AnnualReport2009 - Indianapolis Zoo


AnnualReport2009 - Indianapolis Zoo
2009 annual report
the efforts of
If you think
you are too
small to be
effective, you
have never
been in
bed with a
mosquito. –Betty Reese
In the spirit of making
the planet green, we
took a new approach
to an old tradition this
year–a reusable annual
report. Please note that
on the reverse side of
the report you will find
some lovely and usable
wrapping paper. Enjoy!
Dear Friends of the Indianapolis Zoological Society:
When we developed our Mission Statement, which proclaims The
Indianapolis Zoo empowers people and communities, both locally and
globally, to advance animal conservation, we knew we were preparing
our organization, our friends, our visitors, and our staff, for an
adventure the likes of which we have never seen before!
It’s certainly ambitious to think that we can make the kind of difference we envision, but
history is on our side. There have been many inspired individuals and organizations who
managed to accomplish great things–hugely important things with monumental impacts.
In the case of conservation, we certainly have learned that individual actions can and do
make a big difference in outcomes. And when we combine the efforts of individuals into
movements, “the power of one” can become the power of millions.
Living up to our Mission Statement requires that we re-invent the concept of what a
zoo is. Visitors to our White River State Park campus will still be able to have wondrous
encounters with amazing animals from all over the planet, but we want that to be just the
beginning of their experience. Our goal is to help people find ways to, in effect, “enter”
the worlds those creatures inhabit, for it is there that the real excitement lies. We want to
provide the opportunity for our guests to choose their own paths. One choice might involve
simply sharing a special moment with an animal in which two beings, for a short time, are
clearly aware of each other’s presence. Another might be learning about that animal’s life in
the wild. A more complex path might involve understanding the actions a successful field
conservationist is taking to ensure that a species and ecosystem remain sustainable.
Sometimes that sustainability requires us to find ways in which we can lessen our collective
impact by stepping more lightly upon the Earth. What we use up today is gone forever,
but what we manage to save today continues to produce, multiplying the opportunities for
tomorrow. Saving the world is a grand concept indeed, but our small actions, individually and
collectively, are starting to add up to something really useful.
Just how useful? An annual report is one way to review whatever progress has been made
in the last twelve months toward our goal, which in the case of the Indianapolis Zoo is to
advance our mission. As for progress, in a year that saw both transition and consolidation, our
established programs bore fruit and new initiatives took root.
We made significant strides in long-term planning for the collection that will have important
impacts on conservation for years to come. We continued reaching beyond Indiana to support
worldwide conservation projects in both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. We provided
pathways, both literal and figurative, so our friends, donors, visitors, members, and guests can
make the connection between Indiana and the wild places of the Earth. We raised the level of
our own commitment to the greening of our city and the slowing of global climate change.
All of this was accomplished during a year that was difficult for so many economically. It is a
testament of the highest order that the Zoo continued to receive the assistance of the people
whose names are included in this report. It is to you that we pay homage for your generosity
and unflagging support. Thank you.
Michael I. Crowther
President & CEO
Indianapolis Zoo
Mike Wells
Board of Trustees
Indianapolis Zoological Society, Inc.
developments in 2009
The Zoo began offering a free child-ID program that will
help reunite children and families who become separated.
Thanks to partner Revol Wireless, participating families receive a special
wristband for their child with the child’s first name only and the parent or
adult’s cell phone number on it. If a separation does occur, this allows Zoo staff
to contact the parents immediately in order to bring families back together
quickly and with minimal stress on the child.
The Indianapolis Zoo staff announced the death of female polar bear,
Tahtsa. At age 35, Tahtsa was the oldest living polar bear known to
scientists either in human care or in the wild. Polar bears may live
into their early to mid-twenties, a bit longer if in human care. Tahtsa
had experienced the complications of aging for a number of years,
but her condition deteriorated on the morning of Wednesday, August
12, when she was no longer able to stand. After examination and
treatment by the Zoo veterinarians in her holding area, it was decided
to humanely euthanize her to prevent further pain and suffering.
The Indianapolis Zoo initiated a new event in September–the Hispanic
Heritage Fiesta celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, which officially
ran from September 15 through October 15 and highlights Hispanic culture
and achievements. The Zoo’s Fiesta activities for guests of all ages included live
music, crafts, piñatas, games, coloring flags from Latin American countries,
meeting groups serving the community’s Hispanic population, and the challenge
of a Zoo scavenger hunt. Hispanic Heritage Fiesta was sponsored in part by
La Voz, Indiana Bilingual Newspaper.
can do
but everyone
can do
something. –Author Unknown
The Zoo welcomed experienced zoo educator Norah Fletchall as Vice President of
Conservation and Marion L. McConnell Fellow. Ms. Fletchall provides leadership
for the Zoo’s conservation education programs, sustainability initiatives, and the Zoo’s
conservation partnerships around the world. These programs are housed within the
Polly Horton Hix Institute for Conservation and Research, which supports the Zoo’s
current and future research and conservation programs.
As the Vice President of Conservation, Ms. Fletchall leads a multi-disciplined team of
educators, scientists, conservationists, and other Zoo staff to develop and implement
an ambitious and far-reaching series of programs that will have a measurable,
significant, and positive impact on wildlife and wild places around the planet and help
transform the City of Indianapolis into a community that embraces environmental
stewardship as a core value. Key among these is the Indianapolis Prize, the world’s
leading award for animal conservation, which will next be awarded in 2010.
Around the World
Zoo Vet Works with
Gorillas in Africa
In summer 2009, Dr. Jan Ramer,
the Indianapolis Zoo’s Associate
Veterinarian, was given a two-year
leave of absence to take a job that
she had always coveted–Regional Field
Veterinary Manager for the Mountain Gorilla
Veterinary Project (MGVP) in Rwanda. The
position manages seven veterinarians (known
as The Gorilla Doctors) in three countries
(Rwanda, Congo and Uganda) and 15 lay people
(guards, orphan gorilla caretakers) and facilitates
the growing human health program in the area.
For nearly 20 years, MGVP veterinarians
have been helping mountain gorillas survive
by providing them with life-saving veterinary
care for human-caused or life-threatening
illnesses and injuries. With teams of experienced
personnel, MGVP veterinarians track ailing
gorillas and observe and treat them when
needed-inside their native habitat.
You can follow the work of Dr. Ramer and her
staff through three different websites. There is
more information about the MGVP at From that site, there is
a link to Dr. Ramer’s field blog, which she will
update as she goes about her work throughout
the next two years: And finally, get the human side of the story with
the wonderfully insightful and very personal
thoughts of Dr. Ramer herself on her blog:
Without the MGVP, mountain gorillas might
not exist today, and the Zoo is happy to “loan”
the not inconsiderable skills of Dr. Ramer to the
cause. Dr. Ramer’s participation in the program
reflects the Zoo’s commitment to saving wildlife
and wild places throughout the world.
Tarangire Elephant
The Indianapolis Zoo has partnered
with Dr. Charles Foley and the
Tarangire Elephant Project in Tanzania
to protect migration corridors from
Tarangire National Park to the
Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
Tarangire National Park is located in the heart
of Maasai land. The park is an important refuge
for animals during dry periods and home to
the fastest-growing herd of elephants on the
African continent, as well as wildebeest, zebra,
antelope and a host of carnivores. The Maasai
are pastoralists and do not usually come into
conflict with the wildlife with which they share
their land, but in recent years, the Maasai have
allowed other tribes to grow crops in their
traditional grazing range around the park. The
result is that traditional migration routes used
by the park’s animals have been disrupted
by human settlement and agriculture. The
Tarangire Elephant Project is working to stop
human encroachment into the last remaining
open migration corridors by providing local
inhabitants with economic incentives and
providing protection to the animals when they
leave the park.
I am only one,
but I am one.
I cannot do
but I can do
something. And I will
not let what
I cannot do
interfere with
what I can do.
–Edward Everett Hale
Tracking Extinction
The Indianapolis Zoo is partnering with The
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
one of the world’s largest conservation networks. The union brings together 82 States, 111 governmental agencies, more than
800 non-governmental organizations, and some 10,000 scientists and experts
from 181 countries in a unique worldwide partnership. The Indianapolis
Zoo, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, is supporting the
IUCN’s project documenting the known impacts of climate change on
species and habitat. Through the gathering and analysis of the data gathered
through this project, the IUCN hopes to guide the development of methods
and tools for reducing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable species. This enormous undertaking will require two years to complete. The data will
enable us to better understand which species are at greatest risk.
We have
further by
the dots.
Connecting the Big Cats
Indianapolis and Namibia are about 7,800 miles apart,
but they are connected through the Indianapolis Zoo by
a very special link–the cheetah. In 2009, construction began on
the Zoo’s newest permanent exhibit, “Cheetah: The Race for Survival,” and
in addition to handling the project as an opportunity for comprehensive
recycling of materials, we involved the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF),
headquartered in Namibia. The CCF’s founder is Dr. Laurie Marker, one of
the world’s more accomplished animal conservation scientists and two-time
finalist for the Indianapolis Prize.
We solicited Dr. Marker’s help in the concept and design of the exhibit so that
it would provide the most appropriate and best environment for cheetahs. We
applied her experience working with cheetahs to the interpretive graphics for
the exhibit. She also inspired one of the daily demonstrations for this exhibit,
an afternoon keeper chat on Kangal dogs. These are the same breed of dogs
used in Namibia to protect domestic farm animals, saving cheetahs from the
farmers themselves.
The Zoo is helping to support Dr. Marker’sefforts by donating all the net
proceeds from the interactive part of the exhibit–Race a Cheetah–to the CCF.
While visitors are enjoying the unique chance to see the world’s fastest animal
on land, they can know they are simultaneously saving the lives of these
endangered animals in their native habitat.
Zoo Nutritionist Explores New Ground
In 1999, the Indianapolis Zoo became involved with a project on the island of
Isla Cabritos in the Hispaniola region of the Greater Antilles. The purpose of
this project was to learn as much as possible concerning the biology, habitat,
and distribution of the endangered Ricord’s Iguana. Annually zoo staff, lead by
Dr. Jan Ramer and more recently Dr. Jason Williams, have visited the island
to lead research teams that are documenting the number of Ricord’s iguanas
on the island, their habitat needs, and behavior. The results of this work are
being utilized by wildlife officials and non-governmental organizations in the
Dominican Republic to implement a recovery plan to preserve and restore the
remaining populations of Ricord’s Iguana.
Cooperative programs to assure long-term sustainability of zoo-based
animal populations is a core component of the American Zoo and Aquarium
Association’s (AZA) mission. As an accredited member of the AZA, the
Indianapolis Zoo participates in the cooperative Species Survival Plan (SSP)
for 18 different species. Periodically a group of colleagues from accredited
zoos throughout North America come together to make recommendations for
each SSP species concerning which specific animals to breed to assure genetic
diversity, discuss ongoing conservation programs that need zoo support, and
identify and move forward needed research concerning species biology, welfare,
and behavior. These SSP ‘masterplans’ lay out a framework around which
long term viable zoo populations of many species have been developed. The
Indianapolis Zoo contributes to the support of these programs not only by
cooperating with masterplan recommendations for each SSP species but also
by supporting Zoo staff who take a leadership role on many of these groups.
the indianapolis prize:
big impact
In 2009, the Indianapolis Prize entered its third cycle, with the
next Prize winner to be selected in 2010. During the interim year,
nominees for the Indianapolis Prize are solicited from among members of the world’s
animal conservation community and plans are made to again place the mission
of saving wild places and wildlife in the forefront of scientific news. The men and
women involved are heroes doing heroic work, and those involved in the Prize hope
that it becomes a means by which the public–especially the young, impressionable
public–becomes inspired to follow in their considerable footsteps.
In October 2009, 29 nominees for the 2010 Indianapolis Prize were announced.
The nominees’ work spans the globe, representing a range of species from insects to
mammals, including amphibians, elephants, bats, wolves, and sharks. Six finalists from
among these outstanding conservationists were announced in spring 2010.
The winner will be feted at the Indianapolis Prize Gala presented by Cummins Inc.
on September 25, 2010, at The Westin Hotel and will be selected by the Prize Jury
from among: Gerardo Ceballos, groundbreaking leader in designing conservation
strategies; Iain Douglas-Hamilton, the world’s foremost elephant researcher
and founder of Save the Elephants; Rodney Jackson, intrepid snow leopard field
researcher and founder of the Snow Leopard Conservancy; Laurie Marker, expert
on cheetahs and founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund; Carl Safina, the person
who brought ocean conservation into the environmental mainstream and founder
of Blue Island Institute; and Amanda Vincent, the first person to study seahorses
underwater and founder of Project Seahorse.
The Indianapolis Prize is an example of an initiative that is constructed to deliver
a big impact by strategically combining public awareness, community involvement
and educational outreach programming. The objective is to raise the visibility and
recognition of animal conservationists to garner increased support for the cause. In
addition, the Prize participants hope to inspire more and more individuals to commit
to lives dedicated to preserving the threatened and endangered animals of the world.
Gerardo Ceballos
Iain Douglas-Hamilton
Rodney Jackson
Laurie Marker
Carl Safina
Amanda Vincent
Komodo Dragons
Hit of the Season
Summer 2009 is when dragons bit their way into the Indianapolis
Zoo! “Dragons of Komodo presented by Citizens Energy Group”
kept visitors intrigued from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend.
Featured were two fiercely beautiful and extremely impressive reptiles–Komodo
dragons, Hudo and Dipsner. These dragons, native to Indonesia and on loan from
the Denver Zoo, starred at the Indianapolis Zoo during this very special, limitedtime exhibit. It brought a unique brand of magic to Zoo visitors, who may have
never seen a real dragon otherwise. Nearly 600,000 visitors were able to come
face-to-fangs with these fearsome predators.
Because of their cold-blooded biology, the Zoo kept the dragons’ environment
between 75 and 95 degrees. At up to 10-feet long, Komodo dragons are the largest
lizards in the world. On their island habitat of Komodo, they are the top predator
and are known to hunt prey many times their own weight with a unique hunting
technique. They ambush from a hidden spot, bite their prey, and follow it until it
succumbs to toxic bacteria from the bite. It may take days to bring down a buffalo.
Komodo dragons are endangered. With only 3,000 to 5,000 of them in existence,
many zoos in the United States and throughout the world are helping to protect
this fantastic lizard species by creating captive breeding programs, raising funds,
and providing support. As a result of their size, these lizards are apex predators,
dominating the ecosystems in which they live. Although Komodo dragons eat
mostly carrion, they will also hunt and ambush other prey, including invertebrates,
birds, and mammals.
the efforts
efforts of
The Greening of the Zoo
Conservation must begin at home, and the Zoo has made
significant strides in greening ourselves throughout the last
several years. Some initiatives carried over from prior years,
but several very important programs came to fruition in 2009.
New Programs
• As of 2009, the Indianapolis Zoo is a member of the Greater Indianapolis
Chamber of Commerce’s Green Business initiative. The Zoo scores
very high among local businesses in its programming and commitment to
environmentally safe and sustainable practices and operations. Many different
items are considered to achieve this designation, including reduction of paper
usage, recycling, using eco-friendly products, reducing lighting, unplugging
unused appliances, rain recovery systems, water recovery systems in our water
facilities, and many more.
• Several of our partners have worked with us to create public events to involve as
many people as possible in recycling. Recycle Force worked with the Zoo on its first
Power Recycling Weekend in May 2009. People brought in their recyclable
electronics, and nearly 35,000 pounds of materials, including computers and
televisions, were collected. More public recycling events are planned for the future.
• AT&T Real Yellow Pages worked with the Zoo to create promotions for Zoo
visitors to recycle their phone books on grounds and receive discount coupons
for Zoo admission. This promotion carried over several events, including the always
popular Halloween ZooBoo, sponsored in 2009 by AT&T Real Yellow Pages.
• The animals and their exhibits are also part of recycling efforts at the Zoo. For
example, landscape and tree trimmings are used as enrichment for some of our
animals. In addition, in 2009 the creation of the “Cheetah: The Race for Survival”
exhibit resulted in the Zoo’s first comprehensive construction recycling
program that produced the following quantities of recycled materials:
• 65 tons of solids (concrete, concrete masonry, and brick)
• 21 tons of trees and shrubs
• 9 tons of construction walls
• 13 tons of asphalt
• 5 tons of metals
• Wire mesh reused at new bat-eared fox exhibit
• Decking made of recycled plastic.
• Unused/Unplugged – As part of the continuing My Carbon Pledge initiative,
the action requested of citizens in 2009 was to unplug unused appliances in order
to decrease “phantom power–the power that continues to be burned even when
appliances are turned off. In 2009, 685 people pledged to unplug 3,718 appliances,
which equates to 111,712 lbs. of CO2!
The true
meaning of
life is to plant
trees, under
whose shade
you do not
expect to sit. –Nelson Henderson
Ongoing Programming
• Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is a thematic element in the daily
dolphin shows encouraging guests to do their part to recycle.
• Guests are encouraged to join the Zoo and Indiana Farm Bureau
Insurance in improving our environment by recycling their Zoo
maps whenever possible.
• The educational programming team delivers a variety of programs
to the thousands of school children participating in field trips,
overnight adventures, Zoo camps, distance learning, and
ZooMobile programs.
• In addition, “The Green Zoo” is heavily promoted on the Zoo’s
website, as well as in other communication tools such as the
quarterly member newsletter.
IPL Green Power – As of 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo is a 100%
green user of electricity through Indianapolis Power & Light
Company’s Green Power Option. This program helps support the
development of renewable energy sources, which eventually
decreases our reliance on fossil-fueled power.
There are no
problems we
cannot solve
together, and
very few that
we can solve
by ourselves.
Zoo Recycling – The Zoo recycles paper, corrugated cardboard,
aluminum, newspaper, and mulch thanks to our official recycling
partner, Ray’s Trash Service.
Herbivore Manure Recycling Program – Partnering with
Ray’s Trash Service, our manure is taken to a special facility in
Indianapolis. There the manure is composted and turned into
fertilizer–completing the natural cycle.
My Carbon Pledge (MCP) – This web-based, viral social
marketing campaign asks a household to pledge to take one simple
action to help reduce CO2 emission (the most problematic of
greenhouse gases). In 2008, the first call-to-action was to replace
incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact florescent
light bulbs. In 2009, the call-to-action was to unplug unused
electrical appliances. In 2010, the call-to-action will be to turn up
the thermostat two degrees in the summer and turn it down two
degrees in the winter. This campaign is the embodiment of how
individual small actions can be combined to maximize impact.
zoo research
The Indianapolis Zoo continues to
support research studies conducted
by our own staff on keystone species
within our collection, as well as
organizations worldwide that support
endangered animals large and small. There are 61 current research studies in which our
staff is involved, with a number of them on-going
for a period of years.
In addition, many of the Zoo’s research projects
are written about in professional journals. Among
the more recently published articles are:
Six new projects were initiated in 2009. Among
the topics:
1. Captive Reproduction of the Jamaican
Iguana (Cyclura collei)
Zoo Biology. 2009. 28: 343- 349.
• Tracking the testosterone functions in female
African elephants.
• Discovering if declining hormones in female
African elephants are directly correlated to
ovarian inactivity.
• Using genetic data to determine the genetic
health of crowned lemurs.
• Understanding the effects of testosterone in
female ring-tailed lemurs.
• Checking the effects of UVB lighting on
maintaining vitamin D levels in bearded
dragon lizards.
2. Initial Findings on Visual Acuity Thresholds
in an African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)
Zoo Biology. 2009. 28:1–6, 2009
3. Assessment of Diurnal Urinary Cortisol
Excretion in Asian and African Elephants
Using Different Endocrine Methods
Zoo Biology. 2009. 28:1–10, 2009.
4. A comparison of salivary pH in sympatric
wild lemurs (Lemur catta and Propithecus
verreauxi) at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve,
American Journal of Primatology. 2008.
5. Survey and Comparison of Major Intestinal
Flora in Captive and in Wild Ring-tailed
Lemur (Lemur catta) Populations
American Journal of Primatology. 2008 70(2).
Pgs: 175-184 Complete details on Zoo research work
is available on the Zoo’s website at
“Act as if what
you do makes
a difference. thank you
It does.”
–William James
2009 annual report
Financial Statement 2009
support and revenue
49% Earned Revenue
20% Contributions
18% Membership
10% Net Assets Released from Restrictions
3% Investment Income and Other
81% Operations
8% Fund-Raising
8% Management and General
3% Membership Development
Zoo Attendance 2009: 1,053,000
A copy of the 2009 audited financial statement is available
upon request.
Support and Revenue
Earned Revenue
$ 4,200,352
$ 3,826,198
Investment Income
Other $
Net assets released from restrictions
$ 2,170,429
Total Support and Revenue
Management and General
$ 1,561,868
Membership Development
$ 1,495,689
total Expenses
Change in net assets before depreciation
and amortization
$ 2,757,696
Depreciation and amortization
$ 4,933,122
Change in net assets before other changes
Other Changes
Gain/(loss) on disposal of fixed assets
Net realized and unrealized gains/(losses) on investments
Net assets released for capital projects
Change in unrestricted net assets
animal and Botanical collection
animal collection
Aquatic and terrestrial
(Animals in on loan are included. Animals out on loan are not included.)
Addra gazelle
African elephant
African wild dog
Desert tortoise
Amur tiger
Eastern indigo snake
Aquatic (Coahuilan) box turtle
Polar bear
Blue-eyed black lemur
Crowned lemur
Grand Cayman blue iguana
Barn owl
Timber rattlesnake
Jamaican iguana
Radiated tortoise
Western cottonmouth
Red-ruffed lemur
Ring-tailed lemur
White-handed gibbon
African elephant
Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake
Guinea baboon
Ring-tailed lemur
African wild dog
Amur tiger
Botanical collection
Asian small-clawed otter
Blue-eyed black lemur
Crowned lemur
Grand Cayman blue iguana
Guinea baboon
Jamaican iguana
Polar bear
Radiated tortoise
Red panda
Red ruffed lemur
Ring-tailed lemur
Southern white rhinoceros
White-handed gibbon
Thank you for your generosity
throughout the past year,
especially in difficult times.
Together, we are building
something that will sustain
our mission long after we are
gone. We are honored that
your name appears here.
Board of Trustees
Michael W. Wells (Chair)
Alan Cohen (1st V. Chair)
Ann D. Murtlow (2nd V. Chair)
Richard J. Thrapp (Secretary)
James L. Powers (Treasurer)
Richard A. Ackley
Michael J. Alley
Daniel C. Appel
Cynde Barnes
Kathryn G. Betley
Michael E. Bosway
Quinn Buckner
Dennis Casey
Beth E. Cate
Matthew A. Cohoat
Kyle B. Fisher
Pawel Fludzinski
Frank Hancock
Anita J. Harden
Kim Harlow
Jeffrey A. Harrison
Thomas Q. Henry
Reuben B. Hill
Ann H. Hunt
Fran Jacoby
John L. Larson*
Karen Ann L. Lloyd
W. Kent Manuel
Polly G. Nicely
Myrta Pulliam
Steven A. Ramos
William T. Rosenbaum
Deborah Simon
Roger S. Snowdon
Douglas L. Tillman
Steven F. Walker
Ken Weaver
C. Daniel Yates
Founder Members
Robert R. Baxter
Eleanor F. Bookwalter
Gilbert S. Daniels
Don B. Earnhart
Suzanne M. Fehsenfeld
Laura George
Betty D. Givens
Donald F. Gongaware
Michael K. Gorey
Tomisue Hilbert
Robert B. Hirschman
Polly Horton Hix
Scott A. Jones
Julia L. Lacy
Illene K. Maurer
J. George Mikelsons
John M. Mutz
John T. Neighbours
Jullian DV Pace, II
Steven M. Paul
Mel Perelman
Steven J. Schenck
J. Albert Smith, Jr.
Honorary Trustees
Joseph D. Barnette, Jr.
Christel DeHaan
Eugene B. Glick
Suellen Reed
Jerry D. Semler
Advisory Council
Holiday W. Banta
George P. Gabor
Mark C. Gargula
Sanford Garner
F. John Mills
Mary Beth Oakes
Jim Oliver
LouAnn Palmer
Gregory Q. Schorr
John Sharpe
Steve Sugino
Bradley M. Sutton
Don Welsh
Christine Woodward-Duncan
Life Trustees
Regina F. Adams
William A. Carter*
R. Caesar Johnson
Jack R. Lee*
Michael Maurer
Dean H. Phillips
Pauline K. Selby
Maribel Stark
Marjorie C. Tarplee
*denotes deceased
Individual Donors
The following represents cumulative
cash gifts of $2,500 or more for
operations, special projects,
sponsorships, events, and capital
campaign between 1/1/2009 and
$25,000 & above
Fred & Beth Cate
Mrs. Margot L. Eccles
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fehsenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Hirst
Ms. Polly Hix & Mr. Tony Fair
Dr. Ann H. Hunt
Ms. Kay F. Koch
The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic
Myrta Pulliam
Bill & Shirley Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
Ms. Holiday W. Banta &
Mr. TJ Cole
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera &
Sergio Aguilera
Dr. & Mrs. Pawel Fludzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fortune III
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Fox
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hirschman
Mr. & Mrs. V. William Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Marmon
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Merkel
Herb & Bui Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Solso
Bob & Cheryl Sparks
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Van Hove
Anonymous (3)
Mr. Les Acree &
Dr. Ana H. Vazquez-Acree
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Boxman
Ms. Jane Brigham &
Ms. Juanita Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Mr. Steve Cagle
Mr. & Mrs. Rene R. Champagne
Cohen Family Foundation
Mr. Charles S. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Crowther
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. David M. DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart
Mr. William L. Fortune Jr. &
Mr. Joseph D. Blakley
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan M. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hull
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Lilly II
Mr. & Mrs. Kimball Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Eno Nicoson
The JoAn Hall Family
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mrs. Edward J.F. Roesch
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Roth
Mr. Neal Rothermel &
Ms. Mandy Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Russell
Dr. & Mrs. Rick C. Sasso
Ms. Pauline K. Selby
Dr. Marguerite K. Shepard
Ms. Deborah J. Simon
Cindy Simon Skjodt &
Paul Skjodt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Sutphin
Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Tanner
Mrs. Marjorie C. Tarplee
Dr. Janet K. Turkle &
Mr. Mike Coppinger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wells
Mrs. Orella H. Whicker
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Woodley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Michael Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Amlung
John & Cynde Barnes
Mrs. Barbara J. Burris
Ms. Darlene S. Christy
Dr. & Mrs. Robin D. G. Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. James A.
DeLoughery, Sr.
Mr. Jeffrey R. Donlon
Ms. Molly D. Donlon
Dr. & Mrs. William G. Enright
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Gargula
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Givens
Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert P. Gorman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney B. Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. H. David Green
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hancock
Ms. Anita J. Harden
Mr. & Mrs. James Harenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hartman
Mr. Keith E. Henry, III &
Ms. Christine Paunicka
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson B. Houck
Ms. Alice M. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ice
Ms. Fran Jacoby
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kelly
Mr. Michael A. Klein &
Ms. Catherine A. Melfi
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P.
Mrs. Lois A. Lee
Mr. Roy C. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Lewis
8 Ms. Karen Ann L. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Manuel
Mr. Michael J. Markowski
Mrs. Sara E. McCord
Ms. June M. McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Medley
Mr. & Mrs. James Murtlow
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mutz
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Neighbours
Dr. Jill A. Panetta &
Mr. Leo Bianchi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. N. Clay Robbins
Dan, Jeanette, & Sarah Robertson
Mr. William T. Rosenbaum &
Ms. Mimi Brittingham
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruby
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Russell
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Sanger
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Santelli
Dr. Albert Eric Schultze &
Dr. Marcia Kolvitz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. John Sharpe
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Shields
Mrs. Suzanne M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Turner
Mr. Justin J. Tysdal
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Upchurch
Dr. Richard Weber
Ms. Emily A. West
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Weybrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wolfe
Ms. Christine Woodward-Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Lowell Nussbaum
The Lowell Nussbaum Society
recognizes individuals who provide
operating support for the Indianapolis
Zoo. Named for our founder, The
Lowell Nussbaum Society represents
individuals who gave $1,000 or more
between 1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
Steward’s Circle
$25,000 & above
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Hirst
Ms. Polly Hix & Mr. Tony Fair
Ms. Kay F. Koch
Myrta J. Pulliam
Bill & Shirley Rice
Conservationist’s Circle
Fred & Beth Cate
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fortune III
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Fox
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hirschman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Marmon
Herb & Bui Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Smith
Bob & Cheryl Sparks
Guardian’s Circle
Anonymous (3)
John & Cynde Barnes
Ms. Jane Brigham &
Ms. Juanita Smith
Mr. Steve Cagle
Mr. & Mrs. Rene R. Champagne
Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. David M. DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Edmundson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fehsenfeld
Dr. & Mrs. Pawel Fludzinski
Mr. William L. Fortune Jr. &
Mr. Joseph D. Blakley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gongaware
Dr. Ann H. Hunt
Mrs. Joanne Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Lilly II
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mrs. Edward J.F. Roesch
Mr. Neal Rothermel &
Ms. Mandy Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Russell
Dr. & Mrs. Rick C. Sasso
Ms. Pauline K. Selby
Dr. Marguerite K. Shepard
Ms. Deborah J. Simon
Cindy Simon Skjodt &
Paul Skjodt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Sutphin
Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Tanner
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Van Hove
Naturalist’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Amlung
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon N. Arbuthnot
Mrs. Barbara J. Burris
Dr. & Mrs. Robin D. G. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Crowther
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. James A.
DeLoughery, Sr.
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera &
Sergio Aguilera
Dr. & Mrs. William G. Enright
Drs. Gregory A. & Carol L. Gaich
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Gargula
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Givens
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gongaware
Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert P. Gorman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney B. Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. H. David Green
Mr. & Mrs. James Harenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson B. Houck
Ms. Alice M. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. V. William Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ice
Mr. Michael A. Klein &
Ms. Catherine A. Melfi
Mr. & Mrs. Andre B. Lacy
Mrs. Lois A. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Liebig
Ms. Rosemary Liebig
Ms. Karen Ann L. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Luenz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lurvey
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Manuel
Mr. Michael J. Markowski
Chuck & Debbie Marlett
Mrs. Sara E. McCord
Mr. & Mrs. Kimball Morris
Mr. & Mrs. James Murtlow
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mutz
Dr. Jill A. Panetta &
Mr. Leo Bianchi
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Prine
Mr. & Mrs. N. Clay Robbins
Dan, Jeanette & Sarah Robertson
Mr. William T. Rosenbaum &
Ms. Mimi Brittingham
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Russell
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Sr.
Dr. Albert Eric Schultze &
Dr. Marcia Kolvitz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. John Sharpe
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Shields
Mrs. Suzanne M. Smith
Mr. Frank H. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Solso
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Sparks
Mr. Justin J. Tysdal
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Upchurch
Ms. Emily A. West
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wolfe
Ms. Christine Woodward-Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Mr. Ryan Zumbahlen &
Ms. Christy Shaffer
Chairman’s Circle
Anonymous (3)
The Ackerman Foundation
Mrs. C. Willis Adams
Ms. Nancy S. Ahlrichs
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Ambrous
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Appel
Tim Ardillo & Jason Miiller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Auman
Mr. & Mrs. Terry W. Balko
Ms. Holiday W. Banta &
Mr. TJ Cole
J. Bradon & Melissa Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Barnette, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bedel
Mr. Thomas W. Beeler
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Beering
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Behymer
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bennett
Ms. Kerrie L. Best &
Mr. Brad Guthrie
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Betley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Borinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boso
Mr. & Mrs. David Bossung
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bosway
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Boxman
Mr. & Mrs. David Bratton
Dr. & Mrs. R. Daniel Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Brown, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Bryant
Mrs. Betty Bunch
Ms. Karen Burns &
Mr. Richard Gevers
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Buttrey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary V. Chris
Ms. Darlene S. Christy
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Cohoat
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Conour
Greg & Kathy Cookerly
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Cornelius
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Crane
Mr. & Mrs. Bert L. Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Davis, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Davis
Mrs. Edwin O. Davisson
Ms. Ann Dettwiler
Mr. & Mrs. Rollin M. Dick
Drs. Robert & Kelly L. Diegel
Mr. Jeffrey R. Donlon
Ms. Molly D. Donlon
Ms. Catherine A. Drook &
Mr. Melvin J. Crichton
Mrs. Nancy H. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Dykstra
Mr. Jeremy D. Efroymson
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Emmick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Engledow
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fangman
Ms. Carol Feeney
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fife
Dr. Michele A. Finley
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle B. Fisher
Ms. Margaret F. Flack
Drs. Jerome Fleisch &
Marlene Cohen
Mr. Ernst E. Forster
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Frick
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fruehwald
Dr. & Mrs. Ed Gabovitch
Ms. Judith L. Gagen
Dr. William L. Gentry
Mr. & Mrs. Anton George
Mr. Eric Gillispie &
Mrs. Patricia Treadwell
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Griffith
Mrs. C. Perry Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III
Dr. & Mrs. Ted W. Grisell
Mr. Kenneth R. Gros-Louis
Mr. Mike Gunason &
Mrs. Susan Wisely
Mrs. Randi Halbrook
Dan & Rhonda Hall for Sam,
Toby & Autumn McClintic,
Lauren & Nicholas Szymczak,
Aubree & Owen Hall, and
Victoria Adams
Ms. Dena Rae Hancock &
Mr. P. Robert Caito
Mr. & Mrs. Doug H. Harlan
Ms. Kimberly K. Harlow
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Harrison
Ms. Elizabeth Hausser
Mr. Henry A. Havel &
Mrs. Mary P. Stickelmeyer
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Heidelman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Henck
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hilbert
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hoover
Miss Marilyn R. Hotz
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hubbard
Miss Elsa M. Hubert
Mr. Gregory A. Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hull
Mr. & Mrs. Needham S. Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Huse
Ms. Fran Jacoby
Drs. Jon & Noel Jansen
Mr. David L. Johnson &
Mrs. Anne Nobles
Ms. Vickie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kann
Mr. Kevin Michael Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kelly
Ken & Amy Kerrick
Mrs. Rhonda A. Kittle
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Klug
Mrs. Paula D. Knoebel
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Kobets
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kollias
Mrs. Mary Louise Krise
Mr. Robert E. Krivi &
Dr. Gwen G. Krivi
Mr. Kevin Krulewitch &
Ms. Rosanne Ammirati
Ms. Catherine LaCrosse
Mr. & Mrs. James E. LaCrosse
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Langdon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Laskowski
Ms. Mary Ann Lawrence
Mr. David N. Legge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Lelenko
Mr. Roy C. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Lewis
Mr. John M. Lockwood &
Ms. Joyce F. Bell
Carol & Robert S. Lukemeyer, II
Mr. & Mrs. Eldred MacDonell
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Madura
Reverend Joan B. Malick
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Manning
Mrs. Amy R. Marocco &
Mr. Bill Marocco
Ms. Kim Mathews &
Mr. Douglas E. Yost
Mrs. Illene K. Maurer
Drs. William G. & Rose M. Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McCaslin
Mr. Michael McGuire
10 Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McHugh
Mrs. Felix T. McWhirter II
Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Meditch
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. F. John Mills
Mr. Steven J. Milner
Ms. Jean R. Minneman &
Mr. Bill Moran
Mrs. Beverly A. Minter
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Mitchel
Mrs. Frances L. Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Morstadt
Dr. Daniel H. Mowrey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Muller
Mr. John W. Mybeck &
Dr. Kathy M. Mybeck
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Neighbours
Blake Lee and Carolyn Neubauer
Dr. Polly G. Nicely &
Mr. Wayne L. Nicely
Ms. Norena N. Niles &
Mr. Daniel E. Hopper
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Noren
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn B. Nulty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Oakes
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Olive, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. O’Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Orlowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Julian DV Pace II
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Paine, Jr.
Ms. Judith G. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmer
Mrs. Eunice B. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl R. Paxton
Mr. & Mrs. Barton Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Dean H. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ramos
Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp
Miss Ellen M. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Reisinger
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Reuben
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Elton T. Ridley
Drs. Thomas W. & Bonnie G. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rodeman
Mrs. John R. Roesch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rosteck, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Rotelli
Mr. & Mrs. Nick J. Rutigliano
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Mr. Scott G. Sauls
Jack & Carolyn Schaefer Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Scheele
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Schenck
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Schenkel
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Semler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Semones
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Shaner
Mrs. Tiffany Walker Shea &
Mr. Robert Shea
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Joe K. Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. J. Albert Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Snowdon
Dr. Dale Sommers
Miss Virginia Sparling
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Stadler
Mrs. Carole Stark
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Stark
Mr. & Mrs. William A.
Mr. Barry D. Stein & Ms. Ellen M.
Dr. & Mrs. Len Steinberg
Mr. Charles E. Stinemetz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Stitle, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve K. Sugino
Judge & Mrs. Frank Sullivan
Mr. Dee W. Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Thomasson
Mr. Robert Q. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Thrapp
Mr. Douglas Tillman
Mr. & Mrs. G. William Tolbert
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Trinkle
Dr. Janet K. Turkle &
Mr. Mike Coppinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Turner
Mrs. Edna W. Van Riper
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Veenhuizen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viale
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Warne
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Ms. Sue Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. West
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Wheeler
Mrs. Orella H. Whicker
Dr. Thomas Whittaker &
Dr. Ann Zerr
Mr. & Mrs. Bert M. Wilhoite
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Willing
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willis
Ms. Mary Dorothy Wisely
Mr. William J. Witchger
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Wooldridge
Sally & Mark Zelonis
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Darell E. Zink, Jr.
*denotes deceased
Gift Club Program
The Gift Club Program recognizes
individuals who provide operating
support for the Indianapolis Zoo. The
following represents individuals who
gave $250-$999 between 1/1/2009
and 12/31/2009.
Director’s Circle
Sandy Bowen-Lehnen &
Robert Lehnen
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bradner
Mrs. Margot L. Eccles
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Gawlik
Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Gesellchen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Grahn
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Houston
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Lane
Dr. & Mrs. Trevor Lloyd-Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McWilliams
Mrs. Jo Ellen Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Niemann
Dr. Jeffry S. Proudfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Savona
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schmidt
Mrs. Richard L. Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Teague
Mr. John R. Wimmer &
Ms. Jan Blaising
Curator’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Abbert
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Achgill
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ahlemeyer
Mr. Vernon J. Alexander
Mr. Steven G. Arany
Mr. & Mrs. Jason P. Beard
Mr. Kevin Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blanchet
Ted & Peggy Boehm
Mr. Edward Bramblett &
Mr. Thomas Wagner
Ms. Kris K. Brittain &
Ms. Midori Fujii
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Burris
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Carnaghi
Mrs. Dorothy W. Cate
Dr. Ellen K. Cook &
Mr. Ray Frazier
Mr. Charles S. Cooper
Mr. Edwin L. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Rod DeRoy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. DeVoe
Mr. & Mrs. Berkley Duck
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Duke
Ms. Cathy S. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Eisenhauer
Mr. Paul Emmerson &
Ms. Jean Buckwalter
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Fehr
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fehribach
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ferrara
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fiscus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gapinski
Mr. Charlie Garcia &
Ms. Aleta Mungal
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford E. Garner
Ms. Gina M. Giacone &
Mr. Steve Hackman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gildea
Ms. Carolyn Gimbel
Mr. Joseph W. Gordon &
Mr. Mark Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hagan
Ms. Anita J. Harden
Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hardman
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Harlamert
Mrs. Nancy J. Harrison
Mr. Keith E. Henry, III &
Ms. Christine Paunicka
Mr. David Hilbert &
Mrs. Rebecca Morison
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hilligoss
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Holliday
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Huffman
Dr. Robert N. Hull*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Junod
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kaelin
Ms. Cheryl Keene
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kennedy
Mr. Thomas J. Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Kroot
Mr. & Mrs. John Andre Lacy
Mr. Gary Larreategui &
Ms. Patricia Scahill
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lawson
Dr. & Mrs. Eric S. Leaming
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Lederman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Levin
Mr. Thomas Marks &
Dr. Robin R. Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mascari
Mr. Thomas A. Masner
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon DeWayne
Mr. & Mrs. David H. May
Mrs. Mary E. McCullar
Mr. David B. Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Miller
Mrs. Helga Modlin
Mr. Darrel Moore &
Ms. Mona Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Mulholland
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Naus
Ms. Jill L. Perelman
Mr. Fredrick Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Peterson
Mr. Thomas E. Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Plews
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Prince
Mrs. Deborah A. Rawlings
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Remick
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rosensteele
Mr. Michael B. Samm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sample
Mr. Gregory Schmidt &
Mr. Eric Smith
Ms. Nanette Schulte &
Mr. Matt Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Schulte
Ms. Tracy Skiles
Dr. Lynda A. Smirz &
Mr. Russell B. Walker
Ms. Whitney Solso
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Stanford
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Stanley
Ms. Karen Stierer &
Ms. Doris Ritchie
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strauss
Mr. Stephen J. Strecker &
Ms. Lisa M. Richter
Dr. Bradley Sutton &
Dr. Julie Torbit
Mr. George W. Tapscott
Mr. & Mrs. Bill R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Craig W. Thompson
Dr. Shirley J. Trent &
Dr. Jean L. Heffron
Ms. Lynne M. Villers
Ms. Doris V. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Whitt
Mr. Dennis G. Woerner &
Ms. Joann Appleby
Keeper’s Circle $250-$499
Mr. & Mrs. David Abbott
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Able
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Adams
Mr. Larry Adams &
Ms. Barbara Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ahlgrim
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Akard
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Aksamit
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Albright, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daron H. Aldrich
Ms. Jamie Alexander &
Ms. Carol Slazyk
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Sy A. Ali
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Allen
Ms. Mary Amos &
Ms. Pamela Boone
Mr. Bill R Anderson
Mr. Keith Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Anliker
Dr. & Mrs. Berj Antreasian
Larry & Millie Apple
Ms. Jennifer S. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Meredith R. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Armstrong
Ms. Melinda P. Arthur &
Mrs. Melody J. Arthur
Ms. Christina Ash &
Ms. Amanda Bear
Mr. & Mrs. John Auditore
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Baker
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Baker
Ms. Ellen Ball & Mr. Tom Twarek
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Bane, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Baney
Ms. Trudy Banta
Mr. & Mrs. Kipp Barber
Mrs. Patricia R. Barber
Ms. Joan R. Barclay
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Bardy
Mr. & Mrs. Toby R. Barker
Dr. Anna S. Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Max Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Barta
Mr. James & Dr. Marilyn Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Bartley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Basso
Mr. & Mrs. Miles E. Batchelor
Mr. George Bates
Ms. Mary E. Batman &
Ms. Rebecca Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Battles
Ms. Beth Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Rayman E. Bazilio
Ms. Valerie Beabout &
Ms. Carly Beabout
Mr. & Mrs. David Beaman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Beard
Mr. Douglas Beck
Mrs. Mara Beck
Mr. Bill Beechler &
Ms. Holly L. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beiers
Mr. & Mrs. David Belser
Ms. Lori S. Bendy
Mr. & Mrs. John Bengs
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce H. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur G. Benson
Mr. Spiro Bereveskos &
Ms. Lisa Hiday
Mr. & Mrs. Peyton Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bernhard
Mr. & Mrs. Randy T. Betz
Drs. Robert E. & Maryellen Bieder
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bischof
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bischoff
Mr. Roger Black &
Dr. Patricia A. Wiggers
Dr. & Mrs. Kerry L. Blanchard
Mrs. M. Diane Blankenship &
Ms. Jennifer Aldering
Mr. James R. Blaufuss &
Dr. E. Diana Burtea
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Blazek
Mr. Chris Blesic &
Ms. Brenda Burkholder
Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Bligan, Sr.
Dr. John C. Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Blum
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Boesgaard
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Boatman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Boellner
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boncosky
Ms. Mary T. Bookwalter
Mr. Monty Boomgaarden &
Ms. Gina Ballou
Mr. Stephen Borden &
Mrs. Sally Codarmaz
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Born
Ms. Mauvene G. Borton &
Mr. Eric Heckler
Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Bostic
Mr. & Mrs. John Botkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bow
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. S. Andrew Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Brammer
Ms. Desiree Brandon &
Ms. Marisol Gouveia
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin W. Branson
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brantly
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bratina
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Braverman
Ms. Kelly Brawner &
Ms. Samantha Brawner
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred C. Brehob
Ms. Barbara J. Briggs
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bright
Mrs. Irene Brodey
Ms. Roberta L. Brooker &
Mr. John C. Presnell
Mr. Douglas D. Brooks &
Dr. Mary Lee Gambone
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Broome
Mr. & Mrs. Mike L. Broughton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Brown
Mr. Chris M. Browning &
Mrs. Christina L. Arriaga
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Brundage
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Brunner
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone M. Buckingham
Mrs. Colleen Buckley-Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Brandt Burdick
Mr. J. James Burg*
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burlingame
Mr. David Burns & Ms. Deborah
Mrs. Ruth A. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Kent H. Burrow
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burt Jr.
Ms. Katherine Burton
Mrs. Rowena R. Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Giuliano Cacucci
Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Caltrider
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Canada
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cantrell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Caplin
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Capron, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Carey
Ms. Julie M. Carmichael &
Mr. Perry S. Grove
Mrs. Marcella Carter
Mr. Quincy Carter &
Ms. Robin Y. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carter
Mr. Gerard Carthy &
Ms. J. Carmel Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne N. Caruso
Mr. & Mrs. James Cash
Mr. Ronald Cassell &
Ms. Janice Cassell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Caswelch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catterson
Mr. & Mrs. William Chamberlain
Mr. & Mrs. William Chaney
Ms. Kimberly J. Charles &
Mrs. Donna J. Charles
Mr. Walter Charles &
Ms. Susan G. Stevens
Dr. & Mrs. John D. Chase
Mr. Victor E. Childers &
Ms. Katharine Martin
Mr. & Mrs. David G.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Chupp, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clark
Drs. Steven A. & Diana L. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Clayton
Mrs. Sandra Clem
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Coan
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Coleman III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Collins
Mr. Donald Collins &
Mrs. Leonor Weidman
Mr. & Mrs. Stacey J. Collins
Carmel Rehab
Mr. Kevin L. Combs
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Conine
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Conover
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Contos
Tim & Renee Cookerly
Mr. & Mrs. Nolan Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Corbitt
Ms. Alicia Cornett &
Mr. Roger Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Corsaro
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cottingham
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Cottrell
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cougill
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Cramer
Mrs. Joan L. Crane
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Crauder
Ms. Linda J. Crawford &
Ms. Martha Kollstedt
Mr. Micheal Crest
Ms. Rebecca J. Crum
Mr. & Ms. Rick Cuculick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cueller
Dr. & Mrs. John T. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Cuniffe
Ms. Kirsten A. Cuniffe
Mr. & Mrs. Jon C. Dahlstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Daily
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dalstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Danz
Ms. Emily N. Dausmann-Carsello
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Davison
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Deitz
Mr. & Mrs. Doug S. DeJarnatt
Mrs. Mary Jane Delinger
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip W. Devaney
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dewey
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dick
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dick
Mr. Karl Dickerson &
Ms. Julia Fonte
Ms. Stacy Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Dickman
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dickson
Mr. Bob Dietrich
Mr. James L. Dillard
Mrs. Ryan Dillman &
Ms. Holly Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Dills
Mr. Tim Divens &
Ms. Suzanne Hand
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dixson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim E. Doctor
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Doll
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Dolson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Domogalik
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Doody
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doss
Mr. & Mrs. Gayl W. Doster
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Drippe
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Duffer
Mr. Mark Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. H. Dwane Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Durkalski
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Dutro
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Earnhart
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Eaton
Ms. Janet M. Eberle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Edwards
Mrs. & Mr. Erin Effner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Effron
Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Ehresman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Einterz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Elberger
Mr. Bruce L. Elkins &
Ms. Lynda M. Pitz
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ellis
Mr. Michael D. Emkes &
The Honorable Cynthia S. Emkes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emmerson
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Endris
Mrs. Joyce B. Enkema
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Enkema
Mr. & Mrs. Willis A. Ensign
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Ernsting
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ettinger
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Eubank
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans
Mr. & Ms. Andrew C. Everts
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fagersten
Mr. Herbert D Falender*
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Farris
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Felkins
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Fenneman
Mr. Gregory D. Fennig
Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson
Ms. Marion A. Ficarro
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Fidler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Fields
Ms. Melinda S. Fihe
Mr. & Mrs. John Filbrun
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell S. Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Finger
Mrs. Gretchen Mae Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel D. Fitch
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Flatto
Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Flaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Richard I. Fogel
Ms. Jennifer Foley
Mr. Richard E. Ford
Mr. John T. Forde
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Forler
Ms. Marian B. Fosdal
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Foster
James Andrew Foulk Family
Judge & Mrs. Donald E. Foulke
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Fowler
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Freese
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. French
Mr. & Mrs. William S. French
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Frieden
Ms. Carrie Frizzell &
Ms. Michele Curran
Mr. Don L. Fruitt
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Frye
Leigh-Ann, Brian & Gordon
Fullerton In Memory of
Paddy Fullerton
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Galloway
Dr. & Mrs. James Gange
Ms. Debbie J. Gates &
Ms. Virginia Gates
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Gates
Dr. & Mrs. Hans E. Geisler
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Gemmer
Mr. Ted L. Gephart
Mr. Mike Gerdes &
Ms. Marilee Gerdes
Ms. Ann M. Gerritsen &
Mr. Josip Beleta
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Gershman
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Gifford
Ms. Maura Giles &
Mr. Charles Dill
Ms. Linda Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. David Gilstrap
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Gilyeat
Mr. & Mrs. Don Glowinski
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Godbey
Mrs. Lisa Goldner &
Mr. Phil Goldner
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Goldsbury
Drs. Gerald G. & Marcia
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Gona
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gondron
Mr. & Mrs. David Good
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Good
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Goode
Major Donald Goodin
Dr. & Mrs. Mason R. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gootee
Mr. Patrick Gorsuch &
Ms. Valerie J. Pearce
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Gossett
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Gottman
Ms. Regina Graddy
Mr. Gordon M. Graham &
Ms. Sue Greenlee
Mr. Thomas Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Berl Grant
Ms. Allison P. Grattenthaler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Graugnard
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Greaves
Mr. & Mrs. Otis B. Gregory
Dr. & Mrs. Randy Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. John Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. Chris L. Grimes
Mrs. Charles O. Grinslade
Dr. & Mrs. Jay L. Grosfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan S. Gross
Ms. Susan K. Gunn
Dr. Jane J. Gunsenhouser
Mr. & Mrs. Nathanial Hackett
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hackler
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hahn
Mrs. Dixie A. Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Hall
Ms. Diana M. Hall &
Mr. James Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ham III
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hamernik
Mr. & Mrs. Randy J. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Thad D. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Verne B. Hanson
Mr. Robert W. Harbin
Mr. & Mrs. M. Stephen Harkness
Mr. & Mrs. William Harmeyer
Mr. Mike Harmon &
Ms. Jolyne Halton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Harris
Ms. Diane Harrison
Mrs. Faye E. Harritt
Mr. & Mrs. John Harrold
Mr. & Mrs. Elden Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. Brock Haselby
Mr. Jeremy M. Hatch
Dr. & Mrs. A. D. Hauersperger
Mrs. Clarice P. Hayes
Mr. Russell Haymaker &
Ms. Sondra Hayes
Mrs. Marjorie L. Heflin
Ms. Sandra K. Heidenreich
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Held
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hennessey
Dr. & Mrs. David K. Hennon
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Henry
Mr. & Mrs. William Henshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas L. Hensler
Mr. & Mrs. William Hensley
Dr. & Mrs. James Wesley Hertel
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hill
Ms. Jolaine L. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Hirschman
Ms. Narcissa D. Hocker
Dr. & Mrs. Zachary I. Hodes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hofmann
Mr. & Mrs. David Hoggatt
Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Hohlbein
G. Frank & Elizabeth Holland
Matthew Holley & Evert Meza
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Holmgren
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Holt
Mrs. Shirley Holtsclaw
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Holzhausen
Ms. Sara Anne Hook
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Hoppes
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Houston
Ms. Ann K. Howard
Ms. Dawn Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Howard
Ms. Carol Hoyermann
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hroch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hudson, Jr.
Mrs. Kathryn Huehl
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Huff
Ms. Nancy N. Hume
Ms. Diane S. Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. James Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hylton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Irish
Mrs. Barbara Irwin-Herman &
Mr. Erv Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Lee L. Isaacson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jackson
Mrs. James B. Jackson
Dr. Arun Jain & Dr. Anita Joshi
Mrs. Eleanor Janes &
Ms. Ruth Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Jay
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Jean
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Jensen
Ms. Annette M. Johnson
Ms. Cecelia M. Johnson
Drs. Michael P. & Sheryl Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Caesar Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William Jonathan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. David S. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Jones
Mr. & Ms. Steve Jones
Vern & B. Watt Jorck
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Joven
Mrs. Betsy A. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. John Judge
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Jung
Ms. Pamela Kagy
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kaiser
Mr. Steven L. Kaiser
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Kalsbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kaplan
Ms. Carol Kaspar &
Ms. Elizabeth Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kassing
Mrs. James C. Katterjohn
Mr. & Mrs. John Kay
Mr. John D. Kelley
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Kellogg
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Kemple
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kennedy
Mrs. E. Jackie Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Kenney
Mr. Thomas Kent &
Ms. Mary Caccavo
Mr. & Mrs. Ervin A. Keppel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Odis A. Keywood
Mr. Michael O. Khalil &
Mrs. Mary V. Anderson
Father Joe Kiene
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kijovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Kinder
Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. King
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kingshill
Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Kiplinger
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Kirincich
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Kitch
Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Klopfer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Klusman
Col. Alfred D. Kneessy
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Knipstein
Dr. Diane M. Kolody &
Mr. Mark Moreno
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Koon
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Kornas
Mr. John E. Koss
Ms. Sue A. Kraft &
Mr. Pedro Jimenez
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kramer
Miss Marjorie Kroeger
Dr. Kathy L. Krol
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Kucer
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kuntz
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Kuntz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lafuze
Ms. Ann M. Lagges
Mr. & Mrs. John Lagzdins
Mr. Gary C. Lamey &
Ms. Diane L. Thomas
Mr. Joseph J. LaRosa
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Larrabee
Mr. Scott Larrimer &
Ms. Erin Day
Mr. & Mrs. Omer M. Larrison
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lavelle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Law
Ms. Amanda Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve E. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Layfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lazard
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lazzell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ledman
Mr. & Mrs. James Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. Lees
Mr. & Mrs. August J. Legeay
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. LeGrand
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Lesniak
Mr. & Mrs. Rene R. Lewin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Lewis
Ms. Karen D. Lindig &
Mr. Gary Bond
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lindley
Mr. Michael Lindorff &
Mrs. Linda Riski-Lindorff
Mr. Charles Lindstrom &
Ms. Paula Knauss
Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Link, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lisby
Mr. & Mrs. James Lister
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Llewellyn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lofland
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Lohrman
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Long
Drs. James B. & Sara Lootens
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Los
Mr. L. Robert Lowe, Jr.
Mr. & Ms. Richard E. Luedemann
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Lund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Maar
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Magsamen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Mahoney
Mrs. Ethan Main
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Malcom
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Malson
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Mangold
Mrs. Nina Manifold &
Ms. Emily Manifold
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Manuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Marchesani
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Marcinko
Dr. Jon D. Marhenke
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Marsh
Mrs. Barbara E. Masters
Mrs. Carol C. Mathew &
Ms. Janice Wheater-Cowen
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Matthews
Ms. Myra Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mayall
Drs. James R. & Bette G. Maybury
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt C.
Mrs. Melissa D. Maze &
Mr. Michael K. Maze
Dr. & Mrs. Gregg Mazonas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McCauley
Mr. Joe W. McCleish
Ms. Deborah L. McCloud &
Ms. Lauren McCloud
Mr. & Mrs. James R. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. McCrory
Mr. & Mrs. David A. McDaniel
Dr. Andrew McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonald
Mr. James P. McDonough &
Mrs. Rita S. Davidson
Dr. Bruce P. McDowell &
Ms. Julie McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. McElhiney
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. McGinnis
Mrs. Marceline A. McGurk
Mr. Dennis K. McKinney
Ms. Katherine McKinney &
Mr. Mathias Heraeus
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McLean
Mr. & Mrs. John McLeish
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. McNear
Mr. Hugh M. McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McWilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Meister
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Melnick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Mercer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Merriman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mervis
Mr. Frank Messina &
Ms. Robin Reagan
Dr. Alexander Mih
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Milburn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Miller
Mr. John E. Miller &
Mrs. Pat Carlini-Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Miller
Mr. & Mrs. James Minor
Mr. Matthew D. Mitchel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mitchel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mitchell
Mrs. Mary E. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Mixan
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Moll
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Montross
Dr. Lydia L. Moody &
Mr. David Moody
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mooney
Mr. Gary W. Moore &
Ms. Sharon L. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Moore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James Moorhead
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Morse
16 Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Morton, Sr.
Mr. James Mosby &
Ms. Robin Ehresman
Mr. & Mrs. Moscrip
Ms. Kristine M. Mosier
Dr. & Mrs. Jans Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas E. Mulvaney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Munsell III
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Mybeck
Mr. & Mrs. Donovan E. Myer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Myers
J.B. Myers
Mr. Rufus Myers &
Ms. Mia Hindman
Mr. & Mrs. Skander Nasser
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Navarro
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nemecek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Newby
Ms. Sharon A. Nichols &
Ms. Joyce Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Nickels
Ms. Nancy A. Noble &
Ms. Barbara Beadle
Ms. Elnora E. Noe
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Nowakowski
Mr. & Mrs. David W. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. John T. O’Brien
Ms. Melinda O’Dell &
Mr. Christopher Moore
Ms. Martha L. Ogborn
Mr. & Mrs. Max D. O’Guinn
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley E. Oliver
Michael, Laura, Andrew, Natalie
and Matthew Opincar
Dr. David Orentlicher &
Ms. Judy L. Failer
Ms. Renee Orth
Mrs. Christine K. Osborn
Ms. Jennifer L. Oskins
Mr. & Mrs. Shane A. Otis
Mrs. Helen M. Otto
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Outcalt
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Owens
Miss Janice A. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Pantzer III
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parker
Ms. Katie Parkins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Pasch
Mr. Kurt A. Patterson &
Mrs. Veronica J. Smidt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Pattison
Mr. Paul J. Pattison
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pauloski
Mr. & Mrs. John Paulsrud
Ms. Barbara J. Pauly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Pear
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Pearce
Mr. Benjamin A. Pecar &
Ms. Leslie D. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn L. Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Peine
Mr. Emil Pelech, Jr. &
Ms. Nancy Zinni
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Pelham
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pendoski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Penny Jr.
Ms. Janet S. Peoples &
Ms. Margaret Kriese
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perrin
Mr. Hans Peter & Ms. Lisa Blaser
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Peterson
Mr. Joseph F. Petricek &
Ms. Catherine Peal
Mrs. Cornelius W. Pettinga
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Petty
Mr. & Mrs. William Pfeifer
Mrs. Mary Lou Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell D. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pinyot
Mr. & Mrs. Mark O. Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Plasterer
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin G. Pleiss, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Pottratz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pouge
Mr. & Mrs. David Powell
Mrs. Sharon Prange
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Price
Dr. & Mrs. Newell O. Pugh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Gilbert Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Purucker
Mr. Jeromi A. Quade &
Ms. Beth K. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Rainier
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Ralston
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rancourt
Ms. Susan Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Rawles
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Andrew Rayl
Ms. Allison Rechter
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Redding
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Redman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Ress
Ms. Mariel Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. William A.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rice
Ms. Marcia N. Richards &
Mr. Robert F. Dicks
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell S. Richey
Mr. Bruce Richmond &
Ms. Katherine Andary
Mrs. Mary Ann D. Rickert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery B. Risinger
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Risley
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus R. Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ritz
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. John Roach
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Roach
Ms. Chelsie M. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. William Robison
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Roe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Roepke
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Rohr
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Romack
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rood
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Rosenberry
Ms. Nancy R. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Ross
Mr. Robert Roudebush
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rubin
Ms. Becky Ruby
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Ruby
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rudesill
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rupp
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Ruppel
Mrs. Nancy Russell &
Mrs. Melinda Williams
Mr. T. Alan Russell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rybicki
Mr. Martin Salazar &
Ms. Carrie Bryant
The Honorable & Mrs. Richard
Councillor Christine Scales &
Dr. Richard L. Scales
Mr. Daniel Schaffer &
Ms. Becky Ruble
Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Schahet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Schaler
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Schamp
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Scheidt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Schilling
Dr. & Mrs. David Schlueter
Mrs. Helen L. Schmid
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider
Mr. Michael P. Schneider
Ms. Rose Schnell & Dr. John Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Schreiner
Drs. Frank & Cathy Schubert
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schuchman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schueren
Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. M. Gary Schuster, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Schutte
Mrs. Elaine Schwartz-Edmands
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Schwomeyer
Ms. Eileen Scott &
Ms. Sharon Kimes
Ms. Vicky L. Scott
Mr. Jerry Seifers
Mr. Norman Sesi &
Ms. Jill Hunsberger
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt A. Shade
Ms. Shirley M. Shallenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Shaw
Mrs. Helen Sheeks
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Shenberger
Mr. Blane Sherman &
Ms. Tanya Marsh
Mr. Thomas Shine
Mr. Michael L. Shinn &
Ms. Teran Kennard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shockley
Mr. & Mrs. Alva M. Short
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Shreve
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Shrout
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Shryock
Mr. & Mrs. Chetan R. Shukla
Ms. Alice J. Shulse
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Shulse
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sieck
Ms. Debra Simonds
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Cornell M. Sims
Mrs. Lynn Sinex
Ms. Ramona Sinnett &
Ms. Amanda Collins
Dr. Barbara K. Siwy &
Dr. Lisa J. Baker
Ms. Christine A. Skeoch
Mr. Troy Skinner & Mrs. Jennifer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Smalstig
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry L. Smith
Mr. & Ms. Paul Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Randal M. Smith
Mr. Robert L. Smith &
Mrs. Janice Lesniak
Ms. Roberta Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Smither
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Snapp
Mr. & Mrs. Willard E. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Solomon
Ms. Marilyn Solomon &
Ms. Kitty Arvin
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Spaulding
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Sperry
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Spry
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Squire
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew St. Louis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. States
Ms. Kathy S. Steinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Steininger
Mr. & Mrs. David Stephens
Mr. Robert Sternberger
Mr. & Mrs. Eloy C. Stevens
Ms. Tamatha A. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie R. Stinson
Mr. Stephen Stratton
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Strawbridge
Ms. Linda L. Strawbridge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strohmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff S. Strueder
Ms. Judith A. Stuart
Mr. Kevin Stuckwisch
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Stump
Mr. Timothy Sublett &
Ms. Diane Kostyshyn
Ms. Dorothy L. Sullender &
Mr. Chris Huser
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Sundell
Ms. Paula R. Susemichel &
Ms. Linda M. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Sutherlin 17
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sutton, Jr.
Ms. Sally S. Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. James Swearingen
Mr. James Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sweezy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Swick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Taggart
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tenerelli
Mrs. Paul T. Terrell
Mr. Jeffrey L. Terry &
Ms. Shelby Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Thate
Ms. April Thomas &
Ms. Megan Bickel
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Thomas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Frank B. Throop
Judge John D. Tinder
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tobin
Mr. Edward T. Tomich &
Mrs. Faith Bauer-Tomich
Mr. Antonio Torres & Ms. Lucila
N. Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Toth
Mr. Thomas Tremain &
Ms. Jill Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Trent
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trevey
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Trippel
Mr. & Mrs. Travis N. Trott
Dr. & Mrs. L.B. Tubergen
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Tuckman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Uhlenhake
Ms. Pauline L. Ulrey &
Ms. Anna M. Weddle
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Van Arendonk
Dr. & Mrs. Warren M. Van
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Van Gorder
Mr. & Mrs. Milo R. Vanek
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Vermeulen
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Vogel
Ms. Emily Vogler &
Mr. Daniel T. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Vogt
Mrs. Geraldine Vondielingen &
Mrs. Lori Vondielingen
Mr. Douglas M. Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waggoner
Mr. & Mrs. F. Edward Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waterfall
Mr. Kevin L. Watkins &
Ms. Mary Alice Bell
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Watson
Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Webb
Dr. Richard Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Webster
Dr. & Mrs. David Wehlage
Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Weilhammer, Jr.
Mr. Steve G. Weingartner &
Ms. Kathleen A. Shook
Drs. George & Rosemary Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Zeff A. Weiss
Ms. Tina M. Weldon
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Weldy
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welles
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Wenning
Ms. Joan Wenrick
Mr. L. Alan Whaley
Mr. Carl M. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Whistler
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. White
Mr. & Mrs. Don K. White
Mr. & Mrs. John Wiggins
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wild
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Wilhelm, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Wilkerson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Williams Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Williams
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Wills
Mrs. Edna A. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wilson
Mrs. Carla Wilson-Mitchell &
Mr. Stanley C. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Winslow
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wisker
Mrs. Marion Wolen
Dr. & Mrs. William Wolfe
Dr. & Mrs. David T. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Woo
Mrs. Elaine Wood
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Woodall
Mrs. Barbara Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon C. Woods
Ms. & Deborah Wothke
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Yake
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Yong
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Young
Dr. & Mrs. Heun Yung Yune
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Zimmerman
Ms. Phyllis A. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Zimmermann
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Zweifel
*denotes deceased
The following represents individuals
who gave gifts up to $249 between
1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
Mrs. Donna K. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Hugo B. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Takao Arai
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Von D. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan A. Beeler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bitar
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Blackwell
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bobko
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart P. Boehning
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bricker
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Bromer
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Buckles
Mr. & Ms. Jacob Buehler
Mrs. Mary Ann Burke &
Ms. Stephanie Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burow, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Burroughs
Mr. & Mrs. James Carlson
Ms. Jacque Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Condon
Mr. Joseph M. Conrad &
Ms. Jean E. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Corbin
Ms. Clara A. Cotten
Mr. & Mrs. David Cowlin
Mr. & Mrs. Barry G. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Cutshall
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary deCastro
Ms. Kathrine Delbridge &
Ms. Virginia Voyles
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W.
Dennerline III
Ms. Caroline Derbin
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. DeSante
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Dewar
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Dickinson
Mr. Alexander M. Djuricich &
Ms. Dawn N. Stuckwisch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Doane
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Emery
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Faris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fleck
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Frasier
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fritsch
Ms. Valerie George
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Germaine
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Giesler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Gilliam
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Glossenger
Mr. & Mrs. Garry A. Goers
Mr. & Mrs. James Goetz
Mr. Keith M. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Goldsworthy
Mr. J Lloyd Grannan &
Mrs. Nan De Bard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grondin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hagans
Ms. Nancy Haldrup
Ms. Carolyn L. Harp &
Ms. Mattie L. Harp
Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hawes
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Healey
Mr. & Mrs. William Henshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Sam R. Hiatt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Hilton
Mr. & Mrs. Bob M. Hittle
Ms. Emma Houle
Ms. Diane S. Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ingmire
Mrs. Ruth Ann Ingraham
Dr. Bruce Inman &
Dr. Margaret Inman
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Iorio
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ireland
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Jackman
Mr. & Mrs. Carl James
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Q. Jean
Mr. & Mrs. David Jennings
Mr. Erik A. Johnson &
Ms. Kristie L. Hill
Dr. & Mrs. Irving S. Johnson
Mrs. Judy K. Jones
Ms. Margaret M. Kauer &
Ms. Brooke Sullivan
Mr. Raymond Kennedy &
Mr. Paul Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kesler
Dr. & Mrs. Baron L. Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Kirkpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Klotz
Mrs. Paula D. Knoebel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Knoy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Kraabel
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Kuchinski
Mr. Ken Zweigel &
Ms. L. Lynn Lambuth
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Lanter
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Learned, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. R. Stephen Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lukens
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lyons
Mr. James R. MacDonald
Mrs. Mildred S. Macdonald
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. MacMillan
Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Maier
Mr. Michael Manfra &
Ms. Oana Malis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mangus
Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall
Mr. Robert Martinson &
Ms. Leah Schulte
Ms. Carolene Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Howard McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McLendon
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Mees
Merck & Co
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Messer
Dr. & Mrs. Larry E. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Monger
Mooresville Nature Club
Morgan Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Morocco
Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Morris
Ms. Sarah H. Murphy, M.D.
Ms. Marcia G. Nappi
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Nierman
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Ollier
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Painter
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Pennamped
Mr. Robert T. Penno
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Penny
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pike
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pugh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rardin
Mr. Christopher Ratay
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Rausch
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Reas
Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Redish
Mrs. Charlotte Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ripberger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Risk
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse N. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rollins
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roseth
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Roumpf
Ms. Diana M. Rumsey
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Sandifer
Mr. & Mrs. James P.
Seidensticker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Seiferth
Mr. & Mrs. Giri Shreenivasan
Dr. Robert Sievers &
Dr. Sarah Tieman-Sievers
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Smyth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Soderholm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Spears
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Strong, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Svyantek
Mr. & Mrs. Robin G. Symonds
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Talavage
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tucker
Mr. Randy Tweedy &
Ms. Kim Edgerton
USA Funds, Inc.
Ms. Teresa L. Valencia
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Vest
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Wade
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Walts
Rev. Catherine E. Waynick &
Mr. Larry Waynick
Mrs. Barbara Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Weiser
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Wheat
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. White
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. White
Mr. & Mrs. James White
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Woodward
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Young
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil E. Youngs
Indianapolis Zoo
Staff Donors
The following represents Indianapolis
Zoo staff that made cash or pledge gifts
toward the 2009 Staff Campaign.
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Albes
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Allen
Mr. Bruce Anderson
Timothy Ardillo & Jason Miiller
Ms. Jennifer S. Armstrong
Mr. Jason L. Ashlock
Ms. Glenda A. Austin
Ms. Sarah Bachman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Bader
Ms. Jodie Baker &
Mr. Tim Christian
Miss Holly A. Balok
Ms. Laura Balok
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Bardy
Mr. Toby R. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bernhard
Mr. & Mrs. Randy T. Betz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beverly
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bockoski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Boesgaard
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bow
Sandy Bowen-Lehnen &
Robert Lehnen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bramlage
Ms. Desiree Brandon &
Ms. Marisol Gouveia
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Briscoe
Ms. Karen Burns &
Mr. Richard Gevers
Mr. James R. Carter
Ms. Angela D. Christ &
Ms. Erma Wright
Mrs. Laurie A. Christie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clark
Ms. Lorinda Clevenger
Ms. Kyley Collins & Mr. Josh Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Combellick
Greg & Kathy Cookerly
Ms. Alicia Cornett &
Mr. Roger Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Crowther
Ms. Mary Ann M. DellaRocco &
Mr. Allen Gillum
Mr. Bruce L. Elkins &
Ms. Lynda M. Pitz
Ms. Nina L. Evans
Mr. Elmore W. Fatherree & Ms.
Delores Fatherree
Mr. & Mrs. Barre E. Fields
Mr. John T. Forde
Ms. Susan Foster
Ms. Tolly Foster &
Ms. Dawn Common
Mrs. Stephanie Freeman &
Mr. Scott Freeman
Ms. Judith L. Gagen
Mrs. Shauna Gallagher &
Mr. Mike Gravenstreter
Ms. Tracie Garrett
Ms. Lisa Gaus
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gildea
Ms. Maura Giles &
Mr. Charles Dill
Ms. Amanda J. Goin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Goshen
Mr. Thomas Granberry &
Ms. Teresa Snyder-Granberry
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Grayson
Ms. Holly Green
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gregory
Mrs. Heather Grisham Winters &
Mr. Peter Winters
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hagan
Ms. Sarah Halterman &
Ms. Grace Metz
Mr. Chad Harmon &
Mrs. Carrie Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. William Henshaw
Mr. Bruce A. Hickman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hogue
Matthew Holley & Evert Meza
Ms. Eleanor Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hyde
Ms. Barbara J. Ingels
Ms. Lesley J. Jenkins &
Mr. Nick Saligoe
Ken & Amy Kerrick
Mr. & Mrs. Will Key
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Keys
Ms. & Mr. Candice S. King
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kiser
Ms. Kristin Kraemer &
Mr. Todd Stockwell
Ms. Amanda Lawson
Ms. Cheryl L. Lent
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lienhart
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lindley
Ms. Crystal K. Lockhart
Mr. Jeffrey A. Long
Ms. Stacey Lonski &
Mr. Mark Green
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua H. Love
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Lowrance
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Magsamen
Mr. & Mrs. David H. May
Mr. & Mrs. Scott McColgin
Ms. Abigail McCoy
Mr. David B. Merritt
Ms. Abigail Mingus
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Oland
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Papineau
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl R. Paxton
Ms. Kylee Pena & Mr. Nathan Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Penny Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Peterson
Ms. Paula Pierson
Mr. Jonathan G. Pilarski &
Ms. Sylvia Gearhart
Mr. & Mrs. Kent W. Pinaire
Mr. Thomas E. Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pittser
Dr. Jeffry S. Proudfoot
Mr. & Ms. John Puckett
Dr. Jan C. Ramer &
Mr. Bob Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Rawles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reams
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Ridenour
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Roedell
Ms. Katarina M. Roell &
Ms. Ruth Roell
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Root
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rushton
Mr. Dexter Salenda &
Ms. Crystal Fields
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Mr. Scott G. Sauls
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Savona
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Scheuermann
Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Schnell
Mr. & Mrs. Cory Schnick
Mrs. Michelle R. Shaw &
Mr. Robert E. Shaw
Mr. Nathan W. Snow
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stockman
Ms. Robin A. Stull &
Ms. Jeanette Coraggio
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tabor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Teague
Mr. Bruce E. Thompson &
Mrs. Deborah S. Capps Thompson
Ms. Stephaine E. Vaden
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Verhey
Ms. Lynne M. Villers
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wagner
Ms. Keelyn Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waterfall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willis
Mrs. Carla Wilson-Mitchell &
Mr. Stanley C. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wines
Mr. Dennis G. Woerner &
Ms. Joann Appleby
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Wyatt III
Mrs. Susanne K. Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. David Yackey
Mr. & Mrs. Chris York
Ms. Allison S. Young
Mr. & Mrs. John Young
Sally & Mark Zelonis
Amigo Program
The following represents individuals
and organizations who became
animal amigos between 1/1/2009
and 12/31/2009.
Elise Abbott
Glenn Abbott
Morgan Abernathy
Hunter Acha
Samuel Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Sy A. Ali
Justick Amick
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Amlung
Savannah & Violet Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Apple
Robert Atherton
Sophia Atkinson
Andy Aus
Katy Aus
Ms. Martha J. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Bane, Sr.
Jonathan Barber
David Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Toby R. Barker
Diane Barnes
James Barlow & Sally Rudmann
Beech Grove Public Library
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Benhamou
Erin Taylor Bennett
Matilda Berry
Myles Berry
Drs. Robert E. & Maryellen Bieder
Elizabeth Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. John U. Bott
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Bowman
Samantha Boylan
Kathy Brentlinger
Mimi Bricker
Mimi Brittingham
Mrs. Irene Brodey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Brown
The Dennis Brown Family
Merlin Brown
Sebastian Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone M. Buckingham
Madeline Buckley
Aiden Buehler
Ella Burt
Annika Butcher
Ms. Kerrie Calderon
Dorothy Callahan
Dmitry Capron
J. Carpenter
Rachel L. Carr
Joe Cheshire
Griffin J. Cheshire
Charlie Cheshire
Ms. Angela D. Christ &
Ms. Erma Wright
Heidi Christiansen
Ms. Lorinda Clevenger
Tom & Barbara Coble
Cheryl Collins
Dawn Collins
Columbia Middle School
Chris and Lesley Conrad
Conservation Starz
Miss Anna Marie Crichton
Linda Daley
Damien Center
David Daniell
Bill Daugherty
Alex DeHeer
Brian DeHeer
Joey DeHeer
Joshua DeHeer
Sarah DeHeer
Ms. Mary Ann M. DellaRocco &
Mr. Allen Gillum
Joanne Lee Deyoe
Dr. Matt Dollins & Dr. Julie Lund
Cooper Doucette
Nita Douglas
Mr. George A. Drab, Jr.
Wesley Drake
Kameron Dressen
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Driver
Scott Earle
Nora Easley
Bryant & Ben Ebert
Joyce Elder
Mr. Paul Emmerson &
Ms. Jean Buckwalter
Zephyr England
Mr. William Farkas
Elilidh Ferries-Rowe
Eva Ferries-Rowe
Sophia Ferries-Rowe
Carol Ferson
Ms. Margaret F. Flack
Flanner House Elementary School
- Mrs. Beiers First Grade
Mary Janet Fletcher
Catherin Fort
Mary Kathryn Frederich
Jaren & Cody Freeman
Paddy Fullerton
Chloe & Lucy Gard
Jake Meyerson German
Ms. Donna Gilmore
Girl Scout Troop #2494
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Glenns Valley First Grade
Jordan Granberry
Brent M. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III
Dr. & Mrs. Ted W. Grisell
Mary Grislade
Michael & Myranda Groce
Dr. Jane J. Gunsenhouser
Jacob & Olivia Guptill
Andrew Haas
Charlie Haas
Jack Haas
Kelly Haas
Maya Haas
Thomas Haas
Half Price Books
Libby Halpin
Allison Halterman
Noah Halterman
Jacob Halterman
Bryan Halterman
Emily Hart
Adam Hathaway
Emily Hathaway
Nathan Hathaway
Taylor Hathaway
Jeralee Hauersperger
Kyle Brandon Hiatt
Morgan Christy Hiatt
Jolaine L. Hill
Matt Hinders
Jolie Hogue
Mr. & Mrs. G. Frank Holland II
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard D.
Ainlsey Hollingsworth
Barbara Holt
Mrs. Shirley Holtsclaw
Sara Anne Hook
Charles Hook
Janet Hook
Connie Hook
Blake Horn
Brady Horn
Ms. Janice Horner
Sarah Houth
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Howard
Ms. Diane S. Humphrey
Diana Hunt
Clare Hunter
Indian Creek Elementary School
First Grade
Ms. Heather R. James
Kyndal Jarrett
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Jessup
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Johnson
Reagan K. Jones
Bailey Jones & Carly Jones
Vern & B Watt Jorck
Malcolm Jordan
Kyle A. Juday
Lisa Shover Kackley
John D. Kelley
Zoe King
Page Kirkpatrick
Heather Kopp
Hope Kouns
Mr. John E. Kristoff
Miss Marjorie Kroeger
Dr. & Mrs. Peter F. Kunz
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry LaFollette
Dean Lamb
Charles & Susan Lang
Mia Lazzaro
Lisa Learman
Rebecca Learman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ledman
Mr. Andrew Leonard
Cheyanne Levenhagen
Mrs. Gertrud Littrell
Isaac Litwiller
Hayden Lowe
Jake Lowe
Owen & Labrine Lucas
Michael & Pam Luenz
Lynwood Elementary
Maple Grove Elementary Mrs. Gant - Room 14,
Mrs. Bailey - Room 15,
Chris Cross - Room 16,
Rachel O’Farrell - Room 17,
Miss Raftery - Room 18
Bridget Marcus
Maggie Marcus
Marcella Marcus
Nathan Marcus
Kelsey Marten
Kyle Marten
Larry Mason
Mrs. Barbara E. Masters
Mrs. & Mr. Geri E. Mayhugh
Andy Mays
22 Jennifer & Michelle Mazonas
Mr. & Mrs. Scott McColgin
Morgan McDowell
Katie McGlacken
Emma McNally
Ben McNally
Cathy Meade
Charles Meade
Stephanie Meissner
Elizaveta Melnikova
Vasilia Melnikova
Issac Meng
Elizabeth Miller
Steve Mims
Ms. Abigail Mingus
Dick Minnick
Frank Molnar
Aaron Moore
Harry Moore
Susan Musial
James & Verna Nau
Jack & Betty Neff
Neil A. Armstrong Elementary
Kindergarten Classes
Ellie Nguyen
Katie Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Eno Nicoson
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Nierman
Sylvia Nofzinger
Normandy Flower Shop, Inc.
Angie Nulty
Colin O’Dell
Ms. Liesl M. Okuda
Avery Outcalt
Dr. & Mrs. Toner Overley &
Juris Jansons & Ann Daugherty
Miss Janice A. Owens
Raven Pacula
Andy M. Palm
Nyla Palmer
Elizabeth Pasquesi
Jennifer Pate
Mr. Paul J. Pattison
Elan Pere Pelegri
Kathryn Pell
Mary-Jane Perkins
Kirby and Deborah Perry
Bridget Perry
Gabriel Perry
Gretchen Perry
Jamie Perry
Allison & Katherine Peterson
Carlye Petro
Yvonne Pettinga
Hayley Phillips
PHIndy Parrothead Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pittsley
Kevin Polster
Robin Popelka
Mollie Price
Mikki Prough
Alexis M. Pryor
Tasha & Xavier Pullam
Gavin Raff
Taylor Raff
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Reynolds
Mary Ann Rickert
Anthony A. Rivera
Mary Romans
Nathaneal Romans
Ben Rosen
Abigail & Ian Rosielle
Ben Tamir Rothenberg
Leela Rothenberg
Maya Rothenberg
Tal Shy Rothenberg
Jake A. Rubush
Ms. Rebecca L. Ruby &
Mr. Stephen A. Ruby
Mike & Bernice Ruby
Samerian Foundation
The Sample Family
Olivia Schilder
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Schmitt
Ms. Rose Schnell & Dr. John Cole
PJ Schnute
Sarah Schramm
Anna Schubert
Grace Schubert
Merlyn & Judy Schuh
Vicki Semersky
Pat & Nick Seng
Molly & Joe Shane
Allison Shaner
Ellis Shaner
Erin Shaw
Colette & Aidan Shea
Dr. Marguerite Shepard
Nigel Ann Shoaff
Grace Sievers
Makayla Sigler
Nathan Sigler
Alice M. Sims
Molly Sipes
Ms. Christine A. Skeoch
Christina Sluka
Suzanne Smith
Nieces & Nephews of Eric &
Laura Snow
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Snow
Mr. Nathan W. Snow
James and Ramona Sonntag
Dash Sowinski
Kevin Spade
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Spaulding
Hilary Sprague
Philip H. & Sarah Belle Sprowl
St. Richard’s School –
Mrs. Berak, Mrs. Cheeseborough,
Mrs. Hopkinson & Mrs. Kubica
Ellen Stanley
Marie Stanley
Ms. Marilyn M. Steele
Mr. Robert Sternberger
Kent, Julie & Jackson Stoelting
Jason Stutsman
Sydney Stutsman
Ms. Dorothy L. Sullender &
Mr. Chris Huser
Paula Susemichel
Sycamore School Full Day
Paula E. Taylor
Madison Cassady Taylor
Matt Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Erin Terry
Jacob Thomas
Kylee Thomas
Carole & Peter Thompson
William Trasatti
Trinity Lutheran School
Noah Tubbs
Alexis Turner
Mackenzie Turner
Will & Jack Turula
Ms. Pauline L. Ulrey &
Ms. Anna M. Weddle
Valley Mills Elemnentary
Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Vandermark
Courtney Von Stein
Erica Von Stein
Lauren Von Stein
Ms. Sue Webster
Katie Wehner
Quinn Weller
Laura & Louis Wenzler
Jace Wesolowski
Eric Wesolowski
Ian Wesolowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. White
Allison Wiesman
Karen Wilczewski
Martha Wilczewski
Crystal Wilson
Keith Wilson
Winchester Village Elementary
Third Grade
Robin Wood
Charles & Sylvia Woods
Autin Yates
Madison Yates
Mr. Wilson D. York
Connor York
James T. Young
Ben and Jessica Zeckel
Madeline Zellmer
Laura Zimmerman
Zion Evangelical OCC Cradle Roll
Zion Lutheran School
Zionsville Eagle Elementary
First Grade Classes 2008-2009
Honor & Memorial
The following represents honor
and memorial gifts made between
1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
In memory of John Arbuckle
John & Cynde Barnes
Amigo sponsor in memory of
Joe Auditore
Mr. & Mrs. John Auditore
In memory of John Burkhard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cotton
In honor of Fred, Beth, Tombi &
baby giraffes
Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Eisenhauer
In memory of Amy Clark
Ms. Amy C. Shepard
In honor of Elise Conour’s birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Mark George
Ms. Janera A. Glassburn
Mr. & Mrs. Sanjay Gupta
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klemsz
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron D. Kreissler
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Kenji Matsuki
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Mervis
Mr. Ramana Moorthy &
Ms. Shailaja Vallu
Mr. & Mrs. Howard PollackMilgate
Ms. April Sparks Pyatt
In memory of her parents,
Herman A. & Suzanne S. Dettwiler
Ms. Ann Dettwiler
In honor of Kyle Fisher’s birthday
Ms. Shannon Arrendale
In memory of Mary J. Fletcher
Ms. Victoria A. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Allen
Ms. Mary E. Crum
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Dankert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. DellaRocco
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Fitschen
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Floreen
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Heywood
Mr. Lee R. Olejko &
Ms. Miriam Velez
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Olejko
Mr. & Mrs. Julio C. Pereira
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Poziemski
Mrs. Mary-Lida Rozowski
Ms. Theresa A. Rutz
Mrs. Esther G. Stanford
Mr. & Mrs. Elroy C. Stevens
Ms. Alice A. TeKolste
In honor of Pawel & Lou
Fludzinski for the holidays
Ms. Eileen Mainwaring
Amigo sponor in memory of
Paddy Fullerton
Mr. & Mrs. Derek G. Fullerton
In honor of Chloe Gard’s birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Caleb Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gard
In memory of Charles E. Hall
Mrs. Nancy J. Harrison
In memory of JoAn Hall
Ms. Molly D. Donlon
Mr. Jeffrey R. Donlon
In memory of Libby Halpin
Ms. Sara Anne Hook
In honor of Chris & Lesley Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Harting
In honor of Levi Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle E. Jackson
In honor of Ann Coulter
In memory of Parker Clark LaCross
Mr. & Mrs. Randall R. Scheumann
In memory of Sharon Coovert
Ms. Pam Aitken
In honor of Kendall Cuniffe’s
Ms. Kirsten A. Cuniffe
In memory of Carol Jarnagin
In memory of John L. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bearby
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bogda
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bogda
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Casbon
Ms. Dianne Cress
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar E. Fehnel
Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Garrett
Mr. Gordon M. Graham &
Ms. Sue Greenlee
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Goss
Hoosier Christian Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson B. Houck
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hull
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kann
Mr. Thomas A. Klingaman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lane
Ms. Catharine D. Lichtenauer
Dr. Bruce P. McDowell &
Ms. Julie McKee
Ms. Susan McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McNally
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Shrader
Erik Sides, Brad & Jackie Prather,
Dan & Marce Thompson, Jim &
Diane Sides, Robert &
Jamie Pulliza
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Straatman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Tanner
Employees of Wick’s Pies Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
In memory of Jack Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kerschner
In memory of Gloria Joyce Leshane
Mr. & Mrs. Odia A. Keywood
In memory of Herbert Levinson
Mrs. George W. Stark
In memory of Carol J. Lindsay
Ms. Lesley J. Jenkins &
Mr. Nick Saligoe
In memory of Jordan C. Mallaber
Ms. Jessica L. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bowen
Ms. Norma E. Bramley
Ms. Carmela A. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Chandler
24 Mr. Kurt DeLong
Hamilton County Sheriff ’s
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Hazel
Ms. Angela Houston &
Ms. Tara Widows
Mr. & Mrs. William Huff
Ms. Linda B. Lassen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Mallaber
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Robison
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Snively
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Walker
In memory of Laura Jean Passow
Mr. & Mrs. James A.
DeLoughery, Sr.
In memory of Emily Krista Risely
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fellers
Amigo sponor in memory
of Patricia Roberts
Ms. Brenda J. Sullivan
In memory of John & Helen
Mr. Joseph D. Cotton
In honor of Maribel Stark
Ms. Virginia Linder
In honor of Katie, Julie, JT and
Kelly Thrapp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Thrapp
In honor of Meredith Wainstein
Caroline Rehm Guild
In memory of Mary “Betty”
The Honorable &
Mrs. Richard Sallee
In honor of Dan Yates
Bev McGee
The following represents individuals
who gave Gifts-in-Kind between
1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
Mr. Richard Airis
John Bacone
John & Cynde Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Carmichael
Mr. Dave Hardman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hirschman
Ms. Carol S. Hughes
Mr. John Keagy
Mr. & Mrs. Stacey Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Luthy
Ms. Kristin Mailloux
David McLary
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Neighbours
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Sr.
Mr. Mark C. Serreze
Ms. Katherine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Tate
Ms. Ida Watkins
Mr. August V. Wood
Laura Githens Smith
The Laura Githens Smith Society
recognizes those individuals who have
included the Indianapolis Zoo in estate
plans and informed the Zoo of that
commitment. The following represents
members through 12/31/2009.
Anonymous (31)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Michael Allen
Timothy P. Ardillo & Jason Miiller
Ms. Caroline Askren*
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Barber
John & Cynde Barnes
Wilma Barrow*
Mrs. Raymond Basso*
Mr. Joe Rand Beckett* &
Mrs. Mary Ann Beckett*
Paul & Nancy Beyhmer
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Betley
Ms. Amy Beverland*
Ms. Jamie B. Billings &
Ms. Martha Priddy
Mr. William K. Bissey
Dr. Jeffrey P. Bonner &
Ms. Melody Noel
Mrs. Gene Branigin*
Ms. Jane Brigham
Ms. Julia H. Brink*
Mr. Don A. Brown*
Dr. Frances T. Brown*
Ms. Karen Burns &
Mr. Richard Gevers
Mrs. Joyce Byroad*
Ada B. Calland*
Edith Calvert*
Ms. Janet Carmichael
Mr. William A.* & Mrs. Carolyn
A. Carter
Ms. Marcella H. Chenoweth*
Mrs. Alex M. Clark*
Ms. Mary Dorcas Clemons*
Tammy Coan
Chris W. & Lesley J. Conrad
Miss Corenn M. Stephenson
Kathy & Greg Cookerly
Irma Crawley*
Michael & Eileen Crowther
Mr. John C.* & Mrs. Georgiana
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Daniels
Mr. John H. Darlington, Jr.*
Mr. Gordon W. Davis*
Norman & Betsy Deken
J. Richard Delbauve*, in honor of
his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John
H. Delbauve
Mrs. Vivian S. Delbrook*
Mrs. Suzanne S. Dettwiler*
Mr. & Mrs. George DeVault*
Mr. M. Paul DeVietien
Mr. Michael Diven*
Mr. Peter H. Donahoe
Mr. Clarence T.* & Mrs. Gertrude
S. Drayer*
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart
Mr. Robert A. Edwards*
Mrs. Lewis A. Enkema
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle B. Fisher
Dr. & Mrs. Pawel Fludzinski
Ms. Iona Flynn*
Mrs. Edward H. Gaalema*
Dr. Meg Gammage-Tucker
Ms. Judith A. Garrett*
Ms. Gina M. Giacone &
Mr. Steve Hackman
Mr. James B. Glanton*
Mr. Lowell E.* & Mrs. Carol
E. Green*
Mrs. Frances F. Green*
Mr. Raymond K. Gretencord*
Mrs. William C. Griffith, Jr.*
Mr. Kurt E. Haerter*
Mr. Marion C. Haltom
Ms. Barbara Harmon
Mr. Earl Harris*
Ms. Joanna Harsh*
Laurine A. Harvey*
Mr. Donald J.* & Mrs. Barbara
N. Holmquist
Ms. Marcia A. Honz &
Mr. Tom Anderson
Ms. Sara Anne Hook
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hoover
Ms. Norma J. Huber*
Miss Elsa M. Hubert
Mr. & David E. Hughes
Mr. John D.* & Mrs. Amy B.
John F.* & Mildred E. Jackman*
Mrs. Frances M. Johnson*
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson
Mr. Howard K. Johnson*
Ms. Frances Strong Jordan*
Ms. Jean M. Kanne*
Mr. Kevin Michael Kelley
Ms. Ruth B. Kenney*
Mr. Phillip G. King*
Mrs. Louise Kirtland *
Mrs. James L. Kittle
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Knall
Dr. Leon Kenneth * &
Mrs. Paula D. Knoebel
Ms. Kay F. Koch
Mrs. Amy Lain & Mr. Gary
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ledman
Ms. Sandra Lee*
Mrs. Norman M. Leff
Ms. Nancy L. Leigh
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Levandusky
Marcia Levin*
Mr. Roy C. & Mrs. Arline E.
Mr. & Mrs. David Little
Ms. Emma Mae Love*
Michael and Pamela Luenz
Mrs. Mildred S. Macdonald
Chuck & Debbie Marlett
Mrs. Joseph E. Marmon*
Mrs. Barbara E. Masters
Ms. Gloria G. McDaniel*
Ms. JoAn McDermott*
Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Meditch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Merk
Ms. Elsie Z. Mick*
Dr. Emery P.* & Mrs. Ethel Miller*
Mr. John B.* & Mrs. Jean R.
Mr. Sherman A. Minton*
Kathleen Morrison
Dr. Phillip G. Mosbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Musser
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mutz
Mrs. Jane Myers*
Mrs. Henry G. Nester*
Dr. Polly G. Nicely & Mr. Wayne
L. Nicely
Ms. Pauline Nicol*
Mr. Lowell B. Nussbaum*
Mrs. Phyllis K. Oldham
Mrs. Joanne W. Orr*
Mr. & Mrs. Julian DV Pace II
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mr. Eugene C. Pulliam*
Mrs. Nina Mason Pulliam*
Ms. Mary E. Pyle*
Edris Radcliffe*
Miss Sally Reahard*
Don and Shannon Reynolds
Bob & Lou Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Elton T. Ridley
Mrs. Marta A. Roberts*
Mrs. Virginia Roberts*
Mrs. Edward J.F. Roesch
Mrs. Judith A. Roland
Mr. Robert E. Ronzi*
Dr. Mary A. Root*
Mr. William T. Rosenbaum &
Ms. Mimi Brittingham
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rosteck, Jr.
Ms. Becky Ruby
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Russell
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Mr. Paul W.* & Mrs. Katherine L.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Seeley
Ms. Pauline K. Selby
Molly A. Shane
Ms. Stacie Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Shea
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Shields
Ms. Ruby Shirkey*
Mr. Floyd S. Smith*
Ms. Laura Githens Smith*
Frank H. & Marian McConnell*
Bob & Cheryl Sparks
Andrew Steffen*
M’Liss K. Stephenson
Ms. Tamatha A. Stevens
Ms. Karen Stierer
Mr. Charles E. Stinemetz
Ms. Julia-Jean N. Stokes*
Mrs. Clara J. Stokka*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Strong*
Mrs. Frederic W. Taylor*
Mrs. Philip M. Terry*
Mrs. Christine Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Thompson
Ms. Nancy D. Thompson
Mr. Gayle Freeman* &
Mrs. Catherine Fhay Totten*
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Van Hove
Ms. Mabel D. VanMeter*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Veenhuizen
Mr. William A.* & Mrs. Carol
Ms. Sue Webster
Mr. Donald B. Whitridge*
Ms. Mary R. Wilson*
Mrs. Barbara Woodard
Ms. Mary K. Wratten*
Dr. William L.* & Mrs. Anita
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Yong
Miss Mildred R. Young*
Ms. Wilma K. Young*
*Denotes those members who are
Indiana Zoological
The Indianapolis Zoo’s endowment
program dates back to 1978, when
Laura Githens Smith established
one of the endowment’s first gifts.
The endowment is now named the
Indiana Zoological Fund and has its
own governing board but remains
incorporated under the Indianapolis
Zoo. The following represents the
separately named endowment
contributors/funds that help make up
the Indiana Zoological Fund.
C. Willis Adams, Jr.
Mike and Jo Ann Allen Forest
Biome Fund
J. Richard Delbauve, in honor of
his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John H.
Jean DeLoughery Endowment
Gertrude S. Drayer Estate
Elizabeth Goodrich Terry
Endowment Fund
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation
Garden Programs Fund
Polly H. Hix Research and
Conservation Fund
Amy Hughes Fund
Mrs. Louise Kirtland
The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic
Marian L. McConnell Family
Patrick T. Morrison Endowment
Mathew Parish Endowment for the
World of Waters
Mel & Joan Perelman Endowment
Miss Sally Reahard
George W. Stark Volunteer Award
Gregory Alan Stephenson
Endowment For Perpetuating
Shark Conservation
Julia-Jean Stokes Endowment Fund
Inez Metzger Vincent Endowment
26 Dorothy A. Van Hove Fellowship
The George W. Stark
This award celebrates those volunteers
who have dedicated 1,000 hours
of volunteer service time to the
Indianapolis Zoo. The most recent to
achieve this honor are:
2009 Stark Award
Beth Cate
Barb Masters
William (Bill) Pfeiffer
Joyce Pruitt
Heidi Shoemaker
Corporate &
Foundation Donors
The following represents combined cash
and in-kind support from corporations
and foundations of operations, special
projects, sponsorships and events
between 1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
Society Trustee
$50,000 & above
Citizens Energy Group
Coca-Cola Bottling
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Firestone Diversified Products
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Harlan Family Foundation
Indianapolis Power & Light
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Olinger Distributing
Veolia Water Indianapolis, LLC
Presidential Partner
Arts Council of Indianapolis and
the City of Indianapolis
Clarian Health
Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable
Dean Foods of Indiana
Hirst Family Charitable Fund, a
fund of Legacy Fund Community
Ice Miller LLP
Indianapolis Business Journal
The Scott A. Jones Foundation
Nicholas H. Noyes Jr. Memorial
Old National Bank
Pepper Construction Company
of Indiana
St. Vincent Health
Tony Stewart Foundation
Community Champion
Anthem Blue Cross and
Blue Shield
AT&T Real Yellow Pages
Business Furniture
Community Health Network
W. C. Griffith Foundation Trust
Harris Bank
National City Bank
The OneAmerica Foundation, Inc.
Guardian $15,000-$19,999
Advanced Endo Care
CIGNA Health Care
Collina Ventures, LLC
Richard M. Fairbanks
Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Personal Investments
The Finish Line, Inc.
The Hawthorns Golf &
Country Club
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Indianapolis Neurosurgical Group
Krieg Devault LLP
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Revol Wireless
State Farm Insurance Companies
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Caretaker $10,000-$14,999
Allegient, LLC
DePauw University
Dow AgroSciences
Honeywell, Inc.
Hoosier Park Racing & Casino
Humana, Inc.
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Indianapolis Monthly
Arthur Jordan Foundation
M&I Bank
Marsh Supermarkets, Inc.
Meijer, Inc.
Turner Construction Company
of Indiana
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry LLP
Benefactor $5,000-$9,999
Action Brace & Prosthetic, Inc.
American Dairy Association of
Indiana, Inc.
ARAB Termite and Pest
Control, Inc.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Barnes & Thornburg
Bingham McHale, LLP
Bocar Enterprises, Inc.
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf
Butler University
Center for Orthopedic Surgery
Clear Channel Outdoor
Coors Brewing Company
Crowe Horwath LLP
Christel DeHaan Family
Dippin Dots
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Inc.
Ernst & Young
Exclusive Limousine
Geupel DeMars Hagerman, LLC
Greenwood Orthopaedics
Hirons & Company
Hylant Group of Indianapolis, LLC
Indiana Live! Casino
Indiana Pathology Institute PC
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
Javelina Construction, Inc.
The Kittle Foundation
Lumina Foundation for Education
Markey’s Audio Visual
MBS Associates
Med-Care Service, Inc.
Methodist Medical Group
Quaker Tropicana Gatorade
Real America Development
RJE Business Interiors
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Sallie Mae, Inc.
Swisher Foundation
Turkle & Associates
USA Funds, Inc.
Wheaton World Wide Moving
Hero $2,500-$4,999
Ambrose Property Group
Becovic Management Group
BSA Lifestructures
The Jerry L. and Barbara J. Burris
Central Indiana Corporate
City Securities Corporation
Conrad Indianapolis
Dunkin’ Donuts
First Class Lawn & Landscape
FirstLine PHC Inc.
Gibbons Jones, P.C.
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath &
Lyman PC
Howard Regional Health System
Ivy Tech Foundations
The Jacoby Agency
Jocham Harden Dimick
Jackson P.C.
Howard K. Johnson Fund of the
Indianapolis Foundation
Jones Lang LaSalle
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Mays Chemical Company
Midland Atlantic
Midwest Mole, Inc.
MultiNational Underwriters
National Wine & Spirits
Nordstrom, Inc.
North Mechanical Contracting
Omni Severin Hotel
OneAmerica Financial, Inc.
Pacers Sports & Entertainment
Phoenix Data Corporation Inc.
Ruddell Trust Fund
SGW Integrated Marketing
Solar Sources, Inc.
Starbucks Coffee Co.
Sun Medical
United Parcel Service
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wine Cellars Limited
Tom Wood Lexus
WTHR Channel 13
Wurster Construction Co.
Nussbaum $1,000-$2,499
A Step Above Bridal
Applied Engineering Services, Inc.
The Ayres Foundation
Back Home Again Foundation
The Best Chocolate in Town
BKD Foundation
Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
The Brave Heart Foundation
Browning Construction, Inc.
C D Enterprises LTD
Caito Foods Service, Inc.
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Charles Schwab Foundation
Circle Design Group, Inc.
Cohen Family Foundation
Cole Hardwood, Inc.
Dalmatian Fire, Inc.
ESL-Spectrum, Inc.
Fitch Hoyt Kline & Associates
Rick Gevers & Associates
Eugene & Marilyn Glick
Foundation Corporation
Hardamon & Associates
Herff Jones, Inc.
Indianapolis Convention & Visitors
Jenn Foundation
Liberty Mutual Insurance
M&I Wealth Management
Marbaugh Reprographics
Supply Co. Inc.
Messer Construction
Morgan Keegan & Company
Morgan Keegan Investments
Joanne W. Orr Charitable Fund of
the Indianapolis Foundation
Peckham Guyton Albers & Viets
Pierce Promotions and Event
Management, LLC
Prudential Foundation
Regions Trust
Rolls-Royce Corporation
Rundell Ernstberger
Associates, LLC
Somerset CPAs
Spohn Associates, Inc.
Spotlight Indianapolis
Teachers Credit Union
Walker Information
Washington Township Lions Club
White Lodging
Wolf Family Dentistry
Tom Wood Management
The Woodhouse Day Spa
Zooporter $500-$999
6 Lounge & Restaurant
AAA Hoosier Motor Club
Adobo Grill
Aronstam Fine Jewelers
Becker Landscape Contractors
Benefit Associates
Brehob Nursery and Greenhouse
CC Home
Circle City Sweets
The Estridge Companies
Fink Roberts & Petrie, Inc.
Flemings Prime Steakhouse &
Wine Bar
Gazelle Web & Consulting, L.L.C.
Geiger & Peters, Inc.
Gregory & Appel Insurance
H.J. Spier Company, Inc.
Harlan Laboratories
Hendricks Power
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Holliday
Fund of the Central Indiana
Community Foundation
i.d.o. Incorporated
Imaging Office Systems
Indiana Windows User Group
Indianapolis Opera
Indy Racing League
Kahn’s Fine Wines & Spirits
Lushin & Associates, Inc.
Mi-Tech Metals, Inc.
Powers & Sons Construction
Saks Fifth Avenue
Sharp Business Systems
Sommer Fund of the Central
Indiana Community Foundation
Stuart & Branigin LLP
Tarpenning Lafollette Co., Inc.
Subscriber $250-$499
Bandy Carroll Hellige Public
CE Solutions, Inc.
Earthly Designs
Event Network
Ford Meter Box Foundation, Inc.
French Lick Springs Resort & Spa
Fusion Design Group
Gilbert, Naragon, Terrill &
Company, Inc.
Gregg Appliances, Inc.
Indiana Black Expo, Inc.
Indianapolis Garden Club
Kokomo Winery
MY-TE Products, Inc.
Ray’s Trash Service, Inc.
Reis-Nichols Jewelers
Shane Photography
Spa Chakra
SPORTZbizz Massage Services
Wine Cellar Innovations
Contributor $1-$249
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Comedy Sportz Indianapolis
Cork & Cracker
Cynde’s Shoes
Eli Lilly Federal Credit Union
Esco Communications, Inc.
28 Fayette County Foundation
Hubbard Training Systems
Indiana Ice Hockey Team
Indiana State Museum
Miller Meyers LLP Trial Lawyers
Mitchell Clay Studio
PURSEnally Yours
Retired Indiana Public Employees
Association, Inc.
S&K Famous Brands
Skye Seaborn Art
Studio 135
Walker Family Foundation Inc.
Wines for Humanity
Tony Stewart Foundation
Veolia Water Indianapolis, LLC
Matching Gift
Aid Association for Lutherans
AT&T Foundation
The Baxter International
Caterpiller, Inc.
Computer Associates
International, Inc.
Dow AgroSciences
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Richard M. Fairbanks
Foundation, Inc.
Marketing Sponsors
GartnerGroup, Inc.
Action Brace & Prosthetic, Inc.
Home Depot
American Dairy Association of
IBM Corporation
Indiana, Inc.
Indianapolis Power & Light
ARAB Termite and Pest
Control, Inc.
Key Private Bank
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Lilly Endowment
AT&T Real Yellow Pages
Lumina Foundation for Education
BallPark Franks
McGraw-Hill Companies
Becovic Management Group
Foundation Matching Gift
Bob Evans
Citizens Energy Group
Pepsico Foundation
Clarian Health
Prudential Foundation
The Sallie Mae Fund
Community Health Network
Temple-Inland Foundation
Dean Foods of Indiana
United Technologies Carrier
Dippin Dots
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Edy’s Ice Cream
Dunkin’ Donuts
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Exclusive Limousine
Fidelity Investments
Special Projects
The following have provided funds for
Harris Bank
restricted purposes and special projects
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
between 1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
Arts Council of Indianapolis & the
Indianapolis Power & Light
City of Indianapolis
Arts & Nature Programming
L. and Barbara J. Burris
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Community Tuesdays
L. Eccles
Markey’s Rental & Staging
African Plains Pavilion
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Meijer, Inc.
Veterinary Internship Program
Methodist Medical Group
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Fox
Old National Bank
IPS Initiative
Pierce Promotions and Event
Harlan Family Foundation
Management, LLC
Elkin Mark V Digital
Ray’s Trash
radiography unit
Revol Wireless
Texas Roadhouse
Howard K. Johnson Fund of the
Indianapolis Foundation
Elephant Care & Enrichment
Tony & Marla Smith
Membership & Dolphin
Adventure for Underserved
Swisher Foundation
Veterinary Hospital
Tony Stewart Foundation
Cheetah Conservation &
Roy Shea Capital
Asset Replacement
The fund was created in November
1998 to ensure ongoing care and
maintenance of the institution – the
Indianapolis Zoo – to which Mr.
Shea dedicated 32 years of his life. The
following gifts were received between
1/1/2009 and 12/31/2009.
Irma Crawley Estate
Vivian S. Delbrook Estate
Marta A. Roberts Estate
Mildred R. Young & Wilma K.
Young Charitable Remainder Trust
Elegant Vintages
International Wine
The following represents sponsors of the
Elegant Vintages International Wine
Auction held on March 12, 2009. The
event co-chairs were Holiday Banta
and T.J. Cole.
Title Sponsor
The Jacoby Agency–Insurance and
Financial Services
VIP Sponsor
Turkle & Associates and Phases
Skin Care & Laser Center
Beverage Sponsor
Olinger Distributing
Advertising Sponsor
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Connoizooer Table
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
The Jacoby Agency–Insurance and
Financial Services
Olinger Distributing
Solso Family and Friends
Turkle & Associates and Phases
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry LLP
Don and Karine Woodley
Cellarmaster Patron
Table Sponsors
Mr. Charles S. Cooper
John and Melissa Davis
Dogwood Cellars
Firestone Diversified Products
The Jacoby Agency–Insurance and
Financial Services
MBS Associates
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Ms. Renee Wilmeth
A Step Above Bridal
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ackley
Adobo Grill
American Airlines
Mr. Marc Aronstam
Ms. Holiday W. Banta &
Mr. T.J. Cole
Ms. Cynde Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baxter
The Best Chocolate in Town
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Ms. Karen Burns
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
CC Home Décor
Ms. Darlene Christy
Circle City Sweets
Dr. Robert & Mrs. Lynn Colyer
Mr. Charles Cooper
The Conrad Hotel
Cork & Cracker
Mrs. Susan Cross
Mr. Michael J. Crowther
Cynde’s Shoes, LLC
John and Melissa Davis
Mr. Stefan Davis
Mr. Gregory DeWitt &
Ms. Beth Blasdel
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dick
Dogwood Cellars
Earthly Design
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Epler
Euphoria Restaurant
Exclusive Limousine
Ezulwini Game Lodges
Fairmont Hotels
Mr. Antonio Fermin
Flemings Prime Steakhouse
Fusion Design Group
Ms. Gina Soo Golden
Mr. Rick Greiner
Hertz Rent a Car
Hubbard Training Systems
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Hurwitz
Indiana Fever
Indianapolis Opera
Indianapolis Zoo
Indy Racing League
Drs. Noel and Jon Jansen
Ms. Florrie Binford Kichler
Kokomo Wines
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Koolish
Ashley Lockwood
Ms. Cheryl Lowe
Ms. Regina Marsh
Ms. Nina L. McCoy
Mr. Dave McLary
Ms. Sharon Merriman
Mr. Gary Miller
Mitchell Clay Studio, Inc.
Mr. Philip Morphew
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Near
Mr. Robert O’Bailey
Olinger Distributing
Omni Severin Hotel
Patora Fine Jewelers
PURSEnally Yours
Mr. Chip Roth
Saks Fifth Avenue
Scholar’s Inn Restaurant & Lounge
Segway of Indiana
Shane Photography
Skye Seaborn Art, Ltd.
Spa Chakra
Sportzbizz Massage Services
Mr. George M. Taber
Ms Judith Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Tomich
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Trinkle
Turkle & Associates/Phases
Mr. & Mrs. John Tynan
Rob Ventura
Mrs. Judy Viale
Dr. Kevin Waltz
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Dr. Richard C. Weber
Ms. Vicky Shaffer White
Mr. Bob Whitt
Ms. Renee Wilmeth
Dr. & Mrs. David Wilson
Wine Cellar Innovations
Wine Cellar Limited
Dr. David H. Wolf
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry LLP
Ms Helen Zimmerman
The following represents sponsors,
participants, and friends of the Zoo’s
annual golf outing, Golfari, held
Wednesday, July 15, 2009, at Pebble
Brook Golf Course. The event cochairs were Craig Mullins & Andy
Title Sponsor
Honeywell, Inc.
Presenting Sponsor
FORUM Credit Union
Event Sponsors
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf
Pepper Construction Company of
Indiana, LLC
Indianapolis Power & Light
i.d.o. Incorporated
Marbaugh Reprographics
Omni Severin Hotel
Somerset CPAs P.C.
Stuart & Branigin LLP
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Turner Construction Company
Animal Foursomes
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf
Dalmatian Fire
The Cohen Family Foundation
Planned Giving Committee
M&I Wealth Management
Mavum Risk Management
Rick Gevers & Associates
Sharp Business Systems
Hole Sponsors
The Estridge Companies
Special Friends
Beverage Cart
AirTran Airways
Green Dreams Golf Tours LLC
Belterra Resort Casino & Spa
City Securities
Turner Construction Company
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Comedy Sportz Indianapolis
Putting Contest
Dance Kaleidoscope
David DeWitt
Spohn Associates
Don Reynolds Imaging
Eddie Merlot’s
Lunch Sponsor
Event Network
Qdoba Mexican Grill
French Lick Resort
Specialty Hole Sponsors Frito-Lay
Green Way Supply
Olinger Distributing Co. –
Indiana Fever
Margarita Hole
Indiana Ice
Rundell Ernstberger Associates,
Indiana Live! Casino
LLC – Root Beer Float Hole
Indiana Pacers
Indiana Repertory Theatre
Corporate Foursomes
Indiana State Museum
Anthem Blue Cross and
Indianapolis Art Center
Blue Shield
Indianapolis Business Journal
Applied Engineering
Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra
Becker Landscape
Indianapolis Colts
Benefit Associates
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Browning Construction
Indianapolis Opera
Circle Design Group
Indianapolis Zoo Volunteers
Citizens Energy Group
Indiana State Museum
Clear Channel Outdoor
Margaritaville Tequila
ESL Spectrum
Mass Ave Toys
Fitch Hoyt Kline & Associates
Mass Ave Wine Shoppe
FORUM Credit Union
Miller-Coors Brewing Company
Music for All
Pebble Brook Golf Course
Phoenix Theatre
Truly Moving Pictures
Walt Disney World
The following represents sponsors of
the Zoo’s annual blockbuster black-tie
event, Zoobilation, which was held on
June 12, 2009. The event chair was
Greg Fennig.
Title Sponsor Indianapolis Power & Light
VIP Party Sponsor
Scott A. Jones Foundation
Front Entrance Plaze
Stage Sponsor
Ambrose Property Group
Restaurant Coupon
Book Sponsor
Barnes & Thornburg
Limousine Wrap
Margaritaville Tequila, Bacardi,
Luxco Pearl Vodka
Beverage Sponsors
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Coors Brewing Co.
Olinger Distributing Co.
Restaurant Judging
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Chairman’s Hospitality
Indiana Live! Casino
Zoobilation Restaurants
Day at the Zoo
Citizens Energy Group
Official Zoobilation
Limousine Service
Exclusive Limousine
Official Hotel Sponsor
Omni Severin
Official Zoobilation Spa
Woodhouse Day Spa
Platinum Donors $20,000
Ice Miller LLP
Indianapolis Power & Light
Pepper Construction Company
St. Vincent Hospital &
Health Services
Gold Donors $12,000
Advanced Endo Care
BFS Diversified Products
Business Furniture
CIGNA Health Care
Clarian Health Partners
Collina Ventures, LLC
Finish Line
Fred & Beth Cate–Friends of
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Hawthorns Country Club
Indianapolis Neurosurgical Group
Krieg Devault LLP
Olinger Distributing
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Scott A. Jones Foundation
State Farm Insurance Companies
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Silver Donors $7,500
Allegient, LLC
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Crowe Horwath
Hagerman Construction Group
Hardamon & Associates
Hoosier Park Racing & Casino
Humana, Inc.
Quaker Tropicana Gatorade
Indianapolis Business Journal
Indianapolis Monthly
National City Bank
Old National Bank
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Sallie Mae, Inc.
The Tony Stewart Foundation
Turner Construction Company
USA Funds, Inc.
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry LLP
Bronze Donors $3,000
Acorn Distributors, INC
Ambrose Property Group
Center for Orthopedic Surgery
Citizens Energy Group
City Securities
Dow AgroSciences
First Class Lawn & Landscape
FirstLine PHC, Inc.
Dr. David & Kathy Fisher
Gibbons Jones, P.C.
Greenwood Orthopaedics
Hall, Render, Killian, Health &
Lyman PC
Hirons & Company
Howard Regional Health System
Hylant Group of Indianapolis, LLC
Indiana Live! Casino
Ivy Tech Foundations
Jocham, Harden, Dimick,
Jackson, P.C.
Katz, Sapper & Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Loftus
M & I Bank
Mays Chemical
MBS Associates LLC
Messer Construction
MET Found
Midland Atlantic
Midwest Mole, Inc.
Multi National Underwriting
Eno Nicoson
North Mechanical Contracting
Olinger Distributing
Omni Severin Hotel
Phoenix Data Corporation
Real America Development
Bill & Shirley Rice
The Samerian Foundation
Sun Medical
Mrs. Catherine M. Turner
United Parcel Service
USA Funds
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Weybrecht
Todd & Natalie Wolfe
WTHR Channel 13
Wurster Construction
120 West Market Fresh Grill
14 West Restaurant & Suites
A2Z Café
Adobo Grill
Alan’s Catered Events
Alcatraz Brewing Company
Arni’s Restaurant
Au Bon Pain
Barto’s Banquets and Catering
Blondie’s Cookies
Boulder Creek Dining Company
Bravo! Italian Kitchen
The Capital Grille
The Chef ’s Academy
Creation Café
Donatos Pizza, Subs & Salads
Dunkin Donuts
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse &
Wine Bar
The Flying Cupcake
Fogo De Chao
Gelato Da Vinci
Grindstone Charley’s
H2O Sushi
Harry & Izzy’s
Hoaglin Fine Catering
Hoaglin To Go Café &
Hollyhock Hill
Holy Cow Cupcakes
Hot Tuna/Omni Severin Hotel
Kona Grill
La Margarita Restaurant
Maggiano’s Little Italy
Maker’s Mark Bourbon House
& Lounge
McCormick & Schmick’s
The Melting Pot
Midtown Grill
Mitchell’s Fish Market
Mudsocks Grill
Noah Grant’s Grill House
& Raw Bar
Noodles & Company
Nordstrom Café Bistro
Oh Yumm! Bistro & Catering
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Panera Bread
Qdoba Mexican Grill
R Bistro
Rathskeller Restaurant
Rick’s Café Boatyard
Rock Bottom Brewery
Ronnoco Coffee Company
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Scholar’s Inn Restaurant & Lounge
Shula’s Steak House
St. Elmo Steak House
Stir Crazy–Asian Fresh Grill
Stone Creek Dining Co.
Sullivan’s Steakhouse
Texas Roadhouse
The Restaurant at the Canterbury
The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Weber Grill
Zest Exciting Food Creations
Special Friends
(gift-in-kind contributions)
A-Classic Party Rentals
All Occasion Tent Rental
Coca-Cola Bottling
Coors Brewing Co.
Clear Channel Outdoor
Eventfull Planning, LLC
Exclusive Limousine
Frito Lay
Hirons & Company
Home City Ice
Indianapolis Business Journal
Indiana Lawyer
Indianapolis Monthly
Marco’s Pizza
McFarling Foods
Midwest Bartending School
Olinger Distributing
Omni-Severin Hotel
RCA Dome
White River State Park
And the Indianapolis Zoo Staff
and Volunteers
Every effort has been made by
the Indianapolis Zoo to verify
information for accuracy and
completeness. Although great care is
taken in compiling our lists of donors,
the possibility of error always exists.
We regret any errors in the spelling of
names or omissions and request that
you notify us with any corrections.
Please contact Tim Ardillo, Director
of Institutional Advancement, at
32 (317) 630-2703.
The greatest use
of life is to spend
it for something
that will outlast it.
–William James
Volunteer Services
Adult Volunteer Hours
Intern Hours
Zoo Teen Hours
High School Intern Hours
Special Event Volunteer Hours Special Needs Volunteer Hours Group Hours
Total Full Time Equivalent
Hours / 52 weeks / 40 hours/week = 24.6 employees
All of us have the need to feel inspired. For many, children
inspire hope and animals inspire wonder. Combine those two
things together and the world of possibilities becomes limitless.
Connecting children of all ages to animals offers the chance to inspire caring,
empathy, and action. The Indianapolis Zoo’s Hix Institute for Research and
Conservation provides that connection through our conservation education
programs. These programs–ranging from outreach programs such as ZooMobile,
where an instructor brings animals to the classroom, to a child wading in the
water with a bottlenose dolphin–connect thousands each year to wildlife. In a
world where we face a future with daunting challenges, it is this connection and
caring that will make the ultimate difference in securing a future for wildlife.
2009 Programs Sessions/Hours
# of Participants
Adventure Tours
28 tours
Audio Tour
(total # of calls) 4063
(# of unique)
Connection Cove
790 hrs.
Day Camp
37 camps
Distance Learning
558 sessions
Dolphin In-Water
151 sessions
Education Kits Rented
18 rentals
18 classrooms
Elephant Art Adventure
11 sessions
63 programs
350 classrooms
Shark Touch Tank
1,347 hrs.
~ 1 million
Zoo Mobile
177 programs
Field Trips
Executive Editor: Karen Burns, Senior Vice President, External Relations and Communications
Senior Editor: Tim Ardillo, Director of Institutional Advancement
Writer & Editor: Judith L. Gagen, Director of Communications
Production Manager: Jo Hohlbein, Director of Creative Services
Book Designer: Carla Blackwell Design
Photo Credits Booklet:
Page 3, 32
Page 4
Page 33
Page 35
Fred Cate
Mark Sheehan
Karie Heaton
Jason Wright
Photo Credits Folding Pages:
Bearded Dragons
Rind Tailed Lemurs
Baboon, Cheetah, Giraffes
Komodo Dragon
Polar Bear
Michael Crowther &
Mike Wells
Kerrie Best
Fred Cate
Jackie Curts
Sandi Cornett
Maura Giles
Laura Lynch
Warren Lynn
Walt Nichols Photography
The Indianapolis Zoo is accredited by the Association
of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the American Association
of Museums (AAM), and the Alliance of Marine Mammal
Parks and Attractions (AMMPA) and is located in
White River State Park.
The Indianapolis Zoo uses 100% green power.
This report is made with pulp that comes from FSC (Forest
Stewardship Council) certified forests. These are managed
forests that guarantee the resource sustainability and good
environmental, social and economic practices.
Indianapolis Zoo
1200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46222-0309
A Leader in Conservation
This publication was printed
at Jewett, a printing company that uses
environmentally responsible materials,
storage and processes in its production
methods, including the use of soy-based
inks, and products which contain safer
components and have lower volatile
organic compound contents.
Made with 100% recycled paper.