annual report - ReSurge International


annual report - ReSurge International
----------------------- 2013-14 -----------------------
FY13-14 Highlights
Dear Friends,
From the President & CEO
In 1969, ReSurge International (formerly Interplast) became the first organization
to provide reconstructive plastic surgery and build surgical capacity in developing
countries. In 2014, we celebrated 45 years of transforming the lives of children and
adults with deformities and injuries.
countries on
4 continents
donated by
Just as reconstructive surgery transforms lives, ReSurge too has transformed over
the decades. We have continually evolved, taking advantage of advances in medicine, technology and training to improve access to reconstructive surgical care for
the world’s poor.
ReSurge’s strategy is to substantially improve and expand our medical training programs in developing countries. We have enlisted our dedicated medical volunteers,
academic experts and leading universities to help us build surgical capacity and
the health care workforce in underserved areas and develop the next generation of
humanitarian reconstructive surgeons and their local teams.
Building capacity to increase access is important work because every surgery we
can provide helps a young child or adult move away from a life of disability and
estrangement to a life filled with possibility, engagement and productivity. Surgery
helps children go to school and adults return to work. As more and more citizens
are able to contribute to society, the effect ripples and the economic burden of
disability decreases.
Cover photo: © Jeffrey Davis
performed by
world partners
ReSurge is deeply grateful to our medical volunteers, international partners and
generous supporters. We could not provide hope and healing without your commitment of time, talent and resources.
Thank you for your part in helping us restore the dreams of children and adults with
disabilities and deformities for 45 years.
Susan W. Hayes
President and CEO
Since 1969, ReSurge International (formerly Interplast) has built medical capacity and provided nearly 105,000 surgeries
in developing countries. We provide reconstructive surgical care for poor children and adults who lack access in 13
countries, renewing the health of 3,000 people each year—so they can go to school, provide for their families, and be
productive members of society.
Surgical Outreach (2)
Visiting Educators
Surgical Outreach
Visiting Educators
Surgical Team Trips
Medical Scholar
Surgical Team Trips
Surgical Outreach
Surgical Team Trips
Sri Lanka
Visiting Educators
Surgical Outreach
Surgical Outreach
Surgical Team Trips
Surgical Outreach
Surgical Team Trips
Surgical Outreach
Surgical Outreach (2)
Surgical Team Trips
Visiting Educators
ReSurge builds surgical
capacity and transforms lives
through three programs:
of our burn patients
are injured by
open fire
31% of our 63%
patients have
burn injuries
of our patients
have clefts
therapy camps
held for cleft
6% of our patients have another condition (e.g. syndactyly, hairy nevi, ptosis)
1hr 20min
6 - average age of
cleft patient
length of a
16 - average age
burn operation of burn patient
996 hours
educators spent
teaching local
visits to
potential sites
of our patients are
* 0-18 years of age
ReSurge maintains 10 year-round Surgical Outreach Programs in eight countries. In Bangladesh, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru and Zambia, patients
can receive year-round care for disabling burns and clefts from our growing cadre of international medical partners. The programs empower our local colleagues and
deliver reconstructive surgical care where it’s needed most.
© Jeffrey Davis
By partnering with local surgical teams, ReSurge has exponentially increased the number of surgeries it performs while significantly reducing operating costs. In fact, our
colleagues in the developing world now treat 88 percent of all ReSurge patients.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
After sending surgical teams to Dhaka for 10
years, ReSurge established a Surgical Outreach
Program there in 2000 to provide year-round care.
Led by Dr. Shafquat Khundkar, whose former
medical residents now join him in his work, the
Bangladesh program provides surgical care for
more than 400 patients each year in Dhaka and
other cities.
Dehradun and Jalandhar, India
ReSurge has had year-round Surgical Outreach
Programs in Dehradun and Jalandhar since 2006,
and has future sites under consideration. ReSurge
has provided thousands of free burn surgeries in
India through these programs, we are correcting
disabling injuries and restoring patients’ abilities to
be independent and go to school or work.
India bears nearly
HALF the global
burden of
burn injuries.
Managua, Nicaragua
ReSurge began sending surgical teams to
Nicaragua in 1994 and established a Surgical
Outreach Program there in 2005. Since then,
ReSurge’s partners in Managua have provided
year-round reconstructive surgical care through a
multi-disciplinary team.
Lima and Piura, Peru
Nepal is home to ReSurge’s first and largest
Surgical Outreach Program. After working with
ReSurge surgical teams for a decade, in 1999, Dr.
Shankar Rai assembled a local team of medical
professionals to provide care year-round. Now,
our program in Nepal provides surgical care,
occupational and speech therapy, and other
medical services for more than 1,200 patients
In 1981, ReSurge began sending surgical teams
to Peru. Two decades later, Peru became host to
two of ReSurge’s year-round Surgical Outreach
Programs. In Lima and Piura, ReSurge’s partners
are making sustainable access to reconstructive
surgical care possible for children and adults with
clefts and disabling burn injuries.
© Phil Borges
Kathmandu, Nepal
More than 1,200
patients receive care
each year in Nepal.
Kumasi, Ghana
Guayaquil, Ecuador
For nearly 35 years, Dr. Jorge Palacios has been
our partner, performing surgeries alongside our
teams, and in 2000 we established a Surgical
Outreach Program with him in Guayaquil to treat
patients with clefts and burn injuries year-round.
Dr. Palacios also started Ecuador’s first plastic
residency program to build surgical capacity in the
Lusaka, Zambia
ReSurge has been working in Zambia since the
late 1990s with Dr. Goran Jovic, the country’s only
plastic surgeon. Based in Lusaka, Dr. Jovic also
became a bush pilot so he could reach patients in
remote areas, in addition to those who come to see
him in Lusaka. With ReSurge’s support, Goran has
transformed the lives of nearly 3,000 people with
clefts and disabling burn injuries.
There are very few plastic surgeons in Ghana.
In response to the great need there, in 2006,
ReSurge established a Surgical Outreach Program
in Kumasi with plastic surgeon Dr. Pius Agbenorku.
The program provides year-round surgical care to
children and adults with cleft lips and palates.
A cornerstone in ReSurge’s efforts to build surgical capacity, the Visiting Educator program delivers education and training directly where it is needed. Through this
program, expert volunteer medical professionals travel to developing countries to provide direct, hands-on training for local medical personnel who work with people in
some of the world’s poorest locations.
Our workshops include classroom teaching with lectures, educational materials and question-and-answer sessions, as well as the important opportunity to observe and
participate in supervised, hands-on surgical care in the operating room. In the last year, this program provided approximately 1,000 total hours of specialized, one-onone training for more than 70 medical personnel throughout the developing world.
2013-14 Visiting
Educator Trips
Nepal (Various Sites)
October-November 2013
Haldwani, India
February 2014
Burn Occupational Therapy & Nursing
Lilongwe, Malawi
February 2014
Burn Surgery & Anesthesia
Gadag, India
April 2014
Burn Occupational Therapy
& Plastic Surgery
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
April 2014
Surgeon Dr. Jonathan Rausky, a ReSurge visiting educator from France, demonstrates
a surgical technique for a medical officer in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Sending teams of medical volunteers overseas is ReSurge’s original model of delivering care. Since 1969, medical volunteers have dedicated their time to help
children and adults receive the treatment they desperately need. Volunteer team trips continue to have a critical role in evaluating new sites, teaching and in providing
surgeries in locations where the need and caseload are overwhelming.
These surgical teams include volunteer plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, operating room and recovery room nurses, as well as coordinator/
translators. Some teams also include nurse educators, hand therapists and occupational therapists. Every year, ReSurge sends approximately eight surgical team
trips to countries in the developing world to provide full scope reconstructive surgical care for more than 300 patients.
2013-14 Surgical Team Trips
Kathmandu, Nepal
September-October 2013
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
October-November 2013
Portoviejo, Ecuador
November-December 2013
Phan Rang, Vietnam
January 2014
Quang Ngai, Vietnam
February-March 2014
Quy Nhon, Vietnam
April 2014
La Paz, Bolivia
May 2014
ReSurge is enormously grateful to RealSelf and its global community
for their outstanding advocacy and support, including their sponsorship
of our Surgical Team Trip to Quy Nhon, Vietnam, in 2014 and their
commitment to help transform at least 500 lives in the year ahead.
Ingenio San Antonio, Nicaragua
May 2014
© Jeffrey Davis
At first sight, Mohammed Hussein appeared to be an amputee.
He had fallen into a vat of tar at a young age, severely burning
his right leg. Without proper treatment, a burn scar contracture
developed that fused his calf to his thigh.
Once unable to move around freely, our surgical teams have
performed two operations to release the contracture on his leg,
and he can now straighten and even walk on his leg.
Click here to read more of Mohammed Hussein’s story.
Medical & Education Programs
General & Administrative
Expenses include $81,397 for depreciation.
Current AssetsCash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Current Assets
Property and Equipment
Other AssetsDeposits - Long Term
Total Other Assets
Total Assets $2,897,060
and Net Assets:
Current LiabilitiesAccounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Revenue $4,050
Total Current Liabilities
LiabilitiesDeferred Rent
Total Liabilities
Net AssetsUnrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Every year, ReSurge receives an
independent audit of its financial
statements and operations in compliance
with the California Nonprofit Integrity Act.
Our finances and operations are also
reviewed by other third parties. For a copy
of our complete audited financials, please
visit the Financials page on our website.
New CMO & Global Training Program
This year, ReSurge welcomed Dr. Jim Chang as our consulting medical officer. Jim is professor and chief of
plastic and reconstructive surgery at Stanford University Medical Center. His relationship with ReSurge dates
back to 1998, when he served on a volunteer surgical team to Quang Ngai, Vietnam. Renowned for his
expertise in hand surgery, he has lectured throughout Asia and is also an attending surgeon at Lucile Salter
Packard Children’s Hospital and the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, where he serves as
director of the Plastic and Hand Surgery Laboratory.
In his first year with ReSurge, Jim began developing the ReSurge Global Training Program (RGTP)—a
multi-year, international development program to build sustainable surgical capacity. In collaboration with
leading academic surgeons, medical volunteers and international surgical partners, the RGTP will use a
comprehensive, standardized curriculum and certification process to strengthen reconstructive surgery
training programs in low-resource settings.
In doing so, the program will contribute to creating the next generation of humanitarian surgical teams
and extend essential, quality surgical care to those who need it most. Jim is leading the RGTP and has
established an esteemed faculty of leading experts from around the world to contribute to the curriculum.
The RGTP is scheduled to launch in the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
Working with Stanford “Extreme”
Three groups of students in Stanford University’s Design for Extreme Affordability
course partnered with ReSurge this year to innovate solutions to help prevent
deaths and disabilities from burns in the developing world. They worked with our
staff, and some of the students traveled to Nepal to work with Dr. Shankar Rai,
head of our Surgical Outreach Program there, to develop their ideas.
The students developed: a referral hotline to connect burn victims with
organizations like ReSurge; Nepal’s first skin bank to be housed in Dr. Rai’s
hospital; and a low-cost, adjustable hand splint that patients can take home.
Numerous products developed by students in the course have gone on to
be manufactured and implemented in the world’s poorest countries, and the
students working on the skin bank and the hand splint are currently piloting their
innovations in Nepal.
An original hand splint prototype developed
by one of the student groups
Speaking on Treating
Burn Injuries at Clinton
Global Initiative
ReSurge was honored to present on the topics
of treating burn injuries and preventing burn
disabilities before they happen at the Clinton
Global Initiative (CGI) 2013 Annual Meeting in
New York.
Our presentation on our work was selected as
“an exemplary approach to addressing a global
challenge” and was highlighted by our president
and CEO, Susan Hayes, on stage at a session
on the topic of people with disabilities.
The REAL Awards
In April 2014, Dr. Shafquat Khundkar, director of
our Surgical Outreach Program in Bangladesh,
and Dr. Nancy Chee, volunteer occupational
and hand therapist, were selected as honorees
by The REAL Awards—a first-of-its-kind global
awards program created by Save the Children
and the Frontline Health Workers Coalition.
The awards are designed to celebrate and
honor the life-saving work of healthcare
workers around the world. The REAL Awards
presentation took place in Washington, D.C.,
and we were thrilled that these dedicated
ReSurge health workers were two of only 26
selected for this honor.
Susan highlighted our partnership with
International Medical Corps and our shared
commitment to reducing the number of people
permanently disabled and killed by burns, and to
building the capacity of the local health system
to prevent and treat burns.
2013-14 Press Highlights:
“Plastic Surgery For The World’s
Poorest Is A Terrific Thing, And It’s
Undoing Some Major Damage”
“Three Ways for Health Workers to
Mitigate a Hidden Global Crisis”
“Sunnyvale-based ReSurge
International Health Workers
Receive Global Recognition”
ReSurge’s mission since 1969 has
been to provide reconstructive surgical
care and build surgical capacity in
developing countries.
© Darcy Padilla
• Build surgical skills in low-resource
settings by creating and deploying
surgical and educational programs
• Increase access to high-quality surgical
care for the poor by developing the next
generation of humanitarian reconstructive
surgeons and their local teams
• Restore function and improve lives by
providing the full scope of reconstructive
surgery for more poor children and adults
Click here to read Luis Fernando’s amazing story of hope.
Dr. Farzana Ibrahim
Surgeon - Dhaka,
Dr. Shafquat Khundkar
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Iftekhar Mannan
Surgeon - Dhaka,
Dr. Jorge Terrazas
Surgeon - La Paz, Bolivia
Dr. Ruben Zegarra
Surgical assistant - La Paz,
Dr. Jimmy Mejía
Surgeon - Guayaquil,
Dr. Karina Moreno
Surgeon - Guayaquil,
Dr. Jorge Palacios
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Dr. Elsie Tafur
Orthodontist - Guayaquil,
Dr. Pius Agbenorku
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. Kush Aeron
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Dehradun, India
Dr. Yogi Aeron
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Dehradun, India
Dr. Dhanesh Desai
Surgeon - Gadag, India
Dr. Nischal Naik
Surgeon - Ahmedabad, India
Dr. Puneet Pasricha
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Jalandhar, India
Dr. Oumar Coulibaly
Surgeon - Bamako,
Mohan Dangol
Physical therapist
Kathmandu, Nepal
Bindhu Gurung
Nurse - Kathmandu, Nepal
Hemanta Dhoj Joshi
Logistics coordinator
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Bishal Karki
Surgical resident
Kathmandu, Nepal
Ruchi Koirala
Speech therapist
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Humberto Briceño
Surgeon - Managua,
Dr. Mario Pérez Reyes
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Managua, Nicaragua
Dr. Ivette Icaza
Logistics coordinator
Managua, Nicaragua
Dr. Jorge de la Cruz Flores
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Piura, Peru
Dr. Percy Rossell Perry
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Lima, Peru
Dr. Shankar Man Rai
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Kiran Nakarmi
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Kathmandu, Nepal
Our International
Medical Partners
Dr. Chandini Perera
Surgeon and affiliated partner
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Vu Minh Duc
Surgeon - Ho Chi Minh City,
Dr. Hien Thi Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Le Thi Phi
Logistics coordinator
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Dr. Goran Jovic
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Lusaka, Zambia
2013-14 Board Members
Russell Fuller, C.F.A., Ph.D.
Foundation & Corporate Partners:
Recommended by
Board Chair
Marion McGovern
Board Vice Chair
Laura Furmanski, Ph.D.
Greg Chiate
Recommended by
Thomas Davenport, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Joan Dorey, R.N., C.N.O.R., R.N.F.A.
Stefanie Feldman, M.D.
Richard Gillerman, M.D., Ph.D.
Sara Hirsch
The Syde
Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D.
Amit Jain, M.B.A.
Francis Lee
David Norton, M.D.
Eileen Sheldon
Sanjay Vaswani
Emil Wang, M.B.A.
Dawn Yost, R.N.
--Susan Hayes
President & CEO
Kim Kerry, J.D.
Legal Counsel
Donald Laub, M.D.
Smile Train is an international children’s charity with the stated belief
that every child born with a cleft - anywhere in the world - should
have the opportunity to live a full and productive life. We couldn’t
agree more and are grateful for the funding Smile Train provides
ReSurge each year to enable our international medical partners to
transform the lives of nearly 2,000 cleft patients each year with the
power of a smile.
Medical Volunteers & Translators:
Anne Dinsmore, R.N.
Carter P. Dodge, M.D.
Claire Donohue, R.N.
Sandra Dore-Harris, R.N.
Susan Fossum, R.N.
Kathy Gallagher, M.D.*
Steven L. Garner, M.D.
Elise Gettings, R.N.
Richard Gillerman, M.D.*
Shannon Grady, OTR/L
© Darcy Padilla
Wendell Alderson, R.N.*
Lisa M. Asta, M.D.
Alana Barron, R.N.
Michael L. Beach, M.D.*
James I. Bucher, M.D.
Tina Cerruti, R.N.*
Nancy Chee, OTD, OTR/L, CHT*
Christopher Conner, M.D.*
Thomas Davenport, M.D.*
Jeremy Deer, M.D.
Volunteer recovery room nurse
Elise Reay-Ellers
George A. Gregory, M.D.*
Md Naimul Haque, M.D.
Kevin John Healy, M.D.
William Thomas Huntsman, M.D.
Bonita Lippman-Hoskins, DDS
Farzana Ibrahim, M.D.
Ivette L. Icaza R., M.D.
Tue Thu Khoa*
Shafquat Khundkar, M.D.
Amy Laden*
Catherine Lam
Arthur Lande, M.D.*
Loan Le, M.D.
Bonnie MacEvoy, M.D.*
Karen Pitbladdo, OTR/L, CHT*
Lisa Pritchard, R.N.
Lester Proctor, III, M.D.*
Jonathan Rausky, M.D.
Elise Reay-Ellers, R.N.
Carol Rogers, R.N.
Nanette Root, R.N.
Kim Thu Satterlee*
Paul R. Satwicz, M.D.
Lisa Shebell, R.N.
Pamela Silverman, OTR/L, CHT*
Frances Snyder, R.N.
Eric Solis
Myles Standish, M.D.*
Pirko Maguina, M.D.*
Iftekhar Mannan, M.D.
Erin Marlin, R.N.
Celeste McCartney, R.N.
William J. McClure, M.D.*
Curtis O. McMillan, M.D.
Eric K. Mooney, M.D.*
James Nguyen, M.D.
Anne Phuong Nguyen
David P. Norton, M.D.*
Fernando Fabian Okonski, M.D.
Leonard Sterling, R.N.*
Kristin Stueber, M.D.*
Patricia Sweeney, M.D.
Tom Taylor, OTR/L, CHT
Nha Thai
Rosalie Tocco-Bradley, M.D.*
Mong-Hoa Ton
C. Elizabeth Trefts, M.D.
Sophia Trieu
Alice L. Truscott, M.D.
Sophia Tuyet-Nhi Trieu
Kathleen Osborn, EdD, R.N.*
Jorge Palacios, M.D.
Steve Parker, M.D.*
Maria Pedersen, R.N.*
Vickie Van Fechtmann, R.N.
Sheila Wolfson*
Dawn Yost, R.N.*
* Serves on medical committee
FY2013-14 Donors
Thank you to our generous donors who gave between July 1, 2013 & June 30, 2014. All gifts, whether large or small, are greatly appreciated and make
the difference of a lifetime for our patients.
the Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Henry E. Niles Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Terry Kleid
Mr. Kent P. Bach
Sheila & Mark Wolfson
M. G. O’Neil Foundation
Sandra Fairon & Bruce Leak
Victoria & Peter Bailey
George & Gail Schell
Ms. France Leclerc & Mr. Richard Thaler
Eric & Jasmine Benhamou
$10,000 - $24,000
Eileen & Chris Sheldon
Levinthal Family Fund, an advised fund of the
Courtney Benoist & Jason M. Fish
J. W. Bagley Foundation
Karen & William Sonneborn
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Herb Botwinick
The John & Nancy Cassidy Family Foundation of
Stanford Healthcare
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Lickiss
Dr. Helen Hunt Bouscaren & Dr. Joseph Bous-
$25,000 - $99,999
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
T & T Family Foundation
Molly & Chip Linehan
Anonymous (3)
Chizen Family Foundation
Susan & Sanjay Vaswani
Mr. George A. Long
Mrs. Walter Brissenden
Michael and Frida Donner, Barco’s Nightingales
Danellie Foundation
Carol M. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Brown, Jr.
Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Foundation
Margaret T. Morris Foundation
Mr. Peter Buchanan
Care for Skin Foundation
Amy & Michael Dreyer
New York Junior Tennis League
Tina Cerruti & Michael Cerruti
Estate of Thelma Coles
Chandler Bass Evans & Oliver Evans
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (5)
Christine Pielenz
James Chang, M.D. & Harriet Roeder M.D.
S. L. Gimbel Foundation Advised Fund at The
Laura & Chris Furmanski
Linda & Sandy Alderson
Gary & Mary Pinkus
Mr. Ying Chang and Ms. Yvonne Wu
Community Foundation
Dr. Dorothy Gaal & Mr. Peter Wilsey
Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation
Mr. Frank E. Ritchey
Nisha & Amir Chaudry
Mr. & Mrs. William Goodman
Mr. James C. Green
The Brotman Foundation of California
James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Chiate
Grousbeck Family Foundation
Maiya Shaw & Daniel Higgins
Becky & Rick Bucich
Kathy & Dave Scially
Cecilia & Keith Chin
Hedco Foundation
Dr. Hoyoung Huh & Eleanor Park
Pamela & Christiaan Canter
John M. Sobrato and Abby Sobrato Fund, an
Carlyse & Arthur Ciocca
Landmark Foundation
G. Thompson & Wende Hutton Fund, an advised
Jennifer & Brian Carlstrom
advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community
Chris & Sue Conner
Lee Family Foundation, an advised fund of the
fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Craves Family Foundation
Cotter Charitable Foundation, an advised fund of
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
ICAHN Charitable Foundation
Mr. James Daly
Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Melvin & Geraldine Hoven Foundation
International Medical Corps
Epic Systems Corporation
Dr. Daniel & Miriam Wert
Dr. & Mrs. William Cullen
Lewis 1991 Unitrust
Jackson Kemper Foundation
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Rosemary & John Young
Peggy & Yogen Dalal
Jay & Susan Mandell
J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation
Fairway Asset Management
Caroline Zlotnick
Mrs. Howard Daschbach
Ms. Ruth Kyes, R.N., in Memory of Dr. Melvin
J. Douglas Hines
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Zollars
Mr. Spencer Davidson
SanDisk Community Sharing Program, an advised
Sara & Russell Hirsch, M.D., Ph.D.
fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Elena Lebedeva & Al Smith
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Tosa Foundation
Marion & Gerald McGovern
Mr. Amit Jain
Patricia Wilson Foundation Endowment Fund of
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Mortenson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Kimball
$100,000 or more
Anonymous (3)
Agnes Varis Trust
Smile Train
Syde Hurdus Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Davisson
$1,000 - $4,999
Joan & William Dorey
Anonymous (33)
The Dunlap Family Giving Fund, A Giving Fund,
Ms. Linda Aldrich
Impact Assets
Nisha Chaudry is one of our extraordinary supporters. Since 2008, she has served
as a translator/coordinator for ReSurge medical volunteers in India, hosted numerous
appreciation events for the organization’s teams and supporters in her home, generously
supported the Transformations Gala and made introductions to others.
ReSurge is tremendously grateful for all Nisha does to help the organization to transform
the lives of children and adults around the world.
Deborah & John Eastburn
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Kay
Padgett Family Foundation Inc.
Kristin Stueber, M.D.
Ms. Sandra Birnbaum
Susan & Erik Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kearin
Dr. Arun Patel, Esq.
Maryett & Robert Thompson
Mr. Jon Brichoux
Mr. & Mrs. James Eisenberg
Dr. Avinash Khanna
Tina & John Peterson
Simone Topal M.D.
Dr. Robert Buchholz
Mr. H. Allen Evans
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Mr. Rick Piet
Towse-Kendall Family Fund, an advised fund of
Mr. John Burgess
Eyelite Optometry, Dr. Jabina Ramde
Dr. Asha R. Kumar
Poppy Growth Limited Partnership
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannell
Fallston United Methodist Church
Holly & Joel Kurtzberg
Arati Prabhakar & Patrick Windham
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Treadaway
Mr. Robert Cantrell
Dr. and Mrs. Chih-Chen Fang
Lang Foundation
Norberto & Ana Maria Priu
Alice L. Truscott, M.D.
James & Elizabeth Cody Family Fund at Silicon
Karim & Alissa Faris
Mrs. William Lazier
Dr. Lester Proctor, III
Mrs. Keith Wallace
Valley Community Foundation
Ms. Mary Jane Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ledford
Kate Proctor
Amy G. Wandel, M.D.
Ariosto & Vivian Coelho, Spiritual Direction
Sandra & Allison Fields
Anne Kerr and Matthew L’Heureux
Kathleen & John Radford
Cynthia & David Wang
Staci and Cari Cole
Sakurako and William Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lyons
Eric & Tara Radjef
Patty & Emil Wang
Sandy & Jean Colen Family Foundation of The
Lucy & Lars Fjeldsoe-Nielsen
Dr. Pirko Maguina
Kendra & Erik Ragatz
Mark & Peter Wasserman
Jewish Community Foundation
Mr. Dan Francis
James W. Mahoney, M.D.
C. J. Rendic
Tammy & Adam Webb
Kathy & Scott Corlew
Lorry & Karen Frankel
Jeff Makholm
Wendy Robinson Waters
Mrs. Marcelline Weinsheim
Mr. Craig A. Cox
Ms. Diane Maruna Friday
Monique & Timothy Marchi
Mr. & Mrs. John Rodrigues
Joan Wheelwright, M.D.
Dr. Eileen Csontos
Elizabeth & Lee Gabler
Anthony Marcon
Tony & Kyra Rogers Foundation
Dr. R. Michael Wilkes
Dana Street Roasting Company
Constance & Michael Gallagher
Markkula Foundation
David and Elizabeth Rome Family Foundation
Rob Williams Family
Anita T. Davidson & Robert A. Friedman
Ms. Kathy Gallagher
Matthew & Josephina McComiskey
Mr. G. Evans Witt & Ms. Amy Sabrin
Mr. Francis De Rosa & Ms. Janice Roudebush
Ilysa & Jason Goldblatt
Robert McIvor, Plexus Management Group, Inc.
Kristi & Todd Sanders
Ida & Alex Wong
Dr. & Mrs. David Dingman
John & Marcia Goldman Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Patsy Meguiar
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Schneider
Dawn & Andy Wu
Fred Dorey & Teresa Wright
William & Jacqueline Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Merwarth
Mr. & Mrs. William Schroeder
Dawn & Stephen Yost
John & Janis Downey
Pam and Patrick Goodenough
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Michael B. Schwab
Mr. Greg Zlotnick
Christine Doyle, M.D. and Stephen Nelson
Wendy Greene and Russ Helms
Mr. William F. Miller
Dr. James Scott
Ann & George A. Gregory, M.D.
Mission Hills Endodontics
Seligson Foundation
Susan W. Hayes in Memory of Thomas E. Fanella
Ms. R. Elaine Moody
Seven W Ranch L.P.
Dr. Kevin John Healy
Ms. Sherilyn E. Moody
Mr. Tim Healy
Carol & Robert Dressler
$500 - $999
Ms. Marie Fox & Mr. George Ellison
Anonymous (46)
Ms. Annemarie Enthoven
Alisa & Chris Shadix
Dr. & Mrs. Fuad Abuabara
Ms. Delana Farmer
Leslie & Douglas Murphy-Chutorian
Ms. Marjorie Shaw
Ms. Sharon Marie Agnello
Mr. Steve Finestone & Ms. Elena Murphy
Ms. Trisha Hensley
Chris Murphy
Elizabeth & Bill Shea
Ms. Anju Ahluwalia
First Presbyterian Church of Elko
The Herbst Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Musser
Ms. Lan H. Sherlock
Wendell Alderson & Ken Nather
Jeanne & Frank Fischer
Joy & James Hereford
Lynda & Carl Nale
Mr. Jerry Silva
Sara Anderson & Malcolm Slaney
Mrs. Jack Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Hernandez
Mr. Blake Neely
Chandana & Ranjan Sinha
Peggy Asprey & Dick Lyon
Skip & Nancy Fletcher
Karen & Chris Hill
James Nguyen, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. David Smith
Associated Students, Inc. - California State
Ms. Ilse E. Forney, R.N.
Hilltop Foundation
Ms. Claire O’Connor Frisch
Larry & Sue Smith
University, Northridge
Trudy & Robert Fox
Ms. Carolyn Maxwell Hinton
Dr. Judy O’Young
Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Smith
Lisa M. Asta, M.D.
Greg Gavasse
Scott Jordan & Kimberly Thompson
Elizabeth & Thomas O’Connor
Solis Financial Strategies Group of Wells Fargo
Mrs. Loel D. Barnes
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
The Kaplan Family
Ms. Diana Ojales
Barbara & Brian Beattie
Ms. Lee Anne Gradyan & Mr. Craig Conner
Pamela Kapoor Interiors
Orr Family Fund
Ms. Kate Somerville
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bert
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Grayson
ReSurge deeply appreciates the commitment and generous support of Dr. William Miller,
who has steadfastly invested in our organization for nearly three decades.
Dr. Miller, who is a professor of public and private management at Stanford’s Graduate
School of Business and President and CEO Emeritus of SRI International, believes strongly
in supporting well-run groups that enable people to lift themselves out of poverty.
Lea and Brian Greenberg
P & G Operations L.P.
Ms. Mong-Hoa Ton
Dr. Robin Cox
Ms. Fran D. Hermann
John A Herman, M.D.
Dr. Barbara Ann Page & Mr. Roger Prior
Janet & Pete Turnbull
Barbara Cummins, R.N.
Charles Holmes
Michael Herzen
Leah & Perry Pahlmeyer
Lori & Sunil Wadhwa
Drs. Veronica Daly & Sheldon Clark
Mindy Isaacs
Yvonne & Michael Ho
Pan American Round Table of Los Gatos-Sara-
Dr. Holly Casey Wall
Mrs. Sangeeta Datta & Ms. Veena Datta
The Jarve Family
Mr. Tom Holland
Rosemary Welde, R.N.
Mr. Jacques De Deken
Mr. & Mrs. G. Penfield Jennings
Terri D. Homer, M.D.
Roksolana Parygin
Mary & Jonathan Whitehead
Jeremy Deer, M.D.
Ms. Amy Johnson
William Hudson
Frenchie & John Perry
WMCTS - West Michigan Cardiothoracic Sur-
Law Offices of Anthony J. DeMaria
Inavamshi Jonnalagadda
Jensen Family Trust
Jeff Pfeifle & Dave Granville
geons PLC
Marcella & Joe Dew
Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Matching
Dr. Hilton Kaplan
Janet & Mike Phillips
Dr. & Mrs. Hanley Yoffee
Dr. Carter Dodge
Gift Program
Mr. Robert L. Katz
Ms. Karen Pitbladdo
Mr. Andrew Yuan
Diana & Steve Dohrman
Arlene Kaplan
Rich and Gina Kelley
Elise Reay-Ellers, R.N.
George Dom
Martin Karlsson, Sweden
Kozier Family
Reiss Family Foundation
Ms. Claire Donohue, R.N.
Ms. Tue Thu Khoa
Bonnie & Kit Lam
Dr. & Mrs. Cesare M. Reyneri
$250 - $499
Anonymous (49)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Duggan
Piti Kongkitisupchai
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Lande
George F. Rohrmann
Carol & Howard Aaron
Ms. Joy F. Dyer
Mr. Peter Kingston
Darren & Raquel Lewis
Dr. Lois Matz Rosen
Dynamic Development, Inc.
Mr. Eric Kutcher
Margaret Lewis
Kevin Rumball, M.D.
Mr. Doug Anderson
Vivian and Michael Edmonds
Ms. Linda Kwochko
Mary and William Lewis
Daniel & Lynne Russell
Anuradha & Krishna Bakshi
Ms. Judith A. Etherington
Stephan & Vanessa Kyle
Mr. Philip Ma
Saint Mary’s Presbytery
Alana Barron, R.N.
Gary M. Feldman M.D.
Ms. Candace Laden
Richard Mallory
Amy and William Salisbury
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Benacci
First Presbyterian Church, Cooperstown
Ms. Catherine Lam
Ms. Erin Marlin, R.N.
Steven & Lisa Schatz
Mr. Thomas Bergevin & Ms. Cheryl Bergevin
Dr. Quentin & Mrs. Gail Fisher
Dr. Loan Le
Ms. Kimberly Martin & Mr. Roger Amrhein
Janice & Ken Schell
Mr. Christopher Berry
Julie & Greg Flynn
Helen & Jordan Levin
Duncan & Shirley Mattesoon
Mrs. Mary E. Secor
Debbie & Jim Black
Jeroen Fonderie
Robert & Nancy Ley
Ms. Celeste McCartney
Lisa Shebell, R.N.
Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Blaschczyk
Curtis & Susan Fossum
Lenny Lieberman
Mr. James D. McCavitt
Ms. Patricia A. Sherman
Heidi & Don Blumenthal
Nancy K. France, M.D.
JP LLanos
William J. McClure, M.D.
Francis A. and Adeline M. Sines Memorial Fund of
Mr. David Bobrowsky
Dr. Walter Freeman
Mrs. Janet Lull, R.N.
Mr. Tom McGuinness
the Community Foundation of Broward
Mrs. Janny Bonsen
Dr. Gary Fudem
Dr. Bonnie MacEvoy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McNamee
Maja & Adam Smith
Mrs. Lyn Bromley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fuehrer
Anu Managala
Memorial United Church of Christ
Mr. Ernest W. Smith
Chelsey & Vernon Bryant
Bill & Sue Gilbreth
Don & Anne Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moore
Rosie & Ron Soohoo
Mr. Greg A. Campbell
Loren Gordon
Steven and Elaine Marlin
Namaste Foundation
Dr. Tim Sproule
Ms. Judy Canter
Dr. & Mrs. Allan M. Grossman
Ken Ohashi & Cheryl Martin
Diana and Martin Neiman
Ms. Rosey Siew Bee Tan
Sandraline Cederwall & Stephen Barrager
Mrs. Renee Grubb
Curtis O. McMillan, M.D.
Carl & Wenlan Ng
John C. Tang
Ms. Jennifer Chang
Tim Hachman
Medtronic YourCause, LLC
Ms. Susan O’Day, R.N.
Mr. Rick Teed
Ms. Lesley Chang
Mr. Charles Hannett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Merkow
Dr. Fernando Fabian Okonski
Marc Teillon and Meredith Ludlow
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Ms. Michele Harris
Lisa & David Mikkelsen
Omidyar Network Fund, Inc.
Rosalie Tocco-Bradley, M.D.
Christopher Chinn, M.D.
Jeffrey Hayes & Paul Cardus
Dr. Eric K. Mooney
Drs. John & Kathleen Osborn
Dr. Shirley K. H. Tom
Ronnie Collum
Ms. Helena Hellberg
Mr. Amer Moorhead
ReSurge greatly appreciates Michael and Frida Donner, founders of our partner Barco’s
Nightingales Foundation, for their outstanding commitment and investment in our work.
Their foundation is the philanthropic arm of Barco’s Uniforms, a producer of medical and
other uniforms. The Foundation focuses on helping children in need while highlighting the
role that nurses play in providing medical care.
Since first partnering with ReSurge in 2009, Barco’s Nightingales Foundation has helped
ReSurge change nearly 2,500 lives.
The Murray/Tran Clan
Ms. Cheryl Wraa, R.N.
Colton Womans Club
Ms. Audrey L. Hueffmeier
Ms. Emily Mulle
Jeff and Katherine Myers
Mr. T. G. Zimmerman
Thomas Constantinho
Mrs. Sharon Hughes
John B. Nanninga, M.D.
Ms. Ellie Nelson
Bradley Zlotnick, M.D.
George Scull & Eve M. Cook
Ms. Meredith C. Jackson, R.N.
Pat & Wayne Needham
Ms. Gail Cooley
Ms. Judy Jankowski
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Nelsen
$100 - $249
Stephanie Corrington
Trisha Jenkins
Ms. Ingrid Neuefeind
Anonymous (125)
Gerry and Ralph Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Jervey
James L. Newman
Mr. Kirk Patterson
Joan & Stevan Adelman
Mr. Ernest De Las Casas
Ms. Lorry Juteau-Davis, R.N.
Ms. Anne Phuong Nguyen
Mr. Matthew Paul
Claudia & John Allemang
Doug & Diane Deaver
Mr. William Kamin
Nina Nga Nguyen
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Pearl
James Allen & Susan Johnson
Pat Devaney
Mr. Robert Karp
Olga O’Donnell
Ms. Maria Pedersen, R.N.
Lenore & Eugene Alpert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeVries
Robert & Jane Kays
Betty & Harry Oberhelman, Jr.
Mr. Carey Pilo
Ms. Denise Ambrosio
Terry & Massimo Di Sciullo
Ken and Janet Kendall
Molly Ogorzaly
Cynthia & Curtis Pinion
Amgen Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dimino
Laura Kerr & Gus Garmel
Mr. & Mrs. Dale F. Olds
Mr. John F. Poster
Eileen and James Anania
W. G. and R. M. Dixon
Mr. Harry Kiakis
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Olsen
Jason C. Preciphs
The Yujin Trollhouse
Michelle Domanico
Mr. Joshua Kim
Richard E. Parker
Lisa Pritchard, R.N.
Julia & Fred Andrews
Mr. Daniel Encell
Kelly Knight & Michael Day
Dr. Jane Parnes
Roberta Radford
Anne Arnold Hagan
Ruth & Wallace Erichsen
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company
Colleen & Jim Patell
Michele E. Raney, M.D.
M. Aspesi
Henry Falk
Mr. David Kreps and Ms. Anat Admati
Stanley Perzanowski, Jr.
Dr. Jonathan Rausky
Ms. Pamela J. Atkinson
Ms. Carol Fay & Mr. Mike Laureanno
Kelly & Paul Kirincich
Michael & Judy Pfaff
Mr. John B. Roberts
David & Christy Barnes
Calvin W. & Amy G. Finch
Ms. Amy Laden
Tara & Peter Phelps
Vi & Dan Robertson
Zelda & Cliff Barnett
John and Didi Fisher
Ms. Anadel S. Law
Helen & Joseph Pickering
Ms. Carol Rogers, R.N.
Mr. Ross Barrons
Richard C. Flaherty, M.D.
Richard & Tom
Frank R. & D’Arcy D. Pignanelli
Ms. Nanette Root
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Beaver
Mrs. Stefanie Ford
David C. Leber, M.D.
Ms. Norma Nina Ponce
Deborah Rusy, M.D.
Ms. Dorothy Bergman
Ms. Sara Fung & Mr. John Agg
Dr. & Mrs. Elliot Lepler
Dr. Paul & Lee Quintana
Ms. Nancy Ryan
Ruth Bernstein & Matthew Patchell
Ms. Lisl Gaal
Jeannetta Letherby
Balaji Ramasubramaniam
Ms. Kim Thu Satterlee
Myra Biblowit
Andrea M. Gandolfo
Cinda Lewis, R.N.
Jodi Ramos
Paul R. Satwicz, M.D.
Susan & Robert Boggs
Drs. Lynne & Herb Garrison
Ann & George Limbach
Rev. & Mrs. C. Davies Reed
Ann & Neve Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bonner
Gator Smiles
Dr. Susan Lisman
Janice Richards, M.D.
Joyce & Steven Schmitz
Phil Borges & Julee Geier
Julie & Joseph Gile
Ms. Gladys Low & Mr. Soren Tirfing
Ms. Eleanor A. Robb
Marylou Schoone
Ms. Janet Brault
Michelle & John Gillmartin
Ms. Holly Maassarani
Ferrol & Catherine O. Robinson
Mark Singleton & Renata Abrahao
Mr. Paul Brocchini
Ms. Marylyn Ginsburg
Gillian Macaluso
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rogne
Kathleen & James Skinner
Ms. Marina Brodskaya & Mr. William Guttentag
Mike and Peggy Giosso
Mr. & Mrs. David O. MacKenzie
Mr. Alan Ross
Lauren Skowronski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Brody
Ms. Robin Diane Goldstein
Madeira Womans Club Inc.
Ms. Pamela Sawyer
Patti Smilovitz and David Smilovitz
Denis Brown-Bouvier
Gerry & Julie Goulet
George Majewski
Dr. Richard A. Scarnati
Ms. Frances Snyder, R.N.
Mr. David B. Brownell
Catherine Grundmann and Donald Etzbach
Peter Mallon
Ms. Jean Schulz
Wade A. Souza
W. W. Budge
Ms. Donna Guedon
David & Rochelle Marcus
Ms. Monica M. Seeger
Jeffrey & Kari Speer
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Burley
Ms. Blanca L. Haendler
Ms. Janet A. Martin
The Siemens Family
Dr. Myles Standish
Mary H Butler
Donna Hall & Michael Mertz
Mr. & Mrs. John Mascali
Mrs. Aletha W. Silcox
Ms. Deanne Stone
Rhonda R. Byrd & Janet E. Bausch
Mr. & Mrs. Will Hanley
Mr. Edward M. Mastrangelo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Simon
Ms. Patricia Sweeney
Ms. Monica Calderon
Kasey & John Hansen
Catherine Matterson & Marc Stoksik
Sinel Wilfand & Vinci, CPAs, Inc.
Marcus Tallant
David Calloway
Barbara & William Happer
Rebecca L. Mayer & Dr. Josh Rosenthal
Dr. Rob Sladen
Mr. Tom Taylor
Nancy Camden
Marian B. Hayes
Dr. & Mrs. David McConnell
Francis M. Small, Jr. & Maryellen W. Small
Nha Thai
Capella University, Inspire Giving Program
Inge Hendromartono
Mrs. James H. McManus
Andrea B. Smith
C. Elizabeth Trefts, M. D.
Manuel S. Castillo
Mr. John Herbst
Mr. Manfred Meisels
Dean & Kim Smith
Sophia Tuyet-Nhi Trieu
Diane and Jeff Cerf
Ms. Dianna M. Herrmann
Susan Miley & Scott Hadly
Robin & Malley Smith
Else Uglum, M.D.
M. M. Charsley
Ms. Lianne Herzberg
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Spires
Larry & Terri Weber
Seema R. Cicerone
Ms. Susan Hesse
Keith Minnich, M. D.
Marian & Ted Sprague
John M. Weeter, M.D.
Zane Clausen
Diane Hirshon
Ms. Rosalin Ortiz Mirles
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Springer
Ms. Mary christina Whitney
Mrs. Martha Claypool
William & Hoi-Ying Holman
Mr. Robert Moeller
Lynn & Joseph Stamates
Doris & Barry Willbanks
Coastline Trust Company
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Hoopes
Anne Helen Moore
Mrs. Gerald F. Steinacher
Ms. Katherine H. Williams
Scott Cochrane, M.D.
Hopfield Family
Thomas & Christine Mujica
Manfred & Sheila Steiner, M.D.
Ms. Margaret Niland
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Ong
Dr. Steve Parker
Ms. Alice H. Stoessel
Ms. Colleen Beall
First United Methodist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Light
Ms. Ann C. Reis
Al & Mary Lu Suneson
Dr. Edna Beeman
Kathy Hurlin Foley
Ms. Beth Tietze Lowd
Ms. Hazel Rich, R.N.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Swenson
James Bell
Dokhi & Joe Foster
Dr. Robert Lowen
Susan Riegert
Ms. Louise Tamm
Ms. Ilse A. Bellamy
Robert C. Frates, Jr., D.D.S.
Mr. Eugene Luning
Ms. Nancy Rose
Carolyn L. & Richard J. Taylor
Dr. Arati Bellara
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard T. Furlow, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Luomala
William M. Roth
Teledyne Microwave Solutions
Charles Bennett & Renee Marlin-Bennett
Mrs. Jeanne Garrett
Mr. Philip Lynn & Ms. Lyn Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rowe
Mrs. Tillie Thompson
Diana Berry
Gay Gasser
Mrs. Stacy Macari
Sakae Kubo Fund
Matthew Thran, M.D.
Judith C. Bertozzi
Malcolm Joel Gates
Mr. Sam Malakouti
Timothy Mel Sanders
Penne A. Tognetti
Cynthia Fletcher Billops
Kathe & Thomas Gibboney
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mandell
Ann & Gary Schepper
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Topal
Bitpay Inc.
Aetna Foundation, Inc
Ms. Mary Ann Markus, R.N.
Ms. Patricia Schmutz
Steve & Joan Urban
Mrs. Norman Blank
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gill
Mr. & Mrs. James Martin
Bonnie Siegel, Phil N. Allen Charitable Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Uri
Fr. William Blottman
Virginia Gillerman & Alan Dornfest
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. McDonough
Mr. Robert Sieker
Beth R. Van Praag
Martin & Karen Bogetz
Brian Glasenapp
Mrs. Andrea L. McFarling
Mark Silverberg, M.D.
Robert A. Vierling
Carol & William Brady
Gay Goforth & Larry Hill
Ricki & Doug McGlashan
Mr. Richard Simonette
Gloria and Carl Walker
Ms. Angela Moloney Braverman
Dr. John Goldenring
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond McGoldrick
Ms. Charlot Singleton
Susan & Trenholm Walker
Ms. Jane Buechel
Ms. Marcia Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. Macoy A. McMurray
Eric Sloan
Angie & Skip Weiland
Kathleen & Robert Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hall
Sandra & Malcolm McNeil
Christopher & Sandra Smith
Lois and H. Earl Willis
Kelly Cain, M.D.
Jay Ham, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Meyer
Nodelyn & Douglas Smith
Ms. Jane Willner
John and Phyllis Caraway
Ms. Sue Sullivan Hausmann
Nanette D. Michelmore
Ms. Marci Smith, R.N.
L. Bruce & Elinor Willner
Mr. David Caulkins
Mrs. Robert J. Hawthorne
Karen & Paul Mihan
South City Car Wash, Inc
Gloria & James Wing
Mr. Richard Chen
Ms. Sarah Henry
Mobilcause - Innogive Foundation
Spectrum Gems, Inc.
Mr. James L. Witmer
Mrs. Donna Cockrell
Mr. & Mrs. Rush Hilborn
Mr. John Moore
Heidi & Art Stein
Ms. A. Wolper
Tim and Janey Cohen
Mr. Tam Hinton
Ann Mossey & Christine M. Arena
Ms. Rachel Steltemeier
Dr. Victoria Woo
Adrienne & Stephen Cole
Rick and Donnakerri Hofstetter
Ms. Mary Jane Mott
Philip & Cherie Stephens
Mr. Robert Wulffraat
Ms. Kathleen Corbett & Mr. Sheikh Tanvir
Ms. Alyce Holbrook
Moultonboro United Methodist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Stevens
Allie Xiong
Ms. Jennifer Craft
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Huerta
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Munakata
Ms. Doris Stoessel
Dominick Yazzi
Larry and Connie Cray
IBM Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign
Ms. Suzanne Murphy
Ms. Lucile Taber
Mr. Andrew Yonelinas & Ms. Joanna Scheib
Ms. Belinda R. Creasser
Mrs. Amy Isenhart, R. N.
Ms. Barbara Nankin
Ms. Dana Treadwell & Mr. Jerre Bowen
Janet Hunter & David Zenoff
Ms. Judy Darling
Ami Jampolis
Phil and Marisa Napsha
Ms. Ruth K. Tyler
Marc and Leina Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Darrigo
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Josell
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Neal
Mr. Larry Virzi
Ms. Adrienne Debisschop
Mr. Craig Kellogg
Ms. Keren Ness
Mr. John Martin Walsh, CHT
Under $100
Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Deboni
Mr. Robert Kemp
Jason Ng
Kathleen & Steven Weed
Anonymous (109)
Mr. & Mrs. Samir Demian
Cachi & Lee Kenna
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nickerson, Sr.
Kathi Wildman
C. George & Imogene Acus
Ms. Sheri Dennison
Kathleen M. Kiely
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Noble
Margaret Wiley
Alaska Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Win Derman
Mr. Ronald King
Alfred J. Palmer
Shelley and Alan Williamson
Amazon Smile Foundation
Ms. Shashi K. Dhingra
Jen Klair Kids
Ms. Susan Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Wixon
Ms. Bette Anderson
Jean Doble
Eva Klinger
Elaine Haile Peddecord
Wanda Wong
Miss Caroline Arnold
Erika Dowd & Doug Lanman
Christiane & Tim Koltek
Ms. Lois Petersen & Mr. Frank Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. John Working
Ms. Merry Aronson
Mr. Alfred W. Drumm
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Krumbein
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Joyce Wrenn & Augustus Gregory
Mrs. Cecelia Attix
Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kurihara
Quang Pham
Karen A. Wyle
Jeanne Ballinger, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dunkle
Mary M. Lauricella
Barbara Pruitt
Mr. Steven J. Balma
S. K. Erickson
Stewart Leibowitz, M.D.
Ruth & Russell Pulliam
Joanie & Ken Banga
Tahira Farid
Seymour & Sandra Levine
R.E. Ransom & D. N. Ransom
Special thanks to the wonderful professional photographers whose work appears in this report:
Phil Borges, Jeffrey Davis, Aaron Deemer, Darcy Padilla, David Snyder and John Urban
145 N Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
[email protected]