Part 5 - australian history


Part 5 - australian history
. 1-128
- 1262-12G6
- 1271-1277
Agcnt-Gcnerni for tlio Colony in
Agricultural Department
Alphabetical Directory
. , 12SD
Art Gallery
Associates and Olcrks of Arraigns.. 1200
Asylums Department
Audit Department
Australian Museum
Bankruptcy Department
Barracks and Ordnunco Department 1205
Barristers' Admission Board..
. . 1202
Bllocla gaol
Board of Health
Board for opening tonders—Public
Botunio Gardens
British Ships of War on the Australian station
.... 1'AGB
. . 1252
District Registrars
,.111)2 Leg|slutivo Council—Oflipors of
Libraries.. ;', . .
. . 026
Divorce and Matrimonial Causes
.. ' . .
.. 1200 Lunacy Department
Lunatic Asylums—See Institutions 1133
Ecolcsiftstlcal . .
. . 1245-1217
. . 1230-1244 Magistrates—Stipendiary' . .
. . 1250
Electric Telegraphs
1262 Marino Board
Engineers, Military
1263 Mnstcr in Equity
English and Continental ManufacMatrimonial Causos Court . .
. . 1250
1248-1210 Medical Dlreotory—SM Surgeons . . 1211
Equity—Master in
1200 Metropolitan Transit Commission . . 120S
European Manufacturers
. . 1248-1249 Military Forces
Executive Council
1251 Mines—Secretary for . .
' . . 1268
Minister for Justice
. . 1267
Hlnnnco and Trade—Treos. and Bee. 1265 Minister for Publio Instruction
Fire Brigades
1254 Money Order and Savings Bank Department
Firms' Pay-days
Fisheries Commission
1264 Municipal—See commencement of
Freo Publio Library
Friendly Societies
. . 12M Museum
Gnul, Dnrllnghurst
General Post Office
Ueologlcal Survey
Governmental and Parliamentary . . 1.'61
Government Architect
Government Asylums . . . . .
. . 1254
Government Printing Offlco . .
. . 1210
Government Savings Bank . .
. . 1202
Government Statistician
Governors of the Australian Colonics
Grants of Laud—Claims to . .
. . 1202
National Art Gallery
Nautical Training-school Sobraon . . 1267
Naval Brlgado
Navul Artillery Volunteers . .
. . 1205
Naval Department
Naval Force
Naval and Military
N.8.W. Lancers
Notaries Publio
Cavalry, NJ3.W. Regiment of..'
. . 1203
Census . .
.. '
Central Polico Court
Certificated Conveyancers . .
. . 1008
City Streets Directory
Occupation of Lands
Civil Departments
Offlolol Assignee
. . 1171
Civil Service Board
ReportOfficers of Legislative Counoil and
Claims to Grants of Land
ing Staff
Clerk of Petty Sessions
1050 Harbours and Rivers Navigation . . 1260 Ordnance Department
Coal Fields, &a., Coal Mines . .
. . 1268
1256 Parliamentary
Coast Hospital
125(1 Health Board
. . 1254
1230 Health and Medical Department . . 1266 Parliamentary Draftsmen . .
Parliamentary Library
. . 1263
Colonial Defence Boats
, . 1202
Parliamentary Reporting Stall—
Colonial Distilleries Inspector
. . 1250
Onief Secretary
125.1 Imperial Government Establishments
1263 Pastoral Directory
Colonial Store Department . .
1255 Patent Agents
Commissioners for Affidavits..
. . 1063 Imperial Pensions
..1201 Patents aud Copyrights
. . 1261
1067 Incorporated Law Institute . .
1264 Permanent and Volunteer Military
Copyright Ueglstrar and Agents . . 1070 Infantry
Coroner's Court
1260 Insolvency Court
1264 Petty Sessions (Suburban) Olcrks of 1259
Crown Prosecutors
014 Police Courts
Crown Solicitor
1260 Institutes
Curator's Depart. (Supreme Court) 1260 Instruction, Publio (Department) . . 1004 Police Inspcotor-Gcneral
. . 10061 Prisons Department
Customs Duties
... 1266 Justice—Minister for ..'
1261 Land Appeal Court
1102 Publio Instruction
Deeds Branch—Reglstrar-Qeneral . . 1264 Lauds—Claims to Grants of
. . 1008 Publio Library . .
Defence Department
1263 Lands—Occupation of
. . 1000 Publio Watering Places
. . 1268
Departments (Government)—See teaLands—Seoretary for
1000 Public Works—Seoretary for..
. . 1269
. peotive names
Law Institute
1008 Publio Works—Board for Opening
Department of Agriculture . .
. , 1258 Legal Directory—See Trades section
Department of FrlsoiiB
for llarrlsters. Solicitors, Offioial
Diamond Drill Branch
Assignees, also Minister for JusRailways
Distilleries and Sugar Refineries
831 Railway Branoh — Works DepartDepartment
1250 Legislative Assembly
DIstriot Court Judges
..1261 Legislative Assembly—Ofiloers of .'. 1253 Regiment of Cavalry . .
. . 1202
District Court
1261 Legislative Council
1251 Registrar of Copyrights
. . 1201
. . 1254
. . 1250 Trade Unions Registrar
12531 Stipendiary Magistrate
Trades Directory
. . 1250 Streets (Olty) Directory
..1-128 Tramways
1265Submarine Miners
1203 Transit Commissioners
Barings Bank Department . .
and Trade . .
Dlroctory . .
Secretary of Finance and Trade
•. 1255 Suburban
Refineries Department
. . 1256 Treasury
Seoretary for Lands ..
. . 1202 Sugar
Secretary for Mines
of tlio Colony
Seoretary for 1'nbllo Works . .
, . 125D Surveyor, Chief, &o
„ 1361 Trigonometrical Survey of the 1202
Sewerage Branoh—Works . .
. . 1258 Sydnoy District Court..
Sbaftesbnry Reformatory —
. . 1254 Sydney Mint . .
_ 1257
Sheriffs Department , ,
. . 1260 Sydney Teobntcal College
Vloo-Admlralty Court
Shipping Masters
Volunteer Artillery ..
.. 1263
Ships of War on Australian Btatlon
Sobraon Training Ship
. . 1267 Technical Education
Brunch . .
..1267 Water Conservation
, . 1202 Technological Museum
Police Court
.. 1262 Water
1203 Telegraph Department
and Measures
.. 1261
. . 1250 Weights
1262 Tender Board—Publlo Works
Solicitors'Admission Board . .
1261 Theatres—See Places of Amusement 1170 Works (Public) Department ..
Speotaolo Island
.. 1269"
and Finance—Treasurer and
Stamp Dutlos Offioe _
. . 1257 Trade
1255 Works—Board for Opening Tenders 1250
Stamp Duties , .
. . 1267
Til vers Navigation
Royal Mint
Abattoirs, Glebe Island, Balmaiu
Abattoirs nl
Abattoirs rd, Balmain
Arab st, Bankstown .,
Abbotsford rd, Hornebush , ,
Abbott st, Granvlllo
Abbott st, Randwiok
A'Beokctt st, Granville
Abcrcorn st, Bezley
Abcroromblo lane
Abercromble plaoo
Abercromble st, Rcdfern
Abigail st, Hunter's Hill
Abigail st, Summer Hill
Abouklr st, Rockdale
Abuklca rd, Marsfleld
Acton st, Burwood
Ada st, Concord
Ada lane, Erskinevillo
Ada st, Erskluevllle
Ada st, Parramatta
Ada Villas terrace, Erskinevillo
Addcrton rd, Dundas
Ady st, Hunter's Hill
Adam st, Granville
Adderloy st, Auburn
Addcrlcy st, Rookwood
Addiscombe Park, Manly ..
Addison rd, Marrickvlllo
Addison rd, Manly
Adelaide lanq
Adelaide place
Adelaide st
Adelaide st, Woollahra
Adolphus lane, Balmain
Adolphus st, Balmain
Adolphus st, Willoughby
Ady st, Hunter's Hill
Afona st, Auburn
Agar st
Agar st cast
Agar st, Marrlckvillo
Agincourt rd, Marsfleld
AgneB st, Stratbfleld
Aird st, Parramatta
Albany rd, Petersham..
Albany st,North Sydney
Albany st, Willoughby
Albemarle st, Newtown
Albert avenue, Clmtswood ..
Albort crescent, Oroydou
Albert Grove, Ashfleld
Albert lane, Lclohhardt
Albert lunc, Paddington
Albert parade, Ashfleld
Albert place, Pyrmont
Albert place
Albert rd, Auburn
Albert rd, Canterbury
Albert rd, Hoinebush
.Albert rd, Stratbfleld
Albert st, Pyrmont
Albort st (Phillip st)
Albert st, Balmain
. . 194
. . 408
.. 276
. . 144
. . 242
. . 482
. . 312
. . 817
. . 166
. . 627
. . 336
. . 426
. . 312
. . 627
. , 200
. , 141
. . 388
. . 144
Allco st, Auburn
Albert st, Botany
. . 1 9 0 Allco st, Balmain
. . . . . .
Albert st, Burwood
. . 2 0 0 Alice st, Drummoyno
Albert st, Darllnghurst
2 Allco st, Newtown
Albert st, Forest Lodge
. . 2 5 1 Allco st, Parramatta
Albert st, Ersklnovlllo
242 Allan's avenue, Marriokvillo ,,
. . 313
Albert st, Gladcsvillo
487 Allen's lane
Albert st, Granville
268 Alton's rd, North Rydo
. . 487
Albert st, Lclohhardt
296 Allonst
Albert st, Marrlckvillo
. . 3 1 8 Allen st, Concord
Albert st, Newtown
313 Allen st, Canterbury . .
„ 218
.. 251
Albert Bt, Paddiugton
88H Allen st, Glebe
Albert st, Parramatta
411 Allen st, Granville
Albert st, Petersham
420 Allen st, Lclohhardt
Albert st (Guildford), Prospcot and
Allen st, Wavorley
410 Alloyne st, Willoughby
. . 527
Albert st, Randwiok
445 Allison st, Randwiok . ,
Albert st, Rodforn
450 Alma lane, Darlington
Albert st, Rookwood
482 Alma lane, Marriokvillo
. . 318
Albert st (now called Potts st), Rydo 487 Alina rd, Marsflold
Albert st, St. Peters
492 Alma st oast
Albert st, Tlvoli, St. Peters . .
. . 492 Alma st west
Albert st, Wavcrley
614 Alma st, ABhflold
Alberta st
2 Alma st, Darlington
Albion Inno, Surry Hills
2 Alma Bt, Paddington
Albion st
Alma st, Parramatta
Albion st, Aunnndalo
137 Almast, North Sydney
. . 869
Albion st, Balmain
167 Almora stroet, Mosman
. . 837
Albion st, Lolchtmrdt
200 Alpha rd, Willoughby
Albion st, Marriokvillo
. . 318 Alston st, Alston Park, Hurstvllle .. 280
Albion at, Paddington
388 Alt Bt, Aahflold
Albion st.Parrauittttn
411 Alton st, Woollahra
Albion st, Wavcrley
614 Alvision st, Stratbfleld
. . 400
. . 278
Albion st, Woollahra
633 Ambrose st, Hunter's Hill . .
. . 363
Albynst, Stratbfleld . .
. . 4 0 3 Amelia st, North.Botany
Albyu st, Boxloy
280 Amelia st, Waterloo
Aldcrson st, Redfcrn
460 Amhurst st, North Sydnoy ..
.. 360
Aldcrsou st, Waterloo
605 Amos st (May's Uill), Prospcot and
Alexander lane
Amy rd, Hurstvllle
. . 280
Alexander st (now called Andrew
st), Littlo Coogeo
445 Amy st, Canterbury
Alexander st
3 Amy st, Ersklnovlllo
Ale\nnderst, Alexandria
. . 129
Alexander st, Balmuln
167 Anderson st, Alexandria
Alexander Bt, Hunter's Hill . .
. . 2 7 6 Andorson st, Willoughby
Alexander st, Paddington
. . 8 8 8 Andcrtou st, Marriokvillo . .
. . 318
Alexander st, North 8ydnoy ..
. . 807 Andovcr st, Kogarab
Alexander Bt, Willoughby . .
. . 6 2 7 Andreas st, Petersham
Alfred st (Bowman st)
3 Andrew st (Littlo Coogeo) Randwiok 445
Alfred st, Circular Quay
3 Angel rd, Burwood
Alfred st, Annaudalo
138 Angel st, Newtown
. . 843
Angclo st, Burwood . .
Alfred Bt, Auburn (now called Park
.. SCO
100 Augelo st, North Sydney
Alfred st, Balmain
167 Angelo square, Kugarah
.. 288
Alfred Bt, Burwood
200 Anglesca st, Bondl
Alfred rd, Forest Lodge
. . 2 5 1 Aim's lane, Burwood ,
Alfred st, Granville
268 Ann st, Balmain
, 167
Alfred st, Clark's Point, Hunter's Hill 270 Ann st, Canterbury . .
., 218
Alfred st (Kcbblowhlta's Estate),
Ann Bt, Enfield
296 Ann st, Rookwood
Alfred st; Marrlckvillo
. . 3 1 8 Ann st, Rockdale
. . 474
Alfred Bt, North Botany
. . 8 6 3 Ann Bt, Surry Hills
Alfred Bt, North Sydney
. . 868' Annandalcst, Annaudalo
.. 138
Alfred Bt, St. Peters
402 Annandalc st, Woollahra
.. 533
Alfred st, Wavcrley
614 Annosley st, Lolohbardt
.. 206
Inkerman Street—East side
Boundary to Lansdowne ttrett
Norrls W„ carpenter
Rose/till street
Ling Ernest A.
Fleming- Martin
Delaney Joseph
Dixon street
West side
Rose/till street
Collott Mrs. Kuth
Dunn Miss M.
Cardiff Mrs. J.
Methvcn John
JJruton Thomas
Bailey Frank
Iron Street
Beilevue street to bush
Flaherty Mrs. J.
Kccklo George
Orcor William, asylum attendant
llllllcr John, gardener
Summers James, blacksmith
Lyons Alfred, osylum attendant
Griffiths Rlclwrd
Prince street
Murphy Daniel, gaol warder
Williams Harry
Frazer William, senior gaol warder
Gilbert Thomas, orchardist
Fortes street
Parramatta waterworks—E. Vandor
stegcr, engineer
Isabella Street—North side
Pennant //ills road to Murray street
Grace William
Gilbert J.
Waters Robert K.
Sorrel/ street
Saunders John
Cranney Thomas
Sonter William, dairyman
Marin Georgo II., carpenter
Quarmby Henry
Howell W. II
Tuckwcll W. II., asylum attendant
South side
Pennant street
Whltmoro Louisa
Orr Esther
Willis Mrs. T
Brown Mrs. J.
Bowd TbomaB J.
Dwyer Philip
Clcgg W.
Upton John \V.
Sorrel/ street
Silcock Henry, dairykcepor
Arkinti Mrs. Ellen
Gagan Patrick
Junotion Street
Church to Wentworth street
MacDonald John
King Street
Off Western road
Do BrettcTlllc John
Lamont Street
Off Sorre/l street
Johnson Robert it.
Lamont Parade.
Sorrell street\ to Parramatta river
Strout JomcB
Walton Thomas O., blacksmith
Harm way >.argaret
Itobertson Charles A„ gardonor
Caddcn Edward, painter
Moore Itobcrt
Lamont street
Lansdowne Street
Church to Marsden street
Hope Thomas
Davlcs W, E.
Cunyngbamo Francis G., grocer's
Oambrell Ucnjumln
Jones Mrs, Ann
Mobbs Mary Ann
Sherwood James
Pearcc James It., coachbulldor
Turner Frederick
Lennox Street—South side
Lansdowne to Marsden street
Gordon Stephen
Hughes Edwin
Jones William
North side
Hall Malcolm
Edwards Alfred
Webb William
Ilarncs John, produce merchant
King John
Blake Mrs. C, boardlnghousc
Jeffrey Mrs. M. A.
Macarthur Rev. James (C. of E.)
MoArthur Stroot
Pennant street to Parramatta river
Macqucon Farquahar A.
Stewart Ncalc, J.P., " Atholo"
McLaren J., cabman
Davies II. J., general agent
Adams Miss E.
Roberts Mrs. C.
Iluulson Mrs. Ann
Taylor James, boardlnghousc
Roads and Bridges Offlce-J. W. T.
Smith street
Atkinson John, carpenter
Harbor Thomas
Infirm and Destitute Asylum—A. W.
Ureon, chief superintendent; Miss
Ellen It. L. Dennis, matron; W, J,
Moiey, dispenser
Soath side
Vallaok James E.
Burncll Mrs. E. K., '• Trovennack "
Hart Joseph, timber merchant
Johnstone Alexander, sen.
Galloway Mrs. Emily
Salter W. It.
O'Connell street
Orlfflthii Miss, private school
Grlfflthii William
Houlston Mrs. It.
Haddon Mrs,, nurse
Pollock Thomas W.
Marsden street
Barton Mrs., " St. John's lodgo"
Inglis Mrs. J. W„ " Hanloyvillo"
Church street
Jones Bros., fuel merchants
WcBleyan Sabbath School
Macquarle Hall
Stephen Itcv. P. J. (Wcs.)
Wesleyan Church—llov. P. J. Stephen
Richardson II. A , solicitor
Holland Mrs. Harriett, "Cranbrook"
TunksW. II., "Nnr.hiam"
I'eurcu E. P„ auctiuuaar, " Hurleyvllle"
Wcckes George II.
Vernon Mrs.
Nicholson J. C, painter
Taylor street
Superior Public School — 8. Drummond, headmaster
Police Barracks—Sub inspector itobt.
Murray Edward N., warehouseman,
" Edgecombe "
Maoquarie Stroet—North side
Pitt row to //arris street
Houghley James
Gaud George A.
Cosgrovo Henry
Marion Stroet—North side
Valluck and Co,, Parramatta Brewery
Church to Harris street
Douglas Frank 8.
Wentworth street
Black Mrs. E. S.
Gazznrd Moses
Miller J. J., financial agent
Marsden street
Jamicson Alexander, plumber
School of Arts—B. II. Do Low, presiBrown Jas., carpenter
dent ; G. A. Illidgc, sec; 8. L.
Dowson William
Webster, librarian
Cowfer street
Prim. Moth. Church—Rev. W. Pettir.gcr
Howell Jshn, carpenter
Church street
Railway Hue—Station street—Wigram
Y.M.O A. reading room
street—Albion street—//arris street
Mercury buildings—
South side
Douglas John and Co., account collectors
Woollcr Thomas, fruiterer
Friendly Societies' hall
Edwards II. J.
Stowo F. Ernest, architect
Lucas Samuel, bricklayer
Lucas and Hall, bootmakers
ltadbron Ttiumas
Eylcs A. J., auctioneer
High street
Carpenter W. T., saddler
Lee John T.
Gourlay T., dyer and cleaner
Garrett W. A.
CUMBEULANU Auous—Little and Co.,
Walt George
Ilockings F J
Sweeney Frederick, coach builder
Meads Frederick
Williamson K., bootmaker
Davis Chas. Q„ constable
Martin T. II., billposter
Railway crossing—//arris park station
Childs Henry
"WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. Vest, Sydney
Tel. 632.
Elder Henry, tinsmith
Auckland W. A.
Bcszant Miss, dressmaker
Meades Mrs. Ann
Oakcs Herbert H.
Webb Thomas II., Insurance agent
Williams P. Thomas, stonemason
Robllliard John, builder
Market Street
Church to Villiers street
Market reserve
Harmcr Harry
Doyle W., chemist
Tramway line—George street
Little Thomas D.
District Hospital-Alfred Marsden,
president; T. I). Little, hon. sec.;
Miss J. II. G. ltutter, matron
Parramatta river dam—Mason street
Lamont Carl A., pianoforto turner
Douglas Mrs. S.
Quuifo Miss
Lewis William
Paul George, gaol warder
Kcll J.
smith J.
Booth J.
West side
May's Hill
C. of E. Cemetery—S, Cook, sexton
Argyle street—Railway bridge—Hunter
Western road to railway line
Hitohooek William," Wllldamore"
Cottage I'MM—W. II. Snudden
Dabbs J. P., "Gladstone"
Whlto Jas.
Richards .Mrs. J„ " Ellersllo"
Murphy Stephen, J.P., olerk of potty
Williams Mrs. M.
Hazlegrovo C. J.
Harper Richard, J P.
Macouarie street—Parramatta park
Ellison Edward, J. P.
Ross street
Fullagher Harry, "Wilmington"
Andrews 11.
Sulman John, sen.
Boys J. W. T., "Alle»grcon"
Nlcholls George
Peapcs George, draper
Clift Mrs. Elizabeth
Symonds James
Neakcs Laban, storekeeper
Moiratt John
Richardson R. Stewart, printer
Hilllard George, " Imlay "
Murray William R.
Jhonson Walter, solicitor
Adams Henry T., "Kilmeny"
Long Putrlck, " Avondalo "
Murray Street
Off /sabella street
Marsden Stroet—East side
Boundary street to Parramatta River
Nolan Patrick, butcher
Edwards Harry, sen.
Barnes James
Martin Henry
Delany David, painter
Lansdowne street—Lennox street—Early
' street—Western road
Watklns Francis T., •• Pcnroso"
Cam/bell street—Airdstreet
Alrcy Mrs. W. T.
A rgyle street—Railway bridge—//unter
New Streot
street—Macouarie street
Button Joseph, compositor
Factory to Dunlop street
Down Thomas M.
Carman Caleb, painter
Moxham Honr
Woolpack Sale Yards—E. Goldsby
Austin William
Woolsack hotel— Edward Marshall
Veltch Thomas
Tramway—George street—Phillip street Halligan John
Sharpe Mrs.
De Saxc Georgo, surgeon dontlst
Vaughan Patrick
Young John M., " Riverside"
West Bide
Rosehill street
New Zealand Streot
Muston Thomas, brlckmakcr
Off A/cArthur street
Towers and Muston, bakers
Mrs. 11., "Newlands"
Davis Mrs. II.
Jenkins Thomas
lUwklns Georgo
liriduo .1. T., plumber
O'Oonnell Streot—East sido
sbellnaek Ferdinand
Campbell to Albert street
Webb John
Crimea street
A rgyle street—Railway bridge
Pcarse Mrs. J. S., storekeeper
Spring John, grocer
Down Samuol
Hunter street
Glebe street
Travellers' Rest—D. Watsford, manaChlpplndale J.
Roberts II. A., commission agent
Brown MISB Mary (The Wnrdloy
Fyall James G.
Mnrbehan Thomas
Uaddic Matthow
Western road
Macouarie street
Gtlnthcr Rev. Archdeacon William J.,
Pyo John
incumbent ft. John's C. of E.
Pearson S. J., J. P.
Campbell street
Park-gate hotel—Henry Mtillin
Gadon Miss Maria E.
Stowo F. E„ architect
George street
Tramwny shed
Clcove Charles
Trafford T., dentist, " Hillsido"
Parramatta river—Pennant street
Howlctt Henry, plasterer
Garland James, blacksmith
Curtis Joseph
Hill Henry
Curtis Q. D„ tailor
Wharton J. C, editor "Cumberland
Argus "
A rgyle street—Railway bridge
Board Churlus
Burdus Charles, blacksmith
Ross street
Hunter street
Thorpe It. C, surgeon
Miller A. C
Tosh James, architect
Grose street
Carpenter Hercules
Dunn Luko
Brown Mrs., dressmaker
Watters Wm., painter, "Cocilvillo"
Macouarie street
Fennell street—Harold street
Harrison George, van proprietor
Whlto William, veterinary surgeon
Lamont Miss M.
Palmer Stroet—North sido
Church to Sorrell street
Paul John
Mason .Mrs. E. L,
Farrcll ThomaB
Green Georgo
Atkins Frederick
South sido
Murphy Mrs. S.
Fisher Miss E,
Lawronco Charles
Parramatta Park
Ollror Joseph
Mills Charles
Yates Thomas, gatckecpor
Riley William E„ plumber
Parramatta C. C. ground
Saladino Joseph, park ranger
Hades Thomas
Pomborton Grange
Pennant street to Parramatta river
Short John, fruitgrower
Victoria road
Bull Hugh, dairyman
Fonnant Hills Road
Church street to Boundary store
Daly Mrs. E„ nurso
Perry Samuel, blacksmith
Ferris Alfred II., auctioneer
Burns Jumus J.I'., " Gowanbrao"
Pennant Stroot—North sido
O'Connell street to Kissing Point road
Combos Rev. A. II. (C. of E.)
Abbott William, bootmaker
SUJoscph'sconvent—Slstorsof Mercy
Marlst Brothers' school (lt.C.)—
Brother Claudius
Villiers street
Tovey George, coaehpalntci*
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. Soutli, Sydney C ^ ^ Z r * * )
I'eiiiuuit street continued—
Phillip S t r e o t - N o r t h side
West sido
Dollow James, wheelwright
Marsden to Charles street
Rcilly William
Brlen George
Gray James, bootmaker
Roschill bowling greon
Veltch William
Stacey Mrs.
Western road
Granger A., sen.
0'Byrne John A., tailor
Harvey T. II.
Church street
Symonds Arthur
Dunbar Hugh
Golllng Mrs. F,, registry office
Garland James, farrier
Wedderburn It., scalomnkor
Prlnoo Stroot
Anplnall Mrs. .S.
Sparks Mrs. Jordan, undertaker
Off Iron street
Adams II.
Church street
Powoll A. G„ gaol warder
Mazlln Jnmes
Byrne P. S.
Lyons W. J.
Horwood Mrs. J.
Brown \V., blacksmith
Brown George
Barton William, bootmakor
Sorrell street
Richards Frederick
Furohaso S t r e e t
Garlick Hy. T., letter carrior
Smith Mrs. Shepliard
Allen Frederick G„ builder and conGeorce to //assail street
Forranco Mrs. M. A.
Anderson MIBS
Brickfield street
Sutton II. D.
Centos George, timber mcrohant
Lee Daniel
Caywood John
Jox Mrs. E., confectioner
Lewis 11.
Wall John
St. George's terrace—
Fullagar William, farmer
Fleming Patrick
1 Bray Thomas, glazier
Hayward llnrry, gas limpoctor
2 Castlo Thumas
River Road
Suiter street
3 Warren William
From Alfred street to Parramatta river
Eades Sirs. T. II.
4 Hunter Mrs. James
Monkbouse C. K.
5 Gllmore hnchol
Warnkc Charles
0 Clark Miss, drcssmakor
Setts street
Hart, Hltohcock and Co., timber yard
Oriental hotel— Robert Balmcr
Koss street—McArthur street
Smith street
Elwood Sydnoy
C.mnon Isaac, jun.
Hoborts A. K.
Rosohlll Streot—North sido
Murray E. J., bricklayer
Ernns Sophia
Gagan Mrs. M.
Church street to Pitt row
Forsytb Brothers, blacksmiths
Moulds John
Ahcarn Mrs. Denis
Turner J.
O'l'oole Mrs. M.
Hewitt Henry W.
Hilt Mrs. C
Bailey Henry I'.
Mating John
Bashforth Arthur
Caldwell Mrs. M.
Gowanlock William
Brabyn street - Gaggin street
Cappcry Mrs. M.
Johnstone Alcxandor, jun., tailor
Baker Mrs.
Herrington Walter, cordial maker
Powoll John
Forsyth Alexander, jun., blaoksmitb
Howlett Samuol
Horwood Mrs J,
Gutty Gcorgo
/nkerman street
Ilcavey Mrs. Maria
South sido
Kitchens Thomas, vet. surgeon
Mullen Mrs. P., confoctlonor
Cardinal George
Godding William
Falconer William
Church street
Dnrls Mark
Marsden street
Toolioy J.
Groves John
Burton John
Cort Mrs. R,
Anlezark Joseph
Claxton Thomas, contraotor
Grace George
Kissing Point road
Noller Charles, carpenter
Tollis Nathaniel
Alma street—Denison street
S o u t h sido
Bonscr Harry
Allport W. E.
Metcalfe II.
St. Patrick's (R.C.l Church & School
S o u t h side
Redden Mrs. Jnmes
—Kcv. Father O'Reilly
Kcwltng Jacob, bootmaker
Summons Charles
Church street—Prince Alfred square
Horwood Robert
Lucas Benjamin, bricklayer
Byrnos William
Bowers John, District Court bailiff
Whitoford William G.
Brogdon Joseph
Gowanlock Andrew
Groves Mrs. J., storekeeper
Condon James
Sorrelt street
Sanderson •William
Rose and Crown hotel—William II. Shirley Henry
Drew Joseph
/nkerman street
Goodln Miss M. A.
Clark Henry C.
Cranncy James, oarpentor
Ryan Mrs. Ellen
Mason Henry, draper
Farrow Robert
Marsden street—Denison street—Pitt row
Clarko E. II.
Jones Wm. A.
Harvey Arthur
All Saints' (C. of E.)—Rev. J. Done
Lcabcater A. T„ linio merchant
Ross Streot - N o r t h side
Elizabeth street
O'Brien Mrs. Annio
Eades C. K., storekeeper
Turner Thomas
0'Connell to Pennant street
Board C. J.
Ogdcn Samuol
Risbcy Charles
Beits street
Charles street
Council Mrs. J.
Woods S. J .
Newling Walter
Sheathcr Silas
Trott street
Mollwain llenry, dairyman
P i t t Row—Bast side
Jackson Thomas
Williams John
Macquurie to Boundary street
Shcrwln Gcorgo D., J.l*.
Ferris Major W. J., " Arrnglynn"
Black John, proprietor CUMBEBLAND
Wood Mrs. J.
Guyot Jnmes
Macarthur street
Ferris Mrs. J.
Road metal depot—E. Brown
McGauran Philip
Villiers street
Kldd Robert, blacksmith
Hunter street—Railway lint—Argyll
Chapman William
Robinson William II. '
Dickens John
Brown Alfred
Fletcher P.
Wandsworth street
Spring Philip
Costollo Mrs.
Lawrence John
Watt Charles, analyst
Haves P.
Sontcr Robert, fruitgrower
White William
BllghW K,
Cam/iell street
Western road—Boundary street
Church street
Kissing Point road
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney.
Tel. 632.
Instant Headache Cure
CUves K e l l e r i n Vivo M i n u t e s .
Easily taken, being quite Tasteless, and Guaranteed Perfeotly Harmless.
Tills is no Jlo»iiN, Init a Genuine
PRICE, I/-; BY POST, 1/2.
Corn and Wart Solvent.
P R I C E . I / - ; BY POST, 1/2.
The following Is one of the many Testimonials received:—
T o L. W.
Dear Sir,—The Solvent you gave me for Corns and Warts has been most effectual
in its results. After applying to my little girl's finger for four times, the Wart completely
vanished, and the ease received by using it on my corn is something marvellous. I would
recommend anyone suffering from either of these excrescences to at once get a bottle and
prove its efficacy.
Yours truly,
I-I. T U N K S ,
Mines Department, Sydney.
S P E C I A L I T Y .
Open daily, Sundays and Holidays, from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m.
«—fV- O H E M I S T -~VH*>
lions street continued—
Shophord Kclwnrd
Metcalfo William
Driver II. A.
Edwards Richard
Cuff Thomas, dalrykecper
Brickfield street
Stenhousc John
Neville l'atiiok
Furzer Charles
Stcttlcr Thomas
Hill ltobort, weaver
Vaughan IMIchncl
Munro John
Harrison W.
Jluller street
Wcsleyan cemetery
Munro Jamns, butcher
South side
Peters George, monumental mason
Hume Thomas
Brown John
Bcalo William
Davey Gcorgo 1)., Journalist
Vivian John C, carpenter
Maling Wllliiim, watchmaker
Osborno Thomas
Cox Arthur, ironmonRer
Sutton John
St. Patriok's School—Sisters of Mercy
Villiers street
Davis James
Stephenson Alfred
Howlctt Mrs.
Landlord Joseph, laundry
Wolford Mrs. S.
Church street
Flood Sirs. Ellen
Hlllier J. C.
AtkiHs Albert
Hoohester William
Sorrell street
Teasdoll Richard
Brown Thomas J., carrier
Crisp James
Ticrney Thomas, gaol warder
Brickfield street
Turkinglon William
Crittenden William, carrier
Tcddimnn James
Seville S t r e e t
Church to Iron street
Cameron Jitmes, weaver
Manning Jaincs, gaol warder
Board Edward
Vanderstcgen E., engineer
Green W. B.
Goodin Jamos, engineer
S h o r t Stroet—West side
Fennel! to Albert street
Hogan John
Buckley Frank
Wlndebank II. B.
Stahl George
Horsay William
Douglas Thomas
Ilorsar James
Walke'r Alfred, "Eton cottage "
Nlcholls James
Munday Francis
Thompson W. F.
E a s t sido All Saints' ccmotory
Smith Street—Bast sido
Macguarie street to Parramatla river
Kemp Mrs. Minnie, registry ofllco
Ilichardson A., " Wyrallah"
Nowling Abraham
McMahon Miss, dressmaker
George street
Phillips Gcorgo I I , surgeon
Coatcs W. II., architect
Maddocks Mrs. Joseph
Michaclis Mrs. M. A., laundry
Siokos Itobcrt
Pearson Frederick
Phillip street
Murray Bros., cabinetmakers
Parramatla river
"West sido
Androws David
Slbson William
George street
Itcamos George
Taylor Alfred
Nowling, Walker and Co., cordial
Walker Samuel
Phillip street—Parramatla river
Sorrell Stroet—East side
Parramatla river to Pennant Hills
Lamont parade
Woodrow John
Lamont street
Cawood Charles II.
Pennant street
Sneddon K.
Tunks Albort
Ross street—Grose street
Thornton Hon. George, M.L.C.,
'* Lang Syno "
Manco Captain Henry
Lanca Walter
Trevcllian Ilichard, constable
Fennell street
Mullally Thomas, draper
Hinton A. L., accountant
Harold street
Bowden J. K, solicitor," Endrlm "
Albert street
Groves James, plumber
Whcate Charlos
Whitetnan Gcorgo
Tunks John
Kcnncally James
Plrnio David
Isabella street
Lowe John, joiner
Anderson Carl
Buoklcy Thomas
Gladstone street '
Wilkinson II.
Winter Peter
Allport W. E.
Barker Mrs. Ann
Cox Mrs. W.
Barker Mrs. Teresa
Tuokwell W. J., asylum attendant
"West side
Erby G. T., warehouseman
Palmer street
Mating A., tailor
Burncll Gcorgo
Baker Robert E., carpenter
Pennant street—Ross street
Evans Henry
Coleman Itobcrt
Cardiff Jno.
Grose street
Roughly G. T.
Fennell street—Harold street
Lawson Gustavo
Vcich James
Hunt George T., J. P.
Albert street
Drury John
Crcagh Andrew, gaol warder
Irwin Jno.
Whito David
Mather Mrs. M., grocor
Isabella street—Pennant Hills road
S o u t h side
Wilkinson Arthur
Victoria street—Stewart street
S t a t i o n Street—East sido
Marion to Taylor street
Harris Park r.iiiway station—William
Monks, slatioumastcr
Wattcrs J.
Kennedy John
Pilcher .Tnmcs
McGuckin John
Wall John
Barlow Mrs., nurse
Hayes Michael
Ruston Samuel
Caroline terrace—
3 Davios William
4 Coatcs Edwin
0 Hack Gcorgo
7 Champion Alexander, baking powder
Druggcman Carl, herbalist
Ada street
Rawllnson Bros., grocers
Wost sido
Marion to Boundary street
O'Reilly Dowcll, M.L.A., "Yclta"
Howlctt Alfri-d, carrier
Campbell Neil
S t e w a r t Stroot
Thomas street to Parramatla river
MorriBon David
Collins William
T a y l o r Street
D'Arcy to Macguarie street
Palmer J. J.
Hill James W., arehitcot
Coatcs II., builder
Noale Miss E.
Harris Mrs. John
Dure Mlf8 Emily
Patorson Her. J. (Presbyterian)
Blackburn W.
Drummond Stephen, school teacher
Thomas Stroot—North side
Elizabeth street to Boundary
Munday James E.
Harrison W. I!., constable
Solloway Abraham
Betts street
Parker Thomas E., " Breock'*
Macarthur street
Forsalth Rev. Thomas 8. (Cong.)
Furney W.
Leonard James
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Imlmlmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
W a n d s w o r t h Eoad
OffPennant street
Stettler Godfrey
Budin Gcorgo
T r o t t Street—East side
Ross to Albert street
Smith J.
Grose street
Ring William, carpenter
Fennell street—Harold street
O'Harn Patrick
Albert street
WOOD S t r o o t
Belmore to Harold street
Warn Mrs. J.
Hoaro Mrs. II.
W e n t w o r t h Stroot North
Off Iron street
Brown J. E., warder
West sido
Blundell William
Donnelly Mrs. J.
Grose street
How Mr;., costumicrc
Granger Arthur
Fennell street
Harold street
lloach James
Albert street
U n a Stroot
Harris to Wigram street
Dawes William
•Gosper Wm., " Newlngton "
Hughes Walter. S.
Watson Alexander
Wontworth Street—East sido
Marion street to Railway station
Cavers Walter
Ncddrio Walter
Sprowlc S.
Artlctt James
Green Mrs. II.
Mullanc Mrs. Patrick
Painter John
Giles C. F.
Sim MISB Nobcna
Abel William
Delanoy David
Easton James 13., blacksmith
Cosier Mrs. Emma
Lambert Thomas, jun.
Cutler Miss, music teacher
Chisholm Mrs. G.
Warner Mrs. C. A.
Victoria Street
Parkes street
Off Thomas street
Barber Mrs. Susan
Noller John, carpenter
Morrison William
Burnet Mrs E. J.
Whito .Miss E.
Shedden Alexander
Brown Mrs., boardlnghouso
Willis Arthur
Crcasoy Mrs. M., boardinghouss
Argyle street—Parramatla railway
Villiors Street—East side
West side
•Parramatla river dam to Harold street
Kealoy Mrs. M., midwife
Market street—Prince Alfred park
Pickering W. T.
Pennant street—Ross street
Dobson Frank
Ormcs Arthur, printer
McKay Mrs. J.
Evcson Francis
Junction street
Grose street
Chapman Mrs. M.
Fennell street
Marshall William
Martin Patrick
Pain Annie
Horwood George, coaobbuildcr
Black Wm. II.
Flook Richard, contractor
Burns William, grocer
Stcbcr Adolphc," Lilllngstono"
Harold street
Macquocn D'Arcy," Chelsea"
Moseley William
W e s t side
Mason Alfred
The King's Schoool — Rov. A. H.
Champion, M.A., headmaster; W.
8. Corr, B.A., D. J. Thomas, A.
Taylor Walter," Falrviow"
H. Yarnold, nnd Rev. A. II. Coombos,
assistant masters
ltadbourn Neleus J. C , " Wentworth"
St. Patrick's (R.C.) Presbytery—Rov.
Railway station
Father U'ReiUy, Rev. Father Martin
St. Patrick's (R.C.) Church
Pennant street
Western Road—North sido
St Mary's (R.C.) Convent of Mcroy
Church street to the boundary
Ross street
Banks Robert
Burton Charles
Jones T. J.
Grose street
Barter Thomas
Naglo Michael
Brown Frederick
Amdalo Mrs. M.
Simpson H. C.
Drury John
Milgatc Spencer S.
Craig Mrs. M.
McManis Arthur P.
Fennell street
Smith Thomas
Marsden street—Pitt row
Gainford lie v. II. (Cong,)
Parramatta Park—Thomas Yates,
Harold street
S o u t h side
Carter Robert
Gospel Hall
Marchant James, carpenter
Kennedy Hugh
Barnes Mrs. J.
Byrnes William, farrier
Garnctt John, stonemason
Marsden street
Hookins Mrs., " Brooklcy "
Ward William Owen
Luko K. J.
Morris Fred, watehmaker
Wall James T.
King street
House Wm.
Pitt row
Drew Mrs. W.
Ferguson Charles J.
Nelson John
Boundary stone
WoBton Stroot
Harris street to the boundary
Henderson David D., J.P., "Ilazcldon"
Brcnnan Justin J., " Uamvar"
Ucumos Frank, J.P., "Hlllcrcst"
Henderson Frank, "Glenroy"
Alice street
Wigram Street—East sido
Town boundary to Ilassall street
Green J.
Maguiri' John
Howo Itobcrt, painter
Scddon W., tinsmith
Kllneit John
Smith Sydnoy, signalman
Slade David
Briscoo Edward T., plasterer
Mahony & Co., butchors
Goddard John
Hunt Francis S., accountant
Stevens Albert
Emmutt Alfred
Green Ilichard
Una street
Baker William, baker
Cowpcr Mrs.
Woostcr Jonathan, Importer
Ethel street
Grovo Charles G.
Wilson Oliver
W o s t side
Blake W . J . '
Davey II.
Love E. J., oversoor of works
Marion street
LambortMlss F.
Handley William
Goddard John A.
Woods II. T., storekeeper
Stephens Emma
Dykes Mrs. E.
Watson Harvey
Stokes George
Barlow F.
Nolan J. T.
McNamara John
Wagner John
Ada street
Olsson 0., grocor
Oarliok C.
Baker R. G.
Drummond John, railway porter
WOOD &COMPABT, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney C ^ g E S g r * * )
34 Sagor William II.
38 Koylov Mrs. Mary
40 Campbell John
.Bowler's terrace—
42 Bailey Mrs. Annlo
40 Morton John
50 Alexander Harold
54 Stickley II.
52 Mickhcin GustitT
BOUNDARIES commencing nt tho centre of thoStanmoro
road at its intersection with Liberty struct, and l>oundcd
thonoo on tho east by parts of tho western boundaries of tho
municipalities of Newtown mid Campcrdown northorly to
tho contro of tho Pnrramntta road nt tho bridgo over
Johnston's Crcok; on tho north by n lino westerly along
tho centre of the I'arramatta road to tho bridge over Long
Cove Creek; on tho west by Long Cove Crook to tho oentro
of tho Old Canterbury road, and by a lino along thocontro of that road south-westerly to its Intersection with
tho contro of tho Now Canterbury road; thence by a line
nlong the contro of that road and tho Stanmoro road
north-easterly and easterly to tho centre of Liberty streot
aforesaid at tho point of commencement
Number of houses—2500.
Unimproved value—£102,070.
Annual value—£120,417.
Numborof inhabitants—12,830. .
Amount of rates—£5,831 10s. Od.
Council Chambers—Town Hall, Crystal street.
Oflloo hours—Dally, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday, 7 p.m. to 0 p.m.
Council meets cvory alternate Tuesday nt 7.30.p.m.
Alfred Rofo
F. A. Morgan
Soulh Kingiton Wards
Annandale Ward:
L. O. Russell-Jones, J.F., M.L.A. P . O. Hordem
Goorgo Radford
11. Stevenson, J.P.
G. P. Balnea
A. Bofo
J. Wheeler, J.P.
Josoph Naylcr
Ituhliam Ward :
Sydenham Ward :
J. Gelding, J.P.
William Mosclcy
F. L. Longdon
W. J. Loudon
' J. W. Cookbalno, J.P.
E. Toms
E. G. Fnlrman
' 68
Albany Road—North side
Douglas street to Pcrcivat road
Sheaves G., plumbor
Aikon James
Median Michael
Twine W.
McLeod Neil
Ryan John
Cannon George II.
Carter Mrs. Mary
Rutherford John
Chambers William
Mason C , " Mnyvlllo"
Cropley A r t h u r , " Ellora"
Nancarrow Mrs. A. C.
Mcdcolf F. T. G„ aooounlnnt
Tcaguc J. S.
Bullen Mrs. Agnes
Jamison James
McCartney John, carpenter
Anderson William G.
Booker J. II. E.
Tbornoy Mrs. M.
Brown Martin, " Loloma"
Baker F., " Shohela"
Hunt Daniel
Haywood Mrs. F.
Gilchrist Charles
Lowman Frederick
Andrews William', grocer
Agncw J o i n
Longworth William, plasterer
Ewlng Peter, contractor
Humphrey James G.
42 Coadcn Mrs. E. L.
Charles street
•10 Warbriok C , grocer
38 Yoo M., butcher
36 Clcale Charles
S o u t h sido
McMurtrlo W., " Mabel villa"
Fox William II., " Instowo"
Harrv W., " Montreal"
Dowers Hamlot
Kirby Thomas S.
Boorc Mcnjamln
Weston A.
Champion Thomas
Temple street
03 Bluhdorn Albert
01 Newton Henry
59 Walmhurst F.
67 Smith Mrs. Maria
55 Ninncs Charles
53 Richards O. T„ •• Clavorloy"
49 Ikln Harrv
47 Collvcr Alfred, " F c t i t o r "
45 GUtlnan James, " Damplor" .
43 Mayman B. N.
.41 Manion D.. " Morlmbula"
39 Henderson Rlohard, school teacher
37 Anthon Daniel," Westholmo"
35 Style James
33 Wheolor Edwin
31 l'l atrlcr William
29 Morlson William P.
27 Webb A. F.
25 Bros William H.
23 Couldcrj Walter
Bruce street
13 Scoullor William J.
11 Hirst Mrs. Emma
Clarendon road
Kelly John
A l b e r t S t r e e t — N o r t h side
Off Old Canterbury road
12 Woolcock Edward, " Esthorvlllo "
8 Hutchinson —, "Unaflora"
S o u t h side
Hooker Gcorgo
Richardson William, com. agent
Butterworth Siimuol, stonemason
Blschoff Josoph J.
White G.
A n d r e a s S t r e e t — E a s t sido
Parramatta road to Palace street'
Clarko William
Grayer Mrs., nurso
Clarko Mrs. Mary
Dcakin Thomas H.
Ashdown Charles, "Lightcliffo"'
Wilson Samuel
Overton John
West John H.
Simpson James
W e s t side
Victor terrace—
8 Sharkey Lawrence
10 Muir Mrs. M.
10 Shaw Walter
12 Chapham Charlos
14 Gowing Frederick
10 Howson Thomas
18 'Evans Mrs. E.
20 Shadbolt Henry, plumber
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & EmMmers, 7 Norton St„ Leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
MoMahon T.
Moore William C, "Maryvillo"
Davies Henry, " HcathHcld"
Cottco Mrs. M. A.
Morris John, •* Glonora"
Boulevard (The)—Dulwioh Hill
N o r t h sido
JSltham street to Lnvisham street
ffltham street
A u b r o y S t r e e t — B a s t sido
102 Seyraor Gcorgo
Trafalgar terrace to Merlon street
Cavendish street
106 Rumsey John II., " Loamlngton"
9 Cooper —
108 Edgar Thomas
11 Pickering J.
Booker Gcorgo
13 McKay Mrs.
112 Druco William
15 Simpson l'.
F. K.
17 Merton Frederick
120 Cookbalno Jos, W . , " Beacon Grange"
19 Millar Mrs.
122 Wood J. II., " Stanwoll "
21 Cennor G.
124 Brown Walter
23 Forsler J.
120 Rowloy Arthur
27 Buttlor F.
130 Simons G. D„ " Wcndahgil"
20 McGragh R.
132 Wav Mrs. L.
31 Ellercamp J. M.
134 Oram M.
130 Ucnningtou S., painter
W e s t side
138 l.nok Mrs. E. N.
2 Joy Alfred G.
110 Forsythe Charles
4 Newlands Alexander
142 Sohwartzkolf Harry
fl WnllacoGeo.,solicitor, " S t . I l i l l i e r s " 144 Uiulsun Mrs. Thomas, " Katoomba"
146 Farnell Morton
148 SchwartzkoffMrs. M.
A v o n u o ( T h o ) — N o r t h sido
Byrnes G. F., architect
Walklcy Thomas
Palace to Brighton street
I'layoll street
8 Langloy Mrs. Mary, "Rosedalo"
152 Vallancu George, " Drama"
South sido
1 Stevens John, agent
South side
3 Say Robert
£ltham street
5 McLaughlin D.
01 Bcnnott Mrs.
7 Mcdcalf E.
63 Barnes C. E.
9 Tanner Mrs. Emma
05 Meldrum James
11 Cox B. P.
71 Suttor Mrs. Angelina, " Trcmearne"
13 Duncan i'redorlck
73 Johnston R. P., " Tcddinglon"
16 Bosward Thomas \V„ builder
75 Dawson G., •' Koorara"
Scarl Frederick II., nurseryman
79 Attwood William M , " Wentworth"
81 Roscby John
83 Elphlnstonc Miss E„ private school
B a r k e r S t r e e t — N o r t h sido
87 Ryoland Mrs. E „ " Colne"
91 Sims George, " Kameruka*'
Thomas street to Long Cove creek
93 Hollycr A. C.
2 Donaldson Robert
9* Oates William
•1 Mead Charles
97 Goddard Charlos H.. " Murabin"
90 Ritchie David A.
S o u t h sido
101 Wiseman Francis E.
1 Payno Richard
103 Rutlodgc Mrs. A.
3 King Robert L.
Strlcklnnd Mrs. A., " Slzergh"
9 McGill Thomas
Allan Percy
Piggott street—Lcwisham street
Austin Henry
107 Lnngdon Svdnoy
Laverock J. B.
111 Wilson Rov. Robert (Cong.)
110 Harrison Wcstlcy
115 Raybono W.
B e n t S t r e o t — E a s t side
Trafalgar terrace—Merton street
B o u l e v a r d (The)—North side
1 Green II. J., " Geneva "
3 Cooper Alfred
Frascr road to Mltham street
5 Miller Mrs. J. \V. R., " Toolburra"
8 Fry II. A.
7 Cllssold W. J.
10 Mulls Mark C., " J o s c p h n "
9 Wheeler Mrs. S.
22 Hodge Fredorlek, " Faversham "
Butwaine —
28 Sluman Mrs. Sarah, «' Woodford "
30 Westonholmo Mrs., " Argyle "
W e s t side
50 McFnrlano John, M.L.A., J.P.,
2 Ncill W. J., " Hastings"
"Carlylo houso"
4 Bamford F.
52 MoustakaMrs. Emma, "Andromeda"
54 Tulloch Lawrenoo, " R o n a "
50 Hanlon G. II.
Blairgowrie Street
58 Fowlcs Mrs.
00 Springall Edward J., " Avondalo"
Old Canterbury to Windsor road
02 Davies John, "Gildcrsomo"
1 Blaokstono Arthur II.
Wood Arthur, " G r a m a n d a "
3 HanBard James T„ surgeon
08 Wlldman Miss, ladles' collego
70 Cordlngley Thomns
75 Fitzpatrlck Jamos, " Glenthorne "
Toothill street
Woslcyan Church—Rov. J. E. Carruthers
78 Christian Brothers—Brother Nunan,
80 Loudon Wm., " Wyrallah "
82 Blaoket Wilfred
84 Pursor Cecil, J. P., surgeon
80 Hobson Arthur E., " H l l l e r c s t "
88 Adams Wm. .1., "Adamsford"
90 Todd Wm., " C o r b y »
92 Brylcry J.
S o u t h sido
BaptUt Church—Rov. Thomas Portor
7 RcecoT. C , " T y l n e y "
0 lloydon Murray Mrs. A. W.,
•' Shirley "
11 Butler Ulchard
27 Noyso A. E., " Ealing cottage "
29 Burton Wm. II., " Leicester villa"
31 Ireland II. E., " M n r l b r l g h l "
33 Kopsoh Gustavo A., " S a x o n i a "
35 Harkct John, " M a g l l l "
37 Carruthors Rov. J. E., " Camera "
39 Pearson G. II., " M a r i t t a "
11 Marr W. O., " Bonnlngton"
Toothill street
Quelling N. R.
45 AsohoT. C , " T h o T o w e r s "
47 Harris Gcorgo, jun., " Ultimo villa"
49 WantL.
51 Ceatcs Mrs. J., "Ha/.cldoun"
Coatcs James, " Hazoldean "
Coatcs Arthur
Lane W.
55 Ilopson N., "Chevy Chaso"
57 Meecham Augustus, " Bagot cottage"
59 Day Hon. George, M.L.C., J.P.
" Arlcston"
B r i g h t o n S t r e e t — E a s t sido
Crystal to West street
BarnottT., "Nimity Uolio"
West Mrs. S.
Burns street
Moffatt Miss Elizabeth .
Hallway street
Sheridan John
John Mrs. Mary, grocer
Hamilton William
Stephens J c c p h B.
McCarthy Robort, " Elsinorc "
Catloy Gcorgo I I .
Ircdalc Percy
Bragg William
Weir James, " M i a M i a "
Palace street
Lornard James
Waroham George
Andrews Mrs. Mary
Godfrey John W.
Loudon John
Camoron U. W., greengrocer
Station street
Thorpo Charles
Tumor Charles
Hogg David
Colley Osmund
Kelly Mrs. M.
Hookloy S., van proprlotor
Sohoy C. M .
Gray Irwin
Seott Henry
W e s t side
5 Brcbtner John, " Kcw cottage "
7 Dcano Peter
9 Ellis John, *' Mount's Bay house "
'WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & EmMmers,6 NewCanterlraiy Ed., P'sli'm, Tel. 22 P'sh'm,
8 Drummond Joseph, fruiterer
Jtegent s'reet
30 Morris Miss Jemiio
Palace street
62 Hunter John, boot palaco
W o s t side
White and fiossling, painters, &c.
66 Sullivan Thomas
2 Lemartz Albort
(i Sodcn 1'.
Cordon street
8 Skinner (Jesrijv
74 Munro W., news agent
10 Gabb Mrs. May
Brown A., photographer
12 Mahoncy John
Weiss A\'., land ugent
14 Bentloy James
81 McLean F„ tailor
86 Chick Thomas, umbrella maker
88 Kcogh Matthew, ironmonger
90 Tllley Mrs. K., fancy repository
Cambridge Stroot—North side
Vest street
Liberty to Holt street
Hnll F. C.
2 Rosenthal Mrs. K., >• Mariolo "
Torritt —
8 Russell Percy It. "Ardath"
92 Batty and Co., djers
Hancock Mrs. J. W.
94 Johnson C. S., baker
10 Button John, " Sefton Hall"
Congres E., bnotmukcr
14 NowstadtM., "Rolgato"
166 Simpson J., grocer
10 Sterickcr T. E., •'Kingthorpo "
110 Davis Alfred A„ butcher
Merchant street
Frascr road
18 Winn William, " Winona"
112 Masonic hotel—William Nichoils
20 Mowlo A. M. 1'., " Caonborra"
114 Ijickorstcen Augustus L.,"MontpelIer"
22 Clements F. M.
122 Bums Miles
24 Senior Mrs. E. S., " Llzzievlllo"
Poole R.
26 Close Robert C , merchant, " Btreyn128 Forsytho William, " Yuba"
ohnm "
130 Wolton W.
28 AVoodburn J. AV„ "Tho Tower"
132 Mechan Joseph
30 Bolgcr Thcophilus, "Brewonglo"
138 Langdon, Hopkins & Lnngdon, saw*
Leahy P., house and land agent
mill and timbor merchants
South side
150 Mathews James, leather store
5 Craig James II,
150 Rattlo W. G., coachbuildcr
9 Jones Frederick
Tool hill street
Cotherstonc terrace—
172 Boles James
320 Phillips II. J.
11 Taylor Robert, jun.
328 Wootton Thomas B., " Trovcan "
13 Cook Misses, ladios' school
15 Stovenson Richaid, J.P.," Clermont"
Drnison road
21 Dignam James T., " Bosonoatk "
316-48 Hoskins Thomas J., coachbuildcr
25 Pigott Richard
352 Fenn Thomas
27 Montaguo Charles L.
362 Hart and Gallagher, brlckmakcrs
31 Maynard J. C , J.P., Under Scorotary 870 Gore W.
for Education
Cappor J. II.
Bruce Street—West side
33 Griffin Frank
Warr John, "Underwood"
Albany roail to Gordon crescent
Saxby Jacob, " Thelma "
382 RoBsiter John T.
6 James W., " Glonoohll"
39 Shepherd Lindsay, " Sydenham "
Union street—Kroombit street
12 Jago II. M., nsphaltund tar contractor 41 Lumsdnllo II., " Granvlllo "
14 Stell Mrs. Jcssio
43 White William, "Znrrawonga"
396 Potter Mrs,, grocer
10 Inglls W.
Merchant street
itoss street
51 Smith Augustus, "Lalng house"
426 Atkinson S. K., "Norfolk villa"
18 Gee Mrs. S., privato school
430 Rogers William
Geo II., cstato agent
55 8mithII.A.,J.P., "Tonnlba"
Smith H., " Devonshire"
20 Collins Mrs. II. II., " Carnarvon "
57 HillyarRov.W.J.M.fC.E.) "Renalto' 434 Atkins Mrs. William T.," Ornnbrook"
22 Collins Richard Thomas
G3 Abigail J. \ \ \ , solicitor
430 Davis Thomas A., J.P., "silvorhiU"
Temple street
Stanmorc Public School—Thomas
(For south side, sec Marrickcillo)
28 Armstrong Edward
Walker, beadmustor
30 Pickering William
32 Glanvlllo William
34 Shuto James
Canterbury New Koad (Dulwioh
Oannon S t r e e t
3(1 Forster William
Parramatta road to Albany road
42 Wise II. G., "Klleens"
Eltham street
Kelly John
Douglas street
Grcnfcll Mrs. E.
Duffy W. A.
102 MooroG., "Ainsley"
44 Johnson James, "Belmont"
Tait Georgo
191 Flcmming F.
46 Farrar Arthur IC, " Harlcsbury "
Johnson P. J.
196 Jones Richard, J.P., " Mimosa"
Thomas George
East sldo
198 Elphinstono William, '• Loithvllle "
Kennedy Mrs. J.
Grocock Mrs. M., grocer
200 Blake Robert, "Evcrsloy"
Jarman Robert
Grocock Charles, contractor
202 Grey W. C.
242 May II. P., grocer
10 Ellard William E.
244 Bryant R., confectioner
Risbv Mrs. Sarah
246 Higgias Mrs., milliner, &c. .
21 Grabham C, W.
Pigott street .
23 Gibbons, A. G.
Congregutional Church—Rov. Robert
25 Ross G. II.
Crystal street to Old Canterbury road
2 Oxford hotel—Fredorlok W. Rudd
Lewisham street
Barns Street—East side
258 Uuthnance Mrs., fanoy repository
Off Brighton street
JJulwich street
11 LuckcyMrs., "Oderhouso"
278 Faulkner Ernest
Marlett Mrs. M.
292 Low T., butcher
0 Copeman G., chimney sweep
294 Bannister Mrs.
William T. Wood
7 Tlnnewcll Thomas
290 Bagust Henry, fruitcror
Jtrighton ilreet continued—
11 Kenwood C "Bcllair"
13 Barrcll R. II., painter
15 Marshall Alexander
21 Flcnady W. II., butcher
Jtailway street
27 FIke John
29 Hlnsch Mrs. J. C. W„ •' nemo"
31 Thomtbwalto Ernest
SS MoConr.cll Mrs. Kate
37 I'awlcy Charles, surgeon," St. Lawrence "
38 Forsyth \V. E.
41 Lcppan Michael S.
43 Grocn Frederick
47 Kirohon Frederick, "Rnngltoto "
40 Townley John T.
61 Appleyard John F.
53 Twynam Edward
Palace street
55 Canty John
57 Kulo James
59 Racktev William
CI Wright Miss Annie
63 Wlndschnttle Mrs. A.
Little. Ilriyhton street
73 Jacobs Itcubcn
75 Clecry Edward
77 Souicr Jnines
The Avenue.
93 McGregor Duncan, " Ellcsmero"
95 Wallace T. W., "Eramavlllo"
J07 Byrno Mrs. E.
113 MoShane A. T., " Parksldo"
115 Hale Alfred
Casseznan Proscott
Henry Mrs. E.
117 Mageo John, "Hcrmondsoy"
119 Clarke Frederick
121 Jones James
123 Fitzgerald Miss Loucie, " Evolino"
125 Radford James
127 Roberts Mrs. Josephine," Wodonga"
b Slather Thomas
3 Brcakwcll Mrs. Elizabeth
Kitt F. C , IIOUEO agent
1 McCallum Charles
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St., Mohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
298 Cattley Ernest
304 Egclton John, dairykecper
306 Low Georgo
Constitution road
Carrington Street—West side
Off Parramatta road
2 Boolor Thomas F.
4 Geogkcgan Edward
10 Allen Wlllinm D., " Walton"
12 Harrison William
16 Coath Edwin
McCarthy Georgo
MeKollar Archie
E a s t Bide
5 Hamilton William
8 Dawson L„ " Dartrey "
OavondiBh S t r e e t — N o r t h s i d e
Liberty to Aubrey street
2 Ollff William, "Centcnninl"
4 Bardsloy John, » Gorfleld "
14 Kelly P. M., " Gundaroo"
10 Edwards A. G., " Alpine house "
20 Dalgarno Mrs.
Rughenden terrace—
18 Brown M. S.
20 Mcrriman Mrs. Minnio
28 Raw T„ "Southport"
Bullard Mrs. Mary A., " Southport"
30 Binder Richard, " Clarendon "
32 Low Hamilton, "Horoford villa"
Denesthorpc terrace—
34 Backhouse Mrs. E.
Backhouso F. J.
30 Kvrio Miss A.
42 Tfngle Miss
44 CookM. L.
48 Streot Mrs. M.
50 Evans Mrs. Isabel
Merchant street—Holt street
62 Passmoro Frank, " Trcgothnau "
South sldo
11 Hancock C. F., " Wyndhurst"
Hancock S. II., " Wyndhurst"
Adams Miss, costumier
Seymour Mrs. G.
Brown John, • • S t M n l o "
13 Quaifc Alfred, solicitor,
15 Booth Samuel M.. " UourneTillc"
17 Gilford, G. II., " Cavondlsh "
19 Virtue, W. W.
23 Campbell G.
29 Bcntwloh Henry, " Belmont houso"
31 Reeve Thomas P., "Emadn"
»3 Cordon Mrs. E. W., " Stanbrook"
37 Bulman Mrs. M. J., " Eglington"
41 Proctor Henry V„ " Stofla "
Proctor Rev. E. R., " Doonholm "
45 Boys J. W.
Merchant street
53 Marich Peter F., "Nadlnka"
57 Druce Mrs., "Hastings"
59 Reading Mrs. J., " Glcnelg"
61 Hogg Mrs,, private school, "Konclm"
63 Fletcher Joseph H , " Canterbury"
65 Kemp William, architect, " Rcdcar''
67 Mortlock Charles P., " Highbury "
69 Crane William, J. P., " Narollan"
71 Wight Borthwick McDonald
73 James B.
75 Canvin Mrs. Maria, " Brockloy "
77 Wilson .Professor, " Linden "
Holt street
85 Hopkins John, "Mentmoro"
Allworth F. C , "Rosevlllo"
Berry Thomas, " Burnsido "
Whitakor Frank
Bryson James, " Dorothy Jean "
Green, M. L., "Bangor"
Foster John
Channel Street
Windsor road to Weston street
Kelly Mrs. Elizabeth
Wnllace John
8tokes F.
Chandler, J.
O'Connor Thomas P.
Oharlos S t r o o t — E a s t s i d e
Parramatta to Albany road
Coleman W. B., blaoksmtth
Chalmers W. J., coopor
Unsworth Charles J.
O'Bree William
Hughes Henry, " Borlda"
Margaret street
29 Swinncrton, Joseph R.
31 Sealo Mrs. Maria
33 Boyd Alexander
37 Hughes John
39 Hughes Jessie
43 Crozior Mrs.
45 Curtis Henry
47 Hewlett Mr*. Susan
49 Myers .lames II., "Ellavlllo"
51 Jones John II.. ' Wiirdellville"
l'ule street— Weslbotime street
W e s t side
6 Wostaway Edward
14 Patterson Elizabeth
16 King llartlctt
24 Macnamara William
Maraarct street
28 Bland Matthow
30 Henry II.
32 Campbell Frederick, milk vendor
Jtobert street—Yule street
30 Rowan Arthur
40 Edwards James
42 Simpson Mrs,, ladios' nurso
44 Cassin John
40 Welch Mrs. Mary
48 Lumb Robert, bootmakor
Wcstbourne street
Russell W. R., "Maraina"
Montgomery Robert, " Avondalo "
Scmhill II. J.
4 McDonald William
2 Malonoy Jumcs
Wost sido
19 Rocs William, van proprietor
Cooper G. It., " Azul"
17 Fnrquhar Harry
15 Johnston Adam J.
Troy Jcssen, groongroccr
Oobar S t r e e t — N o r t h s i d o
Old Canterbury road to Kroombit street'
54 Kccdlo Charles
62 Crawford William
40 Davis Edwin A., " Erato"
Davis Henry solicitor, " Erato"
36 Kybort F. II.
30 Hani on Thomas
28 Kcnvyn William
Young John, dairykecper
10 Vino Alfred, '• Winton cottngo "
10 Wjllo Charlos
6 Dowllng Georgo P., stonemason
4 l'elsley Mrs. E., " Norang"
2 Findlny Robert, " Moiroso"
South side
23 Drown Archy H. C, " Etna"
Ross street— Clargo street
1 Walsh Mrs. C.
Kooko Henry T. II.
3 Hardakcr 11., J.P.
Coleman J.
C o n s t i t u t i o n R o a d — N o r t h sido
New Canterbury to Old Canterbury roan?'
10 F.vnnB S. E.
12 Mcdcalfo Mrs. Hannah
Salvation Army barracks
16 Rodgcrs Mrs. A.
Piper W.
Homo F. W.
20 Jarman Henry
28 Hardakcr Louis
Bass Mrs. K.
32 Bailey Charles
Denison road
64 Boolo Arthur
50 Stoncstrcct Georgo R.
Oharlos S t r e o t E a s t — E a s t s l d o
70 Fickle Martin
Stanmorc road to Trafalgar tcrraco
72 Evans Joseph
49 Clarko Sydney
Grove street
Copp R.
47 Clarke William
Farthing —
Clarke Henry
78 Goodwin John
45 Parsons W.
80 Martin James A.
43 Good-cr —
82 Fisher S.
jtl Hill Walter J„ "Clifton"
84 Johnston Mrs. Sarah
27 Jackson F.
25 Murray George
Windsor road
110 MeDougall Miss, "Dunolly"
W o s t side
130 Rltchio Samuel
Frederick street
Manchester street
14 Rainford Pcrsso
132 Davis J., butcher
12 Coatcs John, " Carisbrook "
130 Lampkin S.
8 Humphries Mrs. Elizaboth, " Chls< 138 Burrows Mrs. F.
140 Flood J.
6 Bradshaw G. II.
148 Horsey Robert, baskctmakor
2 SargeantJohn
152 Kales Walter
158 Owen W.
100 Beard Joseph, butchor
Clarendon Road—East side
102 Oakc J. A.
Albany to Pcrcival road
OakcJohn Charles
Hutchison Alexander," N'ithsdalo" 164 Bovorloy T. J.
101 Greon E. S,, " Gracclca"
16 Ucancy James
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury M„ PWm. Tel. 22 PWm.
Constitution road continued—
Crystal Streot—East side
rarramatta to Stanmore road
1 Smith Andy, shoeing forgo
Denison road
3-5 Brcen, William and Sons, produco
Brlnghurst \V., •• Edinburgh "
Petersham 8tcam Tottery Works—J,
7 Hughes Bros., blacksmiths
Shocsmlth, manager
9 Tranter Joseph, " Alpha "
Franklin William
11 Burke James, laundry
09 Smith William
103 Lewis J.
Margaret street
107 Brodburn Hichard
15 Powell Joseph, laundry
100 Fox J. K.
17 Hill John
Honnessy Jamos
All Saints' Mission (C. of E.l—Rev.
111 Loavor Mrs.
R. E. Goddard
113 Kolly William
29 Dowbory Henry, bootmaker
Stowart Hector
Rohcrt street
125 Worsloy William
31 Bratcn Adam, baker
127 Brass Mrs. Sarah
39 Fitzgerald E. \V„ "Lindon"
129 Mlnnott —
Yule street
131 Sheffield William
47 Allen James C. J., dyer and scourer
.133 MUtan Edward
51 Petersham Technical School—W. J.
187 Mttlo M.
Thomas, principol
145 Evans Henry, greengrocer
57 Sponnor William
149 Lee Charles T., grocer
63 Doorcy A. K., teacher of drawing
Wind nor road
07 Falrmon E. G., registrar of births,
163 RaffortyMrs. M., "Mount Arlington"
marriages, and deaths
177 Jones Travors, M.L.A., J.P., " MerrlFairman Miss M. G., teacher of music
Wcstbournc street
185 Whitney Arthur
77 Hodgson Thomas, "Foston"
Palmer F., " Banksea"
70 Smith Charles
Bulst W. D.. piano tunor
Cha«o W., bricklayer and builder
Cook S t r e e t — N o r t h s i d e
85 Newton E. R. N„ solicitor
Thomas street to Long Cove creek
87-80 Oliver W. II,, tobaccoriUt
Douglas street
10 Sweeney Benjamin
05 Payne George, builder
12 Brown C.
York crescent—Trafalgar terrace
. 20 Carrey John
97 Attorton Frederick, painter
S o u t h aide
U0 Clnnu Thomas B„ surgeon," Clarolla"
1 Firkin J. F.
All Saints' (C. of E.) Bchool—Miss
Tcarce Edward
Green, head mistress
101 Chccsman Richard
103 Gillard Miss, musio teacher
Ooranna Street
105 Petorsham town hall—F. A. Morgan,
council clerk
Plrlc Peter
Frederick street
Johnston E. W.
Mrs. Elizabeth
Collier Walter
Croft James
Bank of Australasia—Thomas Wilson,
Allison M.
Wilcox Edwin
Rewton F.
W e s t side
Creek J. B. L.
Queen street
10 Sullivan Thomas
12 Wicks Charles, chimney sweep
Oroydon S t r e e t — N o r t h s i d e
10 Fyfo, David
Palace to Crystal street
18 Ncilson William, fuel merchant
40 Wheeler John, J.P.. "Bronte"
20 Pyno Mrs. J.
86 Nolan Augustus, "Whadrilla" .
Davis A., estate agent
34 Hutchinson II. L , " Glencairn"
Elswick street
32 Taylor John, "Glcnforrle"
24 Lovi Michael
30 Starr W. H., " Prospect villa »
20 Taylor Ernest, drainer
Railway street
28 Spalding W. B., cooper
20 Rickards Henry S., " San Romo "
30 Stokes John, " Snmmersct"
16 Oliver F. I t , J.P., •• Horatio villa "
32 Tiernoy John
18 Cooper Mrs. F.
48 Blackburn C. N„ grocer
50 Watts, J. J.
S o u t h Bide
52 Clarke James
Itnclda terrace—
51 Carter Frederick, "Lucknow"
31 Rao Alexander
Dorbyshlro George," Mllroso"
29 Cann John Honrv, M.L.A.
Scarff Charles, "Annlovillo"
25 Miller T„ " Floroncovillo "
Norwood street—Croydon street
21 Walker J., " Adelaldo villa "
78 Young E. W., grocer
19 Korr II.
84 Brcdmcr Mrs. Sarah
17 Withers George, "Mornington"
80 Wvnn George Murdook
Railway street
88 Shaw G. B.
9 Hayes J., "Elmyra"
00 Frazcr J,
7 Smith J. R„ « lloro "
02 Bowsman M.
5 Unwln George, " Farnham"
94 Wcarno Mrs. Emily
3 Glbb William A.. " Bomerah "
1 Sorutton Robert L. N., J.P., " Edith- 96 Nealo John, builder
Congregational Church — Rev. W. 98 Bridge Mrs.
100 Read Mrs,
South side
102 Reynolds William R., J.P.
104 Hutchinson George
106 Reynolds Missos II. and E., private
Brighton street
118 Croswoll W., butcher
120 Palmor Georgo
Martin John
122 Suburban printing office — Fredorlo
J. Ridley, proprietor
Fuathcrston and Robinson, butchers
132 Carless William, grccngroocr
Pratt W. A., chemist
134 Pratt W, and Co., houso and land
138 Hillhouso F„ fuel merchant
Terminus street—Railway street
Wardell street
Spicer William Tlndil
146 Kennedy Tom
Fisher street
Davlos Street
Denison road to Long Cove creek
Victoria street
Oliver —
RichnrdBon John I'.
Voy Thomas
Smith Sidncv J.
Denison Road—Bast side
New Canterbury to Frazcr road
Kirwin James, contractor and carrier
Sturt Richard, painter and decorator
Lewis R. R.
Kelly Eugene
Wroe Richard
Gray William, woolclasscr
Cohen Samuel
Constitution road
Chalmcr David, dealer
101 Bramlev Patrick
189 Hair Frank
Dulwich street—Lcwisham street
185 Skcttcrall Mrs.
175 Cross John
Pigott street
177 Barnes Edward
165 Muson John, " Boneta"
103 HazlcttA. E., "Bolla Vista"
101 Curtis II. P.
159 Boiloy David. " Ejus Liber "
157 Dobbie C. A.
149 Warro Georgo, " Elsmero "
147 Byatt William T.
145 Ormsby G. M.
143 JackBon Jonathan
141 Morrison J.
139 Parker William
137 Ncal Robert
129 Tomkinson Walter E.
Whysall William
Hillen Henry
127 Farrell John
125 Croswell W.
123 Burless Alfred
111 Clayborough John
109 Delprado James
10J Nuttall Thomas T., "Lydia"
105 Steward James, " Overdnle "
87 Robert J. Walker
95 Norrls Wm. J„ " Whltmoro cottage "
87 Macdonald Joseph, " Orbost"
85 Koppcr Charles, " Arcona cottago"
83 Paton Rev. Jamos (Pres.)
Eltham street
81 Steer J.
Wyko Elidge
73 AVeirlck William H., plumber
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St* Leionnardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
69 Wyko James, '• »t. Aubin "
Ti llanllcld C. II.
67 Kay Edward
Ilobbs street
St. Clair Mrs. Annie
20 Vcsoys Mrs. A.
Toot hit I street
18 Wright George
53 Knibbs George, " Avoca "
16 Mitohell Mrs.
51 Knibbs John II., " Denison house"
Knibbs Frank J., music teacher
45 Lombo W. II.
Derby Stroot
43 Pledge Mrs. Amelia, " Maybrook "
Off Stanmore lane
41 DoyloMrs. M.
39 Jacques E., "Tincgato"
1 Dttlrymplo Miss Jossio," Derby cot37 Lowis Grifflth B.
tago "
35 Caranagh XL, " Thornloigh "
33 Burgess Wm. II.
31 Wcarmouth Robert
21 Pcacbey Charles I.
Douglas Street—North sido
19 Webster William
Crystal street to Railway
17 Priest Charles, bootmaker
Albany road
15 Bracken G.
A. G. F., barristcr-at-law
13 Lcddy J.
11 Andorson James W., "Wentwerth"
98 Sulloy Edward
9 Darby Richard \V.. " Lorctto "
96 swan Robert C.
7 Wallace It., " BracBldo"
94 Lovein C. J.
6 Gourlcy C, " Ponsonby "
02 Hunt J.
3 Gaskill Richard, "Adolo houso"
90 Wood Charles
86 Maney Andrew
W e s t side
84 ElgcrJohn
Constitution road
82 Hudson A., chemist
242 Clarke William
76 Cartor Petor
Hiron —
74 Etcson S.
230 Rossiter William P.
72 Brown Mrs. D. R. " Wimbledon "
238 Skcppcr Henry
Bruce street
234 Slattcry James
52 Joy W. B.
228 Whltuford —
222 Stapylton Henry
42 Kerr William
Jackson Edward
Coupso Mrs.
36 Stephens .1. .1.
Thompson E. V.
32 Atkins Juinea J.
216 Boyos Bros., grocers
Stuckoy 8., fuel merchant
212 Lowry Patrick
Crotmnn Mrs. Ann
mil street
16 Dodmcad E. W„ decorator
202 Harrison Frederick
Atkinson W. II., r'.crk
100 Cottrcll Thomas
Pigot street
S o u t h sido
188 Davis Mrs. K„ " Brook lodge "
99 Holt R. W.
Darics street
07 Parker B. I'.; " Yolvcrtoft"
182 Davison John C.
95 Holt Mrs. Elizabeth, " Woodemoro "
180 Sweet Richard
I I o l t J . T . , " Woodemoro"
Looker J.
93 McGlochlan James " Thornloigh "
1T2 Young George W.
91 lilcnkin Arthur, <• Edcndalo"
Close Arthur
89 Brown Robert, " Chatswood "
170 Simpson William J.
Roberts Mrs.
154 Closo Josoph. woolclas&cr
87 Scott Mrs. Eliza, " Claromonl"
152 Closo John, printer's engineer
85 Brown Mrs. Elizabeth
150 Thomson J. R.
Stanley street
148 Lawrence William J., "Belmoro"
09 King Yen. Arch., R. L (C.E.),«' Rock146 Taylor Charles A,
140 Green John, " Burrumbeot"
67 Albory Mark. " Roslyn "
138 Howiev Clarcnco C.
63 Crick Robert, " Mitcham "
134 Rush John
122 Saunders Charles II,
Eltham street
112 Lloyd James
Dulwioh Stroot (Dulwioh H i l l ) 110 Morrison William
North side
108 Bickloy Matthow
106 Saundors J.
New Canterbury road to Denison street
102 GateB J. R.
Dulwlcb Hill Athonamm—T. W.
100 Fothcringham J.
74 DIxson M.
Hands Alfred M., " Ororo"
63 Prothcro James, draper and stationer
12 Aldcrson James
Toot hill street
18 Evans C.
58 Butler C , " Widgiwa "
Trolalln G.
56 Bertoiacini F., "• Worrlbco "
24 Smith J. F.
54 Butler Thomas, " Dalmeuy "
Grant James
52 Steel A.
32 Field A.
50 Robinson J. K.
Ford Mrs. J.
S8 Green John P.
Robson J.
36 Marr Edwin C.
Stanborough Mrs. E.
34 Maldstono Charles B.
51 Salisbury Henry W.
32 Woodroffo Stephen, " Kenwood"
58 Kenning George, asphaltor
30 Dow Potcr. bulldor, " Glcnlyn"
58 McKcown F.
28 Dennett George
McKcown Mrs. Marian
South sido
1 Cartwright James
11 Wright James W.
Halluday J. F.
19 Shearer Mrs. Margaret
23 Palmer and Kenning, aspbaltors
Palmer George
27 Parkor Mrs. F.
29 Chudlclgh John
Bonner Mrs.
31 East William il.
35 Marks J G.
39 Milham Thomas
Croswell J.
Durham Stroot (South Annandale>
East sido
Railwav avenue to Annandale estate
McKcrn George
Osbom Thomas
Stuart John
Parker Alfred
UBhcr G. G.
Bagloy Samuel
Fitzgerald Micbuol
Brlgdrn Walter
lloust William II.
Wallaco .lanios
Boss Joseph. " Hillside "
Chapman, William A., " Glonvlow "
Dodson, Henry
Rowley street
10 Minlhnn Patrick
17 Hynes John
13 Slolth David
9 Booby George
5 Chudleigh E.
3 Wcekloy J. II. A., builder
W o s t sido
44 RUBBCI Mrs.
Mooro C.
Falconer Mrs. M.
Falconer Robert IS.
Lintott W. II., '• Durham Houso "
Mcl'oak John
Bros Mrs. Sullna
Buck Richard
Yates Thomas
Thomas Alexander, railway inspector
Yeoman Henry
Schoflold E.
Sneddon Andrew
Roberts Mrs. Alice
18 lloukc Frederick J.,"grocer
E d w a r d Street—East sido
Old Canterbury to Weitern road
Parhntn Oliver
Chapman William E.
Gimbcr Jamos .
L«rd Thomas
19 Wardrobe Henry
West sido
2 Bone John
6 Daunt Herbert E.
Daunt Mrs. A. B.
Robertson F.
12 Lee itobcrt
16 Santleben W. F.
18 Martin Mrs D.
Tornlng Thomas
Molntyre J.
Lover Mrs. Martha
Littlo Arthur
Gates Arthur, " Rothsay"
Saunders Thomas
W00S & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury Ed., P'sn'm. Tel. 22 P'sh'm.
Elswiok Stroot —North sldo
Cryital lo llailieay street
Walsh W.
Short Itobcrt It.
Tcnln Mrs. Holla
Charllor A. \V.
Davis Mrs. O.
Mllno James
IlolTey Mrs. Julia
Hartley J.
Charlie Mrs. R.
S o u t h sldo
1 Gillies Mrs. J.
.'! Holston .lames
6 Kcan William
7 Humes Mrs. Fanny
U Marks T.
J'elcrsham street
Eltham Stroot—North Bldo
New Canterbury road to Fred street
Flott Percy, "LaMuctto"
4 Kornn A. M., " Molroso"
HuBton Mrs. Kobocca
(I Kay .Stephen J.
12 Roper John, "Kvorton"
11 Stratford Mrs. W. L., " Corinda"
IB Hudson William A., "Almcda"
Victoria gtreet
South sldo
The Boulevard
Sullivan 1'., cab projector
I A UoclioMrs. S.
Denison meet—Virlorin street
Jones A . 0 .
Jones 0 .
Fairmoant Stroot—North Bldo
Old Canterbury lo Windsor road
McKcllar Geo., " Anncsloy "
Foster .Icthro
Barrett J., "Cynarn"
Glblis Usbornc .
Dunlop Hugh
10 Goodholl O. \V.
14 Hell Oswald
10 Parsons Thuinns
8 Kcnch J.
6 Slioppard James
S o u t h Bldo
. 23 Brown C. J.
25 Sharp Charles K., " Itosobory "
21 Kaleski Mrs. J.
19 Watson Bros., painters, &c.
17 Scalo W. C.
15 FrostClmi-los, "Maria villa"
13 Scott James
5 Wink C. \V„ " Lynton cottago "
3 Banner William
1 I'oole Frederick
Flshor Stroot—North sldo
J'alace lo Crystal street
Smith Edward, " T h i n c t "
Kny Miss Mary, dressmaker
Harry John
Compton T.
S o u t h Bide
Armvtagc E., " Lucchay "
Bandall Frederick
Smith John C , "Clydcno"
Jlegenl street
Salirburv Mrs. E. II.. " Maldon '
Daniels Mrs. M.
Graham John, merchant tailor
Bond Mrs. Mary A., " Ashton "
Gough George I)., '• Bonera "
Flshor's Rosorvo—North s i d e
Off Palace street
8 Oldo George, •' Maryvlllc"
fl Troy James, "Hath'crlcy"
4 Bateman James H.
2 JcHnott A. M., picture framer
S o u t h Bldo
O'Ncll Constance
Hastings Mrs. M.
1'reston Mrs.
Grigg Frederick II.
Dunn James
Wallace Willlnm
13 Connory I'. J,
Frank Stroot
.West street to Frnzer rood
South sldo
0 Anderson Arthur, " Narollah "
Harrison Mrs., •• Rosstclla "
North sldo
0 McCulloch H. C, "Thuyles villa"
8 Morgun F. A.
Durham street
llrown W. H.
S o u t h sldo
Durham street
7 I'urdlc Mrs. Mary Ann
1 Smith Mrs. E.
Gordon C r e s c e n t
Stanley lo Bruce street
Collcr ltev. William (Baptist)
Smith S, S.
Fuhoy Patrick, " Oblcy"
Morris W. II.
Street 1'. W.
Buckingham William, "llalnagownn"
Ehrard F.
Bohrsraann Mathias C. ,
Walker J., '• Coradgery "
Gordon S t r o o t — E a s t s l d o
-Vrir Canterbury road to Trafalgar
Frazer Road—EaBt sldo
Dayley James
yew Canterbury road to Railway terrace
35 Todd William A.
15 Ducsbury John W . , " Erica"
25 Kirkpatrick T. II., ••Chines"
43 Cusitcr Alexander
23 Mosely Mrs. A.
41 l'nton Philip
21 McNuughton James, " Sterling "
39 Stanborough John, " Elpls"
Sadler's crescent
37 Owen James,»' Dafriada "
11 Carter Arthur W.
33 Sheridan 1>„ " landoon "
33 Masters Mrs.
7 Bcnshaw —
31 Sherring Joseph W., "Arthurloigh"
McCall Willlnm
27 Wills Hichard C , "Kerswcll"
Wost sldo
25 Christie Mrs. W. 11., " Stepneystow"
14 Johnston John W., " ltohilla '"
21 Douglas Miss J., '• Tuntallon "
Frank street
12 Woollcv William, "Chandos"
Jnokson II. W.
10 Walker Fm»k
11 Crosier W„ "Alloa villa"
8 Thiadm Asplnall
0 SheiiBtonc W. II., accountant
Grogan J.
4 MadaockC. W., "Arfoma"
W e s t sldo
Presbyterian Church — Bev. James
40 Triggs Henry J., " Elaine"
Public School —!•'. Hickards, head44 Norton T. 11., •' Hodborough "
Tlie Boulevards
West llonry, "Scdeman "
24 Itobson Willlum, J.I'.
ltobson William E. V., solicitor
22 Danks James, master mariner
Denison road
Qrovo Stroot—East sldo
l.eighton villas—
//((/ street U Constitution road
10 Dcrrlg Andrew
5 Bobinson C.
4-0 Colo William II., " Roslyn"
Wlcgand William
15 Sohumakcr John
Dastan George
F r o d S t r o o t — E a s t sldo
£3 Moore Mrs. Hannah
Summrrhitl lo Fltham street
27 Sullivan Francis
1 Gates John J.
a While Thomas
Wost sldo
7 I'etnr James "Albion cottage"
0 Ritchie William
9 Dormun .Mrs. C.
Coleman Spencer
10 Maurus Arthur
11 Brown Archie
18 Hanlan Edward
13 Davis A. F.
Carter John
15 Tomlin Leslie
Hollls A. F.
Harris Mrs.
28 Scotnoy George, chimneysweep
West side
Marr J. and G., boot factory
12 Holland Wilfred
Hampstoad Road
10 Bell Frederick
Old Canterbury to Windsor road
24 Cunningham Mrs. Emma J.
Frodoriok Stroot—Noith side
14 Sales James," Bolivia "
Charles street east to Crystal street
4 Newell William
4 Watson Mrs., " Etholston "
2 Powell Frederick
Inman Thomas
6 Watson Charles, " Trcvelyan "
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St, Leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Harrow Road—North sldo
Jubiloo Street—East sldo
Victoria street to Old Canterbury road
Liberty street to Trafalgar terrace
liton terrace—
3 Ellev A. T.
2 Haddock Mrs,, teacher of pianoforte
Ilardwick Clifton
6 Sampson Henry
Scott Ned
10 Brown Arthur D„ J. P.
13 Fletcher Joseph
12 Barsden Joseph
West side
14 Crawshaw Georgo
10 Godfrey Mrs,, •' Asliworth "
2 Cuttiiss C. B.
Gillies James, " Ashworth "
4 Davlcs Arthur E.
18 Booty Charles
0 O'Connor —
20 Maclardy William M.
8 Finch E. II.
Winter P. C , " Woodsido"
32 Ellis Henry
Kroomhlt Street
South sldo
Cobar street to Xew Canterbury road
3 Tvre MisB Sophia
Coleman Isaac
5 Campbell David F.
7 Garden II. G., "Muiryshade"
9 Barker F. L.
41 Russell-Jones Llewellyn C., J.P., Lewisham Street (Dulwioh Hill)
M.L.A., solicitor, " Elmsido"
North sldo
13 Fairfax W. B.
Xeic Canterbury to Denison road
15 Abraham A.
2 Watson W. T.
17 Babbctt Percy
ft Barton J.
Merchant street
8 Slmms Willlnm
10 Danks & Co., mat makers
Honry Stroot
The lloulcvarile
From Old Canterbury road to Victoria
18 Eady Walter
• street
20 Budd Alfred
Clark Arthur, carpentor
22 llrown C. F.
28 Ncllson 11.
Thornton W.
30 Quino George
Bishop C.
32 Whitfield Georgo
Atiwood —
skenham P.
-Chamberlain C,
40 Barron Blchard
42 Donovan Daniel
Hill Stroot
44 Burnnge Georgo
Denison street lo Long Core Creek
S o n t h sldo
14 Moore John F.
12 Gelding Alfred
7 Hands A. M., Ornra
0 llcalcy William
Currie Mrs., " Clifton "
4 HildcrD.
9 Bruco George
15 Ilelmoro Thomas
2 Walton T. X.
Hobbs Stroot—South sldo
Denison road to Victoria street
Fleming Thomas
Swlnflold George
Lilly Mrs. M.
Northcy Samuel
N o r t h sldo
Ord J.
Walsh John, bootmaker
Smith I).
Dal/.ell Mrs.
Lansdownc II.
Lincoln Stroot—West side
Railway avenue to Annandale estate
42 Bloxham F. E. " lll«omoa"
40 Howard Hlrum
S o u t h sldo
38 Underwood Daniel 1'., " Glynwood"
Cavendish street
Booth William
Oram Bov. Joseph (Wcs,)
32 Fox Jesse
Campbell William W.
Sanbrook E. R.
Green Melbourne, •' Trcntman"
24 Smith George, builder
22 Aitkcn Miss Elsie
llowlcy street
Hudson Stroot
20 Bird William J.
Old Canterbury road to Long Cove Creek 18 CorlBcn Charles
10 Crosier S., wood and coal merchant
4 Beverley Mrs.
8 Ackland Bobcrt
20 Maguirc Mrs. Ellen
24 Boberts W. J.
26 Scott John
28 Stevens Joseph
EaBt s l d o
23 Chambers Samuel
25 Sinclair W. T.
Boss Alexander
20 Keiloy Walter
Price, J. W.
33 Wadswortu. Turner
41 Duzacott G. 11.
45 McKay James
53 Bull Walter
Brown Miss Jenno
Jcnnerott Frank
Russell William
Little Stroot
Victoria street lo Long Core creek
Littlo Brighton Stroot—East sido
Off Brighton street
40 Irwin Francis
30 Amery Jamos, painter
31 Blakcnoy J.
W e s t sido
131 Walters F.J.
133 Hampson Joseph
135 Murray llonry
141 Whittakor Thomas
Littlo Toothill Stroot—North sido
Old Canterbury road to Hudson street
3 Spencor Mrs. II.
S o u t h sldo
14 MoOlll Thomas, dray propriotor
10 Lawrenco Mrs. E. t
12 Richards James
4 Goswell II., dairykecpor
Long-fort S t r o o t
Old Canterbury road lo Brown street
Smith John
Maoaulay Road
Williams Thomas
Long 11., grocer.
McFurlano John
Liberty Stroot—Wost sldo
Ulanmore road lo Trafalgar terrace
22 Zcltz Carl
Zeitz terrace—
20 Smith C. A.
18 Morritt William
10 Davenport William J.
Cavendish street
14 Goudlc Mrs. Anna, grocer
12 McKcnzlc Hector, '• Francombo "
8 Marr Harry F., J.P.
Cambridge street—Harrow rood
{For Fast side, see Ifewtown)
Holt Street—North sldo
Stanmore road to Cambridge street
Cavendish street
Walker Thomas
l.cahy P., house and land agent
Maddook Stroet—North side
Old Canterbury road to Manchester street
26 Moss Patrick
24 Smith W.
18 Hudson John
S o u t h sldo
15 Gelding J. E„ llorist
13 Kit/gibbon John
11 Corrlgall Samuel
0 Spencor Arthur
Manohestor Btroot—East sldo
Constitution road to paddocks
Bowe George
Altkon Mrs. F.
Welch George
Cuddy Josoph
Hawkins Thomas
Warren 8.
Howell George
Holmes G.
Bcalc Mrs.
W o s t side
Hclstcrman Henry
Lovctt Mrs. Elizabeth
Barnes Montague
Welch C. F.
Steed B. B., painter
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury Ed., P'sn'm. Tel. 22 P'sh'm.
Margrarot S t r o o t — N o r t h s i d e
Crystal street to South Atmandale estate
CO Vordau Gustavc D.
04 Smail Alexander
02 Hayes Georgo
CO Warren William
S8 Howltt William
SO Young William
54 Farley James
Charles street
38 Deny John
30 Rolfo Edward
Croswoll William,
20 Doby .Tnmos,
N o l s o n S t r o o t — N o r m aide
Victoria street to Long Cove creek
2 Neal Ralph
4 Smith Henry
0 McCulloch Mrs.
217 Mackenzie John
Foultney J.
Blairgowrie street—Windsor road
Mcintosh Mrs. Sophia
Evans —
Kettle W.
South side
1C9 Smith J , fruiterer
141 Allan John
1 Mackay G.
133 Baxter Miss
3 Harrison James E.
131 Forbes William
120 Smith George
N o r w o o d S t r o o t — N o r t h sldo
Edward street
Ecclcs Mrs,, laundrv
Crystal to Palace street
0 Taylor W. J.
110 Hair Alexander, plumber
8 Carr William, " Eaglehurst"
S o u t h sldo
117 Rogers Charles
Petersham street
115 Singleton Henry J.
fll Pike E. H.
Summer JIM street
12 Tempest James. "Ariel"
Charles street
101 Sandors Mrs. M., " Wyandla"
40 Howlctt J.
Short Edward T., " Sodgomoor "
09 Pilmrosc Albert F., "Harnlio"
45 Young Mrs. Ellen
22 llcatty C. C.
97 Earnshaw John, " Florencovillo "'
43 Gordon William
Railway street
05 MoKinnclley .1.
"Ji(,2 •>
41 Gibson William I).
32 Cansdoll Edward, " Molroso"
03 Shorthouso Arthur .W?
SO Walters John 1*.
01 Dullard William, "Rochclle"
81 Down Charles, J. P., " Katoomba "
37 Mitchell William
Toothill street
Harrison Edmund
South sldo
Dark J., carpenter
27 Richardson William
Klrklank George, " Kegwortr. "
25 Courtman George
Gainsford Georgo, " Marlerllh. '
Copo \ \ \ , "Fonclla"
23 Loftus Roger
O'Brien John, "Cassandra"'
10 Green Thomas, curpcntai
Royce J. T., " Flanders "
GoldlngMrs., "Hypatla"
11 Murphy Sirs. Annlo
Rouno Ernost G.
Railway terrace—
Fox F. W„ •' Klngslaml"
40 Blackwood William
15 Downing Mrs. Jane, "Bracsido"
43 Parr R. W.
Merchant Stroot—North sldo
17 Thompson James, " Carlisle"
llarker street
Stanmore to Harrow roail—Cavendish
Railuay street
41 Jcnnikcr Joseph
ft. John's street
23 Williams Mrs. Lucy
9 Ewing Robert'
29 Taylor R.
20 Hull Mrs. Mary
7 Buglo William L„ " Kndollon "
13 Sherwood Francis
31 Jamison John J., " Otama "
Thompson Mrs., "Glolands"
II Bunting John
6 Wlndcycr Alfred, " Clolands "
0 Hconoy Edward
3 Friend Benjamin 11., "Lcnakcr"
Cook street
1 Illackmoro Alexander
7 Harris John
N o r w o o d S t r o o t W o s t — N o r t h sldo
Cambridge street
1 Coleman Spencer
Off Palace street
West sldo
38 Sharp, J.P., " Bentwood "
Morton Stroot—North sldo
Utile Toothill street
30 Sutton Ilonry
Stanmore road to Trafalgar terrace
00 McGIU Mrs, J., dray proprietor
S o u t h s.ldo
1 Goodwin Alfred, "Indiana"
58 Gillingham W. II., carpenter
3 Black Mrs. C, E., - 'Tarlo'
~ "
35 Keene Thomas
Hudson street—hnngport street
5 Curtain T,
37 FloodMr8.,ladlos'niirsc,"Kensington" 32 DelTO Wnltcr S.
30 Taylor Herbert
llarker street
S o u t h sldo
McGregor W. J., painter
Park villas—
John's street
8 Galpln E.
Russell Miss IS., dressmaker
Old C a n t e r b u r y R o a d — E a s t s i d e
0 Hollo II. W., •' Bronte "
4 Triggs James
New Canterbury road to 1'arrainatta road
20 Ryan Michael
2 Mitchell James II.
Small W. J.,"Ivybank"
10 Lyon John Harry
Carter Herbert, "Marilnscll"
12 Ncill 11. L.
Cobar ttreet
Palaoo Street—East side
14 l'ilc Sydncf
Shaw William E., sen , " Lclghburst" Parramatta to New Canterbury road'
10 Woidncr Louis J,
Shaw E. 11.
Queen street—Not wood street
Shaw A. r.
Coodwin Sirs. T.
DIx8onHugb, sen., J. P., "Aborgoldlo"
Myrtlo Stroot—South side
11 LorklngG. W., "Fall-view
270 Armstrong Mrs., " Strathmoro"
From Jlruce street to I'ercimt road
Ella Rev. Samuel (Cong.), "RathAlbeit street
more "
37 Small J. K., "Nardoo"
277 Gloror William, " Kcnninglon"
Ella Misses, ladles' school
Gllmore John
275 Phillips George \Y„ " Hazeldcan "
Miss C. M.. " Hoathfleld "
271 Armstrong B,
Webster William, buildor
17 Hutchinson Thomas S., " Wyclitte "
Morris C.
19 Kirkpatrick Mrs. Francis, " EthcrNorth sldo
Constitution road
itaddoek street
42 Douglas William, " Doreo:"
Croydon street
40 Jones Richard, " Bcrmo"
Gelding William, florist
Skohan Mrs. Mary
28 Hayman G., painter
211 Gelding John, J.P., florist
21 Hordcrn Percy G., draper
18 Richmond Jamc-t
Hampstead road
23 Hall Thomas, " Lcominstenrillo "
14 Paul Mrs. Irvlno, " Mahroonga "
Clark F., " Tosma "
12 Hardman Samuel
235 llolan J.
37 NicollB. 11., "Gordon"
10 Goldthorp James
233 Lalng John G.
39 Graham James P., "Mldhurst"
231 Lee Mrs G., " Mimosa "
39 Linden F., professor of music
223 Bcaltic W. B., teacher bf music
43 Darke John W, VJ., " Lovcn house"
Nolson Plaoo
llosedale street
Dlackwcll John
Saillier's to 'Irafalgar cretcent
21U Stafford J.
47 Semplo D., builder
Mitchell John A., carpenter
Fairmount street
Brighton street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St., leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersliam.
49 Thomas F. II., grocer
61 Hatklns Douglas, "Orpheus"
53 Thompson Hugh
59 Rodgcrs Mrs., ladies' nurse
CI Shorten William, bootmaker
C3 Draokinbury and Co., booksellers
65 Vernon, II. C, frultcror
67 Wilklo John C, baker
69 Bcrger John, grocer
79 Aubyn s.
Farrar Airs. Mary, stationer
Fisher's Jieserve
83 Salklld Benjamin
85 Dudgoon Samuel
87 Gnodler Mrs.
lerminus street—Railway crossing
89 Fouler and Fowler, house and land
93 McMorran and Prince, plumbers
Hardy J., house and land agent
Fisher street
Rofe Alfred, solicitor, "'i'hornbury "
202 Petersham inn—Mrs. Ellon Johnson
101 Rahmato 11., fruiterer
"10 Knox G., hairdresser and tobacconist
212 Edwell 15., plumber
118 Savago Samuel, grocer
222 Mo.Murrlch W. and F., bakers
224 Chick Thomas, umbrolla maker
220 Hodson A.
228 Mulllnsand Co., toachbuildcrs
Cli'irl.'i street
230 Family James S.
240 Pcrcivul Frank, herbalist
242 Drake William, butcher
244 & 240 Clarke James, blacksmith
250 Clarence hotel - John Boylan
Crystal street
262-201 Haines George P., auctioneer
2G0 Dartlott 11., butcher
270 Altorfer Georgo, chemist
278 ltowc J. L., furniture dealer
282 Sinclair A., plumber
280 Mcllwraith Hugh, grocer
284 The '• Standard " Printing Co.—Jas,
Trcadgold. manager
Petersham street
288 Shclllehi J., grocer
290 Had ley Georgo, produce dealer
202 Alcock Mrs, J., confectioner
2U0 Palmer II, C , newsagent
208 Wilton J. R., bootmaker ,
301) Evans II., painter
302 Rosa S A., bookseller and publlshor
301 Evans II., plumber
300 Stamat D., fish and oyster saloon
308 Hazleton J. F. M., photographer
310 Melbourne J., tailor .
312 Williams II. O., coachbuildor
3111 Shaw Alexander, plumber
318 Crlchton W., ironmonger
320 clarkson P. J., ham shop
322 Dodds \V. T., bootmaker
324 Barroll A., confectioner
320 Diamond C , tobacconist
328 Kerr M„ saddler
W e s t Bide
2 Peters Jamos E.
4 short Benjamin, jun.
0 Wylie J. G., " Nowstcad "
Norwood street west
8 Goodwin Andrew
10 Cook Mrs. 11., "Carrlngton"
12 Howell R.
14 (luirk Frank
50 Mosolov William, "Glesson"
38 Christy W. S. " Mariona"
42 Asproy William " Killarney "
44 Maddison George
Andreas street
40 Roberts Charles, "Argylo"
48 Morris Mrs. Elizabeth
50 Drcwett P. A., " Lafrowdu "
52 Black, William C. " Rosslyne"
54 Read Charles, "Edinburgh"
60 Turner George, " Olcnband "
58 Dunnlcliffs A. A., J.P.
60 Allingham Charles, " Sydonham"
Brighton street
74 Courtney V.'J., butchor
70 Ingram Charles
82 Hilt Thomas
84 Luland Mrs. Mary, " Ennis houso "
80 Edmunds William
88 Sargomt Henry, " Edlthvllle "
90 Barry Robert "Thebes"
92 Swinson John, " Ilium"
9) Bemplc William, •' Ingulba "
The Avenue
•96 McGrath Michicl, " Lismuso "
South Avenue—Railway crossing
100 Hardv John, estate agent
112 Bradshaw G. II., fuel merchant
120 Gray and Pile, houso and land agents
122 Foley Mrs. C , confectioner
124 Goodln, Hitchcock and Co., tlmbor
120 Abel David, plumber and Ironmonger
134 Jacdo J. H., bootmaker
Sadlier's crescent
130 Mullen George, accountant, "Avoca'i
470-478 Taylor Thomas, coachbuildor
West street— Carringlon street
190 Ryan J.
520 Wheelwrights' Arms hotel—1. Hewitt
Crockett John J., carpenter
Old Canterbury road
534 Brown Charles, furrier
530 Brown James
542 Ryan Mrs. Mary
541 OMIalloran Mrs. Eliza, storekeeper
550 Alma hotel—Charles Olcndening
554 Drake Mrs. A.
(For North side, see Lcichhardt)
Rallicau ttreet
330 Duflleld Robert, piano importer
330 Hardwlck and Robinson, buttor
338 Batty T. 11., confectioner
340 Cargacos S„ oyster saloon
344 Roso II. A., drapor
312 Child W. P., fancy goods
310 Lcichhardt and Petersham U. F.
Dispensary — II. P.
Smith, manager; A. W. Ainsworth,
348 Wortley J. T., bootmaker
350 Ward A., oyster saloon
352 Newman Miss, dressmaker
354 Blndin Robert E., umbrella makor
358-300 Thurgar John, produce merchant
304 Young William, provision store
308-370 Fergus J., general store
374-370 Mathews John, general store
380 Barnctt II„ bootmakor
300 Brighton Holl—Miss Wilson, teacher
of dancing
Palace street
420 Swinflold Henry, tinsmith
P a r r a m a t t a R o a d — S o u t h s i d e 428 Murray Mrs. Eliza
434 Wilson William, " Wnratah "
Johnston street to Long Cove road
Andreas street
Johnston George
Dcuchsr John
Atkinson Michael
McLauchlan Alex. J.
Hildor and Bradburn, dairykccpors
Roso Frederick
184 Hutton Peter, ran proprietor
McMahon Michael, "Rossmoro"
186 Lowo Edward, bottle dealer
J. F., " Berryville "
188-190 McLcIsh and Tanner, storekeepers
400 Pifer P.
192 Byrne and Sons, blacksmiths
' Watson J., basket maker
Station street
104-190 Voight Madame J., laundry
Went worth street
1 ns Whitehead. George, produce merchant
Porolval Road—North sldo
Parramatta road to Stanmore station
Butcher Frederick
Wrathloy Frederick
Polokman A. E.
Stubbs R., builder
McKenzio Walter, nows agent
Martin and Henderson, house and
land agents
S o u t h sldo
ParsonB Mrs.," Alma"
DanlelB .!r«eph, " Vera"
Lawrence Georgo
Cbarlesworth James, " Lincoln oottago "
Morton G. II., grocer
lladloy Frederick, " Huonvlllo "
Corunna street
llutchcr Frederick
Petersham Street
Parramatta road to Norwood street
3 Halllday John
7 Wooff Harry
Flswick street
5 Langhan —
P l g g o t t S t r o o t ( D u l w l o h Hill)
N o r t h side
New Canterbury road to Long Cove creek
Powvs, D. O.
Hastings Joseph M. M.
Thompson O.
Ball Samuel W„ " Bctilah "
Boulecarde—Ven isolt road
S o u t h side
Lchrkind Thomas
Swalnsen Thomas
Graham Mrs J,
Boulevarde—Denison street
Wakclcy Thomas, "Taree"
Simpson —
McDonald Alexander
Lotchcr R. J.
Derghofer II., " Totnos "
Venison road
Quoen Street
Crystal to Palace street
4 Christians' Chapel
Railway street
4 Cousins William, carpenter
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury Ed.. P W m . Tel. 22 Pslrtn.
Railway Avenue
Kingston\road to Stanmorerailwaystation
22 Wiseman Charles, •' Dundoos "
Flotchor John
24 Doyle A. K.
28 Westland A. J., " Glendoon "
30 Moody George
Warwick street
Fowls William
Cutler Horry, " Alberfleldio "
42 McNcIco J. Si., bootmaker
44 Monie Mrs. Annie
40 Dogno George, " A b o r d o w r "
62 Duvies K. 'I'., builder
58 llobinson Koyran
Garbutt W . II., carpenter
00 Henderson George
Surrey street
00 Smith E. J.
68 Stapleton John
70 Swift James
72 Barry Richard
Mills Mrs.
R a i l w a y Stroot—East side
road In Terminus
5 Skllton J . E . , laundry
3 H o y Mrs. Annlo
7 Bullen D . T .
Knight Charles W . , " M o n t a n a "
23 Nelson Walter, Sydenham "
2S Boulton Frederick, " Brooklyn "
27 Hrdwn II., tailor
Croydon street
81 Waring Thomas W „ " S o m e r s e t "
S3 Williams M r s . L . , ••Charlcsvillo"
35 Honderson J o h n , " L v n b a n k "
37 Kidner II J . K „ " Lovan Bank »
89 Bonamy M r s . , " Violet Dank "
41 MoGulroMrs.
43 Bunham Rhuban
45 U o s k l n s William
Auckland terrace—
47 Vaubeel Peter
40 Skinner Georgo, plasterer
51 Barnes E.
55 Scott H.
57 Branch Mrs. Jano
61 Berry Mrs. Louisa
05 Pratt William
67 Magcc Tcronco
W e s t side
Queen street
3 Robertson J o h n , broker
4 Evans J . W „ " Glcnthorno"
0 Bury Thomas, " Pauline "
8 Bayldon William E. J . , J . P .
10 Bender Ferdinand
12 Brown William V.
14 Harrison a n d Photomy, builders
10 Woodford Charles, plumber
30 Smith Charles
32 Allen Rev. William (Cong.)
Congregational school hall
34 Duguid J o h n K., " Y a m b a h "
30 Straughcn Iter. J . (Bopt.)
46 Lester C. J . , " M i l t o n "
48 Dunn J . A . , engineer
Dunn Miss Nellie, teacher of dancing
Hamilton W .
Sheridan J o h n
Station hotel—John Nortbcott
50 Brayley Mrs. M.
Rawson —, " Rokcby "
54-50 Brown George I I , bootmaker
Graham II.
60 Smith E . L. J .
8 Willard F. J., " Walmea "
60 Watts Mrs., ladles' nurso
6 Merchant Alfred
72 McClennan M r s . Elizabeth, green- 4 Tlmms Christian O.
2 Gimber Christopher
Lord Carrington hotel—T. IMchards
S o u t h side
Fisher A.
39 HalghR., "Lusigna"
Connery C.
Miller Thomas
35 Inman Thomas, » Westfield "
Corcoran Mrs. L.
20 Abel W., "Cordelia"
R a i l w a y Terraoe
3 Shute John, " Rosobank"
Palace street to Old Canterbury
Craig William
21 Lewis Sharpe U „ " B a r o n i a "
23 Botts E. R.
25 Watts J o h n , '• Clareville"
Ross Stroot
27 Hayes —
i\'ew Canterbury road to Cobar street
35 Nunce J a m e s , " Aynthia "
Potter George
Kelson place
43 Pago Georgo W.
45 Grcggan Mrs. Anne, " K c n n o t h "
Sadlior's Orescent—East s i d e
47 Reldy Mrs. W .
Palace to Gordon street
49 Richardson Alexander, " S t . A l b a n s "
1 Davis Mrs. S. J., " Plnoville "
51 Milgroro J o h n II., " C h o l s o a "
53 MoCallMra., " K i l n h o u s e "
5 Crockford W. W., " Brackonridge "
Gordon street
7 BehrenB Adolph
55 McLean —, " Falrscono "
57 Hurley W. B.
!) Sweet Alexander
11 Moore A.
W e s t side
13 Cherry George
50 Loreridgc Mrs. C , " B o l v i n s t o n o "
W e s t side
61 Davis Thomas, " Hcnsol "
Kelson place
63 Brontnall A. O., " Pcnarth "
10 Buckland Thomas, woodturner
05 Pier H. J.
8 King Robert
frater roai-iIyewUham railieay station
Jado J. II., bootmakor
85 Hopper James 8., news agent
Victoria street
Lowisham Railway Station—Robert
S t . J o h n S t r e e t — N o r t h sidoCavanough, stationmastor
Thomas sheet to Long Cove creek
89 Lavcrack J. I)., house and land agent
Rouse Thomas II.
Goward II.. bootmakor
Bowes W.
93 Harrington T.,.cnb proprietor
Best W.
Cowan Mrs. E .
Haiuz Kmlll
R e g e n t Street—East side
Old Canterbury road
New Canterbury road to Wardell street 21 Hughes Lewis
20 O'Sulllvan John
8 Rider Bornard
W e s t side
Fisher street
8 Wilkinson Rev. Samuel (Wcs.)
0 Duokcr John P. M., " Oswln "
Robert Street—North side
Crystal to Charles street
0 Nnpp Charles G.
4 Dick John
2 Wyllo William, blacksmith
S o u t h side
Barnott Charles H., " Rubyville "
Harnett Mrs. Amelia, " llosebnnk "
Williams Henry ()., conclimakcr
Caddy Samuel
Harnett Henry
15 Fleming David
Nortridgo Samuel, fuel merchant
Rosedale Street—North side
Old Canterbury to Windsor road
20 Blake Thomas, " C h a t h a m "
O'Donnell Miss, teacher of musio
24 Diamond Frederick, " Hawthorno "
20 Studdy Albert J., " Elloro "
18 Lcckio William B.
Short Street
Victoria street to Long Cove creek
4 Hodkin Ilenzer, builder
2 Hill, John Henry
Lamont A„ dairy keeper
South Avenue
Off Palace street
10 Gibson Charles N.
8 Brasscl Daniel
Miller David
Buckingham James, upholsterer
Stafford Stroot
Railway Avenue to Annandale EstateCollins Arthur
Coutls J., " Stafford cottago"
Powell R., "Invcrmay"
Barnes, A. J.
Stanley Street
Douglas street to Gordon crescent
Lee J. R.
Kerrigan Waller
Colls C.
Uoskings, M. J.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St, Leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Stanmore Road—North side
Liberty to Crystal street
2 Scott William
4 Bell William
6 Goold Mrs., milliner
8 Cunningham Misses, teachersof music
10 Poole William
12 Bullock William H . , p l u m b e r
14 Brown John
16 Martin Albeit, " Longview »
50 Rofo J . F., solicitor, " Braebrook "
52 Mlllgrove A. W „ " Wallanitra"
54 Cairns Edward, " W i m b o u i n o "
56 Nelson Mrs. J .
58 Peel George. " K o o r i n g a "
60 H u g h e s W . II., " St. Arnaud "
02 llost>i Manic, " G u y r a "
04 Minter Mrs. A., '• ltolllngston "
Stokes F. S.
0C Rowling Ernest, " llosemead "
68 Tcmpleton, II. B . , " Romala "
70 Bartlctt Henry, " K w h u r s t '
72 Fletcher II. B., " Fnirmount "
Merchant street
Dlggens —," Lares "
Chalmers Mr*. Jessie, " I l y g l c "
110 Tyas P.
112 Fallick Samuel, builder
114 Ramsdeu S.
110 Tyas W .
120 N e w t o n E. A., " R o s c n d a l o "
132 Lees Joseph
Jakeman M.
130 Stanley William, music teacher
142 Robinson Mrs. Mary
138 Ryrio A., " G l c n c a i r n "
140 Turner George, " Cranbrook "
144 H a y w o o d Alfred, " I o l a n t h e "
140 Reynolds George, " Ingomar "
Holt street
154 Cor Thomas
150 D a w e s Aaron, bootmaker
100 Chirk J a m e s , d r a p e r , " B u s h g r o v o "
162 Lindsay Miss E l i z a b e t h , " Olive bank"
Lusby John " Olive bank "
164 Robertson W.. surgeon, " Lornclelglr"
106 Greenwood Mrs. E . , " Lclghwood"
108 Sailer J . E d „ importer, •• Iteilaston"
170 McMahon Francis, " Hill Crest"
172 Gibson Frederick W., District Court
j u d g e , " Grnsmcro"
174 Danscy F. W. D . , " n o s e t t c v o r "
170 Pickering Mrs.
Lavcrty and Co., grocers
Post office—Laverty Joseph, postmaster
180 Spcncc II,
182 Murtough J .
184 Perry Samuel
180 Lothan W . , •' Cornubia "
188 Davis William
190 Nelson Arthur D , M.L.A,
102 Kcstcvcn L , Burgeon
104 Ormlslon Mrs.
100 i l n w k o F. R . .
Mrrton street
108 Ferguson F. W .
200 Scrapie William
202 McSwecncy G. II., M . D . , surgeon
210 Johnston Daniel
218 Clarko Joseph, storekeeper
244 McGrath It., blacksmith
248 Clarke Daniel
250 Clarke Sydney
252 Henderson W . , bootmaker
Charles street east
Goddard Rev. R. E . (C. of E.)
All Saints (C. of E.',—Rev. R. E . Goddard
Schociicld E., butcher
Milsop S. M., grocer
J a m e s R. C , watchmaker
S t a t i o n Street—East side
Parramatta road to Brighton street
11 Paul William
13 Barkel William
15 D o y l e Michael
17 Shepherd W.
43 Atkinson G. W. F .
45 Jones William It.
49 Cropper Abraham
51 llarvie Miss M.
53 Gi'ciham J .
57 Henderson James, " Erlna cottago "
61 Holder S. M., costumier
07 T o m s Eleazcr, " llosovillo "
69 HutchiiiBon Hamilton 8., " H a r l l b a "
75 Frith Mrs. L.
77 Firkin W . E .
79 King John
81 Paton William U .
85 Butler J . J .
93 L y n c h Patrick, fuel merchant
95 White Georgo
Park terrace—
103 Salkcld Henry T.
105 Robinson Mrs. K., storekeeper
107 Webster William, "Kombla"
109 Scully John C.
HI Rumble —
113 Lloyd Alfred
115 Held Frederick, carpenter
W e s t side
Brooks M., " Alderbury houae "
Eden cotlai/es—
8 O'Connor M.J.
10 Stoddnrt Daniel
12 H o d g s o n J . W.
Brooks Mrs. Jano
14 Bacon Mrs.
Summor B i l l Streot
Old Canterbury road to Victoria street
1 Prentice William E „ " J i k a "
2 N e w t o w n Thomas
3 Rattray James
4 Flceton Mrs. E., grocer
Surrey Street
Railway arenue to Annandale estate
8 Furlong Jumes
1 Salisbury Frederick
5 Bolger Esmond
7 Keddy G. II.
11 Bird James 13 Davis John
T e m p l e Stroot—North sido
Albany to Percical road
34 Lappin John, " Lapgra "
32 Conlon Patrick
Myrtle street
26 Roper Charles W.
24 Smlthcrs Mts, M. A., " Karoona "
22 Dickson Miss A. D., •' Bethany "
20 Baker G. R.
18 Kerrulsh William," Glcnorry"
16 Kachlar Harry
14 Cubis Alfred
10 Rofe E. C.
8 Knecshaw John, " Sclwyn "
0 Devonlsh John, jun.
4 McPhallo Thomas, " Gowrlo"
2 Steel Robert
South side
Flashman J. F.
Orton John
Powysh Mrs. Emma
Lewis W. A., " Losco "
Poole C. T„ solicitor
Short George
llruc* street
Hughes Thomas
Bunks Miss A. M.
Farrell John
Beelby Mrs, Isabella, " St. Elmo "
Terminus Street
Palace to Crystal street
40 Dwyer J o h n
44 Rowe W , Thomas
Jlartletl terrace
42 Crow W.
40 Bugg A.
38 Duggan James
34 RlpplngaloJ.J.
32 Jules Thomas
30 Vasscy Georgo E.
28 Plock Mrs. Mary, newsagent
Ablo D.
Chapman Edward
Petersham Railway Station—Georgo
Scarlett, statlonmastcr
Petersham Post a n d Telegraph^OfUco
E. C. Chapman, postmaster
Terry R o a d
Windsor road to Long Covs creek
2 Ward G. A.
10 McMann Jumes
43 BricnMrs.
Ellis Thomas. Street (Lowisham)—
East sido
West street to Lewisham station
Convent of tho Maternal Heart o
Long Rev. 'Ihomas (R.C.)
St. ThomaB (U.C.) Cnuroh —Rov.
Thomas Long
Lowisham Station—Robt, Cavcnough,
W e s t side
Proctor J. M., solicitor, " Noumea"
Huddle Thomas D.
Faucctt W. II.Jarmnu Charles
Leddiooat J. T.
Bolo Mrs. Ellen
Ward Wm. G.
Robinson John S.
Bishop H. F.
Kavanough John J.
Johnstone Charles
Byrne John
T o o t h l l l S t r o e t — E a s t Bide
New Canterbury to Old Canterbury road
The Doulerarde—Denison road
29 Armstrong Robert, fuel merchant
27 Armstrong Mrs. Elizabeth, greengrocer
Llnnauo Peter, butcher
25 George Mrs. A.
21 Holland William, "Eureka"
10 Pcppcrday William A., printer
Victoria itreel
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury Rd.. P'sh'm. Tel. 22 P'sh'm.
Toolhttl atreet continued—
11 McIIugh T., " Wandcrsford "
0 GronHoid A. P., " Tabloo "
West side
Denison road—Victoria street
24 Watson .Mrs. I).
22 Blencowo Robert
20 Uronnan P. J., architect
Denison road
14 Graham Samuel D.
Victoria street
10 Allman E. M.
8 Carenah Hobert
8 MoAdam G. W.
4 Donnelly John, " Claromont"
2 Dawson James, Inspector of schools
Viotoria Street—East side
118 Goldrlck Thomas
116 Martin « . II.
Davis street to Hallway terrace
205 Nixon George
George II. W.
Richardson Wlllium
08 Johnstone Charles M.
201 Piekerine-A. W.
00 Thompson —, " Windermere"
109 Macklc A.
01 BuHock Miss C, dressmaker
107 King Herbert
Mann David J.
185 Wallace George
Hummer Hill street
170 Clarko Gcorgo
Charles, " Lloydhurst'
171 Chambers William, "Sunnysido"
Heck Frederick
70 King Mrs. A. T., " Braebrook "
IU7 Hughes E. C , ''Cnmpbollvillo"
08 Helton William
101 Haines Hugh, "Thornby"
Toothill street
150 Young William A.
Jones D. 11.
157 Wilson J.
E., " Dynovor "
153 Allez G.
51 Wilght Edward
Tinning W.
street—Henry street
140 O'Mcara J nines
4 Smith E. J.
T r a f a l g a r Orosoent
2 Bull Alfred
145 Millington Abraham
Down and Smithson, butchers
(See Hallway terrace)
143 Jones Albert
O'Mcara J.
ffltham street
117 Cookbum G.
115 Crawford W. F.
T r a f a l g a r Terraoo
Wardoll Street
113 Hallard Charles, » Doravlllc "
Palace to Crystal street
Liberty to Crystal street
HI McLorieA. M
" Potherton "
6 Kennedy Thomas, " Rookingham " 109 Rogers Honry
15 Foran and Gorman, asphaltcrs
7 lllgg William, J. 1'., " Warrane"
107 Rogers G., plumber
Uowllng J., tailor
0 Husband William
105 Osborn John
Pootor and Wallace, estate agents
11 Kerr William II., " Roslyn"
103 Green Joseph. "Thornicroft"
13 Collett Airs W. F., privuto school
17 Davis Morgan, lime merchant
101 Fox Mrs., "llelwood"
IS Dent Thomas M., auctioneer
13 Harrison Jonathan, fuel merchant
00 DucharA.
Harrow road
li'i/ent streil
07 Tucker C. L.
Partridge James, jun., "HorncevUlo" 05 Freeman Mrs. Ai
Abbott G. II., surgeon, " Tarana "
Cambridge street
03 Elliott F. J.
Pile George, J.P., " Sunnysido "
Stanmorp Railway Station—A J. 89 Waters II. C.
Gibbon, statlonmnstor
ThomaB Mrs. James
ItaboneMrs., "Inglowood"
83 Mitchell 11. A. II.
W a r w i c k S t r e e t — E a s t sido
51 Jones Mrs. Susan, " Koskoar"
81 Linton John, carpenter
Hallway acenue to Annandale estate •
83 BarkerG W., J.l'„ •' Uanillo"
70 Melville F. G., " Ualermo"
65 Flanncry G. II., " Ashloy "
25 Tanner Robert
09 Nossitor Henry
87, " Crownthorpo " 07 Slater Mrs. M. S.
23 Thomas Joslah, M.L.A., "LauresAubrey street
63 Scale Michael, " Hurstmonccaux "
80 Couldery Thomas, •• Frankleigh "
Davis William L..J.P.
•21 McFarlund Rowland
01 Couldeiy Thomas, jun., " Lynwood "
Toothill street
10 Taylor P. N.
03 Friend Walter It., •' Aubyn"
81 Crothcrs George, builder, " Tyrecl"
17 Argtio William II.
65 Glbbs C. II.. " Yatton "
59 Breaksphero A. 11.
15 Dovls A. W.
07 Munro Miss E.
57 Clarko Peter, " Wioming"
13 Taylor II J.
Willy Jonathan
55 Huct Henrv, dentist," Montfermcll" 0 Carfoot George
80 Bull W. It., laundry
53 Crothors W'illiam J„ builder
Carfoot William
91 Parkinson Edwin
51 Simpson Robert
7 llcnson Mrs., laundry
Swyny G It.
49 Horton llvder," dentist, " Nash- 3 Buxton Charles E,
Davics John
lolgh "
05 Morris J., '• Dursley "
West side
17 Richards and Son, ironfoundcrs
Stanmore villas—
18 Loden Percy
A. C. 8.
101 Fletcher John
20 West Francis
103 Halloran E. 11.. J. P., architect
Jlobbs street
•ii Steel John
141 Tumor Charles
15 Northoy S., fuel merchant
16 Wclton Lewis J.
Jtent street—Charles street
11 Stewart Mrs. E.
14 Hornby William
118 Roasan J. W.
12 ltussell F. P.
117 Moodio Miss S., dressmaker
Wost side
10 Donnelly Edgar C, plumber
Durham street
180 Trinder David
8 Harris Thomas, " Long Ashton "
170 Christcrsnn M.
4 Moses Robinson
170 Seymour G.
2 McKinnon John W.
U n i o n S t r e e t — E a s t side
Nelson street
New Canterbury to Constitution road
41 M'lsbv Frederick
Little street
Wentworth Street
88 Pigg Mrs. Elizabeth
Walsh S., greengrocer
81 Sillctt William
Off Parramatla road
27 Wassail Hcnrv
Everett Alexander
102 Smith G. W.
25 Winfield Nahum
Albert terrace—
23 Lawrence Henry
Bevan Daniel
100 Roberts A. A.
21 Davidson Mrs. Hannah
154 Kirk George, plumber
15 Brown John
150 Woodall George
13 Pink Edwin
W e s t S t r e e t — E a s t side
140 Preston Mrs. S.
11 Macken James
Parramatla to Mkw Canterbury road
1.10 Hart Herbert
A. G., painter
5 P.irnell Frederick
134 Hackney David
Family hotel—Noils Petersen
1 Williams Charles
132 Watson James"
Brighton street
1,10 Staldcrll.
West side
17 Bell John
124 Frizclle S., storekeeper
6 Palmer Joshua
Eltham street
4 Elliott Albert, dairykeopcr
23 Manson C. H.
122 Ladd C. T.
2 Calwaladcr—, "Mlnnlcvlllo"
120 Morrison Joseph
25 Dunstan B.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St., Leichhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
27 Davis George
Hallway bridge
39 Cookson C.
49 Asprov William B.,"Calmar"
51 Conway Robert W., " Glengarth"
83 SklnRcr William Joseph, "Trcvcling"
53 Dyer II. R. S., photographer
W o s t side
Thomas strett
Women and Children's Hospital of
the Holy Child
St. Thomas' (R.C.j cometcry
Children's Blind Asylum
Hallway bridge
Hinton Samuel, "Llongarvan"
McGibbon John, " Mcrixlon "
Milgrow W. E., '• Labrina"
Mlllgrovo C. II.
Hollo 11.
Frank street
Bennott James, " St. Just"
Martin A.. "Carmylo"
Maguire 8., surgeon
Doylo F., " Cleon "
Roberts William, "Worn"
Lloyd G., "Mevlo"
Cook G. "W.
Biggs Stephen, •' Thamosvilla "
Dean Mrs. K., " Brewonglo "
W e s t b o u r n o S t r o e t — N o r t h Bide
Crystal street to Annandale estate
140 Sinclair W.
138 Stoko II.
136 Calvert Robert
134 ScarthD.," Valrosa"
132 Flood J. II., "Fomdale"
130 Winchester F., "Garmouth"
128 Morris Mrs. T., " Kingston"
120 John Francis. •• Westfavillu"
124 Green Frederick, "Groenloigh"
122 Bell Frank
120 Sohott Mrs. J. A.
118 Cafforattl P.
116 Packer A. II., houtio decorator
114 Robins Wcsloy
112 Lucas Benton
110 Illlder Alexander
108 Salisbury Francis J.
100 McGuinncss Mrs.
102 Rourke Albert
100 Blackadrlcr James
98 llokln Ellen
" Macfarlane \V„ fuel morchnnt
Charles street
80 Wilson Mrs. M. J.
36 Atkinson Miss A.
31 Kidman Charles
82 Hawkins Michael
30 Chaff or Frederick J.
28 Blay Harmony
24 Morris B.
22 Mullen James
20 Snalth Robert
18 Taylor J. D.
18 Drrdon Thomas, builder
14 Tlllotson Mrs.."Sunnysido"
12 Hipbum William, carpenter
10 Holland Mrs. M. A.
8 Volck Joseph, "Golsscn"
6 Greer Mrs. F.
4 Folkos Frcdk., draper," Sunnybank"
S o u t h Isido
Bedford Alfred P., J.P.. " Fairllght"
McCormaok James, carpenter
Norman Mrs. J. II.
Barnes William 8., "Lindaville"
McGregor A.
Diamond John
Hyndes Michael
Smith Joseph
Ckallaco James
Ionn S. F.
McFarlano William
Phelan Samuel
Frakes William
Roso Henry
Inncs D., contractor
Charles street
67 Phelan James E.
06 Smith John
61 Macintosh James
50 Foran Edward, " Ronncan"
85 Augustus F.
S3 Halos Mrs.
51 Aarons Charles
49 Noel Madam
47 Van Houtcn John
45 Brown Mrs. C.,' c LaurlnBton"
43 Kcarncv Thomas, " Merlin "
41 Elliott Edward C.
39 Elliott Thomas •' Windsor House"
85 Robey Honry
35 Miles W.
33 Aberton William
31 Mitchell John
29 Holland Mrs. M.
25 Fnrncss Richard
23 Styles Stephen
21 Pyke Henry
19 Styles Thomas W.
19 Ellis William, " Winton"
15 Waltor Philip, gardonor
Weston Street—East side
Edward street to brickyards
8 Davis James
7 Bluett Mrs.
Kennedy Edward
11 Gannon John
15 Doonan Mrs. B.
17 Warren James O.
21 Tarrant William
27 Chllds A. F., painter
33 Eather William
S o u t h side
Crisp a '
Davis William
Ivan Albert
Fahoy John F.
Windsor Road—North side
Old Canterbury to Constitution road
1 Howes S. 8.
3 Wilkinson F.
5 Scowcroft Mrs. Mary, "A«alca"
Trenchard Honry
13 Jcnkin -William
15 Bonser —
17 Armilagc J.
21 Cayzor William, plasterer
Channel street
29 Taylor Mrs. C. W.
43 Roesslcr P. T.
45 Duggan Michael
51 Jamison F W., produce merchant
07 Plavford Richard
69 AbclPhilllp
Perigo Richard
73 Shoolback Mrs.
Davis George
Terry street
03 Packtball James
95 Solems Albert
S o u t h side
Davis Alfred A* " Elslcvillc "
Johnston C , •' Orundalo "
Bolton F., "Beechwood"
Law P., "Ethono"
MoClarty Mrs.
Davis W W.
Morris F. W., " Clifton "
Slater George, "Lynwood"
Laird Moss, " I o a n a "
Langloy William J., " llllvorton
Martin Frederick
Cnrapboll Mrs. A. V.
Campbell J. R. B.
40 Emmott II., ' Brighton " '
Fairmount street
40 Allcslo Cornelius
50 lluckland W.
Deo Mrs.
52 Watt Mrs. Ellen
54 Tlayford Lolgh, " Adola "
50 Brldger Albort
GO Sandllands Henry
02 Lusher Mrs. 8., grocer
Hosedale street
04 Taylor Gcorgo W., painter
70 Goodoarl Bros., ohair manufacturers
llampstead road
92 Ford David, gardener
08 Lockwood Thomas
Blackuddcr J.
102 McMahon Mrs. A.
112 Jaggers William G.
110 Lockwood James
118 Gohllng Edward
120 Tatt Thomas
122 Rollard Thomas
Y o r k CroBoont
Off Crystal street
Tucker Aloxander
Mcllvccn Mrs. C.
Head Mrs. E.
Whittlo Sydney
Norman HolUstor O.
Yule Street—North sido
Crystal street to Annandale estate
08 Donald Mrs. T.
00 Truman Mrs. Maria, " Cheltenham "
84 Sherry P.
82 Napier II. T.
80 Deacon W.
78 Dunn T. C.
70 Shalvey James
72 Church W. 11.
70 Edwards James
Charles street
60-62 Stafford Alfred
58 Collins M.
54 Stuokey John J.
52 Stewart Robert
48 Smith Jonathan, " Edlthvillo "
44 Turnoy George
42 Gray Robort
40 Baldwin Mrs. M.
38 Wlckcs Edgar W.
30 Roberts A. J.
31 Bradncy Eliza
32 Campbell James T.
30 8eddon W.
28 Chicken William
20 Ritohio Frank
21 Barnes Mrs. Sablna
22 Jcnkinson Georgo
18 Hugglns George
10 Ilcaydon A. B.
14 Arnold Arthur
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury fid., Psh'm, Tel. 22 P'sh
Yule tlreel continued—
South 4idO
131 Leahy Patrick Garfield
120 Barkor Georgo II.
125 Chicken J. T.
110 Eado Mrs. II.
117 Haddock Thomas, carpenter
111 Hose James
109 Twyne William
107 Bcntlcy Christophor
105 Neal Frank
00 Illne Charles
05 Davlcs \V. G.
03 Davlcs Miss 8. A.
01 Deans A. J.
87 FikoJohn
Charles street
85 Martyn U. I,., grocer
83 Tynan Edward, butcher
81 Linton Adam
70 Legg J. J.
75 Mo rackon \V. A.
73 Cooper Edward
71 Wright James
60 McNeill John
55 Smith James
51 Johns E
40 Petersen S.
47 Murray James
Ferguson William
Morrison W.
Isaacs Gcorgo
Mathew A., painter
Dunlop Henry
35 Armstrong William
33 Steer James L.
31 Quail Joseph S.
20 Turner P. II.
27 Way Henry
25 Krrey Theodosius
21 Loder Alfred
19 Hansen Frederick
15 Berry ltobort K.
13 WoarnoJoseph, mlllor,"Weamevillo"
Bremeyer W.
Hellycr Henry
Healoy George
riddlngton W. II. B., M.L.A.. J. P.,
Bowman Boad—North side
Pitt row to Sherwood row
Toogood Lawrence \V.
Maronoy G.
Bellman W.
Bridge Boad
Western road to Ureal Western railway
Fullagar William
Phillips Miss A,
BOUNDED on the north by Farramntta and Great
Western railway; on the west by Prospect; on the south
by Smithfield nnd Prospect Crcok; and on the cast by
Great Southern railway to Parramatta.
Proclaimed 6th July, 1872
Area—about 14 square miles
Streets—about 80 milos
Improved property, ns?cssod value, £12,038 15s. 03.
Unimproved property, asseised value, £6,770101.
Number of houses—380
Population—about 2160
Council meets every alternate Monday at 0 p.m.
Oflloc hours—Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday 10 run. to 1 p.m.
Counoll chambers—Western road (via Parramatia)
William Noller
Arthur P. McManls
Thos. Muston
Henry T. Jones, J.P.
William Noller
W. H. Gilford
W. J. Oarpenter
Hugh Miller
George Hollicr
II. E. Jamicson
Stephen Glemlall
William Judges
Albert Street,
Off Parramatta road
Glen Joseph
Amos Street (May's Hill)
Parramatta Park to Jlouison street
Cole William, blacksmith
Sheridan William
Dovoll James
Diamond William
Thornley Joseph
Stclne John
Cook W.
• Johnson E.
Arthur Stroet
Victoria Parade to railway road
Bateman John
Auburn Street
IHtt to Sherwood road
Lloyd C. W., J.P., » Hayfleld"
Hellycr James
Biley Fredk., "Carringtnn "
Franklin street
Avenue (Morrylands)
Great Southern road to Addleston street
MoFarlane Lcnnle
Bangor Street (Guildford)
Guildford road to ITawksview street
Mackenzie Donald
Bank Street
Steel street to Sherwood road
Gosncll Georgo
Simonds William
Routley William H.
Purdue Miss W.
Berwick Street (Guildford)
Quildford road to ITawksview street
namblcy W. '
Coombs Joseph B.
Eden Charles
Botts Road
Patonville to Woodpark road
Hollier George, fruitgrower
Gorman Adam
Elkington Charles W.
Boundary Street
Sydney road to Pitt re to
Ainsloy Thomas, contractor
Bowcn W. H.
Harris George
Mills John
Thomas Ilorbert J.
Manning W.
Rutherford James
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St„ LeioUiardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Burnett Stroet
Gordon street from Western road
Smi'hfield road
Watson John
Longhurst George
Puruuo Arthur
Byron Stroet (Guildford)
Off Guildford road
Williams M.
McCrcdlo Georgo, J.P.
AVarnock M.
St. Clair Albort
Divall W.
Hawkins F. T.
Dalzioll Adam, news agent
Cardigan Street
Off Guildford road
Fowlcs J. S.
Chadwick ltobort
White Mrs. W.
Morris George
Blaekmorc W.
Centennial Boad
Off Smithfield road
Kelly John
Beaumont William E.
McDonald Mrs. J. S.
Ohertsey Street (Merrylands)
Park road to St. Ann's hill
Ford W.
McGregor John
Ohetwynd Grove (Guildford)
Guildford to llaaUesvteui road
Thomas James H.
Davis Arthur J.
Beech Mrs. W.
Kindred Charles
Mutton James
Clyde Stroet (Guildford)
Guildford to JIatckesview road
McLean James
Jossop Alfred
Young Henry
Jones John
Mooklns Charles
Cockatoo Boad
OffSmillifield road
Crimea Street
Off Burnett street
Hoffman Simon
Williams William
Crown Street—North side
Pitt row to James street
Martin Nicholas
Mitchell! N„ storekeeper
Ituston Thomas
Pauley A. II.
Pauley John
Poulton T.
Burton W.
Cawood Mrs. T.
Harding John
Drew Street .
Good to Ifottisonstrcet
Marohant Percy
Hcmswortn John II.
Guntcr C. G.
Wiles James
Horsey Mrs. F.
Edward Street- (now oalled Park
Esplanade (The), Guildford
Guildford road to TIawkesview road
Grust M.
Collins John
Jones John
Bright W.
Faotory Boad
Sherwood road to Itailway crescent
Wotkins Robert
Dalton Mrs. D.
Khcppcrd A.
Sboppcrd Charles
l'rangell Albert E.
Caldwell II.
First Avenue CWentworthville)
Western road to railway
Preston II. Richard
Franklin Street—East sido
Western road to Auburn street
Hall Mrs. Mary J.
Thomas Mrs. W. II.
Wheal John
Boss Thomas
Wost side
Watt F. L.
Xapier street
Smith John
Purdue Georgo ,
Pitt Row Public School —Thomas
Fullagar B o a d
Bridge road to Western road
Latty Edwin, fruitgrower
Good Stroet—North side
Western to JIawkesbury road
Flanagan Thomas
Clean- John
Ivln George
Jcssop Oliver
Walker F.
South sido
Weston Mrs. F., "The Firs"
Oborman David W.
Crossley Mrs. G.
Government Boad
Shertoood road to Park road
Gough William
Willis William J.
Rowland Henry
Jacob Henry, dairykecpor
Qoodlet street
Guildford Boad
Guildford railway station to Loscoe road
Simpson John
Lamont William
MoFarland John
Stewart Georgo G.
Webb Samuel
Burslll Samuel
Guildford Presbyterian Chureh—
ltcv. It. Jackson
Harper Street
Off Old Prospect road
Finlayson G. J.
Kcndon Alfred
Hoadley J., fruitgrower
Jennings John
Browcr William O.
Rasmussnn Erio
Prootor Robt.
Herbert H.
Fowler Mr*. J.
Logan Alexander
Hawkesbury Boad
Western road to Great Western railway
Poyle'n Mrs. A., " Doskford"
Pay'.en Nat.
Ilouison Richard
Williams W.
Hawkosvlew Boad (Guildford
Parramatta road to King's road
Hawkcs Mrs. J.
Wicks Stephen
Tompsctt William
Glcadall Stephen
Henson Street
Lucas street to bush
Herbert Street
Off Parramatta road
Morgan William
Ff arJohn
High Street
Sydney road to Parramatia boundary
Trives J.
Perkins J. II.
Nash Mrs. J.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury Ed., Fsh'm. Tel. 22 P'sh'm.
Holroyd Road
Off SmithfieU road
Harris Eli
Levy John
DIckeon John
Alilfi-ney road
Jamlcson Mrs. W.
McDowell John
Wcsloynn Church—Uov. J. Robson
Douglas W. A,
Kollon Robert
Btraughton William
Brown C. P. \V.
LOBOOO Road (Guildford)
Smithfield road to Prospect street
MoAlpine Mcintosh
Sanders Kobert
Wilkinson II.
Carson John, fruitgrower
Carson John. jun.
King James \v., fruitgrower
Kerns Isaic, fruitgrower
Ross Jordan
Napier Street
Off Burnet street
Lc Norman Do Brctteville Louis A.
National Avenue
Quildford road to Sydney street
Wall William
Coohrano John
Mums James, sen.
lteoves Christopher, poultry farmor
Lucas Street
Park to Parramatla road
Lungwell J.
Houison Street
Old Oookatoo Road
Scott Honry J.
Western Jtoad to Dretv street
Smithfield road to Lucas street
Warren John W.
Raines Simon
Harrison Edwin
Fletcher and Christonsen, storekeepers
ltaincs JamoB
Perry Philip
Fear James
Adams Peter, tailor
Adams Mrs. E.
Kecdy Thomas, dairyman
Goff, John
Parkinson George
Fnrkos Edward
May Frederick
Mathers Thomas
Salmon Michaol
Tompsctt John J.
Inkerman Street—East side
Hcllyor Henry
Boundary street to Railway crescent Off Fraser James
Vickcrs John
Hanks John
Goldberg M.
Old Prospeot Road
Meehan street
Itandall Sidney
Western road to soulh-ucstern boundary
Holmes Mrs. J.
Taylor Brothers, carcase butchers
West side
Hargrcaves Aloxandor
Cooper W.
Meehan street
James street
Howell George
Railway street
Sherwood Public School—D. Jamos
Staplcton John
liascmcr James, brick manufacturer
Wallis James
McD.nald Mrs. C. Ellis George
Sconce Mrs J.
Benson A.
Marsden Street
Off Pearson Caleb, dalrykcoper
Boundary to Railtcay street
Wilson Henry
James Street
Llttlefleld W.
Triokcr Louis
Crown street to paddock
Ardlll George
Horton John W.
Lampshiro Kichard
Lowe Mrs. F.
Lavender Joseph
Bona P.
Dedding P.
Mason Street
Walters William
Hcarn J.
Off Park road
Herbert Joseph
Jackson Edward
James Street (Goughtown)
Booth John
Lucas street to King's road
O'Hcarn John
Meadow View Road
Collier George
Parade (The)
Off Smithfield road
Jamlcson II. I).
Off auili/ord road
Saunders John
Jersey Street (now oalled Villa
Shlpton Charles
Brown Edward
Meehan Street—North side
King's Road
Sydney road to James street
Park Road
Wyman Mrs. J.
JIawkesview street to Park road
Merrylands station to Smithfield road
King George, carpenter
James street
Dengate Horace, station and post
Condon James
Williams John
muster, Merrylands
Melville Horace J.
Willlngham William
Gough Joseph, Utter
Tyler William, sawyer
Garrard John
Pitt roie—Chertsey street
Taylor James
Farraway E.
Mackcl Patrick
Fitzgerald John
Gifford William
Wonnlcaton James A.
Lansdowne Street
South sldo
Collins H. J.
Off Sherwood road
Milgatc Spencer
Mason street
Sullivan Henry
Nlcholls Fred
Monitor road
Svmonds Henry
Darling F. W., vetorinary surgeon
Cater Willium
Murray John
Lee Street
Cater Enis
Peters John
Warulek road
Off Hawkesview street
Johnson Charles
Durban Mrs. W.
Carringlon rood
Broillc Bernard
ltichards James
Stlemo W., jun., Merrylands nursery
Addles!one street
Lookwood Street
Morris Street
Sherwood to Park road
Park Street
Off Lucas street
BaBtlngs Henri
Off Loscoe road
Peel Thomas A.
Tuckwcll George, fuel merchant
Layman Alexander
McNnughtnn Andrew
Turner S.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St, Leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Parkes Streot
Off Parramatla road
Nnsh G. C.
Gowcr Thomas
Jones Sid. 11.
Goodlct and Smith's Junction brickworks—Alex. Copeland, managor
Try's Lion cement works
Rupert's Walk (Sherwood)
Off Holroyd street
Palmer Issaehar
St. Ann's Hill Road
Railway Road
Merrylands station (O.S.R.) lo Prospect
road to Merrylands station
Parramatta Road (Guildford;
Shorter John
Carr Georgo
Lucas street lo Guildford road
Bennett Henry
Jersey street
Holmes John
Sooond Avenue (Wentworthvlllo
Raynor Francis
Forrest Edwin
Wentworth to First street
William street
Dyson Arthur W.
Porry Charles
Hickey Thomas
Brinkman Herbert G.
Illckcy Brothers, tanners
Lawson Frederick
Old Cockatoo road
Trenchard Francis
Jones J. T„ stattonmastor
Burgoync Frnnels, dairyman
O'Neill M.
Wontworthvlllo Hallway Station
Hawkcs James
Off JIawkesview Estate
Haunan Michael
Off Richardson John
Ewing James
Off Harris John
Sherwood Road
Love John
Off' Collins James
Glllard Mrs. M. J.
Guildford Railway Station—Jamos Western road—Smithfield
street—Banks street
Roman Mrs. C.
O'Mara, stationmaster
Turner Thomas
Gilchrist John
Jamoson P.
Colwoll John
Harrison Arthur W.
Elliott Henry
Worsley Samuel
Smithfield road to Belt's road
Gilford Mrs. Mary
Hardy James
Ford S. J.
Sloan Robert
LawrcRco Charles
Sherwood tilo and drainpipe worksIzoil Arthur
T. King, caretaker
Watson A.
Shorwood Heights (Morrylands)
O'Reilly T. J.
Off Smithfield road
Woodward Henry
Porolval Road
Sydney road to Jilt row
Off Woodpark road
Condon Michaol
Smith Street (Wontworthvlllo)
Kruss G. C.
Pearson Allen
Second to Wentworth street
Gazzint Jules, vlnogrowcr
Downs Eliza
Favasi P., vinegrowcr
Hamilton John
Goodacrc G.
South side
Smithfield Road
Dolacourt Charles
P i t t Row—East side
Sherwood road to Prospect oreek
Grimths K.
Western to Park road
Stoker Mrs. Francis, storekeeper
Champion George, storekeeper
Langflold Francis J.
Almond Henry, storekeeper
Nolan Charles
Atnsworth James
Boys Edward
Lord Wif.iam
Cantwell Snmucl
Hackle Charles, bee farmor
Tlornoy Michaol
Gough W.
Pinfold Frederick W.
Hirst T.
Brown W.
Gannon M.
Leo Alfred, storekeeper
Muston William, briokworks
Rapson Samuel
St. Mathow's (C. of E.)
Atkins W. L.
Barter Thomas
Jlolroyd road'
Smith Lewis
Factory road
Lewis Mrs. J.
Nolan Charles
Qualmer Henry, sen.
Try's brickworks—William Coulson,
Mllwain Gordon
Brown John
James street
Smith Aloxandor M.
Morrylands steam brickworks—John
Pitt row
Newman William
Brccdon, munogcr
Reservoir road—Centennial road—
West side
Warren Thomas, estate agent
Reservoir Road
Bowman street
private school
Jones H. Tucker, J.P. .
Off Smithfield road
Lawrence A.
Jones and Sons, cabinetmakers
Norton John
Ives Isaac E., J.P., " Chclmcr
Lumley William
Dougherty John
Bolton James B., fruitgrower
Phillips George
Laker R.
Johnson William
Loscoe road
Factory road
Off Ntio Birmingham estate
Peak Joseph
Queen Streot
Whito J., carpontor
Robertson Street (Sherwood
Andorson Peter
Off Guildford road
Miller Aloxandor
Harrison Daniel
Off Parramatta road
Uartlgan John
Hunt Gcorgo
Mageltignn Wm.
Campbell Donald
Pcncott William
Railway Oresoent
Nicholson Mark
Willis GcorRo
Wo'odctlle to Factory road
Leo, Paine and Co, tanners
Howell A. J.
ColllnB Miuricc
Konyon Mrs., '• Woodlands"
Lylo II.
Dawes Joseph, plumber
Carter Henry B., " Woodsido"
Muston Charles, dairykecper
Off Kramer Carl
Murphy T.
Mayes Alfred
Rubina Street
Coxall James
Jenner Wm.
Maccy John M.
Howes Win., dairykecper
Salt Ernest
Wlokstead H., painter
Andina J.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 8 New Canterlrary Ed., P'sh'm. Tel. 22 P'sh'm.
Station Street
Off Smithfield road
Simpson William, J. P.
Sanders William, fanner
Steel Street
Western road to Bank street
Draper Jobs, painter
Barnes James
Roberts Thomas
Harvey John
Franks Itobert
Suttor Street (Guildford)
National avenue to Parramatta road
Janes Edward
Newman William
Sydney Road—North side
Church street (Parramatla) to Great
Western railway
Cook J.
Walsh Patrick
Barber William J., saddlor
Rowlin It., grocer
Donnelly lloburt
Dibbsdale J., blacksmith
Hodgson Robert
McCuc Michael
South Bide
Median street
Austin William
Austin W. & Co., produce merchants
Mllgato S. S., fuel merchant
AnBtiss T.
O'Grady Henry, farrier
Cunningham J., caachbuilder
Hallway street—Woodcille road
Boyd James
Vauxhall hotel— Honry 8tono, son.
Smith Mrs. S.
Poulton Joseph, greengrocer
Ladkln William
Fenwlck E.
Stone Henry C, builder
Sydney Street (Gnlldlord)
J'arramatta road to Esplanade
O'Hagan John
Wilson Gcorgo
Tear John
Sydney Street (Sherwood Heights)
Off Parramatta road
Arkle John, carpenter
Wnlkor William T., painter
Littlctohn Robert
Painting James
King Hardingo G.
Colquhnuu Ernest C.
Davidson David, caretaker watorsupply
Popham John
Todd Street (Guildford)
Off Parramatta road
Walker R. C.
Tottenham Street
Sydney road to Parramatta boundary
Chapman Daniel II.
Lynch M.
Hawker Arthur
Johnston Anthony
Short street
Hallway street
Victoria Parade
Pitt row to Arthur street
Sprach A.
Deans I.
Gordon J.
I'ratt William J.
Firth John
Shepherd George
Prescott George
Ford James
Sohradcr P. P.
Villa Street
Off J'arramatta road
Wiskon Edward
Watson William
Pago Henry
Wilson Witllam C.
Fyffo Wilson
Warwlok Road
Off Part road
"Western Road—North side
Parramatta to Western boundary
Sloano Miss MUllccnt
May's Hill Post Offlce—Cornelius
Joyncr, postmaster
Joyner Henry
Joyncr Albert
Sherwood road
Cole William, blacksmith
St. Poter's Church (C. of E.)
Sale W. H.
Barnes Jaraos, produco merchant
Houison street
Miller Hugh
Aynsley William
Ilogcrs George
Beater P., dairyman
Rogers Oswald
Naylor John
Hayes Wllllnm
Fullagar William
Flnlayson William, carcase butcher
Oakman J. C.
Weeks .Tames
Public School—K. A. Itilcy, headmaster
Brooks G.
Staunton P.. storekeeper
South side
Sherwood Council Chambers—Arthur
1*. McMnnis, council clerk
Judges William,
Jtiirnett street— Wenticorth street
Remington Mrs.
rrospect Publlo Sohool—T. Mulhollnnd, principal
Prmp'tl Inn—George Smith
Whittaker's Estate
Off Guildford road
Dugell Charles
Castle James
Gcc George
Howlctt Isaac
Baptist Henry
Moxham W. J.
Watson A.
Williams Gcorgo
Woodbrldgc Robert
Pryce Edward
Upton William
Tyloo John
Davis James
BOUNDED on the east by the Paclflo Ocean; on the
south by Botany Bay and North Botany municipality;
on the west by Waterloo and Botany j on the north by
Wavcrley, Woollnhm, and City boundary
Whittaker Road
O. L, Hallway to Zoscoe road
Whlttnkcr Miss R.
Johnson Mrs. Snrah
Cooper Charles
Ilabeilcy Henry C, dairvman
Sticmo Wm„ sen., fruitgrower
Hodges Walter IS., fruitgrower
Hodges Mrs.
Incorporated 22nd February, 1859
Area—14,000 aores.
Miles of streets—80
Number of ratepayers—1,737
Number of inhabitants—11,360
Assessed value—£117,038.
Total amount of rates—£7,500 0s. lid.
Council Ohnmbors—Avocn street.
Offlce hours—Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, nnd Friday, 0 to 1 and 2 to 4; Wednesday, 7 to 8 p.m. j Saturday, 0 to 12.
Council moots every alternate Tuesday at 7.30 p.m.
William Street (Guildford)
Off liaitway road
Loftus park
Brown James I).
Moore Edwin
J. A. 1. Perry
West Ward:
F. Clarko
James Robertson, J.F.
Wm, Houston
T. J. Lowe, J. P.
Gcorgo Galo
F. W. H. Pcarco
South Ward:
Coogee Ward:
J. A. I. Perry
Peter Royal
James Hineks
William Larmonr
B. Perry
William T.Wntcrs,J.P.
William Street (Morrylands)
Off Crown street
Burton John
LoyUcll Edward
Langshaw W.
Wisdom Street (Guildford)
Off Parramatta road
Munro James
Jones J.
M'Lean James
Woodpark Road
Off Smilhfield road
Perry C. W., " Shor.wood Grango "
Baker Aaron, Tinegrower
Kruss Charles
Becker William, market ganlenor
Wiseman Thomas
Downey Thomas
Holt Peter
Olson P.
Nenlim W.
Purkiss Henry
Woodvllle Road
Sydney road to railway
Jloyal Exchange hotel —Thos. Brcwn
Clarko II., tailor
Flynn Michael
Young Street—North side
Pitt road to Sherwood road
Low A.
South side
Crisp Ilenrv
King Mrs. K.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St, Leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Ccoil W. E. Bedford
Ernest II. Strnchau
Walter Barnes
John Moffatt
Palmor Mrs. B„ "St. Ronan's"
MoMlllan W., M.L.A., "8t. Hilda"
Gibson Herbert S., " Grconstcad "
Australian Joint Stock Bank, Ltd.
(branch)—R. W. Jones, mnnagor
A coca street
Coach and Horses hotel—John Brown
Albert Street
Venoss Frederick, sen.
Avoca street to bush
Buckingham F. II., bootmaker
Victoria street—George street
Barlow Thos., J.P.," Coedrandrod "
David, M.L.A., "Canonbury
Victoria street
House "
Mocks Alfred W„ J.P., " Montpolior"
Hogan Patrick, J.P., " Avondalo "
Burman Ernest, " Llanfoyth "
St. Mark's street
MoManus John, railway contractor
Carrington read
Alexander Stroet, Little Ooogee
South side
Martin T. II., " Selborno "
(Now called Andrew Street)
Wunderllch E. 11. C, "Springbank" Brook street—l/amiltcnstreet—Ardenslreet
Conway J.," Springbank
Hardlman John, inspector of masonry
Hardstatf George
• Allison Street—North side
Andrew Street (Little Ooogee)
John, " Lulu "
Sydney road to Hamilton street—Belmore Hill Mrs.
Off' Boundary street
W., "Roselta"
Coatos Albert J., builder
Seago J. J., " Gladstono houso "
Presbyterian Church — Rev. W. 8.
Duncan MISB M., dressmaker
Barker H. P.
Hlllus William H„ " Moorebank "
Randwick Recreation Rcservo
Young Sidney H., " Ellcsmoro "
Wcller E. C.
Nowcombo Henry," Kolso "
Ardon Street (Coogoo)—East side
Klnnoar A., " Braosidn "
Stewart .1. SI., voterinary surgeon
Wacerley boundary—Rainbow street
Gardiner II.
Acoca street—lAmjard street
Bundock James W., storekeeper
Helmore street
Crawford 'William
Ross C. S., butcher
Gough C. D„ bootmaker
Btirnct Thomas .
Ludwick A., watchmaker
Holden F.
Vindin E. J.
Musgravc and Co., houso nnd land
Leslie John, cab proprietor
Cow Charles It. C, engineer
McClenaban Thomas, blacksmith
Broadhurst Joseph, son.
Sands David, newsagent, &o.
Boston Edward," Ethelvlllo "
Anderson W., fruiterer
Napper George
Sharpc George
Orysdalo G., draper
Bruzaud Madame, private school,
Quail street—Bream street—Dolphin street
Bradbury Samuel, "ABhton"
Gregory W., "Ellcimero"
Septum street
South A. R.
Smith W. h., stationer, " Montrose "
Barnes W.
Dent A., refreshment rooms
Aldcr8on Frederick, "Glnsnevln"
Hewlett Thomas, gardener
Fry Mrs. .lames, " Hcadlngloy "
Abbott Street
Melody to Mount street
Sankey Thomas
Collier Matthow, " Gracstcad "
Thomas D. A., J.P., "Amyvillo"
Martin Mrs. J. J., " Clifton "
Ilnlov James, " Hcefview "
WnllacoR., "Rlpon"
Murray C, " Horizon "
Diitruc street
Myers D. M„ solicitor, " Dcltamu "
Ilcaton Valentine, merchant, "Klllarncy "
St. Mart's road
Leach John, " Tho Glen "
Hillicr J. B„ " Elmstend "
Carrliiyton road—Jlrook street
Hamilton street
Ford James, painter
Arden street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney C ^ ^ S S " " )
Arden itreet continued—
West side
Jloundarji street
Dennett Alfred, sign writer
Vale street
Illolloch Reginald, " Zarltu "
Lyttloton A. J., " Ascot cottage"
Cooper Basil, " Yarrundi"
Noalds Charles J., " Yarrundi"
Morrison K. II., contractor, "Hoxton"
Susan street
Fowlng Frederick
/Inam rireet
Post and Telegraph Ofllco—Mrs.
Church, postmistress
Belmore road
Coogee Hotel—Thomas Tidswoll
Marine Club—Donald Ferguson, secretary
McClenahan J., refreshment rooms
Aldcrson Mrs, Jane, Carr street
Lcnnon George
IJuBhby William
Simpson Mrs. A. C, " Clarovillo "
Dudley street
Nicholson W. II.
Ralnbotp street
Manculn Victor A., " Wnrlow"
Arthur Street
Jlotany to llonrke street
Lowo Thomas J„ jun., " Osroy "
Ascot Street (Kensington)
Lcnthall Philip W., architect
Roonuv J. K.
Avenue (The)
Off Allison street
Walcli'i terrace—
4 Hughes Mrs., " Lotavilla " school
2 WalBh Mrs. SI. J.
1 Woodward II., •' Laloham "
Hudson S., tobacconist
Rundwlck Public School -- Tom.
StangerJ. R., grocer
Alcock, headmaster
Cutler Mrs. M. E., draper
Cowper street—Tramline.
Napper James
Hodgson Isaac U., builder, " ErnestAriel Mudumc, costnmlcrc
Ficldstad A. JI., physician and surgeon
Farnoll Frank, M.L.A., J.P., " BeverNappor Enos
ley "
Tho Fathers of tho Snored Heart
Bryen Stephen J., architect, "LynRoman Cuthollc Church
wood "
Roman CiithollcSchool—P.M. Gaynor,
Becrot Ernest, woolbrokcr, "Lea
BulssonB "
Kiss Mrs. Gcorgo, " Ventnor "
Coppard James, " St. Veda "
Milford street
Loretto Convent, boarding and daySuoIIon. John, M.L.A., J.P., " Urara •'
Alford C. G„ '• ClylhB "
Maloney JI. J.
Byrne Mrs. 8. I,.
Barkor Stroot—North side
Holy Henry H., paper merchant
Peroui; street to bush
Albeit street
Korshlor John, farm overseer
Roberts Charles T., horsotralnor,
Baxter Jlrs., private school
" Exotor "
Baxter Joseph, school teacher
Allison street
JIoDonald John, engineer
Hunt and l'croirul, grocers
Laurence, carpenter
Withers William, chemist
Alsopp John, horse trainer
Mold E. nnd Jr., fruiterers
Maude street- Botany street
Hannan F., butcher
Bardan James and Sons, bootmnkors
South side
Spobn J., baker
Snnpo James and Co., painters
Puylon Thomas, " Newmarket'"
Tomlin E. F., fruiterer
Stewart Fred. C„ farrier
Taylor Isaac, grocer
Young street
Dutry T., butcheSmith John Charles
Mills Mrs., draper
McMillan E., confectioner
Gullum William, horsotralnor
Gale George, builder and contractor
Fountain John, greengrocer
Stewart H., produce merchant
Jane street
Saunders A. E., bootmaker
A. W., horsotralnor
Uellly William, tullor
Ilnnnan Frank, butcher
Service William and Co., produce
Croft Mrs. JI. T.
Nowmun Jones, grocer
Maynard John, " Ullcswater "
Fielder Samuel, " Grafton house"'
Francis H. F„ insurance mnnager.
Botany street
" Islington "
Goary Alfred
Green W., "Rookdale"
Hewitt George
Barker Street (now oallod BarryFrenchman's road and Clarence street
Littlo Sisters of the Poor—Home for
the aged and infirm
Barry Street—(Bishop's Mount).
West side
Orenville to Susan street
Darker street
Cllft W. II.. carpenter
Avooa Street—East side
Asylum for Dcstituto Childron—
Borrodalo II., "Ranford"
Rainbow street to boundary
Joseph Coulter, J.l'., superintendent
und secretary
Stevenson George
Iliijh street— Helnwre load—Short street
Helena street
Battery Stroot—(Little OoogesV
Cole Mrs. M„ dressmaker
Barrio William
Lcverctl R.. Baddlor
Little Coogee bay to Beach street
Thompson A., grazier
Earlu and Uenrne, plumbers
Stanley Mrs., "Clolands"
Vberon street
Stanley A.
Dwight William T., stonemason
Way Ernest, "Roseneath"
Htanloy 8., customs officer
Dlno William, gasllttcr
8pnng Jlrs. J., " Hilton"
Allen Jlrs. P.
Glynn Patrick
Cox Mrs. It., " Utsunomiya"
Lucas Joseph, painter
Brown F. D., " Tho Pines "
Feoncy Edward
Thompson N.
Goldrlck Robert, " Somerset"
Whito William, "Floretta"
Grelnor T., " Eugowra "
Doherty John
Thomas E. S., " Cussla "
. Godfroy Henry nnd Son, bakers
Pitt George, carrier, "BrlghtolinMarshall !•'., butcher
Btono "
Southward A., draper
McClenahan Alfred, blacksmith
Boaoh Street—(Ooogee)—East sido'
Jones T. and Co., chemists
Woodcock Joshua
Janoczek J., tobacconist
Little Coogee to Jtainbow street
St. Paul's street
Taylor P. N.. chemist
Baden Baden hotel— Edward Davles
Walker Joseph, horsetralnor
Allison sine!
Hill George, " Cliltbrook »
Burke Jr.
Nowllng William, " Woodhurst"
Fleming Mrs. JI., "JIundarrah.
St. Jude's Church (C. of E.)—Rov. W.
Soudan street
towers "
Downlo A., blacksmith, •' Nusoby "
West sido
SpringhollJ. H., "Barton"
Packhom P. r.. " Oaklclgh "
Belmore read—Culliill itreet
Franois Street
Quail street
Post ami Telegraph and Money Order
Sanderson James engineer
Town Hall and Council ChambersOfllco—J. A. Kelly, postmaster
Field Edward P., barrister, "Hill
Cecil W. E. Bedford, council clerk
Ifear's avenue
Bton "
and surveyor
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Dmbalmers, 185 Qeorge-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
Saxton Charles T., "Roslyn"
Bream street
'Coogee Paluco Aquarium
Dolphin street—Belmore road
-Henderson Mrs. JI.
Dudley street
•O' Dowd John, " Tara "
Beattic Gcorgo
Batty Walter, printer, " Battysborg "
Belmore Road—North side
Allison street to Coogee bay
Tramway waiting room
Challlnor T. F.,cab proprietor
JCuhn William, saddler
Goodln William, "Norman house"
Carloss Edward " Warrington "
Grecncklec Jlrs. Elizabeth, " Ravencroft"
Scott Arthur, bulldor, " Eulalio "
McCarthy John, •' Bally vecney "
Haywaru W., tailor
Watson W., hairdresser
Nealo W. E., landsca|)o gardener
Matthews John, butcher
Hlggs 8.
.Flanagan JI., butcher
Kloln and Purssey, grocors
Short street
Hardiman John T., tobacconist
Fitzpatrick James, wine store
•Corbott S., watchmaker
•Scarle g., tailor
Frcccc A., bootmaker
Dunne Gcorgo, grocer
Blake Miss M., dressmaker
Aeoca street .
Robertson James, J. P., " Byron lodgo"
Jones Chas. S., solicitor, " Wyrallah"
Oiok W. P., M.L.A.. " Fornlolgh"
HeatonMrs. Edward, "Ethelmero"
Judge street
Itandwlck Police Station—Charles
TurbetIn charge
Luke street—Carriiifftou road
Samuel John
Leek Joseph, " Brighton Grove"
Anderson George, seedsman, "Bclmoro "
Wormald J. D., insurance manager
(Dixon W. G., insurance manager
Jlussoll S. G., insurance manager
Mount street
• -Cook James, baker
Godfroy W. J., baker, " Roborval"
Brnham A. E., " Sidbury "
Crabbo J. W.
Pago Richard
.Refreshment rooms
Arden street—Ocean
Coogee Publio Sohool—E. JI. D.
Spring, head master
WilKon John. " Grasmoro"
Mount street
JIacpherson J.. " Leigh cottngo"
Ellis D. J., ••Paiigbournc"
Bryant F.B., "Crcficld"
Cox W. R.
Townsond John stonemason
Brook street
Footo Mrs. K. M.
Lynch Mrs. S. A.
Baylis Mrs. S. E., "Tho Firs"
Keadll. 1)., "Tho Firs"
Coogee hotel— Thomas Tills well
Hart Ben
Cunningham CharlcB
Arden street—Ocean
Bishop's Avonuo—East sido
Douy'as to Susan street
Blnns C. A., " Tho Cottago"
Jlorgan Thomas S„ " Jlorganvlllo "
Oakos F„ accountant, " Jloorooka "
Woodford C. JI., "Bcllovuo"
I.eslio James, grnzlor, "Dalkeith"
Sands John, " Karola"
Middlcton C. W., "Brlnsop"
Smith Edwin, agont, " Mimosa "
West sido
Webstor Henry T., bank manager
King Charles W., surveyor
Trebeck T. B., " Artney "
Rowe James, onginccr, " Islington"
Olphcrts Robert, " Corosal "
Botany Street—East sido
Allison street to bush
Wilson E. A.. " Ra-JIahara "
Capper W. H., "Eudra"
JlcCrcdlo Robert. " Hylton "
Pearco Jlrs. S. n., " Blenheim "
lliyh street—Mayree street
Palmer Samuel, "Crcswiok"
JlcCarty Thomas, horsotralnor
llnu street—Baker street
Gough H.
Curran W.
Duggan William, horsetralnor
Houseman John, cab proprietor
Barlow 11. .1.
Middle street—Rainbow street
West side
Humphries Richard, accountant,
" Epsom "
Woodhlll A. JI., "Goodwood"
Reed R.C., "Ascot"
O'Brien Da»Iel, " Jlount Vernon"
Gough John," Fornvlllo"
Earashaw Isaac, " Fairyhurst"
Reserve—Arthur street
Pago William, horse trainer
Knight JI r*. Svdney W.," Clarendon "
Knight W. G„" " Clarendon "
Levcnson Isaao, " Aborladye "
Randwick Asylum Farm
Farley Thomas
South sido
.Ellis and Royall, auctioneers
Durston Mrs. G. 11., confeotionor
Davenport Jas. T.. publio accountant
Mills Mrs.. "Kilkerran"
Rcddall Osborne H., surgeon,
" llerowa "
Dick Robert M. B.
Dick J. A., surgeon, " Catross "
Bolton A. T., J.P., " StrnthoJen "
Migh street—Acoca street—Cut hill streetBoundary Street—South side
Royal hotel— Thomas Browne
Ardemitreet to ocean
Perousc street
Flood Thomas
Datntrey Jlrs. E., "vEolhi"
W. S.
Dudley street
Scarth 11., fuel merchant
Kirk John, "Aldbourno"
Pacific street
Medley street—Carrinyton road
Gregory F. W., accountant
Gregory JlrB. K.
Lynch Thomas
Winchester road—Clifton road
Flower E. V., builder
St. Thomas street
Rodwolllt. II., "Bangor"
Andrews R. A., "Ulster"
Smith Frcdk., " Devonshire house "
llowo F. II., engineer
Keith street—Alexander street
Schnoffcr C.
Dainos E.
Newman William
Reid James
Noml Jesse
Livingslono Win., pattern maker
Hlnton James
Ocean strict
North sido
{Set Watierley)
Bourke Street
Allison street to quarry
Croueh F. G„ J. P., " Tho Laythcs "
Arthur street
Burgess 0., horse trainer, " Duhvfob "
Bowral Stroot (Kensington)
Burgess Vornon Honry, " Miowcra "
Nowland W. II., "Gordon"
Bertwistlo \V„ horsetrnlnor
Mulr John, builder, " Lauravlllo "
Rooff William A., " Dahlnda"
East side
Ford Jlrs. J. R., " Allagallah "
Bradloy Stroot
Off Sydney road
Hall C, " Rothorwood "
Brandon Street
Off Arden itreet
Manson William
Bream Street (Ooogee)
Reach ilreet to Carrinyton road
FurnesB Mrs, E., " Farnbank "
Rrook tlreet
Cattley Gcorgo, " Jlclbourne "
Williamson Daniel, " Iberia "
Hopkins Thomas I*
Squires Samuel
Duncan Georgo
Brook Stroot (Ooogee)
From Susan street to Rainbow itreet
East sido
Adnum Miss F„ " Thalassa "
Tramtray line
St Nicholas' Church (C. of E.)
West side
Tramxcay line
O'Donnell James
Bransby C. S., " Cambridge villa "
Belmore road
Cattley Charles, market gardener
Sturkcy John, "Smithftcld Grange"
Thompson Joseph
Bream street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalniers, 810 Geo. St.-South, Sydney (uawc^,.8t1£nukrc,,&>
Brown Street (now called Byron
"West s i d e
Ooogeo S t r e e t — N o r t h s i d e
Oarrlngton road to Waverley street
Webstor William
Belmore road
Qucalcy Charles
Parsons John .
Chapman James, painter
B y r o n S t r e e t (Ooogoe)
Moss Gco'ge
Mitchell A. It.
S o u t h side
Dudley street to Belmore road
Purdue Ral ph
Gooch Charles
Walton Mrs. W , " The Tower"
MoXoil Mrs. E.
Dean J. S., "Ocean Spray"
Hughes E. It.
LCWIB William
Higgs Mrs. M.
Mlley William, nightman
Johnston W. T.
Wilson John, " Grasmoro "
Lorrain William, stonemason
Harlook John
Stewart James
Giles Alfred
Chatham strett—Cooges street—Osteoid
Martin Patrick F.
Oairo S t r e e t (Coogoo P a r k )
English William, jookov
Wootfon W., horsetralner
Off Alexandria parade
Thompson Mark, horsetralner
King Sam., glass mcrohant, " Essox
Laurence A. K„ tea morcbant,
"Colonna Point"
F«ley B., commission agent, " Klcrra
Watson John
Ooogoo S t r e e t ( n o w o a l l o d G o r d o n ;
Coogee Part
Clarko F. R., '• Glen F.ddon "
. To Kloot Madam, " I.llllngstono "
Oarey Street
Cook S t r o o t — E a s t side
Off Douglas street
Allison street to Tramway line
Roberts Ernest George
Wigg Walter, " Eldorsloigh "
Skinnor George
Stephenson W., " Lyndhurst"
Benjamin Daniel, " Mllford"
Latzcl J., grocer
Kcnnu P. U., surgeon, " H a l s t c a d "
Totmnn \V. II., "Mllford"
Wood G. D.
Bobbins Josoph, " Glcnncss "
Donovun John J., barrister, Q.C.,.
Best George, dairykceper
Castle Stroot
LL.D.," Euralia"
•Lucas N.
Stanley street to bush
Francis street
Luokman Albort, buildor
Fleming William
C a r l y l e S t r e e t ( L i t t l e Ooogoo)
W e s t side
Warner Frederick .T. W., glasscuttor
Railton Mrs, " lloutlcilgo villa "
Ohapol Street
Clark Henry
ltailton George, jeweller
Smith Murdoch
Dutrue street to St. Marl's road
Aiken Henrv William, " Uralla "
Clark William, dairykeepor
Kiss Alexander," Nothcrleigh"
Thompson Albert, "Mascotto"
Sharp Alfred
Smith E. M., " M o i r a "
Booth F. I I , " Doulah "
Oarlton S t r e e t (now called Dine
Flood Edward, J.P., "Thclma"'
Chatham Street
Bradley It. C, tramdrivcr
Oarrlngton road to Luke street
Brown W. II.
Griffiths William, dalrykcoper
Oarlton Street (Kensington)
Lonthall Walter E., inspector. " Burford"
Glissan James, insurance manager,
" Wellington "
Oarr Street
Off Jleacli street
Endfcott Mrs. J.
New T. S.
Meanoy P.
Lewis George A.
I'carcc Tom, constable
Israel Joseph,» Woodhlll'
Dudley strett
Oarrlngton Road—East side
Belmore road to M'averley boundary
Forrest II. C, •• Erica "
Grace James, '• Roslyn"
Wallace It., " Koscbank "
Robinson Frederick M.
Sharpo William
Woodhams Henrv, gardener
Campbell Itev. Joseph (C. of E.), St,
Nicholas' College
Jay James, dairykceper
Nolan Terrace
Nolan Matthew
Ilukins George
Poulscn Ferdinand, violinist
Berry Ckarlts
.Noonan Edmund
Lutton Alexander, accountant
Lutton John, sen.
Frenchman's road—Albion tlrtet
Ohuroh S t r e e t (Pemell's Plat)
E a s t side
Allison\strcet to Stanley street
Phillips Bov. Jamos (Wes.)
Robertson W., " Forbury"
Barnctt L. L„ " Strathmore "
Lovy Lewis, J.P., •' St. E l m o "
Brown Jnbez, ••Loulevillo"
Clubb Charles, " Bon Accord"
Lewis Angelo Albert, architect
Boyd Albert, " Villa Maria"
Bordon Thomas, " Hill Crest"
Francis street
Wcthorill John, J. P., draper," Devon"
Quclch Fredoriek, " CEnono "
Smith J.
Levett G.
W e s t side
Farrcll Mrs. E„ " Esmoyvllle "
Lupton Herbert, " Esmoyvllle "
Francis street
Pemcll J. E„ J.P., "Holenio"
Cowper street
Quarantine ground
Olarenoe S t r e e t
Off Acoca street
Clifton Road
Off Boundary sticet
Hcgarty W.
MoMahon L.
Evans, F. W.
Cooper S t r e e t
Off Greville street
Foster Henry, " Milsonla , r
Coarland Streot
Off William street
Handle Mrs. C.
Oowper Street—North sldo
Sydney road to Aroca street
RUoyA. B , "Mulwarreo"
Dawson Thomas," ltathluba"'
Princes street
Everlngham Alfred II.
Stock Quarantine—Alexander Bruce,
chief inspector; Edward Stanley,
chief veterinary Inspector; Alfred
I I . Evcrlnghnm, keeper
Moore A. II., " Woolwich"
Brown S. J., " Abordecn "
Wentitorth street—Waverlsy streetHash J. F.. " Itah "
Kawlings Sambourno
Forsyth John, J.P., " Peekham"Randirtet street
Allan W., nrchitcet
Allan iMrs. \V„ " E l s t o w "
Kidman Arthur, "Loulsvillo"'
Tram line
S o u t h sldo
Tram line—Princes street
Kenny W. C.
Richmond A. G.
Randwlok Bowling mid Recreation
Club—Cecil W. E. Bedford,secretary
WOOD <fc COMPANY, Undertakers-^ Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney.
Tel. 632..
Oreer Street
Off Perouse street
Lonney Michael
Moody William
Pcrclval Georgs, " Havclock "
Canavan Basil
Benbam F. Y.
Oross S t r e e t
Coieptr street to tram line
Bruce G. R. Baxter, solicitor, "Tnyar 1
Slee W. H. J.. J.P., F.G.S.. chief
inspector of mines, " Rostook"
Freeman W. C, " Ililltngdon"
Brace C. F., " M o n a "
Goodwin J. C , merchant, " Lowell"
Ireland Mrs. Thomas, " Ilazlcbrook "
Shepherd Mrs. M. K. Y„ " Quambo "
Huxley Ernest," Camoola"
Outhill Street
Aroca street to belmore road
Ellis C. J., solicitor, " E s s e x "
Scott Andrew, buildor, " Edith "
Dine Streot—East sldo
Baler to.11. Paul's itreel
Bodon Joseph, engineer
Fairhall George, constable
W o s t sldo
Boden J. W.
McClenahan Charles
Kcighran James
Dine Mrs.
D o l p h i n S t r e e t (Ooogoo)—East
Beach to Arden street
Coogee I'nlaceAquarium—W.Larmour
Arden street
Avenue (Konslngton)
E a s t side
Kensington cBtatc
Rowe Edwin S, " Russlcy"
Gucrin John P.
Payne Christopher
Harding II.
Spcnce Roger. " Lawnlelgh "
Dawes William
Parry W. 11.
Kcon James
Musgrove Thomas
Whltclaw A, It.
Brownlow Edward F.
Wright George
Biddolph George
Lucas T. P.
Mttcarthur George
Cornwell J., horsetralner
Donobon J „ horsetruiner
McKcown C, horsetralner
West side
Kensington Estate Agency Office—
G. II. Stayton, manager
Kerr W. T., jeweller, •' Lerldn "
Moylott Mrs. E., " Walworth"
Flavelle Henry P., jeweller
Moody S. II., " P c k i n a "
Jacobs Nathan, clothier, " Havclock
Cocks J. W.
Noud William, " Claronoo "
Wood Mrs. E , grocor
Ascot street
Cook J. B , buildor
Gough James, jun.
Bcnham H , turf commission agent
Harrington J , turf commission agent
Lyons C. II,
Douglas Streot
Arden street to Oarrlngton road
Seaview street
Giltlnan Henry K., borsc trainer
Dawson W. B.
Shaw Walter
Boland Francis
Jaokson J. E , " Fonthill"
Bishop's avenue—Pern street
Flett Miss D , "Albion villa "
Dudley Streot
From sea to Belmore road
Higgs Frank
Harper Samuel
Mcaloy Michael
Taylor Robort, " Garfield "
Warner J. E. T , bootmaker
Edwards W. A.
Dowd Francis
Turner A. E.
Cummlngs Frank
Coulter Mrs. C.
West W.
Hardy Robert
Croploy Sidney, boot warehouseman
McNabJ. S, " W a r r i n g a "
Belmore road
D u t r u e Stroot—East side
Allison street to Frenchman's road
Bae street
Thompson W. II., " Thclma "
Firth Jamos R , " Truelovcs "
Armstrong W„ " Clevoland "
Nicholson II. J. C , J . P , " Narrabocn "
lluchanan Robort, "Stirling"
Graham C. 15, " Ravensburg"
Wost sido
Dow L. J., " Gonzalo "
Gunning W , " Wnyflold "
Rodgers Mrs. S. A , "Elrington"'
Bae street
Johnson II. N , commissioner of
Austin James, " Dovonahlro houso'
Drynan T. M , "Canowio"
Grace E., " Glanton "
Hawthorne E. E , " EnnlBtymon
cottage "
Roai ty John, photographor," Lnuristina "
Rmli J. J , " L a k o m a i "
Clarke Henry, J.P., " Vnlotta "
Hogg J. E , merchant, " Huntley "
Hall Thomas Edward, " Stroud "
Lowo Thomas J , J . P , '• Writtlo"
Wuv A. I I , draper, " Reubenvillo "
Reidy Michael, tailor
Marks Josoph, solicitor, " Mascotto"
Hell U. A , " S t e l l a "
Fenton John, "linywood houso"
Kimbcrlev Albert, stonemason ,
Nicollo P. W , builder, "Ascot)"
Chapel street
Earl Stroot
Off Orange street
RouxclJulcs, "l'voscvlllo"
Roboy William. •• Coorabol"
Barbaro A.. "Monccloto villa"
Forger Richard
Sargent A. 11,
Powor M., " Slanoy cottago"
Schuohardt Luelan
Williscroft Joseph
Willisoroft Mrs. M. A.
Yassarottl Antonio
E a s t o r n Avonuo (Konslngton)
Grlmshnw J. W„ " Wymorlng"
Marshall C. C, " l l i l l s i d o "
Pascoo E. G , warohousoman
Browno M. ,1., " P o n r y n n o "
Elphlnstono Stroot
Off Ijong Bay road
Docker II. J., " Devon cottago"
Markham Michael
Elsmoro Stroot (Konslngton)
Reeves Miss, Kensington private
McDougnll .John Campbell
Bonnett Josoph
Ethol Stroot
Ivy to Henry street—Howard street
Brown Josoph
Newman James
Chnpplo Alfred
Tunnlc James
Goddard Henry
Farrar Charles
Clifford W.
Bottrlll J.
1 links Charles
Munro Walter
Cragg Edwin
P o r n S t r o o t — E a s t sido
Boundary to Susan street
Varna lane—Douglas strett
Prcddoy W. S, J . P , timber merchant
Hosoy John
Enright ,T. E.
Mellcriih II. L , " Glcnburn "
Hayward C. II.
Grecille street
Hunter John, mariner
Sumn street
W o s t sido
Douglas street
Davis Thomas 15, " Brynhyfryd "
Tyo Cyrus R , " Yaptonvlllo "
Dare H. I I , "Brightsldo"
rrcntlco G. J , " Sunnysido "
Walker.I. I I , merchant, " N a v c n a "
Groat Gcorgo A , "Corning"
(iiilllmorc George
llnticn William, engineer
l.angrldgo Miss A. S.
Myers F.
Jones James, J . P , "Miltonla"
Susmi street
Pig Tree Avonuo
Off Orange street
llcttblo Percy, " Sunnysido "
Nlcoll Leonard, "Myra cottage"
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (b"u,Bn„T,!rg."Wc„r" *)
F r a n c i s S t r e e t (Coogoo), n o w
called W a l t h a m Street
H a m i l t o n S t r o o t (now c a l l e d P a r k
F r e n c h m a n ' s R o a d — N o r t h sldo
Aroca street to Carrlnyton road
Whiting William 0., '• A«tolat"
Illcli Edward, merchant, '• Seville"
Lamblc TbomiiB, drapor, "Dcvonla"
Markham 11. \V., blacksmith
Pcarco Richard, •' Cllftan "
Lowes Samuel" Toronto "
Farrclly John, dairyman
Hay Street
Off IMumj street
Ives Joseph \V„ " Hrlxton "
M Mahnn John, hnrsetminer
Wilson James, " The Bungalow "
South sldo
Mulholland J. II.. " Talbragar"
ItoweMrs. P.,"Idalla"
llarrl» J., " Tennyson "
McF.ncroo VV. J., solicitor, " Lciira "
McKncroc M, J., " Lourn"
Saunders W.
Untrue street
Daly Scptimu's, "Cacrleon"
•S7, Mark's road—(Hebe street
Clifton terrace—
3 .Moore John
Kemis street
Holmes O. II., "Venice"
Carringtan roiul
Qoorgo S t r o o t
Atlhon lo Albert street
Donaldson John
Donning Gcorgo, J.l'.," llcaullcu "
Freeman .Mrs. ,M.
Globo S t r o o t
Frenchman's roml lo Carrlnyton road
Lambert George, "Glcnalron"
Gordon S t r o o t
Jlandivirk In Warerley street
Doyle J. M.
llyron Edward
Ring Denis
Mcanwcll O. R.
Iiallantyno 1).
Masters C.
Knight E.
Layton George
Harvey M.
KlrtonW. G.
Robinson J.
McLcay 1).
Gowrlo Stroot
Off St. James' roml
Any Mrs. M„ accouchcUBC, "Strathmoro"
Towncnd Mrs. F.
Qrovlllo Stroot
.Irrfoi to Fern street
Murray II., "Clara"
Mytra llenrv. " Karraba "
Macdonald John, builder
Barry street
Duggan FranK, chemist
Mortimer Thomas, contractor
Kennedy James, " Mindcl"
Smith .Miss J.,"Ocean View"
Helena Street
off Aroca street
OrlfHs C, horse trainer
Henry Street
llff MM ttreel
Terry Thomas II., Jun.
H i g h S t r c o t - N o r t h side
Atnca street lo quarry—Botany street
Hatton E., horse trainer, "The Glen',
North side
McNamara Patrick
Jane Streot—East side
tiff Barker street
McCarthy Edward, horse dealer
Williams Mrs. Mary
Williams Alfred
Lylc George
Skinner James
Middle street
White J. K.
Player John
Turton J.
W o s t sldo
Phillips F., confectioner
Ackllng Henry
Ilayncr Henry, trainer
Middle street
Young Samuel
John's Avonuo (now oallod Tho
S o u t h side
l'earcc llrnthers, Willow Nursery
1'carcc Mrs. Sophia, "Tho Willows "
l'earcc Chas., nurseryman and florist
J o h n Stroet—"West s l d o
l'earcc Arthur Svdncy, llorlst
Pcarco Alfred F.rncst, nurseryman
Sydney road to King street
and florist
Gillham J. T.
l'earcc John K., HurUt
Donald George, engineer
Jlotaiip street
Hill John, pouneikecper
E a s t side
Kensington Recreation GroundWhitney Thomas, caretaker; Whit- Violet terrace—
ney W., timekeeper
!i Fleetwood J. F.
3 Broach Frederick
High Stroot (now oallod Simeon
Judgo Streot
Belmore road lo bush
Hoopor Stroot
Powell R. T„ curator intestate estates
Carringtan street to bmli
" Glenmcrryn "
Holt Thomas, bricklayer
Jones Edwin," Maretimo"
Thompson 11. A., " Houghton"
llyland Miss J„ ladies' school
Knlcp Walter, "Mascotte"
Allen C . S . , " l o n a "
Dothamlcy Louis, •' Scgenhoo "
Watklns Aston, " Invcrary "
llalph W., 'bus proprietor, "Hockley"
Howard Stroot
From Aroca to Dudley street
North sldo
Moore Hugh
Ethtl strut
Scolley Tcter
S o u t h sldo
Aroca street
Kerr John, horsetralncr
llcnson James
I'erouse road
Redman George
Ethtl street
Hurt F. M.
Kldil John, constable
Hayes C. E.
Hinch John W.
I v y S t r e e t — S o u t h sldo
0[F I'eroute road
Hlbbcrd William
McClenahan Wrs. W. J.
Graham Arthur
Musgravo Mrs. J. A.
Keith Street
Off llouudary street
Johnston Mrs. M. A.
Northorcr F. J.
Wild Samuel
Whltty W. J.
Coatcs Mark
ltoyall Peter, J. P., builder
Komlss Stroet
Frenchman's road lo Glebe street
St. Marl's terrace—
Harris J. C.
Ludwick Arthur
Malone John
Martin Mrs. K.
Moon Qcorg?
Hcnnessy John
Gtaydon S.
Smith Mrs. A.
Alcock Alfred, "Rouzollc"
Hare W. J., "Carlisle"
Ga'e George, builder, " Luling "
Houston William, " Cogoburn "
Otebe street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 8eorge-st. "West, Sydney. TeL 632.
Kidman Street
Off Brook street, Coogee
King Street—North side
'•Sydney road lo Iramtray sheds
* Tramway works —George Downc,
S o u t h side
John street—Tram line
Dargln II., horsetralncr
Winchester terrace—
2 Darcy William
4 Warakcr John
Ellis Robert," Valdarillc"
Adelstono James
Knox Street
Off Qreiillestreet
Bustard John, clril engineer
Atkinson Miss Thomasin
Llngard Stroet
Off Allison street
Vcncss Frederick, jun.
Hannan P.
Lion S t r o e t — E a s t s l d o
Off' I'erouse street
Pearson Mrs. J.
W e s t side
Lawson VV. II.
Sumner Pearson
Long Bay Road
Allison road to llotany boundary
Hady ltobert, chairmakcr
Dudley street—Elphinslone street
Kelly Michael, •' Widcvicw"
Arden street—Eraser street
Long Bay road cemotcry—Jacob Hastedt, Bcxton
Thompson Robert, "Soltolro"
Musgravo Phillip, compositor
Evans T. K., "Rosclodgo"
Gardiner J. VV., "Drumlarney"
Vlckcrs Henry, " Hampstead "
Krctchman Herr J., " Atholc park"
Johnson and Vicars, woolscourcrs
Fazakerlcy William J„ fcllmongcr
Far.akcrlcy James, fcllmongcr
Marotiba bay
Graham Alexander, fisherman
%Long bay
Lowe Stroot (Llttlo Coogeo)
Off Battery street
Thornton Percy
Luke Stroet—East side
Belmore road to William street
Lloyd J. J.
Sparks T.. water supply turncock
Kemp Hobcrt
Nappcr Henry
McNamara James
Stephenson Arthur, constable
"West sldo
ilazlctt Samuel
Craggs Mrs. II.
H a g l l l Streot
Off Botany street
Joyce William, stonemason
Noptune Streot
Off Arden street
Jesse T. M. L., " Neptuncvlllo
Market street
Off Orange street
Golding Francis, quarrymaslcr
Gildcrthorpe Thomas It., painter
Griffiths VV. S., " Bclgrano"
Muggridgo William
Northumberland Stroot
Boundary strejI—Sv street
Cross Henry
Moars' Avenue
Off Avoca street
Mean Mrs. W.
Whitfeld Gcorgo
Walker E. S.
Morrow Miss A., prlvato sohool
Drees G.
Navlor Isaac
Barnes Mrs. VV. L.
Carter Mrs G.
Gorson II.
Myers II. 8.
Willis VV. N., M.L A., "Aloha "
M e l o d y S t r o o t (Ooogee)
Off Belmore road
Hedges John, " Hampstead''
Grace Walter George, " Dorsot"
Belmore rond
McClanahan George
n o y Peter
M o y m o t t Stroot
Off Howard street
Perry Thomas, J.P., auctioneer
Middlo S t r e e t — S o u t h s i d e
Off Botany sired
Fisbcr James
Gains ford John II.
Jane street
Page Mrs. VV.
.Mercer John
Adams Henry VV., Tan proprietor
N o r t h sido
Kayner VV. J.
Shiner William J., ran proprietor
Jane street
St. Judo's Mission Hall
Turton Frederick VV. II., carpenter
Edwards Thomas, carpenter
M l l f o r d Stroot
Off' A rota street
Tid-wol! F., surgeon," Nugal lodge"
Callughun Mrs., "Avoca"
Lamont George," Kantmbla"
Mooro Stroot
Beach sir ft to ocean
Stanley H. C.
M o u n t S t r o e t (Ooogee)
Allium to Dudley street
Waters William T„ J. P.
Ohorn S t r e e t — N o r t h s i d a '
Avoca street lo ocean
Titania street—Lion street
Murray J. F., " Avondale "
Lion street
Murray Lawrenco
Munro A. J.
O'Sulllvan J. P.
Goocli VV. J.
Enemark J.
Fazakcrlcv R.
Brown William II.
Tiger street
South sido
Dine Thomas, builder
Parkin Robert, carrier
Mclver Frank
Woodgato G, J.
Ruddlo W. T. f.
Williams Francis
Murray James, stonemason
Chaafc VV., horsotralner
Farrolly Patrick, dairykeopcr
Farrolly C, " Esmundo house "
MooncyChrlstophor, "Cllftoncottago"
McGavick Arthur, general storo
Simmons Mrs. M.
Higgs Walter
Pardoy Frederick
Tremlow G., engraver
Trcmlow Charles, " Wolmewt"
Tiger street
Taylor William
Popo Albort
Hincks J. Kran
Simmons K. G.
Pegum James, omnibus propriotorSurville Edward, tram conductor
Murphy Timothy
Sinclair T. C.
Hilton James
Ooean S t r e o t
Off Boundary street
Cousins James
Graham J. D.
Breach H. S., " Bo-Pccp "
Wellerd II.
Orango Streot—North side
Carrington road to Centennial park
Mi'lcr James, " Sharon "
Rcld Alexander, " Roslln "
Fischer Mrs. Jacob C, " Brooklyn "
Carter J., J.P., Ballmaker, " Waratah "•
Fitzgerald Patrick, "Norcllfic"
Fischer John
Brown Alfred R., draughtsman
Gallagher A. A., " Bernervillo "
Hooper John S., " Hazelmurc"
J'ark arrnue
Cooper L. A., horsetralncr
Nolan Patrick, horsctraincr," Dinnet"
Campbell A., "Nownham "
Fig Tree aremte
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney r w c l b .^'k c ur u *>
Orange tlriet continued—
Lamb Mrs, M.
Angus Themas, " Perl"
AUbutt William, tram conductor
O'Neill'., "Wenstoad"
Gallagher Mavtln, "The Ferns'*
Mark-l street
Hooper James
Aiken John
Gray James
<3ook Edward
•Gcndo N. J., professor of musio
Simpson Joseph
Oswald Street
Carrtngton road to bush
Tombs 'I'liomas
Lomax George, stonemason
Armstrong James
Steolc Alfred
O'Connor Mrs. M.
Dalnes Ernest E.
, ,
<jiddins J. B., "Ivoylodgo"
•Oliver William, gardener
Paolflo Stroet
Off Boundary street
Martin William, stonemason
Hidor 1). H.
Watson William
llanos Ernest
Ellis Richard J„ coachbulldcr
Barker street
Smith John,'Cab proprietor
Howard Ureet—Perouse street
lltfle range
Porouso Street (now called Oborn
Pilo Stroet (now called Park
Pino Street
Carrtngton road to Market street
0' Donncll John
Parnell C. E„ cngtncdrlver
Klrby P., cnnlnodrlver
East side
6chmidt W. I,., " WilhclmshUho"
Tuoby W., " Wycombe "
Powoll Stroet
Off lltlmore road
Summers Mrs. M. A.," Fcrnbank"
Princess Street—East sldo
Church to King street
Downe George, superintendent rolling stock, tram, depot," Dovcdale "
Boxull Joseph
Cooper street '
Intercolonial stock quarantine ground
—Alfred II. Kveringham, keeper
Park Avenue
Off Orange street
Votorsnn C. 1'., draughtsman,
" Cabruma "
O'Sulllvan K. W., M.L.A., "Treslthncy "
Quail Street
AVnkelln .1. W., " GlcnvlTo "
llloomlleld MrB. S. H., " The Firs"
Arden to Beach street
Grcad Mrs. A., " The Pines "
Carberry M. T., " Dunmoro"
Gread Thomas A., butldor
Gread Michael F.
Queen Street (Ooogeo)
Wost side
Off l.uke street
Gread J. A., plumber, "Melodln"
Callllau F. 0., "Villa Fabbrlcottl"
Soho terrace—
McNamara John
Saunders Joseph
Kainford II.
Park Stroot-(Littto Googeo)
Bruce W„ carpenter
llryco JamcB
Rao Stroet—North side
Brvco William
Aroca street to fence
Bookctt Henry
Band wick Wcsleyan Church—Bev. J,
Fordham Charles
Wood street
Perouso Road—East sldo
1 Kingsborougb Curran, draper
Jlelmorc road to Perouse ttreet
2 Olllffo J. B., J.P., " Wallangra"
4 Antolnc E., wool buyer
St. Paul's street
5 Bobson Gcorgo
Pardoy Mrs. Eliza, grocer
Dutruc street
Thomson Win., carpenter and builder
Williamson Henry
Graham Patrick, gardener
Knight Joseph, " Sea View "
Kccne M.
Cameron B. B., .T.P., " Dovis"
Cherry George, bookmaker
St. Mark's road
Silver H.
Wall George, J.P., '• Medina"
lUcc John
South side
Evans William, tramdriver
Stewart Hugh
West side
Kuhn Jacob
Royal liotrl—Thomas Browne
O'Sulllvan Timothy," Dallas"
Somtan ttreet
S. W.
Duffy XI., butcher
West Alfred
Kennedy Samuel »., " DunkeltU"
Dutruc street
St. Paul's street
Roberts Thomas
"Wilson Henry
Rainbow Stroet
Dotan;/ to Ocean street—Avoca street
Cumming J. W., compositor, "Oberon"
McNiiir John E.
Higgins Christopher
Bandwlck Rifle Range—ScrgcantMajor J. Cooper In charge
Ralnham Street—East side
Off Fern street
RoyallW. ''Suva"
O'Neill John
Hurler John
Jones Charles
Thorium Phillip
Noble John
Noble William
Bandwlck Avonuo (Konsington)
Convent School O.L.S.H.—Mother
Murv Theresa, Bupcrloress
Sloper F. E.. chemist, " Widcombe "
Randwiok Stroot
Cowper to Gordon street—Pemell'sJIal
Nicholson W. 11.
Horley II. A., " Verona "
Doyle J. M., " Glendalough "
North side
Harris Matthew, '• Athloao"
Parker Cecil II.," Paris"
Ruthven Stroot—East Btdo
Warerleij road to bush
TisdaleJ. II., "Miro"
Lane Mrs. C, " Milton"
Krutly Hermann. "Mcolow"
Woods John," Havcrstock"
Weslgatc terrace—
16 Thompson J.
It Drcwctt Mrs E. J.
Id Nuun Philip
0 Hopfe Arnold
7 Wardrop William
5 Flockhart T. II.
4 Ormsbv C. I.
2 Bartlett Thomas
1 Mooney M., grocer
Oiifr'' street
Ruthren terrace— •
1 Epsom Charles
2 Walsh George
4 Toomcv Mrs.
Goddard E. J., " Calama "
Wclburn J., "Hawthorn"
CraggsA., "Cadia"
Jameson Mrs., "Carlnda"
Cain H., cab proprietor
Westlakc W.
Walkor Henry W., cab proprietor
McCarthy John, " Cambridge place "
Walker William, tin and ironworker
Tattcrscll Albert
Carter Thomas
Sheaves William S., joiner
Curnow II. G.
Young G. W., "Chatmos"
Wright Robert
Wymor AUred
Brady James
Conroy Edward
Sutcllffc Edward
Pickup James
St. J
Maxwell James
Smith John
Noyce James
Robertson Daniel, carpenter
Bruce John, builder
McKinnon Allan
Watson Thomas
Irvlno Alexander, "Campslo"
Brlmncr A., " liyrloet"
Burch n. 8.
Robertson Mrs. J.
Stowart Bobort, dairykeeper
Marion rottayes—
Fourro W. M.
Bowles G. H.
Whiddon Sydney
Low Thomas, "Lochingar"
West side
Hayncs W., " Amyvlllo"
Bannister C, " Thames villa "
Smith J. D., "Writtle"
Cahlll J., •' Dudley "
Bladen N.
Shaw William," Woodvlllo"
Ringold Mrs. 0. L.. " Brooklyn"
Boborts Charles," Rosedalc"
CummingB W., "Moorong"
Gibson E., " York cottage"
Naismith Alexander
Coterie street
Gcoghegan Patrick J., grocer
Wettgate terrace—
Anderson C.
Dawson L. J,
Baxcndnle James
Roaz Henry E., onglneer
Leslie Wm., "Maudvlllo"
Boss J. E„ " Fulham "
Dean Mrs. E., •< Chelsea"
McCrackcn A„ "Govan cottago"
Hall Mrs. M., "Ivanhoe"
nail A. T.
McGivney Mrs. SI., " Fern cottago "
Dan vers E. H.
Shoebridgo A. J.
Horscflcld Wm., " Como "
Wild Wm. ii., cab preprlotor
Marshall Bobert
Brown William
SUbcr Ferdinand
Downes II.
Babarovlch Anton
Willis Walter," Clovo cottage"
Donohuc Cornelius, " Maud cottago "
McMahon Patrick
Carty \V. J.
Hislop Walter
Gardner John
Robinson George
Mallnm M.
Tuvlor Alexander, minor
Wylio J.
S t . James's Road—East side
Off Waterley road
Christian William, J.P. (Queensland),
•• Wostgatc"
O'Brien Georgo II.
Ross Charles
Goocb Charles R,, piano tuner
Hancock W. 0.
Lcmaire A. S.
Thompson R.
Stowart W.
I'Ulford G, W.
Woolf J.
Dick Miss II. E.
Wardby W.
King A. J.
Ootcrie street
Reynolds Martin, cab proprietor
Park terrace—
I Darker James
3 Campbell Thomas
4 Klrkby James
5 Watson Thomas
II Mulfatt William
7 .Madden WaltcFoster Henry T„ " Brixton "
Lawrence Edward, " Highgatc"
Tuck .Mrs. J. T., " May cottage"
Clusan Albert
Holmes Jumcs, " Sandhurst"
Houseman C, " Hibiscus "
O'Kccfe Denis
Murrav Mrs. M., accoucheuse, " KIsmat''
Applcbco Frederick, " Eureka"
lima cottages—
4 Wilkinson Mrs. L., dressmaker
Bond T. \V., "Malgrctout"
Evans E.
Towers S.," Leila "
Phillips Mrs. 0.," Hlllcot"
Molloy J.
Whltohoad William
Prlcstman George, stonemason
Wiley D.
Bcdkobcr Miss C , " Camboon "
Bcdkober Francis
McPhillamy Denis
Golden Bernard, commercial traveller
Adams .1. II., " Broughton cottago "
Belkober Charles
Marshall Mrs. M.
Mahon Miss II.
Fitton James
Mangln John
A Horn J.
Day John
Hicks William
Tessmcr Julius
West sldo
Turner Phillip
Shields Mrs. C.
llcavls Charles
Ilaytor James
Centennial park
St. Mark's Road—East sldo
Allison street to Frenchman's road
Hellicar Ames, bank manager, " Ab~
botslelgh "
Graham Samuel, "Nethcrby"
Graham A. C, architect, "Nctherby"
Somervillc J.
Manson .Mrs. A. R.
Davlcs W. T.
Italian George, builder," Rathvcn "
Lomarscny William, quarrymnn
Llowcllyn Arthur C, master mariner
Mcancy M.
Wallace John, J.P., " Uowallan"
West side
Lcmoy Patrick, gardener
.Roberts II. F„ " Taree "
Alcock Edward II., warehouseman
Do Lissa Alfred, solicitor, " Endcllion"
McMlnnA. B., "Erridalc"
Perry J. A. I., solicitor, " Kcbcr"
Scharff Max, "Jaluit"
Cameron John, auctioneer
Chapel street
Banks-Smith Harold, sollc," ainono"
St. Paul's Stroot—North Bide,
Aroca to Brook street
Dine John, contractor
Finn Mrs. M., " Wahroonga"
Dcverall Robert, compositor
Archlnal Christian, constablo
Hlncks W. J.
Perouse rond
South side
Hincks James, milk vendor
Thompson A., J.P.
Perouse street
Purdey Mrs., general store
Plummcr W., bootmaker
Windlo Alfred
Bennett Edward
Walsh Mrs. M.
Finn Thomas
WilllaniB Albert
Bullin Thomas
Ilickey James
Carrs John
Chnlcraft Charles, " Holmwood "
Buncombe B. K., " Na-Vale"
Grace \V. C, draughtsman
Yates Charles, sailmakcr
Loo Hcnrs-, " Grand View houso"
Scollay Peter
St. Thomas Stroot
Off Boundary street
Smith Frederick" Devonshire house '
Seaviow Street
Off Douglas street
Jaokson J. G., " Fonthill"
Moffatt J., inspector of nuisances,
Soo Stroot (Littlo Ooogoo)
Off Boundary road
Humphery Hon. Frederick T., M.L.C.
J.P., "Bythsoa"
Breach U.S., "Bopoop"
Wellord II.
Bruce William
Shark Point (Littlo Ooogeo)
Dolargy J., bombardier in charge
Simoon Stroet (Rainam Hill
Off Fern street
Royall W., " Suva"
Soudan Stroot—South sido
Aroca to Perouse street
Adrian Richard
McClcnahan llros., coachbulldcrs
North sldo
Payten J., horsctralner, " Portland "
Hayncs Captain Willlnm J., " Isis "
Susan Stroet
Carrinyton road to bush
Anning Richard, "Cagoon "
Bcdforth Mrs. A. F„ " Wyoming"
Bishop avenue—Fern street
Fcwlng Frederick
Goodman W. G., "Rcculvors"
Abel J. W., " Portsmouth cottago"
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Emljalmers. 810 Geo. St South, Sydney C*^SE*,2r h
Varna Lane
Off Fern ttreet
Broughton R., dalrykeeper
Sydney Road—North side
Sydney road to Alliton street
Tramwav waiting room
Drako A : , " The Towers "
A.J.O. hotel—Anne Folton
MoNamara Edward
Wood J. 0.
Kelly Robert
Rlalr Mrs. J., " Canterbury
William street—Cowper street
Oxenham Humphrey, "Normanhurst"
Mlohards Robt., J.P., grazier, "Hoikham"
Parncll W. B„ "Moreon"
Harris iBaae, "Tarana"
Smyth Prank, barrister, "Glonloth
Rose H. A., chemist, " Wanganolla"
Lhoost Raymond, " Carlton "
Botany street
South side
Police Station—Robort Coghlll, con.
stablo in chargo
Randwick Racocourso—Thomas 8,
Cllbborn, secretary A. J. Clubj
William Woodburn, ranger
Smith James, " Sunnysido "
Kurt!! A., "Abercorn"
Hcvdon Hon. C. G., barrister,
Sydney Street
Waverley to llantluick street
Walker 0. A.
Tiger Street
From Jlouard to llainbou ttreet
Boyd William
Turnbull Thomas,"Newtown"
Tltanla Street
Off Oberon ttreet
Webb Norman
Beaslcy William
CahlU Michaol
Tramway Street
Off Frenchman's road
King John
Lewis Thomas
Viotoria Street—West side
Alliton to Albert ttreet
Smyth Mrs. II., " Lansdean"
Smyth Lionel
Turner F. 0„ "Romsey "
Burn J.H., "Kokcra,r
De Phlllpsthal M.
I'age B„ " Sophia cottage"
I'ago II.," Sophia cottago"
Bast side
Taylor William
Waltham Street (Ooogeo)
Alcock T. M., " Maidstone "
BolgraTO Mrs. 0. E., " Abemcthy "
Wavorley Road (Raymond
St. Janus' road to Centennial part
Bardsloy James, " 8ooly "
l'hegn* and Walsh,, houso and land
Mark James
Whocler Misses, drcssmakors
McCrackcn John
McCullnch John, onglnedrlvor
Boyle Miss M., drcssmakor
Centennial park
Waverley Street
Sydney to Sydenham road
Preos Edward W., tinsmith
Ilolroyd David, stonemason
13 Varlcy John
11 Main M.S.
10 Goocli Robert
0 Reo James
8 Maggs Frederick
7 Russctt William, gardenor
6 Kennedy Timothy
2 Kennedy A. J.
Finn Aloxandor, printer, "St Aubyn"
Vale Street (Little Ooogoe)
Off Arden ttreet .
Dennett Henry, pyrotechnist
Morris Edgar
Wentworth S t r e e t
Off Cooper ttreet
Wilkinson Frank, reporter
Monagban James, horse trainer
William Street—North Bide
Sydney road to King street
Donnelly George
Stephenson W.M.,"Elma"
Willis Thomas
Simmons N. J.
S o u t h Bide
Galloway F. II., •' Tolllngton"
Darglnll., "Tholma"
William Street (Avooa Estato)
Carringlon road to Judge ttreet
Crosby John
Gay J. G.
Engcrt A.
MoKee Alexander
Gee Thomas
Winchester Road
Off Boundary Uriel
Shettle Frederick
Freer Thomas, bricklayer
Rowo II.
Herbert Mrs. M. A.
Kcogh P.
Wolsoley Street (Ooogee)
Off Cairo tlrtet
Wood Street—West aide
0{f Jlae ttreet
Sorvico W.
Doherty Michael
Fox Edward
Garrety John
Murray James
DuriB John ,
Williams B.,«iWeltord"
East side
Smith Thomas, " Brighton college "
Maconochio Rcvd. W. G. (Presby.),
Iluthnance James, " 8t, Androw'e " '
Young Street—EaBt side
Of Baler ttreet
PaytonThos., trainer, "Newmarkot*'
West Bide
Dodd Daniel
Miller W., horsctralncr
Nerrlcker Theodore, jockoy
King Martin
Vine street
Tel. 832.
BOUNDED on the north by Cleveland utreot! on the
conth by Phillip, Boundary and Forbes streets; on the
cast by Dowllng street; nnd on tho west by Forbes
Area—500 neres
Miles of streets—SO
Number of Inhabitants—23,520
Number of bouses—1,620
Number of ratepayers—4,000
Annual viilno—^165,823
Council meets alternate Thursdays, 7.30 p.m.
Office hours—9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 2 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 0 o.m. to 1 p.m.
Library hours—During offloe hours, and every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evening, from 7.30 to 0 p.m.
George Rlohanl Parkes
Robert W. Grlerson
Belmore Ward:
Surry If Hit Ward:
Wm. Thomas Poole, J.P.
Henry Vornou
Cornelius Gorton
George R. Parkes
Edwin Berry, J.P.
Wm. Davis
Redftrn Ward:
Golden Orore Ward t
Joseph McdcaU
Thomas Clarke
George W. Howe
Georgo Pitt Wood
John Crowe, J.P.
Jnmcs Iloohe
Aberoormble Street—EaBt side
Cleveland to OoUlen Grove street
Jioyal Exchange hotel—James Fronoh
3-5 Batten Henry, hairdresser
7 Rice Mrs. E.
Hudson street
11 McKenna Francis, produce dealer
Slingsby Arthur, builder
13 Fletcher II. A., butcher
Vine street
Eveleigh hotel—Ellen White
20 Douglas Robert, letter carrier
31 Manucll Henry
33 Garnctt B. G., draper
33 Harrington John
37 McAdam Thomas, draper
30 Walsh J.
41 Swan G., hnirdresser
45 Loltus Thomas, tailor
47 Burns J„ storekeeper
49 Smith J., tramconductor
51 CluneMrs, Ann
£3 Banks John 8., railway porter
55 Holland George
57 Smith Miss Kate
59 Porter Jn nics, engine driver
61 Bingham John
63 Buckloy Patrick
65 McPheellugh
07 MacRac John, coachbuildor
67 Scannc and Edwards, blacksmiths
75 Yaw M.
77 M' Donald Duncan
79 Murphy Mrs. Ellen
81 Webb Alexander
83 Mran Maurice, compositor
87 Modbury Richard
80 O'Uonncll Denis
91 Jackson Alfred
93 Ctt useley Mrs. A.
95 Kelly Mrs. S., grocer
97 Brisbane Charles
A. Hanignn
John MoNamara
Joseph Holland
Mrs. Wnrbuiton, 70 Oastlcreagh street
Slater Joseph, printer
MoEvoy John, cngincdrivcr
Kelly Patrick
Graham Arthur
Mills W.J.
Millard Kowland, coachbuildor
Peters Mrs. Emma
Fordham George
Schmidtkcr Madame
Green Henry, butcher
Pcnfold Mrs. F.
Wilson Thomas, engineer
Wilson James, tailor
Wiley Mrs, Mnrgaret
MeGann John, printer
Lyons Charles II.
Ahcarn W„ bootmaker
Bradloy Mrs.
Rocho R., grocer
Flaherty James
Goldman 8.
Caroline street
Gorton C , builder
Jones and Dobson, butchers
Dclllt John and Son, fumlturomakers
1I>W* street
St. Alban's (C. of E.)—Rev. Luke Parr
McMurtrle and Co., Limited, boot
St. Alban's School—Miss A. llurgess,
leg street
Riley Joseph
Slcdenburg Brothers, newsagents
McGrath John
Cameron James, tailor
Schcy Wm. ¥., M.L.A.
Kavanagh F., restaurant
Thomas Philip M., coachpainter
Cuthbertson Mrs. J. M.
Little Wilson street
Codringlon street
Norris William, bootchop
Jioyal hotel—James England
MoCurtayno Mrs. M., grocer
Roso Hugh, carrlngcbulldcr
Puckering John E.. draper
273 Butler J. J., fuel merchant
McStravIck J., oyster Baloon
275 Frco Mrs. Ann
Ashton Isaac, dray proprietor
277 Grcenbnm H. J., bricklayer
Page A., coachbuildor
'270 Hoare Mrs. W. J.
Lowthorp Georgo
|281 Clarke \V„ grocer
289 O'Grady Patrick, cab proprietor
Prince John, bootmaker
291 Eagleson Mrs. Elizabeth, dairykecper
Jones William, ironworker
293 Hands Peter, fuel merchant
Blackwood Mrs. Fanny
297 Ronald William, van proprietor
Colgan Michael, produce store
2D9 Bell William, bootmaker
Shepherd strert
303 Blackio Peter, engineer
Oaliray Cattle hotel—John Lynoh
305 Phillips Harnett, builder
Maher Thomas
307 May John
O'Brien John
309 Wilson Andrew, carpenter
Garth W. G., storekeeper
317 Smith William, painter
319 Curran John P.
McManus Mrs. M , costumier
321 Tylor Mrs. M.
Webber John, plumber
323 Lander George W., builder
Griffin Frederick W.
325 Mahony Edward
Stuart Richard, cngincdrivcr
327 Maloney Bartholomew, cab proprietor
Talty John
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney ( u t w X ^ i 1 £ ! r h 4 ;
AtiticromMe street continued—
329 Moon Thomas, confectioner
331 Bock Lawrcnco
333 LoTCtt John
337 Cahill Thomas
339 Cassidy John, contractor
340 Hitchings Edward, blacksmith
351 MoElhone William, bootmaker
353 Green A., butcher
355 O'Collagban Andrew, grocer
Williams William
Martin W. J., bootmaker
McCartney Henry, cahinetmakor
Larkman P., paper bag maker
Harris W„ greengrocer
Maiden Joseph K.
Sptar Bartholomew, fruiterer
Raglan street
243 Ward E. M„ grocer
244 M'Mahon Patrick
240 Collins Thomas
W e s t side
218 Gray Mrs. I'lorcnco
10 Cruikshank William, blacksmith
250 Ncilson Mrs. C.
Swift J. 1'., coachbuilder
252J Johnson W. A., nows agent
20 Dickson Thomas, greengrocer
Williams 8. M., bam shop
22 Collins 1>.
Coirlngton street
20 Harrington Martin
254 Hickson J., grocer
28 Harrington J., bootmakor
250 Wilson Andrew
30 Boyco John P., paintor
258 West Aloxandor. ironworks
Vine street
200 Brodio Hubert, bootmattor
34 Embrey's hotel—Albert Embroy
Teape George
38 Christian Joseph
262 Clingham Robert
40 Murphy James
204 Clathworthy John
2G0 Johnson Arthur
42 Ilyan Mrs. Abboy, boardinghouso
208 Baker Mrs. M.
44 Hookley Dennis
270 Sehwench Mrs. K.
40 Wilson John
274 KImber Mrs. Emily
50 Butt Henry J .
278 Walker W. W„ grocer
54 Fletcher J., butcher
280 Empson Lowthor
50 Morlarty M., bootmaker
288 Patrick Alfred, photographer
68 Little Francis, coachbuildor
200 McCarthy Maurice
CO Prltchatt K., portmnntoau-maker
62 Vaughan William II., cablnotmnkor 204 Weeks Charles, conductor
200 FoBtor William
04 Bentic William
208 Jordan James
CO Bcddy Henry J .
300 Dodd Thomas, boilormakor
08 Wilson J.
72 Davis, Shcphord and Co., water motor 302 Atkins Albort
304 Tictjcn Herman, porter
306 Mcyor Joseph, countable
74 Hill J., grocer
308 Milham Georgo, cngincdriver
7G Taylor Uussell
310 Brown John
78 Webb Walter
318 Clarko Thomas, commission agent
80 Douglas ltobcrt
320 Murray Augustus
82 Mahoncy Thomas
Brabston Michael
81 Pope Edgar
Angclo Mrs., dressmaker
80 CruickBhank William
332 Eaton James A., bulkier
00 White Martin
02 Munro Mrs. A.
330 Moon William II., caterer
04 Doherty Joseph II,
school inspector
100 Vaughnn Michael
340 McDonald John, cngincdriver
101 Lceder George, butcher
342 Robinson Henry, coachbuilder
100 White Mrs. J. J., grocer
344 .Mason Henry, cngincdriver
108 Banks Maurice, draper
340 Long George, printer
110-112 Kiluth I)., 'wood and coal yard
348 Fletcher II.
114 Lcnolmn Henry, tobacco maker
350 Haynes Joseph E.
118 Vaughan John, draper
120 Hudson II. and Co., drapers
132 Hudson Arthur J „ chemist
A l b e r t Street—North side
Ivy street
124 Alexander Samuel, grocer
131 Pitt to George street
120 Clank Thomas, coachbuilder
4 Fisher E. A.
136 Slattcry Michael, suddlor
138 Nolun Mrs. Kato
0 Hnrman Samuel, fuel mcrohant
140 Plntt Samuel, quarryman
8 Fulton -Ufrcd
142 O'Connor 1). J .
10 Cartwright Mrs. Jane
144 Leary William, saddler
12 Kcanc \V„ greengrocer
148 Page Arthur, coachbuilder
11 Gates John T., cab proprietor
158 Gorman George, doirykcopor
16 Worrick Andrew
18 Wcrrick Sydney, butcher
102 Swltzcr William R., plumber
20 Kwan C. S., engineer
164 Baker Henry
24 Jcseo Alfred
ICG Ncilson Charles, cabinetmaker
2G Stanbrldgo MISB Fanny, storckcoper
108 Dwycr J., butcher
170 Bastablc Charles, shipwright
Soutli side
172 Slgle Charles
174 Koogh Mrs. B.
1 Kcogh John, vnnnmn
182 Sharp and Penman, plumbors
5 Har.noy Mrs. E.
184 Bull Brothers, spokeworks
7 Jones William
Shepherd street
0 Cotter Richard
100 Gorrell Frank, grocer
11 Mcltccr Patrick
102 Hill Charles
17 Porter Maxwell, Blater
104 O'Connoll Cornelius
10 Bennett Mrs. Ada
100-200 Cooper Jnincs, ptcklo maker
23 Watson John
201 White FrancU, ironmonger
25 Fisher II.
200 Madigan J., hairdresser
27 Asscnhclm Joseph
Armstrong J .
Hnnslow John
Henley Joseph
Logan George \V.. builder
Alderson Street—South side»
SO Kettle to Phillip street
1 Bradford F , cab proprietor
3 Pearco William, bootmaker
31 Baker Joseph
33 Solomon M,
39 Currun John
41 Cochrane John
43 Arundale John
46 Tollls Frederick
47 Taylor Henry
40 Como Charles
51 Just Herman, carpenter
57 Taylor Frank
50 Wright William, cab proprietor
01 Simpson Mrs. E.
05 Stevens William
CO Cox Henry
75 Mclncrncy James
Arthur Street
0 Morehead to Walker street
4 Roberts Edward
0 llcardon Fredoriok
8 Ricks Frederick, dealer
B a p t i s t Street—Bast side
101 Cleveland street to Zamia street
1 Baldwin John, cab proprietor
3 Blanchllcld John
Moore J . II,, fuel merchant
Horonia lane
17 Forbes John
Fox William
10 ltooney Peter
21 Quirk John
lloronia street
25 Osborne A. E.
27 Gollan Andrew
20 Low Jnmos W., builder
31 Cameron Mrs. E.
33 Gibson Miss, drossmaker
35 McMillan John
37 Rogers John
30 Spears Walter
41 Fcnnclly William
43 Roberts Mrs. A.
Telopea street
Ogden't terrace—
1 Hesse Herman
2 Llewcllan Edwin '
3 Pier Percy
4 Smith Miss C , private school
5 Mitchell William
6 Posnor Wolf
7 Hamilton James
8 Taylor Herbert
0 Grcig Emanuel
10 Walker John
12 11(11 Henry
13 Fittcn Francis T.
14 Ibbott George W,
15 Pick John
10 Ilityes William, butcher
17 Grolg John, plasterer
18 McGregor Archibald
10 Henderson James
21 Grey F. C.
22 Felton W. J., confectioner
Zamia street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 682.
Osborne Lindsay
40 Lappin Henry, grocor
Sandy James & Co., plato glass stores 48 Noilly Michael, carriage builder
50;Sydnoy United Friendly Soolety cllsBaptist street
pensary—G. D. Toppin
57 Choshiro Edgar S., butcbor
52 Crcasoyjuseph, draper
50 Christie Isauo
David, fuel merchant
67 Mason Ralph
64 Mitohell James
60 Crcnnan Mrs. Mary, grocer
66 Lcecc Charlos
Marriott street
68 Carlcton .1.
71 Wilson N. J.
7U Young John
73 McFarlano James
72 Hannah Cornelius
75 Daniels F. W., painter
76 llogglss R. II., van proprietor
77 Bell James
78 Gray Charles, cab proprietor
70 Anderson Mattkow
81 Gray William
83 Gould Alfred
Boundary Lane
80 Bcthcll George, coachbuilder
01 Pitt O. E., carpenter
off 7 Wilson street
05 Bcthcll Arthur, prlntor
1 Tyler Charles
2 Finney James
3 Prlmroso Homy
B o t a n y Stroot—East Bide
4 Swcotman Thomas
111 Itrilfern to Boundary street
1 Hunter John, boot warohouso
Boundary Lane
3. Pattinson and Co,, chemists
Colden drove to Codrlngton street
5 Alllband It. J., stationer
Smith nonry, plasturer
U Norris W. II. and Son, uloyclo makers
13 Brcnnan Edward
15 Sharp Robert
Boundary Streot
1!) Welmer W. G., blacksmith
Vine to Shepherd street
Turner street
1 Kemp William, bricklayer
27 Kelso J o h n
3 Tobln Michael
29 Heine J o h n
5 Murphy Sydnoy C,
31 Lutton Mrs. G., boardinghouso
7 Harnett Thomas, bricklayer
33 Turbctt Bernard
9 Jarmon Henry, bootmaker
35 (Jerry Thomas, commission agent
13 Kennedy Timothy, cab proprietor
41 Howe and Ko-e, engineers
Ivy street—Boundary line
49 Thorno James, cab proprietor
Hughes Georgo 11., milk vendor
51 Matthews Henry, engineer
Bollovuo Stroot—East sldo
25 Shying Henry J „ contractor
53 Foster Georgo
27 Donoghuo Denis
Mderson's factory to Waterloo boundary55 Alderson Charles
20 Marsh Benjamin
Sullivan Edward
1 Moonoy Patrick
SI Whyto William, braBsfttter
57 Packham George
25 Smcc Samuel
33 Bailey Edward, cab proprietor
69 McGowcn James S. T., J.P., M.L.A.
27 Kelso William, horsctrainor
35 Gerard Alox.
61 Evans Mrs. A.
Hancock Charles
63 Buchanan William M.
37 McLcodJohn
20 Wright Mrs. E.
65 Carruthors Thomas, bootmaker
39 Carroll & Kcanc, produce merchants
67 Berwick Alfred, farrier
"West side
69 Smith Henry
71 Edward Georgo
30 Smith James
Boundary Streot
73 Norris William II., litter
75 Taylor William
200 llegent to Corntcallis street
Boronia S t r e e t — N o r t h Bide
Elliott Henry, coachbuilder
Hopklnson .1 nines
80 Hutchinson S.,signnriter
Gibbons lane
llourke to Young street
93 Size John
4 Mclluish William, coopor
Baker James, cngincdrivor
95 Duncan James
liosehill street
Rcdforn Livery Stables—G. Mosher
Salvation Army Barracks
8 Jacques Alexander
42 Brothcrson Samuel
99 Carlcton and smith, coachbulldcrs
10 Kay Francis
44 Ryan Thomas
Pioneer Railway Spring Co.—B. D. 12 Jenkins Robert
40 Welsh Edward M.
Scartli, manager
'4 Smith John
48 McSwccncy Robert
Nicison X. P. and Co., engineers
16 Daniels John
60 Money Henry
West side
62 Toby Charles F.
64 Bunt E., grocer
Donohoc W„ farrier
Bourko Streot—East side
liaptisl street
2 Howe George, engincor
50 Young James
31 Clevtland street to Waterloo boundary
Rose William, engincor
58 Newbond George D.
6 Newell William II., produce dealer
1 Boundary hotel— Ellen Ward
CO Knowles James
3 Vaughan J . E , saddler
8 Curran Thomas
62 Bradley A. P.
14 Ross Alexander, cab proprietor
7 Ilanlln Thomas, tanner
64 Gaunaway Charles
16 Harvey Benjamin
9 Simmons Daniel, traveller
60 Spears George
18 Prccco William
15 Conn A. H., halrdressor
-68 Lipman David A.
20 Holmes Enoch
17 Lewis Mrs., dressmaker
Marriott street
21 Haywood 1'homas, painter
24 Mason William, grocer
'72 Milne William, plasterer
23 Flynn William A.
50 Ellis Charles
74 MusgroTe George
25 King John
28 Carruthcrs Francis
78 McDonough Thomas
27 Harrison Thomas
30 King Alfred
86 All Alfred, blacksmith
29 Crispo George, builder
34 Hill James, tinsmith
88 Smith Edward, bootmaker
31 Phillips Thomas
36 McKnlgut Georgo
38 Brigdon William
33 Sutton & Son, houso and land agents
S o u t h side
40 Sorrcll Thomas
35 Stewart \V„ bootmaker
42 Chapman Arthur
37 Holmes J . It., butcher
Brcnnan William, horsctrainor
Chelsea street
44 Connolly Peter, fitter
Lowe David, plumber
West side
2 llnsson C , cab proprietor
0 Universal Laundry—George Murray
10 Perry James W„ tinsmith
The Wunderlich Patent Ceiling and
Roofing Company, Limited—proprietor, E. II. C. Wunderlich,
'• Springbank," Allison st, Rondwlck
38 Ilealcy John II.. compositor
40 Pcattic James, architect
42 Doyle Mrs. M.
44 Leitch John, builder
50 Newman Richard
52 Ewlngton Edmund
54 Emery George
lloronia it reel
50 Brunncr Charles, box factory
58 Wyatt William
CO Robinson Frederick
62 Sutton Pierce
08 Loveday William
» 60 Windsor Edward
70 Ewing Alexander
72 Noonan John
74 Stokes John
Pcllctlcr John
Telopea street
Springfield Thomas, laundi y
Stevens' terrace
1 Both John I I .
2 Dwycr II., teacher
3 McFarlano Alfred
4 Morrcll R.
5 Dunn George
- 6 Reynolds Arthur, trnincr
8 Hampson W.
10 Smith T. A.
W00D& COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney
Jtourke street continued—
43 MoCaffroy Francis, cnginodrlvor
45 Loveday Henry \ \ \ , pianoforto tuner
47 Martin Charles
49 Forstor Francis
53 Proudfoot Christopher
55 Ilenncssv James
81 Taylor Murray J.
65 Redfern Ficnchlaandry
T/ntrlote street
79 Cotham Thomas, painter
83 Thompson Edward
85 Harrison Itcubcn
87 UrcakBpcar J. F.
89 Corbott Charles II. 13.
95 Morphy William, grocer
Walker P., training stables
Thomas 11. \ v „ undertaker
Cull George
Alwliliion slreit
/fill street
Lauronco George, plumber
Boston Jamos, veterinary surgeon
"West s i d e
Cleveland inn—James T. Lyons
2 Smith William
4 Mattcrson Neil
0 Shcard Arthur
8 Mattorson Georgo
10 Davis John
12 Varlcv William
14 Wccdcn William
16 ltitllng Aloisc
18 Warton Uenjamin, saddler
20 Klgglns Thomas, carrier
20} I'atton Thomas
22 Flowers William
50 Cull Frederick, Importer
52 Jones Rev. II. JWesloyan)
00 Mosher George, produce store
60 Walsh Thomas, farrier
08 Sutton and Co., contractors
Flumridgo G.
Stephen's buildings—
1 Ingrain Henry
2 Walker Baker, accountant
5 llotlie William, contractor
7 Everett Mrs. N.
B Butters Charles
Btoth Mrs., laundry
Trlojiea street
Bullanamlngr S t r e e t — E a s t Bide
335 Cleveland to lloundary street
1 Carl Thomas
9 Duncan Daniel
11 Philpot William It.
James street
13 Kiddlo John
15 King Robert, bricklayer
17 Arnold Frederick
21 Hcnncssy John, cabinetmaker
23 Anderson Horbcrt
25 Hay Alfred, traveller
27 Moir Alexander, carpenter
29 Scott Charles W.
31 Thomas Francis, constablo
33 Brand John
85 Onglcy William, fishmonger
89 Kcary William
41 Nelson William, contractor
55 B'.ngall Mrs. 11.
. 67 Nlcholls James
59 Do Nanglo Bernard
61 Childs Hugh
65 Allison Joseph, van proprietor
69 MoKlnnon Donald, moulder
71 Sullivan Joseph
76 Pitman Mrs. Mary
77 Purso Willing, van proprietor
Charhvoed Walter, tinsmith
Dockson John
llyan Patrick
Bates Henry, painter
Hoyor Otto
Hudson John
Cook James, drainer
Tradesman's Armsholel—J, Knighton
Veils street
107 Horsliold Stanloy
109 Irwin M. S.
I l l Wiso Fredorlck
ltedfern street
115 Latham Mrs.
121 Jackson G., builder
Turner street
123 Goodman John, grocer
125 Riley John, cabinetmaker
127 Clarke Henry, stonemason
129 Webber William
131 Goodall John
135 Evans Christopher, carpenter
137 Richards W. II.
141 Hough Henry
143 Higgs Mrs. O.
145 Couohman James
147 Foster James
149 Grose W. II.
153 Fitzgerald Mrs , grocor
155 stapleton William, constablo
159 Ray James, flroinan
101 Hull Aubrov T., brioklayor
163 Gullfoyle Denis, constablo
105 Kelly Thomas
107 Grisdalo Levi
IG9 Gazzard J.
171 Carter Joseph
175 Moore Charles
177 Lowix James, grocer
179 Read John, carpenter
181 Nicholls John
183 Phillips Kdward
W e s t side
llrown Georgo, bricklayer
Crawford Thomas, railway guard
Grccnslado James, palntor
Snmmcrfleld. Samuel
Robinson Herbert
Smith Georgo
James street
Superior Publie School—John F.
Hooper, headmaster
18 Wallace Goorgc
20 Ward.Edwin
20 Skoggs James
28 Ferris Charles
Davison Francis, painter
32 Jones Samuel
«4 Stano Edward
30 White Leopard, engineer
38 Silvostcr Win., smallgbodsman
44 Dinkey Samuel, bootmaker
50 Coyne Patrick
54 Kerin Cornelius
56 Luby Alfred
58 Doroy Charles
60 Vallandcr Mrs. L.
Wells street
64 Argall William, butohor
70 Williamson Henry, blacksmith
Redfern street
7G Her rod Edward, fronchpollshcr
78 1'ndloy Thomas, stonomason
Redfern Eloctrio Light Station—Robt.
Oxlado, manager
Tui tier street
88 Foresters' Armshotel— Michael Tierncy
90 Webb Alexander
94 Blakcny .Mrs. J.
06 Martin Mrs. Jr.
08 Connolly Michael
102 O'Brien John
104 Tee Henry J.
106 Wade George F.
108 Daw Kdward
110 Doyle Michael
112 O'Haro Edward, carpenter
114 Neighbour Frederick, bootmakor
122 Wilcox Wm.
128 Cook Mrs., grocer
134 Filzglbbon Francis, bootmaker
142 Smith Charles I)., bndflnisher
144 Watson K, A., printor
148 Hildcr Albert
150 Brosnan Hugh .
154 Kelly Robert
156 MullcyA,
158-60 Enterprise Soap Works
B u r n e t t S t r e e t — E a s t side-
James 1o WelU street
Harvey Thomas, bootmaker
Bishop Georgo
Bieen John
Dcvlr Owen
Connors Frederick
Ellis Henry
Callagan Joseph, cab proprietor
Palmer C„ butcher
Thompson Alexander
Kennedy Henry
Brogdcn John T., ginger beer man*facturcr
Bellingham George, engine driver
Stammers K. J., painter
Dermody John K„ broommakcr
W e s t side
Moore Henry
Moore William, butehor
Epplcc George
Coombcr Thomas
Glover Clarence, carrier
Hinson Robert
Sheppcrson L.
Calder R o a d — S o u t h s i * ft
31 Ivii to Shepherd ttreet
Taylor Edward, storeman
Vcpior Peter
King William
Wilson Jonathan, constablo
Klauso Charles E.
Gilbert Frank
Maloncy Edward
Flint Henry, bootmaker
Phillips John
Well Robert
Wynn William
Bailey Walter
Rascoe William, engineer
Watson John W.
Roo William
Richardson J., printor
Burrows John, waggon builder
Campion Richard
Munro William, labourer
Merchant Charles
Sorrcll William F.
Toogood Henry
Barron Richard, cab proprietor
MoAuliffe John
Burton F.
Scalfo Hcn-y
Crouoh Williair
Ficldui Harry
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers <fe Eml)almers).185 George st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
N o r t h Bido
Sanders William, bricklayer
Gulder John
lioaden John
Osborne Henry
Garsldo John, carter
Morrison .lames
Dean Robert, plasterer
Gray Mrs. E.
Wills Henry, gardener
Lawn Mrs. C.
Cooper William
Hillard Alpha
Walker Frederick
Byrnes Henry
Ncwlands Mrs. Mary
Roblson Mrs. II.
Shells Isaac, stonemason
Weir Abraham
Taylor Mrs. M. A.
Arnold Henry
Froscr W, II., compositor
O'Farrcll Patrick, gas stokor
Bryant Mrs. J.
Kingdon Mrs. J.
Shoultz Mrs., grocer
Carolino Street—North side
102 Ereleigh to Abercrombie street
' 2 Lambert John, printer
4 Smith William
6 HaycH Roger
10 Holmes P., confectioner
Louts street
12 Bartholomew Thomas, grocer
14 Caughoy William, greengrocer
16 McMurtrlc William
18 Scott Mrs. M.
22 Douglas John, bootmaker
2i Waketield Thomas
26 Mills Roger
28 Hughes Henry, carpentor
30 Watkins Richard
32 Crook Joseph
84 Burns Robert W.
30 Seymour John, grocer
Hugo street
44 Phillips Samuel
46 Connolly Philip, travoller
60 Keano Mrs. C.
South side
1 Riley William II.
0 Douglas Mrs. II.
11 Shirloy William
13 Smith James
17 Tovoy Roberti plastoror
19 Loton Alfred
21 Adams Albert
23 CunliiTc Alfred J.
25 Garry James
27 Larkin Thomas
33 Glcdhill Charles
35 Ilourigan Daniel
37 Shea Charles E.
39 Anderson Frederick
41 Bell William
46 Parsons John
47 Hollins William
49 Davis James
.65 Brady Charles, bootmaker
67 Mullins M.
69 Foley John •
61 Ryan Jamos
65 Carton Thomas
09 Beaumont George W.
71 O'Connor John
75 Hawkc Tkomas M., plumber
77 Hayes Daniel
7!) Dargan Michael J., whitesmith
Lamb James
Glecson Mrs. E.
Bullivant Sidney
Ingham Simeon, tcntmakcr
Mason C , chimneysweep
Wardoll James
Oastleroagh Stroot—East s i d e
271 Cleveland to Boundary street
1 Perkins David
3 McKeown John
5 Gilcrson Mrs. Isabella
9 M'Loan Mrs. M.
11 Cunningham Mrs. Mary A.
13 Hall George, builder
15 Brodie Miss
19 Herald Alfred
21 Easton George
29 Conlon John, Crown bakory
31 Wiseman Henry P.
33 Gay K., teacher of French
41 Windclor Henry, broom manufacturer
43 Peach Robert A.
45 Carpenter Robert C, engineer
47 Langlon F. W\. surgeon
53 Prince G. W., confectioner
55 Dockscy Mrs. K.
57 Salmon Alexander
59 Wearing .loi-cph
61 Slurp James
63 CummingJohn
67 Poplo Edward
Poplo J, W. E., tcachor of music
73 Carbines Benjamin, draper
75 Peacock Charles, grocer
77 Heritor Joseph G.
70 Cranston Robert
81 Wilkinson John, fuel merchant
McMahon and Co.'s stables
85 Sydney Produce Co.
87 Johnston P., botttmakcr
lledfern street—Redfern Park
Hooper John, teacher
Dallas Georgo
Truclove Samuel
Self Arthur, butcher
Redfern street—Turner street
98 Shortland and Sons' stables
100 Dee David
Hunter John, boot fostory—E. L.
Wadlcy, manager
McMahon's stables
Parkview terrace—
10 Chapman Nicholas, clerk
0 Hunter D. R., produce merchant
8 Johnson Mrs. K.
7 Lrneh Thomas, gas stokor
0 Wright William
5 Slado John
4 Allcyno Douglas
3 Hill John, traveller
2 1'nlmor Rov. Charles (Baptist)
1 ltrcnnan Michael, grocer
Phillip street
Contro Stroot—East side
James to Cooper street
Ycomiins James
Kirk Edward
Falcon C.
Onllcy James
Humphries Robert, carter
Corn well Robert, carpenter
Devir CorneliiiB
Greer James
West sldo
2 Giles William, carpenter
4 doff W. J., painter
0 Hume David S.
12 Perry Henry
14 Marsh John
18 Copp Alfred
20 Smith William
22 Clark Matthew
W e s t sldo
24 Richards William
20 Tucker Alfred
2 Welch Mrs. E., storekeeper
28 Hamilton George
4 Bcsomo Signor P., phrenologist
Glover Charles, blaoksmlth
0 Garriok Georgo
10 Redfern Grammar School—Rev. J. C, 32 Ralston Thomas
12 Rofa Thomas E , financial agent
Ohelsea Street—North sldo
James street
14-10 Vaux James, butcher
14 Bawling to Burke street
10 Thompson Alexandor, shipwright
2 Kelly Michael, trainer
18 Williams J. II., engineer
0 Kavanagh Patrick
20 Gronow John, master mariner
8 Toovcy James W., ongincer
22 Lowe James, grocer and fuel mer- 10 Martin Mrs. Sarah
12 Clark Joseph
10 Ilogan Thomas
24 West Mrs. A.
48 Lcggo George A.
26 Porteous Robert
20 Stewart Tbomns
28 Assenheim I, J.
24 Hlnwood Robert, compositor
30 Hingston Richard
32 Sampson Henry
20 Shepherd William
28 Lyons Miss M„ grocer
34 Boss John
30 Thompson James, painter
30 Ryan Denis
32 Newland Christophor, mason
38-40 Steel Mrs. Maria, boardinghouso
34 Hayes George, cab proprietor
42 Henderson James
38 Moloney John, carter
44 Griffin Mrs. Jano
38 Enfield George
16 Saunders Otto
40 Osborno L.
48 Hinds Mrs. S.
44 Willis F., cab propriotcr
50 Bilton Richard
02 Wright, Heaton and Co., Limited, 46 Stewart William F., bootmaker
48 Steed Frederick C.
Stanley street
04 Brogdcn James
Brogdcn J. and J. T. (trading as
S o u t h side
William Starkcy),glngeroocr manufacturers
3 Talbot Georgo
76 Warburton Mrs. K., district registrar 5 Stownrt Thomas, training stables
Woolsack hotel—John Hlggins
7 Thompson Robert
. Veils street
0 Harland Thomas
11 Nestor Mrs. M.
80 Hartnctt Joseph
17 Morris Dennis
82 Major Robert
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers Ombalmers. 810 Geo. St. Scuih, Sydney r ^ v ^ S i T " *)
1G3 Thomson W. U., newsagent
106 Llewellyn William, clork
109 Floyd William
173 Mihod Alexander W.
175 Simpson Mrs. Margarot
177 McMinn John
179 Trotter John
181 Diddles IMwnrrt
itij Peel Alexander
187 WuttBWorth Frank, bootmaker
180 Pearson H. 11.
197 Moloney Mrs., grocer
19D Dunn i t , greengrocer
Cleveland Street
201 Craig and Altken, hairdressers
Ooiellng street to Darlington boundary 203 lluchan and Falkner, plumbers
207 Norfolk hotel—Adam Ueors
1 Duke of Clerelaudlintel—Eva Stebblngs
Walker street
3 Funics* J. II.
200 Hcdfern swimming baths
5 ilimvood John
211 James A., ham shop
9 Todd William
213 Diddle William, greengrocer
13 Palmer George, hatmukur
215 llolnel Victor, music teacher
IS Kills Richard
217 Mitchell Thomus, produce merchant
19 Hedgor D.
Hastlo Peter
21 Charlton Thomus A., conveyancer
223 Howard Mlchiicl
23 Edwards Mrs. A., confectioner
225 Wilson Charles
27 Wade Thomas, carpenter
227 Yeldham William
31 Humo Robert, currier
229 llhodes Charles
33 Bennett Alfred
231 Cullen John, buildor
35 Stanley l'atrlck, ,T.1\
233 Peploe It., ironmonger
37 Constablo W. It.
235 Young William, fruiterer
39 Graves Gcorgo D.
Porter Aloxandcr, bootmaker
41 Dye A., cricket batmakcr
Ilobbs Henry T , produoe merohant
43 Loobhcad Charles
45 Hastings Hugh
Elizabeth street
47 Manuel William E.
241 Surra Club hotel—Edwin Dowra
49 Wilson John, engineer
243 New York nnd Brooklyn tobacco fao
51 Lovott Thomas J.
tory—J, L. Salior, managor
53 NichollB John
215 Simmons Mr'. Mary
57 Williams Henry, engineer
Great Buckingham street
59 Thomas Mrs. E,
249 Mozoll Thomas, fruiterer
Stanley tlreel
251 McGuiro Peter, lishmongor
Jlonndary Stone inn—Ellen Ward
253 Miller Alfred
255 Askew Mrs. A.
llourke street
257 Whitfield l'otor It., woolbrokcr
(11 Clrrelnml inn—James T. Lyons
269 Hcaney John
05 Levy J., furnlturo dealer
205 Roberts C , lime merchant
07 Murphy F., confectioner
207 Kelly John N.
09 Duval A„ bootmaker
209 Wearing Joseph
71 Dray W. T„ fruiterer
Donald Willium, chemist
73 Jones M., hairdresser
Caitlereagh street
Stewart Thomas, 'bus proprietor
Mrs. E.
75 Stewart Thomas, produce merchant
91 Campbell and Hichards, butchors
275 Johnson Walter II.
9\ Coleman William C , ham shop
277 Benjamin Abraham
95 Jones J., bootmaker
270 Turner T. II., travellor
97-101 Smith II. V. and Co., drapers
Schott Albert B., photographor
llaptist street
283 Watson J. Wallace, surgeon
103 Kavonagh Joseph, grocer
285 McKinnnn George W., teacher
105 Dolun John, builder
291 Summers Mrs., dressmaker
107 Batgor John, jeweller
203 Roakcs William, commercial trnvoller,
113 Parsons James L., journalist
"Louisa villa"
115 -Walsh Mis. M.
Pitt street
117 Will! W. I).
119 South Sydney laundry—E, T. Lloyd 205 Goodwin Honry, waggon buildor
209 Yedwoph Emanuel, tailor
Marriott street
303 Palfroyman John K.
121 Full George, butcher
305 Huttcr ,1. C , J.P.. " Emmasleigh"
123 Bannister Benjamin, tobacconist
309 lirldgo John, wool merchant
126 Martin Charles, confectioner
311 O'Connor Hon. D., J.P., M.L.C.,
117 Horseman .lames
133 Wctluss William
313 Stedman James, confectioner
135 Barnes C. A. and Sons, carpontors
315 llichardson Harry
137 Moore Michael, plasterer
317 Hoskisson Mrs. E.
141 Mason A., saddler
321 Wcathorby J.
145 Uoolan Miss, confectioner
323 Fitzpatriek Charles, railway guard
147 Lewis 1)., hairdresser
325 Mclklejohn Mrs. Jane
Lewis D. and Sons, van proprlotors 327 Durham Martin, plumber and drainer
161 Lunn Mrs. Il„ draper
Morrison T., plumbor
Young street
Durham W., hairdresser
153 Clarke Thomas, butcher
George street
155 Anderson James, ironmonger
329 Morris John 11., coachpalntor
167 Barrett ltiohard, grcongrocor
331 Galloway Gcorgo
169 Stack Edward, grcengrooor
Congregational Church—Iter, Fred,
161 Denning It. II., carpenter
Chelsea street continued—
21 King Gcorgo '
27 Clifford Charles
31 Boulton William II., bakor
35 Cowdry Thomas
37 Glen Wilson, carpenter
39 Itadford John, signwrltor
41 O'Knofc D., fuel mereliant
46 Ross Tbomaa, plumber
47 Ucvlno Frank
333 Hicks lieurgo F.
335 Hutchinson Mrs. C. M., storekeeper
ISuHanumimj street
337 Mlllen Thomas, quarryman
341 Hives William
343 (luernsov Thomas, engineer
315 Sharp Mrs. It., saddler
347 Johnson J„ confectioner '
340 Wcrry Frank, bootmaker
351 J uleff J. and Son, Ucdfern Btovo worksRegent street—Woodbum street
Royal Standard hotel—J. L. Crimp
357 McCarthy James
359 Hodgson Henry, surveyor
301 Christie Thomas
303 Ephrnim J., confectioner
Ereleigh street
Conlln Miss Mary, grocer
Hewitt John, fuel merchant
Guy William J.
Christie 11., butoher
Hart street
393 Bowcll It., farrier
Aberrrombie street—Edward street
309 McCauloy D„ hide stores
403 Brien James, fronchpollsher
407 Honry Lucien
409 Taylor A. W.
411 Jones James
415 Blake William, carter
417 Casey John
419 Wlngan Adam, blacksmith
421 Eldrldge William
423 Taylor Edward
425 Ferguson Archibald
427 Daly John, carpenter
431 Martin Patrick
433 Horsfall George, clork
435 Penman Richard
437 Darwin James
439 Asplet Gcorgo. greengrocer
441 Solomon Mrs. J.
443 Clark William
445 Hamilton Henry
453 Everest John
455 Wilson Mrs. E , dressmaker
459 Small Thomas, fuel merchant
403 Sweeney Alexander
407 Britannia hotel—Patrick Brodcriek
{For remainder, see city streets and
Godrlngton Street
Vilson street to Darlington boundary
Abercninbie street
Shcohan Mrs. Margarot
Firth Peter J., paper box factory
Bent Oharlos, engineer
Scott Adam, moulder
Cooper Street—North side
From Marriott to Elisabeth street
Flowers Frcdorlck, painter
Watkins Charles
Goold A. 'P., grocer
Toung street
Can tell Charles
Trueman Christopher, cooper
young 1ane—\forehead street
McKay George, fuel merchant
Walker street
Harper A., greengrocer
King Francis, greengrocer
Centre street
Cook It.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-si. West, Sydney.
Tel. .632.
South side
Kensington terrace—
8 Butcher Edward A.
7 Bushell David II,
6 Dolbridge Arthur, marble mason
4 Watson Lemuel, bootmaker
2 Birks George, carter
1 Bradney Thomas A.
17 King Albert J., brassflnisher
10 Kerr Andrew, engineer
21 O'.Shen William, carter
Young street
1 Crcef George, potter
3 Buckley Simon, dray proprietor
5 Stono James, cab proprietor
7 Smith .Tunics, carter
9 Hayes David, saddlor
11 Allen William, cab proprietor
15 West W.
19 Wllcocks Mrs. E. J.
Morehead street
19 Webber Charles F., butcher
21 Mcars ,T.
23 Bock Frederick
2B Henry G. S.
29 Roberts David, stonemason
Victoria street—Walter street
Horning Star hotel—John Prior
31 O'Connell Patrick
33 Martin John, bootmaker
85 Read Alfred
37 Hayes Thomas, engineer
Gornwallis Stroet—East sldo
43 Mat ion to Boundary street
Darke Henry, painter
Benham Joseph
Lord Mrs. Mary
Mackey Thomas
Driscoll James
Firbank John II.
Moller o.. paintor
Pickford George
Margaret street
19 Johnson George
21 Taylor W. E.
27 Higgins James
31 McDonald Henry
33 Whallcy Charles
37 Allen Alfred T.
43 Skiddlns James
45 O'Neill Maurice
47 Hamey Timothy
49 Burgiss John
51 Humphry William, plasterer
51 Elford John
57 Buckland James
West side
Hnyes Jnmcs
Jones Joseph
Meyer Joseph
Thompson CharlcB
King William
Margaret street
Duncan David
Green William R., carpenter
Peel H.
Danes Arthur, baskctmaker
Milroy Thomas
Smith William T.
Allen Mrs. U., midwife
McNeill William
Douglas Stroet—East Bide
Turner to Boundary street
Hunter John, hoot manufacturer
21 Brown Michael
23 Foster Robert
Douglas John II., painter
Scully Danlol
Brown John
Pilling Henry
Cox George A.
Williams John
Pallett John, bootmaker
Bryant James
Green J. T.
Morrison Robert
Hurt Henry
Casey Edward, saddler
Morandcr William
Burne William
Mix James
W e s t Bldo
East street
llallinan John
O'Brien Thomas
Archlnal Henry A. •
Hardgo Joseph
Salisbury Jnmcs
Bnurko Mlchuol, bootmaker
Nicol Richard C.
Tarvits William
Herbert William, bootmaker
McLaren Thomas, bootmaker
Soarl Arthur, bootmaker
Relph Arthur
James Charles E.
Kramer Phillip
Clifford Richard, oarrlor
Pollan George, constablo
Lewis Samuel, baker
Ulcknell Arthur
Bnylis lilias, wheelwright
Dowling Streot
Cleveland street to Waterloo boundary
4 Dunn CkrlBtophcr
6 Dearin Thomas II., fuel morchant
10 8andon Henry, draper
12 Elder James, litho printor
14 McMillan William
Chelsea street
16 Stewart Thomas, wool mereliant
20 Martin Sirs. II.
22 Abrahams Lionel
24 Thompson John
Mount street
38 Rudd Frank
Thurlow street
40 Grlco Charles C , compositor
48 Allen Walter
50 Mooro Park University College—E. J
60 Greenwood Gcorgo, solicitor
02 Bears George
04 Turner Frederick
Maddison street
78 Powell Arthur, photographer
86 Richard Thomas, tailor
88 Fulton John
DO Doylo Daniel
02 Hannam Gcorgo
96 Keating Patrick
East Street—North sldo
Douglas to Pitt street
2 Newell Henry
2J Bridge William, butcher
4 Tombs George
6 Chignell John
8 Taylor Edward B.
10 Evans Mrs. E.
12 Bedford.David
14 Roberts Thomas R.
16 Waldcr John
S o u t h Bldo
5 Ralph James
9 O'llrlon Michncl
Edward Lano (now callod VineLane)
Edward Lane (now oallod Lander
Edward Streot (now called Lander
Edward Stroot—East sldo
Vine street to Ivy lane
7 Williams Mrs. E.
9 Nyo Samnol
11 Farley Jamoa
15 Peters Mrs. J.
17 Seeds James, tcaohor of dancing
23 Tallentiro William, carpenter
25 Nowing Thomas II., constablo
27 Dunning William J„ coachmakor
29 Orr John
31 Rlgg George, carpontor
33 Rogors .Mrs. Mary J.
35 Fish Oscar, clerk
37 Hutton John, clerk
39 Kay Robert
41 Smith Ilcnrv 'P., railway guard
15 Day Thomas, boot manufacturer
47 Tyler Henry
51 Rlpp Henry, engineer
63 Wilson Thomas, englnoer
55 Bronnnn Mrs.
59 Knnaar Louis
01 Brook Mrs. M. A.
63 Atkins William
71 Wbtto James
73 l'idgcon James, boilormakcr
75 Cusnck Mrs. C.
77 .Vesbitt Mrs. It.
81-83 Gllbcrd II. and Co., painters-.
W e s t side
Vaughan Thomas, constablo
Cdlquhoun John
Perry George
Kerridgc John, coachtrimmcr
Ward George
Rosen Samuel, bootmaker
Crows John II.
Mooney Arthur
Tythcrleigh JBIUOB
Murray John, stonemason
Barker Alfred, cabinctmakcrNelson William
Hamilton Mrs. O.
Allen Alexander, mouldor
Wllbow Mrs. E.
Rohan Alexnndor
Duffy Wm.. sawyor
Boroy Mrs. J. A.
Hayes Thomas
Rcnn Michael
Williams John, plumber
Carbary l'otor J.
Clincs J., cngincdrivor
Ryan Androw
lllackborough Mrs. II
Smith Robert, contractor
Stride Mrs. S.
Ridley James
Anglim Thomas
Sexton John
Curry L., greengrocer
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney Cbl"wXS'gr.'"^!!curoU *)•
E l i z a b e t h Struct—Ernst s i d e
232 Cleveland to Boundary street
1-3 Gcraghty Conncll, builder
S Bourke Michael, carpenter
7 llrcen Mrs. Kuto
13 Uillott George
15 Casey John
21 Ueraharty Patrick
23 Weeks Mrs. A.
25 Walto E.
-27 Clifford Henry
20 Wilkinson Edward, tailor
31 Mann K. J.
33 Young Samuol
35 MltchollJamss
37 Parker William
39 Walker Francis, compositor
41 Barnes William, constable
43 McAtamny Johri
45 McNaughton .lames
47 Lyons Frederick, compositor
49 Trevor Philip, tailor
81 Faulkner Joseph,
Coopir street
55 Hughes Henry
59 Wilkinson Mrs. A., dressmaker
ill Patterson George, tobacconist
03 Whlto David
05 Redforn Labour League
07 Ahem Cornelius, carpsntor
CD O'Donnell Michael
C9J Hart Ernest
70 Jacob Michael, teacher
71 Bamford Frederick
73 Yeldham G. H.. produco merchant
77 Crimson John, contractor
79 Mltchclson Percy, clerk
81} Wallace Thomas H.
87 Bell Charles, engineer
87J Tandy John W,, Ironmonger
89 Dadour A., indent agent
01 Nott George F.. plumber
93 Mltchclson Charles
07 Murkutt Alfred, chnlrmaker
09 Maxwell John
101 shechan Daniel
103 Kearoy Wi'llauis
105 Sampson Thomas
107 Service James
100 Olloronshnw Thomas, carpenter
111 Crouch James
115 O'Brien Timothy
117 Abcll Arthur 11., grocer
lletlf> rn street
121 Albert hotel—William Guttrldge
123 Malouf George, draper
125 Hudson S., saddler
120 Jennings Robert, tobacconist
131 Jennings George
133 Jennings William L., greengrocer
137 Lamb G., news agent
143 Dan George, draper
147 Watson George
149 Hull Joseph
151 Dlgby Thomas W.
153 Baskervillc Henry, snddlor
155 LehyMis. P.
157 Wilson Alexander, packor
160 Australian Kitten hotel—M. Cody
Kettle ttreet
105 Boobycr Mrs. II., storekeeper
177 Ilakin George, bootmaker
170 Clark George, fishmonger
187 Buckham Mrs. G. W., frultcror
189 Mulouf M. G., draper
105 Hyslop Robot C. bootshop
.201 Puckering E. L., draper
203 Knudson Christian, watchmaker
211 Kelly M., grocer
213 Nunn 1'.. tobacconist
215 Kelly M.. ironmonger
210 Lope/. Thomas, confectioner
230 Sone A. T., chemist
W e s t side
4 Rcimann C, hairdresser
Jonei street
8 Graff Alexander, pawnbroker
10J Wood George, bootmaker
12 Sandles C. W., grocer
14 Cooper Mrs. W. H.
16 WalMcr S„ tentmaker
18 Boot Trade Co-oiiaratlvc Society of
N.S.W., Ld.
20 Patten F. O., marble mason
Catholio Apostolic Church
22 Louden A., boot factory
32 Jacob M., confectionor
40-12 Robei ts .Mrs. E., rostaurant
44 Pennell Frederick, sttaw hat manufacturer
48 Power Michael
Hordcrn A. aud Sons' stables—Michael
Power in charge
Griffin James
Mick Simmons' stables
Slado Joseph
The Commercial Banking Co. of
Sydnoy, Limited—Joseph Slado
llvlfern street
Evoloigh Stroot—East sldo
Cleveland to Wilson street
Sellers Joseph
Robinson Mrs. M.
Ridley Mrs. J., sen.
Dennett Charles
Williams John, plumber
Lawlcr Thomas, saddler
Mcader Edward, van proprietor
CittUn Henry
Smith William G., grocer
South Samuel
Dclancy Richard
McNamara J. J., fireman
Clark William
Burgess Joseph
Wark Robert •
Halilen street
03 Smith John E.
05 Holdstock George
07 Oxenham William
09 Durrant Mrs. Mary
71 Strange Edward, bootmaker
73 Ormiston Sydnoy
75 Adams Mrs. E.
77 May George
79 llcnry Frederick, agent
81 Robertson Peter
83 Whlto Frederick, bricklayer
85 King Follct G., blacksmith
87 Walker James, cnglncdrivor
89 HughcB Samuel, storcman
91 Sullivan Patrick
03 Bailoy Mrs. Ellon
95 Ilickey Michael
97 MInter Joseph
09 Lees William, turner
101 Murphy Jeremiah
103 Lovo James, bollcrmaker
105 Inglls William J.
10J Gtannard William A., bricklayer
100 Holmes Thomas
115 Langly Alfred, bootmaker
119 Springhalt Ernest J., cordial maker
121 Mclvor James
123 Dowling George, cab proprietor
125 Worrall Joseph, bootmaker
127 Preston T., bootmaker
Weill street
120 Johnson Cornelius P.
131 Glbb Henry, plumber
135 Stewart Alexander, ironworker
French James
Millcy Edward
Hogan John
Connor Richard, bootmaker
Wulker Alfred
Proudlcy John
Triggs Mark
Matthews Charles
Bland .Matthew
Matthews John
Larkln John
W e s t sido
Bergin Mrs. J.
Meagan Patrick
Payne George
Pullcn William, bootmaker
White Miss Elizabeth
Donovan Richard
Johnson James
Martin Alexander, bakor
Ross John, stonemason
Beard Edward
Clcary William
St. Paul's (tr. of h.) mission room
JfHilton street.
32 Carey Michael
34 Brearly L., fuel merchant
Vine street
30 Taylor James, grocer
38 Dullard Henry, baker
McFarlanc James
40 Campbell Janes
42 Foston William
44 Richio Walter, fireman
40 Ilazelbusli Frederick
52 Holt Nicholas
50 Pratt Edward
58 Douglas Charles
00 Melnckc Lewis
02 Wright William
04 McNnmara Francis
00 Toms Edmund, builder
70 llaffcrty Matthias
Connolly William J.
72 Raymond George II,
74 Sinclair John, cngincdrlver
70 Wilkinson Thomas W., storeman
78 Sheridan Henry
80 Cavanough James
82 Elliott John, slater
80 Molloy Frodorick
88 Mason William, compositor
00 Hourlgan James
02 Ilickey John
94 Newton William
96 Hansen Miss
Smith Mrs. Percy, teacher of music
98 Ilazelbusli Robert
102 Nixon George, butcher
Caroline street
101 Callanan John, grocer
106 Shuto George, carpenter
108 Elliott John
114 Becket John
Wills street
120 Thomson A„ ironfonnder
130 Clarke Willium, machinist
132 Collins William
134 Whitehall- Frederick C.
130 Fuller Charles
140 Roachc Jarrctt
142 Nicholas Frederick, tailor
144 Reynolds Thomas, compositor
148. Langrish W., confectioner
150 Jones Thomas
150 Jones Thomas
152 Farley Mrs. M. A.
154 Goodman Henry
15G*.Dodds James, cngincdrlver
158 McDougnll Mrs. Jano
100 GlbbH, G.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Emrjalmera, 186 George-st. West, Sydney. TeL 632.
102 Young James, bootmaker
104 Pitt Mrs. M.
160 Davison Samuel
F o r b e s S t r e e t — E a s t sldo
Darlington boundary—Wilson street
5 Sheehan John
7 O'Connell Mrs. Ellen
9 Farquhar Miss C.
11 Jackson Charles, cngincdrlver
17 Willis John, mining managor
21 Horn John, Ironmonger
25 Parker Edwin, plumber
29 Thompson William O.
31 McNamara John
23 Scllmer Henry
35 Leo Frederick, cnginedrlvor
37 MelvilloJames
Irory's Family hotel—Charles Ivory
(H'eil title—set Neietoitn)
G e o r g e S t r e e t — E a s t sldo
327 Cleielnntl street to boundary
1 Wauhop Joshua
S Harris James, railway guard
7 Elliott David slater
9 Slec Mrs. J„ boardlnghousc
11 Jones David, patternmaker
James street
18 O'Rogan Rev. Richard (U.C.)
15 Broughton Mrs. R.
10 Proctor James, engineer
21 Charlwood Samuel, tinsmith
23 Taylor John N., Ironmouldcr
25-27 Taylor and Wearing, lronfoundcrs
20 Dixon Albert E.
31 Hall A. G., watchman
33 Craig Mrs. A., bourdlnghouBC
35 Ellis Judah, tailor
37 Cumraerford J.
3U Walton R., stationer
41 Drew Thomas O.
43 Wadlcy P. E.
Stirling street
45 Brooks Joseph
47 Davis Henry, butcher
49 Lane Andrew
53 Yates George, bootmaker
55 Coombcs Brothers, grocers
57 Edwards Mrs. E.
59 Bambor Mrs. M.
Short street
61 Wood Mrs. P.
67 Tho Patrician Brothers
69 Robinson Mrs. M.
73 Weathorspoon and Harvey, modoUcrs
77 Howarth Robert
79 Howarth Sheiihord
83 Purnell Mrs. E., music teacher
85 Williams Robert
87 Nisbett Mrs. M.
Wells street
McMahon and Co., carriers, stablos
lied/em street
Moyse Henry, post nnd telegraph
master, ltcdfcrn
103 Clarkson George T., compositor
Mltohison A. W.
105 Mahon Lewis
107 Heather James H.
109 Schneider Joseph, bootmaker
111 Wells Mrs. F.
Turner street
Rcdfern Police Court—William Carson, O. P.S.; A. H. Parkcs, assistant
C.P.8.; Edmund Lawless, inspector
of police
115 Drewo John A. L'., compositor
117 Bosnian Robert
Johnson Benjamin
Solomons James, compositor
Elliott David
Gilroy Henry
Thane Richard, van proprietor
Stewart William
Bartlott Alfred G., carter
Franklin Thomas E., carter
Westacott John
Waddcll Mrs.
Donovan .Mrs. C.
Albert street
141 Shaw Richard
143 O'Donnell Miss, costumier
145 Sherlock Thomas H.
140 Lupton W.
151 Bailey William
159 Logan George W., builder
101 Rouw Arthur P.
165 Harding Henry
167 White Michael, bootmaker
109 Sband John, produce dealer
171 Train Joseph, marble merchant
173 Robinson Mrs. Emily
175 O'Brien John
177 Borthwlck Aloxandcr
170 Hickson R. A.
181 Parr Itcv. Luko (C. of E.)
18.1 Moses George
185 Yaughan Henry, miller
Hudson George, " Clydo houso"
(Waterloo boundary)
West sldo
Cangrrgntoaul hid I and schoolroom
2 Grant Mr». A., coatiiinler
4 Hntten .I nines
0 McCoimiick John, grocer
8 Dowswcll William, bootmaker
10 Gilroy J., bulldor
14 Jones Miss A.
10 Oram Mrs. I'.., grocor
James street
18 Sullivan Philip H„ solicitor
32 Daker G., painter
34 McUuirc Barnard
30 Moss Mrs. Jano
38 Toolo Thomas
40 Lurnschy Joseph
42 Charlwood Arthur
40 Gilbert Charles, coachpaintcr
48 Doyle Richard
50 King Mrs. J;
52 Cummins Mrs Mary
58 Star hotel—Jehu Schumacher
GO Cummins Mrs. Margaret
02 Ferguson James, grocer
G4 Woodbridgo James
68 Dalev Bartholomew
70 Shaw William
72 Quade Daniel
74 Wales Alfred
70 Taylor Michael
Off 78—Spencer Charles, stonemason
80 Whlto F. W.
84 Woods Mrs. \V
80 Burton Mark, baker
04 Lcfcbrc Georgo
96 Hughes Mrs. B.
Weill street
100 Imperial hotel—Richard Friend
110 Cook William C.
112 Irwin John
116 Mcrriman William
118 Hill Edmund, constable
120 Ferguson Mrs. P.
122 Carter John
124 Cromwoll H., solicitor
1'ost Office hotel—Harriet Graham
lied fern street
126 Court House hotel—Norah Mclnornoy
128 Dick J. G., bootmaker
Coed Francis
Burke Robert
McKonna Miss, dressmaker
Morrison John
Blundcn E. 11.
146 Morales Peter F.
148 Robinson Mrs. J., storekeeper
158 Tamsott James E.
100 Blake Mrs. L.
166 Clutton James, bricklayer
108 Steel Mrs. F,
172 Mlllor Alexander
174 Lucas Charlos J.
174} Saunders George, enginoor
170 Arnold Mrs. Elizabeth
180 Barr Hugh, carpenter
182 Dowdall Win., baker
184 Moore Arthur
188 Quolch tt'm. E , constable
100 McGralh James
102 Rugg James F., com. traveller
194 Hinchclill'e Mrs. Sarah
100 MoFio William
198 Androw George, jim,, builder
Redforn PublioSohool—James Walsh,,
Gibbons Lane
Man/arel to Boundary street
Ilcaley William
Off I'oy's housei—
1 Harwood George
Wassail Joseph, carpenter
G i b b o n s S t r o e t — W e s t side.
Marian to Boundary ttreet
Cowcll Thomas
Stansell James
Lennox William H., dcalor
Marian ttreet
Coulter Alexander, dealer
Stovens Richard
Margaret ttreet
East side
Marian street
25 Walker C , butcher
27 PIckard Mrs. Mary
29 Gorman Edward
31 Curtain A.
33 Wallace J.
35 Dickenson Cecil
Margaret street
37 Carlow William
30 Ewing John
43 Holden James
45 Ellis Thomas 11., upholsterer
47 Kennedy John
51 Moore Charles H,, van proprietor
57 Sccdman J.
G5 Sparks T. W., plumber
09 Skinner John
75 Bronnan James, blacksmith
Wood Mrs. Emma
Golden Grove Street—South s l d o
Darlington boundary to IVilion street
4 Hughes William
0 Brewster Peter M.
8 Ylncent Alfred
10 Hendry John, telegraph lino repairer
12 Harris Henry, carpet planner
St. Kclran's Pnhllo Pchool (R.O.)—
Sisters of Mercy
18 Crouch William II., clerk
22 Roylo John A.
24 Glover John
28 Plummer Edwin
WOOD & COMPAA^Undertakers <fe EmMmers, 810 Geo. St South, Sydney (^ u X^n£!ir h *>
54 Barnos Mrs J .
72 Boyd Gcorgo
04 Walker Mrs. E. J.
70 Clements Dominic, clerk
60 Bubb Mrs. E.
78 Coupe William, tinBmith
08 Walsh Mrs. 1).
80 Levi .Mrs, C.
70 Davis George, plumber
82 Robertson John E,
72 Wall Daniel
80 Henderson Mrs. M
74 Dwyer Thomas
90 Moodic William, buildpr
711 Shields John
92 Loon Septimus
78 Coghlan Thomas, plasterer
04 Hutton Mrs. E.
80 Wilkinson Edward, painter
•Groat B u c k i n g h a m S t r e e t — E a s t 96 Johns W. B„ builder
100 Cranney Michael
102 Brodcrlck Joseph, sonlor sergeant of
£51 Cleveland to Jtcd/crn itreet
Ivy L a n e
) Stevenson Mrs. K.
104' Brown Harvey G.
3 Crannoy Matthew
Abercrombt streit to Darlington boundary
100 Solomon Samuel
5 Tipper Allen
1 Scarlo Henry
108 Dalv Henrv
11 Broadbent Alfred
2 Gribbcn Hugh
13 Harvey Frank, plumber
4 White William, baker
15 Ludwlg Frcdeilck
Hart Street
17 Moloney Thomas J., importer
19 Murphy Arthur, oaintor
375 Cleveland to Hudson street
Ivy Street—North side
1 Stevenson Samuol
23 Tucker William, butcher
Darlington boun-lary to Wilton Itreet
7 Abrahams Thomas
25 Clarke Thomas, butcher
9 Fisher James
08 Kor G. D.. grocer
27 Doy e Bartle, collector
11 Williams John
90 Balnea Joshua
50 Dobbins Mrs. C.
13 MoDormot Edward
91 Rogers Thomus
31 Orccn Walter
15 Newman George
92 Hamilton James, cab proprietor
83 Kosenbaun William, carpenter
17 Parsons John
90 Dent David, dairyman
F'arr Juraes
19 Bell Frederick
88 Inglis Thomas, ironmoulder
35 AUBttnJnmcs
21 Ash Thomas
80 O'Connor John
37 Jackson Geo gc H.
Hies Charles
41 Middleton William, engineer
82 RoBcbridge Thomas, cab proprietor
43 English John, draper
Hold'm S t r e e t
78 McFarland Robert, carrier
45 Kelly John, draper
SI Eveleigli street to Railway line
72 Rcdalli V„ organ maker
49 O'Brion, Edward
08 Goibracht Herman, traveller
1 Bright Frederick, engineer
51 Gray II., builder
Smith JumcB, cabinotmakor
Ilordern Anthony and Sons, turnlturo 3 Lambert Henry
64 Wile .x J.
4 Hall Henry
GO Hillman Charles, milk vendor
07 Scott Thomns, conBtablo
58 Burgess John, grocer
89 Thomas Henry A.
50 Scowen Alfred
71 Sheldon J. A.
54 Corrigan James
Ahercrombte to Eveleigli street
73 Locke J. 11., builder
Whilcy Geoigo, carter
75 Hicky James, engineer
Grainger Allen
50 Sharman Richard, cab proprietor
77 Blown FrntOR
Molvor Hugh
Bnrcombo Thomas
79 Giltinan Henry, tcachet of dancing
Williams James
42 Buidott Daniel
83 Sharp W. II.
40 Scoullcr G.. draper
85 Gray David, engineer
39 Teapo Miss Kate, dressmaker
b7 King William, cordial maker
Cootes George, confectioner
91 Marvesly Mrs.M.
31 DovinoJohn
Vine to Caroline street
93 Gilligan Thomas, miner
Luke, carter
97 Hartlgan Miehacl
5 Child John, bootmaker
30 Smith William, brlckmouldcr
99 Leslie Alfred J.
15 Ashcroft Henry
28 Nlmmo James
101 Horley Charles
17 Cootes William
26 Burdett Daniel
liedfern lane
19 Brccn Joseph
24 Smith James, carpentor
21 Pond Alfred
McNamara J. J.
West side
27 Field William D., plumber
Malonoy William, shipwright
45 Keating Richard
2 Kennedy William
18 Anderson Mrs. M.
47 Lawler Michael
4 Hinds J., driver
14 Sherur George W,, jeweller
49 Smith George
0 Carroll Peter J.
12 Gallahcr Hugh
59 Flemmlng William
8 Best Alfred, carpenter
10 Shcrar George J., bollcrmakcr
01 Larkin John, bootmaker
10 Campbell Mrs. C, boardinghouso
8 Mabood William, van proprietor
03 GittinB Henry
12 McNamara John
0 Barnard Gcorgo, auctioneer
65 Manstlcld John 11.
14 Milne Mrs. It. F.
Abercrombte street
07 Mcrcor Saul
10 Kirby S. J., bookseller
09 Bunch Patrick
20 DavlcsMrs.
South side
22 Aloxander G., chiropodist
West side
59 Romcy A. J., butcher
24 Fiermont. II. S„ commission agent
57 Flynn Henry
20 McDonald Lachlan
4 Foster Mrs. O.
55 Balmarcs Titus
28 Feel James, accountant
6 Casey John, tram conductor
53 O'Connell Michael
30 Stcdman George, confectioner
8 Christie Kobort A., butclior
51 Collins James
32 Little Mrs., musio teacher
10 Perkins W„ chimney sweep
Duxbury Andrew, contractor
34 MoGinty E., boot manufacturer
12 Christie Robert
47 McFnrlnnc John
30 Rowc Henry, master mariner
14 Jones Arthur
43 Mooro Mrs. Catherine
411 Hunt Mrs. E.
16 DonohucJolin
41 McNamara 'William, saddler
44 MeN'amara John
18 Itcardon Samuel, coaohpainlor
39 Roberts W. J,
48 JoncB William, teacher
20 Kelly George
37 Gardiner Edward J.
50 Wiles W. F., engineer
22 Blunt George, engineer
35 Hcydon Gcorgo T.
• 52 Lloyd William 11., carpenter
32 Gray Thomas
33 Oxonham James
56 Walsh Mrs. Anna
30 Matthews M. "
31 Ferguson Brothers, butchors
58 Elliott Miss Margaret
33 Davis A.
60 Spratt James, letter-sorter
40 Mills Mrs. M., storekeeper
Colder road
62 McClelland Thomas U.
42 O'Dca Michael, constable
20 Fahcy J. J., grocer
04 Lumsdcn John, draper
44 Hcnncssy Joseph
27 Davey William R.
60 Hilder Mrs. II.
46 Hinson SykcB, tinsmith
25 Murphy John, van proprietor
(IS T.e Gcorgo
52 Scanlon T., wheelwright
23 Kirkpatrlck James, painter
-Golden Grove street continued—
North side
1 Bryant Charles
SO Houston James
32 Byrne Charles It.
34 Jonos Robert, shipwright
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & EmMmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney.
Teh 632.
Lander Lane
Elliott Frederick, draper and grocer
McArdle John
Malonoy Michaol
Tigram George, baker
Edward street—Abererombie street
9 McKlnnon D„ greengrocer
7 Hutchinson Christopher
5 McKlnnon John
3 Langston Daniel
7 Shepherd street to Boundary lane
Gorrcll E. A., dairykcepcr
Fleming Hugh, cab proprietor
Lander Street—North sido
Ivy street ro Darlington boundary
2 Hannaford Henry, carrier
James Street—North side
4 McDonnell Robert, tailor
0 O'Cunnor Timothy, cab proprietor
4 Young to Regent street
8 Meagher P.
Elisabeth street—Castlereagh itreet
10 Miller John C.
Sailer J. Ed. and Co., Importers of 18 Roger .Mrs. C , grocer
plumbers' materials, gnsflttcrs
20 Simmons Robert, carpentor
I'll! street—George street
28 Garrihy John
30 Clifton Mrs. M.
24 Scott Frank
20 Burke Arthur J.
82 Egan William
28 Hcnncss A. G.
84 Walsh Thomas, bootmaker
30 Jacobs Samuel
llullanaming street
34 Skucs William
30 Bird Mrs. M.
36 Andrews William
40 McElhono John, cab proprietor
42 Murtio Martin
44 Murrissey Thomas, cab proprietor
S o u t h side
40 Turple J.
Bull Gcorgo
48 Earls William
Fox Michael
52 Kennedy William
Uorehead itreet—Walker street—Elisabeth 54 Smith James
street—Great Buckingham street—
•Shepherd street
Castlereagh street
55-60 Crawley E., coachbuildor
I Carson Aloxander
02 Hnrt Charles, tnllor
7 Chapman Gcorgo
64 McArdell Joseph •
II Brnyson James, stonemason
70 Blake William
11 Mogg Edward
72 Ripp David 11., van proprietor
13 Whitehead William
Burnell street—l'itt street—William street 78 Stcdman Mrs. Marie
Flight John A., engineer
George street—Bullannming street
82 Osborne George
84 l'itt Mrs. A.
80 Kelly Frank
Kepos Street—East side
' 2
Telopia to Xamia street
Power William
Purccll John, boetmakcr
Cnrroll J.
Rcnwlck Thomas
Baynes James
Bogey William
Harrison Edward, carriage builder
Qulnn Hugh
Ryan Hugh, bootmaker
Garvey James
W e s t side
Barnflcld William, licensed drainer
Thome R. J.
Taylor William
Webber R.
Purccll Mrs. Ann
Wren Bernard
Winkle Patrick
Flanagan Martin
Matheson Kenneth
Smith John, railway guard
Stevenson William
Kettle Street
Off 110 Morehead to Elisabeth street
2 Leo George
A Mallet Walter, blacksmith
6 Moss Mrs. B.
Walker street
10 Pooock Frederick, coachsmith
12 Hunter Edward
14 Prior William
16 Laws Sydney
18 McEwan Joseph
Powchcc William
S o u t h side
Louis Street—East side
11 Vine to Caroline street
1 Mooro William, dealer
3 Thompson Frederick
5 Watson Edward
9 Turtle William
11 McCabj John
15 Marr Robert
17 Andrew William G.
19 Sheridan Michiel
25 Arralur John
27 O'Cannor Michael
2» Waterman William
31 Mnrshall Matthew J„ tinsmith
33 Jacobsen .1.
37 Wardrobe John
39 B^ncckc John
41 Clay A. W.
43 Can- William
45 Brennan Patrick
47 Southov Charles
49 White William J.
51 Dale Daniel, engineer
53 WhittakerS.
55 O'DonnellMrs. M.
57 Hnssett Michael, carpenter
59 Dunn J. W., blacksmith
C l e v e l a n d S t r e e t — N o r t h 52
Chelsea to Stanley street
Regan Mrs. Catherine
Farley Patrick M.
Bartlett Charles
Smith William II.
Motherstone Walter
Seymour Mrs E.
Smith JamcB, olectroplatcr
Cameron A., saddler
Conn Samuel, butcher
Cox Edward
Wilson, Pechter and Co., boot factory
SnowHako Soapworks
Lyons and Richards, plumbers
Ahcarn William, baker
Chapman George, engineer
Andrews II.
Lane Alexander, painter
Enfield MrB.
Gardiner Mrs. S. A.
Miller Sdincy
Patterson MIBB
Little Young Street
James to Cooper street
McLeod John
Martin Arthur
Lnwler Joseph
Hughes Harry
Wost side
Thomas Mrs. Ann
Linsell Harry, photographer
Donald J., carpenter
Lewis C. J.
Matthews Frederick
Dillon Mrs. Ellen
Connolly Thomas
Cooncv Daniel
Pratt Anthony
llurgiss Mrs. .!•
Holly John
Hodson Harry, bootmaker
MUlett Charles
O'Neill CharlcB
O'Connor Edward
Howard James, carpenter
Harper Thomas
Muhoncy John
Maddison Street—North sido
llourke to Voiding street
38 O' linen JoBcph A.
30 Williams W. II., enginodrlvor
34 Booty Philip, nccountant
30 Lewis Horry
28 Fisher William T., painter
26 Curlev Timothy
24 Cornwall William, engineer
24 Dixon Andrew 11.
S o u t h sido
Little Edward
Pitt Isaac
Lindbcrg C. J.
Marictto Ernest
Margaret S t r e e t — S o u t h sido
164 Regent street to Railway line
Donegal John, bootttnlsher
Robinson James
North side
4 Barge August, engineer
6 Farrar George
8 Dwyer John
10 Jones James II., gardener
12 Gray George, butcher
14 Kelly Patrick
Gibbons itreet—Rose/till street—Cormeallit
between Christ Church I:\
Saving! Hunk.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney ('
Harlan Street—North side
Kensington terrace.—
3 Knox James
10 Newland C, storeman
2 Elford Arthur
140 llegent street to Moon street
1 PiggottJohn
Chase Samuel
Chester MIBB Ann, grocer
Berwick A., furrier
7 Ford Charles
123 Liwrcnco Charles, cab proprietor
8 Rushton Charles
5 Sellers Matthew
125 Mizon Miss Caroline
Gibbons street
4 Busbcll Joseph
1S9 Urassil Patrick
12 Pratt Mrs. K.
2 Harpham Frank, grocer
135$ Mcintosh John
14 .McDonald Hugh
1 Caldwell James
137} Marshall Charles
18 Hughes Daniel
Telopea street
139 MoAUster Joseph
20 liuftnn Edwin
Stone Mrs. II.
141 Lewis Robert W.
22 Jones William
Inchgrouer terrace—
143 Rcid William C.
liosehill street
145 Douglas George, railway guard
9 Smith I'crcy
28 Franklin Frank, 'bus proprietor
147 Smith .Miss F. L.
8 Hitchis William
SO Coleman Charles, carpenter
149 Watson A.
G Kimuiins II. J.
32 Held Henry
151 Itobson James
5 Thorpe George, grocer
34 Wilklns George, tngincdrivcr
153 Holland II.
4 O'Brien Mrs. E.
311 Tubbenhauer C. E.
153} Matthews Lambort
3 O'Donnell Thomas
38 Firkin John 11. ^ O s ~
155 Lawrence Thomas
1 Gray John, compositor
40 Bryant William
157 Walker W.
Xamia street
42 Dickson Mrs. J.
169 Bird Mrs. Mary A.
44 Lane William
103 Steed George, coachpalntcr
46 Hack John
Scott Robert
Moon stroot
107 Smith Edward, saddler
49 Marian street to railway line
South Bide
1G9 Shanley Francis J., salesman.
171 Campion T. I , painter
3 King William T., dealer
173 Johnstone Edmund C.
S Reddan James
Morehoad Street—East sido
177 Hngcn Denis
7 Qulnn William, storekeeper
179 Olnn Edward W.
James to Phillip street
Phillip street
Gibbons strict
1 Purcoll.John
0 Murray James, mason
S Young William
13 KavanaghJohn
5 Laws William, blacksmith
Murray A. 8.
15 Lee James
7 Hutchinson William
19 Davis John
9 Feenoy Edmund
23 Ikln Mrs. K., irroccr
2} Lancaster Francis
11 McKnight Wlllium
25 Whatey John, dealer
4 Smith Robert, bootmakor
13 Young Edward .
liosehill street
15 Blssctt Thomas, engineer
Arthur street
31 Neville Peter
17 Smith Robert, carpenter
G Dracher Thomas
33 Larsen Charles C.
25 Conncry Daniel, Tan proprietor
35 Jenkins llobcrt
27 Wright John, carpenter
10 Campbell Mrs, Margaret
37 Crowley John
31 Bottomley Thomus
18-14 Hope Henry
39 Dickinson Richard
33 Freeman wlllium
10 Meade Richard
Corn irallis street
35 Casoy Patrick, bnkcr
18 Nathan Samuel
43 Davis William, dealer
37 Watson William II., engineer
20 Yard George T., carpenter
47 Hacbcll Thomas W., agent
49 Theak Thomas, painter
Cooper street
Cooper street
24 Glbbs Waltor, masen
41 Mortlook Henry, storekeeper
29 Barton Mrs. M.
43 Skipporfleld Stephen, bootmaker
Harriott Street—East side
32 Wise Reginald, bootmaker
45 Farroll Edward
119 Cleveland to Zamia street
84 Harris Ambrose
47 Ionn SoptimuB
Hart Frederick
30 Harin Michael
40 Peaison Frederick
38 Flowers Frank
Fleming Thomus, Iraroller
51 i'arkes Georgo
40 Mounsey William, carpenter
Doronia street
Goodman Arthur
2 Morris John W.
55 Lonoragan Mrs. Ann
50 Bolton John
3 Atkinson Frederick, photographer
57 Ludcko Francis
52 Wlgg Charles
4 Wesslink William, printer
59 Illncs J.
54 Cole W. B.
5 Bryant William
01 TrevukaT.
Macpherson Charlos
7 Giles James
05 ForwoodJohn
58 Stuart Sydney, slgnwrltor
U Fisher Waltor, painter
07 Flood Thomas
Emanuel, fireman
9 HawkoT.M., plumber and gasfltter
71 Taylor John, painter
G2 Blsscl John, painter
Hnllams Mrs. Jane
73 Flood Henry, plumber
Bassctt Samuel
Telopta street
75 Howes Mrs., costumicre
Lcnton Onirics, bootmaker
77 South William J.
Wylie William, woodturner
West side
Lily terrace—
Jledfern street
81 Man of Kent h< let—Joseph McCarthy66 Hobbs Edward
1 Taylor Thomas G.
lledfern street
2 Baird John, butcher
70 Wootton William J., bootmaker
83 Armstrong Robert W., draper
3 Rogers John, olcctriclan
72 Troy Thomas
85 Clarke George, frcnchpollshcr
4 McManus William J.
McCoy Thomas, bootmaker
85J Gorry Michael
•5 Honnlbnll Mrs. M.
Sbaldrake Thomns
87 Drew A. J II.. baker
6 Twcedlo James
James 11.
89 Nelson Mrs. E.
7 Pascoo John
80 Vernon Henry, builder
89J Newsomc Georgo
8 Russell William A.
01-93 Hoby Mrs. K.
9 Farlss Edwin, carpenter
84 Julctf Michael B.
97 Donlan Peter
10 Brennan Mrs. K.
86 Cianston John
99 Stebblng Henry
11 Julius Henry
Do wen Alfred
101 Wells George, railway guard
12 O'Loughlln Patrick, draper
90 Hcnnah George, painter
103 O'Connor John J., carter
• 14 Marshall James, watchmaker
02 Myers Frederick
105 Smith Sidnoy •
15 Walker William
94 McFarlanc Daniel, bootmaker
109 Agar Frank, tanner
1C Clement Charles, carpenter
Moroll Joseph
111 Vernon and Malthmd, bakors
17 Patterson William
98 BurrcllD. W., tailor
Unseal terrace—
18 IIoTfltt Kdward
100 RidpathJ.J.
19 Cooper William
5 Carmody Michael
104 O'Brien John
Cooper street
4 McNamara Patrick
106 Tickle Frederick
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. (J88,
8 McEnoroo P.
23 Duncan Albert
25 Wbclan Thomas
James street
27 Brown George, confectioner
10 Bown Mrs. Alice
29 Wright Miss Mary E.
20 Gflison Miss Eliza, teacher of music
31 Kensctt Francis J.
24 Christie Charles J., grocer
33 Soutcr James, grocer
26 Abbott Mrs. E.
35 Phillips Henrv
?8 Mcintosh Alfred
37 D.lancy Mrs.'E.
30 Rcnwick George, J.P.
39 Robinson James, fuel merchant
32 Parry Georgo, bookbinder
41 Knglemui John
34 Foot John H.
43 Byrne Edward
341 Pcrkin'sbiead factory
45 Wallace Mrs. U.
30 Dufrles S.
47 Baker Mrs. Ann
40 Mcintosh Mrs. E.
19 Everitt Edward, jeweller
42 Heath Samuol
51 Johnson S.
44 WiUhiro Ernest
55 Meek Rev. Benjamin I Wes.)
48 Hills llcv. R. T. (Cong.)
61 Walker John W.
IIUIs MISB M. R., ladies' school
63 Price Septimus
52 Smith Mrs F.
65 Williamson R. F., H.M.C.
02 Baker L, II., accountant
67 Crosby Richard
01 Sutherland Alexander
69-71 Foirbnirn John, butcher .
08 Booth E. J., baker
70 Purchase John, baker
Wells street
72 Cowln William, newsagent
73 RcdfernTown Hall-Robert \V. Grier- 74 Arnott G, and J., grocers
son, town clerk
Wells street
75 Gricrson Robert W.
70 Baker J. A. C.
77 Hclilmn Samuel, builder
Amsinck Eugene C.
79 Rvan Miss E. M.
78 Bridge Lionel
81 Curtis Ror. T.J. (l'.es)
80 O'Loughlln Miss M., boardinghouso
83 Ward John A.
82 Gordon E. W., contraotor
85 Maloncy John, schoolteacher
Mount Street—East side
81 McEtcoMrs. C.
87 Poole William T., J: P.
Off Voiding street
80 French laundry—A. Livot
lledfern street
1 White Wllliom
91 Cricketers' ltest hotel—Henry Free
91 Wilson James II.
5 Goodwin James, butcher
lledfern street
93 Glover David
9 Mullins James
91 Dlght David II., grocer
95 Dcdman James E.
1 1 Chapman A.
97 Simpson Alfred, cutter
102 Davis Mrs. II.
99 Cattle Robert, woolclasser
West side
101 Perkins William
101 Collins Mrs. J., boardinghouso
4 Vaughan Georgo
100 O'Donnell George, J.P.
103 Sherlock John, schoolteacher
0 Thompson Robert, cngincdrivor
Turner street
105 Glover Thomas
12 Adams Michael J.
108 Munro and Co., grocers
107 Shortland Geoi gc
110 Gentles William
111 Widgcry Edward G.
113 Bell Robert, senr., sergeant of police 112 Wright Douglas
115 Pcatc Thomas, bootmaker
off 1U~Gosling John E., engineer
Phillip Street—East sldo
117 Gross Charles
Falrweathcr James, cab proprietor
112 Young to George street
119 Brennan Patrick
114 Campbell John, mining agent
2 Darcey Anthony
121 Vera Madam
Hutton A. E., joiner
4 Byrnes Mrs. M. A.
123 Spruhan Ja-ncs, cabinetmaker
118 Berry Edwin, J.P.
Morehead street
East street
12Q McClymontMrs. 8.
Pttttnan C. J., coachbuildcr
131 Green Rev. James
122 Mooro William II., carrier
/sigh terrace—
135 Walsh E. T„ tailor
120 Porter Mrs.
1 DuiganJamcB, grocer
137 HuggnnMrs H.
128 Parish John W.
2 Stoncbam W.
Cubitt William J , constable
130 McClcary James
4 Morris Frank
139 Johnson James P.,jun., woolbrokcr 132 Williamson David, greengrocer
5 Panthin F.,'bus proprietor
141 Johnson James, fcllmongcr
Albert street
7 Town II., gr»cer
143 Bcrtio Robert
134 Baird William, greengrocer
Walter street—Alderson street
145 James William
Castlereagh strict—Elisabeth street 147 Robins William
140 Wcrriek 8., butcher
16 Egan Michael
149 Howes Thomas, boatmakcr
150 Stewart John, veterinary surgeon
18 Robinson William
153 Shortland Robert A., clerk
154 Taylor Pctor, produco merchant
10 Colley James
155 Bcllingt")! Alfred, engineer
158 Patten William
22 Clemow James
159 Mather Mrs. J. 11.
100 Parry Joseph
24 Sebmich i'.ter
101 Blogg Robert
. Phillip street
Vouglat street
103 Ward Ignatius
2G Fiutchcr L. J., provision merchant
105 Robertson Thomas, printer
(For remainder, see Waterloo)
30 Clarke Frederick
167 Ilerzog George, plumber
32 Taylor Alfred G.
171 Dwycr Jeremiah
34 French Daniel, broom maker
173 Devinc Mrs. M., boardinghouso
Redforn Street—North sldo
36 Ward John.
175 Shand Mrs. M.
CO Young to liosehill street
177 Walsh James, schoolmaster
179 Williams Rev. W. IL (Wes.)
Hadwcll James, cngincdrivcr
Pitt Street—East side
Laurcnco Thomas
301 Cleveland to lloundary street 183 Webber Charles F.f sen., butcher
3 Erskino Donald
Murel'-u:l street
185 Burke Rlohnrd. van .proprietor
6 Ellard William, clerk
6 Lynch John, IronJbpollsher
187 Demolley Mrs. A.
Jama street
luol merchant
189 Clarke Frederick, grocer
0 Burrcll Mrs. E.
191 Somerset hotel—Nicholas F. Murphy
Walter street
11 Dclaney E.
Phillip street
22 Dalzlel Alex.
13 Vokcs Thomas, van proprietor
20 Butlin Mrs. Mary, frultoror
15 Barber Mrs.
30 Young Thomas, cabinetmaker
West side
17 McCracken MIssE.
32 Graham Georgo
6 Crane Mrs. IL
19 Rush E. D.
Elisabeth street •
Allprcss Jam s B.
21 MooroJohn
108 Nicaolts George, railway porter
110 McGregor John
Kettle street
112 Croasdell Mrs. II., grocer
118 Flowers Thomas
120 Horswcll Charles, fuel merchant
122 Whito William, contractor
124 O'Brien Henry, cab proprietor
120 Howard Fredorlck
12B Parker Edward
130 Smith Alfred, dealer
132 Drew Patrick
134 Duncan D,
136 Colebrook Edward
138 King Michael, storekeeper
140 O'llalloran Mrs. E.
142 Dunne Michael
144 Edwards Joseph
146 Robinson John, van proprietor
152 Graham John
158 Ilarmy Patrick
160 Fitzpatrick Edward, cab proprietor
102 Quinc Robert, cab proprietor
164 Simpson Willmm
168 Gnrvey Jnmos, cab proprietor
170 Uardie Thomas, dealer
174 Tcmplcton William, bootmaker
WOOD & COMPANY, Uudertakors & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydtey ( ^ ' " l ^ t " * )
RegJlejfern street euiifinned—
34 The Commercial Hanking Company of
Sydney, United (branch)— Joseph
Blade, managor
36 Wolper Jacob
38 Sturrock Mrs. Juno
10 Harvey William, builder
Lloyd Daniel
44 Locke J. H., builder
10 MaddockK .Mm. E.
Wllhcmsen \\\, bootmaker
S o u t h oldo
5 Conlon Michael, cab proprietor
7 I'urccll James, bootmaker
0 Wagg Arthur
11 Thomas William II., bootmaker
13 Wagg Herbert
IS Davis John
17 Cooper Lindsay
10 Holmes William II., painter
93 Wagg George, grocer and builder
Morehead itrert
25 Bingham O. II., grocer
Ureal Buckingham street
27 Dibley K., Bawycr
00 ItinriH Rev. Fred. (Cong.)
29 Doyle James, bootmaker
62 Gray Mrs. K.
33 Morgan Alfred, sawyer
14 Applcton Robert
39 Alherl Vine hotel—James McConnell
CO W idcri trom II., woodcarvor
Walker slnet
Grill) T. II., mimic teacher
41 Hughson W. add Sons, grocers
OH Walker Joshua
70 Kibble .lumen D.
45 Gray Mrs. M. A.
72 Collin Mm. Sarah
53 Kilpatrlck Ilobert
70 Llsney George, draper
55 Gomes Wlllluin, tailor
Castlrrengh street
57 Skclscy Henry
59 Spearman Edward
U0 Mntthcs M., Ifalrdrcsser
Margetts William
82 Davison C. W., fruiterer
03 Gray James
84 Rcruascoul John A., bookseller and 05
Mrs. A.
«7 Held William
80 Lamy Charles, confectioner
68 Duval E., bootmaker
71 Lcnton William
00 Iluttcrllcld Joseph, chemist
02 Shone A. C. grocer
l.litaluth ilreel-Cattlrreagh
street—Red04 Funston lldwnril
fern park
!)0 WnkefcrJohn
73 White William, bread factory
US Johnson (icorgo
75 McFadycn Angus
100 Vines Itobort
77 Kalrcliiro Mrs. A.
102 Nichols John
79 Purser W. II., accountant
104 Wilson William, marble merchant
81 l'llugcr Mrs. Mary
100-108 ltedtain marble works—E. llraby 83 Ella Mrs. Alicia, private school
112 Taylor Tom, coachbullder
65 Cardwcll Mrs. A.
Murray T„ carriage painter
87 Roberts Mrs. E, "Ventnor cottago"
89 Dennis John, draper
J'ltl street
01 McNally John, printer
110 Stott Edward 11., bootmaker
03 l'urker J., surgeon
llog.m W. J., house and land agent
/*/// strict
116 McCrac Duncan, builder
101 l'lko George, plumhor
120 Douglas A.
Green F. W„ confectioner
St. Vincent de Paul (H.C.) Church and
124 nolloway James
School—Hev. Richard O'Kegan
126 Mooro George
115 Kcnnc Win,, collector
130 Gaudry Itoland. tram conductor
117 Lee Charles
132 Giles Mrs. Harriett
Hcdfern munlcl|ial depot
130 Dick Dr.
Kedfcrn 1'ost and Telegraph Office—
133 I'ortcous William, plumber
Henry Morse, post and telegraph
140 MuMahon James, carrier
154 McdcalfJ.,jun.
Bullanaining strrrt
104 Dowdnll F. G., grticor
100 Warren John, electrician
105 Donughoe William, furrier
170 O'Sullivnn Mm., draper
172 Mcdcalf Joseph, undertaker
174 Smith Edwin, coachbullder
170 Itolloway Sydney .1., accountant
178 Amalgamated Hoot Trade Union of
N.S.W.—Hubert Harris, socretiiry
162 Mcdcalf Joseph, furniture dealer
Urgent ilrrrt
ltedfcm fish market
102 Gates Thomas, contractor
104 Santer Frank
106 Moore Frederick
108 Or! Ill His William
202 Paton Archie, boilcrmakcr
.200 StcTcns Charles
210 Daw Edward
S12 Neetlham Kdward
210 Trevillan Francis
218 Harrison George, constable
230 Thornton John E.
Giles James
Whltmoro MM. W.
Yeomans S;imucl, blacksmith
Kcar Mrs. Jean
Parker Edwin, plumber
Bullanaining street
Gorrick William, butcher
Heine John, tool manufacturer
Oddfellows' Hall
Dawson Michael, tobacconist
Williams (.'hull's, tramguurd
MclA'an Donald, baker
McGregor Nell newsagent
Fitzgerald Klchard
Rowan Thomas
Gernhty Nicholas
Lovelock Frederick
Earls Mrs. E.
Zuckr-r Mrs. C.
Zuckcr E. J., carpenter
McDonald Peter
Makepeace Mrs. M.
R o g o n t S t r n o t — E a s t Bldo
Clrveland to Boundary itrret
1 Jones H, grocer
3 Clayton J., hairdresser
0 Atkinson Edward, confectioner
11 Moulang J., watchmaker
13 Whitmore Uros,, tailors
Sharp Mrs. It.,saddler
15-17 Horn John and Son, ironmongers
19 Ycdwoph Emanuel, tailor
23 Illukv Adolph, pawnbroker
25 Ditbl'ln hotel—Malaclll fiilmorc
27 Ilyrne Hernard, butcher
29 Sawyer Charles, grocer
31 McCall John, watchmaker
33 Wakefield Hobcrt, produce merchnnt
35 Flonberg llornard, bootmaker
37 Tomlln Charles, bird dealer
30 Miller William S., photographer
41 McGlnlcy Patrick, hairdresser
43 Itowun J., tobaccanist
45 Gardiner C. II., bootshop
47 Grossler F. W., tailor
49 Solomon Jacob, pawnbroker
51 Hiley Miss, milliner
53-55 >taargoschls A., pawnbroker
01 Harper Edward A., tinsmith
65 Mnnnell J. II.. tailor
07 .Murray J., furniture dealer
67* llorrv Huttcr Co.
69 Held W. A., music seller
71 Grouse .1. N„ clothier
71) Allan J., watchmaker
75-7 7 Silvester llros.,provision morchants
79 Kxnll G., boot Importer
Kabla Louis, draper
81 Kmpren hotel—AY. Ilruton
83 Magulte Peter, oyster saloon
85 Lamai a Diego, fruiterer
87 Mitchell J., fruiterer
89 Skellcrn George, pastrycook
01 Andrew T„ draper
93 Walker Frederick, storekeeper
97 Marshall C. and E„ chemists
09 Williams T. J. and Co., butchers
101J Wright 1)., provision storo
1U3 London larrrn—Bridget Iteid
105 Crowe John, J. P., grocer
107 Stevens Mrs. Mary, greengrocer
Kelt J. Emll, watchmaker
Crowe John and Sons, butchers
113 George I.., confectioner
115 Holdcn Thomas D. P., hairdresser
lletlftrn itreet— Hotting itrret
119 Pike George A., plumber
12" Moore Henry, carter
ltr.UKKIlN AND SflUItlUN TlMF.S Office 120 Donnhoe William, farrier
135 Segal I... painter
- W . J . Hrydon
137 Newell Wm. 1I„ produce merchant
Jtijent ilrrrt
139 Andrews Joseph, newsagent
Tho A.J.S. Hank, Limited—John S. 141 Moss Henry, dealer
Grav. J.l\, manager
143 Andrews Mrs. Janet
151 Horshcld Samuel
147 Walker Mrs. Ann
161 McKcnr.le John, compositor
149 White Mrs. M.
103 Poole Georgo
151 Nutt James II.
Trcvlllnn Thomas, drainer
153 Shaw William, shipwright
105 Smith Wm. J., bootmaker
155 'I ait James A., coachbullder
157 Chandler Thomas, bootmaker
107 Dodge Wm.. engincdrlvcr
159 Merrick James
100 Doherty William
161 Hackbouse Hobcrt
Dohorty Denis
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
103 Green Mrs. E.
105 Gash D., grocor
107 Moon Mrs.
1G9 Holland A E., bootmaker
171 Cbadwlck Thomas, saw sharpener
173 Skivington Thomas
175 O'Neill William, bootmaker
179 Jones Younger G.
181 Ycrbury Alfred
185 Dc Laoy H., musical instrument store
187 Hcwctt Richard J., bootmaker
191 Illume G„ printer
197-109 Collins H. A., teacher of dancing
Collins 1) , bootmaker
203 JacKson A. J., undertaker
W e s t sldo
10 Mihell Mrs. Emma, news agent
18 Bmilh Frederick, dealer
20 Chalcraft Charles, printer
22 Roberts J., grocer
24 Hinds J. and Co., engineers
20 Minto J., plumber
28 McElhone J., livery stables
52 Hudson George, timber merchant
(iff Si— Southern Mali markets—C. Augustus, auctioneer
54 Burke M. and J., signwrlters
50 Clark James
58 Polba Carl, studio
00 McCormack 1'., bootmaker
02 Davis J., upholsterer
61 March Miss V,; fancy goods store
00 Sutton E. II., tailor
OS Nlnnes John, umbrella maker
Weill ilrect
02 McManus P., grocer
91 Ryan J., produce store
90 Cooper and Fox, saddlers
100 Wrlghton Matthew N , tea dealer
102 Lai kin J , bootmaker
101 Shcarar J. W. S., watchmaker
100 Utile Yue hol-l—David Hadcrick
W e s t side
Byrne Lawrence
Drummond James
Conlon George II., conchsraith
Peebles Hugh
RosohlU Street—East side
103 Writs to llouiuhirii street
Bedford hotel—Ernest J. Palmer
1 Hamford John
3 Fulrbank L.
lledfern street
5 llobson Thomas, painter
9 Ashworth Albert
11 ltumsey James R.
13 Donohoe James
17 Dcvnr Michael
Marian street
27 Cuthbertsnn James
29 Caltcs Henry, bootmaker
31 Dununctt Arthur
35 Spies John
39 Newtown Samuel
41 Thomson Mrs. Mary, grocor
13 McLclsh Charles, woodturner
45 Wallace William
17 Downs M.
51 Kirhy William
53 Stone Thomas J., painter
57 Mclntyrc Alexander
59 Caldwell William
03 Allan George, carter
05 Davy Josiah
W e s t sldo
4 Mitchell John
0 Johnsun James
8 Holdcn John
10 Donuey Albert, brnssmouldei
Marian ilreel
108 The A.J.S. Hank, Ltd.—John S.Gray, 12 Elklngton Thomas, carter
J P., manager
10 Ijiycock William
lid.112 l'utchiiiK uiul Bond, drapers
18 Ho'wcn George, van proprietor
110 Walter W. ('., grocer
Doodson E., baker
118 Hcanls It., draper
22 Nicholas Charles
120 Savage G. T„ ironmonger
130 Williams Miss W., fancy goods shop 24 Wyatt Charles, upholsterer
25 Go'och William, bootflnishcr
132 Toohey John, storekeeper
30 Blnckler Henry
134 Smcdley J. T., greengrocer
32 smith Mrs. A.
130 Baker S. T., confectioner
138 Higgar James, crockery store
Margaret ilreel
140 Hubbard George, dyer
31 Lawton Thomas miner
Marian street
30 Frost Thomas J,, sawyer
140 Runnrront] hotel— 'I bourns Rnrke
38 Clarke James, storekeeper
148 Johnson and Co., furniture dealers
Hanolm Mrs. Julia
150 Austin William, poulterer
44 Ryan John
150 Duncan John, ovster inloon
40 McCluro Thomas
158 Purncll William, greengrocer
48-'i0 Pitt Mrs. K„ private school
100 Osborne Brothers, photographers
50 Edwards John
102 Mooney J., tobacconist
58 Taylor Charles
1C1 Moan Andrew S„ butcher
00 Illacklcr Joseph
Maraarrt ilrrrt
00 Whittorn William, upholsterer
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church—Rev. 08 Wood Charles
T. J. Curtis
70 Dwycr William
170 Robinson Stephen, furniture dealer
72 Kets Samuel, butcher
174 Smith Henry, bootmaker
70 Cain T. J., grocer
178 Franeoni Madam
182 Walker Thomas, van proprietor
186 Owlcs Nathan, watchmaker
Shophord S t r e e t — E a s t sldo
188 Hobinson John, furniture dealer
Caldrr road to Wilson itrret
190 Field Charles
198 Onglcy John, fishmonger
3 Jeffreys George, bricklayer
Jones J. and Co., produce store
5 Coll Joseph, fr. ncbpollsher
7 Kerr Joseph
R o n n i o S t r o e t — E a s t sldo
0 Crow John, cab proprietor
Off Mount lanr
W e s t Bldo
1 Wilkinson Mrs. W.
2 Mcadcr James, contractor
3 Tomlinson Thomas
1 Dodd Joseph, engincdrlvcr
tiff Xo.l—
0 Muir William, engincdrlvcr
Woo'.locott Albert
8 Devercux George, woolsorler
14 Turrall John C.
10 Miller Mnrtln
22 Clinton Maurice, blacksmith
24 Dormnn Walker W., produce dealer
28 Connors Mrs. C.
30 Wilson William, miner
53 llcardon Patrick
40 White E. J., draper
42 Wblto Walter K., salesman
44 Blake Richard
40-52 Blake Charles, milk vendor
Edward street—Al/ercrombir street
(liiliniji Castle hotel—John Lynch
54 Allan J. D.
58 Guthrlo Ai'.drew, cooper
60 Whltbrcad 11.
Short S t r e e t - N o r t h side
30 William to George street
Charlwood Henry, paintor
Christison James
Sparkcs John G.
Colbert George, carpenter
S o u t h sldo
1 Kenny John
3 Clarko Francis
5 Mahoney P.
Stanloy Stroot
5'J Cleveland to Utile Cleveland street
1 Coliglmm John
5 Danuhor Joseph
9 Johnson Charles F,,glngerboor makor
10 Nllson Adolf, carpenter
Stirling Stroot—North side
William to Qrorge street
Longhurst George, painter
0 Evctts Allan, cab proprietor
10 Hioky Thomas C„ railway guard
12 McGinloy Mrs. Isabella
14 Harper Joseph, engiuecr
10 Lodge John W., tlrcman
18 Storum Frank
S o u t h sldo
Mullet Thomas, fireman
Wall Mrs. A.
Pegler Herbert
Eaton Mrs E.
Moore Joseph
Bevnn John, fireman
Kidd Thomas
Holder James, engineer
Ilanley Thomas
T o l o p o a S t r o o t — N o r t h sldo
Young to Bourke street
Mntheson Kenneth, Jun.
Chapman Thomas
Donleury Francis
Pantlln Wnlter
Long William
Glbb 11 L
Wild William, bricklayer
Tandy John
Jakeman George It., grocer
Marriott street
70 Grain Reginald
Sloanc Robert, bootmaker
00 \Valk»r Patrick, carter
04 Llppitt Henry, blacksmith
02 Evans G*nrgo
60 Pattlnger I homas, carpenter .
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney
Tehgien street continued—
38 Bussey Henry, cab proprietor
•|0 Dale George, cab proprietor
58 Walker Henry
42 (I'lltl Alfred S.
52 Funston Edward
41 .Sullivan John, bollermakcr
50 Purser Wlllinm II., nccountont
10 Martin John, grocer
•18 Clancy Frederick II.
44 Nicholla William
/Jaidtst Hreet
T h u r l o w Stroot—North side
30 Noiman Henry
31 Tnpp Edward W., wheelwright
Doirlimj to Rourke street
32 Cassidy*, e.ib proprietor
2 McCarthy Phi Ip, grocer
30 Copcstcnko Mrs. E., boardinghouso
G Mulholland James F.
28 Williams s. II., surgical Instrument 10 Corvcn 'Ihomas, stonemason
12 I'oultor Richard, blacksmith
20 lingo t Mrs, K.
14 Qtielch William K., grocer
24 Rellly John.dalrykeopcr
16 Moore Henry
21) Ktherlugton Samuel
18 Cumpbe I Thomas
18 Bannister Ell, milk vendor
I 24 Bannister Henry
10 Lyons Michael, fuel merchant
20 Hosewell William
14 Ilrogan ThomaB, carpenter
38 Carpenter John
4'i Oram Richard, cab proprietor
S o u t h Bldo
40 Gavin James, grocer
48 Morris John, collector
03 Fognrty Mrs. M.
01 Watson George 13., painter
85 O'Brien Patrick
S o u t h sldo
83 stinlcy William
Itlstcnpart John, horsolralncr
81 Rook Thomns
Roberta Henry, horselraincr
70 Stcdman Oconto
77 Enrnshnw John
75 Dennis Alb rt
T u r n e r S t r o o t — N o r t h sldo
73 l'urcoll George
71 Homey Edward J.
Castlereugh to Hotting street
Marriott street—/la/Hiil street
2 Gray Robert, carpenter
21 Stewart Frederick, traveller
4 l'aterson William, stonemason
10 Djoley Jolin
0 Parker II.
17 White Henry C, brnssinouldcr
8 Allen Thomas
15 Kerr Mrs. I,.
8 Mason Lewis
11 Leonard Charles
12 Hutchison George
14 Keating Matthew
Kepos street
10 Manwarlng Stephen W.
Flowers W. ii., grocer
18 Hall George
20 Harrington John, carter
22 Murphy John
24 Fallon Michael
T h o m a s Stroot—East sldo
SO McGifford James S.
3!) Vine street to Kdtrard lane
28 Dillingham James
1 Johnson \\ illlam
I'll! street
7 Anton CharleB, butcher
52 Austen George A.
0 Lundlo Wi.llnm, drainer
George street
11 Connolly John, wntchm in
54 Harry William
13 White Mrs. J.
50 Jackson M'S. Sophia
17 Walsh Mrs. Marin, storekeeper
llullanaming street
21 Wright Henry, bootmaker
00 James William A., typefounder
23 Lnrcridgo George stonemason
Mrs. S.
25 Goooh Charles, engineer
27 WhilTen George, printer
S o u t h sldo
20 Morrison Mrs I..
31 Mil ington Hubert, tailor
1 Ciowes Archer
33 Tyler Josoph, ml kvendor
3 Coppin Nicholas
85 Gray Mrs. K.
5 Whitmorc —
37 Patoinostcr Arthur
7 Wilson George
30 O'Donoghuo '1 nomas, dray proprietor 0 Nicholson Archibald
41 Mulaney Charles
11 Goldsmith J.
43 Phillips Henrv J.
13 MeCluskey Mrs. A.
45 Chnllinnr Chirlcs, coachbulldcr
15 Hllllard Henry
47 Avery Charles
I'M street
40 Ncwlnnds James, boilcrmakcr
17 Burton Robert G.
51 Rowley George
25 Murphy Robert
27 Harrow William
W o s t Bldo
20 Dray Henry
10 Hannah John
33 Hartley Henry, gardener
12 Curtis William
35 Anderson M„ fuel merchant
14 McFarland W., bootnnlsher
off— Anderson Thomas, van proprietor
10 Fielder John
Jones Charles II., coachbulldcr
18 Gregory Alfred, carter
Preston Nathaniel
20 Andrews John
George street
22 Lcckle Robert
41 Smith Joseph
21 McGco Laurence, bootmaker
43 Hewitt Charles'
26 Kelson Isaac, carpenter
Itullannming street
28 McDougallJohn
foresters' Arms hotel—M. Ticrncy
30 StaplctonCha-lcs
45 Oonwav J.
34 Knight John, Btoncinason
36 Ma'ier Philip, cab proprietor
51 Hahn Krncst
Vino Lane
Off 300 Cleveland street
Boylan Thomas, cab proprietor
Vino Stroot—North sldo
34 Kveleigh street to Darlington boundary
Ilrierly L., fuel merchant
2 French Tom
4 Marshall James, carpenter
0 McKim Mrs. C.
8 Plcton John
10 Wilson James
12 McDonald Archlba'd
14 Ha'dy Joseph
10 Scollav Thomas
18 Long llcnrv
20 Wilson Wifllam
22 Mclvor Hugh, greengrocer
24 Mclnerncy William
20 Snclgrove Samuel
28 Albury Sidney
30 Colbert George
32 Kenny James
34 Donne ly Henry, moulder
30 Ryan George, plasterer
40 McEvoy Joseph
41 Gordon William, fuel merchant
46 Hancock Richard
48 Cox John
52 Kills John
CO Murphy Peter
02 Sevmour Mrs K.
70 Bn'iloy William, butcher
72 O'Conncll Mrs. A.
74 Maslln Wlllinm, bricklayer
76 llushby Kphraim, greengrocer
78 llushbv Krncst
82 Floitt Francis
S o u t h Bide
Cook Kdward, greengrocer
Burke William
Johnson William, butcher
Williams Mrs. Annie
Furze E.. grocer
Louis street
15 Heron James, fireman
23 Cowcll Ab aliam
25 Col'ins Hugh, grocer
Hugo street
27 Jcrgcns Frederick, tobacconist
Eteleigh hotel—Kllcn White
Abererombie street—Eduard street
h'mbretfs Fainilp hotel—Alt Embrcy
27 McKao Mrs. J„ storekeeper
20 Fanton Kdward, miller
31 Tallentiro W., carpenter
33 Little Henry, engincdrtver
35 BurKo Ihomas
37 Gilbam James, carter
39 Hill Simeon, blacksmith
Thomas street—Boundary strut
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel 632.
Victoria Street
Off 20 Coirper street
1 Carglll Charles, cabdriver
3 McKeon John
5 Turner Mrs. Margaret
7 Gallagher Thomas
11 Connors Mrs. Ann
13 illanchard Mrs. Mary
15 Leo James
17 Turner John
10 Coghlan Thomas
W a l k o r S t r e e t — E a s t Bldo
S07 Clerelanl to I'lilllipstreet—James
street—.1 rtlmr street
15 Treleavcn Thomns
Treleavcn J. H„ tailor
17 Johnson George C , journnlist
21 Miller Albert J., printer
23 Glenn William, carpenter
25 Heady George P , cnglncdrlvcr
27 Walker FranK II., painter
20 Randall Frederick
31 Blackman F. W.
33 Saddler W„ coacnbuilder
Cooper street
35 Figures W. II., grocer
37 McStravlck James
39 Besscll Charles, blacksmith
41 Harford John
43 Small Charles, baker
' 45 Hcphcr John, tailor
40 Knight Krncst V.
53 Williams William
55 Elliott John
57 Probyn James II., silversmith
59 Long Frederick, saddler
01 Watson John
63 Bcckman Julius
65 John Spiers
07 Noble Mrs. J.
73 Hunt Thomas, storekeeper
75 Shurcy Frederick
77 Fleming Thomas
79 Purkcs George, dray proprietor
81 Thompson J.
83 Walder Joseph
85 Birmingham Francis, warehouseman
87 Lee Mrs.
89 Turner Harry, engineer
91 Hooper Sirs.' K.
03 Payne Miss
lled/ern street
Albert Vieic hotel—James McConncll
97 Rlchnnlson Richard
97 Dcneh'iy Win., rallwav guard
103 O'Conncll Michncl
105 Stacr Paul, painter
107 Edwards Matthew
109 Ryan Thomas
111 Buttcrllcld Joseph, chemist
117 DevirOwcn
119 Tanner John, baker
121 Morgan David, stonemason
127 Dibley Henry, plasterer
129 Strange Samuel, bootmaker
131 Thlrkettlc Henry
133 Seaton Frederick G., watchman
135 Andrews Adam
139 Malcolm Duncan
143 Dc Souzn Allied J , carpenter
145 Nicholas George, pastrycook
Kettle street
151 Jackson James, bookmaker
155 Abbott William, cngincdiivcr
159 Noonsn Michael, carpenter
103 Banks George K.
105 MoDo-mott F.
107 McDougall William, builder
109 Baxter Jesse
171 Uulback Anihonr, bootfinisher
175 Taylor Willlvn
177 Eoberg Edward,plumber
170 Goc John plumber
181 Hylnnd Thomas, cab proprietor
183 Hescltine Claude
187 McKav Henry, corpenter
189 Stone Richard
101 Jones Mrs E.
193 Watson Thomas, cab proprietor
195 Power Anthony
199 Norman John, contractor
201 Anderson Joseph
203 Norrls William
211 Kerrigan Richard
213 Doyle James
I'hillip street
! 2
W e s t sldo
Iloran James
Mencer Louis
Moloney Michael, carter .
Jacobs Thomas
Ford William II., plctnrcframcr
McGrath Michael, gardener
rettlt Mrs. E.
Nicholson Henry
Hnthlcy Montague
Bnrtlett Georgo
Lane Henry
Huntei John
Oddy Alfred
Carter Mrs. Mary
Horsncll George
Hnnnabal Mrs. Elizabeth
Ford Peter, printer
Wallace Arthur
Kay John
Coirper street
Morning Star hotel—John Prior
40 Sherry James
48 Cameron Gilbert, carpenter
53 Donnelly Michncl
50 PantlinJobn
58 Davis John
00 Longford Frederick J.,carter
01 Brandy John, baker
06 Devlno Mrs. M A.
OS Hurrcll Richard
70 Bennett John
72 Mnlonc James, stonemason
71 Swift George
78 Williams A., baker
80 Graham William
84 Harris William
84j Jackson James, dealer
80 Long Walter 11., compositor
88 Ford Henry
94 Johnson Thomas
96 Elton E. L, butcher
Jleil/crn streit
Dixon Thomas
Leal Alexander, cab proprietor
Gcoghegan Bernard
Moss John II., cirpenter
l*wis J.
Andrus Edward, cab proprietor
Little 'ihomas
Jone< Snmtlul
Kccntn Peter, greengrocer
Kettle street
150 Lipscomb J„ grocer
152 Felix Alfred
154 Itvan Daniel, bootmaker
158 Bcattic Thomas J
160 Joseph, butcher
162 Fullln Wm. G.
161 Ellis Henry
160 Robertson 'Thomas, shipwright
168 Bennett Henry snddicr
170 Costollow David
172-183 MunroJ., wood-bending works
190 Walt Wm.. painter
101 Goodwin William, carpenter
198 Levy Henry
200 Newman Mrs. Elizabeth
202 Hacking John, fruiterer
204 WoollcrJ.M.
206 Sandford Edward
208 Cox William
210 LavcrJoseph
210 Kelly Thomas, grocer
I'hillip street
Wells Street—North tide
SO Casttereagh to Regent street
Woolpaek hotel—John Hlgglns
4 Stone Edward, painter
12 Cooko Henry
16 Murray Michael
20 Pago James, bootmaker
22 Firth John
Nogus Henry
24 Jones Mrs. C.
30 Fell Mrs., grocer
llurnetl strtet
32 Stephen 11. S., blacksmith
84 Lovo Andrew
30 Stewart Mrs. J.
38 Desmond Joseph, dealer
40 Hume Thomas
44 Williamson D. and Co., fuel merchants
Watson William, upholsterer
40 Merrltt William
48 Dnrk William
50 Bullivant Maurice, carpenter
56 McCoooy William J.
58 Ryan Timothy
William street
62 Meore Joseph
George street
70 Preston Mis. M., fruiterer
Urgent street—lltMieay bridgt
S o u t h Bldo
1 Bancroft Charles, printer
3 Bancrolt J. II., printor
5 Suznnncs John
7 Molilnnon Archibald, enrtor
11 I'ascoo Eldrod, bootmakor
15 Arnold Robcrt^plumbcr and gasflttcr
17 Grove Georgo
19 Cook Edward
21 TrlgUne John, gasflttcr
25 Murray Joseph
2,7 RooneyJohn
29 Knapton Goorgc, carpenter
31 McCluro William
Jilt street
33 Cutting Thomas
35 Brcnnan Georgo
37 Francis Joseph
39 Jnrmun Alfred
41 Hill John
43 Prcscott Frederick, carpenter
45 Shortcll Walter, coachbulldcr
47 Kchoc Thomas
49 Ryan JamcB, dray proprietor
53 Malcolm Mrs.
George street
Friend's hotel—Richard Friend
57 O'Connor David, cooper
59 McKcnzio Alcxnndor
01 Stone William
63 Frincls Henry
Jlullannming strtet
07 Ryan James
69 Jackson Ch.irlos
77 Pulling Wil lain, cabinetmaker
Regent street
Wells Stroot "WoBt—North side
Regent el reel—A b'rerombie street—Eeeleigh
101 lliilirnp Vieir hotel—D. F. Chapman
106 Taylor Reuben, bookseller
108 Lees G., tobacconist
110 Allison A., newsagent
112 Glllett Francis, grocer
114 Bowen William, provision storo
110 Smith Thomas
118 Staunton James
120 Collins William
WOOD <fc COMPANY, Undertakers «fc Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney ibetwll,^c;!'1!r."LcukurcUk)
Weill street west continued—
25 Dibble J., baker
20 Porkins David W., baker
124 Grumlic David
31 Garvov Ernest
120 Adams Ilcnrv, cngincdrlver
Iloyd James P.
128 Cussidy Clement .
35 Harper Harry, constable
130 Hardy Mrs. Kilcn
Edward, carpenter
132 Scott W, W., cngincdrlver
39 Coleman Gcnrgo Henry
134 Kcenan Robert
41 Beyer Geo go A.
-•' 130 Hill Henry
43 Manning James F.
138 Fox Mrs. A.
Moodlo Uichard
140 Crook Wflltam
51 O'Brien Ihomns
142 Longman Thomas
William, grocer
144 TimniB Kobert, brlckmakor
67 Robertson Robert
148 Lean Honjamln, engineer
150 Mewburn William
W e s t sldo
152 Hradshaw Samuel
2 Boyd Mrs. II.
154 Peters IMwurd
4 Ultehlc John J.
150 Lee Mrs, .1, J., dressmaker
0 Itohan Pntick
100 Smith Henry
8 Mlddlebrook ll„ engineer
1G4 Hogan Mrs. Eva
14 Williamson James G.
180 MoEvoy Edward
10 Duxbiiry Arthur, baker
108 Kilduff Thomns
20 ltuwald Francis, fitter
170 Crowder Hnmucl
22 Evans Mrs. M.
178 Ahcarn Mrs. U.
Sterling street
182 Glenmrw
Castle hotel— Walter 8.
20 Frnppell William J., carter
28 Kent William, carpenter
S o u t h sldo
30 Weeks J.
34 Harrington John
McManus P.i grocer
McCoy .Mrs. M.
83 Hunk W. II., fuel merchant
38 Collins Alfred
85 Matthews Mrs., tobacconist
40 Bruco William, constable
85 Munnibus Uichard, tailor
42 Frillwitz Henry, tailor
89 liowden Mrs, E,, stationer
Fitzgerald Maurice, constable
01 Dawson T. It., painter
10 MnckllnJohn
03 Penny Henry
Henry, onginodriver
05 Druyve Georgo
52 Firkin Joseph
Harvey Mrs. Jnne
54 Bcvls Joseph, law clerk
07 Mabonoy Mrs. E
50 Walker G. H.
09 Moscrop Mrs. E.
58 Maher Michael
101 Hannah John, watchmaker
Parker William II., painter
103 Murray MISB Ellen, dressmaker
02 Daloy John
1P5 Hayes Mrs. M.
04 Alexander Miss Jano
107 Noblo M„ confectioner
100 Bedford hotel—Ernest J. Palmer
llosehill street—Railway bridge
Evclclgh Station-'J'. P. McCarthy,
W i l s o n L a n e — E a s t sldo
Shepherd to Golden Grove street
Evelelgh street
Codrlnglon street
113 Neate Alfred, carpenter
1 Murphy John
110 Wolfenden William
3 Ch'csmsn James
121 Robinson Mrs. M.
7 Dalton John
123 MoKcnna P., produce dealer
17 Whatmorc John
125 Knight W. 11., blacksmith
21 Sheen Francis
120 Pallctt H, bootmaker
29 Trailer Kobert
- 131 O'Connor I'. 11., engincdrivcr
31 LovcrUlgo Edward
135 HlllJauics
137 McIntyioJohn
Wost sldo
141 Dickson Ambrose, letlcrcarrlcr
Codrlnglon street
143 Crowe John, J. P., giocer
Eaglcson Elizabeth, dairykecper
145 Hunt Isaac, bootmaker
Hand Peter, fuel merchant
147 linker Ha rict E.
140 Welsh William M., engineer
158 Vcreoo Joseph,
157 Kenned1- John, bootmaker
W i l s o n S t r e e t - E a s t sldo
169 liryant Isuao A., painter
103 Talbot John, commercial traveller
164 Ecelclgh to Forles street
165 Morphcw A. II., plumbor
Government railway stores and work100 Drown John, cngincdrlver
171 Wyre Thomas
Howe llenry B„ works manager
173 Lawtoti W.
Government locomotive engineer's
177 Guile George
depot tment— William Thaw, chief
mechanical engineer
W i l l i a m S t r e e t — E a s t Bide
James to Wells street
1 Duffy William
Howman John
8 Hannignn Arthur J.
5 Beatty James, printer
7 Pratt John, baker
0 Uures Airs. K.
11 llarnaby Mrs. Ellen
13 Uolliday John
16 Gardiner David
West side
Waring James
Holland Joseph
Hazolwood ltobcrt
Warhurst Henrv, millwright
Silversltlcs John G.
Boundary lane
Fnrroll Mrs. Ellen
Downey F. W., carpenter
Smith Mrs.
Guthrie William, engineer
14 Collins Willinm
15 Ward Thomas
10 Hcmpcl Charles
19 Callondor Mrs. Edith
20 Hcffernan John
21 Crowhurst Thomns
22 Waring Miss Elizabeth
23 Lannano Patrick
24 McCardle Patrick
25 Hampton Arthur, bollcrmaker
20 Johnson John, butcher
27 Paulson Charles
20 Gibson, Battle nnd Co., machinery
Shepherd street
34 White William, blacksmith
30 Webster D., draper
43 Kingelcy George, currior
44 Atkins Joseph
45 Davidson Georgo, fireman
47 Jones Willinm II., builder
48 Slinckleton David
49 McBcth Alexander
60 Braddon William J., bollermaker
81 Vipond William, Jeweller
62 Russed John, engincdrivcr
53 Cumpbc 1 Daniel
54 Coatcs Onirics J.
65 Campbell Charles
50 Lee C. II., music teacher
57 lUblnson Miss, music teacher
60 .McCarthy Timothy, statlonmaster
00 Normoyle David
01 Fleming C.
03 KaTanagh Matthew, engineer
04 Grace Simeon
05 Hnnbury W.
0G ltcardon Edwin
G8 Vnder Carl, cabinetmaker
71 Ingham Mrs. Selina
72 Flood Thomas W., butcher
74 Matheson Walter, engineer
75 Anderson John, engincdrivcr
76 Morcon Frederick
77 Boll George, ironmouldcr
78 Green Mrs M„ boardinghousc
70 Christie Edwurd
80 Loj dstrom N. E., grocer
Codrlnglon street
Brown J. P., butcher
82 Draper Mrs. A,, boardinghousc
83 Quick William T.
84 Dlnlcy Mrs. Alice
85 Fisk Mis. Mary
80 Lovorldge Thomas
87 Morrln John
88 Whe lc-1.
SO Wrigley Thomas, bricklayer
00 Murphy Patrick
01 Fair James
92 Hall John, brickmaker
03 Williams Alfred
94 Young John
95 Christie Charles
97 Brice Frederick
100 Merrv .Tamos, potter
101 Keddy David
102 Bourkc John, bootmaker
102^ Fox John, bootllnishcr
103 Almond Peter
104 Swain Harry J.
100 Hall James, butohcr
108 Grovcr William
100 Flctt James
110 Moltby William
111 Colber Charles
112 Holmes James, potter
113 Loughlin John, potter
115 King Charles B.
117 Tomlincon Charles
118 Cook James
110 Stibbins Edward
120 Hawthorne Charles
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & EmMniers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
121 Sargent Frederick
122 Atkinson St. Clair
123 Fuller William
124 Simpson John, brickmaker
125 Bones William II.
120 Townsend James
127 McEvoy Joseph
128 Parkinson J.
130 Kimber George
131 Bcaman Uichard
133 Cook John
130 Williams William
187 Meek Hobcrt, carpentor
138 Strom Peter, cabinetmaker
130 Bartels Carl F.
140 Clark William, photographor
141 McKean Joh.i, carpenter
143 Slndcl Mrs. M. A.
Golden Grore toad
147 MoMartin Thomas, hairdresser
151 Toehcy Michael
152 Murphy A. F.
153 Waring lticbard
Forbes street
(for remainder, see Xealown)
-Woodburn Stroot—East side
353 Cleveland street to Halheay line
W e s t sldo
Lane Mrs, Ellon
Unwin J., mason
Burke Thomns. porter
Hochford James, constable
Dnvies Thomas
Wntkinson Mrs. Sornllc
McNamara Willinm
Craker James D.
McDon .id Peter
Albury Robort, ironmoulder
Warton Joseph
Phillips Walter J.
Norwood Willinm
Wnrr William
Simpson Joseph J., painter
Donncy Henry
Klrby James, driver
Y o u n g Street—East side
J57 Cleveland to Phillip street
2 Spcnring W. J., engineer
Wutts Frederick
3 Itarell David, master mariner
7 Scott Robert, baker
0 Cridland Charles, engineer
11 Smith W.T. A.
13 Macdonald it.
16 Mayo MissLo isc, musio teacher
19 Plerro Paul
21 Soltnn S. C.
23 Wood Edgar E.
25 Collins John, enginedrlvcr
27 DowlingMissM., boardinghousc
29 Theakstonc Charles ,
31 Hardy Robert
33 Dawson And'cw, carter
37 Garm.n Miss Caroline
30 Goold A. T., grocer
41 Elmas C. 11., butcher
Cooper street
41a Hucks William
43 Smyth William, plumber
43a Phypers John, painter
45 Hill William S., 'bus proprietor
'in Tcvclcln John
47a Smithcrs Alexander
49 Crothcrs Mrs. A. G.
51 Benjamin Dnvld
53 Smith Sldnoy, plumbor
5J Fagan William, baker
57 Becker Sebastian, carpenter
59 Rafter Miss M., grocer
Uoronia street
0 Voldham George
05 Wood Clarcnco
GO Yoidham W.
71 Ritchie Charles
75 Stevens George
77 Qulnsoy Uichard
79 Ruth Albeit
81 Lovell Herbert A.
63 wtnnbridgo Stephen, carpenter
93 Peters David, com. agent
05 Blllbcok William, carpenter
97 McCoy Thomas, bootmaker
99 Wllklns Georgo
101 Braiding Honry P., butcher
30 Cruso Henry
38 Budd Mrs. M. J.
40 Sale John, painter
42 l'ngo Miss Naomi
44 Harding Robort, blacksmith
46 Tens William
48 Ncsbltt Alfred, bootmaker
50 Williams Henry, engineer
52 sllburn Henry, carpenter
54 l'orwood Horbert
50 Heath George, carter
58 Daro William, pulutcr
02 Baker Goorgo
GO Manor Robort, enginedrlvcr
Henderson Bros., fuel morehants
JleJ/ern street
Wagg W„ bootmaker
72 Rodforn Rover !*porting Club
74 Maloy C. II.
70 Worthington Geo. II., fuel merchant
80 Stower B., greengrocer
84 Harkney Joseph, contractor
80 Fisher Georgo, Inker
90 Drurnmond John, onglnedrlvor
Telopia street
94 Chnlk James
103 McKonzle Hugh, grocer
Wa'son Joseph
105 Abraham Mrs., confoctloner
90 Gazcv William S., painter
111 Hills W. U.
St. Saviour's (C. of E.) school—Mrs. 100 Jamlcson
Rooko, head tcaoher
St. Saviour's (C. of E.)—Rev. 11. Jtosemont terrace—
Walker Taylor
4 Goodwin Joseph, painter
110 Taylor Rov. II, Walker
2 O'Connor James
121 Davidsou Mrs. M.
1 Jurgcns John, decorator
125 Wardrop Robert
108n Lovctt William, plumbor
127 Murray James
110 Ikln Albert C, bootmaker
129 Cowderoy Honjamln
112 lloyle Thomas
131 Cridland Frederick
110 Mc'Grnth Thomas, gardener
133 Williams John \\\, blacksmith
Harmcy John
135 Smith John W.
118 Pholan Daniel, storoman
187 Smith F . grocer
120 Hughes Frederick
139 Wilson Thomas W.
124 Moylan William
141 Hon-ley Henry
1211 Howo Poter
147 Kavanagh Arthur
128 Gordon Georgo S., builder
Viscount tirraee—
130 Sivcrton A.
132 Hydo A. M.
2 Flotohor Archibald
134 Clinch Poter
3 Bourkc John, tailor
130 Tooth Albert
4 Uuwald R. 1'.
138 Langloy William, engineer
5 O' Regan James
140 Anderson Mis. A.
G BaillleJohn
142 Bold William, draper
7 Leaver Arthur
144 Mitoholl David
8 Cosgtovc Philip, travcllor
140 Mitchell William, builder •
9 Thompson Robort, prlntor
148 Coleman Albert
152 Bland John, tanner
Hampden terrace—
154 Hnnlln Mrs. K.
2 Murvaulo Jasper
16G Nash Arthur
4 Wilson Cyrus, mill belt mnkor
158 Pope William
5 Gcldham Alfred, produce merchant
100 MoMullcn William, nllokor
G Ncwcombe George, cab proprietor
Glenn Alfred, carpontcr
7 Wilson Alfred
104 Staplcton Thomas
8 llose John
John, enginedrlvcr
9 Loftus George
108 Slrkltt Ge»rgo, painter
10 Middleton Arthur
170 Wotton George
Dickenson G„ fuel merchant
W o s t sldo
James street
Salvation Army Unrrnoks
llookham Mark, musical teacher
Peacock George, bricklayer
Kingsloy Mis. Hannah
Cu > mins Joseph, slater
Thompson Willinm
Swinson Charles, bootmaker
Day Mrs. Bridget
Hoed Willi miMalsey Snmuo', fuel merchant
Friodcwnld Alfred, marble maBOn
Madden James
Uhatto Robert
Budge Joseph
Smith Richard
Zamin S t r o o t — N o r t h s l d o
Off Young street
1 Dawson Arthur
2 Mason W., draper
3 Harnett Thomas
Cowllnhuw John
Xamia terrace—
1 Ward Edward
2 Smith Thomas K.
3 Lcnchan Thomas
Fcnnclly William
tttween Carl it Church * \
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers &Embalmers. 81.0 Geo. bt. South, Sydney (' B*vlng> I auk,
Zamiu Hreet continued—
S o u t h sido
Jocklna Alfred
Thorpe John
Union terrace—
2 Endtcott John
5 Johnson Thomas P,
McKcnzic Duncan
Rabone Joseph
Oale Frederick
Illrchman Arthur
5 Smith Alfred
0 Pier Albert
Bay Street—North side
Rockdole station to Lady Robinson's beach
Rockdale Railway Station—S. York,
Sclway C , milk vendor
Tram waiting room
Long John E.
Brown Charle. II., watchmaker
Hall Charles 11, tailor
Edwards Benjamin, tobucconlst
Arnold Miss K. J., fruiterer
Newer Mrs. E. P., music shop
Eva William II., bootmaker
Rocky point road
Croft Alfred, baker
Stirling Allen, hall dresser and tobacconist
Lone W. C , drap»r
Rolcston F. G„ grocer
Masonio Hall
Rlalto terrace—
1 Wynne George \V.f Journalist
2 Murdoch Henry
3 Morris H. C.
4 Noonc Daniel
5 Moss Andrew, chemist
G Flynn John II.
Marriott street
Slchel Maurico
Simpson William, soapmakcr
Robertson Alfred
Mcintosh John, plasterer
A. Davlcs, publisher
Tucker Frederick John, J.P.
Tucker Miss A., dressmaker
Hopkins Frederic*
Hopkins Mrs., dressmaker
Searson John, c crk
Mills John W.
Sturt George
Hancock Robert W., contractor
Mannlx Edward, tailor
Doley Charles, jeweller
Smith lloannou
Gray George, greengrocer
Harrison Henry, oarpentor
Catner.m street—Obbes street
Dcnnifon Albort, plumber
Wood Miss, dressmaker
Farr street—IKfil Hotany street
Houston Thomas
Pittman Mrs. Catherine
Francis 8., poultry farmer
Francis George, poultry farmer
Brighton Racecourse— F. S. Dcoblo,
proprietor; Samuel Peters, sec.
The avenue
Rose Sirs. Catherine, " Avoncl"
Capos P., refreshment room
Orand parade
BOUNDED on the north by Cook's River, on the south
by George's River, on the cost by Botany Bay, and on the
west by Wolli Creek and Rooky Point road.
Proolaimcd—January, 1871.
Area—1 square miles.
Miles of streets—10.
Town hall—Rooky Point road, Rookdalo. Oflloo hours—Monday, Wednesday, 0.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, 8 to 0 p.m.
Friday, 5 to 8.30 p.m.
MAYOU—J. II. Clayton
G. W. K. Leeder
Rockdale Ward:
Arncliffe Ward:
E. Godfrey, J.P.
W. G. Judd, J.P.
James Maekle
W. Taylor
Joseph Berry
A. E. Green
J. II. Clayton
Scarborough Ward:
Geo. Dulgan
J. F. Hcgerty
H. Oooko.
Ahouklr Stroot
Bay to Chapel street
Chcctbam Georgo
Beale John, "Monovlllo"
BIsby Owen
Henderson 'William
Curtis W. C.
A n n S t r e e t (Arnollffe)—South
Off Rocky point road
Crosby John, carpenter
Pickup John II., clothes pressor
Cadogon William
Lake Thomas
Fitzgerald J.
Hogland C. J.
N o r t h sido
Boden E.
Tomklns Francis \V.
Bcobag George
Hlglctt William
Joseph Berry
(Arnoliffo)—North A u s t r a l S t r o o t ( K o g a r a h ) — N o r t h
Cook's River dam to Wolli creek
Off Rocky point rood
Bucknell D'Arcy, solicitor
Stnnell j . It., market gardener
Buckncll Horace, surveyor
Wilson Ernest 0., turncock
Kemp John G., coachbuildcr
Brickwood John, cooper
Hill Oliver
United Methodist Free Church
Baker J,
Johnson John, nurseryman
Taylor Thomas
Railteay crossimj
Lambert W. J.
Magdalen Ilotrcat Convent laundry—
Delaney John
Rov. Mother Gertrude
Brown Thomas W.
South side
Hoo!an James
Jacob street—lllauarra ttreel
Hutchinson Charles, stonemason
Grundy MrB. M„ dalrykecpoi
Dalty James
Hallway crossimj
Murniy T. G., gatekeeper
A v o n a l S t r e e t (Arnollffe)
llonur utri-ri
Wilklo Henry, d Iryman
Off' Rocky point road
Riley Walter, coachpalntcr
Wild John market gardener
UouzensA. ,
B a r d e n S t r e e t (Arnollffe)
Hnnnam J., quarryman
/.o/lw street
Off Forest road
Chappelow Doylah poultry farmer
Hawkins Johii,oarriago builder
Smith Mrs., poultry farmer
Melntyre —
Jfallam street—Wolli creek
Harden Fredk., "Highbury helghtR"
S o u t h side
Cooke II. and Co., estato and house
Clarke Galus L. S. (C.E.)
Edmoudson C , butcher
Rockdale Produce Co— Nappor Jas,,
Wcslcyan Methodist Church—Rev.
W. E. Bourno
Chapel street
Bourno liov.W. E. (Wcs.)
Goodo George, baker
Plumley G. W.
Goode Richard, baker
Shcehan Michael
Collaghan James
Cairo street
Forest James C , carpet planner
Hcnso F. W.
Godfrey E1, contractor
Davis G. L. A.
Bowmer Benjamin, contractor
Aboiiktr street—James street
Cogbill John
Spring Mrs. M., dairykecper
England Theophilus, " Burrlngbar"
Arnollffo R o a d
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Emlralniers, 185 Georffe-st. West, Sydney. Tel 832;
Bay Street (now oalled "Watkln
Boach Street
Off Rocky )oliil road
Lawrcnco Lambort, market gardener
Twist Joseph, engineer
Twist John, market gardener
Twist Joseph, jun., market gardener
Mascord Thomas, market gardener
Ethorton William, market gardoner
BelloTUo S t r o o t (Arnollffe)
Off A venal str'ctl
West J. II., plumber
Cott.rill W., plumber
Lunnon John
Dvrno John
Westcott E. J.
Bostlo Stroet—North side
Rocky point road to Ooode's road
Farr street
Young David
Davis Thomas
Rogers M., boiling down establish.
Archibald W., carpontor
S o u t h sido
Oibbs street
Hodgklns Harry, carpenter
Bradley Thomas, blacksmith
Plttoek W.
Farr street
Hatfield Amos
B o n a r S t r e e t (Arnollffo)
((//' Arncliffe road
Hammond Arthur
Dellow Samuel, chalraiiikcr
Ventcm m Albert
Broughton Charles 11., joiner
Sullivan J.
MoSwccney Justin, railway contractor
B o o t h S t r o o t (Arnollffe)
Off lllairarra road—Railway crossing
Hunt R. W., poultry farmer
Emblcton C. J.
Dunn —
Broughton C. U.
Martin C. R.
B o w m e r S t r e e t — N o r t h Bldo
Railteay to Spring street
Simpson W.
Shoit John
Parkcs Ernest
Fisher Robert
FiankB Joseph
Pink Arthur
Pain Charles
Murdoek John
McAullffo Jeremiah
Curtis stre-t
Lamond Stewart, stonemason
S o u t h side
Reeves Harold J.
Pcarco John II.
Monsghan Michael
CUciaft William
Darnley Henry
Watt Henry J.
Curtu street
Djuglas James
Mcnzcl C.
Bruoe Street
Off Grand parage
Burtt J.
Brown William
Albert Ploasuro Grounds—W Turroll
Bryant Stroet—North side
Farr street to Rocky iwint road—Oibbs
street—Cameron street
Edgar William A., salesman
Borsby J. II.
Callaway R., clerk
Dyer C.
Stewart Henry, carpenter
Ellean W.
Kent and George streets
Hallott WlUinm
Bartlett Henry
Hardwlck W. II.
Harding John, fuol merchant
1'or* street
Bontloy William
Klcmann Robert, engineer
Rocky point toad
S o u t h sido
United McthodiBt Frco Church
Burton Street
Off West Botany street
Bowmor John, sen., J.P.
Bowmer Alfred, markot gardenor
Fooks W., boiling-down works
Cairo S t r o o t — W e s t 8ido
Ray to Chapel slreel
Cook II., laadngent, " Kent cottago"
Gilmore Mrs. II.
Goodo John
Ralston F.
Oameron Street—Wost sido
Ray lo Tabrelt street
Edgar 11., shipwright
Market street—Flit street
Purcoll J., carpenter
Austin lloborl J.
Vowlos Alfred
Bamforth John
DaviB W.
Beslic street
Ploghoft A., watchmaker
Konnolu Wm.t joiner
Minehnn Patilok
East side
Hcaton John R.
Brooks Thomas
Hamilton Robort
Thornton Falkland, " Sllndon "
Goodcn Frederick
Molneinoy Patrick
Stone Samuel
Oarrlngton P a r k
Off Bay street
Hook George
Mulr David
Catherine Stroot
Off Rocky point road
Small Ernest, cooper
& Embalmers. 810 Geo. St, South, Sydney C"tT8$S*B2j»* *)
1 OOD & COMPANY, Undertakers
Ohapol Street—North side
Ray to Aboukir street
Godfrey James
Goodnll 1''. cdclok, bootmaker
GaleW. S., "Boronia"
Hall George
Portcus C. W.
Dickinson C. W.
Berry Joseph
Baker John
Cairo street
Dawson IV., draper
Aboukir street
South side
Tattler Gideon
Hall Charles, tailor
Beohag James, market gardoner
Royall Charles
Ohuroh Street (Arncllffo)
Off Lqftus 'treet
Newton Mrs. E , poultry farmer
Church of England
Denlson street
Cross Street (Kogarah)
President avenue to Beach street
Cody Christopher J.
Saunders John, proprietor training
Curtis Street
Kempton to Judd street
Jones Arthur
Cropp II.
Spears J.
Hyslop Henry
Donison Street (Arnollffo)
From Queen to Church street
Turvey —
Shaw Walter
Trcmain II. E., architect
Doll's Point
iVeur Samlringham
Harris Charles, boat proprietor
S o m e S t r e e t (ArnoliQe)—EaBt s i d e
Rocky point road—Wollongong road
Foster James, joiner
Arncllffo railway station—Wm. Mars.
den, stationmastcr
Cavanough Mrs. M.
Moran James, bollcrmakcr
Mutton MISB E„ music teacher
Honniball David M.
Flke Frank
West side
Hankin Charles
Cornell Arthur, bookseller
Rowswell William T.
Dowling Street lArnollffe)
Off Wollongong road
Callow John
Farlolgh Kichard
Farlelgh John G.
Duff Street (ArnollSo)
Arnold Frederick
Titinsor Mrs. J.
Street (Arnollffo)—East
Off Kyle street
Hcnnlngs E. P.
Wannan Thomas, millwright
Wild Alfred
Clephanc C. J., carpenter
W e s t side
Hichardson A. II., contractor
Skene MIBS Isabella
Evans F.
Pritehard —
Skolton George, boot manufacturer
Hcnnlngs John
E a r l e S t r e e t (Arnollffo)
Forest to Wollongong road
Marr Perclval
Hardgc Henry, ganloncr
Mills Albert, engineer
E d e n S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
Rocky point road to Forest road
Eastorling W. G.
Adams Thomas, builder
Skilman Henry
Bradley Walter
1'hlppard Henry, " Wooroonn "
Marsden W. J.
Farr Street—East side
Bay to Tabrett street
Gettens J. \\\, compositor
Jorcmy W.
Clements Mrs. E.
Shields Joseph, constable
Fatherly Thomas
Napper John
•\Valne Robert
McGinnlty John
Ferguson Mrs., ladles' school
Putcrenn Wnlter
Foat J.
Boss William
Gessing T.
Hinton Alfred
Coalchcr John L.
Clarke James II.
Boss Alexander, bootmaker
Hi pant street
Tubby B., butcher
Woollev John, storekeeper
Kigby A. W.
Johnson Mr». E. D., storokcopor
Bestie street
Wcdrt Peter
Goodc John
Rcslruro Madam Albcrtlna
Sykcs B. 11., engineer
Hair John
Argent A , blacksmith
Corcoran William
Hradlcy John A., plumber
"West s i d e
Mnrshflcld D. E.
Tonkins Mrs.
Parr W., draper
Stone Edward
Mnckie \\"„ pain'cr
Hyslop Mrs. II.
Lake Robert
Rots Thomas
Mackie .Tames
Carter George
Ulack William, brassflnlshcr
Smith Richard, hairdresser
Hodges George
/lestic street
Bowler Joseph
Ross Robort
Clarke Alexander
Vaughan Frederick, dealer
Winter W.
Popo Mrs. S.
Bryant street
Young Oeorgo E., painter
Scarlo Ilenrv
Coles William H.
Carter George, quarryman
Pearson John
Ferrv Robert, bricklayer
Hills Edward, builder
Hull street
Luck Thomas, fuel merchant
Thorn James C.
//arrow road
Frederiok Street—North side
Rocky point to Forest road
Souter G., butcher
Canovan Mrs., gatekeeper
York Samuel, stationmastcr
Railway street—Railway crossing
Wnlz Joseph, stonemason
Walsi J. A., stonemason
Downey Hiss F.
• Watkins street
Charlesworth K. I., painter
Jolby J.
Chectham C. 8., cutler
Cox Frank, " Cora Lynn "
Cahtll Jnincs B.
McLurc John
Simpson Mrs.
Burcher S. T.
Wright Thomns
Primrose E. C.
Evcrs John T.
Burcher W. C.
Hicksou Richard, " Hazelmero "
Johnson Mrs.
Bobinson David, railway portor
Forest road
Firth Street (Arnollffo)
Off Forest load
Firth Thomas, civil engineer
Parsons Joseph II.
Gotling G.
Boll Lancelot
Forest Eoad
Rocky point road to Harrow road
Mclncrney P., bootmaker
Adams Miss E., confectioner
Coleman and Mny
Old Rocky point road—Firth street
Martyn Henry C.
Highbury llarn hotel—Margaret Logan
Morton Alexander, storekeeper
Morton Thomas, draper
Arnold Frederick
Morton Gavin
Brown C , newsagent
Plant Henry, "Tcddersley"
Clay W. Rudolph, surgoon
Pick GcorKO
Buckncll Frederic
Harrison Wllllnm. "Ziolinn"
Gordon street—Sl'irart street—Karl street
Wollongono road
Thiel P.
Scott David
Morrison John
S o u t h side
Parish Robert J,
Robinson William
Butclmrt James II., J.P.
Squires Pcrcivul
Roach street—Mount strict
/lay Vieir street
Boardman Georgo
Slcath A., fuel nicrchnnt
Gosling Peter Charles
Clarke William J„ " Gladstone "
Newell W., J.P., " Wentworth "
/lay View street
Chicott II. F., J.P.
Cockroft Robert, builder
Austin Benjamin
McLean Goorge
Kelsey William
Clayton J. II., solicitor, "Myco*
Taylor William
Hnyward M. \ \ \ , storekeeper
Frederick street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Enibalmers. 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel 632.
South side
Falconer A.
Young John
Wilson Mrs. II., " Natalie "
Leo Thomas
Bowles Archibald
Statham E. J., civil engineer
Cockctt Fi auk, draper
Clemens Alfred
Hattersley ThoinaB
Bobinson Rev. W. C. (Cong.)
Potter Miss E,
Arkell Charles 11.
Courtney John, grocer
Quoyle John, grocer
Williamson R. W.
Congregational Church
Watkin street
Prenoh Street (Kogarah)—East
Off Rocky point road
Mason William
Gollans Andrew
FroBt William
Bcrghofcr G., carpontcr
Rundle Mrs. E.
Maddock —
Cooper J., sen.
Cross street
Bourne Juhn, dairykeepcr
Dc Mcstrc Ettic
West side
lloarty II., horsetratner
Cook Thomas
Phillips Henry
Sheppcard Horbert
Sheppeard Robert
Garden Street—Kogarah
Off /lay street—/lurllngton estate
Swectlnnd John, blacksmith
DaTles John, blacksmith
George Street—East side
Off Bryant street
Temporanco Hall
Canham John
Dyer E , engineer
Gould Henry, painter
Smith Thi wisL„ draper
W e s t side
D.ivlcs William 1)., coachsmith
Schutz Mrs.
Perfect John
Smith Richard
Stephen J.
llroo II. i>.
Allen John
Gibbos Street—East side
Rap to Tabrett street
Spoonor II. E.
Danneford Frederick
Hall Thomas, gilder
Graves Edward 13,, carpenter
Smith B., builder
Llewellyn Ernest II., " Grassmoro "
Hart Augustus I',
Clifford Ambrose'
Costclow George, carpontcr
Barlow Thomas
Hi yanl street
Young Mrs., •' Fiona"
Ladies' School—.Miss E. Young, prln
Tarrant Miss S.
, Burcher Nathaniel
Armstrong 11. H.
Upton Arthur
I'etohlor Charles
Townsend Frederick
Henderson Thomas
Asquith George, mason
llestie street
Skinner Frank
Dexter Alfred
Walker J. C.
Wcnholm S.
Oxlcy Thomas
W e s t side
Wildsmith Robert William
Hodgson Thomas
King street
Walters J.
Coombs James
Power William, constable
Swcte Robert
Trevarthcn Joseph II.
Jlrynnt street
Willis John
May S. J., builder
Walsh W.
Wright William
Bestie street
Turvey Wllllnm
Shannon Hugh
Owen William
Hellion Thomns
Glen Eoad (Arnoliffe)
Nowhouse J.
Tuck IC, poultry former
Westwood J„ poultry farmor
Baker Joseph, poultry farmer
Godfrey Street
Ratlieay to Spring street
Tuck Joshua
Ellis Thomas
Dc Carle Mrs.
Gordon Street—North side
Off Grand parade
5 Matthews —
•J Spong Thomas
13 News Edwin
South sido
2 Dcoblc J. G.
. 4 Moore Lowis
• 0 Wilson Frank
8 PottlorS.
10 MoNamco W. M.
12 Saywolllloss
Quail —
Mlldwater William J.
Gordon Stroot
Wollongong street to Forest road
Byors Georgo
Tike G. A.
Esdalo Edward
G o r e S t r o e t (Arnollffo)
Off Reach street
Y'oand Alexander
Dunn Edwin
Foil Alexander.
Grand Parado
Off Bay street
Lick I/ouse hold—Harry Flgg
Brighton terrace—
3 Mutton Oswald
4 Liwson James, auctioneer
5 Marshall Thomas W.
0 Partridge Jonathan
7 Corbott W. F.
8 Saywoll Thomas, J.P., "Nevada"
10 Maddock W.
11 Knight E. H.
Oordon street—Princes street
Cameron James, accountant
Bay street
Swimming Hatha and Refreshment
Rooms—Charles Lincko
Will /Many street to Lady Robinson's
Green Street (Kogarah)
Off Rocky point road
Ferryman Sidney
O'Connor Richard, horse trainer
Phelps James
Cross street
Wobb Wllllnm, carponter
Cooper Chnrlcs
Sunn John, horso trainer
Rodlcr Frnncis
Emmerson Albeit
Ward John
Moore street
Hannam Street (Arnollffo)
Off ArncliJIt road
• Wnimvrlght J.
Cook street
MeNamara's tannery—J. Wainwrlght,
Mooro A.
Skinner George, letter canior
King ttreet
Jeeves S. A., daifykocpor
Fnvcll J. J., gardener
Hopson t'rodciick
Turtle William
'bettvecuChrUt Unm-li &\
. /
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers <fc EmMmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (Savings
Harrow Road (Boxley)—North
From Rocky point roml at Kogarah 10
Forest road, Berlin
Williams T. N.
Twiss George, gardener
Hold Alex mdnr, engineer *
Courtney John
Railicay I'vel crossing—Bay street
Payten Mrs.
Tiller Clmiles
Hcaley W.
Parker C.
Mcintosh John
Hanks Frederick, "Linwood"
Connack Donald, " Dunvegan "
Herbert Street—North side
Otf Forest road
I'oarso James, dalrykecpor
St. Joseph's U. C. Church—RCT.
Father MoDermott
South side
Langley F.
Grllllths — Mullarkor Frederick," Glcndalough"
Collett T. P.
Doneo J.
White Hpnry L.
Wright A. H.
Hermann Street (Kogarah)
Off' Rocky point road to sicamp
West J., plumhor
Congdon Abel
Hogan George
Williams Frederick
Turnbull Archibald
Kills W.
Hudson James
Davis Oliver
Hurst Street (Arnoliffe)
A'ear Old Wollongong road
McLcin Alfred
Watson James, printer
Kembla street
Hinds Montague
Sargent Robert
Draper W,
Farley J. G.
Paton A , carpenter
Simpson W., staircase maker
Senior A.
Poterkin Walter
Illawarra Road (Arnoliffe)
Arucliffeto Wollongong road
Harden Mrs. J. G.
James S t r e e t - W e s t side
Bay to Green street—Bay street
East side
Tattler Samuel, son.
Humphreys William
Frank Antonio, poultry farm
Spring Charles, market gardener
Barnigo J.
Patton Robert
John Street (Aracliffe)
Off llannam street
FAYCIIC Reginald, gardener
Curtis John, market gardener
Jllackwell Mrs., market gardener
Honman —
Judd Street—North side
Railicay to Spring strut
Jack William, engineer
Saunders William
Hardy Richard
Frank Frcdorlck
Curtis street
Danno John T., storekeeper
Danno Miss M., private school
Spears John
McLcod John
Lawton Frederick
Ilolton 0., engineer
Simpson Gcorgo, tailor
Ryman P.
South side
Kerr Andrew, tailor
Curtis street
Fair William, plumber
Lockanl William
Oxcnham Astor T.
Burgess W.
Bullock Frederick W.
Drown Robert, carpenter
Sutherland A., joiner
Robb James, storcman
Kolsey Street (Arnoliffe)
Wollongong road to Hurst street
Marsdon Charles
Whittdkcr W.
Hlndman Robert, brossfounder
Newman Robert
George street
St. Stephen's Church of England
Cunningham J.
Larnach William
Hadflcld Jonathan
Bawden Thomas
Cox Charles
Mnxwall George, joinor
Bailey Frederick
Hogarth Richard, carpentor
Woodhiil —
South side
Rohmcr Rudolph
Brighten C, carpenter
Brighten Miss K., dressmaker
Edmondson Christopher, butcher
Quantock II. J., watchmaker
Rockdale police Btatlon
Brown Charles, watchmaker
Russell Charles, contractor
Walker John T„ engineer
George street
Rowo Gcorgo
Smith G. A., plumber
Pitt street
Griffiths John
Peaisc GcorgoA.
Bafgcnt William
Balgcnt Mrs., drcssmakor
Bcehag William
Corkcry John, brassmoulder
Weuino C. W.
Thomas A.
Cameron street
King Street (Arnoliffe)
I/y"tns to llnnnan street
Wcsconibe William
MoNainara W.
Wllllngton William T„ clectroplater
I'icklcs H.
Cairns John
Reedor Mrs. J.
Queen street
Vnughan Charles
Booth William
Kempton Street—North sldo
Rocky point road to Spring street
Warner William
Schulzo Carl
Curtis street
Duncan James, palntor
Janes Frederick
Kyle Street (Arnoliffe)—South sidoGowans Mrs.
Off West Botany road
Mcl'horson James, joiner
Iscmongcr John
South sido
Hllliard Sydney
Milligan 11., builder
Mumford Mrs., grocer
Crane K.
Morrison William
West Georgo
Angus W., watchmaker
Ball Thomas
Kent Street
Off Bryant street
Wynno Charles
Gilbert Charles
Penman It. B.
Frandscn George
Wellington Mrs. Harriett
Taanor Gcorgo
King Street—North sido
Rocky point road to Cameron street
Market street—George street
Jenkins Mrs. Jane, cordial manufacturer
Salvation Army barracks
St. Julian John
Market street
Loftus Stroot (Arnoliffe)
Wollongong road to Arncliff'e road
Farlcigh Edward M.,leather merchant
King W.
Cousans A., dairyman
Marsdon W.
Street (now called
Waratah street)
Luff Street—South side
Off Railway street
Cooper William
Blancbard Charles, tailor
Burden Edwin
Connack William, builder
Mannell Joseph ,
WOOD & COMPMT, Undertakers & Emrjalmers, 185 George-st. West Sydney. Tel. 832.
North side
Dyer Benjamin
Bampton Charles
Humphries John
Lull John
Luff Charles, market gardenor
Baptist Chapel
Market Street
Off King street
New William
-Collins Frederick
Leer James
Harsh Street (Arnoliffe)
Off West Botany road
Bcehag George, market gardener
McMinn Samuel, cattle dealer
Marshall Street (Kogarah)
Off Rocky point road
-Charles Albert II.
Powelly W.
Hopkln Josiah
Bachelor Philip
Aye Gustavus
Mitoholl Street (Kogarah)
Off Rocky point road
Frascr Henry J,
RofTey Thomas, Venetian bllndmaker
Wright William
Mitoholl Street (Arnoliffe)
Off Wollongong road
Marr Godfrey II.
List Thomas, builder
Smith Walter H.
Moore Street (Kogarah)
Off President avenue
Mount Street (Arnoliffe)
Off Forest road
Onions William M.
Pitt Street
Off George street
Public School — A. Herd, schoolmaster
Slinn George
St. Stephens (C. of E.)
Smith W.
President Avenue (Kogarah)North sido
Off Rocky point road
Whitehall Charles
Carrington park
Moore Mrs. P.
Elder E., vanman
South cido
Vogcl Ferdinand F.
Wilkinson Robert E. A., J.P.
PrinoesB Stroet
Off Grand parade
BaywollG. F.,"l,ubra"
Alcock John," Dora"
McBrldeJ. C. l)„ "llega"
Brighton Club—W. F. Corbett, secretary
Quoon Stroot—(now oallod
Victoria Street)
Queen Streot (Arnoliffe)
Stanton street to railway
Barden Frederick
English J.
Bigger John Gordon
Llddoll W.
Smart Frederiok, carriage builder
Stephenson Mrs. E.
Chcatlo C. W.
Railway Oresoent
Rocky point road to Kimpton street
Fleming John
Hansen C. F. F., engineer
Fizcll William
Casson Joseph, carpenter
Semple William
Railway Street
Off Frederick street
Gceves Yeoman
Leahy Henry, commercial traveller
Parker street—Bay street
Moxham G. H.
Osborne Chnrlcs J.
Stcolo Mrs. A.
Bakio W.
Pitman Peter
Wales Miss
Park Road (Kogarah)
Thomas, brassfounder
Rocky point road to Lady Robinson's beach
Andrews E. C.
Lantcnback Joseph
King G., commercial traveller
Depcnl Samuel
Bolgcr Simon
Jacobscn R.
Thorpe George A., joiner
Barker J.
Carson William
Long W.
Luff street
Whittlngstall George
Parker stroot
Glssing Spencer
Off Railway street
Kempton street—Judd street
Guthrie George, marble, mason
Hindmarsh J.," Rockcliff "
Fisher Frederick, carpenter
Morgan Mrs. M. A.
Hntrmer street
Norwood Gilman
Napoleon streot
Soupham W.,dairykeeper
Douglas William
Crawford J. C.
nawklns J.
McMillan Alexander
Hurst John
Wood Walter
Bell John
Hillier John
Pantlin James, contractor
Gardiner William
Godfrey street—Spring street
Ramsgate Road (Kogarah)
lloeki/ /mini road to Scarborough park
Conway M., dalrykecpor
Cleveland William
Hancock B.
Talmcr n. R.
McAlee James
Clcve'and W., jun.
Harpor Edward
Roaoh Street (Arnoliffe)
Off' Forest road
Rand William, J.P., " Moryion "
Rockdale Stroet
Rocky point road to railing
Lovcgrove Miss
Fox George
Ladies' School—Miss Fox
Rooky Point Road
Sans Sonet to Cook's River dam
Sandrlngliam road—Selmon street
Sans Soucl Post Olllcc—II. Dose, postmas tor
Holland Thomas
Ramsgate road to Dillon street
Woolnough Thomas
Browne Hornco
Jordan Robert
Stockdale Samuel, market gardener
Stockdalo Mrs. J.
Canhnm Chester, market gardenor
Collins William, market gardener
Clark Henry
Mnrks James, market gardener
Bcrghofer William, m.irkct gardener
Austral street
Towcll Samuel
Bums Thomas, storekeeper
Bisby William, dairy-keeper
Havuoii Oliver, storekeeper
Kemp William
Marshall street
Hill George, Ironworker
O'Mnra James, diiiynmn
Smith John, tinsmith
Meredith James
Moorefleld hotel— Peter J. Moore
Moorefleld Racecourse — Peter J.
Mooro, proprietor; John Jolly, sec
Green street—President avenue
Sugarmun Jacob, painter
Hegarty John F., " Icna"
French street
Soamcs William II., produce merchant
Potter Dunlcl
Hcppel E. II., engineer
Arnold Joseph, van proprietor
King George, electrician
Small Alfred, cooper
Small Mrs. T., " Pcnrielgh"
Jlruch street
Schoilc'.d John, market gardener
Reuter II., market gardener
Hill W. II., bootmaker
Curtis R. G., bootmaker
Fell Walter J.
McLcod James, physician and surgeon
WOOD & COMPANY Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South Sydney ( b o U lL\^B c a!r h *)
Rocky point road continued—
Lister .T. P., nuctlonocr, *' Ilayburn
Buckler John, ironmonger
Andrews John, draper
Grundy William, f ual morohnnt
Dnllliiiorc W., furniture dealer
Duncan .1 amen, Bignwrltcr
St. George Volunteer Fire Station—
C. Hoyall, captain
Ryan T. J„ saddler
Wardlo George T.
Hurloy T. und A., butchers
Byron Mrs. II. K., stationer
Astrldgo F. W., groo>r
Lano F. W., tobacconist and halrdrosscr
Judd and Pilgrim, fruiterers
Hlchardson John, boot and shoo depot
Day street
BarBby C. H.,drapernnd boot importer
Spnckmi.n !•'.., Ironmonger
Tattler R„ fruitoror
Cox F, and W„ produce morohants
King street
Klnscla Charles, undoi taker
Loeook Thoiins, confectioner
McNeill W. J., watohmaKer
Goldman II., tobacconist and hairdresser
McNeill W. J., land agent
rackman C, carpenter
Tlie (Irand hotel—Ambrose Thornloy
Bray Wllllan
Mathcsen William
Bryant street
Rockdale Town Hall - G. W. K.
Lccder, council clerk
Oddfellows' Lodgo
Foresters' Hall
Roy Duncan, blacksmith
Fox Montague
Farrell Michael, Rrocor
Lnwrcnco Win., furniture dealer
Berrv Albeit
Welch and Walker, coachbuildors
Mooro Frederick J., painter
Illiffe John, nurseryman
Hancock Harry G., gardener
Bestic street
Price Mrs. Marion, " Clonllffo "
Price R. Atkinson," Clonllffo "
Price Thnims," Clonliffo "
MUlhausen Frt-dk., market gardener
Stock J., 1 lundrr
l'rce Church of England
Lawrence Mrs.
Lawrence Albert, market gardener
Vincent Mrs. Janet, florist
Tantalon avenue
Public School—F. W. Mandell, headmaster
Terry street—A renel street
McKem W.W., "El?slum"
Wickham street—Forest street
Gough Georgo
Williams Edward
Stevens Mrs., ladies' nurse
Sellwyn T„ "Dlmora"
Morton Gavin Mrs., gcnoral store
Selby William
Ridding B. J , lapidary
. Ambler Tate
Gibson Mrs., accoucheuse
Mclror William, talior
Donovan John
O'Griulv Daniel, carter
Coot's river dim
W o s t Bldo
Gladstone hotel—Archibald Wood
Mollugh II., farrier and blacksmith
John street—Dome street—Ann street
Richardson Mrs., "Wickham"
Forest road
West llotan<i hotel—Susan A. Clune
Waddell street —Railway crescent
Frank' Josoph
Higgcrson Joseph
Parker J. McW.
Millor Herbert, warehouseman
Jnrvlo John, metal worker
Allars Robert, engineer
Scawick Robert
Mlchaclson W., tailor
Pattorson Henry, harncssmaker
Fleming John, clork
Mastorton William, accountant
Burke Patrick
Franks John, gardener
Horsey Frederick, nroduoo morohant
McCann Alfrod, bulldor
Burns William, timbor merchant
Kempton street
Popo Charles, bootmaker
Kcatcs Robert
Rockdale street
LafTan James
Burns Stephen
Burns Aloxandcr, " Glenburn "
Pcrlgo ThomaB
Morse Mrs., senr.
Rogors Mrs. E.
Mono Jamos, wheelwright
Morse Arthur, engineer
Bolor J., fuel and produce merchant
Wales and Dawson, asphaltors
Paxton Mrs. Jane
Bonnyman John, blacksmith
Cobham Georgo, bootmaker
Dunn D. J „ drapor
Cnrmichad William, baker
Station street
Swlndale T, P., chemist
Rockdale Post and Telegraph Oflice—
W. Lnyton, ])ostmastcr
Gibson J, 11, grocer
Wlllison George, book depot
Leach Samuel, newsagent
Hill 10. McC. S., ohcmlst
Gowen and Wcathorstono, storekeepers
Hay street
Hammlll Alfred ,T., ham and beef shop
Currio und Sturt, bootmakers
Soutcr G., butcher
Darnloy Henry, tailor
Frederick street
Royal hotel—George Dulgan
Nicholson John, blacksmith
Hilton Frank
llray William, van proprietor
Calrncross I)., cement merchant
Morris William II.
Cunningham Mrs. Ann
Cunningham M. G.
Keen Thomas
Hathaway Frederick
Skidmore Frederick
Catherine street
Dont Georgo
Small Ernest
Frco Church of England
Mood John C, painter
Summorfleld Uemy, litter
Harrow road
(For continuation see Kogarah)
Rutsscll A v e n u o ( K o g a r a h )
Rocky point road to Sandrinyham road
Ludolf Max
Harris Charles
Stono George
Monro Hector
Gannon James
Lady Robinson's beach
Peryman F. G. B., engineor
Saokvillo Street
Off Wollongong road
Taylor G. B.
Arnold Edward, " Lynton "
Brlerley J. K.
Sandringham Road (Kogarah)
Rocky point road to Sandringham
Kavanagh E. R., surgeon
Gcddcs James
Clareville avenue—Russell avenue
Davis William A., " Wahroonga"
Russell Ernest, refreshment rooms
Devlin Henry
Prince sf Wales hotel—V.. D. Tollomnchc
Solmon 1',. boat proprietor
Richards A,
Douglas William
Douglas John
DouglaB J., boat proprietor
Lazarus K., refreshment rooms
Sans Souol
Sans Souct hotel—John Frator
Colls F. J., refreshment rooms
Solmon Miss E., refreshment rooms
Ballmun Peter, boat proprietor
Millliam T, boat proprietor
S o g o n h o o S t r e e t (Arnoliffe>
Off Avenal street
Cuthbert J. 15.
Taubman G. E.
Morgan Michael T., contractor
Vlokers John, stonemason
Monnhan ltov. Joseph
Blunter John W., engineer
Green A. E., J.P., Venetian blind
Green James
Short Street
Off Spring street
Heeling S A., solicitor
Bcohag W. A.
Millington C. J.
Spring Street
Kimpton to Railway street
Potcrscn Charles
Calrncross David, datrykeoper
Judd street
Williams W.
Graver A. E.
Clcgg W.
Stevens Honry
Dwyer Jeremiah
Mason John
Burgess James
Gibbs S. A.
HueglU John
S t a n l e y S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
A'eie Forest road—Off Garden street
Phillip Joseph, carpentor
Ilea John, J.P.
Graham J. G.
Hlckcy James
Hutchinson Miss J., private school
Bcdgers J. C.
Eedy II.
Farleigli Edward
S t a t i o n S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
East side
Off Dome street
llorton Fredcriok
Stead Charles
Markham J., bricklayer
Sutherland John
Stowart Andrew
Barker Goorgo
West side
Coombos William
Gornall Robert
Walker James
Partrldgo E. G.
Hartlo James
Andorson Georgo, carpenter
Dumont Folix
Fleming W.
Carroll Thomas
Station Street
Off' Rocky point road
CurtiB Walter, bootmaker
Bonnyman John, blacksmith
S t e w a r t S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
Wollonaong road to Forest road
Falliok Frank
Farras J. W.
Tabrott Street
Off Gibbet street
Spenco Mrs. M.
Bcohag Isaac, dairyman
S l a d e R o a d (Arnoliffe)
John street to Wolli creek
Hlllsdcn J., fruitgrower
Lnmbcrg John, warehouseman
Curtin Bros., boiling-down works
Eipper A. E.
Jackson George R.
V i c t o r i a S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
Denison street to King street
Sharp W.
Davis William
Thomas G.
Spring Street
Rockii point road to West Hotany street
Miincr and Smith, nurserymen
Bowmcr Josoph, market gardener
W a d d o l l S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
Off Rocky point road
Skipper Herbert
Brcmagian L.
Hiokson W. C.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
W a l m e r S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
Off Forest road
Long W. '
Harrison Honry II.
Dalton William
Borkwood Arthur," Whitley"
Sharp Albort, "Tho Dingle"
Ellis Eugene
Bcohag Mrs. William
Card George, litter
Harsh street
Bcebag George, market gardener
W a l t e r s S t r e e t (Arnoliffe)
Wollongong road to Hirst street
Hart Frank George, plumber
Band Henry
Wood Richard
Allen Alfred
Dauncey Mrs. II.
Btotlo George
Toss William Bruco, " Colono"
Walz Stroot
Off Railway street
St. Joseph's It. C. Church and Schocl
—Rev. P. MoDormott
W a r a t a h S t r o o t (Arnoliffe)
Mount to Bay view ttreet
Turner Maurice
Lardncr Mrs. C. L.
McLaughlin \V, architect
Watkin Street
Railway street to Harrow road
Whito F. W.
Rcdfcrn Thomas
Morris'.Mrs. M. E.
Gilford Thomas
Herbert street
W a z o r S t r o o t (Arnoliffe)
North side
Off Dowling street
Wilkins Hugh B.
Ellis Charles A., grocor
Solundcr James, grocer
Stubbs James
Tuckwcll George, dairykcepcr
Allen Willium
Boutchcr Albert, chemist
S o u t h sldo
List Joseph, carpenter
Hnlverson Wultor
Pcrlgo R.
Perlgo Mrs., drcssmakor
Doylo J.
Harris Charles
Gallagher James, grocer
JackBon James
Gibson Robert S., Jelnor
Lunn David
Toasdale John, carpenter
DuBarry George, engineer
Cowan Daniel
Frakos A. T„ bricklayer
Wost B o t a n y Road—East sldo
Bay street to Rocky point road
Warren Samuel, market gardener
Coo'c Harry, jun., market gardener
Nappor Charles, sen., market gardener
Nuppor W., market gai doner
Nnpper Joseph, market gardener
Wilson David, horscdealor
Burton strict
Cox George
Weslcyan Church
Button F. A.
Bestic street
Wost side
Quirk James, markot gardener
Fooks Goorgo
Berry Samuol, dairykcepcr
Clerk J. R.
Whltton David, markot gardener
Spring street—Avenal tfreet
Ramsdcn John
Camphln George
Davlcs Thomas
Wickham street
Morphy Miss C.
Porter T., dairyman
Pert James
Pert Robert, stonemason
Bcohag James
Kule street
Port William
Urolnger W. E.
Bcehng William
Walsh Luko
Bchringcr Leonard, carpenter
Jackson L A., grocor
Full Georgo
Fisher Mrs II.
W l o k h a m S t r o o t (Arnoltfrb)
North side
Shorlook Edward W.
Prlco Edwnrd
Sutton E., dairykcepcr
Hutlleld Mrs. M.
Churchill A.
Hinton J.
South side
Oxley James, gardonor
Perry James
Vincont J.
Browne Hilton
Wilson Stroet
Baker Joseph, poultry fnrmor
W i t h e r s S t r e e t (Arnoliffo)
Mount to Jlayview street
Hamilton Ernest
Doughty Fredcriok
Exton John II.
Doughty John
W o l l o n g o n g R o a d (Arnoliffo)
North sldo
Illa'rarra to Forest road
Turtle Thomas
Sollar Frederick C , builder
Likely Mrs.
Smart W.
Sheldon Alfred
Talt John, buildor
Carruthcrs Albert, coachbullder
Lambert JamcB
Lambert Jl ISB, dressmaker
Parkinson'WI.IIam 11.
Hardy Almn, " Almavlllo "
Walters street
Christ Church &\
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & EmMmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydneybetween
( Bnvlngi
Wollonyonff road continued—
Stone C. J., butcher
Kembla ttreet
Howard A. E., nroduoo merchant
Edwards Mrs. E.
Doifling ilreel
Judd W. O., J.P., " Athelstano"
Judd James II., draftsman
Gibbons F. J., J. P., " Dappeto"
Wilton road
Mllsop Thomas," Falrvlew "
Waiford Joseph, " Belmont"
Ralston Alexander, dairykoeper
Faulkner E. It., " Boron!* "
llyng Uov. Charles J. (C. of E.),
Sacki'tlte ttreet
South side
Thorn W.
Dome street
Ilarland Edwin, accountant
Thompson Robert, clerk
James Henry
Dnvall William A,
Gnmbold Francis
Dell Thomas, hairdresser
Hood John
Morton Gardiner, storekeeper
Trlndcr James W., carpenter
Maloney Lnwrmcc
Forbes William, carriage painter
McN'amara Mrs. Annlo
Swindells Samuel, olerk
Blackmorc C.
WeBleyan Church—Rev. W.E. Bourne,
Stone Richard
Orlce D. J., house painter
Clancy John
Tugwcll Henry, police constable
Boutcher Albert, chemist
Marr H, M., storekeeper
Mitchell ttreet
Key Edward W.
Wolfenden George
George ttreet—Steirart ttreet
Anderson Thomas, grocer
Earle ttreet
Strange John C. E., cooper
Wilton road
York Street
Off Bryant street
Welch Frederick
Curric Henry, bootmaker
Chapman W.
Dyer Vincent
Hayes Cyrus J.
Gannon Thomas
Webber Robert
Criramons Timothy
Newman T.
8cotttng John
County of Cumberland, Parish of St. John, Liberty Plains aud Oonoord,
COMMKNOISU on tho centra of tho line of pipes conveying tho water supply to Sydnoy and subuibs, at lt(
intersection with a line along the centre of Park Iload,
thence by a lino along ttiu oeutro of that road northerly
till It meets the Mount Auburn Road, thence, by n Una
along the centre of that load easterly, till It meets the
-oeutro of Graham street, thence northerly to tho centre of
Water street, thenco by n lino along the coutre of that
street easterly, till it meets the centre of Cockthorpo
Road, thence by a line along the oentre of that rend by the
northern side of Helena Street, thenco by a line east to the
centre of Thomns street, thence by a line along the coutre
•of that street to the southern boundary fence of Ritchie's
Area 8J sriunre miles.
property, thenco easterly to the south-east comer of that
propel ty, thence by tho eastern boundary of that property
and its prolongation northerly, crossing tho II illway Lino
from Parramatta to Svilnoy to Its north-eastern fence,
thenco north-westerly by a Hue along tl.o centre of Percy
Rond, thence northerly till It meets the easterly centre of
Hall street, thenco nlong tho centre of that street to the
westerly centre of St. Helllcr's Road to its extremity,
thenco by a line orosalng the Parmmatta Road northeasterly, to the centre of Sutherland street, to the right
bank of tho Parramatta River, and again easterly to
Powell's Creek,
Couucil meets every alternate Tuesday- •Council Chambers, Taylor Street.
Proclaimed n Municipality , 13th January, 1802.
Office hours—Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a in. to 1 p.m. ; Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m; 4 to 7 p.m.
John Garthwaito
P. J. Dnndou
F. Lldbury
James T. Jny, J.P.
Thomas Godson
Vluccnt Ritchie
Edwin Andrews
Joseph Abrahams
W, Gllllver
Adderloy Street
Off Sutherland road
Cogger George
Benson Georgo
Day street
Lester George
Parkos George
"Wheeler Thomas, brickmaker
Albert Street
Off Oxford street
Chapman William
Board Thomas W.
Avenue (Third)
Mills J. F.
Dundon Patrick
Boyd John, dairykoeper
Garrington II. A.
Gaudrcy Charles
Geaney Michael
Casey Michael, baker
Dunn Joseph, produce merchant
Groves John
Hutchinson Christopher
Green Elijah
Nolan W,
Church of England—ROT. J. A. Cawdoll
Garbutt Mrs. Joseph
Hubbard Thomas II.
Cumberland James
Duggan Patrick, dairykcepor
Avonue (Fourth)
Bourko Thomas, storekeeper
Barry James
McGuiro James
Hart Owen
Avenue (Fifth)
Ward John
Staunton Joseph
Martin Henry
Jones Miss Amelia
Baserio Martin
Robertson John
Stanley Thomas
Davies Georgo
Meddins W.
Avenue (Sixth)
Wyatt W, J.
Uogan Patrick
CaSBolls Georgo
Taylur E.
Roberts Francis J.
Chapman George
F. Lldbury
A, H . TIlOW
A. H. Thew
Ann Street
Off John street
Chamberlain Walter, monumental
Thomas Richard, monumental mason
McMillan Joseph, stonemason
Priestly Mrs, P.
Avenue, (First)
Hyde Park
Dwyer Dennis
Williams William, dealer
McDcrmott John
Anderson Joseph
McLaren Mrs. II.
Daley Michael
MortelMrs E.
McKenna Thomas
Barstow J.
Finucano Michael
Clements William, bookshop
Daw Nicholas
Smith Edward
Avenue (Second)
Altass F. ,T.
Audloy George
Rich Isaac
WOOD & COMPANY,. Under takers & EmMmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 326.
Avenue (Seventh)
Standcn James
Daft Isaao
Brown E.
Beatrice Street—West sido
Off Victoria street
Cook Thomas
Harris William J.
Caithness William, engineer
Morgan Richard, dairyman
Woodland Alfred J.
The Boulevarde
Thew Albert U., council clerk
Aldcrson John
Reeves Edward D.
East side
Cutliffo Charles
Garrett Samuol
The Boulevarde
Ilartwell R. 1)., accountant
Richmond Mrs. C, ladies' school
Boulevarde (The)—Albert Park
Notting Hill road to Joseph street
Halpin A.
Fathers Alfred, jeweller
Fathers Mrs. W.
Brixton Road
Off Kerr's road
Sims James, brick manufacturer
Rolph Nathaniel
Leigh John
Cambridge Street
Off Tilba street
Badger Walter W., dairyman
Ryder John
Swinfleld A.
Ohuroh Street
Off John street
Morton J. L.( statioimastor
Pllo George E.
John street
Hargravcs Wm.
Blssot James 11., postmaster
Gllllver and Curtis, railway contractors
O'Reilly Rev. Poter(R.C)
Korwlck Rev. P. (R.C.)
Runyan Charles, monumental masoB
JavcB James, sexton
Nowlan Thomas '
Rooktvood street
Harvey Robort
Andrews Edwin, monumental mason
Clarence Street
Water street to Railway
Solby James
Selby Alfred
Clarke Street
Off Kerr's road
Carter James
Bragg Alfred
Oolthorpo Stroot
Off Water street
Crawford Stroot
Off Brixton road
Beckett James, builder
Burrows John, ironmonger
Dalloy Street
Off Church street
Baty Jones, carpenter
Ritohie A. S.
Rolph Joseph
Day Street
Off Parramatta roaa
Prlmo Charles
Barclay John
Tyo Samuol
East Street
Railway to Reformatory
Larcombe Alexander, monumental
Andrews IlroB., monumcatal masoni
land at 140 Kllzabeth-st., Sydney)
James street—Eglinton street
Jeffries Win. II., mason
Nossltcr Thomas, commission ageat
Dawson J,
Radio William
Rookwood Benovolent Asylum—Mrs.
D. It. McDermott, matron; R, J,
Lewis, clerk; Petor Curran, attendant; Hilton Fnrnoll, gardener
Edith Stroot
Off John street
LlttloE. l)„ "Chlnsurn"
Hunt Willi im
Egllnton Stroet—South sido
East to Joseph street
Faux Sirs. T.
Eriekson Eric
Burton James
Hchollcld Isaac
North sido
Phillips O. W.
Eldridgo Albort
Bush Joseph H. W., mason
Cook Walter I.,
llurmor John, gardoncr
Wilson William, stonemason
Walters William
Franois Stroet—South sido
Keating street to Parramatta road
Green E.
Eve Mrs. J.
Stephenson John H.
Staplos Thomas
Saver Thomas
Khloll Edward
Reilly George, agent
Stokes Albert
English Edward
Parramatta road
North Sido
Spelrs William
Ritchie Vincent
McCruw William
O'Brien Daniel
Bird Henry R.
Middlcten Mrs. A.
Birch Alfred
Owen Mrs. Hannah
Cubitt James
Schoflold Jthn
Franco Thomas C.
Wnrc William
Garthwatte John, tannsr
Graham Street—East sido
From Water street to bush
Uadlleld David
.Marshall John
Deromo Thomas
Simpson William
Kirk ham Mrs. C.
Scwell John
(For West side, see Auburn)
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Emfcalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney Cbctwel"v?.!,^"rS:.Vi,rcU *>
Hanover Street
Off John street
Jones A. II.
Sisters of St. Josoph
Jobns Henry
Field Albert E.
Hyde Park Estate
(See The Avenues)
Hyde Park Road
Off Brixton street
Thorpe Robert J., Inspector of ordnanoo
James Street
Joseph to East street
Lareombe llobt., monumental mason
Watt Alexander
Thomas Mrs. J.
McNab Donald, mason
Brown J nines
John Street—North aide
Railway to Parramatta road
Rookwond Railway Station—J. L,
Morton, statlonmnster
ltldlcy Mrs. James
Davis Mrs.. II.
Page Louis
Ferdrlau II.
Congregational Church and School
Sneosby David
Childs George, Carpenter
Mary street
Drown William H., confectioner
Green Alfred, gardener
Chamberlain Frederick
Schnalko f m , P.
Wilkinson Alfred
Hanover street
Public School—L. Peak, master
Mill and Keating streets
Grcatrex John, plumber
Lattic J.
Keating Edmund
Keating Patrick, dairykoepcr
Maiid street
Bragg Alfred, baker
Bragg 11.
Thompson George
Bradbury John
Donnelly II. W.
Edith street
Varlcy \Vm., sen.
Esliok II.
Alien Frederick
O'Neill James
Parramatta road
South side
Thomas Walter G.
Hall T. A.
Park street
Police Station—Constable D. RobertBon
Graco William
Argall Frederick
Sclbv Thomas
Staff Hedlcy
Ann street
O'Connor Timothy
Cox James
Knox James
Josoph Street—South side
Coley Enoch
Railway to Lower Bankstown
Farrell Charles
"Railway hotel— Joseph Abrahams
Savugo Georgo, jun.
Lockycr and Co., plumbers
Garrington John C.
Gormlcv Bornard, storekeeper
Post and Telegraph OfBco—James B.
Livingstone Street
Godson T. A., accountant
Water s/rtet to railway
Claik and io„ suircyors and land
Ridley James
Darmody Richard
Godfrey Frederick, bootmakor
Douglas Wm., blacksmith
Russell Joseph, saddler
Wall Thomas
Kimo Samuel, confectioner
Frond Henry, cabinetmaker
Hcathcotu Mrs. Gertrude, fancy goods
Armstrong Robert, butcher
Butters Adam C.
Morris Robert
Rookwoud Volunteer Fire Brigade
Vaughan street—Brixton road
London Road
Wesleyan Church—Rev. F. E. Bankstown road to Molting Hill road
Fletcher, M.A.
Frost James, monumental mason
O'Neill Patrick
Leigh Henry, brickmaker
Andrews Mark
Lynch Michaol J.
Lewis Reginald J.
Mark Street
Greenwood Edwin
Greenwood Robert
Railway to James street
Batton William
St. Stephen's (C. of E.)—Rev. J. A.
Mahony Patrick
Cawdcll •
The Boulevarde
Cawdell Rov. J. A.
Pcarco G. A.
Gcerge, butcher
Parton Patrick
Carson John, Ironfounder
Waterworks—J. ISrett, caretaker
James street
North side
Carson John, ironfounder
Martin Streot
Christians' Chapel
Shellls Jaraus
Eldrldge Hubert, grocer
Conroy Edwnrd, tobacconist
CornwollG.W,, butcher
Bennett Alfred, bootmaker
Mary Street
Ridley Charles, fruiterer
Off John street
Taylor street
Cathollo Chapel and School, Sisters
Sncesby Hcnrv. bootmakor
of St. Joseph — Principal, Sister
O'Grady Daniel, farrier
"James street
Durkln Nicholas
Matthews Mrs. Anthony
Wilson Thomas, cooper
Castle Thomas
Walte Thomas
Patrick street
Maud Street
Dwlght James, gardener
John street—Francis street
Hanslow Thomas
Batchclor Arthur
Staples James
Dorrlngton Thomas
Gillivcr Harry L.
Mill Street—East side
Off John street
Peak L., Public-school master
Keating Street
Atkins John
Off John sheet
Sneesbv John
Boschen August
Ringstadt Axel E.
Dayies Mrs. F. E.
Kerr's Road
Crawford to Joseph street
Hodge John
Corbctt Thomas, bookbinder
Acott George
Savage George, brickmaker
Peck Richard
Brixton road
Coyto Sydney
Joseph street
Kingsldnd Road
Brixton road to Regent's park
Smith William
Rcidy Patrick, fruitgrower
Fcnton William C.
West sldo
Burton T.
Keating Richard
Wilkinson Edwnrd II.
Robertson G.
Stollcn Andrew
Evans Richard
Murray Street
Off Brixton road
Lynn James
Frascr John
Myrtle Street
Off Hyde Park
Wlglcy Mrs. Frederick
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertaker^ & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632
Burton James, ranger
King William, sexton R.C.
Kimberley Charles Oliver, sexton C.E,
Fathers Alf., sexton Congregational
Watt Alex., sexton Presbyterian.
Javes James, Jews
Norman Street
Off Oxford to Graham street
Allen Thomas
Notting Hill Road
Off Brixton road
Menzies Mrs. J.
Murray street
Jones Albert
Leigh Henry, brickmaker
Dowling William, accountant
Menzies Andrew
Byron Mrs. Ilridgct
Sharp Alcxandor
Reece Henry
Oxford Street
Tiiba to Water street
Smith Wm., storekeeper
Vaughan street
Drinnan James
Donohue Daniel
Rutherford Thomas
Iliggins Jonathan
Reynolds Joseph
Aplin Frederick
Park Road
Chimvick road to Bankstown
Dawson Arthur, "Klllaln"
Regent's Park Orangery—Rlchd. Slec
Shearer Wm.
Park Street
Off John street
Robertson John
Clarke James
Roberts George
Shepherd W. 11.
Gray Georgo
Fitzgerald Mrs. M.
Parramatta Road—South sldo.
Fleminglon to Sutherland street
Agnew Henry
John street
Miller Thomas
Winch Robert
Wheat Benjamin L.
Norton James V,
Drury Robert
Braunswcig E.
Duff Francis W.
Mitchell Wm.
Roper Launeclot T.
Sydney Meat Preserving WorksAlban Gee, J.P., manager
Turnbull John
Percy street
North side
Dight Wm.
Hayes Michael
Day street
Bonnor Georgo Archibald
Barton John, hairdresser
Futriok Streot
Jose/h to East street
Murray Daniel
Waito Wm.
Poroy Stroet
Parramatta road to railway
Manks William
Platform Street—East side
Off Parramatta road
Moore Wm.
Bambury Robert
Davis Frcdk.
West side
Cousins G., carpenter
Weeks Win.
Coyto Mrs. R.
Stephenson John
Ratfeity Peter
Johnson James
Cook Charles
Duncan W.
Potts Hill
(see Bankstown)
Railway Parade
Off Joseph street
Churchill John
PresBll Edward
Fitton Joseph
Railway Streot
East to Joseph street
Larcombn A., monumental mason
Raphael street
Conroy and Clark, monumental
Cunningham J., monumental mason
Page Mrs. W.
Jones Richard, monumental mason
Wilkie George, refreshment room
Thomas Richard, monumental mason
Woodlield F., photographer
Andrews Edwin, monumental mason
Ilunynn Charles, monumental mason
Mark street
Smith 1'., monumental mason
Russell Jo<cph, refreshment rooms
Royal Oak hotel— Mrs. 8. Gazzard
Andrews Edwin, storekeeper
Joseph street
Raphael Street
Railway to James street
McNab Archibald, contractor
Clark Robert
Mortimer Harry, monumental mason
Regont Stroet
Off Park road
Henderson Riohard
Epthorpo T.
Johnson Georgo
Collis Thomas
Collis rharlcs
Leslie John
Pledge John
Tiitterbull Joseph
Gregory Richard
Rookwood Streot
Off Church street
Campbell William, plumber
Sweet Francis B,
St. John's Road (Windermere
OffKerr's road
Robertson Robert
Drew James
Short Stroot
Off Keating street
Golden Edward J.
Spencer Charles
Martin Arthur
Bachcll Ilotbcrt
Stanley Road
Water street to railway
James Samuel
Duke Christopher
Allan A. G.
Hargrcaves Andrew W., "Olaoton "
Sutherland Streot
From Parramatta road to river
McDonald John
Endall W. F.
Nowlnfeton Asylum-A. W. Green,
chief superintendent; Miss K.
Willow, matron
Taylor Stroot
OJ) Joseph street
St. Stephen's Sunday school
Council chambers—Albert II. Tliow,
council clerk
Eldrldge \V. G.
Tllba Stroot
Brixton to Woodturn road
Ilamblin William
Dempsoy Henry, carpenter
Champion Andrew, dalrykeepcr
Vaughan Streot
Off Joseph street
Murray James
Petersen Henry
Connolly Robert
Smith Frank
•WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney C"1*^™"^'^*)
I'aui/haii street continued—
Arnold William
Houston Eugeno M., carpenter
Marshall Catborlnc
Woodburn road
Dell Robert
Viotor Street
Off Victoria ttritt
Lowo William F.'
Darles John, tailor
Spencer Josiah, storekeeper
Rutherford James B.
Vlotorla Avenue
Wattr to Tilba streti
Harbor J. 8.
Gregory James
Eplhorpe Frank
Rutherford Rout.
Vlotorla Street—South Bldo
Joseph street to Netting Hill road
Victor street
Wllklns Arnold
Ouitck llorton
Gregory Joseph
Larcombo William, stonemason
Walts Thomas, jnn.
Ohampley John
Conan Peter
Beatrice street
Williams Evan, storekeeper
Harris Mrs. J.
Gtbbs J.
Taylor James
Fegler William T.
North Bide
Oough Mrs. Emily
Urlgntman Frederick
Huibert F.
O'Connor F. J,
Arthur Robert A.
Oarborry Edward
Fartlon Luke
Waltor Street
Off Seventh Avenue
Webstor James
Water Stroot
Creek to Railway parade
Olay James
Woodburn road
Wheeler Mrs. C.
Model Steam Laundry —Nash and
May, proprietors
Poole Wm.
Boshell George
Antil John
Solby Sydney
Railway parade
WothorlU Stroot
OJ) Parramatta road
Fletcher John, butoher
Woodburn Road
Kerr's road to Woodburn street
Stout Susan
Staler Mrs. John
Bosbler Henry
Vaughan street
Lldbury Fredk.
Walch John, signalman
Eg&n Patrick
Now Boundaries proolaimod 8th Juno, 1804.
BOUNDAUIKS—Bounded on tho south-east by tho Borough
tlio ccntro of Terry road to Lovoll road, thonoo nlong tho
of Hunter's nillto Lnno Covo River, and by that river to n
contro of Lovoll road to Blaxlnnd road, thenoo along tho
place known as the Head of Navigation: on tho north by an
centre of Blnxland road to railway lino, and nlong tho
imaginary lino drawn from tho Head of Navigation along
oentro of railway lino to Terry Orook: on tho west by.
tho centra of tho Lnno Covo rond to Bridgo rood, thence
Duiidns Municipality j and on tho south by tho Parramatta
along the centre of Brldgo road to Small's lane, tlicneo
River to Bedlam Ferry Wharf.
along tho centre of Small's Iano to Terry road, thence along
Proclaimed a Mnnicljmllty, 11th .Tune, 1802.
Number of houses—840
Number of Ratepayers—B80
Estimated nrcn—7359 ncrcs.
Council Cltambcra—Pnrkca street. Council meets every nltcrnnto Friday.
Offlco houns—Monday and Friday, from 10 a.m. to A p.m. J Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p.m.
MAYOR—Tboinns S. Plddlng
Bast Ward:
Central Ward i
Thomas S. Plddlng
Edward Worthlngton
William Short
R. 0. Swnn
Samuel Jordan
Edward M. Botts
Percy Lnrkin
West Ward i
Edward Terry
Charles Krust
Philip R. Young
Wnltor Hlbble
Albert Stroot (now oalled Potts'
Allen's Road (North Hyde)
Off Cox's road
Coonoy Edward, fruitgrower
Goodflr Alexander
Whitfield J. and W. O., contractors
Saunders R. W., fruitgrower
Worthlngton E„ frcnchpollsbcr
Ashburn Plaoo (Qladosvlllo)
Gladesville Wharf road to Gladesville
Clarke George
Herring Gerard K., J.P., " Ilracondole "
Badajoz Road
Quarry road to Cox's road
Zartroan RichanI
Bay View Terraoo (Gladosvillo)
Off Wharf road, Gladesville
Pearson Robt. M„ J.P.,"ThcCcdars"
Pile street
TeL 652.
Albert Street (Qladosvlllo)
Off Convent road
Odd Edwin
Freeman J. K.
WOOD &.C0MP1BT, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 Qeorge-st. West, Sydney.
Belhlor Lano
Off North road
Bulger Mlchncl, fruitgrower
Bolmoro Stroot—WoBt sldo
Ryde Wharf to Partes street
Davlos Walter
MooroO. M.'
Short street—Glebe street
Hatton Joseph, farmer
East sldo
Bennett Henry
Kelly Edmund
Lane to Church street—Glebe street
Borlase Alfred
McManus Bcrnnrd, dalrykceper
Houcstlnc Jacob
Williams Thomas
Donnelly Wm.
Staines Frodk.
Paries street
Gordon .Lewis
Gordon Mrs. J.
Trovltt Oeorgc, blacksmith
Hawcs Thomas, baker and grocer
Blaxland's Road
North'road to Marsden road
Parkcs Frederick O.
Dames Frank II., gardener
O'Toole Miss E.
Wheeler Thomas, gardener
Hepplcston Joseph
Railway line
Fairburn Wm. F.
Public School—Wm. Cox, master
Smith Thomas L.
Gatt W.A.
Torry Edward," Eastwood "
Uurnow Wm., "Tho Ilungnlow"
Willows 11.
Rowo Colonol Thomas
Lookycr II.
Marsden street
Blonhoim Stroot
Cox's road o Common
llunn Guurge, frultgrowor
Whltflold William, jun„ fruitgrower
Harnett James, architect
Bridge Road
Lane Cove rond to Small's lane
Trlvltt William, fruitgrower
Drake Samuol
Benson E., fruitgrower
Larkin John, fruitgrower
Benson Paul, frultgrowor
Brldgo Stroet (GladoBville)
Bridge road to Gladesville park estatt
Oolvin Mrs. M.
Duck Thomas, dairyman
Wood Mrs. W.
Gladesville road
Park James W„ " Ruthcrglcn "
Wilson Mrs. John. " Tornlga"
Rlgnoy 1'etcr
. Reeves William
Church street
Fcatherstonu Jnmos A.
WOODftCOMPANY, TJndertakera & Embalmeru, 238 Darling St., Balmain H. Tel. 6 Balmain'.
Brush R o a d
From Parramatta road to Rlaxlandroad
Spies Adam, fruitgrower
Woodcock Stephen, fruitgrower
Homerville Gustavus D.
Drury George
llooko J. .M.
Nell Samuel, " Glcnroy "
Hayncs John, M.L.A.
Ileunctt John
Dennett Andrew W.
ltobcrtB C. J.
O&ldwoll S t r e e t ( n o w o a l l o d
Morrison S t r o o t )
Oambrldgo S t r o o t
Off North road
Randoll William
Fluwith 0., painter
Champion Road (Tonnyson)
Off Morrison's road
Kisllngbury Charles, stationer
Pott» Thomas, contractor
C o n v o n t R o a d — E a s t sido
From Ryde road to Gladfsvilli road
Holdsworth Mrs. Catherine, fruitgrower
Bowers Henry
McCarthy Patrick
Stack Edward, fruitgrower
Fitzgerald Susnna B.
O'ltourko Phillip, farmer
Schleicher Mrs Caroline
Bryant JUUICB, fruitgrower
Weeks Arthur, dairyman
Hooves William, produce merchant
Gladesville road
Ooultor Stroot (Gladosvillo)
Churoh Stroot—East sido
Park street to Hyde wharf
Young Phillip U-i inspector ef nuisances
TlMKS — J,
Eltham Street
Convent road to Bridge street
Kennedy Alexander
Scbaffcr William
Smith Charles E.
Oonstitation Road (Moadowhank)
Buffalo R o a d
Lane Cove Road to buffalo Creek
Kornahnn William
Belhlir 0 . A., fruitgrower
Johnstono John A.
O'Mnlloy, proprietor
Scott John W , ncwmigent
Parker Sydney, storekeeper
George street
Post Oillce—Thos, Swan, postmaster
Tolcgniph Olllce—Thoinns Swan
Courthouse—George M, Pope, J. P.,
C.P.S. iiml reglstrnr of births,
deaths unci niarriagos, and electoral
St. Anno's Church and Ccmotory—
Her. Henry ]I, Britten
Glebe street
Royal hotel— Charles Hnddow
Harlow Mrs. K. K.
French Robert
Morrison's road
Mattlnnd W.
Harding Joseph
Off— Small Timothy, farmer
Mason John
Smnll J. T.
Peters Wlllinm
liest Wlllinm
Best Snmuol
Parsonage Kdward
Hyde wharf
WOBt Sido
Dritten Ucv. Henry II. (C. of E.)
Tulloch Mrs., " Rose cottago"
Turner stteet
Oddfellows' llnll—George Carpenter,
Woslovnn Church—Rev. J. W. Moore
• Small Wlllinm. fruiterer
Foulclicr W. A.i storekeeper
Doric W. J., auctioneer
Wilson Mrs. II.
Glebe street
Bank of New South Wales (branch)—
A. J. McKnr, manager
Tlbbctts James
OffLinsley street
Lambert Walter, undertaker
Spies Nicholas
Kelly Thomas
Ermington Road
Parramatta road to Ermington wharf
W> st James
Henning K. B., "Ermington park"
Sweeney Daniel, fruitgrower
Eulalla Stroot
Off Brush road
Savage James
Moore Daniel
Sullivan Georgo
Cochianc John
Atkins William
Falconor Streot
Off Parramaita
Smith ltcginntd
Tarrant George
Flold of Mars Common
(See Mars/ield)
Flagstaff Road (now oallod
Mar scion Stroot)
Cox's R o a d — N o r t h R y d o
Lane Cove road to Pittwater road
F r a n k Stroot—(Off S o o t t ' s L a n o )
Cox Joseph, fruiterer
Publio School—J. J. Glynn, teacher
Off Gladesville road
Church of England—Ucv. II. II,
Ellis William, fruitgrower '
Doyle W. .1.
Kllond John, fruitgrower
North llydo School of Arts—Miss
Gladosvillo Road (Rydo)—North
Adolaido Wuy, sec. and librarian
Allen's road
Dcano Thomas, fruitgrower
Princes street to Convent road to Paries
Government road—Pitt-oater road
Magner T., fruitgrower
Hillycr James
Magncr John, poultry farmer
Hicks William T., fruitgrower
Jupp William
Hourke Stephen,jun.
Follington Howard
IjiTcr Kdwnril, gardonor
Neely Thomas
Crofisy Road
Curtis Geo'ge
Off Buffalo road
Pollock Waller
Forsythc John, J.P., " Roscwall"
Collins Michael, fruitgrswer
Providence road
Jackson William
Eager Henry
Dolango Road (Kissing Point)
Cashmorc Thomas J.
Morrison road to Parramaita
Simpson George, bootmaker
Taylor Joshua, farmer
Moon Mrs. II., fruitgrower
Lamont Miss Mary
Off—Carpenter George, fruitgrower
Lainont Edward
fallow William, fruitgrower
Off— Wells Colonel F., "Cloves"
Ekcrick Mnrtln, fruitgrower
Killion William
prank street
Dovlin Stroot—East sido
Tyrcll Mrs. Elizabeth
Coek'edgc James, fruitgrower
Paries to Glebe street
Guillani Joseph, fruitgrower
Moore Ucv. J. W. iWcs.)
Convent road
Jupp John.
Headquarters K Company 1st RegiKlrby William
Thomas Mrs. E.
Swan Bros., timber merchants
Wast sido
Swan It. C.
Bidding Geo. S. 1I„ "Sunnreido"
Sharp John
Presbyterian Church — Iter. S. T,
llagnn Richard, carpenter
Wicks J.
Bridee street
Heard Frank, builder
"WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, Weston Ed. & Evans St., Rozello. Tel. 5 Bal.
South sido
Good Counsel Conrent and SchoolMother Mary Joseph
Russell Nathan
Hay Charles, fruitgrower
St. Charles (lt.C.) Church and Cemetery—Very Her. S. .1. A. Shochy
Holy Cross College—Iter. Bro. Anthony Ixo
Home for aged and Infirm priests—
Kov. Bro. Anthony I,ee
Wilson Goorgo, storekeeper
Campboll Norman, dairyman
Potts street
Gladosvillo Road (Gladesville)
South sido
Tennyson road to Bedlam ferry
Dcnehy John, " Moorcvicw "
Fltzglbbons James
Brereton Mrs. Mary Lo Gay," Olgathorpc"
Leggat Henry
Leggat Adam
, llogan Peter J.
Hogan MiisCcHo, private school
Bridge street
Christ Church (C. of E.)-Kov. W.
Protestant Hall
Schork Franz, baker
Walkor John
Linsley street
Anderson Dnvld, grocer
Maxwell James, boot store
Small George
Well Philip, grocer
McDonald K., confectioner
Public School—J. II. 8, Godfroy,
Martin James
Bayview hotel— Edward Cashman
Amdt Mrs. .Margaret
Wood A. and F., produce morohants
Meriton street—Wharf road
Smith It. K., storekeeper
Kelly Thomas, bootmaker
Henry John, blacksmith
Clune Jnhn, saddler
Ash burn place
Smith E. II. 0., accountant
Patcrson John, engineer, " Rockond *
• Barton Mrs. E. M., " Kockend"
Bed/a in ferry
Gladosvillo Wharf Road—(Gladosvillo)—East sido
Gladesville road to Parramatta
Smith Charles
McAnsh Androw
Asptnall John," Erclldouno "
Ashburn place
Lees W. II., " Sabathu "
Gladesville wharf
West sido
Meriton street
Phillips George, dairyman
De Bell-Hall Uobcrt, " Trodah."
Lumsdaino Her, W.
Gunncrsall Samuel
Johnstone Francis
Sutton Roland T.
McCarthy John
Kcepcncc Charles
Barker Thomas
Ashbury place
Mackenzio E. II., " Woodstono"
Bayview terrace
Bernard W. H., " Thornollilo "
Ilankin ltohcrt I..
Plddlng Thomas S., "Euroma"
Pile street
Kemp Mrs. E„ "Julians"
Gall Hindley
D'Ardior Hnloy C , J.P., "The
Arnot Mrs. Jane
Hollycr W. A , accountant
Gladesville wharf
G l o b o S t r o o t — N o r t h Bido
Belmore to Princes street
Parrott Mrs. S. M.
St. Ann's School—Miss Tumor, teach'r
Ross John Ford, senior-constable
Allen William P.
Allen Joseph F.
Devlin street
Smith W. G„ surgeon
Kattcarns John
Uclnnoy Mrs.
lloirers Robert
Hay Henry, confectioner
Turner street—Church street
Madden John
Simpson George
Morrison Mrs. E., drossmakor
Winter William, watchmaker
Payne Samuel
Downey U., editor limp. ELECTORATE
McLean Mrs, C , storekeeper
St. Ann's street
KrtiBt Jacob
Adams George, storekeeper
Bcnnott Nowcnham G.
O'Toole William, saddler
NowlandE. J., "Rohilla"
Hatton street
Wilson Thomas
Ilcrdson Payroll, clerk
Princes street
South sido
Pyc Miss Ellen, Indies' school
Church street
Humphreys John, butcher
Lohman I'rodcrlck
Kelly Mrs. James, confectlonor
Kattcarns John, hairdresser
Steamboat inn—Mrs, 8. Matthows
Krust Charles, butcher
Slbson Albert, butchor
Davis Walter
Cummins Allenby J„ "Tavy cottago''
Princes street
Harvard Stroot
Off Bridge street
Randell Joseph, fuel merchant
Holdsworth Mrs. T.
Cooper Wilson
Hatton Stroot
Glebe street to Park's street
Hicks Elcnzar, blacksmith
Kills William, carpenter
Hossoll Stroot (off Morrison's
Little J.
Lano Oovo Road—East side
North road to Bridge road
Small Samuel, fruitgrowor
Buffalo road
Jupp James, sen,, fruitgrower
Jupp Edward
Baptist Cemetery
Jupp Andiew, nurseryman
Quarry road
Off— Murro 1 Charles, fruitgrower
Bridge road
Wost sido
Tunks William, fruitgrowor
Terry road
Benson Sydney A , fruitgrowor
Cowcll Charles, fruitgrowor
Benson Edward, fruitgrower
Bridge road
L a n o Oovo R o a d ( N o r t h R y d o )
Jenkins Thomas
Baker George
Larkin I'oroy
Llnsloy Stroot (Gladosvillo)
East sido
Gladesville road to Parramatta
Dakln J. J., builder nnd contractor
Skcrrctt Henry
Edglor John
Ross J nines
Flockton Francis
Morrison's road, Parramatta
WOBt sido
Gladesville road
Martin Andrew, dealer
Coulter street
Goodscll J., Inspector of telegraphs
Dickinson Rov. S T. (Pros.)
Orr street
Ncoly Thomas
Barton Honry F , " Neranglo "
L l t t l o Churoh S t r o o t
Glebe to Parkes street
SlmB Henry, painter
Goulding Elizabeth
Rydo Water Supply Resorvolr—Goo.
L u o k n o w Road (North Rydo)
Whitfield Honry, farmer
Marsclon Stroot
Ermington Wharf road to Pennant
Pitkin James, fruitgrowor
Willis William, fruitgrower
Hughes Richard, fruitgrower
spurway James, fruitgrowor
Muir James, fruitgrower
8purwny George, fruitgrower
MoUrion Tom
Moadowhank Avonuo
Off Station
Rowo Richard
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 238 Darling St., Balmain N. Tel, 6 Balmain.
Morlton Street (G-ladesville)
West side
Gladcsville road to Bayvinu ttrrace
Crohen John
Tavlor Thomas, builder
Gillosplo Mrs.
Collin Henry
Caldwell strict
h'lcholls .Tomes
George street
Taternon Miss J., •• Strand bill"
East side
Ashburn Mace
HawklcsB Mrs. Robert
Cashman John
Olarke W.
Gladcsville road
Mitoholl Stroot (Putnoy)
Godfrey James
Armitago J.
Morrison's Road (Gladosville)
East side
Off Mcrriton street
McUomild Charles
Stear Charles II.
' • Masscy J.
Linslcy street
Stiles F.
"Wost side
Elliott John
'Spies Martin, carpenter
Cogglns Richard
Adair Alexander
Price Arthur
Weston Charles
• Linslcy street
McGregor l'ctcr
Wicks Arthur
Koblns Alfred
Lorcll George A„ fruitgrower
Norton Street
Gladcsville road ti Paratmatta road
Bronger James, fa mer
West J.
Harriott It.
Harriott Thomas W.
Onion's Point Road (now oallod
Convent Road)
Orr Stroot (Gladosvillo)
Off Linslcy street
Bright Mrs. E.
Honry John, blacksmith
Oxford Stroot
Off Convent road
Barkor James
Park Stroot—North side
Brush road to Gladcsville road
Long William, farmer
Long Jacob, farmer
Vaughan George F.
Marshall John, fruitgrower
Dowhurst Vrnnk, fruitgrower
Belmore street
South Bide
Dixon W., tailor
Donaldson J. \V„ boot store s
Naneanvw /lace
Clifton W.S., chemist
Morrison's Road
Church ttrcet to Morrison's Bay
8wan l'homas
Steer John, postman
Moios Hon. Henry, M.L.O., J.P.,
Cox Thomas
Watson Charles
Jones II. It.
Nanoarrow Plaoo
Off Parkcs street
Hawcs Arthur
Duncan James
Kpplcston Harrv
Biltlngton Frederick
North Road—East side
Belmore street to Blaxland road
Small Samuel
Jupp Samuel, jun.
Wicks H., 'bus proprietor
Ohatficld Percy G., "JEolus cottage"
Obatficld Captain, "jKolus cottage"
Wost Bido
Bark W.
McGahoy William
Wicks George. .1.1'.
Mcadowbank Implement Co.—W. 0.
Barton, manager
Taylor Jamos
Australian Gas Co.'s depot—W. 0.
Folkard, in chargo
Mcadowbank station — William Attwlll, stutionmastcr
Hyde Pumping Station, North Sydney
water supply—Henry Wcstcott, engineer in charge
Springall Hicbard
Grcentrcc George, fireman
Simon Henry, milling engineer
Hallway line
Constablo Mrs. Thomas, fruitgrower
Station road
Hall Moses S.
Constable William
"West side
Barton W. C, " Addington "
Vandcrpump S. II., "Tlio Hetreat '
Dowhurst Mrs.' Linton "
Railway hotel—Michael J. Savage
Ryddale street
Walsh Mrs E.
Ilydo railway station—Hobt. Benson,.
Mlnahan James, fcttler
Blair Thomas
Darrall Mrs. Jane," Hycdalo"
Darrall Edward, farmer
Tucker Henry St. John, " Molra"
Hay Mrs. Luke, " Haymoro "
Hay William, "GUmayr"
Brush road
Grlgson J. S.
Bpurway Gcorgo T., contractor
Atkins Edward, nursery
Sparks Harold
Adamson George
Harkcr 11. W., storekeeper
Marsdcn street - Ermington road
Pellisor Road .
Dclangc road to Putney wharf
Ncilson Chris.
Gascoigno James
Lindsay W. H.
Wright Francis A., M.L.A.
Co., proprietors (branch offlco)
Thiolo K. H.
Norrls John W., storekeeper
Page W. and Sons, bakers
Best Mm. James
Church street
8uporior Public School—Alf. Robins,
Ponnant Hills Wharf Road (nowCouncil Chambers—William 8hort,
called Ermington Road)
council clerk
Tuckwcll A. II., fuel merchant
Gladcsville tyad
Percy Stroot
- South side
Off North road
Gladcsville road—Princes street
Eckrick Mrs. J.
Hawkcsford Ai thur J.
Cassldy T.
Wicks William H.
William street
Matu Madame
Townscnd Joseph
Troritt George II., blacksmith
Parramatta Road—East side
Belmore street to Ermington road
Police Station—Thomas Kelly, lockup keeper
Jordan Samuel
Stanbury James Colllngrldgc Arthur, artist
Bulmor Captain G. E., " Graccmcre"
£huttloworth James J., " Laurlston"
Sea street
MoLandere Mrs. E., nurso
Off— O'Grady James, farmer
Potts Street (Gladosvillo)
Off Norton street
Elliott J., fruitgrowor
Rottonbury William R.
Ryedalo Road
Parramatta road to Terry's road
Hlbblo Walter
Adams Thomas, storekeeper
Calcott J.
Rydc railway station
Trovitt's Lano
Off Quarry road
Trovltt William, fruitgrower
Ray Frederick, fruitgrower
Oowcll Charles, fruitgrowor
St. Ann's Street
Little Church to Glebe street
Thompson William, dalrykooper
Walters J., blacksmith
William street—Glebe street
Turnor Stroot
Glebe to Church street
Thomas W.
Balloy S.
Princes Street
Parramatta river to Diiffalo road
Glllnrd Richard, dairyman
•Gladcsville road—Morrison's road
Ellis Andrew J., brlckmakcr
Hicks John
Thackeray William
Providonoo Road
Gladcsville road to common
Krust Peter, fruitgrowor
Qambloy William
EorsythoJ., bono mills
Delaney William
Wilson Frederick
Quarry Road
Lane Cove road to common
Kcrnahan Edward, fruitgrower
Blllington Sydnoy, fruitgrower
Young James, fruitgrower
Rydo Cemetery
Phelps F., fruitgrower
Dunn William
Cowoll J. T„ frulturower
Wbitnold S. J., fruitgrowor
Quarry Road
North to Lane Cove road
Jupp Honry, fruitgrowor
Biehlcr Mrs. J.
Benson John, fruitgrower
Railway Stroot (Mcadowbank)
Constitution road to railway bridge
Gale G.
Graf Henry, blacksmith
Allen John
Regent Stroot
Off Morrison's road
Chestnut William
Gascolgnc llobcrt," KiTcrsdale'»
Drury Henry
Sea Stroot
Off Parramatta road
Attwill William, statlonmastcr
Soarlo Street
Norton street to Turner street, Gladcsville
O'Toolo John
FlUgibbon James
Short Stroot—North s i d o
Belmore road to Mcadowbank
Shaw Matthew
Nancarrow Michael, fruitgrowor
South sido
Martyn B. C , draftsman
Brown Mrs. Sarah
Small's Lano
Bridge street to Quarry t oad
Zartman Joseph, fruitgrower
Station Road, off Parramatta
Road (Moadowbank)
Do Burgh K. Macartnoy
tatouche William It. D.
Street P. W.
Tennyson Road (Tonnyson)
Brandon Richard
Torry's Road (now oallod
Quarry Road)
Torry's Road
Ryedale road to Blaxland road
Mullor F. D„ " Lynwood"
Welsh HOT. Chaffers (0. of E.)
Twin Road (North Rydo)
Lane Cove road to common
Heard nenry, fruitgrowor
Heard John"lt., fruitgrowor
HickB J., fruitgrower
Whitfield Wosley, fruitgrower
Heard F.. fruitgrowor
Taylor JamcB, fruitgrower
Watorviow Stroot
Off Church street
Gnscoigno Thomas
Woodcock G., " Viotpria grovo"
Regent street
Bost A.
Humphreys W.
Wiok's Road (North Rydo)
Twin to Cox road
Hicks Jabev.
Madden Frank
Hicks llarzllll, fruitgrower
William Stroot—Wost sido
St. Ann's to Park street
Walters Joseph, blaoksmlth
Adams George, wheelwright
Salvation Army Barracks—Captain D.
East sido
Moody James
Dunn Gcorgo
Short William, council dork
Wlnburn Street (Ermington)
Off Marsdcn street
Public School—Edwin Jobson, tcaohcr
Willis Wm., jun., fruitgrower
Campbell W. B„ " Auldlo"
BurncllA. J„ "Glcnlyn"
Pile Street (Gladosvillo)
Off Gladetville Wharf road
Littlo Mrs. 8. S., •' Ferndalo"
Little Frank
Pope Stroot
Belmore street to public school
Tucker Mrs. John
Bllllngton Arthur
Long David
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, Weston Ed. & Evans St., Eozelle. Tel. 5Bal.
WOOD A COMPANY, Undertakers ft Embalmers, 238 Darling St., Balmain N. Tel, 5 Balmaiu.
Inmun Arthur
Sweoting Lewis
Croien ilreet—Cook's Ricer road
Findon John
Baker William S., brickmakcr
White W. E., bootmaker
Broun itreet—Unwin'i Bridge road—
Hutchinson Ilreel
South sldo
Jukes August
Leo Mrs. C. J.
Robinson H., storekeeper
Gllroy Edward
Vincent Anthony
Hill Samuel
Bryant Charles
Chapman William
Cook'i River road
Eppcl Peter
Saunders Edward A., confectioner
Church ilreel
McKee Wm.
Uatton Mrs. C.
Donnelly John
Waugh Benjamin
Adamson Willium
Harrison Aubrey
SI. 1'eter'i street
Smith Whltbread
Bennett Henry
Davis Joseph
Kemlier Henry
Nolan Martin
Novin John
Ray Richard
Tuok Albert
Smith Mrs Mary
Florence ilreel
IlawkinB E. W„ grocer
llrouti ilreet
(In three- wards, viz., Brompton, St. Peters, mid Cook's River)
on tho west by TJnwin's Bridge roail; on the north-west
BOUND ED on tho north-east by Barwoii Park road ; on
by May-street
tho south- by Cook's IUver; on tlio east by Shea's Greek;
Number of ratepayers—1,500
Incorporated—January, 1871
Miles of streets—20
Area—700 acres
Annual value—20,600
Number of houses—1,200
Couuoll Ohambers^-Cook's River road. Council meets every alternate Monday
Ofllce Hours—Mondays, Wednesdays, niui Fridays, 10 mm. to 1 p.m., 2 to 4 p.m., and 0 to 8 p.m.
Coot'i River Ward:
MAYOU—Alexander Stuart, J.P.
11. H. Judd, J.r.
Alexander Stuart, J.P.
Joseph H. Parkyn
Jlromplon Ward:
SI. Peter's Ward:
' George G. Geerlng
Win. Edwards, J. P.
Jnmcs Oaiupboll
George Parr, J.P.
David Hayes
John Lambeth
A. Mackintosh
Albert Street—South side
Cook'i Riter road to boundary
Thompson Charles
Bryan Mrs. llnnnah
Turner Mrs. Louisa
Bevan John
Slxsmlth John
Cook John
North side
Bastable Edward
Stuckoy Scaly, brickmakor
Spillstcad William, brickmakcr
Dine Henry, van proprietor
Hannar Frederick
Wilkio Mrs. A.
South side
Fletcher Thomas A., carpenter
Leo Thomiu
Bright Mrs. 11.
Bridge Thomas
Speochloy Uriah
Mlddleton John
Klmbly J.
Connelly John
Barwon Park Road
Cook'i River road lo Campbell ttreet
Farr George, J.P., produce morchant
Crown ilreel
Walker Thomas
Shepherd Georgo It., englnocr
Appleby Thomas
Prldo William
Keatlnor Mrs. C.
Fccney Michael
Walker William
Jarman Stephen E.
Salnty Robert, greengrocer
Petersen Julius
Virtue William
Brown Stroet—East side
Campbell ilreel lo Unxrin'i Bridge road
Fish Francis, bootmaker
Glen Juntos
Junk Henry
McKay Alexander
Wolfendon William
Buchanan Norman
Gulliver Charles
Brownjohn William
Andrews ltobcrt
Hill John
Sparkninn Richard, ironmonger
'• Brown Mrs. M. A
McKnight William
Winter Charles A.
Hoppitt Ebenezer
Hoppitt William
Robortson Peter, 'bus proprietor
Albert Strpot—(Tlvoll Estate)
Off Raihray road
Ezzy Henry
Cullandcr Josoph
HadeR Henry
West side
Wilcook Thomas
Dickinson Charles
Flowers William D.
Wedge George
Bolmoro Street
Mahony William
Untcin's Rridge road lo Cook't River road Wcstwood Samuel
Baudot John
Harcourt Goorge, grocer
Tollls Frederick
Grundy James
Wost aide
Austin Emanuel
Baston Henry
Hurbcrt Kmanucl
Froser John It.
Hoffmann Captain Walter
Skipper John
Dennett Albert J.
Mrs. E.
Bodcn Edwin A.
Crahtreo William, butcher
Turnbull Geo. T., tea dealer
Moon William
Beach Ueorgo
Alfred Stroet—North sldo
Bishop Stroot—North sldo
. •( Cook'i Rirer road lo Ralph lane
l'atldock lo Cook'i River road
Oampboll Stroet—North sldo
Daycs Joseph, woolsortcr
' Skovlngton Matthew
Baruon Park road lo Unuin't lliidgeroad
Newman Henry '
Blcselngton David
Graham Samuel
JUBtico James
Brew James
Holmes George, dcalor
Duggan Thomas
Boag William
Hamilton John
Piper Henry
Doughty Arthur
Stonsll Horaco
Mrs. T.
Briggs Charles
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 185 George-st. West, Sydney.
Tel. .832.
Campbell Streo
rublic School—P. J. O'Rcllley, headmaster
Splttlehousc William
Bragg Alexander l*.
Worthington John
Harrison Thomas
East side
Brown Thomas, carriago builder
Victoria ttrett
Ohuroh Stroet—West side
May to lackey street
Bradshnw Mrs. Jane
Marloy Thomas
Cooper Samuol
Hutchinson ilreel
Itogan Thomas
Barrott Patrick
Uannnn Edward
Irwin William
Gray Charles
Kemp William C.
Miner Alexander
Tapper John
Lawler Denis, bricklayer
O'Neill John
Walker Joseph
Hewitt James
• Bronnan Mrs. M.
East sido
Haves David, painter
Noale II. V. r
Harrison JI/8.M. E.
Tumsott Thomas, blacksmith
Porter George
Herbert Hill
Schoflcld James
Jones Charles
Ogden Pctor
Short street
Cook's Rirer road to tieamp
Drcis Fouldcn, 'bus proprietor
Machan William C.
Simons William
Waters Joseph
North side
Islip George
Bronnan Mrs. R.
Malone Thomas M.
Cook William, produce storo
Connolly Thomas
Cook Stroet
Off (lutein ilreel
Darke W. J., carpentor
Edgar Joseph, blacksmith
Cook's Rlvor Road—East sldo
From King ilreel lo Cook'i river
Dyson Joseph
Mcllor Arthur
Squires James, brickmakcr
Gcntlo Joslah, brickmakcr
Leach George
Walker Samuel, brickmakcr
Oentro Street
Edwards William
George lo Belmore ilreel
Flotchcr Henry, gardener
Palmer Frederick
Farr Georgo, J.P., produco morohant
Kclghtly Gilbert H.
Shields Charles, wireworkcr
Jennings John
Samuel, tobacconist
Mlnkloy John
King William, brickmakcr
Brown Albert
Phdlips James
Taylor Ernest B.
Brown Goorge, tarpaulin maker
Roberts Edward,'.' Tempo collogo"
Swlnbourno George C, bootmaker
Turner George
Dcas John, produce dealer
Bowe William 1)., timber merchant
Dohorty Mrs. A.
7Yro/( street—Railuay road
Tye Thomas
Richards Thomas E.
Howard A. E., grocer
Royal Foresters' Hall — C. W. Pen.
Ohuroh Street—West side
SI. J'aul'i churchyard to Campbell ilreel MoKcchnlo J„ grocer
Bartlctt Alfred
Lane J. T., draper
Rawson Alfred
Smith Henry
Heap Thomas
Clarke William
Broome Samuel
McLcod Neil
Lomax Thomas
Barrett Wllaim
Barrott William, coachbuildcr
Brian Edward, blacksmith
Spackmnn Churlcs,.buildor
Turbey George, grocer
Campbell street
Spackman Edwin, ironmonger
Mooro Thomas, oarrior
Albert street
Harden Mrs. M.
Snodgrass William, storekeeper
Holly .Michael, cattle dealer
Municipal Council Chambers—A..
Mackintosh, council clerk
Victoria street
Kinsey Aaron, tobacconist
Kempt James, grocer •
Westbrook Joseph, bootmaker
Blake Frederick, saddler
Glazier Frederick, greengrocer
Smith James, butchor
Jonson Peter, grocor
Bishop inert—Coirper ttreet
Bradshaw James, 'bus proprietor
Boyd Thomas, " l'clcrslcigh villa "
Rickelly street
Arps A., grocer
Clialdcr Miss M. E., "HcatheotOhouse"
Bright > rs. C.
Taylor Mrs. S.
Freeman William, coachwhcctcr
Faust Joseph, Iialrdrosscr
Uatton James
Tioklo.W. J.
Carmody Daniel
Pointing J.
Sarson William
Talbot Mrs. E., " BclloTUo"
Fludo Harry, dairykoopcr
Vause Arthur John, M.D., J.P., resident physlolan Hospital for Insano,
Tempo, "Bayvlcw"
Bayvlow Hospital for tho Insane,
Tempo—Arthur J. Vause, M.B.,
J. P., resident physician, " Bayvlow hiusc," Tempo; visiting days,.
Tuesdays and Fridays
Smith ilreet
Flood John, 'bus proprietor
Garvan Denis, 'bus proprietor
Campbell ilreel
Farrow JamcB W., saddler
Keep Richard
Godfrey Charles
iBlipA. F.,jun.
Fanning street
Islip A. V., sen., blacksmith
Blako Mrs. II., grocer
Tempo Police Station—C. H. Jarvis,.
In charge
Wenlwotth ilreet
Speedily Joseph
Pointer James
Fontana Michael, carter
McGuiro Denis
Burton Charlos, 'bus propriolor
Hart street
Leaf William A., carpenter
l/iiwln slreel
Astley Charles
Campbell Edward A.
Gregory Mrs, M. A.
Harden Sponccr, produco morchant
Rivervleu hotel—Spencer Harden
Jones George, 'bus proprietor
Wost sldo
Geerlng George (I., bakor
Thwaitcs Johnson, tinsmith
Woodford Samuel
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Em palmers 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney ( W w Tff^tfS***>
<look's river road continue.—
Miller John
Fanning Street—South side
Dymook John, baker
Weir R.
Cook's river road to stcamp
BIgncll Win.
Penboss Henry A., baker
Dean Mrs. C, grocer
Harden Albert
Flood William
Osborne Mrs. K.
Knight William
Slcoman William, bootmaker
Wilson Wm.
Brown Honors, dairykeeper
Cook William, produce store
Lane Edward, carponter
J'ulteuey hotel—Charles Cook
Mitchell J. B., cabinetmaker
N o r t h side
Morgan Evan
Hnymcnt Brothers, grocers
McKcon Humphrey, "Windsor lodgo"
Hanks John, stationer
Islip A. !•'., wheelwright
Colomun II., grocor
Foster George
Foster William, saddler
Hoy Mrs, O.
Hnsforth Louis, butcher
Bowon James T., cheiuist
Floronoo Stroot—West sldo
Fullagcr Kichard
Shot t street
Unutin street
Off Campbell street
i3ullen John 1''., greengrocer
Ryland Jamos J,
Newton Joseph
Whitby W. A., butcher
i'OBt and Telegraph olllccs —Mrs.
Ward John
Lay Mrs. M.
Russell, postmistress
Dunn John, muster mariner
Tempo Post Oflice-Mrs. Freeman
Parsons Edward
McCauley ClmrleB
Ryan Martin
Hirst Frederick, cngineor
ltainbom hotel—Mrs. E. Bocsloy
Slcoman William
Campbell street
Edgar Joseph, blacksmith
Lloyd Richard
Alcock Charles II.
Fraser Archibald
Harper Magnus
Hanloy Wm., general storo
Weaver William
Harper II. u.
47.I'tters' hotel—Spencer Borden, jun.
Spccchly Alfred
Clarko Thomas, engineer
Smith Alfred
Flstoad Theodore
E a s t side
Hunt .Mrs. II.
Cowpor Street
Leahy William
t Brown John II., confectioner
St. Peter's iC of E.) Sunday SchoolCook's river road to paddock
Doe Henry
Mrs. Kenning, curetakcr
Bufftcr Daniel, cattlo dealor, " Eowcn
Fitzgerald James
Victoria street
White Horse hotel—I'. J. CttBSidy
Whitham John
Hcnncssy James
I'ampillonin Vincent, lobacconlst
Walker Alfred
District Registrar's Oilioe — Vincent
Cook Henry
Pampillunia, district and olcotoral
Attridgo Richard G., upholsterer
Crough S t r o o t (now o a l l e d
Bedford John
MoKcnzIo Win., carpenter
Gardiner John
St. Fetor's (C. of K.)—Rev. E. D.
O o n t r o Stroot)
Madgwiok, incumbent
Brown Patrick A.
Stiver itreet
Foreman Street
Grown Stroot—West side
Sanderson Francis
Campbell street to Harmon park road Cook's river road to Untein's bridge road
Turklngton Robert
Smith Sydney
Hamor Arthur J., "Kirnbank"
Uaynicr Wm., plumber
Walker George
McGuIre Owen, 'bus proprietor
Kdilh street
Barrett William
Vnughan John, contrnotor
Thompson William
McGavock William
. Hancock George, blacksmith
Martin Edwin
Cowin James, dairyman
Amos II.
Ebsworth Georgo
Humphries Mrs. M. A., grocor
Johns Thomas
Aulchcrs' Anns hotel—James Pook
Martin Edwin
Waltcs Frederick, butcher
Carroll James
F r e d e r i o k S t r e e t — N o r t h Bide
Mary street—Alfred street—drove street
Cook's river road to Unwin's bridge road
Whitby Win., butcher
Lindsay S. J, C.
Duffy Thomas, grocer
Foultney Miss A.
Sutherland street—Frederick street
E a s t side
Dickson J.
Morice Win. C.
Drano James
McSklmlnir Mrs. A.
Smith William
Gilmore George
Yelverton street
Mills John
Murray Henry, cooper, " Tho GroTO "
Howarth James
Dyer Neil
George street
Coltman Charles
Ruddock John Arthur
Rollly Herbert, "Tivoll"
Campbell Jamos, architect
Kembcr William J.
Day Emanuel
Murray & Stuart, bulldei s and coopers
Beok Edward
Jones Albert Horati*
Railteay road
Jones Samuel
Hopkins George, tailor
Walmsley Win., fruiterer
Watson William
Perry William
Beotson George, grocer
Howard W. J.
Sidawey Alfred
J'ark road—llelmore street—Ferry itreet
E d i t h Street
Samuel street
Creagh street
Cook's hirer road to Unwin's rrldge road
Smith James, tannor and furrier
Smith William
White Thomas
Lymerston street
Hchrocdcr Carl
Griffiths James
Harwood Thomas 8..
Todd John
Pilchcr Archio
Harwood llobert, " Pheonlx hall •
Napier Thomas
Ingram Robert
Foreman street
Dunlop Edward
Parkinson Stephen
Fodger Edward, produce store
Adams Henry, plastcror
Dodds Lawrence
Small Harry, 'bus proprietor
Cunningnam John
Flanagan James
Purkls Charles
Union street
Usher George W.
Mcdcalf Kobert Young
Emblem William
Harris Robert
Sargent Miss Marv, " Gloucester
King James
Waugh George E., bookmaker
houso '*
Dego Henry, fuel merchant
Waugh Joshua
1700D & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
S o u t h sldo
Larcomho Mrs. Louisa
Bcohag James, 'bus proprietor
Bcohag Robert
Clark A.G., grocer
Wray Alfred
Creagh street
Day Mrs. J., grocer
Foulr.ton George, contractor
Pivott Robert
Reddan John
Hamilton Jamos
Ahcarn John
Whitfield Frank
Btodman Walter
Blarney John
Pook John
Barden Frederick R.
Cahill Thomas
Gannon Stroot
Unwin's bridge road to Cook's river road
Goorgo S t r e e t — N o r t h s l d o
Cool's river roai to Unwin's bridge road
Levon Anthony, draper
Ilolbeach Harry
Skellv John
Rico Thomas, clerk
S o u t h Bide
Unwin's bridge road to Cook's river road
Roborts Wm.
Ilanna Edward, farrier
Fredorickson Martin
Blattman John
Selnian Daniel B.
Snmnions James, carpenter
Bennett Albert
Robinson John, bricklayer
Goddard John, tanner
Whltoombo A.
Willctt Thomas
Colej an Henry 0., baker
Bridge Wm., fuol merchant
Creagh street
Ormiston Henry R.
Robb John W.
Brand Robert, engineer
Dunn Michael 0.
Lowis John
Stonz Henry, engineer
Montserrut Wm.
King Joseph
Keating John
Alger DaTid
Lyons James
Spencer Wm.. watchmaker
Holm Jehn S.
Toyor James, florist
Algar Frederick, carpenter
N o r t h sldo
Anderson Peter, 'bus proprietor
Shawlwoert Henry
Rowswcll George
Englnnd Alfred, 'bus proprietor
Mayno Wm. J.
Hart Street—South sldo
Cook's river road to swamp
Pont George, butohcr
Dolfendahl Wm.
Sweatnian George
Wosleynn Chnreh
Hutohinson Street—West sldo
Campbell to Church street
Sharpe Henry
Morgan Frederick
Bell John
Nowton John, 'bus proprietor
Thompson Thomas
Bradshaw George
Connolly Wm.
Badge Wm.
Sturrat Mrs. Mary
Baker John
Roach John
Murray Owen
Newton Arthur
Chuppcll Henry
Smith Win., jeweller
Prowles M"H II.
Edc lieorgc
Tuinsett E Lis brickinnkcr
Hawkins Thomas, brickmakcr
Main John .T., jammakor
Williams Thomas
Bowman Thomas
Sbuttloworth Mrs. Jean
E a s t sldo
Lacley street
Robertson Mark
Russell Albort
Chlnson W.
Russell John, dray proprietor
Russell Frederick
Malloy George
Favoll William, contractor
Laokoy Street—South side
Church to Hutchinson itreet
Baker Mrs. Jane
Elliott Robert
Peter Simon, carpenter
May Richard
Collins Mrs. E.
Brown Androw, dalrykcopcr
Brown Martin
N o r t h siJo
.lesson William
Hartley John
rbistletoo Mrs. Catherine
Butler Martin
Grovo S t r e e t — S o u t h s i d e
Emma terrace—
Cook's river road to Unwin's bridge road 21 Russell Fredoriek, briokcarter
10 Wright John
Wheeler Mrs. A.
18 Cochrane John A.
8mtth Wm. P., paintor
17 Fay Matthew
Creagh street
16 Tall John
Mitchell Daniel M.
IS Anderson Thomas
Fletchor Horry
14 Smith John
Pennington C'harlos F.
13 Lahlff Thomas
Bruce R.
12 Lawlcr John
Gallagher Patrick
11 Brown William E.
10 Burke Patrick
Wooland Georgo
Russell Francis, brickmakor
Gardener Henry Jonoph, engineer
No'son Joshua, freiichpollshor
I.inimcvcr Frcdoriok, cooper
Porter Willlnm
Homvoll Charles
Curtis William
Holdor Georgo II.
Lymerston Stroot—South sldo
Unwin's bridge road to Cook's river road1
Collins Solomon, bricklayer
Wilmott John E., stntlonor
William street
Strotton llov. H. B. (C. of E.)
John street
North sldo
Henry stree'
Frntiklin Mrs. J.
Blarney I.OUIB, bricklayer
Shovoller Stephen T.
Forrester Ernest
Puckoridgo William
Wocrms Charles E.
Sweetman Henry
Watson William, painter
Bush Henry F.
Mary Stroot—North sldo
Cook's river road to Unnin's bridge road?
Phillips James
Annabel ThomaB W.
Leach William
Smith Thomas
Klchens John
Hehor William
King John
Rowswcll John
Salvation Army barracks
MellTocn II. S, bootmaker
Wllllngs William C , carpentor
Whyms James
South side
White MrB. M.
MoFarland Jamos, gardener
Annabel —
Annabel Alfred
Wells Mrs. A.
Alhelt Henry
Tnnercd Stove
Kdmondson James, 'bus proprietor
Hammond Joseph
Granville Wm.
Waters John
8mlth Wnltor R.
Bingham John O.
Margcram Robert
May S t r o o t
Cook's river road to Unwin's bridge road'
Bell Mrs. E.
Bradshaw John, butcher
Wntssn Thomas
Maxwell John
Kirk David
Romoy Peter, carpentor
Lynch Miss E.
Bnnskin Wm.
Nelson Samuel
Benjamin Harry
Williams Robert
Rose E., commission agent
Lock John
Chlsnall Edward, Ironmouldcr
Gentle Charles, fuol morchant
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney r t w ^ , L ( n , r 1 ' *
Man street continued—
Burling Frederick
Porter Sydney, poulterer
McKcchnlc Jits. E.
Clarke A. J.
Morrill James
Bishop Moses, carpenter
Drene David
Jones Alfred
Fay James
Pearson Ernest
Gordon Mrs. Lewis
Vincent Anthony
Tcesdalo Richard
Brian Jlrs. II.
Flett Jlrs. Jf.
Campbell street
Logic Josoph
Bowman John
White James A., cngincor
Hollow John
Hull James
Andrews 8. J„ nngineer
Tait Wm. T.
Luscombe Mrs. C.
Willings Wllliom
Smith Mrs. U.
Day Thomas J.
Dyer Charles
I'rlzclle Ilobert, tailor
Conk John
Turner John, letter carrier
Keep Thomas II,, greengrocer
Bally Jlrs., " Chostorflold cottage"
Adelaide Wlllinm, waggonbuilder
JIoDonald Roderick
Symonds Mrs. M. A.
Shannon Patrick, " ClareviU houso "
Samuel Stroet—South side
Creagh street
Turren.i John A., grocer
Umcin's bridge toad to Cook's river road
Fisher W. S., fronclipollsher
Needham W. II., bootmaker
Talbot Enocli, bootmaker
McEvoy Hugh
Rowo W. D., timber merchant
Carrigan Mrs. J.
Gnlr James, stonemason
O'Loughlln Michael
Gnlr Alexander, stonemason
Trott John E.
Nicholson Stroet
Chorlesworth James, painter
Dempster James
Percy Arthur
Reynolds Michael
Near Tempo railway station
Lime Walker, builder
Bcnbow John, builder and contractor
Frasor Arohlbald
Henry street
Lynch William II., grocer
Robinson Robert
Benson Srcn J., stout-mason
Parker John W., clerk
Park Road—South sido
Anderson A„ painter
North sido
'Umcin's bridge, road to Cook's river road
Smith Gilbert, furrier
William Albert, plasterer
Jessop Miles D.
Baldwin J. W., plumber
Evans Win.
Cheshire George
Isaacs Albert C.
Toopo Frank, tlnBinith
Smith Thomas
Mason William
Eudson F. II.
Roberts Win. N.
Henry street
Salmon Edmund G.
Whitbrcnd Jnincs
Lindstrom Charles, builder
Teinpe Park Wosloyau Chapel—Rov.
Johnston AVm.
W. H. Rogers •
HnycB Thomas, drayman
Williams Frodorick, plasterer
Tucker John G., storekeeper
Centre street
Collins Thomas E.
Cent re street
Bnrko Walter, butobcr
Irwin William J.
Mnthloson John J., baker
Dalloy James
Smith Pctor, master mariner
Schey Androw
Moon Mrs. E.
Johnson Edward, builder
Irwin JInrcusO.
Steer Frank, carpenter
Ollssold James S.
Blackburn Samuel, stationer
Silver Stroot—North sido
Ptizoy Georgo
Blyth Edward
Sncll G. and F., greengrocers
ik's river road to Umcin's bridge'road
McNeill John, fuel morchant
Delpontc Jlrs. J.
Smith John
Jones Charles
Hnrd William II., nowsogent
Wilson Alexander
Bramston Qcorgo
Latham George W.
Salvation Army Home — Adjutant,
Burrows Arthur, plumber
Fisher Waller
George E. Stagg
Roger James
Umcin's bridge road
Cullcn William E., clerk
Andrews James
Morrison William
Fcnfold William
North side
Rloketty Street
Mathlcson Mrs. John, dairykeeper .
Baldwin Henry
Thomas, gardener
From Cook's river road to Sliea's creek
Porter .lames, carpenter
Garfield George W., carpontcr '
Wanie Albert, Hmoburner
Ferguson John, carpontcr
FcamBide Henry, surveyor
Falliok Henry, builder
Steel Edwnrd, plasterer
Whitcley Gcorgo
Collison James
Robert Stroet
Andrews £. I)., monumental maso>
Jones Joseph
Carrick Arthur, compositor
Ogdcn Henry
Off L'dith street
Vincor Charles
Thorn Archibald
Hancock George, blacksmith
Burnip William
Goodscll Gcorgo
Blake Jlrs. Kobert
South sido
Bailey John
Bagley Horatio
llaoh Mrs. W.
Gaymor Wm.
Centre street
Helbi Carl
Pawlcy Walter
Kilgour John
Hill Michaol, gardener
Morcau S. ][., plumber
Boriund William
Purdy Levy
Hoclo James
Borden Sydney
Sullivan Mrs. S.
MoDonngh Edward
Harris Gcorgo W., carpenter
Edwards Wm. J., J.P.
Jack George, slater
Woods A.
Farrow George, 'bus proprietor .
Off Campbell street
Kay George
Talbot Alfred
Railway Road—North side
Jeffroy Georgo
</ook's river road to (lutein's bridge road MoMah Robort .
' Swain William H.
Harris William D„ carpenter
Smith Stroet
Parkyn Joseph II., fruitoror
West sido
Swamp to Cook's river road
Isaacs Gilbert
Stuart Alexander, J.P., builder
Crossland John
Richards Wm. T.
Tettitt Horbert J., printer
Ivory Gcorgo
Flood J, 'buB stables
Adams James
Ryan Thomas
Smith Frederick
WOOD & CUMPAfll, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
Pierce William, basketmakor
Jlullcns William, basketmakor
Sutherland Street—South side
Drake John, cab proprietor
Cook's river road to Umcin's bridge road Couper
Yelverton street—Oeorgeitreet
Thomas, onglncer
Keep William
Gildca James
Firth John," Cralglands"
Beetles Robert
Haywood Samuel
HawxHoll W. S.
Whittle Edwin
JIurray Thomas, baker
MoarB Wlllinm
Forest Henry
Connchor James
Ryan Daniel
Wcisu George
Barden Francis
Gannon James
Musgrovo James
Broadfoot Mrs. Christina
O'Mara James, carpontcr
Baker Thomns W.
Goodsir Thomas
Scott Robort. engincdrlvcr
Nakkan Thomas
South Bido
Davis Captain G.
Short John, bootmaker
King James
Creagh street
Jluilieay road
Wlso William R.,ironfoundor
Beacom Goorgo
Lovcdny Jf., grooor
Mundy Wlllinm
Walters Mnscs
Mills Georgo
Young William
Hopburn Honry
lierg Carl
Benton Wm. E., grocor
Stewart Wlllinm McA.
Ebbs Edwnrd
Bradford Wm.
Chatto II.
Jlooro Walter, grocor
Wciro Jlrs. M. A.
Blandford JI. <'., house agent
Rigg Wultcr
Henry street
Foulston William
McCulloch John
Mumford John
Hallway road
Oudon David
llobson Aaron
Dennis William
Lynch Francis
Hansen .lames
McCarthy Wlllinm, electrician
Boyd Charles, bookkeeper
Parkinson Jlrs. A.
Glocson Thomas, butcher
Ballam Josoph
llelmore itreet—Terry street—Samuel street
Dobell Jlrs. 11.
Jfudgo William
North sido
Rcchnblte Hall
Jlercer William
Treanov Paul
Hodge William, painter
Waring John S., Ironmonger
Blyth Edward W.
Lamoth Jlrs. E.
^ Edwards F. II.
Price Henrv
Logan John
Smith Charles, engineer
Bartlett Charles
Femes Philip C.
Umrin's bridge road
JIakkin John
Chapman Jlrs. S.
Goodman Frederick W.
Staples Wlllinm
Schumnn Frederick
Robinson T. W.
Hughes John W.
Union Lane
Lnmerston street
Bur roll Henry
Chnrles, clerk
Umrin's bridge road totiroicnstreet
Hurrcll Arthur
William, ironmonger
Price Henry
Larson John
Mottle Louis
Uebel Christian, grocer
Creagh street
Foreman street
Gcddes JIis. A.
Union Stroet
Watson Robert, railway gunrd
Bibb Gcorgo
Umcin's bridge road to Cook's river road
Bourko Michael
Taylor Alfred
Gannon Frederick, solicitor, "HurStewart Robert
Unwln Stroot
O'Brien John
Caton Jlrs. Jt.
Unwin's bridge road lo swamp
Umrin's bridge road
Judd Robert H„ J.P.
Tempo Railway Station—Jas. Dickoy,
station master
Railway street
Unwin's Bridge Road
Terry Stroot—North sido
Sharp Albort, agent
May street to Cook's river
Foster Jtiss Agnes
Vnwin's bridge road to Cook's river road
Toien and Country hotel—Robt. Elliott Young 1). JI.'
Brown Frcderiok
Lambourno Edward, grocer
Roman Cnthollo School
Shannon Mrs. A.
.Silk Thomas
Knutts Albert
Mathlcson James, baker
Burton William, fisherman
Cook Wm., florist
Chamberlain Josoph
Ryan William
Mnckcl James
Bradshaw Thomas
Scckold Thomas
Fairwoather Wm.
Lyttlo James
Shortall .Michael
Victoria Stroot—South sido
Crauso Henry A.
JIulveeny Nloholas
Paddock to Church street
Priestley John
"Geissler Ernest
Farr George, jun.
Hlitii Anthony
John, currier
Osgood W. H., plumbor
Kelly William A.
To.deslcy William
North side
Longford Honry
Puckwood W„ engineer
Jones Samuel
Schubert Fredcriok
Wright Joshua, piano tunor
•Conway Androw
Butcher William
Silver street
Woodward William
Ponfold Charles W.
JobbinB Henry
Stott Jlrs. E.
Edith street—Mary street
Davlcs Griffiths
Cooks river road
Griffin Mrs. J.
Atkin Enoch, painter
drove street
'Novlllo Walton F„ bootmaker
Jones Alfred F. W., fuel merchant
Blrt Henry
Haddock John
, Russell Gcorgo
Wentwortn Street—South side
West Henry J.
' Smith Walter
Cook's river road to swamp
Sutherland street
Harrison Philip T.
Broadhcnd J„ watchman
Bazan Alphonso, butcher
Richards Richard, produce merchant
Henry street
Hamilton Alexander, pastrycook
Turtlo Thomas
Judd Joseph
Burgess William T., grocer
Sapsford Ernest E.
Roshbrook Charles
Frederick street
Cotmbcs David C.
Sncll William, greengrocer
White James
Jlay CharleB W. F., builder
Cuthell Walter
Hamilton William, carrier
WOOD & COMPANY,Undertakers*Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney ("•'"•SSST'oSr"")
Weidworth street continuedNorth side
Favoll Goorgo K, 'bus proprietor
Tempo.Church of England—Rov. E.
D. Mndgwick
William Street—West side
Lymerston itreet to paddock
Bheehan Patrick
Ward Walter
Culverwoll Ocorgo
East side
Redmond J. It.
Greon William
Klrkwood Frederick, clerk
Tanzer L. W.
Yolverton Street—North side
Coot's river to Untcin's bridge road
Ogdcn Robert, engineer
Wearer Alfred, marble mason
Weaver Gilbert
Dovlno John
Loon Henry
Lambert Walter H.
llell Robert
Qualn Jamos, blacksmith
Creagh street
Grconwcod Jonathan, contractor
Watkins John W.
Robinson Herbert E,, grocer
Crick William, clerk
Smith Mrs. F.
Milikcn Edward, commercial traveller
JIaaso Frank, painter
Tclfer David
Beaver John, painter
Whitcombe Frederick
South sido
Bpriggins William
Wcnsloy Joseph J., contractor
Hughes John W.
BOUNDED on the cast by tlto centre of tho Red my re
boulovard; on the south by tho Liverpool rond to tho Cumberland Pottery Works, nearly threo miles; on tho west by
a line bearing northerly to tho necropolis extension, and by
Sir Thomas Mitchell's road to tho south boundary of
Flomiugton; thence by that boundary running northwesterly to tho rallwnv line; thence by tho railway lino
bearing easterly about two miles to tho point of commencement.
Incorporated—Juno 2nd, 188.1.
Area—1020 oores.
Miles of streets—30.
Assessed value of improved proi>orty—£32,406 5s; • Assessed valuo of unimproved property—£12,319 10s.
Number of ratepayers—713.
Number of houses—409.
Council Chambers—Homolmsh road.
Council meets on altomnto Tuosdnys.
Office hours—Monday. 9 n.m. to 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 0 p,m.; Tuesday, 9 a.m, to 1 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m ;
Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 7 n.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday, 0 a.m. to 1 p.m.
MAYOB—F. W. Parsons
J. H. Balmaln
Albert Allen
T. F. Maokouzlo
J. Fitzgerald
J. W. Boultbco
Goorgo Maiden, jun.
F. W. Pnrsons
George Ohristlo
J. W. Homo
Hugh Gordon
Henry Slatyor
Henry Green
A. H. Bailey
Abbotsford Road (Homebush)
South side
Homebush road to llridge street
Myles Mrs. H. 11., •' Cambria "
• White F.G.,*"ihanot"
Rochester street
Adams George, " Mon Ilepos "
Barker Robt. I'..," Mimosa "
Hall Georgo J , " Wendouroo"
Falrbura James," Curraweona "
Curry IlarriB A, O.
Meredith street
Thompson Samuel, "Rothay"
BInnoy F. W., "Hawthorn'1
Davenport F. A.," Ornie "
Richards William E„ auctioneer
Nloholson Albert, solicitor
Groon Henry," Edenglasso"
Hanson II.," Marongo "
Goddard Henry, •' Westlcigh "
Bridge street
North side
Baker John," Wcealhih"
Thompson Harold
Flotohor Rev. Frank E„ M.A. (Wos.)
Rochester street
Meredith street
BlngleMrs. I. R., "Rola"
Agnos Street (Strathfield)
Cotsteold road to Kingsland road
Watson W. H., warehouseman
Richards Thomns, " Hamblcdon "
Monokton W. II., architect
Albert Road (Homebush)
. South side
From Homebush road
Todman G. F., merchant, "Milroy "
Von dor Heydo Mrs. W, "Elwtorl
Newman William, merchant, " Chopstow"
Laurence C. A., solicitor," Birralce "
Peacock H. S., " Hughondon "
Daniols H. J. (J.P.), town clerk of
Svdney, •' Glcnfarno "
Eldcrton H. C, " Norollflo "
Walker Samuel W.
Jones Sydney, " Derra Dorra "
Fowler Alfred
Fowler Sidnoy, onginoer
Cottcrcll John
WOODftCOMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St., Leiohhardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Ward James B.
Horrall Walter J.
Warren William II., " Undoona "
Phillips Robert, " Ardross "
Mount Royal CoUego-W. Stovnrt
Page (M.A.)
Alviston Stroet (Strathfield)
Albyn road to Miiston street
Barker Fred W., " Highbury"
Moran .Inmcs," Lyndhurst"
Monio Samuel, contractor
SandonC. T., "Idalia"
Mountain Mrs. C.
Mills James, "Orthona"
West side
Happ Andrew, gardener
Kirkcnldie David, tralllo manngor
Broughton Road (Homebush)—
North side
Hereford rond to llridge street
Warchain .lames
Woller J., dairyman
Bercsford Road (Homobush)
Smith 11. J.
Homebush road to Coventry road
Meredith street
King Rev. Goorgo, LL.D. (O. of E.)
Rcuss P. II., jun., nrchitect, " Woodbine "
South side
Beronford Road (Strathfiol^J
" Novcba "
Off Homebush road
Pain George," Xovcba "
Monnghnn Peter
White Daniel
Watson Rev. T. (C. of E.)," Wairuna"
King Mrs, J.
Gornsoy E. R„ birrlstcr, " Llstowol"
Hochester street
Smyth-King Goorgo
Falllck Edward C.
Homebush Car donning Sheds—Jos.
Pothbridge John
Pyman in chargo
Meredith street
Dickson Thomas J„ " Etholstone"
Alborti Road (Strathflold)—South
A., " Kthclstono"
Boulevardo (Strathflold)
Slntycr Churlos II. architect
Homebush toad to Elva street
Railway to Liverpool road—Clarendon Clayton Joseph, •' Mia Mia"
King Rev. Canon Hulton Smith (C.
Congregational Church—Rev. Walter
nl E.). •' Corrnrd "
Bailey Mrs E., '• Stonolclgh"
Houston Mrs. M. J., " Dabrlada"
Mrs. A.
Ward Mrs. M. A., " Warrano"
Shaw James T,, bouBe and land agent
Homebush Grammar School—W. B.
Wadh'im Frederick, surgeon
Brunswick Avonuo—North sido
North sido
Mills A. K, surgeon, " Walthamstow"
. Vernon street to Homebush road
Miller Stephen, " Flntry"
Ilaymcu E. S., " Miowora "
Brennan Win. F„ solicitor
Arditto Angelo, " Tho Retreat"
Graham Francis
Parlelt C. B.
Thomas," Ardullla"
Davis George W., " Minnlevlllo "
Matthews Wm. T, tobacconist
<5osllng Mrs. F. W.
South sido
Condor Mrs. Margaret
Orr J. B., chemist
Giimbly Charles A.
Frow Allison, "Rcdovor"
Stead W. J., "Lansdowno"
Horner William
Redmyre road
' Gagliardlc I)., bootmaker
Buttcrworth John
; Baker David
Read James A., " Ottrey "
Stirling Thomas
Burlington Road (Homebush)—
O'BiicnMissE., "Keira"
Glarka Arthur
North sido
Margaret street
foreman and Grant, landscape garHomebush road to Bridge street
Chapman Wm,
Latta Mrs. C , " Meunlsca"
Horner Wm.
Windoyor MrB. E. M., " Parkstonc"
<3arritty James
Brunton John S., " Brunyarra"
Orr Alexander, analytical chemist,
Mc David Patrick
Carrington avenue
"Gowan Lea"
HKI street
Sly George J., " Glen Luna "
Johnson Mrs G. W„ " Dlodato"
Inglis JauicB," Craigo"
Gorman Henry," Cassoln"
Cassolden Wm., gardener
Gainford W. It, " Sllvordale"
Rot hester street
Albyn Stroet (Strathfield)—North Strathfield avenue—Torriugton road
Boulden T„ contractor
Briggs Mrs. A. B., " Elalno "
Cnplo Charles, carpenter
Boulevarde to Homebush road
Scott Robert M.
Timhs John, constable
Bunting Arthur C, " Trogcaro,"
Wcsloyan Church—Rov. F, E. FletNott Arthur, " Oliovcden "
cher, M.A.
Ford Mrs, 0„ private school, ",OompHnrdic Mrs.W.\ " Wavertco "
Meredith street
Albyn street
Chnrlos, " Moorcdean "
Moodie Captain Robert T., " Airlie "
Thompson T. J., stockbroker, " MnlRossitor
E„ " Dcno place"
Hope Charles, woolbroker, "Albion
vcrn "
Morgan Frederick II.
Jones P. Sydney, surgeon, " Llnndilo"
Threlkcld Mrs. E. J„ "Gwyndolino"
Quodling Mrs. W. H., " Couranga"
South side
Parker G. J, -Ormuz villa"
Wateford street
Hobb Mrs. W., "Chcrrltta"
Horwit/. Michael H„ "Prtspect"
Christie George, accountant, " Oriol"
Stokes JoBcph I-:., "Lilllngton"
Cornish T , " Wamhlana"
Cervotto Mrs. 8.
Jaokson Mrs. II.
Litchfield James," Havllab."
Highgate street
Homo J. W., " Agenora "
Allard lloraco II., " Arran"
Fcnn John
G. Mander. surgeon," Vlwn"
Liverpool road
South side
Fisher Captain A. Money "Hinckley"
Jones Mrs. E. L„ " Biokloy "
Andrews John
Bridge Street (Homebush;—East
Kingsland road
Nicholas H.
Bligh Frank, "Llanolly"
Rochester street
Palmer Mrs. M. Y.
Llltlomoro Rev. G. (Cong.),
Rand W. A, " Egolabra '
Smith Ashor, " Kclvinbank "
RicbardB Mrs Mary A.
Mills H. E.," Bisham grove"
Yanx Ludwig
Robertson Louis, " Rttherhytho "
North side
Morgan George, commission agent
Smith Goarge, " Clcwcr "
Barling Joseph, J.P., Undor-Socrotary
for Works, " Mcrlcv "
Tho N. S. Wales Homo Teaching
Society for tho Blind, tho Industrial
Homo for Blind Women, and Retreat for Aged Fcmalo Blind—II, S
Prescott, home teacher; Mary E.
Prcsontt, hon. secretary and lion,
•Corklll Sydney It, "Osdora"
Falke Joseph, " Tuxedo"
Paul John, shipchnndlcr, " Agincourt"
WOODftCOMPANY, Undertakers ft Embalmers, 6 New Canterbury Ed., Fsli'm. Tel. 22 P'slrtp'
Burlington road continued—
McClelland Walter H„ " Comarqucs'
Docker J. F.,"Meryick"
Muir J. P., " Hoscraount"
Waller Mrs P., « Pretoria "
Grogson John." Rathmincs"
Shortland W. II., forwarding agent
Uthor Henry A,," Marlborough "
B u s h y Hill S t r e e t (Homebush)
Homebush road to Florence street
• Thomas Henry C , carpontor
Floyd Jno. M,, cngrarcr, "Abingdon"
Florence street
Garrington A v o n u o (Strathflold
/loulevarde avenue to Vernon street
Frasor A. J., " Lamboth "
Brunton Walter T„ " Vinzrook "
Hammond Abncr, •' Hornsby villa "
. Baxter W. H., " Haworby »
Arnott J. M„ " Illemong "
Qualfo W. F., surgoon, " Clitheroe"
Gardiner John L , " Mon Itepos "
Thompson H. L., "Lavclly"
Lcvien K. H„ M.L.A., •' Qulrindi"
Clarendon S t r e e t (Strathflold)
North side
Off Ike llouUvardr
Shaw James T., estato agent, " Yt
S o u t h side
' Hope Thomas
Hcncas H, G.
Tcmploton II. T„ bootmaker
Leyson Benjamin
Milbum Thomas
Freshwater Joseph
.Doylo John
Burton Charles
Cooper S t r e e t ( S t r a t h f l o l d )
S o u t h sido
Mosely stnet to Parramatta road
Backhaus John, winegrower
< Bald John
Astlc George
Longhurst Mrs. S.
Patrick John
- . Hamhloy Mrs.
Petersen J.
Wotton Edward
.Rose Henry
Scott Adam
North side
Salisbury street
Patching T. IT., tailor
Fleming John
Quinncn Mrs. E.
i. Dwyor John
... Walsh W.
' • Smith T. G„ plumber
Grant Alexander
Smith Horace
Cunimings llobcrt
Duke H„ painter
Kennedy William
Hunter Andrew
Sponce John
Ootswold R o a d (Strathflold)
From Alhyn street to Fatrholme street
Agnes street—Blanche street
Coventry Road (Homobush)
N o r t h sido
Beresford road to Bridge street
Broughton road
Hutchinson J. L.
Cannon James
MoFarlano Alexander
Bcntley Georgo
Cartor W. L., accountant, "Harangah"
Potts F. II., accountant," Hydebrao "
Fraser Donald," Hydebrao"
Elsie street
Broinowskl Gracius J., artist, " Ellosmore "
Eston street—Bridge street
Crano S t r o o t
Off Parramatta road
Alexander William II., gas engineer
Crook S t r e e t ( H o m o b u s h )
Wentworth road to Powell's creek
Ilardy Robert, brass flnltbcr
Cross S t r o o t ( S t r a t h f l o l d )
Liverpool road to William street
Bishop A.
High street
Freshwater William
Donoaster Road (Plemington)
Off Parramatta road
Slattory J. T., » The Ketrcat"
I E a s t b o u r n e R o a d (Fleming-ton)
Off Victoria Parade
Harrington Richard
Off Maiden George, jus., auctioneer
Elsie Street
Off Coventry road
Mackenzie, T. II. F., " Albemarle "
Dunhill Edward, " Hayfleld "
E l v a S t r e e t (Strathflold)
Off Albert road
Happ C. G.
E l w i n Street (Homobush)
Off Homebush road
Edmunds Walter," Wondourco"
Florence street
Parsons Frederick W., auctioneer,
" Wooroonook "
Eston Street
Off Coventry road
Knight J. P., "Allornah"
E v e S t r e e t (Strathflold)
E a s t side
Off Liverpool road
U'Hara Thomas
McCabo Alexander
lUardon Mrs. Margaret
SlayterMrs. M.
Edwards John
Kew John
Kmnsay James
Aignell James
Buggy James
West side
Tcrren Louis
Lewis Georgo
E x e t e r R o a d (Fleming/ton)
Off Hampstead road
Murphy J.
F a i r h o l m S t r e e t (Strathflold)
Homebush road to Ktngsland road
Muddle Charles J., J.P., conveyancer
Florenoe Street (Homebush)
E a s t sido
Redmyre road to Bushy Hill street
Hlnc Eugene, " Norwood '*
Vernon Mrs. Donald, " Wrexham "
Elwin street
W e s t sdie
Glbbes A. G., solioitor, " Alcot"
Elwin street
Ford Percy, " Goomerabong "
Hammersmith Road (Homobush)
Off Parramatta road
. Williams William, dalrykoopcr
Hammersmith Road (Flomington)
Murphy Thomas, dray proprietor
Small Jesse J.
Hampstead Road (Flomington)
East sido
Off Victoria parade
Beid Georgo
Williams Frederick
Murray Mrs.
Wood William
West side
Maund Herhort J.
Primrose John
H e n l e y R o a d (Fleming-ton)
West side
Off Victoria parade
Byrne J„ grocer
Whitolaw Henry
Bambury Georgo
McFarlane John
East side
Roberts Owen
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St, lelonhardt. Tel. 40 P e t e r t a T
WcBt Rev. W. (C»ng.)
W e s t Bide ( H o m e b u s h )
Flnucano II. It., confectioner
Live/pool road
Jennings Charles, storekeeper
Allen Albert and Co., grocers
Eve street
Forster James
Millet Herbert J., timber merchant
Morris William
Public School—J. J. Catolan, master
Spltlohouso James
Kroencrt Thomas, fuol merchant
Amos Mrs. A.
Bowser William
Homebush road
BoWBer Lachlan
Allen Albert and Co., storekeepers
Glass G. and C , dressmakers
Adams W. G., merchant, " Walgett
Murphy Miss E., •• Hathorloy"
S o u t h sido
HnrknesB Frank, dairyman
Burton Charles, " Roso cottago "
MoFeo Donald
Smith James II.
Bushy Hill street
Fitzgerald JameB
Congregational Church — ROT. W.
CurtiB Tom, " ChertBcy "
Smith Henry
Cross street
Cooko Arthur D.
Edmunds W, F.
l'ollan John
Mrs. J.
Elwin street
Prentice Mrs. It,, butcher
Scoular John, " Wcmyss cottago "
Rennlo Jchn, carcase bntchcr
Eldridgo George," Frankston "
H i g h g a t o S t r e e t (Strathflold)
Edgington W. P., •'Quislslana "
Boulevarde to Kingtland road
Lewis Walter
Gunning Mrs. M.
Ryan Matthew
Adamson John, " Malvorn "
Long Street Strathflold;
Brett W. H.
D'Aroy Denis. "Glcncairn"
Liverpool road to Homebush road
Richards L.
Law Alexander, agent for Royal InRichard J., gardener
Fitzgerald Edward
surance, " Glon Stewart"
Parker Thomas
Redmyre road
Forrii Edward
Council Chambers—J. II, Balmain,
Cross street
council clerk
Calvert Henry
H o m e b u s h Orosoont (HomobuBh)
Powell Mrs. J. It., " Tarry HIo Hio "
S o u t h sido
M a r g a r o t S t r o o t (Strathflold)
Albert road—Abbotsford road—BurlingRailway—Homebush road
ton road
N o r t h sido
HomobuBh Post and Telegraph Office
Norton William H.. "Ingcra"
Boulevard to Little Margaret street
C. G. A. Doutty
Homebush crescent
Lamond and Co., grocers
Bird Georgo W., "Inglcnook"
Hopkins A., bootmaker
Rochester street—Meredith street
S o u t h Bldo
RosoA. J., "Surrey"
Hornsoy R o a d (Flomington)—
Magnus Edwin R., surgeon
lirush John, jun., saddler, " Hillside "
W e s t sido
Bird U . S . , "Welbeok"
Maiden Joseph II., dlrcotor of llnlaiilc
Off Victoria parade
Gardens, "Turn"
Michael Georgo
Dolbridgo Joseph M., " Povcril"
Stanton II.
Hardy Arthur M., " Hawthorne"
Johnston Androw
Marlborough Road (Flomington)
E a s t sido
Alexander J. C , onginccr, "MossMurphy Mrs. 11.
HughoB Charles V.
Longstaff George, poultry farmer
Dolsen Alexander, butcher
Hudson Herbert, "Roxmero"
Vosscy Charles
Gregg Alexander W. 8., J.P., " DunTippler P.
Austis Edward
. Isfa"
Alexander If.
Dick William, " Irvin villa"
Bridge street
Barnes II.
Beaslcy Thomas
N o r t h Sido
Lee II.
Millwood Henry
Off Bouldcn Richard
Homebush Station—John Q. BlBsctt
Off MoCabo Patrick
Klngsland Road
Albyn to Fairholm street
H o m e b u s h R o a d (Strathflold)
Meredith Stroot (Homobush)
E a s t side
Littlo Margaret Street (StrathLiverpool road to Railway
E a s t sido
II<tlh street—Long street— William streetHomebush crescent to Coventry road
lairholtn street—Albyn road—H'oof/treird
Off lledmure road
Littlo Mrs. L„ "ABhloy"
Abbotsford street
Thompson J. P., " Islay"
Perry James S., •' Tregaor "
L i v o r p o o l R o a d (Strathflold)
DInnervillc Lawrence L., constable
Hayward C. Ii;
N o r t h sido
Alviston street
Stangcr Charles, "WIsbcaoh"
Boulevarde to Lillypilly creel:
WilliamB Harold, "Brockley"
Wilkinson Robert, J.P., " narmsBrown Thoma«, blacksmith
(See also EnfleH)
Broughton road
Brunswick avenue
Long street
Roxburgh II. Hay, " Elstow"
Goodchap C. W.. arebitcct
Shanahan Mary, " Skelwlck "
" Verona "
Mawhiney Mrs. John
Redmyre road
Coventry road
High street
Bcdingicld Mrs. F. A.
Edwards A. G , " Clavoring "
Albert road—Beresford road
W e s t side
Pilcher H. C , ".Kenton"
8t. Anne's C. of E.—Rev. H. ,T. Rose
Bradley Edward P., " Verani"
Lcmaire Charles, " Waltlmmstow "
Burlington road
Graham Georgo
Bassan Albert E., •• Lnngham "
Atcherley Mrs. F., " Meredith "
Avcrv A. W.. chemist and dentlBt
MitehollMrs.A., "Exeter"
Kenna E. J., " Paruna "
Row"j. L., "Boronla"
Cross street
Abbotsford road—Broughton road
Tinch James," Kinross"
H i g h S t r e e t (Strathfleldj—North
Liverpool road to Ilomebuth road
Brien Mrs., " Emerald cottage "
Prlora Ernest, jeweller
Cainci Potor
Andrews James, gardener
" Brien Thomas
Cross street
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 6 New Canterbury Ed., P'sh'm. Tel. 22 P'sh'm.
Moseloy Street (Strathfleld)
Near Railway
Williams John, shlpbroker, "Holm
wood "
Cooper tlreet
South side
Her George, blacksmith
Whiting William, coachbuildcr
Abbott John
I'arromoro George, fireman
Lawrence Alfred
Stewart Thomas
Roohester Street (Homebush)—
East side
Homebush Crescent to Coventry road
Publio School—Edwin Tyler, master
"West side
Hupp G. A., tobacconist
Nlool Parade (Strathfleld)
Berg J. H, bootmakor
Torrington road to Carrington avenue
Johnston W. G, butehor
Rodmyro Road (Homebush)
Edwards Mrs. A., " Canla cottage"
iMcsser and Swnin, plumbers
North side
Fowler Dudley T.
Williams C. I!., upholsterer
Plumrldgc reroy, gardener, " StrathFrom Homebush road
Stephens W., bakery
fleld "
Clune Michncl
Dalmaln J. II., council clerk, " HalMcDonald W. J., cab proprietor
lowcon "
E., fancy goods
Oxford Road (Homebush)
J. A , storekeeper
Hunter A. J., "Carlylo"
Off Homebush road
itlchards Thomas, ••Ilrnntwood"
Kerslako George, gardener
Evans II. SI., •' St. Elmo "
Swift Mrs. Elizabeth, "Woodbine"
Hnyes-Willlams \\'„ " Clivedon "
Salisbury Road
Gunn J. It., " Montreux "
From Cooper street to J'arramatla road
Honty Charles J., •' Iloroondara "
Parramatta Road fHoruobushj—
Ilaron FranclB, •' Colinsay "
Anderson Via.
John II., •• Glonhcarn "
Janson John
Fleminglon cattle yards to Pouell't creek MoPbllllmy
Ward Thomas J.
Green Alexander
Gates A. J., " Orari"
Plko L.
Farlow William
Keep Leonard," Wynola"
Wenttrorth hi,tel—3ano Bvrno
Wellard Robert II.
South side
Strathfleld Avonuo
Whiting Josoph, storekeeper
Off' Boulevard
Wentteorth road—Uiulencoud roadHaidy John, " Strathflold "
Taylor Charles C, " Kelm Wood "
Powell street
John, architect, "Bcrvlo"
Her George, blaekBmlth
I'riddle Frederick
Lodge Mrs. Barton, " Leltrim "
Ballon George, contractor
Troup Alexander It,
Joyce A.
Cromer William, storekeeper
Tavistock Road (Flemlngton)
Collins A., produce mo'chant
KitoHnrryN., "Ethelvlllo"
Rodmyro Road (Strathflold)—
j'omll's creek
North side
Torrington Road (Strathfleld)—
From Jloulevard lo Homebush road
South side
North side
GasDoncaster rond— Hammersmith road
Jloulevard to Avlston road
Hill Clark and Co., receiving yards
Catterall F. G.
Nownham High School—Miss L. Ellis
Pitt, Son and Badgory, receiving
Kent F. D., solicitor, " Brnunton "
Uoland Mrs. W. jr., '• Staverton"
Oowdery George H., civil engineer
FullerS. II.," Avarua"
Flemingten cattlo salo yards—Hugh
SiinpBon David, civil engineer, "Otlra"
Croagh Ilev. S. M. (Cong.) "Arundel"
Xiehol parade
Hollcy Thomas, fuel merchant
Bloorafleld C. II.
Shaw Poroy W.
Lee J.
South side
Scott Edmund, brioklaycr
South side
Itolin Thomas B., solicitor
Price John
Toohoy Mrs. J. XI., "Torrington "
Kite and Prico, timber morohantB
DIght James ()., J.P., squatter,
Upton John, gardener
Horse and Jockey hotel—AVm. Watkins l " Watrora "
Muller Mrs. M.
Smith J. .C„ accountant, •• Tho Briars"
Evans R. II., dniryman
Wilson G. A.," Selborne"
Underwool Road (Homebush)
Byrnes F. It., newsagent
Holland Miss A. F.., " Veronica"
off I'urramatta road
Golhy George
Dnlton Thomas
Pitt Mary
Hcndorson Lawrence,'' Strathnoon "
Vincent W.
Proudfoot It., bootmaker
Sldoy llobert K., "Kosstievor"
Gbuvcrnct Jules
Walker Win.
Moyor Mrs. S. A., " Huia "
George John
Frost F.
Vernon street
Bundey W,
.Wctton Miss Alice, draper
Mosohwitz William P.
Cooper street
Hill William H., ' Heuton lodge "
LoutltJ., "Ashton"
Vernon Street (Strathfleld)—
J/omebush road
West side
ParramattaRoad (Strathfleld)
Redmyre road to Avlslon street
Murphy Daniel, "fleyflcld"
Parker John, "Baroona"
Murphy Francis," Heyfleld"
Kerr Gordon, " Aramao "
Polico Station—William Bursey, Rodmyro Street (Strathfleld)
Vernon street lo Homebush road (note Hicks Mrs. W. H., " Woodrising "
senior constnblo
Applcwhaitc Miss," Woodrising "
called Urunsiclck avenue)
Norton Henry Y., "Deepdcne"
Urunsiclck avenue
Powell Street (Homebush)—
Lane Balloy M., " Lancsworth "
Riohmond Road fFlomington)
H. J. (O.ofE.)
North side
Off" Victoria parade
Wenticorth road to PoaelVs creek
Casey Thomas W.
East side
Carrutucr's Stewart L.
Hughes Charles
Mclntyro W. D., "Gundaibo"
Edmonds John, drover
Fuller Gabriol
Emmcrson Joseph
Off— Flcmlngton Rifle Range—Corporal Davis J.Carrington
A, " ltlssmore "
Glllard Samuel
Norton A. W„ "Moryli"
WOOD Is COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 7 Norton St, Leiohliardt. Tel. 40 Petersham.
Powell Mrs. S, " Lulworth"
Pain G. G. M.
Rose Mrs. G. H., •' Undine"
BarrO., "Arrawatta"
Houston A. J. hi., solicitor, '• Huon"
Thorno Mr*. J.," Chelmsford "
Mailer Stephen, " Cooinda "
Davey H.O., "Audlev"
Viotoria Parade (Flomlngton)
Bridge lo Richmond road
MeNaughton Donald
Logan Ernest
Toomcy Francis
Wakoford's Road (Strathfleld)
Off Boulevard
Allworth John N., " Uccchmont"
Campion Mrs, H. W., "Colaha"
Klnqsland road
Price Wm., J.P," Cotswold "
Wentworth Road (Homobush)
l'arramatta road to Fleminglon road
Prentice Edward, "Walhallow cottage"
Pomeroy John, •• Lalrn "
Crlbb W. 0., butcher
William Street (Strathflold)
Cross street to Horn-bush road
Wheeler Chas. 0.
Prentice Frederick
Prentice Roland
Woodford Avenue (Strathflold)
Boulevard to Homebush road
Walsh Win., "Roma"
Thomas Mrs. E. W„ " Illandford"
Williamson Mrs, " Kelvin"
Carne J. K„ " Telntara "
Bcarup James, " Calabhiels "
Ross H. M„ " Walden "
How Wm. F„ "Kompton"
LancoO.C," Hill Crest"
Powys Robert O,
Paynter Robert, " Stonolelgh "
Tcsch Charles W. F.
Casey John W., " Colombloro "
Moore Mrs. 0., •' Coomalgah"
Mawcr Samuel 1).
Thomas Richard II.
McDonough 1*. F.
Elm J. J., gardener
Wardale J.
Lucas Edgar
Homebnili road
Off Purramalta road, Homebush, near
Powell's creek
Her Mrs.
Heather John, gardener
longation of tho sou thorn boundary of the Lljhthouso
BOUKDAIUKS.—Commonolng on tho oaten shores of
Reserve; thouco by that prolongation mid boundary
Port Jnokson, nt the ccntro of Bay View Hill street: thence
to tho Paolflo Ocean; thenco by tho Paolflo
by a line along the centre of that street ornsidng tho New
Ocean northerly to Iunor South Head; and thonoo by
South Head road and a line nlong tho ccntro of Towns'
wntors of Port Jaokaon southerly to tho
road and its prolong,tlon easterly to the ccntro of tho
point of eommonooment.
Old South Head road; theife by a Hue along the ccntro
of that rond north-easterly to meet tho westerly proTotal valuo of property—£50,370
Annual value—£0,036
Miles of street*—
Assessed annual value—£8,747
No. of homos—
Area—HO square miles"
Council Chambers—Military Road
Herbert Ghuillclgh
David MoCuilooh
John Dykes
O. J. E. Fosbcrg
John Gonsalves
John White
Hnrrold Norrle, J.P.
E. S. Sautollc.
Albert H. Jones
Bell Street
Off Military road
Jones Arthur H.
Manby Mrs. E.
Todd Clifford
Dorph John
Gonsalvcs John
Parry A. B., solicitor, " Forrisford"
Kennedy Joseph
Dunn Frederick
Cambridge Street
Off'A'eic South Head road
Stiles O. T., J.P., " Wangraboll"
Butler Henry
Oliff Street
South Head to Military road
Lambert Mrs. A.
Smith James
Koamcs John
Johnson Mrs. M.
Do Eraser Henry
Francis Joseph
Anderson William '
Moncrcifl J. 8, mariner
Edwards Edward
Post and Telegraph office—Charles
Manuel, postmaster
Gove Street
Victoria to Short street
Wnter reserve
/'d«(/Ic street
Lovdcn J. T., sergeant
O'Connor John
Maunscll Richard
Carroll W. J.
Cronin John
Fox Edwin, " Cumbrao "
•Wright Samuel
Sllvo Mrs. M., " Watervlew •'
Derby Stroot
Off Military road
Bladen Alfred W., J.P., "Norllngar"
White John
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (b•t^vmh^^.ci1k,;rch,')
Gap Stroot
Bucunoll 0. W., bootmaker
WilllntnB F. A., baker
Flower .7. W. 0 .
Humphries .Mm. Sarah
Kelly Mrs. J., general store
Gladstone street
McCulloch David, " Loglanlca "
Russell street—Dtrby street
Stiles Itev. G. E. 0. (O.'of E.)
Moxon Mr*. J. M., " Oneliff "
ltoblnsou II I)., " Ilruns'ock villa"
Uoblnson Mrs. Julia, " Brunstnck
Russoll Street
Off Military road
Slndcn A. W., J. P., "Norllngar"
llav E. If., " Scarboro "
Irvine H. 1).
Orton Mrs. E. A., " The Caves "
Avrc James
Gibson W., jun.
Gonsulves Henry
Austin Henry S.
Gladstono Stroot
Off miliary road
Crecr Captain Joseph, manager pilot
station, "Olifion"
Tollco Station—John Walker, con- N o w S o u t h Hoad R o a d - E a s t sldo
fitijnal staff to Hole bay
Btuble in charge
Mathleson L., " Valctta"
Signal staff—Joseph Francis, signalmaster; Alfred Gibson, assistant
oignalmuHtcr; James White, tolcMarino Parado
gMpbopt'iator; I'. Gibson, m'eiigcr
Mncquarlc Lighthouse— ltd, Hull,
A'orlli title of tleamert' pier
principal lighthouse keeper; F.
Hay Arthur, marine survoyor
Mlva, 1st assistant; Hubert JohnLuddra Joseph
son, 2nd assistant; Hugh Patterson,
Manuel John
chief engineer; Henry Thomas,
Place George E. J,
assistant engineer
Qraham Charles
Traill W. II., "Junction cottage"
Kichmond Thomas
South Head General Cemetery
Selkirk William
Martin James, sexton
Uoblnson It. 0 .
Shaftesbury Reformatory for G i r l s I-ayton W. II.
Mrs. Mary Jowett, superintendent;
Murray James A., draftsman
W. Pierce, M.D., visiting surgeon;
Smith Jamos
Itov. I>. A. Slattory (H.C.), llov. G.
Edwards K., boat proprietor (sheds)
E. Stiles (C. of F..), chaplains;
Newton Henry, llshorman
Mies Crimes, assistant; Miss .leiJ'ulace hoitl—W. S. Anderson
ford, n u n c ; Miss llromby, teacher
South side of sleameri pier
Trncey James
Tooiiool unit
Smith E. J., refreshment rooms
Cork Miss, " Zcnlclth "
Flroworks factory—John Scott
(Irtenielch I'ier hotel—l'rcdk. Ilrooko
Dunn F.
(lap street
Dykes John, produce merchant
llonnclt Alfred, " Clalrvaux "
Vaucluse road
Mllltory Road—East sldo
W o s t sldo
Artillery barracks to signal stuff, Xtm
Vaucluse road
•South lien I loud
Kolliok Mrs., " Vaucluse cottage"
llayncs Major 1''. T. II., in command
Yates Thomas
Government rosorvo
Gup Park—J. Monaghiin, oarotakor
Grieve Gideon J., " Signal villa"
Oarrlok !•'. ()., butcher
Stratford F., " Clllf villa "
Johnston William, general store
Qraud Pacific hotel—A Bertram
Council Chambers —'E. 8. Sautolle,
council clerk
ltcaburn W.
. Paolflo Stroot
Dennett J, T., fuel inorchant
IMIIIIJ'S Point to Core street
Kynn J., carrier
Congregational Mission Hall
Victoria street
Cron*c Marcus
East sHo
Simpson David 0 .
llydo Joseph
Lamb Lieutenant C. W.
Nott Allied
Newton William, fisherman
RIngwood W. G,
Nowton George
Nowton Frederick, sen.
St. Mary's Star of tho Sea (R.O.I
Smith John
Church—Itov. Father P. A. Slattory
Brown William
__ Public School-G. I), lllley, headmaster
Core street
St. l'oter's (C. of E.) Church
St. Peter's schoolroom
W o s t sldo
Monughan James
Torpedo battery
Harmer William
W o s t sldo
MncGco Stuart J.
Sliort street—Hay street
.Martin J., fuel merchant
Jones Albert, J P., •' Vancouver"
Fothcringhamc J., pilot . service,
Cashman Masscy, 'Tutulla"
"Clovelly "
Jack Captain Andrew W„ pilot
Downos Mrs. W.
Firth Mrs. VV. II., "Cnldalo"
Von Uemleux George, dalrykeepor
Firth James, accountant, " Caldalc "
Toogooil street
Norrlo II., J.I'„ " Gunyah "
Fogarty J. U.
Core street
Manlcy C 0 . , wlno store
liuckncU C, bootmaker
Williams F. A., baker
Roso Bay
Humphries Patrick, pilot scrrieo
Uoblnson G. H., " Harbor Vlow"
Bennett Alfred," Clalrvaux"
Short Stroot
Military road to Marine /.grade
I'circe \V. II. D., Burgeon, usais'.unt
health officer
Hence J., llghlkoepor
South Hoad
Hornby I.lghthoiiBo—William May,
principal lightkcrper; Alfred Johnson and James Qulnn, assistants
Artillery barracks and fortificntloni—
Major F. T. 11. Baync», In charge
Toogood Stroot—North side
Military road to Marine parade
Dunn Edward
Cnnycrs E.
Barton (Icorgo
S o u t h sldo
Edney John
McUregor Thomas
Love Georgo
Hlncy John
Love'Henry Samuel
Vauoiuso Road—East d d o
A'eir .South Head road to Steel') point
Farley James
Knott Walter 11., joiner
St. Mark's (C. of E.)—Bev. J. Stile*
Hill James It., solicitor, " Vaucluse"
W o s t sldo
Sacred Heart Convent and SchoolSister F. Vercruysso, superioress;
chaplains, the Franciscan Fathers
Dcwlov Charles, gardener," Carrara "
Little Hobert, •• The Hermitage "
Steel Point battery—Bombardier W.
Clarke, in charge
Victoria Street
Cliff to I'tictfie itreet—Camp Cope
Farrcll Thomas
Everltt Charles, van proprietor
Braby E.
Bidcn E. II., draftsman
Cracknel! W. J.
Phillips F. L., bank manager
Atkinson J.," Lincolnville"
McGohcy Alexander C.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmera, 185 George-8t Vest, Sydney. Tel. 632.
Salisbury Stroot
Off Military road
Tyler W. C, pilot, •' Surblton "
Chiidlelgh Herbert, pilot, " Elvlna"
Jack Captain W., marine surveyor
Sautollo E. S., council olork, "Cliff
BOUNDED on the north by Boundary and Phillip streets ;
on tho south by Gardener's road and line dividing It from
municipality of North Botany ; on tho cast by Dowllng
street; and on the west by Botany Road.
Area—7H0 acres
Number of ratepayers—2,100
Number of hoiucs—2,030
Miles of streets—36 .
Annual value—.607,001
Council Chambers—Elizabeth and Kolliok streets
Council meets every alternate Thursday at 7,30 p.m.
Office hours—9 n.m to 12 noon, 1 p.m. to 3 run., and on Wolnesdny from 7 p.m. to p.m.; Saturday, I) n.m to 12 noon
Library—Evenings: Mondays, Wednesdnys, and Fridays, 7.30 to i) p.m.
MAYOH—L. T>. Williams, J.P,
Thomas Danks
L. P. Williams, J.P.
George H. Smith
Thomas Lnmoml, J.P.
George Anderson. J.P., M.L.A. Charles Stewnrt
Alfred Hole
Edward T. Walsh
Richard Adams
John Navin, J.I'.
W. F. Hughes
John Dunning
Aldorson Stroot
Ilourke to Morehead stmt
ltcdmnn Henry, carrier
Funncll Alfred
Watson James
Nobbs Horace
William Allen
DEATHS—J. Skinner
Botany Road
Ileiunt street to (lardriter'i lane
1 Clifton hotel—J. I'. Cart or
Cundler John, oyster saloon
3 Payntcr Mrs. M. bootshop
5 Gnbblo John and Sous, bakers
!l Knight John F., carpenter
17 Hill Mrs., draper
21 Fusion S., diaper
A m o l i a Stroot—East sldo
23 Tnllls Thomas
jMcJdan street to stramp
25 Sargcant W., pnBtryc»ok
31 Simpson A., bootmaker
4 Greeley Patrick
33 Darker I)., greengrocer
8 Spencer William
35 Davics ,I„ provision merchant
10 Scott George
Beard'It., draper
12 Laurie George
4.1 Slowgrovo William J., tobacconist
l(i Barlow Thomas
Sydney Hydraulic Co.'s .Works- 45 Prendergast T. K., butobor
47 .Siorliman'i Arms—David Follott
George Scott, engineer
llaolan street
W o s t Bldo
4!) I'rlnce Henrv, provision dealer
51 Williams L. 1'., J.P.. chemist
Hemming W., dairyman
53 Barkel John
Bird Thomas
57 Turner Mrs. J.
Murray street
50 Dill Jacob, greengrocer
Foy Henry, bricklayer
Gil Hayter Walter, produce merchant
05 Illrks Wilfred, grocer
G9 Sawyer Joseph, cabinetmaker
Beaumont Stroot
71 Cox Itobcrt
Phillip to Welliil'Jton itreet
73 Carrad William, bookbindor
75 Hinchcllffc James, stntionor
•1 Hodson George
"7 Symons Willlnm. Ironmonger
3 Beresford Martin
70 Mountain Fruncis, fuel merchant
5 Bennett Charles
McColc Peter, watchmaker
Danks T., canister works
87 Jones William J.
15 Pracey Charles
80 Speckardt F. L., tinsmith
19 Navin Mrs. II.
111 Powell Wi'llam A., hnlrdressor
2S Horton James, plasterer
05 Williams John, bootmaker
25 Kemp George T., butcher
Off Pcarcc Willlnm
SI Burke Charles
Congrcgntional Church — Bev.
45 Ilyman James, wonlwashor
Bcckcnbam, mlnistor
47 Tierney James, butchor
Bryson W., halrd'csser
Siobeig Andrew, dcalor
Henley ltlchard, bootmakor
WillinniB Alfred, bakor
Caledonian Mcnt Co,—John Cassora,
110 Sliiiud J., produco and fuel merchant
121 Holborrow Peter, bootinnkcr
Buckland street
123 Caiilijhicer hotel—Georgo Rolfo
125 llolfo George, jun.
127 Kcnenly George, bootllnlsher
120 Barton Isabella, pawnbroker
131-133 Mayo John, butoh'cr
135 McCaiilcy William, butcher
137 Starr John
139 l'ugslcy John
Coleman Albert T., wheelwright
John street
107 Gribblo John and Sons, bakers
109 Lions Michael
171 Cowderoy ThomaB
Martin Bev. Henry (C. o f E.)
St. Silas' (C. of K.)—llov. 11. Mnrlln
St. Silas' (C. of E.) Sunday School
Me.Kvoy street
175 Iron Duke hotel—Thomas Harry
177 Cllffo Mr«. L., grocer
183 Firai G.
187 Scowen John, painter
195 Itcnshnw Edwin
197 Eagur William, viuiman
Jamei street
190 Campbell William
203 Spinks John
205 Anderson George, coachpalntcr
207 Mackintosh Charles
200 Fairfield James Australian Wool Co., Waterloo Mills—
F . Hughos, manager
WOOD <fc COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810Geo. St. South, Sydney (^"KSlJftSnk"* •)
Botany road continued—
72 Ashdown !•'., slorcman
117 Gardiner William
Boomerang Soap and Oil Co.—Thomas 74 Vickcrs Charles
119 Agncv James
78 Smith William, blacksmith
Say well and Co.. 10 York street
123 fllngen William
Mangnn .Tames, newsagent
125 Kerwick John
80} Howlcy Alfred
231 Koddman 1'., refreshment rooms
lluekland street
82 Potter Samuel
Wutorloo Tram waiting room
139 Byan Michael
Waterloo Public School — James 84 Dodd Hobort S., painter
II., cab proprietor
Anderson, head muster; Miss 80 Warner W., grocer
151 Chcdlelgh John
80J Budd Charles
Thomson, head mistress
153 Bryson Joseph
88 Hampshire Juntos
Bourkc street
157 Church James
02 Fletcher John
235 Berry William
101 Willlson Henry, accountant
237 West Archibald
Klngslcy Joseph
100 Bavley David, plastcror
230 Harper Goorgo, watchman
Newman Henry
Svdncy Wool Scouring Co, Buckland 102 Swales Thomas, currier
167 Noalo Charles
100 Australian hotel- John Donncllon
171 Anderson Alfred
lluekland street
Hall Grorgo
173 Fyke John
108 Hyno Michael
Jiansnrd street
175 Montgomery John
110 llyinc John
3C9 Wlndcycr Josoph, woolwasher
John street—i/c/'voy street
112 McKvor Itichard, tailor
371 Ferguson William, painter
114J Waterloo Bugged School—Miss Isa- 187 Barrett Kobert
lllsbcy Cha'les II., grocer
bel'B Brown, head teacher
Cary Brothers, butchers
116 Justice James
tpsom rond
118 Horsey Joshua, 'bus proprietor
391 I, atfway House ho'cl—T. Scanlan
Bourko S t r o o t - E a s t sido
120 Pococic Herbert
393 Scaton Henry
124 Johnson diaries
•Southern boundary of Ited/ern to Botany
Waterloo Paper Mills—Geo. Adams 1?« Mllno William J., fuel merchant
road—Creseent \trect—A uderson street
130 Cobley Edward
Australian Brewery, wine and spirit
Viitottn ttnit'
131 Ashton Henry, stonemason
Ash Martha, grocer
130 Taylor Ebonozcr
Wooil Charles, cab proprietor
Buchanan .Tamos IT.
136 Baker Jamos, grocer
Walton 11., saddler
McQeo William, builder
Adam JMIICS, carpenter
John street
Griinos F. J., storekeeper
Yates Samuel
Criterion terrace —
Lvons Michael
154 Douglas Henry A., fellmongcr
3 Matthews Henry A.
Frederick, ropemaker
160 Foster Thomas
Lenowry Joseph, grocer
. 4 Bishop F.dward .1.
172 Wlggln W.
5 l'clham Henry
174 Henderson Allan
Australian Brewing and Wlno and
Ilnccy .Tohn H.. M.L.A., J.P.
St. Silas' place— Ofl' 178—
Spirit Co., Limited
Cowle David
6 Murphy Michael, fuel merchant
Haines John
tlneen street
Anderson Win.
Davis Tlinmas, carpenter
Cooper Alfred, dalrykeopor
Nealc John, carpenter
Hayes Daniel, market gardoncr
/.achlun street
178 Withers Samuel
Hayes l'atiiok
Forsyth A. and Co., Limited, steam
184 ltamsay James, 'bus proprietor
Stono II. G.
rope works—W. HyndcB, caretaker
Clarke Charles, dalrykeopor
Lamoiid Thomus, .1.1'., borso truinrr
Woat sldo
Mulcalicy Edward, dalrykecpcr
1 Andrews Samuel
ltllcy John, market gardener
ltichardsoii John, carpenter
7 Sexton Mrs. It.
Bariott Thomas
William, enginedrivcr
15 Clair William, bootmakor
//ayes road
Donald George
21 Wardloy Thomas, bootmaker
Galrin Michael, d'lirykecpor
/•'litabeth street
Gardenoi's lloail Public Schol—.1. 23 Hardress Mrs.
'/.elland hotel—John Copes
25 O'Neill Daniel
Dennis, head master
cab proprietor
20 Tollls Brothers, boot manufacturers
Harper William, bricklayor
Rainbow street—Southern boundary
33 Askcy William
Patterson John, watchman
39 Jepson U.
Partridge Stephen
41 Warren John Charles
Botany Stroot—East Bido
Wilson Francis J., architect
43 Prondorir st T. K.
Boundary to Me/irog street
King Charles
45 Kelruiiu Patrick
2 llussell A., carpenter
Matthews W. 1.., storekeeper
40 Quail G o r g o S .
0 Sullivan Jiwncs, baker
51 Mapstone John
Vorlman street
10-H Sweeney 1'... bukor
Coups W. T., grocer
Parker Timothy
Hume's lane
/iVi</J in street
18 Gaffcy 15.
Primitive Methodist Church-Kcv T.
W o s t sldo
24 Dennis Henry, ell andcolor dealer
Parr, M.A.; Itcv. J. Green
Brown Henry cab proprietor
2G Walton .Tohn
57 Wll'lams Henrv, bootmaker
Farmer John, dnirykec'per
28 Sandoo A. 1).
SU Dec William
A Iderson street
30 Suiter David, blacksmith
01 Hayler Walter
Hope Kdgnr
31 Co'quhoun Alexander
65 Chapman I.. I*. grocer
30 Gibson Thomas, bootmakor
67 Potts William
Mcaclc Willinm
38 Smith Matthew 1\, J.P.
09 Bray William
Edirar Frederick
40 Itohun George
71 Garbutt Hansom
Petersen Carl
42 Gowor Stephen
73 Pembroke John
Doyle James D., aRCnt
44 Hill Henry
75 Fe'klus John
linger Maurice
46 Day Thomas, potter
Tinner Henry
81 Wiggenlon Edwin, bootmtker
48 Orr Thomas
I'.ters Ssmutl
85 linker Geo ge, plasterer
SO L'dall William, painter
Luscombc Itichard, contmctor
89 Brandon Pamck
32 Jones Charles A., oarpenter
('if—Palmer James J.
01 Alfml
Raglan street
03 Smith Svduey, bootmaker
McCulley James, contractor
54 Baird Hobort, upholsterer
05 ltowan John, plasterer
Hunter James and Sons, so«p and
36 Bath Henry, produce merchant
97 buck Andrew
soda manufacturers
38 Powell Edward, bootmaker
Shcotd Arthur W.
90 Powell lti'ph. taitor
62 Tuffy Francis, 'bus proprietor
Glenn James, carpenter
107 Skinner John F. McG, grocer
64 Stamford Arthur, cab proprietor
Bailey George
HMMcDnrney s.
68 Haivoy Allan, baker
113'G lesun Thomas
Eliiabeth street—Botany road
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers <fc Embalmers, 185 Georpe-st. West, Sydney.
Tel. 832
Brisbane Lano
Kellick to Wellington street
Evans Edward
Bruco Streot
Sieamp to Murray street
Brady P. L., blacksmith
Park K. W., ga doner
WIlBnn James
Quinlan James
Wales William If.
Humphrey Frederick T.
Shlpway Edwin
Dixon A. J., baker
Parker George
Neighbour Thomas
Hobson James
Harper William
Wilklns Frank
Carter John
Wilson William
Amos Alfred
Waltors Fredoriok
Ashton William
John street—Crescent street
Clarendon Stroot
Beaumont to Morehend street
J/auoivr street
3 Talt Uobcrt, carpenter
Portland street
Cooper Stroot—East sido
Phillip to John street
2 Morrison Thomas, plumbor
4 Trait Joseph 1)., tcntmakcr
6 Koot James
8 Barrett William
8J Howe Frederick, engineer
10 Harris Albert E„ carrier
B r u n s w i c k Stroot
14 Fletcher II.
Beaumont to MoreheaI street
10 James John, engineer
20 Piko Edward, plumbor
White Mrs. E.
24 Cheatham W. II.
20 (irisdalo Charles, painter
30 llyan Frank
B u c k l a n d Stroot—North sldo
32 Coleman .lames C , carrier
Pitt street to Botany road
34 Nordcn Henry
1 Vose Thomas
34J Bell Alfred, carrier
3 Wright Frederick
38 Wiggins James
5 Johnson George
40 Wcnman Churlcs, clicker
7 McManus Joseph, plasterer
Raalan street
11 O'Brien George
46 (ileeson James
15 Jennings William
cab proprietor
17 Hossitor Joseph
50 Dimlop Uobcrt
21 Nevln E. J.
52 Maxwell Frederick
23 Parkinson Itichard, engineer
54 Barlow Daniel
25 Duffy A., grocer
56 tawin John
Mary street
61) (irocott William
27 Donovan Joseph
02 Cummins Thomas
29 Jones Joseph, bootmaker
01 Hay Mrs. S. A.
70 Fufmar Isaac, grocer
tteorge street
74 O'Connell James, plasterer
Glashecn William, grocer
78 Crowlev Mrs. E.
33 lleancy Isaac
80 O'Brien Michael
Cooper street
82 Wright David
35 McMnhon Mary A., grocer
84 Dixon .lames
37 llyrno J., builder
Buckland street
39 Mounds George
94 Marshall Charles A.
41 Adams It., cab proprietor
104 Henncssv David
Jlotany street
100 ltiley Bernard
112 Rogers John
S o u t h sido
110 HlncksMark
2-4 Hose of Denmark hotel—Henry May 118 Beaker John
120 Orphin James
6 Smith Thomus
122 Asplnall Henry
8 Eudlcott George, stonemason
Downs James
12 Thornton John
126 Walker William II.
11 Avis Thomas
16 Furso Georgo, master mariner
.132 Thomas John
Furse Albert, printer
[136 Wilton George
HVif street
Oeotye street
John street
36 O'Malloy A., draper
Cooper street
W o s t sldo
40 Manson James, newsagent
Hnllannminij to John street
44 Fanner William, cab proprietor
Buriie lane
48 Vlckcry John
hotel—John McFnrlanc
50 Hill John
11 Kentwell George, vanman
54 Crcaney Jnmes
13 Dobson William
58 Lyons James, engineer
15 Gray Uobcrt, storekeeper
60 Sawver Frederick
21 Ivory William
62 Gee Itichard
Moon Joseph
64 Cook John
31 Moncman John
Botany road
35 Koblnson William
41 Harrison Uobcrt
liaglan street
Byrno Lano
43 Walsh Uobcrt
12 Botany to Cooper street
45 Shcedy John
47 HuntAhsolom
Cray's lane
49 Collins Patrick
Wilson Henry, bootmaker
51 Anderson George, slater
King John
63 Harvey Allen, baker
63 Kenny Patrick
Cain's Place
69 Nealc George J., embosser
Buckland street
Off Raglan street
81 Lane James
Slater Albert
Orosoont Stroot
()((' Bourke street
Douglas Stroot—Bast sido
Boundary street to lane
Hobinson Henry
Saxby Charles, upholsterer
HnrrlB J.
Ghannon Jnmes, satluinkor
Wost side
Noblott Joseph
Hcndorson W.
Donaldson A.
Colcnso Edward S.
Dowllng Stroot
Dundas Stroot
Wooltrath lagoon to Telford street
Elizabeth Stroot—East sido
Phillip street to lagoon
2-4 Godfrey H., butcher
00 Walker John, carpenter
Mi/.rnchlo Myor
Pcgruni Charles, cardial maker
Martin A. H., newsagent
Taylor John H., painter
Hlchnrdson Thomas II.. builder
Woolvcn (loorgo W„ plumber
Jackson Win. B., bollormaker
DankB Thomas
Marks M., butcher
Morris Thomas, litter
Quigiey Win.
Harris Uobcrt
Glover Win., grocer
Nicholas Nicholas, confectioner
Bobbins Joseph, bootmaker
Marsh Hobort, dray proprietor
Nccdham John, signwrllcr
Woods Charles
Wilson Hobort, stonemason
Wilson James, stonemason
Pago Charles, bookbinder
Chrlstlson Henry, engineer
Osgood W. J.
Simpson Win., grocer
Crowdnco Wm.
Lcnton George, grccngrocor
Cross Alfred, draper
Cottar James
Nunn Walter, builder
JclTroy Win.
Carlin Frederick
Beer Win., Bnwyor
Hlchnrdson Thomas, ironmonger
Anderson David
Anderson Wm.
Conlon J., hairdresser
WOOD <k COMPANY, Undertakers &, Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (lictwcii CliilHt flhurcli 8t\
Mizabtth ilreet continual—
02 Carlin Bernard, decorator
04 O'Connor Michncl, agent
90 l'nlnc John, sUitl' ncr
100 Iloncbrny Albcrtus
102 (leorj/e hotel—Michael Kennedy
Wellington ilrret—Kellick street
Waterloo Chambers—Wm.
Allen, e uiicil clerk
Wellesle/i terrno—
1 Wesson Arthur, cooper
2 Webber John
3 Daggo Christian, carpenter
5 Hiirpor II. 1).
0 Cunningham W.
8 Possenniskic Frederick, engineer
0 Duffell Wm.
10 Coulter John A.
12 Miller ltiohard W, carpenter
13 Grass Mux, commercial traveller
14 O'llrlen Uaniol
15 Hcnriekson Martin, tannor
10 Hlnos John
18 Rcidl'iedivick
10 Elgnr Kil(."i\ rir;icntiT
70 Owens Robert, hairdresser
62 Foley William, bfilormakor
81 Connolly I'., grocer
(10 Hedwood William, blacksmith
Wellington street—Dourke street
70 Pople (ioorgc
78 Pope Chnr.'es
Gombert Eugene
82 Wakefield Alfred
Lane William H,, carter
84 Flower T„ musictcachor
Holghway Adolphus G.
80 Swanson Thomas S., draper
Godfrey Henry, butcher
88 McGarvey Denis
Dinns Jabcz IE. joiner
00 Priscmnn Edward
Hole Alfred, frenclipolishcr
Foiguson Pros., yeast manufacturers! 02 Fowles Arthur, grocor
lliickland street
Sweeney Edward
100 Hide of Wellington hotel—Z. Francis
Madden Thomas, letter carrier
102 Ilrcnnan William
McLaughlin John, dairykcepcr
KM Ford Petor
Andrew W., clerk
108 .Morrison William, carter
Divers John L.
110 Redwood Henry
Donohoe T., grocer
112 Williams Thomas
Merlon street
Ufi Splnks Walter, wool washer
MoNnmstu James W., bootflnleher
118 Salisbury Kobert, painter
I'cat ( harlcs I)., cab proprietor
12? Flower George E.
124 I)nrant William, saddler
Devlin James
120 Edward James
Dcckenham Hcv. J,
128 llaldwln I'rnlerick
130 ltubMi'i Georcc
1132 Lung Duncan
Epsom R o a d - N o r t h sldo
.v.'i.'.'.'i street
J/c/:'ivy iii-iit
llolniiij riiiol to eaaieru boundary
110 Davis Mrs. M. A., pri\atc school
Omnibus »uulo»
Manful Daniel
Secry M., farrrlcr
Taity I'atriclt
140 Houiigan P., bootmaker
McEnroe James, cab proprietor
Lanckcn Henry, gardener
150 Clausen C.
Uarncs Henry, soapmakcr
Kiilian George
John street
llourie street
Diggins Alfred
152 Grimths ,!ohn
Stretton Richard
Young Hobert •
154 Kingslcj Edwin, packer
Morris James
Carolnn John
150 Gilbert Win.
Kuhn Joseph
Rehrcndt Peter, civil engineer
158 Griffiths C. II., carpenter
Lynch Patrick
Fulton Andrew
100 Itiirwick John
.Sullivan Alfred
Dennett Joseph
102 Lewis John, woolclasser
Mangan '1 homas
Stokes Thomas
104 Mead Lewis, tinsmith
Williams Edward
llaynes Itobcrt, carpenter
170 Dixon Win.
Tester J.
Jlourigan Micliael, gioccr
172 Chccsmnn George
I'nul street
Darker Frederick
170 Lemon John, sallmnkci
Sealcy Henry
Wing Henry
180 Dunning Ernest
Aldcrson James
Walter John
182 Hecht Win., painter
Mirton itrect
Wnlker Alfred J.
184 Lemon Henry
Porgnn John
Waterloo Pottery—John Paul, mgr.
Mcl-lroy street
itutlnnd Edward, carpenter
Greenfield Hichard
Apps W.
Hood S. J.
W o s t sido
Robinson J. II,
Oxlaile Robert, cVotrlclan
3 Humphrey George
Maxwell E., ciigiucdrivcr
l'ye D. and Co., woolscourers
Lnndnigon J.
South sldo
7 llrokensliaw Philip, plasterer
Qnlnn John
9 Swift Patrick, coiichbullder
Talt Thomas W.
Manning John
shea George W.
I'ridennx Mntthow, dairykcepcr
Dlndon Alcxandor, plumber
16 lladlleld John, grocer
Dlslkor Arthur
Montgomery James, dairykcepcr
19 Adams Win,
Cook Joseph, liorsolrainor
llyrnc Hugh, dairykcepcr
23 Gibbs Charles
Wooliraih lagoon
25 Hanna James, tailor
27 Wright Frederick, printer
W o s t sido
Goorgo Stroot—East sido
20 May Thi-.nvs
9 Crawford 11., produoo morohnnt
Boundary to McL'coy street
31 Kenn Koland
11 Heavy Thomas, gardener
33 Itnlton E., constable
2 Barnes Thomas
15 Curric Miss Florence, privato school
35 Itossbridge II.
8 Hook George, cooper
17 Wallace \ \ \ , printer
Haitian ttieet
Moo'i street
10 Wbltlng Hlehard
45 Peck Win.
12 Leydon Edward
21 Cunningham James
49« Taylor M. J.
23 Richards Thomas
51 Tho'iipson Henry
10 Iladman.Mrs.
20 llichnrda Win., carpenter
53 Hunting George II,
18 Gallagher William
31 Malouf J. O., draper
55 James W. II., stonemason
22 Sjiith George, dtav proprietor
59 Hyan James
21 Rmlthwalto William, saddler
Haitian street
01 Foley Thomas
33 Mount l.aehlan hotel—John Malenoy 20 Stewart William
03 Illstcv George
28 Young George II., p.ilntcr
85 I*arr Donald
Mitchell ThomnB
30 Kcmm J. C.
37 Horwltj! David
CO Purse Joseph, bootmaker
34 Hallstrom William
39 McNainara Timothy
71 Potter James
33 SilveiraGoiilaita J., contractor
75 Moir Thomas W.
Raglan lane—Schimel street
40 Pride C.
79 Shipwav Robert
Waterloo Post Office— Miss A. Kibble,
Haijlun street
81 Steele Samuel, bricklayer
46 Dreden Thomas
83 Mclean George
57 Cullen Charles
48 WilkinsonAlcxnndcr
85 Thompson John C.
CS McCarthy Daniel
50 Coc Thomas
«7 Uarrctt Mrs. A.
52 Kelly Edward, grocer
Ilttektand street
CO Inglis Thomas
54 Cook James
89 fl'Mnllcr A. II.
71 O'shaughnessy William
50 Carter Frederick
91 Symonds James, boot manufacturer
75 Grossett William
I 58 Vose John, van proprietor
95 Horsey Samuel, cab preprictor
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers A Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney
Tel. 832.
97 Cover A. W., butcher
99 McAulcy Itobert, dealer
101 Doyle James, plasterer
105 Simpson Thomas
107 Wakefield Richard
109 Wright Joseph
113 Farrier George
H8J Waugh Hcnrv
116 Wholohan Patrick
119 Sullivan E.
121 Dcnccko Christian, grceng:occr
125 Cheerful Home hotel—,1. W. Lewis
John street
185 MatthewB George
187 Bishop Win.
139 Arthur Robert, 'bus proprietor
141 Lemon George, carpenter
145 Thomas Edwin W.
147 Hrcnnan John
149 Whitcnuin Isadore
151 Mattcrson Joseph D., printer
Harrison P. T.
Climpson James, carpenter
165 Applcton Robert, dealer
McKvoy street
Gibson Stroot
Wellington street to Mount Carmel church 57
Gray's L a n o
Off Byrne's lane
Ellis Charles, plasterer
Durton John
Irons Win., bricklayer
Groon S t r o o t — E a s t sldo
Raglan to lluekland street
2 Randall Frederick, cabman
0 Lndigan John
W o s t sido
5 Green Richard
Green CernelluB, baskctmnkcr
7 Leonard Thomas
9 McConvillo Thomas
11 Rvan John, rab propilctor
15 llyan Philip
17 Hobbs William
19 McKcnna William
21 Cryen It.
23 Block James
25 Crltchloy Thomas
27 Ijiccy Patrick
Hanovor Stroot—East sldo
Phillip to Wellington street
Clarendon street
2 Hammond Isabella, grocer
6 Kean George, baker
8 Callopv Thomas, bootmaker
10 Willis h.
12 Walker George
14 Taylor Agabus II., Icttercarrier
16 Daley Michael, stonemason
18 Ventcs James, storekeeper
10 Rook George
22 Altchison Dona'd, patternmaker
24 Smith Augustus
26 Corcoran Patrick, constable
30 Xovcc William, engineer
32 Shand John
34 Litchfield Ernest D., baker
30 Gutbric John J.
40 Norton Edward
42 McMahon Michael
Hai ran Charles, bootmaker
Daniel William J.
Clauson Thomas
Redmond Henry
Stronach Alexander
Trudgeon T. F.
Shea M ichael. carpenter
Con'on Robert
Ijuvrence Henry
/trtnisirick lane
West side
Clarendon street
Crossloy John, plasterer
Gerard Alfred E.
Matthews John K., butcher
Hunt John, gardener
Mooro Thomas
Chandler Henry, plnstoror
Unmet Edward
Ranks nnd Whitchurst, builders
Wnllace Edmund
Pavno Alfred
Horstleld John
Ernns Charles
Gray William
Clark Francis, sto ekecpor
Deacon Charles, van proprietor
Gates John
Jones William
Douglas Frederick, carrier
Hvman Adolph, grocer
Cnshmnn Ed ward
Hines John, signwritcr
Crowdnco James, contractor
Elliott Thomas
Hrmisirick Meet
Hansard Stroot—North sido
Jlotany road to Paul street
Harrison George II., constnblo
Richards J.
Pulsfnrd Richard
Harris John
Farrcll John
Auld Henry
Murray William
Dunning John, builder
Jarvls Frederick, glass bovcllor
South sido
Morris John, carpenter
Lelth Joseph
Cook James
Farrcll James, fitter
Godfrey Wnlter
Sandlands John, builder
Edmunds Edmund A.
Preston John
Drown William
10 Dawson James
20 Scott George, engineer
22 Jackson John
30 Gleber John, tinsmith
32 11 rooks Charles
31 Flaherty Thomas
30 Wheatley James, dealer
40 Naughton Patrick
41 Preen Patrick
10 .'•haw Edward
58 Smith Michael
S o u t h sido
Jlotany to Mead street
Palmer Stephen, butchor
MoPhcrson William
Coombcr James
Willcox William J.
Ernns Richard
Lockhoid James
Harper Georgo, tinsmith
Lambort William if.
Hot any street
Pearson E., butcher
Kcarans .Micliael
Flrmstono Charles
Mcintosh Charles
Carroll llernhardt
Sclby Richard, herbalist
Khoesmith Edward
Dickson F.
Sullivan Edward
Kramer L., grocor
George street
Lomas George, tailor
Sims James
K o l l l o k S t r o o t — N o r t h sido
Pill to hlorehead street
Drown Robert
Hocking Francis
Hocking G. P.. buildor
Ltllis Michael, cab proprietor
27 llros Oswald S., custom-house agent
29 Martin \V„ saddler
Elizabeth street
40 Davis James, carriage builder
55 Connors Thomas, dairykcepcr.
57 Cameron John It.
Uriibane lane
60 Whlto Weeks, baker—Edward W.
Holder, manager
01 Asprcy William
03 Robertson Alfred II.
65 Martin William F,
09 Shepherd T. ll.,nurserymnn
71 Vcssol Frederick
73 Mulley William
73 Illggs Paul, saddler
88 Campbell Arthur
89 Perry James, woodturner
JamoB S t r o o t
tiff llutany road
Corner Henry
Wntkins William, carrier
Mead Frederick, carpenter
McCormack Henry, cab proprietor
Atkins E. C.
S o u t h sido
Mount Carmel IL C. sohool—HCT.
Joseph Collins
Convent school
Elizabeth street
Mount Luchlan Eire Drigado station
—John Pearcc In chorgc
John Stroot—North side
llolany road to Pitt street
llotany road
Raker James, grocer
2 Laurence Thomas II.
6 Lewis William, grocer
Coopr street
8 Dean George
tleorge street
KonBlngton Stroot
Kellick to Mclivoy street
McKellar John
Drumrannd William
Moss Charles
Alders Joseph
Carruthers Samuel
Masters Georgo, plumber
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (,rt~£T0,„SV.„l!"'' kJ
Lachlan Street—North side
42 Fancy Patrick
llourke lo Doiclimj street
44 Wynno John, porter
40 Scblcs W,, watchmaker
S o u t h side
50 Collins Walter
Riley Jnmps, clerk
llneklaml street
G7 Shepherd and Co., nurserymen and
West side
.Evans David
Uitglan street
60 Hackelt Catherine, (tracer
3 .Mcintosh Alexander, contractor
Staplcton John
5 Lee John
Amelia street
7 Ray John
103 Thornton Mrs. J. T.
0 Hull Samuel G,
105 Flynn Thomas
107 Winbeig Charles, suddlcr
110 Buckley .John
Mead S t r o o t
/JmrUny street
John street to McEroy street
1 llargreavcs Jesse
3 Jones George
MoEvoy Street—North sido
5 Jcnsson Edward
Botany road lo Elimbetlt street
7 Heidy Patrick
Botany it ml
9 Brown William
i Lupton Joseph, dealer
13 Hvatt John
15 McGaw Mrs. F.
0 Lynch Joseph tuilor
17 Hone John, carpenter
8 Itonner Charles
10 Hryant William
10J G>niuun l'homns, letter carrlor
21 Hnro Frederick
12 Climpsou Joseph, bootmakor
23 llllov John, carpenter
14 Lavener James, bootmaker
25 .Jamicson John T., carpenter
Pago Thomas, bootmaker
27 Griffiths Herbert
10 Allen William J.
20 Tusker Henry
21 Tcasdulc Richard, fcllmongor
tleorge street
Morton S t r o o t
30 Lock John
84 Moran l'cter
Woolwash lagoon to steam/)
30 Ridley Alfred
1'orlman street—Elizabeth street
40 Williams Thomas
Short Albert, carpenter
4UJ McDonnell Alouzo
Hill Georgo F„ carpenter
42 Arnold William 1*.
Williamson Ucorgo
Menil street
Doyle Thomas
S o u t h sido
1 Innis Thomas
Morohoad S t r o o t — E a s t s l d o
8 Noonan I'.
I'Mlttp lo Kellick street
7 Freeman William
Sanders C, butcher
13 ltcnnio Joseph
C. J., butcher
15 Hilton llichurd, 'bus driver
Heckford William
17 llorle James, tanner
Gllthorpe Charles, baker
10 Duilecy Maluchi, tanner
Johnston Simon
21 lowers Edward M.
Noble George, tailor
Madlgan James, bootmaker
MoEvoy Stroot—East sldo
Davies Simeon, whitesmith
Kensington street lo Elitabeth street
1 Siddlns George, grocer
Houhau Thomas, cub proprietor
Munmr Jt.
2 Day .1 nines
G. M.
4 Murray William, traveller
Eraser C.
,1 Harlow Arthur, musician
Gruham John
Elizabeth street
llrown E. It.
Chcslln Henry, engineer
Gcatcr Frederick
Mary S t r o o t — E a s t s i d o
Johnstone Georgo
Watson John
/loumlarji lo Buckland street
2 Flockhurt John
Wost sido
2 Shirt Abraham
0 Cockburn Joseph, plumber
Clarendon stre>'t
8 Lomus Alfred
1 Robertson Alexander, grocer
10 Priestley Henry
3 Mltson Walter
12 Horsangton Alfred, confectioner
5 Hayes Tatrick
10 Smith Hubert 11.
7 Murray Charles
18 McKeimlc T. J., compositor
Hern John
24 Costing Daniel
17 Noonan John
20 Piokorlng Mrs. Mary A.
28 Martin George A., confectioner
21 I.ehy George
28a Furrell John
23 Knglcstoff Charles
ISaijttin ttrrtl
25 MoNamata Thomas, cab proprietor
30 Fuhcy Patrick
27 Hlppit Charles
32 Bedford (Ieorge, plasterer
20 Hums Patrick
34 Denihcr William
81 Nowcombo William
38 Wynne Michael
33 llowiin J. II.
35 Uingrasc Pati ick, contractor
37 Hayes Patrick
80 McNamara Edward, grocer
41 Wormald William C, cngincor
43 Martin Albert
45 Pender John
47 Jnrvin .Mrs. A.
51 Williams Thomas, baker
01 Taylor Thomas, van proprietor
03 Hulmer Qcorgc
07 Stock Henry, tinsmith
69 Mitchell David
71 Hurkitt William
Brunsteick street— Wellington street
Murray Street—East side
Doirttiig lo Bruce street
Douling street
Hackctt James, cab proprietor
Barlow Thomas
Amelia street
Guest Martin
Detttin D.
Scott Abraham
Staplcton Robert
Bruce street
Wost sido
Warwick W.
Paul's Lano
Ojl' /'ill street
Paul Stroot
Epsom road to Wooltcash lagoon
Stevens J.
Tayljr Joseph
Mason T.
Lett John
Hough George
Nunn John T , painter
Wing .lames
llouiton George
Harber Frederick
Keir William
Cartwrlght Robert
Irwin W.
Hollins Thomas
Pridcaux Henry
Phillip Stroot
lilt lo Young street
Harp street
Lane Arthur
llcrry Samuel
Donnelly James
Sharp William
Marshall John
Moon Alfred, painter
Walker Thomas
Vane Thomas, sergeant ef police
Coffee F.dmund
Klansc James
James Charles E.
Hrennan Charles
Shaw Edward, grocer
Lusscnhoff F.
fill street
Burrows Henry, bootmaker
Altken Williiim, cab proprietor
Douglas strtti
Holder Peter W., dalrykccpel
Harrangay I'atrlck, baker
MoDonalii Alfred, bootmakti
.WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George st. West, Sydney.
Tel. 632.
57 Wilson Robert
59 Slough F.J.
Union street
61 Bunks Mrs. E.
03 Barringlon William
65 Scott Henry
07 Chapman Joseph
C9 Garton John
71 Laws Arthur
73 Scott Michael
75 Turner Alfred
77 Garton Frank
79 Swan William 11., constable
81 Black James, coal merchant
83 Robertson Robert
85 McSwecncy John J., constable
R7 Doyle James
89 Miller John
91 Ralph James
101 Navin John, .1.1'., dalrykeepcr
105 Thick .Inmes, engino driver
107 Briscome Rev. E. W.
109 Tarlcton H. J.
111 Whltworth John
Elizabeth street—Beaumont street
Connoll J. F.
McKcnzic Wm., tailor
Russell Albert J., plasterer
Mansfield John
Prowse Wm., bootmaker
Hums Bcrniud
Hclstcad Euill II.
Matthews Alfred, van proprietor
/tanorrr street
ltussell John, builder
Oxiey Edward M., currier
Hucker Nathaniel
Milne John, carpenter
McDonnell Mrs. A.
linker Wm., cab proprietor
Ingram John, c nstablo
Pane Win.
Sliinutt Win.
Currie E. J.
Stownrt Charles
llrosmior /lore/—Robert Watson
Moreliead street
167 Balfour (ieorge, plustcror
101 I>..nlelsT. I..,provision merchant
P i t t S t r e o t - E a s t sido
Phillip In Kellick street
2-4 Lawrence John, grc:or
0 Levy Samuel, dealer
8 Kndicott and Abbott, grocers
10 Stuart John, carpenter
12 McDonald Thomas, bootmaker
16 Haircl Andrew
20 Evans John E.
22 Cowley Alfred
24 Nash licorge, bootmaker
20 Tavlor Alfred
28 Wclhnan E.
:jil llarton Frank
32 Galloway David, printer
W o s t sido
1 Adams Henry
5 Skinner I nomas, greengrocer
7 Ferguson ltieliard T.
9 Stiutt John, cngincor
II Martin Wm., plasterer
13 Kelly Svdncy F.
uff— Hrennan I imothy
Wn'kor Henry 11,
Leslie Svdney
Mnlln Wm.
23 Slough V., grocer
25 Fuller William
27 Poplo Alfred E.
31 O'Brien John
35 Munro Georgo
37 Cottage of Content hotel—lama Carmichacl
/laglau streit
41 Madres J., grocer
43 Dablnett (•corgc
45 Hill F., painter
47 (Irlmble William, liairdrossor
49 Uiurnndet F., tailor
63 Hcthcrington John, carpenter
05 Fogarty James
07 Urell Robert, fuel dealer
73 Hrueklcsby Henry, grocer
75 Walker William
77 Matthews ThomaB II.
79 Hunt Ernest
81 Avery George
83 MoblieneyJohn, bootmakor
93 .May Matthew
/lackland street
95 Rowley Thomas, bootmaker
101 Fornood Percy
105 Heaman Mrs. ,l„ grocer
lleeee street
107 Lovctt Walter
109 Thompson Joseph, stonemason
III Madden Denis, letter carrier
113 Helghway Frederick
115 Freestone John
117 Pearce William, upholsterer
Halloran Thomas
Dolan Alfred
liaijlnn street
30 Flynn Timothy
38 Hcney John !•'., sen.
40 Ilicking Henry J.
42 Cahll l"hl ip
44 Sirnitnell Henry
44} Wilmot Enest
40 Chase ing I., teacher
58 Frecmnn Ambrose
GO Fisher Harry, accountant
62 Hobcrtson Mrs. J.
04 Whecldon K. It.
08 Parry J. hnd Co., manufacturers of
self-raising flour, coffee and spice
Claike W. W. H„ bootllnishor
KincHdo W.
Mastcrton Robert, contractor
Ilryant Charles
McHugh James, baker
Devancy Michael
Mclnncs John
It own John
S o u t h sldo
Lunge Louis, glassblowcr
Wilson John
Armstrong George
Giuliani Anthony
Pickett William
Larigun Thomas
Coleman Albert
Horan Edward
O'Kcilly P., traveller
Holstnu Samuel, cab proprietor
Mangan James
Croko Patrick
Pott Jumcs
Mntoncy Patrick
Dunn John
Tlmmins Thomas IF., vnn proprietor
Reynolds William, blacksmith
Cook James
PrinooBS A v o n u o — E a s t s l d o
Off Victoria lane
Richards John E„ storeraan
Wilson John
Bench Richard, dealer
Egan John
Miller E. G.
Fitzpatrlck Michael
Driscnll John
Bundock W. J., builder
Senile John W.
W o s t sido
Fuirbrother Thomas
Rush worth Francis
Fcchan Luko
Finch William
Clark .lames
Walteis Francis O,
Currie Charles
Raglan Stroot—North sido
Elisabeth street to /Many road
1 Waller William
7 Seward Samuel, painter
•Surry street
11 Ward John
15 Wearing T„ bootmaker
17 Assyrian school
19 Hur'nes Georgo W.
21 Stephenson II. T., coachbullc'ier
23 Stone Robert
25 Coombor Frederick, painter
Surry street
Portland Stroot
31 Stansworth Richard
llrunsitiek to Clarendon street
33 Watts Edward
35 Purcell Simon, tailor
2 Harney Timothy
41 Wilson Wllllnm
4 Payne William
43 McCully Joseph
53 Buckley Patrick
Portman Stroot—North sido
Union street
Bourle street— liniamj road to Wooltcash 59 Ware T. A., transit commissioner
01 Uuln Thomas
water referee
63 Tottordoll Duncan
Hvdc Daniel, cab proprietor
65 Sc by Christopher
lleid ltieliard
Medcslf J., inn., undertaker
Elvv Leonard, produco merchant
09 Stewart William M.
Msilcy John
71 Lumsdcn Robert
Wood Charles
/•III street
l'o-s Joseph, carter
73 Ralph Richard, butcher
Gray Robert, builder
75 Crouchcr Alfred R., painter
O'Neill Patrick
77 Freeman Alfred, van proprietor
Curtis George, van proprietor
79 Thomas Richard
Hudson Thomas
oil' 83—English Cornelius, boot finisher
Ale'ton street
Htono Wllllnm, buskctmnkcr
Leahy John, cab proprietor
87 .Mason William, bootmaker
McAuliffe Joseph, cab proprietor
Corkery Daniel, vngineer
Klcrnan Patrick
01 Wlggirigton Henry
Allen William
WOOD i COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. S t South, Sydnty (
ijetwcuii (JlirUt ('liurch &\
tinviuyi IlRiik
12 Wade John
94J Wright Arthur
Raglan ilreet continued—
80 Costcllo Thomas
Corcoran and Co., produce store
95 Lester Joseph
34 Pettit George
97 Dukes Albert, censtablo
George ttreet
40 Stuhr George H.
97J Wonban Saul
42 Cawsoy William
Williams Charles A., blacksmith
44 Brown John
100 Pnok Henry, contractor
46 Watson James
102 Cook George, carpenter
Mary tired
50 Mangan Daniel
101 Kelly 'J'. A., milk vendor
62 Wilson William
103 Uopcr John, bootmaker
Cooper ttreet
50 McCormack Patrick
105 Lcman George
Beehive hotel—Robert Bunting
114 Noring William
O'eorge itrect
Spinks John
107 Duncan L., millwright
Smith Stroot—North sida
118 McDonald James, boot manufacturer
Coirper ilreet
George to Weil ilreet
124 Williams Joseph, builder
Prince of Wales hotel— John Minoguo
4 Manley Thomas, bootmaker
111 Oscroft David
6 Allen Thomas, tinsmith
113 Anderson Edward
Botany ilreet
16 Atherloy William
115 StanBllold Frederick
134 Barnes Frederick
117 Galloway James
South sido
136 Batcmnn William
121 lilies Henry, bootmaker
123 Grant Michael, hairdresser
1 RiloyJohn
3 Kendall Peter
Botany itrect
5 Taylor James
Rainbow Stroot
7 Murray John
125 Coops William 'i'., grocer
Halfway home to Rantluick loutheim 9 CarrJohn
129 McGralh Thomas
11 Drouifh Thomas
131 Partridge Samuel
133 Bonnor Henry
Gearing M., boiling-down establish- 15 Brimblo Thomas
10 Henderson James
21 Honn Juntos
South side
23 Dumbrcll Charles
2 Brown David, painter
Roovo Street—North side
4 Samuols Charles
0 Iluekloy John
Pitt to Weil ilreet
8 Haining Dnvld
Surrey Stroot
7 MoManus A., fuel merchuit
10 Hawksford Frank
27 Haglan ilreet to lane
0 Phillips Abraham, dealer
12 Henderson W.
11 Whlto Richard
16 Itlmmer Hugh
1 Rogers Joseph
13 Nowton Adam
20 Coleman Albert E.
3 Willis Thomas
McAnally Henry, painter
22 Peat Henry
4 Jones G. II.
24 llothomlcy Horace
5 Corey Henry, plasterer
South sido
2D l.ii forest Herbert, stationer
6 Tomlln Richard, bootmaker
30 Harris Alfred S.
2 Spcncc William
7 Mccnaghan John, senr. constable
32 Mason Daniel, painter
4 Surman A., fuel merchant
34 Ilruton Fiodi-rlck
0 Lester George, carpenter
80 l'inkerton Joseph
8 Rook Thomas H.
Taylor Stroot
38 Hcllor William
10 Johnson Joseph
40 Satchcll ilalph
Hurray street to iicamp
12 Anderson William, stonemason
42 Studdy \\ illlnm
Barrett Thomas
44 Funnel! Charles
Lcwton Jutiics
40 Cotter Thomas E.
48 Hider Harry, eaipentor
Sobimel Stroot—North sido
50 Coulton David
Off HIizabeth street
52 Bailey Mutthow
Tilford Stroot—East side.
1 Kcnnoy .Tnmcs
54 Young Charles, engineer
Merlon ilreet to sieamp
50 Stowart Alexander
3 Crcpnn John, contractor
Wns Moth. Churcu-Rov. \V. n. Wil
Iloarc Sydney G., carpenter
5 Mnngan John
Anscombc James, dnirykeoper
11 O'Neill Edward
Mt. Lncblan Penny Savings Bank— 15 Beaver James
ltobert V. Metcalfe, secretary
17 Young Enoch
West sido
50 Crcswlck Ernest
19 Lca'css James
Norrls Richard, cab proprietor
58 Morley Walter
23 Mason Robert, butcher
Auld William
CO Collins William A.
25 Cunningham Edwin
Hannah Robert, cab proprietor
02 Wheolor Moses
27 Peterson Peter
Mcintosh John, blacksmith
Cains' jilaee
20 Castloy Ellas
McGrath James
81 Boswell Mrs.
64 Gains Charles
Ilcffcrnan Daniel
Heffernan Luko
S3 MoGuiro William
/'ill street
Riordcn Martin
35 Matthews W.
06 Harvey Henry
Fitzpatrlck P.
37 Simpson J., cab proprietor
Green ttreet
Hughes Patrick, englnedrlvcr
39 llaldry William
Clarke Hi nry, traveller
41 Hcnnr ltobert
08 Smith Alfred, van proprietor
James, contractor
43 Wright Lewis
70 CoMard Benjamin, plnstoror
Whitehuut J., dairykcoper
47 Doyle Thomas
72 Stephenson Gcorgo
49 EnrnBhnw Robert
74 Jones John
53 Kemp Gcorgo
70 Nettlcfold Alfred
55 Glenn William J., carpenter
78 Koberti Willintn
Union Stroot
57 Ynrds William
80 llan'Btty Peter
Boundary to Raglan street
5D Mnoro William
,82 Woodhnuse.lolui
61 Nash Charles L., painter
BO Smith Alfred 11.
1 Homo William
88 Garden Andrew
South sido
3 Harper Frwncls
02 Coonuy John
7 Slough George, tinsmith
2 Adams Mrs. E.
Mary Ilreet
9 Berry James, sailmaker
4 Peach Henry
94 Hooking Francis
Haglan ilreet
6 Murphy Joseph
.WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmera, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. « m
Vesey Street
Off Union street
Pearsall John
5 Clark G. M.
7 Brown Thomas, builder
9 McClarens James
11 Wilgos Herbert H.
Victoria Lane
Off Botany road
Manuel John, constable
Tattersall Richard, carter
Clarko James, engineer
Strickland James, miner
Wellington Street—North Bide
Morchead to Pitt ilreet
1 Hawkins David
3 Welsh William, carpenter
7 Sullivan George, butcher
9 Oraggs Richard J., gusflttor
11 Brlghtman Walter
13 Kont Allrcd J.
16 Ryder Samuel, grocer
17 Donovan Edward
21 Burko William
23 Rlekwood Henry
25 Murphy Thomas
27 Bradshnw M.
Hanover ilreet
29 Wilson George II., van proprietor
31 Ambroso James
35 Dumont Henri
39 Oraggs Alfrod H.
Beaumont strett—Elizabeth street
Wellington lane
41 Chambers James, compositor
43 Glldoa James
45 81atcr Henry W.
49 Sehlmel James, builder
51 Duffell John
53 Pierco Thomas
55 Walsh James
57 Cotter James
59 Avia John O., bookbinder
61 Schneider John
63 Ferran Albert
65 Barogury Denis
07 Milligan William, hnirdrcsscr
69 Kittson M., grocer
71 Bedford Arthur, bootmaker
Park lane
73 Floyd Christopher
75 Floury John, carpentor
77 Gibbs John
79 Absalom John, tinsmith
81 Kldd A., constable
PHI street
South sido
4 nlldor II.
8 Squires Robert, hatmakcr
10 Cameron Fiancls
18 Peel James
22 Cornish Thomas
30 Marks Charles, plumber
Brisbane lane
32 Curtis Isaac, van proprietor
34 Dean Peter
38 McGorrlek Thomas, tcablcnder
40 Haskew Gcorgo O.
Slitabeth street
Assyrian Ohurob—Rov. Vathor Massoud
70 Alexander Edward, carpenter
72 8parks William, paoking-oaso makor
Gibson street
74 Alnsley, William
70 Gibson Mrs. O.
78 Howard John
80 Weatherby Arthur
82 Cottcll Knock
81 Smith Robert
80 Clark Paul
00 Collier Thomas, J.P., biflldor
90 Dully Isaac
West Street—North side
Buckland to Reeve street
3 SymonB Henry
7 Glover William, son.
9 Hollo Mrs. W.
South side
18 Wolfcndcn Mrs.
botveru Clirlat Church 4r\
Snrlniri lliuik
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney ('
BOUNDED on the north by Lighthouse reserve, South
Heart; on the enst by the r»ciflc Ocean; on the south by
Boundary street; on the west by itill Hill road ami
Divided Into four wards, viz., Bondi, Wnvciley, Nelson and Lawson
Incorporated 1859
Area—2,111 ncrcs
Annual value—£123,001
Miles of streets—52
Council Chambers—Bondi •oarl
Number of houses—2025
10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Ofllee liouri
Wednesday evening, 7.30 to 9 p.m.
MAYOR—A. 0. Howlott, J.P.
Itobert T. Orr
Edward Searson
J . Terrey, jun.
Manes Cannon
Michael Searson
J . F. Carroll
Itobcrt J. King
W. H. Simpson, J.P.
Robert T. Orr
F. A. Mackenzie
Edward Keys
William Hush
T. U. Dickson
J. F. Martin
Watkln Wynuo
Aotlng Electoral Registrar—Jolm Morcombe
Albert S t r e e t
Virgil to St. Thomas tlrcel
Ruthorford Robert
Browott Edward
Linlictt Alexander, '• South coast"
Albion Street—North.sldo
Lekhhanlt to Wallace street
Ivanlioe terrace—
1 Faul Thomas
2 GreenawayW.
8 Coombor II.
4 Glltiimn II.
6 Porter Robert
7 Walters Mrs. A.
8 RUcy W. I).
Mulling George L., M.D., " Murong "
Clergy Daughters' Scheol
Stockdalo Mrs. Harry
Fern street
S o u t h Bide
Scldel John, bootmaker
Cable James, sen.
Cnloraft Thomas
'Cable Gcorgo
Rose Anthony, cab proprietor
Wntkins Thomas
Harris 11., bootmaker
Giles M. A.
Robinson Q. E.
Sands Mrs., " Marmion "
Sands Joseph H., " Marmion"
Sands Arthur, " Marmion "
Sands Herbert, " M'irmion "
Smyth Mrs. J. K„ " Marmion "
Langham llcv. F. (Wcs.i, "Sarnvlllo"
Cooper Leonard S., "Arizona"
Holmes Rev. T. II. (Wos.), "Bollngbroko"
WclrMlss, "Dnimpollcr"
Douglas street— Wallace strut
Alfred S t r e e t
Off Dirrell street
Knlirht James, sawyer
Duncan Win.
Bundock U. W.
Darling street—Murray street
W o s t side
Brecn E d w a r d , " Ivy cottego "
Elphlnstono James
Robinson E. T., bootmaker
Brlstowo E. H. O., .1.1'., " Branksca "
Lyon G. II., bootmaker
Broadhurst W„ 'bus ]>roprlctor
Wallace William I'., wood engraver
Sanrteman H. C. H., " Sheplcy "
MoWhannell 0., "Corra L y n "
Allen S t r e e t
Off Cowper street
Ashley S t r e e t
S t r e e t (Bondi)—East
Off Birrell street
Harris R., " G l o n r o c k "
Bland Henry, consulting engineer
Bondi road to Mitchell street
Bell W. M.
Bain S. F.
Lockstono W.
Shaw James, stationer
Boll Wm., cab proprietor
Strcat Louis A.
Stnccy W. R.
McNab Mrs. B.
Hogan Daniel
W o s t Side
Jorvls Miss H., " Koorlnga"
Dean T. II.
Maron James, dray proprietor
A r d o n S t r e e t — E a s t side
Xelson road to East Boundary street
Macpherson John, J.P., ''Chester.
field "
Rollins G. J., gardener
Harper Mrs. A. M.
Off Old South Head road, Bondi
Barolay Street—North side
I.eichhardt to Carlton street
Yaughan Richard
Ackllng Daniel, carter
Wilson U. A . , " Wondovcr"
Rcid Mrs. W. F.
Loose George, carpontcr
South side
Seldcl John
Bay Street
Off aim street
Mlllin Charles,» Kastview"
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 682.
Parkfoot terrace—
Belgrave Street—North side
Adams Mrs. A., " Elslnoro"
Apploford Richard
Bourke street
Off Birrell street
Goswell Gcorgo
Craig William
Wntkins Richard
Goswoll E.
Firth F. W.
Isabella street
Thompson Mrs. L.
Herbert Walter," Myandotta"
King Mrs. II., midwife
Gordon Joon
Howden W., " l o n a "
Do Jersey Charles
Rattray street
Scott Herbert, " Albany"
Pearco James, grocer
Ryan James, " Daisy" Lawson terrace—
Blenheim street—Cornier street
Millingcn .1. V., commercial traveller, 4 Bonnott Frank
Vickery Ebonczor, jun., " Bauksia"
Vickcry Joseph, " Wych H a z e l "
5 Brady James
Victory street—Henrietta street
Mackenzie street
S o u t h sldo
Wntoihbuso G. J., Importer," Elloi 8Randaick View terrace—
lie "
Dawson Robert C, " Coulthard"
10 SchoflUld H,, bootmaker
Hondrov Jumes, toa merchant
Cairimjton road
9 Gibson R.
Smith William, " D o r i s "
Lorcrrior Madamo A., " Tarnngulla"
8 Churchill F.
Glynn A. II., " M a b e l "
Ifeim Arnold, '• St. Mary's cottogo"
7 Robbins E.
Bond John, sergeant-major
0 Hampton Edward
Henrietta street
Davis H., grocer
5 Strachan Thomas
Payne Christopher B., J.P., " G l o n Hurray streit
4 Bvcrs Mrs. ,1,
liurnle "
Gannon John
3 Ffcury Thomns
Craven Richard, J.P., " Proston"
Boyd Jolm
2 Rogers Joseph
Dickson street
Madden W. T., bootmaker
1 Wnlsh W.
l'lexman Arthur, " Wyrallah "
Wood W. H.
Brisbane street
Cameron A., " Strnthlsla "
Nlcol William
Roach M s. Margaret, " Waihora "
Jones C. F., " Groythorpe "
King John, J.P., •' Wonloin"
Firth William A., " Mloworn"
Bowler W. P., sen.-constablo, "I'etnno"
BuddcnS. A., " F a l r l e o "
SmaitW. P., " U e v a n "
Bon Eden Street
Lewis Christophor, contractor, •' CarHarrison William, "Stcinhurst "
Off Bond! road
Roberts It. JI„ " Hcathcotc"
lllanchard J. M., " Aberlady"
Lowers R. D., bank manager, " CoWallace John, senior constable, "GlenEdmondson J. (!.
rinth "
Asser S., " F u l h a m "
Fox A. P., "Cloncurry"
Baxter J. II., " l l o o r a "
Stoddart Miss C.
Trnthen Mis. E., " Harryhurtvilio "
Coirjier street
Illckson Robert R. P., J.P., '• Tho
Shakespeare Joseph, " Brlcrloy cotWost Mrs. D„ "Wyo villa"
Pines "
Mnr-h F. ()., " Ilazlowond"
!•'. W„ " Mandovlllo "
Coopman John
Hansard Reginald
Alexander E. J., " Fcnton villa"
Wlison Robert, contractor, "Fsrls- Alfred street—Ashley street— Watson street
Green James, J. P., painter and deB e n n e t t S t r o o t (Bondi)—
Blenheim Stroot—East sldo
E a s t side
Shortlo M„ dalrym n
Birrell to Church street
Bondi road to Birrell street
Botany si iet
Wells Mrs. E.
Rod Cross Soap Co.
Quinn Wilson, dray proprietor
SI. Marv's Church end School—((.'. of
Bowman John
Holdswortb, Macpherson and Co.
E.)—Rev. It. McKeown (O. of E.)
soap manufacturers—Manager, F
Waverliy I'aik—I'ark parade
W o s t side
Watson street—Tamarama street
Parsons Rev. A. (Wos.), " Keira"
llryco A. P.
Dickson T. II., " Ilraoicigh "
Short William
Dickson Mrs. E.
Barker, William, iottcroarrler
Graves If., printer, " Dot!worth"
Dickson Joseph, J.P.
Richardson Thomas, cub proprietor
Hodgetts Hartley, " D o d w o r t h "
llaigh .1 nines
Upton A. E . " Ijimbion"
W e s t side
Short William jun.
Petrio George, bricklayer
Winy Frederick
Cummins Thomas J.P., " Tarcngo "
Hj-mirtt street
Hoard C. T., "Brnnxholme"
Clarke William, " Wensloy "
Holmes W„ J.P., " Wahroonga"
Carleton II. It, "Alameda"
Cook Richard, "Montana "
B o n Aooord A v o n u o — W o s t sldo
Rabbitls Edward, " Glenard"
Meagher R. D., " Durham "
Old South Head road to (Hasten streit
Hall Heniy
Terry James, jun., " Thermopylrc"
Wynne Watkln, manager DAILY
Mynng W. E., •'Keira"
TKI.KUIIAPII, " Cliowringlico "
S o u t h side
Dowson II. B., solicitor, " Y a i r "
Satchell Charles W„ " Briar cottago"
FoldiU. K, "Mnscottc"
Leelah teri'"ee—
Oliver, architect, " Lynwood"
Birrell street
S Murray Patrick, dray proprietor
Tindalo J o h n , " Altcnburg "
2 Bullcn John S.
Kenry Charles K,, " Klltalawn"
1 1'llzgcrnld .Michael, qunrrymastor
Blaokman Miss A. E., '• Sandford "
Big: B o n d i B e a c h
Barranjn i/ terrace—
E a s t sldo
8 Croysdill Percy
Qucenscliffc estate
7 Vipnn Frederick
Whalborg Peter, builder
Pcrdriau Stephen E.
(1 (l'Kcofe J. W., schooltcaclier
Howard Robert
4 .ludkins George
2 Cartwrlght F.
B o n d i Road—North sido
1 Heidenrcich F.
Birrell Street—North side
Fitzgerald street
Old South Head road to Bondi beach
Water reseree to ocean
Easttrnvtew terrace—
Ben Kden street
Shaw W. F.
Dawson street—Xeuland street
Dawes Miss K., " C o r l n n a "
M-s. S., " Lincolnshire"
Wilson terraes—
Hllchlngs T. W.
Policy Alfred, patent yeast manufacBird John, stonemason
Hritbane street
Morulcy Geurgo
Goodwin Albert, *' Homer"
Hamburger II.
Beaumont George
The Crescent
Cook G. 1'., stonemason
Ward I). R.
WOODifcCOMPANF, Undertakers «fc Enibalmers, 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (""iSvHi*^"^*)
Jlomli mild continued—
JIuSM'y llichard, ••SlonolcigU"
Lloyd Lewis, .1,1'., " Mylora"
I'aul street
MeElvcnoy W. J., grocer
Ocean Viem If race—
Vial \V. G., cottchbuildor •
Craig John, merchant
Kollick George
Meyers M . J.P., " Chislchurat"
Young Hubert, " Clonallen "
Smith .1. L. baker
Sinclair Alexander, .T.P., "St. Oswald'
Wood Itcubcn," Kenilworth"
Evans Homy C, ,1.1'., " Aldlnga"
Gaherity Mrs. T., " Cassandra"
Wunsey Henry, " Hcnwcll"
I{ogg Stephen, " Ilcngcrn "
Taylor 0. E. G., " Gladstone"
Miller Peter, .1.1'., "Arbroath"
Flood street
Johnston Hugh, " Llfford eottago"
Crnvcn T. AiiBtin, " Erno"
Anylesea it red
Humes John, " Cyrono "
Chaplin Mrs. John, "Navestook"
1'enkivil street
Cunningham Mrs, 11, L., "Livingston "
Nicholas James, " Oxford eottago "
Bronnnn Thomas 1'., " Wynndott"
Sorrento terrace—
Hcaumont Joshua, buildor
Allan Slnnrt, artist
Uimnmll Clinics
MeCauley Peter, builder
Lcslio Miss C. A., confectioner
Dlcaklcy George, builder
Hilcy Honrv St., storekeeper
Post Olllce—Mrs. L. Hilcy, postmistress
Ocean ttrcet
Carter Mrs. E., butcher
Staccy James, grocer
Eraser A. I)., "Monowai"
•Smith J. 11.. newsagent
Nicholls J. E., bootmaker
Pakos C , greengrocer
Itichter Alfred, grocer
liukins James
Wellington ttreel
Marshall Mrs., " Itockly "
Mcrcwethcr Mrs. E. 0., " Castlofield"
llingrosc James
Cliff House hotel—Charles W. Lawes
Mackenzie Mrs. ,I.P„"Scaforta"
Bourke Stroot—East side
.Mackenzie T !•'., .1.1'., " Seaforth "
Birrell to Church street
Mackenzie 1'. A., glazier, Wnvcrloy
Colley Mrs. A.
dairy, "Gacrloch"
Hill Arthur
Moule W. S., clerk Legislative AssemPorter Frederick
bly, " Boonnrn"
Knuckey U.
Mackenzie Mrs. A. K., " Boonara"
Latty Harry
Lloyd Mrs. A.
• Soward C.
Turner W. J.
nines Michael
Duchesne Edwin
Montgomerv John
George, joiner
Thompson F.
Woollcy Leslie, carpentor
JJenliam street
• Collumb .Mrs. T.
Winter Henry A., refreshment rooms
Hobbins George, plasterer
Doble W E , fruiterer
Glen street
Anderson Mrs. Emma
Andrew William. " Victoria villa "
Baglin Mrs. M. A.
Edmunds Mrs. M.
Prior J. Murray, financier, " St. Mar
W e s t side
Tramiraii terminus
1'iltyerald street
llonili beach
Palmyra terrace—
2 Fitzgerald Wm.
White H. G.
Llddcll Mrs. 0.
Soraeg Arthur
Salvation Army barracks
Dunn William, " Alma eottago"
Johnson Victor, bootmaker
Maher Patrick, carter
Jinkins Mrs., midwife
llirrell street
Bronte R o a d
JoneB Thomas, " Itocky Mount"
EbsworthE. S., "Bronte"
Mackenzie ltobcrt
Bronte Street
Off Dixon street
Uoins William, paper ruler
ISalby Henry, bootmaker
Lawler John
Botany Stroot—East sldo
lltrrell to Waeerley street
Brae Street—North sldo
Hurloy P. J., " Adclaldo villa "
Lugar to Evans strut
Martin John, solicitor, "Kadford "
Dnsborough 0. 0., grocer
Spcnco Kcv. J. (Wc«.)
Burton Edmund, solicitor," Oakville " Stale's cottages—
1 Wilkinson J.
Vickcry James J.P., " Salem villa"
2 Doyle John
ltossbach Mrs., "Elstorbcrg"
5 Parker W.
WatorhouBO MrB. J. B., "Marsdon"
6 Tanner Andrew
Rossbach T. F., " Elbcrfold "
7 Vindln F.
Koulds Ilnbort, " Jersey cottage "
Stewart W.
Cahill Thomas, " Myalla "
Watkins Robert G.,.I.P.,"Carisbrook" 0 Kobison W.
Maclcod William, manager BULLETIN, 10 Dick Hector, artist
11 Shnw R.
" Glcnelg "
Lyon George, "Lugar houso''
Gregory A. It., " Clifton "
Finlnyson 11. W., engineer
Long George, " Cln-ita"
A. R.
Harlow J. P., "Juanlta"
Coleman A. Jr.
Wilgoss A. J„ " Harbor View"
lilundcn Mrs., " Argyle cottage'
Powell Hcv. W. (Prosb.), "Harbor
S o u t h Bido
Shankland ltobcrt," Clyde "
Valley street—Jlondi road
Bloomlield Thomas Stephen
Carrol John S., " Waroonga "
W e s t side
Brae terrace—
Farrcll E. D„ "Kntonia"
Brewer \i . 0., •'Cambrian"
Langdon John J., solicitor, " Klsomin'
Moore A, M., M.B., surgeon, "Fernlcigh"
Porter street
B r i s b a n e Lano
Williims E. J., "lluckland villa"
Stanley Thomas
Off llirrell street
Dovlc J. 11. J., " Fern cottage "
Cnrr Henry, " Elgin cottage"
Aljen William J.," Hollywood"
Wchrstedt F.
S o u t h sldo
McBridc James
Council Chambers—Hobort T. Orr'
Morris William
Brisbano Street—East sldo
council clerk
Rickards Harry, " Llnndaff"
Coirjier to llirrell street
Waverleit park
Pottic S. C, veterinary surgeon
McGulIln T. S., chemiHt
Uantlaff street
David, "Bcresford"
Tamkin Miss K., draper
Congregational Church—Rev. A,
Evlcs Mrs. E , confectioner
Dowsott F. ('., " Lyneiale"
Grilllths, B.A. Elliott S., butchor
Powell Mrs. K., "Milton"
Waverley street—llondi road
Flnnngan J. R., "Irene"
llennttt street
HayesW., com. traveller, " Wickhnm"
Stewart 0. II., grocer
Wnddlngton H., merchant, "Oxford"
Mcl.eod William
A., " Cambridgo"
Young John'. ironmouldcr
Boundary Stroot
(.'have Arthur 1)., commission agent
Johnson (icorgo
H., "Denver"
ltobcrtson Allen, " I'eushurst"
Duggan James
llirrell street
Watson street
Irvine A. D'Arcy, conveyancer
Whitchurst K., produce merchant
West side
Cox John
Hodgctts MIB. C. II., dressmaker
llyan John
Martin J. A., bootmaker
Slulkispeare terrace—
Watkins Thomas
Chcescman M rs. W , grocer
1 Greene Hcnrv
Leigh Mrs. L.
Sidaway W„ sen., " Shirley"
2 Jeffries T. W".
7 Coninghnm W.
Locke A. A., " Vlletto '
3 Harrington Mrs. C.
8 Walker Win.
Jones J. V., " Avoca"
4 Frnscr Mrs. E. J.
Tooher John Andrew, " Avoda "
9 (lucltih Walter, draper, "Ellesmere"
Benson —
Greaves W. A. II., J.P., " llraylosford
(See also llandtcick)
Aitcbison Wm.
;WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & EmMmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
B u s b y Parade—North side
Tliomas to Clifton street
Green Herbert Thomas, accountant
Newman F. J.
Brinsmead U. G„ " Chalfont"
S o u t h sldo
Green John, " Rowena"
Johnson Arthur
Campbell Stroot
Off Victoria street
Stapleton Mrs. Ellen
Cartwright M.
Adams John
Carey S t r o o t
Waverley to Kbtey street
llandaff street
Clarkson Joseph, blacksmith
Itobbins William, contractor
Clarke James, *' Itoma"
Brooke Tom Amos, *• Langford'
Ashcr S. J., "Honitonclist"
Wilson A. J., M.A.
Carlton S t r e e t
ilcl'hersim to Douglas street
Cripps J. It., fuel merchant
Dowding William, bootmaker
Bruce George, stonomaBon, ' N»rmanbrnc"
Collins Michael, quarryman
Trcfoul Paul, " Carlton cottage"
Oarrlng/ton Road—EaBt sldo
1'ourll street, Randtrick, to llirrell street,
Carroll Owen, " Winnieville "
Carroll James, J.P., " Westella "
Robinson R. H. " FnirlcigU " .
Sands Robert, " Knmllarol"
Hughes William, "Claremont"
Brewer Frank C, journalist, "Corunna"
Corrigan 11. M., shipchandlcr, "Glen
Corrigan J. F., sbipchnndlcr, "Glen
Ross D„ monumental mason, "ROSBItobertB Arthur D., "Glenrov"
lyn "
Edmonds John W.. J.P.. " Tanilba"
Bowman II. J., monumental mason
Taylor James
Paine J.
Short George E.
Flanagan F. L.
Household Benjamin, builder
Phillips Frcdcriok
Fra6or Mrs. W.
McNnmcc Hugh
Ohuroh S t r o o t — S o u t h s l d o
teichh'irdt street
Vickery street to lleserve
Cobb J, S., chemist
Carrinnton road
Victoria street
St. Clare's young ladies' school
Pointing J. J., butchor
Oddfellows' Hall—E. nummorston,
McNnmara M., cab proprietor
Wovorley Volunteer Firo Brigade
Taylor lane
station—George Droadhurst, secretary; Jacob 1'lggott, captain
McLoughlun J. \\\, tailor
Conlin James, 'bus proprietor
Simms Patrick
Moncricff Mrs. F. T., 'bus proprietress
Cooper street—llourke street
Sims A. 'P., '-Sherwood houso"
Iiosebank terrace—
Campbell Mrs. Eliz., " Craignish"
6 Hogerty Michael
Salisbury street
S Maddigan Michael
Barlow A., merchant, "Airmount"
4 Board Mrs. M.
Grahamc Mrs. J., "Strathearn"
Mrs. Joseph
Levcrrlor Madame A., "Tarnagulla" 32 Butler
Hcgerty Michael, jun.
llirrell street
1 Sllvcrton A., commercial traveller
West side
Stephenson George, bricklayer
Clifton Stroot
Quinn P., cab proprietor
Newell Mrs. William, " Scnofelder"
Chesterfield parade to lloundary street
HOSB John, "Wangarn"
Ashworth James
Aldcrton Mrs. Anno
Scott street—lloundary street
Piggott Jacob
Mountstcphcn A. J., bricklayer
Mountstephon W. J., dealer
Kelly Mrs. P.
Counoll Stroot—East side
Jones M. B., constable
Ualley to Allen street
Doyle Thomas, quarryman
Grilllths Mrs., " Beaumaris "
Power Mrs. E., " Marguerite "
Knwalski II., professor of mnsio
Broadlmrst G. T., bricklayer
Milburno-.Mnrsh G., " Coonong"
Winders James
Shaw Malcolm, •• Maranoa "
Evans William, painter, " EvanBdale"
McLoughlin Arthur, tea merchant,
Stepliens Henry, "Ale.inda"
" Florencovlllo"
Thomas William
Cannon W. J., builder and contractor
W o s t sldo
Cannon John, grocer
Parsons Ernost, "Tweed"
Smyth Owen
Hirst H. D.. "Hcvthorpe"
Astrldgo W. II., grocer
Clarke G. T., J.P.', •• Thclma"
Oxford hotel—Mary Flnnncry
Andrew, builder, " Upcn "
Austin Arthur, tobacconist
Newman W. M., " Moroton"
Craddock Mrs. M.. confectioner
Hill A. !•'., " Sackvlllo "
Charing Cross hotel—Richard S. Gillls
Hunt John Ignatius," Hu'nflca"
Cotrprr street—Victoria street
niekcy W., produce merchant
Cosgrovo Patrick, carter
Madden Mrs. R.
Cowpor Stroot—East sldo
Ireland James
Oxford to Victoria street
Cooke Thorn is
Ten (lindenshotel—Thomas Xoonnn
R.O. Male School—T.O'Kcelfo, master
Mncdonald and Co., houso agents
St. Charles Borromco (R.C.) Church
Apted B. C., plumber
—Very Itev. P. P. Kennedy
Fresh Food and Ice Co.-It. While,
St. Clare's Convent—Sister Mary
Antony, lady superioress
Dunn Ocorgo, cab proprietor
Church stret—llirrell street
Clarson Francis J,
Adams Rev. W. (Mcth.), "Everest"
Punch Tliomas, jun.
Thomas William, •' Ponyrn "
Warner E. M., Rosebud laundry
Ohosterfield P a r a d o — N o r t h s l d o
Ony street
Arden to St. Thomas street
Walter, produce dealer
Amos James, " llosclea "
Booths. It., "Cifton"
Magco Thomas S,, printer
Graat Malcolm, "Thurso"
Phillips nnd Anderson, upholsterers
Russell S., warehouseman
ltayloy F. II.. " llardney "
libley street
Hamilton Alexander, solicitor, "El- teale's buildings -lerslie"
Brian I., nnd Co., grocers
Moxon G. J., greengrocer
South sldo
Barwlck Walter, tobacconist
Clifton street
Holllngsworth 0 . I'., picturcframer
Orr Joseph, engineer, " Stow cottage"
Gordon and Co., house and land agents
Boorraan Alfred, slgnwritor
Watson W. Y., " Stow cottage "
Mills John
Allen street
t'lirUt CIIIKL!IA\
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers &Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (ut™'en
Hnviugs Unnk.
Sanders and Co., carriers (branoh)
Cooper street continued—
Skinner Mrs. K., " St. Hollers "
The Strand—
Ohambors 0. O., confectioner
Piko George, grocer
Chambers W. E., eugravor
Ltvno T. II., painter
Richardson Frank, plasterer
Coombs F., carpentor
Polico station—John Brown, conFullor \V„ tobacconist
Thompson Sirs. P., Fltzroy laundry
Ferguson David, schoolteacher
Fugo W„ confeetloncr
Wavorloy public school—David FerPalmer Mrs. M.
guson, head master
Gordon A. S.,homeopathic physician
Lusty Charles, dray proprietor
Brown A., butcher
Henry street
.Tossap William T., fruitcror
Houlihan W.
Iliimmorston E., bootmaker
Kelly John, produce merchunt
D'Asarta II. C, H.M. Customs
Denning Alfred, son., builder
Biddcll Walter, " Stanley "
Clark Mrs. 8. J.
Clark llobcrt S., " Truro cottage''
Forcings F. J., ironmonger
O'Grady .lohn
Ernest Fronds
Lewis Eugene, *' Byramlelgli"
Groad J. A., plumber
Allan W. J., candlo manufacturer
Bank of Now South Wales—II. J.
Porter itrect
Corbctt, manager
Post and 'l'olograph Offlco — Mrs.
Victoria street
Ferris, postmiBtross
Birrell street
Vickcry Hon. Ebcnozcr, M.L.O., J.P.,
Cross S t r e o t
Off liirrell street
Bennett Charles, gardener, " Edina
Frost W. II.
Willacy 11. H.
Church street
•\Vobcndiirfer Faul, importer, "MaiJohnson l'otcr
Clark Itobcrt, Wavorley laundry
Wobondiirfor G., importer," MalparMatheson M., surgeon, " Druniblno "
Sherwood A. 11., sen. sergeant polico
Bournes Thomas, constable
Quinlan Mrs. .lane
Ourlewis Streot (Bondl)—South
Montgomery A. C , constable
Craig Alexander, "Cralglca"
Blakeloy G., grocer
Off Old South Head road
Taylor's lane
Baglin John Hinton
Treanor .Tamos, blacksmith
Bnglin Harry Hinton
Hlokcy W., produce merchant
Sadler S. A.
Quy Oharlcs
W e s t sldo
Victoria street
N o r t h Bldo
E. S. and A. Hank, LImltcd-Donuld
Blakcrs Miss, school
McDonald, manager
Coonan Thomas, general storo
Spring street
Clarke Justus
Malonoy II., fuel merchunt
SlubbB Charles M., "Gordon villa"
Berryman J., coachbulldcr
BariUA. F.,"Lynton"
Kublcr J. C., baker
Carey street
Rovnolds J. J., grocor
Duggin H. J., fruiterer
WardG. A., chemist
Dalley Street
Oostcllo K„ confectioner
Swaino J. W. 0., dyer
Botany to Paul street
Johnson E., hairdresser
Smith William, " S t Elmo"
Johnson W., newsagent
WilliamsG. A.,"St. Omor"
Clay Isaac D., butcher
MoKenny Mrs. J.. " Esmond "
Clay Mrs. L. 1).. ham and bcof shop
Hunter John, boot manufacturer
MoKonzio Arthur John, "Klncllan"
Council street
Dummcr James
Colman George, " Hilltop "
EUey street
Combes William
The Grand hotel—Isaac B. Norrio
Paul street
Brisbane street
LaMan terrace—
Darling S t r e o t (Bondl)
Oorbctt B., dentist
Thomson J. C , commercial broker
McHlllnay Mrs.
Wildman Miss, private school
Wilton Mrs. L„ " Sunnysido"
Traoy 0. A., professor ol music,
D e l l V i o w R o a d (Bondl)
Of Fletcher street, Tamarama Bay
Cano Robert, carter
Royal Aquarium and
Brodcrick Mrs. K., confectioner
Grounds—J. J. Laucbaumo, pro
Gout 0. B., painter
prictor "
Dirrell street
Wyburd Alfred
Poarco S. H., bootmaker
FroBt W.
Wuverlcy Family hotel—Mark RobinGrant G.
Pryor John
Dovillo T.
Great Pacific hotel—T. M. Darts
D o n h a m S t r e o t (Bondl)
Fletcher to Kdirard street
Ashton Julian R,, artUt, "alenvlow"
Blancharil Major J. T., J.P.
Robinson F. 8., " Fletcher's Glen "
Senior Frank, J.P., " Fairlight"
Pratt Frank
Latty Henry
Donison S t r e o t East sido
Oxford to Hough street
Crump John
Macleod Mrs. 0. W.
Sprintl street
1 Brown P.
2 Froudo Henry
3 Johnson Edwin
HyncB Patrick, van proprietor
Foran Tliomne, dray proprietor
Moran Laurence, cab proprietor
Bosnia terrace—
1 Carroll Edward collector
Carroll Thomas, compositor
3 Levy Nathaniel
Blngwall I).
Maunder James, grocer
ICblry street
Duggnn P., butcher
Balleyntorr terrace—
1 Graham John
2 Falconer Robert
3 Rule Francis
Stophcn P., stonemason
Hanloy Cornelius
Glover Ernest
Tonkin Arthur, "Clifton bouse"
Jones Harry
Fitzgerald James
Stockbrldgc Mrs. A.
Savillo Edward
Crimson John
Stnrkcy A. E.
Wall Cornelius, bootmaker
Graham W., general store
Yard W. G., builder, " Clifton cottago"
Stark James
Laccy Mrs. S„ accoucheuse
Yarnton Charles
Hall T. N.
Mizon Mrs. M. J.
Cather E.
Gauld Alexander
Tarkor John, baskclmakor
Hayes W., wool cluster
RadcliiTo J. II.
Tavcner R. W.
Davis J. H..
Abington terrace — Perry Alfred
Muddlo Charles
Holland A. W.
Willis Mrs. E.
Bcgir J. T.
Phillips Thomas
Hcthcrington John
"West s i d e
Ferguson Robert," Lillydalo"
Thompson H. J., " Kent house"
Dodge F. J. L.
Boyd Mrs., "Waikato"
Walkor J. 11., architect
Isabella terrace—
3 Mackoy William
2 Coonan Mrs. E.
1 McDcrmott Joseph
Macharg John, "Rlldon"
Watorfall John, " Lcahvlllo"
Nash Ambrose, journalist, " Vcravillc"
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers <fc Embalmers, 185 6eorge-st. West Sydney.
Tel. 882.
Cordon terrace—
Windridgo J. W„ "Austral"
3 Stevenson John
Tillidgo Henry J., accountant, "Oroy4 Chambers W. S„ polico sergeant
Hall James, accountant, "Clarcmont"
Charles terrace—
Mrs. H. S., "Beaumont"
1 Scllor John
Woodond, Rogers and Frost, con3 Hcnning Mrs. S.
4 Newton Mrs. Margaret
Rogers J.
5 Astloy John W.
Woodond J. W.
G Lisle <I. S.
JTeicland street
7 Goldthurpo T.
/.achlitn terrace—
Scanlan Miss, private school
Scunlan Edward, " .Milton "
4 rirth Mrs. A., mldwiic
Callaghan W. H., " Oakloigh "
3 Hnrvcy Edward
Black Mrs. J. M., tcnoher of painting
1 WilllnniB Mrs. A.
Black J.M.," Midas"
Biggs Henry, engineer
Kbley street
Bates A.
RIngold Mrs. S„ "Shirley"
Jones Mrs., "Rosebud villa"
Smallcy Mrs. A., " Walton "
Hickoy Michael
Robson James, " Lyndon"
Soolo Henry, saddler
Coopor John, " Tingowick "
Hickcy Lawronco
Stokes B. P.
Footo 0„ cab proprietor
Brlgncll Jos., nccountant, " Llongiro "
Spring Mrs. M. A.
Burton 11. S., "Chatsworth "
Chadderlon Harry A., plumber,
Smith John IngllB, " Coolo "
" Baroda "
R. J., nuolionccr, " Zetland"
Rees terrace—
It. W., plumber
1 Cather W. J.
2 Itobcrts James
Cowper street
3 Norris Wm. H., carpontor
LolstEdward F„ "Verona"
4 Gear Charles
Sny well UOSB, " Norma "
4 llincs C. H.
FcltonM. K. II.. "Lcura"
Mceney Patrick, carpenter
Hughes .Mrs. M.
Coopor T.
Wobstor G. W.
Lamb Moses
Floyd W.. "Byrncvlllo"
Ann street
Forbes Mrs. A„ "Klllara"
Morrltt Ernest. " Lvnotto "
Lukcr Gcorgo, cngincor
Wnllis James, builder, " Locksley "
Pcnfold George, cngincor
Richardson J. B.
Patchett F.
Australian Golf Club—S. McKcnzio
Cany street
Stool Robert S., contractor, "St. Ola"
Dickson Stroot
Birrell to Murray street
Hughes J. S . " Palmerston "
Bottle Joseph A., "llitavillo"
DouRlas Stroot—North sido
Off Arden street
Lynoh Mrs. II.
Bernaucr Gcorgo, whitesmith
Whitchurst S., dalrykceper
Bernaucr John, lithographic printer
S o u t h sido
St. Nicholas' Branch Sunday School
Cllltinan Henry, borsotrainer
Ebloy Stroot—North sldo
Mill Hill road to Carey street
Mill Hill (Pros.) Mission Hall
Venison street
Ebley terrace—
1 Rockcliff Roger
2 JcnkinsonT.
3 Dessalx Andrew S.
Dobson R. L., drysaltcr
Ghristman Henry B.
Hnkcn G.
Comber Thomas, builder
South wick George, "Adolaldo"
Ackland Eustaco W.t "Maudo"
O'Brien M., "Jessie"
Andorson Mrs. Jessie ST., " Linda "
S o u t h Bldo
Dentstn street
Light Alfred, letter carrier
Strnlton George, plumber
Gallaghor Richard, " Olydo"
Alma terrace—
3 Dugan J.
2 Allen William
1 Timbs Wm., greengrocor
Aaicson street
Farrelly Mrs. K., produco merchant
yeteland street
Anderson P., "Ashby"
Davis WlllUm, "Lnura"
Grahnm Mrs.
Thompson .1. M, "Tavistock"
Sefton Charles, "Relgato"
Rattray street—Mackenzie street
Athcnraum Hall—Isaao B. Norrio
The Grand hotel—Isaac B. Norrio
Brisbane street—Cowper street
Brian L. nnd Co., grocers
Sharp lllchard
Fleck Robert
Ford Harrv, "BnrnB"
Walker C.E., "Tennyson"
Rhodes B., contractor, "Milton"
Allen W. Pctford, nccountant
Grcsham Lconnrd II., " Wordsworth"
Fcrran Albert, "Gordon"
Johnson F., leather merchant, " Proctor"
JcnncrCharles, "Shakespeare"
Allen Alfred, J. P., " Fern cottage "
Allen Alfred, jun., architect
Edmund Streot—East sldo
Victoria to John street
Eaglcton Anthony
Butt P. 0.. doiler
Kearcy John, gardener
Whitlook Walter
Morgan Co-nellus
Molntyro Alexander
O'Brien John
Wnldron Mrs. E.
Kennedy Patrick, printer
Scanlan John, bricklayer
Ward Patrick
Cnrf W.
Sean'an David
McBrido John, painter, "Keirnvillo"
Crowlcv James
Staccy Eli
Kirby John
Judgo James, cab proprietor
W o s t sido
Makopcaco W., oab proprietor
Bost Arthur A.
Lane Ralph
Fitzgerald P.
Ward Mrs. T.
Pointing -Mrs. S.
• Richards Alfred
Hogan Mrs. M.
Smyth W.
Edward Stroot (Bondl)
Wellington street to Bond! road
Mansfield Joseph, grocer and drnpor
Vauuroy Edward
Egan 1'. A.
Regan James
James Louis William
ManslloldOharlcsS., "Warnook hall'
Evans Stroot—South side
Macpherson street
Fleldhouso Edwin, J.P., "Elsmore"
Mclaughlin John, J.P., solicitor,
Brewer George, " Sunbeam "
MoFudyonJ., "Thclma"'
Bathurst E. W. L.
Wcddell J. J., J.P., "Vlnita"
N o r t h sido
Brown Thomas, cutter, "Oooralie"
Clark W. W. I t , " Mcdmonham"
Cameron C, " Westhury "
Johnston 0. A. W., " Thornbland "
Walkor Frank 11.," Earlsoolne "
Hay W „ " Marlon"
Lory P. A., com. traveller," Florcncovlllo "
Firth Stroot
Off Nelson street
Firth Rev. Frank (Wos.)
Richardson Mrs. A. G., " Wykeham "
Fltzgorald Stroot—West sldo
Off liirrell street
Tcefy Donls, junior
DcBsaix Peter
Farrcll William
Nicholson 0.
Mcintosh W.
Fitzgerald John
Sislcy William
WOOD & COMPANY Undertakers & Embalmers, 810 Geo. St. Soath Sydney ("'"SSsP&fir*
Fitzgerald itreel continued—
Knight 0. G.
Scott Miss A., "Ingleweod"
Walker A. K „ " Gilmoro"
Beck Willlnin H., •' Wllhelmlna"
. Blue G. E.. commission ngent
Gllmore W. J., dairyman
Scott J. A., "Brighton"
W e s t sido
Tco/y William
Darison G. W. D.
Fcwtroll Frederick
Barlow Joseph
Ruby rote—
1 Hassctt Thomas, dray proprietor
2 BoLuco.M.
3 Walsh John
4 Dcnnoy J. M.
5 Jones D.
Sullivan Eugene, " Kcnmare csttago "
Walsh John, cordial makor
Paul l'atrlck
Donolioo ThomnB, dray proprietor
Fitzgerald Thomas, stonemason
Flotohor Stroot (Bondl) ,
Denham street to llomli road
Foate Frederick, " Pembroke villa "
Davis llcv. W. J. (Wes.)
Fuller Thomas, " St. Leonards "
McKcll Mrs. T. C. K., " The Lynn"
Belle Vuettrret
Hamilton Alexander, " Hazoldean "
F l o o d S t r o o t ( B o n d i ) — E a s t aide
Bond! road to Old South Head road
Hopkinson Mrs. II. E„ " Amblcsldo'
King Kobert J., " Waratah "
Baincs K„ "Arizona "
James William, J.F., "Orosmont"
Boglo Mrs. E.
Houston William, J.P., "Wniroa"
Connab F., "Hnzoldeen"
Pyc D. D., " Bondl house "
•West aide
Jobberns Daniel, com. traveller
Korshnw J. J., J. I'., " Myco "
Prlngle John, " Aldersydo "
BulloughJ. R., "Napoli"
Dobson James," Oardjgau"
Lupton Ernest, "Warwick"
Kentish E. K„ "Ayr"
Qierstcn itreel
Hlpsloy R. II., " Chilcoto"
Fullor E. T. A., " Ravensbourne ", "Bellovuo"
Franola S t r o o t ( B o n d l )
Bondi road to Old South Head road
Jones Walter A„ " Cam Brao"
Flemming William
Blanchard Robert
Marshall J„ dairyman
Gardyno Stroot
Off Ocean street
Kemp Albert A., " tfeaoroft"
Upton Churchill
Oatcs James, " Waverloyvlllo "
Goorglana Street
O'Brien street
Wagner Adolph
Wright John D.
Kirwan Thomas
Cruickshank II, R,
Carpenter James, plumber
Glersten Street—North sldo
Off Flood street
McCourt Mrs. Mary
Flanagan Joseph, " Enla "
Do Jossolin P., warehouseman, " Knrocla "
Walsh Thomas
Matheson G. G., " Abbotsford "
Smith Albert," Dunbar"
Snntwyk Jacob, "Myrtle cottage"
Thompson Mrs. A., " Myrtle cottage"
Lcydan James, " Dare' cottage "
Rutherford J. D„ " Elslnoro"
Edwards Sidney, " Don Fenella "
Fisher ChriBtion, " Kanlmbla "
Pearson F„ " Bollaglo "
Nowill Harrison, " Clifton "
Cox James, " Melrose "
S o u t h sldo
Prlngle J. M., contractor
friendship J. F.
Boamlsh William, " Clarcmont"
Edwards A. G., " Lauretta cottage "
•Bolgor Edward, " Dorlsvillo "
Ryco James Hugh, stonemason
Young G. B., " Lconardvllle "
Q l o n S t r e e t (Bondl)
Denham street to Bondi road
Bcacom John
Atkinsan P. T.
Connell Hugh
N o r t h Bide
Mitcholl J. C, survoyor, "Chatham"
Johnson John, leathor merchant
G r e y S t r e e t — N o r t h Bide
Off Coieper street
Meenoy Patriok
Hopo William
McQuiston Mrs. R.
Bowling green and tennis court
S o u t h side
Howard E.
Wldman C.
Browno J. F.
Savago Hugh
Johnson Mrs. A., " Oriont"
Ana street
H a l l S t r o o t (Bondi)
Off O'Brien street
HigWoBt s l d o
Corbctt John, bookseller
Crowley C. B., " Chats worth''
Head Nicholas, " Urara "
Waroham J. V., •• Bona Vista *
Nicholson J. B., '"Alrthrey "
Webb Robert," Kennlngton"
Hornidge F. W„ " Loch Crearan "
Victoria street
Drlnan Patrick
Hayes Denis
Cannon Mayncs
Pearson Edward
Moloney M.
Higham J.
Humphreys Alfred
Salisbury street—Birrell street
Honry Stroot—East sldo
Off Victoria street
Dvmond M.
Elkln F. W., staff sergeant
Keys Edward, horse trainer
Lusty Charles, cab proprietor
Meiklojohn J. H., plumber, "'i'crara'
Livingston It. T.
Plant Alfred
Bryoii C. F.
Puce Thomas
Ushor Alfred S.," Uookland "
Ashworth 0.
Mackintosh A.
W e s t sldo
Goodo B., photographer
Manlcv Colemnn R.
Carr J.
Lean James, draughtsman
Edscr Robert
Denning W. G.
Staccy Josiah, stonemason
Iluddcn Mrs. M.
Mallinson Joseph
Campboll Elisha, ca-pct planner
Longford terrate—
2 Grantham John
1 Huggins William
H e w l e t t Street—North sido
Off Dixon street
Watt James
Watt Alexander, carpenter
Farmilow G. N.
Thins John Conrad, vanmnn
O'Brien Timothy
Nihill Thomas
Lees G. II.
Daly John
Tulte Nicholas
Mcaney Mrs. James, grocer
S o u t h side
Hodgson James
Case Richard 11.
Coak Hugh C, builder
Wardlll W. II., bookbinder
Smith Svdney
Shields John
High Stroot--East side
Off Mchhardt street
Henrietta Stroot—East sldo
Auburn terrace—
Leichhardt lO'Bitrell street
1 Davidson James
Spoonor Horace, " Silvcrlcigh "
2 Rutherford W.
Thow Win., M.I.C.E., chief mechani- 3 McAdam Miss A., dressmaker
cal engineer, railway department, 4 Uansby Mrs. E., music teacher
" Woodlawn "
5 Gamctt T.
Wigg John R., " Glen Lea "
G Recce R. II.
"WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 George-st. West, Sydney. Tel 632.
W e s t side
Telfcr Mrs. A.
Olenrock terrace—
1 Grist John
3 O'Conncll John
0 Fielding John, cab proprietor
7 Noonan It. P.
8 Luttoit John, compositor
I) Potter B., gardener
Day John, tar contractor
Rose terrace—
1 Ross Mrs. J. S.
2 Monte George
3 Burns Mrs. J.
4 Hill Joseph
H o u g h Stroot—South sido
Off Deniion street
Cotter JnmcB
Saunders William
Fletcher J. T.
Skinner E. S.
Galhralth Andrew, cab proprietor
Ilourigan John, carter
N o r t h sido
Bayvieie terrace—
1 Wilson W. H.
2 Fitzgerald I',
3 Tobln Martin
4 Jarrctt T. K.
I s a b e l l a Stroot—East sldo
Birrell to Church street
Mulhall Michael
Gilman Mrs. Ann
McCullough —
W e s t Bldo
Mcllugh John, cab proprietor
Porter Frederick
Holland T.
Madden C. J.
Spriggs W. C.
Vincent John
Clarke Joseph
White Mrs. M.
Bcare William
Evans William, stonemason
Raymond II. (i.
Trescder B. A.
White K.
Church strict
John Stroot
Off Carrlngton road
Preston William
Wynn S. 0., cab proprietor
Judge James, cab proprietor
Kdmund street
Wilson John
Thomas Richard
K o n i l w o r t h Stroot—North sldo
Off Flood street
Welsh H. P., "Lindaville"
Montgomery II. R., " tlunyah"
Stanton Charles," St. Culhbert"
Saunders W. II., " Ivanhoo"
Fizclle Richard, produce, merchant
Ashdown W.
Jones Morgan "Thurso"
Hurwood Miss E., private school
Harwood G. R., '• Clarenccvillo "
Carruthors George, "Thornyford"
Murphy Joseph
Fisher John
Slmmonds Chas., compositor
S o u t h sido
Foster W.," Withlngton"
Lewis Henry, " Euston "
Lewis Thomas, " Duntroon "
Scott II. R., journalist, "Maudvlllo"
Diver-Tuck Arthur, compositor
Gladdlo Francis, builder
Jossclin Henri L. A., " Monkland
Shaw J. S., " Bellevlew "
Jnckson II. E.
Flynn Phillip
Bradley Joseph, journalist
Kant Stroot
Mchhardt to Carlton street
Conolly A., "Athens"
Furniss Joseph, engineer
Carroll James F.
L a w s o n S t r o o t — E a s t sldo
Kbleg to Birrell street
Knilnnds Charles, cab proprietor
Mead William
Whlto Thomas, coachpaintcr
Attonborough Albert
Clatlnnd Jnrratt, bricklayer
Smith F. J.
Mnnindalo Joso]>h, engineer
Dunk Mrs. Catherine, "Etlielvillo"
Stuart Thomas, soxton
Richards F.
Hngen 0.
Robinson Mrs. 0.
Ilunyan Jno..'bua proprietor, "A venol"
Franklin II. G„ painter nnd ilccoraUr
Ulloy Misses R. and P., dressmakers
Lloyd F. W.
Fitzgerald P. T., bootmaker
Harrison Miss, dressmaker
Scott Walter, gardonor
Short R, W., carpenter
Fallon J. D. E.
Byrno Thomas
Rochester and Co., produce merchants
High street
Lyons II. A., solicitor, " Rostcllan "
Lewtns J. C, " Zealandia lodge "
I'rosptct street
Simpson W. II., J.P., "Abbotsford "
Corbctt John
Henrietta street—.Xetson's Hag road
Woslojnn Church
Cooper Basil " Lugar llrao "
McPherson street—Kent street—Willis street
Wost Bido
Robin lliiinl hotel—Piercb Butler
Matthews C. and Co., plumbers nnd
Cannon W. J., Ironmonger
Edwards W, and Son, butchers
Nicholson J„ newsagent
W e s t Bido
Phillips It.
Dilnot Frank
Hornby John, draper
Latcsnn terrace—
Crouch A. A., ham and beef shop
Fischer F., fruiterer
I Whitlock Hubert
Font W. C , chemist
3 Cobb W. S., caretaker
Howoll R. II., bootmaker
4 Mackey Jnmes
Lewis Miss K., confectioner
Bradley James, carpenter, "Surry
Wlcpol MrB. M. E.
R., ironmonger
Jay Mrs. A.
C llins J. D., hulchcr
Mcltao J.
Genghegan .lames, provision stoie
Flynn Paul, vanmnn
Brcnnan G„ confectioner
Ogllvic A. B., " Tillington "
Robinson W., grcoiigiocer
Humphrev Robert, "Cnrlylo"
Davidson John, groo.-r
Hyncs John
John, cab pruiiriutor
Young Win., cab proprietor
I'aililnn II.
McKenzie W„ stonemason
Shoveller Sydney, oyster Baloon
McLauchlan Daniel, stonemason
Riclinrdson .1., tobacconist
Hcaton Edward, blacksmith
OswaldE. J.
Albion street
Palmer Edward
[.anise terrace—
Hudson Francis, builder
Ilnrrls Charles
Russell Win. A. D.
ROBO Anthony, cab proprietor
Wilmol James
Brown Arthur M.
Whitlock MrB. A. J.
Ycldhnm George II.
Ocean Vleie tirrace—
L e i c h h a r d t S t r e e t — E a s t sido
1 Lanser K., clerk
3 Saundors C. L.
Charing Cross to Douglas street
1 Alldis J. W., auctioneer
Victoria street
Denning Alfred, jun., enntrnotor
Cobb J. S., chemist
WcBtmacott C, ••Artlmrslclgh"
Alldis and Co., auctioneers
Fullford Jnmes, J.P., " Gnrileld
Hamper Douglas ('.
Dobcll \v., " Koma "
Smith Henry Shaw, " Kclvcrdale"
Home George, grocer and boot ware'
Beard Samuel, II M. Customs,"Lilian"
Blunt W. J., contractor, " Clntra "
Vnnner J., fruiterer
Levy Fernard, merchant, " HawTomlcy J., boot warehouse
thorn "
Senton D. U., butcher
Macaulay Rev. J., M.A.(Pres.)," StanRlgby T„ greengrocer
Coylo Miss M„ draper
Harris A. J., tobacconist and hair*
Mcl'herson street—Kent street
Anderson C!„ confectioner
Abbott Thomas E., accountant
Bradley M.. milliner nnd draper
Bumside MlssE.
Rcichnrdt W. and Co., bakers
Sourl G. II., briishmakcr
Kcnrl A. J., estate agent
Jones T. n., "Huthvlllo"
Do LUCH J., "Kalinn"
Sheldon Benjamin Skclton," Malton "
Clirlut Cliurch
WOOD & COMPANY,Undertakers*Embalmers. 510 Geo. St. South,Sydney ('bttwnii
HnvJiiKR Jtniik.
522 ~
Victoria terrace—
Llandaff Stroot
I Allsopp John, cooper
/lotany to Curry strett
II Brooks Mrs. M.
Hocbcn II., wine unci spirit merchant, 4 Itnngcr Joseph
a Bright James If., plumber
Broughton Frank, "Urnlla"
0 Ffrost II.
Walkor 1'. 1!., "Olcnisa"
Santivvck II.
Lloyd Mrs. A. ('., accoucheuse,
Stratton Mrs. I)., "OllviUc"
" Glcnisla"
Fleming Jiiincs, "Gowric"
Montagu •'. N , "Glenisla"
Murphy Mrs. K.
Campbell (lco., woolbrokcr, ".I.vnion"
Grnlg John
Ilarrlsoii David W., schoo tocher,
Clarke Kenneth, "Glcnbrook '
" Lynton "
Gloucester terrare—
Perry W. II., accountant, " Merlin "
Singleton W. T.
Endy It. T.,"Merlin"
Sunny llrae terrace—
Lowis Arthur, •• llitrliflclil"
lOgnn .lames
McShano .lames, " llighlictd"
Latimer John
Ctlri'tl Sleert
Schleicher 11 13.
Gordon Arthur
Walsh W. II.
L u g a r S t r o o t ; - - E a s t Bido
Corhclt Thomas
Goinyns It.
McPherion street to \ehon's /lag road
/lirrell street
/trae itreet
Phlbbs \V. J.
Hogan V.
Maophorson S t r o o t - N o r t h sldo
Mnctnggart M.
Dingle Mrs. W.
Albion to Tlmmas street—/.eichhardt
Hrae street
Ewart W., cont iictor
Alexander Henry," Druidvillo"
Fnhy Michael, fuel merchant
Corrigan J., eroccr
Hammond Mrs. T„ " Tarrnngowcr"
W o s t sldo
Powell Mrs.,!., " Parkhurst"
Scully Win., "l'lockton"
Guinery W., "llochoster villa"
Mooro Frederick, " Holtnlin si"
Mcllugh M. K.," Ilcth-IItt"
Moon Mrs. W. .1., "Alluwrlo"
Etans strett
Davis H. S., com. traveller, " Ellrle"
Deans Chnrles
Brown .1. N., " Blrdwell cottngo "
Harry James, monumental mason,
Xrlson's Hag road
" .Nowlyn"
Hicks I). 1'., dnlrykecpcr
Virgil street
VIng Wll inin
Maokonzlo Stroot—East side
Taylor George
Ehlrji to /lirrell it reel
Broadhurit 13. II.
Hlggs .Inincs, telegraph operator
Landsdown John
Cavcll .lames, baker, " Bijou villa "
Gray William
Brazier John
Hall Joseph, " Bijou villa"
Arthur Charles I'., "0|io«va"
Laudertille terrace—
Tockncll John, painter
1 Ommpton Stephen
2 Cook J.
S o u t h sldo
3 Crntldock Mrs. M.
4 Samuels Mycr
Fnlrwcather Koliert, " F.irbolmo"
5 Pitt Wm.
Howard Vernon, " lludhlia "
0 Morrison It.
Howard Mrs. A. JL, " Uudhlia"
Adiinison A., " Alton cottage "
Dell Frank Dillon, •• Wnihemo "
Padbury terrace —
Brownrigg C. U., Civil servant,
Abrahams .1., " UriehtRidc"
Davidson W., ' Hurryvillc"
Brownrigg Miss, private school,
Gilbert George," Cornvl'le"
"lona '
lllll Henry, "Clnrcvl'Jo"
Stewart David M., merchnnt, " Stirling"
Lauson terrace—
Lardncr A,
1 Balnea M n M.
lllgbv Edward, dairvnian
2 Taylor Wm.
Wills'Mrs. E.
S Fhelnn Thomas
WillB Albert C.
4 MoKcotiirh James
Hnrkncss F.
5 Bullock W. II., drainer
C Colcnmn Mrs. It.
Gollan William
Giltinan ltobcrt
Centennial terrace—
Caves Thomas, painter
1 Owen J. W.
Grant T. 1'., " Invcrv"
2 Monkhouso C. A.
Moat Eugene," Maidstone"
8 Stewart K.
/.eichhat ill it reel
Lanark terrace—
Carlton street—Arden itreet
3 Jeffrey Mis. II.
Emerson William
Tregan/.a John, cab proprietor
Justcllus.1. E., architect
Ellie terrace—
Joscpbson — »
Qulgg John, monumental mason
1 Robinson 1'.. 13.
Harris William, " Provldenco Kise "
2 Fitzpatrlck ] \
Sharp F., refreshment rooms
W o s t side
French It., refreshment rooms
Ryan J. S. '
Harry James, monumental mason
Patterson George, carpenter
5/. Thomas itreet
Wcldon llnlph, " Kent IIOUBO"
Mil '
Martin's Avonuo
Orean to Penkitil itreet
Wilson Mrs. F. S., " Flinders"
Key F. A.," nuon house "
Elliott C. ,1., com. traveller, " Hosny'
Searlc George, plumber
Mutton E. H.,"Denton"
Lines Mrs. A, A., " Scaford"
Green Wm., " Wllllngton"
Burton Edwin, '• Brighton "
Darragh John, grocer
Davis John
Pickup Charles
Chelmsford terrace—
S Quirk James
2 Whitlock —
1 Lindsay ltobcrt
Snell Mrs. A., " Annie cottago "
Firth Mrs.«., "dlendusk"
Cullcn Peter, "Leydon cottage"
Clomshaw Samuel, " Myhall house "
Victoria terrace—
1 Logan W. J.
•1 Hill J. L.
3 South II.
Swnn Charles, '• Brayvllle "
Dawson W. J. M.
Moore Mrs. 0.," Milroy "
Bennett Mrs. P., " Dcnnctsdalc"
Mnsson George," Ethel"
Power Edward. " Daisybank"
Nicholls John (i., builder
Matilda Street
Off ll'tl South Head road
Ellsworth Mrs. L. F.
Smyihe Percy ltobcrt, warehouseman
Moore James
Military R o a d (Bondi)
Scott .Mrs. A., " Wiiverdnle "
Scott It., van proprietor, " Wavcrdale"
Zanthorllc Explosive Company—N.
Wiitkins, maunder
Schoes J., diiirymnn
Scott Thomas, van proprietor
l'oppEnwell Joseph, paintc
Military Station illen Buckler)—Edward Drum, bombardier in charge
Mill H i l l R o a d - E a B t sldo
Oxford to Uotitih stttet
O'Xell It. T „ " Irene"
Smith W„ '• Yathong"
Simpson (!.,"('oleralnc "
Crichton I.. A., " Ethclstone"
Vcitch Edwinl, "Elsie"
Nash Mrs. Kdwa d, "Ccvlon"
Murray David," Cheviot"
Draper J. E . , ' Cheviot"
Kclscj James, sen.
Edtrard terrare—
1 Hyram John
2 Itlchardson (i. ]•'.
Harris John
3 Farrcn Chamberlain
4 Chrlstcy Mrs. E.
5 McKcachio D.vid, constable
6 Sinclair John
Al'don terrace
1 L'rquhnrt Alexander
2 Jones Arthur
3 Day George
4 Mcyinott —
Knapp ('., " Ettie cottage"
Ciuter Wm.
Hodgkinsou W. J., "Oscarvlllc"
Alice terrace—
4 South John
2 Woodcock A. J.
Wilson Wm., sloreman
Walling John, '• Carlton "
Harders Clans, •' China"
Slater 11., "Eva cottngo "
Busman Henry, " 'I'ara cottage "
Winks Fred., •• Hose cottage"
West side
Moffltt It. I)., solicitor
Cutler Frederick " Wynborg"
llaston Benjamin," Wnnsbeck"
Dolnngo Mrs. Kate, "liunyah"
llnrrie Mrs. S., "(lunynli"'
McCarthy J ohn, " Ara (i'.cn "
Pierce Mrs. M.
Campbell A. .1.. " Zetland"
McGovern Patrick. " Hlllvllle"
Sanders E. J., " Shirley"
Horsflcld James, •' Detroit"
McDonald James, " Iolnnthc"
Baxter John, engineer
Potosi terrace—
Horsflcld Joseph, tram conductor
Itowo W.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmera, 186 George-st. West, Sydney.
Tel. 632.
Mltoholl Stroot
Old South /lead road to Angelica street
Mooro S t r o o t ( B o n d l )
Henderson to Edward itreet
Thompson Hubert
Wright George," 1'lorlana"
Peters Frank
Campbell James,"Cowrie"
Sjicnccr A. Fcnton, architect. "Byron"
Spencer Edmund S. V., architect,
" Byron"
Brownc-Covlngtou, F., "Vaudllla"
Wakefield Mrs. P.
Murray Stroot
Nelson lla\i road to the ocean
Clark E.," Dundas "
M^ciklc James W., " Ncthcrmalns "
Barnes D. J.
Murrlvorio Road
Off South Head road
Clarke W., dairykce|>cr
O'Brien 1'., jun., " North Crnggs
Vine W.. poultry farmer
Martin Edgar, poultry farmer
Nelson B a y (BrontoJ
(See also Murray street)
Off Xelson flay road
Wylic II. A., refreshment room
Bronte Baths—II. A. Wylic, lessee
Nelson Bay Road—North side
Off Lelchhardt stket
Dimclow A. B., Grammar School
Fromont F.. " Springfield "
Reeh Philip, house agent, "Morahelm "
Peterson Frederick A., " Blighswood "
Poultcr John
Ebsworth E. S., " Bronto house "
Brown Denis, refreshment rooms
Nancnrrow John
O'Connor Daniel, " Winfrey cottngo "
Drow A. V„ " Hastings "
Christie J. S., " Halloween "
Christie Mrs, W., "ltracsldc"
Ebley street— Birrell street
S o u t h sldo
Klrkpatrick J. H., J.P.,"Midlothian"
Murray His Honor Judge," Pevcril "
Steol Samuol, "Glcndarrah"
Carter James," Montrose "
O'Brion Stroot (Bondi)
Walker T. 11.," Dellcotta"
Off Old South Head road
Cox Henry," Brncsidc "
Cathollo Ohurch and School
I.ugar street '
Marwood Goodwin, cabinetmaker
Vider Charles, auctioneer, " JollamaWatklns Wm., printer
tong "
Smith Thomns K„ engineer
Ellison J., builder, •' Hawkcllffc "
O'Brien Ormond, "Tho Briars"
Head Sir John Ccoil, Baronet, J.P.,
Homfray Miss, " Arcadia"
" Arawa "
Read John Cecil, junior." Arnwa "
Trcacy H. II., "Taviuni"
Henderson Charles It., J,P,,"WanS' Oooan S t r o o t ( B o n d l ) — E a s t s i d o
beck "
Keyse St. John," Woodsldo"
/foii(f( road to Martin's avenue (laic (lien
Eastcs O. 0., publisher," Sonoma''
WnrdE. ll„ J.P., "Doono"
nockaday J. II., "Otumoa"
Thompson G. 0., " Tijuoa"
Child V., "Ocean cottngo"
Erans street
Ohurch of England—ltcv. Joseph Best
Stopfjrd A. E.," Uooky Mount"
Kylo T. 1)., engineer
Parko S. S.," Wahroonga "
Maclcllan Mrs., artist, " Manono "
Parko Mrs. V. K.
Mackenzie Uobert
Hcnwood J. W, "Dnlcvlllo"
Doas James
Sheohan John, dray proprietor
Hco8 Enoch, builder, " Ccfnpnrk "
Nowland Stroot—East sido
ltoso T. M., "Seaside"
Oxford to Birrell street
Queen's rillas—
Wost sido
2 Carpenter II.
Post and Telegraph office—MrB. Hlloy
Oxford terrace—
1 Keating A., grocer
Stokes 13., "Gowrlo"
2 Brehcny Joseph
Brady A. J., " Wcstfleld "
3 Plckford Mrs. F.
Frascr .Tames, constable, " Pondcnnls "
4 Gentle A.
Lnmmon 10.
5 Bcauchamp Isaac E,
Edwards John, coin, traveller
Giles J. A., "Milton"
Paling, It. ,T.,"Vuna"
Best Joseph (0. of E.), " Wallnrlnga"
/lay View terrace—
Currlo ,T. E., "Alma"
3 Long John, warehouseman
Loowcnthal C. J., com. trnvcllor,
2 Mallott Mrs. T. 1).
1 Kelly Philip X.
Oliver Wm. J., van jiroprietor
Barrott E., " Bondl cottngo"
Pulsford T. W„ J.P., " Fcrnmount"
/land/tick View terrace—
Tulsford Miss M. C, private school
1 Dash Mrs. E.
Benjamin Mrs. II., "Ivanboe"
2 Cnllnchor Mrs. A. M.
Morgan James. "Doongalla"
3 OWlalloy Mrs. B. M.
Carroll Thomas K„ " Dundns"
5 Mntchett Sydney
Phillips George, "Neath"
7 Young Mrs. S.
Orr ltobcrt Thomas, council clerk,
8 Ffrost H. C.
'Tnclflc View villa"
Ebley street
Ohn street—Old South Head road
Itobortson John
Cooper A. 0.
Taylor Jnmcs, " Adelong hotiso"
O o o a n Stroot ( W a v o r l o y )
Carter Mrs. A. M., " Selnttyn"
St. Thomas street to ocean
Plummcr Miss A., " Selattyn "
Wilson T.
McQun.dc Charles
Hurley W.
Torr If. II.
O'Dowd S t r o o t
Wost sido
Off Victoria street
Spring street
Saxon terrace—
Terry George
1 Thompson Gam.
Togt Wm., laundry
2 ltlckard Joseph
Jones Charles
3 Cripps Miss E.
4 Precious It., com. traveller
Goodwin John, "Ulchmond"
Strasburg J., master mariner, "BrighOrmond S t r e e t
Edtrard street to Sir Thomas Mitchell road
Dolling John, " Brighton "
lessep Thomas, .I.P., M.L.A., "NorFItz Norman, civil cngincor
folk house"
Maennmara Mrs. Geo., " Tho Bavino"
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers &EmMmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney (bHWMs'Xi'nacuk,;rc"4)
West side
Old S o u t h H e a d R o a d
Oxford S t r o o t
Tooth Arthur, '• Oowric "
Bnndi road to litjhthouse
Mill Hill road to llondi road
llondi road
llondi road
Bardsley James, " Sccly "
Lamr. ck Leslie, M.D., surgeon
McKce Mrs. M., " Oruba"
lllordan Timothy, builder," Salisbury "
Martin Mrs., '• Braosidc "
Shcllcv Mrs. '• Annieville "
Denisun road
Suthoiland Hamilton D„ "Colonna"
LcTcrficr F. 11., bnrriatcr, "Sutton
Ruth's Family JTottl—William Rush
MaaXavin T. E., J.r., chief clerk Dept.
McLean I)., produce find fuel merof J ustlec, •• Mcntono "
Coghlnn ('. A., I.L.D., barrister,
Cole John II., " Osbornevlllo "
Mulligan Francis B.. "" Arawatta"
Stubbg Willi,in
Broad llobort M., J.l'.. " Vlowforth"
P o n k l v l l Stroot ( B o n d l ) - E a B t
McKonzle John
Bean C. II., convoyancor," Itlulia"
Forstcr Thomas •
Crcgo William, •• Cytartha"
Price D.ivlcl, "Manobeer"
llondi road to Old South Head road
Ilae Mrs. M.
Maguvncy A. II., "Trafalgar '
Jay Samuel, merchant, "Ollimatta '*
Paul street
1'lggott C, "Illghgato"
Boss Hugh, "Osmund ''
Macleay I.adv,"Ayroo"
Sims TlioimiH, carriage builder
Chute Henry (Icoi gc, " I/icksley "
E.. "(1 od ington"
Harrison K. J., grocer
Cooper W. M., '• Salisbury"
Bon Accord avenue
Hotston A., d aper
llcalo Francis, " Illaroo"
Crcbor \V. K. II.. "li.iy View"
Martin llcnjamin, '• Mimosa"
Ball William T., " Tliorntonlcigh "
Lowis E. K., " CI en View "
Van Alkemado A. Van ltyn NetherMnrrnck Me villc. schoolteacher
Wilson J., timber me chant
lands Counsul, '•UubyTillc"
MarBh James, " Belle France villa"
Paton Mis, dressmaker
Cains \v. ('.,'• Clifton"
Chambers J., "Craigmil'cr"
Cains W. C„ printer
McMastcr Aithur, " Amyvlllc"
Saundc.s Leopold, •• Itsnisay"
Logan and Rowan, produce merchants
Holt Tom
I.awBon Christian
Wool land Arthur
NiwUmd street
Boon Thomas S., cabinetmaker
Carroll M.
riatt Thomas W„ colonial wine depot
Cooper Joseph, " Margarctvillc "
Lnngford O. W., grocer
A Week Thomas, •' A uehcnlcck "
Harrison J. W., contractor
Mitchell Mrs. J. |{„ dressmaker
Spence James police seigeant
Muir ltobeitS.
l''crnanrlez A., draper
Lawton Henry, "Camdi'ii cottage"
Houghton Jamca, " Highbury cot
Kemp John, fruiterer
Hickard Arthur, " Kanimbla"
Fernandez A., watchmaker mid jeweltage "
Forbes llobcrt, "Suva"
Hood streil
Moss Itev. J. (BiiptiBf), Wavcrley colThorium I)., draper
Williams Miss " Anglcscavilla''
Howard '1'., provision shop
Caswell W. (i. P., "Tanllba"
Maguey J. 11., "Hope"
Douglas Jubn, blacksmith
Terry James sen., 'Mamhcld"
Gordon .Mis. Herbert '1'., " Uarnssic"
Wilkinson Samuel, halidrcssoI'enkivil street—Francis street—U'llrien
Smith F. Martin, C.K., •• Uanwye"
Whitbrciid C, grocer
street— Hall street
Abel Elias J„ " lianuvle "
Geo Samuel, butcher
Lnssau Edward
Marl Ms nreuw
llcale ,1. II., noWHigcnt
Patterson James
Dalloy Mrs., "Mcrton"
Conily !•'., ham and beef shop
Curlririi street—Matilda street
Lee Alfred, "Glen Itoona"
Vincent N., tailor
Sullivan Arthur
Old South Ileal road
l'arkeB T., hairdresser and tobacconist
Kirwln Patrick, poultrv farm
JiK'ono G„ fruiterer
Fletcher W.
Mansllold Mrs. M., furnituic dea'er
Wost Bido
Mnnsllcld It., estate agent
Hanmcr \V.. gardener
Apted John ('.. " Uttoxclcr"
Nancarrow and Wilcoek, boot wareIlollinson William, (Juarryinait
I'lulnw John Andcw,
" Ijitham "
Bolllnson E., dalrykccpcr
Thomas John S., ,4 Eblnna"
Stewart C. K., confectioner
Blackburn William
Siddall Archibald, "Arundel"
Sullivan It, produce lncrclnnt
Holds worth J nines, butter dealer
Biehaids Mis. Win., "Arundel"
Hartnett Mrs., groeir
Young Thomas, gardener
Hammond John, " Dunelm"
Johnson V, bootmaker
Brown John
Goldsworthy Jusiah, " Cluudville "
Nlchol A„ butcher
Molonoy E. M.
Bethel G. II.," Wviiohi"
Wood and Co., boot warehouso
Public Schoil—Miss Stanford, head
Farrclly Ignatius, "Mavvillo"
Willcock Mrs. E, draper
WnrrenS. T.." .Mullilli"
Masters J„ confectioner
Darraclough Joseph
Shcrwin Frederick J., ".locolyn"
lleichardt \V. and Co, bakers
Morcton Gilles, "Keswick"
Frunkiin 0., fruiterer
Sanders John M., " lolanthc"
Wuvorloy llooi Co.
Palmor Stroot
Winnctt Neville, " Marian "
I'addon E.
Gibbs John, J.l'. (Queensland),
Off Old South Iliad road
Caddy James, draper
" Mornington lodge "
lloyul Surrey hotel — Daniel II. Ryan
Ticink Louis, poultry farmer
Oakley W., "Oakhurat"
Bcatton It., watchmaker and jewel lor
Blnyney James, gardener
ITynn J. A., solicitor, "Glen Therry"
Lorett II. J., tobacconist
Stewart A. 1'., "San Homo"
Moreombe Juhn, newsagent
English .Scottish and Australian It ink
(Ltd.)—Donald McDonald, manager
llondi road to llirrell street
Pino A v o n u o
Coirper street
Dyson G. and Co, house and land
Wahlberg Ernost, assistant Parlia- Old South Iliad roal to Wucerley siieet
Hull Mrs. 8. F.
Edwards C, A., .1.1'., physician nnd
Greig J. M.i " Theodosia"
6iirgcon, "Taunton Dene"
Portor Stroot
Martin J. F., C.E., "Donomark "
Watson Jntnes, " Islcornsay '
flotanii to Coir/ier street
Schrneder S. II., surgeon, " RavensSoap and Candle Works—W. J. Allenwood"
Johnston George, •' Daphne"
Schrneder W, 1)., "Hnvcnsn'ood"
P a u l S t r o o t ( B o n d i ) - E a s t Bido
Lcnry-J. 0., ".Myrtle"
Kcrlc Walter, nillway contraotor,
Summorilcld Mrs., " Ivanhoe1'
Old South Head road to Allen street
Summrrjicld terrace—
Woodstock s'reet
Tugh Edwaid," Hichniond villa
4 Lucas George, broker
Cohen Victor," Ben Eden "
Dunn C, " Wimbledon "
3 Steele Hichard
Wanrleti street
McElroy Mrs. C, "Chester"
Marshall James J.. " East Court"
2 Witt John Blanch
The Sisters of the Church (C.E.)
Mitchell Frank, •' Abcrcorn"
1 Finlay Mrs. J.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 185 Qeorge-Bt. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
West side
Johnston L. 0., painter
Rose Stroot (Bondl)
/,'rnm to l.ucas street
Prospoot Stroot—East sldo
Russell Stroot
Leichhardt street to Victoria street
Off Military road. North Bondi
W e s t sido
Burnett 11.
Adams F. L.
Such R. P.
Viokory Mrs. Joseph
Victoria street
Rattray Stroot
Off Kbley street
Mullancy James J.
R o a d Stroot—South sldo
Off Dickson street
Harkin Andrew, grocer
Hanrahan John
Lapthorno W. 11., painter
Humphreys C. E.
Lcltch Miss E.
Hall J. T.
Shlno Patrick
O'C'onnell J.
O'Brien P.
Michelson E., fruiterer
Glceson Martin
Martin T. H.
Mclnorney John
Bourdon Frederick
Bcnnott Edward
Itonano J, J., clerkClarke W., plumber
Kolscy J. 0., plumber
Frees Henry, carpentorand jolnor
Strain Thomas
Iteid J. M., baker
North sldo
Dcakin H., com. traveller
Henderson W.
Tlcrnoy M.
Beazley James
Loncrgan John
Bcrryman John
r.yons W.
O'Urlcn Varlln
F'rench George
Ashbury G. E.
Kind Arthur
Norton W. G.
Sawdy William
Bailey Edward, platelayer
May Frederick
Hoaro W.
Johnson T. H., builder
R e a o r v o (Tho)—Bondl
Off Bondi beach
Heinz Mrs. L., "Scavicw"
T ^
Sophia Stroot
Matilda lo Curletcis street
Mitchell Wm. J.
Bnmllcld Frederick, compositor
Spring Stroot—North Bide
S t . T h o m a s S t r o o t — E a s t nido
Off Mcl'herson street
Worth C. T., quarryman
Watkins J. H., jun., ciuarryman
Keys W.
Hay W., (|unrryman
Taylor H. nnd Son, monumcntnl
Ross and Bowman, monumcntnl
Cemetery—James F. Martin, manager
Franklin John If.
W o s t Bido
Harry James, monumental mason
Tlppor W. C.
Kemp Thomas, monumental mason
Farkhill ltobcrt, monumental sculptor
Chesterfield parade
Flanagnn F. L, monumental mason
Arnold's monumental works (branch)
Gibb John
Fitzjanics H. M., accountant
S a l i s b u r y S t r o o t — N o r t h Bido
Carrinytnn road to Henrietta street
Howlctt A. C., J.P.," Coralio "
South side
Lcnthal Miss N. M,, private school
Eaton Russoll
Eaton Frederick
Wiles/ street—Henrietta street
Soott Stroot
A rden lo Clifton street
Doncllon James
Hill Wm. H., "Alma"
Dcrsch Henry
Cokcr Wm., " Hlnton "
Gillespie George, i|unrrynian
Glcnny T„ gardener
Bates llobcrt
Fltzpatrick .Tolin
' Simpson Stroot (Bondi)
Off Old South Head road
Bagot Thomas W.," Ethol Muir"
Nurse Albort
Johnson J.
Battlo CharlCB
Gllkos Waltor, " Rockville "
Williams John
Pynscnt Joscpli
Patterson Jvmcs
Denlmn to Coir/ier street
Wildman S.
Houghton Mrs, S. A,
Montaguu George, slgnwriter
Edwards E.
Lako Cliarlos
Galley Stephen
A'eiclantl street
Bosnian Mrs. K.
Frvcr S.
Ogilby S., blacksmith
Pinson James, van proprietor
Lovctt II. J., builder
Giles Thomas, painter
S o u t h sldo
Sullivan Philip, dalrykcopor
Gauld Samuel
Thompson II. ,l„ builder
Venn Samuel, carpenter
Siilaway vV. and Sons, boot factorv
Ncilson A. J., " Valhalla"
Rolison M. E., H.M. Ousloms, " Alnwick "
Stella terrace—
1 Rusdcn J. It.
2 Raplinol A. G A,
3 McDiarmid Mrs. II, J.
4 Brcnnan W.
5 Cnrr John •
0 Evans W. W.
Duffy James
Callaghan Daniel, Curragha"
Uilkcraon J. 0.
Jacobs Harry, "flllglo"
Jolls Thomas, "Horol Mount"
tfttrland street
Victoria terrace—
S Churchill Svdnej
i Whlto Francis
•3 Ambroso Joseph E,
2 Williams James
1 Carter W., master mariner
Camellia villus—
2 Jinklns A.
] Muldoon Jniii-s, duliykeeper
Young .la ecs, pl>»tcrcr
Hnrtley William, drny proprietor
Piggott William, van proprietor
Berry ('., eoaehinan, " Woodblno "
Norrio Ii„ com. traveller
Maloncy II.
Ooirjier street
Tamarama Stroot
Off llirrell street
Brandon W. II., " Tho Lees "
McQuinn John, commercial broker
Mooro Rev. E. (Cong.), Secretary City
Burns William
R o b o r t S t r o o t (North B o n d i )
Sir Thomas Mitoholl Road(Bondi)
Off llondi roiid
Kirk Robert N., " Homestead"
Rosooo Street (Bondl)
Kirk Mrs. It., " Homestead"
Sophia street to beach
O'Brien Francis, sen., " Homestead "
Hastings Thomas, builder and conEnsby M. D.
Bondi Baths—Philip Farmer, Icssco
Taylor's Lano
ChurelUo Coirpcr street
St. Clare's flv.) Girls' School—Sistor
.Marie AiWuny Water, principal
Leslie .lames
Gallagher Charles
WOOL &COMPAHY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney
Hartshorn Godfrey
T h o Orosoont—North sido
Loguo Mrs.
Old fioulli Head road to I'atil street
Kennedy Very Rev. Father, O.S.F.,
llondi road
"Tho Frinry "
MoNnughton John, "Hazcldcan"
Mullan Rev. A. S., O.S.F., "Tho Friary"
Fuller F„ "Wlllawong"
Rev. G. P.,O.S.F., "TheFriary"
Soarson Michael, inspector of nulWilliams Horace F., " Cineraria "
Clifton terrace—
J.icobson George," Hawthorn '
2 Tanner S. J.
Lcnlhall Roland," St. Albans "
3 Qulglcy A.
Sidawny W.. ]un, " Kirkconncl"
Marshall Thomas,8ollcltor, "Roskille"
Czorwonkn II. F. L., C.K., architect
S o u t h sido
I'rosptcl street—Henrietta street
Gowing Preston It.," Cranloy"
GilkeB 0. W.," Orescent villa r '
PykoA. II., "Ivlnkora"
Vlolot Stroot
Bondl road
Jackson H., "Ascot"
Off Jiraits street
Kenny Martin
Hellion Jabez, builder
I'aul street
T h o m a s Stroot (Bondl)
'Hamilton A.," Hazcldcan"
Trafalgar Stroot
Off St. Thomas street
Varna Lano
Off Fern itreet
Mutton James, horsctraincr
Broughton Rlchird, dairyman
V i c t o r i a Stroot—North sldo
Henry to Henrietta street
Husband William, dray proprietor
EUtabetli terrace—
0 Troanor .Ininos
6 Jordan W. 0., printer
i Neaglo Frederick
Orano John
Franklin Thomas
Llhow John
Coicper street—Carrington road
Church — Kov.
•Charing terrace—
2 Ferguson D.
3 Allaire A„ dentist
4 Bond F.
Campbell street
Victoria ttrraee—
Cathcr A.
Mnhor Matthew
•Louisa terrace—
2 Larbalcstler Philip
3 Fouracro Thomas
i Hull A. W.
5 Itcdmond .Tamos, carpenter
0 Hill James
Edwards W. J., bank inspootor,
" Dalrye "
Wiley street
Tannor John, " Chepstow "
Chlvers E.," Victoria cottngo "
Gordon J., "Dankfoot"
Wilson 11. J., H.M. Customs
Henrietta street
South sldo
Lusty Frederick
Smith E.
Russell Patrick
Kdmund street
Ross S., blacksmith
Carrington road—Uldihardt street
Virgil Stroot
Off Macpherson street
Wilson Gcorgo I... " Illnswood "
Milling John, commercial traveller
McCornmck V. I)„ " Clyde hank "
E a s t sido
Stephens E„ " Klnnoul"
Wallaoo Stroot
Off Albion street
l'carco W.
Thomas Charles
Nihlll John
Jones Percy " Soa Vlow "
McCrac John
W a t s o n S t r o o t — E a s t sldo
llondi rottd to Hirrell street
Greaves S.
Warburton John
Hooper Edwin, tailor, "Lanark"
Lundrlgan John
Hungorford Miss L.," Florcncovillc "
Smith Mrs. 11.
Colo I. J. J., stovcfltter
Hlcakley Gcorgo, carpenter
W e s t sldo
Stacoy Edward
Hradshaw Siunucl, painter
Drewno A. G. R., van proprietor
Loguo John
Dobson Sydnov
Cormaek W., *"* Tara"
Perry Mrs. I., " Kooroon "
Hayne8 Walter, "Tricotrln"
Wood J. J., contractor, " Tricotrln "
Cummfngs Mrs. S., " Pearl cottago"
Mclntyre Mrs. M., " Pansy"
Itocho Michael, constnblo
llennoy Hcnjamln, "Rosecottago"
Roberts Evan, " Ethel cottago "
Phillips J., " Priory cottago"
Cook Alexander, collector
Wavorloy Road
(See Old South Head road and Oxford
street, Waverley)
Waverloy Stroot
Old South Head road to llondi road
Tho Waverley Rowling and Recreation Club Co., Ltd.—A. Horrocks,
Oram W., "Hill View"
Tijou F., "LncoTille"
Rowling Mrs. Robert, "Milford"
Hutchinson Frank, "Milford"
Douglas J.," Abbot's hall'
Carey street
Farmer Henry, '* Como "
Davis Joseph C. E., "Alma"
MacCormack Miss M., " Ashton "
Lay ton G. E., " Eton"
Playoust J., woolbuyer," Ycrrambah "
Goddard A. C, "Cyrcno"
Welman W. A., grazier, " Xotrln "
Spurway James," Hchowcll"
Vardy William L, solicitor, " Harbury "
Hewlett Charles E., Hatonga "
Donovan William C, "Shcnloy "
llotany street
llcnshnw Gcorgo W„ " Hnsllngden"
S t r o o t (Bondl)—EaBt
llondi road to O'Brien street
Weslevan •Church
Campbell Frederick, schoolmaster
Public School—1". Campbell, head.
Hayman Mrs. F. A.
Dartlctt t'r. F.
Small F. IL, civil englneor, "Benvenuti"
Gouldcr Sirs. F.
Edward street—0'Brlen street
William (lato Liverpool;
Off South Head road
Rollinson G.
Clarke Bonus
Bourke Thomas
Rich William
Williams Benjamin
Woodstock Lano
Off Paul street
Mulr Mrs. M.
Morgan R. M.
Gregory F.
Woodstook Stroot—North sido
Paul to Flood street
Andrews Mrs. E„ " Longslght"
Goldio (.!, 0. D., " Stcnhurst"
Flood W. T. CI., " Berthaville"
Howcroft R. E., grocer
Hawo ,1., constable. "Belford"
Brcndemllhl W., "Kent"
Bindon R.
Cumpboll .lames
Mnrott Mrs. E.
Pickup John
Booth Walter
Spalding Samuel
Souter David H., artist," Halkirk"
Shcarston Arthur
S o u t h sido
Leslie Thomas, carpenter
TomingA. J., "Salkcld"
Gauld Sydney
Booth Ernest
Coghill Chnrlcs, builder, " Oram "
W o s t sido
Tlcrnan Richard
King Henry, photographer
Do Llssa M., " Searbn "
h'dtrard street—O'llrien street
( I n o o r p o r a t o d N o v o m b o r 22nd, 1805.)
BOUNDED on the south by North Sydney j on tho west by
the centre of Gordon Road anil Mowbray Road west anil
Lano Covo River; on the north by Bluo Gum Creek and
tho parish of Gordon to Middle Harbour; on tho cast by
the main arm of Sugar Loaf Bny, Sailor's Bay, Long Bay
ami Miilillo Harbour to North Syducy nt Gordon Road la
Berry Estate.
Area—About 9 square mlloii
Assessed valuo—£15,711
Number of ratepayers—1,210
Miles of streets—61
Estimated number of dwellings—700
Population—about 3,000
Council Chambers—Mowbray road.
Council meets tho first and third Monday in every month,
Ofllco hours : 10 n.m to 1 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesday s, and Fridnys ; 7 to 0 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays.
W i l o y Stroot—East sido
Victoria to Salisbury road
Brand Mrs. S. 8„ " (ilon Maud "
Woollard O. S„ "Clnntilow"
Anderson A. W., architeot, "Violet,
Cavos John
Kcrlo A. B., contractor," Bronscombo"
McMnnis A., teacher piano
Kent terrace—
1 Harrington P.
2 Donohoo James
3 Uourke John
Howes Mrs. M. L„ " Bayment"
McGuigan Loughlin, " Tempo "
Meredith John P., " Danesford"
Robertson William, "Eatonford"
Proctor John, gardener
"Wost nido
O'Connor Jnmcs
Corbctt Caleb," Rcmuera"
Brogan Francis," Almyra "
Yates W. H., J.P., " Brookneld "
Hicks Mrs. D. S., "Eurobah"
Bracowcll Frcdcrlek H., pianoforte
Harris L., jeweller, " Opal villa "
Stocklni Lewis, stonomassn
Steele —
Battye E.
Thomas Louis, artist
Rochester J. J., contractor
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Emtalmers, 185 Qeorge-st. West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
Holrert II. Gordon
Middle Harbor Ward :
Chatsieood Ward :
Robert Small
Howard Flomlng
Thomas T, Forsyth
Robert II. Gordon
George Bailey
Clnudo Loplastrler
Xaremburn Ward:
Edward Lancclay
Samuel Butcher
Frederick Willis
Adolphus Stroot
Off Slade street
Parker T. D., " Ferolclgh "
Cardcn Edward, senior
Murray Mrs. E.
Wall John, carpenter
JewlsB John
E. Forsyth
D. R. Evans
D. R. Evnns
Horno W. If., builder
Boyd Thomas
Minchcn Edward W.
Ringdahl A., " Oswego"
Aloxandor Stroot
St. Leonards station
Bennett Mrs., gntekocper
Albany Street
Off Willoughby road
Akors John
Morcau Samuel
Field Mrs. Margaret
Senior Mrs.
Whalley Gcorgo
Townsond Albort
Alloyno Stroot
Off Smith street
Johnson Joseph, " Rocklcc'
Bibby John
Hinkloy Alfred
Johnson S., "Maralln"
Owen Edward, tanner
Albert Avenno (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Cayzer Edward
Curry H., fencor
Alpha T iad
Moicbrau to Sail . 4 Bay road
Ward William, plumber
Shield Rippon
Bright Chnrlcs, grccngrocor
Jenkins Henry
Howard Mrs. Mnrla
Connors Wlllinm
A n d e r s o n Stroot
Off Victoria avenue
Roman Catholic Comctory
Bcgnrct Edward
Farnbam Wra.," Wyanata "
A n t h o n y Stroot
Harnett street to Moicbrau road
Arohor Stroot
Mowbray road to William street
Woodruff M., flro loss adjuster
Lundln W. 11., nngravor
Balchln Arthur, " llromloy "
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Emualmers, 76 Walker St., North Sydney. Tel. 9 N.S.
Archer street continued—
Morrison Peter, "Murthly"
Wmto Geo. 8., "Cairnlclth "
Cuthborton W. N., " Eurabah
Dawes E. G., solicitor
Sellors Richard
Solomon Clnude
"Our Lady of DolotirB"School nnd
Church (II.C.)
Busholl Albert, engineer
Shelley George
Cliatswood Brick Works—Charles
Bowcn, proprietor
Ryan Walter, storekeeper
Jelly James
A r m s t r o n g Stroot
Off Willoughby road
Young D. W.
Miller Mrs. Ann
ABbloy Stroot
Off Gordon road
Ebsworth Alfred, surveyor
Browne If. A., " Vcntnor "
Urookc II. N.
Hawley G. R., " Aulcreruhe "
Hiiwley A, O.
Norrie Thos. N., "Mlzpah"
Phillips Ernest, "Kavaln"
Melklo D.
A t c h i s o n Stroot
Off Willoiighby road
Butcher Samuel
Grundy Thomas
Blomgren Theodore
Blomgren Bernard
Keating Hichard (I.
Glisson Gcorgo
Dove Adam, bricklayer
Benlo Alfied, chemist
Brittliff John, "8kinford"
Seldon Miss
Norton John J.
ltock Thomas
llrooko Wm.
Nash George, carpenter
Taylor It. II. O., "Minnynldo"
Grcethcd W., "Addwillo"
ltobinson Edward
Anderson Walter W., '• Alrton'
Adamson llichnrd
Myers (ico., tailor
ABkliam John
Gosper Kphraim
Quick II. K.
Banco llichnrd
Bonoonsflold Road
Off Moicbray road icest
Jenkins Thomas
B o r l a l s o Stroot
Off Willoiighby road
Grcslcy Porcv
Littlo Hugh
Walker ThomaB
Wnlker Mrs. M.
Svcndsen Chas.
Brook Stroot (now oallod Wilson
Brown Streot (Ohatswood)
Off' Gordon road
Cliatswood Hall
Bryson Stroot
Off Gordon road
Wilkie Wm.
Oarlotta Stroot
Off Gordon itrect
Albrccht A., dalrykccper
Oontonnial Avonuo (Ohatswoocl)
Off Gordon road
Jenkins W. J. H., .T.P.," Keirnwarra "
Lamb J. de V.," Marroombah "
Noble Alexander, school teacher
f.'astlcdcn F. (!., architect
Dawson W. 1'., " Eloucra"
Cnrr T, Wm., agent A.M.I'. Society
C o n t r a l Stroot
Off Willoiighby to Garland road
Kolnosky Martin, herbalist
Watcrhouso Henry, contractor
Madden John J.
Waugh John, " Woodlclga"
Abbott Wm., " Rosclelgh "
Gurney Edwd., " Arcadia"
Church Streot
J'enihurst to Sydney street
Daisy Street
Off Anderson street
Dalton Stroot (Chats wood)
Off Victoria aeenue
Shepherd Jas., fuol merchant
Orawley W., plumber
Dalloy's Road
Off Willoughby road
Anderson Charles, dairyman
Bcreyno James
McCrcg M.
Walton T. C.
I'emhurst street
Edmund Street
Off Victoria arena*
Tyson William " TJlvcrston"
P l n d l a y Avenue (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Alison Miss C„ " HrnnkBome"
Manning Heginnld K.
Scott Ernest A., architect, "Biornh "
Smith A. E. C, " The Cottage "
Forsyth Streot
Off I'enshurst street
Forsyth W. II., " Willoiighby "
Forsyth Thomas, j un., " Fcnzanoe "
Lester Samuel
F r e d o r l o k S t r e o t (Gore H i l l ;
Off Itesene road
Mnchin Joseph
Wnltham street
Forbes William
Herbert street
Grady John
Davis Stroot (Ohatswood)
Chandos Stroot
Off Willoiighby road
Palmer W. II.
Vincent T.
Butciirr It.
Welsh John
St. Ignatius' School
McGarrick Augustus, engineer
Whito W.
Trice W.
Smith David, printer
Wilson Mrs. A.
Ohiltorn Road
French's to Moicbray road
Holland .lames II.
Clark William
Kwington Gcorgo
Smnirl W. 0.
Cochrane George, bee farmor
Barllctt E.
Ackling .lames
lino William, butcher
Springctt Jas.
Olanwilllam Stroot
I'enshurst to Sydney street
Walker Moses, " Io»a"
Lutherborrow Wm.
Pincombo Iter. II. W. T. (Wes.)
Cameron Allan, " Fcrnvillc "
Parish John E., baker
Butler William
Bell James
Bugden Albert
Hognn Mrs. M.
Nnpthall Arthur
lludolpb Win., carpenter
off Fuller's road
D a w s o n Stroot
Holdsworth It.
Smith C, dealer
Taylor A.
Dawson (.'has. II.
Sharp Charles, poultry farmer
Nicholson Thomas, builder
Mooro Edward
Dawson Honry
Day Stroot (Ohatswood)
Off' Gordon road
Bruce Mrs. W., privato school
W'carnu J. II.
Gcddes Mrs., " Ulenrock "
Dovonshlro Road (Ohatswood)
Off ifoirbray road
Hyde Arthur Wallace, "Mllford"
Gibson FrankAtkins Alfred It., agent
Peebles Capt.
Donnelly Road
Willoiighby road to Wilton street
Donnelly Patriok, gardener
Willoiighby to Alpha road
Prentiss W. P.
Barrett Alfred W., artist
Norton W.
Chiltern road
Fogolln Charles, bricklayer
Marlborough road—High street
Wnldron Edward, poultry farmer
Andrew J., " Jessiclea "
Alpha road
S o u t h sldo
Ilenyon H., grocer
Tlbboy Mrs. E. 11.
Salisbury street—Marlborough street
Ackling Thomas, storekeeper
Clough James
High street
Stuart Henry, senr., house and lnnd
• agent
Alpha road
Fuller's Road (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Fuller llobcrt
McLean Duncan
Hawkins J,, greengrocer
Higgins W., "Erindalc"
Andriu Hans Carl, dairyman
Fuller Thomas, fruitgrower
McKcnna II. G.
Jenkins Mrs. Thomas, fruitgrower
Baton Stroot
Off High lireet
Archibald 0., " Avoca "
Quirk rhillip, bricklayer
Ohrlstlo Street
(iff Gordon road (SI. Leonards)
Whinfield John, photographer
Poulton James, "Fernlelgb."
Frenoh's Road—North sldo
Eddy Road
Off Gordon road
White M., dairykekper
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 78 Walker St., North Sydney.
Tel. 9 N.S.
Garland Road
Off Willoiighby road
Garland W. It.
PnrkeB Frederick, herbalist
Hnynes Joseph
Wheate Wm.
Chantlcr Wm.
Glbbos S t r e e t
Off Smith street
Union tannery—Edward Owen
Johnson llros., tnnnors
Johnson Henry
Bailey George, tannery
Scott Thomas, tannery
G o o d o h a p Stroot ( O h a t s w o o d )
Off Kddy road
Freeman H. (I.
Dalrymplo Uay It. T.
G o r d o n R o a d — E a s t sldo
North Sydney to Gordon
Lambert P., coachbuilder
Morcau Samuel, wheelwright
Falrlamb Francis, " Ho oville"
Kusscll Hy. J., " I.illington "
Eglcton Wm.," llurmduo"
Hopkins E. J., " Lulingworth "
Bruce ltcv. Dr. (Presbyterian)
Willis F. S., "Omapore"
Brown Robert 0 .
St. Leonards Hallway Station—Frodk.
Willis, stntionmnstcr
llestrve road
Hobson James, journalist
Gore Hill Cemetery—J. Konnedy,
Whiting Geo. It., " Ynletto "
Atkinson W. T., storekeeper
Brndloy M., dairyuian
Green Richard A. W.
Howarth Geo., M.L.A.
Potts Arthur
Moicbray road
Gordon road (Chatsicood)
Bryson Mrs. M. A.
Osborne George, grocer
llrymn street
Multoii II., newsagent .
Fugill Harry C, ironmonger
Potts Arthur
Dolun Patrick, veterinary surgeon
Watson Thomas," Woybridgc''
Centennial avenue
Showln Alfred, M.D., " Xniowing"
Chotswood l'ublio School—Alexander
Noble, toachor
Fuller Mrs. Knto
Loekyor Frederick, plumber and gaslitter
Fuller road
Horner Charles, storekeeper
Whito Frederick
William street
Grovlllo S t r o o t ( O h a t s w o o d )
Off' Fuller'! road
Grovillc II. J., commissioner for aftidavits
Parsonage Grililths, "Guyra"
MundvW. J.,l„ "Kudot"
Hanovor Stroot
(///' Gordon road
Wilson 'I'. 'J., surveyor
Harnett Stroot
'(// Johnson street
Kncovcs Thomas
Orphan.igo of Mercv—Sisters of the
Church (0. of E.)
Harris Stroot
Off' Willoiighby road
Canuichncl David, blacksmith
Ward Francis
Mo.Mahon John
llnntcn Thomas
Morris John
Holp S t r o o t ( O h a t s w o o d )
Off' Gordon road
Howard John
Parks E. J., "Mona"
Brown Mis. L., "Honda"
Price John J„ storekeeper
lllyth l'ctcr, slater
Farrell Thomas
Sclwood Walter, plumber
Salaninn ('., gardener
Radford J. S., produco merchant
Grlmmond William, grocer
Murphy D„ storekeeper
Thomas street
Barrett L. I)., produci mnrchanl
Aldtcy John, builder
Chutticood Itoyal Family hotel—W. G.
Victoria ai-nue
Holroyd K., coachbuilder
Fuller's road
Stuart W. II., " Mcrrimu"
Uay street
Bovis II. A.
Hlicchan Denis
Cohen 11. J.
Atkinson John, carpenter
Ashley street
Horbort S t r o o t (Goro Hill)
off Ileserre road
Avory Win.
Doll Robert
Whito Alexander
Stephenson Thomas
Lusty Thomas
Hoskins Arthur, sign writer
Lalferty Frederick
Tritton Goorgo Percy
Gilbert George
Harbor E. A.
.Monk Jamos
Wilson's brick nnd tile works
Tlmbrell Gcoige
Laucclcy K. It.
Mason M.
W o s t sido ( O h a t s w o o d )
Great northern hotel—Samuel II.
Sehlytcr George
Forbes Frederick, carpenter
Hammond John, butcher
Moriarty road
Horculon S t r o o t
Moicbray road to Victoria uremic
King Mrs. Jane, laundress
Armstrong I). II.
Dovst Arthur L., florist
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 76 Walker St., North Sydney.
Tel. 9 U.S.
H i g h S t r o o t — E a s t sldo
French'/ roail to Smith tired
Atllston ThomnB
Mnrtin Roboit
Dobaon W. T., bootmaker
Pound Samuel, tnnnor
Hodges J.
Ashdown Mrs. E., laundress
Aitken Edward
Temple Edwin, contractor
itottbray roail
Ilroomlmm J. J.
Iludnick John, dairyman
Croft llonry W.
Forsyth W. F.
Kcnucnlly John
Montgomery Jnmos
Jorsyth Robert, tanner, "Tyncsldo"
Leo John
Ilroomlmm Qcorgo
Bmith Edward
Inncs Mntthow
Forsyth J. and Sons, tnnnors
Forsyth Thomas T., J. P., tanner,
itcLelland street
Rold Jlrs. K.
Hinkloy Frank
Forsyth James B.
Bailey James, enrncntor
Cunningham William, tannery
Williams Jesse
Ilinklcy Edward J.
W e s t sido
Small Robert, J.P., "Ovordale"
Lee Charles
Ranuard Edwin, sen.
lUnunrd Edwin jun,, "Iloronia"
Dale Ernest
Hawkcslcy flcorgc, newsagent
Xncovos ]f.
Cather Alexundor
Howard Walter
Yates U., "May cottage"
Dahlquist I.awrenco
Laurel street
Gates Thomas W., " Oakvlllc "
Oakvllte street
Martin Wm.
Jaquos Stroot
Off Victoria avenue
Mnslimon Charles
Johnson Stroot
Off Sydney street
Mitchell Thomas
Loveday Rlehard
Yates Amos, carter •
Freeman John, builder
llurchctt E. F„ architect
Julian Stroot
Off Willoughby roail
Johnson Phillip
King Stroot
Market street to Borland road
Dourko James, carpontcr
Lano Oovo Road (soo Gordon
Laurol Street
Penshurst street to High street
Woolland Isaac, painter
Whitman James
Foltori 1'., ironmonger
Forsyth James, " St. Elmo"
Henry Edward, " Woodbine"
Horner William, bricklayer
Hill Thomas, gardener
Middlcmiss Mrs. Mary E.
Bowen Charles
Williams Thomas It., constable
Noa Street (Ohatswood)
Off Orchard road
Whitburn Augustus "Cathrow"
James William, carter
Weir Cochrane, carpenter
Cates 0. A., printer
Mowbray Road—North sido
MoLelland Street
(///' High itreel
Broomham Charles, bee farmer
Campbell Robert
Talno Edward
Holland Charles
Maoquario Stroot
Albert street to Victoria avenue
William street
Crick Henry
M a r k o t S t r e e t — S o u t h sldo
Off Garland road
Taylor (I. K, storekeeper
Carden D., builder
Worboys Charles
Moorchotiso CI. If.
Wear B., plasterer
Graham Mrs. M. A., general storo
Clapham 8., printer
Stephenson John T.
Ward James II.
Bradley Hugh M.
Dutch Charles, blacksmith
Concn Joseph
Taylor J.
N o r t h sldo
Bayloy Henry, carpenter
Taylor George, bricklayer
St. Joseph's Il.C. school
Church of England—ltov. D. Murphy
M a r l b o r o u g h Road—West sldo
Moirbrap road to French's road
Barnes Mrs. M.
Barnes William, stonemuson
Mills Ernest, carpenter
Podmorc David, gardener
French's road
Montgomery (loorgo " Rockloigb."
E a s t side
French's road
Power Jnmos, dairyman
iloubray road
Corr Robert W.
Gates Charles, dairyman
Marlborough Stroot
Off Gordon road
Sanger Samuel
Callaghan 1*.
Moriarty Road (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Hammond Joseph
Lcplastrier Louis, "Linton"
Lindon Charles, carpenter
Tumor Frederick J„ potior
Jones Robert, fcttlor
Alpha road to Gordon road
Gilchrist Alexander, school teacher
Public School—Alexander Gilchrist,
Ilalnsworth George
Bursill Miss, " Ealing"
Sydney street
Muston William
St. Stephen's Church—Rev. D.Murphy
• (O.ofE.;
Murphy Kev. 1)., " The Parsonage"
Holland F. II., farmer
Holland Mrs., boardinghousu
Kncaves Mrs. L.
Yon Arnhcim F'rcdcrick T., surveror
Rhoadcs Frederick, "Hnddon"
Whiteley 8., consulting engineer
Robinson Augustus F., " Yamula "
Anderson James
James William, carter
Von Uerghcim Fniulcln J., "Pcnzanoo"
Orchard road
Willoughby Council Ohnmbors—EForsyth, council clerk
S o u t h sido
Chambers A., teacher of music
Uahn W. II., printer
High street
Horsloy John
Lcnthsll Claude, engineer
Gulliver John, " Glcnwood"
Chiltern road—Willoughby road—Pinshurst street
Allorton Mrs. Agnes
Abbott James
Jackson F. W., manager U.S.S. Co. of
Boyle John
Marchaut Samuel T., bookseller,
" Carmen"
Smith Patrick
Ohatsworth Waterworks—G. Smith,
Mowbray Road East
From High street to Sugarloof point
Whlto George, tanner
Cochrano Mrs. A. E.
Picrso P.
Mowbray Road "West
From Gordon road (Chatstcood) to Lane Cote
CurvossaOiptain D. B., "Grllgola"
Gadcn T. Burton
Cook William
Helms Vrauk
Green Charles
Nowell John'
Bellman A.
Chicago Cornflour and Starch Mills
(Clifford, Lovo and Co.)—P. 0.
Miller, manager
Brown Ernctf L.
Moloney Edwnrd
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 76 Walker St., tforth Sydney. Tel. 9 U.S.
Nolson Stroet (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Eldridgo David, dairyman
Wood vine Joseph
Noridah Stroot (Ohatswood)
Moubray road to Victoria avenue
Thorn A. W. E.
Mnophcrsoii Herbert
Green James
Princo John
Nicholson Stroot
Off A rcher struct
James George
Oakvillo S t r o o t
Venshuril road to Iliijh street
Bryson Gregory, carpenter
Crichton G.
Jolly Joseph
Lcafe George
Wation R.
Holrojd Ernest
Hunt George
Slnglo John, " Peel cottage"
Oliver Stroot (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
l'nrrcll James
i'itzilmmons Pntrick
Orohard Road (Ohatswood;
Moubray road to Victoria arenue
Janes George, carter
Miller John, "Cambrldgo"
Millar Peter
Cane A. E.
Foran .Mrs. M.
Dew Emanuel
Dew William
Iletts Wm., carter
Albert avenue
Orloan S t r e e t
Off Victoria avenue
Oxley Stroot
Off Gordon road
Halstcad Thomas
Bruco William
Adams George, carpenter
Nusi George, carrier
Pendoy Street
Off Sailor's Bay road
Penkivil Street
Off Willoughbg road
Gilchrist Rev. Dr. A.
P o n s h u r s t S t r o o t — E a s t sldo
William toWilloughby road
Held John," Penshursl"
Boldry Samuel
Willoughbv Assembly Hall
MncMuhou Patrick, J.P., "Fir Grovo'
MncMabon Michael
Horslcy W., dairyman
norsley Richard, gardener
Donnelly Mrs. 1.., laundress
Nlcholls Saunders ]•'., journalist
Kcaly J. L.
Martin Joseph, fruitgrower
ltispeu John
Aldridgc Mark
iMurel strert
Grifllth Joseph, " Laurel bank "
Otikville road
Potts John, bootmaker
Ouiincon P. and .1., butchers
Holroyd Ernest, blacksmith
Lcafe ICrnest, storekeeper
Mourbruy road—1'iukerton street
W e s t sldo
Victoria atemic—Sydney street
Mashmau Henry
Kilby W. II., piano tuner
Congregational Church
Clamcttliam street
Burns Jns. J.
Banks P., draper
Wcslcyan Hall
Forsyth street
Wilson Edwin, storekeeper
McClelland Mrs. J.
Peat John
Woolland Walter, fruitgrower
Pollard William, gardener
Lcafe John, 'litis proprietor
Campbell John
Iliiggctt David
Wclili Thomas IV, Ijootinuker
Willoughliy Post nnil Telegraph Ofllco
—Mrs. Kuril, postmistress
Slatclray road
Truvitt Edwin, blacksmith •
Julian street
Watson W. J., fuel merchant
Railway Stroot (Ohatswood)
Off Victoria arenue
Price James
Buchanan, T. H, " Kinnonl"
Parker Williani, •• Henley"
Cousins James
Beyers Miss, ltosebank school
Ha/.lewood I)., " Yanlla"
Robinson Stroot
Off Victoria avenue
Day W. J., carter
Ryan Stroot
Off Willoughby road
Sailor's B a y Road
Off Willoughby road
Cluftou Joseph Berry, painter
Ridley G. W, pnintor
Clow W., dairyman
Twomlow W., dentist
Harvey J.
Soywoll Stroot
Off iloirbray road
McCleo Andrew, " llalgny "
Malviu Peter
Dlnkcnioie Thos. S., gunsmilli
Bennett J.
Young Miss A. E., " Warwick"
Fitzhardingo A.G., "Carga"
Soptimus Stroot
Off Victoria avenue
Day George, potter
Stanley Stroot
Off Jfanittt street
Bartlctt Frank
Salisbury Stroot—East sido
Off French's roail
Montgomery James
Rcld John, stonemason
Wost s i d o
Poake James
Campbell John, dairyman
Warinnn Henry P., painter
Mncnttu G. V., surveyor
Montgotnory Mrs, Harriott
Bryson William
Parish Mrs. Jaae
French'! road
Off Gordon road
Frederick street
Taylor A. J.
Hogg Stephen
Slado S t r o o t
Willoughby road to Wilson street
Radford Henry
Evans Charles
Adalphus street
Cross Mrs. E.
Glbbs .Mrs. J. E.
Swycre Win., painter
W e s t sldo
Toomey W. II.
Cusnck John
Masoa John
Klrby William
Crawford J. T.
North Sydney Brick and Tile Co.—
J. B. Magnoy, II. 0. Waynton, E. R,
Lanccly, proprietors
Cook Robert
Thwaitcs Daniel
Jnrrctt licnjamln
Smith Stroot
Off end of High street
Stephenson Michael, tannery
Hinkloy George
Johnson John
Nunn John
Chaffer Walter, tannery
Bailoy George, tanner
Forsyth J. 11., tannery
Rosorvo Road—East sido (Goro
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 76 Walker St., Forth Sydney. Tel. 9 N.S.
Station Street (now called Albert avenue)
Spcarpolnt William
Smith Jumcs, tanner.
Young Oscar L.
Viotoria Avenuo—South sido
Off Gordon road
. Withy Alfred Ernest
Leplastrier Claude, "Kewbury " '
OlceTC Thomns, nrtlst
Tldswoll Thomas, architect
White Walter D„ "Nnrarn"
Lilja L. 0., " Nornmnhurst"
Street 5frs. J. X., " Nowtimbor "
Gordon road to High street
Whitlock W. L., dentist, "Collaeott"
West Street
Webster A. J., chemist, " Conarn "
Off Marti itrcet
Bennett Joseph, hairdresser
Donnelly H.
H»ltorman Mrs. H., " Hoblcn "
Mooro Edward
Blizzard and Co., estate agents
Lloyd Mrs. M„ boarding bouse
ChatBWOod Hallway Station—G. W.
Whitton Road (Ohatswood)
Stead, stntlonmastcr
Giblin N. F., official assignee
Ohatswood Post Office—G. W. Stead,
Black Reginald J.
Lark F. U.
Orchard road
Willoughby Road—East side
Crabbe J. II., M.B., J.P.
Chandos street to Mowbray road
Cannings William
Dalton Hon. Thomas, M.L.U," WheatArcher street
Ohcol William, buildcf"
leigh "
Dodds A. J., solicitor, " Morrcnburn "
Lcggatt Alfred
Slade street—Garland road
Walton John
Bartlctt John
Maurer Hermann, " linden"
Cook William J., buildor
West side
Lang W. II., agent, " tllon Ayr"
Doyle John, contractor
Hercules street
Naremburn l'ublic School — John
Scully James, carter
Hyndcs, headmaster
Farley Thonus, brickmakor
street—Julian street—Penthurst
Naphthali A. W. .
Burfoot Samuel, gardener
Morris W. II.
The Viotoria Pottery— Mnshman
Cnnnon John
Jaci/ites street
Ncely John, carpenter
Mashman William
Kearney P.
Ethcrington David 0,, dairyman
Webb Henry, carponter
Johnson Philip
Pnuhurit tlreel to Mowbray road
Church street
Nichols Amos, greengrocer
Clanwlllitim street
Wilson Charles
Vogan Harold, civil engineer
Stack Edwin
Johnson Hlohard, "Ilockford"
Crick Charles, fruitgrower
Lord William 0.1'.
Radford J. S., storekeeper
Johnton street
Owen Albort, •' Sunnysldo"
Itadford Edward, painter
Ohallis George, " Florenccvlllo"
Wilson ('line, butcher
Bunion h., turncock
Irrino David, bakor
Smith Mrs. D. M., "Llnntniia"
East side
Church street
Quirk Philip, baker and storekeeper
Clanicilllam street
Lcct Robert
Loot John, gardenor
Sproules Victor
Ewington Mrs. F.
Fleming Howard, J.l\, accountant
Whitoloy Ernest A. P., " Wcstbourno'
Hallam W.
Gordon It. H., •« Mlddloton "
Kortlang Albert, " Hcdley villa"
Thomas Streot (Ohatswood)
E a s t sido
Off Gordon road
Orosso Edward M., " Minola "
Davey W S., "LeyIon"
Erans .Mrs., bonrdlnghouse
Varlcy H. H., "Homney"
N o r t h sido
Walton John, butcher
Hill Bros., storekeepers
llichards W, 0 , draper
Anderson Captain A,
Haigh M., butcher
Shadier'A., baker
Finlay J. W., sturokecpor
Carmicbacl W., tea merchant
Burchctt E. 1'., estate agent
llatliea\i street
Stephenson Thoophllus
Gooch 0. H.
Harnett Richard
Pcnfold Frederick," Dundee"
Archer street
Bnldry Mrs. M. A.
Baldry George, scn.,ianger
Baldry George, jun.
Crick Joseph
Penshurst street—High street—Orlean
W o s t side
Collins Mrs. J.
Spence S. A., plumber
Stevens A. O,
retrio F. 0„ " Corecna "
Lindsay W. 0.
Benson E. S., "Mnida Valo"
Spnnswlck Louis
Off Mowbray road
Brewer William, gardener
Worth William
Mowat Mrs. Mary A.
Tulloli S t r e e t
Off French't road
Smith William
Harder J.
Shepherd J., fuel merchant
Spearpoint John, tanner
W a l t h a m Street
Off Frederick street, Gore's hill
McKenzio John
Shea Patrick
Saul Herbert, carpenter
Saul W. J. T.
Morgan U.
Wallace Street
Warrane Road
Off Willoughby road
O'Connoll M.
Fisher Waltor, signwritor
Sutherland Road (Ohatswood)
Sydney Stroot—West side
Wharf Streot
Off Wilson street
Anderson George A.
O'Connor J. J., bootmaker
Hill Henry, dairyman
William Streot (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Dawson John, " Noswad "
Ireland W.
Fitzhardingo J. P., " Wiringulla "
Wilson Mrs. J. Howie, " Fcrncourt "
Wilson Street
Off Slade street
Young William
Thow Edwin
Tnpson John, carpenter
BOUNDRI) on the north by Port Jackson ; on the eost by
Old South Head road; on the west by Port Jackson ; on
George Dvson
Edward Thomas
JUNioit OI.KIIK—H. Qulnau
Joseph Thompson, jnn.
Edward W. Knox, J.P.
iNSl'EOTOll o\> NUISANCES—George Kills
George Morton Russell, J.P.
Bououmi EKUINKKR—J. I. Unyeroft, A.M.I.O.E.
M.L.C.. J.P.
WILLIAM LKH, Electoral Heglstrar
CllAllLKs A. VIVIAN, J.P., Registrar Births, Marriages, and Deaths.
David Davis
F. II. Quaife, M.D., J.P.
Richard Teece, J.P.
John Williamson, J.P.
Edward Heading. J.P.
Hon. W. J.Triekett,
Adelaide Stroot—East sido
Off South Head road to Edgeeliffe road
Allt and Co., Limited, Wnverlcy
Edgeeliffe road
Davidson Mrs. F. B., music teacher
Stone O. A. S., " Wyralluh"
Cooper A., "Malda'
Dunloavey J. N., •' .Moor View"
Gray W. F., " Loma"
Dubois 11. F.. " Avocn"
De Mouuccy C, '• Glcncroft"
W o s t sido
Elaine terrac •—
6 Muddlo W. S.
5 Brandon William
4 Allen John D.
1 Tnnn E. W.
Gillies J. C., " Cnmo"
Gardner W. 0., barrister, " Mnrpls"
Edgeeliffe road
McKcnzie It., grocer
A l b i o n Stroot—North side
Point Piper road to Edgeeliffe road
Jenkins Mrs., " Oriclton"
St. Joseph's Church (R.C.)—Itev.
Father Slaltcrv
Fitzgerald Itev. T. A. (RC.)
Gnvnor Rev. M. II. (R.C.1
Blnnic Richard," Eynesbury"
Wood Street
Wyvern Avenuo (Ohatswood)
Off Gordon road
Cowper Cecil
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers, 76 Walker St., North Syuney. Tel. 8 N.S.
the south by Point Pljior road, from Old South Head road
to New South Head roml anil ltusbeuttcrs' Bay
Incorporated 18GU
Number of houses—2,090
Area—about 2,222 acres
General rates—£0,600
Assessed value—£131,000
Number of electors—3,172
Council Chambers—Intersection Ocean street and Point Piper road
Hours of attendance—Moudays to Fridays Inclusive, from !) a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 2 to 4 p.m.
Saturdays, from II a.m. till 1 o'clock.
COUNCII, OliEnK—Charles A. Vivian, J.P.
MAYOll—Thomas Maguey. J.P.
Wilson Streot
Off Bay street
Lowe David, plumber
Off Davis street
Dawes II. A.
South sido
Miller D. S.,"Widrington"
AUcn J. W., barrister
Rawllnson Thomns, solicitor
Farquhar A. W.
Pratt T., accountant
Pratt Mrs. G.
Sisters of Charity Convent nud School
—Mother Rcctrcss, M. J. Chisholm
Allen Lady," Cnrndon"
Allen Herbert, solicitor," Cnrndon"
Allen Reginald, solicitor,' Cnrndon"
Dai ley Ills Honor Sir Fredorick M.
Kt., Chief Justlco, "(lunmbl"
A l t o n S t r e o t — E a s t sido
({iiren strert to Waldon lane
Kaglctou Martin
Pettier lane
Ilrcniiau Jumes, so> lor constable
llryce .Mrs. A.. "Alton house"
Smith II. L., "Merton cottage"
Smith Edwin II. N., painter
Horncman W., compositor
Hondeison J.
Pocock Joseph
PhllllpB Adoiphus
Wright MrB. K. F.
Elton James
Walsh John, carpenter
W o s t sido
Peater lane
Stack-pool Patrick, " Maryvillo"
Wright Edwin, confectioner
Cronln John
Burrows Henry, cab proprietor
Dargan Robert
Annandalo Stroot—East sido
Off Darling Point road
Simpson His Honor Judge, "Cloncotlck"
Butcher Henrv, " Dale cottage"
llaker W. J.
LcppcrAdolph "Scarboro"
West side
Purves T. P., insurance manager,
" Como"
Elllcc-l'lint A. W., " Dccrbrook"
A u s t r a l i a Stroot—South sido
Off Edgeeliffe road
Hartley James
Ralph U., cab proprietor
Sykes George
Sehlmmicld Harry
Childs Charles
Charlcsworth John, painter
Lackey Mrs. M.
Piranl Edgar
Nell William, plumber .
Cook Thomas, painter
Davis J. G.
WattB T. G.
Barnes Alfred
Ilyrnc James
Dlokson nnil Turklngton, ca-rlers
Dickson William
Kenny P., gardenerRitshle S.
Marshall Alfred
BurrowB George V.
Mclnhcs 1).
Bourdon John
Henrtshornc W. L., com. broker
Anderson John
Pilchcr L'lmr es Henry
Williams Walter, vun proprietor
N o r t h sido
l'ourro W. M„ " Ethol cottngo"
Durkan Michael
Drury W., buildor, " Lillyvllle"
Shone T. W., " Woolwich"
Alexander R. .1.," Glen Scott"
Glcavcs James," Killarnoy"
Barnlcoat II., Mayvillc"
Stone J. K., " Ethel"
KobartB Mrs. M.1U" Violet"
Mason Svdnoy," Rnckville"
Sheror A. G., "Adavillc"
WOOD & COMPMY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney r ^ v ^ ' S : " 1 ' *)
Bathurat Stroot
Eilgecldfe road to View street
Watson Jnmos," Brlghtsido"
Brown II.," Glenview"
Folyblnnk H„ " Kdgcdolo"
llyrnni Mrs. (!. F., '• Rvdalmcr"
Brucu A. E . , " Clifton"
Thompson Clinrlcs, " Ethel"
Adnms Victor A., '• Lillle"
View street
(Double Bay)—East
Marine pantile to Sew .South lleail roail
Jenkins .Ionics
Bowling Tliomns
Graham Harold .1., " Windsor"
Ilussnll —, "G.antham"
McCrnckon Miss J,, grocer
OOM street
Boycc f), G. L , " Winin cottage"
Atkins It., fuel do Icr
. .louno Mis. 15., "Turnworn"
Fowler .Miss !•'., costumicrc, "Tnlune"
Stroltles T„ butcher
Hoard Edwin A., " Calherstone"
Gllmoro J., " Hazelmero"
Griflin Tliomns," Leinstor"
Beaumont .Suinucl, orpentor
Clark .lolm, stonemason
iVc/c South Head roail
Omnibus terrace—
1 Knowlos Robert
2 Robinson T.
3 Faddy Walter
i Braid M.
8 Kelly John
Britannia Lane
Off Rush street
Tlmbrell !•'. T. II.
W e s t sldo
William street—Cross stmt
Gnlloy ltcv. Albert, U.A., "Cnradoo"
Mnnsoll II. W„ "Hill View"
Clark J.
Hartley MIBB K.
Jloyul Oak- /#«/*/—Willinm Mortimer
B e a o h S t r o o t (Double B a y )
Off milium street
Stannard Williiim, bout proprietor
Stnnmird John
Messenger Clnrlos
Dowllng Francis
Ellington E.
Flt/.Hcnry W.
Williams Frederick
Woodloy Arthur
Chester Street „,
off Kihjecllffe road
Dingle Jolin, baker, " Huston "
Wood I'., "Brooklyn"
Dowsctl Samuel li,, " Trcgulln"
Pearson A. T., " Dlink llonny "
llrown George, " Wonga "
Barker Mrs. Emma, "Hose cottage"
Duckworth Arthur, " Trcnthnni "
Turplo It., master mariner," Salcombc"
Cook's L a n o
Off Grafton street
Partridge Herbert
Chancy W. F.
Coopor S t r o o t ( D o u b l e B a y )
E a s t sldo
I.oieer Ocean street to Hay street
Davis David, builder
Bremer Frederick, " Compton "
Lambert It. T„ "Hntlleld"
Curtis Samuel, "Missouri"
King Thomas
Woylaud E.G., "Clifton"
Brawn II. F„ '• Strathlleet"
W e s t sldo
PuigoT. II., "Morven"
ltobcrlson Mrs. L. S., " Hilton"
Austin II., J.I\, "Teilara"
Cross Stroot ( D o u b l e B a y ) — N o r t h
l,o\ccr Ocean street to .Yeir Soutli Head
Dolnncy J. A., "Fulmar"
//«// street
Oats Joseph, contractor
B o l l o V u o H i l l (Rose B a y )
Phllp J. A.
Fnirfnx James lt„ "Ginnngulln"
Byrne Mrs, M.
WillianiB Colonel W. I). 0. W.," ABton"
ltodd J. T., J.P.,' Heath villa"
Fairfax C. li.. "Cartoon"
Monkhouso Krnest." Ksthervillo"
Knox Kdward, .T.I'., " ltona"
llcrryhill John," Ksthervillo"
Knox Tliomns F., J.l'., " Lourn"
Kioly Mrs. J. It., " Elsie"
Plnyoust Geo., wonlbrokor, " Trnhlce'
Houghton Mrs. J., "Woodford cotSmith William
Wonson Albert
Glnzcbrook Henry, dray proprietor
Crnige J„ van proprietor
S o u t h sldo
Goldschmidt Eric," Erowal"
Gurn yMiss, ladles'sehool,"Knmba]u"
Robinson Mrs. 'I'. C.
Davlcs It. M., " Herca"
Wntson Cnptnin J. II.," Corio"
Abbott F„ " Hcathcoto"
B o w d o n Stroot—North sldo
Locko Frank, " Musn"
Off Dorhauer street
Ruckcr Miss, " Erith"
Forstor G. A., organ builder
Hubbard William," Sparta"
Smith Mrs. S.
Olarko George," Lcsbia"
Gardner Mrs. George, "Apsloy"
Ainslow Mrs.
Browno John W.
S o u t h sldo
Glnzcbrook W., greengrocer
Son! John, "Carlo"
Glazcbrook Thomas, gardener
MoElvcny James G.
BttBtin Henry, " Mlnto "
Goldring M.," Ilrierloy"
Solomon A. JI.," Uerwin"
Solomon A. U., " Dcrwln"
Hay street
Day Mrs. W., "Melrose"
Richardson W., "Caloola"
McLoughlln Mrs. II,
Sunimerbcllo Percy," Nocln"
Darling Point Road (Darling
P o i n t ) — E a s t sido
A'eir Soutli Head road to Darling Point
Quarry Mrs. II., " ltnnelagh"
Gibbcs E. G. N., " Itnnolngh"
Watson Hon. James, M.L.C., J.l'.,
Kciumioltcv. Canon T.,"ThoVic;itngc"
Livorsidgo Professor Archibald, Sydney University, " The Octagon" '
Waterman Mrs. M.,"Grecnuiiks lodge"
Macauley tho Misses, St. Mark's Crescent school
St. Mark's (0. of E.) Church- ltcv.
Canon Thomas Kcmniis
Paul Edmund Mousou, Russian Consul. '• St. Mark's cottage"
Moit William E., "Ureenoakscottage"
Smith F. Villoneuve, solicitor, "Llndlield"
Folldmm A. L. R , Cousul-General
Germany, " Kyralla"
Upper William street
Turn bull George, "Tredegar"
Dennett Christopher," Rupcrrn"
Kastbourne road
Pyc Charles W.
Mair George, grazier, ".Mount Adelaide"
Mitchell .Mrs., " Eltluun"
Stephen Consett. '• Piurthoe"
.Mitchell William B., J.P., "Cnrthona"
Corner William, " Braosldo"
Macintosh James, J.l'., "('Intra"
Macintosh Hon. John. M.L.C., J.P.,
" Lindsay"
W e s t sldo
Rowe Colonel Thoims, J.P.," Moiui"
LoftuH road—Annandale road—
Yarranobre road
Alcoek Tliomns, sen., " Springfield "
Alcock Thomas, jun., "Springfield"
Plunkett .Mrs. W. !•:., " Wollerntlg "
Plunkett W. P., solicitor." Wollernng"
Plunkett A. « . , J.P., " Wollernng'
Atohcson Mrs. R H., "Wollcrniiir'
MncDounld Eliene/.er, J.P., ''Kniuilaroi"
Williamson John, J.P., " Denholm '
Llngen JohnT., barrister,"Cleveland"
Goomera crescent
Wnllis Miss ladles' private school,
" Ascham "
Inncs Mrs., '• Wlnslow"
Hnrris Henry, J.l\, "Swifts"
Thornton street—Yarranabee road
Carter R. T.,"Claincs"
Darling Poiut steam ferry wharf
Davis Lano
Off Gronenor street
Howe Joseph
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers. & Embalmers, 185 George-st. "West, Sydney. Tel. 632.
Loirer Forth sires I
Double B a y
D o n i s o n S t r o o t — E a s t Bide
Goikio Rev. A. C, D.H., \A..X>. (l'res.)
Queen street to Point Piper road
{See .Yete South Head road)
17 Tilloy William, 'bus proprietor
Cater W. W., warehouseman, " Dun21 Knlucy Mitchell
robin »
23 Sigrist F., baker
Dwyor Lano
Acngcnlicystcr Fcrnnnd, " l.cvukn "
Weldon lane
((/)' Trickett street
Wellington street
Callintjton terrace
Torrv R. R., J.P., "Ealing"
25 Biack James
Orr Frcdcrio William, "Elthani"
27 Tuck Gcorgo
Shard Charles, "Cainpdcn"
Eastbourno Road
21) Doyle John
Packhnm II. C, "BurckhnidtLodge"
. 31 Moons H.H.
Off Darling Point road
Ycomans Allan, J.l'., gr zicr, " Rook33 Braily William, enrctnker
Mncfarlano Frank, coachman
3S Howling John. " ltoscdnlc"
(lilies A \V.." Porthamcl"
Whitilold Lewis, barrister, "Oak37 Riley James, " Ferndnle"
Flood Mrs. J. W.. " Athcrflcld"
Roso W. '
Campbell Walter Scott, " Ktham cotLnmb CharloB F„ " Kilvington "
tage "
39 Lcary Mrs.
Whlttlngdalo,S.M.,"RoslynTrenchurd Henry, J.P., " Eastbourne
43 Coombe8 Edwin
45 Eisner Herman
Edward A., J.P., " Ilnw47 Bookinsale John
Morrell street
Edgoollffo Road—North sido
Trelatenep tlrtl
40 Smith P.," Merry C.nng"
Shelley Norman," Wnlliiroy "
Old South lUad to A'ete South Head road
fil Innos George, barrister. " i'erau "
Shcddcn, •• Uiinkai<i"
58 Wurd J. D., ••Ternllia"
O'Xeil James, grocer
Ilouton-Sinith II. It., " Alroy"
McNnmara .laiiics
Osborne terrace—
Kendall street
57 Luke W.
• Morton P. II.,M.L.A., "lllncmon"
Williams Thonins, van proprietor
69 Barnard L. S.
Capo Mrs., "Hazclmerc"
01-03 Royal laundry—W. MoClaran
Ruff..rd E.
Osborne John, " Shlrlcv "
05 Andrews Philip
l'cathei slono P. J.
Ciulkshunk G. A., M.I*A., "ArlingBulgin John
Surblton villaston"
Fuller W.," Rosamond"
lid Pcngclly .Mrs. M. A.
Dowllng Arthur, solicitor, "FairGulnev M., cab prop, letor
71 Iiockhart Mrs. Norman
Castle Mrs. Isabella, " Wunnka"
73 Bloomlleld E. 1).
Sohwarzbach B., surgeon, " lrauCottorll (I. T„ school tcaclior
75 Mitchell David, savings bank inspector
Fletcher John," Ivanhoe"
77 Fordyce Rev. John, M.A. (Cong.)
Mac Arthur Mrs. Arthur," 1'ernbank"
Fullwood Fred," Hawtliorn"
85 Hondeison Dnvld, " Kverslelgh "
MrB. Henry.'- Mort-Ji"
87 Sherwin John, " Clmtswurtli '
Ilumblcy Wui., "Glen Luna"
Ungon R. C , " U'Bwoll"
89 Smith John McGarvle, assuycr
Fletcher George, " Edgoellffo"
91 Hanlan Ed.
S o u t h sido
93 Rolfo Fred.
Littlcjohn Waller
Hockey Herbert
96 Lord Edmund
1 Evnns Gcorgo
Adelaide street
97 Cox W. S.
2 O'Brien Mrs. Lucius
Ratfo Ernest
3 Morpliow II.
W o s t sido
HcnderBon Thonins, " Olmesa "
4 MoPhcrsou W.
Peaier lane
Lorklng P. CI.. '• Lncostn "
6 Mitchell W. L.
X Bulgiu William
Scott G. IU "Mc.cdu"
14 Partridge C, printer
7 Leo G. II.
Church of England (St Stephen's)
14 Vast .Mrs.
8 McGregor A. W.
Campbell Win.,'• Portland"
10 Carter James
Morlco J. K.
Turkington John, contractor," Dovon.
18 llcimessv W.
Hnrris E. II.," Logan Lea "
20 Richards William L.
Maguey Herman, " Tnrella"
Held J. R.,"Portsmouth"
2! Richards Henry, coachpainter
Mngnoy Martin, "Tarclla"
Horsloy F. S., com. traveller, "Ply.
24 McMiun R. (', general storu
BoUsler Emost E., areldteot," Toomouth"
20 Dowllng Mrs. J.
Gardiner Tliomns, '• Ruthvillo "
28 Evans W.
Mngnoy Tliomns, J.P., "Timmn "
Vnughnn J.
32 Saul Charles II.
Tournay-lllndo W. J., "T. llooma"
.Madden George
Lewis Alfred J.
Wnvcrloy Brewery, Into Allt's Urewlng
Irons Charles
84 Mooro Joseph
nml Wine and Spirit Co., Limited
Uathurst street
30 Wnllcs J mes. com. traveller
Adelaide street
OXf Etlgecliffe road—
38 Holdsworth Mrs. J.
Charles,builder, "Alma"
Robinson Tlios., Coral Glen Nursery
40 Hnrmston I'. 0., grocer
Downlo Thonins," Verulnm "
Bates John
Mo> rell street
Junction street
Carfoot lliohard
lleuben terrace—
McKcnzIo H. V., "Collaroy "
Barkcll John, com. trnvcilor, "Tnvlai2. Thompson (I., compositor
Coroncl Miss," Harbord "
44 .Myers Saul
Walker Jnmes, "Grcondnlc "
Barkoll T. II., bicycle Importer," Hill
48 Crisp Mrs. Jane
Sanders Thomas greengrocer
50 Albin John
Bynn Patrick, drny proprietor
52 Rvan W. cab proprietor
Grosvenor street
Wilson Mrs. E.,"Bona Vista"
54 Cumming Andrew, builder
Foott Mrs. II. A., artist." Ardlield "
Wnllis Joseph It., " Penznnco"
50 Atkinson J.
Wardo R. F.. bank olllclnl
58 Williams Owen plumber
Canty W. H., house and laml agent,
Hill Edward J., landscape gardener
00 Murphy A.,"Lorctto"
Gilmorc John, enrpentor
02 Duchesne W
Armstrong Robert," Mnudvlllo"
Coombcs J. B„ J.P., " Sparkwcll"
Carling H. F.. "Hay view"
Jeffrey J.Usher, builder, "Rosalind"
04 Patterson Thomas W., c ib proprietor
Jennings G., "Esponmoo"
Wallii street
60 Vettler John
Folkcs F.. '• Woolwich "
Drayton A. J. W., "Ambrosovllle"
05 Gibson Miss
Blnokwood Aloxnndcr, "Netlicrton"
Kondio Jnoob G., shipowner, " Koto "
72 Hascldcn Edward
Edmond G.," Invcrmay "
Chester street
74 Shclmcrdino G. S.
Wntts Mrs. A., "Fnrnham"
Stephen Mrs. G. II, " Eulo"
70 Mlldwntcr Mrs. F„ nccouchcuse
Berg 0 „ " Ilrnoklyn "
Nelld John Caih, M.L.A., "GreyHill Drop terrace—
W. K., "Stonehcnge"
78 Flint John
Ilnmbly J. S., nocounUint, "BrlglitWalsh Joseph, " Elsinoc"
80 Curry P.
Smith J. B„ •'Alrdalo"
82 Gnnvrln P. II.
Cowlishaw Th mas, J.P., "Althornc"
Ilnire street
Point Piper roail
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. South, Sydney i™™^^
Edgecliffe road continuedE l i z a b e t h P l a c e ( D a r l i n g P o i n t ) 30 York Joseph
Kaslbournt road to Upper William street 32 Field Louis H.
Dudley terrace—
34 Oarr John
Goldsmith Julius, "Penarth "
1 Simpson W. T„ "Tarn"
3(J Scott Mrs. Emma
2 Stoddard lire. II., "Omor "
Blanoli G. E , '• Bridgtoun "
Lesieell street
3 Illglnbothnm Albert J., "Kent"
Bennett Mrs. C., "Hill End"
38 Crump William 0„ "Rubino"
4 Elyy P. W., " Farclmm "
Lawes P. G. W, " Jloicsby "
40 Uostock W. M.
Hodgson Clement, civil engineer, "LeFairfax Stroot
48 Crano T. E.
A'etr South Head road for Victoria road 62 Minihau D.
Vernon street
54 Deniii8on W. W.
Pashloy George, "Harcombo "
50 MuAlpiu James
Whitlook T. 1!., builder
O Atkins E.
F o r t h S t r o o t — N o r t h sido
Arrowsmith Herbert, " PIxlo "
04 Mayer E.
From Ocean street
Wilson Kclwnnl, " lliibinnn "
Mayer Miss F., piano teacher
Prcbyterian Churoh — Rev. John 00 O'Connor P.
Ganmck Mrs, ••Tlvoll"
Henry W.," Rubyvilln "
70 Armstrong W. G.
King Captain .1. II.. " Kingston "
72 Butt R. II.
4 Perry Mrs. Eliza
McLean Daniol, " Chester "
78 Harris F.
0 Burgess Mrs. J.
Jlostyn Robert ]'., •• Wyce "
82 Bnbarovlch Antonio, builder
8 Hanna John, gardener
Davis E. M„ " Ulnnchvlllo "
Public School—Herbert Parr, head- 88 Lane Miss S.
Agnow Ernest, •' To Arohn"
92 Seymour William P.
Craftor William, "Arnold villa"
94 Hughes J. B.
A'rlson street—Fdgecliffe road
Ward A. 8.," Itedruth"
00 llerrle W.
Loftus John, " Milton "
08 Peil Mrs. M. A.
S o u t h sido
Williams 1'o'cy, •' Normnnvllle"
100 Jarvis W.
Williams Mrs. L. L. "Sylvania"
Lnrratt Otho, 'Itamsay cottage"
102 Colin W.
Wostbrook S. J., " Wyuna "
104 Dryland J. T.
1 Stevens Mis. S.
100 Xlxon E. S.
liellevue terrace—
Kilmlmter lane
108 Gilbert F.
8 Bale Honrv .1.
Mortimer Mrs G., " Mcroo "
110 Palmer W. H.
7 Thomas W. 11.
5 Campbell Daniel, plumber
112 Crnnltch M. E. and Co., grocers
6 Neve Walter
7 Nicholas Mrs. T.
111 Edwards W. A., butcher
5 Field Alfred L.
9 Kennedy Martin, drny proprietor
Vernon street
11 Bourko Itiohard
Grand View terrace—
110 Hawkes George
13 Harrison A. J.
4 Dixie Miss
IIS Sampson II.
ID Manstend Anton
3 Ponton Charles
120 Fletcher James
21 Lawlor Joseph, dray nroprlctor
2 Dennett George
122 Coleman James
23 Williams James
1 Wilson Mrs. 0. H., music teacher
121 Davis.I.
2T million Wm. It.
120 Paters, n William
Lessieell street
20 Forsyth Mrs. J.
128 Pearcc « .
31 Parsons Robert
Hansel A., locksmith
134 Piatt B.
33 Murray Mrs II.
Puokln Mrs.," Dorrlncourt"
130 West Robert George
35 Fiii'scn George, gardener
Ilyan Edward
Wibon L. J.
37 Ncvln Charles
140 Hellyer I'orcv
Wallis street
39 MoKonna Miss K.
II Rubin P. J.
Jones John B,, solicitor. "Eurotns'
118 Bright J. II.
McCrnc P. 0 „ J.P., bank inspector,
If.O IngloMrs. J.
152 Williams C.
Johnstone L. A., bank manager
Fullorton Street—Wont side
154 Dyer W.
150 Pearson Jlrs. George
Queen street—Forth street
Wellington In Trelatcneu street
Jtotre strict
Bolho W. H.." Dllbhur"
Frendergast Robert, .1.1'., " Jferloola'
158 Vincent M., grocer
Tickle Arthur Henry," Adderton "
Lnldley Hon. William, M.L.O., J.P.
Lnldley S.E.,"Chcnm"
160 Powe Richard S.
Weston Mrs. \V. J.. " Jleonstoko"
Blunic Itiohard," Eynosbury"
100 Muttci s W. G.
Bending E.," Penkcth "
Cape Alfred J., solicitor," Karoola "
104 O'Keefo Patrick
Ealusbnry Hamilton, barrister, "Utah
1G0 Harris .Tmnej
170 Wood W. .1.
Q o o m o r a h Orosoent ( D a r l i n g
172 Downey Mrs. C.
174 Pettlt \V.
Point)—East sido
McGec Maurice
Eliza Stroot—East sldo
Off Darling Point road
178 Wa'kerJ.
Queen to John street
Cox Mrs. A. 11,"Greta"
180 Dobie William, grocer
21 Hcnefs Robert
Grosrenor street
WoBt sido
182 Tindall Alfred It.
10 Urndy Joseph, solicitor
181 Thomson Wnltcr
House J. J.. "Quecnscllffc"
17 Hichardson Aliok
15 Wright F.G.
Moncau Henri, merchant, "Silberstcin' 180 Taylor W.
188 Polev John
13 Lettcn E., grocer
190 Hurley X.
Trtclett street
102 Davidson Daniel
Grafton Stroot—East sido
11 Wostbrook Alfred, plumber
A'elson to Adelaide street
0 Benson Mrs. J. S.
100 King Jlrs. E.
2 Bennett Edward." Plmllco "
7 Phillips Edwanl E.
0 Kbsworth Jlrs. Jane, "Stonclelgh "
6 Seymour John
Junction street
8 Powell Miss J.
200 Malcolm Miss, privato school
8 Galbraith George
10 Hnckett Edwanl constable
Lincoln Joseph
12 Browne Thomas P.
Warren J. H.
"Wost stdo
14 Itoyla Miss Alica
Adelaide street
Faneourt T. M., 1I.M.0., " Blenheim " 10 Anderson George
18 Lee Francis 0., master mariner
"Wost sido
Fnncourt Hichard
Sheldon A. nnd Son, commission agents 20 Pearson Joseph," Ambleside" •
1 Nicrhoff J. H.
James street
3 Hills S.
28 Musgrnve Arthur, police sergeant
5 MncJlTdlc David, civil engineer
Mnrren Mr?. Louis
Cramp John J., "Ithaca"
Smith O. P. Dlgby, "Morleigta Glen"
RIddiford J. P., pressmnu
Dugdale Alfred
Hay Mrs. E.
Taylor Archie
Leswell street
89 Bourko John, contraotor
41 Robson Arnold
43 Hamcr S. E.
46 Browne W. H.
47 PngoRoubcn
49 Brown J. W., H. M. customs
51 Ferguson John, plumber
53 Langford Charles
Waratah terrace—
67 Prlco Thomas
G9 Simpson M. A.
01 Harris Harry
03 Robinson John
A'otl's terrace—
69 Quirk J.
73 Cameron Mrs. O.
75 James II.
77 Carpenter Mrs. O.
Vernon street
81 Scales Thomas
85 Grev Albert
Miner E. A.," Llloydlal"
87 Glynn R. W.
80 Swlnoy W. J.
91 Lnrmour William, painter
96 Thompson M.
97 Anderson James
99 Rowo Jnboz
103 Colo William
105 Jones David, cooper
107 Bowden W.
100 Crook Mrs. W.
Rotce street
111 JHUer Joseph
113 Hooiwr W. J.
116 Brown Thomas
117 Smith Mrs. R. S.
110 Dickinson D.
121 O'Snllivnn J.
123 Williams W. W.
127 Lawlcr William
Grosrenor strett
Ada terrace—
129 Kearney William
181 Elliott T.
133 alcoves John
135 Bradley Georgo
Cool's lane—Junction street
143 Jcx Mr*. S,
14S Lewis R., "Prcstouvlllo"
161 Douglas Mrs. E., "Kanlmbla
159 Ross James, van proprietor
161 Philip Fredoriok
163 Wills John
165 Dugdnlo David
167 Prlnglo —
169 Perkins R. A.
171 AblMt G. A.
173 Davis E.
Orosvenor Stroot—East sido
Old South Head Jo Edgecliffe road
Wcsleyan church and Bchool
Wiley George, saddler," Ontario "
Thompson Joseph
Donaldson Philip
Shelvorton W. H. J.
Grafton street
Skinner H., " Norwood "
Dyson George," Grosvcnor villa "
Hampson nenry F.
Knight Wm. J., fuel morchnnt
Cunningham A.
Byrno Thomas
Smith Ambrose
MoDonald Mrs. C. A., " Loohlel"
Ashcudon Mrs. J.
Prosscr D. II.," Sunny Brae "
Young J, E.
Ylndln Rov. H. O. (C. of E.), "SpekoParr II., enrriago builder
Elita street
Haywood John, "York cottage"
Wc9tbrook A. H., plumber
Jordan Jlrs. H., " Jrelroso "
Hilllcr Frederick
Howes Wm.," Viking"
Amphlett O.
Skinner F. T.," Jlontroso "
Blllington Joseph
Henley Thomas, bootmaker
Wilson S. J.
Dernclley T., " Honiara "
Soraggs Alfred, "Olga"
Wills Herbert T.,contraolor," Rutbor- 10 Watohorn Sydney
12 OaspoiBcn William
Powell Edward
Salmond Duncan,"Cardiff"
Ross William
NIhlll Percy P.," Klnkora "
Edgecllxfe road
North sido
Wost side
O'Connor D . , " Trent"
Fraaer J. K., "Sherwood"
Howes F., '• Contsbro "
Kennedy Mrs. M.." Wnitomatn "
Richardson Charles, " Whlttonville "
Grafton street
Gnrdlucr Jlrs. C.
Blnok Jlrs. H.,"Olonbrook"
Hurst Jlrs. E. B., •• Woodvlllo"
Turkington Jlrs. J., " Glcnroy "
Morton R. P., "Grosvcnor cottage "
Maddock Mrs. D. E.. " Jlnryvlllo"
Dunn Henry T.," Adavlllo*'
Fleming Alox., builder, " Wonlcn "
Gabriel Adolph, dentist," Ingloburn "
Dobaon Josoph, " Lopplngton "
Lang JIIBSCS, " Sarandor "
Thomas Edward," Claudvllle"
Stovo Robert," Docrness"
Felton Mrs. 1. E., "Corainba"
Grovo (The)
Off' Queen street
Hnrvoy J. M„ barrister, "Pindnrn
Campbell G. Ross, barrister, "Moyness"
Boucher A. S., milling engineer, " Tho
Grovo "
Honriotta Stroot (Doublo Bay)
A'evi South Head road to Cooper street
W o s t sido
Aronson Fred, merchant," Orlnum "
Etheriilgo R, ourntor JIuseuui, "Droumah "
Kcnyon T., law atntloner, " Fairllo "
E a s t sldo
Roso Jlrs. W.," Brooklyn "
Holt Stroot (Dounlo Bay)—South
Lower Ocean street to Henrietta street
Street J. W., solicitor," Elldon"
Thompson II. A., J.P., " Wnlroa "
S o u t h sldo
Simpson G. H., bnrrlstcr, "Woolbridge "
Cowpcr P. R., solicitor, " Trcssllyan"
Jades Stroot—South sido
. Off South Head road to Ellia street
Harrison P. W.
Ash Robert
Edwards Henry
1 Bourko J.
JIuloaliy John
8 Bovan Alfrod
0 Freeman E.
7 Galbraith John
11 Hopkin Arthur
Kelso terrace—
1 Desborough D.
2' McCarthy E.
a Lester Wllllnm
4 Ahem P.
Johnston John
John Stroot—North sldo
Old South Head road to Ocean street
2 Godfroy Dnnlol
4 Nixon Thomas
0 Tevlln J. J., gardener
8 Perry Janios
12 Ooady T
14 Clark W.J. •
10 Sherwood W., ooustablo
18 Clark Joseph
Farr II.
20 West A. P., ooustablo
22 King George
24 Powell James
20 Clarke Charles, carpontor
23 Rowland John, jun.
32 lloyco John
34 Richardson P. W.
80 MoKeough P.
38 Kveson Edwanl, vnn proprietor
40 Rowland John
42 Egspuler 11., coaohbullder
Diri/er'i lanc—Moncur street—Dorhauer
40 Williams E. II., " Torrington villa"
48 Burns Edwin
50 Penkcr Joseph, gardener
62 Dickson Samuel
60 Bradley Mrs. L.
00 Galloway Miss G.
02 Walker Rev. Harris (O. of E.)
C4 Luttrell Arthur
00 Fleet Joseph
08 Shaw Georgo
70 Tlndalo Charles, commercial bicker
72 Ro>nolus JIis. O., cab proprietor
74 Thlrgood Jlrs. M.
70 Mlldwater James J., carpenter
78 McQuadc 11. II., blacksmith
80 Pike Frederick
82 Tlcnioy John, cnb proprietor
80 Collins John
88 Ellis A. F.
00 Woods W. P.
Ocean street
• South sido
11 JIorloyM.
13 Bmceglrdle John
16 Kamniel John, constable
between Ctirtnt Church A\
Snviugi Bank.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers.. 185 George-st. West. Sydney.. Tel. 632.
WOOD & COMPANY, Undertakers & Embalmers. 810 Geo. St. Sooth, Sydney (