Relatório Anual 2015 - Inglês
Relatório Anual 2015 - Inglês
20 15 ANNUAL REPORT INSTITUTO SOU DA PAZ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII INSTITUTO SOU DA PAZ A PAZ NA PRÁTICA STRENGTHENING PUBLIC SECURITY AND SOU DA PAZ On behalf of Instituto Sou da Paz, it gives me great pleasure to present our 2015 Annual Report. Despite a year marked by political and economic instability in Brazil, we succeeded in bringing public security and criminal justice issues to the forefront of the public debate and positively influencing public security policies, thus contributing to the creation of a fairer and less violent society. Unfortunately, Brazil once again witnessed an unacceptable number of violent deaths, including a significant number of police killings. Likewise, high law enforcement officer victimization rates reveal a perverse cycle of lethal violence. On the other hand, there were significant developments in the field of criminal justice and growing concern about Brazil’s outdated policing model. For example, the implementation of custody hearings and legislative discussions about full-cycle policing (ciclo completo de policiamento) show that issues that have long been highlighted by Sou da Paz are finally beginning to receive attention. Likewise, the fight against changes proposed by the National Congress that weaken gun control legislation also gained momentum nationally, with such bills meeting with significant resistance. Unilateral efforts to repeal the Disarmament Statute seem unlikely to succeed. It was in this context that Sou da Paz completed another cycle of activities. Our forecasts for the 2013-2015 triennium proved correct, particularly the organization's decision to focus on reducing homicides throughout the country and robberies in the State of São Paulo. While macro-level security indicators paint a dissatisfactory picture of public security, it is undeniable that the participation of civil society together with public security authorities and the government as a whole is key to achieving these goals. In this respect, Sou da Paz sought to strengthen partnerships with state departments of public security, the police, departments of social assistance, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and other actors from the three spheres of government. At the same time, we publicly condemned human rights violations and misguided public security policies. Furthermore, the transparency and legitimacy of crime statistics gained relevance in 2015, demonstrating the importance of Sou da Paz’s advocacy efforts to promote adequate crime indicators and the value of “Sou da Paz Analisa” – our quarterly bulletin that analyzes the official crime statistics produced by the Department of Public Security of the State of São Paulo. In addition to our joint efforts with the government, Sou da Paz also worked closely with other non-governmental organizations to reduce violence. These partnerships have played a vital role in much of the work presented in this report, including criminal justice research, the defense of the Disarmament Statute in Congress, campaigns to promote public security priorities, and efforts to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders. We are proud of participating in a number of networks and, in doing so, learning from and helping to strengthen civil society in Brazil. invest in staff capacity building, promoting debates with public security experts and deepening our knowledge about criminal justice and security policy. We know that our strength comes from the soundness of our work and that this is only possible thanks to a highly qualified team that is strongly committed to our mission. Finally, it is important to note that the achievements outlined in this report are a result of the combined efforts of the Instituto Sou da Paz team and partners and funders who believe in peacebuilding. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all these people and organizations. It is undeniable that huge public security and human rights challenges remain; however, there is no doubt that the path chosen by Sou da Paz will lead to a more democratic and less violent Brazil. IVAN MARQUES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTO SOU DA PAZ The year of 2015 was also marked by the elaboration of a new strategic plan for the organization, which sets out a number of challenging goals for the next three years. Our decision to continue focused on reducing homicides in Brazil and robberies in the State of São Paulo demonstrates that Sou da Paz is still not satisfied with progress to date. Given that these offenses account for a major proportion of violent crime, we are determined to be even more innovative and incisive in our daily efforts to reduce them. With a view to enhancing our effectiveness and impact, in 2015 Sou da Paz adopted a results-based management approach and strengthened the team with several key additions, including a research expert and fundraising specialist. At the same time, we continue to INSTITUTO SOU DA PAZ HEADQUARTERS IN VILA MADALENA, IN THE WEST ZONE OF SÃO PAULO. RESULTS: 2013-2015 STRATEGIC PLANNING CYCLE These strategic objectives unfolded into the following major challenges throughout the 2013-2015 triennium: Enhance the nationwide debate on the prevention and control of homicides and robbery, whereby Sou da Paz made a significant contribution to improving the understanding of the dynamics of these crimes in Brazil and São Paulo. Initiatives associated with this challenge included: • Homicide survey conducted in the State of Espírito Santo in 2013 • Assessment of police incident reports of robberies in São Paulo The completion of the 2013-2015 strategic planning cycle consolidated Instituto Sou da Paz’s transition process. • Sou da Paz Analisa quarterly bulletins Sou da Paz strives to ensure that its image reflects current activities. In this respect, overcoming the perception that the organization works exclusively with disarmament campaigns and violence prevention was essential in 2015. • Review of socioeducational research in São Paulo The development of projects and activities that are consistent with our agenda, combined with partners who believe in our vision, have allowed Sou da Paz to take a quantum leap forward in terms of quality and reach. The result of this process was the expansion of the organization’s base of interlocutors in the public security field and the wide-scale recognition of the organization’s expertise. • Conference on social technology-sharing • Report “Where do crime weapons come from? – an analysis of weapons seized in São Paulo between 2011 and 2012” • Study of homicides in the city of São Paulo Furthermore, the decision to prioritize two clear strategic objectives as opposed to various latent public security issues strengthened a targeted action strategy tailored to and consistent with Sou da Paz’s capacity. Our work is guided by two core objectives: • Recommendations for enhancing robbery investigations Develop state homicide and robbery reduction interventions, where the expected result was the promotion of innovative joint actions between civil society and public security institutions. Actions included: • Improvements in police use of stop and frisk procedures • “São Paulo Against Crime” – systematic monitoring by the Department of Public Security of the Reducing intentional homicides in Brazil Reducing robberies in the State of São Paulo State of São Paulo • Arms control and disarmament committee • Community Policing Award • Assistance for offenders who have recently completed socioeducational measures "For Sou da Paz, the 2013/2015 strategic planning cycle was an institutional milestone-a time to make a focused commitment to combating lethal violence and robbery and enhance the sustainability of the organization and its capacity to grow after its founding members moved on." "Sou da Paz innovated in the 2013-2015 triennium by starting an initiative directed at reducing robberies in the State of São Paulo. Apart from being a crime that profoundly affects quality of life, the constant sense of insecurity caused by the fear of being attacked and the trauma experienced by the victims also affects relationships between people and between people and the city. Working towards solutions to this problem reinforces Sou da Paz’s commitment to a fairer and safer society." LUCIANA GUIMARÃES MELINA RISSO SUPERINTENDENT OF FUNDAÇÃO BIENAL DE SÃO PAULO AND FORMER DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTO SOU DA PAZ RESEARCHER AND FORMER DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTO SOU DA PAZ • Priority Agenda for Public Security No less important, The reshaping of Sou da Paz’s governance structure and the adoption of a results-based management approach were essential to achieving these objectives. Therefore, the 2013-2015 triennium not only represents the cornerstone of a new approach to organization and management, but also firmly anchors a new way of addressing the significant public security challenges that the Brazilian government and civil society face. UNDERSTAND Developing effective violence reduction initiatives requires a deep understanding of the problem in question. That is why Sou da Paz analyzes violent crime statistics and conducts research regarding the underlying dynamics of crime. Find out more about the projects developed in this core area in 2015. “SOU DA PAZ ANALISA” BULLETIN We have been producing the quarterly bulletin “Sou da Paz Analisa” since 2013. The bulletin interprets official crime statistics produced by the Department of Public Security of the State of São Paulo. One of the innovations in 2015 was a deeper analysis of police lethality, which included references from the international literature on the topic. See the main highlights of the bulletin below: STATISTICS ON MASSACRES IN THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO There were a number of massacres (chacinas) in 2015, including those in Osasco and Barueri in August. To gain a greater understanding of this phenomenon, we requested official data through the Access to Information Law on the locations, victims and investigations of these events. The results of the study reverberated throughout various important media channels such as the newspapers Folha de São Paulo and O Estado de São Paulo, and drew attention to the importance of the publication of these statistics by the Department of Public Security. THE DNA OF FIREARMS CAMPAIGN UNDERSTANDING POLICE LETHALITY In partnership with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of São Paulo, we conducted a study that traced over 2,000 firearms used in robberies and homicides to discover the main firearms supply sources and help the police combat the illegal trafficking of firearms. We also advocated for changes to regulations on the manufacturing of firearms and ammunition in Brazil. With a view to recommending strategies to reduce police killings, in 2015 we analyzed over 560 “deaths from police intervention” registered between 2013 and 2014 in the capital of the State of São Paulo. The study’s findings and methodology will be published in 2016. ANALYSIS OF NEW METHODOLOGY FOR PRODUCING AND DISSEMINATING DATA ON PEOPLE KILLED BY THE MILITARY POLICE THE FLOW OF CASES THROUGH SÃO PAULO’S JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM MONITORING THE APPLICATION OF THE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES LAW THE BOGOTÁ PROTOCOL Sou da Paz conducted a survey of the organizations that make up São Paulo’s juvenile justice system in order to explore how the flux of offender proceedings is organized. This qualitative study also included an appraisal of socioeducational measures based upon the perceptions of key stakeholders. Together with the Center for the Study of Security and Citizenship (Centro de Estudos de Segurança e Cidadania – CESEC), we conducted a study regarding the impact of the Precautionary Measures Law (12.403/2011) on provisional detentions in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. One of the editions of the “Sou da Paz Analisa” Bulletin was dedicated to crime statistics production procedures with a view to clarifying the criteria adopted by the Department of Public Security of the State of São Paulo and demanding greater transparency with respect to the classification of police killings in the state. Sou da Paz participated in the "Conference on the Quality of Homicide Data in Latin America and the Caribbean", held in Bogotá (Colombia) in September. The conference discussed guidelines for the production and publication of homicide statistics by countries in the region. One of the editions of "Sou da Paz Analisa" was dedicated to assessing the compliance of state statistics with these guidelines. “In May 2005, together with UNESCO, we published the Map of Violence in São Paulo. In view of the systematic decline in homicide rates in the state, we thought it necessary to explore the factors that caused this reduction to inform initiatives in other areas where violence is endemic. We discovered that one of the major factors was the existence of Instituto Sou da Paz, which has contributed over the years to promoting the formulation and effective implementation of public security policies and prevention measures, guided by the values of democracy, social justice and respect for human rights”. JULIO JACOBO WAISELFISZ COORDINATOR OF VIOLENCE STUDIES AT THE LATIN AMERICAN FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (FLACSO) “One of the key success factors of the public security policy implemented in the State of Espírito Santo between 2011 and 2014 – systemized within the “State Present in the Defense of Life program” (Programa Estado Presente em Defesa da Vida) – was a methodologically structured management model incorporating the monitoring and evaluation of strategic indicators. In this respect, Instituto Sou da Paz made an invaluable contribution to the program through its analysis of homicides”. ÁLVARO DUBOC FAJARDO DEEPENING OUR KNOWLEDGE OF HOMICIDES In 2015, Sou da Paz conducted three studies in partnership with the Ministry of Justice as part of the “Thinking about Public Security Program”. FEDERAL POLICE CHIEF CHIEF DISTRICT JUDGE OF THE STATE OF ESPÍRITO SANTO FORMER SECRETARY OF STRATEGIC ACTIONS OF THE STATE OF ESPÍRITO SANTO The first comprised a survey to collect data on homicides in the cities of São Paulo, Campinas and Guarulhos, in partnership with the Center for Crime and Public Security Studies (Centro de Estudos de Criminalidade e Segurança Pública - CRISP/UFMG) and the Fundação João Pinheiro (FJP/MG). The second study aimed to characterize homicides in Brazil and the main public policies that address the problem, focusing on initiatives in the States of São Paulo and Paraná. Strengthening our partnership with the Brazilian Jurimetrics Association, the final study explored the processing of homicide cases in three states (Santa Catarina, Alagoas and São Paulo), in order to reduce the backlog of homicide investigations. The findings of these three studies will be published in 2016. DEVELOP One of the characteristics of Sou da Paz’s work is intervention through projects directed at the groups most affected by violence and organizations that work directly with public security. Follow our projects in this area via our site: COMMUNITY POLICING AWARD The seventh edition of the Community Policing Award (Prêmio Polícia Cidadã), which identifies best practices in policing in the State of São Paulo, was held in 2015. A total of 54 projects were received from 600 police officers. Those most effective in reducing robbery were awarded cash prizes during a public ceremony at the Municipal Theatre of São Paulo in 2016. Apart from recognizing good policing practices, Sou da Paz follows up the experiences in order to enhance and replicate the actions. POLICE INCIDENT REPORTS: ROBBERY INVESTIGATIONS IN SÃO PAULO CITY Since 2014, Sou da Paz has been studying robbery and the measures taken by the Civil Police of the State of São Paulo to address this phenomenon. In 2015, we published the results of a study on the quality of police incident reports on robbery. Subsequently, with the direct participation of the civil police, we initiated a research project to explore the flow of robbery investigations that involved a series of visits to police stations. One of the results of the publication of the report was the elaboration of a proposal to improve criminal records in São Paulo and the presentation of the proposal to various government actors. POLICE STOP AND FRISK PROCEDURES Since 2010, we have been working with the Military Police of the State of São Paulo to improve the use of police stop and frisk procedures. Actions include appraisals, helping the police to develop strategies to supervise the use of these procedures, and training on internal communication and police communication with the public. This strategic initiative not only enhances police effectiveness in fighting crime, but also reduces abuses and improves police-community relations. BUILDING BRIDGES PROJECT This project provides training on effective educational practices with young offenders to teachers and principals from five state schools in Brasilândia to help them become “School-Community Mediators” (Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário - PMEC). The project shall be replicated in 2016 in 10 schools. CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS IMPROVING SOCIOEDUCATIONAL MEASURES In 2015, we carried out an appraisal and elaborated an individual action plan for Semi-open Regime Socioeducational Measures Services (Serviços de Socioeducational measures em Meio Aberto - SMSE/MA) in Freguesia do Ó and Brasilândia in the North Zone of the capital. The aim was to strengthen the socioeducational care team and improve the effectiveness of interventions with young offenders. This initiative will be replicated in 2016 with a view to providing the same support for municipal services. “The ‘DNA of firearms’ campaign was only possible due to the partnership and accumulated experience of Instituto Sou da Paz. The merit of the campaign is in denouncing the total absence of state control when it comes to marking and tracing firearms”. “The São Paulo City Council Department of Social Welfare and Development faces huge challenges and, in our search to improve our services, we have qualified partners who share our belief in absolute respect for the dignity of a happy ending for adolescents and young people. In 2015, Instituto Sou da Paz was one of the key partners in this quest”. “The work of the police is only good when its results are felt by society. The partnership between the Military Police of the State of São Paulo and Instituto Sou da Paz resulted in the collection of extremely important data on police stop and frisk procedures that allows us to rethink certain practices and improve them”. REINALDO ZYCHAN MÁRCIO ELIAS ROSA ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO LUCIANA TEMER DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SÃO PAULO CITY COUNCIL COLONEL OF THE MILITARY POLICE OF THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO FORMER POLICE COMMANDER OF THE STATE CAPITAL "São Paulo’s socioeducational system has recorded significant progress over the last decade, much of which has been due to its various partnerships to increase the effectiveness of our work. In this respect, Sou da Paz has entered the realm of socioeducation, demonstrating its commitment to reducing violence involving children and adolescents in São Paulo. BERENICE GIANNELLA PRESIDENT OF FUNDAÇÃO CASA/SP (FOUNDATION CENTER FOR SOCIOE DUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR ADOLESCENTS) MOBILIZE “Instituto Sou da Paz plays an essential role in enhancing the debate about the country’s public security and prison policies. In a challenging context for public managers and government staff, specialists and the society in general, Sou da Paz makes practical policy recommendations based on solid research.” Sou da Paz participates in formal discussion forums, engages with grassroots groups, and fosters strong media and public relations in order to NINA SIMONE influence public security policies and bills. RENATO DE VITTO GENERAL DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL PRISON DEPARTMENT (DEPARTAMENTO PENITENCIÁRIO NACIONAL - DEPEN) Find out about the projects developed in this core area in 2015. “PROVISIONAL DETENTION - PERMANENT DAMAGE” CAMPAIGN Together with the Center for the Study of Security and Citizenship (Centro de Estudos de Segurança e Cidadania - CESEC), Sou da Paz launched a campaign to expose the abuse of provisional detention in Brazil. Using data gathered from over 7,000 prisoners in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the study offers an unprecedented look at prison costs and the average time spent in provisional detention while awaiting sentencing. VOLUNTARY HAND OVER OF FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION CAMPAIGN A total of 120 firearms were voluntarily surrendered to the state between 11 and 29 May 2015 in three different areas of the city as a result of this campaign in partnership with the Municipal Urban Security Department and Civil Guard of São Paulo. DEFENSE OF THE DISARMAMENT STATUTE We continue to lead opposition to the weakening of the Disarmament Statute by mobilizing civil society, lobbying members of congress and the federal government, and intensifying press relations to prevent the approval of bill 3722/2012. ARMS TRADE TREATY During 2015, we continued to advocate for the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by the Brazilian National Congress and the adoption of responsible firearms and ammunition export practices. SURVEYS OF FAMILIES AND THE PROTECTION NETWORK We conducted a study to explore the circulation of the families of young offenders complying with socioeducational measures in the service network and assess if their needs were being met. The study highlighted the weaknesses of family strengthening programs and policies and recommended several changes to the system. “Sou da Paz makes a difference. Just ask the thousands of people saved due to their defense of a society with less firearms. Congratulations to the current management team and keep it up, because there is still much to be done.” TULIO KAHN PUBLIC SECURITY EXPERT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE INTERSECTORAL WORKING GROUP As the Executive Secretary of the Freguesia/Brasilândia intersectoral working group, Sou da Paz is responsible for coordinating members and organizing the activities of a working group focused on the socioeducational system. SÃO PAULO TATE YOUNG OFFENDERS PROGRAM Sou da Paz supports the implementation of a state program targeting young offenders who have recently left the socioeducational measures system. Drawing on experiences from other Brazilian states and countries in Latin America, the program is aimed at assisting young men and women recently released from detention. "Sou da Paz plays a leading role in the struggle for human rights and democracy in Brazil. Its research and disarmament campaigns put the organization at the front line of efforts to defend a society in which life and the rule of law are core values for all people without exception." ATILA ROQUE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL BRAZIL THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE NETWORK Together with eight other organizations, Sou da Paz is a member of the Criminal Justice Network. The Network´s main objective is to help make the Brazilian criminal justice system fairer and more efficient by intensifying the public debate about key challenges and promoting institutional change. ARMED VIOLENCE WEBSITE (Retrato da Violência Armada) Sou da Paz created an unprecedented interactive website that gathers information about deaths due to armed assault from across all of Brazil’s states and provides statistics on homicide and armed robbery. The information can also be accessed via cell phone. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll “With its impeccable performance in defense of the Disarmament Statute, Instituto Sou da Paz has become a key player at national level in the fight for effective violence prevention and control policies.” VALÉRIA VELASCO JOURNALIST COORDINATOR OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE (COMITÊ NACIONAL DE VICTIMS DE VIOLÊNCIA – CONVIVE) MEDIA EXPOSURES BY TYPE OF MEDIA: 554 ARTICLES IN THE PRESS 3.42% INCREASE COMPARED TO 2014 20 368 WEBSITES NEWSPAPER G1, TERRA, UOL, IG, BBC, R7, VEJA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, ESTADÃO, HUFFPOST BRASIL, CORREIO BRAZILIENSE AND O GLOBO 72 FOLHA DE S. PAULO, O ESTADO DE S. PAULO, O GLOBO, VALOR ECONÔMICO, CORREIO BRAZILIENSE 34 RADIO 13 BLOGS MAGAZINES NEWS AGENCIES BLOG DO NOBLAT (O GLOBO), BLOG DO MÍLTON JUNG (RÁDIO CBN), CIDADES SEM FRONTEIRAS POR MARIANA BARROS (VEJA) "Homicide reduction and arms control are not very popular topics and do not arouse much interest. Sou da Paz demonstrates the importance of these issues and points the way to addressing challenges with excellent results". BRUNO PAES MANSO JOURNALIST FROM THE WEB PORTAL PONTE RESEARCHER AT THE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF VIOLENCE (NÚCLEO DE ESTUDOS DA VIOLÊNCIA - NEV-USP) 10 ISTOÉ, ÉPOCA, VEJA, TIME (EUA), REVISTA SÃO PAULO (FOLHA DE S. PAULO) 09 AGÊNCIA BRASIL SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS: COLUMNS TV 48 REDE GLOBO – PROGRAMS: JORNAL NACIONAL, JORNAL HOJE, PROFISSÃO REPÓRTER, SPTV 1ª EDIÇÃO AND SPTV 2ª EDIÇÃO GLOBO NEWS – PROGRAM: JORNAL DA GLOBO NEWS REDE RECORD – PROGRAMS: HOJE EM DIA, SP NO AR, JORNAL DA RECORD RECORD NEWS – PROGRAM: JORNAL DA RECORD NEWS PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTRY’S MAIN MEDIA OUTLETS CBN, GLOBO, ESTADÃO, BANDNEWS, JOVEM PAN AND CULTURA YOUTUBE VIEWINGS 19.292 THROUGHOUT 2015 FACEBOOK LIKES 15.000 SBT– PROGRAM: SBT BRASIL INCREASE OF 3,700 LIKES IN COMPARISON TO 2014 TV CULTURA – PROGRAMS: JORNAL DA CULTURA TWITTER TV GAZETA – PROGRAMS: JORNAL DA GAZETA AND CIDADE OCUPADA 250.736 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FOLLOWERS INCREASE OF 49,386 FOLLOWERS IN COMPARISON TO 2014 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AROUND THE WORLD ARMS CONTROL BRASÍLIA/FEDERAL DISTRICT MACEIÓ/STATE OF ALAGOAS RECIFE/STATE OF PERNAMBUCO RIO DE JANEIRO/STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO CAPE TOWN/SOUTH AFRICA BOGOTA/COLUMBIA OSLO/NORWAY PUBLIC SECURITY MANAGEMENT ARARAQUARA/STATE OF SÃO PAULO BRASÍLIA/FEDERAL DISTRICT MACEIÓ/STATE OF ALAGOAS RIBEIRÃO PRETO/STATE OF SÃO PAULO RIO DE JANEIRO/STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO VITÓRIA/STATE OF ESPÍRITO SANTO LONDON/ENGLAND JUVENILE JUSTICE HOMICIDES BRASÍLIA/FEDERAL DISTRICT CAMPINAS/STATE OF SÃO PAULO MACEIÓ/STATE OF ALAGOAS QUITO/ECUADOR NEW YORK-CHICAGO/UNITED STATES THE HAGUE/NETHERLANDS BRASÍLIA/FEDERAL DISTRICT RIO DE JANEIRO/STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO BOGOTA/COLUMBIA MEXICO CITY/MEXICO AWARD NEW YORK/UNITED STATES “I feel privileged to have the opportunity to collaborate with Sou da Paz in Los Angeles and learn about its methodology and projects. Sou da Paz’s work towards strengthening civil society and forming strategic partnerships throughout Brazil and in other countries in the Americas is sure to help prevent violence in the region and bring many benefits to vulnerable young people and families”. BILLIE WEISS FOUNDER OF THE VIOLENCE PREVENTION COALITION OF GREATER LOS ANGELES OUR FUNDERS We rely on a number of partners and supporters to make our vision of public security and criminal justice a reality in Brazil. A special to thanks everyone who ensures that we can achieve our goals to maximum effect. FUNDERS Brandili Fundação Lemann Globo Comunicações Grupo Segurador Banco do Brasil e Mapfre Imprensa Oficial Instituto Betty e Jacob Lafer Instituto Credit Suisse Hedging Griffo The Open Society Foundations UNDP Brazil The Royal Norwegian Ministry TVML Foundation INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS Agência Máquina Agência Sobrado Amnesty International Associação Pela Reforma Prisional Boxnet CESEC Conectas Conectas Direitos Humanos Public Defender of the State of São Paulo Fábio Andrade/Ideograma FGV Flávio Waiteman/Agência Escala The Brazilian Public Security Forum Fundação Brava Fundação Casa/SP “Instituto Sou da Paz plays a leading role in the global debate on Iepades disarmament. The technical expertise of its team and engagement Instituto de Defensores de Direitos Humanos with public authorities make Sou da Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa Paz one of the most respected actors in global civil society. In addiInstituto Igarapé tion, Sou da Paz has a strong governance structure and promotes Instituto Terra, Trabalho e Cidadania high-impact actions.” Justiça Global The Justice Ministry PEDRO ABRAMOVAY DIRECTOR OF THE LATIN AMERICA The Public Prosecutor’s Office of the PROGRAM OF THE OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS State of São Paulo Movpaz Maceió “Sou da Paz is a guarantee that NEV/USP Núcleo de Estudos da Violência da USP someone is thinking through, reasoning out, creating and implePannunzio Trezza Advogados menting public security solutions”. PayPal FLAVIO WAITEMAN Pinheiro Macedo Advogados DIRECTOR OF CREATION AT AGÊNCIA ESCALA The Scientific Police of the State of São Paulo The Civil Police of the State of São Paulo The Military Police of the State of São Paulo São Paulo City Council PricewaterhouseCoopers Rede Desarma Brasil The Criminal Justice Network The Department of Education of the State of São Paulo The Department of Public Security of the Federal District The State Social Welfare Department The Department of Public Security of the State of São Paulo São Paulo City Council Department of Social Welfare and Development São Paulo City Council Department of Human Rights and Citizenship São Paulo City Council Department of Sport, Leisure and Recreation São Paulo City Council Department of Urban Security The State of São Paulo Justice Court Viva Rio llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FINANCIAL STATEMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES 72% 28% Institutional Projects and Programs TOTAL RESOURCES 2015: R$ 4.701.408,22 ALLOCATION OF INCOME BY CORE AREA INCOME BY SOURCE 2015 41,47% International National 58,53% PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Communication 24% Prevention 14% Research 25% Justice System and Public Security 9% Gifts 12% 23% Financial Income National Foundations Administration 16% Donations from Individuals and Members 1% Companies and Private National and International Institutes 9% INSTITUTIONAL 28% FUNDS RAISED 39% International Foundations Training and Development Third-party Services (Accounting, Information Technology, Audit and Legal Advice) Fixed Costs (Rent, Electricity, Water, Maintenance, Telephone and Internet) Other Instituto Sou da Paz’s financial statements are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers: 2016-2018 STRATEGIC PLANNING CYCLE In 2015, Instituto Sou da Paz undertook a strategic planning process for the following three years. Ultimately, we chose to maintain the following strategic objectives: to reduce homicides in Brazil and to reduce robberies in the State of São Paulo. We also designed new strategies to widen the impact of our actions on these crime phenomena. REDUCING HOMICIDES IN BRAZIL LESS FIREARMS IN CIRCULATION IN BRAZIL Reduce the number of firearms in circulation in Brazil, increasing the number of firearms destroyed in proportion to the number of firearms bought and sold. Legal framework for the control of firearms State firearm control program Reduction in the stock of firearms Reduction in the demand for firearms MORE EFFECTIVE POLICE Increase the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of security forces, with emphasis on investigation and police-society interaction. REDUCING ROBBERIES IN THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO REDUCTION OF JUVENILE RECIDIVISM (TERTIARY PREVENTION) Create a socio-educational system with increased capacity to re-integrate juvenile offenders and reduce juvenile recidivism Police stop and frisk procedures Strengthening family bonds Police killings and police victimization State young offenders program Police investigations Robbery prevention practices Coordination of the protection network Programs to stimulate permanence of children at school Provision of Community Services PUBLIC SECURITY MANAGEMENT Promote the adoption of a results-based management approach by departments of public security Results-based management program in departments of public security Goals System Improvement of public security procedures SOU DA PAZ TEAM We are a team of professionals committed to excellence. Together, we offer new prospects for improving public security in Brazil. EQUIPE SoudaPaz A paz na prática Instituto BOARD OF DIRECTORS Denis Mizne Marcos Lederman Pedro Pullen Parente Ricardo Manuel dos Santos Henriques Theodomiro Dias Netto AUDIT COMMITTEE Daniel Krepel Goldberg Ilan Goldfajn Thiago Lopes Ferraz Donnini Marcela Souza – Assistant Kimberly Santos – Assistant Maria Regina Beranger – Assistant Evaneide Furtado Garcia – Assistant COMMUNICATION Janaina Baladez – Division Coordinator Fernando Freitas – Media Relations Advisor Flávia Meira – Media Relations Advisor Tiago Cabral – Graphic Designer Mayara Correia – Intern RESEARCH Stephanie Morin – Division Coordinator Fabiana Bento – Researcher Ana Carolina Pekny – Researcher Fábio Freller – Intern GENERAL ASSEMBLY Beatriz Cruz Carlos Portugal Gouvêia Daniel Krepel Goldberg Denis Mizne Eduardo Pannunzio Fernanda Meirelles Ferreira Flávia Goulart José Marcelo S. Zacchi Lígia Rechenberg Luciana César Guimarães Mariana Montoro Jens Melina Ingrid Risso Ricardo Mello JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SECURITY SYSTEMS Bruno Langeani – Division Coordinator Eduardo Vieira – Project Coordinator Natália Pollachi – Project Coordinator Leticia Biaggioni – Project Assistant EXECUTIVE BOARD Ivan Marques – Director Beatriz Miranda – Senior Advisor Carolina Ricardo – Senior Advisor Thais Chueiri – Institutional Development Advisor Felippe Angeli – Advocacy Advisor PREVENTION Rodrigo Pereira – Division Coordinator Beatriz Saks – Project Coordinator Danielle Tsuchida – Project Coordinator Fernando Araújo – Researcher Renata Rocha – Project Assistant 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Organization and Elaboration: Flávia Meira Revision: Fernando Freitas, Flávia Meira, Janaina Baladez and Ivan Marques Graphic Design and Layout: Tiago Cabral FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Ana Paula Lázaro – Division Coordinator Fernanda Neves –Financial Analyst Rubens Teixeira – Financial Assistant Ecilane Rodrigues – Executive Assistant SOU DA PAZ’S SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS institutosoudapaz tvsoudapaz @isoudapaz Sou da Paz Rua Luis Murat, 260 - Vl. Madalena São Paulo - SP - CEP: 05436-050 Phone: (11) 3093-7333
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