2012-2013 Annual Report


2012-2013 Annual Report
Improving the Lives of Children, Adults and Families
Annual Report 2012–2013
A Message from Our
Chairman and President
ver the past year, Opportunity House continued to expand our services to homeless and low
risk individuals and families in both Berks County and beyond. In July 2012, we were informed
that the Veteran’s Administration had approved our grant request to provide homeless prevention
and supportive services to veterans and their families in both Berks and Schuylkill counties. This
grant, one of only four awarded to non-profit organizations in Pennsylvania, provides intensive
case management, counseling, and temporary financial assistance to veterans and their families
who struggling to remain in their homes. In the cases where financial remediation is not enough
or comes too late, they are placed in the emergency shelter with the goal of stabilizing their
situation and rapidly rehousing them back into the community. From October 1st through
June 30th, the program served a total of 69 families comprised of 145 individuals. Effective
October 1, 2013, the program will expand into Lancaster County and we will partner with Tabor
Community Services, a Lancaster based non profit social service organization, to administer the
program there.
We were also fortunate to forge a relationship with the St. Vincent De Paul Society (SVDP) of Lane
County, Oregon. Over the past twenty years, SVDP has emerged as an international leader in
developing non profit based reuse and recycling businesses which diverts 100 tons of material
for reuse and recycling on a daily basis. Thanks to a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation, St. Vincent’s is partnering with other non profits throughout the country to replicate
their business model, and Opportunity House was chosen as one of those agencies. Over the
next year, we hope to create a business that will divert product from our landfills, create full
time employment opportunities for homeless and low income individuals, and over time, generate
revenue that will help to sustain our core programs.
Of course, none of this would be possible without your support. Thank you to all of our volunteers,
who take time out of their busy lives to lend a hand to help those less fortunate. As we begin
our 30th year of sheltering the homeless, a special thanks to our cooking groups, who continue
to provide a hearty meal each and every evening to the men, women, and children living in the
shelter. A more detailed listing of all of the volunteer activities and those individuals and groups
involved can be found inside this annual report.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who continues to support our mission to improve the quality of life
for families and adults who face various obstacles to independence, and support their efforts to
maintain and achieve self sufficiency. On behalf of the Board of Director’s, we would like to thank
all of Opportunity House’s employees, donors, supporters, and volunteers. Thanks to you, we are
making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
Eric Schippers, Chairperson
Modesto Fiume, President
pportunity House began its new fiscal year by calling
back some of the employees that had been laid off the
previous year. This was a win/win situation for all of
us. In addition, enrollment in the Learning Center has continued
to increase and we have grown our staff back to 65 employees
within the organization. Despite the economic struggles over
the last few years our employees still number 16 with five or
more years of service, 13 with ten or more years of service
and 3 with 15 or more years of service. Our current retention
rate of employees with more than one year of service is 81%.
Employees had the opportunity to work very closely together
this year as we all participated in a team building training
known as The ACT–(Accountability, Communication and
Trust) Formula.. After 24 weeks of classes we all have a better
understanding of just what everyone else does in the organization
and how vital each individual part is to the whole picture.
Employees learned how to communicate better with each
other, how vital it is that their part of the program
is being maintained so that another part is not
lacking and how to reach out to others and
offer support. Some of our employees were
very surprised, and amused, to find that
even our President is held accountable for
his part in ensuring that all of our programs
meet the needs of the clientele we serve.
Opportunity House has been able to
maintain the same level of benefits to our
employees as in previous years. Despite
the ever rising costs of health insurance we
have continued coverage to our employees
which is fully funded by the organization. Although
it has necessitated a slight increase in copays there has been
no reduction in quality of coverage. In addition we provide
disability/life insurance, an employer matched retirement
savings plan and an Employee Assistance Program.
Opportunity House employees continue to be the arms that
support our organization and ensure our programs succeed.
Your support ensures that we are able to continue our programs
which meet the needs of so many men, women and children.
Our Programs
Shelter Services
In FY2013 the Emergency Shelter provided
23,861 nights of shelter to 517 unduplicated children, men, and women and served 98,612 meals.
Opportunity House continues to offer drug and
alcohol treatment, mental health counseling,
medication monitoring, transportation, budgeting counseling, advocacy for appointments at The
Department of Public Welfare and Social Security
Office and interagency communication. The Second
Street Learning Center and The Reading Health Systems
clinic are also available to the shelter population. Services
at the clinic can be free and the Learning Center offers reduced fees if needed. Our goal is to provide the services that
people need to support them into returning to the community.
The collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
to provide shelter to homeless veterans has been very successful. Since the beginning of the year 82 veterans have received
services at Opportunity House. Many of the vets are housed
at Opportunity House until they are eligible for permanent
placement. Some receive HUD/VASH certificates or placement in other VA housing programs. While here at Opportunity House they engage in all the services we offer. Currently
there are 3 vets living in Opportunity House housing programs.
In April of this year we received two grants to provide our clients who are seeking General Equivalency Diplomas (GED)
with the financial assistance they need. One grant is from The
Power of the Purse in Berks County Fund of Berks County
Community Foundation. This grant is specifically to be used
to assist 20 women with getting their GED. The grant pays for
the GED study guides in English or Spanish, the test itself in
English or Spanish, and transportation if needed. To date one
woman has successfully secured her GED, it was a proud day
for her when she finished the program. She immediately started
looking for a better job. Another young woman who resides
in one of our housing programs is in the process of
preparing for test. The other grant came from
Walmart to pay for the same services as
The Power of the Purse grant. It will
be used to assist 5 men with securing their GED. Presently there are 2
men enrolled in the GED program.
The Children’s Alliance center has been
busier than ever this
past fiscal year. The
CAC has been working diligently with its
partners from Children and
Youth, Police, DA’s Office,
the mental health community, and
the medical community to provide the
best and least intrusive service to child sexual abuse victims.
In FY 2013, 435 children were referred to the CAC for a
forensic interview.
A new vice president, Melissa Haydt, was hired in December
2012 to lead the team at the CAC. Melissa came to us with
over 30 years experience in the child protection field.
A new forensic interviewer, Kelsey Tothero, was hired in
March 2013 , to conduct the forensic interviews at the center.
Janice Yerger continues to provide Victim Advocate
services and perform Administrative duties at the center.
Melissa and Kelsey attended the ChildFirst Pennsylvania
training conference in March 2013, which is aweek long training
on the skills of forensic interviewing. Other members of the
Berks County multi-disciplinary team (MDT), plus other teams
from across the state, participated in this training in Hershey.
Melissa presented to several local churches and social organizations in Berks County about the work performed at the CAC.
Several students from local colleges had the opportunity to
serve their internship at the CAC, which proved to be quite a
learning experience for them. Points emphasized during their
time at the CAC included the skills necessary to conduct a
forensic interview, along with the importance of working
with the entire investigative team of community professionals
on the MDT, during a child sexual abuse investigation.
Our Programs
During the fiscal year, therapy dogs from three different
groups volunteered their time to help reduce the children’s
anxiety level while waiting for their forensic interview.
Second Street Learning Center
Girl Scouts
The Girl Scouts led a summer program every
Tuesday during the months of June, July
and August. 10-15 girls from the Learning Center participated in the program.
Girl Scout Leah Kellenberger carried
out her Gold Award project at the
Technology Center. Leah, with assistance from six of her friends, provided
a program that taught basic computer
skills to 22 Learning Center children
between the ages of 8 and 11. The children were taught how to use the Microsoft
Office, Word, PowerPoint and Excel programs. The classes were held twice a week
during the months of April, May and June.
Reading Fire Department
As part of Fire Safety Week the Reading Fire Department
visited the Learning Center and talked to the childrenabout
fire safety. The child were shown the equipment and trucks
used by the firemen.
Summer Camp
Children from the Learning Center attended day camp at
Camp Adahi, which is run by the Camp Fire USA Adahi
Council, and Camp Conrad Weiser, which is run by South
Mountain YMCA. Their summer fun included arts and
crafts, boating, hiking, swimming, and outdoor adventure.
The children also spent the summer at French Creek
State Park where they swam in the pool, took nature
hikes and fished in the lake.
Conrad Weiser Book Fair
In May the Conrad Weiser School District came to the Technology Center with books for the children that had been donated by the Conrad Weiser students. Every child got to
pick multiple books and take them home in a cloth bag.
Richard did one tour of duty in Afghanistan. When he returned
he was unable to return to the life he knew before he went into the
service. Richard returned with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) and an addiction to opiates. Richard was unable to
interact in our society, he knew he needed help. Richard went
to the Veterans Hospital. While there he received treatment
for his PTSD and his addiction. Richard arrived at
Opportunity House in September of 2012. Although
he had the tools he needed to get back on his
feet; Richard still did not feel he was ready to
return to his former lifestyle. He engaged in
services at Opportunity House. He met with
his case manager three/four times per week
for emotional support. Having a connection
to his case manager gave Richard the support
he needed to begin to believe in him self again.
The case managers were able to get him into a
treatment program where he could address
his opiate dependency. Through the
Veterans transportation program
offered through Opportunity House
he was able to make it to every
scheduled appointment he had at
the VA Hospital. His medication
was dispensed and monitored by
the staff at Opportunity House to
ensure that it was taken in a timely
manner. After eight weeks Richard
was feeling more like himself again. He
moved into his own apartment and is now
receiving Aftercare services through Opportunity
House. He is still able to utilize the transportation
for his VA appointments. He is able to use the
food pantry twice a month. He does laundry at
Opportunity House when he needs too. Richard
continues to come to Opportunity House to have meals and
interact with the “friends” he made while he was in “the shelter”.
He still meets with his case manager two or three times a month.
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission
Opportunity House is a multi-service
organization...that improves the quality of life
for children, adults and families who face various
obstacles, and supports their efforts to achieve
and maintain self-sufficiency and well-being.
Supportive Services
Supportive Housing
Crossroads our short term transitional
housing program (3 – 6 months) has
experienced many successes this past
year. The program served 12 adults
and 15 children. This included two
2 parent families, a single father, and
a veteran and his family. Although
we didn’t serve as many families this
year, as in the past, the families have
stayed engaged in the program longer.
Presently there are two families who have
been in the program for a year due to the
lack of available apartment in Linkages our long
term transitional housing program. Both families will be
transitioning out of the program and back into the community by
the end of 2013. Crossroads provides families with the support
they need to prepare to transition back into the community. The
savings program helps them to pay off outstanding bills or save
for a special need; the Second Street Learning Center provides
safe and affordable child care services. If they were receiving
mental health or drug and alcohol counseling they may
continue to meet with their counselor at Opportunity House.
They also receive support form the Case Management team.
Turnover at Linkages, our long term (24 months) transitional
housing program, has been minimal. One of women in the
program graduated from Berks Technical Institute as a Medical
Assistant. She was able to secure a well paying job and she and her
family moved back into the community into their own apartment.
The program offered support to 6 adults and 9 children as they
continue to address the issues that led them to homelessness.
The New Beginnings program supported 9 single adults and
the New Beginnings II program provided permanent housing
for 5 families, 6 adults and 12 children.
These programs
offer permanent housing to singles adults and families who
struggle with disabilities such as mental health issues as
well as drug and alcohol addiction. The single adults in
New Beginnings and the families in New Beginnings II have
remained stable throughout the year. The supportive services
they receive play a huge role in their ability to remain stable.
Supportive Services for
Veteran Families
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) began
at Opportunity House in October of 2012, with the
receipt of a $355,000 federal grant from The Department
of Veteran Affairs. The grant was issued to assist lowincome veteran families who are homeless or in danger of
becoming homeless through providing financial assistance,
intensive case management and other supportive services.
Opportunity House served families in Berks and Schuylkill
Counties, having a satellite office in Schuylkill County.
Services such as rental and utility assistance, transportation
assistance, child care payments and auto repairs were
provided to veteran families during the first year of the
grant. Every family enrolled into SSVF was assigned a
case manager who helped the family reach their goal of
sustained permanent housing once SSVF involvement ends.
During FY2013 the program was able to service
approximately 69 veteran families (145 individuals). Of
the families served, about 21 households had children.
At least 5 of the households served were headed by
veterans who recently returned from Afghanistan/Iraq.
Opportunity House’s SSVF grant was renewed and funding
was nearly doubled for the new grant year, which began on
October 1, 2013. With the expanded grant, Opportunity
House has contracted with Tabor Community Services to
extend provision of SSVF services into Lancaster County.
Opportunity House is consistently blessed by the
many volunteers who call and ask “how can I help”.
Three hundred volunteers spent over 4,000 hours assisting
the children in The Second Street Learning Center.
Volunteers rocked and fed babies, engaged in active play
with the toddlers and assisted the teachers with activities and
projects with the preschool children. Volunteers helped with
tutoring and homework help with the school age children.
Many individuals and groups come into the learning center
on a regular basis. Some of the groups that assisted are:
Wilson Interact Club
Wilson National Honor Society
The Holleran Center @ Alvernia University
Albright College Students
Alvernia University Students
Kutztown University Students
Penn State Berks Students
During the past year, 121 cooking groups prepared 546 meals
for the clients at Opportunity House. Eighty nine breakfasts,
114 lunches and a record 343 dinners were prepared!
The groups and individuals are from various religious
congregations, businesses, schools and social organizations
who choose to share their time and talents with our clients.
Other volunteers, both individuals and groups, helped
with “special projects” in and around our agency.
Reading Hospital employees returned to Opportunity
House to help with “spring clean-up” again this year.
Others made the residents and children of Opportunity House
a little happier by sharing their time and talents. A Senior
and Cadette Girl Scout Troop from Burbank, Illinois spent
a day in the technology center teaching and interacting with
the children and telling the children about life in the Midwest.
Heather McFadden, Community Relations Manger, Rage
Soccer Club, brought coaches and players to Opportunity
House for some soccer lessons and good, old fashioned fun.
The holidays are always a busy and special time at Opportunity
House. The Reading and Berks community donates clothing,
gifts, special treats and personal care items in abundance
to the residents of Opportunity House. Teri Baller, Work
Based teacher at Reading Muhlenberg Career and Technology
Center, along with students kick off the season with the
annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Christine and daughter Maddy
Broderick, along with eight friends built gingerbread houses
with the children in the Learning Center. Marilyn Hosang
and co-workers from GlaxoSmithKline brought animal
pillows, blankets and many new toys for the children in
the Kearning Center and Shelter. Kristi Gage organized a
“Santa Crawl” and donated many new toys for the children
to open on Christmas morning. Numerous others collected
canned good, clothing and personal care items for the
residents of Opportunity House.This Easter, three cub scout
dens from Shiloh Hills, led
by Katie Jefferson held a
big Easter Egg hunt for
the children of Opportunity House and
The Second Street
With the arrival of
spring came new adventures and friends!
Jessica Sutherland,
a local art teacher,
spent the month of
March creating a collaborative art project with the
after school children in celebration of Jazz Appreciation Month. Two
local girl scouts, Moriah Webb and Leah Kellenberger, seeking the esteemed Girl Scout Gold
Award, designed educational projects for the after
school children in the technology center. Both students spent
over 80 hours designing and implementing their program to
the benefit of the children. Alex Smith, a Boy Scout designated Opportunity House as the recipient of his Eagle Scout
Project. He collected over 13 bags of blankets, towels and
sheets for use in the shelter. Jessica Schaeffer, RN seeking
her BSN degree created an educational series of programs
for the women in the shelter focused on current health issues.
As summer approached, Michelle Lorah, who collected over
1,000 pairs of socks for our residents in the shelter during the
winter months from her “Joy of Sox” drive turned her attention to collecting flip flops for everyone at Opportunity House.
Lauren Schwartz, along with her mom, Diane Wojciechowski
made “Birthday Boxes” for the children living in the shelter to
help them celebrate their special day. She and her family held
numerous donation drives through out the year when certain
“constant need” items were waning as well as buying new shoes
for all the children in the shelter for the first day of school.
In addition, Opportunity House is the focus for groups
participating in United Way Day of Caring Berks and
United Way Southeastern PA. Last years Berks County
group included individuals from Sovereign Bank,
Metro Bank and a United Way board of director
member. The Vanguard Group, representing UWSEPA,
sent a contingent of employees to help with fall
clean up. We could not begin to list all the individuals and
groups that donate used and new items to us but please
know, we thank you all!
Opportunity House is also fortunate to have the help from
several groups within our community. One group, Foster
Grandparents, spend every weekday assisting
the staff in The Second Street Learning
Center. The children depend on the
love given so freely by this group.
Opportunity is also thankful for
our phone volunteers. Men and
women from the shelter and
AARP Foundation volunteer
their time to answer phones
in the administration offices
and the learning center.
A special thank you goes out
to all our committee members
– Souper Bowl, Golf, Finance,
Development, and Board of
Directors. Your tireless effort
makes Opportunity House a better
place for both employees and residents.
Whether you helped for one hour, one
day, one month or are still volunteering your
time, we are grateful for all you do for us
and the residents of Opportunity House.
Volunteer Cooking Groups
1st UCC – Hamburg
Christy Terefenko
Albright College
Cindy Stewart
Alcon Research
City Reach Church
Allegheny Lutheran Church
Community Evangelical Church
Alliance of Faith Worship Center
Community UCC
Alpha Phi Omega – Kutztown
Covenant Church
Alsace Lutheran Church
Cross Roads Community Church
American Red Cross-Berks County Youth Group
CTCE Federal Credit Union
Angela Galarza & Friends
Denise Drobnick
Antietam Men’s Basketball Program
Diane Papademetriou
Atonement Lutheran Church
Exeter Leo Club
B’nai Brith Youth Organization
Fiorenza’s Food for Friends
Bausman Memorial UCC
First Presbyterian Church
Bellco Federal Credit Union
Frances Powers
Bellman’s Church
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Berks Bible Church
Friedens UCC- Oley
Berks Christian School
Fromm Electric
Berks Counseling Center
Ginny Hand & Friends
Berks County Democrats
Girl Scout Troop #11092
Bethany Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Bethany United Methodists Church
Good Shepherd UCC – Boyertown
Bethel Dunkard Brethren
Good Shepherd UCC – Reading
Blue Mountain Academy
Grace Alsace UCC
Boy Scout Pack 333 Den #3
Grace Outlet SDA Church
Boy Scout Troop #413
Greater Reading Young Professional
Calvary Bible Fellowship Church
Heidi Zerbe
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
Holy Cross United Methodist Church
Calvary UCC
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
Calvery United Methodists Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Cheryl Leister & GlaxoSmithKline Co-workers
Immanuel UCC
Christ Episcopal Church
Jennifer Washington & Friends
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Julia Coralnick
Christ United Lutheran Church
Julie Fredericks
Volunteer Cooking Groups
Junior League of Reading
Reading Hospital Pharmacy Group
Kissinger’s Lutheran Church
Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences
Koinos Community Church
Reading Hospital Social Work Department
Kurtz/Naugle Group
Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church
Kutztown Christian Fellowship
Reformed Congregation Oheb Shalom - RCOS
Kutztown Community Outreach Center
Rehoboth Seven Day Adventist Church
Laura Rader
Salem Shelters Lutheran
Leizawitz Heller
Schneider Electric Employee Group
Lighthouse Christian Center
Schuylkill Valley Teens
Lincoln Park Community United Methodist
Shelly Brubaker
Lois Savage & Friends
Sophia’s Portico
Longswamp UCC
Sovereign Bank Employees
Lynn Greggor
St. Andrews Roman Orthodox Church
Maidencreek Church
St. Daniel’s Women’s Group
Masonic Lodge #377 of Kutztown
St. Francis DeSales
Melissa Bauer & Friends
St. Gabriel Episcopal Church
Michelle Janeczek
St. Joe’s Medical Center – Laboratory
Mohrsville Church of the Brethren
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Natalie Brown & Angstadt Families
St. John’s Gernants UCC
National Penn Bank
St. John’s Lutheran – Sinking Springs
New Church Live TV
St. John’s Lutheran Church - Kutztown
Nigerian Assoc. of Reading/Berks County
St. John’s Reformed Church
Open Gate Camp
St. John’s UCC- Fleetwood
Peg Whiskeyman & Friends
St. Matthews Greek Orthodox
Penn State Berks
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Pennside Presbyterian Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Penske Employee Group
St. Paul’s UCC - Birdsboro
Phillips Van Heusen Corp
St. Paul’s UCC - Douglasville
Reading Berks Altrusa International, Inc.
St. Paul’s UCC – Fleetwood
Reading Friends Meeting (Quaker)
St. Paul’s UCC-Kutztown
Reading High School
Steve Elliker & Family
Reading High School Football Program
Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox
Reading Hospital Acute Care Center
Volunteer Cooking Groups
Teleflex Medical
Weaverland Youth Group
The Dieruff Group
West Lawn United Methodist Church
Theta Phi Alpha – Kutztown University
West Reading Wyomissing Rotary
Trinity Bible Fellowship Church
Wilson High School Football Parents Organization
Trinity Lutheran Church - Robesonia
Wilson High School Girls Soccer Team
Trinity Lutheran Church- Wernersville
Wilson High School National Honors Society
Trinity Lutheran Church
World Electronics
Trinity UCC – Leesport
Zion Baptist Church
TSI Associates
Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church
UGI Services
Zions UCC - Hamburg
Valarie Ripson
Zions Union Church Maxatawny
Wanda Hoover & Friends
Wayne Kessler
Special Events
The 16th annual Opportunity House
Golf Tournament... was held June 3, 2013 at French Creek
Golf Club. It was a beautiful day for a round of golf! Our field
of 116 golfers enjoyed the many challenges French Creek offers.
Over $34,000 was raised to support programs at Opportunity
House. Thank you to all our sponsors, golfers, auction donors
and volunteers who contributed to this annual event!
After an enlightening day on the course, the golfers enjoyed
a cocktail hour on the patio with beautiful views of the
picturesque course. A meal featuring some of the chef’s finest
hors d’oeuvres and food stations were enjoyed by all who
attended. Before the evening ended, Dick Henry, auctioneer
extraordinaire, offered up sports memorabilia items, gift
certificates to restaurants and events, trips to exotic places
and events and many other items donated to the auction.
The evening ended with awards to several individuals and
the winning foursome of Rich Gregor, Chris Mancuso,
Terry Hanley and Lou Sutherland.
This years top sponsors included Penn National Gaming Foundation,
WORLD Electronics, Fromuth Tennis, The Reading Group, LLC,
East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc., Giorgio Foods, Sweet
Street Desserts, PVH Corp., C&S Supply Company, CambridgeLee Industries, LLC, National Penn Bank and Spinal Concepts.
Our tee sponsors included American PowerNet Services,
Carpenters Local Union 214, Environmental Consulting,
Inc., Nancy Magee/Financial Planning Advisors, In Memory
of Andy Putt, Martin A. Darocha, CPA, Masano Bradley,
Mosteller & Associates, Anderson Insurance Brokers, LLC,
Power-Kunkle Group, Inc., Associated Construction &
Management Corp., SOS Team LLC, Body Zone Sports &
Wellness Complex, National Penn Bank, McGlinn Capital
Management, Law Office of Scott J. Painter, P.C., Cinergi
Salon/Spa, Robert C. Dieruff, CRPC First Vice President,
The Dieruff Group, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management,
Leisawitz Heller, UGI Utilities, Inc., and Yeager Supply.
The tournament is aided by the many, in-kind donations
and services donated, in particular, from St. Joseph
Medical Center Foundation, Clover Farms Dairy, Lasting
Image, The Bachman Company and Texas Roadhouse.
Opportunity House thanks all who were involved in planning
this annual event including the golf committee led by David
Walagurski and the many volunteers who add to the success of
the event.
Pacesetter Club Holiday Reception:
On Saturday, November 17th Eric and Kathleen Schippers
hosted a warm and festive reception at their home, in honor
of the members of the Pacesetter Club. In recognition of their
generous support and dedication to the agency over sixty of
our wonderful donors and friends joined the party. A brief
presentation was made by Mr. Schippers and Modesto Fiume,
president of Opportunity House.
The 2013 Souper Bowl celebrates its
11th Year!
Eleventh Annual Opportunity House Souper Bowl &
Preview Party! met with success on Monday, May 6, 2013
at Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex in Wyomissing.
What is Souper Bowl? Many of our neighbors go to bed
hungry every night. Souper Bowl aims to increase awareness
of hunger and homelessness and raise funds for the many
programs of Opportunity House. By purchasing a ticket,
attendees select from more than 1,000 handmade bowls
donated by professional, amateur and student potters. Then,
guests enjoy a light supper of soup, bread and dessert – a meal
considered a feast by those who are hungry. More than 50 local
restaurants and businesses donated food and beverages. In
addition, a silent auction was held during the event featuring
special bowls created by professional artists and potters.
Bowls: The event is a community-wide project. Throughout the
year, local studios offer bowl making parties including Clay on
Main, Oley, Busy Bee’s Pottery and Art Studio, Wyomissing,
and Goggleworks Center for the Arts, Reading. Hundreds
of people have participated. The Pottery Committee will
judge the bowls that have been created by local high school
students. The top two bowls in two categories, wheel-thrown
and hand-built will receive first and second place ribbons.
Preview Party: Guests celebrated with delicious munchies and
drinks provided by The Hitching Post Restaurant & Bar.
Those who attended had first selection of a hand-made ceramic
bowl and admission to the Souper Bowl. The highlight of the
Preview Party was a special presentation for our Major Donors.
Special Events
New this year: Thanks to a generous donation from Berks
County Intermediate Unit, we had three additional 72 person
capacity busses for the event. All main event ticket holders
parked off site at Penn State Berks Campus and used these busses
to shuttle to the event! Less time was spent sitting in traffic!
Special thanks to Boscov’s Department Stores for their
assistance with ticket sales!!
Sincere thanks to all our very special friends for
supporting the 2013 Souper Bowl!
Gold Sponsors ($5K)
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Wert Investment Consulting Group
Program Sponsors
Century 21 Park Road
Country Inn Motel, Mohnton
East Penn Manufacturing Co.
Fox Rothschild, LLC.
Liberty Environmental
The Victory Bank
VF Outlet Inc.
Promotions Sponsors
Silver Sponsors ($3K)
LAND Displays
Reading Eagle/Reading Eagle Press
Susquehanna Bank
Wyomissing Family Restaurant
Bronze Sponsors ($1.5K)
Enterprise Holdings
EthoSource, LLC
Jan Grieff Research Associates
Highmark Blue Shield
Leisawitz Heller
Patron Sponsors ($750)
Anderson Insurance Brokers, LLC
Bell Tower Salon, Medi Spa, & Store
CTCE Federal Credit Union
Comcast Cable Services
Connors Investor Services, Inc.
Courtyard by Marriott, Reading/Wyomissing
Hartman | Shurr
Herbein + Company, Inc.
LAND Display
Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher & Sterling Financial Advisors
Stevens & Lee
Special Thanks to
ATV Bakery, Inc.
Berks County Intermediate Unit
Berks County Living
Berks Fire Water Restorations
Blair Vineyards
Bistro 614
Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex
Boscov’s Department Stores
Clover Farms Dairy
Jayne Dieruff
Fleetwood Bank
Furniture Soup
Mel Fishburn & IBEW Local 743
Brian Foreman
Lee Myles Transmissions
Lisa Johnson
Knight’s Rental
Pepsi Cola Company
Bob Plata, Bunzl York
Reading Eagle Press
Carol Robinson
Sweet Street Desserts
Special Events
Workshop Locations
Busy Bees
Clay on Main
Goggleworks Center for the Arts
Jewish Cultural Center of Reading
Private Workshops
Edwards Family
Friendship Circle
Rambo Family
The Reading Hospital Home Health Care
Whiskyman-Smith Girl Scout Group
Participating Schools and
Hamburg High School
Kutztown High School
Kutztown University-Jim Chaney
Oley Valley
Schuylkill Valley Middle School
Mary Paul
Nolde Forest Pottery
Suzanne & Dan
Twin Valley Middle School
Wyomissing High School
Professional Potters
Jim Chaney
Ned Foltz, Foltz Pottery
Bill & Sandra Jones, Stone’s Throw
Dolores Kirschner, Clay on Main
Scott Krenitsky
Brian Kunkleman
Lazy Leaf Pottery
Beverly Levinger, Hilltop Studio
Gloria Massa
Nolde Forest Pottery
James Pastore
Max Rhoads
Nancey Seghetti
Dan Shaffer
Sam Shoemaker,
Shoemaker Pottery
Heather Shuker
Sheila Shuman
Nancy Speicher
Stone Throw Pottery
Souper Bowl Committee
Lisa Twiford, Chair
Cyndi Fisher
Karen Haver
Pier Ignozzi-Shaffer
Laurie Kercher
Kirsten Kiem-Shenge
Lorraine Klinger
Debbie Landrigan
Nancy List
Lois Savage
Heather Shuker
Susan Miers-Smith
Frances Stofko
Vanessa Wanshop
Ramona Wolf
Participating Restaurants
Abraham Lincoln Hotel
Aladdin Mediterranean Restaurant
Beverly Hills Bar & Grill
Blind Hartman’s Tavern
Bistro 614
Boscov’s A La Carte Catering
Café Sweet Street
Chapman’s Deli
Cloud Nine Café
Courtyard by Marriott Reading/
Dan’s at Green Hills
Emily’s Restaurant
Good Eatz Green Cafe
Isaacs of Wyomissing
Jimmy Kramer’s The Peanut Bar
Klinger’s on Carsonia
Opportunity House Bistro
Pampered Palates
Phoebe’s Pure Foods
Russo Foods & Market
Texas Roadhouse
Thai Cuisine
The Highlands at Wyomissing
The Hitching Post
Restaurant & Bar
The Seafood Shanty
The Steak Shack
The Suburban Tavern
Wyomissing Family Restaurant
Other Support
ACT In January 2013 the employees of Opportunity House began an agency wide training program known as “The ACT
Formula”. The goal of the ACT Formula training program is to understand the value of Accountability + Communication + Trust
= Success. Every employee of Opportunity House, including the President and the Vice Presidents were required to attend the
mandatory twenty-four ACT Formula training sessions. All agency employees were randomly divided into teams and assigned to
a specific day and time that they would meet. Each training session was facilitated by Delia McLendon or Klover Johnson, two
Opportunity House employees that had received specialized ACT Formula training.
The purpose of the ACT Formula training was to transform Opportunity House into an environment of excellence, by helping employees
gain personal insight into interactions with each other and how they affect the overall company performance. Each one hour training
sessions consisted of basic training, exercises to reinforce and practice skills, and open discussions to review progress being made and its
effect on the organization. Employees were required to work as individuals, in small groups, and with the whole group.
What/Who is a Pacesetter…. ?
Major Donor/Pacesetter definition: An individual or family unit who contributes a minimum $1,000 financial gift to
Opportunity House and its programs.
Your generous gift to Opportunity House means the world to so many.
Guidelines and Benefits for Major Donors
Thank you for supporting Opportunity House and welcome to our family as a member of our
Pacesetters Club. The following is a list of benefits that you are entitled to as a “Major Gift” donor.
We look forward to a continued relationship with you and your family.
Exclusively Ours A sample of what you will receive:
President’s Updates
Planned Giving Updates
Complimentary Invitations to agency events*(By invitation only—exclusively to
Pacesetters Club members)
*Preview Party at Souper Bowl
*Annual Golf Dinner/Auction
*Exclusive invitation to Pacesetter receptions.
The Second Street Learning Center partnered with
Mike Miller, an art teacher from the Wyomissing Area
School District, who came in throughout the summer and
worked with the kids on art projects. Mike had children
from the Learning Center work on the mural that was
mounted at the corner of N. Second and Beech Streets.
The Learning Center partners with the Reading School
District to purchase healthy and well balanced meals.
The Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) provides
transportation services from BCIU schools to the
Learning Center.
with the support and guidance of trained medical staff. This
gives the participating moms-to-be the opportunity to network
with other moms-to-be in the same or similar situation.
They work with each other and celebrate for each other, too.
Opportunity House partnered with St. Joseph Medical
Center by using the Technology Center for two Centering
Pregnancy cohorts. Together, we reached out and recruited
for the initial Spanish speaking class which began in March.
The second group is scheduled for the spring of 2014.
The Learning Center partners with the Berks County Area
Agency on Aging. The Agency on Aging operates the
Berks County Foster Grandparents Program which
provides lower income seniors with an opportunity to volunteer with children having special needs. Program volunteers work Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
The Learning Center partners with Alvernia University
as a source for it’s education program externships and
community service hours.
The success of the Children’s Alliance Center of Berks County
relies upon the relationships it has with its partner agencies due
to the multi disciplinary approach to handling all their cases. They are Berks County Children and Youth, Berks County
District Attorney’s Office, including detectives, prosecutors,
and victim witnesses, Reading Health System, St Joseph
Medical Center, Reading Pediatrics, Berks Counseling
Associates, Berks County Mental Health Disabilities
Program, Berks Women in Crisis, Reading School District,
Reading Police Department and Pennsylvania State Police. In the fall of 2013 Opportunity House was approached by
St. Joseph Medical Center as a partner in a revolutionary
new concept. Centering Pregnancy is the first innovation
in prenatal care in approximately 100 years. First piloted
in 1993, this model brings women out of the exam room
and into a group setting where they receive basic prenatal
checkups, building community with other women, and gaining
knowledge and skills in pregnancy, childbirth and parenting.
It is a multifaceted group model of care that integrates the
three major components of care, health assessment, education
and support into a unified program within a group setting,
Lorri Oziri, center,
Vice President for Development
at Opportunity House and Alvin
Updegrove, right, Opportunity House
client accept Boscov’s gift cards and a
pair of boots from Paul Landry, Director of Development
for the Jewish Federation. The cards were donated by an
anonymous donor who pledged to provide footwear for an
Opportunity House client for every donor who increased their
gift to the 2013 Jewish Community Campaign by $250 or
made a new gift of $250. The donations will be in the form
of Boscov’s gift cards and this first donation included 20 cards.
Grants Administration 2013
Shelter and Housing Services
Wells Fargo provided $4,000 for emergency shelter operating support.
Staples Foundation provided $1,000 for emergency shelter support.
FirstEnergy Foundation provided $1,500 for emergency shelter support.
Berkshire Charitable Foundation provided $10,000 for emergency shelter support.
Henry Janssen Foundation provided $10,000 for emergency shelter support.
County of Berks/City of Reading provided $156,227 for emergency shelter support.
Norfolk Southern Foundation provided $5,000 for emergency shelter support.
United Way of Berks County provided $84,212 for emergency shelter support.
Schneider Electric provided $1,000 for emergency shelter support.
Sovereign Bank Foundation provided $2,500 for emergency shelter support.
BJ’s Wholesale Club provided $5,000 for emergency shelter support.
U.S. Veteran’s Administration provided $153,300 for Veteran shelter support.
U.S. Veteran’s Administration provided $350,000 for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
program in Berks and Schuylkill County.
Supportive Housing
Berks County Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) provided $23,000 to support the aftercare program.
Children’s Alliance Center (CAC)
Berks County - Human Services Development Fund (HSDF) provided $47,311 for forensic interviewer salary support.
United Way of Berks County awarded $25,000 for salary support.
National Children’s Alliance provided $9,000 for forensic interviewer salary support.
PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency – Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) provided $87,790 for two years of salary support.
Second Street Learning Center
United Way of Berks County awarded $72,732 for general operations.
Finish Line Youth Foundation provided $4,800 for summer camperships.
United Way of Berks County awarded $20,000 for the Ready, Set, Read program.
The Keith Haring Foundation provided $13,750 for scholarships.
Power of the Purse Fund of the Berks County Community Foundation provided $5,000 for GED diploma support.
Hawley and Myrtle Quier Fund of the Berks County Community Foundation provided $2,565 for mural support.
PA Council on the Arts, a state agency, provided $311 for mural support.
Payless Gives provided 50 coupons for the purchase of a pair of shoes for the children of the shelter and Learning Center.
Susquehanna Bank provided $3,050 for support of the Souper Bowl.
Chairman’s Circle
Ms. Paula Barron
Berks County Community Foundation
Berks County Parrot Head Club
Berkshire Charitable Foundation
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boscov
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carlino
City of Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cohen
Colonial Oaks Foundation
Commonwealth of PA-Comm.Crime
& Delinquency
County of Berks
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Flying Hills Apartments & Golf Club
Fraser Advanced Information Systems
Henry Janssen Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. J. Hiehle
IM ABLE Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Jurgielewicz, V
Judith Haskell Brewer Fund
Kelly - Buckley Family
Lift, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr.
National Penn Bank
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Penn National Gaming. Inc. & Foundation
Penske Truck Leasing Co., Inc.
Quaker Maid Meats Inc.
Supreme Ceilings, Inc.
The Community Foundation, Inc.
The Keith Haring Foundation
U.S. Department of Housing &
Urban Development
United Way of Berks County
World Electronics
Ms. Rose Zobian
President’s Circle
Berks Cardiologists
Boscov’s Department Store, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dieruff
EnerSys Delaware Inc.
EthoSource, LLC
Steven Fallon DMD
Finish Line Youth Foundation
Fromuth Tennis
Giorgio Foods, Inc.
Victor Hammel
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Hubbard
Jerlyn Foundation
Mr. Edwin A. Lakin
Martha C. Welch Trust (ICT)
Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods (ICT)
Mr. and Mrs. William Owens
Reading Truck Body, .LLC
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sovereign Bank
Susquehanna Bank
The Bartlett Foundation
The Don and Joanne van Roden Fund of
the Berks County Community Foundation
VF Factory Outlet, Inc.
Wells Fargo, Social Responsibility Group
Wyomissing Family Restaurant
Director’s Circle
Mrs. Dawn Bachofer
Baldwin Hardware Corp.
Bellco Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. William Cambardella
Reverend Mark Christy
Dorothy Haas Charitable Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundations
Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Ferrarello
FirstEnergy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Modesto Fiume
Fleetwood Fixtures
Highmark Blue Shield
Jan Grieff Research Associates
Leisawitz Heller Ambramowitch Phillips, P.C.
Nordhoff Advertising, LLC
Power-Kunkle Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sanger
Sweet Street Desserts, Inc.
Tulpehocken Jr./Sr. High School
Executive Club
Antietam (Drew Seibert)
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker
Dr. Barron Batchelder
Berks County Community Foundation Yashek Family Fund
Berks Fire Water Restorations
Blue Mountain Foundation
Cambridge Lee Industries
Capital Advantage Insurance Co.
Clearview Global Wealth
Thanks to the many generous donors
for your financial support
Crossroads Community Church
Dr. James Dahl
E.G. & Klara M. Smith Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William Finneran
Ms. Susan Garlow
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gerhart
Ms. Elizabeth W. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hand
Hartman Shurr
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Helinek
InHome Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc.
Jewish Federation of Reading
Dr. Cedric Jimerson
Mr. Richard Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kominick
Mr. and Mrs. David Kroekel
L H Companies
Dr. Christopher Mancuso
Ms. Carol Miller
Miller Builders Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nase
National Penn Bank
Penske Truck Leasing Co., Inc.
Mr. G. Pettinato
Phillips-Van Heusen Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reichenbach
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP
Mr. Paul Roedel
Schneider Electric North Amierica
Dr. Henry Scovern
Ms. Amy Smith
Ms. Cecilia Smith
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Staples Foundation
Supreme Ceilings, Inc.
Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc
The Central National-Gottesman Foundation
The Rose Corporation
Trinity Lutheran Church Wernersville
VF Corporation/Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wiest
Mr. Jeff Xavios
Zion’s United Church of Christ - Hamburg
Leasdership Club
Anderson Insurance Brokers, LLC
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bell Tower Salon Medi-Spa and Store
Berks Fire Water Restorations
Bern Reformed UCC
Dr. Jeffrey Blank
Boscov’s Department Store, LLC
C & S Medical Supply, Inc.
Cambridge Lee Industries
Mr. Jim Catanach
Comcast Cable Services
Connors Investor Services
Courtyard by Marriott Reading/Wyomissing
CTCE Federal Credit Union
Department of Veterans Affairs
Ms. Gretchen Dialectos
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. James Gavin
Ms. Elizabeth Gonzalez
Good Shepherd United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gyomber
Hartman Shurr
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Helinek
Herbein + Company, Inc.
Mr. David Hollenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Houseman
InHome Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc.
Junior Womens Club of Muhlenberg
Mr. Barry Kozik
Mr. and Mrs. David Kroekel
Land Displays
Leisawitz Heller Ambramowitch Phillips, P.C.
Lifestyle Limousine, Ltd.
Mrs. Justine Liptock
Mr. William Long
National Penn Bank
Dr. James Pace
Panera Bread Foundation
Penn Virginia Corporation
Christopher Pruitt
Reading Phillies
Ms. Sandra Reichart
Mr. Douglas Reigle
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP
Renaissance Char. Fdtn, Inc.
Schneider Electric North Amierica
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Drew Seibert
Mr. Patrick Shields
Mr. Rodney Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
Spinal Concepts, Inc.
St. Daniels Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stevens & Lee/Griffins
Drs. Frank and Carol Szarko
Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading
UGI Utilities, Inc.
United Methodist Women - E PA
United Way of Berks County
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weik
Wert Investment Consulting Group
Robert A. Williams
Rob Wolf
Benefactor’s Club
Anderson Insurance Brokers, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Andrews
Berks Arts Council
Berks County Children & Youth Services
Mr. and Mrs. William Blumer
Tony Buckholz
Rick Burkey
Burkey Construction, Inc.
Busy Bees Pottery
C & S Medical Supply, Inc.
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
Cardiology Assocaites of West Reading Ltd.
Carpenters Local Union No. 214
Christ (Mertz) Evangelical Lutheran Church
Christ Episcopal Church
Church of the Good Shepherd UCC
Cinergi Salon/Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cloues
Mr. and Mrs. William Combs
Mr. Martin Darocha
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Decker
Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dieruff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dreibelbis
Michael Duddy
Exeter Township Lions Club
Feinstein Family Fund
Financial Planning Advisors, Inc.
First Baptist Church of Reading
Mr. Steven Gable
Ms. Jeanann Gillin
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hand
Hartman Shurr
Hope of the Nations Christian Center
Ms. Elizabeth Kann
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kindig
Mr. and Mrs. David Knudsen
Leisawitz Heller Ambramowitch Phillips, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lentz
Masano and Bradley LLP
Donald Mattern
Ms. Carol Matz
McGlinn Capital Management, Inc.
Patricia McKinney
Mosteller & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Yoni Oziri
Ms. Mary Palmer
Parson Environmental Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rader
Reading Electric
Reading Fightin Phils
Reading Precast, Inc.
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts
Schwarzwald Lutheran Church
Mr. Adrian Seaman
Mr. Daniel Shaffer
Mr. Jim Sher
Mr. and Mrs. James Snyder
St. Daniels Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s UCC
St. Thomas United Church of Christ Bernville
Mr. and Mrs. John Stamm
State Public Adjusting Co.
Terry Stukalin
Dr. Robert Sutherland
Stewart Tait
Telecom Partners Penn Jersey Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. David Thun
Travelers Community Connections
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Trout
UGI Energy Services
Uline Shipping Supplies
United Outreach St. Paul’s UMC
United Way of Berks County
United Way of Summit County
Ms. Sona Virdi
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weidner
Ms. Susan Wentink
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wiest
Wilson High School
World Gym Fitness Center
Yeager Supply Inc.
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adamczyk
Mr. and Mrs. James Alt
Anne Ambarian
American Goldwing Assn. Chapter B
Mr. Frank Ammarell
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Andre
Antietam School District
B & G Consultants
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Mr. Theodore Bassano
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Baumbach
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bausher
Bausman Memorial United Church of Christ
Thanks to the many generous donors
for your financial support
Mr. and Mrs. John Bearoff
Mr. and Mrs. David Bechtel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell
Ms. Elizabeth Bell
Bellco Federal Credit Union
Berks County Pomona Grange Family
Berks Plastic Surgery Institute, PC
Jyotin Bharwada
Mr. and Mrs. Kraig Biehl
Mrs. Gene Bielecki
Blandon Lion Club Inc.
Blanski Inc.
Mr. Walter Bogumil
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bollman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle
Mrs. Conchita Braun
Ms. Catherine Brenner
Robert Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. David Brock
Aaron Brueck
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brumbach
Gerald Budzik
Ms. Elizabeth Buonora
Mr. Alex Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cammarano
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Capiotis
Stephen Carlson
Mr. Jim Catanach
Century 21 Park Road
Mr. Anthony Chirico
Mark Christy
Church Women United of Reading & Berks
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Clifford
Ms. Irma Cohen
Community Service Commmitte Virginville
Gr. 1832
Mr. and Mrs. James Connors
Country Inn Motel
Judith Coy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutlip
Daniel Boone Area School District
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dannecker
Ms. Alma Daubert
Mr. and Mrs. Terry DeBold
Mr. E. Degler
Democratic City Committee
Designworks Architects, PC
Pete Desjardins
Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Diberardino
Ms. Adele Diefenderfer
Distributed Systems Services, Inc
Dolan Construction, Inc.
Drawing Board;The
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Drobnick
Ms. Denise Drobnick
Drug Plastics & Glass Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dye
Eagle Point Properties
East Penn Chapter #12 NCT
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ebling
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Engelhardt
Entech Engineering
Exeter Monthly Meeting Religious
Society of Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fehl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fessler
Mr. David Fichthorn
First Baptist Church of Reading
First United Church of Christ
Fox Rothschild, LLP
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Friends of Pat Barrett for Judge
Ms. Erin Furgerson
Fusion Coatings, Inc.
Gage Personnel Services
Carol Genduso
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gernsheimer
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Glick
Mr. Matthew Goldstan
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grossman
Jose Guerrero
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haas
Hain’s UCC Women’s Fellowship
Andrew Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hand
Dr. and Mrs. Terrance Hanley
Mr. Kenneth Harting
Hartman Shurr
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hartnett
Ms. Rosemary Hauseman
Hayward Living Trust
William Heffner
David Heilman
Glenn Henne
William Hennessy
Hess Embriodery and Uniforms, LLC
Ms. Suzanne Hoffa
Neil Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoke
David Hollenbach
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Ms. Mary Hoppes
Mr. John Horrigan
Ms. Geraldine Houp
Mrs. Emilia Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson
Evan Jones
Mr. Richard Jones
Ms. Linda Jones
Ms. Maria Jones
June Houck Agency Inc.
Junior Womens Club of Muhlenberg
Kathy Kase
Mrs. Shirley Kaupp
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Keckler
Dr. Johanna Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klagholz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klinger
Mrs. Diane Klinger
Ms. Nancy Knoblauch
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koller
Nancy Kuhlman
Ms. Lillian Labe
Ladies Bible Study Group
Dr. and Mrs. William Laubach
Mr. and Mrs. John Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lessig
Kirk Levan
Ms. Anne Levan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Levin
Liberty Environmental Inc.
Long, Barrell & Company LTD
Dr. and Mrs. William Lord
Ms. Nancy Lounsbury
Mr. Thomas Lynn
Ms. Erin Mace
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Malick
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mariglio
Joseph Martin
Ms. Sharon Mayers
Mr. and Mrs. John Mazzo
McCoy Benefits Management
Mrs. Patricia McMahon
Bruce Meckes
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mellinger
Jody Menon
Ms. Linda Meyer
Mike Grim’s Truck Wreck Specialists, Inc
Mr. David Mincberg
Ms. Kathy Mish
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moll
Ms. Nancy W. Magee and Mr. David J.
Dr. and Dr. B. Muvdi
Ms. Ann Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nase
National Penn Bank
National Penn Investors Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. David Naugle
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Nevitt
Ms. Carol Ngaru
Mrs. Laura Nicholson
Olivet Reformed Church
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ott
P. Kurt Bamberger, M.D., P.C.
a/k/a Surgery Consul
Mrs. Mary Ellen Paciulli
Ms. Suzanne Palmer
Ms. Joan Patti
Mr. and Mrs. Jestyn Payne
Mrs. Mary Pendleton
Penn National Gaming. Inc. & Foundation
Pennside Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Perrotty
Mr. Alfred Pettit
Phillips Office Solutions
Genoeffo Pierorazio
Matthew Potteiger
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Potteiger
Ms. Marian Pounder
Dr. and Mr. Susan Probst
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pursel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rader
Daniel Raudenbush
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Razzano
Reading Electric
Reading Monthly Meeting Society of Friends
Reading Muhlenberg Career & Tech Cntr
Redner’s Warehouse Markets, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William Reifsnyder
Ms. Patricia Reppert
Mr. and Mrs. John Reshetar
Ms. Margaret Rice
Rich Maiden Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rohrbach
Mrs. Claire Roth
Elizabeth Rothermel
Mr. Roger Schein
Mr. and Mrs. William Scheirer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schippers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schlosser
The Honorable Judy Schwank
Thanks to the many generous donors
for your financial support
Ms. Margaret Scott
Mrs. Greta Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Seaman
Secular Franciscan Order
Ms. Nancy Sellers
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sewell
John Shapiro
Shillington Lions Club
Alan Shollenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shollenberger
Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman
Lauren Sinrod
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Skorpinski
Ryan Smedstad
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Spence
Spring Township (Wilson) Lions Club
St. Catherine of Siena Church
St. Lukes Union Church Dorcas
St. Vincent DePaul Society HGA
Judge and Mrs. Albert Stallone
Mr. and Mrs. John Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer
Mr. and Mrs. John Steber
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Stoudt
Mr. William Strohm
Susquehanna Bank
Mr. Michael Taylor
Teleflex Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton
Travelers Community Connections
United Way of Lancaster County
United Way of Massachusetts Bay &
Merrimack Valley
United Way of the Capital Region (UWCR)
Utilities Employees Credit Union
Mr. Ralph Vagnoni
Victory Bank;The
Mr. John Walborn
David Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Waxler
Mr. and Mrs. David Weitzel
Mr. and Mrs. William Wenrich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wentzel
West Lawn UMC Volunteers
Richard Westberg
Dr. and Mrs. Warne White
Mr. Paul Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wolfe
Women of St. Michael’s Church;The
Mr. and Mrs. Garson Wunderlich
Yeager Supply Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zacharias
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zeigler
Zion Moselem Lutheran Church
Zion United Church of Christ
Gracious Gifts
Adelphia Seafood
AFSCME Local #2763
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Agia
Allegheny Evangelical Lutheran Church
Alsace Lutheran Church Couples Class
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andre
Antietam School District
Joey Arndt
Mr. Laverne Arnold
Lisa Askey
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Auge
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Azrael
B & G Consultants
Mr. Michael Baal
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baer
Mrs. Elizabeth Bahlinger
Ms. Janet Balthaser
Mr. and Mrs. George Bare
Carol Barnette
Carol Barnshaw
Ms. Paula Barron
Ms. Linda Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baylor
Mark Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beckerman
Ms. Mary Behney
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bell
Ms. Elizabeth Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Bengtson
Mr. and Mrs. David Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Berger
Berks Association of Family &
Consumer Science
Berks County Home Economics Association
Berks Foot Specialist, P.C. t/a
Exeter Family Foot
Ms. Cocol Bernal
Beverly Hills Tavern
Mr. Antonio Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Blimline
Ms. Rosemary Boltz
Mr. B. Jay Bortz
Boscov’s Department Store, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Botch
Kathy Bower
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowersox
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyle
Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Brass
Maria Braun
Evelyn Bredder
Patsy Bright
Ms. Toni Brooks
Shannon Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown
Ms. Linda Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Bub
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burge
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Burkman
Mr. Christopher Burnikel
C.F. Heckman & Son, Inc.
Mrs. Patricia Callahan
Calvary United Methodist Church of
Mr. and Mrs. William Cambardella
Ms. Dolores Camilli
Scott Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casselberry
Russell Chadwick
Chapman’s Deli
Charles Hutcheson Fine Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christ
Christ Lutheran Church
Church Women United of Reading & Berks
Ms. Carol Cinelli
City of Reading-Bureau of Fiscal
Ms. Amanda Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Confalone
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook
Ms. Anita Corado
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corbett
Ms. Sandra Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Correll
Hope Cremers
Ms. Gertrude Daley
Dans Restaurant
Ms. Alma Daubert
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis
Ms. Mary Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Terry DeBold
Deitsch Eck Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Delong
Mrs. Mary Delong
Department of Veterans Affairs
Clair Derr
Pete Desjardins
Dr. and Mrs. John Dethoff
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Detterer
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Diamond
Rocky Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dobry
Andrea Dombroski
Dennis Dornes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Draper
Mr. and Mrs. John Dreibelbis
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Driben
Stephanie Drobnick
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Drouby
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dunkle
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dunne
Mrs. Barbara Dussinger
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ebling
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elia
Ms. Andrea Elikan
Mr. and Mrs. Pontello Ernesto
Exeter Monthly Meeting Religious
Society of Friend
Mrs. Helen Faller
Thomas Faust
Dr. and Mrs. Kalmen Feinberg
Ms. Edith Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Finkel
Mr. and Mrs. Cyndi Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Modesto Fiume
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Focht
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Focht
Mrs. Jean Forry
Ms. Angela Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Freese
Ms. Erika Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Freyling
Carl Friedmann
Madelyn Fudeman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gabell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gable
Ms. Alicia Gamber
Ms. Nancy Gardner
GE United Way Giving Campaign
Mr. Robert Gehman
Elaine George
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Georgi
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gerhart
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Gerhart
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gernsheimer
Gloria Gilbert
Mrs. Florence Glander
Ms. Sarah Glaser
GO FISH! Seafood
J. Godlove
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Goldstein
Ms. Diane Grandstrom
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Granito
Thanks to the many generous donors
for your financial support
Donna Gray King
Greater Reading Economic Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Groebel
Ms. Martha Guckert
Mr. and Mrs. William Guidici
Ms. Michelle Gunselman
Donald Hadley
Sherrie Hallowell
Mr. Jon Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hamilton
Lesley Hand
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hand
Ms. Peggy Harter
Mr. Kenneth Harting
Craig Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haydt
Ms. Mary Heffner
Ms. June Heller
Timothy Hendel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herman
Ms. Jeanette Hettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hirschtritt
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoch
Elizabeth Hoehn
Shannon Hoffa
Harvey Hohl
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Horner
Ms. Dorothy Horning
Ms. Dorothy Howe
Mr. and Mrs. David Howk
Ms. Rebecca Incledon
Rhoda Indictor
Elizabeth Innis
Olive Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacobs
Lawrence Jagielski
Jan Grieff Research Associates
Jimmie Kramer’s Peanut Bar
Andrew Johnson
Ms. Maria Jones
JPD Management LLC
Junior Womens Club of Muhlenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kabakoff
Kalas Manufacturing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kaley
Ms. Sylvia Kane
Herbert Karasin
Ms. Kathy Kase
Mr. Steven Katrinak
Roy Kauffman
Mrs. Christine Kauffman
Ms. Helen Keener
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Kerchner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kimpland
Reverend George Kinney
George Kirstein
Carl Kissling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klinger
Klinger’s on Carsonia
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Klock
Mr. and Mrs. David Klopp
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Koert
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kominick
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Kowalchuk
Patricia Kreitz
Mr. John Krishock
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kulakowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kunkel
Ms. Lynda Kunkelman
Ladies Aide of Calvary Church
Carol Lash
Lawrence Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leed
Mr. George Legler
Ms. Allison Leinbach
Ms. Constance Leinbach
Mr. and Mrs. James Less
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lessig
Ms. June Lessig
Ms. Anne Levan
Mr. Jack Linton
Ms. Terri Linton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas List
Mr. and Mrs. James Long
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lucas
Ms. Patricia Ludgate
Ms. Annika Lutz
Margaret Marcinkowski
Andrew Marker
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Marker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markowski
Lynn Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Masciotti
Polly Mathys
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. John McAndrews
Mr. and Mrs. James McDevitt
Ms. Mary McGeehan
Ms. Shirley McGowan
Ms. Elaine McKissick
Nancy McNabb
Mr. and Mrs. James McTish
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Meharg
Mr. Jason Mell
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Messer
Rabbi and Mrs. Brian Michelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mileski
Carol Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller
Ms. Raina Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Minear
Lawrence Mitchell
Mohrsville Church of the Brethren
Ms. Bonita Moore
Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer
Ms. Nancy W. Magee and Mr.
David J. Jastrzembski
Ms. Lori Muhlenberg
Ms. Christina Mundell
Mr. Douglas Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Najarian
National Penn Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Naugle
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nertavich
Wendy Neuhs
Mr. Richard Nibbelink
Mr. and Mrs. G. Noll
Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues
Mrs. Ruth Ohlinger
Reverend Kenneth Ohlinger
Ms. Florence O’Leary
Mr. James Oliver
Yoni & Lorri Oziri
Pampered Palates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Parker
Ms. Kelly Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parsons
Ms. Rahul Patel
Patricia A. Owens-Pietruszynski Trust
Ms. Jean Patschke
Mrs. Ruth Patterson
Ms. Nancy Pawling
Michael Perilstein
Mrs. Claire Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John Pietrowski
Anastasios Plevrakis
Philip Pomerantz
Lee Posey
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Potteiger
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Price
Ms. Penelope Proserpi
Barbara Raifsnider
Reading Family Dental Center LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reagan
James Reese
Mr. Mike Reese
Mr. and Mrs. James Reilly
Mrs. Gladys Reinert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reitz
Mrs. Joan Reppert
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ressler
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rice
Joan Richards
Ms. Martha Richardson
Mrs. Anna Riegel
Baruh Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. David Rohrbach
Ms. Suzanne Romig
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rosenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross
Ms. Marlene Roth
Ms. Jean Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. James Rothstein
Mrs. Mary Beth Ruffner
Mr. Larry Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Russo
Mr. and Mrs. William Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan
Ms. Beverly Sander
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sanders
James Sauder
Mr. and Mrs. Francella Schade
Reverend and Mrs. Richard Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Schartel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schippers
Ms. Susan Schlanger
Mrs. Georgine Schlappich
Eleanor Schlegel
Thomas Schmoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schuchart
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Schwambach
The Honorable Judy Schwank
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Seaman
Mr. James Sebastian
Carol Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Selmer
Seven Stars Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shaub
Ms. Carol Siegel
Thanks to the many generous donors
for your financial support
Gerald Sigal
Barbara Silverberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Simons
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Skorpinski
Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan
Theodore Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith
Mr. Tim Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Snyder
So Good! Homemade Soups & Salads
Ms. Nancy Speicher
David Spillerman
Springhouse Education &
Counseling Services
St. Daniels Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s UCC of Birdsboro
State Farm Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steger
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stegman
Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Sternlicht
Steve Moyer Subaru
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Stewart
Ms. Candie Stewart
Denise Stief
Ms. Nancy Stiff
Stirling Guest Hotel
Ms. Fran Stofko
Ms. Carol Sumner
Ms. Tonya Swan
Sweet Street Desserts, Inc.
Edward Sweisford
Ms. Teresa Sychterz
Ms. Noel Szundy
Ms. Anna Taylor
Tdw Holdings
Thai Cuisine
The Steak Shack Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tobin
Helen Townley
Tengan Tracy
Ms. Daniela Trifoi
Harold Trupe
Ms. Virginia Turrisi
United Way of Berks County
United Way of Central and N.E. Conn.
United Way of Greater Philadelphia &
Southern New Jersey
United Way of Lancaster County
United Way of Massachusetts Bay &
Merrimack Valley
United Way of Midland County
United Way of the Capital Region (UWCR)
Brian Ure
Mr. and Mrs. James Vath
Ms. Margaret Vath
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Veckerelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Velekei
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Mr. and Mrs. John Villecco
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Visser
Viva Good Life Bistro & Lounge
Walsky Investment Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wanshop
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warmkessel
Blair Weaver
Ms. Sara Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weise
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Weller
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. William Wenrich
Mr. Warren Werner
Maria Wesner
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whiteley
Ms. Doris Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. John Wike
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Williams
Ms. Mary Kay Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Willing
Dr. Lewis Winans
Mr. Frederick Winne
Janet Winter-Becker
Wiswesser Family Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel Wittels
Women’s Guild of Grace Alsace UCC
Ruth Wright
Clarence Wrobel
Wyomissing Family Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yenser
Mr. and Mrs. James Yousaitis
William Yundt
Michael Zadlo
Dr. William Zapata
Ms. Gladys Zerbe
Ms. Freda Zettlemoyer
Zion (Spies) Evangelical Lutheran Church
In-Kind Contributors
AAA Reading-Berks
Abraxas Academy
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Allegheny Evangelical Lutheran Church
Anthony Almond IV
Ms. Berenice Alonso
Alsace Lutheran Church
Alvernia University
American Red Cross - Berks County Chapter
Mr. Jamshid Amgry
Lynne Angstadt
Antietam School District
Ark Animal Hospital
Ms. Rachel Arndt
B & G Glass Service
B&H Organic Produce
Michael Bailey
Ms. Marge Bailey
Sierra Baller
Ms. Lorrie Baskerville
Ms. Melissa Bauer
Bausman Memorial United Church of Christ
Ms. Cindy Bealer
Ms. Sandy Beam
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bechtolt
Andrea Behler
Rita Belletti
Ms. Denise Benfield
Ms. Dominique Bennett
Mr. Michael Berg
Berks Arts Council
Berks Bible Church
Berks Christian School
Berks County Chapter PSEA-retired
Berks County Democrats
Berks Heim
Berks Youth Chorus & Reading Choral Society
Berkshire Deli
Bern Reformed UCC
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church of Reading
Bethany United Methodist Church
Bethel Dunkard Brethren Church
Mr. Richard Bibb
Mr. Zach Biechy
Ms. Joann Biechy
Ms. Morgan Birabahoran
Blandon Breakfast Club
Blind Hartman’s Tavern
Blue Mountain Academy
B’nai Brith Youth Organization
Body Zone Sports & Fitness Complex
Ms. Shirley Bolig
Elizabeth Bonn
Ms. Susan Born
Boy Scout Troop 236
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brandstatter
Mr. Erik Bresnahan
Bonnie Brown
Mr. Jeremy Butt
C.F. Heckman & Son, Inc.
Calvary Bible Fellowship Church
Calvary Reformed Church of the U.C.C.
Calvary United Methodist Church of Wyomissing
Cambridge Lee Industries
Camp Live United
Rachel Carl
Barbara Casey
Deandra Castillo
Centre Township Land Protection
Jo Ann Chisolm
In-Kind Contributors
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ Lutheran Church
Churchtown Mennonite Church
City Reach Church
Clear Channel Reading WRFY
Dr. Richard Close
Clover Farms Dairy
Ms. Aimee Colindres
Donald Columbo
Community Collaborators
Community Evangelical Church
Community United Church of Christ - Reading
Berenice Corio
Cub Scout Pack #33
Cub Scout Pack 333-Den 3
Mr. and Mrs. David Cummings
Custom Processing Systems
Daisy Girl Scout Troop 165
Daniel Boone Coaches Association
Mr. and Mrs. Don Deeds
Deep Roots Valley Farm
Deluxe Restaurant
Mr. Ivan Delvalle
Ms. Melissa Denobrega
Ms. Frances DiCecco
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DiTrapano
Mr. James Dolan
Dover Downs Hotel & Casino
Mr. Hugh Drey
Judy Druckenmiller
Dutch Maid Bakery (Fairgrounds Frms Market)
East Earl Chiropractic
East-West Therapeutic Massage
Pat Ebling
Katia Encarnacion
Ephrata Performing Arts Center
Ms. Shirley Ernst
Ms. Betsy Eshbach
Ms. Marisol Espinoza
Ruth Estrella
EthoSource, LLC
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Atonement
Evangelical Lutheran Friedens Church
Fairview Mennonite Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farrara
Ms. and Mrs. Beverly Faust
Mr. and Mrs. James Fegley
Nathan Fetter
Fiorenza’s Food for Friends
First Energy Corporation
First United Church of Christ - Hamburg
Ms. Susan Fix
Mrs. Charlene Flannery
Fleetwood Fixtures
Mr. Jarad Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Focht
Martin Follmer
Fortna, Inc.
FOS Internal Audit
Foster Grandparent Program
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Frieden’s United Church of Christ
Friends of Mifflin Library
Ms. Kate Gallagher
Ms. Barabra Galloway
Ganly’s Pub & Restaurant
Ms. Kim Gent
Alicia Gerhart
Ms. Courtney Getz
In-Kind Contributors
Ms. Rita Gierlich
Girl Scout Troop #1404
Ms. Abby Goldberg
Ms. Angie Gonzalez
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Reading
Good Shepherd UCC Boyertown
Good Shepherd United Church of Christ
Goodwill Fire Company - Muhlenberg Township
Jeff Goss
Governor Mifflin Music Association
Grace Alsace United Church of Christ Women’s Guild
Grace Outlet SDA Church
Greater Reading Young Professionals
Sheila Guldin
Hain’s UCC Women’s Fellowship
John Hanna
Allen Haring
Ms. Brittany Harris
Ms. Holly Hartshorne
Ms. Patricia Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henderson
Gage Henry
Thus Henry
Jenna Hill
Hilltop Studio
Heather Hoffman
Mr. Brad Holloway
Holy Cross United Methodist Church
Holy Name High School
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Ms. Marilyn Hosang
J. Hottenstein
Mr. Randy Houp
Ms. Aleda Howard
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Integrated Therapy Services LLC
Islamic Center of Reading
Ronald Ivison
Ms. Michelle Janeczek
Jewish Federation of Reading
Colin Kane
Ms. Jewel Karaisz
Shannon Keim
Leah Kellenberger
Dr. Johanna Kelly
Ms. Cheryl Kern
Lamar Key
Tyna Key
Jennifer Kingman
Marisa Kirwan
Mr. Donald Kline
Mr. Calvin Kochan
Koinos Community Church
Ms. Gloria Kotzer
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kowalski
Ms. Margie Kraft
Reverend and Mrs. Rodger Krause
Carolyn Krick
Ms. Lucinda Kroon
Mrs. James Krug
Kurtz/Naugle Group
Anne Kushlick
Kutztown University
Kutztown University Community Outreach Center
Steve or Terry Lackmeyer
Ladies Bible Study Group
In-Kind Contributors
Landis Store Hotel
Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum
Betty Lehman
Ms. Barbara Leinbach
Ms. Darlene Leonti
Mr. and Mrs. John Lesniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Levengood
Michael Levy
Tom Liberman
Life Resurrection Church of God
Lighthouse Christian Center - Acts Program
Lincoln Park Community United Methodist Church
Ms. Anna Lisa
Ms. Linda Livingood
Mr. Richard Longacre
Matt Longlott
Fernando Lossa
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Lubitz
Mr. William Luchetta
Beverly Lunden
Maidencreek Church
Ms. Christine Mallon
Gilbert Mancuso
Maple Grove Dragway, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Marker
Marywood University
Mr. Robert Massengill
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McCrae
Shannon McGlynn
Kathy Meers
Mr. Jason Mell
Mr. David Mellner
Ms. Linda Messner
Larry Miles
Ms. Ashley Mills-Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Missan
Mohrsville Church of the Brethren
Patricia Monger
Adam Montgomery
Ms. Sue Morey
Ms. Linda Moyer
Reynaldo Mozo
Kathy Mundell
National Penn Bank
Tammy Lynn Navs
Ned Foltz Pottery
Jeffrey Nemeroff
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Nevitt
New Church Live
New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Ms. Katie Nicotra
Nolde Forest Pottery
Ms. Maddie Noonan
Erik Nordhoy
Now and Then Consignment
Olivet Reformed Church
Mr. Thomas Olsen
Ms. Beverly Olson
One United Church of Christ
Open Gate Camp
Dr. Michele Oplinger
Clinton Oppong
Ms. Teresa Ortiz
Yoni & Lorri Oziri
Lee Pace
Papademetriou Family
Mr. James Papola
Dennis Pellegrini
Penn State University - Berks College
In-Kind Contributors
Pennside Presbyterian Church
Penske Truck Leasing Co., Inc.
Ms. Aida Perez
Mr. Morris Perinchief
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phillips
Ms. Ashley Pletscher
Ms. Marian Pounder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Power
Mr. Frances Powers
Ms. Julianna Price
Quadrant EPP USA, Inc.
Quaker Maid Meats Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rader
Rage Soccer Club
Reading Community Players
Reading Fairgrounds Racing Historical Society
Reading Friends Meeting (QUAKER)
Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences Nrsg.
Reading Monthly Meeting Society of Friends
Reading Muhlenberg Career & Tech Cntr
Reading Rage Professional Soccer Team
Reading Rocks Indoor Rock Climbing Gym
Reading Royals
Recycling Services, Inc.
Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom
Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rehoboth 7th Day Adventist Church
REMAX of Reading
Ms. Patricia Reppert
Ms. Kasimere Reyes
Riverview Tree & Landscaping, Inc.
Keyanna Rojas
Mr. Ralph Rosado
Ms. Jo Ross
Ms. Debra Royles
Ms. Betty Rubin
Mr. Larry Rush
Russo Foods and Market, Inc.
Susan Ruth
Megan Salaway
Ms. Kathy Samsel
Ms. Beverly Sander
Santino’s Family Restaurant
Ms. Lois Savage
Jessica Schaeffer
Ms. Megan Scheffey
Jeannine Schepers
Sylvia Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schippers
Schneider Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schock
Molly Schultz
Schuylkill Valley H.S. NHS
Ms. Melissa Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shaffer
Navin Shah
Ms. Patsy Shannon
Ms. Evelyn Sheetz
Breanna Shenk
Renika Shepard
Shillington Church of Christ
Shiloh Mennonite Church
Tami Shimp
Ms. Judith Shuman
Ms. Carol Simon
Skyline Drive Orchards
Mr. Alex Smith
Mr. Joe Sohn
Gilroy Solis
In-Kind Contributors
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sotzin
Spayd’s Greenhouses, Nursery & Floral Inc.
St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church
St. Daniels Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Francis DeSales Church
St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church of Birdsboro
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Reading
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Kutztown
St. John’s Reformed Church
St. John’s UCC
St. John’s United Church of Christ
St. Matthew’s Greek Orthodox Church
St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Evan. Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Reading
St. Paul’s UCC
St. Paul’s UCC of Birdsboro
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ - Fleetwood
St. Peter’s UCC of Fleetwood
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
St. Thomas United Church of Christ - Reading
Mallory Steffey
Stevens & Lee/Griffins
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart
Stone’s Throw Pottery
Stony Creek Athletic Association
Mr. Steven Strobel
Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church
Ms. Judy Sullivan
Mr. Larry Sundberg
Ms. Jessica Sutherland
Ms. Lauren Swartz
Sweet Addictions Bake Shop
Sweet Street Desserts, Inc.
Ms. Teresa Sychterz
Jordan Takach
Take Two Bagels
Teleflex Inc.
Temple Family Restaurant
The Works at Wyomissing, LLC
Theta Phi Alpha
Through My Garden Gate
Maritza Torres
Tray-Pak Corporation
Mr. Thomas Trexler
Trinity Bible Fellowship Church
Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading
Trinity Lutheran Church of Robesonia
Trinity Lutheran Church Wernersville
Trinity United Church of Christ of Leesport
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Trout
TSI Associates
Twin Valley High School
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Uline Shipping Supplies
Union Lodge #479
Unique Desserts by Anne Louise
United Way of Berks County
Mr. Alvin Updegrove
VF Factory Outlet, Inc.
Victory Brewing Company
Ms. Vivian Von Pinho
Christopher Wade
Mr. Hershey Walton
Ms. Jennifer Washington
Ashley Waszkiewicz
In-Kind Contributors
Ms. Katie Waszkiewicz
Matthew Wearing
Moriah Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weik
Mr. Alec Weirzbicki
Ms. Gemma Welsh
Mr. Charles Wentzel
Maura Wesner
West Lawn United Methodist Church
Ms. Peg Whiskeyman & Friends
Ms. Doris Whitman
Macy Wickizer
Wilson High School
Wilson High School Girls Soccer
Wilson West Middle School
Ms. Elizabeth Wissinger
Ms. Diane Wojciechowski
Phillip Wolfe
Women’s Guild Friedens UCC
Ms. Doretha Woods
Yeager Supply Inc.
Carter Yenser
Ms. Betty Young
Ms. Sharon Zamrin
Zion (Spies) Ev. Lutheran Church
Zion Baptist Church
Zion Spies Evangelical Reform Church
Zion’s Church
Zion’s Lutheran Church of Perry Twp.
Zion’s Union Church Maxatawny
Zion’s United Church of Christ - Hamburg
Our apologies for any inadvertent
omissions or misspellings.
Your support is sincerely appreciated.
Statement of Financial Activities
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
31% 4%
Operations Revenue and Other Support
1. Learning Center Income
$1,552,772 41.0% $1,251,766 31.1%
2. Government Grants
3. Contributions
$775,786 20.5%
$881,879 21.9%
$191,253 5.1%
$172,284 4.3%
5. Rental Income
$185,781 4.9%
$167,267 4.2%
6. Special Events (Net)
$103,809 2.7%
$71,444 1.8%
22% 4. United Way
7. Investment/Misc.
$12,978 0.3%
$96,158 2.4%
Total Unrestricted Revenue $3,784,307 100.0%
$4,022,813 100.0%
and Other Support5%
Expenses Program Services
1. Learning Center
$2,050,691 46.4%
$1,737,181 42.3%
6% Services
2. Shelter
$804,572 18.2%
$760,248 3. Homelessness Prevention
and Rapid Re-housing
$354,475 8.0%
$106,908 4. Housing
$354,217 34% $441,383 8.0%
5. Management and General
$329,571 7.5%
$329,807 8% 6. Supportive Services for 18.5%
$- 0.0%
$238,827 Veteran Families
7. Fund Raising
$323,716 7.3%
$299,895 7.3%
8. Children’s Alliance Center
$197,691 4.5%
$188,115 4.6% 3%
Total Expenses
$4,414,933 100.0%
$.85 of Every Dollar Received Goes Directly to Providing Client Services
The financial information contained within was derived from June 30, 2013 Financial Statements
audited by Reinsel Kuntz Lesher
$4,102,364 100.0%
Opportunity House Gallery
Our Beautiful Brick Garden
The final step in the completion of our wonderful
technology center (an expansion of the Second
Street Learning Center), was to acknowledge
those who generously participated in the project
through our “Buy a Brick” campaign. With
the help of our friends at LOWE’S and GlenGery Corporation, this beautiful garden rests
snuggled between our technology center and
the toddlers’ playground. It is a quieter place
for all who come to enjoy. Our sincere thanks
to those donors who gave very generously
and helped plant the seeds for this garden.
430 Second Street | Reading PA 19601 | 610 374-4696