2014 Annual Report and 2015 Spring Newsletter


2014 Annual Report and 2015 Spring Newsletter
Camphil Vil age Kimberton Hil s
2015 Spring Newsletter and 2014 Annual Report
• Thanking three of our in-kind donors
• Mosaic Workshop ready to sell
time to take a breath
by Felicity Jeans, Executive Director
Coming through another winter, another year, another season in our lives, we now
have a moment to pause, release a full breath, and take a look at all that is dear to
our hearts.
In that breath we have a space to offer heartfelt gratitude to the spiritual world and
to all the friends near and far who, in so many ways, help us to maintain the health
and wellbeing of so many. Personally, I have a sense of gratitude to my
grandmother, who having experienced the austerity of the World Wars, taught
me to utilize everything to its full potential, and to be immensely grateful and
appreciative of what we have in life at present.
Ina and Felicity
I have appreciation of the love that is shared here in Kimberton Hills: appreciation of
someone’s gift to help newcomers feel welcome; the gift of a smile when feeling down; the moments when life does not go smoothly to
help me appreciate the times when it does flow seemingly effortlessly.
I have thankfulness for those who come to offer their time and energy for volunteer days of service as an individual, with a school, or a
work group. I appreciate the young volunteers that join us for a year and experience a different possibility of living an inclusive way of
I have gratitude for the support that we receive in Kimberton Hills in so many ways, from a kind word and good wishes to the
donations from local stores; from the dollar from an interested well-wisher to the grants from sustaining foundations. Our supporters
experience through the years that their funding and interest goes towards supporting not only the 100+ people that live here in
Kimberton Hills but also gives a sustainable life-model to the many visitors and guests who spend time in our village.
I would also like to express appreciation for Lyla Kaplan, grants writer, who has worked for us in Kimberton Hills for four and a half
years in the Development Office with enthusiasm and a wonderful ability to bring to light the many layers that are community life.
I will also offer appreciation for and congratulations to Bernadette Kovaleski, our Development Director, who creates our inspiring
newsletter, and is the organizing force behind our fundraising and outreach efforts who will be taking time for maternity leave. She and
her husband will welcome a little brother into the world for her daughter, Lily, to be a big sister to. Dear Bernadette and Lyla, our
gratitude and love are with you both, as life’s journey takes each of us on our unique path, knowing our lives are richer for having
known each other.
Editor’s note: Special thank you to those who have contributed photos for this edition, including Joelle Anderson, Judith Hokky, Lam Le, Kelly
Stanley, and Zoe Wan.
Mosaic Workshop announces summer gallery opening and sale
The Mosaic Workshop will celebrate their one-year anniversary in April. Currently, there are eight
villagers in the workshop including: Ina Sawitz, Eva Herz, Johannah Newman, Sebastian FrenchCorbett, Michele Acquaviva, Cynthia Moore, Holly Bicking and Ross Church. The workshop meets on
Monday and Wednesday afternoons and will add a Friday afternoon workshop in the fall.
The participants have been working hard to build up their inventory of mosaic creations. Their work
includes mosaic mirrors, wall hangings, votive holders, coasters, vases and Lazy Susans. They are
now proud to announce they are ready to showcase and sell their artwork! Stay tuned for details
about an art opening and sale to be held this summer.
Thank you to Lore Evans, a stained and bevel glass artist, who donated beautiful pieces of stained
glass and to Matt Newman (Johannah’s brother) who donated a variety of colorful tiles and art books
to our workshop. Your generous donations help to further our creative endeavors. Thank you!
- Judith Hokky, Mosaic Workshop Leader
L to R: Michael, Becky, Anne, Kimberton Whole Foods Owner Terry Brett, Charlene,
Sebastian and Ina at Kimberton Whole Foods
A Special Thank you to our Local In-Kind Donors
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills is very fortunate to have support from
three local businesses, who donate in-kind goods to the village on a weekly or
monthly basis. Kimberton Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s of Wayne, and Lionville
Natural Pharmacy have been extremely generous to the village, and we are
pleased to nurture these relationships that began more than a decade ago.
Coworker Sherry Wildfeuer had the idea to approach Kimberton Whole Foods
16-17 years ago. She thought they must have some products that didn’t sell
or were unwanted by customers and employees. Sherry reached out to owner
Terry Brett to make an initial agreement with him and discuss how Kimberton
Hills could benefit from Kimberton Whole Foods sharing good products that
others weren’t interested in. That agreement evolved into picking up donations
every week day and then three to four times a week. As Kimberton Whole
Foods expanded, they consolidated their donations and we now receive high
quality, healthy, organic foods and other products once a week.
L to R: Michael, Gaby, Bill and Stephen with
Sweet Water Baking Company cookies at
Lionville Natural Pharmacy.
During this time Linda Merrylees was a buyer for Kimberton Whole Foods.
She enjoyed the part of her role that assisted with the donations. About seven
years ago she was hired by Lionville Natural Pharmacy. After Linda’s
transition to Lionville, coworker Michael Babitch was able to set up the same
arrangement for donations with them. Once every two weeks, Lionville
donates food products and other useful non-perishables to the village. When
Linda passed away, Stephen Yarmush, current purchasing manager at Lionville
Natural Pharmacy, took on the role of donation coordination.
About eight years ago, Michael reached out to Trader Joe’s of Wayne to
see if they might be open to donating products. The relationship was
formed and Trader Joe’s began by donating breads and dry goods to
the village. Soon it was expanded to include all types of items.
“The volume and the value of items they gave just increased and
increased,” said Michael. “This became a very good and positive relationship and I encouraged them to expand and include other organizations. Now, hardly any of their inventory is going to waste.”
Through this process of receiving donations, Kimberton Hills became
aware that so much does go to waste from stores and restaurants.
Without this arrangement, the substantial donations would have
ended up in dumpsters or landfills. All the organizations are pleased
to prevent this from happening.
After donations are received, if there is anything that Kimberton Hills
can’t consume, the village composts it. The packaging is recycled.
Michael estimates that only one to two percent of what would have
normally ended up there eventually goes to the dumpster.
Kimberton Hills is happy to do its part to help eliminate waste and
work alongside these fantastic businesses, while receiving much
appreciated donations of high quality items, which helps offset the
costs of running the village and the household budgets.
“It is clear from the esprit de corps of the staff at all three places that
they are effectively and lovingly run businesses,” says Michael.
Trader Joe’s Store Manager Alicia Granger gives DiDi,
Nancy Sue, Susie and Don a tour of the store.
The stores have also been very generous in supporting our fundraising
events, including the Hootenanny, What’s for Dinner? Farm to Table
events, and in the past the Camphill Challenge and Camphill
Kimberton Golf Outings. They have contributed both monetary
sponsorships and in-kind raffle or auction donations. Most recently,
Kimberton Whole Foods has chosen to donate 10% of their
Kimberton location’s holiday gift card sales to our village.
Thank you, Kimberton Whole Foods, Lionville Natural Pharmacy and
Trader’s Joe’s. We are grateful for the many ways you support us!
Charlene, Terry and Lori at
Kimberton Whole Foods
Back L to R: Dr. Michael Briggs, Michael Babitch and Stephen Yarmush
Fromt L to R: Bill, Gaby and Kristin Addis at Lionville Natural Pharmacy
Tim Dineen shares some gingerbread samples with DiDi, Nancy
Sue, Don and Susie.
2014 Donors - Thank You!
Without the local and international community that supports our Village with the gifts of time, personal
committment and finances, we would be without our life-sustaining buttresses. Thank you to all.
We have, with many pairs of eyes, been most diligent in recognizing all of our special friends and donors who
contributed throughout calendar year 2014. We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or mispelled
anyone’s name. Please call the Development Office at 610-935-8660 or e-mail bernadette@camphillkimberton.
org if you find any such mistakes and we will gladly correct them in our upcoming newsletter. Thank you.
Gifts of $25,000 or more
Carl and Constance Ferris Charitable Operating Foundation
The Charter Foundation
Estate of Joseph Napolitan
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Philadelphia Foundation
RJM Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Robert and Joan Stern
Gifts of $10,000-$24,999
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn and Phyllis Anderson
Bentley Systems, Inc.
BNY Mellon Mid-Atlantic Charitable Trusts
Mrs. Elizabeth Church and family
George G. & Elizabeth Smith Foundation, Inc.
Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation
Mrs. Priscilla Huston
The McLean Contributionship
Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Joan Moore
Phoenixville Community Health Foundation
Robert E. Lamb Foundation
Welsh Subaru of Limerick
Gifts of $5,000-$9,999
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert & Gloria Abramowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold and Diana Thackray
Rev. & Mrs. Frederick and Judith Buechner
Camphill Foundation
Dr. Jean Flood and Mr. Paul Nemeth
Genuardi Family Foundation
Mr. Robert R. Hollenbach
Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation
Nina & Norman Wain Family Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Richard W. Wetherill Foundation
Gifts of $2,500-$4,999
The Agnes C. and Robert L. Bard Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Hannah Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. James and Maryann Frazier
Ms. Christine Gürtler
Kistler-Tiffany Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dave and Lynda Macaleer
Mr. Scott Macaleer
Walter J. Miller Trust
Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust
Mrs. Jeanine Roth
SEPA Branch of A.S.A.
Mr. Troy R. Taylor
Gifts of $1,000-$2,499
Augustus Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff and Lynda Billheimer
Dr. H. William Bosch and Ms. Colby Madden
Mrs. Ruth Bosch
Ms. Nancy F. Brown
Ms. Anne Campbell and Mr. William Leatherbee
Camphill Association of North America
Ms. Mary E. Cauffman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank and Mary Lou Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Lenore Davis
Dr. Richard Fried
Myer H. Goldman Foundation
Joseph and Sally Handleman Foundation Trust A
Hankin Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Nigel and Angela Harvey
The HBE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John and Marilyn Hill
Mr. & Mrs. John and Robin Hilton
The Kornblau Family Foundation
Mr. Robert Mark and Ms. Patrice Nevins
Ms. Mary Ann Ninnis
Joe Ott’s Garage
Mr. Rednecheck
Ms. Kristen Reifsnyder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Alice Rodenberger
Ms. Anne C. Sangree
The Scholler Foundation
Ms. Janet W. Smith
Ms. Edith Strauss-Goldsmith
Ms. Randall Taylor-Craven and Mr. Bill Craven
Dr. Helen Thackray and Mr. Lawrence Kessner
Mr. & Mrs. John and Margaret Tuten
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Vanguard Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. George & Janet Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore & Susan Weicheld
Ms. Marcia Holland and Mr. Alan Wiegand
Ms. Betty Shaw Weymouth
Gifts of $500-$999
Mr. James R. Alderfer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Karen Anschell
Mr. Daniel Babitch and Ms. Allyn Brewer-Babitch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Pamela Benton
Mr. David J. Blair and Ms. Marianne Bokan-Blair
Ms. Toni Bowersox
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Mary Beth Bright
Mr. & Mrs. James and Carolyn Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Deward and Rhonda Courtney
Dansko Foundation
Mr. Mark D. Dorfler
Ms. Lisa Estes-Cheatham
Ms. Laura Grablutz
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Elizabeth Hansler
Mr. William Holmes
Mrs. Christine Huston
Eldredge Septic Companies
Mr. Brian Kerr and Ms. Grace Corradino
Major & Mrs. Dennis and Hazel Kilp
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew and Julia Klein
Mr. Jack Krol
Lilliemon, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Floss McCallum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Judith Meeker
Ms. Judy Meredith
Ms. Nancy Miller
Oehlert Bros. Heating and Cooling
Mr. & Mrs. Eileen and Peter Quinn
Ms. Betsy Rath
Mrs. Norma Rearden
Mr. Jerry Schwartz
Ms. Sara Shick
Dr. & Mrs. Barry and Carley Smith
Mr. Peter N. Skoog
UBS Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. David & Susan Wabnik
Mr. Richard Woodfield
Gifts of $250-$499
Mr. & Mrs. Majid and Mary Alsayegh
Ms. Laura Babka
Ms. Joan M. Baker and Mr. Benjamin B. James
Ms. Madeleine Banulski
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher and Sally Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Kristen Bissinger
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Booraem
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Michele Boova
Mr. Lynn Brubaker and Ms. Debra Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth and Linda Carroll
Comverse, Inc.
Mr. Stephen M. Danch
Mrs. Joyce Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. James and Jane Dukovic
Mr. & Mrs. James and Janet French
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Carol French-Corbett
Ms. Courtney Froemming
Mr. Andrew Frothingham
Dr. & Mrs. Robert and Susan Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Jane Gaffer
The Barber Gale Group
Mr. George T. Graham
Mr. Charles Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce and Judith Heagstedt
Mr. & Mrs. William and Elizabeth Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Karen Hite
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan and Kay Keenan
Mr. & Mrs. James & Bernadette Kovaleski
Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Kathleen Lett
Mr. and Mrs. Drew McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. Bee and Murray Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Rich and Sue Miller
Mr. Robert J. Poorman
Ms. Clarissa Pugh
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Radnor Middle School
Ms. Cynthia S. Randall and Mr. Paul R. Albrecht
Mr. Robert Rosenberry
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Silvert and Gail Taflin Silvert
Ms. Michal Smith
Ms. Patty Stormer
Ms. Gillian Thackray
Tonbo Visual Promotions
Mr. Richard Weicheld
Mr. W. Max Weicheld
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Jody Weisman
Mr. David S. White
Mr. Ken Wiegand and Ms. Anne Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Warren and Tamah Wiegand, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wolf
Mr. Simon Ziegler
Ms. Rose Eileen Zimmerly
Gifts of $100-$249
Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Janet Allen
Erika V. Asten, Ph.D.
Ms. Cynthia A. Bayer
Ms. Doreen Beaudreau
Ms. Elaine Becker
Mrs. Norene Benton
Mr. & Mrs. Sam and Marian Bicking
Ms. Shirley Bilder
Mrs. Martha Bonder
Dr. & Mr. Melvin and Gloria Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew and Catherine Callahan
Mr. Francis Cape
Mr. Tom Carnevale and Ms. Lauren Eustis
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Jane Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Deborah Chalfin
Ms. Ruth Conway
Mr. Douglas and Susan Cotton
Ms. Natalie Crichton
Ms. Kimberly A. D’Angelo
Ms. Kell M. Damsgaard and Ms. Katherine Stark Damsgaard
Mrs. Jennifer Lauren Danch
Ms. Kristine Deason
Ms. Betty Ann Donnelly
Ms. Wendy R. Dorfler
Dr. & Mrs. William and Christa Farnon
Ms. Janet Taylor Faust
Mrs. Bonnie Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Marianna Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Rebecca Fram
Ms. Sarah Fratta
Mr. & Mrs. Louis and Adrienne French
Dr. Robert and Beverly Funk
Generations of Indian Valley
Mrs. Evelyn Getman
Ms. Amanda Gilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Hyman and Ellen Gillman
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Janice Goeller
Goldman, Juda, Martin & Eskew P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Halle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Martha Hammond
Ms. Diedra Heitzman and Mr. Michael Babitch
Mr. Joshua Herz and Ms. Ruth Fried
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur and Lisa Hildreth
Ms. Susan Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Joan Holliday
Ms. Felicity Jeans
Johnson&Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Leslie Jones
Mr. David Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Millard and Betty Jones
Ms. Lyla Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey and Hilda Kauffman
Mrs. Saundra Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Karen Seal Kleinman
Ms. Susan Krug
Mrs. Elizabeth Krysiak
Ms. Sandra Leavitt
Ms. Patty Lemer
Ms. Carol Levin
Mr. Jeffrey Lewis and Ms. Nancy McLane
Mr. Peter Luborsky
Mr. & Mrs. David & Jacqueline Lurio
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen and Susan Makowiak
Ms. Beatrice Mark
Ms. Kristine Messner and Mr. Thomas Petro
Drs. Ronald & Elaine Milito
Ms. Susan Moran
Dr. Norman Moskowitz
Mr. Michael P. Mooynihan III
Ms. Jewellann Sargent Carey
Ms. Zoe Perkins
The Photography Center
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald and Susan Pirollo
Mr. & Mrs. John & Nancy Pittock
Mr. Allen H. Platt
Ms. Carole L. Poorman
Mr. & Mrs. John and Lynn Radliff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Susan Ridgley
Ms. Joan Sacks
Dr. Eric Sawitz and Ms. Gail Stone
Ms. Kris Schaffer
Ms. Renee Schiffrin
Mrs. Alice Sharp
Mr. Richard P. Sibley
Mr. Rick Simmons
Mrs. Gladys M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Friedolf and Irmgard Smits
Mr. Steven Smolinsky
Mr. Jonathan Stamler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary and Kathleen Starr
Mrs. Louise Stengel
Ms. Toni Sullivan
Ms. Sally Sweeney
Dr. Melinda Toney
Mr. & Mrs. Alex and Marisa Ulmer
Mr. Robert M. Vass and Ms. Rachel Long
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Josephine Venti
Ms. Elizabeth Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob and Susan Weingarten
Mr. Peter Welling
Ms. Mary Westervelt
Mr. David White
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Wiener
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis and Grace Wiener
Ms. Sherry Wildfeuer
Ms. Elizabeth H. Wyckoff
Gifts up to $99
Ms. Chandramoulee Alagarsamy
Mr. & Mrs. William and Karen Andiario
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart and Lenore Bacher
Ms. Linda Baker
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott and Evelyn Barron
Ms. Marcia Barton
Mrs. Sally Basch
Ms. Jeanne Bass
Ms. Sandra Ann Brethwaite
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper and Lindsay Brinton
Ms. Carol Brownell
Marion Burch
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Elaine Burgess
Ms. Mary Burkhart
Ms. Patricia A. Carson
Mr. Mark Cauffman
Dr. and Mrs. Jay and Margaret Chiappa
Courtney, Craig and Harris Coffman
Mr. Joseph M. Corbett
Mr. William Daily
Mrs. True Davidson
Mr. Ronald Deitch
Ms. Veronica DeLorenzo
Mr. Michael Discenza
Ms. Jeanne Dufour
Ms. Janet L. Edwards
Mr. Jerod Elliott
Dr. Elaine A. Ferrara
Ms. Lisa Fidler
Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Forbes
Mrs. Marcia B. Gardner and Ms. Wendy Sue Gardner
Ms. Carol Gatus
Mr. Mike Giuranna
Mr. Edouard Goldberg
Ms. Lisa Guardino
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Libby Hafter
Ms. Audrey Hall-Seelye
Ms. Ann Harding
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent and Donna Hartnett
Ms. Jane Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce and Nancy Hodge
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. Klaus and Carol Hubben
Ms. Tine Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Eric and Mary Hundertmark
Ms. Erin Ireland and Ms. Jessica Rykowski
Ms. Amy Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe and Charlotte Kaufman
Mr. Sean J. Keenan
Mr. Nick Kovaleski
Mr. & Mrs. Judith and Pauline Lamothe
Ms. Joanne Ledbetter
Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Tjitske Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Carol Lewis
Ms. Disa Lindgren
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard and Joyce Lodolce
Ms. Michelle Lowrance
Aparna Maddali and Mohan Gunti
Mr. & Mrs. Duffy and Arlene Marks
Ms. Barbara A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart & Sally McCracken
Mr. William McMillen
Ms. Noelle Means
Mr. Darryl Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Cas and Marilyn Michalski
Mr. & Mrs. David & Grace Miller
Ms. Virginia Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Virginia Focht New
Mr. Todd Newlin and Ms. Mary Wildfeuer
Mr. Richard Newman
Ms. Suzanne Norris
Ms. Carolyn Ohle
Mr. Hiroharu Okamoto
Mr. & Mrs. John and Sally Parke
Mr. & Mrs. John & Lee Paylor
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin and Kathleen Pennypacker
Mr. John T. Pollock , Jr.
Mr. Andrew C. Quale, Jr. and Ms. Sally Sterling Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. William & Lorraine Rea
Ms. Margaret Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Pixie Riley
Ms. Elinor Rittenberg
Ms. Kristi Rivers
Ms. Veronika Roemer
Mr. & Mrs. Nancy and Alan Rooks
Mr. & Mrs. Elihu and Shirley Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. John and Anita Savoy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Lauraine Schallop
Dr. & Mrs. Paul and Ann Scharff
Ms. Susan Schelpf
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney and Dina Schock
Mr. John Scott
Ms. Lois Sheaff
Ms. Evelyn Sherwin
Ms. Debbie Shupp
Mr. Matthew Sitkoff
Mrs. Rosalyn Smolinsky
Softerware - DonorPerfect
Mr. Robert Spikol
Mrs. Lucille Stein
Ms. Dolores Swarm
Mrs. Mary Talmadge
Ms. Sunita Talreja
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome & Sophie Teplitz
Ms. Erika Teutsch
Ms. Barbara Thackray
Mr. & Mrs. John and Nancy Todor
True Botanica
Ms. Wendy Turgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Sylvia Mussie Ull
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Molly Ulsh
Ms. Laura Wald
Mr. Jonathan Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Luther and Linda Weisman
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn and Nancy Wenger
Ms. Holly Westerfield
Ms. Donna Ivy Wilkes
Mr. Dave Williams
Women’s Club of Perkasie
Ms. Zoe Workman
Mr. Richard J. Zvanut
In Kind Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn and Phyllis Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Barnes
Dr. H. William Bosch and Ms. Colby Madden
Mr. Robert Breisch
Mr. Simon Buss
Ms. Mary E. Cauffman
Mr. & Mrs. George and Kathryn Keegan
Stimigo Farm
Kimberton Whole Foods
Mr. & Mrs. Brian and Diane Knebel
Lionville Natural Pharmacy and Health Food Store
Aparna Maddali and Mohan Gunti
Magic Carpet Foods
Ms. Margaret Manlove
Ms. Susan S. McLaren
Mohawk Tile and Marble
Mr. & Mrs. Maynard & Paula Silvert Moore
Ms. Katharine Margaret Morris
Ms. Catherine Pike
Ms. Kris Schaffer
Mrs. Rosalyn Smolinsky
Mr. Steven Smolinsky
Toscano Tile and Marble
Trader Joe’s
Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Debbie Vigus
Tribute Gifts: Honorary
In honor of Marcia Holland and Alan Wiegand
Ken Wiegand
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Plotnick’s 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Steven & Gail Taflin Silvert
In honor of Andrew Abramowitz
Bee and Murray Miller
Lewis and Grace Wiener
Brian Kerr
Robert & Lauraine Schallop
Andrew & Jody Weisman
Luther and Linda Weisman
In honor of Gloria and Herbert Abramowitz
Melvin and Gloria Brenner
The Kornblau Family Foundation
In honor of Barry and Larry Adler
Goldman, Juda, Martin & Eskew P.A.
Morris & Sylvia Mussie Ull
In honor of Karen Arthur
Theodore & Susan Weicheld
In honor of Dorothy (Tot) Avis
Alan and Jane Carr
In honor of Emilee June Aweri
Kristi Rivers
In honor of Chris and Sally Barron
W. Scott and Evelyn Barron
In honor of Gaby Beratan
Richard and Libby Hafter
In honor of Holly Bicking
Elaine Becker
John T. Pollock
In honor of Joshua Bleier
Robert and Susan Fry
In honor ofTaylor Bowersox
Toni Bowersox
In honor of Ross Church
Lisa Estes-Cheatham
In honor of Kimberton Waldorf School
Class of 2014
Jeffrey Lewis
In honor of CVKH Co-Workers
Richard Woodfield
In honor of Sebastian French-Corbett
William and Karen Andiario
Sandra Ann Brethwaite
Martha Bonder
Betty Ann Donnelly
Paul and Martha Hammond
Bruce and Nancy Hodge
Kristine Messner
In honor of Tom and Carol French-Corbett
James and Janet French
David & Grace Miller
In honor of Diedra Heitzman
Jean Flood
In honor of Lillian Heitzman
Diedra Heitzman
In honor of Eva Herz
Judy Meredith
Erika Teutsch
In honor of Wendell Holland
Andrew C. Quale
William McMillen
In honor of Helios House
Felicity Jeans
In honor of Ashley Hunt
Jewellann Sargent Carey
In honor of Christine Huston
Virginia Murphy
In honor of Posie Huston
Patricia A. Carson
Natalie Crichton
Joyce Douglas
F. C. Forbes
Courtney Froemming
Evelyn Getman
Christine Huston
Teri O’Hara
Barry & Carley Smith
Louise Stengel
Stephen & Molly Ulsh
In honor of Priscilla Huston
Tom and Carol French-Corbett
In honor of Amy Klein
Steven and Rebecca Fram
In honor of Mary Bright
Betsy Rath
In honor of Bernadette Kovaleski
Debbie Shupp
In honor of Mary Cauffman
Jerod Elliott
In honor of Jeffrey Mark
Audrey Hall-Seelye
In honor of Susan Newcomb
Mary E. Cauffman
In honor of Nathaniel Picklesimer
Laura Wald
In honor of James Porter
Holly Westerfield
In honor of David Reeves
Bonnie Ferguson
In honor of Ina Sawitz
Robert & Deborah Chalfin
Jerome & Sophie Teplitz
In honor of John & Sheila Sherwin
Evelyn Sherwin
In honor of Laura & Matt Sitkoff`s 4th Anniversary
Matthew Sitkoff
In honor of Robert and Joan Stern
Shirley Bilder
In honor of Claudia Swenk
John and Robin Hilton
In honor of Tim Thackray
Helen Thackray
In honor of The Weichelds
Richard P. Sibley
In honor of Diana Tomasko
James & Maryann Frazier
William & Lorraine Rea
In honor of Regina Vaughn
Veronika Roemer
In honor of Susan Weicheld
Steven and Janet Allen
Augustus Lutheran Church
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Eric and Mary Hundertmark
Robert and Alice Rodenberger
Sally Sweeney
Richard Weicheld
Theodore & Susan Weicheld
In honor of Michael Weinstock
Marcia B. Gardner
Jonathan Stamler
In honor of Helen Zipperlen
Jean Flood
Carolyn Ohle
Tribute Gifts: Memorial
In memory of Ed and Katy
Christine Gürtler
In memory of Arnold Adler
Duffy and Arlene Marks
David & Susan Wabnik
In memory of Norene Benton
Pamela and Michael Benton
Janet Taylor Faust
In memory of Tanya Bracken Anonymous
In memory of Betsy Church
Cynthia A. Bayer
Jay and Margaret Chiappa
Lisa Estes-Cheatham
Douglas and Susan Cotton
Robert and Marianna Flowers
Michael and Janice Goeller
Charles Hammond
Bruce and Judith Heagstedt
Saundra Klein
Steven and Kathleen Lett
Eileen and Peter Quinn
Joan Sacks
Gary and Kathleen Starr
Peter Welling
Elizabeth H. Wyckoff
In memory of Lies Kobbe
Nancy Brown
In memory of Fred Malamed Allen H. Platt
In memory of Seymour Mark
Stuart and Lenore Bacher
Michael Discenza
David Jones
Monroe and Charlotte Kaufman
Beatrice Mark
Robert Mark
Elinor Rittenberg
Donna Ivy Wilkes
In memory of Harry and Sylvia Eisenson
Glenn and Phyllis Anderson
In memory of Joe and Mary Napolitan
Judith and Pauline Lamothe
In memory of Joseph Napolitan
Ruth Conway
In memory of John Gardner Joseph and Josephine Venti
Millard & Betty Jones
In memory of Nessa Rosen
In memory of Martin Hecht Andrew & Jody Weisman
Chandramoulee Alagarsamy
Comverse Inc
In memory of Hanley Rubensohn
William Daily
Steven & Gail Taflin Silvert
Edouard Goldberg
In memory of Mabel Smoker
Bonnie Halle
Kenneth and Linda Carroll
Ann Harding
Robert Spikol
In memory of Harold Smolinsky
Sunita Talreja
Rosalyn Smolinsky
In memory of Sarah Jane Herman
In memory of Doris Stitzer William and Elizabeth Herman
Klaus & Carol Hubben
In memory of Mary Holland In memory of James Trioll
John and Marilyn Hill
Norma Rearden
Elizabeth Warner
In memory of Morrison Huston
Kell M. Damsgaard
F. C. Forbes
Carol Gatus
The HBE Foundation
Christine Huston
Jack Krol
Hiroharu Okamoto
Anne C. Sangree
Louise Stengel
In memory of Donald Klein
Saundra Klein
Andrew & Julia Klein
In memory of William Ussler, Jr.
Robert Rosenberry
In memory of Cynthia Wallace
George & Janet Wallace
In memory of Virginia Weicheld
John and Sally Parke
Edwin and Kathleen Pennypacker
Robert and Beverly Funk
Robert and Judith Meeker
Robert M. Vass
In memory of Edith Wertheimer
Nancy and Alan Rooks
From our Board President
The cycles of change at Kimberton Hills are quite remarkable and
to any other organization might be unwelcome. Any agricultural
community has seasons and cycles as an inherent dynamic. At
Kimberton Hills we also experience a regular transition of villagers,
co-workers and volunteers, which brings fresh faces, new ideas and
an opportunity for growth.
Last year Steve Smolinsky, after many years of devoted service,
stepped down as president and I became the acting president. Steve’s
passion for Camphill was contagious and attracted many volunteers
to the community. Tom McCallum, who stewarded our financial
assets like no other CFO, also moved on to share his financial
and management skills with his clients and I suspect with other
non-profits lucky enough to attract his attention. Steve and Tom
certainly left Kimberton Hills better than they found it. As the new
president, I’m glad to follow their leadership and for the
opportunity to help a most remarkable organization.
As supporters, your contributions of time, money and in-kind goods makes
you a most valuable part of this unique life-sharing community. Your time
spent volunteering at Kimberton Hills enables more to be done with village
resources. Your financial contributions cover approximately 25% of the
villages’ annual operating expenses. Gifts in kind relieve pressure on the
budget in a very real way. And most important, it is your personal
involvement that creates the unique community by bringing together people
from all aspects of life with a myriad of perspectives.
Specific funds such as the Posie Huston Fund for Aging Villager and the
Morrie Huston Villager Activity Fund, respectively, provide additional
support for older villagers and enrichment opportunities that would
otherwise not be possible. Please consider learning more about and adding to
these funds. Alternatively, speak with our development office about a personal
interest that you may have.
In closing, be sure to make time to come visit the village. Lunch in the café or
a visit to the CSA will leave you with a better understanding of what makes
Kimberton Hills so special. Thank you again for all you do to help sustain this
community. - Patrick Boova, President, Board of Directors
2014 Revenue and Expenses
Donor Support
Product Sales,
Rentals, Misc.
Revenue: $2,262,792
Family Support
Villager Income (Social Security)
Alan, Beth and Michael enjoy
lunch in the Camphill Café
Kimberton Hills benefits greatly from the committed individuals
who make up our Board of Directors. They and the members of the
various Board Committees support the village with fundraising,
financial reporting, strategic planning and other initiatives.
2014 Board of Directors
Steve Smolinsky*, President
Patrick Boova, Current President
Joseph Bright, Esq., Vice President
Tom McCallum, Treasurer
Diedra Heitzman, Secretary
Christopher Barron
Sue Clee
Jean Flood, M.D.
Richard Fried, M.D.*
Felicity Jeans, ex officio
Charlene Roth
Mary Wildfeuer
Bernard Wolf
*served partial year
Board of Directors Emerti
Hildegard Herz
Sandy Klein
Helen Zipperlen
Board Committee Members
Michael Babitch
Steven Clee
Ben Cowen
Jeffrey H. Horstman
Sandy Klein
Bernadette Kovaleski
Kerry Lee
Todd Newlin
Grace Ann Peysson
Theodore Weicheld
Households &
Workshop Operations,
Medical Expenses
Expenses: $2,250,609
Taxes, Misc.
Depreciation &
Long Range Funds
January farm to table fundraiser a success
by Brendan Tracy
When I reflect on our January What’s for Dinner? event, I feel a strong sense of gratitude.
Gratitude for our sponsors, both monetary and food sponsors alike. Gratitude for all of our
dinner guests, old friends and new, community members and board members, CSA
members and neighbors. None of this would be possible without you, so thank you.
“Saturday evening’s
What’s For Dinner event
was extraordinary!
It was wonderful to meet
some of the supporters,
sponsors, growers and
interns. I especially liked
hearing from some of the
growers and suppliers.
The food was delicious.”
-- an event participant
Table 1 waits for guests to arrive.
Some said we were crazy
planning a Farm-to-Table
Brendan and Seth
dinner in the middle of the
winter (and occasionally it
felt like maybe we were).
The CSA gardeners
cautioned, reminding us
that we are in
Pennsylvania, where
wintertime means the
earth is hard and frozen.
We had some of the late
autumn’s stores to draw
from, and the promise of
some greenhouse greens,
but the ingredients were
going to be scarce. This
predicament called on
our creative thinking, and challenged us to reach out to our neighbors for support, and the
support we received was truly fantastic! The Farm at Doe Run, Iduna’s Kitchen at Camphill
Soltane, Sweet Water Baking Company, Cucina Verde, Hobo Ed’s Artisanal Coffee, Seven
Stars Farm and Sly Fox Beer all contributed the amazing fruits of their labor, and made
everything possible. Thank you all! I never cease to be amazed how much we can accomplish together, in such little time, when
we all lead such busy lives. Despite it all, everything does come together, and watching it
happen so seamlessly is truly something to behold! Special thanks is due to the whole of
the Kimberton Hills community. It is what we create here together that makes such a
fundraising dinner so deeply relevant to the mission of our community. Thank you all for
doing what you do, for being who you are, and supporting our mutual striving as an
intentional community who does together what none of us could otherwise do on our own.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly I want to thank Chef Seth Williams, my oldest and
dearest friend. Having grown up together it has been amazing to watch Seth find his
passion in food, and subsequently pursue that passion through culinary school, hone it
during an internship at the Kimberton Inn, and finally allow it to blossom at the Landis
Store Hotel, where he is able to express his creativity through an ever-evolving menu. I am
perhaps most grateful for the opportunity to work alongside my friend, and to share for one
night in the magic of his creativity. Thank you!
The dough for the handmade pasta
Clare Kinsella and Yahanas Tab-Bey from
Iduna’s Kitchen share with guests.
We are pleased to welcome Sonia Lieberman,
a villager who is new to Kimberton Hills.
Sonia is part of the Farm House household
and comes to us from Camphill Soltane.
Sonia seems very happy here. She’s formed
friendships with housemates, and her lively
and interested demeanor brings a lot of
vibrance to Farm House.
Sonia works all over the village, and has a
number of meals at other houses, too. Her
workshops are: Hyacinth, Sycamore, Pfeiffer,
Franklin, Kerria, Martin’s House, Herb
Garden and Pottery. She also helps out in the café on Saturdays
during lunch.
We are also pleased to welcome a new member of our Board of
Directors, Dr. Richard Fried. Dr. Fried, of the Kimberton Clinic, has
been the village physican for many years and we are happy to see him
assume a new role within our community.
In March we welcomed a new co-worker family to Kimberton Hills.
Ralf, Sara and Malia Homberg have joined the village and are coming to us from California. The Hombergs will be a part of the Helios
household and may transition to another household later in the year.
Thank you to Board
Member Chris Barron
who shared his talents for
a new fundraising event,
Wine, Chocolate and Song
- a Valentine’s Day
Cabaret. Along with the
support of Bentley
Systems and Asher’s
Chocolates, and Chris’
colleague Lori Cushman,
guests were treated to an evening of delicious chocolates and wines,
and a musical tour through the Great American Songbook, featuring
songs of love.
Sycamore House was one of the first homes to be renovated
when Camphill Village Kimberton Hills began. It sits
nearest the entry to the village and is recognized by the
sculpture on its outside wall. It was transformed from a
stable and small stablekeeper’s quarters to become Linden
and Sycamore. After planning in the Master Plan
Committee, a smaller group got together to try to imagine
helping this house now transform again. This time we knew
we needed to allow space for a coworker family to have some
privacy, two new accessible elder care bedrooms, a new
accessible bath, and a new living room addition (leaving the
former living room to be a new and more spacious dining
room). Making this house family and elderly friendly has
been a good adventure, and now, happily, we can say that
with generous help, we are about to begin construction! And
of course, we are going to renovate as sustainably as possible.
We have received charitable help from individuals and from
foundations. Those who have contributed generously are:
The Stern family (Nancy’s family), the Macaleer family
(Volunteer Lynda Macaleer’s family), the Moore family
(Cindy’s parents), the Ferris family (Ross’s friends), and
Board Member Jean Flood. The foundations that have
contributed generously are the Hoxie Harrison Smith
Foundation, the Carl and Connie Ferris Charitable
Foundation, and the Camphill Foundation. Bentley
System, through the help of Board Member Chris Barron,
has offered a grant which will either be used for the
Sycamore Wastewater system or the Serena Wastewater
system. Thank you!
An additional thank you to the Sycamore Project
management group which includes: Mark Ohi, Felicity Jeans,
Brendan Tracy, Thea Kuhnemann, and Diedra Heitzman,
with help and advice from Sherry Wildfeuer, Karen Arthur,
Esther Martin, Jeff Whitman, Lyla Kaplan and Todd Newlin.
Help us secure the future :
planned Giving and Kimberton Hills
The success of Kimberton Hills depends on the foresight and generosity of you, our supporters and
friends. Knowledgeable and careful financial planning can provide for you and your families’ future, and
can ensure a meaningful future for our village. There are many beneficial ways that planned gifts can be
tailored to your unique philanthropic interests and financial capabilities. Each option offers different tax
advantages. Contact Bernadette Kovaleski at [email protected]
to discuss how planned giving can help you and Kimberton Hills.
Camphil Vil age Kimberton Hil s
U.S. Postage
Pottstown, PA
PO Box 1045, 1601 Pughtown Rd.
Kimberton, PA 19442
Phone: 610-935-0300
Fax: 610-935-8896
address service requested
Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm
Wednesday-Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm
Harvesting May-October
The mission of Camphill Village Kimberton Hills is to create and maintain a land-based community together with adults with special needs.
Inspired by Anthroposophy, members of the community support one another to contribute to the wider society through biodynamic
agriculture, handcrafts and other ecological, social, cultural and educational endeavors.
Upcoming Events
March 14, 2015
Tea Leaf Readings: Camphill Café, 5-7:30 p.m.
May 14, 2015
Astral Artists present Luosha Fang, violin and Sejoon Park, piano: Rose Hall, 7:30 p.m.
June 21, 2015
What’s for Dinner, a farm to table local food fundraiser
Sponsored by Kimberton Whole Foods and Phoenixville Federal Bank and Trust
June 27, 2015
Hootenanny, annual festival of local food and music
Summer, date TBA
Mosaic Workshop Art Opening
September 26, 2015
Family and Friends Day