A brighter future – thanks to you


A brighter future – thanks to you
A brighter future –
thanks to you
Donor Report 2011
Be in no doubt, your donations are transforming the
University of Bath and the lives of all those who come into
contact with it!
For students, it may be the many scholarship recipients whose lives are
transformed by the additional financial support that enables them to take full
advantage of studying at Bath. Or it may be the thousands of students who
are benefiting from the new Student Centre, from the new library resources
funded by the Parents and Friends Library Enhancement Fund or as a result
of the many Alumni Fund grants to student clubs and societies.
For our academic staff, it’s the range of postgraduate scholarships and
research fellowships funded by philanthropic gifts that are attracting some of
the world’s brightest young researchers to join our leading research teams.
For local schoolchildren and future Olympians who benefit from sports
coaching and access to our truly world-class sporting facilities through
programmes and awards funded by donors, it’s their ambitions that are
being transformed.
I hope you enjoy reading the stories of this transformation in this Donor
Report – it would not be possible without your generous support.
Thank you.
Professor Glynis Breakwell, DL.
On behalf of the entire student body, and the Students’ Union,
I wish to thank each of you for your support this year.
© Theresa Newman
Gifts from alumni and friends of the University impact on the
student experience in many different ways, none of which should be
underestimated. They fund activities ranging from sports clubs to
volunteering to student media, from which students gain opportunities for
development – and a great deal of enjoyment – that would not be possible
without your support.
I am not thanking you just on behalf of current students, as many projects
will benefit Bath students long into the future. For example this year
students have enjoyed using new facilities in a brand new Student Centre –
we are immensely grateful for the many alumni contributions which helped
put the finishing touches to this fantastic facility.
The shape of higher education is changing, but one thing is clear: whatever
form the future takes, the generous donations of alumni have and will
continue to benefit students here. Thank you once again for your generosity.
David Howells
Students’ Union President
Editor: Rachel Skerry Design: Richard Box Photography: Nic Delves-Broughton,
unless otherwise stated, © University of Bath
elcome to the University
of Bath’s Donor Report
for 2010-11.
I am delighted to be able to report
that during the last academic year,
and for the sixth year in a row, the
University’s donor community grew
to record levels with over 2,000
donors and record membership of
the Leadership Giving Circles.
Over £2.7million was raised, which
demonstrates an outstanding level
of generosity from all our donors.
This year has contained many
highlights for me. One of the most
memorable and moving was the
scholarship ceremony at Charter Day
when over 100 scholarship recipients
received their scholarship certificates
in front of a proud audience of their
families, friends and donors who had
helped to fund their awards.
In November this year, after five
years in post, I will be leaving Bath to
become Director of Development at
the University of Melbourne. It was
a very difficult decision to take, but
Bath will always remain ‘my’ university
and I would like to offer my sincerest
thanks to all those whose generosity
has helped to transform the University
and keep it one of the best in the
Thank you.
Siôn Lutley (BSc Economics 1992)
Director of Development
and Alumni Relations
4. The power of a scholarship
Opening doors to opportunity
6. Funding the answers
Gifts to support world-changing research
8. Local philanthropists join
Chancellor’s Roll of Honour
Recognising our valued supporters
10. Leadership giving
Special gifts making a difference
14. Supporting special projects
The Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic
Endowment Fund
18. Enhancing the student experience
Gifts which benefit every student
22. Team work
Our Alumni Fund student callers
24. Facts and statistics
The year in numbers
The power of a scholarship
“Scholarships present opportunities for students who would have otherwise
never had an opportunity to study in a world class university. The philanthropy
of the donors to students they barely know creates a lifelong impact on them
both. My message to them is to continue giving towards this noble cause.
As a beneficiary, my life will never be the same again.”
Susan Mawemuko (MBA 2010), Steve Huckvale Postgraduate Scholar in Management
These words encapsulate the gratitude felt by scholars
across the University. Our alumni and friends support
scholars for many reasons: to commemorate the life of a
loved one, to recognise the opportunities the University
of Bath gave to them, or to support talented students
in a subject area that is close to their hearts. While their
motivations may vary, all our scholarship donors share a
common will: to help others realise their full academic and
life potential.
Susan Mawemuko (MBA 2010) overcame many challenges
to win a scholarship to the University of Bath. She had
a traditional African upbringing and her grandfather was
a village chief. Before starting her MBA, she worked at
Makerere University School of Public Health in Uganda,
pouring her energies into an HIV/AIDS programme. Since
graduating, she has returned to Uganda to share the skills
she has learnt.
Susan’s scholarship was funded by Dr Steve Huckvale (BSc
Engineering 1972, PhD 1979, Honorary DEng 2007) and his
wife Carol. In winning the prestigious global award of MBA
Student of the Year 2010 – the only finalist in the competition
to have studied at a UK business school – Susan displayed
a level of determination and leadership ability which more
than repaid the faith her donors placed in her.
We expect academic excellence from our scholars but
Susan’s success is just one of the many ways our scholars
show that they are worthy beneficiaries of your support.
Having just completed his first year at Bath, Alumni Fund
scholar Tim Quigg (Mechanical Engineering 2010-14) is
another student fulfilling his promise. While still at school in
Belfast, Tim won the Sentinus Young Innovators competition
for his A-level Design & Technology project, winning an
all expenses paid trip to take part in the International
Sustainable World Energy Engineering Environment
Project (I-SWEEEP) Olympiad in Houston, Texas.
Tim then went on to beat more
than 600 other students from
70 countries – winning a gold
award for his device FlashFlood: an innovative piece of
fire-fighting technology. He
also received a $1,000 prize
and a full scholarship to an
American university. Tim is the
only person in the UK to have
ever been awarded such
a high prize at I-SWEEEP.
Tim said: “Being awarded an Alumni Fund scholarship has
enabled me to explore areas of engineering outside my
course and develop my passion for the subject even further.
I have always had a keen interest in how things work, how
they are made and how they can be improved and I can’t
stress enough how much of a difference a scholarship
makes. The money has already been of benefit in subsidising
travel costs for meetings vital for securing a patent for my
latest idea and for books on my reading list. I am honoured
to be able to represent the University of Bath as a scholar.”
Not only do we seek to nurture bright young minds like
Tim’s, we must also attract the best postgraduates to Bath
who can turn their ideas into life-changing applications.
Work from a team of PhD researchers at Bath’s Centre
for Pain Research is already bearing fruit. Team member
Ellen Henderson, who completed her degree at the
National University of Ireland, Galway, received a PhD
Donor Report 2011
“I can’t stress enough
how much of a difference
a scholarship makes”
Studentship funded by the Annett Charitable Trust. Ellen’s studies bring together two
main streams of work in the Centre for Pain Research: understanding young people’s
chronic pain, and the development of novel treatments using computing technology.
Professor Christopher Eccleston, Director of the Centre for Pain Research, said: “We
are especially grateful for the generosity and vision shown by the Annett Charitable
Trust. Studentships such as this are vital to the success of our research as they allow
for innovative projects to be developed alongside our large programmes; they are a
vital investment in the pain research workforce of the future.”
Pre 1966
Mr Terry Bleakman
Mr Patrick Boothroyd
Mr Brian Bowen
Mr Michael Breward
Mr Andrew Burchill
Dr David Bush &
Mrs Maureen Bush
Mr Roger Cole
Ms Nerys Griffiths
Mr David Mico
Dr John Murdoch
Mr Christopher Rayward
Mr James Scott
Dr Ray Ward
Mr Roger Whorrod &
Mrs Sue Whorrod
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Roy Brewster
Mr Graham Butler
Mr Richard Flatman
Mrs Frances Lester
An Anonymous Donor
Dr Robert Anstee
Mr John Bugler
Mr John Curnow
Dr Sylvia Hale
Mr Kenneth Harrison
Mrs Mary James
Mr Derek Keefe
Mrs Carolyn Okell-Jones
Mr Roger Price
Dr Michael Ross
Mr Raymond Villis
Dr Chris Warren
Three Anonymous Donors
Dr Robert Banks
Dr Norman Biddington
Mr David Fletcher
Mr Robin Jamison
Mr Melvyn Newbery
Mr Brian Nichols
Mr Leslie Perrett &
Mrs Mary Perrett
Ms Patricia Two &
Mr Malcolm Two
Mr Roger Winchester
An Anonymous Donor
Each autumn we mark the generosity of our donor community at
Charter Day. We were delighted to welcome over 100 donors and their
guests to the 2010 event where they were given the opportunity to
celebrate the arrival of the University’s new scholars and their parents.
Many scholarships are made possible by gifts to the Alumni Fund,
which each year sets aside a proportion of its income to this area.
An increasing number of named scholarships are donated by alumni
and friends of the University who support one or more students
throughout their degree. The group pictured above is the first cohort
of what will be 100 Roper Scholars.
Mr Les Baker
Mr Mike Collins
Mr John Crookes
Mr John Davies
Mrs Sue Hart
(née Ashton)
Mrs Janet Jenkins
Dr Roderick King
Dr Keith Melford &
Mrs Heather Melford
Mrs Rosemary Milward
Mr David Phillips &
Mrs Heather Waldron
Mr Richard Whitfield
Three Anonymous Donors
Ms June Abbott
Professor Douglas Altman
Mr Clive Barons
Mr Eric Bottomley
Mr Michael Boulton
Mr Mike Carr
Mr Roger Cooke
Mr Bernard Dokelman
Mr Roy Edgar
Mr Roger Elliman
Mr Roger Ellmore
Ms Evelyn Godley
Mr Roy Good
Mr Paul Green
Professor Grant E Hearn
Mrs Pauline Hempsey
Mr James Hillier
Mr Lyndon Hughes
Dr Alan Legge
Mr John May
Dr Stephen Moss
Mr Martin Pobjoy
Dr Steve Richards
Mrs Mary Lou Royle
Mr Chris Salter
Mr Mike Shorten
Mr Ivor Spector
Mr Barry Stote
Mr Ray Weston
Mr Bill Whiteley
Three Anonymous Donors
Mr Phil Chambers
Mr Ian Charles
Mr Colin Dean
Mr Jim Dewar
Mr Timothy Dove
Dr Godfrey Draper
Dr George Dyer
Mr John Frankel
Mr Cyril Golding
Mrs Thelma Hooper
Mr Paul Ketchley
Ms Annette Kilminster
Mr Ian Longworth
Dr Roland Newman
Miss Sarah Palmer
Mr Ken Riley
Mrs Iona Roberts
Mr Adrian Schwalb
Mr Peter Seaborne
Mrs Liz Senior
Mr Bharat Shah
Mrs Mary Sykes
“I wanted to make a contribution, in
these difficult financial times, that would
help aspirational students benefit from
the Bath University experience which
I benefited from.”
Richard Admiraal
(BSc Business Administration 1982)
Donor Report 2011
Funding the answers
ho will find the solutions to generating clean energy?
Who will help people enjoy a better quality of life as they
live longer? Where will the next great breakthrough in
medical science come from, which could save millions of lives?
It’s likely that the answers to all these questions – and more –
will be found by researchers working in a university laboratory.
The University of Bath is leading the way in a number of areas that
could transform the world in which we live. Your gifts to support our
research, and researchers, are crucial to achieving these ambitions –
here are just a few examples.
Generating clean energy
Saving lives through science
Last year the University received its biggest ever gift
from an alumnus. Roger Whorrod (BSc Electrical
Engineering 1965, MSc Electrical Engineering 1970)
and his wife Sue donated £1 million to endow the
Whorrod Chair and fund two new Whorrod Fellowships
at the University’s Centre for Sustainable Chemical
Technologies. We’re delighted to report that their
extraordinary investment is already paying off.
Professor Raymond Schinazi (BSc Chemistry 1972, PhD
Chemistry 1976, Honorary DSc 2006) is one of our most
eminent alumni, whose discoveries in drug formulation
revolutionised the treatment of people with HIV/AIDS.
His generosity is now funding the next generation of
medical science researchers at the University of Bath.
Thanks to their gift the Centre was able to attract
outstanding young researcher Dr Aron Walsh to become
the first Whorrod Fellow. Aron uses computer simulations
to solve chemical problems and understand atomic
reactions, in order to design new classes of material
that offer immense potential for next-generation energy
such as solar cells and high-efficiency lighting.
Aron’s work has been so impressive in his first year that
he has been awarded a prestigious Starting Independent
Researcher Grant from the European Research Council.
These grants aim to support up-and-coming research
leaders working in pioneering frontier science. Aron
will use the €1million grant to expand his research
team and equipment, enabling the Centre to appoint a
further Whorrod Fellow to work alongside them at the
cutting edge of clean energy technology research.
The five-year Schinazi International Exchange Programme
supports faculty and postdoctoral exchanges between Bath
and Emory University in the United States to further research
and education in key areas of scientific excellence.
The Fellowship provides up to $30,000 per Fellow to enable
one or more full-time faculty members to undertake a threeto six-month visit, focused on a specific research project, at
the partner institution.
Current visiting
academic Professor
Lui Marzilli is
identifying new
approaches for
targeting metal
containing agents
that could help the
early detection of
tumours in the body.
Professor Raymond Schinazi (right) with Lui Marzilli
Donor Report 2011
Mr Eric Wallace
Mr Peter Williams
Nine Anonymous Donors
Attracting the finest minds
to Bath
Caring for our ageing
The Royal Society and the Wolfson
Foundation have pooled resources to
attract from abroad, or retain at home,
world-leading researchers. This year
they made a grant of £125,000 to
allow Bath to attract renowned applied
mathematician Professor Paul Milewski
to the Department of Mathematics.
After completing a PhD at MIT and time
spent at Stanford, he worked for several
years at the University of Wisconsin in
one of the United States’ leading maths
Raoul Hughes (BSc Business
Administration 1987) and his wife
Catherine have chosen to fund two
areas of research which address
issues around our ageing population.
A postgraduate research studentship
in the Department for Health will look
at how society can use technology to
enhance the lives of people suffering
from dementia and Alzheimer’s. A
research fellowship within the School of
Management’s Centre for Governance
and Regulation will focus on improving
UK pension reform. Raoul and Catherine
Hughes’ generosity was recognised by
the University this year when they were
welcomed into the Chancellor’s Roll of
Honour (see page 8).
Professor Milewski focuses on problems
involving fluids by using modelling,
computation and asymptotic methods
in wave dynamics. His research,
which can be applied to improving
the accuracy of satellite data, wind
forecasts and wave observation, means
he is able to link mathematical theory
with practical global challenges such as
tackling climate change.
Tackling evolution
and genetics
Dr Jonathan Milner (BSc Applied
Biology 1988) has donated
£100,000 through The
Evolution Education Trust
to fund a four-year
Teaching Evolution
and Genetics
research project
in the Department of Biology &
Biochemistry and the Department of
Education. The project will explore
the under-researched relationship
between the teaching of evolution
and genetics in UK schools and the
impact it has on perceptions of science.
Mr Jim Aldis
Mrs Anne Body
Mrs Ann Boutall
Mr Dave Chapman &
Mrs Elaine Chapman
Mrs Norma Cox &
Mr Christopher Cox
Mr Roger Earl
Mr Ravi Fofaria
Mr Andrew Fraser &
Mrs Joy Fraser
Mr Robert Goodhand
Dr Steve Huckvale
Dr Peter Jackson
Mr Kewal Kathuria &
Miss Hasumati Parekh
Mrs Lyn Kirkbright
Mr Colin Ladd
Mr Len Liechti
Dr Richard Norden
Mr John Palmer
Mr Christopher Rose
Professor Raymond F
Mr Richard Schooley
Dr Neil Starsmore
Mr Mark Tyler
Mrs Emma Wagner
Mr Stuart Warburton
Mr Steve Wood
Seven Anonymous Donors
Mr Pete Bartholomew
Professor Derek Bissell
Mr Peter Carter
Mr Robert Cather &
Mrs Sheila Cather
Dr Peter Channon
Mr Roger Cholmondeley
Mr David Cook
Mr Michael Darby
Mr John Downs
Mr Keith Ebbels
Mr Bob Fisher
Mr Nigel James
Mr Steve Johnson
Miss Hilary Joyce
Mrs Vivienne Kriefman &
Mr Brian Kriefman
Mr Michael Lambert
Mr John Lamble
Mr Jim Mercy
Mr David Merrifield
Dr Richard Palmer
Mr Robert Pardy
Mr Philip Parnell
Mr Ramesh Patel
Mr Redvers Perry
Miss Alison Reed
Mr Henryk Smiga
Mrs Ruth Smith
Mr Tony Stark
Mr John Tucker
Dr Stephen Tullett
Mr Graham Wand
Dr Barrie Wells
Three Anonymous Donors
Mr Terence Armstrong
Mr Peter Boorman
Mr David Brazzington
Dr Paul Chard-Tuckey
Mr Howard Chetwin
Dr Sally Clode
Mr Dave Dean
Mr Nigel Eaton
Mr Martin Ewbank-Smith
Mrs Karen Gill &
Mr Geoffrey Gill
Mr Laurie Goldsmith
Mr Antony Haile
Ms Elizabeth Hollis
Dr Shaun Kennedy
Cllr Olaf Kolassa
Dr Michael Martin
Mr Paul Martin &
Mrs Paula Martin
Dr Alan McCall
Mr Harish Narotham
Mrs Danuta Orsi
Mr Christopher Oziem
Mr Rodney Priest
Mr Robert Rees
Mr Ray Scragg &
Mrs Jill Scragg
Mr Paul Sealey
Mr Chandrakant Shah
Mr Donald Simpson &
Mrs Ruth Simpson
Mr Keith Taylor
Ms Christine Trehane
Ms Marilyn Stoker
Mr John Vince
Mr Andy Watkins
Mr Colin Wesbroom
Mr Michael Williams
Mrs Clancy-Jane
Three Anonymous Donors
Mr Jon Barrick
Mr Peter Bentley
Mr Stephen Bowsher
Mrs Charlotte Burton
Ms Della Cannings
Mrs Hilary Edmondson
Mr Daniel Ee
Mr Ric Ellinger &
Mrs Caroline Ellinger
Mr Richard Ford
Mr Colin Gamble
Mr Doug Hardy
Mr Michael Higgins
Mr John Hutchison
Mr Steve Jackson
Mr Keith Jones
Mrs Angela Kilenyi
Mr Raymond Laidler &
Mrs Joy Laidler
Mr Robin Legg
Mr Louis Livadhiotis
Mr Marc Matza
Dr Christopher Noble
Ms Gill Norriss
Mr Suryakant Patel
Mr Mik Peach
Mr Bob Priddle
Dr Wendy Robertson &
Professor Alastair
Mr Gerry Sansom
Mr Geri Swann-Price
Mr Stephen Wadsworth
Ms Stephanie Watkins
Mr Rees Withers
Mrs Teresa Woodburn
(née Corning)
Seven Anonymous Donors
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mr Allen Aubert
Local philanthropists join
Chancellor’s Roll of Honour
he Chancellor’s Roll of Honour is the highest award for
philanthropy that the University bestows. It recognises
exceptional support to the University and is awarded to
only a handful of our alumni and friends.
As the University’s Chancellor Lord Tugendhat said:
“The Chancellor’s Roll of Honour has been created in order to
honour, acknowledge and recognise the generosity of donors.”
This year Lord Tugendhat welcomed into the Chancellor’s
Roll of Honour two special couples who, between them,
have contributed more than half a million pounds to
scholarships, research, sport and the arts.
Raoul Hughes (BSc Business Administration 1987) and his
wife Catherine made a gift towards research into our ageing
population (see previous page to find out more about their
contribution to these valuable projects).
Well-known local philanthropists Brian and Margaret Roper
were recognised because of their sustained generosity
to the University over a number of years. Brian Roper is
Chairman of Roper Rhodes. In 2008 he was made an MBE
for his charitable services to the community and in 2009 the
University awarded him an honorary degree in recognition
of his business success. His son, Mark, is a graduate of the
University of Bath (BSc Economics & Politics 1988).
“The Chancellor’s Roll of
Honour has been created in
order to honour, acknowledge
and recognise the generosity
of donors.”
Thanks to their kind support I feel I will be able to work to
the best of my ability, without having to worry about some of
the costs associated with university.”
Gifts made by Brian and Margaret have made possible
wide-ranging projects – from the participation of thousands
of schoolchildren in the TeamBath School Club programme
to the University’s community arts initiatives. Last year, they
established the Brian & Margaret Roper Scholarship Fund
to help 100 students from low-income backgrounds study
at Bath who would not otherwise have had the chance to
do so. Thirty-two Roper scholars are already reaping the
benefits and have completed their first year.
Roper Scholar Harish Rama (Aerospace Engineering 201014) said: “I am honoured to be one of the recipients of the
Roper Scholarship. The funds from the award will be spent
on course-related equipment such as books and stationery.
Brian and Margaret Roper pictured with the Chancellor
Donor Report 2011
Rolls of Honour
The Rolls of Honour recognise exceptional
philanthropic support to the University.
The names listed in bold were
welcomed into the Rolls of Honour
this year.
Chancellor’s Roll of Honour
Mr Raoul & Mrs Catherine Hughes
The Medlock Charitable Trust
Mr Brian & Mrs Margaret Roper
Santander Universities
Professor Raymond F. Schinazi
Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Whorrod
The Wolfson Foundation
Vice-Chancellor’s Roll of Honour
The Happold Trust
The Enid Linder Foundation
Dean’s Roll of Honour
Shane Francis Aherne Trust
The Annett Charitable Trust
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mr Michael Dickson CBE
Mr Robert Drew
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd
Mr David Embleton
Dr Michael Froggatt
Mr Tony Hall
Dr Steve & Mrs Carol Huckvale
The Johnsons Group Ltd
Mr Neil McLeish
Moog Inc
Mr Mitch & Mrs Alison Moore
Rolls-Royce plc
Mr Kuldip Salh
Mr Bharat Shah
Mr Jim Sherwin
Mr Constantine Thanassoulas
Professor Wang Wang
Mr Peter Wyman CBE
Mr Steven Bale
Mrs Pamela Bramwell
Mrs Christina Brown
Mrs Deborah Buszard
Mr Nick Carter
Mr Andrew Cavanna &
Mrs Margaret Cavanna
Mr Uttamlal Chouhan
Mrs Lesley Clegg
Mr Peter Dibben
Mrs Beverley Elliott
Mr Timothy Emanuel
Mrs Kathy Farrell
Mr Julian Felstead
Mr Michael J R Free &
Mr Michael P B Free
Mr Colin Gardiner
Dr Ian Grace
Mr Iain Gray
Mr Paul Hamlet
Mr Derek Hatherell
Mr Mark Hawkesworth
Ms Lynn Jeppesen
Mr Graham Joyce
Mrs Patricia King &
Mr Athol King
Mrs Sonia Knight
Mrs Selene Lister
Mr Andrew Lloyd
Dr Glyn Love
Mr Paul Martin &
Mrs Paula Martin
Mr Mike Maynard
Mr James Milburn
Mr David Moore
Mr John Moorley
Mr Paul Morgan
Mrs Patricia Needes
Mr Neil Palfreeman
Mr Nigel Peasley
Mrs Cecilia Port
Mr Geoffrey Porter
Mr Brian Saunders
Dr James Skelding
Mr David Stam &
Dr Christine Stam
Dr Paul Stanley
Mrs Catherine Stoddart
Mr Philip Sugarman
Mr David Taylor
Mrs Margaret Tebbutt &
Mr Malcolm Tebbutt
Mr Humphrey van der
Mr Christopher Warnett
Professor Reza Ziarati
An Anonymous Donor
Mr Nick Algar
Mr Trevor Barker
Mr Christopher Barley
Mr Alan Buckman
Mr Lance Croutear
Mr Jim Edwards
Mr David Elliott
Mr Peter Flower
Mr Christopher Gibbons
Mr Paul Harding
Dr Hylton Hardisty
Dr Kathleen Hill
Mr Ian Hooper
Dr Paul Howey &
Mrs Christiane Howey
Mr Martin King &
Mrs Jane King
Mr Francis Lee
Mr Richard Lowe
Mr Larry Magor
Mr Jonathan Mair
Mrs Hazel Matheson
Professor José Mínguez
Mr Alan Nelson
Mr Stephen Parsons
Mrs Ann Pugh
Mrs Sheila Pulfer
Mr Julian Richardson
Mr Tony Sawyer
Mr Malcolm Smith
Mr Vincent Spring OBE
Dr Robin Swan
Mr Constantine
Ms Cathy Thomas
Mr Fergus Thompson
Mr Andrew Wiggin
Mr George Wlodyka
Mr Jim Wood
Mr Richard Wood
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr John Austin &
Mrs Karen Austin
Mr Pritam Basuita
Mr Geoffrey Baty
Ms Ruth Beddow
Mrs Penny Bigg
Dr John Bond OBE
Mr Michael Burrows
Mr Robert Butler
Ms Sarah Canney
Dr Gilbert Childs
Mr Peter Clegg
Eur Ing Jim Cook
Mr Joe Cowley
Dr Ray Cox
Mr Ian Dodds
Mrs Sue Dunster
Mr Tim Durham
Mrs Barbara Flint
Mr Rob Furber
Mr Sam Giambrone
Mr Mark Holloway &
Mrs Lynda Holloway
Mr Stephen Jones
Mr Martin Jones
Mr William Jones
Mr Gerard Kelly
Mr Nigel Keys
Mr Tony Knight
Dr Junzo Kosugi
Mr Graham Langley
Mr John Monks
Mrs Susan Mulvenna
Mr Ray Neno
Mr Mark Neve
Mrs Ruth Nicholls
Ms Barbara Nunn
Dr Lorraine Parker &
Mr Stephen Parker
Mr Balmukund Patel
Mr David Pearse &
Mrs Sharon Pearse
Dr Bill Rees
Mr Paul Roper
Ms Eve Salomon
Mr Neil Short
“I am very pleased to support students in
cultivating their entrepreneurship talents, as
part of their development and that of the UK.”
Dr Richard Palmer (BSc Applied Biology 1973)
Donor Report 2011
Leadership giving
ost gifts to the University of Bath are from individuals,
whether alumni, parents, staff or friends, and we are
grateful for each and every one. However, for it to continue
to grow and thrive, the University also relies upon philanthropic
gifts from a range of organisations.
The following pages detail the contributions of just a few of our
outstanding supporters, from alumni and friends to charitable trusts
and businesses. Even from this snapshot we hope that it’s clear that
the University has diverse champions and that, collectively, every
donor is helping to make this institution even greater year on year.
Excellence breeds excellence, so to
stand out from the crowd it’s crucial
that the University continues to attract
and retain the very best students
and staff. One of the areas in which
Bath undoubtedly excels is sport.
The University’s Director of Sport,
Stephen Baddeley, said: “Sports
scholarships are an increasingly vital
part of our strategy to attract highly
talented sportsmen and women to the
University where they can realise their
sporting potential while attaining a top
quality degree.”
Bill Whiteley (BSc Economics &
Administration 1970, Honorary DEng
2009) has recognised this need
by giving a substantial gift to fund
scholarships for academically able
students, who also have outstanding
sports potential, to study at the
University of Bath. The Bill Whiteley
Sports Scholarship will be awarded
annually from 2012 to 2017 to an
undergraduate studying in the Faculty
of Engineering & Design, the School of
Management or the Department
of Economics.
Bill said: “It has been a great pleasure
to have seen the University establish
itself as one of the highest ranked
in the country with excellent links to
industry and the public sector. I have
also been impressed and delighted
by the development of its first class
sporting facilities and sporting
A contemporary of Bill’s, Bernard
Dokelman (BSc Economics &
Administration 1970) is a long-time
donor to the Alumni Fund (see page
18). Such is his level of commitment
that he has three times agreed to
match all new donations raised
through our telethon campaigns. This
year alone his generous offer of the
match has encouraged 50 per cent
more people to make their first gift –
a tremendous example of leadership
giving in action.
Mary Cutbill (née Eaton) (BSc
Business Administration 1988) is
another stalwart supporter of the
Alumni Fund, with many students
having benefited from her continued
generosity. Mary’s service on the
Annual Fund Panel has also ensured
that her gifts – along with those from
all other alumni and friends who
Bill Whiteley receiving an honorary degree from the University
Donor Report 2011
“We have a proud tradition
of engineering research and
collaboration with global businesses”
contribute to the Alumni Fund – are
spent on grants which truly enhance the
student experience at Bath. Find out
more about the Annual Fund Panel on
page 21.
in the UK. The University will receive
scholarships from the Foundation for
PhD students to study in the Faculty
of Engineering & Design, worth £25,000
each year for three years.
Bath has always sought to produce
well-rounded and work-ready graduates,
with a spark of flair; increases in tuition
fees make this imperative. Dr Richard
Palmer (BSc Applied Biology 1973)
is helping Bath achieve this by giving
£12,500 to support the Student Start-up
and Proof of Concept award, a fund set
up to encourage a culture of enterprise
among the student community.
With over 30 years’ experience of
Research and Development and senior
management in the pharmaceutical and
biotech industries, Richard has also
pledged his time and expertise to this
initiative as a judge and mentor.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Professor Gary Hawley said: “This is
fantastic news for the University. We
have a proud tradition of engineering
research and collaboration with global
businesses such as Dyson. This will
help create new opportunities for the
engineers of the future.”
At a time when the UK is seeking
a broader base for its economy,
universities are seen increasingly as
drivers of technological innovation
and growth. However this year worldfamous entrepreneur Sir James
Dyson (Honorary DEng 2000) said:
“Studying design and engineering is
costly. But it’s vital. We don’t produce
enough engineers to get the country
out of economic doldrums with new
technology. The challenge is ensuring the
best don’t drop out in favour of banking
That’s why the James Dyson Foundation
has generously set up new James Dyson
Foundation Scholarships to encourage
more young people to study engineering
Donor Report 2011
Mr Peter Simpson
Mr Mark Smith
Ms Deborah Stephens
Mrs Ann Stewart
Mrs Christine Ward
Mrs Wendy Watkins
Mr Patrick Watts
Mr David Wicks
10 Anonymous Donors
Mr David Akester
Dr Colin Aldis
Mr Peter Arnold
Mr Steve Arnold
Mr John Ayres
Mr Alan Baker
Mr Martyn Bale
Mr John Bateman
Mr Jonathan Battershill &
Mrs Theresa Battershill
Mr Neil Burns &
Mrs Susan Burns
Mr Bill Burt
Mrs Helen Campbell
Mr Gary Cartlidge
Mrs Elizabeth
Mr Virasak Chuamanochan
Mr Mike Cornell
Mr James Craw
Mr Gary Delany
Dr Chris Dorling
Dr John Duncan
Mr Ronald Esain
Mr Chris Evans &
Mrs Judy Evans
Mr David Gladwin
Miss Julie Goodwin
Dr Paul Gower
Ms Jacqueline Hannis
Dr Shelley Hinsley
Mr Richard Hughes
Ms Jane Joyner
Mrs Jacinta KeoghBennett
Mr Russell Lane
Mr Derek Light
Mr Oliver Menhinick MBE
Ms Wendy Neath
Mr Mervyn Newton
Mrs Peach O’Gorman
Mr Vipin Patel
Mr Philip Patterson
Mr Phil Perry
Dr Alastair Pringle
Mr Julian Pullen
Mrs Elizabeth RimintonDrury
Dr Joy Rooney Bennett
Ms Ann Ruthven
Mr Philip Sampey
Mr Bob Simpson
Mrs Andrea Sinclair
Ms Mary Spohn
Mr Allen Swift &
Mrs Jacqueline Swift
Dr Derek Tate
Dr Roderick TimbrellWhittle
Mr Jim Waterworth
Three Anonymous Donors
Dr Abdelrahman Ahmed
Mr John Allan
Dr Michael Allen
Dr Andrew Bell
Mrs Jane Boyce
Mrs Fiona Candler
Mr Mark Champion
Mr Bob Clay
Miss Helen Cole
Mrs Patricia Cooper
Mr Nigel Cooper &
Mrs Isobel Cooper
Ms Judith Cope
Mr John Dowden
Mrs Helen Granville
Mr Robert Greenhill
Mrs Isabel Gregg &
Dr Evan Gregg
Mr Simon Hanna &
Mrs Jean Hanna
Dr Ralph Harris
Mrs Monica Hosie
Mr Nicholas Hough
Ms Jane Hough
Professor Geraint Johnes
Mr Cyril Johnson
Mrs Sally Knudson
Mr Peter Lambert
Mrs Elspeth Levitan
Mrs Linda Mason
Mrs Carol McCarthy
Mrs Chandrika Patel
Mr Geoffrey Pye
Mr Alan Ross
Mr Kuldip Salh
Dr Graeme Scott
Mr Philip Smith
Miss Valerie Smith
Mrs Valerie Snell
Mr Adrian Sparks &
Mrs Marion Sparks
Dr Wilkinson Thomas
Mr Pete Underwood
Dr Clare Whitehead
Mr Philip Williams
Four Anonymous Donors
Mr Barry Arnold
Mr Christopher Bell
Mr Ian Bickerton
Mr Jonathan Billinger
Mr John Binns
Mr Brian Bond
Mr Chas Boys
Mr Peter Burks
Mr Bill Carlyle
Mr Andy Coles
Ms Susan Cox
Ms Elaine Dale
Mr Andy Dixon &
Ms Julia Samulak
Dr David Dowling
Mr John Ely
Dr Robert Grattan
Mr Timothy Griffin
Mr David Hempstead
Mr Steven Hickingbottom
Mr Dave Howard
Mrs Karen Leach
Dr David Legan
Dr Brian Lipscombe
Ms Jane McCluskey
Ms Anna McQuaid
Mr Alan Millichamp
Mr Tony Mills
Mrs Janice Nichols
Mr Anthony Owen
Mr Stephen Perkins
Mrs Linda Rawlings
Mr Paul Salmon
Mr David Samuel
Mr Jonathan Skofic
Mr Martin Tupper &
Mrs Audrey Tupper
Mr David Verney
Leadership giving
Leadership Giving Circles
The Minerva Circle
Shane Francis Aherne Trust
The Annett Charitable Trust
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mr Mike Ashworth
Mr John Cotton
Mrs Mary Cutbill
Mr Bernard Dokelman
The James Dyson Foundation
The Evolution Education Trust
The Exilarch’s Foundation
Dr Michael Froggatt
The Gerber Foundation
Dr Steve & Mrs Carol Huckvale
Mr Raoul & Mrs Catherine
Lawn Tennis Association
Mr Colin Le Duc
The Leverhulme Trust
The Enid Linder Foundation
The Medlock Charitable Trust
Moog Inc
Mr Mitch & Mrs Alison Moore
Optimal Performance Ltd
Mr Kevin O’Sullivan OBE
Dr Richard Palmer
Rolls-Royce plc
Mr Brian & Mrs Margaret Roper
Roper Rhodes Ltd
The Royal Society
Mr Kuldip Salh
Santander Universities
Professor Raymond F. Schinazi
Mr Bharat Shah
Mrs Hiroko & Mr Jim Sherwin
Mr Bill Whiteley
Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Whorrod
Windle Trust International
The Wolfson Foundation
Mr Peter Wyman CBE
Two anonymous donors
The Sulis Circle
Mr Richard Admiraal
Mr Chris Allen
Mr Darryl Ashing
Mr David Atterbury
RW Barnes Educational Fund
Mr Nick Berry
Mr Steven Bird
Mr Dominic Brennan
Mr Stephen Carter
Mr Bob Clay
Professor Peter Clegg
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd
Mr Jim Edwards
Mr Jon Lee & Ms Sharon Flood
Mr Fernando Flores-New
The Happold Trust
Dr Hylton Hardisty
Mr Mark Hawkesworth
Mr Kevan Horne & Mr John Wayman
Mr Nick Hynes
Ibstock Brick Ltd
Dr Nicky Kemp
Mr Siôn Lutley
Mr John May
Mr Andrew McIntyre
Mr Neil McLeish
Mr James Mendelssohn
Mrs Kathleen & Mr Tony Mitchard
Dr John Murdoch
Dr Brian Nicholson
Mr Howard Nicholson
Oculus Building Consultancy
Mr Richard Roberts
RWE npower
Schlumberger Stonehouse
Technology Centre
Mr Philip Shaw
Mr James Simpson
Professor Anthony Smith
Mr Nigel Smith
Mr David & Dr Christine Stam
Ted Baker Ltd
Mr Constantine Thanassoulas
Mr Jeremy Thring DL
Dr Roderick Timbrell-Whittle
Mr Peter Troughton
Lord Tugendhat
Mr Stephen J Vakil
Mr Humphrey van der Klugt
Mr Eric Wallace
Mr Tom Wang
Mr Alastair & Mrs Nathalie Watson
Mrs Elly Williams & Mrs Meri Williams
Mr David Wing
Mr George Wlodyka
Mr Nick Wood
Mr Richard Wood
Four anonymous donors
Donor Report 2011
While the University is grateful for
every gift it receives, some gifts have a
greater than usual impact. They create
opportunities for students and staff
across the University to pursue the
most innovative research and enterprise
initiatives, demonstrating leadership on
the part of the donor and a willingness
to invest in our aims and ambitions.
To recognise this level of impact we have
created the Leadership Giving Circles
(see left) to thank and celebrate those
who have donated £1,000 (Sulis) or £5,000
(Minerva) or more in the financial year.
hanks in part to our student
placement scheme, the University has
unrivalled corporate contacts, which
many companies have developed into a
philanthropic relationship. The business world
now supports the University’s endeavours by
contributing to scholarships, bursaries, prizes
and much more.
Santander Bank is a long-standing supporter
of universities worldwide through its
Santander Universities network, of which
Bath was one of the first UK members. This
year the University of Bath and Santander
Universities entered another three-year
partnership with an accompanying gift to
support students from all over the world.
The Santander Universities network facilitates
a wide range of innovative academic projects.
Bath will use its gift for undergraduate
and postgraduate scholarships, travel,
entrepreneurship and volunteer awards,
academic exchanges, prizes in Arts and
Media and developing Bath’s Iberamerican
Film Bank.
Dr Ian Whiting
Mr Brian Williams
Mr Neil Wrigglesworth
Dr Wendy Young Craig
Three Anonymous Donors
Luis Juste, Director Santander
Universities UK, said: “We are
delighted to have such a longlasting partnership with one of the
top universities in the country. Bath
believed in Santander Universities
from the start of our activity in the UK
and this year, to express our gratitude
for this support, we have increased
our donation.”
Many businesses donate prizes to
recognise undergraduate achievement
and reward excellence, including a
number of regional companies, some of
which have strong personal ties with the
BDP, one of the foremost
interdisciplinary practices of architects,
designers, engineers and urbanists
in Europe, is supporting a prize for
the Department of Architecture & Civil
Engineering. The prize honours a former
director and chairman of BDP, and
Bath alumnus, Nick Terry (BSc General
Architectural Studies 1970, BArch
1973) who died in 2008. The Nick Terry
Urban Design Prize is presented for the
best final year project by an Architecture
For the last four years Bath software
engineering company picoChip has
donated a prize for the best final year
Electronics project from a student
in the Department of Electronic &
Electrical Engineering. picoChip has
also generously funded a PhD research
studentship for the last three years.
The recipient is Nathan Dumont (MEng
Electronics with Space Science &
Technology 2009) a former Hertzian
Fund undergraduate scholar, which
proves yet again that Bath can attract
and reward outstanding talent.
Nathan Dumont
(MEng Electronics
with Space Science &
Technology 2009)
The co-founders of picoChip were Bath
alumni Dr Doug Pulley (BSc Electrical
Engineering 1989, PhD 1993), now
the company’s Chief Technical Officer,
and Pete Claydon (BSc Electronic &
Electrical Engineering 1984) who is
currently VP of Marketing & Sales at
Deltenna Ltd. Both are strong and long
term supporters of the University.
Bath-based Oculus Building
Consultancy has a long-standing
relationship with the University. Its
Managing Director Peter Norris lectures
on fire safety and Building Regulations
to our architecture students. The
consultancy currently supports three
Academic Prizes for outstanding
achievement by Architecture and
Design students.
Prizes are not the only way that
companies – both local and global –
support the University. For a number
of years leading brick manufacturer
Ibstock Brick has funded a range of
activities that benefit our architecture
students, including supporting
an international study tour. And
Rolls-Royce, which offers valuable
placements to Bath students every
year, continues to support our Big Bang
outreach programme to encourage
local school pupils to consider degrees
in science, technology, engineering and
Donor Report 2011
Mr Richard Admiraal
Mr Stephen Ballinger
Mrs Karen Beales
Mrs Anne Benham
Mr Andrew Bird
Ms Charmian Boyd
Miss Diane Bray
Mr Stephen Budd
Professor Roberto
Desimone &
Mrs Alison Desimone
Mr Elton D’Souza
Mr Peter Dyce
Mr Jeremy Eastaugh
Mr Anthony Farrant
Mr David Gillard
Mrs Mary Inch
Mr Ian Jenkins &
Mrs Celia Jenkins
Mr Christopher Jones
Mrs Susan McLeod
Ms Jill McQueen
Mr Matt Mills &
Mrs Susan Mills
Mr Simon Nobbs
Ms Judith Pamely
Mrs Jane Roberts &
Mr Michael Roberts
Mr Adrian Seager
Mr Mike Smith
Mr Nigel Smith
Mr Robert Smith
Mrs Sarah Smith
Mr James Spencer
Mrs Wendy Sweet
Ms Sandra Talbot
Mr Andrew Talkowski
Mrs Julie Thomas &
Mr Richard Thomas
Mr John Tranter &
Mrs Carin Tranter
Mr Alan Truesdale
Mrs Elaine Ward
Ms Gillian Wheatley
Mr Michael Whiteside
10 Anonymous Donors
Mr Rodger Andrews
Mrs Anne Ayres
Mr David Baker
Mr Nick Berry
Mrs Anna Chan
Dr Simon Chandler
Mrs Trudi Chatwin &
Mr Richard Chatwin
Mrs Celia Comber &
Mr Alan Comber
Mrs Catherine Crowley
Mr Tim Curtis
Miss Jenny Davie
Miss Janet Flint
Dr David Hicks
Miss Amanda Jones
Mrs Janet Kearns
Dr Nicky Kemp
Mrs Joanna Khan
Mr Steve Larter
Mr Malcolm McGreevy
Dr Bernard Millard
Dr Ann Mills-Duggan
Mrs Alyson Moss
Mrs Nicola Needham
Dr Julie Overthrow
Mr Brian Perfect
Mr Laurie Powell
Dr Ann Pullen
Mr Philip Shaw
Professor Anthony Smith
Mr Michael Thompson &
Mrs Susan Thompson
Mr Stephen J Vakil
Mr David Vigar
Dr Joseph Wang
Mr Nicholas Whiting
Mr Jon Wickham &
Mrs Karen Wickham
Mr Hamish Wilkie
Mr David Wing
Six Anonymous Donors
Mrs Anna Alborough
Mr Russell Anderson
Mr Roland Asbridge
Mr Simon Baker
Mrs Tamara Bennett
Mr Anthony Berelson
Mr Nigel Cameron
Mr Pete Claydon
Mr Trevor Davies &
Mrs Susan Davies
Mrs Alison Durbin &
Mr Ian Durbin
Mr Andy Gilson &
Mrs Cathy Gilson
Ms Sarah Grover
Dr David Harris
Mr Kenneth Hollingworth
Mr Clive Hornett
Mr Michael Johnson
Mr Andrew Knipe
Dr Jonathan Lacy &
Mrs Helen Lacy
Mr Richard Laurence
Mr Floyd Lazare
Dr Andrew Nesbitt &
Mrs Sarah Nesbitt
Mr Philip Ockwell
Mr David Ovenden
Mr Graham Pickup
Mr Neil Rampton
Mr Stephen Roberts
Mr Andrew Sayer
Mr Mohammad Shahid
Mrs Jane Simpson
Mr Peter Speller
Prof. Koen Steemers &
Prof. Jeanette Steemers
Mr Ian Tew
Mr Hubert Velge
Mr Jonathan Whitaker
Mr Jim Whitehouse
Dr Kevin Williams
Mr Stephen Woolven
Five Anonymous Donors
“A scholarship is not just money, it’s a gift
of possibilities.”
Chris Buckle (MEng Architecture & Civil
Engineering 2011), Jeremy Fry Memorial
Engineering Scholar
Supporting special projects
he Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Endowment Fund was
established last year to support special University projects
as the need arises. The income from the invested capital
gives the Vice-Chancellor the flexibility to pump-prime, bridge
fund, or champion initiatives of strategic importance.
Bath was not founded with the endowment of some of our
competitors, but this Fund, set to grow and to provide an
income in perpetuity, will allow us both to invest strategically
and respond flexibly in the challenging years ahead.
The Fund was set up thanks to a generous gift from a key figure in the building of the University of Bath.
Dr James Nisbet (Honorary DSc 1985) was born in
Glasgow in 1920, and following five years commissioned
service in the Royal Engineers, qualified as a Chartered
Quantity Surveyor in 1948. Following a career in a
succession of public service posts, in 1964 he established
James Nisbet and Partners in London and branch offices
soon followed, one of which was located in Bath.
At this time the embryonic University had been granted the
lease of land on Claverton Down and thus Nisbet became
involved with the construction of the first of the University’s
buildings, the South Building, in 1965.
For the next 20 years he served as Quantity Surveyor for all
the University’s major construction work. His reputation as a
contributor to professional journals and as a speaker brought
him worldwide recognition during his later life. In recognition
of his achievements, the University awarded him an honorary
Doctor of Science degree.
When Nisbet died in 2009, aged 89, he left to the University
one third of the residue of his estate – over £1.3 million –
along with his collection of books on architecture, building
and quantity surveying, and building industry reports,
which were given to the library.
Nisbet’s tremendous act
of generosity has helped
the University to plan for
a successful future; it is
fitting that his legacy will
ensure that this institution
– central to his career
for so many years – will
flourish in the years
to come.
James Nisbet
(second left) at the
formal signing of the
building contract for
the first building on
the Claverton Down
campus in 1964.
Donor Report 2011
The Vice Chancellor’s Strategic Endowment Fund has supported a range of
projects to date, highlighted below. Most recently, it has provided a first for
the University: a full scholarship for an MSc student from Afghanistan –
we will bring you more details in next year’s Donor Report.
Attracting global talent
The Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Endowment Fund
is promoting a successful exchange programme
for high-flying pharmacy students from China.
Last year four undergraduate research
scholarships were awarded to Shandong
University pharmacy students who spent six
weeks at Bath. The scheme was so successful
that the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Endowment
Fund has given £10,000 in order for it to continue.
The project benefits the University in a number of ways, reinforcing a connection
between two outstanding pharmacy departments, helping us to recruit future
postgraduate students, as well as enhancing the possibilities for exciting research
collaborations between the two universities.
Putting research in the picture
It’s crucial that we communicate the breakthroughs
made by our researchers to the widest possible
audience. The 2011 Images of Research exhibition,
funded with £2,500 from the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Endowment Fund, aims
to do just that. The project makes it easier for the general public to appreciate
the breadth of our researchers’ interests through a photography competition and
exhibition that captures their work in a single frame.
A photo by PhD student Jonathan Bawcombe
(MEng Architecture & Civil Engineering 2007) won
the overall competition. He said: “I think that many
people don’t realise the huge range of research that
is undertaken at the University and the important role
that the findings from it can have in society. Events
such as this are a great way for the University to
show off the work it does and are also good practice
for researchers in identifying the impact they have.”
Donor Report 2011
Mr Chris Allen
Ms Teresa Baker
Mr Paul Baxter
Mr Ian Bloxham
Dr Stephen Bryant
Mr David Casale &
Mrs Sally Casale
Mrs Ruth Chapman
Mr Peter Cockle
Mr Peter Davies
Ms Vanessa Dennis
Dr Paddy Douglas
Mr Richard Edwards
Mr Maher Fauz
Mrs Sara Fellows
Mr Chris Glass
Mr Richard Grainger
Mr Stephen Harris
Dr Gary Hawkins
Mr Paul Hazlehurst
Mr Graham Hillier
Mrs Rebecca Hiorns
Mr Philip Hutson
Ms Nerys Jones
Dr Peter Keevill &
Mrs Sharon Keevill
Mrs Alison Ledward
Dr Paul Marshall
Mr Douglas McFarland
Mr John Molloy
Mr Mitch Moore &
Mrs Alison Moore
Mr Tony Powell
Mrs Elizabeth Rodwell &
Mr Paul Rodwell
Mr Nigel Rowe
Mrs Suzanne Salsbury
Miss Amanda Shoebridge
Dr Tanya Stagg
Mr Adrian Summerfield
Mr Mark Sunderland
Mr Gino Viviani
Mr Richard White
Mr David Woollatt
Mr Mark Wright
Five Anonymous Donors
Ms Caterina Alari
Mr Mike Ashworth
Mrs Anna Batchelor
Mrs Vanessa Baxter
Ms Sarah Beynon
Dr Rosemary Bryson
Mrs Judy Busby
Mr Stephen Calder-Smith
Mr Stephen Childs
Mr James Davies
Ms Clare Deering
Dr Carl Dolman
Mr David Edwards
Ms Caroline Frank
Dr Richard Harris
Mr Geoffrey Hill
Mr Dominic Horne
Mr David Johnson
Mrs Jane Jones
Mr Peter Keemer
Mr Nigel Kew
Mr Colin Mells
Mr Euripides Ornitharis &
Mrs Anthi Ornithari
Mr Richard Pelling
Mrs Justina Pepper
Mr Christopher Selwyn &
Mrs Brenda Selwyn
Mr Stephen Westwood
Mrs Jackie Wilkinson
Four Anonymous Donors
Mr Darryl Ashing
Mrs Penny Baillie
Mrs Ruth Barrett
Mr Stuart Bird &
Mrs Katherine Bird
Mr Matthew Brearley
Mr Shaun Brierley
Mr Christopher Bright &
Mrs Fiona Bright
Dr Jeremy Bright &
Mrs Ruth Bright
Mr Philip Butson
Mr Christopher Carter
Ms Irene Chapman
Mr Behari Chhibber
Mr Howard Cooper
Mr Gary Davis
Mrs Teresa Down &
Mr Timothy Down
Mr Mike Ellis
Mr David Evans
Mrs Viviane Fingerhut
Mrs Katherine Glass
Miss Heather Goodenough
Mr Timothy Hall
Mr Jules Higman
Dr Frank Hope
Mr Raoul Hughes &
Mrs Catherine Hughes
Ms Ifeyinwa Jibunoh &
Dr Mark Poulter
Mr Andrew Johnson &
Mrs Cindy Johnson
Mrs Lindsay Lister
Ms Alison Malfatto
Mrs Helen Mitchell
Mr Paul Morrison
Mr Alexander Moss
Mrs Anna Padget
Mr Geoffrey Palmer
Ms Jacqueline Pooley
Mr Andrew Skinner
Mr Derek Stenner
Mr Kevin Stockbridge
Mr Andrew Strong
Mr Roger Tweedale
Mr Martin Wiles
Dr Paul Yates &
Ms Sara Yates
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Andrew Bickley
Mr Simon Blackmore &
Dr Karen Blackmore
Dr Stephen Bleay
Mr Derek Brewer
Ms Moira Brophy
Mrs Bethan Buckley &
Mr John Buckley
Dr Paul Bury
Mr See Hung Chan
Mr Jeremy Collins
Mr Steve Cooper &
Ms Nicola Cooper
Mrs Joy Craine
Mrs Mary Cutbill
Mr Roger Duthie
Mr Martin Elton &
Miss Erica Stenfalt
Mr Jon Lee &
Ms Sharon Flood
Mr Matthew Gott
Dr Suzanne Graham
Mrs Judith Hall
Mrs Helen Harvey
Mr Jeremy Hayward
Mr Andrew Hockley &
Mrs Christine Hockley
A sporting legacy
Alumnus and Football Blue
Jeff Trendell (BSc Economics &
Administration 1970) died in 2009,
leaving £25,000 to the University
in his Will.
The Jeff Trendell Sports Scholarships,
set up in 2010 thanks to Jeff’s
legacy, enable us to attract students
who combine both bright academic
prospects and a sporting future of
tremendous promise.
The first group of scholars who started
at Bath in October 2010 are all
achieving great things, and recognise
the difference that their scholarship
is making to their performance. We
look forward to charting their progress
through University.
Netball player Scarlett Williams
(Coach Education & Sports
Development 2010-14) said in a letter
to Jeff’s family:
“Thank you so much for your generous
scholarship donation. The money has
been a huge help in helping me carry
out both my academic studies and my
intense sporting commitments. Behind
every successful athlete there are
people like you who support and help
people my age through their sporting
and academic careers. Without this
support many would not be able to
achieve the great things they do.”
We know that the Trendell family is
as proud of the achievements of our
scholars as the University is, which
The Jeff Trendell Scholars
Donor Report 2011
is why they have generously agreed
to continue funding the scholarship
programme in the years to come.
We would like to thank them for their
The 1966 Society
The University established the
1966 Society to recognise and
thank those who pledge
a legacy.
Mr Stuart Appleton
Mrs Sarah Bevan
Mr Alan Bowsher
Dr Jayne Carrington
Mr Dave & Mrs Elaine Chapman
Professor Richard Conder
Mr Michael Cornell
Ms Rosemary Davies
Mr Bernard Dokelman
Mr Peter Dyce
Mr Phillips Ehizojie
Mr Fernando Flores-New
Mr Timothy Ford
Mr Laurie Goldsmith
Mr Robert Goodhand
Mr Richard Hall
Dr Hylton Hardisty
Mr Tony Kerpel MBE
Miss Tina Kokkinos
Dr Richard Mawditt OBE
Ms Barbara Nunn
Mr Leslie & Mrs Mary Perrett
Mr Jim Sherwin
Mr Greg Slay
Miss Valerie Smith
Mrs Elizabeth Southwood
Lord Tugendhat
Ms Dorothy Walters-Godfree
Miss Liz Warren
Two anonymous donors
Equipped for success
Our library is at the heart of our campus, and it’s central to the lives of our students
as well. A hub of activity throughout the year, the building gets particularly busy
around exam time when a quiet seat becomes the most coveted on campus!
The library truly depends upon our donors – hundreds of alumni, parents of students,
and other supporters – who contribute towards the Parents and Friends Library
Enhancement Fund.
Giving students the right tools to support their study has an immeasurable impact on
their success. Your continued support – the Fund received nearly £15,000 in this year
alone – allows the University to extend the range of text books and reference works
available beyond the core curriculum, and also subscribe to online and electronic
academic resources to support the all-important ‘reading around the subject’.
Improving the quality of resources available in the University’s library is a long-term
goal and donations to the Fund offer long-term payback. That’s why many donors
choose to personalise their gift with a book plate to recognise this
lasting importance.
University Librarian Howard Nicholson said:
“Contrary to media reports, the printed book is
not dead and our students still borrow on average
more than one book a week each, many supported
by your generous donations. With the average
price of a printed academic book now around
£50, the purchases supported by this appeal are
increasingly vital in all subjects. Thank you.”
Ms Jane Horrex
Mr Stuart Long OBE
Mrs Claire Makin
Dr Ian Marshall
Mr Graham Massey &
Mrs Sian Massey
Mrs Janet McCulloch
Mrs Mary-Lou Minards
Mr Gavin Munnery &
Mrs Catriona Munnery
Mrs Jane Neal
Mr Thorsten Orr
Mr Paul O’Sullivan
Mr Keith Page
Mr Guy Partridge
Mr Dharmesh Patel
Mr Ian Salusbury
Mr Martin Shirley
Mr Keith Talbot
Professor Alex Torpiano
Mr Angus Ward
Mr David Webb
Mr Stephen Williams
Dr Gethin Williams
Mr Nick Wood
Mr David Young
Nine Anonymous Donors
Mr Simon Bath
Mr Andy Bell
Mrs Emma Clark
Mr Nick Cognevich
Mr David Dalton
Mr Mark Davies
Miss Lynne Dawson
Mr James Duthie
Mr Julian Foster
Mr Robert Garratt
Dr Caroline Gilby
Mrs Olga Gomez-Cash
Mr Richard Graham
Mr David Grant
Mr Christopher Lamb
Mr Percy Lea
Mr Robert Linnegar
Mrs Sue McKendrick
Mr James Nickolls
Mr Kevin O’Donnell
Dr John Ould
Mr Michael Peddell
Mrs Juliet Raynes
Mr Terry Read
Mr Andrew Robertson
Dr Katherine Ruffle &
Mr Stuart Ruffle
Mrs Andrea Samuelson
Mrs Sarah Southwell
Mr Simon Stevens
Mr Mark Stowe
Mr Nigel Taylor
Mr Carlos Tracey-Aguera
Mr Paul Vosper
Dr Paula Waters
Ms Sarah Wells
Mr Bruce Whitehorn
Mr Andrew Williams
Mr Neil Wood
Eight Anonymous Donors
Mr Gordon Anderson
Dr Niall Bowen
Mrs Sarah Brennan
Mr Gavin Busuttil-Reynaud
Mr Adam Carswell
Mr Fernando Flores-New
Professor Julien Forder
Mr Adrian Gregory
Mr Andrew Harding
Mrs Sue Harling
Mr Nicholas Herrod-Taylor
Mr Todd Howell
Dr Gerald Hunt
Mr Shailesh Katira
Mr Tim Lee
Mrs Stella Mourouzidou
Mr Andrew Mueller
Dr Olamide Odusote
Mr Gable Pang
Dr Simon Phillips
Mr Michael Pritchard
Mrs Anne Renders
Mr Stephen Richards
Dr Steve Searle
Mr Roger Smith
Mrs Caroline Starkey
Miss Sarah Jane Stephens
Mrs Tamsin Tinsley
Mr Tom Wang
Mr Alan Wilson
Mr Niall Woodhead
Five Anonymous Donors
Dr Sue Baigent-Francis
Dr Vivienne Beckett
Dr Carol Box
Mrs Christine Brown
Mr Ian Clegg
Mrs Christine Davis
Mr Christopher Farrugia
Mr Limor Feingold &
Mrs Charlotte Feingold
Mr Nick Hynes
Mr Ravi Kalavakunta
Miss Tina Kokkinos
Mrs Sarah Lawrence
Mrs Meg Longman
Mr Neil McLeish
Mr Robert Mead
Ms Isobel Michael
Mr Robert O’Leary
Dr Jane O’Rourke
Dr Mesh Patel
Dr Clare Perkins
Mrs Judith Phillips
Mrs Rachel Phillips
Mr Leif Puddefoot
Mrs Alison Roberts
Mrs Julia Sherwen
Mr Adrian Stead
Mrs Susan Stone
Dr Richard Stratford
Dr Rebecca Stratling
Mr Aria Taheri
Mr Alastair Watson &
Mrs Nathalie Watson
Mr Adam Wickenden
“Thanks to the Alumni Fund, students have
access to sound equipment that is used in
big name studios and live concerts across
the globe.”
Stephen Baldwin (MPhys Physics 2011), Bath
University Music Production Society (BUMPS)
Donor Report 2011
Enhancing the student experience
ecognising that the best experiences are often forged
beyond the library, lab or lecture hall, the Alumni Fund
helps students benefit from everything that a Bath
education has to offer. It provides much-needed equipment
for our flourishing sports clubs and student societies, and
increasingly supports out-of-hours academic pursuits too.
The goal is to give students the competitive edge they
need when entering employment as well as unforgettable
experiences along the way.
Each year the Alumni Fund supports more projects,
clubs and societies than we are able to list in this report
– here are just a few examples.
Bigger, brighter, better
Last year the Alumni Fund awarded its largest ever grant
of over £100,000 to the Students’ Union to help fit out the
Centre with audio-visual equipment and new furniture. This
grant was supplemented by generous individual donations
from alumni, which have made the building a fantastic space
for our students, now and into the future.
Climb every mountain
The University’s Mountaineering Club received a grant for
winter safety equipment and tents, enabling them to run an
introduction to winter mountaineering course in Lochaber,
Scotland, between semesters. As new members often don’t
own tents that can cope with harsh mountain conditions, the
tents have given opportunities for new members to walk on
the wild side!
There isn’t a student at Bath, past or present, who hasn’t
benefited in some way from the Students’ Union. It’s a
central resource for all clubs, societies and student activities,
providing both social space and welfare support for our
The £5.5 million Student Centre, designed by Bath graduate
Andy Battle (BEng Architecture 2005, MArch 2007, PG Cert
2009) and opened in October 2010, is the hub for student
life on campus. With 50 per cent more space than before,
the Students’ Union is now much better placed to address
current students’ needs, with group study areas and a fully
integrated advice and services centre.
New member Caitlin Rice
(MSc Physics 2011) said:
“The use of the club’s
crampons and ice axes
allowed me to go on my
first winter trip, without
needing to spend a lot
of money. I enjoyed it
so much and learned
so much that I am now
considering investing in
my own winter gear.”
Donor Report 2011
Dr Christopher Williams
Seven Anonymous Donors
Collision course
Pole position
An Alumni Fund grant awarded to the
Motorsports Club helped propel the
team to their most successful year ever,
culminating in the ‘A’ team beating 30
other universities to the title of British
Universities Karting Champions.
The Alumni Fund gave a travel subsidy
to more than 40 members of the
Physics Society (PhySoc) to visit the
particle accelerator, or Large Hadron
Collider, at CERN (the European
Organisation for Nuclear Research)
in Geneva. Students were given the
chance to look around the site hosting
some of the world’s most advanced
technology. PhySoc Chair Stoyan
Trilov (Physics 2008-12) said: “The
society committee and members are
very grateful for the funding generously
provided by the Alumni Fund.”
Bowled over
Alumni Fund support helped the
Cricket Club purchase a new bowling
machine and coaching equipment. Club
members said: “These coaching aids
have hugely improved the quality of
training and had a positive impact on
results, with all teams placed near the
top of their respective
leagues. We would
like to thank alumni
wholeheartedly for
their support.”
The funds allowed the team to purchase
new race kit to the latest safety
standards. The new suits, helmets and
gloves are not only lighter, improving kart
acceleration and handling, but also more
comfortable, aiding concentrating and
therefore enhancing performance in long
endurance races.
Making an
2010 was a year
when students hit the
headlines. Thanks
to new dictaphones
provided by an
Alumni Fund grant,
Bath student newspaper Impact was
able to put together professional
coverage of the London protests against
higher education cuts, along with daily
bulletins during Freshers’ Week. A
new InDesign software package, also
supported by the Alumni Fund, meant
that the team could produce a much
higher quality layout and design.
Donor Report 2011
Dr Sean Beckett
Miss Nicola Bellingham
Mr Steven Bird
Dr Yvonne Brown
Mr John Burton
Mr Chris Campkin
Mr Stephen Carter
Mr Jonathan Crowe
Dr Nic Doye
Mr Jeremy Fonseca
Mr Ian Gallagher
Mr Donald Haddock Jr.
Mr Alastair Hick
Dr Andrew Landers
Mr Siôn Lutley
Mrs Joanne Minion
Mr Steve Morris
Mr David Nottingham
Dr Robin Oakley
Dr Robert Oddy
Mr David Westcott
Mr Robert Wise
Mr Michael Wrigley
An Anonymous Donor
Dr Abdul Basit
Mrs Julie Codling
Mr Morten Damm &
Mrs Mette Damm
Miss Ali Harris
Dr Paul Hayden
Mr Andy Howard
Mr Tony James
Mr John Kinson
Dr Dethard Lampe
Mr Andrew Lawley &
Dr Wendy Lawley
Mr Colin Le Duc
Mr Zoltan Rikker
Mrs Rachael Roberts
Mrs Susan Smith
Mr Shane Sullivan
Dr Thomas Szabo
Mr Mark Tomblin
Mr Andy Watkins &
Mrs Sarah Watkins
Mrs Libby Whitethread
Mr Vebjorn Ask
Mr David Atterbury
Mr Lee Boyton
Ms Jo Bridger
Mr Quentin Brook
Mr Steve Cast
Mr John Cotton
Mr Robert Dickson
Mrs Milica Gay &
Mr Daniel Gay
Mr Maurice Hancock
Dr Neil Havard
Mr Trevor Jefferies
Mr Patrik Lewis
Mr James Macfarlane
Mr Robin Middleton
Mr Simon Muderack
Mr Timothy Neville
Miss Anne O’Brien
Mr Alan Odeku
Mrs Sally Pickett &
Mr Andy Pickett
Mr Rajender Raval
Miss Caroline Rawson
Mr Richard Rutter
Mr Arild Spandow
Mrs Heidi Trencher
Mrs Victoria Walker &
Mr Darren Walker
Mr Garth Way
Six Anonymous Donors
Mr Mark Acres
Dr Mehdi Asghari
Mr Jason Blight
Mr Dominic Brennan
Miss Kim Chow
Mr Garrett Cotter
Mr Timothy Cranfield
Ms Tamara Daly
Miss Vicky Edwards
Mrs Vicky Gibson
Mr Simon Hagan
Mrs Elizabeth Hall
Mr Dan Hams
Mrs Suzanne Hart
Mr Stephen Hinley
Mr Rob Hunter
Dr Philip Jordan
Mr Richard Lander
Miss Jane Lees
Mr Philip McComish &
Mrs Vicki McComish
Mr Simon Mills
Dr Rachel Newman
Dr Brian Nicholson
Miss Nana Nkrumah
Mrs Pam Pennefather
Mr Jason Pitchford-Todd
Mr Anthony Puckett
Miss Sue Ryan
Mr Duncan Shiel
Mr Jonathan Sleightholme
Mr Matthew Smith
Mr Andy Sparkes
Mr Tim Spicer
Mr David Trice
Mr Kritsda Udyanin
Mr Richard Watson &
Mrs Emma Watson
Two Anonymous Donors
The Reverend Marcus Bagg
Mr Matthew Box
Mr Andrew Fox
Mrs Clare Furlonger
Mrs Andrea Gambrill
Miss Karen Hancock
Mr Henrik Harmer
Mrs Jill Hay
Mr Sam Izadpanah
Miss Jo Kiernan
Mrs Anna Lawler
Dr Owen Lyne
Ms Heather Mason
Mr Nicholas Padfield
Dr Richard Pannett
Professor Alexis
Mrs Caroline Pope
Mr Mike Powis
Mrs Victoria Price
Miss Karin Ridgers
Mrs Kim Rudd
Mr James Simpson
Mrs Gillian Stephens
Mr Dave Williams
An Anonymous Donor
Mrs Sophia Bate
Mr Simon Bushell
Mrs Michele Coghlan &
Mr Stephen Coghlan
Enhancing the student experience
Out of this world
A University project supported by an Alumni Fund grant
won the chance to be sent into orbit as part of the UK’s first
CubeSat mission this year. The maiden flight programme
included a competition for companies and academic groups
to submit innovative ideas for devices to join the CubeSat
minituarised satellite, with the UK Space Agency selecting
the three most pioneering to join the launch. They were so
impressed with TOPCAT – a piece of equipment that can
measure weather conditions in the area of space just beyond
the earth’s atmosphere – that they awarded it a place on
the mission. TOPCAT measurements will reduce negative
implications for GPS and improve systems such as satellite
navigation and telecommunications.
Up, up and away
A first flight is now within reach for a human powered aircraft
designed on campus, thanks to an Alumni Fund grant. The
Bath University Man Powered Flight (BUMPF) project started
a year ago when two young engineers designed and partially
constructed a wing. This year four students constructed
the 20 metre long wings, and designed and built the
undercarriage, controls and a new seat.
“With the support of the
Alumni Fund, the team
is on the verge of its
first flight.”
Women in Engineering
An Alumni Fund grant paid for a group of students to attend
the Connect Women event in London in January, aimed
at attracting more women into careers in engineering,
traditionally a male dominated industry. The students were
able to forge links and network with female professional
engineers from a world leading engineering design company,
with one of the students recently securing a job with the
event’s sponsor Ove Arup & Partners.
Attendee Rebecca Drake (MEng Civil Engineering 2011)
said: “We felt the event gave us great insight into the
construction industry and in particular the wealth of
opportunities available to women engineers. We are hopeful
this opportunity will give us a head start in making successful
applications to graduate positions and are very grateful for
the contribution from the Alumni Fund which enabled us
to attend.”
The Flight team said: “With the support of the Alumni Fund,
the team is on the verge of its first flight. Money was needed
for vital material costs, logistics and research. It really did
make all the difference.”
Left to right: Rachel Betts (MEng Civil Engineering 2011),
Rebecca Drake (MEng Civil Engineering 2011) and
Emma Bennett (MEng Architecture & Civil Engineering 2011)
Donor Report 2011
Baby grand
The Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Arts
(ICIA) provides an outlet for our students’ creative
talents. This year ICIA received an Alumni Fund
grant to purchase a baby grand piano. Due
to a shortage of adequate practice rooms on
campus, the piano is housed temporarily
in a newly-built theatre space within
the nearby American Museum
– a great venue to put on
performances and an
additional piano on which
students can practise
within an easy walk
of campus.
Decision makers
The Annual Fund Panel is made up of alumni donors, University staff and
student representatives. Every year they assess applications from students,
academic departments and other groups for grants from the Alumni Fund.
The Panel is there to ensure that your gifts are spent on deserving projects
which do most to enhance the student experience and encourage enterprise,
innovation and excellence on campus.
The grants made by the Annual Fund Panel complement, but do not replace,
statutory funding, and are designed to help as many current and future
students as possible.
Donor Report 2011
Mr Simon Depoix &
Mrs Karen Depoix
Miss Grainne Doherty
Mr Paul Ferguson
Mr Tony Goody
Mr Christopher Greenfield
Mrs Emma Harris
Dr Akif Khan
Mr Gordon Mories
Mr Richard Roberts
Dr Philip Tollinton
Mrs Janet Vernaglione
Mr Andrew Warren
Mr Matthew Webb &
Mrs Claire Webb
Mr Chris Wells &
Mrs Sally Wells
Miss Nelumani Wijeratne
Dr Anne Wilson
Four Anonymous Donors
Mr Graeme Anderson
Mr Michael Bell
Dr Virginie Buche &
Dr Silvain Buche
Mr Rupert Burbidge
Miss Rosi Buscombe
Mr Christopher Cleland
Mr Mike Eyre
Dr Yoav Git
Miss Claire Guerrero
Mr Peter Harrison
Mr Damian Higgs
Mr Jason Isaac
Mr Benjamin Jefferson
Mr Sanjay Jogia
Mr Terry Ng
Mr Kyriacos Papayiannis
Mr Nicholas Partridge
Mr Andrew Pitts
Mr Ian Shannon
Miss Sadie Thorne
Miss Kim Turner
Mr Chris Varney
Dr Ahmer Wadee
Mr Martin Yallop
Three Anonymous Donors
Miss Lucy Andrew
Mr Prithpal Babra
Miss Gillian Barwell
Mrs Carrie Cameron-Smith
Mr Adrian Champ
Mr Matthew Coggan
Mrs Susie Connolly
Mr Philippe Dancause
Dr Adam Gerrard
Mr Daniel Grant
Dr Margaret Greenfields
Mr Stephan Hassan
Mr Nigel Height
Miss Stephanie Hellings
Miss Elizabeth Heseltine
Mrs Hannah Howard
Dr Louise Kelly
Miss Emma Law
Mr Matthew Newson
Mr Amit Patel
Miss Katherine Peacock
Mr Bruce Porteous
Mrs Jane Rastall
Mr David Regan
Mrs Anna Ritchie &
Mr Iain Ritchie
Mrs Fiona Roberts
Mr Obiora Ugwu
Mr Thomas Underwood &
Mrs Alexandra Underwood
Mrs Catherine Vickery
Mr Leon Walker
Mrs Lucy Wheeler
Mrs Jacqueline Williams
An Anonymous Donor
Mrs Catherine Boulter
Mr Mark Burrows
Mrs Rachel Carson
Miss Annie Chow
Mrs Collette Collins
Dr Elliott Davies
Mr Matthew Davis
Ms Sarah Downing
Mr David Grace
Mr Steven Hallett
Mrs Bara Harrington
Dr Michelle Hiscutt
Dr Martin Jeffery
Miss Jayne Johnson
Mr Thomas Kyle
Mr Calvin Linfield
Mr Mark Lowe
Mrs Jolene Martin
Mrs Jennifer Mcloughlin
Dr Ray O’Gorman
Mr Peter Owen
Mr Steven Pegg
Mrs Michelle Rajendran
Mr Craig Scordellis
Mrs Lisa Simmonds
Miss Samantha Truman
Mr David Watson
Dr Jack Whitehead
Nine Anonymous Donors
Mr Emad Al Adhal
Miss Claire Bedford
Dr Sue Bowen
Mr Matthew Chappell
Mr James Convey &
Mrs Jennifer Convey
Mr Mark Donovan
Miss Jeanette D’Souza
Mrs Kirstin Eibl
Mr Chris Gage
Mr Robert Gill
Mr Christopher Gwilliam
Mr Steve Hammond
Mr Rob Heath
Mr Adam Hodgkinson
Miss Martina Hopkins
Mr Gareth Humphries
Dr Roger Jardine
Ms Carolyn Jenkins
Mrs Juliet Lawn
Miss Frances Mayes
Mr Simon Meadowcroft
Mr Viresh Patel
Mr Christopher Pittman
“The scholarship is intended to encourage a
bright student – who might otherwise not be
able to study for a degree – to come to Bath
knowing they will receive both financial and
mentoring support.”
James Mendelssohn (MBA 2002)
Going places
n top of a first-rate education, practical work experience is an
essential requirement in today’s increasingly competitive job
market; this is what sets Bath’s graduates apart from the rest. Over
three in five Bath students take the opportunity to put their knowledge
into practice by pursuing a work placement as part of their course.
Most placements undertaken are paid positions in a UK office or laboratory
yet, for those who venture further afield, or whose positions are unpaid,
help is at hand. Last year Alumni Fund placement grants, of up to
£1,000 each, helped students fulfil their ambitions across the world.
… and Away
Daniel Brown (Biology & Biochemistry
2009-12) stayed close to home for
his placement, taking a position in the
Department of Sports Development
and Recreation at the University of
Bath. He worked closely with Great
Britain Modern Pentathlon and
Paralympics Great Britain and carried
out a series of tests to observe athletes’
visual perception and visual discipline
using an eye-tracker. Daniel hopes that
this innovative research could assist
the Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls’
performance in 2012.
Sam Berry (Coach Education & Sports
Development 2008-12) received an
Alumni Fund grant to undertake a
six-month placement with SCORE
International, a non-profit organisation
based in Cape Town, South Africa.
SCORE specialises in community
development through sport and
recreation. Sam helped create sports
skills programming resources for use
by SCORE facilitators and community
sports volunteers and then put the
resources into practice in workshops
with coaches from local communities.
Daniel said: “The experiences that I
have had this year have surpassed my
expectations and have left me in an
extremely fortunate position. I have had
the opportunity to work with previous
Olympic champions and, hopefully,
champions of the future.”
Below: Sam on placement in Cape Town
Donor Report 2011
Mr Philip Robertson
Mr Adnan Siddiqui
Mr David Smith
Miss Helen Vaughan
Mrs Shirley Wang
Mr Stuart Wilson
Three Anonymous Donors
“I have had the
opportunity to
work with Olympic
Sam said: “As my placement was a
voluntary one, the assistance received
from the Alumni Fund was greatly
appreciated; without it I would have been
unable to complete the placement.
I would therefore like to thank the Alumni
Fund for this great opportunity.”
Looking east
Daniel Feld (MEng Mechanical
Engineering 2011) and Monica Cheng
(BSc Accounting & Finance 2011)
received grants to take part in the
Study India Programme, designed to
rapidly expand participants’ knowledge
of culture and society in the country.
Monica’s visit included teaching English
and Maths as a volunteer for Mumbai
Mobile Crèche and a visit to the Mumbai
Stock Exchange, the oldest in South
Asia. She said: “As an Accounting &
Finance student, I could hardly contain
my excitement for the opportunity to
observe an open outcry trading floor”.
Nic Watkins (BSc Politics with
International Relations 2011) spent a year
in Pakistan working for the International
Foundation for Electoral Systems, thanks
to a placement grant.
Psychological insights
Michelle Tsang (BSc Psychology 2011)
worked as a research assistant at the
Harvard Graduate School of Education.
She was inspired by her environment
and the people she had the chance
to meet, including Arne Duncan, the
American Secretary of Education (who
plays basketball with President Obama
at weekends!), and Eric Carle, author
of the seminal children’s book The Very
Hungry Caterpillar.
Michelle said: “I have been exposed
to a wealth of opportunities, and I
am very grateful to those who have
supported me and given me a chance to
experience them. Thank you.”
Monica at the crèche
Alumni Fund placement grants were only
made possible thanks to the generosity
of our donors – we look forward to
continuing to bring you more reports of
these once-in-a-lifetime placements in
the future.
Nic said: “Living in Pakistan opened my
eyes to a completely new culture and
way of life.This would not have been
possible if it were not for the support
of the donors to the Alumni Fund.”
Donor Report 2011
Mr David Acklam
Dr Alfred Agyeman
Mr Thomas Allison
Dr Rhodri Armour
Mr Simon Bessant
Mr James Cole
Miss Rhianne Cox
Miss Kate Donovan
Mr Chris Gale
Mr Grant Horn
Mr Neal Howlett
Mrs Joanna Jelley
Miss Kate Johnson &
Mr Christopher Campbell
Mrs Annie Johnston
Mr Ben Le Huray
Mr John Leach
Mr Paul Macnamara
Mr Christopher Malcolm
Mr James Mendelssohn
Mr Tim Ngai
Mr Rob Palmer
Mr David Parry
Mr Daniel Pearce &
Mrs Michelle Pearce
Mr Thomas Pellereau
Miss Eleesha Pentiah
Miss Victoria Petrie
Mr Jonathan Purdye
Mr Leslie Sellick
Mr Gregory Sharp
Mr Mike Smith &
Mrs Emily Smith
Mr Simon Snow
Mr Tom Stanley
Miss Kerry Townsend
Mr Conor Wilson
Mrs Louise Wisson &
Mr Michael Wisson
Three Anonymous Donors
Miss Sarah Blundell
Miss Emily Chester
Ms Kim Clitter
Mr Ben Douglas
Mr Mark Harrison
Mrs Liane Jennings &
Mr Rod Barnes
Dr Bless Kuri
Mr David Lee Seifert
Mr Gethin Luke
Mr David Matthews
Mr Sean Meade
Miss Nadja Miles
Mrs Patricia Nicholas
Mr Matthew Preston
Mr Colin Tame
Mr Jake Thomson
Miss Catherine Todd
Mrs Eleanor Wilkinson
Dr Graham Willis
Four Anonymous Donors
Mrs Arran Babs
Mr Edwin Callow
Dr Malcolm Connolly
Mr Marc Davies
Mr Russ Dunkin
Mr William Froud
Mr Steven Goodchild
Miss Elen Grantham
Dr Edward Hammond
Mr Tom Holley
Mr Mark Hughes
Miss Theresa Kweri
Mr David Lockley
Mr Chris Nicoll
Miss Rachel Peacock
Mr Gregory Sinclair
Mrs Keiko Takami
Miss Boon Kyee Tan
Ms Sarah Telford
Mr Hugh Trafford
Miss Sara Ward
Mr Vegas White
Mrs Elly Williams &
Mrs Meri Williams
Dr May Yeow
Miss Jennifer Bickerton
Mr James Carstairs
Ms Helen Gough
Mrs Christine Gould &
Mr David Gould
Miss Samantha Hunt
Mr Gian Incerpi
Mr Greg Kane
Mr Nicholas Krnic
Mr Michael MacDonald
Mrs Victoria Morgan &
Mr Jonathan Morgan
Mr Andrew Parker
Mr Samuel Partington
Miss Eleanor Pegler
Mr Nigel Rix
Miss Georgina Roberts
Miss Frances Rogers
Miss Bee Thakore
Miss Claire-Louise Valsler
An Anonymous Donor
Ms Gemma Allen
Mr Scott Beasley
Miss Emily Blackmore
Mr David Cooper
Miss Georgina Edwards
Mr Harry Ellis
Mr Martyn Essery
Mr Alexander Foss
Miss Laura Hamilton
Mr Richard Howell
Mr Thomas Hunt
Miss Sabah Hussain
Miss Emma Kestin
Miss Camilla Mathoulin
Mr Andrew McIntyre
Mr James Mitchell
Mr Sebastian Mullins
Dr Joanna Prentice
Mr Duncan Ray
Ms Nerys Shah
Miss Amarpreet Wassi
Mr Nicholas White
Six Anonymous Donors
Dr Samia Al Farra
Mr Terry Astridge
Mr Graham Blackman
Dr Kieren Boardman
Mr Jonathan Bowler
Mr Luke Brodie
Mr Samuel Bruce
Mr Alex Brundell
Miss Jessica Chambers
Mr Nicholas Cheek
Mr Ariana Chouhan
Team work
any of you will have received a call from
a University of Bath student this year, as
part of our regular telethon campaigns to
fundraise for the many Alumni Fund projects which
enhance the student experience. We hope that those
of you who had the chance to talk to one of our
callers this year enjoyed it as much as they did.
Our student callers manage to speak to around one in 10
alumni every year, in the spring and autumn. This year, in
addition to alumni based in the UK, USA and Canada, for
the first time we reached many alumni living in continental
The Annual Fund team receives over 200 applications
each year from students who wish to work in the telethon
team. The final group of 60 callers are some of the brightest
and most enthusiastic young people you could hope to
meet. Every member of the team is an ambassador for the
University, dedicated to their work with the Alumni Fund
and whose experiences at Bath have been touched by the
effects of your generous support.
The telethon brings together students from across the
University, from freshers to PhD students. Many callers
return to the team year after year.
Celine Roet (Biochemistry 2010-14)
“I would like to thank alumni for their
advice and the enlightening conversations
that have motivated me to work harder
and to stay focused. It is an absolute
pleasure to be a part of the alumni family.”
Charles Oldroyd (BSc
Business Administration 2010),
studying for PhD in Management.
“Being a caller has not only offered
me the possibility of interacting
with alumni all across the world
and discovering the wealth of
opportunities that lie beyond university, it has also
been a chance for me to grow in confidence and
learn more about myself.”
Donor Report 2011
“Working on the telethon is so much more
than a job. It has helped me reach my full
potential and I’ve developed new skills as
a result. I love being part of a team which
believes passionately in the cause”
Will Pike (Pharmacy 2009-13)
Thank you to our student
telethon team:
Senior callers:
Carie Martin, Rachel O’Connell,
Max Veglio, Harri Washington
Student callers 2010-11:
Katie Adams, Tom Alderton, Kate
Aldridge, Ameera Ali, Patrick Allen, Joe
Andrew, Aisaaca Annor, Nina Ashby, Rob
Banyard, Lauren Batchelor, Hugh Battrick,
Charlotte Benbow, Eoghan Bowe, Lauren
Bowman, Lizzie Cairns, Akshay Chavan,
Kirsten Cherry, Hannah Collyer, Martin
Crowe, Lauren Dennis, Amanpal Dhesi,
Lili Ellison, Scott Fletcher, Alec Giles, Karl
Handscomb, Alex Hardy, Olivia Harris, Roy
Harris, Rory Hawkins, Ben Hooper, James
Houlden, Indy Howes, Abbi Irvin, Kimberly
Jones, Siôn Jones, Oliver Kennedy, Marie
Lakin, Chelsea Lau, Susan Liu, Alice
Lucey, Kim Leutchford, George Lyon,
Adam Majdanski, Joanna Martinet, Lucy
Matthews, Simon McConnell, Rachael
Moulton, Tess Newman, Charlie Oldroyd,
Petra Parikka, Amber Phillips, Will Pike,
Rebecca Plaza, Natalie Price, Tim Revell,
Celine Roet, Hanna-Li Roos, Ria Shah,
Rosie Steel, Lydia Theaker, Lilian Tran,
Alexandra Travers, Lisa Tyler, Christina
Velikova, Alice Wright, Izzie Zhang Zhang.
Corporate benefactors help make
the telethon a success by donating
prizes and incentives which
we award to student telethon
fundraisers as extra rewards for
their hard work. Thank you to
all the businesses – locally and
nationwide – who have supported
the telethon team this year.
Continuing supporters:
New supporters:
Student admin staff:
Laura Aiken, Lucy Nelson, Felicity
Newman, Nnenna Uzo-Kalu,
Sophie Walsh.
Mr Anthony Clegg
Mrs Maris Cole
Mr Christopher Coltella
Mr Robert Cotta
Miss Penelope Court
Miss Megan Davies
Miss Amy Daw
Mr Geryn Evans
Mr Roger France
Dr Alan George
Mr Adam Gibson
Miss Lyn Gimber
Mr Andrew Goodwin
Mr Nick Hall
Mr Alex Jezard
Miss Kimberly Jones
Mr David Lawrence
Mrs Sara Luck
Mrs Sam Madden
Miss Alfreda Mafe
Miss Olivia Marsden
Mrs Sarah McCartney
Mr Will Mertens
Mr Darren Morgan
Mr Stuart Nash
Mr John O’Loughlin
Miss Aibiokunla Osunde
Miss Gemma Pascall
Mr Francis Reardon
Mr Stephen Richards
Mrs Cheryl Scott
Mr Rob Simmons
Mr Adam Spencer
Miss Ann Stainforth
Miss Sarah Tonkin Crine
Mr Peter Walker-Smith
Miss Laura Wong
Mr John Woollacott
Dr Xuecheng Zhang
13 Anonymous Donors
Mr David Ashby
Mrs Julia Balston
Mr John Barrett
Miss Sumon Begum
Mr Simon Bell
Mr Joseph Birch
Mr Arno Bongers
Miss Melanie Bristow
Mr Daniel Busso
Mr David Cartwright
Mr Andy Carvell
Miss Rebecca Cole
Miss Laetitia De Chaumont
Miss Ruth Emmett
Mr Hugh Forde
Mr Alex Fullerton
Mr Jacob Gibbs
Mr Jamie Gray &
Mrs Jessica Gray
Miss Nicole Gritz
Mr Stephen Henry
Miss Maria Ioannou
Mr Robert Jeans
Miss Gona Khalid
Mr Christian Kupich
Miss Brigitte Lavender
Mr Christopher Leeb
Miss Jade Little
Mr Stuart Mackenzie
Mr Tom Major
Miss Michelle Martin
Mr Jason Matthews
Mr Steve Maundrell
Miss Natasha May
Mr Alex McFarlane-Watts
Miss Jennifer McNichols
Mr Christos Michaelides
Miss Rebecca Morris
Miss Katie Norman
Ms Bola Odufuwa-Bolger
Miss Rosanna Pajak
Mr Kushul Patel
Miss Anupa Patel
Miss Stephanie Remola
Dr Hywel Roberts
Mr Christos Savva
Ms Aline Sierp
Mr Allen Smith
Mr Iain Stenson
Mr Paul Stubbs
Miss Jennifer Swinden
Mr Adam Voysey
Mr Carl Williams
Four Anonymous Donors
Miss Yasmin Al Rehani
Miss Sarah Bell
Ms Gwendolyn Billett
Mr Andrew Brooks
Miss Polly Clark
Mr Socrates Eliades
Mr Jonathan Grau
Mr James Hood
Miss Lindi Kleu
Miss Melina Kyriakou
Mr Kenan Mustafa
Mr Daniel Nightingale
Mr Chris Rees
Miss Joanna Sochacka
Mr Maxime Suret
Miss Jennifer Toonen
Miss Melanie Wilson
Mr Andrew Wood
Three Anonymous Donors
Miss Monica Cheng
Mr Paul Clarke
Mr Jason Clarke
Miss Lea Dugal
Miss Kate Gray
Mr Timothy Halbert
Mr David Howells
Miss Victoria Jefferies
Miss Renata Kashiwaya
Mendes Pinheiro
Mr Dominic Lacey
Mr Tim Lai
Mr James Lam
Mr Tim Lewis
Miss Jennifer PakenhamWalsh
Miss Nicola Redstone
Miss Charli Reynolds
Mr Joseph Samuel
Miss Hollie Sands
Miss Katy Taylor
Mr Roy Teuber
Mr Ed Traore
Mr Nicholas Tyrrell
“With alumni support, I was able to take up
a fantastic placement opportunity, where
I grew both personally and professionally.”
Annie Attawar (BSc Psychology 2011)
Donor Report 2011
Facts and Statistics
The year in numbers
£2.7 million
Raised in the financial year
2010-11 for the University of Bath
Gifts by designation
Sources of gifts by value
Gifts are directed to areas
throughout the University,
supporting students and staff,
academic excellence and
extracurricular activity.
Legacies tend to be small in
number but large in value, as do
gifts from companies and charitable
entities; very many alumni give
smaller average amounts.
Number of donors who
contributed to that total
Number of donors giving for
the first time in 2010-11
Increase in number of donors
compared to the previous year
Members of the Leadership
Giving Circles (Sulis and
Minerva), including 30 new
Alumni and current
Students who benefited from
scholarships and bursaries
funded out of gifts in 2010-11
Enhancing the student
Supporting research
Academic prizes
Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic
Endowment Fund
Friends* and parents
Number of students who will
benefit from scholarships in
Charitable trusts and
* Includes current and former staff and all
other individual donors who are not alumni
Donor Report 2011
Miss Natasha Watson &
Mr Matthew Canning
Miss Helena Zuppinger
Five Anonymous Donors
Mr Patrick Allen
Mr Simon Bristow
Mr Amanpal Dhesi
Mr Rory Hawkins
Miss Marie Le Guillois-Lakin
Mr George Lyon
Miss Petra Parikka
Mr Max Veglio
Miss Harri Washington
Miss Katie Elin Adams
Miss Kate Aldridge
Miss Aisaaca Annor
Miss Nina Ashby
Miss Lili Ellison
Miss Carie Martin
Mr Simon McConnell
Miss Lydia Theaker
Miss Christina Velikova
Mr Joe Andrew
Mr Rob Banyard
Mr James Houlden
Miss Indy Howes
Mr Siôn Jones
Miss Susan Liu
Mr William Pike
Miss Ria Shah
Miss Rosie Steel
Miss Lisa Tyler
Miss Alice Wright
Miss Lauren Batchelor
Miss Lauren Bowman
Miss Kirsten Cherry
Mr Alex Hardy
Miss Olivia Harris
Mr Benjamin Hooper
Miss Abigail Irvin
Miss Chelsea Lau
Miss Rachael Moulton
Miss Abigail Murphy
Miss Charlotte Petersen
Miss Rebecca Plaza
Miss Amani Radeef
Miss Celine Roet
Miss Lilian Tran
Miss Reshma Upadhyaya
Mr Christopher Warner
Mr Thomas Alderton
3M UK Ltd
Accenture plc
Shane Francis Aherne Trust
Alliance Pharmacy
Allen Pollard Ltd
The Annett Charitable Trust
RW Barnes Educational Fund
BG Group plc
The BOC Group
Boots Company
BP Biofuels UK Ltd
Bristol-Myers Squibb
British Psychological Society
British Sociological Association
Chew Valley U3A
CoAcS Ltd
The James Dyson Foundation
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd
Ernst & Young
The Evolution Education Trust
The Exilarch’s Foundation
The Gerber Foundation
Ibstock Brick Ltd
Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd
Jaguar Land Rover
Lawn Tennis Association
The Leverhulme Trust
The Enid Linder Foundation
Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd
McNeil Products Ltd
The Medlock Charitable Trust
Merck Sharp & Dohme
Moog Inc
MundiPharma Research Ltd
Nationwide Building Society
Novartis UK
Oculus Building Consultancy
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Procter & Gamble
Property Solutions Ltd
Reckitt Benckiser
Rolls-Royce plc
Roper Rhodes Ltd
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
of Great Britain
The Royal Society
RWE npower
J Sainsbury plc
Santander Universities
Sense Internet Ltd
Ted Baker Ltd
Tesco plc
UBS Investment Bank
UCB Celltech
Westinghouse Rail System Ltd
The Wilkinson Charitable
Windle Trust International
The Wolfson Foundation
Zurich Financial Services
Dr Paulette Ah-Chung &
Mr Linley Ah-Chung
Mrs Marie-Helene AlliotSureshkumar
Mr Paul Angell &
Mrs Elaine Angell
Mr Giulio Artom
Mrs Christine Asante
Mr Prasanna Athulathmudali
Mrs Sally Atkinson
Dr Karin Awad
Mrs Jane Beagles
Mr Laurence Bellinger
Mr Richard Biedka
Ms Catherine Boulton
Professor Charalambos Bouras
Mr Thomas Brugelmann
Mr Niall Cater
Mr Owen Chaldecott &
Mrs Caroline Chaldecott
Mr Chung & Ms Wong
Mr A D Collyer &
Mrs M E Collyer
Mrs Louise Cox
Mr Jon Cox &
Mrs Larraine Cox
Mrs Hazel Dagwell
Mr Philip Davies &
Mrs Ann Davies
Mr & Mrs de Chaumont-Quitry
Dr Emmanuela de Nora
Mr Graham De Zille
Mr Andy Dean
Mrs Norma Delany
Mrs Patricia Dennis &
Mr Philip Dennis
Mr Howard Dodgson
Mr Peter Donaghue &
Mrs Jane Donaghue
Mr David Donner
The Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell MP
Ms Rachel Downing
Mr Mukul Dube
Mr Keith Evans &
Mrs Clare Evans
Dr Paolo Ferri
Mr J Fry & Mrs B Fry
Mr & Mrs Gaw
Mrs Ruth Gilbert &
Mr Martyn Gilbert
Mrs Reina Gleadow
Mrs Ulrike Groh
Mrs Jane Harris
Mrs Victoria Harrison
Mr John Hartz
Mr A Haughton &
Mrs D Haughton
Mr Tony Helliwell
Mr Gerry Hickey
Mr & Mrs R E Hill
Mr L Holeyman &
Mrs S Holeyman
Mr & Mrs G J Horrell
Mr Niall Hoskin &
Mrs Judith Hoskin
Mr M Isaac &
Mrs S Isaac
Mrs Janet Isbell
Mr Jeff Jones &
Mrs Kathy Jones
Mrs Christine Jones
Mrs Megan Jones &
Mr Alun Jones
Mr S C Jones &
Mrs C M Jones
Mr Nick Jones &
Mrs Judith Jones
Mrs Xanthe Knowles
Dr Joern Kuester
Mr Anthony Kwan
Mr Ian Lambert &
Mrs Melanie Lambert
Mr & Mrs G E Law
Mr Kai Cheung Leung
Mrs Pam Lonnen
Ms Jacqueline Ann Maeer &
Mr Miguel Angel
Gonzalez Martin
Mr Sandro Matussi &
Mrs Alessandra Matussi
Ms Gabrielle McComish
Mr Mayur Mehta
Mrs Cheryl Miller
Mrs Carole Monteregge
Mr Frederic Mouchel
Mr Ken Newell
Dr Lloyd Ng-See-Quan
Mrs Christine Nichols
Mrs Harshini Nissanga
Mr David Nunn
Mrs Lynda Nutting
Mr Christopher Owen
Mr JC Park &
Mrs DE Park
Mr Richard Pelly &
Mrs Fleur Pelly
Mr Antonio Perricone
Mr Georg Petersen
Mr Andreas Petrides
Mrs Barbara Petty
Mr & Mrs Phillips
Mrs Gillian Pilkington &
Mr William Pilkington
Mrs Marianne Pope &
Mr Kevin Pope
Mrs Anne Power &
Mr Brian Power
Mr Desmond Prichard
Mr David Rice &
Ms Danielle Mercey
Dr Benoit Ritzenthaler
Ms Sheila Roche
Mr Juan Rovira-Salvado &
Mrs Gloria Rovira-Salvado
Mr Michael Rowe &
Mrs Suzanne Rowe
Mr Justin Ruddock
Ms Florina Rus &
Mr Alexander Erdei
Mr & Mrs Scowen
Mrs Barbara Shepherd
Mrs Kate Shepherd
Mr Stephen Shepperson
Mr Shaun Simpson
Mr Rick Smith &
Mrs Val Smith
Mrs Mengshan Tang
Mr Kun Tau
Mr Ron Taylor &
Mrs Gillian Taylor
Mrs Lynn Thomas
Mrs C Thompson
Mrs Karen Thomson
Mr Achilleas Tsangaris &
Mrs Zoe Tsangaris
Mr I Shan Tseng Lee
Mr & Mrs Veronesi
Mr Simon Vines &
Mrs Jill Vines
Mrs Chee-Yong Von Pueckler
Mr John Wasiak
Mr William Watt
Ms Catherine Wells
Mrs Shirley Wiggam
Mr Colin Wilby &
Mrs Dorothy Wilby
Mrs Christine Wilson &
Mr Peter Wilson
Mrs Glynis Wilson
Mr & Mrs N G Winchcombe
Mr Andrew Winwood
Mr Syii Wong
Mr Paul Woolley &
Mrs Sue Woolley
Mr David Worthington
Mr George Wrigley
Mr Ioannis Yiannakou
Mr Gordon Young
Mr Weiping Zhao
28 Anonymous Donors
Other Friends
Mrs Linda Alldridge
Mrs Chris Andrews
Mrs Kim Bliss
Mrs Naomi Box
Professor Peter Clegg
Dr Michael Froggatt
Professor Helen Haste
Mr Kevan Horne &
Mr John Wayman
Miss Hannah Joyce
Mrs Stephanie Lear
Mr Gavin Maggs
Cllr Marian McNeir MBE
Mr Tony Mitchard &
Mrs Kathleen Mitchard
Miss Philippa Neaverson
Mr Howard Nicholson
Ms Julia Ogonovsky
Mr Kevin O’Sullivan OBE
Dr Beatrice Purser-Hallard
Mrs Yvonne Quayle
Mr Ron Reynolds
Mr Brian Roper MBE &
Mrs Margaret Roper
Mrs Karen Sheppard
Mrs Hiroko Sherwin &
Mr Jim Sherwin
Miss Rachel Skerry
Mrs Molly Southwood
Mr Jeremy Thring DL
The Trendell Family
Mr Peter Troughton
Lord Tugendhat
Professor David VandeLinde &
Mrs Marjorie VandeLinde
Mr Peter Wyman CBE
Three Anonymous Donors
Development and Alumni Relations,
University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1225 386824