Truly A Team Effort - HeartShare Human Services of New York
Truly A Team Effort - HeartShare Human Services of New York
HEARTSHARE ANNUAL REPORT 2005 Published by HeartShare Human Services of New York Tricia Fleming Director of Communications Photographer Joe Wallace Photography Designer Tasha Sakhrani (Meme Engine) Printer Pace Press, Inc. CONTENTS Truly A Team Effort 1 HEARTSHARE HUMAN SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT 2005 Developmental Disabilities Services Early Childhood Services Residential Services Adult Day Services Medicaid Service Coordination 2 4 6 8 Children & Family Services Family Service Centers Foster Care and Adoption Services HIV/AIDS Services Youth Services 10 12 14 16 Our Friends Our Staff & Partners Our Financial Statement Our Programs 18 22 23 24 Truly A TEAM EFFORT HeartShare Human Services of New York would not be the outstanding human services agency it is today without the devoted and compassionate staff who helps to improve people’s lives. Many of our employees return to school to further their personal education and better serve our clients. This is just one example of their personal commitments to HeartShare. William R. Guarinello At HeartShare, we develop and train our staff to be the best they can be. We have countless employees who have been here for more than 10 or 15 years and have worked their way up the ladder. For many, this is not a job, it’s a career. They believe in the work we do and want to help people become more independent and develop to their fullest potential. When outsiders visit our programs, the one comment we repeatedly hear is how apparent the love and dedication are from our staff to our clients. Our staff believes in the philosophy that the people we serve come first. The staff members that you will meet on the following pages are just eight out of 1,400. We couldn’t feature everyone who truly makes a difference in the community for there aren’t enough pages to do so, but this is truly a team effort. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Executive staff, we would like to thank our employees for the hard work they do every day. The whole is truly only as strong as its parts, and they are our strongest parts. Ralph A. Subbiondo Chairman, Board of Directors William R. Guarinello President and Chief Executive Officer Ralph A. Subbiondo “The look of happiness on a parent’s face when their child learns something new makes it all worth it for me.” EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES D E V E LO P M E N TA L D I S A B I L I T I E S S E R V I C E S E A R LY C H I L D H O O D S E RV I C E S It’s FUN WORKING with the CHILDREN and watching them GROW. 2 It takes a special kind of person to work with children with special needs, and Norma Torres is that person. After working at HeartShare’s Kiwanis First Step Early Childhood Center as a Teacher’s Assistant for six years, Norma earned her Master’s degree and is now a Special Education Teacher. She works with 12 children, age three to five, and helps them build a strong foundation for their futures. Each day follows a similar routine, as repetition is an important component of the children’s learning. The morning begins with free playtime, and then the work begins. They start by going through the days of the week, the types of weather, the alphabet, and who’s in school today. All of these activities are done to music. Following that, the children may then have music therapy, read a story, begin a science lesson, play an educational computer game, prepare instant pudding for snack, or create an arts and craft project. “Many of the children have speech delays, so we focus a lot on using words and building vocabulary,” noted Norma. “If a child says ‘I want that’, we encourage them to use the right words for whatever the item is.” By the end of the day, the children, and Norma, have engaged in a variety of activities. “It’s fun working with the children because you never know what they will say. I watch them grow throughout the year, and I really feel like I am making a difference in their lives.” Norma Torres We become part of their FAMILY, and they become part of OURS. “I decided to go back to school to get my degree so I could better serve the needs of our consumers.” D E V E LO P M E N TA L D I S A B I L I T I E S S E RV I C E S R E S I D E N T I A L S E RV I C E S Working 40 hours a week at HeartShare’s Scibelli Residence is a full-time job for Kim Rendeiro, but she still finds the energy to go to college full-time to earn her degree in social work. As a Residential Counselor working from 4 pm to midnight, Kim assists the three men and three women living at Scibelli Residence with their daily activities, including cooking, doing laundry, cleaning their rooms, administering needed medication, and enjoying recreational activities. 4 “When Rosemarie first moved in, she didn’t want to take part in preparing dinner,” noted Kim. “Now, we can’t keep her out of the kitchen. I have seen the consumers grow and become more independent in the three years I have been at Scibelli Residence.” The Scibelli Residence is just one of 21 group homes that HeartShare operates in Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens. Kim and her co-workers help the residents to become more independent. For some, the next step is moving into a Supported Apartment, which has less supervision because the consumers are able to do more on their own. “We become part of their family, and they become part of ours,” said Kim. “The whole house went to a Staten Island Yankees game and it was such a blast to see the consumers enjoying themselves. It may seem like a small thing to many people, but for them it was really exciting and gave them an opportunity to do something they don’t normally get to do. They can’t wait to go back again next year.” Kim Rendeiro RESIDENTIAL SERVICES “I’ve had lots of jobs before but none were as rewarding and enjoyable as this one.” I am HELPING to IMPROVE the LIVES of these ADULTS. Going home at the end of the workday with a smile on your face because you enjoy your job that much is not something most people experience. But for Rosevelt Dume, that happens on a regular basis. Rosevelt is an Assistant Group Leader at HeartShare’s Brooklyn Day Habilitation program for adults with developmental disabilities, and he spends most days out in the community with the consumers. Rosevelt Dume ADULT DAY SERVICES Rosevelt accompanies a small group of adults, usually four or five individuals, on various work and volunteer experiences each day. The job locations chosen are based on the individual’s interests and goals. Examples of those jobs include feeding horses at a stable in Manhattan, doing maintenance at the local movie theatre, and serving lunch at a nearby senior center. Rosevelt works with many of the consumers at the program. Some groups take a van to their jobs, others may take the subway, and some may walk if it is close by. “This is my first job in this field, and I have been here for two years. I can see that I am helping to improve the lives of these adults with developmental disabilities and am really making a difference.” D E V E LO P M E N TA L D I S A B I L I T I E S S E R V I C E S DAY S E RV I C E S “I like working here because each person has such a different personality,” shared Rosevelt. “They are fun to be around, and I like watching them learn when we go out in the community.” 7 “Each consumer is different and has their own goals and dreams.” I am ALWAYS LEARNING about NEW opportunities for our consumers. Being compassionate, having excellent listening skills and a possessing a warm interpersonal style are just a few things that help Luigi Curto excel as one of HeartShare’s Medicaid Service Coordinators. Luigi is responsible for coordinating the various services received by an individual with developmental disabilities, an important service that HeartShare provides to consumers throughout Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES MEDICAID SERVICE COORDINATION Additionally, Luigi identifies the consumer’s needs, interests, and abilities and helps him or her get additional needed or desired services. “I help them develop an individualized plan that promotes independence and maximizes choices,” explained Luigi, who has been with HeartShare for four years. 8 “I meet with the consumers on a regular basis and discuss any issues they may have,” said Luigi. “If a consumer wants to try something new, I see it as my job to say, ‘Why not? Let’s try it and see if we can make that happen.’ Often, the consumers want more socialization or a better job placement.” Luigi and his co-workers also inform consumers and their families about their rights, services available, procedures that may be required to keep services, and meetings that may be of interest. “My co-workers and I are out in the field a lot and are always learning about new programs and opportunities for our consumers.” “My job is really about getting to know the consumer better. You need to be personable and listen. Once you make a connection, you are better able to serve their needs.” MEDICAID SERVICE COORDINATION Luigi Curto “I owned an interior painting business but wanted to do more meaningful work, so I earned my Master’s in art therapy.” Lesley Achitoff Art therapy OPENS THE DOORS of communication BETWEEN family members. Working with families in crisis is a second career for Lesley Achitoff, a case planner at HeartShare’s Bensonhurst Family Service Center. Today, Lesley sees 15 families each week to discuss their issues and conflicts, and uses art therapy as a tool to open the doors of communication between family members. FAMILY SERVICE CENTERS Lesley completed an internship at HeartShare while earning her graduate degree and chose to work here after graduation. “I liked the people and the families I was working with during my internship and wanted to continue working with HeartShare families.” During Lesley’s sessions, she meets with clients individually and as a family. The art therapy makes it possible for families and individuals to focus on the art process and product as being metaphors, which is less threatening than speaking directly about painful family issues. “I had a father and son who were having trouble communicating with each other. I gave them cardboard tubes and a glue gun and told them to create something together. They worked together and created a house, implying that a home is very important to both of them. It is helping families like this that make my job fulfilling and rewarding.” C H I L D R E N A N D FA M I LY S E R V I C E S FA M I LY S E RV I C E C E N T E R S D E V E LO P M E N TA L D I S A B I L I T I E S S E R V I C E S E A R LY C H I L D H O O D S E RV I C E S “A common technique I use is the deserted island scenario. I ask a family to draw a deserted island and the five things they would each bring with them,” explained Lesley. “This often enables family members to learn more about each other and it helps me understand the family dynamics.” 11 EACH FAMILY is DIFFERENT, and has different ISSUES. In the 16 years that Alicia Coleman has been working at HeartShare, she has helped reunite hundreds of children with their natural families and has seen just as many adopted by new, loving parents. Upon graduating from college, Alicia found her first job at HeartShare and has been here ever since. “I see myself as a guide who helps the families get to CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES FO STE R CAR E/AD O PTI O N “Working at a place like HeartShare, you get a lot of hands-on experience, which is what I enjoy,” commented Alicia, a senior caseworker in the Brooklyn Foster Care Program. “Each family is different, and has different issues to address.” 12 Children are removed from their homes and placed in foster homes for countless reasons. Alicia has regular meetings with the natural parents, foster parents, and children. “I encourage parents and children to meet the guidelines that are established on a case by case basis. I work with the foster parents to address any issues they may be having with the child. I have to remain objective and not judge people.” Alicia’s top priority is the welfare of the children. When parents are not able to care for their children, Alicia works to find adoptive parents to raise them. “I would say about half of the children return to their parents and half are adopted. Many foster parents become the adoptive parents because they have built a relationship with the child.” “The best part of my job is working with the families. I have always enjoyed helping people and that is why I came here—to help families.” where they need to be. I help them Alicia Coleman change their lives.” FOSTER CARE SERVICES “I like helping people and in my job you really get to know them. I know that I am helping to make their lives better.” The INDIVIDUALS in our apartments COULD STILL BE HOMELESS. CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES H IV/AI DS SE RVICES As the Residence Manager for HeartShare’s HIV/AIDS Services Residential Housing Program, Charles Locklear helps coordinate the maintenance and upkeep of 72 apartments throughout Brooklyn and Queens. This is not an easy task for a man who has only three full-time maintenance workers on staff. 14 Charles Locklear When the individuals or families living in one of HeartShare’s apartments have repair needs or issues with the landlord, Charles is the person they call. When an apartment becomes vacant, Charles is part of a team that screens potential tenants. When it is time to negotiate the leases or find new apartments, Charles is the one to do it. “I used to work at shelters, but have been at HeartShare for eight years now,” says Charles. “It is a lot to manage and some days are hectic, but I don’t mind. I work with good staff who get the job done.” The individuals or families who live in these apartments have been affected by HIV or AIDS. “For someone making little to no income, they could never afford to live in a safe, clean apartment like ours. We furnish the apartments with the essentials needed for daily living, but the people living in the apartments are able to decorate it as they like.” “I have always liked working with people, and I know that without HeartShare, the individuals and families in our apartments could still be homeless or in shelters.” HIV/AIDS SERVICES “I am here because this is where I am supposed to be. I was brought here for a reason, and I have a job to do.” YOUTH SERVICES CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES YOUTH SERVICES The KIDS come and they know that THEY ARE WANTED HERE. 16 Born and raised in the same neighborhood as HeartShare’s Bensonhurst Youth Program, Program Coordinator Pam Boccaccio believes that this program is filling a need in the community, and she would know best. The program offers an after-school program from September to June, and a camp during the summer months. During the school year, there is a major focus on homework help. “Many of our parents don’t speak English, so how can they help their children with homework?” asked Pam. “We spend about an hour each day on homework before we begin other activities. Of course, if someone needs extra time, we give it to him or her.” The other activities Pam is referring to include arts and crafts, martial arts, board games, billiards, and different sports activities, to name a few. During the summer, kids come to have fun, but education is still important as time at the end of the day is spent on summer reading assignments. “There are few other resources in this community for parents and children. When preparing for this year’s summer camp, I asked my staff about their camp experiences. None of them had gone to summer camp because it wasn’t available, even just a few years ago.” “The kids come and they know that they are wanted here. I know that we are helping to make the parents’ lives easier, and therefore helping the family as a whole.” Pam Boccaccio OUR FRIENDS H E A R T S H A R E H U M A N S E R V I C E S D O N O R S A 18 A & D Transportation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Abatemarco ABC Smart Shopping Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Abott AC Cleaning, LLC Adelphi Academy Alliance Mortgage Banking Sebastian S. Aloi Alpine Discount Store American Building Maintenance Co. American International Group Analytic Asset Management Angels on the Bay, Inc. Apple Real Estate Management Co, LLC Arenson Office Furnishings Ark Restaurants Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Aslanian Asset Staffing, Inc. Joseph L. Assini, D.P.M. Astoria Federal Savings Paul Atanasio Atlantic Liberty Savings, F.A. B Michael Badalucco and Brenda Heyob Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Baker Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Baldinger Bank of America Charles Barbiere, M.D. Natalie Barnwell Joseph Bartumioli Dominic Bassani Batesville Casket Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baxt Bay Ridge Federal Credit Union Bay Ridge Urology Associates Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp. Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. Bedford Capital Mortgage Bella Rosa’s Gift Basket Joseph R. Benfante, Esq. Barbara Bennett Berglass Grayson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Bianca David G. Biozes Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Biscuti Mr. and Mrs. Grady Black Arthur Bowler Brierley & Partners Brighton Collison Inc. Brokers Worldwide John Brothers Brown & Brown Insurance Mr. and Mrs. James G. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. James J. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Buckley Buckley’s Restaurant Don T. Butler C Robert Calciano, MD Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Caliguari, Jr. Kenneth F. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Canal Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Capela James M. Carr Thomas P. Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Caruana Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Casey Ronald A. Catania Cathedral Club of Brooklyn Catholic Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn Dianne Cattrano Stephen P. Cecere Celtic General Contractors, Inc. Century-Maxim Construction Corp. Coleen A. Ceriello-Mehary and Michael G. Mehary Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Chadwick Charity Begins at Home Charles Hertzig Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Chiarchiaro Chubb Re, Inc. Moon Bae Chung Edward L. Ciffone George A. Cincotta, Jr. Citywide Transit Inc. Doreen Clark-Williams Clem Snacks, Inc. MaryLu Collins Common Cents of New York City Colonia Country Club John P. Conroy Michael Copperstone Craine Air Conditioning, Inc. James L. Crimmins Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Curatola D Maureen D’Arcy Daniels & Norelli, P. C. Linda Dano/F & L Entertainment, Inc. Geraldine Delprete Delro Industries, Inc. DeMatteis Int’l Group Denali Construction Designed Interiors DeSola Group Inc. Florence and Michael DeSola Leonard Deutsch, MD The Honorable Stephen DiBrienza, Esq. Lawrence F. DiGiovanna, Esq. Direct Freight Express Divine Bar/Two Divine Corp. Dockside Cafe Stephen M. Dodson Nicholas T. Domingues Kathleen Donadio Doreen Greenwood Real Estate Dyker Heights Intermediate School/ Penny Harvest Roundtable Dynamic Express, Inc. E Eaton & Torrenzano LLP Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Eaton, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Ellis Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Deirdre A. Poole and Donald J. Ercole Ernst & Young LLP Euro Brokers Javier Evans Everest Reinsurance Co. Excel Physical Therapy F Angela Farina Lynette Fernandez The Honorable Geraldine A. Ferraro Salvatore Ferrera, Ph.D. Tricia Fleming Foley Perlman & Campbell, LLC Fortune Footwear Inc. Forum Personnel Inc. Thomas E. Foti Dan Fox William P. Fox William D. Friel G Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gambino Garban Intercapital Ellen Garcia Gargiulo’s Restaurant Gateway/ME Business Division George L. Clark, Inc. Realtors Lydia and Napoleon Giannattasio Raymond Girnys, MD Michael R. Given Patrick Glenn The Honorable and Mrs. Martin J. Golden Robert Charles Golden and Maureen Moore Gotham Transportation Services Graubard Miller Green Realty Development Company, LLC Greene-Van Pharmacy Corp. Mr. and Mrs. James Greenlay Greiner-Maltz Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grillo The Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Guarinello Mr. and Mrs. William R. Guarinello H The Hackett Foundation, Inc. Hanover Moving & Storage Co., Inc. Harbor View Transportation of S. I. HCFP/Brenner Securities, LLC HealthStar Industries, Inc. David Hernandez, Esq. Mia Higgins and Andrew Busser Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Higgins Eldon R. Hills Robert W. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Howe, Esq. HSBC Bank USA Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Hubinger Hughes Foundation for Charitable Purposes, Inc. Hunter Provisions, Ltd. I Iannelli Construction Co. Inc. ICAP Services North American LLC Imagenetix, Inc. InBev USA Independence Community Bank Industrial Distributors, Inc. International Paper Company Island Architectural Woodwork, Inc. J Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jakalow William D. Jelley Jenrich Contractors, Inc. Jim and Lynn Scoroposki Foundation Joseph P. Clavin Sons, Inc. Joseph P. Day Realty Corp. JP Morgan Chase K Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Kassar Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaufman Valerie Kearst Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Keating Kennedy’s Restaurant Kennelly Development Company LLC Maureen Kenny Jim Kerr KeySpan Corporation Yun Kilkenny Kilvine Construction Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Vik Kirkyla Kiwanis Club Foundation, Inc. of Bensonhurst Kiwanis Club of Lefferts/Liberty Knights of Columbus Council #126 Robert K. Koster L Dr. and Mrs. John L’Insalata Christine and Peter Lagatta Malcolm Lane LaSalle Bus Service Inc. Joseph Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Leibowitz Margaret E. Lenihan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lerner Joyce Levin and Gary Perl Limited Brands, Inc. Milan D. Lint Loeb & Troper The Honorable and Mrs. Michael R. Long Thomas Long Jason Low Ludwig’s Catering, Inc. John C. Lugano Luxury Limousines & Transportation Co. M M & F Michael’s Meats, Inc. Ira Mack Kerrie D. MacPherson Mario Macrina MAG Electrical Contracting Corporation Maimonides Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mancuso Manfredi Motors, Inc. John J. Manginelli Manolo Blahnik Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maracic Arthur Maresca Mark A. Marrero Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Masucci William McCadden McKinsey & Company, Inc. The McMillion Foundation Peter Mercanti Valerie A. Merone Robert Meyers Michael DeLuca Funeral Home, LLC Jon J. Michnovicz, MD Millenium Futures Group Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Mollica The Honorable and Mrs. Benedict J. Monachino Vincent Mongno James W. Montanari Velyna A. Morales Anthony Moran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Moran Morgan Joseph & Co, Inc. Morgan Stanley Mortgage Associates, Inc. Mario Mosse MSI Net, Inc. Mullin Basketball Camp Mr. and Mrs. Terence Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Murray Murray Hill Painting Co. James E. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Murray Brooke Myers George Myers Pegalis and Erickson, LLC The Reverend Thomas G. Pettei Pfizer Inc. Phillips Sales, Inc. Physicians Reciprocal Insurers Betty J. Picott Picture This Television, LLC Pike & Pike Premier Elevator Service, Inc. Joel Press Professional Charter Service Prop Mechanical, Inc. Prospect Drugs Company, Inc. Pro-Stat Inc. Prudential Financial Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Public School 215/ Penny Harvest Roundtable Robert Puskuldjian Q Quad/Graphics Quebecor World (USA) Inc. Quick International Courier Michele Quigley and Luis Benitez N Napach Rothenberg Architects LLP Nativo, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neider New Heritage New York Mercantile Exchange Charitable Foundation New York State Conservative Party Newmark & Company Real Estate Angela Nicosia Nissan of Queens Carol Smith and Karanja Njiiri Kenneth P. Nolan North Fork Foundation, Inc. North Side Structures Inc. Charles Norton Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Notine NYT Capital, Inc. O Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O’Keefe On the Go Cargo, Inc. Ox Construction Corp. Ozone Park Kiwanis P Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pagnotta Ralph Palma Joseph V. Paradiso Park Slope Plumbing Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paskoff Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Patella, Jr. HeartShare extends its appreciation to its generous supporters and gratefully acknowledges the following contributors who donated $250 or more, between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005. These charitable donors enable HeartShare to provide its high-quality programs to thousands of individuals throughout New York City. If you would like to make a contribution to HeartShare, please use the enclosed envelope or send your contribution directly to: HeartShare Human Services Public Affairs Office 186 Joralemon Street, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718) 422-3210 OUR FRIENDS (cont.) R Radiochick, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ragusa RAM Abstract Ltd. Nectar Ramirez-Gosdin Michael Reap Mary A. Reilly Mr. and Mrs.Terry Richards Drs. Robert Riggio and Maureen Relland Robert Scanlon Training Center Megan Ryan H E A R T S H A R E H U M A N S E R V I C E S D O N O R S S 20 St. Teresa’s Parish Bill Salerno and Doris Wong Barbara Sanderson Sapol Realty William Sather Richard Savastano Joseph Scarpinito, Sr. The Honorables Dilia and Arthur Schack Laura M. Schaible Randy L. Schneider Marguerite Schroeder Mr. and Ms. James Scibelli Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Segreto Serpentine Consultant Group Shamrock Athletic Club Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shustek Terrence Skelly Arthur N. Skelskie Barbara Slattery Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Smith Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smolowitz Patrick J. Smyth Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick St. Francis College Tara Stackpole Standard Security Life Insurance Company of NY Stanley’s Furniture and Bedding Staples Business Advantage Gina Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Strange Mr. and Mrs. John Strehle Frank and Donna Melli Stryczek Andrew and Loretta Stone Studio Russell James, Inc. Ann Subbiondo Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Subbiondo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Sullivan, Jr. The Most Reverend Joseph M. Sullivan Super Runners Shop, Inc. VIP Relocations, Ltd. Vital Transportation, Inc. W T T&R Global Trading Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Taranto Tarratax International, LLC Linda Tempel and The Honorable Alex Calabrese Mr. and Mrs. Henry Terranova The Central National-Gottesman Foundation The For All Kids Foundation, Inc. The Ghetto Kids Inc. d/b/a The Boardy Barn The Hallen Construction Co., Inc. The Inner Circle Inc. The Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein Family Foundation The McGraw-Hill Companies The Staubach Company The Strober Organization, Inc. The Trust Family Foundation Thomas M. Amato Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Thompson Patrick Tiernan Titan Capital, Inc. Gary Tolchin & Tamar Tolchin Foundation, Inc. Top Notch Limousine Inc. Paul J. Torre Tracey Real Estate Inc. Traditional Abstract Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Troia Trooper Foods TTI of NYC, Inc. Charles Turney Charles A. Turney Matthew Turney Ronan Tynan U U.S.S. Intrepid Association, Inc. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America United Federation of Teachers Unity Venture Capital Association, Ltd. University Physicians Group V Valley Lane Industries Co. Vaness, Inc. Carol A. Verdi Verrazano Rotary Club Victoria’s Secret Direct, LLC Victoria’s Secret Stores/ Victoria’s Secret Beauty Patrick J. Waide, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Walsh Mary Walsh WCA Technologies, Inc. Mary B. Williams Amanda Winchester Wingate, Kearney & Cullen World Fair Pharmacy X Xaverian High School Y Mark A. Yanche Andrea H. Yellin Karen Young Z Zeke Zsa Zsa Holding, Inc. In-Kind Donations Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Abatemarco ABC Smart Shopping Accessory Resource Gallery Area Yoga Arrojo Studio Bay Ridge Lexus Bay Ridge Manor Bishop Loughlin High School George Bove B.R. Guest Restaurants, Inc. Brooklyn Conservatory of Music Brooks Brothers Mr. and Mrs. James J. Buckley Buckley’s Restaurant Canoe Brook Country Club Catholic Cemetery Guild CBRE Celtic General Contractors, Inc. Chaiken China Grill Restaurant Cigar Aficionado Cigar Pyramid Colonia Country Club Consolidated Bus Transit Cuisinart Darby & Darby Deere Real Estate Services, Inc. De Natale Jewelers, Inc. Eaton & Torrenzano LLP Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Eaton, Esq. EnjoyLife, Inc. Finest Printing & Embroidery Fish and Richardson Fisher, Sheehan and Colton Foot Locker Julie Friedman Gargiulo’s Restaurant Gil Ferrer Salon Robert Charles Golden and Maureen Moore Good Shepherd Sports Gotham Comedy Club Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Guarinello Mr. and Mrs. William R. Guarinello Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy & Bach Industrial Distributors Irish Arts Center JW Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes Kendra Studio Jewelry KeySpan Corporation Kleinfeld Kobrand Corporation Leaf & Rusher Longchamp L’Oreal USA Robert Maguire Steve Maguire Thomas Maguire Manfredi Auto Group Danny Maniscalco John Manning Arthur Maresca Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Masucci James McCann Mindsaw Web Development Anthony Moran MSI Net, Inc. George Najarian’s All-Star Revue Nanette Lepore Nars National Artists Management Co. Nativo, LLC NYC Department of Education Region 7 New York New York Floral and Plant New York Sports Clubs Carol Smith and Karanja Njiiri Omgeo Pacific Fruit Peanut Butter & Company Peter Duffy Furs, Inc. Pilo Arts Day Spa & Salon Prudential Financial Public School 204 Reem Acra Joan Rivers Roberta Chiarella, Inc. Rossini’s Italian Cuisine Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and St. Stephen St. Bernadette School St. Cecilia RC Church St. Ephrem RC Church St Jerome RC Church St. Teresa of Avila RC Church Tessie Salvantis Barbara Sanderson Ira C. Schulman, M.D. Carol and Jim Scibelli Susan Subbiondo Shindler So What Media & Management Southern Progress Corporation (Oxmoor House Books) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stagg Staples Business Advantage Jay Strongwater Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Subbiondo Linda Tempel and The Honorable Alex Calabrese The Sports Club/LA Dan Torre Paul J. Torre Two Busy Bees Union Beer Distributors Valentino Interiors Verizon Victoria’s Secret Direct, LLC Viva Bags of California WQCD/CD 101.9 Xaverian High School Joe Ziccardi Special Thanks American Golf/Dyker Beach Golf Course Buckley’s Restaurant Citadel Security Agency Colonia Country Club KeySpan Corporation Kennedy’s Restaurant Al Marciano Marriott New York Marquis Morgan Stanley Shrine Church of St. Jude Sotheby’s USS Intrepid Association of Former Crew Members VIP Relocations Ltd. HEARTSHARE’S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 OUR STAFF ADMINISTRATION William R. Guarinello, MS President and Chief Executive Office Mia Higgins, JD Executive Vice President Operations and General Counsel Linda Tempel, MS, MBA Executive Vice President Services for the Developmentally Disabled Evelyn Alvarez Senior Vice President Service for the Developmentally Disabled Anthony F. Bianca Senior Vice President and Controller George A. Cincotta, Jr. Senior Vice President Public Affairs Carol Smith-Njiiri, MSW, LMSW Senior Vice President Children and Family Services Kenneth Callahan, LCSW Vice President Children and Family Services H E A R T S H A R E H U M A N S E R V I C E S D O N O R S Lynette Fernandez Assistant Controller 22 CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES Ellen Garcia, MEd Suzanne Schein-McLemore, RN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Joseph B. Guarinello Vice President Technology, Quality Improvement and Energy Programs Stanley Capela, MA Senior Director of Quality Improvement Mary Jean Patella Senior Director of Human Resources Tricia Fleming Director of Communications Vincent Pagnotta Director of Purchasing William P. Fox Assistant Director of Quality Improvement BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers Ralph A. Subbiondo Chairman Robert Charles Golden First Vice Chair John T. Sharkey Second Vice Chair Directors of Programs Natalie Barnwell, LMSW Irena Kirkyla, LMSW Roger Mazzola, MS Betty Picott, LCSW Michael J. Abatemarco Treasurer SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED Members James J. Buckley Coleen A. Ciriello Edward L. Ciffone Linda Dano Michael J. DeSola Craig A. Eaton, Esq. Javier Evans Carl J. Gambino Jim Kerr Leonard C. Masucci Raymond J. Mollica, DPM Rev. Thomas G. Pettei Theodore J. Strange, MD Most Rev. Joseph M. Sullivan Joseph V. Taranto Vice Presidents Joyce Levin, MS Carol Verdi, ACSW Senior Director of Programs Donna Carroll Laurie Yankowitz, MEd Director of Programs Janice Aris Priscilla A. Bannerman Deborah Bencivenga Steve Cerchia, MA Ravi Dahiya MS, MPA Paul J. Torre Secretary OUR PARTNERS MEMBERSHIPS & AFFILIATIONS American Association on Mental Retardation American Occupational Therapy Association American Psychological Association Angels on the Bay Foundation Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Association of Fundraising Professionals Black Agency Executives, Inc. Brooklyn Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities Council Catholic Charities USA Catholic Child Care Directors Columbia University Graduate School of Social Work Consortium for Workers Education Council for Exceptional Children/ Division of Early Childhood Council of Voluntary Family and Child Caring Agencies Council on Accreditation Council on Social Work Education Developmental Disability Nurses Association Early Childhood Strategic Group HIV/AIDS Pediatric AIDS Advisory Group HIV/AIDS Services Administration InterAgency Council of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Agencies National Association for the Education of Young Children National Association for Female Executives National Association of Social Workers National Council on Family Relations National Fuel Funds Network National Low Income Energy Consortium New York Families for Autistic Children New York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies New York State Speech-LanguageHearing Association Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York, Inc. Partnership for After-School Education Psychotherapy Networker Queens Council on Developmental Disabilities Society for Human Resource Management Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Council Women in Development, New York GOVERNMENT PARTNERS HeartShare proudly acknowledges its ongoing partnerships with New York City and State. Their programmatic support and funding enable HeartShare to provide services to those in need. NEW YORK CITY Administration for Children’s Services The After-School Corporation The Council of the City of New York Department of Education Department of Health/Division of Day Care Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Department of Youth and Community Development Human Resources Administration NEW YORK STATE Child and Adult Care Food Program Department of Education Department of Health Department of Mental Health Department of Social Services New York State Assembly/ Brooklyn Assembly Delegation New York State Senate Office of Children and Family Services Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities REVENUE* EXPENSES* Children & Family Services Adoption, Foster Care and Independent Living Family Centers & Youth Programs Programs for People with HIV/AIDS $6,533 $3,611 $2,969 $5,727 $3,657 $2,666 Services for the Developmentally Disabled Residential Programs Day Programs Early Childhood Services HeartShare Wellness Ltd. Family Support $22,770 $14,773 $ 11,145 $ 1,969 $869 $20,505 $12,903 $9,851 $2,193 $1,034 Total Program $64,639 $58,536 General and Administrative Fund Raising $6,749 $337 Total Administrative $7,086 Public Support and Other Revenue Net Income Special Events Fees for Services Contributions Interest Income $827 $229 $90 $1 Total Public Support and Other Revenue $1,147 Wingate, Kearney & Cullen 32 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11201-9243 Total $65,786 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Ending Net Assets $5,374 COUNSEL Loeb & Troper 655 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 $65,622 * Dollars in thousands Copies of HeartShare’s audited financial statements are available upon written request to HeartShare Human Services, 191 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. OUR PROGRAMS CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES Total Number Served: 7,167 ADOPTION, FOSTER CARE, & INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAMS Number Served: 1,077 1 2 Brooklyn Office Queens Office FAMILY CENTERS 3 4 5 6 Bensonhurst - Bay Ridge Kiwanis Center East Brooklyn Family Services The Shirley Tannyhill Beacon Family Services South Brooklyn Family Services YOUTH PROGRAMS 7 8 9 10 Bensonhurst - Bay Ridge Kiwanis Center McKinley – I.S. 259 Beacon Program P.S. 102 One World After-School Program The Shirley Tannyhill Beacon Program PROGRAMS FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV/AIDS 11 12 Community Follow-Up Program Residential Housing Program 718-855-7766 718-234-1717 718-836-3620 718-567-2365 718-714-0103 Number Served: 486 718-372-0580 718-647-0118 EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES Number Served: 1,395 15 16 17 Angels on the Bay First Step Evaluation Center Matilda Raffa Cuomo First Step Early Childhood Center Lefferts/Liberty Kiwanis First Step Early Childhood Center Dolly and Frank Russo, Sr. First Step Early Childhood Center HeartShare Early Childhood Center DAY PROGRAMS 18 19 20 21 22 23 Frances Aiello Day Services Harry Hoffman Day Services Eileen and William Lavin Day Services Bay Ridge Day Habilitation Program Brooklyn Day Habilitation Program Queens Day Habilitation Program 46 47 48 49 50 Number Served: 2,754 Early Intervention Respite Reimbursement Medicaid Service Coordination Options Project Parent Training Respite/Recreation Programs HEARTSHARE WELLNESS LTD. 51 HeartShare Wellness Ltd. AFFILIATED PROGRAMS Number Served: 3,284 Total Number Served: 5,801 14 HEARTSHARE HUMAN SERVICES OUR PROGRAMS Number Served: 2,320 718-234-1717 718-434-7900 718-714-0103 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES 13 24 718-422-4253 718-739-5000 FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES 51 EnergyShare 718-797-2020 x124 718-422-3336 718-422-3290 718-422-3276 718-422-3292 Number Served: 934 24 31 Flushing 718-855-7707 19 30 Woodside Total Number of Households Served: 2,443 Number of Households Served: 1,083 877-480-7427 39 Maspeth In affiliation with Con Edison 52 Neighborhood Heating Fund Number Of Households Served: 1,236 718-522-6514 14 16 Richmond Hill In affiliation with KeySpan 53 Neighbor Fund Number of households served: 124 866-504-2665 1 22 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 In affiliation with Entergy QUEENS 2 Jamacia 35 36 44 Brooklyn Heights 6 28 29 41 718-323-2877 18 Bedford Stuyvesant 718-441-5333 BROOKLYN 718-848-0300 718-805-7117 38 St. George 718-238-4637 Number Served: 488 718-443-5071 718-899-2752 718-745-7117 718-745-7117 718-797-2020 718-281-0480 RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS Number Served: 230 24 35th Avenue Residence 25 Josephine and Joseph Abatemarco Residence 26 Marian and Anthony Attardi Residence 27 Kathleen and James Buckley Residence 28 Clermont Residence 29 Clinton Residence 30 Thomas J. Cuite Residence 31 Maureen and Vincent Curatola Residence 32 Doonan-Drake Residence 33 Antonetta Ferraro Residence 34 Lydia and Napoleon Giannattasio Residence 35 Msgr. Thomas G. Hagerty Residence 36 Hart Street Residence 37 Maureen Moore Residence 38 Carol and James Scibelli Residence 39 Lillian and John Sharkey, Sr. Residence 40 Helen and John Sharkey Residence 41 Rita P. Short Residence 42 Ann and Charles Subbiondo Residence 43 Clare and Frank Torre Residence 44 Dr. Catherine White Residence 45 Supported Apartment Program Office 23 40 42 Bayside STATEN ISLAND 9 17 20 21 34 Bayridge 4 32 Flatbush 8 26 Dyker Heights 3 7 25 43 Bensonhurst 5 10 11 Coney Island 37 12 East New York 27 Canarsie 13 15 Howard Beach 33 Far Rockaway NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE 191 Joralemon Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 718 422 4200 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PAID BROOKLYN, NY PERMIT NO. 2179
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