Diagnosis of a family


Diagnosis of a family
Soup Sunday raises
more than $70,000 ... 5
Kids, volunteers work
together, build playground ... 7
Family Victories from Youth Villages Mid-South
Community steps up
during Holiday Heroes ... 13
Spring 2013
of a family
Rodney and his mother
were both on board to get
to a solution — page 4
Microsoft grant boosts
technology literacy
for at-risk children — 3
A message from our CEO
A successful future depends
on the support and assistance
of you and others in the community
I was recently reminded of a time not too long ago, before
Youth Villages
board of directors
Mike Bruns, Chairman
Bryan Jordan, Vice Chairman
Jimmy Lackie, Secretary
Paul Bower, Treasurer
Jim Barton Jr.
Eric Bolton
Youth Villages came into being.
I was appointed to manage a small youth residential
facility east of Memphis named Dogwood Village. I was
Marietta Davis
Judith Edge
young, right out of school, and wasn’t sure what to expect. I
Nicholas R. Ehlen
had worked and volunteered for years at child welfare and
Jack A. Eiferman
treatment organizations and in the juvenile justice system.
So I knew what the children would be like.
But the business of running the center was new to me,
and the responsibilities sometimes seemed overwhelming. It seemed as if
Joanna Jacobson
Rev. Robert Earl Jones
Karole Lloyd
Mark Medford
every day brought a new crisis or some new twist in rules, and it would take a
Johnny Pitts
lot of time to make sure things were taken care of properly.
Ray Pohlman
I remember that, but I also remember how much help I had.
I had staff who supported me and did what was needed – many of them are
Ronnie Randall
Pat Ritz
still with Youth Villages today. But I also had people in the community such as
Michael Rose
business leaders, court employees, judges, carpenters and other civic-minded
Richard W. Talkov
people who saw to me and made sure I was getting the most out of the small
reimbursement stream we were getting at the time.
It was a great time, and without those who helped me, Youth Villages surely
wouldn’t be what it is today. In the Mid-South, our support from individuals,
Matthew Tarkenton
Scotland Thede
David Tyler
Patrick Lawler, CEO
community and corporate partners is critical. Only with your help can we
reach more children.
Many years ago, I didn’t know Youth Villages would be what it is today. When
I began, I just wanted to help children, and with like-minded folks on my
side, we were able to help more every year. Now we have clear evidence that
our Evidentiary Family RestorationTM approach is the most effective for our
country’s troubled children.
With your continued help, I know Youth Villages’ future path will be to help
more children and families who need our life-changing care.
Leadership council
Frank Cianciola
Lee McWaters
Richard Miller
Laura Rosas
Kevin Ross
Joel Smith
John Strange
Christopher Vescovo
Carolyn Wainwright
Patrick W. Lawler
Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
2 Spring 2013
New Heights
*82.7% of youth were in state custody
at admission to the program.
News and events
Program Success
As a national leader in the field of behavioral health, Youth Villages has measured
outcomes of children and families participating in its programs since 1994.
At one-year follow-up
No involvement
with the law
At home with family
In school or graduated
Microsoft boosts
technology literacy
for at-risk children
Microsoft has awarded a grant of more
than $7.4 million
in software and
technology to
Youth Villages,
one of the nation’s largest providers of
help to children with emotional and behavioral problems and their families.
The grant is part of Microsoft’s YouthSpark initiative, which is designed to
The graph above represents the status of youth who participate in one of Youth Villages’
core programs one year after discharge through March 2012. Figures include only youth
who received at least 60 days of service and reflect a response rate of 54 percent.
create opportunities for 300 million
youth around the world. It will provide
software and support on Youth Villages’
residential campuses, supply technology
Events around the Mid-South
for young adults being helped through
A Day
on the Hill
improve the organization’s internal and
its transitional living program and
external communications systems.
“Microsoft is one of our most impor-
The leadership team
tant partners,” said Patrick Lawler,
from Youth Villages
Youth Villages CEO. “Since 1997, their
joined YV CEO Patrick
generosity has allowed us to provide the
Lawler in meetings
best computer technology to our kids.
with state legislators at
This grant means Microsoft’s total sup-
the Capitol as part of
port of Youth Villages’ children comes to
Youth Villages Day on
nearly $13 million, which has helped our
the Hill. Partnerships
with Tennessee’s De-
state to expand funding
partment of Children’s
of our transitional liv-
Services have allowed
ing program, allowing
Youth Villages to do
us to help serve every
great things for chil-
young person in Ten-
dren and families and
nessee who ages out
have served as a guide
of foster care or state
for our work in other
custody or who needs
help during the transi-
We’re asking the
tion years.
YV5K Jackson
raises $4,000
More than 80 runners
youth learn computer skills and allowed
us to support our staff with modern clinical records and office technology.”
The grant allows children receiv-
braved the snow and
ing help at schools on Youth Villages’
cold weather to partici-
residential campuses to use the latest
pate in the third annual
Microsoft software and curriculum to
YV5K in Jackson, Tenn.,
improve their computer literacy and
in March, raising more
learn the fundamentals of word pro-
than $4,000 for Youth
cessing, spreadsheets, the Internet and
Villages’ programs.
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 3
Getting Rodney the right things
ntercept family intervention specialists provide services to the family, rather than just to the youth, meeting
with families an average of three times weekly and remaining on call 24/7. We tailor services to meet each
family’s needs, while measuring treatment progress through ongoing assessment and review. Specialists
collaborate with other providers, case workers and courts to formulate a collaborative treatment plan. Small
caseloads – four to six families – allow our family intervention specialists to focus on the individual needs of
each child and family we serve.
The difference was
Even people outside the home noticed the change for the better.
Here’s Rodney playing football,
sitting in class without disrupting, being respectful to his teachers and his
mother. But mom remembers the near
decade before this change.
“He could go from zero to 10 superquick,” his mother, Kimbella, said.
“People told us it was him just being a
teenager, or it was just him acting out.
But I know Rodney, and it wasn’t him.”
Youth Villages Family
Intervention Specialist
Zaneta Barnett’s first
priority was to get Rodney
set up with a physician.
The family found out Rodney’s bipo-
Rodney, left, with his mother, Kimbella. Rodney received intensive in-home services to address behavior
issues, but the bigger issue was finding proper medication to treat the root cause of his behavior.
But Kimbella wanted
something more – she
wanted her son back.
lar disorder could be treated effec“Now I can have a conversation with
tively with proper medication, which
almost eliminated his behavior issues
him,” she said. “Now he goes to school
of physical and verbal aggression.
and football practice. He’s contemplat-
“Many of his other behavior issues
ing joining the debate team.”
Zaneta worked with the school, even
still had to be dealt with after we
addressed the medication,” Zaneta,
sitting in on some of Rodney’s classes,
whom they called “Miss Z,” said.
to show both the school and Rodney
“They’re a great family, and we need-
the level of commitment and support
ed to go to the school and establish
he was receiving.
In return, as he earned the trust
that connection with them and also
establish some boundaries at home.”
Rodney’s outbursts before had many
of his family, Rodney began earning
more freedom. On those occasions
times resulted in him getting what he
when he gets worked up, he uses re-
wanted. In a small apartment with five
laxation skills he learned from Zaneta.
“I’m thankful it got better, and it’s
family members, doing that meant
still improving,” Kimbella said. “Be-
keeping the peace.
tween the medication and Youth Vil-
4 Spring 2013
New Heights
lages, he’s improved so much.”
Rodney also has a mentor and plans
to participate in track and field. At 15,
he still has issues from time to time,
but it’s different – now he’s just being a
“Youth Villages was the
best thing that ever happened to him,” Kimbella
said. “And I don’t know
where I’d be without
Youth Villages.”
“They are a great family,” Zaneta
said. “Once Rodney saw the amount of
support for him, he began to hold himself accountable and he’s accomplished
a lot in a small amount of time.”
Soup Sunday biggest ever!
ore than 50 restaurants and caterers participated in this year’s Soup Sunday event, raising more than
$73,000 to benefit Youth Villages’ programs. More than 20 years ago, Danny Sumrall and Mike Warr
organized the first event in downtown Memphis. Since its inception, Soup Sunday has raised more than $1
million to benefit Youth Villages’ programs. This year’s event featured food trucks for the first time, with trucks from
YoLo, Central BBQ, Memphis Munchies and Rock ‘n’ Dough Pizza Co.
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 5
The following donors
made gifts of $50 or more
to Youth Villages between
Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2012. The
board of directors and staff
of Youth Villages gratefully
acknowledge these thoughtful contributions.
If you made a contribution during this time but it
is not listed, please call the
Youth Villages Development
department at 901-251-4822.
YV Visionary
The Assisi Foundation
of Memphis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bower
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bruns
The Edna McConnell Clark
The Day Foundation
The Jenesis Group
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Medford
Microsoft Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Randall
YV Pillar
First Tennessee Foundation
Hauntedweb of Horrors
Konica Minolta Business
Mr. Larry Levingston
Memphis Grizzlies
Memphis Runners Track Club
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Pitts
Rose Foundation
YV Leader
Estate of Phyllis O’Bryan Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barton
BlueCross BlueShield
of Tennessee
Helen L. Siddon Bogan
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. H. Eric Bolton
Boyle Investment Company
C.H. Robinson - Memphis
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Crews
FedEx Corporation
Gerber-Taylor & Associates
Goodlett Foundation
Gossett Motor Cars
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. James Lackie
Laffoon Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lavelle
6 Spring 2013
New Heights
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Marchant
Memphis Area Association
of Realtors
Mr. R. Andrew Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James Turner
Mr. and Mrs. James Vining
YV Protector
Ms. Sally D. Banks
Best Buy Children’s
Thomas W. Briggs
Foundation Inc.
Community Foundation
of Greater Memphis
Data Facts Inc.
GlobalGiving Foundation
Nollie and Amanda Henington
Kele Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lavelle
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Memphis Chapter 20
Institute of Real Estate
Management — IREM
The Schadt Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tanzer
United Way of the Mid-South
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
YV Builder
AB Mauri Fleischmann’s
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baer
Mr. Charles Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnhart
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bateman
Mr. James Stephen Bertie
Bethel University
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Boone
The Canale Foundation Inc.
Cargill Feed & Nutrition
Ms. Jennifer Case
Judge and Mrs. Robert
Contemporary Media Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor DeBacco
Delta Asset Management LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
FedEx Services
Mr. Keith Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Flaskamp
Mr. Trip Folk
Mr. Eric Fountain
Mr. Spencer Fullen
Mr. Jason Gallop
Mr. James Gattas
Mr. and Mrs. William Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldstein
Greek Orthodox
Church of the Annunciation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Guthrie
Hart Davis Hart Wine Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harvill
Dr. Jane Hayden
Dr. Paula Ann Herring
Hershey Foods Corporation
Ms. Karen Fields Isaacman
Inventory Locator
Service Inc. ILS
Mr. Jeff Jackson
Jackson Lewis LLP
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kert Johnson
K C Homes of Memphis Area
Keller Williams Realty
Lakeland Lions Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Landers
Linkous Construction Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Lynch
Madison Group
Magna Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mall
Mr. Frank Markus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Maury
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy May
Ms. Kristin McCurry
and Mr. Charlie Cadigan
Mr. Richard McKinley
McWaters & Associates
Memphis British Sports Car
Club LTD.
Memphis Consumer
Credit Association Inc.
Memphis’ Incredible
Pizza Company
Multi-Million Dollar Club
Murphy, DeZonia, and Webb
Optimist Club of White Station
Mrs. Carol Prentiss
redplus innovations
Idalia Roth Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schultz
ServiceMaster Talent
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheahan
Dr. Thomas Shockley
Mr. Darral Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Ratan Singh
Southeastern Asset
Management Inc.
Southern Security Federal
Credit Union
Surdna Foundation Inc.
Ms. Barbara Tatge
The University of Memphis
Mrs. Wendy Thompson
Mrs. Lucy Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vescovo
Mr. Ed Vining
Volvo of Memphis
Ms. Bonnie Walker
Watkins Uiberall PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitman
The Kemmons Wilson
Family Foundation
Mr. William Wilson
Xerox Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Young
Friend of Youth Villages
ACH Foods Cos. Inc.
Mrs. Sylvia Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Adwell
Mr. Kenneth Agee
Mr. Michael Albers
Dr. J.E. Albright
Alexander Thompson Arnold
Ms. Cameryn Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander
Ms. Sandra Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Allen
Ms. Lashunda Allen
Mrs. Mary Walton Allen
Allie Prescott & Partners LLC
American Clothing Express Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Anderson
Ms. Susan T. Anderson
Ms. Lisa Andreotta
Mr. Michael Andrews
Ms. Patricia Andrews
Mr. John Ang
Ms. Wanda Antosz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Austin
Mr. Christopher Babb
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bachman
Mr. Tony Bailey
Ms. Mary Baird
Mr. Bobby Baker
Mr. Curtis Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bandler
Bank of Bartlett
Ms. Pennie Barclay
Mr. Ryan Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barton
Mr. Darius Basken
Mr. Charles Baskin
Mr. Earle Bates
Battistellis Italian Fest
continued on next page
Thank you for your support
hildren from Youth Villages put crayon to paper and drew their dream playgrounds, elements of which
were incorporated into the Bartlett Campus’ new playground, made possible through the McDonald’s
Foundation and organizers from KaBOOM! The new playground provides more than 300 children in
Memphis with a safe place to play.
Dr. Robert Battle
Dr. Andrea Baumer
Ms. Joan Baxter
Ms. Geneva Bayles
Ms. Judy Beach
Mrs. Pam Beall
Ms. Carol Beasley
Mr. W.S. Beckwith
Ms. Margaret Bell
Mr. James Bendall
Ms. Amanda Bendickson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Berger
Ms. Katy Berry
Mrs. Martha Berry
Mr. James Stephen Bertie
Mr. Don Berube
Mr. Donald Berube
Beta Sigma Phi Laureate
Mrs. James Biard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Birch
Mrs. Mollie Bird
Mr. Donald Bitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Black
Ms. Susan Blackwell
Mrs. Melanie Blakeney
Mr. and Mrs. William Bledsoe
Mr. Jeff Blevins
Mr. Leroy Blom
Mr. and Mrs. John Blose
Blue Bell Creameries L.P.
Blue Sky Couriers
BNY Mellon Corporate Trust
Bob Richards Jewelers Inc.
Ms. Barbara Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bomar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bond
Mr. James Bones
Mr. and Mrs. John Bookas
Mr. Michael Bortner
James Bost
Ms. Aida Bourdon-Arroyo
Ms. Jeanine Bourland
Mr. Albert Bouvier
Mrs. Felicia Brown
Mr. Harry Brown
Mr. Myron Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Browne
Mrs. Robin Bruno
Buffalo Wild Wings
Mrs. Angela Banks Buford
Ms. Bette Buhler
Mrs. Melissa Burgess
Mr. Robert Burgess
Ms. Gisela Burley
Mr. Elbert Callis
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cameron
Ms. Kerri Campbell
Ms. Anne Cannon
Ms. Ernestine Canty
Mr. Gary Canup
Capitol Resources LLC
Care Petroleum Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd
Mr. Edward Boyer
Mr. Kenneth Bracewell
Mr. Steven Bradshaw
Ms. Alethea Bragg
Ms. Carole Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Branch
Mr. Guilbert L. Brandon
Mr. Robert Braue
Mr. Peter Brazon
Mr. Zach Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. William Brigance
Ms. Susan Britton
Mrs. Florence Brody
Dr. and Mrs. Brown Brooks
Brooks Insurance Agency
Brother International
Joe Browder
continued on next page
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 7
A 10-year report on Youth Villages’ transitional living program details the outcomes of more than 5,000 young people who have participated in the program
since 2000. Youth Villages estimates that states save at least $2.6 million for every
100 young adults who complete its transitional living program successfully.
Go to youthvillages.org to read the full report.
Ms. Charlene Carey
Mrs. Kelly Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carpenter
Honora Carsey
Ms. Anne Carter
Mrs. Dotty Carter
Ms. Emily Carter
Sam Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cates
Mr. Philip Cauchard
Dr. Ushasree Chamarthy
Mr. Paul Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. Neal Chatham
Mrs. Gloria Cherry
Ms. Inge Chilman
Chimes for Charity Foundation
Church of the Holy Spirit
City of Dyersburg
Ms. Deborah Clark
Ms. Gena Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark
Mr. Gerald Clary
Mrs. Joanne Clausier
Mrs. Rachael Cocke
Ms. Ilona Coffee
Ms. LaRose A. Coffey
Mr. Robert Cohen
Dr. Barry Cole
Ms. Kathleen Cole
Mr. David Coleman
Collierville United
Methodist Church
Ms. Marion Commerford
Community Mortgage
Connect Electrical Services
Mr. Kevin Connors
Contractors Inc.
Mr. Robert Cook
Mr. Rulon Cook
Mr. Samuel Cooke
Cooper Tire & Rubber
Jack Cooper
Tammy Cooper
Mr. Donald Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Cordts
Mr. John Cowher
Mrs. Rankin Cox
Mrs. Lucy Crawford
Mrs. Renee Creasy
8 Spring 2013
New Heights
Artist Chantel Barber recently donated her painting “Garden Boots”
to hang in the Youth Villages Operations Center. She is pictured above
with Youth Villages CEO Pat Lawler.
Barber heard from a Youth Villages
volunteer that Lawler said the painting reminded him of Youth Villages’
Ms. Mindy Creech
Mrs. Karen Creel
Mr. Dave Crockett
Ms. Susan Cronmiller
Mr. Thomas Culross
Ms. Linda Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Currier
Ms. Teressa Currier
D.S.G. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dagastino
Ms. A. Lucille Dallas
Mr. L. P. Daniel
Mr. Clyde Dartey
Mr. Carl Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Davis
Suzanne Dawson
Mrs. Madge Deacon
Ms. Patsy Dean
Ms. Polly Dean
Mr. and Mrs. David Deason
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. Christopher DeLosh
Delta Asset Management LLC
Delta Autoplex
Mr. Gallagher Dempsey
Dennis Mitchell’s
Automotive Inc.
Ms. Catherine Dickey
Ms. Mildred Dicola
Dobbs Ford on Mt. Moriah
Mr. James Percy Dobbs
Doctors In Training.Com LLC
Mr. Tom Doherty
Dream 2 Discover You
Mrs. Eileen Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dudek
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dugan
Mr. Joel Duke
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunavant
Mrs. Tamara Dunn
Dyersburg Dental Associates
Dyersburg Inns Inc. —
The Bull-Bear Lounge
Dyersburg Insulation Company
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Earl
Mr. Daryl Edwards
Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards
Mr. Kevin Edwards
Mr. Elmer Ellert
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Elseroad
Ms. Leigh England
Mr. Lee English
Jim Ervin
Mr. Keith Essary
Ms. Anne Evans
Ms. Betty Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans
Mr. and Mrs. David Evans
Executive Speakers Bureau
Mr. Adam Exelbierd
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Exline
Mr. William Ezzell
Ms. Rosemarie Fair
Mr. James Fayfer
FedEx TechConnect
Mr. Mark Feingold
Mr. Charles Feltus
Ms. Doris Fenvessy
Mr. Scott Ferguson
Mrs. Bernadette Fevella
Dr. and Mrs. William Fidler
First Citizens National Bank
First State Bank
Ms. Marilyn Fisher
Ms. Alexandra Flinn
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Floyd
Ms. Laura Smallwood Forbes
Ms. Joan Ford
Mr. Mack Forrester
Ms. Camille Forsythe-Barrie
Fort Campbell Area CFC
Mr. Jimmy Foshee
Ms. Jessica Foster
Mr. Eric Fountain
Mr. Charles French
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy
Mr. Steven Friedman
Minnie Fry
Fullview M.B. Church
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuqua
Jennifer Futch
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gaddy
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaia
Mr. Louis Gaker
William Garland
Mr. Anthony Garrett
Mr. John Gately
Gates Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alan
Gatlin Chiropractic
and Rehabilitation Center
General Appliance
and Furniture Company
General Heating & Cooling
Genesis Management
Ms. Mary-Grace Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Giannini
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
Ms. Jessica Gibbs
Mr. Eric Gibson
Ms. Adrienne Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gillespie
Mrs. Maureen Gillespie
Ms. Zita Giraldo
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gladney
Mrs. Beth Glosson
Bettye Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldstein
Mrs. Glenna Gonzales
Ms. Deborah Goodrich
Dr. Richard Gordon
Ms. Aileen Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Graves
Mr. John Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gray
Ms. Phyllis Gray
Ms. Kelley Gray-Smith
Bedelia Green
Ms. Kathy Green
Mr. and Mrs. Carlvin Greenway
Glendora Greenway
continued on next page
outh in the transitional living program and attending college
are eligible to apply for the YV Scholars program, which provides financial assistance to the youth attending school.
The youth must maintain certain academic and community service requirements to stay in the program. At left is the third class of YV Scholars.
Mr. David Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Griesbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Grinder
Mr. Hershey Groff
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Groves
Mr. and Mrs. David Gryce
Mrs. Frank Guarisco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guizlo
Mr. Steve Gulfstrom
Patricia Hague
Mr. Robert Hall
Mr. Robert Hamilton
Hand Surgery Clinic PLLC
Mrs. Kelly Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. John Harbor
Hard Rock Café
Miss Candice Hargett
Mr. T. J. Hargett
Ms. Debra Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harris
Mr. Randal Harris
Mrs. Deborah Hester Harrison
Mr. Jay Hartman
Mrs. Nancy Haselhorst
Dr. Fred Hatch
Mr. Clayton Hayes
Ms. Lillie Hayes
Mrs. Mary Grinter Hayes
Mrs. Holly Hazlett
Mr. Hunter Heggie
Mr. Paul Heijerman
Mrs. Jane Heineke
Mr. James Helm
Miriam Hendrickson
Mr. Paul Hendrickson
Dr. Jerry Heston
Hi Speed Industrial Service
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hickey
Mr. Kevin Higdon
Highland Hundred
Mr. Richard Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill
Hinson Insurance Agency
Mr. John Hockaday
Mr. and Mrs. John Holden
Ms. Rachel Holt
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Hoops L.P.
Ms. Susan Hopson
Mrs. Kate House
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howell
Ms. Laurie Hudson
Mrs. Dora Huffman
Ms. Robbin Hutton
Mr. John Ireland
Ms. Janet Jackson
Ms. Wanda Jackson
Mr. Wayde Jackson
Mr. Richard Jacobs
James Pest Management
Mr. Richard Jeffers
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jeffries
Susan Jennings
Mrs. Leslie Jerden
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johns
Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation
Ms. Florence Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Ms. Stephanie Johnson
Mrs. Lois Johnston
Miss Jane Jones
Mr. Ken Jones
Mary Jones
Ms. Pam Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Mr. Robert Jones
Mr. Roy Jones
Mr. Willian Jones
Yong Joubert
Mr. David Kabakoff
Mr. David Kabelik
Dr. Alex Kafi
Mr. Randy Kahmann
Mr. and Mrs. James Karas
Mr. Joe Katterjohn
Tracy Kayhanfar
Mrs. Jerita Kearnes
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Keegan
Kelly Law Firm: Attorney
at Law Troy Plaza
Mr. Christopher Kelly
Mr. Thomas Kelso
Mr. Mark Kennedy
Mr. Gerald Ketchum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Casey King
Mr. Robert King
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kirkland
Mr. R. Michael Kiser
Mr. Brett Kissel
Ms. Kendra Kleespie
Klinkhammer Acoustical Inc.
Mrs. Ellie Klipfel
Mr. Ken Kloker
Ms. Virginia Kloppenburg
Kona Ice
Robert Krouse
Ms. Grace Kubica
Michael Todd, left, and Michael Gonzalez, right, pose with Youth Villages
Development staffers Aaron Keegan and Joseph Doss. Incredible Pizza
donated $1,075 as part of its Halloween event to benefit Youth Villages.
Ms. Jessica Littman
Living Word Lutheran Church
Men’s Group
Mr. William Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Longfield
Ms. Julie Lord
Mr. David Lotz
Rachel Lovec
Ms. Jeanne Luddy
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lundy
Mr. Robert Lundy
Mr. Randy Lyles
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas MacGaw
Mr. Glenn Maclin
Ms. Susan Malionek
Mr. William Mallard
Ms. Therese Mangold
Mr. Jeff Marchetta
Mr. Eddie Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin
Mr. John Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William Mathis
Mr. David Maxey
Mayer Construction
Company Inc.
Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.
Lee Mayo
Dr. Kit Mays
Ms. Elizabeth McCall
Ms. Susan McCarthy
Christina McCartney
Mr. Kenneth McClain
Mr. Dave McConnico
Dr. John McCormick
Mr. Mario Kyriakides
Mr. Greg Lacki
Mr. Craig Ladner
Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert
Mrs. Patty Land
Tricia Land
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Landers
Mrs. Mary Langdon
Mr. Robert Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lanigan
Ms. Amanda Laszacs
Mr. Lee Lauderdale
Jerry Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawler
Mr. Kirk Lawton
Ms. Dolores Layton
Mrs. Joyce Lazarov
Ms. Vanza Lazet
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Lee
Mr. Kye Young Lee
Mr. Samuel Lee
Virgie Lee
Mrs. Florence Leffler
Ms. Heather Lefler
Mr. Melvin Legg
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leib
Mr. Nathan Lemmon
Ms. Josephine Letlebo
Mr. Vernon Lev
Mr. Frank Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lightcap
Lindenwood Christian Church
Lipscomb & Pitts
Insurance LLC
continued on next page
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 9
Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick
Mrs. Carla McCrary
Mrs. Beverly McDaniel
Mr. Russell McGoff
Ms. Janet McGraw
Mr. Stephen McIntosh
Mr. Jon McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. William McManus
Mr. Benny McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McStay
Ms. Jeannine McSweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McWaters
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Meeks
Mr. Phil Meeks
Menard, Gates & Mathis Inc.
Mercedes-Benz of Memphis
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Merritt
Mr. Richard Merwin
Mr. Andrew Messenger
Mr. Rory Messick
Ms. Mary Meyers
Mrs. Marta Michell
Mr. Jerry Michie
Mid-South CRS Chapter
Mike Murphy Builders
Ms. Meghan Millard
Abby Miller
Janice Miller
Mr. Edward Mills
Ms. Joyanne Mills
Mr. Gregg Mitchell
Joyce Mitchell
Mrs. Haley Moffitt
Mr. Denis Moise
Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Michelle Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Moore
Rev. Wilbur Moore
Ms. Imogene Morrison
Moss Foundation
Ms. Gale Mueller
Mullen Sports Towels
Ms. Betty Mullen
Mrs. Therese Mulvaney
Thomas Murphree
Ms. Loreal Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Muzzi
Rebecca Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Mysinger
Mr. Fred Nance
Mr. David Nanney
Mrs. Kelly Naro
Ms. Esther Nesley
Mr. David Newbaker
Mr. and Mrs. David Newbaker
Mr. John Newton
Ms. Marty Nichols
Mr. Kenneth Nistler
Mr. and Mrs. John Nix
Mr. Warren Clyde Nunn
Mrs. Helen Oakes
Mr. James O’Brien
Odyssey Medical Inc.
10 Spring 2013
New Heights
Patricia O’Flaherty
Mr. John Oleartchick
Ms. Pam Oliver
Mr. Rocky Oliver
Mr. Timothy Oliver
Mr. Kevin Olsen
Mr. Al Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey Olson
Mr. Jon Olswanger
Mr. Harry Orr
Ms. Jennifer Oswalt
Mr. Richard Ourand
Owen Brothers Farms
Robert, Alan and Eric Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Padgett
Mrs. Linda Page
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pallme
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parker
Ms. Michele Passeretti
Mr. Ketan Patel
Ms. Deborah Patrick
Ms. Patricia Patrizi
Pat’s Prints and Framing
Mr. Thomas Patterson
Dr. Joseph Pattison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patton
Ms. Elizabeth Pattullo
Mr. Matthew Paul
Mrs. Lyle Peacock
Mrs. Frances Pearson-Jabbour
Mr. Jonathan Pennington
Mr. Edward Perkins
Jessica Perkins
Pickin Up the Pieces Quilt
Mrs. Amanda Pilcher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pinckney
Mrs. Donna Pineau
Ms. Colleen Plant
Mr. Charlie Pleas
Ms. Jessie Pollard
Mrs. Marian Ponder
Mr. David Pope
Ms. Faith Posey
Mr. Michael Powell
Ms. Gayle Powelson
Power Life Fitness
Ms. Jean Praninskas
Mrs. Mary Predel
Mrs. Charlotte Preece
Ms. Kimberly Preston
Ms. Dorothy Kay Price
Pride Construction Inc.
Prime Automotive
Warehouse Inc.
Proctor & Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Prouser
Ms. Donna Pugh
Ms. Betty Jo Harper Quinn
Mrs. Rhonda Quint
Tom Quint
R. B.’s Cyclery
Rabo AgriFinance
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raglione
Ms. Wanda Rea
Realty Title
and Escrow Co. Inc.
Ms. Liz Reazor
Mr. and Mrs. James Reber
Mr. and Mrs. William Reber
Mrs. Ruth Reed
Mr. Ronald Refior
Mrs. Grace Reiter
Reliable Glass & Paint
Company Inc.
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Mr. Eric Reynolds
Mr. Nathan Rhoades
Alisa Rhodes
Richard H. Allen Jr. Attorney
at Law
Mrs. Christine Richards
Ms. April Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Richman
Ms. Cindy Ricks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rieman
Mr. David Ries
Mr. Sam Riker
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Robb
Ms. Debra Roberson
Mr. Charles Roberts
Mr. John Robertson
Ms. Janelle Robinson
Pat Robinson
Mr. Rick Rodell
Mr. and Mrs. D. Wray Rodgers
Mr. Marcos Rodriguez
Mr. Jim Ronchetto
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rosas
Ms. Gabrielle Rosmon
Mr. Patrick Ross
Ms. Miriam Rothchild
Mrs. Lorna Rowan
Mrs. Linda Rowell
Mr. Michael Ruble
Ms. Patricia Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Tate Rush
Mrs. Sandra Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. David Rybak
Ms. Linda Ryder
Ms. Ann Saccomano
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal
St. Mark’s United
Methodist Women
St. Stephen United
Methodist Church
Mr. Mark Salvatore
Erma Sarahan
Ms. Marianne Schadrack
Mr. John Schellinger
Mrs. Cynthia Schepman
Mr. and Mrs. W. Heymoore
Mr. Keith Schmitt
Ms. Marian Schravesande
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott
Ms. Audrey Sczepanski
Ms. Ashley Seales
Mr. Donald Searcy
Security Bank
Mrs. Shirley Selignan
Ms. Linda Sellevaag
Ms. Angela Sene
Mr. Dustin Sever
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seys
Shades of Gray Inc
Ms. Pooja Shah
Mrs. Tessa Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Shaner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharp
Mr. Daniel Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shirkey
Mrs. Marianne Shub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sigman
Ms. Betty Simmons
Mr. David Simms
Mrs. LaVerne Simms
Mr. Arthur Simon
Mr. Stanley Simpson
Mr. Wayne Simpson
Sisters of the Most Precious
Blood Congregational
Charity Committee
Mr. David Skonhovd
Ms. Anita Smith
Billy Smith
Ms. Jill Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Gary Snyder
Mrs. Linda Snyder
Mary Ann Snyder
Ms. Kazuko Soffen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Somers
Frank Sommer
Ms. Jeanne Sopko
Mr. and Mrs. James Sorsby
Southern Institute
of Cosmetology
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sowell
Ms. Myra Spach
Mr. Wilber Spalding
Ms. Rita Sparks
Mr. Scott Speed
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Beth Spindler
Mr. Marion Springman
Mr. Will Stafford
Mr. Richard Stair
continued on next page
Thank you for your support
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mrs. Carolyn Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Despite rain the night before, the
Memphis chapter of the British
Sports Car Club held its annual
EuroFest Auto Show at Youth Villages’ Bartlett Campus. The event
raised more than $6,500 to benefit
Youth Villages’ programs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Andrew
Ms. Kenneth Starring
State Farm Insurance
Companies - Tony McGehee
Dr. Teresa Stavely
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Steiner
Ms. Garnette Stephens
Mr. Michael Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens
Mrs. Claudia Stinson-Turner
Mrs. Sharon Strain
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Straughn
Mr. Edwin Streuli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Dr. D. Suttle
Mr. Ron Switzer
Mr. Stephen Swords
Mr. Charles Tackett
Ms. Peggy Tagle
Mr. David Tamburrino
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tanaka
David Taylor
Miss Janie Taylor
Mr. Ronald Taylor
Ms. Judy Tessier
Mr. James Thaxton
The Hooper Troopers
The Shot Nurse
Mr. Rodger Thomann
Mr. Matthew Thomas
Thomas L. Borgognoni CPA
Vickie Thomasson
Mrs. Andrea Thompson
Mr. Charlie Thompson
Ms. Rhonda Thorne
Thurmond Structural
Detailing Inc.
Mr. Donald Tipton
Ms. Courtney Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Torrey
Ms. Linda Trailor
Mr. Larry Travis
Trezevant Enterprises
Ms. Laura Trezevant
Ms. Shirley Troccoli
Mr. Ray Trout
TruGreen Mid-South
Ms. Nicole Truhe
Ms. René Tubberville
Ms. Laurie Tucker
Craig Turkington
Ms. Carolyn Turman
Ms. Cheryl Ullrich
Ms. Diana Umile
Dr. David Umsted
Mrs. Lee Ann Vanderpool
Mr. Pablo Varela
Mr. Jeffrey Varner
Mr. Brian Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vescovo
Mr. Andrew Vickers
Cecilia Villa
Mr. and Mrs. James Vining
Richard Vinson
Waddell & Associates Inc.
Mr. Larry Waddey
Mr. and Mrs. John Wade
Mr. James Wagner
Walker-J-Walker Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker
Linda Walker
Mr. Claude Walls
Walmart Neighborhood
Market #6990
Walmart Super Center #335
Mr. David Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Walters
Ms. Phyllis Walther
Chuck and Anita Ward
Mr. J. Michael Ward
Dr. and Mrs. James Warner
Ms. Melanie Washington
Mr. Josh Waterbury
Ms. Denise Watkins
Mrs. Mialika Watkins
Sheila Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Webb
Ms. Judy Welker
Wells Ventures
Mrs. Katherine Werner
Mr. James West
Ms. Ruby Wharton
Mr. Thomas Wheadon
Ms. Carol White
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whitefield
Mr. Jerry Whitt
Wiemar’s Jewelry
Mr. Donnie Wilemon
Mrs. Barbara Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Williams
Mr. Gregory Willis
Mrs. Lisa Davis Wills
Ms. Christine Wilson
Ms. Mary Wilson
Mr. Jeffrey Wingo
Mr. Richard Witte
Mr. William Wittland
Dr. Audra Wolfe
Ms. Dolores Wolfram
Mrs. Jane Wolley
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Womack
Dr. Thomas Wood
Mr. Mickey Woodman
Mr. Dan Wortham
Elizabeth Wright
Ms. Simone Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Young
Mr. Russell Young
Mr. Scott Young
Mr. David Zelinski
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Zoblotsky
Mr. Elmer Zurakowski
Ms. Susan Bachman
Mrs. Cheryl A. Tompkins
Miss Audrey Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Kristen Baker
and Mr. Shawn Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
& Pork Que BBQ
Mr. Preston Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Karl Birkholz
Ms. Diane Friedman
John and Debi Bookas
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Lawler
Mr. Paul O. Bower
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Paige Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Parker Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Mike Bruns
Ms. Dolores Wolfram
Mike and Marian Bruns
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
J. Marchant
Mr. Joshua Busey
Ms. Kimberly Ring
Mr. Brady Bynog
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
continued on next page
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 11
Ms. Courtney Bynog
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Rajinder Kemer
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Ms. Addie Mackenzie
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Miss Victoria Bynog
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Dodie Gumaer
and Mr. Michael Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Larry Kezele
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Shelia Maclin
Ms. Diane Friedman
Ms. Kim Kirkland
Mr. Thomas Patterson
Mr. Myron M. Mall
Mr. F. Andrew Mall
Mr. John Klawiter
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Myron and Dianne Mall
Mrs. Lucy W. Turnbull
Ms. Ophilia Harris
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mrs. Ann Kosko
Mrs. Deneen Aceto
and Cameryn Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Marler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kretzer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Stephanie Hawks
Mrs. Sally Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Birch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Drs. Wayne
and Roseanna Capooth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cheafullo
Mrs. Deneen Aceto
and Cameryn Alexander
Judge and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Kay Robilio
Ms. Linda Chou
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Mr. Corby Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Nancy Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Cindy Creech
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Virginia Crew
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Dr. Elizie Danley
Ms. Liesl Danley
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Catherine Hayley
The Wexner Companies Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hefferon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Gloria Henerdez
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Mr. James Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holland
Ms. Carolyn Horton
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Gicher
Lee and Carolyn Danley
Ms. Liesl Danley
Mr. and Mrs. James Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Filderman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Dr. Ann Florendo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Shelley Fragale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Jeff and Sonja Fulmer
Mrs. Emily Fulmer
Ms. Madeline Genette
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Sidney Genette
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Dr. Tim Goldsmith
Reginald Wurzburg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Sears
12 Spring 2013
The Harringtons
Mr. Major Wright
New Heights
Mr. and Mrs. Loney Huchens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Alice Iannalto
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Mr. George Israel
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Ms. Lisa Jenkins
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Mrs. Theresa Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Dr. Riley Jones
Mrs. Michelle Powell
Mr. Aaron Keegan
PUPS Quilt Guild
Ms. Judith Keller
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
Ms. Billie Lazarov
Mrs. Joyce Lazarov
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ledbetter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lindquist
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Livesay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
The Montgomery
Martin Family
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Betty Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McClendon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
John and Peggy McDonald
Mr. William R. Whitsitt
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
The McDougal Family
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Mr. Frank McMeen
Ms. Mollie B. Bird
Mr. Billy McWaters
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharp
Mr. Glen Lockhart
Ms. Diane Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meola
Mrs. Deneen Aceto
and Cameryn Alexander
Gage Logan
Ms. Dee Wallace
Ms. Betsy Miller
Mr. Richard P. Shaw II
Miss Harper Loyd
Mrs. Lisa Martin
Mrs. Corrie Metcalf
Mr. Geoffrey Redick
Ms. Katherine Schaffler
Ms. Connie Mills
Mr. Jerry Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Reid Mitchell
and Ms. Wanda Sisk
Ms. Dee Wallace
Ms. Carol Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
continued on next page
oliday Heroes in the Mid-South provided holiday gifts for more than 932 children in Youth Villages programs. In fact, more than 43 companies and 160 individuals shopped for children to provide them with
holiday gifts. To learn more about Holiday Heroes or to find out how to be a Holiday Hero for 2013, please
visit support.youthvillages.org/holidayheroes.
Ms. Carolyn Nugen
Ms. Frances L. Coleman
The Simpsons
Mr. Major Wright
Ms. Claire Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
The Slatery Family
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Mr. Giles Palo
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair
Perry and Jamesa
Dr. Jack Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. John Perri
Mrs. Deneen Aceto
and Cameryn Alexander
Ms. Rosie Lee Stokes
Ms. Kay Robilio
Mr. and Mrs. John Pettey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Marler Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dilley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picanso
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
The Sullivans
Mr. Major Wright
Mrs. Dorothy Poole
Mr. William R. Whitsitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
The Powers
Mr. Major Wright
Ms. Barbara Tatge
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Joan Ray
Ms. Janice H. Way
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed
Ms. Mary Rose Pace
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Ms. Julie Robinson
Ms. Karen J. O’Neill
Mrs. Jill Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lee
Dr. Margaret Tom
Dr. Jerry Heston
Ms. Jane Twist
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Gene and Nancy Vancleve
Mr. Gene Vancleve
Mr. Joe Vanelli
Mrs. Cindy Vanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Saxton
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Ms. Janice Scott
Ms. Amy Friedman
Henry and Jean Varnell
Mr. William R. Whitsitt
Mr. John Vergos
Ms. Diane Friedman
Tim and Carri Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Richard P. Shaw II
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W.
continued on next page
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 13
Honorariums and Memorials
Ms. Dorothy Westmoreland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Ruth Wright Conn
Mr. and Mrs. James Reber
Ms. Mary Ada “Mada” Holly
Ms. Liesl D. Danley
Ms. Martha Mitchell
Sally D. Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Blake White
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Daniel Cottam
Mr. Charles Cottam
Mr. Edward L. House
Mrs. Kate House
Mr. Elmer Morre Jr.
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
The Frank White Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Judge W. Frank Crawford
Mrs. Lucy S. Crawford
Lashaun Rae Lovejoy Huff
New Hope Church
Mrs. Pearlene Muse
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Spence and Becky Wilson
The Kemmons Wilson Family
James Andrew Dabney
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens
Mr. Jacob Hutchison
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mr. Clifford Payne Jr.
Crye-Leike South Inc.
Greg and Jan Winterburn
Mr. Dan A. Young
Ms. Peggy Dawson
Mr. Pat Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dugan
Ms. Patti Jensen
Ms. Susan Britton
Ms. Pattye Howard Raspberry
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bronze
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Clarence Day
Mr. Ferd Heckle
Ms. Regina Jolly
Mr. Claude Walls
Mrs. Lois Gunn Ray
Crye-Leike South Inc.
Miss Adrianne Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Sonja Denson
Ms. G. Jean Davis
Ms. Becky Parker Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mr. Bill Rogers
Ms. Beverly Rogers
Mr. Taylor Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Elizabeth Belisomo
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Jimmy and Margie Kellum
Ms. Sally D. Banks
Dr. James Ross
Mr. Murray Scott
Ms. Shirley Key
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Judge
Mr. Curtis Parham Jr.
Mr. Robert Ryan
Ms. Sandra Buchanan
Mr. Jimmy Douglas
Ms. Susan Britton
Mr. James Alexander
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Claire Austin
Mr. Kendall McCarter
Mr. Wayne Austin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hinds
Mr. James W. Bailey
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mrs. Mary E. Ballard
Mrs. Pat Pass
Mr. Leonard Alan Bates
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Jo Billings
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Ms. Clarice Campbell
Crye-Leike of Mississippi Inc.
Mr. Dennis Carlisle
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Elveta P. Charles
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Ernestine Church
Ms. Joyce C. Springfield-Collins
14 Spring 2013
New Heights
Ms. Virginia Dowdy
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Guttery
Ms. Margaret Sheldon
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mrs. Margaret Ann Eikner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lee
Mr. Stanley Engleberg
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Anne Garrison
Ms. Susan Britton
Dr. Bob Gilbert
Ms. Sally D. Banks
Ms. Jacque Gunn
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Susan O. Hasenmueller
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mr. Joseph Benjamin Hillard
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Ms. Mitzi Kay Osborne
Mr. Robert Byers
Ms. Terri Deluca
Mr. David W. Maddox Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O’Brien
Mrs. Lorraine Mall
Mr. Edward Taylor
Mrs. Lucy W. Turnbull
Mr. Mike Scruggs
Mrs. Theresa Favazza
Ms. Elizabeth Shores
Ms. Linda Nelms
Ms. Celeste L. Stewart
The Day Foundation
Ms. Frances “Lacy” Martin
Dr. Jerry Florendo
Mr. William Wittland
Mr. Donald Urschel
Mrs. Carol Urschel
Lacey and Shelly Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Harris
Mrs. Jeanot Waggoner
Mrs. Ruth B. Howard
Ms. Shelley Martin
Dr. Jerry Florendo
Mr. Kevin Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dixon
Ms. Mary McMillian
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whitefield
Ms. Mary Rosenthal Weinberg
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mr. Felix Dudley Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barclay
Ms. Kathy Hallmann
Ms. Laurie Hudson
Mr. Fritz Wells
Ms. Josephine Wood
Ms. Frances Conner Miller
Mrs. Deborah Coletta
Ms. Colleen Plant
Mr. Dan Young
Ms. Helen Mills
Crye-Leike Inc. REALTORS
Mrs. Evangeline Mitchell
Mrs. Pat Pass
Mr. Richard Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Goin
Get involved!
Become a force for families
There are numerous ways to help. Mentor, foster parent, volunteer or financially donate to our programs. Your
support can have a direct impact on the future of the children we help every day in the Mid-South.
Please call 888-923-GIVE to find out how to help.
Ashley Furniture donates beds
When the Youth Villages family first moved into
their new apartment, they needed beds. Their
previous apartment became infested with bed bugs,
and they had to dispose of all their bedding.
Ashley Furniture provided three twin beds,
frames, box springs and mattresses for the family. The Beds for Kids Program provides beds to
children of single-parent families who are without.
Since 2006, Beds for Kids reports they have provided more than 950 beds to children.
A ‘new’ car!
Thanks to a generous donation, Bianca, above, through the help of Youth
Villages, was able to purchase a much-needed car. Bianca is participating
in the YV Scholars program.
need information about planning a gift
to Youth Villages? Here’s one source!
Stay in touch online
Whether you’re planning such a gift
as writing a will or setting up a trust for
Youth Villages or another nonprofit, we
main red
PMS 1795C
C0 M96 Y90 K2
have information on our website devoted
C0 M0 Y0 K0
on dark backgrounds
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PMS 1815C
C13 M96 Y81 K54
to donations and planned giving that can
on light backgrounds
C100 M100 Y100 K100
no gradients
no gradients
Simply go to youthvillages.org/
plannedgiving and you’re there.
You will find an introduction to
planned giving and a section titled “How
Marler Stone
stacked logo (for sharing only)
Can I ...,” which lists all the vehicles
stacked logo (for sharing only)
included in a plan, including wills and bequests, gifts of
appreciated stock or gifts of real estate.
In addition, there is a section on “Why do I need a will,”
a glossary of terms, an estate intention form and much
more. For more information, please contact Marler Stone
at 901-251-4820 or e-mail [email protected].
Spring 2013
New Heights
Mid-South 15
3320 Brother Blvd.
Memphis, TN 38133
(Address Service Requested)
A private nonprofit organization, Youth Villages serves more than
20,000 children and their families from offices in the following cities:
Alabama: Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan
Arkansas: Jonesboro, Little Rock
Florida: Lakeland, Miami
Georgia: Atlanta, Douglasville
Indiana: Bloomington, Columbus, Jasper, Jeffersonville, Madison
Massachusetts: Arlington, Lawrence, Plymouth, Springfield, Woburn, Worcester
Mississippi: Biloxi, Greenwood, Hattiesburg, Hernando, Jackson, Tupelo
New Hampshire: Manchester
North Carolina: Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Concord, Greensboro, Greenville, Pinehurst, Raleigh-Durham
Oregon: Portland
Tennessee: Chattanooga, Clarksville, Columbia, Cookeville, Dickson, Dyersburg, Jackson, Johnson City,
Knoxville, Linden, Memphis, Morristown, Nashville, Paris
Washington, D.C.
New Heights Mid-South is published by Youth Villages
Managing Editor: Richard Shaw
Associate Editor: Chris Pennington
Please e-mail [email protected] or call 901-251-4822 to have
your name removed from our mailing list.
Founded in 1986, Youth Villages is a leading national nonprofit dedicated to providing the most effective local solutions to
help emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and their families live successfully. We help more than 20,000 children and
families each year from more than 20 states and Washington, D.C. Youth Villages’ Evidentiary Family Restoration™ approach
involves intensive work with the child and family, a focus on measuring outcomes, keeping children in the community whenever
safely possible, and providing unprecedented accountability to families and funders.