Warren Commission, Volume XIV: CE 2123 - Letter
Warren Commission, Volume XIV: CE 2123 - Letter
DEPARTIV.E.NT OF STATE -`sH .NGToN Wo 2% U54 STASES OF arcxTCa 1, Pier, L, Dazz 1,r . Rankin : Wr Cic. n- 'Jill-11, -If -, . lt I am cnclmin~ a certific- copy of a note dated Sine 9, 19o4, tc,Scta .r trick o-=` fr- the 1;t.i~try of to t;t_, United st~7ma in . ;=ty, tile X,y 14, 19i4 note nd c-r-, . : :Lcn Zsz.t t. Y- on .'ay U. 19E4 . Also c.c l .sed i, ~ t-aa-tion of the , .am by t .-.c Division f in tea Dap.- tv.ent of st .ta, !,s Y.u will _rtraent of . ) , t . I =tur to :,rates that t 01~ llcxic.n . =ekes to L-Y i- not 1 ,'ZY = in pa,_ wit as' '' =o -diM3 to the - o£ s;:.ssssy care -liahed, either- Sa tac conscot of r ,., rely, vice C--1 If the United St- F.dr.1 Di$Z-t, U-l-d N:,Ii- thnc the annexed copy o£ WtnG'W. 505 :03 ds .,.s s..nx 9, mmb,, f phat-ltil -'Pill If _V of the or_ a. ..o u. and ph,t,,t .ti. copies, til saax caving beu: cxa_.meE by ti< .a found t. -11. yard far word and figure for figure v_.. . to -0 -WW. 1%, wrnmsss -c'. 11 -, h .. ... C, r- Y -a -d It the 0111.1ar scz,il , If he __j state, - -rilD. f1fc-th E_y -' J-, 1964 . ki r L i~ 1- C.. 1a OfIII the= - Actin-. Looml . .dviser En:10s-cs : 1 . Certified cc-,y of nom e.amd Sure ), 19,14, fraa llc ::i_,Inn D-,-t=s.t .f rorein Affairs W/c. .los.ros . 2 . Translation of above mom . ire 110.orcblo J . Lce 2,=:,in, ccucr.l co=ml, Pzesi&nt'-, C-dssllm an the of President c°,ernedy, COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123 COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued 2_ 0 ~ i, I La L;ecrctaria de .--:elation^s salu "da atcrta"::entc ~- la : .iaL : .jnda d.e los sSta(70 : linido :: do '-n6ricn y time cl honor - hacor re :cre.icia tans . aloj6 Lee Harvey Os- :1d. el 2'; ci_ s<mticmbre de 1963 . 3 .- C . ;,ia fotostdtici ecrtifierda de la hoja de resorvacio : .cs Cc la ~m ; .rclsa do -miones do Embajada, que no scr6n publicados ni total ni parcialmente sin el consentimie^.to de1 3bbierno do i.:6 ::ico . La 3ecretaria do Rclaciones Exteriores a l.a not, :o la Hnioajada nil c- 1349, de Seth, 10 . do pn s ;,jcros "'i'rmispor ;n. 2romorn" co :"respondiente al aprovccha esta oportunidad para renovar a la Lmbajada abril pr6ximo pasado, come a is not, do la 3cc " ~ " t .aria dia 2 de octubrc do 1963 c-" la quo anarocc ba 4 o el ms ncro 11 . cl nombre do Os-16 . of teetimonio do cu ma's alta co-ideraci6n . ndmero 5011826, fechada el 14 de may . ultimo, 1 ;,s cuales se rclacionan con la invcsti[~aci6n rcalizad, nor los or(,,anismos mexicanos competentes rec!:ecto do J .ac actividades quo Lee lHarvey Oswald, presunto acesino 4 .- Copias fotoatriticas certificadas do las rclaciones do cntrada y saliila do pasajeros (r .i~: .ll) lior i;uavo Laredo, Tanaulirua, corresnun,'.ien del senior. Presidents Joim r. Kennedy, realiz6 durnntc tes a los d1aa 26 do septicln're y 3 <ia octubrc de 1963 of ticmno que estuvo en 6i6xico on septiombre do :963 . on Ins clue fii;uran la entrada a 2 :6 :-ace do Oswald en la Como complement . de las informacioncs fecha primeramente indicuda y su salida dal pals . 5 .- transmitidas a. la Eclbajada on la nota ndnicro 504826, Copia fotostdtica certificada de la 3ecretaria so complace on enviarle ahora los ~iGuie= la declaraci6n rendida el 23 do noviembre de 1963 por ten documentos quo lo han side transmitidos por las au- 1a sciiora Oilvia Tirado de Duran mite autoridades me- toridades que intervinieron on la investiCaci6n : xicanas . 1 .- Copia fotostdtica certificada de la tarjeta de turista (r .6i .8) numero 24085, vdlida per 15 6 .- Copia fotostdtica certificada del dias, quo sirv16 a Lee Harvey Oswald par, entrar a :,:, informe rondido cl 30 de noviembre de 1963 Par al Inspector Josb 9ario del Valle respect. d e las invasti ;a xico of dia 26 de septiombre do 1963 per Diuevo Laredo, cioncs que practic6 en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, sobre Tamaulipas . el pas . por ose luSar de Oswald . 2 .- Copia fotostdtica certificada c.,, Al transmitir lo. anteriorcs documentos diversas hojas del libro de ro . ;iatro de pasajeros del a la Embajada, la Eccretaria desea senalar a su aten- ffotel "Comcrcio", ubicado on la calls de :ray'Deruardi ci6n quo tienon el cardcter do confidenciales por to no de Sahap-un simero 19 de esta capital, en of cual se alo16 : nlnbajnda do Ion Estsdos Unidos de Am6rica, " u d a d . COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued que estd on el entendimiento, do acuerdo con to ofrecido en el ultimo pdrrafo do la nota numero 1349 de la Embaiada , COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 2123-Continued uNw ' ". . SECRETARIA DE GOBERNACION DUPLICADO N? Ywz-zr~ vGR is BUENA PARA UN SOLO VIAJE POR r. uNO. SECRETARIA OE GOBERNACION ORIGINAL 249q5 nits DIAS BUENA PARA UN Aplllde, y nembr . - A,I.d« p rombl 31 .e 51m M O Ed.d _.2305 G~ CIVII 'C O W n«"m .nr. . . d w. .o.dln w npapnpuand~ AcxA NArnITrNxD -___-_- UJ N? rJll 24085 SOLO VIAJE P -Ddb LEBe HAEVEY OSWALD FOTOGAAFV ... O Edvd 21 ANDS -Cml C M W D«ume.r. r.n .1 qu1 -l4y~ 11(vd: A^TA rACIM_IENTO . (!~-ct.L K^aJ wn qw 1. .v.mp.n .., rL C . LIC . NOr FALOM47FC, Oflcinl . Vayor de la Secretarla de Gobernac16n,,por Ac . de'. C . Suhsecretario Fnc . del Despacho, CF?TIFICA : que la presente copia feteSt6tica concuerdn fiel y exactanente con su criginal quo obra en los archives de la Oficina del Control Migratorio del Departamento de Mtgraci6n de esta pro-pia SecretArfa . No se causa el Impuesto del Timbre per expedirse para uses oficiales . Ln.. .... . ..... ~:12'rep;a ENTRADA M6xico, I. INP14~TO QUE CAUBA ESTE DOCUMENTO E9 d IIIUIv . Mhi<. ] (<i .<e) of.. m. I . r . . ae . nIr.do . p.4. rolls 11 erld.dordktinw . , de r lulu' . 4rm <m menlr.A d<ber{ uW own .. I .- d . d. .xr : . . wMWw d . .w.- as I. w. ao~d .r .~.rin...~wwaaa r.l. ~aaa1 er 64 .no-r lnie m. w. .rT. Iplmoure biv .. ..La br .4er., nw . .I k..eI. b Uen rnder.J . . 6. MIp..Un . .. Ib. .Im..m 0- nr a1p . .. .r1 r... m. OBSERVATION IMPORTANTE E'NT P.ST 5-1119 A UN I .- DE 507] , PPa0 .q NE%ICAIN' (U .9 . 1 a. m.n ' .z'-). 11 w1.F { .Flee pr.d.n FU.d1 ml n ] (dne) ule. . i p-Ii, d. Idd., d. w.new nlep n eurc.r .aeon . .<U.iiF .eb1 eu n14 d . ml.i i.F . 51., m{ d . .i.-d do eblll.lmr.m<m euutw 4 rqe e. 1 Iui~ . C. d« rII6 Me.k .lr an pw. ... ..1 .. mMn1ae.d.,.n a. rv " OBSERVATION IMPORTANTE 1. CE DOCUMENT ENT SOUMIS A UN IMPOT DE 0075 PES09 MEXICAINs (U.S . $0.50) . UIp1oIr . 4. x 1. Go- I .,I- Go .1 w.a.el u.1 reddl Ori w -1- GO -b dFp. .w 5 (e1N) 1.... i NMb 4 4 dm 4 w W4 a... k P .S . a. n .. p ..... mww. .. ..M.IId ..w w ..o. d. .e.r4u. ., el k U.d.k, nl mRd . . ~Molq . . ensp 5 4 .4.<I 0e.rml .tOS..Mn.ml NEW 4 Mn n .t.. u.M 0.1 Id. a. do dwe.O.i 4m tu, n.4 m. A.uAY. M. .Il .lr d. w. . W wn4 n wal dr dd0.r5 b wT~ 1`Ie .U b"ddn o ni .)< " .. e. rb . rl..d le md . In a 7 de raye de 1964 . 1. EL IMrUTSrO QUe CAUSA BHTE DOCUrsPTO ER DE Iam. 3. .]ulvrlu 51 Ulau . yrm.n.r1r . MMw 6 (.Iw) dlu Imvrmropblati . p..it de 1. 1- . b ..mind . dpiv S. N. par{ M1wWl.r .<IIUM.dn d4UeW . Ir Y ..me. .. 91 U ll .e4. x bumd ew me .w1A drbw{ uW I,-.I. d . .11' x .m1nl. 4- ... -9.d. . W A.de NISr.rta. MI I- Mr d.W N-A. ..WW Y 0.4 ATTENTION 1. TAX APPLICABLE. TO TRIB DOCUMENT: t0A0 IIEXI . CAN CURRENCY (DLA GAO) . i TG. 40U n.un N .n4 Nra. 4 ..uw11.d u n.W 1. M..w fpr . p." 4d .a a 1.r+w 5 (n .1) a5 . . ( .« .... .. .64) .LnlnO fro. W dm v( n4 mpT 4b .V motq. Weed w15 rr pW .en bipa ~. u a. . n W. p .we i t .1. ..., . daTw.w1 H .wlW1. .IUw.Y s. 'n4 dw1..m . . d . ..a .. u1 MIOr .Uw A.Ibwian .. WYL1 .M p4u N dm.n .n f.w W ATTENTION AI"PLII'AIWE TO TII19 OOCU .NENT : ill] MECL D .F ., COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued 176 of (I'Aw i clot .J~Y V ~ .~71io ~ari~ ri~, a 61,5,o T ,< .s ~ -"G~rl COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued i oil 1 J, I ", / w. . I su A ,pw""j (o 1 COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued Y I -----En la Ciudad de Mdxlco, Distrito Federal, sienco lee -- 18 dieciocho horas del dfa 23 veintitres de Noviembre de - 1963 mil novecientos sesenta y tres, el suscrito Capitdn FE~ NANDO GUTIERREZ BARRIOS, Subdirector Federal de Seguridad, que actda legalmente con testigos de asistencia, RACE CONSTABS Que habiendo sido prosentada an esta Oficine la seAora SIL-VIA TIRADO DE DURAN, con el ob]eto de ser interrogada sobreIts hechos quo a4contlauac16n as expresan, se procedi6 a laventer la presents, act., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -TL C . LIC . NCE PALOMARFS, oficial 1'.,,yor de la Secre tarla de Gobernac16n, por Ac . dal C. Subsecretario Pile . del Despacho l CERTIFICA: que las presentes corias foto_s tlticas fueron tomadis de las fojas correspondientes -del libro de registro de vial-eros dal "Hotel dal Comet C10" que se tuvo a la vista .- No se cause el Impuesto dal timbre por .expedirse pare usos oficiales . M6xico,D .F ., a 7 de mayo de 1964 . -----En segulda, presents Is qua on su estado normal manifet6 llamarse SILVIA TIFUD0 DE DURAN, y protested. pare quo se eondueca con verdad y despu6s de hacArsele saber las penal an qua incurran quienes declaran falsaments, por sue genera103 di]oa llamarse como est3 escrito, de 26 veintissis affos- de edad, casada, sin religi6n, empleada, con Snstruccl6n, orl ginarla y veoina de seta Ciudad, con domicillo on Conatltu-yentes Mme- 143 Departamento 3 tree, y sobre los hechos quo as invastigan DECLRO . Que Is de Is voz estd legalmente cased. con el seflor NORACIO DURAN NAVARRO, des-e el 5 clnco Qe No viembre de 1958 mil novecientos cincuenta y ocho, habiendo -precreado una nlaa de nombre PATRICIA, que a la fechs cuentacon tree sacs y medic de edad ; quc en el mss de Julio o agosto de 1961 m11 novecientos sesenta y uno, is dlcente f1i6 imi tada a ingresar al Instituto Mexicano Cubano de Relaclones -Culturales, que entonces presidia el LSc. AGUSTIN CUE CANO--VAS, como Coordinadora, y adn cuando no rt-cuerda concretamente is persona que is recomend6, of puede aclarar que deeds -- COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued hacla tlempo, tenla relaciones y vlsltaba con frecuencla a -los funclonarios de la Emba .1sda Cubans, tenlendo personal - amiatad con el EmbaJador PORTUONDO, asf eomo con los Agnega-dos Culturales TFRESA PROENZA y LUIS ALVrSU, asf como con las empleadss, pero principalmente con la Secrciaria dal Cdnsul - EUSEBIO ASCUE, sefaerlta KARICARf.EN OLAVARRI, de nacionalidadespadola, pero pariente de ASCUE; qua en el Instituto se desarrolleban exclusivamente actda de eardcter cultural, a Los - COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued Qutrn 8. qua asistfan on ocasiones los menclonados Agregados Culturelea y algunos cubanos, pero an mayor udmero Bran maxlcanos,slempre artistes e intelectuales, sin quo nunca d1scutierantemas politicos, recordando qua dnlcamente euando Is Crislscubana He Octubre, relative a Is pretendlda imasidn do Cuba y posterior bloqueo de la Isla por el Goblerno Nortegmericaen un radio de ends oorta escuchaban las noticlas quo d_ ba Prensa Latina, de las cuales formaba on bolatin al quo so dabs lecture, slendo las noticias qua escuchaban procedentes directamente de La Habana, aceptando qua tambl6n a dichas - reunion- asistfan cubanas y mexlcanos qua an to personal - diocutfan sobre el problems politico de Cuba, pero sin quo se hiciera en form:. official ; qua is declarants dlafrutaba de ur . sueldo de > 500.00 quiniantos pesos mensuales, por on fua c16n de Coordinadors an el Instituto, slendo sus horas de le bor(.e de Is, diecisels a las veinte horns, diariaments, obtg .Send. el in .,. pare at sostenimlento dal propio Instltutode una subvencl6n mensual dela Embajada Cubans, cuyo import, desconoce, per. ademds coda um de los soctos cubria unscuote y se recibfan aportaciones de personas cuyos nombrea no recuerda, porque la mayorfa to heels sin Sdentificarse, sin po,:ar precisar el ingroso mensual, no obstante qua la declarante era q -en personalmente recibla todas las cantidades que inpr" saban al Instituto; qua adem4 de la do la voz, dnicom+nte el senor FELIPE ROJAS, qulen trabajaba an las matanas on el Instituto, como Socretario, perclbfa an sueldo mensual-de S;ual cantidad do ;500 .00 qulnlcnt- pesos, ompledndose *I rest. dal diner. qua Sngresata en al Pago de la rent& dal lo- tura denominada de Ins Americas, cuyo vlaie dur6 quince -dies, sin qua tuvleran contact. ni relaciones an sets vialo con funclonarloa dal Goblerno Cubano . Qua como ya d1]o ls dlcento as simPatizants dal soclalismo y la doctrine Mal x1ata, dead* pace varios ethos, hablendo estudlado flloso- fla y *xistonclalismo, y on particular he simpatlzado y -- simpatiza desde sus Snlclos con la Revolucl6n Cubana . Qua desde hate tres mesas mis o menos, comenz6 a prestar eus -servlcios como Secretarla dal C6mu1 de Cuba on sets cludad, sofior EUSEHIO ASCUR t quien dej6 de funglr como tai hate c1D co dies, o sea el tunes lE dieclocho dal actual, slendo soy tltuldo por el sefior ALFHEDO MIRAVAL Y DIAZ, haciendo Is -aclarac16n quo desde un prlnciplo entr6 a prestar sus sorvl clos con al caricter de provisional y con motlvo de la more=. is an un accidents de trinsito de su amigo MARICARMEN OLAVS RRI, quo era quien deaeMPORaba dicho puesto, y an tanto 11A go algunm persons de Cuba quo debars aacerse cargo dal mtsno, tonlendo a on cargo el trimite admlnistratied y el lle- no de las visas quo se explden, ant come el darle curs . a las solicitudes de tales visas, quo Inverlablements son anvladas al Goblerno de Cuba, MSnlsterio de Relaclonos Exte-r1ores para an aprobacl6n, hablendo obtenido este cargo d1rectamento dal ex C6nau1 ASCUE, con quien la 11ga una buena amlstad, por to qua Inclusive 1. didente organiz6 one fiesta de despedlda a Sate, an el domIc111o de la qua habla, ale quo aslstieron cast todos In- funcionorlos y -plead .* do is Embalads y el Consulado, exceptuando al Fhlbalador . -Quo la do is voz no pertenece a nlngun Partido Politico y - Quo en e1 - wnca ha as1at1jo a manlfeetacionea o mitlnes, ni tampoco - wes de Jiciembre de 1961 mil novecientos sesenta y ono, la d3 claiante y an esposo hicleron un vlaie por av16a a La Habana, he becho su esposo, ya qua Sate he escrito varios artlcu- - cal y birds gastos Inherentes al fuccl>namiento . Cuba, dal coal cubrieron sus respectlvos pasajes, paro todosan visits a dacha Ciudad y a la mayor 1os gastos qua ocaslon6 parts de las cludades de la Isla, fueron costaados por 91 - lnstituto Cubano de Amistad con In. Pueblos y la Casa do Cul- COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued he dictado conferenclas ni pronunciado discuroos, 103 an of Per16d1co QE1 to qua of Ma" ; quo nunca . he eStado detenlde- por nlnLUn motlvo, sin pacer excopcl6n al pacer esta refs-_ rencia on ocesi6n de is vloita a M6xico del sefior JOEN F. KEHMEDY, la quo an to particular 1e caus6 gran setlsfaccl6n COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued par los beneflclos qua acarrearfa al Pais . Que el die do -ayer cuando se encontraba traba,7ando on el Consulado Cubano, an donde presta sus sarvlclos de dies a catorce, y de dies y , .is e dleclocho hors ., dlariamente, par el cual p ~~clbe un- -cetdo de $1,500 .00 mil quinlentos pesos mensuales(/ya carte a , ,e, hors. de salida, al mediodia, una eompadera coment6 qua .--La de escuchar an el radio una noticis relatlva a quo r .resldente KENNEDY habia sufrldo un atentado, an el qua " h,t, .n Olsparado tres tulazos, par to qua le llam6 por t& tefun. a su esposo y comentaron acerca de tai noticia, con-tesuindole este qua ya to sable, callflcando a dicho atentado an domlclllo de monstruoso" y acordando qua al reunirse an platicariau sabre ese particular, to coal hlcieron a la homquo ce la comida pero an form muy brave, ya desconocian loslacidentes dal atentado y nombre y seflas dal presunto sutor del mlsmo, slendo hasta por la noche cuando leyeron an una -"extra" la note relative y posteriomente, an el radio de andomicillo, escuch6 la de la voz el nombre de LEE RARVEY OS- WALD, al cual 1e hizo recorder qua este nombre corresponds au, norteamericano que an los ultimo . dies de Septiembre o -- primeros digs dal mss de Octubre dal ado on Corso, se present6 al Consulado Cubano solicitando uns visa pare Cuba, on - trAnsita habia Rusia, y apoyando su solicitud con Is erhibi-c16n de su pasaporte an el quo constaba que babia entado vl-vlendo an este ultimo Pais por espacio de tree ado., eu carnet de trabajo dal proplo Pais, escrito an idiom ruso y cartas an igual idloma, asi coma comprotaba estar casado con une muler do naclonalidad rusa as1 coma ser dirigents al sparecer on la cludad de Nuava Orleans, de la organlzacl6a denominda"Trato Justo para Cuba", con is protonsl6n de quo so to acepamigo" de la Revoluci6n Cubans, por to que'la di-Is tgm6 todos sus datos "ycente cumpllendo con sus funclones teba Como escribl6 el lleno de la solicitud respective, y se rotir6 rogresando por la tarde, ya con sus retratos, y la dicente, - aceptando qua se ezced16 on sus funeiones, oflelosamente - - COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued 11-6 por talefono aI Comulado Ruso, con el Interes por -an parts de fac111tar el trbaite dal vlssdo Ruso a LEE HARVEY OSWAM, Pero de ahl Is conte3taron qua el trsmite duraria cuatro mssos aproximdaments, to quo molest6"al solicitante, porquo eegun afim6 tenfa sums. prise on obtener lasvisas quo is parmitisron viaiar a Rus1a, Snalstisndo an suderecho a ello por sus antecedentes y an partldarlamo y actividades persomiss an pro dal Movlmiento Cubano, sin quepueda preclaar por no tscardarlo la declaranto, si la di,joo m, qua Coors. miembro dal Partido Comunista, y quo su asposa ya menciomda de mcionalidad rusa estate an ese enton ces on Is . cludad de Nueva York, de donde to segulria, siendo on procedencla do Is citada cludad de Nueva Orleans ; quo um vas quo OSWAID entendi6 qua no era posible darle la vl- " sa Cubans, sin obtener prevlamento la Russ, porque squallsem on trinsito, as erhalt6 o eno]6 mucho, pot to qua la dl cents 11Am6 al C6nsul ASCUE, quien an see momento so encontraba an so privado an compatiia de su posterior sustituto MIRAVAL, sallando el primem, comens6 a alegar on angles -con O8WA1D, on forma muy altersda, terminando por decirle quo LOCUS, "de ser por $1 no Is darla la visa", y qua "un indlviduo coma el an vez de beneflclar a la Revoluci6n CubA us, Is causaha daffo", on la inteligencla de quo an su discs s16n se reforian a la Revoluci6n Socia11sto Russ y Wa laCubam, aduciendo OSWALD quo tenfa dos rezones pare solicltar con toda premum la visa y quo eran, una, quo se is veg cia su Permian de astaneia on M6rico y otra, quo eon toda urgeecis naeasitaba llegar a Rusi.; quo e pesar dal disgufto, is do la voz Is entreg6 a OSWALD un papal igual al jutan mate momento manuscrlbe an el qua le anot6 su nomtra - -SILVIA DUStAN .a qua as s.1 y of n6mero dal talefono dal Consulado - - "11-28-47", le y do todas maneras se dib tr4a.,ta a Is . solicitud de visa, enviindola al MSnisterio de Rela ' ciones de Cubs, de donde se obtuvo respuesta an Coma I "1' noda l do quince a trelnts dies despu&s, aceptiado COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued ~a Qferm /D, concesl6n de la visa, pero condiclonandola a qua prevismente ottuyiera la Rusa, aunque no recuerda si OSWALD con poste- - rioridad llam6 o no a la declarante al Telefoao del Consulsdo quo Is proporcion6 ; qua toda la p16tica que sostuvo la dl cente con OSWALD, al Igual que la del C6nsui ASCUS, fu6 an idioma ingl6s, yes quo aquel no habla mda de espa8ol, y quotenor a la vista an fotograffa qua aparecl6 on lox per16- dIcos de boy, precisamente an el Perl6dico "E1 Dia", decd* - al luego to reconocl6 e identlflc6 como el mis o al quo se he ven1do reflriendo como LEE HARVEY OSWALDe on um sole -ocas16n, Is declarante asistl6 a um cerreemmonia de recepcl6a, -4al wrgen pares constancia---------puesto, ratiflca y firms ;,Xamos f6 .--------------Se cierm y autoriza to actuado .SEGURIDAD . EL SUBDIRECTOR FED~L DE . CAP . FERNAND~GUTIERREZ BARRIOS T . de A. T. de A. i PENA . L1c . FERNANDO ORTIZ DE LA ~. -r aw Lic. CARLOS DURAN LANZ . en la Emtaajada Rusa quo se lea di6 en ocasl6n de an vlalte a ios astronautas GAGARIN y TERESHKOVA, por invltacl6n persoIs nal que hizo a la de la voz, al Consul Ruso YACHSOV, el visitar a ASCUE y MIRAVAL, llev6ndoles sue respectivas invi- taciones on el Consulado Cubano . Quo respecto a sus cu0adoeLIDIA y RUBEN DURAN NAVARRO, is primers, an varl4s ocasiones- asistl6 so compaiila de la declarante a less reuniones qua se- IfaYor de EL C . LIC . NOE PALOlVdES, Oficial por Ac . del C. Subla Secretarla de Gobernaci,Sn, CERTIFICA: que la del Despach0, secretario rnc. fiel y execpresente copies fotostitica concuerda en ios archivostamente con su original que obra de eg de l:igracl6n del Departamento de Inspecci6n :Io se cause el impuesto del to propia Secretarla .oficiales. usos timbre por expedirse para M4xico, D .F ., a 7 de mayo de 1964 . celebraban an el Instituto, an tanto quo el segundo unlcamey to to hizo on una o dos ocasionea y con motivo de exposicl6nes de pinturas, y por cuanto a BETY SERRATO AZUCAR, expose de -RUBEN, siempre se no manten1do al mergen de estas activlda--- dos,, aunque todos son de ideologfa de Szquierda, pero sin -participar activamente an ningunas actlvidades ; quo BARBARAANN SLITS TRESMOND ESQUIVEL y A GATA ROSENO GARCIA, son amigas de BEPY, y is de la voz less he tratedo muy poco y superflcialmente, por to quo desconoce sus actlvidades a Sdeolo-gia y en to qua respects al sefor quo shore sabe se apelllda BENTLEY, antes de shore . nunca In habla vlsto y supone que -. is sea amigo de BARBARA, yes qua se di6 cuenta qua a esta *re que trataba, y se encontraban comiendo an la case de lade-ponente,ests, an esposo, AGATA y LIDIA, en tanto quo an la cesa de su cuAado RUBEN se encontraban ios demis. - Quo *s todo to que tiene qua declarar, y prevla-leotum de to ex- - COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 2123-Continued EE3L?'/ACSO:CiL.?ASA LAS°CH JS'S :"_ :iC .1 S.L=LA ?:. Ff40 S_ . ^-A, a: E.. '- . ,.^ . As .:a nleto - i7Iv3L/~i'it 6 . i ~T! 196A 'vAE IL MgT "0 i. _ / i 9 l11IIF~I ~~, 1 zld 9~ 1 1 J'6 - .il ~ , ~ ~. _~ _ ; ~~~3 ~ ~ :m 0fa " ^ Cnbiemo EL C . LIC . 110E PALOMArU3S t Off d al Mayor de la Secretarfa de Gobernaci6n por Ac . del C . Subc .ecretario Enc . del Despacho f 6ERTIFICAt quo la pre-Santa copia fotostdtica concuerda fiel y exactamente con al original de la lists. d e pasajeros de le lines de autobuses de segunda class " Transportes Frontera" f correspondiente al dfa dos de octubre de 1963 la coal as tuvo a la vista .- No as causa al impuesto del timbre por expedirse pare usos oficiales . Mdxico, D .F . f a de mayo de 1964 . 7 N X20\~I~~I~r~iw 22 23 24 25 26 - I 2 COMMISSION EXHIBIT 15 6 37 - COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued No . 2123-Continued C( IZ E 8 TA DOS D NI DO S ME II CA NO5 QY]NAO1 A- Y . . . . . . . .NIC .LL:'1T' . .a~cps ., . . . 2de . ONNC7NA DE S .:I^,T~.! NOWPE PEA I'~ R ". F 6 S t t 2. r M SECRETARIA DE GOBERNACION t MOv'1111aT'tUDE ::TGG~ ... :5 o~LASPICAQON -JE . .t.. NACIONALfDAD ACIllAL .. .~ -_ GP Y PA LUAE DE PNOCTDENCIA OCl7FACION - . . -TIN- FINAL f7ASNDC O - IA07A p0 P6AMANENCIA S.THADA F4 Ho -I 'ol : .z pn3 604 ",05 "nC m7 ane 809 510 ?11 612 ,813 "14 815 l16 817 618 719 820 ' . . .. 6zs)Slj s24s°a~ 624675 526145 11 626236, 62556E, 2r, ;e5 32060 6255671 623793' 623924 623795 623794. 625625 133156 13315, 626131, 1 62614 .1 62636 62636 Ln cli<afa . ch IC 122 II :!a:tina. ~i11 Lr_ Dmll . L.e Larwy Cuallot Kaurioo . R .vcz C ,11 Czxnl : Po X152 I,~ L:cr~lcc focra 'V' Ldclio Litobo -_1 .-ac f : Zc=c.th GL.oairr . Ycl-d . L.da Robert Rcoalay C 59 'H I1;4II 488 j L+ 1231 1 Y j R ~ad ^ " C C i15i v " ! Larcdo 9c .".c : u . S . D. Su h. y-rS . I ..do T.r, TDrj, 7lctodn C C C S S S IC IC 23 IS 11 h.t ... Tot . I-Orl .0 .1 real T .Sooi sl . li .lolarlcnaa .l S .' . .. .uaton Tat . " Su ho g . S . Lot . Coatnrric-f R .MIDrlcnaa ., " I " ^ Bmplaado . ^ Batudianta . I~ i T . ., ..Daoh 5.: . A Larodo Taxi d-l . a .d . L .o .1 . " ff . cc . r .l .t . s. d. :.a .r . Ncct .N .L . - ' " d. 1br .D .F . ^ " h. t.- . .F . YS .D Lvattavil l~u . S .Lnt . ~I .d . CA . Cauadienac . S. D. Bu ho," ar . T4enico . P . . .I . . .- I , S .D. . tot-J To .." Couatcn N 140 H i43 Rocl .vicl Lnthoxy Paul . H 58 RodrfgLaz Rafaa1 R1Lb.n .(1) 25 Rodrf6vez Robert. G.--a . BaplnozaLH S 21 Rcdrf6,vaz Baplkoza Sor6ti Antonio Ro^rf6vae Ia:aPr. Joesfn . K 75 B 64 R.-r . Crua Yino R 29 8nndova1 Ricnrd. . Cocrgaa Robert . " Su h Fot6e-fc . Rcclovioh F1or .nco .S . Spinner I 221 q3 36I . _n 11C C ' " Lncr :c- ., Tar. I ti-O .N .L . " Ketz Francla . Y "- D . F . 1. COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued b .t .m . o.d. " II acto . ', autobua . . P" c"r. P" SALIDA 0-'.ACIONM I: 11 EL C . LIC . NOT PALO?{~RTS, Oficial ayor de la Secretarla de Gobernaci6n, por Ac . del C . °ubsecretario Enc . del Despacho, CFRTIFICA : quo la presente copia fotostatica concuerda fiel y exactariente con su orifinal ql:e obra en los Archivos de la Oficina del Control Migratorio del Departamento de `tigraci6n de ostn propia Secretarfa ; No se causa el Impuesto del Timbre por expedirse pnra usos oficiales . IN' Mgxico, D .F ., a 7 de mayo de 1964 . COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued E S T A D 0 S U N I D 0 S M E X I C AN G S SECRETARIA DE GOBERNAC,or 41- IN APrvmos Y N-KE 1 I I'l 81 , ~'7191 1 L, P, i ('~' I 101 1 1 OF 88 ', ~11L e 0,01"J, 1, ds . Qnsw Wlw, a 1 . - . , 6249 OV GDnaal!z -1 --jlj : ii 1 6256 04' Gucr-ro -,arcNI 1'3. 1, 51035 Or hartin,7 rluardD L'i, 622 7V).urioz Ildei*cns . 625 3/1:cDanila Jo-oIh I 97 6256 98 6261 51 Brian John. C . 1+51-6 Is D..A -LF - 70- L-0 T'INAL 11 111 ,' EcDanl .l 11ary Lo_, N .. .( Hsrvny OS,Ia11 L.e . ./F,r,1- Loco zr . 41nkeen LaIghton o a l'. 43 L- , H .nr ~~ 01 Gmji%"a I." . Oro - . :, 408 6255 I 'I'Om S0iAC10N ', .1 .1 .1 11 -iodstonr- . .,to . fox. .uto, vI, . :ion . 501 " 30 _1tt . r. nt . m . 1. LA data 1,cu).d . . di d. NJ r A ad 4 ~mtmtr dotlmUM -S d md E 94 ~99 1 1 100 1 i 93 , i I NALIDAD -AL V- i .- ia . 61+40) 92 . I f6 88 ?~ 14 95 96 s . ' !. 31-. P D 11" Z'W' 04 " 62Q/0, lo. lmlii , ; 6094V vnmm 14 I PI T! ~. I - / -,r'ntt job ton L D,, A L, oI_,F,9N6ES,0 Z ,' do . tq ho t"f 2 1 v 32 0 bu bw ), .xlcu r. V I.AcD IF . r. law . + .L1" ho, 15 Ji J-f1t. .j-1 . 'Goad ,7wfa Gfi :a . 6t 50 '{2 1.1 y2 I 37 1 ~!35 1 11 1 N. A. iegnu La,ado fox, -- UtOLU.; . -4rit. Tax . 2 luatJli Zex. Auto . 4utobus. oct .1 J .g .h . ;ULob,j . Oct .1 J . ' . h. -nt. Tex . :u to . Oct .1 J.9 .h . L ar,:,l Tax. 'h i, ti rqx- , EY ;u t obus . 1,I .,I :I:Jn 1,"on Gto. Cumutclavta. Runt . 1' .L . b/ D. . M Mexico Y'' T.. . 11 V.CC. i.4i:t . Tex . Auto . Floyd Iabt,s i-d 4vi-n. (au '06 1' . 1 bazico W. pl .yl Zlobba ~n . I- ! l.Dnt . L. L. El 211civ .1 ~!oxico DF . maxit Dr. : .0r.lens La sottlia Tax. ~Gto_, r,fo . D. Wx1co, D.F . Auto . 4uto . Auto. 1 COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued 3 ! -1 .24 Sep .2L 4cy. 29 Je}. .27 sey.Ll 11 J.f .h . u.s .e. ~ t.s . .. '.p .30 J-1-C . .3C0 .26 Oct.2 1.t .ch. J .1 C. l.U.t . :- E GOBERNACION Feral de 4h1Pt _ EL C . LIC . NOE PALOMARES, Oficial Mayor de la Secretarfa de Gobernaci6n, por Ac . del C. Subsecretario Enc . del Despacho, CERTIFICA : que la presente copia fotostAtica concuerda fiel y exactamehte con su original que obra on los Archivos de la Oficina del Control Migratorio del Departalnento de Migraci6n de ester propia Secretarfa . No se causa el Impuesto del Timbre por expedirse para usos oficiales . M6xico,D .F . q a 7 de mayo de 1964, COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued p cero 4, (tzaElt> l.S. Dumcclo t~~RBtL lE Pa3LSC1Q( . Dw". IQ TRSP00C1tas. as rinds iafasaa. ,-/, 3`/6 I"! Coal, 4b arralgjaw eon hiss *1 "*$* lamdIstapento *I, detonates *s Emrw LarsCa, S. s. 0. D° ..d. Ddb. k8 1 t. rasasta. 181 ta,2VUo1eate a la arch qv MIbf yarn trawLdarw a L 0102" da fa»aa load Tc^s. son *i objoto do p"atiear and inosstig . elda ro2Osta=do san ai estrtnjera do ,a,sianalidod eatoevorioana 10 S~T~ CAZD, a o"UMmaldn w tor,dto rendir a noted el riguients 1CMM)Ma 81 est"aro do relbieaala sa fatornd al a1 C aeao ft is = 0 24" el 26 do 2sp. , heel.." .̀* da 1; .:1 . Pl t^Jst* C* R:it~raaddn i~l1o Tuo,d "on qus to 'toodie. cmltld =-rtHca ftt-s oarne"ioe, is her' do In 'nlrade, *l ar. " : din da C'anr,®.Tts qca =D 7 la meiCsalided. Intarragedo sotare *l pats Salts# odmitid C=a a7x'CZ®a, aereCanda quo ns podia *pwtgr uingdn 44th vs C7adsna a os^a laraotlcaotdn a visto tai tievo transonrrido. broowadct a ate made qu* mien rolaaidn own sl orb ajerq trf satatleewa ohm eertaa qw fd atondido on is oriad. no da Ria"I& eatrt lea 6 a.a . 7 las 14 t.a . do sw dfa, 7s qav el ro AsW del pawnal Indies quo el "cants lboxi tydm oubrid has Larne . CIM,+ 11 sztranjeao Cited* sbandoa al pets an . !tote 9 t- de K33 on *I ldustroi26 doIs ear g »tms . i"salidm dlebm karate etnnrre g oadslans* an 1* forma ligretarls 7 subeand . *n tea saasae7Ita. la rotersets a Is saalonalided aooribi .Ao la palatal 'trarieaamd. do 1b ms M C'cntta ArtUMMMIL tieee dw dud1ie-e de nazi" . We as 1S POU 7 Ut7odo gets, pas al igwl quo *l prinrro no pudfaren 'per to data, ate tea ao89bleacroo ta-bit qw dloho extrugjero erwd pas *I t119tzatre 26 c^rs lea 0 pre . *.o. las 6 ate, 401 du wasiong". r =1!7U r3 C=i0 1Gr~ ^D, Taspsr ltmron ebcadaa varies . hotsles '* la 2=1 :d do qs apnreeiera a ainguoo h'bra hoopsdslo ; 1 " al 26 do sin vl an, tovando on cuo to quo al dfa Girdsto, a me *I R7, so rmaistr6 *a of Repel del Cosarsie on of Dishrita R COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued C32013 T."=1.waeL^:.^ .. re-.rn ravicadas lag listng do yoagjores ds la Ofa# f-n>a3=J b 4vianif 7 ns eT--.rose qw *1 vsnaicanda 0313 WUc* el alajs r= ace c .31a. At4a, stands al 77 do wptiew tro d'a tea, t=;.=& r=5a atsrd:7 avle. as vista do quo oe am not Is ooa u c1tsia ms k:sfa vucica durien a Y's-too. its In lfnoa ds aarlcaaa Trsarporteo dal farts as puvd* seta" bleoarea el t j3 621% a XCziao, oa vista do quo no fcrmnl" Bates as eaa pca.fZT". otsa y-rts, a pew rs 4w dicta limo as le _ " C= 26 oC7C7httM"# ~o Is M ~Doapodd aneve "! 7~ qua *eta d1ties alaeamto a imjea to viajs. Cotsdbn 7S Ca g;-=rss Ca C-%-Ad v1ejd cn anbnbds, to quo le per-ial dfa aiy^ateeto do an intornacidn tid lt y '~ as sl Rat*l on al to-"tae erode hmsiL ajduu do l" p*mja cs VC~* rT rOa. Cabs 1* yn31t-11r.'S da q ,-3 L^blon bsc o s1 "ajo an ants, psrn . 4:t* r1.?g =ft r--1djt%s a1 y==o a.^. ."..'.dao Is labUren pot"tide aca~.=--cs ea o11ca, ¢7oe o=0 s!a adslaatn w W8 no entrd W. auto_ el rats. 1 r-'T=M r' C'.:d1D .s asiatan ncaos on sea potleoifae do Rue" ^-~I "_-~- cn al Caatida do q:^n sat:rlnrrernte diet . ra4enj~ heof-_:- -Ca al abjats - ctt*u= ca dtveraio . Rsrpacto do is e g-."-a ir--: Caa Cs *1 Jar-ndo do trams" Inetena1a ds M-. a C---a dal Lis. rista, qsn to otro a,Ctranjaro donaa." t.~ :-_ r- f ~. -tea gTI.a s x'1:3 OW 7 obtuvs un d1wroin to eel . G* 1 : _?, Ca sa Qt2*= Ev.a f-- 1e Atat fdaon. Dal o.todio dal espy djsOU to c*n*lU* q^1 no so !rats dsl edcttenjwo Qaald, e p:. ° f'a cs .nalda r_Mep lle=do Oolcr3i' o Rngve Lndn,.i a -*aL=a4a cat^.;"StaSe t`.;roiea aiea'nnan mn" taavxzia,CS, eaa ddnyewsa d! 1a o.'.'.'7 to leaal11-vies que s=tar" agn.Us pobl-i& fs=i ezrratarm, qua as at &ire -die do ao~ adatoifa, F»a Ct sxtatLa alb antorree^m dcl ai :ado divor-sls, ss '_^d TOlo7CSe Wpate al C. biro nammi &iajne, . s^.:a;,.a pal DocSst" Civil on sea ic,,mr wjialtonds dinhee inter-o 7 bmata at dfa :9 C-72 zns on aura* no bbl .Aadi oontne~ci& . El Jofe de 1* OfIcIta da fy- .we1Cn on Vvo b Laredo, Terps . ir. Oilbarts Ciseroe id rat t:atOIS L='G7=r inmdiataaaeb VA tuvi*W slgans wntsstscd6n . ZVealmvatq *Opts *tta PSTtlealor me entr.ei*taron a les Lia . COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued c144VWd F. . 04w-rd i: 14 . Rojo 0 4. lead Toaow tones 7 rcroos Trinidad Salinas, asf epos al Oslo 6s Tnrisho Mabo 107os, 9110-28 Snform:T3 na bbsr pstrminoAo al sets . J~ 7 WW&W .n algda Sa1ale 6. ... catral.se. I>MrPR:CTc3 )A .QLTAR^! .- 6o hiso one bdegasde +dawiom can al ebjato b dotaminer si Ia epees do Os-old do ncalre WIN& MOIAF4eg w Intb7n6 al Palo, pore .1. Peenlted0o Positives . I0m1-ta, eon mrge-to a R vedra do wz^.re"9PZU:7rn3 CIATIM 0GWAM, son ids slams r asl p= 12 froaturs do Puavo Imedo, Tv,pa. claw rMMLSM 1d I4P=ADIt11 DL "ITfCL- S.Aa s, dospronde do led P,Iarlonod PJU 11 de solids, of ixtrenjarv Os .eld abondend sl Pass a 3 do 0-tat" t 1^b7 par Rod" toad., Teem, a Lord . do no eats. Sin ambr loos to, t~l data eoaetitays atro orra-, alts we do In Srts . Solalinda, -n~l9dfa sncxr da do bwr dished "laoioom, go1on d^W6 bob-so ega1vnfdo, Poos PA. 8 qca taw a la vista .l4raspardtento e1 oztranjoa405Tra1d m 0=t14aa an ningum parts L swtmi& respective qae indleam qua ,dald so auto . U Pd etTa part., as a.mgeas .me "1.016- do loo por"isns Tares P=ales d0 DV=tae^-6a do Into- exp®didas a1 dfa 26 do aopti ..t,* de 1947 las eutzrld-tats sdaanaUs is suevo Larado, Taepa., eomplaanntsda see datoo rd0ratw1cs de .ads Parsons . Latdisdo a#to relaet4n ra ea arnMantra .ads qw Panda 11MIea son el .atr.al.ro aad,ld . TLIJRYAS P.M . 0 WCALTUD&S.- d. llevd a wbo ant bd-Q,.d., hsbidmem lara11wde Ls . .M t 2.6036 y 46087, o seen lad doe poeteriti P and a Is 601 oxtradjoy Qanld 7 qne aestionsa lea eiguientas 4d+,n ., PICF "''^;;'"S DS V3N, 78 e6oa, oossdo, bogw, d-1.11 1.(I . 0o 8avs Or1.eeH, La ., ®= doatino a ?toebrre7, N.L. habldndom t,t.rnade ees Rate PQ C. vigwl 410-4n. TwWo . 7 b na .tonalided nortasmrinens . C= F= L3 1-P, 42 409, coed., Obrsr., 6wa.iliado eq, CrIaom. Ia., c---j doctlna a Yantarrq. W.L . 7 em al slam lager do in eidn y Awiaaalldad one Ia ontorior . A1 iml q= Owald eallo1tarou an Tarlots on i.'oera Orlasna.fo . 7 Is t=7--t,doi. d. tai data rd1.. .n g,. habl.,ae obtaalde .a f.r.a add=-da of ala= Ifst quills padieran prop.rcloner alga. rote-,-, 7e C- on 91 0=valeta 1421102.0 e0 turns fu/ s1 Lmedlato postartar eI dal mftTida axtrOWaro . PtrG ettsmr Inywas dated. sabse p-sou, dabwd_ o0nWalterw al iavalw do mowtooldn dsl cats par C. xiguel Us4n,T,-. Taabtda w lacfllsor" 'a ZMTR 7 J=ill Ian a OY10:L 380 P.M. 8 24081 7 24081 qua ~-,on Mill3 " AID DOit'18, goba nerbararieeaoo COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued y deala111.dw as Wooed Orlwad L . hsbidoloa, t tornsdo eon auto par C. 'lgml Ibadu, Tars. Prra ;tuner sdpores dotoo do arbod, to . 1 .idf d.bwd ,ananltarw .1 14raiso do IOpa taatdn respective. Atantaaents, Mists., D.F .~,~ 6d~Rm 70 do Inopsetor A 1947 . Sir a:iy't d. 4"- .:.0103 r; ntc :+ tlsl '.'r' ,: OLPARTAWWO Of 44)" 64" COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued DEPARTMENT OF STATE of uneu,ee S[NYID[5 DIVISION (TRANSLATION) LS 6257 T-52/R-11 ,Ianiah *01 Encl . No . 1 A-1),61 Mexico, D.F . 505503 LF GG~ER~IRG!nr . c*rzl CD GefaMC~, EL C . LIC . NOE FdL0:7,F;E5, Oficial Mayor de la Secretaria de tuobernacidn, per Ac . dal C . Subyecretario 7;ne. dal Despacho, CEI1TIFICAt quo la presente copia fotostitica concuerda fiel y exactamente con su original qua obra an los archIvosdel Departamento de Inspeccl6n de Mgrac16n de e,4 to Iropia Secretaria .- No se cause el impuesto -del timbre per expedirse pare . uses oficiales. Wxico, D.F ., a 7 de mayo de 1961+. She Dapartaant of Foreign Affairs Preeents its compliments to the Embassy of the United StAtee of Amerlaa and he . the honor to refer to Embassy mte No . 1349, dated April 10, and note No . 504826, dated May 14, of the Department of Foreign Affair., which pertain to the investigation ocnduoted by the .-patent M.,de- aathwitiae of the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged assassin of President Jots F. Kennedy, while he was in Mexico in Septeaber 1963 " tippleaenting the information transmitted to the Embassy is note No . 504826, the Department takes pleasure in sending now the following doc,0ents, which have been transmitted to it by the authorities who conducted the investigation, 1. Certified photostatic copy of towist card (F .M .e) No . 24085, valid for 15 days, used by Lee Harvey Oswald to enter Mexico on Septmber 26, 1963, at Nuevo Laredo, Tamulipas. COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued 2. Certified photostatic copy of several pages iron the register of the Comarcio Hotel at No . 19 Fray Bernardino de Saha& Street, .City, where Lee Harray Oswald stayed on Septeaber 27, 1963 . Med 3. Certified photostatic copy of the reeervatim shoot of the boa coupuyy, "'Transports . Froatera" far October 2, 1963, on which Oswald's nor appease ae No . 4. Embasy of the Chited State . of America, City . COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued 4. Certified photostatic copies of the records of passenger entry and departure (F14 . 11) at Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, for September 26 and CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WA .NINOTON ]e. n.c 9 JCl i,u4 October 3, 1963, which show that Oewald entered Mexico am September 26 and departed an October 3 . 5. Certified photostatic copy of the statement made before Mexican authorities on November 23, 1963, by Mrs . Silvis Tirado Darin . 6. Certified photostatic copy of the report made November 30, 1963, by Inspector Jose Mario del Valle of the investigations conducted in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, regarding Oswald's passage through that city . MEMORANDUM FOR : Mr . J . Lee Rankin General Counsel President's Commission on the Aseaesination of President Kennedy SUBJECT : Lee Harvey Oswald In transmitting the above documents to the Embassy, the Department wishes to emphasise their confidential nature, for which reason it is understood, according to the wise made in the last paragraph of Eabasey note No . 1349, that they will not be published, either in their entirety or in part, without the consent of the 0ovetvnaast of Mexico . The Department of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity Attached are the translations requested in your letter of 3 July 1964. The original documents are also returned herewith. to renew to the Eltbasey the assurance of its highest consideration . Mbrico, D.F., Jun . 9, 1964 Enclosures COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued Richard Helms Deputy Director for Plane Attachment . - a/s COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued 17 July 1964 Lee Harvey OSVALD the following is a translation of information contained in the attachments to Note No . 505503 of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the United States Embascy in Mexico City, 9 June 1964 . item 4 Certified photostat of list of persona entering Mexico through Nuevo Laredo on the second half of September 1963- Oswald is listed as entry 807, by his tourist card number, name sex, age, marital statue, nationality, occupation (photographer, point of departure, destination, day of the month (26th), means of travel (not indicated), and agent's initial, (H .T .M.) . Certified photostat of list of persona departing from Mexico through Nuevo Laredo in October 1963 . His nationality is given as French (by ditto marks), his means of travel as "auto," and the agent an A.A . Ch. Item 5 Item 1 Certified photostat of tourist card (FM 8) No. 24085, valid for 15 daYo, used by Lee Harvey Orvsld to enter Mexico on 26 September 1963 at Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas . Oswald is listed as a photographer, married, 23 years old. Card was issued at New Orleans on 17 September 1963 . The entry stamp bears the name of agent Helio (Tuexi2) Maydon, and the exit stamp that of agent Alberto Armamendi Chapa. Item 2 ertified photo.tats of several page . from the guest register of the Comercio Hotel at 19 Fray Bernardino de Sahegun Street in Mexico City, where Oswald registered on 27 September 1963- The dates are given as Z(, 28, 29, and (302) September, and 1 October . The name (listed se #18) is given as Lee, Harvey Oswald on Z( September end se Lee Harvey thereafter . Certified photostat of the statement made by Silvia Duran to the Mexican Federal Security Police on 23 November 1963 (Translatioa is given in FBI memorandum of 26 March 1964 end therefore is not repeated) . Item 6 Certified report of 30 November 1963 by Jose Mario dal Valle of the Department of Inspection, Directorate-General of Population (see Attachment A) . Item 3 Certified photostat of reservation sheet of Transportes Frontera bus company for 2 October 1963, reportedly listing Lee Harvey Oswald as passenger No . 4. The attached print is act good enough for the name or initials to be legible . The sheet, in three colurme, gives some sort of identifying number for each passenger as well as the passenger's name and destination . Dionisio Heyw and Francisco Saucedo are listed as drivers . CommissioN EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued DIRECTORATE-GENERAL OF POPULATION DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION at Lilometer 26 of the highway . Upon his exit the agent observed the omissions on the migration form and corrected in writing the one with reference to nationality by entering the wrd "American." REPORT To the Chief of the Inspection Department is his office Agent Arxemendi has tw assistant . named Lute de la Peu and :brao o-A., but they, like him, were u-.his b supply s7 Infor-tion. In compliance vith the order I received to go to the city of It vas possible to establish also that the subject foreigner Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, to conduct an investigation In relation crossed over by Xilometer 26 betwen 0001 and 0800 hours of the day to the foreigner of US nationality, Lee Harvey Osvald, I hereby In qu-cioa. submit the following report : ARRIVAL. STAI IN NUEVO LAREDO, TAMAULIPAS . The subject foreigner came into the country through Several local hotels wre checked but it we not found that he had stayed at any of them on Nuevo Iaredo, Tamaulipas, under Ff8 No 24085 on 26 September 1963 . 26 September. Migration Agent Hello Tuexi Meydon, who attended to him, failed to' the Zjth, he registered at the Hotel dal Comcrcia in the Federal note three essential facts : District, it must be concluded that he made the trip immediately with- the hour of entry, the memo of trans- portation he used, and his nationality . Under questioning concerning the facts, he admitted those mistakes, adding that he vas unable to supply any data which might help in this investigation, in viev of the time elapsed. He was unable to remember anything at all related to the foreigner Oswld. It vas possible to establish vith certainty that he vas attended to at the Migration Office betvaea 0600 and 1400 boors of that day, as the personnel register above that agent T1uxi Msydma ws on that shift. However, in view of the fact that the following day, out stopping at Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas . MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION. fl have checkeg the passenger lists of the C-Panis Maxicana de Aviscion and it does not appear that the fforeigae) Osvald made the trip by that means . Also, since 27 Sept- ember we Friday, he could not have boarded a plane is viev of the fact that during that month the above-mentioned airline did not have daily flights to Mexico City . At the Transport- dal Norte bus line it ws not possible to establish whether he traveled on it to Mexico City, is view of the fact EXIT. The above-mentioned foreigner left the country on 3 October that they do not make lists of their passengers . In addition, despite 1963, and vas attended to by Migration Agent Alberto Arast-nsi Chaps, COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 2123-Continued the fact that the above-mentioned bus line is the connection view of the rains which fell In that town it vas impossible to go f-1 there by road, the only means of transportation, to verify whether with the Greyhound Line, it was act possible to assert that he traveled on 1t, since the letter only stamps the notation "Occupied" on its way bill. It Se to be supposed that Oawald traveled by boa, which -bled 'nin to stay at the Hotel in Mexico City the day after his entry Into the country, since there is no trace of a record of railroad passengers either . There is the possibility that he may have made the trip by automobile, but his would be possible only If persons of his acquaintance would have permitted him to go along with them, since, as will be seen further on, he did not enter into the country with his own There are rumors in this town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, to the effect that, previously, the above-mentioned foreigner had been there for the purpose of obtaining a divorce . With respect to the former, it vas possible to determine at the Court of First Instance of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, which is under Lic. Pinto, that it was another foreigner named Harvey Larry Hudson who applied for and obtained a divorce there in 1960, from his wife June Merle fneme illegible7 Hudson . A study of the record lead. to the conclusion that the person involved is not the foreigner Oswald. In a near-by town named Colombia, Nuevo Leon, divorce suite by US citizens also are handled, with dispensation of (illegible wrf. -3- COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued priority telegram was sent to Ciro Manuel RioJas, who is in charge of the vital statistics office Is the teve, re q-tiag such information, end until the 29th of this month there had act been any reply . The chief of the Migration Office in Nuevo Laredo, Tamauii pas, Gilberto Cemaros Perez, promised to re;~rt immediately that he had any reply . Also, on this subject, interview. were held with attorneys Jose Tenene Ramos and Marcos Trinidad Salinas, as well as the tourist guide Mateo Reyes, who reported that they had not sponsored foreigner Oswald at any trial of that nature . sutomobile . DIVORCE IN MEXICO . there Is any record of the above-mentioned divorce ., However, a In ENTRr OF RELATIVES. A detailed search was made to determine whether Oswald's wife, Marina Nikola-a Oswald entered the country, but without positive result .. Likewise, with respect to his mother, Marguerite Ciavire Oswald, the same result was obtained fee to her entr17 through the border at Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas . AUTOMOHLLE IMPORT PERMIT . According to F. M. 11 Reports of exits, the foreigner Oswald left the country on 3 October 1963 through Nuew Laredo, Tamaulipas, In an nut-bile . However, that entry in another mistake, this one committed by Miss Solallndo, the typist in charge of preparing such report., who admitted having made a mistake, since the F. M. 8, which she had In front of her, with reference to the foreigner Oswald, does not contain anywhere as entry to indicate that he traveled by automobile . -L- COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 2123-Continued In addition, there Se attached a list of the Temporary Automobile Also located were F. M. 8 No 24032 and 24083, corresponding to Import Permits issued on 26 September 1963 by the customs authorities Samuel Thomas North and Judith Marie Muth North, both US nationals of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, together with the migration data of each and rasLdaata of ff.. Orleans, Louleime, who entered with an -to- person . mobile through Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas . Upon examination, this list shove nothing that might connect them to the foreigner Oavald. F. ll. 8 CARDS LOCATED. For further infor- motion am both, the xaapaati~a import permit ahouid be eonaulted. A search was made, which resulted in Respectfully, locating F. N. 8 cards No 24086 and 24087, the two cards after that of the foreigner Oswald, and which contain the following information : Jose Marlo dal Valle Inspector No 16, Mexico, D. F., 30 November 1963 (illegible female name, de Men, 38 years old, married, housewife, a resident of New Orleans, Louisiana, destination Monterrey, Nuewo Leon, who entered with an automobile through Ciudad Miguel Alemaa, Tamaulipae, and who is of US nationality. George ~Oame illegible7 de Men, 42 years old, married, blue collar worker, a resident of New Orleans, Louisiana,, destination Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, who entered through the some place and has the same nationality as the above-mentioned person . Like Oswald, they applied for their card at New Orleans, Louisiana, and the importance of this fact li " -s 7.c that, since they obtained their migration form the same day, they might be able to furnish some information, since their turn at the Mexican Consulate was the one immediately prior to that of the subject foreigner . For further information on both persons, the permit to import the automobile through Ciudad Migual Alemn, "," l i pu, should be consulted . Receipt atemp of the Directorate-General of Population, Secretariat .of Migration, Department of Inspection, 3 December 1963 Lie. Nee Palem "ree, Chief Clerk of the Secretariat of Interior, for the Undersecretary In Charge of the Office, certifies : That the present photostatic copy agrees faithfully and exactly with its original in the files of the Department of Inspection of Migration of this Secretariat. No tax is levied because this is issued for official use. Mexico, D. F., 7 MAY 1964 .7 .--sig t7OTE : This translation has been prepared from a very poor print and may contain some error in the transcription of namee-7 COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued Annox 7 DEPARTMENT OF STATE .1 ".-G, --s 00 (M 1 At 6 p.m . on November 23, 1963, . Mexico City, Federal District, (rausuno .) u ss . 162%5 T-52/It-)L4 Spanish I, the undersigned, Captain Fernando Gutlbrroz Barrios, Deputy Federal Director of Security, acting legally, in the presence of witnesses, certify that Yue. Silvia Tirade Drape, having oppoarod for questioning concerning Annex 1 the events stated below, drew up this instrm-ent, [Sts :p of Executive Branch cf t:exico] Mrs. Silvia Tirade Dur&n, being present and having svom to tell the truth after being Wood of the penalties fcr rerlury, stated UbTTLD MEXICAN STATES that her name was ae written, that Depar.nent of the Intartor Ori;;inal No . 21,035 No . Valid for 1; dnvs Good for coo trip Full seen ., Snx .1y for --- days That she had been legally married to Tic . 1loracio DArAn Navarro since 5, Ph ".tograph old; that In July or August 1961, she vas im-ited to take the po .Ition Ago 23 1r,rital status Uar :arrlcd [rexiean-Cuban Cultural Relations Institute] at that time headed by lm . i<exi .~ glty Nca Orlean ., Louisiana, Semis - n . r 17 . 1967 1959, and had one child, a girl na^. :" d Patricia, 3-1/2 years of Coordinator with the Institute Nexicano Cubano do Boleoiunee Cultural-, Garricd 1 _Di rth certificate Aoerienn [b .ta, the word "American^ to handwritten] Agustin Cue Canoves, and although she did not roomber exactly who rucomrw.mded her, she could state that for acme it.. she had been in content with, and frequently visited, officials of the G ben 1:ahassy, being a personal U .S .A . " friend of Ambassador Portuondo and r" f the Cultural Attnch6s, T..... Pro- and Luis Al,.-, as well as of the elerke, chiefly the C.-I's. Plans and Date eeerctary, Via. Maric.rmen 01avarri, of Spanish nationality but a Lee H . 0aunld relative of the Consul, Eusebi . Ascu6; Signature of Server To be filled out by the Immigration authorities, Dcpart: ",cnt of the Interior, Pcpulation Division Scpte-h. .r 26, 1963 data Constituyentea, who declared, with respect to the wont. being November Dacuoent certifying nati,nalityt [e] 10 lnvestiCatsdt Lcc Ilnrvry or-1, L X Destination, he was 26, sanded, no roltgicn, clerk, .s b.lrtg Apt. 3, literate, a native and resident of this city, her add- That the Institute engaged in purely cultural activiti.e, which warn Dept . ~f the Interior, Populatlcn Division October 7, 1963 t., p ~ i Alberto Arwcendi Chaps 11 .11. Tucxi f.Vdon .-lip", Nuave Laredo, T Nuavo Lar=d , T-lip.. ' [fi-tnder of page contains duplicate of tourist card and notes concerning the tax applicable to the tourist eard] [Certification follows] COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued ecmetimea attended by the above-mentioned Cultural Attnch&e and various Cubans, although meet of these atterdin , ++ .rc Maxicare, alwgs artiste and Intellectual-Politics -r. never discucaod. She -embored only that during the Cuban crisis In Oct,Lner in connection with the attorytod invasion of Cuba and later the blockade of the Island by the United States Government, that' listened by short-wave radio to the reports being announced by Prena Latin& and made up a bulletin of those reports, which was read . The reports they heard came directly from Habana . She admitted that same Cuban and Mexicans also attended these meetings who COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued discussed the Cuban political problem among themselves but not officially, That the doclarant had received a salary of 500 pesos a month filling out the view issued, and processing &PPIicAtions f,r much visas, were 6 to B p.m . as Coordinator of the Institute, that her working hours an daily, that the money to support the Institute received from a monthly which are invariably sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba through former Consul for approval . She obtained this ponitirn directly subsidy from the Cuban Embaeay, the .m:mmt of which she did not knew . were received In addition, each of the members paid dues, and contributions party in her hone, which van attended by almost all the officials and from individuals he.. homes she did not remember, because ..at of them contributed anonymously . She could not give the monthly amomt, despite the fact that mhe vas the me who personally received all the money that came into the Institute, That the only other person who received a monthly salary of 500 pesos was Mr . Felipe Ro]as, who worked at the Institute in the morning . as Secretary, the net of the money received was used for rent for the promises and other operating .pe- ..l That in December 1961, the declarant and her husband flow to Mahone, Cuba, paying for their own tickets . However, all their expenses while in Hab- and several other oitim. of tuba wen paid by the Institute Cuban. de Amietad con lee Pueblos (Cuban Friendship Institute) and the Cultural Club known as "The Americas ." The trip lasted 15 day.. The an contact with officials of the Cuban declarant and her husband had Government on this trip, That, ae she had already stated, the declannt had been s fo11over of Soelalelm and the Marxist doctrine for several years, having studied Aecul, with whoa she was very friendly, even having given him a farewell employee . of the Embassy mad Consulate, except the Ambaasndor, That she did not belong to any political party mad had never attended any demonstrations or mostinge, nor had ehs ever given any lectures or speeches, although her husband had, since he had written several artloles is the newspaper £1 Din, That she had never been arrested for any reason, including the time of Mr . John F. Kennedy's visit to Mexico, which visit had ..de her very happy because of the benefits it would bring to her country, That yesterday, while ehe was working at the Cuban Consulate, where she ie employed from 10 a. .. to 2 p.m . and fran L p.m . to 6 p.m . daily, for which she receives a monthly salary of 1,500 pesos, at hbout the time for her to issue for lunch . a colleague remarked that she had just heard on the radio that President Kennedy had boen attacked, and that three shots had been fired at him. She called her 1-bond by telephone and -anted on the news . Ro replied that he already knew it and called the attack ..eastroues . He agreed that when they reached home they would talk about it, and they did that, whe. they went home for lunch, but only philosophy and existentialism, and in p.,rt.lrular, she had supported the briefly, since they did not knew the details of the attack or the namo Cuban Revolution aInca lie begionino, aid c,ntlnued to support it, and description of the alleged assailant . That about three months ago, she began to work am Secretary to It van not until that night that they mad in an -extra" a report on the matter, and later, on their Mr . Daebio Ascuh, the Cuban Consul in this city, who terminated his radio at home, the declarant beard the none of Lee Harvey 0-old, which duties 1n that capacity five day. ago, that Ss to say, Mrnday, Movember 10, made her remember that that van the name of .he. be ..e replaced by Mr . Alfred. Miraval y Dims . Shtr stated that an American who, at the end of September or beginning of October, had come to the Cuban Consulalato from the beginning she had taken the position on a temporary basis be- and applied for transit visa for Cuba, an route to Russia . Im support cause of the death in mautomobile accident of her friend, Maricaxmm of his request, he had presented his passport, which showed that he had Olavarrl, the Consul0s Secretary, until someone else could same from lived in Russia for three years, his work card from that country, in work, Cuba to fill the position . She was responsible for the adwinistrative Russian, and letters is that language . Hs also presented evidence shoving COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued .5- -4- telephone member of the Cuban Consulate "11-28-4T,e and his vie& that he was married to a Rassia woman, and that he appeared to be the application was processed in any case . leader to New Orleans of the organization (mown as " Fair Treatment for Foreign Affairs of Cuba, which sent a reply in the routine manner, 15 to Cuba,' claiming that he was accepted as a 'friend- of the Cuban Revolution . 30 days later, grouting the visa on condition that the applicant first In view of all that, the declarat, performing her duties, toot all It was sent to the Ministry of obtained a Russian visa. The dsclarant did not member whether or not his data and filled net the necessary application. He than left the Oswald laic called the declarant on the Consulate telephone . office but "turned in the afternoon with his photographs, and the that her entire conversation with 0-old, as wall .s the conversation declarant, admitting that she weeded her duties, unofficially called the Consul had with him, sacs in English, sLet . Oswald did not speak the Russian Consulate in a desire to facilitate the processing of the Spanish at alli Russian vice for lee Harvey Oswild. However, she was told by that She amid That when she saw the photograph that appeared in toda-s newspapers, Consulate that it world take opprmdmately four months to process his precisely in El Dia, she immediately recognised him and identified him application, which annoyed the applicant, because, he amid, h. was in a a the one whom she had been calling Las Harvey Oamal}i hurry to obtain the visa to go to Russia . He insisted on his right That, only once, the declarant want to a reception at the Russia to that because of his background and his support and personal activities : Embassy when .etronsute Osrarin and Tersehkova were there, having received in behalf of the Cuba Movement. The deelarant could not state-because a pereonal invitation from Russia Carol Took.- Men he went to the ,he did not remember-whether he amid he use . number of the Communist Cuba Consulate, to see Aeml and Miraval and gave them their invitationsi Party. Hs did say that his Russia wife wan at that time in New York, That, with rseepct to her brathe-ad slst.,in-law, Lidia and Ruble from where she would follow him, having come from the above-msnttwed Durln Navarro, Lidia Wrln want several times with the declarat to city of New Orleanei meetings at the Institute, but Rubtxm Durin vent only once or twice, and That when Oswald beard that a Cuba visa, being a transit via, could not be issued to hit until after he had obtained a Russia via, he became waited and very angry, and eo the dwlarat called Consul Aecul, who was in his private office with Mr . Miraval, who later replaced him. then it was to see exhibitions of paintingei that Hety Serrate Azdcar, Rublnes wife, had always stayed out of theme activities, although all of that are Lefiste, but do not actively participate in any activitieei that Herb.- Am Slits Treamond Esqui-l and Agate R..-. Garcia are The Consul ease out of his office and began to argue with Oswald in English . not Ascnb finally said, -If it were up to ace, I .-Id/give you . visa,- and friends of Hstyl that the declarat had only very infrequent, casual -people like you, instead of helping the Cuba Revolution, only do it ideology . here,- it being understood that in their argument, they were referring had never Boom him before and assumed that he vane a friend of Barbara, to the Russian Socialist Revolution and not the Cuba Revolution . Oswald since she noticed that she was the we to whom he was talkinCl and that maintained that he had two reasons for wanting a visa so urgently, sod she, her husband, Agate, and L1dLa were dining at her home, while the they worse his permit to stay in Mexico was about to mptrei and he others were at the hot. of her bmther~in-law, Rublni and That she had nothing further to declare, after her statement needed to reach Russia right away . Despite the dispute, the dsclarat contacts with that, and do did not know about their activities or Aa for the gentleman whose name she loner to be Hmty, she gave Oswald a piece of payer identical to the not on which she was writing had been read to her, she approved the contents and signed is the margin in the proceedings, m which she wrote bar room "Silvia Durinm and the In wIt-" thereof . COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued Annex 14 Population Division The proowdiage were closed and attested . Certified . [Initialed) Capt . Fernando Outifirres Barrios Depaty rederal Director of aecsrity [Bignaturv) [Sigftatura) Ternando Ortia do L P.fifs Carlos Durln Lens witness witness (Certified Mq 7, 1964, by Boss Office of Inspection Palonaree, Chief Administrative Officer, Department of the Interior, Ke3doo .) COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued Report Chief of the .Office of inspection city Pursuant to the order I received to go to Nuevo Laredo # Tamaulipas, to conduct an investigation of the American, Lee Harvey Oswald, I take the liberty of submitting to you the following reports End. The above-mentioned alien entered the country via ituevo Iaredo, Tamaullpaa, with FMS No . 24085 [tourist card) on September 26, 1963 . The Immigration Officer, Holio Tuexi Maydon, who attended him, failed to record three essential faatas the time of his entry, the means of transportation he used, and hiss nationality . When asked abo7t ttie, he admitted his r. .i .,takca and added that he could not furnish any information that mould help in this Investigation because of the time that had elapsed . He could not remember anything at all relating to Oswald . It was possible to establish, beyond any doubt, that Oswald passed through the Immigration Office between 6 a .m . and 2 p .m . on that day, since the time shoat shows that officer Tuext ?,%aydon was on duty during that shift . Departure . The alien In question left the country on October 3, 1963, having been checked by Immigration Officer Alberto Araamsndl Chaps . a t Kilometer 26 on the highway . COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 2123-Continued When he departed, the Immigration officer noted the omissions on the tourist card and corrected, by hand, the mistake referring to his nationality, writing In the word "American ." Officer Arzamendi has two assistants, Iola de la Peffa and Librado Garcia, but like Officer Arzamendl, they could not furnish any information . It In to be assumed that Oswald traveled by bus, which would have enabled him to stay at the hotel In Mexico City the next day after he entered the country, since there in no evidence of his having traveled by rail either . He may have made the trip by car, but this would be admissible only If acquaintances had permitted him to accompany them, since, It was also established that the alien in question passed Kilometer 26 between midnight and 8 a .m . of the date stated . Stay In Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas . Several hotels In the locality were checked, but no evidence was found that he stayed In any of them on September 26 . However, since the next day, September 27, he registered at the Comercio Hotel In the Federal District, It moat be concluded that as will be shown later, he did rot enter Mexico with a car of his own . Oawrald divorce . There are rumors In the town of Thieve Laredo # Tamaulipas, that the alien In question had gone there previously to obtain a divorce . In this connes tion, It was ascertained from the Court of First Instance of Nuevo Leredo, Tamaulipaa, under the direction of Mr . Pinto, that it was another alien by the name of Harvey Larry Hudson, who filed for and obtained a divorce there he continued on his way . without stopping in Nuevo Laredo, in 1960 from his wife June Marie Huber Hudson . Tamaulipas . cluded from a study of the Pilc that this was not the alien, Means of Transportation . airline, Cie . The passenger lists of the Mexicans de Aviacion, were checked, but apparently Oswald did not travel by that means . In any case, since September 27 was a Friday, he could not have flown, because In the month of September, the airline did not have daily flights to Mexico City . There is no way of establishing whether or not he used the bus line "Transportes dal Norte" to go to Mexico City, since It does not prepare passenger lists . And, It was con- Oswald . .In a nearby town called Colombia, In the State of Nuevo Lodn, divorces of American citizens are also granted without the usual requirements . Because of the heavy rains that had struck that town, it was iapossible way to go there by road--which is only/to reach there--to find out If there In any record of the divorce . However, an urgent telegram was sent to Ciro Manuel RSo,Ias, Officer of the Civil Register In that town, requesting the informa- although that company connects with the Greyhound, It tion needed, but by November 29, no reply had been received . could not be established whether or not he usgd the latter O1lberto Odsares PAraz, Immigration Officer at Nuevo Laredo, company either, since It merely stamps the notatioe 'Taken" on Its travel sheets . COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2123-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2123-Continued -4Tamaulipae, promised to notify us as soon as he had a reply . Masara . Jose Teneno Ramos and Marcos Trinidad Salinas, as well as Mateo Reyes, a tourist guide, were also questioned, but they said that they had not assisted the alien Oswald in any legal proceeding of that kind . Family Information . A detailed search was made to determine whether Oswald's wife, Marina Nikolaevna Oswold, entered Mexico, but without results . The same was dons with respect to his mother, Marguerite Clavire Oswald . with the name results, at the border at Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas . Automobile Import permits . According to the lists, form P .M . 11 for departure, Oswald left Mexico October 3, 1963 via Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, in an automobile . How- ever, that information also proved to be a mistake, this time made by Miss Solalinde, the typist reaponalble for making out such forma, who admitted that she had made a mistake, since the form P .M. 8 she had before her, which referred to Oswald, did not have a notation anywhere showing that he traveled by automobile . Enclosed In a list of Temporary Automobile Import Permits, Issued September 26, 1963, by the customs authorities at Nuevo Iaredo, Tamaulipas, supplemented by the Immi gration data of each person . An examination of that list did not disclose anything that could connect them with the Tamaulipas, American eitI .sen1 and George Henry de Men, 42, married, worker, address, hew Oreleans,La ., destination, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, same port of entry and nationality as the former . Like Oswald# they applied for their tourist cards In The significance of that fact Is that, New Orleans, Is . having obtained their immigration papers on the same day, perhaps they could furnish some Information, since their appointment at the Mexican Consulate was immediately after that of the alien In question . To obtain more data con- earning these two persons, the automobile Import permit Issued at Miguel Alemmin, Tamulipas, ahould be consulted . Tourist cards P .M . 8 24082 and 24083, issued to Samuel Thomas North and Judith Marie Muth North, both Amorieana, residing at New Orleans, IA ., were also found . They entered Mexico by sutomoblle via Mlguol Alemdn, Tamulipas . To obtain more information on these two persona, their Import permit should also be consulted . Respectfully, [Initialed] Jose Mario del Wile Inspector No . 16 alien Oswald . P .M . 8 Cards Located . Nuevo loan s having entered by private car via Miguel Alemdn, A search wan made and the two tourist cards (form P .M . 8), 24086 and 24o8T, that followed Oswald's tourist card were found . They contain the follow- ing Informations Florence Johnson (4) de Men, 38, married, housewife, residing at New Orleans, La ., destination, Monterrey, COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 212 3-Continued Mexico, D .P, November 30, 1963 [Certified May T, 1964, by Na Palomares, Chief Administrative oftioer, Department of the Interior, Mexico.'] COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2123-Continued