2009-10 - Genesee Community College


2009-10 - Genesee Community College
our best
Genesee community college foundation Annual ReporT 2009-2010
Encore 2009 chairpersons Todd
and Kathy Bender (and family)
helped introduced the Buffalo
Philharmonic Orchestra and
Conductor Paul Ferington to the
annual Holiday Tradition. Not
only does Encore raise thousands
of dollars for GCC student
scholarships, but the event also
‘kicks-off’ the holiday festivities
for the GLOW region.
Step Up
to the Plate
My first formal association with
the Genesee Community College
Foundation was in early 2004, when
John Dwyer and Rick Ensman stopped
in my office to talk with me.
I had known John and Rick for
many years, and I have admired and
supported Genesee Community College
for decades. John and Rick started
talking about the Foundation’s annual
fund raising campaign. I thought they
were going to ask me for a financial
contribution, but it turned out they
had something else in mind. They
asked me to step up to the plate and
lead the following year’s campaign as
General Campaign Chair.
My 2004-2005 campaign turned
into a two-year commitment. That,
in turn, led me to join the Genesee
Community College Foundation Board
of Directors. Over the last five years
I have served on four different
Foundation committees, participated
in dozens of major Foundation events
and, now, I find myself serving in
the role of President of the Genesee
Community College Foundation.
I can tell you firsthand that the
Genesee Community College Foundation
is a strong and vibrant partner to
our College. We provide financial,
volunteer, and entrepreneurial support
that the College cannot obtain in
any other way. Through the efforts
of our Foundation Board, our 150+
Foundation volunteers, and our 800+
supporters, we help bring excellence to
our College’s classrooms, educational
access to our region’s students, and
economic vitality to our entire region.
I am proud to present the 20092010 annual report of the Genesee
Community College Foundation to you.
It is an account of the great work we
have collectively accomplished over
the last year.
I am honored and privileged to serve
as President of the Genesee Community
College Foundation. My highest priority
is to unite your contributions of time,
money, energy, and enthusiasm in
support of Genesee Community College
in exciting new ways. Step up to the
plate with me. Together we will help
Genesee Community College become
an even more vibrant force in the life
and future of our communities.
Russell P. Romano
Genesee Community College Foundaion
Thank You …
More than 7,000
Let me offer my personal thanks
for your support of the Genesee
Community College Foundation over
the last year.
More important, let me offer the
thanks of the more than 7,000
students enrolled at Genesee
Community College at the time of
this report.
Several hundred of these students
benefitted from the scholarship
support the Foundation provided
them. Many other students benefitted
from the extraordinary contributions
our President’s and Merit’s Scholars
have made to the academic life of our
college community. Hundreds more
benefitted from their participation
in other exciting programs funded
through the Foundation’s President’s
Innovation Awards Program.
I also extend thanks to outgoing
Foundation President John Dwyer
for his extraordinary leadership over
the last four years. In addition to
providing hands-on guidance to every
Foundation committee, John also
led a strategic planning effort that
will shape Foundation initiatives
over the next three to five years. I
am confident this planning effort will
enable the Foundation to become an
even stronger partner to our Board of
Trustees, faculty, staff, and students.
Well over a year ago, the Foundation
committed financial resources for
the construction of a new art gallery
on the Batavia Campus. The art gallery
will be a wonderful instructional
resource for our students as well as a
center for the display of outstanding
works of local, regional, and even
national artists.
On a personal note, I was deeply
touched by the Board of Trustees’
decision to name the new art gallery
in memory of my wife, Roz. My family
and I will always be grateful to all
those who made this honor possible.
Although I am nearing the end of
my nearly four and a half decades
of professional service to Genesee
Community College, I look forward
to celebrating what I know will
be great accomplishments of the
Genesee Community College Foundation
in the years ahead. I plan to support
the work of the Foundation in the years
ahead in any and every way I can.
Stuart Steiner
Each September, the
“Discover the Stars” celebration
provides student scholarship
recipients and scholarship donors
a fun opportunity to meet,
greet and enjoy the significant
work and efforts accomplished
by each group.
“ I come from a small town,
Varysburg, that does not
have money. People say that
if you blink, you miss the
whole town. The economy
there does not make paying
for college easy and everything
helps. Thank you for your hard
work to set up and maintain
this scholarship. I greatly
appreciate everything.
I cannot thank you enough. ”
Alicia Rautenstrauch,
Criminal Justice Student
The Genesee
in Review
For the last quarter-century, the
Genesee Community College Foundation
has helped Genesee Community College
maintain its reputation as one of the
nation’s best community colleges.
Central to the Foundation’s success
is its leadership. The Foundation is
governed by a Board of Directors of
30 distinguished civic and business
leaders, who bring vision and passion
to their role. The Board’s efforts were
supplemented last year by the time,
energy, and enthusiasm of more than
175 volunteers.
By all accounts, 2009-2010 was a
successful and productive year.
Grant Support – Making
a Difference. The Genesee
Community College Foundation
makes grants to Genesee
Community College through a
thoughtful planning and
award process. Grants totaled
$625,779 last year, and included
support for 564 scholarships
and construction of a new art
gallery on the Batavia Campus.
Annual Campaign –
Extraordinary. “Extraordinary”
was the theme of our 2009-2010
annual campaign. Although the
year was marked by deep economic
uncertainty, our campaign team
led by Robert L. Boyce, reached
out to supporters across the
region. The campaign attracted
$599,779 in gifts – a new record –
from 678 supporters.
Building Community.
Hundreds of supporters and
area residents visited the Batavia
Campus last year to participate
in Foundation events. Our
September Discover the Stars
reception honored scholarship
recipients, and attracted
230 guests. Two hundred ten
business and professional
leaders participated in the
September Wolcott J. Humphrey
III Symposium on Leadership
and Community Life. The event
featured a keynote address by
former U.S. Rep. (and well-known
actor and inspirational speaker)
Fred Gandy. More than 300 guests
contributed $58,023 to the
scholarship fund through Encore
2009, held in December.
And 35 supporters participated
in Theatre Night, an April event
featuring a reception and the
campus debut of Chicago.
Gift Annuities – Income
Today, College Support
Tomorrow. During 2009-2010 we
formally launched the Foundation’s
charitable gift annuity program.
Gift annuities provide income for
life to participants (or income for
two lives, such as a donor and
a spouse). Gift annuities have
many similarities to commercial
annuities, but the residual value
of a gift annuity supports the
College Foundation.
Reaching Out. Over the last
year, we made a commitment to
reach out to Genesee Community
College’s 20,000+ alumni. Last
year saw the development of new
alumni newsletters, including
a periodic e-bulletin, alumni
events, and planning for the
College’s first annual Alumni and
Friends Homecoming Weekend.
Planning for Tomorrow.
Under the leadership of former
Foundation President John
Dwyer, a special subcommittee
of the Board of Directors
examined every Foundation
activity and developed a strategic
plan for the next three to five
years. Key initiatives in the new
plan: more alumni programs;
new “student success”
initiatives at College Village,
the Foundation’s residence for
students; and highly personal
outreach to the Foundation’s
valued donors and friends.
President’s Scholarships
Need and Emergency Awards
We make these prestigious
academic scholarship awards
to outstanding graduates of
high schools in the GeneseeLivingston-Orleans-Wyoming
region. The awards recognize
students who have demonstrated
exemplary achievement and
promise, and motivate talented
local students to remain in our
own communities.
$47,690 | 51 awards
These awards provide financial
support to deserving students
who face financial hardship that
prevents them from entering
college or continuing their studies.
The awards often assist students
after a crisis, such as a death in
the family, illness, or unforeseen
reduction in financial aid. Usually,
modest grants are sufficient to
enable students to overcome the
economic problems they face, and
continue their education.
Honors Program Awards
$39,384 | 103 awards
These stipends recognize
students admitted to Genesee
Community College’s rigorous
Honors Program. Students pursue
interdisciplinary honors courses,
and complete independent
research and creative projects.
Community Scholarships
These scholarships provide
recognition and support to
outstanding students living in
local communities throughout our
region. The Foundation sponsors
community scholarship funds
for students in Arcade, Medina,
Dansville, and Livingston County.
$23,050 | 80 awards
Corporate and Organizational
These scholarships are usually
sponsored by area business
and civic organizations as an
expression of their commitment
to higher education. Often,
scholarships are designated for the
benefit of members or employees.
$13,130 | 27 awards
September 1, 2009 –
August 31, 2010
President’s Innovation
Awards Program
Mini-grants under this program
help faculty, staff, and students
develop new initiatives that
strengthen the College and build
stronger relationships between
the College and community.
The President’s Innovation
Awards Program helps maintain
Genesee’s reputation as a center
of creativity and innovation.
§GCC Lima Presents Night
at the Movies - $725
§Genesee Regional Bio-Tech
Science Bowl - $2,403
§Botanical Drawing and Painting
Workshop Series - $1,244
§Expression Through the Written
Word – Visiting Poet - $700
§Weekly Instructional Podcast
Pilot - $50
§Orleans County Architecture
Lecture Series - $199
§Sports and Wellness Experience
- $1,000
§A Tale for Three Counties
Community Reading Project $2,497
$8,819 | 8 programs
$5,000 | 25 awards
Academic Merit Scholarships
These awards recognize students
with outstanding academic
performance and potential in a
variety of academic disciplines.
$74,998 | 81 awards
Program Scholarships
These scholarships provide support
to students who excel in specific
academic disciplines or out-of-class
activities, or who are preparing for
careers in fields crucial to the wellbeing of our local communities,
such as nursing.
$28,087 | 89 awards
Recognition and
Citizenship Awards
These scholarships recognize
outstanding qualities of students,
such as service to others, volunteer
involvement, or perseverance
in their educational endeavors
despite personal obstacles.
$30,350 | 66 awards
Recruitment Awards
These scholarships help
the College attract students
with unique talents that can
enrich the College community.
$10,200 | 33 awards
Alumni Legacy Awards
Alumni Legacy Awards
recognize the achievements of
children (or parents) of Genesee
Community College alumni.
$2,250 | 9 awards
Wolcott J. Humphrey III
Symposium on Leadership
and Community Life
Last year, we invited Fred Gandy,
former actor, member of Congress,
and former CEO of Goodwill
Industries to speak to business
and professional leaders about
the skills needed to adapt to a
changing business environment.
Mr. Gandy’s thoughtful (and at
times, humorous) speech – titled
The Art of Change – attracted
225 participants.
Capital Support
The College was fortunate to
receive a funding commitment
of $850,000 from the New York
State Construction Fund for a
new Batavia Campus art gallery,
a campus priority identified
in the College’s most recent
Facilities Master Plan. The state
commitment, however, was
contingent on local matching
funds. The Genesee Community
College Foundation was able to
commit the majority of the funds
for the match, thereby making
the state monies available to
the College. The art gallery is
scheduled to open early in 2011.
financial statements
September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010
honor roll
of supporters
September 1, 2009
– August 31, 2010
Founder’s Society
AVI Fresh
Barnes and Noble College Booksellers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Call
Chapin International, Inc.
Mrs. Charlotte W. Conable
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Cotton
Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation
Mr. Richard G. Ensman, Jr.
Five Star Bank
Genesee Community College Association, Inc.
Graham Corporation
Dr. Larene Hoelcle
Mrs. Mary A. Humphrey
Mr. Roger L. Hungerford
Jack G. Lubelle Foundation Inc.
Legacy Lands LLC
Mrs. Marilyn P. Lyon
M & T Charitable Foundation
Manning, Squires, Hennig Co., Inc.
Morton Salt, Inc.
NYS Federation of Home Bureaus, Inc.
P. W. Minor & Son, Inc.
Rotary Club of Batavia
Shepard, Maxwell & Hale
Sigma International General Medical Apparatus, Inc.
Dr. Stuart Steiner
SunGard Higher Education
U.S. Department of Education
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Worthington
Xerox Corporation
President’s Society
Batavia Newspapers Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyce
Mr. Lynn E. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon C. Chaya
Mr. Les Cole
Mr. Richard L. Fish, Sr.
Genesee Community College
Student Government Association
Mrs. Mary Jane Heider
Jerome Foundation
Johnson Newspaper Corporation
Ken Barrett Chevrolet, Inc.
Livonia Rotary Club
Stephen M. Hawley & Associates, LLC
Turnbull Heating, Air Conditioning &
Commercial Refrigeration
Blue and Gold Society
Attica Auto Supply, Inc.
Bank of Castile * Tompkins Insurance Agencies
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bell
Dr. Eunice M. Bellinger
BMP America, Inc.
Building Innovation Group
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burkhardt, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Call
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Call, Jr.
Ms. Mary Chrysler
Clark Patterson Lee
Complete Payroll Processing, Inc.
Mrs. Edith Conable
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Daviau
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. M. Richard Dudkowski II
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dwyer
Erie & Niagara Insurance Association
Genesee County Chamber of Commerce
Genesee Valley Penny Saver
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Grammatico
Mrs. Deborah A. Greene
Monica Hale-Dawson
Key Bank NA
Kiwanis Club of Warsaw
Kleen-All Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knipe
12 A N N U A L R E P O R T O F T H E P R E S I D E N T
Dr. Katharina E. Kovach-Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Kozlowski
LeRoy Rotary Club
Liberty Pumps, Inc.
Mr. Jason Lyons
M & T Bank
Mr. Joseph V. Marone
Merrill Lynch
Hon. Paul I. Miles
Dr. James Murray
Hon. and Mrs. Robert C. Noonan
Orcon Industries Corporation
Mr. James D. Pontillo
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Reinhart
Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Scutella
The Lewis J. and Clelia M. Serventi
Family Foundation
Sigmamotor, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor
Dr. Virginia M. Taylor
United Rentals
Waste Management Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weather
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Wentland
Willow Group LTD
Jean E. Witt-Huhn Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Yunker
Zonta Club of Batavia-Genesee County
Honors Circle
Dr. Ruth E. Andes
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Andrews
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Kathyann Betters
Mr. David Bialaszewski
Mrs. Laura J. Bohm
Mr. Charley Boyd
Mr. Joseph P. Brennan
Christiano Cellular Group
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Christiano
Mrs. Jean W. Cianfrini
Citizens Scholarship Foundations of America Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Condello
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Emens
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ethington
Fontrick Doors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Forsyth, C.P.A.
Col. and Mrs. James D. Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Fulmer
Mr. Barry J. Garigen
Gilmartin Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. Gary E. Good
Greg Post General Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Hamilton
R. Stephen Hawley Family
Mr. Scott Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Hollwedel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jackson
JMZ Architects and Planners, P. C.
Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Lane
Mr. Dean H. Lapp
Lions Club of Batavia, Inc.
Lumsden & McCormick, LLP
Marchese Computer Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Mason, Jr.
Moog, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Moore
Hon. and Mrs. Glenn R. Morton
Ms. Jennifer Newell
Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club
Orleans County Deputy Sheriff’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Palumbo
Mr. John G. Reina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Riter
Saucke Brothers
Mr. Charles Scruggs
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Shine
John and Theresa Sisson
Steuben Trust
Sweeteners Plus, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Szpylman
The Lewis J. and Clelia M. Serventi
Family Foundation
Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund
Tompkins Insurance Agency, Inc.
United Memorial Medical Center
Upstate Door, Inc.
Mr. Carl M. Wahlstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle N. Warren
Mrs. Gina Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Woodward
Genesee Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Altman
Mr. John A. Ames
Dr. Bernard W. Asher and Dr. Lilian L. Orba
Dr. Alan J. Barcomb
Batavia Nursing Home LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Belongia
Mrs. Susan J. Blanchard
Bonadio Group
Ms. Marilyn Brennan
Ms. Jeannie L. Burdick
Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Co.
Mr. Christopher Caputi
Mrs. Deborah A. Carrasquillo
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Cartwright
Ms. Jacqueline Christenson
Mr. Robert N. Cooper
Mrs. Cathy E. Costello
Dr. Magdi and Dr. Marie Credi
Ms. Kara Cutler
Damon Morey LLP
Dansville Lions Club
Davis’ Trailer World LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David N. DeLaVergne
Ms. Marilyn C. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferenc
Ms. Donna M. Ferry
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fritts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Fuest
Genesee Patrons Cooperative
Insurance Company
Ms. Marie A. Giardino
Mr. Wayne R. Gruendike
H.E. Turner & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heale
Hodgson Russ LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hoeft III
Theodore L. and Patricia A. Hume
Mr. Ronald M. Jacobs
Mr. John J. Snyder &
Mrs. Marcy Jacobson Snyder
Mr. Harry Klepp
Mrs. Mary C. Knappen
Koike Aronson, Inc.
Ms. Donna Lee LaMura
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Landow
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Laub
Lawley Genesee, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Levinstein
Mr. Robert Lewis
Mrs. Judith M. Littlejohn
Livingston County Industrial
Development Agency
Mrs. Monica H. Mattioli
Mr. Derek D. Maxfield
Mr. John M. McGowan, Sr.
Ms. Marilyn Morton
Ms. Brittany Narburgh
Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Neth, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samson Olaode
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pacino
Ms. Lauren Paisley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Quincey
Mr. and Mrs. Zepher G. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Reich
Ms. Ann Reid
Mrs. Ellen M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Ryan
Ms. Patricia M. Schwartz
Mrs. Mary Jane Shonn
Mr. James Simon
Ms. Margaret A. Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Swinarski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Szabat
Ms. Roberta L. Taggart
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Torcello
Dr. and Mrs. Roger W. Triftshauser
Mr. Steven P. Tufts
WBTA Radio
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Wentland
Westside News Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. White
Ms. Karen Wicka
Ms. Dolores M. Wilkin
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Winters
Wireless Group Holdings, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yacuzzo
Mrs. Joan E. Zummo
Centennial Circle
Ms. Jayne M. Acomb
Alex’s Place
Dr. Rafael Alicea-Maldonado
Mr. Thomas W. Allers
Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson
Mr. Jon A. Arney
Attica PennySaver
Ms. Vicky L. Aubert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Avino
The Bailey Family
Mrs. Kristine Barrett
Mrs. Valerie Bello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. William Benton
Bernhardt Remodeling Center
Mr. and Mrs. James Bertsch
Dr. and Mrs. Scott S. Blond
Ms. Marjorie N. Blondell
Bohn’s Restaurant & Lounge
Dr. and Mrs. Philip P. Bonanni
Mr. David S. Boyce
Ms. Denise Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Boyd
Mr. Bruce C. Brege, Sr.
Mrs. Chrystal S. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown
Mrs. and Mr. Marie A. Butts
Mrs. Joyce Cali
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carlson
Mrs. Patricia A. Cassatt
Mrs. Julie A. Caswell
Ms. Jean M. Chenu
Mrs. Susan Chiddy
Mr. Barry C. Chow
Mr. Francis P. Christiano
Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, Inc.
Mrs. Janice L. Cifelli
Ms. Amy L. Cleveland
Ms. Katherine Collette
Community Action of Orleans & Genesee
Mr. Anthony J. Condello
Ms. Amy Conley
Mrs. Cheryl A. Corke
Corporate Floors USA LLC
Mr. Michael A. Crittenden
D & R Depot Restaurant
Dave Hennig, Inc.
Ms. Teresa A. Dearing
Delavan’s Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Della Penna
Mr. Neil T. DellaPenna
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Desa
Mr. Edward R. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns
Ms. Susan Drexel
Mrs. Deborah K. Dunlevy
Mr. Mark D. Ebersole
Educational Resource Associates
Mr. William W. Eve
Ms. Anne M. Feary
Mrs. Cecelia V. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Found
Ms. Kathleen A. Frank
Mr. and Ms. James L. Gammack
Mr. Norman R. Gayford
Genesee Valley Chrysler Dodge
Ms. Ellen Gilmour
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Glazier
Ms. Ruth Gliss
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Goodridge
Mr. James Goodwin
Ms. Cynthia J. Gottlieb
Groveland Correctional Facility Inmate Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gugino, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen T. Gurak
Mrs. Kathleen L. Guyett
Mr. Ed Hallborg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hart
Mr. Barry O. Haywood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Heater
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Hempel
Mrs. Nancy J. Hill
Mr. Mark F. Hillman
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Hilyard
Mr. Timothy F. Hinz
Hojnowski Transport
Mr. Kim R. Houserman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Hussey
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Iglesias-Cardinale, Jr.
In. Site: Architecture, LLP
J. Rutowski & Sons Pharmacies, Inc.
Ms. Barbara J. Kapperman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Kent
Mr. and Mrs. William Kent
Mr. Allen Kidder
Ms. Kathleen A. Kimber
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Klapper
Knight Agency, Inc.
Ms. Maxine A. Koberg
Mr. Pasquale LaFarnara Jr.
Ms. Shannon L. Landow
Paul, Tanya and Sadie Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Lapp
Mr. Doran Larson
LeRoy Country Club Restaurant and Golf
Mrs. Maureen A. Leupold
Linwood Turf Equipment, LLC
Livingston County Chamber of Commerce
Livingston Mutual Insurance Company
Livonia Auto Supply, Inc.
Livonia Avon & Lakeville Railroad Inc.
Livonia Pharmacy
Dr. Maxine M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lynch
M & T Trucking, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mapes
Mrs. Diane M. Marchese
Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Marks
Ms. Diana Martino
Mr. Jeffrey C. Mason
Max Pies Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic F. Mazza
Ms. Barbara McAdoo
McDonald’s Restaurant
Ms. Christie M. McGee-Ross
Mr. Richard C. McNulty
Ms. Kathryn Meloon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Miss Batavia Family Restaurant Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Monachino
Rev. Gary Y. Moore and Dr. Claudia H. Moore
Ms. Nina I. Mortellaro
Sharon A. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Nixon
Noblehurst Farms, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien
Ms. Lyndsey J. Oliver-Farewell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Parker
Ms. Judith A. Passamonte
Pauly’s Pizzeria Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Petote
Mr. Philip T. Pickering
Picone Construction Corporation
Pizza Land, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Platt
Mr. John J. Potera
R. L. Jeffres & Sons, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara L. Radley
Mrs. Susan E. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Read
Ms. Michele Rechberger
Red Osier Landmark Restaurant
Reid Petroleum Corporation
Ms. Linda Rost
Roumano’s Village House
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Rybak, Esq.
Scalia’s Landscape
Mr. Douglas G. Scarborough
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schetinin
Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Shay
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sheehan
Mrs. Roshani Shrestha
Silver Lake Golf and Country Club, Inc.
Silver Springs Racing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Slack
Mr. Philip Slazyk
Smith Lumber & Hardware
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smyton
Mr. Robert N. Stachura
Mr. Joseph P. Strogen
Submeisters, Inc.
Ms. Cheryl A. Sugg
Sunshine Sealers, LLC
Ms. Donna Rae Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Garth P. Swanson
Ms. Peggy Szczesniak
T F Brown’s Restaurant
Terry Hills Restaurant & Golf Course, Inc.
The Ganson House
Ms. Virginia H. Tiede
Tillman’s Village Inn, Inc.
Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union
Tony’s Pizzeria/Farraro Enterprises, Inc.
Town of Shelby
Ms. Virginia T. Tresco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Turnbull
U.S. Chrome Corp. of NY
US Gypsum Company
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Van Allen
Mr. Ronald H. Van Allen
Mr. James H. Van Arsdale III
Mrs. Maryann C. VanScoter
Mr. Ronald Viele
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vitagliano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Wamp
Ms. Eileen Wekenmann
Mrs. Anita Whitehead
Wiggly and Jiggly’s English Pub
Dr. John B. Wilder
Ms. Karen Wilk
Ms. Karen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford K. Wraight
Ms. Mary R. Wright
WYSL Radio
Mr. Mark E. Yasses
Ms. Kristin L. Yunker
Friends of the College
(under $100)
Mrs. Renee B. Abbott
Ms. Tamara L. Adams
Mr. Ronald D. Aldinger
Mr. Louis Andolora
Mr. Lawrence Appleby
Mr. Michael D. Arena
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Arras
Dr. and Ms. Theodore F. Ashizawa
B & D Art and Framing
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Babbitt
Ms. Martha S. Babey
Mrs. Nancy J. Bachulak
Mrs. Gail B. Bailey
Mr. Thomas G. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bannatyne, Jr.
Ms. Joanne Banos
Mr. Elmo Bardeguez
Ms. Joanna E. Barefoot
Mr. Mark V. Barone
Ms. Donna Barz
Mrs. Joan Bawden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaudette
Mrs. Linda Kay S. Beaumont
Mr. and Mrs. John Beechler
Mrs. Judy M. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Bezon
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Bickett
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Blake
Ms. Charmayne R. Bloom
Mr. Charles W. Bobo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bohn
Ms. Michele Bokman
Ms. Kathleen A. Boughton
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bouwes
Ms. Maryann N. Bowman
Mrs. Linda J. Boyce
Ms. Susie E. Boyce
Mr. Clarence C. Boyer
Ms. Tara Bradman
Mr. William S. Brewer
Mr. Douglas C. Brooks
Mrs. Annette A. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bucki, Sr.
Ms. Michele L. Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. William Burns
Mr. Timothy W. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Butler
Ms. Donna L. Carr
Ms. Linda S. Cash
Caswell & Associates Certified Public Accountant, P.C.
Mrs. Donna M. Catalfamo
Ms. Carla J. Chamberlain
Ms. Marilyn F. Champeney
Mr. William H. Chelikowsky
Ms. Dolores M. Chiocco
Mr. Donald D. Chmielowiec
Mr. Anthony R. Christiano III
Mr. Robert N. Christiano
Mrs. Gloria J. Cipollone
City of Batavia
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Kim C. Clark
Mrs. Nancy M. Clark
Mrs. Marie L. Cone
Cornell Cooperative Extension
of Genesee County
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Corson
Mrs. Kathleen M. Costa
County of Genesee
Mr. Martin F. Cross
Mrs. Lauren M. Cummings
Mrs. Sue A. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Curry
Mr. Gregory L. Dalton
Ms. Kristine Dassinger
Ms. Rebecca J. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dellapenta
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DePalma
Mr. Daniel J. Derrenbacher
Ms. Rose M. Dibble
Mrs. Priscilla DiRisio
Mr. Gary L. DiSanto
Mr. and Ms. Gary L. DiSanto
Rev. Kenneth A. Dodd
Don Beck, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Doolittle
Doug Long Enterprises
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Downie
Ms. Maureen Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dziekan
Ms. Christina M. East
Ms. Nancy E. Ebbs
Mr. David Ezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Fairbanks
Mrs. Maxine A. Fearrington
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Fiegl
Mr. Robert R. Fluck, Jr.
Mrs. Tarry Fluker
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Forness
Mrs. Michelle L. Forster
Mrs. Sandra L. Fox
Ms. Gail A. Francis
Ms. Gretchen Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Friesen
Mrs. Sally J. Fuller
Ms. Patricia S. Furness
Mrs. Patricia J. Fussell
Ms. Denise M. Gallego
Genesee County ARC, Inc.
Genesee County CASA for Children Inc.
Genesee County Office for the Aging
Genesee County Youth Bureau
Genesee Orleans Regionals Arts Council
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Geuss III
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gick
Mr. Gary Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. John Goodridge
Ms. Irene H. Goral
Mr. Mark J. Gordon
Ms. Merri L. Greiner
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Gsell
Ms. Amanda Guevara
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gugel
Mr. David Guile
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Haber
Mrs. Cynthia S. Hagelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hale
Ms. Diane Halt
Ms. Beverley J. Hammer
Mrs. Mary Pat Hancock
Ms. Nancy P. Harding
Ms. Mary K. Hartman
Mr. Elmer J. Heiman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Hess
Ms. Jessica L. Hibbard
HLW Acres Poultry Processing
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Hoerbelt
Mr. Gregory C. Hofmann
Ms. Roxanne Holthaus
Mr. David Hoover
Ms. Donna F. Horton
Mrs. Colleen L. Husted
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Coe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Jasinski
Mr. David Jehle
John J. Forsyth, CPA, PC
Ms. Yolanda Johnson
Ms. Linda M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Ms. Norma Keller
Dr. Martin Kelly
Ms. Patricia J. Kendall-Cargill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Kibler, Esq.
Mrs. Deborah M. Klotzbach
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Klotzbach
Ms. Joyce L. Knorr
Ms. Sandra D. Kosciolek
Ms. Darlene Kraus-Lang
Ms. Kathy Kreis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Kruppner
Mrs. Christine M. Kuehl
Mrs. Joyce M. Kuehl
Ms. Sara Kyle
Ms. Lina LaMattina
Ms. Jennifer L. Landow
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Leadley
Ms. Gail Lebowitz
Mr. Stephen A. Lemanski
Ms. Donna M. Leney
Mrs. Phyllis M. Lerner
Mr. Bruce A. Lindsey
Ms. Mary S. Lippold
Mrs. Rosann A. Lowder
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lynch
Ms. Marie Macaluso
Ms. Mary R. MacDonald
Ms. Jacqueline MacKay
Ms. Corrinne A. Maile
Ms. Georginne Majerus
Mrs. Nancy Makowski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Mann
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Marcus
Ms. Carol Marriott
Mr. Daniel C. Martin
Mr. David B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Mastin
Mr. Richard P. Mazikowski
Ms. Jean M. McCarthy
Mrs. Diane M. McConnell
Mr. Kenneth J. Mead
Mr. Dennis L. Meissel
Ms. Dayna L. Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Merrell
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Michalak
Mr. David J. Mihalyov
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Miller
Mrs. Toni N. Mills
Mrs. Catherine L. Miskey
Mr. Joseph A. Monteleone
Ms. Donna J. Morrill
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Mountain
Ms. Deborah L. Muchard
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mudrzynski
Mrs. Jo-Ann Myers
Mr. Brian P. Napoli
Mr. Robert E. Neth, Jr.
Mrs. Mary E. Newland, R.N.
Mr. David Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norton
Ms. Jean M. Nuwer
Oakfield Hotel/Scopano Lanes
Orleans County Legislature
Ms. Joy Packard
Mrs. Mary Anne Palermo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Panzone
Mrs. Amy J. Parker
Ms. Tonya Passamonte
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Pcionek
Mr. Jay Pearce
Mrs. Carole K. Pegan
Mrs. Holly E. Pelton
Mr. Nicholas J. Perna
Mr. Keith O. Perry
Phat Katz
Ms. Traci Phillips
Mr. Edward S. Piechocki, Jr.
Mr. Richard Poblocki
Ms. Anne M. Podolak
Mrs. Courtney L. Potter
Ms. Donna J. Potter
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Pray
Ms. Karen E. Preston
Ms. Joan Puccio
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pulver
Pumpkin Hill Veterinary Clinic
Mrs. Diane S. Quinn
Ms. Donna M. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Rankin
Ms. Diane L. Rebmann
Mr. Terence Reding
Mr. and Mrs. William Reiss
Ms. Jennifer L. Repard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Resig
Mr. Mark Ricci
Mrs. Barbara A. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertson
Ms. Stephanie M. Rodgers
Mrs. Jennifer L. Ross
Mr. Gordon F. Rothfuss
Mrs. Joan E. Rotondo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ruffino
Ms. Barbara Sadden
Mrs. Mary L. Sage
Mrs. Lisa A. Salvador
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Sands
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Saunders
Mrs. Donna M. Schall
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schiavi
Mr. Thomas J. Schiltz
Ms. Amy Schnettler-Zak
Ms. Andrea Scholfield
Mrs. Dorothy S. Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Schulte
Mrs. Carolyn M. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Schwabe
Ms. Berneda J. Scoins
Mr. Carlton W. Seaburg
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Seweryniak
Mrs. Anna M. Sharkozy
Dr. Coleen T. Shaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Shell
Mrs. Marilyn Sheron
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Shirtz, Jr.
Sickles Co. Operations, LLC
Ms. Linda L. Slattery
Mrs. Amy L. Slusser
Mrs. Carol A. Smith
Ms. Wendy L. Snyder-Spear
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Somerville, Jr.
Mr. Peter P. Soscia
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Sputore
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church
Ms. Mary Starowicz
Mr. Christopher Stercula
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Stone
Ms. Joanne E. Strait
Ms. Judith M. Strobele
Mrs. Lori A. Stupp
Ms. Lorraine A. Sturm
Ms. Theresa Sumeriski
Mr. James E. Taillie
Mrs. Rebecca V. Tallo
Ms. Joyce M. Tencza
Ms. Tonya L. Terol
The Cloisters
Ms. Jean M. Thompson
Mr. William C. Thuman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Tiede
Ms. Eileen Tiedt
Mr. Robert J. Tinney
Ms. Marilyn A. Torcello
Ms. Liselotte S. Townsend
Ms. Eliner Trapper
Mr. James R. Traub
Mr. Walter D. Trowbridge
Mr. Ken Turner
Mrs. Kathleen S. Valentine
Ms. Jessica Van Der Woude
Mr. Eric J. Van Ooyen
Ms. Angeline M. Varco
Mrs. Bonnie J. Versage
Mr. Richard J. Vetter
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 193
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Wagner
Mr. Stephen W. Wahls
Ms. Norma B. Waldron
Ms. Betty A. Ward
Mrs. Patricia H. Wartinger
Mr. Lorne E. Way
Mr. Paul F. Welch
Ms. Kathryn M. Wells
Dr. Jane A. Weston
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Whitcombe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Whitmore
Mr. Mike G. Whyman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Wigton
Ms. Doreen Wilson
Ms. Elizabeth I. Wimbush
Ms. Laurel A. Winegar
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Wittman
Woodstream Campsite, Inc.
Mr. Reed W. Worden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Young
Mrs. Julie A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zelazny
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Zinni, Esq.
Ms. Annette E. Zuber
How You
Can Help
When you support the Genesee
Community College Foundation, you
invest in the future of our College
and our communities.
Here’s how you can help:
Give to the annual campaign.
Our annual campaign supports
scholarships and other
Foundation priorities. Every
gift touches the lives of our
students, and often helps
leverage additional college
funding. As part of the annual
campaign for the next four years,
we are raising funds for our
Challenge Endowment. Gifts made
to the Challenge Endowment are
matched dollar for dollar by the
U.S. Department of Education.
Remember the Foundation
in your will. By creating a
bequest to the Foundation in
your will, you can ensure that
your interests and ideals are
honored long after your death.
A bequest is easy to create, and
we can answer any questions
you or your attorney might have
about a Foundation bequest.
Our legal title for bequests:
The Genesee Community College
Foundation, Inc.
Obtain a Foundation charitable
gift annuity. A gift annuity
provides you with regular
income for life (or for your life
and the life of another person)
and creates a generous gift to
the Foundation. A portion of
your annuity gift is taxdeductible, and a portion of the
annual income you receive is
tax-free. Gift annuity income is
usually much higher than income
from certificates of deposit or
money market funds. We can
provide you with an illustration
of gift annuity income and tax
benefits anytime.
Create a named fund.
More than 150 individuals and
organizations have created
named funds to memorialize or
honor family members, or to
promote study in particular fields.
We can help you create a fund
that meets your unique interests.
Volunteer. The Genesee
Community College foundation
is a volunteer-driven
organization. Consider joining
one of our committees or
participating as a volunteer
in our annual fund raising
campaign. Your gift of time and
talent makes a difference.
18 A N N U A L R E P O R T O F T H E P R E S I D E N T
The Genesee Community College
Foundation is organized to receive,
invest, manage, and disburse your
gifts in the most effective and
meaningful way possible.
Contact us anytime.
Richard G. Ensman, Jr.
Executive Director
Genesee Community College
One College Road
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 345-6809
[email protected]
“ I am a father of six wonderful children with
a very loving and supportive wife that have
pushed me on the dark days and smiled
and congratulated me on the good
days. I am a combat veteran of both
the United States Army and the
United States Marine Corps, both
of which have helped me gain from
the discipline to help guide me
through a very tough and rigorous
program which has nothing but
positive results in the end …
I am looking forward to
meeting some of the
wonderful people that
made this possible. ”
Philip H. Clarke,
Respiratory Care Student
Family of Funds
Academic Merit Fund
Ada Hyde Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Adult Student Group Fund
Advanced Studies Fund
AJC Memorial Scholarship Fund
Albert J. Brightenfield ('78) Scholarship Fund
Alexander Dollars for Scholars Barber Conable
Partnership Scholarship Fund
Alexander Papp Memorial Scholarship Fund
Allan H. Smith Fund for Single Mothers
Alumni Legacy Fund
Andy Baron Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ann Corbin Scholarship Fund
Arcade Area Scholarship Trust
Arcade Lions Club Scholarship Fund
Argulski Scholarship Fund
Attica Rodeo & Show Association
Scholarship Fund
Attica-Genesee Teaching Project Fund
Avon Rotary Club Partnership Fund
Barbara Kowalczyk Scholarship Fund
Batavia Kiwanis Club Partnership Fund
Batavia Lions Club Partnership Fund
Batavia Nursing Home,
LLC Nursing Scholarship Fund
Batavia Players Scholarship Fund
Browne Family Scholarship Fund
Bruce C. Brege Scholarship Fund
Business and Professional Women's Club
Scholarship Fund
Call Farms Scholarship Fund
Catherine Anne Barnes Nursing
Scholarship Fund
Chapin International, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Christiano Family Scholarship Fund
Claudine Majors Scholarship Fund
Cobblestone Country Federal Credit Union
Scholarship Fund
Colonel James D. Fraser Health Careers
Scholarship Fund
Complete Payroll Processing Scholarship Fund
Dan Winegar Memorial Fund
Dansville Area Scholarship Trust
David Brewster Memorial Fund
Davison Scholarship Fund
Diane Cordaro Memorial Fund
Don and Lois Petote Scholarship Fund
Edgar J. and Mary Louise Hollwedel
Campus Beautification Fund
Emergency Fund for Nursing Students
Anthony T. Zambito Scholarship Fund
Fannie Mae Crandall Scholarship Fund
Fashion and Retailing Scholarship Fund
Financial Assistance Fund
Financial Need Fund (Challenge Scholarship Fund)
First Niagara Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund
Five Star Bank Scholarship Fund
Fleet Bank Scholarship Fund
Genesee County Chamber of Commerce
Scholarship Fund
Genesee County Deputy Sheriffs' Association
Scholarship Fund
Genesee-Orleans Homemakers Scholarship Fund
George Donohue Scholarship Fund
Gioiosa Family Scholarship Fund
GMH Nursing Scholarship Fund
Graham Corporation Scholarship Fund
Hawley Family Scholarship Fund
for Public Service
Helle Rakfeldt Leetmaa International Art Scholarship Fund
Horace J. Lazarony Hospitality Management Scholarship Fund
Human Services Scholarship Fund
Inmate Scholarship Fund
Jane V. Porter Memorial Photography
Scholarship Fund
Jayne Miner Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jerome Foundation Health Care
Scholarship Fund
Jerry and Lee Kozlowski Business
Scholarship Fund
Jerry Reinhart Scholarship Fund
Kaminna Allen Scholarship Fund
Kristine Burkhardt Memorial Nursing
Scholarship Fund
Lapp Insulator Scholarship Fund
Laura Hillman Scholarship Fund
LeRoy Rotary Club Scholarship Fund
Lew-Mark Baking Co. Scholarship Fund
Livingston County Scholarship Trust Fund
Livingston Emergency Fund
M. P. Lyon Scholarship Fund
Mancuso Memorial Fund
Medina Area Scholarship Trust
Medina Rotary Club Partnership Fund
Men's Basketball Fund
Michael C. Torcello Memorial Scholarship Fund
Michael J. and Ellen M. Ryan
Scholarship Fund for Excellence
Michael J. Ryan Fund for the Future
Miles Orleans County Scholarship Fund
Nancy J. Gringer Nursing Scholarship Fund
Nursing Scholarship Fund
NYS Federation of Home Bureau
Scholarship Fund in Honor of Gay Tidd
NYS Federation of Home Bureaus Human
Services Scholarship Fund in Honor of
Cattaraugus County
NYS Federation of Home Bureaus Human
Services Scholarship Fund in Honor of
Wyoming County
NYS Federation of Home Bureaus Respiratory
Care Scholarship Fund in Honor of
Genesee County
NYS Federation of Home Bureaus
Teacher Education Scholarship Fund
in Honor of Orleans County
Oakfield-Alabama Lion's Club
Scholarship Fund
Odd Fellows Community Scholarship Fund
Odd Fellows Nursing Scholarship Fund
Orleans County Law Enforcement
Scholarship Fund
Orleans County Scholarship Trust
Orleans County Students of Promise Fund
P. W. Minor Scholarship Fund
Page Humphrey Scholarship Fund
Patricia Ault Brady Scholarship Fund
Peg Tiede Memorial Fund
Pembroke Scholarship Fund
Performing Arts Scholarship Fund
Perry Rotary Club Partnership Fund
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Fund
Physical Therapist Assistant Scholarship Fund
Pioneer Faculty Association Scholarship Fund
President's Innovation Award Fund
R. E. A. Milne Memorial Rotary Partnership Fund
Ralph B. Chapin Library Fund
Ramon and Patricia Chaya Scholarship Fund
RG&E Student Assistance Grant Program
Richard Fore Memorial Fund
Richard Gamble Memorial Fund
Rita Slade Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert W. and Brenda L. Emens Fund
Rosalie "Roz" Steiner Scholarship Fund
Rosemary A. Cepelak Scholarship Fund
Rotary Club of Batavia Scholarship Fund
Rowena Washburn Atwater
Nursing Scholarship Fund
SCT Technology Internship Fund
Social Science/Athlete Award Fund
St. Jerome Hospital Nursing Scholarship Fund
St. Nicholas Social Club Scholarship Fund
Stafford Volunteer Fire Department
Scholarship Fund
STAP Arts and Humanities Fund
STAP Athletic Fund
Susan Dougherty Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Technical Theatre Scholarship Fund
Theodore Wiggins Memorial Scholarhship Fund
Theresa Zinni Harrison Nursing
Scholarship Fund
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Scholarship Fund
Trustees Award Fund
Undersheriff Merle D. Fredericks
Scholarship Fund
United Rental Scholarship Fund
Upstate Door, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Veterans Outreach Fund
Veteran's Scholarship Fund
Virginia Carr Mumford Batavia Society of
Artists Scholarship Fund
Volleyball Fund
Warsaw Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund
Waste Management Environmental Studies
Scholarship Fund
Waste Management General Studies
Scholarship Fund
Western New York Native American
Scholarship Fund
William and Marie Mersmann Scholarship Fund
Wolcott J. Humphrey III Symposium Fund for
Leadership and Community Life
Women's Basketball Fund
Women's Soccer Fund
Xi Delta Rho Scholarship Fund
Zonta Emergency Fund
Zonta Scholarship Fund for Returning Women
New Funds
Attica-Genesee Teaching
Project Scholarship.
This fund was established by
a donor deeply committed
to providing higher education
to inmates incarcerated at
Attica Correctional Facility
who are scheduled for release
in the near future. The fund
may provide scholarship and
operational support for Genesee’s
educational program at Attica.
Rotary Club of Batavia
Scholarship. The Rotary Club
of Batavia established this
scholarship to provide support
for area students who
demonstrate strong academic
potential, but who face
financial hardship as they
pursue a college education.
Theodore Wiggins Memorial
Scholarship. Theodore
(“Ted”) Wiggins led a career
as a distinguished Livingston
County attorney and jurist.
The Livonia Rotary Club
established this scholarship
fund in his memory to support
students pursuing careers in
law or criminal justice and
who face financial hardship.
September 1, 2009
– August 31, 2010
AJC (Andrew’s Journey
Continues) Memorial
Scholarship. Last year, family
and friends of Andrew John
Cianfrini established this
scholarship in his loving memory.
The scholarship will provide
financial assistance to deserving
students who are pursuing careers
working with young children.
Ada Hyde Memorial Nursing
Scholarship. Years ago, Ada Hyde
attended nursing school as an
older non-traditional student,
and led an extraordinary career as
one of our region’s outstanding
health care professionals.
Her family established this
scholarship in her memory. The
scholarship will provide support
to women pursuing nursing
degrees as non-traditional
Susan Dougherty Memorial
Scholarship. This scholarship was
established in loving memory of
Susan by friends of Susan and her
husband, Kevin, in the Livonia
Rotary Club. The scholarship will
help deserving students who face
financial hardship as they pursue
their education at Genesee.
“ It is impossible to express how
important my education is to me,
and it is the generosity of people
like yourself that make dreams
like this possible. I cannot express
how truly grateful I am.”
Kimberly Mills,
Biotechnology Student
Foundation, Inc.
John C. Dwyer
Russell P. Romano
First Vice President
Stuart Steiner
Second Vice President
Toni Ann Moore
Brian M. Daviau ’81
Joseph H. Bell ‘79
Todd J. Bender ‘89
Robert J. Bennett ‘74
Susan J. Blanchard
Robert L. Boyce
Lynn E. Browne
Richard C. Call
Roger F. Christiano
Les Cole
Charles Cook
Richard L. Fish, Sr.
Patrick C. Forsyth
Norbert J. Fuest
Monica Hale Dawson ‘72
Roger L. Hungerford
Marcia H. Noonan
Mary C. Raymond
Jerry L. Reinhart ‘71
Marie A. Rice
Charles R. Ruffino
Thomas R. Turnbull
James Whipple
John J. Witkowski
Board Of Directors,
Standing Committees
Board Development Committee
Roger F. Christiano, Chair
Finance and Audit Committee
Brian M. Daviau ‘81, Chair
Fund Development Committee
Robert L. Boyce, Chair
Risk Management Committee
Monica Hale Dawson ’72, Chair
Stewardship Committee
Susan J. Blanchard, Chair
Strategic Planning Committee
John C. Dwyer, Chair
Ventures Committee
Norbert J. Fuest, Chair
2009-2010 Annual Campaign
Robert L. Boyce
General Chair
Roger F. Christiano
Chair, Leadership Division
Les Cole
Chair, Livingston Division
Marirose T. Ethington
Chair, Faculty and Staff Division
Richard L. Fish, Sr.
Co-Chair, Wyoming Division
Patrick C. Forsyth
Chair, Heritage Division
Michael J. Grammatico
Chair, Genesee Division
Wendy L. Kelly
Chair, Orleans Division
Jane A. Scott
Chair, Associates Division
Brianna S. Stone
Co-Chair, Wyoming Division
Lori A. Stupp
Chair, Alumni Division
Genesee Community College
Foundation Housing Services,
Inc. Board Of Directors
Norbert J. Fuest, President
Robert J. Bennett, Vice President
Stuart Steiner, Secretary
Lynn E. Browne, Treasurer
John C. Dwyer
Marcia H. Noonan
Charles R. Ruffino
Hon. Gary T. Maha, Ex Officio
Encore 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Bender
my first theatre
experience and
it was very interse.
The dedication
of Maryanne
Arena, producer,
teacher, director
(and theatre mom)
was incredible.”
Ben Liebrand
Theatre Arts Student