lacing up - North Shore Medical Center


lacing up - North Shore Medical Center
S P R I N G 20 1 2
A Publication of the NSMC
Development Office
Introducing 2012
Cancer WALK Chair
Jason Maxwell
NSMC team saves
adolescent with severe
eating disorder
Friends and
supporters making
the scene
North Shore Cancer WALK/RUN to Support
Renovation of Inpatient Oncology Unit
When walkers and runners, families and friends, co-workers and neighbors gather at the Salem
Willows on June 24 for the 22nd annual North Shore Cancer WALK and 3rd annual North
Shore Cancer RUN, they will not only be showing their support for cancer patients and
survivors but also helping to advance life-saving, world-class cancer care on the North Shore.
continued on page 3
Welcome to the spring issue of NSMCGiving featuring the
annual Honor Roll of Donors—our chance to publically recognize
the many friends, supporters and generous contributors who
made 2011 such a banner year for North Shore Medical Center.
High among the major accomplishments of the past 12 months
was the successful completion of the Best Care, Right Place
campaign, celebrated at an event on May 18 at the Peabody
Essex Museum. At this event, former Salem Hospital Trustee
Michael Davenport told NSMC President and CEO Bob Norton
and assembled guests that the $1 million Davenport Challenge
had been met, thus completing the overarching $15 million
capital drive.
Another fundraising milestone was reached last year when the 21st annual North Shore Cancer
WALK/RUN crossed the $1 million mark for the first time in more than four years and attracted a
record-breaking crowd of nearly 6,000 walkers and more than 500 runners. This issue introduces
you to this year’s WALK Chair—Jason Maxwell—who is making every effort to ensure that this
year’s event on Sunday, June 24, 2012 will be just as successful.
This year’s Cancer WALK/RUN is vitally important to NSMC as a major portion of the event’s
proceeds will be applied to the renovation of the inpatient oncology unit on Davenport 9, the next
project upgrade in the series of major improvements being made to the Salem Campus.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the hundreds of individuals, corporations, foundations and
families who provided valuable philanthropic support to North Shore Medical Center in 2011,
across a variety of programs. Your endorsement of our work is making our medical center
stronger and is ensuring that we are able to provide the very best care in this region to those
who count on us. Again, thank you and all the best wishes of the springtime to you.
Richard C. Bane
NSMC Trustee
Chairman, Development Committee
Sara J. Andrews
Senior Vice President for Development
NSMCGiving | Spring 2012
NSMCGiving is a publication of the North Shore Medical Center Development Office. It is published two times
a year for supporters and friends of NSMC.
Comments, questions and suggestions should be addressed to:
Sara Andrews, Senior Vice President for Development
978-825-6250, [email protected]
NSMCGiving / NSMC Development Office
81 Highland Avenue – ED Ground, Salem, MA 01970
Please write to us at the above address if you wish to have your name removed from our distribution list for
future fundraising materials designed to support North Shore Medical Center.
Cover photo: Ray Levesque of Saugus will be lacing up for this year’s North Shore Cancer
WALK/RUN to celebrate his successful battle with lymphoma. Levesque was treated at both the
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center and the inpatient oncology unit at NSMC Salem Hospital.
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
LACING UP TO FIGHT CANCER (continued from page 1)
Cancer survivor Ray Levesque
of Saugus with his oncologist
James Weitzman, M.D.
LAST YEAR’S CANCER WALK/RUN featured record-breaking
crowds and topped the $1 million mark for the first time in four
years. Beginning in August, some of those funds will be used
toward a $4 million renovation of NSMC’s inpatient oncology unit. This
project follows the $50 million in improvements already made to the Salem
Campus over the past four years supported by the successful $15 million Best
Care, Right Place campaign, which concluded last spring.
continued on page 4 | Page 3
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
LACING UP TO FIGHT CANCER (continued from page 3)
Located on the ninth floor of the Davenport
Building, the inpatient oncology unit serves
cancer patients who require specific forms of
chemotherapy that can only be delivered in
an inpatient setting or who need specialized
care as a result of complications from
“I’d been having abdominal pain for about
three weeks,” Levesque recalls. “I was about
to leave for vacation in Bermuda and didn’t
want to feel lousy while I was away, so I
figured I’d have it checked out. It never
occurred to me that the pain could be a sign
of something serious.”
Ray Levesque of Saugus is one of those
patients. In September 2010, the 55-year-old
marketing executive was diagnosed with an
aggressive form of lymphoma, a cancer of
the lymphatic system.
Levesque received his diagnosis the day after
he returned from vacation, when he says his
treatment went into “hyper-speed.” After a
week in NSMC’s intensive care unit for
treatment of internal bleeding associated
with his lymphoma, Levesque began a
“While our current facilities allow us to provide effective
clinical care, we saw a need to create a more comfortable,
supportive environment that will make it easier for
patients to focus on their health and well-being.”
In 2009, North Shore Medical Center and Massachusetts
General Hospital expanded their long-standing collaboration
and opened the Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center
in Danvers, a state-of-the-art facility offering the highest
quality cancer treatment north of Boston. When completed,
the renovated inpatient oncology unit at NSMC Salem
Hospital will provide an equally superior experience for
patients and families. Set to begin this summer, the
renovation will include:
• Six private rooms
• Family space for overnight stays
• Enhanced caregiver workspace
• Exposure to natural light
Page 4 |
course of chemotherapy that included
six outpatient sessions at the
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center
in Danvers plus three inpatient sessions on
Davenport 9, under the care of
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center
oncologist James Weitzman, M.D.
“From diagnosis through treatment, cancer
exacts a physical and emotional toll on
patients,” says Dr. Weitzman. “While our
current facilities allow us to provide effective
clinical care, we saw a need to create a more
comfortable, supportive environment that
will make it easier for patients to focus on
their health and well-being.”
As part of the renovation, the inpatient
oncology unit’s six private patient rooms
will be redesigned to include family space
for overnight stays. An enhanced caregiver
area in each room combined with centralized
resources will improve overall efficiency.
Levesque, who today is in total remission
and “feeling great,” has a good idea of the
difference these planned changes will make.
He recently spent a few days in NSMC’s
recently renovated Phippin Building following
a knee replacement and describes the patient
rooms there as “spectacular.”
As Dr. Weitzman looks ahead to this year’s
Cancer WALK/RUN, he’s reminded of the
advances it makes possible and the reason
he chose to become an oncologist. “It’s the
nature of cancer that we have good days and
sad days in our practice,” he says. “The
WALK/RUN is a day we celebrate all of the
lives we touch.”
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012
The 22nd annual North Shore Cancer WALK (6.2 miles) and 3rd
annual North Shore Cancer RUN (3.1 miles) will both begin in Salem Willows
Park and travel through historic downtown Salem. All proceeds will support
cancer treatment and programs at North Shore Medical Center and the
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center. For more information, call
866-296-6900 or visit:
Jason Maxwell Named Chairman
of 2012 Cancer WALK/RUN
Jason Maxwell was nine years old when his father lost his
battle with liver cancer at the age of 35. “During his illness,
my dad often traveled to Baltimore for treatment at The Johns
Hopkins Hospital,” says Maxwell, now himself the father of four
young daughters. “Needless to say, it was hard for me and my
siblings to be separated from him while he was sick. Thanks to
the Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center, patients in our
community don’t have to leave home to get the best in
cancer care.”
“I really am fed up with the
disease. That’s why I want
to make this year’s Cancer
WALK/RUN the most
successful yet.”
Maxwell credits his father for instilling in him
a strong fighting spirit. This legacy is part of
what drove him to join the battle against cancer
when he participated in his first North Shore
Cancer WALK in 2006 and, two years later, to
form his own team, Fed Up With Cancer. “After
losing my father in 1988, my brother-in-law in
2007 and seeing how cancer has touched the
lives of so many of my friends and colleagues,
I really am fed up with the disease,” says
Maxwell. “That’s why I want to make this year’s
Cancer WALK/RUN the most successful yet.”
A resident of Saugus, Maxwell is president of
MassPay, a Beverly-based company he started
in 2004 that offers small- and mid-sized business
owners a full suite of services to support their
payroll, insurance and human resources needs. | Page 5
Healthcare Design magazine named NSMC Union Hospital's
Dr. Harvey Zarren Healing Garden as a finalist in the Respite
category in its 2011 Remodel/Renovation Contest. The healing
garden offers several seating areas and can be accessed by
wheelchairs and hospital beds, enabling even seriously ill
patients to enjoy the benefits of nature. To support the healing
garden, donate online at or call the development
office at 978-741-1242.
s the sun set over the tidal wetlands
behind the Mass General/North Shore Cancer
Center in Danvers this past November 3, more
than 100 guests gathered in the healing garden
for the third annual brick dedication ceremony.
AN OASIS where cancer patients and their
families can relax, reflect and enjoy the therapeutic
benefits of nature, the healing garden was opened
in 2009 coinciding with the completion of the
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center. Visible
from the 24 chemotherapy infusion bays found along
the south face of the building, the garden features a
series of winding paths, benches, a bubbling fountain
and a variety of perennial plants and flowers. Found
throughout the space are decorative bricks, each
inscribed with the name of a loved one or a message
of hope; each funded through money raised at the
annual North Shore Cancer WALK/RUN. To date, more
than 200 commemorative bricks have been installed.
are available to any individual, Cancer WALK/RUN
team or organization that raises or donates $3,000
or more to the North Shore Cancer WALK/RUN in a
fiscal year.
For more information, please contact Meg Wright at
866-296-6900 or [email protected].
1) Jim McIntyre, M.D. (center), with
Dick and Jen Lawler.
2) Joel Schwartz, M.D. (third from left),
Karen Krag, M.D. (sixth from left), and
members of Team Richardson.
3) 2011 WALK Chair Kevin Noyes
(second from right) and members of
Team Noyes for a Cause.
4) Members of Team Kathie Mitchell.
5) Members of Team Cathy’s Crew.
IRENE WILLEY had a gift for selfless gestures. Whether it
was a supportive word for one of the dozens of nurses she
supervised in her four decades at Salem Hospital, a handmade
doll for a friend’s daughter or a home-cooked meal for a new
neighbor, Willey’s gentle touch made others feel cared for. “The
hospital was Irene’s life,” recalls Judy Quinlivan, who worked
for Willey in the late 1960s and lived next door to her for nearly
40 years. “She loved being a nurse and knew firsthand what
North Shore Medical Center means to our community.”
BORN IN 1912 IN GORHAM, NH, Willey graduated from Danvers
High School in 1929 and the Salem Hospital School of Nursing
in 1935. After beginning her career in pediatric nursing, she
later became a night supervisor at Salem Hospital. In addition
to her work as a nurse, she was active with the Wesley United
Methodist Church and was an avid doll maker and collector.
Several of those dolls—including 14 antique figures in period
clothing that represent famous nurses from throughout
history—now are housed at the NSMC Salem Hospital Library,
along with a scrapbook of hospital-related news clippings
Willey compiled throughout her career. “Irene’s collection is
remarkable,” says NSMC Director of Medical Libraries Deborah
Almquist. “She took great interest and care in compiling it, and
it offers a uniquely personal view into her life and the history
of the hospital.”
“The hospital was Irene’s life. She loved
being a nurse and knew firsthand what
North Shore Medical Center means to
our community.”
So, when Willey, who retired from Salem Hospital in 1974, left
North Shore Medical Center a bequest of $95,000 following her
death in 2009 at the age of 96, those who knew her well weren’t
surprised to learn of her generosity. The attention her gifts have
received would be a surprise to the unassuming and private
Willey, says Quinlivan. “Irene always thought of others,” says her
longtime friend. “That’s just the kind of person she was.”
Longtime Salem Hospital nurse Irene Willey (above) left NSMC a bequest of
$95,000 following her death in 2009.
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nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
EIGHT YEARS AGO, Todd and Deborah
Burger of Lexington were experiencing every
parent’s worst nightmare: Their child was in
the midst of a life-threatening medical crisis
and nobody could help.
Today, their daughter is an honors student at
Skidmore College, an extraordinary battle
with anorexia well behind her. But the
Burgers have not forgotten the care team
that NSMC assembled to save their daughter’s
life and have taken action to support a
unique stress reduction program for pre-teen
patients as a way of saying thanks.
The Burgers’ story unfolded rapidly over a
three-month period. The youngest of their
four daughters—whose name they have
asked to keep private—went from being a
typical 10-year-old who enjoyed ice skating
and gymnastics to experiencing the full
effects of an eating disorder, prone to mood
swings and unable to attend school. During
her alarming decline, the Burgers consulted
dozens of mental-health specialists and
physicians trying to find a decisive diagnosis
and appropriate care. Both proved elusive
with what turned out to be anorexia, a
relatively rare phenomenon among eating
disorders in pre-teens.
Page 8 |
“We consider ourselves competent parents
in terms of researching and finding care for
our children,” says Todd, a management
consultant and executive at a renewable
energy company. “But in this case, we found
it nearly impossible to find help no matter
where we turned. It was incredibly scary
and frustrating.”
Edward Bailey, M.D., (standing) and
Jefferson Prince, M.D., led a care team that
saved the life of a Lexington child suffering
from a serious eating disorder.
The situation went from bad to worse, and
late one night the Burgers found themselves
sitting in the emergency room of a Boston
hospital, their daughter now weighing less
than 50 pounds and in serious physical and
emotional distress. Unable to provide the
care needed, the hospital referred the Burgers
to NSMC’s Inpatient Child Psychiatry
Service. That’s where they met Edward
Bailey, M.D., Chair of Pediatrics at
MassGeneral for Children at North Shore
Medical Center, and their daughter’s outlook
changed for the better.
With a background in behavioral pediatrics,
Dr. Bailey knew immediately that a swift
intervention was needed. “I could see that
she was medically and emotionally unstable
and in a progressive downhill spiral that could
lead to a catastrophic outcome,” he says.
Dr. Bailey transferred his new patient to
the pediatric emergency department at
MassGeneral for Children at North Shore
Medical Center and quickly pulled together
a care team that included Jefferson Prince,
M.D., Director of Child Psychiatry.
“For any eating disorder,” says Dr. Bailey,
“the first step is determining the root cause
and then using behavioral programs to
get the patient to eat. We provide mental
health support and structure along with
a slow and deliberate re-feeding. It’s terribly
difficult for the patient and his or her
family—but it works.”
Uncommon among pre-teens, anorexia is
defined by a refusal to maintain minimal
body weight within 15 percent of normal
weight. It is often accompanied by intense
fear of gaining weight, a distorted body
image and denial of the seriousness of
the illness.
“We consider ourselves competent parents
in terms of researching and finding care for
our children, but in this case, we found it
nearly impossible...”
Todd and Deborah Burger of Lexington
with their daughter, now an honors student
at Skidmore College. | Page 9
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
MIND OVER MATTER (continued from page 9)
“Within several hours, Dr. Prince had
convinced our daughter to sign a contract
agreeing to eat and got her to drink some
juice that brought her blood sugar to a safer
level,” says Deborah. “She tried to renegotiate
the contract, but ultimately stuck with the
program.” After several weeks in the hospital
and gaining significant weight, the Burgers
transitioned their daughter to an outpatient
eating disorder day program. She was
medically stable, but faced a multi-year
recovery still ahead.
“When a child develops an eating disorder,
it takes the combined efforts of many to
nurse them back to health,” says Dr. Prince.
“It is important for the family to understand,
accept and come to terms with this
dangerous disorder. Then the family needs
to connect with a team of healthcare
professionals, usually including a pediatrician,
nutritionist, psychologist and psychiatrist
in order to treat all aspects of anorexia.”
Dr. Prince’s continued support, along with
the other caregivers he encouraged the family
to access, ultimately helped their daughter
get to a very healthy place—both physically
and emotionally.
To express their gratitude to the team that
cared for their daughter, the Burgers have
made a significant donation to NSMC’s
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program.
Through a series of classes, participants learn
how to integrate meditation and yoga into
their everyday lives as a way to relieve stress,
anxiety and other heath issues. They are
funding an expansion of the program for
“We wanted to give
something to NSMC
that would both honor
Dr. Bailey and Dr. Prince
and directly benefit other
families struggling with a
pre-adolescent child.”
“We wanted to give something to NSMC
that would both honor Dr. Bailey and
Dr. Prince and directly benefit other families
struggling with a pre-adolescent child,”
says Deborah. “The Mindfulness program
seemed like the perfect fit.”
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program teaches both formal
and informal mindfulness practices as a foundation for helping individuals
cultivate positive health behaviors and psychological and emotional
resilience that can be effectively utilized throughout their life. In the
program, participants learn how to:
NSMC offers eight-week programs for both adults and teens throughout
the year at locations in Salem, Lynn and Danvers. Starting this spring,
a new program will be introduced for pre-teens. For more information,
please call 978-354-2670 or visit
Page 10 |
September 2011 Speaker Series, “When Your
Heart Skips a Beat.” with Michael S. Katcher, M.D.,
and Nathan E. Van Houzen, M.D.
1) Michael S. Katcher, M.D., FHRS, and
Nathan E. Van Houzen, M.D.
2) Joan Wheeler and Joan Hooper
November 2011 Speaker Series, “Good News for
Bad Joints,” with Douglas E. Peterson, D.O.
Douglas E. Peterson, D.O.
Dan and Linda Sullivan
Jane and James Cooke
Anne Seaver and Joanie Johnson
February 2012 Speaker Series, “Targets,
Talk and Time: What’s New and What’s Old in
Cancer Care?” with Joel H. Schwartz, M.D.,
and James F. McIntyre, M.D.
7) Joel H. Schwartz, M.D., and
James F. McIntyre, M.D.
8) Dick Osgood and Carol Noble | Page 11
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
Each year, North Shore Medical
Center relies on the generous
support of individuals, companies,
foundations and organizations
to thrive and grow. Our annual Honor Roll of Donors recognizes the
importance of this support and enables us to acknowledge the commitment
by publicly saying, “thank you.” This Honor Roll of Donors contains the
names of those who made tax-deductable contributions, including outright
gifts and pledges, to NSMC from January 1, 2011 through December 31,
2011. To all of our donors, the entire NSMC staff and Board of Trustees
extend their deepest appreciation.
$100,000 +
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Darling, Jr.
Mr. Arthur J. Epstein
Caroline H. Fabens Trust
Gustave Hartman Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rich
Daniel and Linda Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Truscott
The Morton & Lillian Waldfogel
Charitable Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Jeffrey and Susan Brudnick
Commonwealth Radiology Associates, Inc.
Ms. Sandra Forziati
John H. Frazier Trust
Frank & Christel W. Nichols Charity Fund
Merle P. Pousland Estate
Norman H. Read 1985 Trust,
Nile L. Albright, M.D., Trustee
Florence Robertson Trust
Betsy and Gary Spiess
Weld Foundation
Irene A. Willey Estate
$25,000 - $49,999
Anaesthesia Associates of Massachusetts
Danversbank Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Lucy and Leo Gilson
McCarthy Family Foundation
Merry Mixers –
Friends of MassGeneral for Children
at North Shore Medical Center
Charles W. Pingree
GE Aviation
$10,000 - $24,999
George E. Barnard Trust
Pamela Burch and David Ives
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Burger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carpi
Commonwealth Pathology Partners, P.C.
Page 12 |
Dunkin’ Donuts - Canal Street, Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Santos
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Fed Up With Cancer
Mark V. Forziati
Charlotte L. Freedberg
Gastrointestinal Physicians, P.C.
Richard and Susan Holbrook
W. Bradford Ingalls Charitable Foundation
Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian McCarthy
Mr. Robert G. Norton and
Ms. Dianne M. Savastano
Pine Gift Shoppe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rothbard
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Mrs. Norma Shribman
Harold T. N. Smith Memorial Foundation
Mary E. Stevens Estate
Surgical Specialists of the North Shore
Mrs. Betsy R. Taylor
Mr. Richard H. Thorngren
$5,000 - $9,999
Sara J. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bane
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bouchard & Son, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buckingham
Mrs. Patricia Bursaw
Cataldo Ambulance Service, Inc.
Atlantic Ambulance Services
DeIulis Brothers Construction
Designer Bath & Salem Plumbing Supply
John and Karen Drislane
Electric Insurance Company
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Fisher
Gerondelis Foundation, Inc.
Mary Field and Vincent dePaul Goubeau
Charitable Trust
Harriett and David Gowell
Tanya and Anthony J. Guidi, M.D.
James R. Hammond 1995 Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Irvine
Mrs. Joan Comfort Johnson
Louis and Rose Klosk Fund
Ms. Pamela L. Lawrence and
Mr. Robert W. Buck
Dr. Maury McGough and
Mr. Richard Holliday
Dr. and Mrs. James F. McIntyre
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley P. Noyes
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Rein
Dr. David J. Roberts and
Marguerite Roberts
Salem Five Charitable Foundation
Joel H. Schwartz, M.D. and
Karen Krag, M.D.
Mrs. Anne L. Seaver
Attorney John R. Serafini, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stephenson
Suffolk Construction’s
Red & Blue Foundation
Thermal Circuits
Barbara and Anthony Klein
Mr. Robert P. Jacobs
Walsh Brothers, Inc.
Joan Wheeler
Willow Laboratories
Louis J. and Sarah Woolf
Mr. and Mrs. William H. York
$2,500 - $4,999
Allergy Medical Associates
of North Shore, Inc.
Mark R. Anderson, M.D.
Barbara Bradley Baekgaard
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Benvenuto
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Block
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Massachusetts Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Croft, Jr.
Joyce and Bill Cummings
Cure for Cleavage Committee, Inc.
Donoghue Barrett & Signal, P.C.
Henry Downing Trust
E.M.R. Drywall, Inc.
Jennifer and Jim Flanagan
Dr. and Mrs. Marc A. Forgione
Ms. Mary Jo Gagnon
Dr. and Mrs. Terry J. Garfinkle
Dr. John R. Gelinas and
Dr. Justine M. Gelinas
Michael Goldstein, M.D.
Grosvenor Park Rehabilitation Center
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Harkins
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ulf B. Heide
David F. Kahn, M.D.
Drs. Michael and Donna Katcher
Dr. Nathan E. Kaufman and
Dr. Elin Kaufman
Dr. Andrew J. Kemper and
Dr. Catherine Wheeler
Mr. John Keogh
Janet and John Keohane
Charles H. & Amy S. Leveroni
McCarthy, Bouley & Barry, P.C.
Thomas D. McKiernan
Medtronic, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Mario E. Motta
Moynihan Lumber Company
Old Mill Realty Investors LLC
Mr. Richard B. Osgood
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. W. Parker, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Richard Penni
Mary Puma and Eivind Lange
Dr. David L. Rabin and
Ms. Heather A. Atwood
Drs. John C. and Julia Santos
Ms. Charlene Scarpa
Mr. Richard Schenkel
Serafini, Darling & Correnti, LLP
Shetland Properties
Sandy Skinner, R.N.
Dr. Jack and Carole Skowronski
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Steward, Jr.
Jessica and Jeremy Styles
Bea and Scott Thibedeau
Drs. Ann and Richard Toran
UniGraphic, Inc.
Nathan Van Houzen, M.D.
Eijk and Rose-Marie Van Otterloo
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Vander Salm
Whole Foods Market
$1,500 - $2,499
Dr. Sanjay Aurora and Dr. Natasha Shah
W. Gerald Austen, M.D.
Ed and Dena Bailey
Berkshire Healthcare Systems, Inc.
Beverly Athletic Club
Boston Scientific Corporation
Damon Boutchie and Sheila Griffin
C.G. Mechanical, Inc.
Ms. Crystal L. Calderone Liacos
Lisa E. Carbone
Dr. Gary Cohen and Cheryl Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Collins
Cranney Companies, Inc.
Mr. John DaCosta
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. DeSimone
John P. Fisher, D.D. S., P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giuffrida
Mr. John Gold
Mrs. Briana E. Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Heller
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Higgins
Mrs. Joan C. Hooper
Hutchinson Medical, Inc.
K.C. International, LLC
Steven E. Kapfhammer
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Karas
Dr. Mark and Edie Lewis
Stanley and Rita Lukowski
Terence A. McGinnis
The Newark Group
North Shore Fruit Basket
& Flowers by Darlene
Mrs. Andria Paradis
Mrs. Nancy Parker
Ms. Alma E. Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Phippen
Mrs. Anne K. Poor*
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pope
Dr. and Mrs. Bimal P. Jain
Michael Reich, M.D.
Sagan Realtors
Chris and Deborah Semine
Attorney and Mrs. John R. Serafini, Jr.
Serlin Haley LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Sheckman
Mr. Glen St. Cyr
Mrs. Carolyn Stanton
The Family of David Symmes
Union Hospital Auxiliary of Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Berl P. Winston
Zampell Refractories, Inc.
$1,000 - $1,499
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon
Barclays Bank PLC
Delena and Robert Barnard
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Z. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Blass
Arthur and Pat Bowes
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffry B. Brand
John and Mary-Ellen Brennan
Ms. Esther R. Brown
Centurion Medical Products
Judy and David Cohen
Mrs. Louise Comeau
Drs. Paul and Maura Copeland
Attorney and Mrs. Joseph C. Correnti
Ms. Jennifer Costain
CSN Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Cushman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dittrich
Khoa and Thuy Do
Marjorie and Ayres D’Souza
Nancy* and Donald Durkee
Ms. Ann Dwan
Judith and Bruce Eissner
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Ford
Maury and Pearl Greenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hartfelder
Christopher H. Hashikawa, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henri
Dr. G. David K. Hopper and
Dr. Jeanne E. Gose
Mr. Donald R. Humphreys
Hutchinson Realty Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. James
Thomas Javery, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. William V. Kastrinakis
Irene J. Kastrinakis and Kosta E. Prentakis
Dr. and Mrs. Maximiliaan G. Kaulbach
John J. Kilcoyne
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kurzrok
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Lappin
Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation
Ms. Mary Laramie
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Leader-Cramer
Rosalyn and Sanford Levy
Dr. Anna Litvak and Mr. Alexander Litvak
Everett T. Lyn, M.D.
James MacLean, M.D., and Julie-Ann Toll
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Macomber
Ms. Kathleen McKanas
Dr. and Mrs. Joe J. Miaskiewicz
Biff and Faxon Michaud
Ms. Kathie L. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Namias
National Grand Bank
North Shore Bank
Thomas F. O’Leary, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Osman
Althea Rachel and Emil Paige, M.D.
Pediatric Associates of Greater Salem, Inc.
Dr. Allyson L. Preston and
Mr. J. Daniel St. George, Jr.
Prime Motor Group
Dr. and Mrs. Keith W. Rae
Joyce Jay Raymond Foundation
Mary L. and Edmund J.* Reinhalter
Mr. Thomas V. Renda
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Richardson
Dr. Edgar W. Robertson
Angel and John Rogalski
Chaplain Lyman Rollins Post 2005 VFW
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosen
Lili G. Rowen
Barry and Wendy Rowland
Roxanne and Kevin Ruppel
Mark Schechter, M.D.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sherman
Dr. and Mrs. Neil S. Shore
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Smith
St. John’s Preparatory School
Sterling Marie Ent., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland
Dorothy and Richard Tatelman
Mrs. Nimmi Wadhwa and
Dr. Mahesh Wadhwa
Patricia M. Walsh, M.D.
Willow Tree Poultry Farm, Inc.
Ms. Jeannette P. Wilson
David B. Wright, Esq.
Mrs. Paul M. Zaido | Page 13
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
$500 - $999
Acura of Peabody
Dr. and Mrs. F. Knight Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Altreuter
Arbella Insurance Group
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Joel Avery
The Backdraft
Bake’n Joy Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Ballou
Bank of New York Mellon Capital Markets
Mr. Richard M. Barton
Bruce Beckwith and Nancy Lee
Benevento Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bernard Johnson & Company, CPAs
Ms. Donna L. Berry
Beverly Cooperative Bank
BitCon Corporation
Mr. Kevin Blake
Mrs. Alice F. Blodgett
Mr. Thomas A. Bottichio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bouffard
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brakeley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Brand
Mrs. Mary Brazel
Breen & Sullivan Mechanical Services
Mr. Robert Bruno
Mrs. Donna Burgess
Mr. Thomas Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Bussolari
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Caligiuri
Ms. Karen A. Callanan
Mrs. Kathy Carlson-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Carpico
Mr. Barry Carroll
The Casey Family Foundation
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cavallaro
Lisa A. Cavallaro, R.N.
CJM Ventures
Mrs. Sharon A. Clement
Clemenzi Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Clifford
Ms. Sharon A. Cody
Mary Ann and Christopher Coffey, M.D.
Ms. Lisa A. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Connor
Mr. Kevin J. Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Cranney
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cutter
DeRosa Landfill Managment
Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols
Dominion Salem Harbor Station
Ms. Theresa A. Downey
Eagle Air Freight, Inc.
Mr. Robert F. Eastman
Essex Neurological Associates, P.C.
Evans Industries, Inc.
Eye Center of the North Shore, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Filoso
Fisher & Orfaly Dental Practice, P.C.
Mr. Mark Flaherty
Page 14 |
Mr. and Mrs. William F. French
Mr. James Geary
Mr. Thomas Gecoya
Genesis Tax House, Inc.
Mr. William W. Goade
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Gordon
Gorton’s Seafood
Dr. James M. Gottschall and
Mrs. Karen R. Griffin
Ms. Emilie Hachey
Mr. Paul Hartford
Mr. Kenneth A. Harvey
Mr. Steven Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hunt
Internal Medicine of the North Shore
Robert W. Irvine & Sons, Inc.
Ms. Alyssa Irving
J.M. Electrical Co., Inc.
Ms. Michelle A. Kane
Kearsarge Lodge No. 217
Mrs. Kerri Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kelly
Dr. Thomas E. Kingston and
Ms. Bobbye L. Sims
Dr. Donald L. Kleykamp and
Dr. Helen C. Kaulbach
Ms. Nancy E. Koorapaty
Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Krukonis
L. Knife & Son, Inc.
Mr. Peter J. Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lavoie
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Leidner
Mrs. Priscilla Linden
Loomis, Sayles & Company L.P.
Mr. John N. Lynch
Lynn Firefighters Union, Local 739
M.R. Shaw Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Malinowski
Mr. David A. Mancinelli
Mannix World Imports, Inc.
Mr. Edward C. Manzi
Mr. Kevin W. Marston
Mrs. Karen Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Massie
Anthony R. Mattia, M.D.
McCarriston Plumbing & Heating
Mr. David McCarthy
Mr. James McCoy
Maureen A. McGovern, M.D.
Mr. Ralph M. McHatton
Ms. Diane E. McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. David McWhorter
Ms. Cathleen Monahan
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Monaldo
Mr. Scott Moore
Mr. James Motzkin
Dr. Susan E. Moynihan and
Mr. Douglas Pfeiffer
Mt. Lebanon Lodge AF & AM
Charitable Funds
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Murphy
Mr. David Murphy
N.E.A.T. Company
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Newton
Ms. Diane L. Nordyke
North Shore Ear Nose &
Throat Associates, P.C.
Beth and Pat Norton
Mrs. Suzanne E. O’Brien
Jean H. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Orloff
Mrs. Blanche D. Ossoff
The Ossoff Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Ottoson
Pack of MA Military Order of Devil Dogs
Panini Pizzeria
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Parini
Ms. Nicole Peppe
Mrs. Elana Peters
Philanthropic Lodge F. & A.M. Relief Fund
Ms. Joanna L. Phippen
Mrs. Kathleen Porter
Pound 62 Military Order of the Devil Dogs
R.C. Griffin, Inc.
Prathima V. Reddy, M.D.
Dr. Claudia and Mr. Charlton Reynders, III
Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Rice
Mr. Nathan Richardson
Ms. Donna Roberts
Nicholas Ross, M.D.
Mrs. Helena F. Ruane
Salem Bar Association
Salem State University Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Santos
Mr. James R. Schevis
Jeffrey and Robin Shribman
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Smaller
Mr. Timothy E. Smith and
Ms. Mary Dixon-Smith
Soucy Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Dominec Spinale
Ms. Lynne B. Sprague
Dr. and Mrs. Khalid Syed
Ms. Beth J. Tobin
Mr. John Toner
Tri-City Sales, Inc.
Mrs. Jean M. Turdik
United Stationers Charitable Trust
Mr. Richard P. Vardalakos
Ms. Jean M. Wallace
Mr. Christopher Walsh
John J. Walsh Insurance Agency, Inc.
Linda and Steven Weinstein Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Bertil F. Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. Emad Younan
Mrs. Elizabeth Young
Dr. and Mrs. Tomislav Zargaj
$250 - $499
Dr. Pushpa D. and
Mr. Dharmendra Agarwal
Mr. Chris Albano
Alboth, Inc.
Ms. Paulina D. Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Alexander
Ms. Jacquelyn Amato
Mrs. Swaminathan Anjani
Mr. Louis Arcese
Architectural Design Concepts, Inc.
Mr. Forrest Armentrout
Mrs. Nancy A. Ash
Mr. Anil K. Asser
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bailey
Ms. Diane M. Bell
Bernard’s Jewelers
Mr. Michael Bernfeld
Bertini’s Restaurant
Mr. John Biggio
Mr. Peter Binda
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Boulanger
Bradster, Inc.
Branch #7 N.A.L.C.
Mr. Derek Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brenner
Mr. Stephen M. Broderick
Ms. Susan Brophy
Ms. Judith A. Brown
Mr. Derek Brown
Gene Brown Motors
Bruns Bros. Welding
Mrs. Julie E. Bunn
Ms. Laurie Buonarosa
Stanley J. Burba, D.D.S.
Burba Dental Partners
Ms. Roselia Burke
Burke’s Tumbling Academy, Inc.
Mr. Warren Burroughs
Busa Wine and Spirits
Mr. Justin Bush
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bussolari
Mr. Edward Carey
Mr. Michael Carritte
Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Chambers-Balas
Ms. Marilyn J. Champagne
Ms. Elayne Charron
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Chayet
Mr. Reed Chisholm
Ms. Elaine G. Clark
Mrs. Leigh F. Clark
Elaine M. Clark Attorney at Law
Dr. Jenai Cohen
Mr. Ferdinand Colloredo-Mansfeld
Complete Copier & Sales Co.
Mr. Mark Conde
Mrs. Renee L. Connolly
Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home LLC
Mr. Kenneth Craig
Ms. Kathleen A. Cross
Ms. Cheryl A. Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Cuffe, Jr.
Danvers Youth Soccer
Mrs. Sheila E. Darcy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Deane
Mr. Patrick DeIulis
Mr. Robert V. Demaso
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Dembowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dana K. Denault
Clement E. Desjardins Insurance Agency
Ms. Patricia Dickie
Ms. Christina DiPesa
Doonan, Graves & Longoria
Counsellors at Law
Mr. Tony Doucette
Ms. BJ Dowlen
Mr. Peter Dragonas
Drain Division, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dropkin
Mr. Christopher Ducar
Elizabeth A. Dunbar
Ms. Carolyn Dyer
Deborah and James Effron
Ms. Karen Erickson
Anne-Marie and Fred Eugley
Fantastic Sams
Ms. Sandra Figueiredo
Mr. Edward A. Fine
Ms. Lisa M. Fiore
Mrs. Amy Fitzpatrick
FLC Corporation
Mrs. Irene Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Foster
Four T Beech Corporation
Ms. Christine Fournier
Ms. Cheryl A. French
Mr. Howard Frisch
Ms. Sandra Galejs
Mr. Stephen Gallagher
The Anthony Galluzzo Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Garrigan
Mrs. Beverly Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gelineau
Ms. Michelle Gillespie
Mr. Robert Ginsberg
Ms. Elaine M. Grant
Mr. Scott Gross
Halistar, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Haller, Jr.
Richard and Joan Hannah
Ms. Michelle Hanson
Mr. John E. Harradon
Mrs. Kathleen L. Harrington
Ms. Maureen A. Hegarty
Mr. John M. Hellmuth
Mr. Damon Henry
Mr. John J. Hinchey
Ms. Robyn M. Hinckley
Mr. Daniel E. Holland, III
Ms. Deborah Holland
Ms. Susan M. Hook
Mr. David Hult
Ms. Marcia J. Hunkins
Ms. Cynthia L. Hyatt
Mr. Michael Interbartolo
Italian American Citizens Club
Ms. Linda J. Johnson
Mr. Stephen Johnson
Jones Day
K Force
Ms. Jean Karam
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Karamitsios
Mrs. Adelaide S. Keith
Mr. Michael Kennedy
Mr. David F. Killam
Knights of Columbus Veragua Council 76
Ladies Auxiliary of The K of C
Council No. 76
Mrs. Deborah Lahteine
Mr. Ted Landers
Mrs. Alice Landry
Ms. Denise Lapins
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Little
Mr. Robert Lopes
Mrs. Annette T. Louizos
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lunder
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lyons
Ms. Amy L. Machnes
Mr. Arthur E. Mack
Ms. Sarah Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Mahoney
Mrs. Shirley A. Mahoney
Mr. Daniel Malerbo
Manchester Athletic Club
Dr. Mark H. Mandell and
Ms. Lisa Goldman
Charlene D. Martino
Mr. Joseph Marvan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Maxwell
Mr. William P. Mayer
Dr. and Mrs. Donald T. McAuliffe, Jr.
Mrs. Jean M. McCathern
Mr. Chad W. McCormack
Ms. and Mr. Jeanette McGinn
Mr. Brian McGuire
Dr. Stuart G. McMahon
Mrs. Judy Meredith
Mrs. Cynthia Michaud-Fitch
Mrs. Sandra E. Moar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Moore
Dr. Stephen Morgan and Jennifer Morgan
Michele and David Mugford
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Muise
Mr. William Munro
Mr. Daniel F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Murphy
Mr. Stephen Murphy
Mr. Brian Murray
NBS Music and Drama
North Shore Corvettes of MA
The Noyes Family
Mr. and Mrs. J. Garland O’Connell
Ms. Leslie B. Ogan
Mrs. Mary E. Opacki
Mrs. Amybeth Palhares
Mrs. Elaina Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Peckham
Ms. Anne Penni | Page 15
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Penni
Jay Penni Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Penni, Sr.
Mr. Peter D. Penni
The Petrillo Family
Mr. Thomas E. Petty
Mr. George Piperidis
PMR Trust
Mr. Max Potash
Quality Liquors
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Raby
Mrs. Denise Leigh Racki
Ms. Deborah N. Raftery
Mr. Joseph Ramos
Reading Co-operative
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Cuir Riak
Dr. Daniel S. Rooks and
Attorney Betsy G. Rooks
Mr. David Rosenberg
Karen and David Rosenberg
Mr. Daniel B. Ruggles, III
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Ruskin
Ms. Eileen S. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sagan
Mr. Richard P. Salinsky
Salon L’Ondina
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Saltzman
Mr. Antonio Santos
Ms. Felicidade Santos
Mrs. Shirley J. Saunders
Mr. William Scoon
Mrs. Alicia Segarra
Mr. Frank Sevigny
Mr. Tim Sheehan
Ms. Catherine F. Shulkin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Silva
Ms. Suzanne M. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Sinapis
Ms. Del Skillins
Mr. Charles Smith
Ms. Joan D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Soltys
Ms. Joan M. Soltys
Mrs. Hilda Spates
Spaulding Hospital North Shore,
AFSCME Local 3658
Mrs. Carrie Speros
Ms. Priscilla B. Steer
Mr. James Stevens
Mr. Thomas Stevens
Mrs. Marybeth Stevens-Carhidi
Mr. Jed W. Stevenson
Steves Quality Market
Dr. Jillian Strasnick
Robert and Carole Tabor-Dery
Mrs. Leslie C. Tansey
Team NGB Fundraisers
Ralph B. & Ruth S. Tefferteller Trust
Tides At Nahant, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Timmons
Mrs. Doreen Tirone
Mr. and Mrs. James Tivnan
Page 16 |
Mr. Terrence Tivnan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Underwood
United National Consumer Suppliers
Unlimited Promotions Inc
Mrs. Linda C. Vallis
Ms. Nancy Viner
Vital Networks
Mr. and Ms. Joseph J. Wallace
Ms. Nancy G. Walter
Ms. Susan Watson
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Wattendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Wheeler
T.E. Whyte Building & Remodeling
Ms. Amanda Wormstead
Mr. Richard Yu
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Zarren
Ms. Susan Zeller-Kent
The NSMCfund provides
the Medical Center with
the valuable annual
support needed to further innovations in
healthcare delivery, purchase new equipment
and augment programs in patient care and
teaching. Gifts of all sizes are important, yet
a gift of $1,000 or more recognizes you as a
member of the 1874 Society, enabling you to
receive special recognition in our publications
and attend a variety of educational and social
events throughout the year. Even more
important is the knowledge that with a gift in
support of the NSMC Annual Fund, you are
helping to strengthen a variety of programs
that ensure that your community hospital
is here when you, your family or neighbors
need us.
The 1874 Charter Society recognizes
individuals who have made a gift to NSMC
as part of their estate planning via a bequest,
a retirement plan, gift annuity, real estate,
charitable trust, or any other form of deferred
giving. We thank and acknowledge members
of this special group who have ensured that
their philanthropy will benefit North Shore
Medical Center long into the future.
Please use the enclosed envelope to join
thousands of others on the North Shore
who care about strengthening North Shore
Medical Center, and thank you in advance
for your support.
1874 Society Members for
Calendar Year 2011
January 1 – December 31
Chairman’s Circle ($7,500+)
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Burger
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Charlotte L. Freedberg
Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation
McCarthy Family Foundation
Merry Mixers—
Friends of MassGeneral for Children
at North Shore Medical Center
Pine Gift Shoppe
Charles W. Pingree
Norman H. Read 1985 Trust
Nile L. Albright, M.D., Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rothbard
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Mary E. Stevens*
Suffolk Construction’s
Red & Blue Foundation
Mr. Richard H. Thorngren
Weld Foundation
Irene A. Willey*
Willow Laboratories
President’s Circle
($5,000 - $7,499)
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bristol
Mrs. Patricia Bursaw
Cataldo Ambulance Service, Inc.
Atlantic Ambulance Services
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Darling, Jr.
John and Karen Drislane
Mr. Arthur J. Epstein
Harriett and David Gowell
Richard and Susan Holbrook
Louis and Rose Klosk Fund
Mr. Robert G. Norton and
Ms. Dianne M. Savastano
Dr. David J. Roberts and Marguerite Roberts
Mrs. Anne L. Seaver
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stephenson
Walsh Brothers, Inc.
Joan Wheeler
Patron ($2,500 - $4,999)
Sara J. Andrews
Barbara Bradley Baekgaard Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bane
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Massachusetts Foundation
Joyce and Bill Cummings
Donoghue Barrett & Signal, P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Niranjan Dudani
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Eaton
E.M.R. Drywall, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Fisher
Jennifer and Jim Flanagan
Mary Jo Gagnon
Dr. and Mrs. Terry J. Garfinkle
Dr. John R. Gelinas and
Dr. Justine M. Gelinas
Grosvenor Park Rehabilitation Center
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Harkins
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ulf B. Heide
Drs. Nathan and Elin Kaufman
Janet and John Keohane
Ms. Pamela L. Lawrence and
Mr. Robert W. Buck
Charles H. & Amy S. Leveroni
Stanley and Rita Lukowski
McCarthy, Bouley & Barry, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian McCarthy
Dr. Maury McGough and
Mr. Richard Holliday
Thomas D. McKiernan
Medtronic, Inc.
Old Mill Realty Investors LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. W. Parker, Sr.
Dr. Jack and Carole Skowronski
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Steward, Jr.
Jessica and Jeremy Styles
Thermal Circuits
Barbara and Anthony Klein
Drs. Ann and Richard Toran
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Truscott
Eijk and Rose-Marie Van Otterloo
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Vander Salm
Sponsor ($1,000 - $2,499)
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Abrams
Dr. Sanjay Aurora and Dr. Natasha Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon
Ed and Dena Bailey
Delena and Robert Barnard
Pamela Burch and David Ives
Boston Scientific Corporation
Damon Boutchie and Sheila Griffin
Arthur and Pat Bowes
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffry B. Brand
John and Mary-Ellen Brennan
Lisa E. Carbone
Centurion Medical Products
Dr. Gary Cohen and Cheryl Cohen
Judy and David Cohen
Drs. Paul and Maura Copeland
Attorney and Mrs. Joseph C. Correnti
Jennifer Costain
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Cushman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dittrich
Khoa and Thuy Do
Marjorie and Ayres D’Souza
Nancy* and Donald Durkee
Judith and Bruce Eissner
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Ford
Maury and Pearl Greenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hartfelder
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Heller
Mr. and Mrs. John Henri
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Higgins
Mrs. Joan C. Hooper
Dr. G. David K. Hopper and
Dr. Jeanne E. Gose
Mr. Donald R. Humphreys
Hutchinson Medical
Dr. and Mrs. Bimal P. Jain
Steven E. Kapfhammer
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Karas
Irene J. Kastrinakis and Kosta E. Prentakis
Dr. and Mrs. William V. Kastrinakis
Dr. and Mrs. Maximiliaan G. Kaulbach
John J. Kilcoyne
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Leader-Cramer
Rosalyn and Sanford Levy
Dr. Mark and Edie Lewis
Dr. Anna Litvak and Mr. Alexander Litvak
Everett T. Lyn, M.D.
James MacLean, M.D., and Julie-Ann Toll
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Macomber
Terence A. McGinnis
Dr. and Mrs. Joe J. Miaskiewicz
Biff and Faxon Michaud
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Namias
Northshore International
Insurance Services, Inc.
Thomas F. O’Leary, M.D.
Mr. Richard B. Osgood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Osman
Althea Rachel and Emil Paige, M.D.
Mrs. Nancy Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Phippen
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pope
Dr. Allyson L. Preston and
Mr. J. Daniel St. George, Jr.
Mary Puma and Eivind Lange
Dr. and Mrs. Keith W. Rae
Michael Reich, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Rein
Mary L. and Edmund J.* Reinhalter
Dr. Edgar W. Robertson
Angel and John Rogalski
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosen
Lili G. Rowen
Barry and Wendy Rowland
Roxanne and Kevin Ruppel
Mark Schechter, M.D.
Joel H. Schwartz, M.D., and
Karen Krag, M.D.
Chris and Deborah Semine
Attorney and Mrs. John R. Serafini, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Sheckman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sherman
Dr. and Mrs. Neil S. Shore
Mrs. Norma Shribman
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland
Dorothy and Richard Tatelman
Bea and Scott Thibedeau
Union Hospital Auxiliary of Lynn
Mrs. Nimmi Wadhwa and
Dr. Mahesh Wadhwa
Patricia M. Walsh, M.D.
Ms. Jeannette P. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Berl P. Winston
David B. Wright, Esq.
Mrs. Paul M. Zaido
Penny and Leonard Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. Channing H. Bacall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Beatty
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Block
Betty Ann Copley
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crean
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Darling, Jr.
Mr. Horace E. Davenport*
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dunbar
Mrs. Edna B. Eaton
Mrs. Laura Ekengren
Ms. Sarah A. Fowler
Miss Frances Gam
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall
Ms. Sally L. Hanley
Mr. Lloyd Hanscom
Barbara P. Healey
Mr. Donald R. Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Jackson
Mrs. Joan Comfort Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Leveroni
Mrs. Helen L. Martin
Mr. Thomas D. McKiernan
Mr. Robert J. Mullen
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Patton
Mr. Charles W. Pingree
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rich
Mr. Donald G. Ross
Mrs. Lili G. Rowen
Mr. Marshall Schell
Mrs. Betsy R. Taylor
Mrs. Jean M. Turdik
For more information on the 1874 Society
or the 1874 Charter Society, please contact
Angel Rogalski at [email protected],
978-825-6284. | Page 17
nsmcGiving | Spring 2012
A record-setting 6,000 walkers
and 500 runners participated
in the 2011 North Shore
Cancer WALK/RUN this past
June 26, helping NSMC to
top the $1 million mark for the first time in
four years. Thank you to all the dedicated
walkers, runners, donors, team captains,
volunteers and sponsors who made this event
so successful. To date, the WALK/RUN has
raised more than $17 million over the last
21 years, providing vital funds for cancer
treatment and programs at NSMC and the
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center.
We are indebted to the following groups for
their steadfast support of this annual event:
WALK Steering Committee
WALK General Committee
Wicked Running Club
In-kind donors
Salem Police Department
Salem Fire Department
Salem Park and Recreation Department
Salem Electrical Department
Salem Parking Department
In addition, we offer a special word of
thanks to Kevin Noyes from United Peoples
Bank, the 2011 WALK Chairman. Kevin
worked tirelessly to help increase participation
and bring excitement to the 21st annual
Cancer WALK.
Thank you one and all for your dedication
to the North Shore Cancer WALK.
2011 WALK Presenting Sponsor
Danversbank Charitable Foundation, Inc.
2011 WALK Leadership Sponsor
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
2011 WALK Supporting Sponsor
DeIulis Brothers Construction
Designer Bath & Salem Plumbing Supply
Dunkin’ Donuts – Canal Street
Mr. & Mrs. Claudio Santos
Electric Insurance Company
General Electric Aviation
Grosvenor Park Rehabilitation Center
Healthbridge Management
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Salem Five Charitable Foundation
Page 18 |
2011 WALK Benefactor Sponsor
Moynihan Lumber Company
Serafini, Darling & Correnti, LLP
Thermal Circuits, Inc.
Barbara and Anthony Klein
UniGraphic, Inc.
Whole Foods Market, Swampscott
2011 WALK Patron Sponsor
Berkshire Healthcare Systems
Beverly Athletic Club
Hutchinson Medical, Inc.
Marblehead Bank
Metlife Financial Group of Massachusetts
North Shore Fruit Basket and
Flowers by Darlene
Shetland Properties
Zampell Refractories, Inc.
2011 WALK Media Sponsor
The Daily Item
North Shore 104.9
2011 BRICK
The healing garden at the
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center
in Danvers presents an opportunity for
individuals, teams or organizations to be
recognized, or to honor a loved one by
having a brick inscribed and placed in the
healing garden.
The tear-drop-shaped garden sits
directly outside the infusion bay windows
in the cancer center, which is on the south
side of the building facing the wetlands.
The healing garden contains a paved path,
benches, a water fountain, a trellis with
climbing flowers and willow trees. It also
includes several varieties of perennial
plants and flowers.
Each year, any individual, team or
organization that raises or donates $3,000
or more to the North Shore Cancer
WALK/RUN is eligible for a brick.
Danversbank Charitable Foundation, Inc.
DeIulis Brothers Construction
Designer Bath & Salem Plumbing Supply
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Electric Insurance Company
Healthbridge Management
Moynihan Lumber Company
Salem Five Charitable Foundation
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Serafini, Darling & Correnti, LLP
Shetland Properties
Thermal Circuits, Inc.
UniGraphic, Inc.
Whole Foods Market, Swampscott
Ann & Friends
Butterflies for Life
Cathy’s Crew
Cleavage Club
Cruizin’ for Susan
Davids’ Hot Tickets
Debbie’s Snackcakes
DeIulis Brothers Construction
Eastern Bank
Electric Insurance
Fed Up With Cancer
Foxy’s Ladies
Friends Fighting Cancer
Fed Up With Cancer
Give My Love To Rose
Keeping Faith Alive
Kent’s Cancer Crusaders
Live Strong For Lisa
Living Proof
Noyes for a Cause
Osram Sylvania
Phylco’s Phlyers
Remembering Ruthy
Team General Electric
Team Kathie Mitchell
Team Richardson
Team Tucker
Team Walking Tall
Team Wicked Nation
The Jimmy Bunn
The Power of A Mother
Walking for Eleanor
Walter’s Warriors
Ms. Stephanie Benevento
Mr. Randall Brown
Ms. Laurie Buonarosa
Mrs. Crystal Calderone Liacos
Ms. Lisa Carbone
Ms. Molly Cavallaro
Mrs. Debbie Cole
Ms. Louise Comeau
Mrs. Francie Croft
Mr. Patrick DeIulis
Mr. Mark V. Forziati
Mr. John Gold
Ms. Tanya Grocki
Mr. Tom Hart
Ms. Pamela Hood
Mr. Tom Kent*
Mr. John Keogh
Mrs. Jennifer Lawler
Ms. Erin Maloney
Mr. Jason Maxwell
Ms. Kathie Mitchell
Ms. Andria Paradis
David W. Ives
Anthony Klein
J. Brian McCarthy
Terence A. McGinnis
Maury E. McGough, M.D.
Robert G. Norton, Ex-Officio
Mary G. Puma
David J. Roberts, M.D.
Marc S. Rubin, M.D.
Jeffrey N. Shribman
Shirley Singleton
Raymond A. Smith, M.D., Ex Officio
Gary A. Spiess
Ms. Haley Paster
Mr. Joseph F. Penni
Mr. Richard S. Penni
Mrs. Bethany Porrazzo
Ms. Edward Potvin
Mr. Walter Richardson
Ms. Charlene Scarpa
Mr. Richard Schenkel
Ms. Sharon Shea
Ms. Lisa St. Germain
Mr. Thomas Stevens
Mr. Jerry Tucker
Mr. Richard Viscay
Mrs. Catherine Wallace
W. Gerald Austen, M.D.
Richard C. Bane
Kevin T. Bottomley
John P. Drislane
Arthur J. Epstein
Jennifer Flanagan
Richard E. Holbrook, Chair
Richard C. Bane, Chair
Lisa Carbone
Brian C. Cranney
Patrick DeIulis
Joy Fisher
Terry J. Garfinkle, M.D.
Joan Comfort Johnson
Irene Kastrinakis
Anthony Klein
Charles H. Leveroni
Jason Maxwell
J. Brian McCarthy
Richard F. Moore
Joel H. Schwartz, M.D.
This special issue of NSMCGiving has been
prepared to acknowledge the generous support
of contributors to NSMC during the calendar
year 2011. Every effort has been made to ensure
the accuracy of these listings. Errors and omissions should be reported to the NSMC
Development Office, 81 Highland Avenue,
Salem, MA 01970; 978-741-1242.
To all of our donors and to the staff of
the medical center, the NSMC Development
Office expresses its deepest appreciation.
Paul Nemeskal, M.D.
Vidya Raju, M.D.
Erika Santoro, M.D.
Need a New
Primary Care
Claudia Luque, M.D.
Tejal Patel, M.D.
NSMC is dedicated to primary care.
Our primary care physicians are ready to care for you and your family. In the past
year, we have welcomed several new primary care physicians to the North Shore,
which means that many of our PCPs can offer you and your family an appointment
with little to no wait time. And to provide you with the best care possible, all of
our primary care offices use electronic medical records. These doctors are your
connection to the Mass General/North Shore Center for Outpatient Care in Danvers
as well as the full services of North Shore Medical Center and Partners HealthCare.
To learn more about our primary care physicians, please call our Physician Finder
service at 1-877-NSMC-MDs (1-877-676-2637) or visit us online at
Non Profit
US Postage
N. Reading, MA
Permit No. 193
81 Highland Avenue
Salem, MA 01970
NSMC Salem Hospital
NSMC Union Hospital
MassGeneral for Children
at North Shore Medical Center
NSMC Heart Center
NSMC Women’s Center
North Shore Physicians Group
Collaborating with the
Mass General/North Shore
Center for Outpatient Care
Follow Us!
April 25, 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
331 Paradise Road, Swampscott, MA
Sunday, June 24, 8:30 a.m. for WALK
Salem Willows Park, Salem MA
7:30 a.m. for RUN, Bentley School
Presented by Coleen M. Reid, M.D.,
Chief of Palliative Medicine
Five percent of all store proceeds for
this day will benefit the North Shore
Cancer WALK/RUN. Come enjoy
samples, register for the WALK/RUN
and purchase T-shirts!
June 11, Tedesco Country Club
For more information, please contact the
Development Office at 978-741-1242.
Join together with thousands in the 10K
(6.2 mile) Cancer WALK. To register
online, visit
The 5K Cancer RUN (3.1 miles) will start
at the Bentley School and follow a
modified route from the WALK.
Registration for the RUN is $20 and the
first 300 entries will receive a tech
running shirt. All runners must register
online at
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Hawthorne Hotel
18 Washington Square, 225 Derby Street,
Salem, MA
12:00 noon until 1:30 p.m.
RSVP by email to
[email protected] or call
For additional information about these events, please contact the NSMC Development Office at 978-741-1242.
NORTH SHORE MEDICAL CENTER is a multi-site health system located north of
Boston and a member of Partners HealthCare, which was founded by Massachusetts General
Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Together with Massachusetts General Hospital,
we opened the Mass General/North Shore Center for Outpatient Care in Danvers in 2009.
©2012 North Shore Medical Center