BULETIN UniKL MIMET PATRON 352)'$72¶'502+'0$16256$//(+ CHIEF EDITOR CDR (R) AMINUDDIN BIN MD AROF EDITORIAL MEMBERS EN.MAZLAN BIN MUSLIM EN.ABD RAZAK BIN ABD RAHMAN CIK AZILA BT. AYUB EN.MOHD HAZWAN HAFIZ BIN MOHD PUZI MIMET Ahoy! Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah Subhanahuwataala, buletin UniKL MIMET yang kerdil ini mampu menyahut cabaran untuk terus bernafas bagi memuatkan coretan-coretan dan aspirasi warga MIMET sekalian. Kita semua sedia maklum UniKL merupakan sebuah syarikat yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). Sehubungan itu, apa jua yang kita laksanakan bukan sahaja perlu konsisten dengan Visi dan Misi UniKL tetapi juga perlu menyokong Misi Korporat pemilik kita. Penyataan Amanah yang diutarakan melalui Misi Korporat MARA LDODK³PHQMDGLEDGDQDPDQDK\DQJXQJJXOGDQGLEHUNDWLXQWXNPHQJDQJNDWPDUWDEDW GDQPDUXDKEDQJVDPHQHUXVLSHOEDJDLDNWLYLWLHNRQRPLSHQGLGLNDQNHPDV\DUDNDWDQ´ Adalah tidak dinafikan secara umumnya UniKL sentiasa mendokong Penyataan Amanah tersebut dengan membuka ruang yang seluas mungkin untuk anak-anak bangsa melanjutkan pelajaran sehingga ke peringkat ijazah. Namun dalam keghairahan kita untuk memperbaiki prestasi kewangan, kadangkala ada yang terlupa bahawa yuran pengajian yang ditetapkan seakan-akan menutup pintu kepada pelajar-pelajar daripada keluarga yang kurang berada. Tindakan ini bukan sahaja tidak konsisten dengan Penyataan Amanah MARA, bahkan merugikan UniKL kerana para lepasan sekolah sudah pasti akan memilih institusi yang dapat menawarkan yuran yang kompetitif dan mampu ditampung melalui pinjaman pelajaran yang disediakan. EN AZZAHARI BIN HAMID EN. AZIZAN BIN HJ. ABDUL AZIZ PN. NIK HARNIDA BT. SUHAINAI EN.SUFIAN BIN YAHAYA EN.MOHD HANIS BIN MOHD NOR CIK SARAH NADIAH BT. RASHIDI CIK ROWENA SHAHFINAS BT. ABD RAHMAN EN.SHARIF BIN SAAD EN MOHD ZAWAWI BIN MAT TAHAR Thanks Allah for allowing us to realize the second issue of MIMET Ahoy! In spite of being at the infancy stage, the verbal comments given by staff and students alike to the initial issue of the bulletin were encouraging. Notwithstanding that, we at the editorial board would like to welcome any written comments and suggestions from all readers in order to further improve our bulletin. Other forms of contributions such as news, academic articles, poem, religions, general knowledge or other creative writings are also warmly welcomed. Nevertheless, all contributions must be original. The editors will endeavour our best to enable most if not all the contributions to be published. The coming semester break is probably a good time to search for ideas while vacating at our kampungs, by the sea sides or on top of the hills. Till then, may Allah bless us with good health, fair winds and following seas. KANDUNGAN / CONTENT DARI MEJA DEKAN / KETUA KAMPUS BANTUAN TKS & ZAKAT RESIN INFUSION IMPLEMENTATION IN SELECTED MARINE SMIs IN MALAYSIA PROGRAM SARJANA & KENAIKAN PANGKAT KAKITANGAN MIMET $020(17:,7+35(6,'(1¶6$:$5'5(&,3(,17 LENSA AHOY! PUISI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO THANK MIMET PHOTOMEDIA CLUB (MIPHOM) FOR ALLOWING SOME OF THEIR PHOTO COLLECTIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN OUR 2nd EDITION. THE INFLUENCE OF CRTICAL READING MAJLIS BERBUKA PUASA KAKITANGAN & SAMBUTAN AIDILFITRI JAZAKALLAH. ENGLISH NIGHT WENT RETRO 2009 SIREH PULANG KE GAGANG CERITERA MARITIM SHIPBOARD ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM 2 PERUTUSAN DEKAN #02 Oktober 2009 DARI MEJA DEKAN / KETUA KAMPUS MENCAPAI PRESTASI CEMERLANG P HUNDWDDQ CFHPHUODQJ¶ VHULQJ GLVHEXW ELOD Walaupun mungkin agak sukar kita berikan memperkatakan p e n c a p a i a n WDNULI ³NHFHPHUODQJDQ´ WHWDSL NLWD WDKX seseorang dan sesebuah organisasi. sesuatu itu cemerlang apabila kita .LWD JXQDNDQ UDQJNDLNDWD ³NHMD\DDQ melihatnya atau mengalaminya. Pada F H PH U O DQJ ´ NH FH PH UOD QJD Q D ND GH PL N ´ umumnya kita menerima, misalnya, kereta ³SHUNKLGPDWDQFHPHUODQJ´GDQVHEDJDLQ\D Rolls Royce, Porsche atau Mercedes Benz sebagai hasil yang cemerlang dan sangat Bagi sebuah organisasi seperti UniKL MIMET, baik. Dalam konteks institusi pengajian tinggi kecemerlangan merangkumi berbagai aspek. kita terima Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard dan Yang paling utama bagi kita ialah kecemerlangan MIT sebagai universiti tercemerlang di dunia. akademik. MIMET ialah sebuah institusi Tetapi apakah criteria yang digunakan untuk akademik. Namun begitu, pencapaian dalam menilai IPT dunia ini sesuai untuk kita menilai aspek-aspek lain juga penting. Untuk mencapai IPT (Institut Pengajian Tinggi) kita? prestasi keseluruhan yang amat baik bagi kita, maka pencapaian tiap individu dalam Kita ada agenda berlainan untuk IPT negara MIMET ± iaitu mahasiswa, mahaguru, pengurus kita Malaysia. Kita tidak perlu terikut-ikut dan petugas sokongan ± mestilah CEMERLANG. dengan kehendak kayu pengukur Pencapaian terbaik tiap individu inilah yang akan ³NHFHPHUODQJDQ´ GDUL %DUDW %DJL NLWD VHODLQ menentukan kecemerlangan institusi kita. prestasi akademik yang tinggi kita juga perlukan graduan dan petugas yang Pencapaian tertinggi tidak wujud secara berpekerti mulia dan berakhlak tinggi yang spontan. Ia timbul dari peningkatan prihatin terhadap nasib bangsa, masyarakat keberkesanan dan kecekapan individu secara dan negara kita. Kita menghendaki pelajar yang ada keinginan mendisiplinkan diri berterusan. Ia mengambil masa yang panjang dengan lebih ketat. Perlu ada komitmen dan perlukan komitmen. Perlu ada penghayatan untuk berjaya dalam serba serbi yang dilakubahawa sesuatu tindakan atau keadaan yang kan ± demi diri kita sendiri dan masyarakat bukan unggul (ideal) itu tidak diterima, tidak MIMET seluruhnya. Penting dijauhi sikap cukup dan tidak sesuai. Amat penting diterapkan melakukan sesuatu sambil lewa dan tidak budaya kecemerlangan (culture of excellence) baik. dalam tiap hati sanubari keluarga Sekian untuk renungan kita bersama kali ini. MIMET ± pelajar, pengajar dan petugas!! Saya berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t supaya kita diberi petunjuk dan hidayah untuk Apakah sebenarnya kecemerlangan? menjalankan peranan kita. Apakah ukuran yang digunakan bagi menilai kecemerlangan organisasi? TERUSKAN USAHA MENCAPAI KECEMERLANGAN! 3URI'DWR¶'U0RKG0DQVRU6DOHK Dekan / Ketua Kampus 3 BERITA SISWA #02 Oktober 2009 Tabung Kebajikan Siswa (TKS) telah menyalurkan bantuan kewangan kepada tiga orang pelajar UniKL MIMET. Bantuan tersebut EHUXSD GXDSLQMDPDQ GDQVDWXVXPEDQJDQLKVDQ \DQJWHODKGLVDPSDLNDQ ROHK3URI'DWR¶'U0RKG 0DQVRU%LQ6DOOHKVHODNX.HWXD Kampus/Dekan UniKL MIMET. Bantuan berupa pinjaman sebanyak RM250 telah diberikan kepada (2) orang pelajar Semester 7,program Diploma Kejuruteraan Teknologi (DET) Pembinaan Kapal dan Penyelenggaraan iaitu Pravin a/l Nadaraja dan Mohd Khaled bin Samad. Pinjaman ini bagi membolehkan mereka menamatkan pengajian pada semester ini. Sementara bantuan ihsan sebanyak RM500 diberikan kepada Mohd Fadzli bin Rosley yang menghadapi masalah kesempitan kewangan akibat penderitaan kesihatan yang ditanggung oleh bapanya. Saudara Fadzli adalah pelajar cemerlang DET dalam Kejuteraan Marin. Bantuan TKS ini diharap bukan sahaja dapat membantu pelajar meringankan bebanan kewangan tetapi yang lebih penting adalah keprihatinan pihak pengurusan Universiti dan pelajar-pelajar lain yang mencarum dalam TKS. Tanpa caruman dari pelajar semua, tidak mungkin TKS dapat menyalurkan bantuan yang diharapkan. ~ Bahagian Hal Ehwal Mahasiswa UniKL MIMET telah menganjurkan majlis di atas pada 9 September 2009 bersamaan 19 Ramadan 1430H bertempat di Dewan Khatulistiwa, UniKL MIMET. Program ini telah bermula seawal jam 6.00 petang dan berakhir sehingga selepas solat terawikh. Majlis yang julung kali diadakan ini dianjurkan oleh kelab Fotografi dan Media (MIPHOM), Keusahawanan (METC) dan Silat Cekak (PSSC) dengan kerjasama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Mahasiswa UniKL MIMET. Dalam majlis ini pihak pengurusan UniKL MIMET turut menyampaikan wang zakat kepada 29 pelajar yang telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh Jawatankuasa Pemilihan Zakat UniKL MIMET. Wang Zakat ini adalah sumbangan dari Syarikat Global Maritime Ventures Bhd dengan jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak 50 3HQ\DPSDLDQ ZDQJ ]DNDW LQL GLVHPSXUQDNDQ ROHK .HWXD .DPSXV PHUDQJNDS 'HNDQ <J %KJ 3URI 'DWR¶ 'U 0RKG Mansor bin Salleh. Menariknya, aktiviti penyediaan makanan bagi majlis berbuka puasa ini dilakukan oleh kakitangan dan pelajar secara bergotong royong. Aktiviti ini diharapkan dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan antara pelajar dan kakitangan di samping memupuk nilai-nilai murni seperti toleransi, kerjasama dan kekeluargaan serta meningkatkan ukhwah islamiah bersempena bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak yang mulia ini. ~ Mohd Saiful Yusri Yusuf (HEM) 4 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 RESIN INFUSION IMPLEMENTATION IN SELECTED MARINE SMIs IN MALAYSIA Kamarul Nasser Mokri, Shamsul Effendy Abdul Hamid Figure 1: Percentage of survey participation Introduction Over the last 30 years, industries have been relying on composite materials. Both traditional and modern techniques have been applied. Resin Infusion is one of the latest techniques in FRP. Basically it is a method for wetting out composite fabrics under a vacuum. The resin is injected into the dry reinforcement fabrics, and unlike hand lay-up, it creates a much cleaner, cost saving and time saving process together with a safer work environment. The Benefits Resin Infusion provides better improvement especially on the fiber proportion to resin, thereby increasing product strength to weight ratio. The Survey Respondents were indentified from the data collected through the internet sources and marine magazines on SMI operators in fiberglass around Malaysia. Only 7 companies responded to our survey from 24 which comprised 30% of the total companies. The survey questionnaires were sent to companies both in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah / Sarawak. Companies The responded companies are under SMI category as well as from the shipbuilding industry background. Survey Result From the survey, all of the correspondences are aware of the existence of resin infusion and its advantages but most of them (about 85 percent) have little knowledge and moderate knowledge about it. One company considered itself very knowledgeable in resin infusion. None of them nevertheless, implement this technique in their premises. (continue to page 6) 5 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 (continue from page 5) Figure 2: Reasons for not implementing resin infusion technique awareness to the public through seminars and forums apart from inculcating academicians to pursue research in resin infusion technology. The government should immediately assist through various ministries and agencies in promoting the technique locally by introducing research grant, study visit and tax exemption for the purchasing of relevant equipment. Conclusion As shown in Figure 2 above, the obstacles in implementing the technique are mainly due to high cost and the unavailability of skillful workforce. Resin infusion technique offers a lot of benefits such as safety, quality, time saving and cost reduction. In ensuring the Malaysian SMI fiberglass operators implement this latest technique, support from the government and relevant universities are of utmost essential. Discussion References In order to materialize the implementation of the resin infusion technique, further assistance is strongly required in the area of financial, training and equipment as shown in the Table 1. 1.Module VBG 972 Composite Fibres III ± Victoria University 28 (January 1999) Table 1: Assistance required for implementing Assistance Required Financial Strongly needed Less needed 57% Moderately needed 29% Training Equipment 85% 71% 14% 14% 0% 0% 0% 2.Vacuum Bagging and Composite Tooling Materials for Resin Infusion www.airtechonline.com (Accessed:14 December 2005) 3.Du Plessis, H. (2003), Fibreglass Boats, 3rd edn, Adlard Coles Nautical, London 4.Vacuum Bagging Techniques : A Guide to the Principles and Practical Application of Vacuum Bagging with WEST SYSTEM Brand Epoxy, (2001), Gougeon Brothers, Bay City, Mich resin infusion system Suggestion Higher educational institutions especially technical and engineering based universities in Malaysia should play important roles in providing courses pertaining to this latest technique and creating more ³(QJNDXWLGDNPDPSXPHPEHULKLGD\DK kepada orang yang kau kasihi, akan tetapi Allah jua yang memberi hidayah NHSDGDVHVLDSD\DQJ'LDNHKHQGDNL´ (Surah al Qasas 28:56) 6 Wawancara #02 Oktober 2009 Written by : Rowena Rahman How are you doing today? ,¶PGRLQJJRRGWKDQN\RX Do you have any nicknames? 0\ IULHQGV FDOO PH ,NKZDQ %XW ZKHQ ,¶P DW KRPH my family calls me Shafiq. Where do you live? I live in Ipoh. Which school did you go to? I went to a boarding school, Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Gopeng from form 4 until 5. Congratulations graduates! Having the opportunity to witness the recent Sixth UniKL Convocation which was held at the majestic How about your schooling days of form 1 to form 3? I went to school in Kluang, Johor. My father used to travel a hall of Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) on the 10th lot. He is in the Army. While my mother is teaching at and 11th October 2009 was a spectacular experience. The First and Kolej Jururawat Ipoh which is under the Ministry of Health. 6HFRQG VHVVLRQV ZHUH DWWHQGHG E\ <% 'DWR¶ 6HUL +DML 0RKG Shafie Haji Apdal, Pro-Chancellor of UniKL. Whilst, the Third How many siblings do you have? session was graced by KDYTM Tengku Mahkota Pahang, Tengku I have two siblings. I have a younger sister and also a Abdullah Al-Haj Ibni Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-0XVWD¶LQ %LOODK younger brother. &KDQFHOORU RI 8QL./ 2XU YHU\ RZQ 'HDQ 3URI 'DWR¶ 'U 0RKG Mansor Salleh was also present. In the occur of the event, UniKL MIMET campus was overwhelmed that one of our students, Ikhwan Shafiq bin Zainal Abidin, graduated from Diploma of Engineering Technology in Ship Construction and Maintenance with the CGPA of 3.90 was the SURXG UHFLSLHQW RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW¶V $ZDUG 6WDQGLQJ WDOO DW FP 2. 1RZ OHW XV PRYH RQ WR \RXU UHFHQW 3UHVLGHQW¶V Award that you received. How do you feel about it? ,IHHOSURXG$WWKHVDPHWLPH,¶PDOVRVXUSULVHG%XWPRVW LPSRUWDQWO\,¶PYHU\KDSS\ Can you share with us what is your greatest secret to your success? with the dream of wanting to be a very good engineer is currently an Firstly, I would say it will be interest. You have to love the undergraduate at UniKL MIMET under the programme of BET subjects you are studying. You must give an immense (Hons) in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding. Being the first son to amount of commitment in what you are doing. You must great parents, Encik Zainal Abidin Zainudin and Puan Rosnawaty also create your own motivation. Mohd has two siblings. His favourite bands are Linkin Park and Muse. His favourite movies are the Lord of the Rings sequels and What is your motivation? Star Wars complete saga -- thinking that Jedis, Siths and Light My motivation is my past failures. It has motivated me to Sabers are very cool! This Arsenal supporter is also very active in redeem success and become better. sports. He plays basketball, futsal and football in his pastime. These are the things he has to say in the exclusive short interview I had with him recently. 7 WAWANCARA #02 Oktober 2009 What do you like to do in your pastime? What is your principle that you hold on to? ,¶PMXVWOLNHQRUPDOSHRSOH,OLNHWRVXUIWKHLQWHUQHW,UHDOO\ 2QFH P\ VFKRRO SULQFLSDO WROG PH ³7R EH D ILUVW FODVV OLNH WR SOD\ YLGHR JDPHV 36 36 36 363« DOO 36V« VWXGHQW \RX PXVW WKLQN ILUVW FODVV´ :H PXVW KDYH JRRG I also play PC games. Sometimes, I play sports like basket- mentality. Not a typical Malay mentality. Think and be ball, futsal and football. professional. What is your favourite team? Out of curiosity, what is your ambition? Arsenal! Since I am in the marine industry, I would like to be a good engineer, being able to work at overseas. Maybe at Korea What had inspired you to join the marine field? (Hyundai) or Germany. They have good dockyards there. ,QLWLDOO\ LW ZDVQ¶W P\ LQWHQWLRQ WR MRLQ WKH PDULQH ILHOG 2QH I plan to go deep into the industry and collect as much GD\ , VDZ 8QL./ 0,0(7¶V DGYHUWLVHPHQW LQ D QHZVSDSHU experience as I can and settle down as a lecturer. Maybe and saw Diploma of Engineering Technology in Ship FRPH EDFN KHUH WR 0,0(7 WR WHDFK , GRQ¶W ZDQW WR EH D Construction and Maintenance programme. I thought to fresh graduate lecturer. I want to properly see how the P\VHOI³:RZWKDWVRXQGVYHU\cool´$QG,WKLQNLWLVYHU\ industry goes first and then teach. different from what my friends are taking. Like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering.. A senior at MIMET also 7KDW¶VJUHDW:KRLV\RXULGRO" shared his experience about this programme. So I decided 'U6KHLNK0XV]DSKDU6KXNRU0DOD\VLD¶VILUVWDVWURQDXW to give it a shot with high motivation. When you were doing your diploma, what was your How about your family? What was their response to favourite subject? your decision to join this field? My favourite subject was Naval Architecture. Through that I am the first in my entire family to join this field. But my subject, I was able to see what the whole course is all parents are OK with it. They are being tremendously about. It involves a lot of calculation. I love calculation. It supportive on this. They said that for as long as my decision also involves the designing of ship. Another subject that LVLQUHJDUGVRIWRIXUWKHUP\VWXG\LW¶VDOUHDG\DGHTXDWHIRU I like was Ship Technology. I got to know everything there is WKHP,¶PWKDQNIXOWRWKHPIRUWKDW$QGGXHWRWKDW,DFWXDOO\ to know about a ship, which I am supposed to know. have a dream. I dream to further my studies at overseas. I received an offer from University of Strathclyde. However, What do you think are the worst habits students should meanwhile, I have to keep them in view due to financial completely avoid? FRQFHUQV,¶PZDLWLQJDQGKRSLQJWKDW0$5$FDQKHOSPHWR Wasting time, being lazy. That is number one students finance my study. MARA is opening its advertisement this should really, really avoid. Also, plagiarism. Students should January. know the difference of referring and plagiarising. They should refer to the reference, learn from it, then, adapt the ,¶PVXUH,QV\D$OODK0$5$ ZLOODLG\RX RQ WKDW PDWWHU knowledge. Moving on to the next question, what do you think are the qualities a good student should have? (continue to page 12) Number one on the list would be hard working. That is compulsory as a student. You must have high and strong commitment in your study and love what \RX DUH GRLQJ 'RQ¶W WDNH WKLQJV IRU granted. It is not easy to be here ± to be offered a chance to study. But some of the students are taking it so easy. Then, most importantly is respect your lecturers and also your friends. 8 #02 Oktober 2009 BERITA KAKITANGAN P rogram Sarjana Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Teknologi Marin) bersama pihak Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) telah dirancang sejak penghujung 2006 lagi bagi meningkatkan kelayakan akademik staf UniKL MIMET. Hasilnya pada bulan Julai 2007, seramai 15 orang staf UniKL MIMET telah memulakan program ini secara separuh masa selama 2 tahun. Pembelajaran kelas dijalankan di Kampus UniKL MIMET pada hujung minggu di mana pensyarah-pensyarah dari UTM telah hadir ke MIMET bagi menyampaikan kuliah. Program ini telah pun tamat dengan jayanya pada Ogos 2009 di mana staf seperti di bawah telah dianugerahkan Ijazah Sarjana Kejuruteraan Mekanikal ( Teknologi Marin). Nama Zaimi Zainal Mukhtar Kamarul Nasser Mokri Shamsul Effendy Abd Hamid Asmawi Abd Malik Asmawi Ismail Kamal Ahmad Azman Ismail Azri Hamim Ab Adzis Bakhtiar Ariff Baharuddin Ahmad Azmeer Roslee Samsol Azhar Zakaria Iwan Zamil Mustapha Kamal Muhammad Nasuha Mansor Faisal Ikram Abd Samad Jawatan Dahulu Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Penolong Pensyarah Specialist Specialist Instructor Instructor Jawatan Sekarang Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Pensyarah Sr. Specialist Specialist Pensyarah Pensyarah Sidang Editorial MIMET Ahoy! mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada staf akademik yang terlibat dan keluarga mereka yang telah menyokong dan member perangsang untuk mereka berusaha dengan gigih siang dan malam tidak kira di hari minggu maupun di hujung minggu. BRAVO ZULU. P ada Julai 2009, seramai lapan staf UniKL MIMET telah dinaikkan pangkat dalam bahagian masing-masing. Kenaikan pangkat ini adalah satu penghargaan UniKL kepada staf yang telah menunjukkan prestasi yang cemerlang dalam bidang kepakaran masing-masing. Mereka adalah seperti berikut: Nama Jawatan Dahulu Jawatan Sekarang Mazlan Muslim Khairul Anuar Mat Saad Muhammad Zaki Zakaria Samsol Azhar Zakaria Lokman Fikry Zawawi Noor Arenawati Abdul Majid Shaiful Fazri Munandan Farid Syarizal Abd Rani Senior Specialist Pensyarah Pensyarah Specialist Eksekutif Eksekutif Juruteknik Kerani Principal Specialist Pensyarah Kanan Pensyarah Kanan Senior Specialist Eksekutif Kanan Eksekutif Kanan Juruteknik Kanan Kerani Kanan 9 LENSA AHOY! #02 Oktober 2009 10 LENSA AHOY! #02 Oktober 2009 11 WAWANCARA #02 Oktober 2009 (continue from page 9) As you know, we always hear current students complaining about the lack of facilities such as Wi-Fi here in the campus. What do you have to say about it? When I first came here, I was the 5th batch. The campus ZDV VWLOO DW 6LWLDZDQ 7KH $FDGHPLF %XLOGLQJ LWVHOI ZDVQ¶W completed. Let alone other facilities. But I still got through it and still managed to display good performance in my VWXGLHV6R,GRQ¶WXQGHUVWDQGZK\WKHFXUUHQWVWXGHQWVDUH complaining especially about Wi-Fi. If the students have the Wi-Fi connection, they will only surf YouTube, Facebook, Friendster etc. For me, the most important thing is you have your lecturers to teach and give you knowledge. You have to make-do of what you have. Regarding laptop or comSXWHULW¶VHLWKHU\RXKDYH\RXURZQRU\RXWU\WRERUURZIURP your friends to complete your assignments. detik waktu terus berputar air mata tertumpah tika tangis sunyi Who would you like to thank on your recent seringai gigi dipamer tika tawa riang achievement? sama-sama leka berhimpun First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents for their mencipta satu irama indah undying support in what I do. I would also like to thank the yang bernama lecturers who have taught me and my friends. sebuah kehidupan.. What advice would you like to share with your fellow jangan sesekali gentar wahai si kecil, peers and friends? 'RQ¶WWDNHWKLQJVIRUJUDQWHG2XUSDUHQWVVHQGXVKHUHZLWK hopes and dreams. The hopes that they have is none other walau kau berasa lemah IRU RXUVHOYHV DQG RXU IXWXUH 'RQ¶W DSSO\ W\SLFDO 0DOD\ walau kau berasa kerdil mentality. Work hard, give full commitment, love studying walau kau berasa tidak berdaya.. and also, create your own motivation will be the key to success. teruskan atur langkahmu, We would like to congratulate Ikhwan on his achievement and we wish him all the best in his future undertakings! biar langkahmu itu tempang biar langkahmu itu kecil biar langkahmu itu perlahan.. ´'RQ·WWDNHWKLQJVIRUJUDQWHG2XUSDUHQWVVHQG sekurang-kurangnya us here with hopes and dreams. The hopes that they have is none other for ourselves and our IXWXUH 'RQ·W DSSO\ W\SLFDO 0DOD\ PHQWDOLW\ kau sedang berusaha menuju ke hadapan.. Work hard, give full commitment, love studying and also, create your own motivation will be the NH\WRVXFFHVVµ- Ikhwan . Karya oleh: 12 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 (By: Aziz Abdullah) Introduction G Understanding of Critical Reading od created man with a mind that can The majority of people leisurely read about current think and reason, unlike most other events to gain more information about what is creatures that can only see and react in response to its survival instinct. The ability happening around them. The information is seldom utilized beyond the inquisitive mind. Students read mainly to pass examinations, thus making the reading a RIDPDQ¶VPLQGWRWKLQNUHDVRQDQGGHFLGH mere academic exercise. The mind is created by god in LQWKHPRVWLQWHOOLJHQWZD\LVSUREDEO\*RG¶V such a way that the information derived through reading most precious gift to mankind. Through the can be readily processed, retained as memory or years man has evolved tremendously from his cave descendants to the present articulate knowledgeable gentlemen that we see around us today. The dynamic transformation of man through the ages can be attrib- recalled for decision making. Wrong decision is usually associated with the lack of knowledge attributed to inadequate understanding of related issues or even the lack of information itself. uted to the single most powerful factor called As opposed to leisure reading, critical reading takes a knowledge. step deeper into the true potential of the mind to From writings on the cave walls to voluminous books on every imaginable subject, knowledge has now found itself becoming the most important driver in the propagation of new technology especially that assist in the daily living of man. Knowledge is knowing about things and it can be sourced through various means such as publications, information and communication technology (ICT), discussions or observations. Transference of knowledge through the ICT or the internet has managed to create a borderless world where information flows with minimum restriction. Whether the knowledge is truthful or otherwise would require critical reading while knowledge that comes through the internet somehow requires a critical mind. Only a critical mind can help detect the validity and truthfulness of knowledge derived through reading or the internet. process the information and come up with well justified convictions on the rights and wrongs of the information. It is through critical reading that academic research papers are produced. The facts sourced through critical reading are readily defensible as they relate to specific information within the content of the book. Effective application of knowledge on things that we see around us that is beyond the scope of the book can be derived through critical reading. Critical reading, thus, is the basis towards achieving a creative and innovative approach towards life. A person who seldom reads would eventually suffer a gradual deterioration of the mind that would only be capable of performing routine and simple functions. To an academic researcher, critical reading helps synergize the facts and findings that help to produce a comprehensive and reliable research paper or even a book of reference. Objective The objective of this short bulletin is to provide a basic understanding on the influence of critical reading on the mind. 13 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 Influence of Critical Reading on the Mind A critical mind greatly helps in critical reading because both are complementary to each other. A person with a critical mind is always thinking beyond the box. This is because he is more inquisitive to learn and acquire more than his subordinates who are not so critically minded. The critically minded person is eager to acquire further knowledge beyond the realm of an RUGLQDU\ SHUVRQ¶V TXHVW IRU NQRZOHGJH DQG whatever information he gets would further agitate his mind to be more inquisitive. The criticality of his mind will help determine the nature of his decision, whether to embark on a conservative or a contemporary stand on issues at hand. A right or wrong decision, however, FRXOG DOVR EH LQIOXHQFHG E\ D SHUVRQ¶V SDVW RU present convictions on related issues. A critical mind helps provide solutions and answers that Conclusion The influence of critical reading has greatly benefited mankind through the ages. Academicians and students should seek to read with an inquisitive mind, be critical enough to see beyond the box by breaking down the walls of knowledge barriers to uncover the truths about this world. It is in the best interest of academics that they should start embarking on critical reading that can open up and stimulate their critical minds to be more inquisitive, productive and creative. Great research works can be effectively undertaken if academics focus more on critical readings to create more critical minds. This is especially crucial if Malaysia is going to progress in a knowledge-based economy that no longer relies on exports of manufactured products and services but instead focusing on export of creative and innovative human capital who are experts in their fields of specialization. are truthful and valid. A timid or just a plain mind would not usually generate creative or innovative ideas. Academicians and students alike should therefore strive to be critically minded to ensure their critical reading results in output that can assist in achieving high value on their research papers or projects. A man is not born with a critical mind but he acquires it through rigorous critical readings and observations. Education is therefore a strong pre-requisite to acquiring a critical mind through critical readings. A self learner may dispute this fact; nevertheless a great number of renowned scholars and brilliant students are testimony that one requires a good education in order to acquire a critical mind and that critical mind only comes through critical ´A person with a critical mind is always thinking beyond the box. This is because he is more inquisitive to learn and acquire more than his subordinates who DUHQRWVRFULWLFDOO\PLQGHG«µ readings. Leisure readings would normally not result in creating critical minds. 14 BERITA KAKITANGAN #02 Oktober 2009 M ajlis Berbuka Puasa telah diadakan pada 10 September 2009 di Kafetaria UniKL MIMET. Majlis ini dianjurkan bersama Bahagian Sumber Manusia MIMET serta Kelab Kakitangan UniKL MIMET. Juadah tersebut juga telah di biayai sebahagiannya oleh staf MIMET yang berjaya menamatkan p engaj ian Sarj ana Keju ruteraan Mekanikal (Teknologi Marin) sebagai tanda kesyukuran di atas kejayaan tersebut. Pada majlis tersebut, ahli keluarga turut dijemput untuk sama-sama menikmati juadah berbuka puasa. M ajlis Sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2009 telah diadakan di Dewan Khatulistiwa pada 6 Oktober 2009. Hampir semua staf MIMET beserta ahli keluarga telah hadir bagi memeriahkan sambutan majlis tersebut. Turut hadir bagi memeriahkan Majlis tersebut ialah Mantan Provos UniKL MIMET, Tuan Haji Megat Sulaiman Megat Hussain, Pengerusi Executive REMCO Sdn Bhd, Setiausaha Kelab Rotary Sitiawan, Timbalan Ketua Polis Manjung, Ketua Kampung Baru serta ramai lagi. Majlis tersebut dimulakan dengan ucapan alu-DOXDQROHK'HNDQ8QL./0,0(73URI'DWR¶'U0RKG Mansor Salleh serta diteruskan dengan jamuan makan. Majlis tersebut berakhir pada jam 10.30 malam. Diharapkan majlis yang meriah ini akan dapat diteruskan pada tahun-tahun berikutnya. Tahniah kepada jawatankuasa penganjur. 15 REPORT #02 Oktober 2009 Written by : Rowena Rahman U QL./ 0,0(7¶V (QJOLVK 1LJKW ZKLFK ZDV KHOG RQ Saturday, 24th October 2009 was a compelling HYHQW 7KH RFFDVLRQ ZKLFK WRRN SODFH DW WKH FDPSXV¶ Khatulistiwa Hall was officiated by our Head of Academic Services & Admission, En. Zaimi Zainal Mukhtar. Attended as well by Admin & Finance Manager, Pn. Nik Umaimah Mohd Hashim, English lecturers, Cik Sarah Nadiah Rashidi, Cik Rowena Shahfinas Abdul Rahman & Pn. Nik Harnida Suhaini and MCMT lecturer, Pn Rasyidah Othman. Gambar The event that carried out the Retro theme was a great collaboration between all students of Proficiency (QJOLVK (QJOLVK DQG 6WXGHQWV¶ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ A number of graduates were unable to get was overwhelming as there were stage plays and a job because of the poor English and students performance. The stage play contest, judged by En. Shamsul Effendy Abd Hamid, Cik Marhaini communication skills even though they Jamaluddin and a fellow senior student, was tuned to have impressive technical skills. Events like WKHPHV OLNH µ&DPSXV /LIH¶ DQG µ&RPPHUFLDO $GYHUWLVHPHQW¶ 6WXGHQW SRXUHG WKHLU WDOHQW FUHDWLYLW\ this can promote and nurture English lanartistry and enthusiasm on stage. guage amongst our students. It is hoped Quoted from En. Zaimi in his opening speech, ³(QJOLVKODQJXDJHLVDQLPSRUWDQWWRROQRZDGD\V. that English Day can be organized on a VHPHVWHU EDVLV´ 'XULQJ WKH GD\ VHYHUDO competitions such as Best Caption competition, Amazing Race and Futsal tournament were also held to compliment the English Night effort. Here, we would like to express our gratitude to the Committee Members consist of students of English 3, English lecturers and all students of Proficiency English, English 1 and 2 who have contributed their participation in this successful event. To the winners, congratulations! 16 BERITA KAKITANGAN #02 Oktober 2009 S eramai 6 graduan UniKL MIMET yang mengikuti program Sarjana Muda dalam bidang Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering di University of Strathclyde, Glasgow telah pun menamatkan pengajian mereka di sana. Mereka telah ditawarkan belajar di University of Strathclyde, Glasgow melalui Skim Tindikan MARA, di mana mereka perlu berkhidmat dengan UniKL setelah menamatkan pengajian masing-masing. Kesemua mereka telah ditawarkan jawatan sebagai Penolong Pensyarah dan telah pun melapor diri pada 2 November 2009. Di bahu mereka ini diletakkan tanggungjawab yang besar untuk mendidik anak bangsa di UniKL MIMET agar cemerlang di dalam bidang kejuruteraan marin. Pengalaman yang ditimba selama 3 tahun menuntut ilmu di UniKL MIMET dan 3 tahun di United Kingdom diharap dapat dikongsi serta dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Bekas pelajar tersebut adalah: Mohd Zaim Bin Abddin (Penolong Pensyarah ) Syed Ali Rabbani (Penolong Pensyarah ) Mohd Kasffi Bin Ramli (Penolong Pensyarah ) Rohaizad Hafidz Bin Rozali (Penolong Pensyarah ) Nurshifa Aziera Bt Mustapa (Penolong Pensyarah ) Mohd Nabil Fikri Bin Hamzah (Penolong Pensyarah ) Sidang Editorial MIMET Ahoy! mengucapkan Selamat Berkhidmat. 17 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 By: Amin Arof O n a dark sacred night, you entered a ship for the first time in your life. As you entered from the jetty you went through a GANGWAY. As you arrived onboard the ship, you were actually standing on a DECK, which is the floor of the ship. Ships normally have many DECKS, similar to tall buildings that have many floors. You were than ushered into the ship. Similar to the inside of a building, you will see walls surrounding you. Onboard ships, walls are known as BULKHEADS. As you look up from where you were, you noticed a DECKHEAD above you. It is actually the ceiling of a ship. As you walked through the SDVVDJHZD\\RXVXGGHQO\SDVVHGE\DSODFHZKHUHVHYHUDOVKLS¶VFUHZZHUHEXV\SUHSDULQJGLQQHU<RX VDLGWR\RXUIULHQG³7KLVPXVWEHWKHNLWFKHQ´<RXZHUHQRWZURQJEXW\RXUIULHQGSUHIHUUHGWRLGHQWLI\WKH place as a GALLEY. Since your friend was one of the officers onboard, he subsequently took you to a place where ships officers relax and enjoy their meals. That place is known as a WARDROOM. A fter having a sumptuous dinner, you wanted to ease yourself before you go home. Therefore you asked your friend to show where the HEAD was located since there is no toilet onboard ship. After easing yourself, you reckoned you did not feel well and asked your friend in case there is a suitable medicine onboard. Fortunately, the doctor was on duty that night and your friend took you to see him at the SICKBAY. After the required treatment was given at the SICKBAY, you requested your friend to take you for a guided tour around the ship. Your friend agreed and decided to take you to visit the BRIDGE. ³7KDWLV WKHSODFHZKHUHZHGULYHDQGFRQWUROWKHVKLSDWVHD´KHH[SODLQHG:KLOVWRQWKHZD\WRWKHEULGJH\RXU friend stopped at his CABIN (room) to change the battery of his hand phone. The bridge can be entered through DOORS or a HATCH, which is an opening of the deck. A s you entered the bridge, you saw many equipment inside it. Among others, you saw a wheel to steer the ship, radar, echo sounder, engine telegraphs, compass, global positioning system (GPS) and many others. Nevertheless, you were amazed to see an electronic map that is used to enable the ship to QDYLJDWH VDIHO\ IURP RQH SRLQW WR DQRWKHU $V \RX ZHUH VWDULQJ DW WKH PDS \RXU IULHQG VDLG ³WKLV LV DQ electronic CHART´)URPWKHEULGJH\RXFDQVHHDURXQGWKHVKLSVLQFHLWLVQRUPDOO\VLWXDWHGRQDVXSHU structure, which is the construction above the main deck. The area in front of the ship on the main deck is called a FORECASTLE but normally pronounce as a )2&¶6/( The front of a ship is called STEM. Hence when you measure the length of a ship you will normally measure from STEM to STERN. Y our friend then guided you to the PORT (left) side and the STARBOARD (right) side of the bridge, and you saw things like lifeboats and life rafts on the two sides. There were also lifebuoys that can be used to safe a MANOVERBOARD. Suddenly you saw a speed boat approaching the ship at high speed. Since it ZDV QRW D VWDUU\ QLJKW \RXU IULHQG VKRXWHG WR DOHUW WKH ERDW ³BOAT AHOY´ <RX VHQVHG WKDW WKH WHUPV sounded very familiar. Suddenly you realized that you were not onboard any ship, but somewhere in MIMET in your CABIN, lying on a DECK, with your head touching the BULKHEAD, sometime glimpsing at the DECKHEAD, with a photo of your loved ones on your PORT and fortunately enough with MIMET AHOY! lying somewhere on your STARBOARD. So readers, you do not have to wait until you are onboard ship to use maritime terminologies. Let MIMET be our STONE FRIGATE (ship), and we can start using maritime terminologies whenever practicable. ´6LQFHLWZDVQRWDVWDUU\QLJKW your friend shouted to alert the ERDW´BOAT AHOYµ You sensed that the terms sounded YHU\IDPLOLDU«µ $VKLS¶VIRF¶VOH 18 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 ( continue from page 20 ) Determine and develop the method of power distribution, OUTCOMES arrangement and architecture and protection system including The expected outcomes of the research are: discrimination and preferential services and criteria of cables sizing and selection. A new concept and design approach to the electrical system will be developed. and management method in relation to the load variables and An analysis and evaluation of the power system load Determine and develop the shipboard power system control balance and estimation techniques and tools will be examined and conditions in relation to the operational availability. utilized for a typical type of ship preferably a frigate or other combatants. software tools to validate the preliminary and the conceptual design to the typical shipboard electrical system. Ability to determine the electrical system architectures, number and sizes of generator sets and the types of prime movers Conduct laboratory test or simulation using appropriate Compile and process results and data. DV ZHOO DVPHWKRGV RI RSHUDWLQJ HOHFWULF SRZHU SODQW LQ WKHVKLS¶V main supply system and emergency power supply systems. protection and cables sizing selection in relation to the type of operation modes in order to meet the operational availability, survivability and quality of power supplies. THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFIT Analysis and design method of power distribution and An Intellectual Property (IP) on the design of a perpetual As mentioned above, the research project will provide the system approach to the design processes in determining the optimum shipboard electrical power system in a naval ship and for special crafts application pneumatic power plant or marine and wheeled vehicles propulsion system will be created and patented. The design and development approach and methodology developed will be utilized as design tools and techniques in METHODOLOGY determining the electrical load balance. The load analysis will be utilized as forecasting tools in determining the performance criteria and selection of the right number, sizes and parameters of the The research methodology will involve in step by step iterative activities as follows: Literature review on the shipboard electrical power system configuration, significant and requirements, performance criteria, operational requirements, operating modes and conditions. Evaluate and assess the current practices and the shipboard electrical system philosophy and methodology. Comparative analysis and development of the concept and philosophy of a typical ship power system outline and architecture. Evaluate and determine the electrical load analysis and estimating the electrical power generation, load values and demand levels. shipboard power system. It can also be further developed as iterative tools for any engineering change in the preliminary and conceptual design process. As a matter of fact, this research material is very useful in determining the fault tolerance and growth margin of the system not only at the design phase of shipbuilding but also during the construction and operational phases. The proposed research is an essential activity to the university, which focuses on ship design and shipbuilding technology. The success of the proposed research will definitely contribute to the engineering and technology know-how and innovation in the electrical discipline and practices. In the shipbuilding design process, the research outcome may comDevelop and determine the optimum number and sizes of generating plants and suitable selection of prime movers and the plement and be utilized in tandem with ship design tools as an integrated element. factors influencing the selection of the power plant. Develop and design the method of operating the ship power system and in the main supply system, emergency power supplies, selection of suitable method of converted power supplies and differentiation of the essential, primary and secondary equipment and services. References: 1. Amy, J.V., Jr. (2005) Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, IEEE Volume , Issue , 25-27 July 2005 Page(s): 280 ± 283 2. Hebner, Robert E., (2004), Electric Ship Power System ± Research at the University of Texas at Austin, IEEE. 3. 7HVDU ' -XO\ ³(OHFWUR-PHFKDQLFDO DFWXDWRUV IRU WKH QDY\¶V VKLSV´,((((OHFWULF6KLS7HFKQRORJ\6\PSRVLXP 19 ILMIAH #02 Oktober 2009 In view of that, the main electrical supply and distribution system should not INTRODUCTION be designed in isolation, but must be developed within the constraints in ensuring the continuous provisioning of electric power to the multitude of A modern ship particularly naval ship is a complex package of hull, propulsion, electrical system, communication, surveillance equipment as well as auxiliary machineries aimed to achieve WKHVKLS¶VRSHUDWLRQDOUROHVDVZKDWLWLVGHVLJQHGDQGEXLOWIRU With increasing application of electrical engineering, electronics, services with the Acceptable of demand and levels of integrity, availability and quality. These additional requirements require a system DSSURDFKLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHRSWLPXPHOHFWULFDOSRZHUGHPDQGDQGVKLS¶V power system management in order to achieve the optimum power system architecture in the most effective control and operating modes. instrumentations and control systems, there is a need for studying electrical power systems design in a system approach manner in order to achieve the optimum electrical power JHQHUDWLRQ DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ DV VSHFLILHG LQ WKH RZQHU¶V DQG operational requirements of the ship. OBJECTIVE The aim of this research is to optimize electrical power system for shipboard The ship design process compromises between the disciplines RI VKLS¶V KXOO SURSXOVLRQ HOHFWULFDO HOHFWURQLF DQG DX[LOLDU\ application and marine environment particularly onboard a naval ship. The specific objectives are as follows: system design and meeting the balance between operational requirements and constraints of economic, manning and follow-on support activities. One of the most important systems in a modern ship is the main electrical supply and distribution, which provides the source of power and energy to all ship systems in order for the ship to be able to float, move and Develop and design the method of operating the ship power system, the main supply system and emergency power supplies including the selection of suitable converted power supplies and differentiation of the essential, primary and secondary equipment and services. having the ability to be mission capable. Determine and develop the shipboard power system control and The introduction of electrical system in main and auxiliary plants management method in relation to load variables and conditions in onboard ships such as propulsions or prime movers has achieving the optimum operational availability. resulted in a significant increase of the electric power de- mand from a few mega-watts to several tens of mega-watts. ( continue to page 19) The electrical power generation, distribution, control and utilization of such a large power demand are becoming extremely challenging. The required size reduction of the propulsion power train, i.e. prime movers, generators, switchboards, transformers, motor drives, control units and propulsion motors as well as the use of existing equipment demand for a new approach and new technologies be developed and implemented for shipboard applications. 20
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