Do-Joa - Greenbelt News Review
Do-Joa - Greenbelt News Review
- '''.!&!-i!,!.l!.,.._..___......;'-;.;_:13il•l!!!!!!ll!!F!!t~-!!!!!:s!2W~!·~·!..-~TI~-~ ..... !!!!·~AIIflf~~~~4,!:2,!1.!!!_ . ~--'-p.l Ru.ell AJpointed Harolcl ....,.. Festival - - - - - p.-- ...- - -- ..,........_-a.....,_.. Badl .._I ud tloo " - ~ ... - tiw aft 1a c-.. J.c-ary EoecuHapa llu La._ w. Ruowll. .Jr. nt Lallesidil' on.., ehal:raaa ol tlae ....,_ Gooope County COUD<>I 1.-.w- oe Cl111klna .ad Tou.Ul. au-en. a •IIIIK teactwr aad ~ to a 11ndfo wanety ol .....,._, .._ . . . . . _ .ao.aWI . _ . . . . , . . ia ....._ to. c - • 'ioe for lJIIIo---' J'iCIId.--ol--.;r. llow-ewl', •..-tiaa ol. ...,. t.Jteo a . . .~a~ ...,... ..-ac1N and on~ u.-1' ~ an&Jyst to t!w ar a.-•• T1w ~ ·AN Ceater will .......... ita - .-...u Harold .....,.. Brine your ebaira and bla.n..keta with you to the Greenbelt Center Mall in front ot tbe Motb-e-r and Child Statue at 6 p.m. this cominc Saturday. You· can relax and enjoy, for free. the.. bouncy outdoor muaic&l "BONES." witlo - -.,. - . _ !12, . .23 . aDd Utopia T1watft K -n.. w..,.rfDI •oriel ot blo,........ - t>IP..... old Lloyd.. • - bai>U ,,_ Har- "' -·--··--..- --Do---p.p -u --- . __ ____.......... ____ .. te ~ a ..... ..,_. .otn tMt ,.._ - Uw - u.. .. - _ . . , - ....,.,_ General ....... ..,. . . • a foniiH' faady aiMS Idol-~~ co.taea az. JOUt& •.n1en ·eec• .._._·'~u Iliad . . wMtlter "I'Joat liaes'." fw t.k Ja- ~ ....-ma. ~ Joa~~ B. Ptt.IIJJI. o6 Boww. Ptatu. n.taiD.S .., --.rr o6 Uw C'OWICU and ftp, u. I!'CMI.Bl,Y a& a ....._. roafeNIICe olell&ldna·o-uaaod...,... art.JW ....._ ..........._. .w a.a... 5M aDd __.. . . ·a ........._ ol tat _ _.,__.,_.,_, -.-. ., - ' · ~ tloo ot -~---..., ""Gu1 ~ will _., • .....,_.. at a p..-.. em ~. A~ 22. T1M1 ENDENT NEWSPAPER ~. . . . . ~ • tailar ....... to the bia - . a b c , . . . t.aoJ... Cou~il~ilon~ 0.. -~. . , . _ 23. aloo at I p ..a., J..lo,cc ,.,.. caa ~ ""Dr. Jae~~.·· ... eocapod - ..... -~. . - ...... "Far Llo7d Y BealiC'hamp A disaster in the Greenbriar ..,....._ ----- ----;toldoDtlfY ..,.,._lii..W-TW.....,...;. __ -- anto _ _........_ . ......._ _ _ <Wol- ..... ..,. ..._... __ ., .... _ _. ---- ... ..._..--- _.....,._ . ,_- ..... _.___ . . _ . . . . - - - .... ..., ... , _ . , _ _ to .,. - _ ..... _-10 _ _ _ -·-.......---- , ~----- ·--~..-.-- ol . - - - c-..aa oa a JU' wtl.lirl U.O. ol. Cloulla ~ rw-aB4M-TNL ·--~-....-. . -.._...._Ole_ --2-- . . ____ .._ . . tar----"'~ 'ftio 1'lle f ....... "" • . . . - - . . . . _ _ _AftOI( --..--....m-~ -12-----· ....n- .... --·...... -·-1-,_ ··...... ·-·-.,__ --·--- _ .. _..,.... _ _ _ _ " ' - - ...... _ . , ..... -- u .-a e..-rwet~ca ee:e rtn• lal all..nx.. at-Ule-- __.. ..._ ..._ ......,. tMo ..._ .-etlaMI ....... ....... -D ..... 12- 11,- u-_. ( .. _ _ ·--.. _ --··-·-1- --10- ..... -c 1S- \. ~~J a- , ...... ~- 11- ·,_ ·- '2- 11- ··-·- ·- ·- .....·-_ ··.,.....-______________ . _,_.._ . _ K- / •--*t ~ ,._ ~-- u- ~- ~-J '!OrALe •m.,.,.,. l'OI'AL • ~ nJt.u. • JIUILDIIIGII l'OI'AL tt lllliUJDfQB ...... --.rr·--.WCJC'I...... - .. a.r--- ~ -~ff .... - ,e -:-al • ......... -UJ21,. ·- u,_ -1 . ~-. - . . _ • 1J/U1a I / . , . - ..,.,.. • - ,..._ 1/Wal- ....... . . . .·- . . . a-t ..... ~ .' ... ~ -....;.- ....... Tll11181 . , . , . . - IIWII 1/11,. . - - . . , _ T!aa ~- Tla'll ...- T , _ WD/11 - T..-181 lJa'll UJ211• - 112111 Ullllllt - ~ .,_ -.,.,_ . . . . . ;. ......__._ ....... . ~ ....... a:-:-·-~ .,_D ..... .,..,.. - 112'0/G ....,.. • &l1allll II1II/8D - liiU.'SI ....,.. - - - .::-- --11-..--:-~--11114----11- .,_ .,_ .,.,_ a.--. .....-.& t·-·. T/11/D l/ti/D - 1/U/G .,..,.. - IIUIIl Ttel/1l lltlill IIUIIl - T/11/11 • T,_ - · , _ - . , _ .. _ : . ·~-- -----a-~ I for a 2 bedroom tr.- IDW!Ihome. 'l'!u. low price iJ:t. dudeo hardwood Aoon. ~ aDd dryer, rear pard> with stonp area. Plus - oWMr will help with fttw><liJic. What you waitiDc for! Call today! 2. GREENBELT su,J UNBELIEVABLE! ' i Thit two bedroom KASONRY tDWDbame Ia ..,. IDcredi~ buy at tu.550! Locall<m ia arnt aDd o....,.. will ~ with flnal><iq. Don't let this cae pui you buy! I ! l. GREENBELT $41,. 14150 I I is the downpaymftlt you need for this brick ID'Ofllbollle Wlth 2 bedrooms. remodeled ltitdltm aDd bolth, - - .., attic. Let your money start workiDC for you! 4. GREENBFJ..T i PBICE REDUCED J- No• bo the tUDe to ad on this split leftl home ....,. -- rea- iDdude 4 beclro.-» 2* boltha. • • ltitd>eD, .....,. dlc:MDt beet, tr.bly poW>ted imnMdlate ~- Take a Joolt aDd you'll be reactT ~ -u.. ID moft! Jn NEED PROPER1'1ES FOR SALE 111 Due ID our ccan- Bacldo& ol B>qen our ~ -..e M>ld Wllhin short periC>ds ol ame. C.U our ~ stair today for a FBD C<>mpetitiw Market ADalysla. ~ -c $21~ WWEST PIUCE AVAILABLE 12- ~- D- 1. GREENBELT i. 12-' .:....- um development Aug. 14 otturred when a "failsafe .. sewage pumping station failed. Untreated sewage poured through four ground- -TMu..,d - Harold'•_ ._ - ' -_ - - 611 BAIIITATION SOIDIIE-PIIASE 1 --~ condomini ~........... wltll ........... _ _ _ IJo · - tiJI/1111 - WUJS1 11t1111 Jl/H/11 y:~ 21. 1980 Goncl8mlniu ·~ .~"BS_ter ~s vGr~nbri~r Sewage Pompin!J -~ticliLfails ircinia ~enl out"U!to~~ ... - eview P. 0. Box 68 ~0, Tb Volume 43, Number 41 Greenbelt News Call 474-5700 NYMAN JIEALTY IN£. 151 Centerway level apartments and a basement storage area. This prompted Greenbriar residents to seek help from the city council was well spra.yed t~f. wbe~ • sump pump, unable tq cope Wl~ the dilch&l'J'e failed ~ weD. M the level of water co*tinued to rbe, it inundated the Other pumpa, whJch then were unalble to funetion. Onbr ater tbe le-tel of liquids 8owed ·over 1 to a. bi&h euoucb height in the ad· jacent ....t wen. did the automatic alarm s,rstem .., int9 operation. EveR th.. !JO!De delay occurred as the ~ company failed to respond immediately. The alarm to deal with their situation. ~ystem <tpes not •nae when the • The Board of the Green briar pumps thje:m.eeiYetl fail Recreation Association. gov~o con.rol the situatJcn, all waerning body for Greenbriar ter had tlo be abut off in the dePhases I, n, m and the Glen - Ve~pment, leavine 1200 families Oaks ~velopment. together withoJJ,t ~er for more than 24 with many Greenbriar resi- boun. After an auxiliary pump dents, met with the city coun- was inst&Jled, sewace was released cil in a special meeting at 7 into a nearby stream. The stream p.m. on Monday, August 18. was chlorinated and both the' Health r:le-pt. and Water ResourGl'ftnbriar'• situation is unique ca were ,not.ifted of the situation. in Mont,aomery and Priaee Geol'· Accord.i~ to a report by the city ..,. County. aD ..-c1. in that the manager, ' the atree.m i1uul north. • . _ pumpiDc ..Uon ia privat.einto the : Acricuhural Research 17 owned. Tbia waa a le&&c7 from tben to Indian Creek north ..........-mo made DIIIIIY , _ . . Center. of the Qity. It doe• not ftow aco b)' d n - r Alan KaJ' to be- throuah · inhabited sections of am -ion duriDir .. oewer - . . . . r l - bapooed b)' the State. After auell COD"Uove-ny, Kay wu permitted to eetablish and operate -a pac-kqe ~treatment plant 10 that tenants could becin to move into the devE-lopment. The plant operated from October JW1'4 to June 1171, when the Greenbriar sewer Unes tied into the were WeM:em Br&Mb treatmmt plant whleb by that time wu complete: The private pwapinc atat.ien been built to pump ~~rwa,ae- to the temporaty' oa-aite plant and aJao to pump ~ over a rtcJce. line to WNtem BraDch. iD eue. of failure of the on-site plant. S,. an aareement drawn up in Aprtl 1971 between the Washin&'ton Suburban Sanitary Collllllission and Greeitbriar Aaociates, the- pumptna lt.atJon remained under the control of the developer but .supervi:led by WSSC. The deftlopment wu converted to condOIIIiniuma prior to occupancy, with IJQVern&nce in tbe control -of member-ownen through the Greenbriar ·Recrea~ Uon Aaeociation. Operatinc a prtvate sewqe Pwt.PillC' atation has become IDOl'e than they &arcai.ned for. hOWh'er. .. •ifhi8 is 011e lD a serlea of lep~ ciN... CouadBDan. Tbomu White OOIIUilented. ~t on board b7 deftlopero oODp. • GovenuDeDtaJ bod!• ~t to pi'Oride mont KPUtJny be aid. "Developen are lone Pme when pn>Wem.o arloe.- asMu-t-ent .mcm. ...- All ~ with lh:lor GU Weldeafeld•a - • tbat tibe oltDatlon wu -..'7 oorlouo." Weldellfeld. wbo a.d made an oa-ute iJio)leetloD at tile wont o1 tile. dla- - · ...... tile -me b)' aert~Mq -~of what de- c;n.,- .,....,m f..,m a relatlnly ofmple system," Suck said . All con~med-Greenbriar Rec~ reatlon Js,un. p~dent Robert Zugby, Jtmler. city manager •ames, and city councilfavored neJotiations with the WSSC to initiate the process c#tlaving the RumPillJr atatlon · W..n under ita jjuri8d1ction. ..f really feel WSS¢ reoponoible," aald councilmalj Rlcbard C..taldl. He felt that lcity attoilley Eziuaetl N&IUia mojlld oerutillbe the termo ot o..-ne~. Tbe 1171 document to apparently eontaillo varlouo am- bi&Uitia f1linr ownenh.ip of tile of tile pwapblg .... tkm and .,..eemiDa: ~nolblllty for Ito operatJoa. '"l'bey IWSI!Cl "fd oua:bt ~told to be ""Tbe . aft W88Cj Uld tlo07 oucbt " CUc.Jdl oald. ..._,. for reJJef M to i l l - at 1111 early -.-~oald. eactneer Jolm - · The faUuft oCearred wit.h brealraae m Oil~ · ~. whlell ta m- try · - . - . . the bale of a dry...._ we-~ Raw ~ Council' p.a.ued an amendment to an earlier f'NOiution increasin• by $4.50,000 the amount" authorized for pubUe improvements. for Hanover Parkway and Greenway Center Drive. The full am.ount$1,750,000 - will be ...~ Greenway Center A.Sioe.l .. ates. Contractor -for the ~ork i.s Western Con.tructlon OJmpany, Inc. On a . moUon by councilman CharleJJ Schwan, council agreed to provide interim tr&n.lportatlon for elderly remdenta in city vehicles. Thit: would substitute for tbe ftCU1ar cnunqoperated •hopper's bWI from. tbe Center and Green Rktce Hpuae to Beltway Plua. diacontinued durinc the strike by eown,- employees. CQuneil alao screed to make a formal request to the MarylandNational Capital Park and Plannine Comala:io:n for tunct. to undert:ake ll market:lq- and arehJ· tectura.l analysb of the Center shopping area. . The ~nter wO >peci11cally Identified by MNCPPC as & project ·Which"bt use part of a 179.000 fund lot speclal planning aaaiat.ance to m11nicipalitles. Council allo endorsed a plan b7 the MNCPPC •tatr to undertake an a.rtl project for aD eenior clti~ zens in the art.s aDd craftl .room ot Green Ridae Bouse. TOe program would operate under CETA lunda. Greenbrla.r residents feel they are taxed doubly onder th~ present set-up. Stephen Buck. president of tondom.inium Ventul'e3, Inc.. the -. m.anaaement firm that handlee : Greenbriar matters. claimed t4ey pay 1210,000 annually in water and sewer bills for individual holnes. In addiUon. they pay an ea4im&ted Sl10,000 for unitary tax -.nd front-foot tax,. plus maiaten~ce of the pumpJna •tation. No.. they ate faced wUb a $31-80.000 blll to aet the atatiOn into ~repair. The Gl'ftnbriar Board m.-ben had balked at • The IIJ)e4:ial meetinc adjourDed for a work ~on between counpaY1JW an, annual $215,000 maintenance fee ~o WSSC to take aver cil and the- GHI board on ·mortgage revenue bond flAancJnc of operation of the station in Januthe GIU rehabilitatJon Procram. ary 1980, after they already had ~de ma~r cbanpe in the at&· tJon to ~ WSSC specl1katiol18. It . . . tu,.ed lnto a .. real complex loe bad - . -He .... followed b)' c:tty ot&lled - atYt7Monday niCht m.eetiq.) White A&Pated. tbat county coun· cilman Frank Cuula and state legislator from the 2oith DIM:rtct alsO be invited to attend. eo.....u aa:reed to to . t up a meetinc at the n.rUeot Gleae ble date with WSSC. that Greenbriar rut- dent. u attend. 11 u ( board memben t 20 altoeether were Golden Age ClU b b)'-E.Loe Reservations are •tJU available for the Inner Harbor trip to Baltimore on September 12. Green belt .seniors may call Tra;:!,_~~rman. Zelpha Panons. A bus trip tour of St. M&ry's County iS planned for Saturday September 11. It will include ~ special tour of St. lla.ry'a aty and other pointll, a stop ai the Amiah Market and the Historic Sotterley Houae at Hollywood, lid.. u well u Solomon b.lalld. Lunch wW l;le at .aaae oonvenient· stop Oft- tbe trip. Of interat tO senJor cittzena wiU be tile 12th Annual National Capital Ceramlea ._,._ Show at Gleellbelt .u-ry on Septemller I, • IUld T, All o1 the artldeo far Mle were made b7 oenlo< eltlaeaa or cblldren. Tloere wW at.o be a Jluoea!ar o,.otropb)' - : ..... door prlseo. time for Jl'rlclq, -September 5. 5 to 8 p.IIL;,., September .. 10 LID. to 8 p.m. IUld llunda7 Septeaabft' ~. 12 aooa to & p.m. ---~ sl..,fi•c s•11111 Tbe City of Greenbelt baa made art~menu teo provide eeoiot cit).zenll Um.ite4 extrA t.f'"&UPOIU.~ fOr aboppin&' with a weekly ahltttJe terviee until the Prince tictt s~ by the Everyman Street ; ~·· County .utke ia .aver Theater Company. The Camp- an County ~enJor cl~n. bus any, now in its lith :'8e'&$0n, .is se ee tsUJDea. sponsored by the w_orkahops. lOT e P~ to be run on Caree.n in the Arts, Wubinaton. )( ndays, wW provide eldBty citD.C. under the dtrectonli1p of · .with t.ranaport.atioD from. G n Rida'e House &lld the SU.b.JeweU Robinaon Shepperd. The performance schedule of u Tru.t Bank in the ~ "BONES" WiU take the more rdaJ Center to Beltway Ptaa. th&n 70 members of the troupe ~~ Drop...olfs and pick-Upll will to various Wuhlniton neicbbor- be! made- upon request at the Scihoods, parka, mu.eum.s, and pub- _en~ Park lledica1 Center. Tbe lie buildin.p, and to Greenbelt prqcram will bqin )(oad..Q', Aufor tbe only auburba.n appearance- ~t 25.. and eYei'J' Mcx:Hia7 this summer before tra~lln• to th4reatter, except .t..aJ:tor ~~ Philadelphia on Auc. 25, and to Sej.tember 1, until the Count7 New York for· two pertormancea •trlke l1l .ettled.. at the end of the month. ~ ia Oil • ant come. • A:avin• received a s:M),OOO crant ~t Rr'n!' baaia. Smion tnUortllis year from th X Co est~ in bou'di.Dc· tile bull at pay the salary of ethe~ ·.;.~ Gt.n Ridp HOUM Uoukl lip tist.s and teehnical etatl, prirnarUJ? at Green Ridp Houee. ~Z ily drawn from. the Duke Ellince Roed., in tbe ant 8oor .liton School of Arta, tbe Everyman Senion lnterelted tn Street Theater Com~ Inc bua at Suburball duetion "BONES" b dJree~e:r:; in tbe Ceater aboWd call tlle Jlike Jlalone. wbo •Ufled tile omc:- at tT<--8000 to lllp up. street-theater version from the OD at the Cil:J' oSee beol~ ~~ ~ : : me Frlcla7 ~ 21. tile .. -oa~e ot ce: o - ~~~o~p- t. - . (Sip up at a..... orlcillal mllllcal. As stated by J"eaa White in the Poat. "In Bolles the pme ol buketball with Ito pattemed p~ ouper- ~~ 19 w--.- .,._·to :::: ~~:O:dm~c :=;~ HOWle librar7> for lite in a liftl7. bouncy mua.. leal monllq pia.)'. And the ~ ful memben of the cut . . . ctve their all in eneta)' and spirit to plq tile mllllcal ....,e.• We hope to Me ~ Saturda7 at • to 1hio " ' 7 - eial attraeti0111 in our tvWD Cealet' Jlall. beillJr CCHJ>OIIOOred b)' the GreenbeU Dept, of ~ and the Greenbelt Cultural .Arts ~nter, Inc. __, 11:-15 J:Ui 2;111 3:Ui ·-~ IJ" OGk:e "' b)' T...,._-- , . . _ _ ISipap ... ' .. • Cia- Start August 23 At P.G. Com: College Beatnning Aucuat 23 Prince Geoqe"l Community Co1Jece daaee !01' tbe faD 1980 RJDNter wiD bectn. Those stude.Rtll wbo were unable to repster Ill&)'" re&tster late at the Larp eamput. Auaust 23 ~rom 9 Lm. to 12 JUM)n, and Aucuat 26 tbrouab Aupat 29 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tbere i8 a late rqi.ltratloo fee. For information call 322-oll~ . Fun Runs The Lake will be the site of this Saturday'• .temi-monthly F\m }:tuns, which are jointly 1ponsored by the Greenbelt Rwmtnc Club and City of Greenbelt Department of Recreation. The Runs will be 1.4, 1. and 3 ml.les, with the first Run .starting at 9 a.m. behind the Bandstand. Come join us if you dare, and wear a p>od pair of runJliq shoes. For twther information, eaU Larry Noel, 474·9382.. GER no/ c,_,;w, • after 3 p.m. 441-2662 474-6001 -- ' ------------- --~!'!'"'--------------------------:----- ~ -,- r Thunday, August Zl, 1981> :~ c~.e-:n~ 1 woWd :!Jilt to on tlM' recardlna: · ot urea- clx"~ On SUnda.J'. Auc. 24. at 11 a..m. fonaLddtJ<Ir for _.watlOD ID GHl'~' bc::1rJws u n-~e-d m th., Mowatt Memorial lJnitffl XI!' tho~ ............... tWO • • )u qo ,_dl.St Church WIU hold & ll'OUnd 0rw pe-non quot,pf ~ -to! ~akiD&: wrv1ce The Reov.. nnd tJp sa,.,.q that M f~tk the- aater- _9h.arln WaJJace-. Super1ntendrnt :L :o be salt ~ M had not at Wuh1nKt.on Dutnct of ft~nenced any 111 tifKU from th>P l"nlted M~tbod1st Church wlli 11 "n h:_,. bomf'. Uh!ortJ.onat~ly :~~ak and ronduct th4> N'rrmony mark1na :hi!' butldln&' of an ad IIIA."lJ .tyrltMtJ-c c-he:CALs have d1twn to thf- church ~n ;:>~f'd :n our tr'nv1ronmf'n~ Th.,.. add1t10n Will prQVtdP a 1~ wnbou~ ;>rod'I.X':nc *u!f' potson Du~ -.:SI' ""'od •hl~b of .:bt"ti :~ •.s V""'- 43, m.-.• :~ ;-~:--. L~dtl Cyat- Sa.n~ttor Vud&. da~h torr: of Jlr and Kn Ern~"'t P. J:...n~ ~ to J(WIPJ'h Paul )(cC"' ,._.t:l •.t lb and Kn Wzlham F lict_.:a. J&e-y_ BoUt famJ!tt'!l l:vpo :n Gn--n be-lt. "'"» Nuptl&l Kaaa wu corl f'ln'ated _,. lM Rtv ~rt Ame'J ia St. Hqh·:1 C&rhobt (."burch.. s~r ML-Ctoalr.e-J ot ~two ...,... · ina aaa.tron ol honor ~ •~r• .Sorm.a Spy cMWU. &a:Dt ol the bndP. .1tar p.ft't llcADd~ ~ KcClo.Juoy T1at7 lilleCio.aPJ' aDd Tan Krr rttL T1w bndr·s couaan., Su..wn n.lriaa. wu ~~r .,:rt Ra~ ~ ita brother't 4 -- Ualwn ~"' Grecory VarGa. Plltncll I&AAdrrw. WJ.lli.aa Me a..lley, Drnn,.. lkC'bJr:P'y ft.ob.- .-n JtlenUt. · and lean Btptow l"iaar ..._,.,. ... Watt.rf' )(.: c::la*o7- Tk A.fte.r a ftn'puon at tlw GrH>n Mit ,.... Hou... ttw c-oup~ hon ~ ill tlw \~1,..,.n Ula.Dds. 'l"'lley aft. DOW f'ftidina ID Rich- -..,_..._ B aIIIJS n Celekate . . . .Anmenary .. - c. .... WlJb&a s. t. ·.it rad;a:Jon rXpo&".l,.... eo:~~:;r...s-~ ~v K-:- 5-_&r . .t.:~ • :-~,..u..-:-:~ .L-:d .r... -~ca:.~: ... ,_"' !.'i~ ~ G~--.~ ~: ~:· P.! "' ~·•u: ~.,-h~ r:.... ;.a~m .. ~: y~ar., ~ •!''1-4."' :t.I· .. ~ ~ ....,!'.i -;~-- :l~-'"'~' ~-:! 5-:-...- L:V''.-•..::! 0~ !'!.":"' ~:..._~Da..~! 1."1':.~· ~.... Scar:a:a. ~ L&k .. -t.-1.D:- • ~ . ·,~-~l •=-:d:~..... ~.._•• cK~~rr .....__ _,, _, ""' .>- y 'l :"~·j ~ 1'!' -~ I)'-~~- , .~;,..t· if.• ~ ~-d .~ j, ~:- ,.5 ........m.l~. 1:"'. . il )(-l.., i..'~.j C(o:1·-~red {){n.. r _.•.,t-.. ~-Ky :o- navtf ~ht"~ _.. ·"--i co,·ernmt-n! !_.~ "~a~,.~ t .r,.. ~fOnd;>~ "''c·•· !D rt'r.Jla:_. .~ 15 n-a: ~y __..;- :, '.H th" :nktmf'd P'.Jb.:< ;J"%":J!,.....~ ourw~ our- twa:th Uld '):Jr t'hildn-n _. h-.lth by llV· c:dlfl&' :'"-"cocn;ud pojlt'r.t:a.: ha.z anis Tht> tw-n•ftU .qay ~ W()r.h !!'liP r·~Ju b""-! :! de5<!tfVt"3 c-art>ft..; !houch! ·, Df' ·--elt :lla&lln Pftysical fducot;.,.. Courses Ollwed ot High PT1ne? C..Org(''! COI'IIIIlunrty Col- wr l-,. off'f'rt:n&' a pr~l wl~trd ;.a:f'd ,·omplf't;•)l'! :s about Jit.n 1 l~l A:: pP!'"'m" ar~ ·nv·~·-d u PhysKal ll)~~~~~-rtJ)~·=:~hh:!"~~rents. rJOJ Severn River Cruise 1..- - "i:!c•·!i !am.!y G-rf'.-n c"' f>lg'l.'h d,m a.nJ J,_. LaN•y a. brother Jt-t'f· rr-v and a s:!'tf'r Thf'resa. df a:: ~!'!r.-P· ~''"r "l'~!": ... a. •:-:5 ... dov.:--. thP ~r~ P. ·.-.-:- Tn.- Hdrb•· .r Qc.;,f'n -~ <t.\ .. :><•r· .u; ~a· .r.:!ay ::..:;;>·m :')J>r :3 ~: "' ; m r~:n .·.:- ·~Ar ~n.!'l.. A:-t) ~rr~·.- ... d~ bf- d"na: ... J :. , .:.z.-·:1'1. gr)up~. F·)r r mf·>rmat ,,n -lo5-t 8777 '-' .:; ~ ..;:~:>;. al>o)VP arf'~ p:f'3...~~ B~!'Lt!n :-; Y. br<J~h··rs ~fKha.J• [Jan it" I of :ho- \\'a..H1:ngt •n art '8r.d !)r ~h•·r- :\fa.rk nf Ph dad··~ p:-t:ct Pd. Ht' wa..~ !ht' nf'pht·W ,, Im... g .. r.•• J. By•·:-!y of • Couf: ;t.~~-.i •·<~ ccH' .~..-:-:;or t~~~kM3 t* and ca!: R.dgo- P.oad. G:-n•:-J.boelt 1 St:·:'"'o'L'fll we-rt· hetd on Tues,Jaj August 1!1 at St. Hu&h's and lritt>r-nm.•r::t \&"iL" a.t the lla.ryla::.~ S:cttf' \',·tt'ran:i C'l"m.-~ery in C'hf'j· ti'nham · Mowatt Memorial l aitrtt ,..,~Jtediat ST. JOHN'S. CHURCH Episcopol I Ctlure.b w Ride'" Rd. '7.t- !HIO Church &huol 9 J(...... 10 ..31' am M"ornmg i\\:..~h!p 11 00 A.M" Vnnon h)- a,.,. Chattr-s Wallat.. \\'.a..VJ East Da.s~ 4 Baltimot? llhd. a& P..,.d,or 'IIIII• II<L.IIeftavllle-~; JO a.Jrl. Holy Eucharist 10·30 a;m, lformnl' Praye-r 10 30 a.m. Sunday School RM-. John G_ Bals, Recto-r Supoe-rtntenden: IOroundbno&kin.- for ~rtuan R~·v lra C. Kf"J)I?'rl:ng, Puto.r 47-1 4 1~24 ~7 ~duc~r. ;:~:: ~~~::pdAu:o,. r===...,======~___;:_ t•a.oh .n.J.v,duaa a vatt.ty or phy{ tU-al Pdw~atlon &ctl"'''ttif'S. Tll.>P cOUt'W' a.. oft't~ &! El.-a· nfW R.ooaol-v~r.: H1ah Sd'lool RI!'&L.'I· t n.Uoft 1s now talun.- plac~t at rh~ l...arzo' Campus, Mon -FTt. 9 a.m_· 7 f • For sore 1nf~ '\t1on .:all m-.r.u ~ood FaJ~It On.,... Ji;;ryon~ HenJNS.- __________.j,~ GOO'S WOlD HAS A MODERN MESSAGE F01 MODERN MAN. DlSCOVER THIS Dl YOL'R LIFE GRIENIEL T BAPTIST CHURCH Crrscent It Gl'e'ltnhill Roads L5 -...kom. For mor~t :tnformatJOn caB t1f-t080. M1d-•~k Praye-r Mn·ice- (Wed.) 9:4.5 am 11:00 am It 7·00 pm 8.00pm For bu.. t.ran..portatlon. call Church ot!l.c(' I JO a.m.- 12 lO p.JD. •e-ekdays. .,., ......._.. ol CI'MftWit amce 1M1. will ce-leUate tlwsr Gokleon w-.,. _._;_,. -~ e."l.:n ·"-· ot!koP and 2 d&:o..uoom• It ...·~n doublt- the !"c:htu:'i or tht> church Tht> Toby ByTd Cr)rj)QtaL.-m IS th£' ur.. t·~r-y ~d1~on v.·hosP ant.n ">f'at ~ctuary. p&3tor's T''lt"- !·.-:;y .. .,.al·..a:-j oy r$-gd.a: !I ,._.::; il 1)4..'1 .:. ~v ... ra. Baha'i Mioeti .. August 22 The laft'tlnc .-;u w IN'Ld Fn. day_ AIC\Uit Z2 at 8 p..a. at UO ....... !'" ':.'.'_•• _"', . \· .•a.a:.or. -...;. ~ :-. ... :d G&.tch' f':..;n .. r-a. H•.ae :n Hya:::~ v:~l• :on . .-ht Thunday. !!'orr. ":' :r~ a p_JD &."ld FYlday from n..-..or: ~o t ;~m a.nd ~ to 9 p.a X.... ol (." Bur:a.: '*' l. Of' Mid on Sa!urday Al.IC\ilt '__; at t am. a:: St Huah s B•.. r.a.. Will bolt :n !hoP Sat~ K~mor.a: Park 1n Fa.ll5 Chu.n:-b. Vll'J".n.:d. t:onal V!ctJ--.. ~.rtane~ Procra.m Wlth tM Slt~ab County ~nw cutil\C Attorftey'• ~ in SrattW. ~.,~. iia Waal!lJ.qton. 0 C'. for t~ P'\nt Wt»r\d ~ of V\("tlmoloCY HW t&Jll will k about bw worlrl'"~ h.a npe-ne-neft 1n n-latll'lC tblt pnnciplH ot drf"Baha't 11 ~h<> :a:,-n-y p.or ..Jd -i!'~~ ~ _'1'11J. ... <'k!':.yd~ "':~ ·..- ....___ "['be. Baba'w of ~rHnbt-lt w•U a ta.Jlr: ol pnotn.J m~rrM! to t be- pub he by A.ndrPW Todd Gfo .. ~- wbo I.S .:-oordlnator ?I !bf' Sll- ~. :h.~y _'lafr.'Jif'~~" .ii~.. ·')! ::-."' ~ )-!'' ·~- ! ... :- yd·.~:'l;. ·::L_..d •-,. ...... :_~ \\'.: •. ~ 'Jf :tl&r':Y .• ..:n,.m..._a.~ A >d C"a:". _.'1:~"':-:d 4t.r ~y:-.:~~! Varda- McCloskey ~ ,-:w~·..ol'\0'. •a~ Wl'<"lU~ \\'f' &rP t.e:~:Lar w:~h W'!w-:'\ \OmM ~ 1~-., Sumber t1 _.... marniPd ovf'r a Jona: ,;: ::.r:,;:otp~ ~1;!,. Yarda. car: Chrt.toph~r L&H'y, 32, of. 1'038 Ha.nov~r Parkway. Greenbt4i.; died Aup•t 13 of Injuries ~iv$1. when ha. motottyciE" collided wittt a truck which wu baciiJna dmm the ramp Trom I·-19:5 to the B-v.· Parkway. Mr lAcey, a native of Buff'al,, N Y , had been a resident of the Crr-e-nbt-tt area since 1979. He w!&s a veteran, havin& se-rved fro., 1987·89 m tht> U.S. Army's 24tfl DJVisJOn tn Wo:?-5t GE-rmany lli*:I Gre-e('t' Followtng his dl.SC'h&rlf' ht> entPred the bUJldmg industrtr In tht' )\·aahm(ton, D.C. ~. f"\'f•ntually SJK>C:ahzing ln undt>t· wat••r tf"':hnolo~ HP worked ft:ir Alcoa Martn~ Dtvi.!ton and at t:mo• of hts death was employ('(!. SuMa.J_ . . . . . . Jl wit.ll a ncephoa zn, ...... M tM Greellbrit F"l:ft o..--'ftop JlartB - -.loci .. 9t ~ ClliUI'C'ft lD Bo.- ---~.... e - WMane, U- . - . , . , Paaal,. - --11---___ _ ---'l_____ riiiMIIoo__ __ __ Phone 4 74-6171 mornings ~ --..... a.IIOoi &a GftftlbeJt. _,... ______ _ - ..-~y _,_ -- - "' u.. IUid BID - • .,.,....,. --~ollot --: ......, - ., ._ ll1ulo7 .... tu. . .T. . 'hom__ -~ ~ ., ..... ................ .......,. ___ ......,_ t.dooll.----u ----. . . . . tloe- ™- ~ge-< ~ P.oOtrY'Ir:ol A»emt>'Y <Con~Ot""'e-' GtOduo~ r\e<Ot' P.oboonoco. oa Je-w1sh Ecil<octerr ~Wedn<Kday Schoo' • Pfol~ lnslf'\JCtl()r' • He()(pw ~ MISHKAN TORAH GOGUE COIQmPOfOfY opp<oach Uoao elM ..... 10 Holiday _,IS ovailoblit on limiled quonciliM A.: .1...~'()1' sWIM 1IAM NEWS ........ ,_ . . - n putlcl- Ncmc. . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . bold . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIL . . tile pool -~ o4 ~~.. -.~rqror-· ~-a-.. :y.d 4Q~ Fy furthe-r ,nfOfr-.QhOl" on fT\E"""!"!be-rV'I,p coll474-4223 TME ONLY WASHINGTON AREA • JE'tmK COMGA(GATION AIFILIAT£0 'tfl1N_! IIOTM lM( UNfT£0 SYMAGOGUE Of NoiENCA AIIO TM( JEWISH NC~Ill fOUNDATION Holy Cross Lutheran C-hurch .. . . . -= .. 6905 Greenbelt lloacl -..- 1:11- 11:15 ....... W~ ,......_ .._ I \ . RelatioDs Committee is orpnizinc the GHI booth at tbe Labor Day Festival. For sale at the booth will be- Gill T-shirts, knapsacks with the GHI loeo and possibly statione-r.;y with a print of a GHl house. The c.;mmittee and would also like to have a photog-raphic di!lplay depicting typical .scenes of lite in GHI, suC!h as court ptcnica, children playmg m the common areas. back-yard barbecues, etc. Metpbers who would be willing to..le-ri.d the Committee such pbotocrapbs, t() be retumffl after ttw> Festival, may brine them to Sandra Barnes at tbe GHI olll..,._ Rellabllltatloa t:pdak The rehabilitation schedule . printed elsewhere in this paper will be adhered to with weather and delivery of materiaJs as the major factors causmg de-lays. ROOtiinc. iuta.l~tlan of ridgewnu and crawl sp&ee work have begun 1n the 73, 49, 36 and 12 courts of Ridge. Tile ndge vent;; are designed so that daylight can ~ M"f'n through them but water, .1now and wind wtU not adversely affect the bome. Insulation m the side walLs wtll be-gin 1n these courts on Monday. August 25. Rooting, ridgt> vents and ·crawl .spacP work will begin wlthln tht> nf>xt two weeks in 71. 51, 38 and 14 Ridr. with insulation of thP .!lidewa1ls foUowing. . Replacing the telephone cable-s will accomp&lly the rooting work in most cases. Tht> contract for the- ne-w windows ha..<~ ~n let. It WllJ take 90 days to manufacture the win dows to GHI's Spl"('ifications. Therefore the windows will c-e installed beainning in November or December. The siding can be installed prior to installation of the wiDd.ows. Sam-ples -of siding, window and ridge vents may be seen in the trailer on Hamilton Place a. .short distance from the GID administration buildinc. At the present time D. A. Davis. the Construction Superintl!'ndent, and Charles Truslow, the A5sistant Superintende-Rt/In!lpector, are supel'V!sing 'the,n-habiiitation. A full rehabtlitati~n staf'l will be on board wtth tbe GHt. Development Corpor!'ltion "'thm the next twJ Wt'eks. Davis and Truslow have been m the construction busines.'> for more than 20 years each "';ith Dav1s working ~-ith Levitt a.nd Sons for- a number of yPars Truslow ba.s PXper-ience in the. siding and rooflnc busmess among others More complete biographii's will be published when the entlre rehabilitation staf'l is hired. After the initial start-up, the staft' expects t• adhere to the two-week notice for each phase of the rf'habiJitatlOn work. Otller Members who W1sh to bor-row· ladders from GHI to clean their cutte-rs may do !10 by comina to the maintenance office betwH>n 7:30 a.m. &Tid o~:30 p.m. Members who are aware that their gutters are clOCI'ed &nd wish tbe maintenance staff to clean them .abould caU 41~11 for this ser•ice, before water ~ occurs. · ,.,._-............. ----·_ - Metro Clarification ToUoe_:. I wiSh to concratulate your ft.porter, Hally Ahearn. on a well folksinger. Other spPCial events •• written story about Metro ift the include a puppet -show, a karate August 7 issue of the News BedemonstraUon and Christian the view. Magician, recently seen. at the There appeared to b& some erWhite House Easter Egt RolL rors which I would likP to cor- Iris Liberman Hirsh. a Greenbelt Cultural Art5 Center ;Art Show To emn,fre space for their works, artists, ~th old and young, should cQmp1ete an Art Show registratiori form by August 25. Forms a.r-e available at Twin :Pint>s, Youth Center. Springhill Lake Community Center, the Ubra.ry, Green Rid&e House, and A&:P at Be-ltway Plaza. Ww-ks will be ~:~~a:r ~:~ ~~~- f;:; ~~~ format!o:i call Susan Ragan. 47-tSusl:Ln \\tickes. 3-4:5--4688 or Betty Aggson. 345-9678. Photogrs.phers who would like to exh1b:t their wotk should contact Don Volk. •-fi-U2-W6 or one of the abo\'t' individuals. 3976 Miss Greenbelt Contes .. nts in the Gl'"f't'nbel1 Pageant art' Ch.-rl Gainor. G:arolyn Szafran. Melissa ·:Seufer. Cathy Massu•, Anita Mead. J1l Sweeney. Rene Brook.", Carolyn BoonP, Beth :Nugent. Mandy •Greene. Ja.ck1e . Long, Laurie- Dredger, Cathy Swann. Paula Artgle, Lisa Green and Ju lia Kane. Miss Greenbelt 1979 Cathy Clark ~o~o·ill Cl'OY.'Tl the win- POrade News The .5-member F1rst TJ.S. Army :SJ.nd ~;n appear m tht> Greenbell Labor Day Parade, Septem~r 1. Formed in 1861, the band mebtbers acted as stretcher bearers durin& the Ci~l War. Another Parade entry i-'5 the U.S. Navy Sea Cadet 'Corps. !Sea cadets are volunteer men ·and women. 14-----17, wh.o are interested in the Navy.) Many former enti'ies will a,&'&in appear m the Parade, such as the. exciting Markland Medieval Mercenary llilitia. Convertibles are again needed for the Farade. Call Wayne Wilhams, 414-1.259. Special Events Every tnWiicaJ taste can be satisfied at :the Labor Day Festival. Scheduled events. include the A new Greenbelt g-roup, Greenbelt Cultural ·Arts Celiter. wtll participate ln the Festival this yt>ar. The Utopia Theater will be the ram location for all •events except Saturday evemng. On Saturday eve-d'!.ng, GCAC will pre.!lent "Improvisations Unlimited" fro~n the Vniversity of Ma_ryland Dance Department. The 18-member' compaay will per~rm spontaneously. Snice the "dancr" movements &Qt created on the spot, no two ,~i-formanct?-S of the company are ever the same Pet Show rect. Regarding the -highw~y trans-fer funds, the money which would have gone for hicbway projects such as the Three Sisters Brid,.e wa.s u.wd for fundinc federal -contributiob8 to Metro. Thia amounted to about $2.!5 ·bHlion up to and including J.i"Y 1St82. Beyond 1982, P.L. 96-184 tH.R. 3951> provide!~ Sl.T billion for capital ~t~ction costs and S2.3 b1llion to!- the federal share of Me-tro bonde-d indebtedness. nally, thr coet for the eodst ction of the E Route. fr'OIIill the District line to Greenbelt ll m e order of $tOO million not $4 ~illion. ~y further deta,' ln the i deci.tiOD makin& pr"'OCeD can onlj cause that ficu~ to iDcreaw. So ~ mi8'ht say that we bave c~ to a croaroeds. One way le-ad.! to a timely ccxapletion of the , E Route of tbe Metro Syot""'' The other IMdo to tbo otop- ::t-ti:~u'::r :.:ra::a ~ no ern portion of the- county for the foreseeable I hope we plet on ot the- Regarding the compensation of homeowners who are re!ocated. the homeowner would receive choose. the eam- ~)'Stem. Gerald F.- Go~t--- fa1r market The chJ!dr('n's Pet Show will Saturday. August 30 Stgn up will be from 10:30 to 11 ,a.m. in front of th~ L;.brary. · All. k1nds of pets may enter. Large or small. furred. fe-i.thered, or scaly. Dogs ente~ in the pet .!>how must have proof of rabies shots. must be le&.!lhed or m a container. and und('r control at all times. Adults are requested to stand outside the enclosed ~ Festival Races A 15,km. 19.3 milesl race and a 3 km tl.7S miles) race will "be held at· 6.15 p.m. Sunday. August ;)1 in Greenbelt. These race!> aN> part of the Labor Day Festival. The 15 km race- is one of the oldest races in the Washington area and attract!! many out-of--town runners. Patches will be awarded to all runners in both races and trophies will be. awarded to_ various age group competitors in the 15 km. The D.C. Road Runners club and the Greenbelt Recreation Department are co-spont sors. The Greenbek Running Club will supply trophies to all Greenbelt runners in both races. There is a small entry fee. Sign up for both rac-es wilJ be 5 15 p.m.. ont> hour before the races start, at the Youth Cente-r. For more information call Alexander Barnes, race director~ at 474--5310. THIS FALL ELECT PGCC EXTENSION CENTERS 8r SPECIAL PROGRAMS BALLOT - VOTE FOR - ~-ELEANOR ROOSEVELT EXTENSION CENTER 7500 Hano\ler Parkway at Greenbelt. Maryland 8:00p.m. ~:Courses -:anging from B~siness and Computer Sciences through HIStor~ and MathematiCS 111! Oasses close to where you live ~[Tuition SI7.SO ~r credit hour for Prince George's 1County residents !Ill Late Registration at the Largo CampiiS :Aupst 23-A-t 29 1(L.ate Registration Fee< $15.1101 I After film ' III:REGISTER FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS COURSES: Weekend CoOeae. Telec:redit Coones, Counes by PLEASE CALL Newspope< , EXTENSION CENTER SPECIAL PROGRAMS 322-0783 322-0785 Prince George's Community~ N_....,. Srtlooi: ._ll:M a.a.. u . . N II. - · - GHIN01fS The Kember and Community Port Authority rock baiJd, the Grim Pickers bluegrasa music, the Ralph Cue square: dance-rs, .OM JIOJtGWAitDT C" ~-& W~oy i>.ood5 Gt~ Motyfond 20770 .w.. ~wiU ~uait::J' .l9wbl\ Trodllion lfi9h .. &- .. l...loiM TlebU will M ard 'i<..f'o()Qy Ot"d CreatiVE" (}or or Bet ""rzvol'l ~ooon • to l2<a _., ..iMtloo. Re\· Sherry Taylor and Harry Taylor co-pastors w~"'~ Cloo'd :I • tM Gnallelt Y_. C.... - (~ • <"'' offiloo<e o1 The ~ y-u, c.... wiD -~u..-aa~ A.._ 11 Worship Service and Church School 10 a.m. :s-ursery provided at 28 HdlSlde ,.,..., lo<oh ~ ~ ~the SU()E"V...or. Ct ~ ~'" It GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW -Thursday, August Zl, 1980 ~11 Largo. MD. 129 Centerwoy, Greenbelt Tel.: 474-7763 Thunday, Aucust 21, Re.paest. teElRno.e Sadth-Ewiag Property.~ng (), 1/e'9~ CASE GreeMriu flftn R-T .EIIIII . .1...-lETS Ldm ..Vach ~:~o:'~:l!r:~;r ~nd~ Lawn-D« Le-on of Lakeen!'.Jt ::>ri .. wu .,..on• the rKipienU b')l ..l' llbr]P On July 30 tlw case for tl>.. 24-piU> acre SrruthEwiJII tran on Greenbelt Rd adJ~nt to the Elunor Roose'elt Senior H1gh School•. was beard .t"ppeor llartboro before Camp. TM onl:"t"- oppos1t:on to the Uie form of a lette-r from the nty zcm.inl exa..rruner Barry S tn n!"ZZOIing pet1t10n came In of Gi-eenbelt. By: a 3-l vote"'t:Ovncll had favored retention of the present zomng. R-55 (s1ngle !amlly). m:e-r t~ requested R-T (townl>ouse). -·· ~ Couacil ha& conai8lmtJy oppl»!'d drlw.Uell in the aft& &Dd .utw"ed for a betbtr ~ 1JU-rruinc of ......... lloell. wttll.ia ~ City "'"ben aft - - IDOft than ~tOO ._._.... _..,. ..oao ..,.,. Uld fewft tbaD ~ fl'ft' XI) --iDa--MIL Pul SIAIIowlc, Gftalll1ar ,.__ C'eDt alld cllftd.or ol Ptia8e ill. appeared- DOt to the- .on· Ute. lila& to ulr Cawlf.J' oakl&b to _. tbat uy clrftolop.ent ol o...-. the pel'ftl aaouw aot DpM"t ~ t1~ oa Gftftltwiai'.'Gira QaJia ' Tbe "" ' ~ Pnace Pbuulin• -lloar'd Ud voted 4-l c:. J.V Jot to appi'Oft tJw rnruu... appbcaUon . faet\lal ..r.e-ri.&l pre.eted at that be-&riJaC ... introduced l.ato tbor reconl IMlt not cftK.-.L No rww -... . ,.,........_ -_ . . .....mer ""'7 ... c~ attn tlle re-cord lD aquiq for ~ &Oft!net. _.......,. Goo<so ill& , .. - s._c-tbrcbaa-iaU..DO~u-- -LBe~-.....- blp ......... tlloe - - - - - _......_ ia ! be - - G--o.~~<p - - ODtlct.,.ted Pvt. __ . . . . . !be JDS-Wllt c-Dllriu; _.......,.._ Gloa 0U. co.pla. wtUciO ...,..._ ......... .-..,lbe.,.;p- _..u_ a. nt"'e"d for !ht5 k;nd nf Spif'a.klq on tiM' ot.lM-r 11df' of the- qunt~011 wu Peopw-·~ Coun.s.e-L R.obPrt LPvan Hr c-ounte-red Bnii:P'r"a &rpa~fttt Us .at t)Ho ~ c-.1 e-xcept10n • .,.,ne-d for tlw Gr-eornbr1&1' nn~.r. Ity !!Want .-na&rr denMty LTlw Or. August 11; Ro~rt Zug- . b~· re-presentmtt· nxtet>nth Annual Agronomy thll" comb1ned_ --.Awa.rd-1i B&,nquet at the Cntve.: tx.ards ot Grt?etbnar. a.ske4 condttlOru. pre._·utusly suggested by .George Brugge-r. attor- of occu~y ' ney r Jr the own« '*Jr. Bo>-cau.w : ot a ol Lnf~>M!U,· t!cn. ZuabJ' npl&Jard. tbr Grii?'E'n • br<-&r combtne-d bqards bad ptt'· YIOU31y aol takn •i position 011 th€' s;,ly coneludrd Uvan a.lao dlsput~ ~ contn..hoa Ulat cb&ne""~ .:Nth ot GrMnbif'lt Rd. il!louJd be- co~c:k'~ m araw.a.- tllat a chan•e- 1n tlw nr1Pborhood bad occu rn-d TMfou.r-}an.e- h.PW&J' W1Ur :unmlC 1aDN aAd traak contro• be M..ld.. con.lltu.ted a _,n s1plftca.nt bra.r"l1er bet-..e-n &.ftU to !be- nonh &D.d. ..utb tbaa pt'10r to 1911!1&.. wbrD it • • only a t~l&De road t..r.aa qgnted tbat R·M. dP~ VllldeT Uw '"clu.ster.. coaC'If'J(. "tiPoukl o«er tlw klDda ol .... _ . ...... y ..... bad --toR-T aer ob.JII'C"leCL. --R..... cm.t~~>r.. be- Mid,.,. DOl .......... . ~·· . To ~ --..- • Earll~r quaborlt of why -a87 dtlfl!'ft"lloCe' iJI ..aet!M-r tky ~ or a lliqle ~ Bruger of'f~rt>d ~· ltf return for th. 'bad Y~~?-Tal conc~IOM iup-port of Gre-enbriar and ti"lt> c:ty rouncd Tb~ co~tdstKnu. wh.J~h · Gr-e-e-nbnar favon. kn.-::iudE> a 4!111! ot ~ unst.s ,.-r ac ... stru:t storm watPr contrel_ a •nauon m tb~> lirtllacU of u~1U. :_,1tli" plan and Ja..ncbca.por plan With th,. ~nvolvHDe-n~ i:Dd of boJth J tl'w- City G'"""nbnar ::-oruJCier le ducu.ul~n about rules.. 1t .,.... deurm1nlt"d that council cauld rlbt conau:IPr tbeaaatte-r th&t nrenl~ Dl'caUM" one awmber Thomu Wlute. >W.,. &b-.e-nt. t A M'C"Oild m$;10n to ·TeCon A.ttf'!' ••do!-r an J.Mft ...,... .... - -..rt ......_..,..clo --~tlle~GI-· I _,. • .-_._ ""' ----~" _.....,""'"-"" ~-~ ~-- ~- wttbout ilppt'OT&l. 1 C'ity Man..,r GII!"N lllfl the mattl'r couJd be ~tpooed untd Septelllber M ~ulated.. that tbe f'ftOIUJlC'. be- app~ becau. the- record dearly .sbowt tbat eouaetf• paUtion. ..,. and wu ~IUe.l.ll' a aeut..ral pooi<Dl. -.,u.. ,, -~L- ~---- .._.. ........................ b...,. Rollled B ' t t s. ~ Ill ar-~ --~'a......-t 1 _.,_ .... ~ a .._....._.. •• tt.r ., i'- ............... - - - _ . . , tile - - - "' -~ a--._.i .....,. ., ..... -~- .u.c..,. __ tile_......,.., ·~ .U w-....--.~-~ __ .... ....,_ __ -..... ...... . _ . , !_b e ___ _ y _ _ ................ CIIII.IIIer_l' .... toloo ---~-!0...... . _ _ _ lor-- _...... c.-. ..._._..... .. x - ·c-wq ........ ~ Bo E.-A- .__ "'"~ ,....._.. ..... ee.wr. tJse ~ oa 1J1e "' ~ 111 u. ......... cal . - : _...... .. - -oltbeU&ctbl- crt:U-- Ia - --...--. -R-'1'-.--r.... ,.. Hdp_...._,..........,., .... 1A-waa .... "' - .... .-neue.. to proper ......... •Una ot ua.Ua and :at-:e- T-. lor - Cowlty abo te«illecc th.>t toWII~ CWI'Nady '.lndrnr:~y :a. .,. . cona~ructkm ::- ~!'!~ :tre-~ ~ to ............. - - ..._ caecft'!Md - - .... pllpt ol - dJ'twoer oa c.....-.. Rd.. wBo turfta l'fallt at~ to eoat.H tJw -.adlibound B-W Pvlrwa7 &a UW ~•- Hri,abtdww •bo eou1d ... on. ttw aap ; :.bat -.ou. r1cbt tuaa ~,... ~ft~! D<m-stop talllp&,. 1.11 saki ~th..e- D1 re--cton smce 1968, and for mer!]' wrved as treuurer. He 1s !lil -., $0hCttor for labor law tn the tiS.. De-partment ot thf" I nter;klr ~~~d~~~rec~~~~talto~~he4:~~ nated patient room number ~191 in the IUIIIE' of Thomas Ch.&rlts Daw.,n. aont.a tlit' .... tloail -...m~--- ----atoioatlbe-- "'!be dniMp . _ - .... -a.m.~.---- --~---~ ~- - .........._ .,.... WaUittoo to • ...,..ljl' .. _ _ ~. :::.:.~tala• -p.· Ju Pt>uom·..,.,...op.....,.t!Mt He ~ oWlWn bl ...,...... ~ .... ao,lllalnly beeata81!' of u.. .,.ueaat'• .-r- tllat ~·d~ IDOI"'!' COilt.r'OI R-Tl Olftf trn~pment of &ale 1aAd • It il incumbent o• C'otJI.ty ~ to that -.. bave DO addltioaeJ u•pact,.. M c-onclud~ aaCh (wtt.l!l A greenhouse or sun space agamst the south thermal Wall Th~ :bon::k~ar homes Ri~~~·~ce~O::l~ ~~ by the feds, GHI. or John ~nnr. haven't met Stan Senen. Sersen invtted his Greenbelt netghbors on .July 22 to "Solar energy . . not just a ·J;Uack panel on a roof" to learn abo\rt passive solar prindplea and how they ml&'ht be .-pplied to Greenbelt homes. Tbe Pueblo . Jndi&na ot the American ~tiiwest built their adobes to be' "'cool in summer warm in winter. They based thei; corutruction 011 simple obeervationa ot the sun and wtnd. The ancieat Gieelr.a, R.omana, t.he Puebkta and the India.a.a of the .-esa Verde knew that cold wind blowa from tbe north. DJ.&S8 absorbe heat, &Dd the sun rises higb on the aaeridian in summer IQw in winter. :rJ)ey built thei~ houses accoi'Jfin,IJ". The PuebkNt ...built their adobes with a windowless northern barrter wall to block the wind and rooms piled one upon the other like steps south. The terraced roofs and. thick adobe walls absorbed and stored warmth in "''inter when the ancle of the sun was low. In summer, with the sun sbiniq direetly overhead. the terrace effect created shadow and coolneaa. ' ~~~·s inmw::U-~=~ed ath~~:.~ said Sersen. east-west of the north-south axis. within the angle allowed for taking maximum advanta&'e of the son's abundant energy Sersen bought the house w1th :J. passive sola.r conversion tn mind. and he estimates that 35 to 40 percent of Greenbelt's GHI homes He close to due north and south. His block walls provide thermal mass to absorb and store ~eat. • In •ummer this lr.eepa the inte1ri01' cool; m winter the warm wall &jves off be~t. Simply addina: a south-faciq thermal wall-by buildinJ" one of block or brick, 01' by i~ thennally absorbent raatetfal in the present wall and pa.intihg it a dark color, then addinc a flass wall a few ineh~s away to ~old in tbe heat ab.sorbed-c.-n provide considerable additional: beat. But the !first step, accordin& ~o John Speai's. friend of Sersen and a membef of Potomac Energy Group, a ;firm that designs and builds paisive solar homes and solar contersions, is always en· ergy conatrvation-tigbtening up · the buildiQ with caulking. commercial ~ or '"insider'" stonn windows.- !window quilts. or the che& method, by cutting. foam. pa.rtels to , fit and sticking t_hem in the ·~_row well. ~P:USed-:!~hem:!~~ :o~!: be wal,. north Dryvit, a foam core I :: The club held football and soccer re&istration on Aunst Many youths signed up for their f'avonte sport. The cl\Jb stlll has openings in both sports. ~ lll ~5 Football bas been formed into 5 teams: 75 lb.• 85 lb., lb .. 105 lb., and 115 !b. All teams will be at Eleanor Roosiovelt Hlch School Friday at 6 p.m. for a clinic. Parents requested to atlel>d. ate l Soc:car teams an formed by age gtOups. There ar.- opeh"''IS in all groups bet'W'ftn 5 ud 15. 8, 9, 10, and ~I year old cunbined bOy.j and girls teams, 12 year old bofs. 12 Y<'&r old girls, ancU_:I yur old girls will play county ..,.,.,.r. 5, I, and 7 y olcb wt11 play intrarmual soccer. ~HIP i TIVE, : THE AND &4 dbcoullt. He thinlu a work- GHI REHABIUTATION SOIEDUL~-PHA~E 1 :r FL\MI: HOME JIEIIABJLITATION Work will be completed within. twelve months~ elf start date for all courts have been divided into four Met10111 with construction commenclDc time. "(2 weeki after initial start-up) ' - - --A Sedloa•B -- 73 court T1 court •9 court 51 court n c:Ourt 53 court 06 court 06 court 57 eourt II&<:OUrt Ill court 1 court , oourt 3 court 8 court 7 court 8 court rotrABLE UVING roa TODAY'S PBOSPE¢TIVE BUYEBS! -13- - 12 court ··'"' ,. 31court 38 court 42 court .. court .. court 48 court DO court 12eourt 54 court p- e court 11 court 12 court 1t court 20 court 22 court .-- 1t eourt 7 court ~ of phue one. All truDe aU sectiOI1I at the · i uc-n tcourt I -C -D - - IIIII ··1 court 12 COUrt H court 11 court 1&.-rt -....... 7 court 8 court 'court 10 court 11 court .....,., ··-·- -·Scourt iiOeourt 7eourt 10-rt 12eourt out - man7 modem features plus appL,: $50,000 . 2 BR studio-typ.- home ol!ers mode"'; kitchen/bath; new appWuM:eo; enclooed porch, good pkg., $42,000. Owner will U interested in either sport, pie- call 47•·23117. pro~ The followina: is a projected_ rehabilitation schedule for the rebabilftahon of GHI. 1'llis schedule is subject to revision de~&" upon the -:eather and other cOnfncencies. Adclitional in~ form.atioq and" updated schedules- -wtU be forthcomlllC1 MAKE IT POSSI· TO HAVE COM- Attradi,., home- 3 BR brick, cor. Joe., ~culate through- a Sersen plaru1 to convert his block GHI hom" to ~ive aolarfor about $2.«)00 Or. Ina. For income tu p1Jl:p08ea be will callhis two-atory greenhouse addition a solar collector. He- would like to w.e bU. houa as a model and estal;tlish a .sc;>lar workahop to help other Greenbeltera con- AT ATl'BAC- PUll fac/public transp., appl. includ<'d , $45,000 u.- plan '"" . -....mono; m the -,.vorluhop could bu,.- wood, eta-. and insulatlnc ...-rlala .. dani iJl&" .. LOW PRICES 3 BR bridt home in an attractive, large court - near shop- vert their bou.- to make u.e of tbe AD'• free eftei'ID". BJ' ....-tciDC u a. poup aDd dew:~ • IDOI'e or leel. .tan- can provide additional living space and ·tempera~ure control In summer, vent.s at the top of the greenhouse opened, &llowi:ng risina hot air to escape, while pulling cool air in through vents a~ ground level. In winter. vents up high in the house wall bring the heated air into the house, while low vents pull cool from the into the. aun s~ce to be- heated. By takin&" advantace of the fact that hot air rises, a with a ereenbouse or e-lassenc.ued thermal wall can be heated or cooled by proper vent· CO-OP Blt¢11:t!IIASONBY & ~ME TOWNHOUSES PROVIDE HOMEOWN- BOYS & GIRLS CLU• ftnan8. 2 BR frame with Jc. 2-story addition; very good Joe., nice c:oocL ~: appl. $29,500 BING 0 FRI.- 2 BR frame, newly redecorated - good ~./pkg., $2.,000. 3 BR frame; house in very. nice cond., appl. inc:lud<'d • large attractive court - $27,000 . \. __ pkg., $3.,000. ROAD A D H l S S l (5) - Replace Roofll; IDatall OTHER 2 · & 3 bedroom properties listed' 5700 B'ERWYNI FREE ) 3 BR frame, cor. Joe., near wooded, secluded area - B:DO ..._ .... - - - l o r - l d l ot ---. Water tato UM ..... :fallun ol !be ·tntioa _ I.~ expensive experimenta funded G~BELT ..... .,... . . . .-. . . . . .bt.. _.. . . . _ . __ B e ~-- ... - - -board with an attractive ·~ tmah is one ol the producta currently available for applyiq outside insulation. Styrofoam panel& laid on the root and COftred with cravel to· hold them in place provide excellent roof. insulation. The Greenbek Bo~PtcMw alooi'- !be al---GIJWl'll...._ _ . , . . . . _ _ , . . _ _ .,._.or.,...ovp-ptecl teMlft .,.... ___ ~T-1-1. ... _ _ lfooiPI---....--~aon~ee ~--- ••=•.. .- - --....~2-Ap- , . . . t o ..... ,... ........... ....... .---~. U'lo . . _ :U,.: - ., noc,. .. , _ ., - ..,..._ __ .,...._ed -for~-ro.lbe _ _ _ _ _ to ~ Oototer ... - Uanoblc • Gnol6rlar. .. - .....- •• ,~ -11.-T. Quo- .... _ . _ -... ... .,....,. ... ..._._ ......_. ......... . . . ._ tr T1le o~ L111l llii••t _ ...utralll Palli• S.lar Pri1ci'les caanot tw-· JDadif' . . . . ce.patlllle w1tll otllft ........ . ._ ... •u__ ...._R-T. __ 3 ~~~~an': 11 ~~r ~~;:-!,ut~neAI:~ Hospital National ChiJdreD'S Jledical Cente-r announced rt'cenUy that the hospital J'e'Cttvli"d funds from tbe estate of the laltThorn.a.s Cl\arles Dawson to p:...:.r chu~ two portable kidney ma. chines for lt3 Departmen1 ol Sephroloo. Rayu. Rodrjqu('· Dawson of Greenbelt preSES!l.:t"..:! the: &:ift to the hospital in ~ha:! ot her husband, who d1ed of can cf'r on February a of lhts -yea.r a ..,.~ --..... of )faryl&J'ld Greenbelter Donates To Children's Hosp. r~P"qu.ntPCI MMU.D8 ftOm R·M 1•kfua1ly• IJUt~ '*"r boards .!I.IDrec*r~ ~ell conce-m.5. special f'Xft'l)UOD wu.: 1n fact. ·Part.Lally u a .,nwqueonc• of ~ted for an addltiOn.a.l rooaa cur fA.Jhl~ to takt posttton. tb1s de'Siped U 11 ciPn. ~ ~Jopeon.- ('OUftCJI took a ~:IJon rehad ~ S"Pf"Cltkalb In spp~ !lonlftl" ·· Zu&b:t nol)t..-d Hawrvu P\& for tbeo spe--cLU n.~~:rpt.Jon. 'no• ;..r fHI our •ft>au can best 1t wou.ld not zneft&W tbe- ckonS&t)' tw a.llayf'd by thf'l rnontng ·· h•· ....,...._..._ .... .u-. ro.a ~-.·y-·- .,..... .,.. Jooll..blc __ ...... counCll to reco1111der Jb po:s1---A:rma..<~ Da.mel F O'C"'bnne!l t1nn and support the- re-zorun,p:: J!' .>~on of :\It and Mn Dan:el of the- Smtth-C..:tng tract to O'Connell v.·estway has ~u R-T (townhou.:te) wtth the att"d !rilm the t"S. A:r Force se- --------·*-. . . . _ _ ...... __ _ . . . .._ ........... __ _ --Tille--. ............... _ _,.,. -__ ----M-__ -. .. ------- ___ ... . . -. -·----tile ___ ... _.... __ _ -----.....___... --....... ........ ----.-------____ __ ......----.LK:-__..... -__......._----- "' . . _ ___ _ _y ___ _ ........ ................ ..... -""'--··-------Bit - - -- --- ....... -.............. ..... ----_to _ !t"•.- 1~80 0 N with THIS AD ••••••••• NewWJn-. SlcliD& 1r StruetUra! Repalro OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEKMon-Fri8:30-5 Sat. - 10 • 5 Sun. - noon - 5 . · FOR INfORMATION CALL SALES OITICE -~ WE ARE LoeATED ON HAMILTON PLACE, ruST OFF RIDGE ROAD·. 474-4161 474-4331 Rl<lae W aJllJI.Iu)atlon •H-4244 - - ~QUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNlTY Attie Putltlo,. lr lJiau)atlon J:lectrical Circuit ~ Grounded ()ut.leU • Kltcbett " Bath JUeen 6 l"auceta Plumblq Crawls_.. ICieetrlcal Heavy-Up to 8115/80 - 8/28/81 8108/80 8/1~/80 _ S/011/81 9/011/80 8;15/80. - lO/n;so 8/25/80 - S/12/81 S/(18/80 - 1/12/11 71J(t/11 9/U/80 - 1/ID/11 t/29/80 1/29/80 - 11/U/80 ~ ~ •subject to weather and other unfoneen · co~tnrctJon cWBcultiell ....l._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..._ _ _ _._......._ ........ iil.o;;,___;,___c__,__~~~~----'-~---~~~---_t__ _ _ _ _____::':.:.:_-·_ ___:__ __j__ _ _____;____;__ _ _ _ ~' I Thursday, A\lguat 21, l9SO :'-' i!ijj 1·1 !'iiHjJ.i. f!i. _I I;: .. ~...u··-UWIT--1.. ~. ~ i' CHAR. . li. f: : ":' 83c ",.,): : Page7 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW CLASSIFIED 11-liHIIIII In tbeR times of fuel •hort- Photography .and hi&h psoline coats, commuten are -esamininc any al"'rnatl-.e that mlcbt help lo""r their eommutin& COIIts.' One alternative ia VANGO, a state funded, non-proflt corporation. estabUJh,ed in 18'77 to promote the use of vanpool.s throuchout the .state. ..A vanpool is like a big carpool," Les Baaley, VANGO P~o- cr-am Cool'dinator- said. "But' instead of a driver- and four riden. a van can seat up to fourteen riders, making it that much mono fuel etlcient." '1'here are three types of vanpools;·: Bagley said. '7hese .ar-e owner-Joper-!totor-: company-sponsored; and third party, where a group gets tocether and a van t~rough a leasing eompany. and &.$signs a driver-/coordinator to driTe- and keep their exPf'nSC' record•.·· All Costs of the vanpool are divided eVenly amonc the riderS. The dliver r-ides fr-ee and aets use of the· van, after wor-k, on weekends and holidays for only a By TIUT 1I5M J. PORTRAITS ~ ADVERTISING INSURANCE l.H.....,o,P~ ftl-8!31 FOR SALE: "Scan" white wall unit and scan chair and otto- LARGE AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR. Also sewing ma- man. chmes. Call Dan, 474-7379. BIKE FOR SALE: Nearly new woman's 10-.speed Peugeot - $1Z5 HI:LP W.I\....YrED: Crewman IV 1Parks1. Grade GC-oi, S5_081hr~ startinc. Driver's license required. BallJield and • grounds mruntenance expt>nence desirable. Apply City · Offices. 25 Crf'Seent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 47-f8052. The City is an equal op _!>Ortunity employer. ELLERS TYPEWRJTl:R REPAIR - EIPCtrie, stan~ard, and portable. Call_ 474----0a94. - 441---3465. EXPERIENCED FOR SALE - solid mapl<' twin bed. Make oft'er Call 474---5-+33. 19. LARGE EXTERIOR PAL"VFING - Gen~ra1 repairs, plaster pate ·ng, wall covering, dJ"1-Wall. Do Vl.illiams 474--4719. & S CENTER FOR G located the University of -........ ....... _ ~"'-- -~ dDKMl Twice..As Fresh Pe;iC...'c~ ---- ~: i;;.;T. . 77~ .. 47' ..... -- I ....... . ......... ·::68' ·::61' ~ lrocal ':: 45' -- .... 01 T"al - i or more information and bf"'C"hur. can: 779--0224. CALDWELLS WASHER SERVICE. All mal es expertly repaired. Authori>ed lrhirlpool dealer. GRf..---5515. spoj.,i&lizlng ~J...-eoa~netor ._vy-upo Grady's Paintiq, Greenbelt. Kd. Call 441-10'78. - • In ...... Additions - . . . - , . Semee j:ta-11153 .hero: All. Work Guaranteed j=·z:lli :.:· s J19 FOR SALE, - Aquarium light. fits 20L It 11!1 pl. tanks. Never uaed. $20. tiame 441-1343. ·.::spa ':.:' s ps .B RIDE to Ba1tiJaore needed • wt11 ...,.. AJo e"-e to the U - t y ot ~·· Sd>aol ol Soda! Wol:k U - I l l ! . (W..t Redwood). Call ......IDp. - - I li"R&&; KI"''TEN -·tawny. femaJe., 10 weeD old. 3f6-.8431. e "EVDIYDA y I.OW PRIUS" ' Dl!:Pl!:NDAliLE BABY PLAY chan~ table, hich chair: PEN. RESUMES two- ~ are f"'lueatl7- ed wkh ~to-.... lll'eclezal empioJamlt. N - a ol proi-OD&l - - - Del ~ olfft' tbelr oer-bl~lll'ecleral app~~cat~..,. tbat ratiDp - ~ poalble Oil iDdiYiclual w.. do qWIIIlkatloao. the writiDc. the t;rpiDc """ the footworiL We prepue R.ISlJKI:B that the - iD :rou. .,_18JNII'OIIMATION CALL: III'Oa ·I.e. miud German Shepherd apl,n~... 1 yr. House broken, ezcelle... t with children. Will c1w to 11oo4 home - can M5-8ZIIIl . FOR SALitC: 2 euatom 'made ra diator eove.. call f'J.....-r3 after- INStRUCTION at tbe G~-eenbelt ~= evef7lh1DC .tart • Y&npool: obta1D bave """ iUpeCted ud provide amplr Jnourance; n · drt.en and ..a.t them · pttfDc C1&al OCC'' drt..-er-'s li ~: and proride emercency ~k-up ....a.. Mont~7 fare~~ ft.J'Y from. ODP vanpool j to anottwr dependiDc OD. the priqe of pa. the round trip mileqe ! and the number of pu.. .,..,... 1 Current nte c:ardO ODd additio~ information on the "' p~ ar-e a~lable by calllne V ANGOi at (301) 111trPOOL. small <474-6171 {weekday mornings) or 474---4669. $s.oo off on all Repair Jobs With This Ad TYPING DONE IN MY HOMEby expert typist, $1 per page, 25c per carbon. 25c per card. $1.25 per page for dissertations, thesis, o!.' term papers. Call 345-9162 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. RESPONSIBLE, caring persgn nePded to stay with MILDLY ill 7 or 10 year- old kept from school by sniffles or sehoolitis. 8 a.m. to 2 p_m. $20/day. 474-7280. BAZAAR At Greenbelt Convales~nt Center- on Thunday August 28 all day. 'Crafts, gifts, baked coods on sale. · FOUND Ladies Timex watch vicinity Subur-ban Trust - Call __.;:., ; CALL 441-9116 Divorce, Uncont. Incorporation Sii.i.p~e wm 200.00 . 200.00 311.00 Bankruptcy ZII5.00 Adoption 200.00 100.00 Guudlanship 47oi-1)432. 25';llo Auto Accident Hourly Rate $ 35.00 (F. . . Emolucle Coot.o) WILL BABYSIT infant at my home Mon. tbru Fri. 13-K HillSide Rd. 47f-.ItM.. MATURE BOY will' babysit in your home, pie~ call 345-2646. FREE INITlAL cj:ONSULTAnON ! Beltwa7 Plua. !lhoPPinc C...ter J lreeDbelt, Jld. 20'7'10 ! 474-8801. Yard Sales YARD SAL}!:: Sept. 1. ~. TOJB. games, rMaonable condition and prices. 10 Forestway off Woodland Way. SAT. 8/23 - 10-2, 112 Rooewood Dr., Boxwood, Iron bed, toYJI, aquarium, .aild more. Ra.ln date - Sunday. · YARD SALE: U D Laurel Hill Roed., Aq. ~ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Larce sbe clothes. 2 U" wheels, • ...,..r. YARD SALE - 103 Periwlnkl<>• Boxwood VIJla&e. A - 23, 104 Rain date SuD. --........ __ -- . -~-- yAJwap--~ ,,. v AJwap - -. ..,.... 'rlolll.c yTap·--- SHL cj>auaulllty Houoe Rock,to Bluegrass .Rental lnstrv-nts Available 47-1-3145-. P~ for local church, 10-15 hours per week. mostly on weekends. Call a. ~NJO ~. Part time TEACHER wanted for enrichment program for five year aids starttng 9-80. Call -474-1259. W A.'lTED: Part time cu.stoc:han GuiTAR & Sf-171 & P'nuUated ...t ~·J FOUND" - DRESSER. WHITE three drawers. 48... p.m. JCJ l>riDc-<>Ut ( vailable for Omver- FOR SALE - BoYs 16" bike, ,cood conditipn. $15. Call :u5--6031 after 7 p.m.' PILLSBURY CINNAMON ROLLS • program is PAINTING - ~erior, exterior-, pape~na-. drywa.Q, plaster repair-, ~ehng, ceramic· tHe, carpentry. 88' ...,,.,.,.., Signal er!a:::.nHor;:;r:::; I Jarn.s Lockard· 1191.111·-.w~ Aint Toothpaste ~=~b~!n llARIE'S POODLE GROOJKING~Doee your Pet need attenUon! Call 47f-3219. 01-:: -ST ~s1 CIIips Alloy Maryland, is no""· registrations for is open from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Teachers certified in early childhood Specializing in -Ce-ramic Tile n .._........... l education .. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR Expert and RA>liabl.l Piano Se..-rice to Greenbelt since 1980. 'Benja.m1n Berkotsky 47..._. ='I u Light , _ _ ·:: 79c -:: 57c k. & CheeseS ·~·'I College Par accepting f sity of :Maryland students. Cent.,.r 345-7497 look- Accountant -eve Maryland att 1 Calvert Road, CALL lOIIX ~OTHER tng for _childten t9 watch in my home. Call 345-~106. PIANO LESSONS: Peal!ody Con- , THE C ~=::!.. G = Beginners _, EARL "i' across from Bathroom Remodeled? Best otrer. Call 345-8932. C&ll - v Prompt. fair - Be 18 ,... -- ..,_! ,_._..._ ,_ - a.up. Vl8A. .......... --z-...•w-- .' CALL - · IN DAYTIIDB PI--.e uk • how we ,._ e.a llelp ~yeanelfen ~er the A. T. George & Son Storm 6t15 OLD BP.A.'ICH A \"E:O."UE-CAMP TELEPHO:'iE: - --... _.,. , __ ...... ......... ,. ..... ..... ., ....... -·-So- ~-§?G"'oo.r . ~ -·oil-- ..,..._ --~·-- . _ . . . . .......... 1..DIQr Jl'ridQ• ._..,. a -.. u.e G -~~Spe- --~-eqand peof-u.. utiloU-'-a_..... pluo - 'lrilJ-- -- ..........,_.. ....... ea...... ~ loa). t .... Pltdl ..... ...... C<>D~T...... :-.r-- llall~nlow-· ao--Rua BlttiDC P,rtoy ._ llll full _ . . . owr • four da7s wt11 • coetl.Duous artJ.ol'll Ul the Opa TeaDio Touraa- ~ _ Popalar with tile J'OWIPI' ctul-- IIM'at ~-- Sat.,. Aua. 21 a&: 8 a.a. Almual Bic W1ooela - . - . Tllla wiD be u. hall ol .... Youth Ceater 011. tbe c~ oil oontee . - . All iD ~ ....... ,._,.. ~ Tallie - - .. wen .. pu-· l.llte-.t w apected. to ~ Tlle ~·· Annual saa--Pttcb Softball ~prl'tlboll OD X...'• "At.··. '"B'" aDd W~n·• "B" .._.. ()pltu:Bc ee-~a for the FI!IMJ'nl'a •a 7HZ wtll INo biPJtplod Q- u.e ~ ~rt .., a.... -roun.a-at c.- . . batll _ _._ wiD c-t- '"Unity through Community ln'rohren.eqt'" again of the Greenbelt Labor nual four-da:r affair begins on throuchout the community events which promise an for the sWilJDer. (See Labor Day CaleJltdar lotf peof. .~. . . . . - · "Jflt~ ... - Sllllt' .....wtD ol J-. --·--- ::::-.::-~;:: --Pool.------ -· o-...- - - FriM7. -...._~ .. u .oa Fncla7 I p..J'IL -....t wttll tDp fOdJ"• - UI ~ ~ The- claanRecnatioa Foreteltiq tbe u~ .,._ cltemeat. openk1a' ceremome. at T p.IIL will illelude .. ........t b7 tbe - - far Bodl<7. . . Tallie TeaDla ... rar ~-.. Al ~t <MOp......, , . , ._., Pelieelleuer Art A - lor Uot -.... , _ .. . . _ . ......... Tile ;.-~~eo . . - - . • "IWo - A..aa\IAJ Art tiW' _ _ ............ ~ Ia .. 8p<lloPIIt LUa - TIN ~ hrll< - loft .... puty - - . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .k _ ------... _ ~ ............ lot.tMB c..- ~7 ,~ -- Tloe-lo- ... llfoiiiPID - Lalre - ....... -.. ~ l:laY\Ir ... i ... ------ c.nn-··---·-at• -----------____ -.....-...--_......... -.. .. --.D---. . . . 1.-lle.--.... - ...... --·..--a.-----....,taa·----.....-PkKan .......----at --.........--- ! . ..... Pic-,_'--- .......... g~:·~~f€ ...... --"fte_lo_r_ ------___,.....,.,__. ...-,.... ·- ' tjpa cltupd , _ . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . llpoboplll ......._._,. t..Mo . . . _ . , ...._....,.. ......... ~.....,. ...... _ol• , -----at----__ ..__ ·~--· ~--,. ... _...,.-......,... ...,.. _..._.._ .. ................. _ __ _ ------ . . _-............... . . . . . . . . . . . .J.aa. '\'U- ---- . Ol'le before 1t goes! ~ 3. GREENBFJ..T 31%.SILE On Custom Window Fashitns and Walpaper Low-70'~ If Y:~.:y: ~::i~~b~:~~:L~ove wJ the Greenbelt area. this rambler in Lakewood will give You'll enjo)' you all. ~e extra living space you need! 4 bedroOms. 1"' baths. fanuly noom. central air, an!) a qwet cul-de-sac location. Call today! 4. GREENBFJ..T REDUCm $8500 Act now on this llllturious split level home featuring bedrooms. 3 batlu. rec room, fireplace. enclosed and wooded l.Pt. You must see 1t to believe it! Jf'E NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE!!! Due to our rontinuous Backloc of Buyers our Rroperties sold within short periods of time. Call our experienced today for a FREE Competitive M<lrkel Analysis. Call-474-5700 NYMAN REALTY IS~ Centerway IN& \ Satu.rd.ay and Sunday except for a dinner break from ~:30 p.m. Carulval devotees can enjoy all the rides for one price from 1-5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. --....- One highliPt of the Fstival is the Miaa Greenbelt Papant. Seventeen :J0U11C Greenbelt ·women will putlclpalO ..... ,....._ Tbe CODtestantl 1 Tr.--la __ ________ _ __ _____ __ ........a.,. ~ A RIAL STIAU What an ir><:Rdlble buy this two bedroom maso tow1lhome is! Location is ,ereat and owner will he with flnananc. Plus - immediat~ occupancy will you move- ~ before school starts. Come and see ~----at A .,..,...._ '-'"1 BID ,...._ - - 0 . _ _ _.. _ ~-_...-~ $25~ Z. GREENBFLT _._... ....... ~~--=-Pk- --.... ..... I available on this attractive 2 bedroom townho• featunnc hardwood floors. separate diDinc ~ patio and wooded lot. You won't believe how "'uc:h your money can buy~ Call us today and. see!! 1S !'- :.--:.:~ •- 1~ 1/4% ASSUMPTION ll«nerlon ~----..._.. aad ...,.,.__ Oty _ ... -·--<M7- =---,. . . - $23,000 I. GREENBFLT Greeabelt ec.cert BaDd. a drawiDe lor tree cam!.-! tickets aDd tbe hlahJy-4LDtloipaod aDilOWieeIDCDt ol G.-belts Outstaadina' Citlson of lteO. Tho lntt'ritloe will eoatlllue with camiV<Ll rldca. food and pme com..raunit7 bootha. .stace events. athletic contests, and Art Show ""d Pboto8rapb7 lllxhibit. Pet Show, Talent Show, Uld Parade. Tbe Carnivai Midway will be opeD from 1-11 p.m. on wW be pn!Wllted wv- eral times before the queen is erowned OD Sunday eveninc. On Satu~ ~ tbe participants IA'iU perform an aerobic dance. They will also be eligible to re-ceiYe: valuable pt'Ues, auch as & diamond pendant from. Theodore Nn .Jewelers. Barbison Scbool of Kode.lin&' ocholanhip. aDd oavinp aceounts, which have been donated by &rea buaineuea. llill Greenbelt 1810 and her court will make an appearance in the Labor Da,y P.,...;te on a ftoat whictk they have bee&-- prepariq wltll the belp of Plendak and. with time and materials abo donated by tlle Vtopla Theater. saaaro. reco<df DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICE Booths, Parade, llaaclolf'na«~ty ... . - . - - .... a f t . . - - unuaual family exbillo. obeltor. or ._u.~-. mc.d!cal tendance 'by ew:ey c:hikl between the aces of 15 and 18. Cbildren who will be ftve .J'Mn: old oa or befOI"e January 1, 1880 IIIQ attend kindercarten this tall. Parents re&iJterin& their ebildren for kinderaarten or to beain ICbool in Prince Georwe's County for the first time should brine ~ followin&: proof of birth~t!( preferably tbe child's birth certlftcate; T....-.<~....SDau~ drQ (3-e - " ' 'nWd Tuesday September 2 is the mately 12B,OOO students in Prince 128,000 last year. State taw requires acbool at- K ..... Center. Tbe the day at Numerous interestiq occupatio,q., from Re~utlonary. War coet- lll&lrinc. to bicycle repair an4 violin makiq, wtll be demo~ed in tbe Center Mall Artists ;f all aces will display For the fourth consecutive Year. free tra.Dsportati.on will be available to and from tbe Labor D1Qr Fstival. A aew dial-a-ride . . _ will be tried thia """'· whleb tile Festival ~ittee bops wtll be faster a~~d · more convenient. By callia& tbe Feotlval iDform.atioa. number', 414-1518., Greenbellcn caa arranp to be picked up anywbere wttb.tD the city. Umitl and driven to tbe Festival In a paaenpr · Y&n.. Kember. of the Woms's Cub of Greenbelt wiU a.uwer the pbone and take measaces at the Festift.l information booth. When &D iDdtridua.l wants to leave the__.Eatival. a ride can also be &iTaace<t at tbe Feotlval i.DlormatiOn booth. Tbe .aerviee wW be available from 1-10 p.m.. 011 Saturday and Sunday a.."Jd 115:30 p.m. on Monday. Telephone m.euages wiH be taken from 1-5 p.m.. and 6-8 p.m.. on Saturday and Sun.da,y and 1-5 p.m.. on Monday. Capitol Cadillac will lend the- an inflnit' n.riety ot art at the annual A~ Show Uld Photocrapby Works ean be viewed from 1~ _m. Saturday and SunFestival its van over the Labor da7 in e Kunl.:ipal Building. '-Bey weekend for this diaJ-a-rideArt WOI'~ win be judged with a ·~- N~. t~ van is uaed tPKial a'lbrd. tbe Cipriano Art to , _ . _ . PeoPle -,._ can Award,_p~ 1oo' tlle Greeabelt are beinc se.rviced. J.ack Curlett, Recreattori. Department for the Capitol Cadillac Vice-president, work be$t demonstratlh& the has been instrumental in arranctheme "A.. erieans at Work." ing this contribution. Stage ebta include such old Previously Prince Georces 1 standbys u the Ralph Cue County Government bu•es have Dancers. ~rath !Nh Dancen, been used for transportation. with bluecrass i muaieians, the Grim riders shuttled to and from a Pieken, f~ Iris Liberman parkina' lot. In later years Ul aHinch, tbe Port Authority Rock tended route, with stops in SpriqBaad oad -Christian the Kaaiclan. hill Lake, old Greenbelt. Windaor Sn'eral top 40 banda will perG~ and Greenbriar, ·wu deform, u Wen u. tbe Guys and veloped. With a dial-a-ride sysDolls clQS&ers and SunahiDe tem and individu.allaed routes, the Polka Dazaeers. Street dallces wW F'e.tlval bopes ·for better bWI Rr• ' - tbe ~.-! oa Friday aad vice. Tb.e City, whieb reimburses S&lurclaT Daaee - - the committee for the tra.naportatin.. will ~ performed at 7 p.111. tlon syatem. is also inte....ted in ExhilL 1...--· - JI'EI!'nVAI., .. eoL 1 - occiDC hqw it ......... by ......... Lihwsld . . . zw-· Skehdk Pickets appeared outside the Gret!nbelt H~ Inc. ofllces euly this ~k. Wearing home-made s;,nS proclaiminJ: that GHI was unfair to its employees, four former memof the maintet>aDce depllrtment whose jobs were abolished picketed llrst in front of the GHI omces and liter at the corner of llam.illoD Pl. and Jtidle Rd. At times ...vera~ GHI employees· joined them. !:Jrs -tGRI---- a- Wldle .sa-of<M_. . <M7 . . . ""' - lorce~illllle i l l l - priol' A p - t l t tloe di...-ton qreed with ~·· conchWon that speed .... of tbe _ . . . ODd that •nices to .eemben would -be~-Tbe fo~r -~ espreued they bod ~Ykluall7 called iato ...........t - Kapioteia"•' -_ iDf...--.1 _Tbef ._ tbat their' ,.... bad_ alloiaedlat.eQ'. wtt.b a ..,..til·• lliz.....,llle-- -------TIIo7lllpa. tbe - - lllet - pick- -of to -....... _ _11-Ja•~- . . . . lllet ._ _ ._D.tlle __ j>rp~~~~a-. Tloo pick- - - -.. a.-.1--.. llltltouP -<M7-- X.. ~rapoto~a•a - wtlilnc to take a cut in saJ.ary and accept retraininC for Ulother poGtlon Within GHI. even at & · leaer crac~e. Tbe7. asked wbJ' johll could· not have beeD found for tbem under tbe retia.bWtation --N- p .......... ~ Doted lJuoee rca. . . for tiP. &ctloa. He waa, ant,. to reduce atatr where be could. p- lollowiDC - - t of Tbe etem.ent&r,. IICboolll witlaitl. the ctt7 llm.iU will all b&ve a iD I>Jielllq time with North Ead"s <luu>ce beiDC tlle areateat. m.O'I'ing from 1:30 LID. to 8 and closine at 2 p.m. Both Center and Sprin&bill Lake will be open _!rom 9 to 3. OpeaJ.Dc timea for other schools - Greenbelt children attend remain the same as last year: John Carroll: &--2; )(acnolia and Oakcrest: 1:303~30; Greenbelt Junior Hi&h: 9-3:30; Bethune Jr. Hjp: 7:54}..2:20, and Eleanor R..ooRvelt Higb. School: 1:3o-4. For the flnt time Greenbelt ninth graders will attead Rooaevelt. <Juu>ce -· ~at u a wilDie. KDpotelll foomd that theft - DO Ilia IIKklac ill cupeall7 · - --loo'NIIUloolloere wu DO laapr a DM4 for daree eupeaten.. It wu UtenfON ~ oal'd. to lat - two jaDIor ....._.... ..... (Tiolo - - · - be - _....__._ ...... - plckeb" -.tewpoiBt - sludeDt p&J0 tlJe ~ 11 - Glea o.Ju Roatal Of- - 8:38; Pkwy. JlaDdaD Rd. - 8:00 U tu1'1l ol JlaDdaD - 8:415 "'a!nldmewa;rlfaaooer ll:t8. 8:110 . ' -~ #11M a.m. Juliaa a t.staer 7!:33 Lalreolde North ple- nic area - 7:30 ~~~ -_7:35 Itty 6: Laatner - 7 :31 #3111 ft..., h)'draD~ [Akee.... I)r. - 7:35 a:,ottom. of bill_ on we.twa,. - "f31 #t(pu~~ood Terr• rin&hlll LL G-monston T.err. rfo later Ulan 8:46 Hlclt Kandan 6: H.a.Dover - 8:1.5 Regular lun~h meal prices wiD increue to $.85 for e~mentar:r school student. &Dc;l S.TO for aec- · Ha.Doyrer' PkWY - 8:17 0 Hanover Pkw)'. _ 1:20 onct.arY .tudents. Adult .meala wtll increase to $1..25. Prl.ceti for a Ja JUIIiorlllcltI.,. a RJd&e - 1:55 carte lunch itelll3 will increaae slightly. Milk prices wiU be l5c per half pint for students. Prien for a Ia carte breakfast items.. •ecetables. desserts and other items will increase sliChU7 t.biA fall_ Breakfut for aj:udenta will be 50< and adults eo. . County schools offer free and reduced-price breakfasts aad . lunches to younpten wbc»e fa.JDUy size and incom.e eatitle tbelll t" elJcibility. Tbe fOI'IIlula fJJt determininc elleibUity al8o takea bt- 6: lAstner - 1:5T nt &: Hiltaide - 7 - rear ot Co-op - T:01 -RiclceaReooa<dl-7 nt a Ridge - 7:01 . GreenbiD a Creacent - Greenbelt Jayce. Plan Labor Day Participatien bootha at the GftetllteJt Laltor ~ Festival. Tbia year tbe J._.., will be ...uJ.Dc ~ bat ~ bambuqers, cbeelebtlrpN. drlnb and snowcones. Tbe proceed~ will be uoed by tho J - to hmd CQmmunJty projeete for tk- ~ inc year. This wW aJ.. be .,. oPportunity .lor intereeted ~u als to become mnaben of the Jaycees. AIDonC the project. i.n the future will be tbe Special 017Ja.pic:s. !wulral.liD&' lor lluaeular ~ pbJo'. Dlabetn ...4 ..,.. erp couenaticm. More IDfonaatlon aad a p p l i - ,.....,. will • available at t b e - - - . - ..... . . rehaldlltallan atafl' DO oftlle ......... lederal state EQ'O,.hua,,nts .,.. expected to put thaD $4.5 •Wioa into the , luncb PfOCI'Uil in PriDee CIJuD\Y.) F-Sel"ri<eo HoUday Refalle Sehedale iD CODjuDcliOA with tbe rebaltllitatioD He tell GBJ 8MIIIben ... _ ... be- - Sc-- :S~';..~ Gooraee were. tl'ft' or .reduced. Wader tlu., pncrua. #31011 ,._~ Once qatn tlle Greetobell }ayceea wiU be operati.Jitl c:onceeal011 Four Employees, Di;smissed by GHI,. Form Picket Line tO Gain Support some direoton -.ere unhappy tkat they had llot been c:oaaulted aad that the •et:hod. of tel"'lliDat.ion ~ 'to lack .,_pU.ion. immllllizatioa lor child ren enteriq ld.Dderprt.en throug grad<! 8 diphtheria. tetanus , pertuuis, polio, llle&Slea <tubeo ), and rubella <German. measles ; record ol rubeola for all studea.. tbroqb Jlrade 12; lepl proof Ot residence - settlement papers. rental contract. etc.; .tudent'a t.r'8JU.fer card or Lut r.port c:ard fi'OIIl preftoua .tehool for student. enterina' e.bove pwle I. Applicatloa forma Will aD eblldroD .. tlJe lietho yeer. All in- -= Due to tbe 1..- day bollda)'. - - eolloctiOa - Tbe )(oaday- route will -_...... adjaated be picked up Oil , _ , . and tho~ roate wUI be pick- ed DP 011 w~. 1'llalll WILL BE NO PAPZR PICKUP ALL WJ:IIZ. ~and P"rida.7 wiD Ia! - - ule.. rou,.. # ---Sr.Hiclt 702 ·c~ge a Pmt-u - 7:06 #.,_O - Ivy a Rlclp - 8:50 GreenhiD It ere.:ent - I #412 - Ivy a LutDor - 8:511 Rlclp a Lutacr - a:a #418 c - t a Hmaido - &:41 Rear ol Co-op - 8:110 #GZ- Cborrywd La. a Ct. 11:415 Spri.Dcblll La a or - 1:10 #<ila SpriDPIII Dr .. La - 1:511 #tll~·~- #<lil-~61-.t-' ~"-----·= #41k -Dr .. Sprillclllll La.,.. . ljprtapm ~ ,; Dr. - t:Oii #0-RidpA--t Laurel Bill - • • PI&-.- e:ot ..... Be . . - lltGp . . - 10 aiD.
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