their hearts whatever might endanger peace. Enlighten our rulers that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace. May all peoples of the earth become as brothers and sisters. May longed-for peace blossom forth and reign always over us all. AMEN (POPE SAINT JOHN XXIII) MARY QUEEN OF PEACE, PRAY FOR US! DIOCESE St. Kilian Catholic Church - OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE 11 Sunday, December 27, 2015 ST. KILIAN WEEK AT A GLANCE Dec. 27 (Sunday) CYO Basketball - 1:30pm - Auditorium SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria Alanon Support Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Dec. 28 (Monday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church Seniors - 11am - Parish Ctr. Reconciliation - 7pm - 9pm - Church Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm - 9pm - St. Benedict Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena - 7:30pm - St. Benedict Chapel Divorced & Separated - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Dec. 29 (Tuesday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church Seniors - 11am - Parish Ctr. Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel CYO Basketball 4:30pm - Auditorium NA Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Dec. 30 (Wednesday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church Bible Study - 10:30am- 12:30pm -Parish Center Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel AA Support Meeting - 7pm - Parish Ctr. Spanish Charismatic Renewal - 7pm - Cafeteria Charismatic Prayer Group - 8pm - St. Benedict Chapel Dec. 31 (Thursday) Jan. 1 (Friday) - Solemnity of Mary - Mother of God Jan. 2 (Saturday) Reconciliation - 4- 4:45pm - Church Jan. 3 (Sunday) CYO Basketball - 1:00pm - Auditorium SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria Alanon Support Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS Let us say THANK YOU by supporting their businesses. Please let them know that you saw their ad in our Parish Bulletin. We pray for all the men and women in the service of our country especially those who are away from their families and friends during this Christmas Season. Peace be with them and their families. God Bless them and keep them safe. 12 Sacraments Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the church. Spanish Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. Parents are required to participate in one Sacramental Preparation session. These meetings are held on the first and third Sunday of each month. After attending the 9:30am Mass, parents should proceed to the Parish Center (below the church) for the Baptism Preparation Class. Godparents are welcome. Please call the rectory to arrange an interview with a deacon or priest to register for the preparation session and the Baptism ceremony. Additional information on Baptism is available on the parish website: Reconciliation - Confessions are heard in the church on Mondays, 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 4:00-4:45 p.m.; and in the rectory by appointment. Confessions are not heard on Mondays that are Holy Days or public holidays. Confessions in Spanish by appointment. Please call the rectory at (516)2490127. Matrimony - Marriage arrangements should be made with a deacon or priest at least six months before the proposed wedding date. No dates for marriage will be given over the phone. Note: The interview to schedule the marriage date at St. Kilian should be completed before commitments are made with a catering hall. Additional information is available on the parish website: Anointing of the Sick - The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be received by any Catholic who is preparing for surgery, or is of advanced age, or is seriously ill. The sacrament is the Church’s prayer for health and healing and should not be delayed until there is danger of death. Please call the rectory to speak with a priest. Also, to arrange for Communion to be brought to the homebound, please call the rectory to have a priest visit. After the priest visits, arrangements can be made for a Eucharistic Minister to regularly bring communion to the homebound. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA (Becoming A Catholic) Anyone who is inquiring about becoming a Catholic, and who has not been baptized, or who has been baptized in another Christian community is invited to inquire into the RCIA. Please call the rectory for information at (516)249-0127. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27, 2015 Counseling Information for Families and Individuals Living Waters, located on Wolf Hill Road in Melville, on the grounds of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, provides individual and group therapy with a Christian perspective - 631-754-3990 email: [email protected]. Our pastor, Father Bruce Powers, besides his graduate degree in theology from the major seminary in Huntington, New York, holds a Masters degree in Pastoral Counseling from St. John’s University ( M.S. in Ed.). In addition, he has received certification in substance abuse counseling from South Oaks Institute in Amityville, New York. If you would like his counsel on personal and family difficulties, please contact him at St. Kilian rectory: 516-249-0127 or email him for an appointment: [email protected] Support & Prayer Ministry for Catholic Gays/ Lesbians, Parents & their Families Third Tuesday of each month - 7pm Info: Michael Coffey at 917-589-7146 ST. KILIAN RESPECT-LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1/2 (Sat) - 10:30-11:30AM Prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood, 35 Carman’s Rd, Massapequa. 1/10 (Sun) - 10:30-10:55AM—PRO-LIFE meeting: Media Rm of St. Kilian’s Church Basement. St. Kilian Catholic Church - 13 Sunday, December 27, 2015 DIOCESAN & COMMUNITY PROPHECY Holy Trinity High School, Hicksville NY seeks Part-Time Bookstore Manager Full Year position. 7:30am to 1:00pm. Responsibilities include ordering all merchandise, serving customers, operating an on-line bookstore, and running the day to day operations of a busy high school bookstore. Must have excellent people skills, be organized and able to manage time. Must have working knowledge of Microsoft Office. Must be comfortable handling new technology. Retail experience preferred, but not required. No phone calls please. Resumes can be faxed to 516-4332827 Bereavement Support Groups Good Shepherd Hospice Bereavement Services are opened to anyone in the community who has experienced a loss through death at no charge.Upcoming Bereavement Support Groups, led by a Bereavement Specialist, include: Spousal/Partner Loss Group - 1/7/16 - 2/25/16 1:30PM - 3:00PM General Bereavement Support Group - 1/6/16 3/2/16 - 6PM - 7:30PM Both groups held at Good Shepherd Hospice Administrative Office, 110 Bi-County Blvd., Suite 114, Farmingdale, NY. Registration Required - (631)828-7628 St. Joseph Renewal Center 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood 631-273-1187 ext. 123 Gathering of Women - January 5 - 10am to 12 noon - Offering $15.00 - Facilitators: Tina Cafaro & Joan Vessio Living with Alzheimer’s & Dementia - January 6 - 1- 2:30pm - Free will offering Presenter. Josephine Daspro, CSJ Please call 631-273-1187 Ext. 123 to register. In the past, the term prophet was often confused predicting the future or with any other type of extraordinary knowledge of this sort. More recently, we have tended to see as prophet the social maverick, the justice protester, the person who is chained to a fence or arrested for a cause. This may be prophecy, but one must be careful not to make an automatic identification here. A prophet does not foretell the future and is not necessarily a chronic protester. A prophet is someone who speaks for God, pure and simple. God’s voice is recognized because it does two things: It challenges more deeply than any other voice and, at the same time, it offers a deeper consolation than any other voice. When you hear a voice that deeply shakes you and yet, in another way, offers deep hope, a voice that both draws and upsets you, you are hearing a prophetic voice. When your reaction to somebody is like Herod’s to John the Baptist (“Herod was greatly upset when he listened to John, and yet he liked to listen to him.”) then, usually, you are listening to prophecy. Unfortunately, not many voices in our culture do that. More commonly we experience only one of the two: a voice that greatly upsets us, but offers no deep hope; or a voice that offers cheap consolation without deep challenge. These are voices of false prophets. To be a prophet is to challenge hedonism even as you affirm the goodness of creation; it’s to challenge consumerism even as you affirm the importance of enjoyment; it’s to challenge materialism even as you affirm the fact that the incarnation is all about God becoming material; it’s to challenge individualism even as you affirm the centrality of community, and it’s to call the culture to something higher even as you affirm everything that’s good within the culture. To be a prophet is to make a vow of love, not of alienation. 14 St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, December 27, 2015 Celebremos Los Sacramentos LA SANTA MISA: Todos los Sábados a las 6:15PM. BAUTISMO: Se celebra cada cuarto domingo de mes, a las 2:00 de la tarde. Es requisito para los papás y padrinos, atender la clase pre-bautismal, cada tercer miércoles de mes a las 6:30 PM, en la parte baja de la Iglesia. Por favor llame a la rectoría para hacer su cita con el sacerdote, para llenar el formato; usted deberá traer el certificado o registro de nacimiento de su niño. Los niños de 6 años ó más, deberán asistir a las clases de catequesis regular. PADRINOS: Deben ser católicos, con los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación; solteros ó casados por la Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia, en donde viven ó adonde asisten a misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas que tienen parejas sin haberse casados por la Iglesia. QUINCEAÑERAS: Deben haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases regulares de Educación Religiosa ó RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos). RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS: (RICA) Les invitamos a una preparación espiritual de conversión a la fé católica. Favor comunicarse con la Hna: Reina Vásquez (631)902-9969. Las clases iniciarán en septiembre. MATRIMONIO: Es necesario hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote ó Diácono de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación, para la celebración de su boda. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas, asistan a PRE-CANA (charlas pre-matrimoniales), para poder casarse. Para mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría (516)-249-0127 ext.129 P. Jose o hablar con él, después de la Misa, los sábados. C iclos de Fe 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2015 La Sagrada Familia Día de la Sagrada Familia, primer domingo del tiempo de la Navidad, motivo principal para que la comunidad de discípulos sea convocada para celebrar la Eucaristía. Conscientes de que el Hijo de Dios está presente entre nosotros. En estos días la liturgia repite frases bíblicas, cantos, temas de oración, meditación y contemplación. Hoy especialmente se nos propone dar un sentido especial a la Sagrada Familia no como algo lejano imposible de alcanzar, sino como modo de vida de la propia familia. ¿Qué es lo que más admiro de la Sagrada Familia? ¿Qué puedo imitar de ella y hacerlo realidad en mi familia? Para contestar las preguntas existen elementos que debemos de tomar en cuenta: Celebramos con gozo nuestra fe en Jesucristo, Palabra de Dios encarnada. Dios se ha hecho hombre en una familia para conocer y vivir las alegrías y las esperanzas de cada familia en el mundo. La Navidad es paz, tranquilidad, amor y ternura de Dios. Por lo tanto cada uno de nosotros esperamos encontrar esos elementos en nuestras familias. Ése es nuestro reto ver la realidad de la familia y de cómo debe ser iluminada por la fe. Si valoramos a la familia donde hemos nacido, hagámoslo desde aquí. ¡Profesando la fe en familia! El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II en su homilía celebrada en Puebla, el 28 de enero de 1979 dijo. “Ustedes, familias que pueden disfrutar del bienestar, no se cierren dentro de su felicidad; ábranse a los otros para repartir lo que les sobra y a otros les falta”. ¡Señor sé el centro de mi familia! RECONCILIACION/ CONFESIONES: Todos los miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 PM, en el Grupo de Oración. Lugar: Cafetería. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llamar a la Rectoría, inmediatamente en caso de emergencia o enfermedad, para que la persona reciba los Sacramentos necesarios. (516)- 249-0127 Ext. 129 Padre Jose. GRUPO DE ORACION: (Renovación Carismática) Todos los miércoles de 7 a 9:30 PM en la cafetería, Y Hora Santa en la iglesia todos los Segundos miércoles de cada mes, de 7:30-8:30pm. GRUPO JUVENIL: Se reúnen todos los sábados, después de Misa. Para información, hablar con Nelson (516)351-8913/ Erlin (631)7051229. St. Kilian Catholic Church - 15
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