Logbook for - Flexprogram
Logbook for - Flexprogram
Number Quest Logbook for: _____________ 1 Welcome to your logbook! It provides information on how the training works and a schedule where you can record your training from day to day. Why should I train with Number Quest? Sometimes we think that mathematics is something that we are doing only in school, but math is indeed something we use every day. You use mathematics when you shop in the store and need to know how much you can buy and how much you will get back. You use mathematics when you divide things with friends or siblings. You also use mathematics in order to be able to keep track how much every ingredient you should use when you bake or cook. You use mathematics to know how many days or months it is your birthday. In sum, mathematics is very useful! 2 Number Quest Number Quest is software to help you train up your mathematical skills. After you have used Number Quest, you will probably have a little easier for numbers and counting and perhaps think that mathematics is more fun than you previously thought. When you train with Number Quest, there are a few things to remember. Training mathematic skills takes time. It has been shown to be important that you train every day and that you train for the whole period of time that has been planned. It is most common to train five times a week for five weeks. Therefore it is different from most other training you may have done. If you want to get better at football, dancing or playing the guitar it is enough to train two or three times a week, and it doesn’t matter if you miss training from time to time. . 3 It is different when you train with Number Quest. It is important that you do not take any breaks from the training. For it to have an effect you must train every day that has been planned. It is also important that you do your best. If you do not really try to complete each task successfully, the training does not work. This does not mean that you must successfully solve each task. The fact is that for the training to have the most effect it should sometimes be a bit too hard. 4 Worth thinking about! Some people think that mathematics is something that you are either good or bad at, and that it is not something you can influence, that is not the case. As with football, or to draw it is training that makes you better. However, we all differ in how difficulty things are for use to learn so some people may need to train more than others. 5 Rewards Memory Quest Examples of rewards! training is sometimes fun and sometimes difficult. It is very important that you complete all the training sessions. For doing Picnic with the family Decide dinner on Friday night your training you get a reward every five days. If you can’t Bake a cake with your parents think of any suitable rewards there are some ideas on the right. Write or paste in pictures of the rewards you choose at the bottom of the schedule for each week. Go to the cinema Buy a book Rent a movie with your parents Go out for pizza Go to the museum 6 Check list before you begin There is an adult responsible for your training (and someone who is responsible when he or she is absent) You know where to sit when you train (it must be a room where you can be completely undisturbed) Together with your coach you have planned the number of training sessions and when you will train Your coach has talked to you about why it is good to train with Number Quest You have read your log book carefully You have written or pasted rewards in the logbook You have decided to train the whole training period and to always try your best Check list - before you begin with your coach you have planned the number of training sessions and when you will train (usually five times a week for five weeks) You have decided to train for the whole training period and always to try to do your best Now all the preparations are finished! Good luck with the training! 7 Training week 1 Now the training begins! Good luck! Day 5 Colour in a circle at Day 4 the end of each training day. Day 2 Day 1 Day 3 Now you have completed your first week of training and deserve a reward! Reward week 1: _______________________________ 8 Training week 3 Now the third week of training begins. Almost half way! Good luck with the training! Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 12 Now you have finished the third week of training. Reward number 3! Day 11 Reward week 3: _______________________________ 9 Training week 4 Time for the fourth week of training. Day 20 Just two weeks to go! Day 17 Day 18 Day 16 Day 19 Now you have completed the fourth week of training. Enjoy the reward! Reward week 4: 10 _______________________________ Training week 5 Now the last week of training begins. Day 25 You have almost finished the training! Day 24 Day 22 Day 21 Day 23 Now you have finished your last week of training and really deserve a reward! Reward week 5: _______________________________ 11 Congratulations! Your training is now complete! 12