On top of the world - University of Bath


On top of the world - University of Bath
On top of the world –
thanks to you
The generosity of our alumni and other friends never
ceases to impress me.
This is driven home to me on a daily basis when I see how our
students, staff and local community are benefiting from your
philanthropic support and how it is enriching their lives.
Whether it is providing a scholarship for an exceptionally talented
student, helping them to make the most of all that a Bath education
can offer, enhancing the range of books and journals available in
the library, providing high-quality facilities such as the new Student
Centre or funding ground-breaking research, your gifts are having
a real and increasing impact on the University of Bath.
In these challenging financial times your donations, whatever their
size, are more important than ever and I very much appreciate each
and every one. Your support is making this wonderful university
even better and for that I am immensely grateful – thank you.
Professor Glynis Breakwell,
I would like to say a huge thank you for your support
this year, on behalf of each and every student at the
University of Bath.
In my time as a student, and now as Students’ Union President,
I’ve been overwhelmed by the array of activities and opportunities
we offer, which increase and improve every year. From investment
in new sports equipment to support for volunteering and individual
grants, your generosity continues to enhance the student
This year the University embarked on its most exciting project since
I arrived as a Fresher nearly five years ago. Our brand new Student
Centre, which is just about to open, will transform the lives of our
students in the years ahead. We are extremely grateful for the
donations which have made this amazing project possible and look
forward to telling you all about it in next year’s Donor Report.
Once again, thank you for your continuing support and generosity.
Daniel O’Toole (BSc Chemistry 2009),
Students’ Union President
elcome to the University
of Bath’s Donor Report
for 2009-10. Through
this publication we hope to be able
to show you the difference that your
support, and that of over a thousand
other graduates, friends, companies,
charitable foundations and other
organisations is making to this
2009-10 was another record-breaking
year. Over 1,800 donors pledged gifts
worth over £4.36 million, 120 per cent
more than the previous year. This is a
fantastic total that has enabled us to
enhance the lives of more students
and fund more new research than
ever before.
Your generosity has helped us to
reach the target set for the University
by the Government-backed Matched
Funding scheme over a year earlier
than originally planned. As a result,
we have been able to claim an
additional £1.35 million in funding that
has increased the value of most gifts
by 50 per cent.
I hope you enjoy reading this Donor
Report, in which we are able to show
you how important your gifts are and
the real difference they are making to
so many lives.
2 Statistics
A phenomenal year for the University
– in numbers
6 The value of research
Gifts which push the boundaries
of discovery
8 Leadership Giving
The Chancellor’s Roll of Honour, Leadership
Giving Circles and the University of Bath
Foundation Ltd
12 Scholarships
How your gifts change lives
16 Legacy Giving
We remember the enduring contributions
of two men to University life
18 Enhancing the student experience
How every student can benefit from
your gifts
Thank you.
Siôn Lutley (BSc Economics 1992)
Director of Development
and Alumni Relations
25 Annual Fund Panel
Ensuring that your gifts are spent wisely
26 “Why I give”
Testimonies from our supporters
Cover: Bath student and Alumni Fund placement grant recipient Ben Lane (Mechanical Engineering 2006-11) pictured with fellow
scientists undertaking an extraordinary research expedition with world-renowned polar explorer Robert Swan OBE (see page 19).
Photograph by John Luck.
Donor Report 2010
Facts and Statistics
The year in numbers
Matched Funding
Gifts by designation
Sources of gifts by value
Gifts are directed to areas
throughout the University,
supporting students and staff,
academic excellence and
extracurricular activity.
Legacies tend to be small in
number but large in value, as do
gifts from companies and charitable
entities; very many alumni give
smaller average amounts.
£4.36 million
Raised in the financial year
2009-10 for the University of Bath
Increase on the previous year’s
Number of donors who
contributed to that total
he Government programme to encourage gifts to
universities in England has been a phenomenal
success. All qualifying gifts were matched by
the Government at a ratio of 1:2, i.e. adding 50p per
£1 donated.
As the statistics opposite show, this has been a record
year for the University, and one of the key reasons has
been the added value that donors can see on their
gifts. Improvements have been made to the University’s
communications programme and our events, as well as
how we report on the effects of gifts we receive, but during
difficult economic times this scheme has certainly played
its part.
As Roger Whorrod (profiled overleaf) says: “I thought it
was an amazing deal. The Government doubles the money
you put in – it normally takes half of it away – that’s the best
thing I’ve ever had from them!”
Number of donors giving for the
first time in 2009-10
Increase in numbers of donors
compared to the previous year
The matching has been used to create more than 75 extra
scholarships, boost Alumni Fund grants, support research,
enhance our commitment to youth sport in the community
and so much more.
£1 million
Largest single non-legacy gift,
donated by Roger and Sue
Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic
Endowment Fund
Members of the Leadership
Giving Circles (Sulis and
Minerva), including 35 new
Students who benefited from
scholarships and bursaries
funded out of gifts in 2009-10
Supporting research
Enhancing the student
Number of scholarships there
will be in 2010-11 as a result of
these gifts
Charitable trusts and
Friends* and parents
The result is that the
University of Bath
reached its cap
for its allocation of
Matched Funding
one year ahead of
schedule, which
is testament to the
generosity of our
alumni and friends.
Thank you.
* Includes current and former staff,
current students and all other
individual donors who are not alumni
Dr Robert Anstee
Mr John Bugler
Mr John Curnow
Mr Kenneth Harrison
Mrs Sue Hart
(née Ashton)
Mrs Janet Jenkins
Dr Roderick King
Mrs Heather Melford &
Mr Keith Melford
Ms Rosemary Milward
Mr Robin O’Neill
Mr David Phillips
& Mrs Heather Waldron
Mrs Patricia Phillips
Mr Andrew Whitfield
Six Anonymous Donors
Ms June Abbott
Mr Clive Barons
Mr Eric Bottomley
Mr Michael Boulton
Mr Mike Carr
Mr Roger Cooke
Mr Roy Edgar
Mr Roger Elliman
Mr Roger Ellmore
Dr John Farwell
Ms Evelyn Godley
Mr Paul Green
Professor Grant Hearn
“I give to the Alumni Fund because I want all
future students to be able to enjoy Bath as
much as I have.”
Kate Gray (BSc International Management &
Modern Languages 2010)
Mrs Mary James
Mr Derek Keefe
Mrs Carolyn Okell Jones
Mr Philip Warner in
memory of Alec Bishop
Dr Chris Warren
Three Anonymous Donors
Mr Les Baker
Mr Mike Collins
Mr John Crookes
Mr John Davies
Grants to enhance the student
experience made by the Annual
Fund Panel
Mr Roy Brewster
Mr Graham Butler
Mr Richard Flatman
Dr Rosalind Hembry
Dr Martin Horton
Mrs Frances Lester
Dr Robert Banks
Dr Norman Biddington
Mr David Fletcher
Mr Robin Jamison
Dr Clifford Jansen
Theresa Lloyd
Mr Leslie Perrett &
Mrs Mary Perrett
Mr Brian Perry
Ms Patricia Two &
Mr Malcolm Two
Mr Hugh Williams
Mr Roger Winchester
Dr Bryan Winsley
An Anonymous Donor
Academic prizes
Ms Nerys Griffiths
Mr Patrick Boothroyd
Mr Terry Bleakman
Mr Michael Breward
Mr Andrew Burchill
Mr Roger Cole
Mr David Mico
Dr John Murdoch
Mr Christopher Rayward
Dr Ray Ward
Mr Roger Whorrod &
Mrs Sue Whorrod
An Anonymous Donor
Mr James Hillier
Mr Lyndon Hughes
Dr Alan Legge
Mr John May
Dr Stephen Moss
Mr Michael Novels
Mrs Bharti Patani
Mr Martin Pobjoy
Mr Chris Salter
Mr Michael Shorten
Mr Ivor Spector
Mr Barry Stote
Mr Edward Wal
Mr Ray Weston
Mr Bill Whiteley
Mr Peter Williams
Two Anonymous Donors
Mr Ian Charles
Mrs Sandra Curran
Mr Jim Dewar
Mr Timothy Dove
Dr George Dyer
Mr Trevor Farmer
Mr John Frankel
Mr Cyril Golding
Mr Paul Ketchley
Ms Annette Kilminster
Mr Christopher Lee
Names with a * are now deceased
Donor Report 2010
Donor Report 2010
Thanks a million
ne of the University’s first graduates,
Roger Whorrod (BSc Electrical Engineering 1965,
MSc Electrical Engineering 1970), and his wife
Sue have donated a gift worth £1 million to the University
to boost research into green technologies. Their gift is the
largest ever received by the University from a living donor.
Although Roger studied at the then Bristol College of
Science and Technology, he received his degree from
the newly created University of Bath at a ceremony in the
Assembly Rooms. After pursuing a career in engineering,
he became an entrepreneur and set up several successful
engineering businesses in the West Midlands.
“I was heading for an apprenticeship at 15, because I’d
failed my eleven-plus. So going to University was absolutely
life-changing. I loved every minute of it.
“I hope our gift enhances the reputation of the University,
which has come a hell of a long way in a short time. I was
here at the very beginning; it has really progressed and
I would like to continue that association.”
The University will use the Roger and Sue Whorrod Fund
to support its Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies
through the endowment of a professorship – the Whorrod
Chair in Sustainable Chemical Technologies – and funding
research fellowships to attract outstanding early-career
academics to Bath.
“I hope our gift
enhances the
reputation of the
University, which
has come a long
way in a short time.”
Mr Jim Aldis
Mr David Anstis
Mrs Anne Body
Mrs Ann Boutall
Mr Dave Chapman
& Mrs Elaine Chapman
Mrs Norma Cox &
Mr Christopher Cox
Mr Roger Earl
Mr Ravi Fofaria
The Whorrods’ donation benefited from the Government’s
Matched Funding scheme for universities which, combined
with charitable Gift Aid relief, doubled the value of their gift
to the University. Roger said: “It was a fantastic incentive.”
Mr John Downs
Mr James D’Souza
Mr Keith Ebbels
Mr Bob Fisher
Mr Nigel James
Mr Steve Johnson
Miss Hilary Joyce
Mrs Vivienne Kriefman
& Mr Brian Kriefman
Mr John Lamble
Mr Jim Mercy
Dr Jane Morgan &
Mr Ian Thompson
Ms Susan Noyce
Mr Philip Parnell
Mr Ramesh Patel
Mr Redvers Perry
Mr John W G Perry
Ms Alison Reed
Mr Henryk Smiga
Mr Tony Stark
Mr John Tucker
Dr Stephen Tullett
Dr Barrie Wells
An Anonymous Donor
“I’m delighted to help students of today who are
facing much tougher circumstances than my
Julian Felstead (BSc Engineering 1976)
The Whorrods believe that their investment in the future of
science and engineering will pay off – as Roger says: “For all
we know, in five years time a University of Bath researcher
might come up with something that saves the world!”
Roger explains: “I wanted our gift to go to research because
I see it as an investment on which we will get a measurable
return. The Centre may come up with world-shattering
discoveries. It’s an exciting place with vibrant PhD students
– we love it!”
A greener future
The Whorrods’ latest gift is not their first. In 2005 they
set up a £1,500 annual bursary scheme for engineering
undergraduates. The first two Whorrod Bursary recipients
graduated recently with First Class honours degrees.
Its research focuses on developing sustainable chemical technologies to
reduce future carbon emissions – from sustainable biofuels to renewable
plastics and from hydrogen storage to the concentration and capture of CO2.
Sue says: “Every year we give a dinner for the students.
They work hard, they enjoy what they’re doing and it’s great
to see how they mature over the four or five years of their
course. When you’re our age it’s nice to be in touch with
younger people. They’re a first class bunch and it’s been
a pleasure to know them.”
Roger believes passionately in
philanthropy: “I abhor how people
can spend £300 million on buying
a yacht. I think that if you are
lucky enough to make money, you
should provide for yourself, but if
you have any left over you should
do something good with it. We
could have used the money
to buy a home in the south of
France, or we could have given
it to the University – we get more satisfaction out of giving it
to the University. A phrase I love is ‘Give with a warm hand’,
which means give while you’re alive, not when you’re dead!”
Mr Ian Longworth
Dr Roland Newman
Mr Kenneth Organ
Miss Sarah Palmer
Mr Ken Riley
Mrs Iona Roberts
Mr Ian Ryder
Mr Peter Seaborne
Dr Cyril Selmes
Mr Bharat Shah
Mrs Mary Sykes
Mr Eric Wallace
Mr Peter Williams
Seven Anonymous Donors
The Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, established in 2008,
brings together some of the brightest scientists and engineers to find ways
to mitigate the effects of global climate change.
Professor Matthew Davidson, Centre Director and the first academic to
hold the Whorrod Chair in Sustainable Chemical Technologies, says: “The
Whorrods’ incredibly generous gift will have a major impact on our research
by enabling us to bring new world-class expertise to the Centre in important
research areas such as clean energy and renewable resources.”
Mr Andrew Fraser &
Mrs Joy Fraser
Mr Robert Goodhand
Dr Stephen Huckvale
Dr Peter Jackson
Mr Kewal Kathuria &
Miss Hasumati Parekh
Mrs Lyn Kirkbright
Mr Colin Ladd
Mr Len Liechti
Mr Nick Martin
Dr Richard Norden
Mr Christopher Rose
Professor Raymond F
Mr Richard Schooley
Mr Praful Soneji
Mr Ian Thompson &
Dr Jane Morgan
Mr Mark Tyler
Mrs Emma Wagner
Mrs Heather Waldron &
Mr David Phillips
Mr Stuart Warburton
Mr Steve Wood
Six Anonymous Donors
Professor Derek Bissell
Mr Peter Carter
Mr Robert Cather &
Mrs Sheila Cather
Mr Roger Cholmondeley
Mr David Cook
Mr Michael Darby
Mr Terence Armstrong
Mr Richard Bennett
Mr Peter Boorman
Mr David Boyes
Dr Paul Chard-Tuckey
Mr Howard Chetwin
Dr Sally Clode
Mr Nigel Eaton
Mr Geoffrey Gill &
Mrs Karen Gill
Mr Laurie Goldsmith
Mr Antony Haile
Ms Elizabeth Hollis
Cllr Olaf Kolassa
Mr Paul Martin &
Mrs Paula Martin
Dr Michael Martin
Dr Alan McCall
Mr Harish Narotham
Mrs Danuta Orsi
Mr Christopher Oziem
Mr Rodney Priest
Mr Robert Rees
Mr Munawar Reta
Mr Amar Rihal
Mr Andrew Rollett
Mr Paul Sealey
Mr Chandrakant Shah
Mr Donald Simpson
Mr Philip Tapsfield &
Mrs Helen Tapsfield
Mr Keith Taylor
Professor David Taylor
Roger & Sue Whorrod
Donor Report 2010
Donor Report 2010
The value of research
“Attracting the brightest
young minds and
working with world-class
academics is what this
University is all about.”
esearch transforms lives. A sustainable energy
solution or a pioneering medical breakthrough
frequently starts out in a university laboratory.
Our global reputation for excellence attracts the highest
calibre students and leading academics from across
the world. That’s why gifts to support research, and
researchers, make a real difference.
A gift directly to your University can provide funding for
research into a particular area of interest, rather than going
through an intermediary charity. A number of donors have
done just that this year – here are some examples:
Attracting the brightest young minds
A joint approach
Hip and knee replacements can rescue
sufferers from a lifetime of pain. After
an 18-month campaign, volunteers
and grateful patients have reached
their target of £20,000 to fund a PhD
Scholarship at the University’s Centre
for Orthopaedic Biomechanics.
“Everything has changed: I am not
in pain anymore; I have learnt to
negotiate walking through the streets
without bumping into anyone. Before
my hip operations, when people saw
me coming they automatically moved
out of the way.”
The largest gift came from the Enid
Linder Foundation. Trustees Jack and
Audrey Ladeveze say: “We hope that
our gift will enable research to be
carried out that would otherwise be
postponed or even abandoned. We
do not expect each and every piece of
research to produce miracle results but
rather contribute to the sum of
knowledge in this field which
impacts the lives of so
many people.”
“Everything has changed, apart from
one thing – my strong belief that
people like me have a real need for this
life-changing operation.”
Victoria Wells (left)
led the group
of volunteers.
After suffering
from two (originally
dislocated hips, two
new hips in her 30s
gave Victoria a
new lease of life:
Pushing the boundaries
Dr Michael Froggatt, a friend of the
University, has made two gifts to
support research into nanoscience –
a field which is pushing the boundaries
in electronics and computing.
He followed his substantial contribution
to the research programme by the
creation of the DD Chittey/GW
Froggatt PhD Scholarship in Carbon
Nanomaterials, in honour of his two
He says: “I made this donation
because I believe that recent results
show the University of Bath punches
Donor Report 2010
Mr Brian Thompson &
Mrs Mary Thompson
Ms Christine Trehane
Mr John Vince
Mr Colin Wesbroom
Mr Michael Williams
Mr Stephen Wolff
Three Anonymous Donors
well above its weight in international
quality research, and that the
competitiveness of the UK as a
whole is enhanced by having as many
universities as possible delivering
this level of work. The research will
be of strategic importance for the
microelectronics and computing
industries in years to come, and I hope
that the PhD scholarship will allow a
first-class student from overseas to
benefit from the academic environment
at Bath and in turn make a valuable
contribution to UK research.”
Managing pain
Esther Parkin’s only son, David,
lectured in the Department of Physics,
and when Esther passed away she
left her money to her son. The Esther
Parkin Trust was set up by David to
support educational activities and has
continued to do so since his death
in 2002.
The Esther Parkin Trust has made
a gift of £750,000 to the University.
£500,000 will support the David
Parkin Visiting Professorship, which
will attract outstanding academics
from abroad to work alongside
our own. £250,000 will support six
international PhD Studentships in
any field.
Professor Alastair Spence, Chair
of the Trust, said: “This gift is a
wonderful way of marking the
impact that both David Parkin and his
mother Esther had on the University
of Bath.”
Professor Glynis Breakwell, ViceChancellor of the University of Bath,
said: “We are hugely grateful to the
Esther Parkin Trust for this wonderful
gift which recognises our position as
an international centre of research and
teaching excellence. Attracting the
brightest young minds and working
with world class academics is what
this University is all about. Gifts to the
University provide an opportunity to
make a difference, by continuing to
attract high calibre students, retain
quality teaching staff and enable
outstanding and innovative research
all in the best facilities.”
The Annett Charitable Trust’s gift
funded a PhD Scholarship to explore
ways in which technology can help
young people to manage lifelong,
disabling pain. The work is part
of the University’s Centre for Pain
Research, which has already achieved
several firsts: developing the first
ever rehabilitation treatments for
children with chronic pain and the first
comprehensive pain measurement
tools for children and their parents.
Donor Report 2010
Mr Jon Barrick
Ms Della Cannings
Mrs Hilary Edmondson
Mr Ric Ellinger
& Mrs Caroline Ellinger
Mr Colin Gamble
Mr Doug Hardy
Mr Michael Higgins
Mr John Hutchison
Mr Steve Jackson
Mr Keith Jones
Mr Robin Legg
Mr Marc Matza
Dr Christopher Noble
Ms Gill Norriss
Mr Mik Peach
Mr Bob Priddle
Mr Gerry Sansom
Mr Nick Simpson
Mr Geri Swann-Price
Mr Graham Joyce
Mrs Patricia King &
Mr Athol King
Mrs Sonia Knight
Mr Andrew Lloyd
Mr Christopher Mainstone
Mrs Paula Martin
& Mr Paul Martin
Mr Mike Maynard
Mr James Milburn
Mr David Moore
Mr Paul Morgan
Mrs Patricia Needes
Mr Neil Palfreeman
Mrs Cecilia Port
Mr Geoffrey Porter
Mr Brian Saunders
Mr Thomas Scharf
Dr James Skelding
Dr Paul Stanley
Mr Nigel Stevenson
Mr Philip Sugarman
Mr David Taylor
Mr Christopher Warnett
Dr Tony Warwick
Ms Gail Waudby
Professor Reza Ziarati
Mr Ian Zimmerman
Two Anonymous Donors
“I would like to thank the Alumni Fund for their
generous contribution which went a long
way to ensuring that I was able to secure my
Gursimran Thandi (Psychology 2007-11)
Mr Stephen Wadsworth
Ms Stephanie Watkins
Mr Rees Withers
Mrs Teresa Woodburn
(née Corning)
Seven Anonymous Donors
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mr Steven Bale
Mrs Pamela Bramwell
Mrs Christina Brown
Mrs Deborah Buszard
Dr Peter Channon
Mr Uttamlal Chouhan
Mrs Lesley Clegg
Mr Peter Dibben
Mrs Beverley Elliott
Mr Timothy Emanuel
Mrs Kathy Farrell
Mr Julian Felstead
Mr Michael J R Free
Mr Colin Gardiner
Dr Ian Grace
Mr Iain Gray
Mr Paul Hamlet
Mr Derek Hatherell
Mr Mark Hawkesworth
Professor Michael Hughes
Ms Lynn Jeppesen
Ms Carol Albury
Mr Nick Algar
Mr Trevor Barker
Mr Christopher Barley
Mr Alan Buckman
Mr Lance Croutear
Mr Jim Edwards
Mr David Elliott
Metropolitan Restaurants
and Class of 1977
Mr Christopher Gibbons
Mr John Goodyear
Mr Paul Harding
Dr Kathleen Hill
Mr Ian Hooper
Mrs Jane King &
Mr Martin King
Mr Richard Lowe
Mr Larry Magor
Mr Jonathan Mair
Mrs Hazel Matheson
Professor José Mínguez
Mr Chris Mitchell
Mr Alan Nelson
Mr Martin Newman
Mr Stephen Parsons
Mrs Ann Pugh
Mrs Sheila Pulfer
Mr Julian Richardson
support puts Bath in pole position
antander is one of the University’s largest
corporate supporters. With a significant, and still
growing, UK presence, Santander’s link with the
University of Bath is a model for its relationships with
universities across the UK. A committed supporter of
Higher Education in all the countries in which it operates,
Santander donated €88 million to universities around the
world in 2009.
At Bath, Santander’s
support enhances every
area of university life:
awarding postgraduate
scholarships for Iberoamerican students,
providing student and
staff travel exchanges and giving prizes to those who shine
in the arts, excel on the sports field and give back to the
wider community.
Mr Tony Sawyer
Dr Robin Swan
Mr Gus Thanassoulas
Mr Fergus Thompson
Mr Andrew Wiggin
Mr Jim Wood
Three Anonymous Donors
Rolls of Honour
Santander’s support
now totals over
£300,000, which
was recognised when
Emilio Botin, Chairman
of Banco Santander,
visited campus to sign
the Chancellor’s Roll
of Honour in February
Given Santander’s prominence in Formula One, it seemed
natural that they should extend their support to the
University’s Formula Student team – TeamBath Racing.
The Formula Student competition is a final year project
for 15 Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering
students, sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, in which students create a single-seat racing car.
TeamBath Racing has been one of the top two UK teams at
Silverstone for the last four years, finishing eighth out of 76
teams from around the world in 2010. With Santander
now a funding partner, watch out for their rise to the top
of the podium!
The Rolls of Honour recognise exceptional continuing philanthropic support
to the University. The names listed in bold were welcomed into the Rolls of
Honour this year.
Roll of Honour
The Medlock Charitable Trust
Professor Raymond F Schinazi
The Wolfson Foundation
Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Whorrod
Roll of Honour
The Happold Trust
Mr Brian & Mrs Margaret Roper
Dean’s Roll of Honour
Mr Robert Drew
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd
Dr Michael Froggatt
Mr Tony Hall
Dr Steve Huckvale
The Johnsons Group Ltd
The Enid Linder Foundation
Mr Neil McLeish
Moog International Group
Mr Kuldip S Salh
Mr Bharat Shah
Mr Jim Sherwin
Mr Gus Thanassoulas
Professor Wang N Wang
Mr Peter Wyman CBE
Members of TeamBath Racing
Donor Report 2010
Donor Report 2010
Mr John Austin &
Mrs Karen Austin
Mrs Penny Bigg
Mr Martin Blake
Dr John Bond
Mr Robert Butler
Dr Gilbert Childs
Mr Peter Clegg
Mr Joe Cowley
Dr Ray Cox
Mr Richard Derrick
Mr Ian Dodds
Mrs Sue Dunster
Mr Tim Durham
Mr Rob Furber
Mr Raymond Givans
Dr Ralph Heywood
Mr Mark Holloway &
Dr Michael Allen
Mr Peter Arnold
Mr Steve Arnold
Mr John Ayres
Mr Alan Baker
Mr Martyn Bale
Mr David Bannister
Mr John Bateman
Mr Neil Burns &
Mrs Susan Burns
Mr Bill Burt
Mrs Helen Campbell
Mr Gary Cartlidge
Mrs Elizabeth
Mr Robert Condie
Mr Mike Cornell
Mr James Craw
Mr Hitesh Dodhia &
Mrs Rajula Dodhia
Dr Chris Dorling
Mr Ronald Esain
Mr Chris Evans
Mrs Jane Fenton &
Mr Christopher Fenton
Mr David Gladwin
“The Kickboxing Club has grown exponentially
this year and has enjoyed tremendous
competitive success. None of this would have
been possible without funding from alumni.”
Rachel Spry (Education 2008-11)
Mrs Lynda Holloway
Mr William Jones
Mr Gerard Kelly
Mr Nigel Keys
Mr Tony Knight
Dr Junzo Kosugi
Mr Richard Lee &
Mrs Stephanie Lee
Mr Richard May-Miller
Mr John Monks
Mr Mark Neve
Mrs Ruth Nicholls
Ms Barbara Nunn
Ms Susan Orkney
Mr Charles Page
Mr David Pearse &
Mrs Sharon Pearse
Mr Kevin Quinlan &
Ms Jane Hough
Dr Bill Rees
Ms Eve Salomon
Mr Neil Short
Mr Peter Simpson
Ms Deborah Stephens
Mrs Ann Stewart
Mr Michael Taylor &
Mrs Dee Taylor
Mrs Christine Ward
Mr Patrick Watts
Mr David Wicks
Seven Anonymous Donors
Miss Julie Goodwin
Dr Paul Gower
Ms Jacqueline Hannis
Mr Rich Haverlack
Dr Shelley Hinsley
Mr Richard Hughes
Mr Peter Inman
Mr Rolf Jones
Ms Jane Joyner
Dr Jacinta Keogh-Bennett
Dr Peter Laity
Mr Russell Lane
Mr Derek Light
Mr Oliver Menhinick
Ms Wendy Neath
Mr Mervyn Newton
Mrs Peach O’Gorman
Mr Vipin Patel
Mr Philip Patterson
Mr Phil Perry
Mr Kevin Phillips
Mr Michael Piper
Mr Julian Pullen
Mrs Elizabeth RimintonDrury
Dr Joy Rooney Bennett
Mr Frank Rorrison
Ms Ann Ruthven
Mr Philip Sampey
Mr Bob Simpson
Mrs Andrea Sinclair
Mr Allen Swift &
Mrs Jacqueline Swift
Leadership Giving Circles
very gift the University
receives makes a difference.
There are some gifts, however,
which deserve special recognition
because they help to lead the way
in creating ever greater opportunities
for students and staff across the
University. Leaders motivate,
challenge and inspire others –
leadership gifts do too.
The Leadership Giving Circles
thank and celebrate those who
have donated £1,000 (Sulis) or
£5,000 (Minerva) or more in the
financial year. The membership
list is published here, and in the
University’s Annual Report, to
demonstrate the increasing number
of alumni, friends and institutions
who are willing to stand up and be
counted in this way.
The business of giving
The Minerva Circle
The Shane Francis Aherne Trust
The Annett Charitable Trust
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mr Mike Ashworth
The RW Barnes Educational Fund
Mr Michael Dickson
The James Dyson Foundation
The Exilarch’s Foundation
Dr Michael Froggatt
Mr Tony Hall
Dr Steve Huckvale
The Lawn Tennis Association
The Enid Linder Foundation
Moog International Group
Mr Mitch Moore
Optimal Performance Ltd
The Esther Parkin Trust
Mr Martyn & Mrs Fiona Ratcliffe
Rolls-Royce plc
Mr Brian & Mrs Margaret Roper
Mr Kuldip Salh
Professor Raymond F Schinazi
Mr Bharat Shah
Lord Tugendhat
Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Whorrod
Windle Trust International
Mr Peter Wyman CBE
Two Anonymous Donors
The Sulis Circle
Mr Richard Admiraal
Mr Chris Allen
Mr Abu Apong
Mr Darryl Ashing
Mr John Berry
Mr Nick Berry
BP Biofuels UK Ltd
Mr Robert Burgess
Mrs Mary Cutbill
Mr Richard Derrick
Mr Hitesh Dodhia
Mrs Rajula Dodhia
Mr James D’Souza
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd
Mr Jonathan Edwards
Ms Sharon Flood
The Gerber Foundation
Mr Adam Grant
The Walter Guinness Charitable Trust
Mr Simon Hall
The Happold Trust
Mr Mark Hawkesworth
The Hughes Sport Foundation
Mr Nick Hynes
Ibstock Brick Ltd
IQE plc
Dr Nicky Kemp
Mr Malcolm Lewis
Theresa Lloyd
Mr Siôn Lutley
Mr John May
Mr Neil McLeish
MedImmune Ltd
Donor Report 2010
Bath Meles Alumni Boat Club
Mr Tony Mitchard
Dr John Murdoch
Mr Brian Nicholson
Mr Howard Nicholson
Mr Tom O’Connor
Mr Roger Pedder
Mr John Perry
Mr Richard Roberts
Mr Johnnie Russell
RWE npower
Schlumberger Stonehouse Technology
Sir Samuel Scott of Yews Trust
Mr Philip Shaw
Mr James Simpson
Professor Anthony Smith
Mr Nigel Smith
Mr D Srifuengfung
Mr Gus Thanassoulas
Mr Brian Thompson
Mr Jeremy Thring DL
Mr Mark & Mrs Kathleen Tregurtha
Mr Stephen Vakil
Professor David & Mrs Marjorie VandeLinde
Mr Eric Wallace
Mr Alastair Watson
Mr William Weir
Mr Bill Whiteley
Mrs Elly & Mrs Meri Williams
Mr David Wing
Mr Nick Wood
Five Anonymous Donors
ost gifts to the University are from individuals, whether alumni, staff,
parents or friends. However, we are also fortunate to have a number
of corporate supporters, for example Santander (see page 8).
Our student placement scheme means that we have unrivalled corporate
contacts, which many companies have now developed into a philanthropic
Rolls-Royce, for example, has been a research partner and recruiter for many
years, but also now supports our Big Bang outreach programme to encourage
schoolchildren in the south-west to consider degrees in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics.
Increasingly, companies donate prizes to recognise undergraduate achievement,
both to reward excellence and raise brand awareness. Recent prize donors include
BDP (for Architecture & Civil Engineering); picoChip and IQE (Electronic & Electrical
Engineering); PwC (Management); RWEnpower (various); and Pfizer (Pharmacy).
In the last few years Ibstock Brick has made significant gifts to fund activities to
benefit Architecture students, including support of an international study tour. Another
long-standing relationship is with Ede & Ravenscroft. Best known for providing the
gowns at graduation ceremonies, Ede & Ravenscroft has funded an annual prize for
the best postgraduate research student for the last 20 years. This year’s winner is
Tobias Warnecke from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Thank you to all of our corporate supporters (listed on page 28).
Dr Derek Tate
Mr Jim Waterworth
Mr Stephen Wheatcroft
Mr Peter Wise
Three Anonymous Donors
Dr Abdelrahman Ahmed
Mr John Allan
Mr Christopher Bell
Mrs Hilary Bjorkstrand &
Mr Carl Bjorkstrand
Mrs Jane Boyce
Mrs Fiona Candler
Mr Mark Champion
Miss Helen Cole
Ms Judith Cope
Mr Martin Culver
Mr Chris Dackham
Mr John Dowden
Mrs Helen Granville
Mrs Isabel Gregg &
Dr Evan Gregg
Mr Andy Haasz
Mr Simon Hanna &
Mrs Jean Hanna
Mrs Kay Harley
Dr Ralph Harris
“I give, and will continue to give, to the University
of Bath because they and my family have given
me so much.”
Tony Hall (BSc Economics 2001)
Mrs Monica Hosie
Mr Nicholas Hough
Ms Jane Hough
Professor Geraint Johnes
Mrs Sally Knudson
Mr Peter Lambert
Mr John Law &
Mrs Catherine Law
Mr Gary Marsh
Mrs Linda Mason
Dr Carol McCarthy
Mr Graham Orchard
Mrs Avanika Patel
Mrs Chandrika Patel
Mr Geoffrey Pye
Mr Kuldip Salh
Mr Graham Scott
Mr Christopher Selwyn &
Mrs Brenda Selwyn
Mr Peter Skinner
Mr Philip Smith
Miss Valerie Smith
Mrs Valerie Snell
Mr Adrian Sparks &
Mrs Marion Sparks
Dr Wilkinson Thomas
Dr Clare Whitehead
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Barry Arnold
Mrs Jyoti Asher
A student placement at Rolls-Royce
Donor Report 2010
Mr Jonathan Billinger
Mr John Binns
Mr Chas Boys
Mr Martin Bull
Dr Timothy Burchell
Mr Peter Burks
Mr Bill Carlyle
Mr Andy Coles
Mr Ian Cowley
Ms Susan Cox
Ms Elaine Dale
Mr Peter Davy
Mr Andy Dixon &
Ms Julia Samulak
Mr John Ely
Dr Robert Grattan
Mr Timothy Griffin
Mr Paul Hadley &
Mrs Dilys Hadley
Mr David Hempstead
Mr Steven Hickingbottom
Mr Dave Howard
Ms Pam Jarvis
Mrs Karen Leach
Dr Brian Lipscombe
Mrs Denise Lynn
Ms Jane McCluskey
Ms Anna McQuaid
Mr Alan Millichamp
Mr Tony Mills
Mrs Janice Nichols
Mr Anthony Owen
Mr Stephen Perkins
Ms Nicola Pogson
Mr Philip Read
Mr Paul Salmon
Mr Jonathan Skofic
Mr Martin Tupper &
Mrs Audrey Tupper
Mr David Verney
Mr Neil Wrigglesworth
Dr Wendy Young Craig
Six Anonymous Donors
Mr Richard Admiraal
Mr Eric Apperley
Mrs Karen Beales
Mrs Anne Benham
Mr Andrew Bird
Ms Charmian Boyd
Miss Diane Bray
Prof Roberto Desimone &
Mrs Alison Desimone
Mr Elton D’Souza
Mr Peter Dyce
Mr Jeremy Eastaugh
Mr Eric Ek
Mrs Diana Finnis
Dr Stephen Flower
Scholarships change lives
cholarships give students from every continent the opportunity to achieve
their dreams, reach higher in their academic endeavours and make their
own contribution to society, in the UK and worldwide.
Many of our scholarships are made possible by gifts to the Alumni Fund, which
each year sets aside a proportion of its income to this area. An increasing
number of scholarships are donated by individual alumni and friends of the
University, who support one, or more, students throughout their degree.
This year your gifts have helped to change the lives of 95 scholars.
Here’s what your generosity means to some of them:
I had been working as a waitress since
I was 15 to try and fund myself through
university but it just wasn’t enough.
Without my Alumni Fund Scholarship
I would never have made it to university
in the first place. As soon as I am
able, I’m going to start giving myself,
because I want to give someone else
the same chance that I have had.
Sally Phillips (Chemistry 2008-12)
The Lisa May Scholarship has given
me a fantastic opportunity to learn
without financial obstacles. The
knowledge that I can continue without
financial concern has provided me
with peace of mind, so that I can
focus on my course. The scholarship
is not only a financial award, but it is a
compelling reason for me to aim high
and reach my potential.
Karl Handscomb (Economics 2009-12)
I want to emphasise the feeling that
a person gets when they achieve a
scholarship. To have someone that
doesn’t know you but still chooses to
believe in you and is willing to support
you is indescribable. I want to work
hard so that I don’t disappoint those
who have believed in me and I will
never be able express adequately
how much I appreciate it.
Thomas Smillie (Mathematics 2009-13)
Donor Report 2010
“Thank you so much
for believing in me.”
When I found out that I had been
awarded an Alumni Fund Scholarship,
I was overwhelmed at what a great
financial relief it was to someone such
as myself, being the first person in my
family to go to university. Soon after
starting, the Careers Service put me
in touch with an international NGO in
Beijing, which offered me the chance
to spend a month working with them.
Without my scholarship the expense of
this trip would be too great, however
using the money that you have
contributed I am now able to attend
the internship, directly making an
impact on my future career prospects.
Stuart Dee (Politics with International
Relations 2009-13)
The Hertzian Fund Scholarship has
made a huge difference to my course.
Not only is the monetary help a great
boost for purchasing items to enhance
my further learning, but the scholarship
itself is an incentive to work to the best
of my ability. I also believe obtaining the
scholarship was significant in securing
my placement, which I hope will make
next year a fantastic experience.
David Angell (Integrated Mechanical and
Below: Each October we celebrate the
generosity of our community of donors
at Charter Day. We were delighted to
welcome over 100 donors and their
guests to the 2009 event, hosted by
the Vice-Chancellor, where they were
given the opportunity to meet some
of the University’s scholars.
We expect academic excellence
from our scholars but many go on
to win other awards during their
time here.
Ramona Matei (BSc Accounting
& Finance 2010) won Best
Overall Business Accounting
and Finance Student on a threeyear programme, receiving a
PricewaterhouseCoopers Prize.
Alex Pool (Biochemistry 2008-12)
won the NUS award for Course
Representative of the Year in 2010.
Lewis Brimblecombe’s (Economics
with Politics 2008-12) dedication
to extracurricular life, as Station
Manager of 1449 AM URB Radio
was recognised by the award of
the Santander Prize for Leadership
in the Media. He also won the
Endsleigh Student Employee of
The Year award for his work with
the University’s Careers Advisory
Mr David Gillard
Dr Paul Howey &
Mrs Christiane Howey
Mrs Mary Inch
Mr Ian Jenkins &
Mrs Celia Jenkins
Mr Christopher Jones
Mr Malcolm E Lewis
Mr Gary Lilley
Mrs Susan McLeod
Mr Simon Nobbs
Ms Judith Pamely
Ms Catherine Rawcliffe
Mrs Jane Roberts &
Mr Michael Roberts
Mr Adrian Seager
Ms Jane Sheppard &
Mr Robert Marles
Mrs Sarah Smith
Mr Robert Smith
Mr Nigel Smith
Mr Mike Smith
Mr James Spencer
Mr Mark Surry
Mrs Wendy Sweet
Ms Sandra Talbot
Mr Andrew Talkowski
Mrs Julie Thomas &
Mr Richard Thomas
Mr Alan Truesdale
Mrs Elaine Ward
Ms Gillian Wheatley
Mr Michael Whiteside
Six Anonymous Donors
Mr Rodger Andrews
Mrs Anne Ayres
Mr Nick Berry
Mr Keith Bradley
Mrs Anna Chan
Dr Simon Chandler
Mrs Trudi Chatwin
Mrs Celia Comber &
Mr Alan Comber
Mrs Catherine Crowley
Mr Tim Curtis
Miss Jenny Davie
Mrs Caroline Elliott-Janvier
Miss Janet Flint
Mr Kevin Freeman
Mr Adam Grant
Dr David Hicks
Mr Gary Hooper
Miss Amanda Jones
Ms Janet Kearns
Dr Nicky Kemp
Mrs Joanna Khan
Mr Malcolm McGreevy
Donor Report 2010
Mrs Anna Alborough
Mr Russell Anderson
Mr Roland Asbridge
Mr Simon Baker
Mr Andrew Batterham
“I donate to the Alumni Fund because of the
huge variety of benefits it brings to completely
different groups and individuals.”
Susan Harling (BA European Studies & Modern
Languages 1990)
Electrical Engineering 2008-13)
Dr Bernard Millard
Dr Ann Mills-Duggan
Mrs Alyson Moss
Dr Julie Overthrow
Mr Brian Perfect
Mr Laurie Powell
Dr Ann Pullen
Mr Martyn Ratcliffe &
Mrs Fiona Ratcliffe
Mr Philip Shaw
Professor Anthony Smith
Mr Stephen Vakil
Mr David Vigar
Dr Joseph Wang
Mr Nicholas Whiting
Mr Jon Wickham &
Mrs Karen Wickham
Mr Hamish Wilkie
Mr David Wing
Five Anonymous Donors
Ms Elaine Bowman &
Mr Nicholas Bowman
Mrs Angela Chatterjee
Mr Peter Claydon
Mrs Elizabeth Cooper
Mr Trevor Davies &
Mrs Susan Davies
Mrs Alison Durbin &
Mr Ian Durbin
Dr Steve Game &
Dr Alison Game
Mr Andy Gilson &
Mrs Cathy Gilson
Ms Sarah Grover
Dr David Harris
Mr Clive Hornett
Mr Michael Johnson
Mr Andrew Knipe
Mr Richard Laurence
Mr Floyd Lazare
Ms Samia Montasser
Dr Andrew Nesbitt &
Mrs Sarah Nesbitt
Mr Philip Ockwell
Mr David Ovenden
Mr Graham Pickup
Mr Stephen Roberts
Mr Andrew Sayer
Mr Kevin Smith
Mr Peter Speller
Prof Koen Steemers &
Prof Jeanette Steemers
Scholars go the extra mile
Global giving
The University
of Bath receives
donations from
alumni and friends
in 34 countries all
around the world.
We thank all those who have
given to scholarships this year
and look forward to continuing
to report on their achievements
in the years to come.
Lucy Ferguson (Sports Engineering 2005-11) is a Jeremy
Fry Memorial Scholar, which is awarded to engineers
who display outstanding design promise. The scholarship
scheme is funded by the James Dyson Foundation to
mark the work of the Bath-based founder of Rotork,
Jeremy Fry.
Lucy is studying for a Master’s while also pursuing her
sporting ambitions. She is a talented triathlete who
this summer came second in the European Triathlon
Championships in Ireland (20-24 age group).
Susan Mawemuko (MBA 2010), a Steve Huckvale
Scholarship recipient, is the only student from a UK
university to have made the final of the international MBA
Student of the Year Award. Born and raised in Uganda,
Susan gained her first degree from Makerere University,
Kampala. After graduating, she volunteered on education
projects to raise awareness of the deadly Ebola disease,
then joined Makerere University School of Public Health,
where she now works as a Program Officer.
Dr Eleanor Morgan, Director of Studies for the Bath
MBA says: “Susan has made outstanding contributions
to all aspects of the programme and both students and
lecturers have benefited from her insights. She has played a
particularly significant part in encouraging other international
students to have the confidence to contribute more actively.
She is keen to play a mentoring role in the future to young
women in her home community and will be an excellent
Donor Report 2010
Despite training 20 hours a week for her sport, Lucy has
also maintained her academic progress. By deferring
some of her modules and studying part time, she has
consistently secured good 2.1 marks. Lucy says: “I have
always participated in sport to a high level, and although
I believe academic work to be a priority, I think sport and
academia complement each other. Working hard in one
allows you to have a full break from the other.”
We wish Lucy well in everything she does, both on the
sports field and in the exam hall!
Steve and Carol Huckvale, whose gift set up
the Scholarship, say: “Susan’s short-listing
to the final of the MBA Student of the Year
is a phenomenal achievement. Having now
met Susan on a number of occasions, you
quickly start to appreciate her depth of
knowledge and capability as well as someone
with tremendous determination. As one
can imagine, if our scholarship has helped
make it possible for Susan to develop
her undoubted talents and grow her
knowledge, it is a source of considerable
satisfaction to us.”
The winner will be announced in
November. Good luck Susan!
Mr Hubert Velge
Mr James Whitehouse
Dr Kevin Williams
Mr Stephen Woolven
Two Anonymous Donors
Mr Chris Allen
Mr Paul Baxter
Mrs Melanie Calver
Mr David Casale &
Mrs Sally Casale
Miss Nicola Chegwidden
Mr Peter Cockle
Mr Samuele Crisante
Mr Ian Cunningham
Mr Peter Davies
Dr Paddy Douglas
Mr Richard Edwards
Mr Chris Glass
Mr Richard Grainger
Mr Stephen Harris
Mr Paul Hazlehurst
Mr Graham Hillier
Mr John Hine
Ms Nerys Jones
Dr Peter Keevill &
Mrs Sharon Keevill
Mr Richard Lark
Dr Rosemary Bryson
Mr Stephen Calder-Smith
Mr Stephen Childs
Mrs Carol Comer
Ms Jeannine Culbertson
Ms Clare Deering
Mr Alexander Dick
Dr Carl Dolman
Ms Elisabeth Else
Mrs Hilary Fearn
Mrs Sue Finlayson
Ms Caroline Frank
Mr Michael Genge
Dr Richard Harris
Mrs Sally Hicks
Mr Geoffrey Hill
Mrs Karen Holdaway
Mr David Johnson
Mrs Jane Jones
Mr Peter Keemer
Mr Nigel Kew
Mr Colin Mells
Miss Amanda Millichope
Mr Richard Pelling
Mrs Justina Pepper
Mr Stephen Westwood
Mr Graham Wigfall
Three Anonymous Donors
“The scholarship gives me an extra incentive to
achieve a First.”
Ian McDiarmid (Mechanical Engineering
The University of Bath Foundation Ltd
ore than 1,250 graduates of the University of Bath live in the USA.
The University of Bath Foundation Ltd is a non-profit organisation run
by alumni volunteers, which exists to allow residents of the USA to make
tax-efficient gifts to support the University.
This year gifts to the Foundation have been used for Alumni Fund projects and
postgraduate scholarships for outstanding students from the USA. Current scholars
are University of Maine graduate Chad King, who is studying in the Department
of Social & Policy Sciences, and David Kane who is working towards an MSc in
Aerospace Engineering. Originally a graduate of the University of Washington, David
says: “My time here has been very enriching and I am confident that what I have
learnt will prove invaluable in the future when I partake in multinational engineering
projects. I am very grateful for the contribution that you have made to my tuition!”
Canadian taxpayers are also able to make gifts to the University of Bath tax efficiently,
as the University is recognised as a charitable organisation by the Canadian tax
authorities. We are working towards a similar recognition in a number of
European countries.
Donor Report 2010
Mr Neil Marks
Dr Paul Marshall
Mr Douglas McFarland
Mrs Susan Mills &
Mr Matt Mills
Mr John Molloy
Mr M Moore &
Mrs A Moore
Mr David Outram
Mrs Linda Pound
Mr Tony Powell
Mrs Elizabeth Rodwell &
Mr Paul Rodwell
Mr Tracy Rumsey
Mrs Suzanne Salsbury
Mr Richard Shiel
Miss Amanda Shoebridge
Mr Simon Tonks
Mr Martin Trainer
Mr Gino Viviani
Mr Richard White
Mrs Tessa Whittingslow &
Mr Christopher
Mr Jeremy Wilcox
Mr David Woollatt
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Mike Ashworth
Mrs Anna Batchelor
Mr Christopher Bicknell
Mr Darryl Ashing
Mr Stuart Bird &
Mrs Katherine Bird
Mr Matthew Brearley
Mr Shaun Brierley
Mr Christopher Bright &
Mrs Fiona Bright
Mr Ian Burgess
Mr Philip Butson
Mr Christopher Carter
Ms Irene Chapman
Mrs Birgit Compton
Mr Howard Cooper
Mr Gary Davis
Dr Gary Davis
Mrs Teresa Down &
Mr Timothy Down
Mr Mike Ellis
Mrs Viviane Fingerhut
Mrs Katherine Glass
Miss Heather Goodenough
Dr Frank Hope
Mr Barry Hulatt
Mr Andrew Johnson &
Mrs Cindy Johnson
Mrs Lindsay Lister
Ms Alison Malfatto
Mr Paul Morrison
Mr Alexander Moss
Mrs Elisabeth Newman
Mrs Anna Padget
We remember with thanks
A lasting reminder
Two men who enjoyed very different relationships with the University during their
lives have each left an enduring mark through their estates.
A devoted academic
Frank Wallace
was one of the
University’s longestserving professors,
at the heart of
the Department
of Mechanical
Engineering from its inception. On his
death in 2009, his children transferred
a portion of his estate to the University
to set up a scholarship in his memory.
This endowed fund provides financial
help for Chinese postgraduate
students working in automotive
Professor Gary Hawley, Dean and
Medlock Chair of Engineering at the
University, said: “Frank supervised
many Chinese students during his
time at the University so it seemed
appropriate for his legacy to continue
to support students after his death.”
Frank’s son, Mark Wallace, said: “The
University was so much more than
just a place of employment for Frank.
It was somewhere he felt incredibly
comfortable, surrounded by likeminded individuals who respected
him for his formidable intellect.
We therefore thought it was fitting to
set up this scholarship in recognition
of the professional and personal
fulfilment that the University provided
Frank during both his career and his
“The University
was so much more
than just a place
of employment
for Frank.”
A committed graduate
Despite the demands
of running a successful
business, Jeff Trendell
(BSc Economics and
Administration 1970)
kept up a keen interest
in the University, and
particularly its sport – having played
in the 1st XI football team as a student.
When he died in 2009, Jeff
left £25,000 to the University in his Will.
The University has used Jeff’s legacy
to create the Jeff Trendell Sports
Scholarships. The first half dozen
scholars, starting in October, include
a 19-year-old hockey player knocking
on the door of the senior GB squad,
studying for a BSc in Social Sciences,
an England U21 Netballer and the
current UK junior 110m hurdles record
We thank Frank, Jeff and their families
for these gifts and look forward to
following the progress of the young
scholars who will carry the flame
of their association with the University
of Bath in years to come.
Donor Report 2010
This year five alumni and
friends, who wish to remain
anonymous, made a gift in
their Will.
Members of the 1966 Society
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mr Andrew Batterham
Mrs Sarah Bevan
Mr Alan Bowsher
Dr Jayne Carrington
Professor Richard Conder
Mr Michael Cornell
Ms Rosemary Davies
Mr Bernard Dokelman
Mr Peter Dyce
Mr Phillips Ehizojie
Mr Fernando Flores-New
Mr Timothy Ford
Mr Laurie Goldsmith
Mr Robert Goodhand
Richard & Anne Hall
Dr Hylton Hardisty
Mr Tony Kerpel MBE
Miss Tina Kokkinos
Dr Richard Mawditt OBE
Leslie & Mary Perrett
Mr Jim Sherwin
Mr Greg Slay
Miss Valerie Smith
Mrs Elizabeth Southwood
Lord Tugendhat
Ms Dorothy Walters-Godfree
Miss Liz Warren
Six Anonymous Donors
he library is at the heart of our University, and for students it feels
like a second home, especially just before exams when it is the
most crowded building on campus!
Many of our donors – alumni, parents of students and other supporters of the
University – make a valuable contribution towards the Parents and Friends
Library Enhancement Fund. Now in its third year, the appeal has raised
£40,000 – we received £14,000 in this year alone. Your continuing support
means we can invest in so much more than set text books; recently we have
purchased several reference works, which allow students to read around
their own subject specialisms, and also broadened our range of cultural and
recreational reading.
Building library stocks is a long term investment and offers a long-term
payback – the donations already made by hundreds of parents and friends
of graduating and continuing students will be of real benefit to generations of
future students. Personalised book plates can be used by donors to record
their gifts and serve as a lasting reminder of the person in whose name the gift
was made.
Howard Nicholson, University Librarian, says: “I wish to express my gratitude
to all who have supported the Library over the past three years, on behalf of
the many students who are benefiting from your generosity.”
Donor Report 2010
Mr Geoffrey Palmer
Mr Andrew Parker &
Mrs Kathryn Parker
Mr Mark Phillips
Ms Jacqueline Pooley
Dr Charles Redwood
Mr Andrew Skinner
Mr Derek Stenner
Mr Kevin Stockbridge
Mr Andrew Strong
Mr Martin Wiles
Mr Ian Wood
An Anonymous Donor
Mr Andrew Affleck
Mr Andrew Bickley
Mr Simon Blackmore &
Dr Karen Blackmore
Mr Derek Brewer
Mrs Bethan Buckley &
Mr John Buckley
Dr Paul Bury
Mr John Cadell
Dr William Cliftlands
Mrs Claire Cockburn
Mr David Webb
Dr Gethin Williams
Mr Nick Wood
Mr David Young
Four Anonymous Donors
Mr David Armstrong
Mr Simon Bath
Mr Andy Bell
Mr Neil Billett
Mrs Emma Clark
Mr Nick Cognevich
Mr David Dalton
Mr Mark Davies
Miss Lynne Dawson
Mr James Duthie
Mr Cary Fliegler
Mr Robert Garratt
Dr Caroline Gilby
Mrs Olga Gomez-Cash
Mr David Grant
Mr Ralph Hains
Mr David Harrison
Mr Percy Lea
Mr Michael Maddox
“I am fortunate to have been given the
opportunity to complete this placement, and
I am very grateful to the Alumni Fund for
making it possible.”
Harri Washington (Natural Sciences 2007-11)
Mr Jeremy Collins
Mr Steve Cooper &
Ms Nicola Cooper
Mrs Joy Craine
Mrs Mary Cutbill
Mr Roger Duthie
Mr Martin Elton &
Miss Erica Stenfalt
Mr Jon Lee &
Ms Sharon Flood
Mr Matthew Gott
Dr Suzanne Graham
Mrs Judith Hall
Mr Nic Hart
Mrs Helen Harvey
Mr Jeremy Hayward
Mr Stuart Long
Dr Ian Marshall
Mr Graham Massey &
Mrs Sian Massey
Mrs Janet McCulloch
Mrs Mary Minards
Mr Gavin Munnery &
Mrs Catriona Munnery
Mrs Jane Neal
Mr Thorsten Orr
Mr Paul O’Sullivan &
Mrs Frances O’Sullivan
Mr Keith Page
Mr Ian Salusbury
Mr Martin Shirley
Mr Mark Stephen
Mr Keith Talbot
Mr Angus Ward
Mrs Sue McKendrick
Mr Jonathan Nash
Mr James Nickolls
Mr Kevin O’Donnell
Dr John Ould
Mr Michael Peddell
Ms Louise Pegg &
Mr Tim Pegg
Mr Terry Read
Mr Andrew Robertson
Mrs Andrea Samuelson
Dr Paul Stallard
Mr Simon Stevens
Mr Mark Stowe
Mr Mark Swiggs
Mr Nigel Taylor
Mr Paul Vosper
Dr Paula Waters
Mr Bruce Whitehorn
Mr Andrew Williams
Mr Neil Wood
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Gordon Anderson
Dr Niall Bowen
Mrs Sarah Brennan
Mr Stephen Brill
Mr Gavin Busuttil-Reynaud
Mr Fernando Flores-New
Professor Julien Forder
Ms Wendy Foy
Dr George Gore
Mr Adrian Gregory
Pioneering Placements
or today’s graduates, getting a foot in the door of the workplace
has never been so tough. The University of Bath recognises
that undertaking professional work placements can improve our
students’ chances of success. More than three in five Bath students
now combine theoretical study with practical experience, in doing so
gaining the unique perspective that is so highly valued by employers.
Gursimran Thandi (Psychology
2007-11) combined her academic
ambitions with a personal goal to
improve her Spanish, pursuing a
research placement at the University
of Barcelona to study language
development in infants. She says:
“I would like to thank the Alumni Fund
for their generous contribution which
went a long way to ensuring that I was
able to secure this placement.”
Most placements are paid positions within a UK office or laboratory.
However, every year a handful of students set their sights further
afield. Last year Alumni Fund placement grants, of up to £1,000 each,
helped 23 students pursue a range of unpaid placements worldwide.
Destination: Madagascar
Harri Washington (Natural Sciences 2007-11) earned her
stripes as a student caller for the telethon campaign. Thanks
to an Alumni Fund grant, she led a team of students on a
research placement to Madagascar. The team travelled to a
previously unstudied area of north-west Madagascar, where
they spent seven weeks surveying the area’s biodiversity.
Harri stayed on in Madagascar for a further six months
as a field assistant on a Mangoky River expedition. She
said: “This gave me the opportunity to work with some
Malagasy university students, and reminded me how much
of a difference extra funding can make. This was my third
experience in the field whilst still an undergraduate, whereas
for the Master’s students I worked with it was their first.”
“As a result of the findings of the expedition I have been
invited to the Student Conference on Conservation Science
at the University of Cambridge, normally only open to
postgraduates. I have been given an
amazing opportunity to mingle with
researchers and the talks and
seminars will help further my
Frazer Higgins (BSc Biology 2009), who accompanied Harri
to Madagascar, said: “I intend to pursue a career working in
conservation research. Throughout the expedition I gained
an understanding of local flora and fauna which, along with
the teamworking and communication skills I developed,
promise to stand me in good stead in the future.”
Furthering research
Stephanie Watkins and Ruth Thomas (both Psychology
2007-11) received grants to take up placements in New
Zealand. Stephanie worked at the University of Christchurch,
comparing the effectiveness of cognitive assessment
methods used to treat depression. She is about to have her
first piece of work published in an international journal.
Ruth worked in a research lab on two longitudinal studies:
the developmental effects of children born pre-term and
maternal methadone use during pregnancy. Ruth said:
“I feel that I have gained the kind of experience that has
not only confirmed my interest in child psychology,
but has also opened my mind to the possibility of
further study.”
Frazer Higgins looking for birds in Madagascar
Donor Report 2010
Nichola Dennehy (Psychology
2007-11) stayed closer to home,
working as a forensic psychology
assistant in a UK prison, where she
worked on a programme to challenge
anti-social behaviour. Nichola says:
“The placement has enabled me to
make the link between theory and
application, which will help me in my
final year at university. I would like to
say a very big thank you for my grant
and thank you to all the people who
have donated and made it all possible.
I hope to be able to help one day
Going polar
Ben Lane (Mechanical Engineering
2006-11) was picked as part of the
2041 Inspire Antarctica Expedition in
March 2010, where he worked with
world-renowned polar explorer
“I would like to say a
very big thank you for
my grant and thank
you to all the people
who have donated
and made it all
Robert Swan OBE
(right). The trip
aimed to raise
awareness about
the impact of
changes on
Antarctica and students were trained to
develop and enhance their leadership
skills. Ben says: “This expedition
provided me with an unparalleled
opportunity to motivate and enthuse
others. The contacts I made and
experience I gained will be invaluable
to help me in achieving a leading
position within industry, where I can
enhance my passion for engineering as
a mechanism for change.”
Thanks to our graduates, the Alumni
Fund continues to make these
wonderful grants possible –
we hope to bring you more reports
from our pioneering placement
students long into the future!
Mr Aladin Habayeb
Mr Andrew Harding
Mrs Sue Harling
Mr Todd Howell
Dr Gerald Hunt
Dr Keith James
Mr Shailesh Katira
Mr Tim Lee
Mrs Meg Longman
Ms Stella Mourouzidou
Dr Olamide Odusote
Mr Gable Pang
Dr Simon Phillips
Mr Michael Pritchard
Mrs Anne Renders
Mr Stephen Richards
Mr Roger Smith
Ms Caroline Starkey
Miss Sarah Jane Stephens
Mr Alan Wilson
Five Anonymous Donors
Dr Vivienne Beckett
Mr Andrew Braley
Donor Report 2010
Dr Abdul Basit
Mrs Julie Codling
Dr Haya Dajani
Mr Morten Damm &
Mrs Mette Damm
“It is an amazing feeling to receive a scholarship;
imagine how good it must feel to give one!”
Amyce Smith (Automotive Engineering
Mrs Christine Brown
Mrs Jane Crawford &
Mr Charles Crawford
Mrs Christine Davis
Mr Limor Feingold &
Mrs Charlotte Feingold
Mrs Sue Francis
Mr Domonic Green
Mr Nick Hynes
Mr Julian Kern
Miss Tina Kokkinos
Mrs Sarah Lawrence
Mr Neil McLeish
Ms Isobel Michael
Dr Jane O Rourke
Mrs Diana Offler
Mr Robert O’Leary
Mrs Rachel Phillips
Mr Leif Puddefoot
Mrs Julia Sherwen
Dr Richard Stratford
Dr Rebecca Stratling
Mr Aria Taheri
Mr Alastair Watson &
Mrs Nathalie Watson
Mr Adam Wickenden
Dr Christopher Williams
Four Anonymous Donors
Dr Sean Beckett
Miss Nicola Bellingham
Mr Steven Bird
Mr John Burton
Mr Chris Campkin
Mr Jonathan Crowe
Ben Lane’s polar experience
Dr Nic Doye
Mr Jeremy Fonseca
Mr Ian Gallagher
Mr David Gay
Mr Alistair Keay
Miss Lisa King
Ms Joan Labbe
Mr Siôn Lutley
Mrs Joanne Minion
Mr David Nottingham
Dr Robin Oakley
Dr Robert Oddy
Dr Zac Watkins &
Mrs Charmaine Watkins
Mr David Westcott
Mr Robert Wise
Mr Michael Wrigley
Two Anonymous Donors
Mr Austin Davidson
Mr Chris Geoghegan
Mr Michael Glover
Mrs Rebekah HancockLashley
Miss Ali Harris
Mr Andy Howard
Mr Tony James
Dr Claire Johnson
Mr David King
Mr John Kinson
Dr Dethard Lampe
Dr Jeremy Leach
Mr Richard Lyons
Mr Timothy Mutimer
Mr Zoltan Rikker
Mrs Rachael Roberts
Dr David Simmonds
Mr Shane Sullivan
Dr Thomas Szabo
Mr Mark Tomblin
Mr Richard West
Two Anonymous Donors
Mr Vebjorn Ask
Mr Lee Boyton
Ms Jo Bridger
Mr Robert Burgess
Mrs Melanie Cantle
Mr Steve Cast
Mrs Anne Churchill Stone
Mr Robert Dickson
Mrs Milica Gay &
Mr Daniel Gay
Mr Andrew Green
Enhancing the student experience
niversity is about much more than studying. Belonging to a
sports club or society sparks lifelong friendships, uncovers
unexpected talents and helps our students mature into wellrounded individuals who are increasingly sought after by employers.
Your generous donations support a huge variety of extracurricular
projects which encourage innovation and create new opportunities.
Every year the Annual Fund Panel (see page 25) allocates grants to
support out-of-hours academic pursuits, student societies and sports
clubs. Here are some examples of projects supported this year:
Meet Simon
A new face (and body) arrived in the University’s Pharmacy
Practice Suite this year, courtesy of the Alumni Fund.
‘Simon’ is a SimMan3G human simulator, who can be
programmed to respond to medication and display the signs
and symptoms of common clinical conditions. Dr Denise
Taylor from the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology,
thanked donors: “Your generosity has enabled us to produce
a Pharmacy Practice Suite with the facilities to develop
pharmacy graduates who have the ability to become leading
practitioners of the future.”
‘We made an app for that’
A grant has enabled the Department of Computer
Science to set up a new optional module, buying Wii and
smartphone hardware, for which students have developed
applications such as a ten-pin bowling game and a phonecompatible internet browser. This investment means that the
department’s brightest students are now able to gain handson development experience, which will be invaluable when
competing for top jobs after they graduate.
Dr Neil Havard
Dr Peggy Ho
Mr James Macfarlane
Mr Robin Middleton
Miss Anne O’Brien
Mr Tom O’Connor
Mr Alan Odeku
Mr Rajender Raval
Miss Caroline Rawson
Mr Richard Rutter
Mr Peter Slade
Mrs Heidi Trencher
Five Anonymous Donors
“The effect of the
Alumni Fund grant
will be felt by students
for many years to come”
Ball machine
Dressed to impress
The University Hockey Club put
an Alumni Fund grant towards the
purchase of a ball machine which can
be used to fire balls at a variety of
speeds and angles to help the team
in training. This machine has been
used throughout the 2009-10 season.
Club chairman Jonny Mills says: “The
players reap huge reward from this
facility. Many players in the club believe
the most enjoyable training sessions
of the season have been those when
the ball machine has been used and
players regularly request that their
coaches incorporate the machine
into training.”
This year the Alumni Fund supported
the annual Bath Rag by paying for
attention-grabbing costumes for our
Rag Raiders. Rag supports many
national and local charities, including
hospices and care for premature
babies, and student volunteers develop
valuable creative and teamworking
skills as they organise their fundraising
activities. The costumes certainly
helped in attracting members of the
public to our collectors, and nearly
£8,000 was raised from Rag Raids
this year.
Flooring the opposition
Floorball, or ‘unihoc’, has a growing following in the UK.
This high speed indoor sport is played inside a rink, with
lightweight plastic sticks and a plastic ball. Last summer the
University Floorball Club purchased a new rink thanks to the
Alumni Fund. Now they are the only club in the country able
to train regularly on a rink, and it’s paying off. ‘Bath Blaze’
teams are going from strength to strength; the 1st team
enjoyed an unbeaten season which led to their first league
title. The rink has also allowed club members to organise
a University Floorball Competition, helping to promote
the sport to other UK universities. The club has already
produced six Great Britain internationals, none of whom had
played floorball before joining the club.
Donor Report 2010
Donor Report 2010
Mrs Suzanne Barclay
Mr Ian Bloxham
Mr Jonathan Carpanini &
Miss Amanda Shepherd
Miss Kim Chow
Mr Garrett Cotter
Mr Timothy Cranfield
Ms Tamara Daly
Mr Trevor Ford
Mr Aloysius Gavigan
Mrs Vicky Gibson
Mrs Elizabeth Hall
Mr Stephen Hinley
Mr Rob Hunter
Mr Nigel Martin
Mr Nicholas Padfield
Mr Richard Pannett
Mrs Caroline Pope
Mr Mike Powis
Mrs Victoria Price
Miss Karin Ridgers
Mr James Simpson
Three Anonymous Donors
Mr Simon Bushell
Mrs Michele Coghlan &
Mr Stephen Coghlan
Dr Jonathan Crowe
Mr Simon Depoix &
Mrs Karen Depoix
Miss Grainne Doherty
Mr Kenneth Fenwick
Mr Paul Ferguson
Mr Tony Goody
Mr Christopher Greenfield
Mrs Jane Kelly
Dr Akif Khan
Mr Jaggy Khela
Mr Quentin Lambert
Mr Burton Lichtman
Miss Maria McMahon
Mr James Newman
“The scholarship is excellent in inspiring and
motivating students. You feel like you are
working towards a worthwhile goal, with
people who are effectively investing in you.”
Rishidhar Lall (Economics 2009-13)
Mr Richard Lander
Mr Bryn Lloyd
Mrs Suzie Morel
Dr Brian Nicholson
Dr Tabu Paul
Mrs Pam Pennefather
Miss Sue Ryan
Mr Tim Spicer
Mr Richard Watson &
Mrs Emma Watson
Two Anonymous Donors
Mr Richard Roberts
Miss Sophia Smallbones
Mr James Souter
Dr Philip Tollinton
Mr Andrew Warren
Mr Matthew Webb &
Mrs Claire Webb
Mr Chris Wells &
Mrs Sally Wells
Miss Nelumani Wijeratne
Two Anonymous Donors
Mrs Rebecca Addis
Miss Genevieve Arpin
The Reverend Marcus
Mr James Belok
Mr Matthew Box
Miss Yolanda Carslaw
Mr James Clemens
Mrs Louise Cohu
Mr Phillip Danes
Miss Joan Ehikwe
Miss Karen Hancock
Miss Jacqueline Hardy
Mr Henrik Harmer
Mrs Anna Lawler
Mrs Carla Libra
Mr Robin Limpkin
Dr Owen Lyne
Mr Michael Bell
Mr Rupert Burbidge
Miss Rosi Buscombe
Mr Jonathan Chainey
Mr Christopher Cleland
Miss Jennifer Cobb
Mr Mike Eyre
Mr Peter Harrison
Mr Damian Higgs
Mr Benjamin Jefferson
Mr Sanjay Jogia
Mr Mike McKay
Mrs Razeya Mohamedy &
Mr Shakir Mohamedy
Mr Nicholas Partridge
Mr Nic Paul
Mr Andrew Pitts
Miss Sadie Thorne
Enhancing the student experience
Dr Ahmer Wadee
Two Anonymous Donors
Focal point for Freshers
An Alumni Fund grant has enabled the Students’ Union to
purchase a brand new 10-foot trailer, which all clubs and
societies can use to transport equipment around the
country for tournaments and trips. James Christmas,
Students’ Union VP Sport 2008-09 and 2009-10 says:
“The effect of the Alumni Fund grant will be felt by
students for many years to come. It has made, and will
continue to make, it cheaper and easier for clubs to run
day and weekend trips away. Furthermore, the money
saved from not having to hire
vehicles and equipment can
be pumped back into the
clubs, resulting in better,
safer and more durable
During Freshers’ Week, the Freshers’ crew work hard to
help thousands of new students settle in to life on campus.
Last year their efforts were helped by a new marquee
which acted as a central information point on the Parade
(previously they have had to hire a marquee at considerable
cost). The marquee – purchased with an Alumni Fund grant
– helped acclimatise our Freshers to their new surroundings.
Check mate
A giant chess set, purchased with an Alumni Fund grant,
has proved a great way to promote the game to newcomers,
both on and off campus. The board popped up throughout
the summer in Bath city centre, where locals, students and
tourists challenged each other to games.
Miss Lucy Andrew
Mr Prithpal Babra
Miss Gillian Barwell
Mr Ian Bellamy
Mrs Carrie Cameron-Smith
Mr Adrian Champ
Mr Matthew Coggan
Mrs Susie Connolly
Mr Philippe Dancause
Mr Andrea de Vincentiis
Dr Phi Dinh
Dr Adam Gerrard
Mr Daniel Grant
Mr Nigel Height
Miss Elizabeth Heseltine
Miss Emma Law
Mrs Philippa Moore
Mr Matthew Newson
Mr Amit Patel
Mr Bruce Porteous
Mr Martin Pullinger
New Student Centre –
bigger and better!
Recently the Annual Fund Panel
awarded its largest ever grant of over
£100,000 to the Students’ Union to
help fit out the new Student Centre.
The Centre is due to open this autumn
– we’ll be able to tell you more in next
year’s Donor Report.
Elite athletes
A fair wind
University windsurfers were treated
to new boards, sails, masts, booms
and a trailer, thanks to the Alumni
Fund. At the Student Windsurfing
Nationals in May one of the team
finished first to become the
national intermediate student
windsurfing champion.
Windsurfer Rebecca says:
“The kit has allowed the
club to attract more
members of all abilities
and means when we
attend inter-university
competitions we
can hold our own!”
Every year the Alumni Fund makes
a grant to help our best student
athletes compete in overseas
student competitions or to represent
their country internationally. Two
outstanding student athletes have
received support from the Fund in
Windsurfer Claudia Carney
(Sports Performance 2009-11)
has been selected for the Royal
Yachting Association Olympic
Development squad for 2010, as
well as the RS:X European and
World Championships. Claudia is
one of the top five British female
windsurfers and is within striking
distance of the 2012 Olympic
GB fencing rankings, so she’s a name
to watch out for in the future. Abbi
was given a £200 grant towards the
costs of competing for Great Britain
at the Senior World Cup in Barcelona.
She says: “The standard was
very high, but the experience was
invaluable and I immediately noticed
the difference in my fencing when I
came home.”
Abbi Matthews (Molecular and
Cellular Biology 2008-2012) is an
accomplished fencer. In her first
year competing as a senior, Abbi is
currently ranked 12th in the Senior
Donor Report 2010
Donor Report 2010
Mr Steven Pegg
Mr Paul Robertson
Mr Craig Scordellis
Miss Elizabeth Southey
Mr David Watson
Dr Jack Whitehead
Mrs Janet Withers
Seven Anonymous Donors
Mr Emad Al Adhal
Miss Armeen Bhesania
Mr Neal Cadden
Mr James Convey &
Mrs Jennifer Convey
Mr Simon Critchley
Mr Mark Donovan
Mr Chris Gage
Mr Robert Gill
Mr Christopher Gwilliam
Mr Tony Hall
Mr Steve Hammond
Mr Elliot Hemes
Mr Adam Hodgkinson
Dr Roger Jardine
“The Students’ Union would like to thank the
Alumni Fund for their kind support. We are
extremely pleased with the Mac!”
Students’ Union Marketing team
Mrs Jane Rastall
Mr David Regan
Mrs Anna Ritchie &
Mr Iain Ritchie
Mr Colin Rogers
Mr Thomas Underwood &
Mrs Alexandra Underwood
Mrs Catherine Vickery
Mr Leon Walker
Mr Andrew Walker
Mrs Lucy Wheeler
Mrs Jacqueline Williams
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Charles Johnston
Mr Christopher Jukes &
Mrs Julia Jukes
Mr Stewart Kemish
Mrs Hannah Kirk-Wilson
Mrs Juliet Lawn
Mr Simon Meadowcroft
Dr Emma Nsugbe
Mr Christopher Pittman
Mr Adnan Siddiqui
Mr David Smith
Miss Helen Vaughan
Five Anonymous Donors
Mrs Catherine Boulter
Mrs Rachel Carson
Miss Annie Chow
Mrs Rosaleen Cosby &
Mr John Crosby
Dr Elliott Davies
Mr Matthew Davis
Mr Samuel Fox
Mrs Nicole Gilbert
Mr David Grace
Mr Steven Hallett
Mrs Bara Harrington
Mr Andrew Ireson
Dr Martin Jeffery
Miss Jayne Johnson
Mr Calvin Linfield
Mr Mark Lowe
Mrs Jolene Martin
Mrs Jennifer Mcloughlin
Mr Peter Owen
Dr Alfred Agyeman
Mr Thomas Allison
Mr Rhodri Armour
Miss Joanna Ball
Miss Charlotte Beckford
Mr James Cole
Miss Rhianne Cox
Mr Lee Davies
Miss Kate Donovan
Mr Chris Gale
Miss Louise Herring &
Mr Michael Wisson
Mr Grant Horn
Mr Neal Howlett
Miss Kate Johnson &
Mr Christopher Campbell
Mr Ben Le Huray
Mr John Leach
Mr Paul Macnamara
Dr Eric Mayes
Good call
Who decides?
wice a year, over 60 students work on what is now
known as the best job on campus – the Alumni
Fund telethon campaign. We speak to around one
in 10 of our alumni each year. We hope that those of you
who had the opportunity to talk to our student callers this
year enjoyed it as much as they did.
This year four scholarship recipients
were selected to work on the telethon
team. Having benefited directly from
your donations, they feel that it’s
important to give something back
– and they’ve done a fantastic job.
Together, our four scholars raised more
money for the Alumni Fund than they
received in their scholarship grants,
ensuring that future students can
continue to benefit from the generosity
of our alumni.
“I’ve loved working on the telethon
because you get to talk to some really
amazing people who can tell you about
their careers and give you advice.
Also, it’s helped me to give back to
the Alumni Fund for the wonderful
scholarship they gave me!”
Sally Phillips
Alumni Fund Scholar
and Telethon Caller
“It is great to hear how alumni on a
similar course to me have got on in
life after university. I further benefit
from this experience as I am a
recipient of the Fund Scholarship.”
Zahir Kasmani
Alumni Fund Scholar
and Telethon Caller
(European Studies &
Modern Languages
We would like to say a very big thank
you to our dedicated and hard-working
student telethon team, without whom
there would be no Alumni Fund.
Senior callers:
Kate Gray, Max Veglio,
Helena Zuppinger
Student callers 2009-10:
Joseph Andrew, Joe Antoniazzi,
Regina Arnold, Deborah Atkins,
Kirsten Cherry, Melissa Colloff,
Michael Cox, Martin Crowe,
Lauren Dennis, Scott Fletcher,
Donald Fraser, Michael Guerreri,
Rory Hawkins, Julia Hill,
Cynthia Jaiyeola, Victoria Jefferies,
Gemma Jenkins, Ben Jones,
Zahir Kasmani, Rebecca Kellagher,
Bethany Kershaw, Simon Kilpin,
Julie Levy-Abegnoli, Suzan Mahmoud,
Carie Martin, Simon McConnell,
Tim Mendelssohn, Janine Morris,
Joe Mummery, Geraldine Munn-Mace,
Tess Newman, Richard Nutter,
Ashley Pearse, Craig Perl, Sally Phillips,
Will Pike, Rob Price, Natalie Price,
Tom Price-Stephens, Nikki Rees,
Ana Reid, Ryan Scoats, Harry Seal,
Robert Skoczylas, Amyce Smith,
Rebecca Steer, Robert Storey,
Rebecca Taffs, Frederick Tasker,
Christina Velikova, Nick Walkden,
Paul Wallace, Sam Warren,
Heather Wilson, Bethany Wong
Student admin staff:
Louise Aiken, Rhodie Campbell,
Ben Luqmani, Lucy Nelson,
Hollie Sands, Nnenna Uzo-Kalu
Donor Report 2010
“I’ve loved working
on the telethon.”
Our corporate benefactors
contribute to the success of the
Alumni Fund through the caller
incentive scheme, donating prizes
and incentives which are awarded
to student telethon fundraisers as
extra rewards for their hard work.
Thank you to:
Bath Compact Discs
Naughty But Nice
San Francisco Fudge Factory
Sixes & Sevens
The Little Theatre
Theatre Royal
Weird Fish
Café Rouge
Good Buy Books Ltd
Mr Simms’ Olde Sweet Shop
Rajpoot Resturant
River Island
Sainsbury’s (Monmouth Street)
Shakeaway Ltd
The Boston Tea Party
Topping and Company Booksellers
Mr Andrew Morgan
Mr Tim Ngai
Mr Vic Nierop-Reading
Mr Rob Palmer
Mr Thomas Pellereau
Miss Eleesha Pentiah
Mr William Price
Mr Leslie Sellick
Mr Gregory Sharp
Mr Simon Snow
Mr Tom Stanley
Five Anonymous Donors
Every year the Annual Fund Panel –
made up of alumni donors, University
staff and student representatives –
evaluates applications for grants from
the Alumni Fund. The Panel helps
to ensure that your gifts are spent
wisely, on projects which best enhance
the student experience and foster
enterprise, innovation and excellence
on campus.
Miss Emma Burton
Mr Mark Chapman
Mrs Pollyanna Checkley
Ms Kim Clitter
Mr Ben Douglas
Mr Mark Harrison
Mr Ian Johnston
Mr David Lee Seifert
Mr Gethin Luke
Miss Karen Markall
Mr David Matthews
Miss Nadja Miles
Mr Tony Navarro
Mrs Patricia Nicholas
Mr Matthew Preston
Mr Ben Sales
Miss Kat Sellar
Mr Mark Skinner
These grants complement, but do not
replace, statutory funding, and are
designed to help as many students as
We are especially grateful to our alumni
donors serving on the Panel, who
say: “We have greatly appreciated
the opportunity to help make possible
so many important projects, on and
off campus. We would like to assure
our fellow donors that we take our
responsibilities of decision-making on
your behalf most seriously, and hope
that you are satisfied with our choices.”
Mrs Elly Williams &
Mrs Meri Williams
Mr Ellis Wilmot
Dr May Yeow
An Anonymous Donor
Mr Noorali Amarsi
Miss Jennifer Bickerton
Dr Frederik Dahlmann &
Miss Sophie Webb
Miss Katherine Hammond
Mr Rich Hay
Mr Jason Hilbourne
Mr Greg Kane
Mr Michael Macdonald
Mrs Victoria Morgan &
Mr Jonathan Morgan
Mr Andrew Parker
Mr Nigel Rix
Miss Frances Rogers
Mr Chris Starling
Mr Christian Sullivan
Miss Claire-Louise Valsler
Mr James Yeomans
Three Anonymous Donors
Mr Alastair Bushby
Mr David Cooper
Miss George Edwards
Mr Harry Ellis
My Alumni Fund Scholarship has helped
me to win a highly competitive placement
opportunity at a top sports school where
I will gain valuable coaching experience.”
Oliver Flatters (Coach Education & Sports
Development 2008-12)
Mr Colin Tame
Mr Malcolm Thorpe
Miss Catherine Todd
Mr Kenichi Tsurumi
Miss Abbie Welsher
Mrs Eleanor Wilkinson
Dr Graham Willis
Mr Michael Wisson &
Miss Louise Herring
Two Anonymous Donors
This year’s alumni Panel members
are Mary Cutbill (BSc Business
Administration 1988), Joy Fraser (BSc
Biological Sciences 1973), David Wing
(BSc Economic 1983) and Steve Wood
(BSc Mathematical Sciences 1972).
We would also like to extend our warm
thanks to Andrew Batterham (MEd
Education 1984), who recently retired
from the Panel through ill-health, for his
sterling service, sound judgement and
unwavering belief in our students.
Mr Edwin Callow
Dr Malcolm Connolly
Mr Russ Dunkin
Mr William Froud
Mr Edward Hammond
Dr Lisa Hampson
Miss Theresa Kweri
Mr William Moulder
Mr Chris Nicoll
Mrs Melissa Sharpe
Mr Alex Syme
Mrs Keiko Takami
Ms Sarah Telford
Mr Vegas White
Miss Vicky Williams
Donor Report 2010
Mr Martyn Essery
Mr Michael P B Free
Miss Laura Hamilton
Mr Richard Howell
Miss Sabah Hussain
Miss Camilla Mathoulin
Miss Abisola Onadeko
Mr Duncan Ray
Miss Leanne Ungaro
Miss Vanessa Wall
Mr Tim Whitehead
Mr Peter Yu
Four Anonymous Donors
Ms Jill Adams
Mr Terry Astridge
Mr Charlie August
Mrs Samantha Aven
Miss Gail Bance
Dr Kieren Boardman
Mr Luke Brodie
Mr Mark Casey
Mr Nicholas Cheek
Mr Dan Clark
Mr Anthony Clegg
Mr Christopher Coltella
“Why I give”
iving to the University of Bath is a choice made by an increasing
number of people. Since it is possible to designate the purpose of
a gift, donors are making a difference to the life and workings of the
University in so many ways. Gifts are made to create scholarships, broaden
our international reach, enrich the student experience and so much more.
Some gifts have been large, some less so, but all donors are united in their
hopes for the University of Bath, its students and its researchers to succeed
and make a difference in the world. Here are some insights from those who
have made gifts this year.
Rewarding excellence,
nurturing potential
Reaching out to the
Tony Hall (BSc Economics 2001) set
up the Victor Hall Scholarship: “This
Scholarship is named after my father
who has taught me so much. I hope
my gift will have a real impact on the
scholars’ lives. I want to allow them to
excel in an educationally stimulating
environment with less financial burden
on their shoulders, something I was
lucky enough to have.”
Brian and Margaret Roper are
Bathonians well known for their
philanthropy and support of local
causes. Brian (Honorary DBA 2009)
was awarded the MBE in 2008 in
recognition of his contribution to
charitable work. Over the years they
have donated over £450,000 to the
University, for a variety of initiatives:
supporting arts programming, sports
coaching in the community and,
most recently, creating the Roper
Scholarship Fund, which will support
100 undergraduate students over the
next six years. This is how they view
their giving:
Nigel Smith (BSc Chemistry 1982)
created the Nigel Smith Accounting &
Finance Scholarship. He says: “While
this gift was not made to the faculty
where I studied at Bath, it is in the field
where I have made my career and
where many Bath students, whatever
their degree disciplines, will do so.
For today’s student, financing a
university education is considerably
more challenging than for my own
generation and I hope that the result
of my gift will be, in a modest way, to
encourage academically able students
to choose to study at Bath.”
“We support the University as it
enables us to have a hugely positive
impact in areas we care deeply about.
“Our gifts have made the wonderful
sports facilities on the University
campus more accessible to the
local community through targeted
programmes aimed at young
people and also, through the Roper
Scholarships, we have been able to
provide help for students facing the
daunting prospect of financing their
Donor Report 2010
“I wanted to
recognise the
excellent foundation
for life that the
University of Bath
provided me.”
“We decided to focus on
postgraduates from Africa who
were interested in developing their
knowledge in the fields of Engineering
and Management – Engineering
because that is my profession, and
Management because I have spent the
last 20 years leading and managing an
international group of companies. I also
believe that the knowledge and skill
sets associated with these two fields
can be of significant help to developing
still studying. Every contribution, no
matter how small, has an impact.
Janine Morris (Management 200913) says: “If I can contribute to the
progression of another’s (and my own)
university experience, I can’t see how
that can be anything but positive.
Being a student, my contribution was
modest but if everyone developed
the attitude of not giving if the gift
wasn’t substantial, it would be almost
impossible to progress and move
things forward.”
“We have been delighted by the choice
of postgraduates to receive the awards
and have enjoyed meeting them on
a number of occasions. We have a
real sense that the money has made
a crucial difference to them gaining
access to the educational opportunities
at Bath.”
Kate Gray (BA International
Management & Modern Languages
2010) says: “So much of the student
experience is supported by alumni
funding and the more supporters we
have, the better the experience will be.
I don’t think enough people realise how
important the Alumni Fund is but I am
proud to give something back.”
Putting Bath on the
world stage
Enhancing the student
Stuart Appleton (BSc Social Sciences
1976) has created the Stuart Appleton
Asia/Pacific Master’s Scholarship.
He says: “I wanted to recognise the
excellent foundation for life that the
University of Bath provided me and to
endow a postgraduate scholarship for
an area of the world that I have both
worked in and enjoyed in my leisure
time. I hope that the Scholarship will
encourage an Asia/Pacific scholar
to realise their full academic and life
Our students pursue a huge array of
activities and opportunities alongside
their studies. Susan Harling (BA
European Studies & Modern
Languages 1990) recognises the
importance of having a broad range
of experiences on offer:
Steve Huckvale (BSc Engineering
1972, PhD Engineering 1979,
Honorary DEng 2007), along with his
wife Carol, established the Huckvale
Scholarships for postgraduates from
developing countries.
Giving to the University of Bath is a
good choice, and we are grateful for
every single gift we receive. Collectively,
we can make a real difference.
Mr Robert Cotta
Miss Penelope Court
Miss Lindsay Dytham
Mr Jonny Elting
Mr Robert Fletcher
Mr Roger France
Dr Alan George
Mr Adam Gibson
Miss Lyn Gimber
Mr Andrew Goodwin
Mr Nick Hall
Mr Alex Jezard
Mr Douglas Johnson
Miss Jeannette Litterick
Mrs Sara Luck
Miss Jinni Lyons
Miss Alfreda Mafe
Mr Prashant Mandalia
Mrs Sarah McCartney
Mr Will Mertens
Mr Darren Morgan
Mr Stuart Nash
Mr John O’Loughlin
Mr Richard Price
Mr Francis Reardon
Mr Stephen Richards
Mrs Cheryl Scott
Mr Simon Scrace
Dr David Smith
Mr Adam Spencer
Miss Ann Stainforth
Miss Catherine Sutton
Miss Catherine Tees
Mr Peter Walker-Smith
Dr Xuecheng Zhang
Thirteen Anonymous
Miss Yasmin Al Rehani
Mr Zaid Al-Chalabi
Mr David Austin
Mr David Board
Mr Andrew Brooks
Miss Manxian Cen
Miss Madeleine Elvin
Miss Sophie Kidson
An increasing number show their
allegiance and gratitude to the
University by donating while they are
Donor Report 2010
Miss Kate Gray
Mr David Howells
Mr Ho Fai Keith Lau
Miss Ashley Pearse
Miss Ana Reid
Miss Rebecca Taffs
Miss Helena Zuppinger
Mr Rory Hawkins
Miss Julia Hill
Miss Ann Howell
Miss Rebecca Kellagher
Miss Tess Newman
“I hope to continue donating after I graduate
as a way of continuing to be part of the
University community.”
Zahir Kasmani (European Studies & Modern
Languages 2008-12)
Mr James Huelin
Mr Christian Kupich
Mr Diego LlorensEchegaray
Mr Stuart Mackenzie
Mr Alex McFarlane-Watts
Miss Inna Moser
Mrs Tiffany Pemberton
An Anonymous Donor
“I know that, whether a student is
academic or sporty, a socialite or a
musician, they will benefit from my gift.
I was in the Music and Opera Group
when I was a Bath student, and think
it’s so important that students have a
range of creative outlets alongside their
Miss Lindi Kleu
Mr Daniel Nightingale
Mr Daniel O’Toole
Mr Alex Pengilly
Mr Evan Roberts
Mrs Denise Tavernor
Mr Andrew Wood
Mrs Diane Yohans
Four Anonymous Donors
Mr Craig Perl
Mr Nick Walkden
Mr Paul Wallace
Mr Sam Warren
Mr Joseph Antoniazzi
Miss Gemma Jenkins
Mr Zahir Kasmani
Miss Carie Martin
Mr Simon McConnell
Mr Tim Mendelssohn
Mr Joe Mummery
Miss Geraldine Munn-Mace
Mr Harry Seal
Mr Max Veglio
Miss Bethany Kershaw
Miss Janine Morris
Mr Richard Nutter
Mr William Pike
Miss Natalie Price
Miss Kirsten Cherry
Mr Martin Crowe
Mr Donald Fraser
Accenture plc
Shane Francis Aherne
AIM Pharmacies
The Annett Charitable
RW Barnes Educational
BG Group plc
The BOC Group
Boots Company
BP Biofuels UK Ltd
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Chemist & Druggist
CoAcS Ltd
Cross Manufacturing
Company Ltd
The James Dyson
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd
Ernst & Young
The Exilarch’s Foundation
The Gerber Foundation
The Walter Guinness
Charitable Trust
The Happold Trust
The Hughes Sport
Ibstock Brick Ltd
IQE plc
ISG InteriorExterior plc
Lawn Tennis Association
The Enid Linder
Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
MedImmune Ltd
The Medlock Charitable
Bath Meles Alumni Boat
Moog International Group
Morgan Stanley
Nationwide Building
Oculus Building
Optimal Performance Ltd
The Esther Parkin Trust
Persides Ltd
Procter & Gamble
Property Solutions Ltd
Reckitt Benckiser
Rolls-Royce plc
Roper Rhodes Ltd
Rotary Club of Bath Trust
Royal Pharmaceutical
Society of Great Britain
The Royal Society
RWE npower
J Sainsbury plc
Schlumberger Stonehouse
Technology Centre
Sir Samuel Scott of Yews
Sense Internet Ltd
Society of Construction
Tesco plc
UBS Investment Bank
UCB Celltech
Vectura Group/
PharmaKodex Ltd
Westinghouse Rail
System Ltd
Windle Trust International
The Wolfson Foundation
Mrs Lola Ade-John
Dr Paulette Ah-Chung &
Mr Linley Ah-Chung
Mrs Danielle Almeida
Mr Paul Angell
Mr Abu Apong &
Mrs Jahrah Apong
Mrs Jacquie Balmer &
Mr James Balmer
Mr Manuel Balsas &
Mrs Carmen Balsas
Mrs J Barrow &
Mr P Barrow
Mr Joseph Begley &
Mrs Ursula Begley
Mrs Gail Bennett
Mr John Berry &
Mrs Gillian Berry
Mr Peter Bewers &
Mrs Anne Bewers
Mr Richard Biedka
Mr Richard Blackwell &
Mrs Emma Blackwell
Dr & Mrs A P Board
Mrs Linda Boudier
Mrs Janice Bramston &
Mr Rodney Bramston
Miss Cordelia Brown
Mr Robert Burns &
Mrs Judith Burns
Dr Hugh Cable
Mr D B Cain
Mr Bob Carnie &
Mrs Jill Carnie
Mr Peter Carruthers &
Mrs Allana Carruthers
Mrs Elaine Chan
Ms Barbara Chaplin
Mr Ian Charman &
Mrs Sharon Charman
Mr Efstratios
Mr Mike Cherry &
Mrs Jacky Cherry
Mdm Tai Chiu Chin
Mr Nicholas Clarke &
Mrs Jane Clarke
Mr Leslie Clitheroe
Mr Dapo Adeleke
Mrs Amanda Colloff
Mrs Alison Conway
Mr Raymond Coop
Mrs Larraine Cox
Mr Philip Dale &
Mrs Sheila Dale
Mrs Merete De ConinckSmith
Mr Graham De Zille
Mr Andy Dean
Mr David Denison
Mr Philip Dennis &
Mrs Patricia Dennis
Mrs A Dickie
Mr Peter Donaghue &
Mrs Jane Donaghue
Mr Malcolm Douglas &
Mrs Chris Douglas
Mr Timothy Drummond &
Mrs Ann Drummond
Mr Neil Dunkin
Mrs Claire Dunn &
Mr Steve Dunn
Mrs Jen Edwards &
Mr Chris Edwards
Mr Stuart Ellison-Smith
Mr Mark Ennis
Ms Angels Estiu &
Mr Leorenç Solé
Mr Keith Evans &
Mrs Clare Evans
Mr Peter Ferguson &
Mrs Lyn Ferguson
Dr Paolo Ferri
Mrs Paola Filosi
Mr George Fleming &
Mrs Lynne Fleming
Mrs Anne Forrest
Mr Martin Gordon &
Ms Jennifer Mountford
Mr Andrew Green
Mr Roland Griffin
Mr David Griffiths
Mrs Eleni Hadjigeorgiou
Mr David Hall &
Mrs Jayne Hall
Mrs Susie Hall &
Mr Pieter Hall
Mr Vincent Harding &
Mrs Helen Harding
Mr Phil Harvey
Mrs Marisa Hazleton
Mr Tony Helliwell
Dr Martin Higgs
Mr L Holeyman
Mr Peter Honey &
Mrs Peta Honey
Ms Tina Hsu
Mr Kenneth Ilott &
Mrs Patricia Ilott
Mrs Ruth Ince &
Mr Richard Ince
Mr M Isaac & Mrs S Isaac
Mr William Jamieson &
Mrs Barbara Jamieson
Mr Jeremy Johnson
Mr Jeff Jones &
Mrs Kathy Jones
Mr Robert Jones &
Mrs Annette Jones
Mrs Megan Jones &
Mr Alun Jones
Mr Nick Jones &
Mrs Judith Jones
Mr Bob Jones
Mrs Carole Kenyon
Mrs Jill Kershaw
Mrs Maggie Kershaw
Mr R King & Mrs J King
Mr & Mrs Kiptily
Mr & Mrs Kolendo
Mr S La Fontaine
Mr JC Lang
Mr Hung Lau
Mrs Shuk Law
Mrs Julie Lawrence
Mr Theo LeprinceRinguet
Mr Michael Lewis &
Mrs Brenda Lewis
Mr Tsu-Keng Lin
Mrs Christine Linehan &
Mr Ian Linehan
Mrs Sheila Livingstone
Mr Francis H C Lo
Mrs Christine Lomas
Mr A C Madeley &
Mrs E A Madeley
Mr R Majer & Mrs A Majer
Mrs Diane Mallinson
Mr Richard Manning &
Mrs Susan Manning
Mr & Mrs Marsh
Mrs Christine Marshall &
Mr R Marshall
Mr Derek Marshall &
Mrs Ann Marshall
Mrs Carol Masters
Mr Sandro Matussi &
Mrs Alessandra Matussi
Mrs Christina McLening
Mr Michael McParland &
Mrs Sally McParland
Mrs Lesley Meakin
Mr & Mrs Mirams
Mr Kenichi Miyashita
Mrs Anne Moodie &
Mr Stuart Moodie
Mr Colin Moore
Mrs Elizabeth Murphy
Ng Kaw Yuk Chun Goretti
Mrs Harshini Nissanga
Mr David Nunn
Mrs Rita Olatunde &
Mr Walter Olatunde
Mrs Linda O’Loughlin &
Mr Paul O’Loughlin
Mr Allen Pang &
Mrs Vivien Pang
Mrs Clare Parker &
Mr Steve Parker
Mr Alun Parry &
Mrs Maria Parry
Mrs Janet Partridge
Mr I Pearson &
Mrs J Pearson
Mr Ross Penstone Smith
& Family
Donor Report 2010
Mrs Yasuko Perry
Mr C Philpott &
Mrs M Philpott
Mr Narayana Pillai
Mr P Portman &
Mrs E Portman
Dr John Prowse
Mr Patrick Ravillard
Mr Paul Richards
Ms P Richardson
Mr Stuart Roberts &
Mrs Paula Roberts
Mr George Roussos &
Mrs Anna Roussos
Ms Florina Rus &
Mr Alexander Erdei
Mrs Maya Seebaluck &
Mr Soobashchand
Mr David Selig
Mr R G G Seneviratne
Mrs Jeanie Shackleford
Mr Ramesh K
Mr George Shaw
Mr Rene Slaats
Mrs Carole Smallwood &
Mr Roger Smallwood
Mr Per Söderberg
Mr D Srifuengfung
Mr Mike Stower &
Mrs Jane Stower
Mrs Alison Suddaby
Mr Andrew Sutherland &
Mrs Sue Sutherland
Mr Ron Taylor &
Mrs Gillian Taylor
Mr & Mrs C P Tellwright
Mrs J E Thackwell
Mr E P Thies
Mr Mike Thomas
Mr & Mrs Tipples
Dr Edward Tobin &
Mrs Jane Tobin
Mr Achilleas Tsangaris &
Mrs Zoe Tsangaris
Mr Dinesh Visavadia &
Mrs Meena Visavadia
Mr X Wang & Mrs Y Hu
Mr & Mrs Wang-Robinson
Mrs Julia Webb
Mrs Suzanne Webber &
Mr Sam Webber
Mr Peter Webster
Mr & Mrs Weir
Mr C Wells & Mrs J Wells
Mrs Kim Westwood
Mr & Mrs J White
Ms Heile Winkler
Ms Myra Wiseman
Mr Geoffrey Wood
Mrs Carolyn Wood
Mr Guy Worsnop
Mr Ioannis Yiannakou
Mrs Venus Yip
Mr J A G Young
Thirty Anonymous
Other Friends
Mrs Linda Alldridge
Mr F Arkell
Mrs Pat Bishop
Mrs Kim Bliss
Mrs Naomi Box
Mr M Breakwell
Mr Michael Dickson CBE
Mr E Ellis & Mrs M Ellis
Mr Richard Elston & Mrs
Paula Elston
Miss Jane Fletcher
Noel & Winnie Gear*
Mr Ian Glover
Mr William Gregory
Mr Simon Hall &
Mrs A Hall
Mrs Barbara Hanbury
Professor Helen Haste
Mr Kevan Horne &
Mr John Wayman
Mr Nigel Howe Fox
Dr Tom Hudson
Miss Hannah Joyce
Dr Genevieve Learmonth
& Prof Ian Learmonth
Mr David Lester-Card
Mrs Jeannie MacGregor
Mrs Alison Mackenzie
Mr Gavin Maggs
Mrs Janet Mahto
Mr J Mansell
Ms Kim McKechnie
Mr John Mills
Mr Tony Mitchard &
Mrs Kathleen Mitchard
Ms Karen Morris
Mr Clive Narrainen
Mr Michael Nash
Miss Philippa Neaverson
Mr Howard Nicholson
Ms Julia Ogonovsky
Professor Mike Owen
Mr Roger Pedder
Miss Molly Porter
Mr John Price
Dr Beatrice PurserHallard
Mrs Yvonne Quayle
Mr Ron Reynolds
Mr Brian Roper &
Mrs Margaret Roper
Mr Johnnie Russell
Mrs Karen Sheppard
Mr Robert Siderfin
Mr Eric Snook
Ms Elena Suryalina
Mr Jeremy Thring DL
Mrs Kathy Tregurtha &
Mr Mark Tregurtha
Lord Tugendhat
Mr Steve Turner
Professor David &
Mrs Marjorie VandeLinde
Professor Frank Wallace*
Ms Victoria Wells
Mr Peter Wyman CBE
Six Anonymous Donors
Thank you
Development and Alumni Relations,
University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1225 386824