
Annual Report
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley
901 Amherst Street
Winchester, Virginia 22601
Phone: 540-662-1473
Fax: 540-662-8756
Cover: A participant in the free MSV Garden
Explorers program learning about the nineteenthcentury children’s game of hoop-and-stick.
Photo: Rick Foster
Page 1: Dancing during MSV Gardens at Night.
Photo: Rick Foster
Page 2: MSV Registrar Janie Carscallen catalogues
objects from the Glen Burnie House for the upcoming
exhibition Moveable Feasts: Entertaining at Glen
Burnie. Photo: Ron Blunt
Page 4: Young MSV Day visitors experience the Glen
Burnie House miniature on the new touchscreen in the
R. Lee Taylor Miniatures Gallery. Photo: Rick Foster
Page 12: A relay race during Camp MSV.
Photo: Rick Foster
Page 20: Enjoying the music of the Soul Expressions
Band at Gardens at Night. Photo: Rick Foster
he mission of the
is to preserve and enrich
the cultural life and
heritage of the Valley.
imple phrases often
is a simple statement with a profound meaning.
have profound
By affirming that the MSV is dedicated to
meanings. Consider,
preserving the culture of this great region and
for example, “We kept
enriching the lives of its people, we assert our
our promise.”
intent to be more relevant. As we move from
Last year’s Annual Report
made many promises for
the future; this Annual
Report for fiscal year 2011–12 outlines the ways
our “founding” stage to the next important
phase of this Museum’s development, I believe
this is the most crucial commitment the MSV
can make.
we kept them. You shared in that achievement.
In the months ahead we will unveil a strategic
As a volunteer, you helped direct and present
action plan that directs the MSV to appeal to a
these programs. As a Member, your
broader audience, with increased programming
participation brought vitality to the Museum.
for all ages, more community-focused events,
And as a Donor, your financial support made it
expanded access to the site, and exhibitions that
all possible. I extend my gratitude to you all.
appeal to a wider variety of interests.
Here’s another simple phrase with a profound
This report closes with a brief preview of some
meaning: “We are moving in a new direction.”
of these new directions. We hope the future it
I’ve frequently considered this phrase over the
past year, for it simply yet profoundly describes
the planning process on which the MSV
embarked in fiscal year 2011–12. This process
to develop a new, five-year strategic plan began
portrays will encourage you to continue in your
participation as a Member and in your support
as a Donor. In doing both, you help the MSV
preserve and enrich this community and the
Valley as a place to see and the place to be.
in June 2011. Among its many steps were
numerous sessions to hear people’s thoughts
about the Museum’s programs and potential.
On the preceding page you read the new
Mission that evolved from this process. It, too,
Dana Hand Evans
Executive Director
Renewing and Refocusing the
To remain engaging and relevant museums must
continually refresh the manner in which they
present their stories. To this end, in fiscal year
2011–12 the MSV embarked on its first major
evaluation of its galleries since opening in 2005.
Exciting changes have occurred as a result.
Docent Daisy Goodwin leads a guided art tour in the Julian Wood
Glass Jr. Gallery. Photo: Rick Foster.
An extensive renovation of the R. Lee Taylor
Miniatures Gallery took place. A new video
Glass Jr. Gallery does not display the Museum
touchscreen was installed to provide year-round
benefactor’s collection in the most engaging
access to the Glen Burnie House Miniature,
manner possible. At the same time, we
which is on display in the seasonally-open
determined that the MSV must increase its
Visitor Center in the Glen Burnie Gardens.
changing exhibition spaces in order to more
Permanent steps were added to give visitors of
effectively attract repeat visitation and increase
all ages a closer look into the centerpiece Lee
Hall, LED lighting in each miniature house was
added, and additional educational content was
added to the text rails. New, state-of-the-art
LED lighting in the miniature room boxes was
made possible thanks to a generous gift from
Ruth Farley Massey. Always a visitor favorite,
now this gallery literally shines with all these
With these two needs in mind, an exciting
solution emerged, and steps were taken this year
to implement it. At the end of 2012 the Julian
Wood Glass Jr. Gallery will close for renovation
and reopen in 2013 as the new Changing
Exhibition Gallery. This will allow the MSV to
attract changing exhibitions of the size and
scope being presented in many larger museums
As the Miniatures Gallery was renovated, an
around the country. At the same time, the
evaluation of other MSV galleries took place.
current Changing Exhibition Gallery will be
This resulted in two major new conclusions.
used to present a wide variety of exhibitions
First, we acknowledged that the Julian Wood
drawn from and inspired by the Julian Wood
Goya, Dali, Warhol: Masterpieces of World Art from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts was on view in the Changing Exhibition Gallery from July
29 through September 25, 2011. Photo: Julie Napear Photography
Glass Jr. Collection, allowing these significant
objects to be regularly presented in a fresh new
This new strategy for changing exhibitions will
effectively allow the MSV to present more
changing exhibitions yearly than ever before and
develop a significantly wider range of related
supporting educational programming and events
to attract Members and visitors into the
In addition to completion of planning for these
major gallery changes, this year the MSV also
incorporated interesting small changes in the
Museum galleries. Of particular note is the
Using a smartphone application, visitors may scan this QR code in
the Shenandoah Valley Gallery to see a video that demonstrates
how linen was made from flax in the nineteenth century.
application, visitors may access additional
information and video related to many of the
objects on view.
addition of QR codes on panels. By scanning
We also acknowledge the contribution of the
these codes using a mobile smartphone
MSV docent team in helping our visitors learn
the stories in the galleries. This year’s docent
program witnessed a new training and
development process based on the innovative
model crafted by one of our many partners, the
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. This twiceannual program included seven training sessions,
an update to the procedures handbook, and a
new scheduling format. By the end of June 2012
some 60 volunteers had completed the new
training process, with more than 25 additional
volunteers scheduled to take the program later
that summer.
Finally, we note Art in the Halls, an MSV
program designed to draw new audiences into
the Museum while supporting the efforts of
contemporary Valley artists. In fiscal year
2011–12 the works of nine Valley artists were
Seen in the center of this photo, the newly acquired painted chest by
Johannes Spitler was placed on view in the Shenandoah Valley
Gallery in January of 2012. The chest is now undergoing
conservation. Photo: Rick Foster
displayed in the Museum’s Glaize and Lewis
Halls, where they were accessible to the public
free of charge. Participating artists included
Jackie Bailey Labovitz, Dennis Wymer, John P.
Lewis, Diane Artz Furlong, Jaqueline Bray and
ca. 1798–1818), which was acquired in fiscal
year 2010–11 with the assistance of Linda
Quynn Ross, went on display in the Shenandoah
Valley Gallery.
Scott Straub, who joined forces to present an
illustrated story, Wayne Anderson, Neena
The MSV also added to its collection of Valley-
Jhaveri, and Geraldine Kiefer.
produced silver objects this year. Newly acquired
Expanding and Conserving the
objects, all made by Winchester silversmiths,
included: a pair of salt cellars, ca. 1786–1791,
made by Philip Bush Jr. (1765–1807); a ladle
A strong collection is critical to a museum’s
dating to 1802–16 made by Hartman & Phillips
ability to tell history’s stories. To that end, this
(active 1802–1816); and sugar tongs, ca. 1799–
year the MSV acquired a painted chest by
1805, by Thomas Purse (1776–1823). In
Johannes Spitler (1774–1837), one of the
addition, new acquisitions included tablespoon
Shenandoah Valley’s most recognizable
and teaspoon stakes, which show visitors how
craftsmen of the late eighteenth and early
silversmiths made spoons by hand. All were
nineteenth centuries. The chest is now
made possible by a generous gift from Shirley
undergoing conservation. Also this year, the only
and Hunter M. Gaunt Jr. and are now on
known sideboard made by John Shearer (active
display in a redesigned silver case.
around 1814–20 in Shepherdstown by Jacob
Craft (1765–1825); the clock and the funds for
its conservation were a gift from August Van
Dessel in fiscal year 2010–11. The card tables
and clock are now on view in the Shenandoah
Valley Gallery.
It is of note that the MSV Collection, which has
been steadily growing since the MSV galleries
opened in 2005, now is attracting the interest of
others in the field. This year’s visiting scholars
Made in Winchester, Virginia, between 1790 and 1805, this pair of
card tables formerly on display in the Glen Burnie House was
conserved and placed on view in the MSV. Photo: Ron Blunt
Other notable acquisitions of the year included a
group of 25 Mennonite quilts, all dating to the
twentieth century and acquired from the
Bausum Collection, and the painting View of the
Canal at Harpers Ferry, which dates to around
1858 and was painted by Ferdinand Richardt
included participants in the 2012 MESDA
Textile Seminar and the Antique Collector’s
Guild of Virginia.
Preserving and Redirecting the
Glen Burnie House
The three-year preservation effort of the Glen
Burnie House formally kicked off on October
30, 2011, with an event featuring free site-wide
admission. Despite an early snowfall, 425 people
Conserving objects in the Collection is as
visited the MSV that day to see the house before
important as expanding it, and to that end the
it closed for the extensive project.
MSV made significant strides this year by
identifying conservation needs of every object
associated with the Glen Burnie House.
Conservation, which will take place as funding
allows, has already begun. This year, conserved
objects from this collection included George
Washington, ca. 1840s, by Rembrandt Peale
(1778–1860); its conservation was made
possible by the James L. and Mary Jane
Bowman Charitable Trust. The painting The
Work began on construction of more than 40
custom storm windows for the house, as did
design of the HVAC, electrical, fire-protection,
and security systems. With oversight by the Glen
Burnie House Ad Hoc Committee and counsel
from architect/engineer Michael Henry,
discussions continued regarding increasing the
house’s accessibility and its best future uses to
meet community needs.
Amethyst, Brazil, painted around 1863–65 by
While this work and discussions were moving
Martin Johnson Heade (1819–1904), also was
forward, all objects in the house were moving
conserved, thanks to funds provided by Grace
out. In a Herculean effort on the part of the
Ritzenberg. A pair of Winchester card tables was
MSV staff and interns, everything in the house
conserved, as well, as was a tall case clock made
was catalogued, packed, and moved into the
This behind-the-scenes photograph illustrates how the MSV collections storage was redesigned to accommodate all the items from the Glen Burnie
House. Photo: Ron Blunt
Museum collections-storage space, which staff
had redesigned to accommodate this influx of
items. The latter project in this chain of
activities was crucially important; eliminating
the need for off-site collections storage resulted
in considerable savings to the Museum.
Preserving and Presenting Rose Hill
The MSV includes an important historic site and
Civil War battlefield called Rose Hill, and this
year strides were realized in making this
resource more accessible to the public. Access to
the site was tripled over that of the previous
As the objects of the Glen Burnie House were
year: in fiscal year 2011–12 Rose Hill was open
packed and moved, development of the first
on the first and second Tuesdays and third
exhibition that will be presented in the
Saturdays from April through October. Special
redesigned gallery space (the current Changing
events also opened the site more fully to the
Exhibition Gallery) was fully underway.
Moveable Feasts: Entertaining at Glen Burnie
will open in March of 2013 to tell the story of
public, and included weekend activities to note
the 150th anniversary of the First Battle of
how MSV benefactor Julian Wood Glass Jr. and
Along with increasing access by the general
then partner R. Lee Taylor entertained at this
public, the MSV hosted youth programs at Rose
site in the mid-twentieth century.
Hill in fiscal year 2011–12. These included, in
that the original log-cabin portion of the house
at Rose Hill dates to 1793 and its west addition
dates to the late 1820s. These confirmed dates
will now guide the site’s future preservation,
restoration, and relevant new uses as proposed
in the New Directions portion of this report.
Historians from the Constitution Fencibles presented
demonstrations at Rose Hill during the sesquicentennial
commemoration of the Civil War’s First Battle of Kernstown.
Photo: Rick Foster
Collaborating in the Community
Working together with community groups and
organizations is one of the most effective ways
for a museum to be relevant, and in fiscal year
April, three days of living-history presentations
and battlefield tours for 300 middle-school
2011–12 the MSV fulfilled its promise to
increase these partnerships.
students from Admiral Byrd Middle School in
Frederick County.
We were especially pleased to partner for the
first time with the Boys & Girls Club of
The most significant accomplishment at Rose
Hill during this fiscal year was achieved with an
Northern Shenandoah Valley. This summer 80
to 110 children ages six to 13 participated each
eye toward years to come. The site is slated for a
major preservation project; important work in
preparation for that, including completion of a
historic structures report, took place this year.
Archeology studies around the farmhouse were
conducted, and analyses of the paint and plaster
finishes on interior surfaces took place. The
site’s Reconstruction-era barn was stabilized,
additional portions of the battlefield were
cleared, and restoration continued on the stone
wall that featured prominently in the First Battle
of Kernstown.
Some of the most exciting findings at the site
resulted from a dendrochronology study, a
process to determine construction dates by
examining wood samplings from the building’s
framing timbers. Twenty-nine samples indicated
Glen Burnie Gardens Day visitors enjoy the Perennial Garden.
Photo: Rick Foster
week in Camp MSV to enjoy physical and
learning activities and healthy snacks. The
program was developed in response to the needs
of our community’s children and designed to
meet the goals of the nationwide Let’s Move!
Museums and Gardens Initiative. Camp MSV
included a number of at-risk children. Partial
funding for this program was provided by a gift
from Peggy Denison.
Fiscal year 2011–12 also saw the MSV
collaborating for the first time with First Night
Winchester. On New Year’s Eve the MSV
offered free admission to all those wearing a
First Night button. Family-oriented
entertainment took place during the day, which
attracted some 117 people. The MSV also
sponsored the First Night coloring contest for all
ages, and 150 people participated.
The Honorable David M. Walker and Lord Fairfax Community
College President Cheryl Thompson-Stacy at the 2011 MSV
Business Forum Luncheon. Photo: Rick Foster
Society (SVGS) to present Shenandoah Valley
Heritage Day, a free event at the MSV which
included information tables hosted by Valley
genealogical and historical societies and research
organizations. It also included presentations by
Collaborating with community businesses, the
Victor S. “Vic” Dunn, CG, professional
MSV sponsored the highly popular Business
genealogist and proprietor of Virginia Ancestry;
Forum Luncheon in October. Sponsors included
Barbara Vines-Little, CG, FNGS, FVGS, a
BB&T; Sodexo Catering; Valley Health; the
professional researcher, editor of Magazine of
Willows at Meadow Branch; Yount, Hyde &
Virginia Genealogy, and former National
Barbour, P.C.; Shenandoah Valley Westminster
Genealogical Society President; Connie Potter
Canterbury; and Wells Fargo Bank/Wells Fargo
and Katherine Vollen, archivist and archives
Advisors. The event featured The Honorable
specialist respectively of the National Archives
David M. Walker, founder and chief executive
in Washington, DC; and Chris Ferguson,
officer of the Comeback America Initiative and
researcher and Civil War collector.
former comptroller general of the United States.
Nearly 300 business leaders from throughout
the region attended the sold-out event.
This year the MSV also collaborated with Cedar
Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park
to present Sesquicentennial-related programs at
Other MSV partnerships during the year
Rose Hill. These included the 150th anniversary
advanced educational goals, many tied to the
event of the First Battle of Kernstown on March
year-long observation of the Civil War
23. The day’s highlight was a presentation and
Sesquicentennial. In January the MSV partnered
guided battlefield tour by Eric Campbell, Cedar
with the Shenandoah Valley Genealogical
Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park
ranger. A total of 310 people attended the
attended the free event. Another continuing
weekend’s events.
partnership took place in July, when the free-
In May 2012 and to observe the 150th
anniversary of the First Battle of Winchester,
Jonathan Noyalas, assistant professor of history
and director of the Center for Civil War History
at Lord Fairfax Community College, led 50
people on a free walking tour that focused on the
struggle for Bower’s Hill and explored a part of
the MSV landscape that is not open to the
public. Partnering with the Shenandoah Valley
admission Glen Burnie Gardens Day featured an
antique and modified car show coordinated by
the Shenandoah Region of the Antique
Automobile Club of America (SRAACA). And,
in August and September, the MSV again
collaborated with Winchester’s Magic Lantern
Theater to present two films—Walt Disney’s
Secretariat, a family-oriented movie, and The
Misfits—to complement the exhibition Goya,
Dali, Warhol.
Battlefields Foundation, the MSV opened Rose
Winchester-Frederick County’s Civil War
Collaborating on Loans and
Weekend. The event featured living-history
In fiscal year 2011–12 presentation of An
interpretation, nineteenth-century children’s
American Turning Point: the Civil War in
games, Civil War-era music, and battlefield tours.
Virginia–Surviving War marked the MSV’s first
Hill to the public on September 24 for
MSV partnerships of 2011–12 included the
continuation of valued, established
collaborations. In March we again partnered
with the Lord Fairfax Orchid Society to present
its annual Orchid Show and Sale, which
collaboration with the Virginia Historical
Society. The exhibition also was made possible
by Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American
Civil War Commission and the National
Endowment for the Humanities.
provided a repotting clinic, ask-the-expert
Also in fiscal year 2011–12 we continued our
opportunity, and class; more than 250 people
partnership with the Shenandoah County
Eric Campbell, Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park ranger, leads a guided tour of the First Kernstown Battlefield at Rose Hill on
the 150th anniversary of the famous Civil War battle. Photo: Rick Foster
Historical Society (SCHS). This partnership
made possible As Good as Can Be: Shenandoah
County through the Lens of Hugh Morrison Jr.
That MSV-organized exhibition was displayed in
the Shenandoah County Library from September
2011 through May 2012, and our partnership
with SCHS helped launch As Good as Can Be as
our first online exhibition, a milestone
accomplishment that gave permanent record to
the exhibition’s scholarship.
Finally, our loan partners during this fiscal year
included the Augusta County Historical Society,
Technology helped tell Virginia’s Civil War story in An American
Turning Point: The Civil War in Virginia–Surviving War, on view in
the MSV in 2012. Photo: Julie Napear
on display in the R. R. Smith Center for History
and Art in Staunton, Virginia, and the
True to its promise, in 2011–12 the MSV
Woodstock Museum, where a carousel horse
offered more educational programming than in
from the MSV Collection went and remains on
any previous year. We worked with 1,280
public, private, and home-schooled students
where the MSV-organized exhibition Jed
Hotchkiss: Shenandoah Valley Mapmaker was
who visited the MSV and its Rose Hill site, and
we served 1,677 adults and children, for a total
of 2,957 people who experienced the MSV in
educational programming or a school-group tour.
Changing exhibitions played a major role in
developing these programs, as their wide variety
of topics provided a rich source for related
learning opportunities. In this fiscal year, these
changing exhibitions included: Goya, Dali,
Warhol: Masterpieces of World Art from the
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (July 29–
September 25, 2011); Daughters of the Stars:
Shenandoah Valley Star Quilts and Their
Makers (October 21, 2011–January 8, 2012);
and An American Turning Point: the Civil War
in Virginia–Surviving War (February 10–
The June 2012 launch of the electronic version of As Good as Can
Be marked the MSV’s first online exhibition.
June 10, 2012).
Programs for School Groups
Last year’s Annual Report announced that the
MSV was working on a new after-school
program for youth in Winchester’s elementary
and middle schools. Mission accomplished: in
January and February MSV education staff
taught approximately nintey students in
Winchester’s Daniel Morgan Middle School how
to “think like a curator” to evaluate and
document objects that are important in
preserving and learning about our culture.
three-day Printmaking I class, taught by Marion
Mercer, associate professor of art, in the MSV
gardens, galleries, and Garden Activity Center.
Programming for Adults
The Tuesday Garden Talk series continued this
year and featured presentations on a diverse
number of topics. Presenters included: Master
Gardener Carolyn Wilson; Gerald Crowell, a
forester with the Virginia Department of
Forestry; Master Gardener and Certified
Horticultural Therapist Helen Lake; Lord
Fairfax Orchid Society members Kathleen
Snyder and ZitaWinzer; and Billie Clifton,
owner of Sunflower Cottage, a garden center in
Middletown, Virginia. MSV staff also led garden
talks and two sold-out workshops.
Programming in conjunction with Goya, Dali,
Warhol included a lecture, “Art and the
Enlightenment: What Inquiring Minds Want to
Know,” by Twyla Kitts, teacher–program
Judy Greathouse, Garden Explorers program instructor, engages
with preschoolers participating in the free MSV program.
Photo: Rick Foster
We also promised to provide free-admission
passes to teachers and develop more ways to
coordinator and collection educator for the
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Also in
conjunction with this exhibition, Art Duos, the
first of a new format of MSV workshops, was
work with them to develop programs for their
students. That, too, was accomplished; in
September 2011 the MSV developed a field-trip
brochure and mailed it with a letter and
complimentary passes to some 3,280 publicschool educators who teach history, art, and
social studies to elementary, middle, and highschool students in Virginia and West Virginia.
For older students, the MSV collaborated with
Middletown’s Lord Fairfax Community College
(LFCC) by hosting that community college’s
The Museum partnered with the VMFA to offer a day-long
botanical watercolors workshop at the MSV in May.
Photo: Rick Foster
Adult programming in this fiscal year also
included a writing workshop, Pilates in the
gardens, and a basket-making workshop.
Programming for Youth
It was in the area of youth programming that
the MSV made the most significant increases in
fiscal year 2011–12. Five new programs for
children were offered, and one extremely
popular program was continued.
Among the new programming, Eco-Friends at
the MSV taught youth ages nine through 12
about recycling, ecosystems, and techniques of
This sold-out guided gallery tour was among the educational
programs offered in conjunction with the MSV-organized exhibition
Daughters of the Stars: Shenandoah Valley Star Quilts and Their
Makers. Photo: Rick Foster
professional gardeners. Art in the Gardens
taught youth ages 11 through 15 about art,
painting processes, and how to draw inspiration
introduced. In this program teams composed of
an adult and a child toured the exhibition and
learned how to sculpt and paint real and
abstract subjects.
A number of programs were presented in
from the gardens and galleries. In Teen Art
Camp youth ages 14 to 18 spent a week
exploring the gardens and galleries while
working with regional artists to create paintings
and sculptures and learn about careers in art.
conjunction with the Daughters of the Stars
exhibition. In November’s youth workshop,
Connecting Threads, children toured the
exhibition, discussed Valley quilters, learned
how quilting combines visual art with geometry,
and created their own “mini quilts.” For adults
that month, Margie Mielke, a Shenandoah
Valley quilter and member of the Top of Virginia
Quilt Guild, taught a quilt-making workshop.
Over the holidays 80 people packed the MSV
holiday tea to learn that “Boring Quilters Don’t
Make Headlines,” a lecture by author/appraiser
Phyllis Twigg Hatcher of Annapolis, Maryland,
and in January quilt appraiser Pam Pampe led a
free, filled-to-capacity gallery tour of the
Learning about plants in the MSV Garden Explorers program.
Photo: Rick Foster
the year, beginning in April when the MSV
admission policy was simplified overall and
changed to allow youth ages 12 and under free
of charge into the Museum, the gardens, and
Gardens at Nights events. Also, the MSV
continued in its policy of offering free admission
to all on Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. to
The MSV also offered a number of events
A participant in the MSV’s new Teen Art Camp.
Partial funding for this new MSV program was
provided by the Marion Park Lewis Foundation.
The program sold out, with participants and
their parents asking for more programming for
this age group.
throughout the year to provide families with free
access to the gardens and galleries. These
opportunities included Glen Burnie Day in July
2011, which attracted 1,514 people, and MSV
Day in February 2012, which 623 people
attended. Opening the Glen Burnie House free
of charge in October attracted 425 people, and
As mentioned earlier in this report, Art Duos
National Public Gardens Day in May attracted
teamed adults and children in learning
446 people.
experiences and Camp MSV provided children
from the Boys & Girls Club of Northern
Shenandoah Valley with a once-weekly, summerlong camp.
Continuing this year was Garden Explorers, the
popular, summer-long, free program that teaches
youth in preschool through age eight to explore
the Museum’s gardens in special, guided tours
and participate in discussions and hands-on
activities. The program sold out this year, with
300 children participating in the weekly sessions.
A family enjoys the Shenandoah Valley Gallery during February’s
MSV Day. Photo: Rick Foster
In the summer of 2011 the Gardens at Night
events were also influenced by an emphasis on
families. Along with keeping the tradition of
Fiscal year 2011–12 saw the MSV making
offering fabulous music in the gardens, each
significant strides to be more relevant by offering
event included free children’s activities. Families
affordable, family-friendly events. This emphasis
responded to these changes, and a total of 3,299
on the family directed programming throughout
people attended GAN events in this fiscal year.
Finally, this year the MSV planted a learning
garden for the primary purpose of helping
people of all ages learn about the art and science
of gardening. Maintained by volunteers and
staff, the garden also supplies the MSV Café
with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Participants in the MSV Tomato & Garlic TasteFest tomato relay
race. Photo: Rick Foster
Last year the MSV stated its intention to explore
ways to generate more revenue through donations
Entertainment included bluegrass by The Fox
and earned income, and the Annual Campaign of
Hunt; Motown from The Moonlighters; 1970s
fiscal 2011–12 certainly started on the right track.
hits from the Robbie Limon Band; and rock,
This annual appeal for donated support raised
soul, and rhythm and blues from the Soul
$264,410 in fiscal year 2011–12 and exceeded its
Expressions Band. The MSV is grateful to Q102
goal by more than $50,000.
for its sponsorship of this event.
We express gratitude to all MSV Donors to the
Through all these opportunities, the MSV
Annual Campaign who made that
provided free admission to the galleries and
accomplishment possible and particularly to the
gardens to 5,861 visitors in fiscal year 2011–12.
leadership members of the Compass Society.
In addition, the Museum also provided free
These annual donations made possible all the
admission to a number of community programs,
educational and community-focused
such as the popular Tomato & Garlic TasteFest
programming about which you have just read.
that provided 970 people with a fun day, for
The MSV also thanks those Donors who
free, at the MSV. The TasteFest included events
stepped up to provide financial support of
for children, such as a tomato relay race, a
special projects or needs. We continue, as well,
garlic hunt, and an arts-and-crafts area where
in our deep gratitude for the ongoing support of
they could decorate tomatoes.
Also this year, the MSV combined its newsletter
and calendar of events into MSV Now. This
redesigned publications includes a “Just for Kids”
section with information for youth and a coloring
sheet. A new children’s menu was introduced in
the Museum Café, too; it is provided on a
coloring sheet to keep young minds occupied
while awaiting child-friendly foods.
Left: Charles Covey and Compass Society Member Jody ArmstrongJones. Right: Compass Society Members John and Maxine Willey.
Left to right: Matthew Gaglione, Irene S. Wischer Society for Planned Giving participant; Timber Frame Giving Circle Donors Massie and Bob
Burns; MSV Board Member Blake Curtis and his wife, Marie, Shenandoah River Giving Circle Donors; and Peter Bullough, Chairman of the
Glass–Glen Burnie Foundation and Compass Society Member.
the Glass–Glen Burnie Foundation, which
giving as the best way to financially support
provides for a wide range of MSV financial
them. To encourage more people to become
needs associated with keeping the Museum
Members, lower levels of Membership were
facilities open to the public and providing for
added, and upper levels that previously were
their maintenance.
classified as Memberships were redefined as
Please see the following pages of this Annual
Report for a complete listing of all these
generous Donors and the projects they helped
make possible.
While acknowledging the success of our Annual
Campaign and other donated support in fiscal
year 2011–12, we have also realized that the
percentage of the MSV budget raised through
donations must catch up to the average for
museums nationwide. This year the MSV began
to address this by critically analyzing the
Membership and Donor programs. The analysis
determined that blurred lines of distinction
between the two programs were likely
compromising the MSV’s abilities to achieve
increased revenues from both.
Donor levels. Over time, as marketing messages
communicate these distinctions, the MSV hopes
more people will join as Members and support
the Museum as Donors.
Certainly all indications suggest that MSV
Membership continues to have great appeal. In
this fiscal year the Membership count surpassed
1,200 for the first time, with 217 new Members
coming to the program unsolicited. This is
almost certainly attributed to the fact that
increased programming means increased
Member benefits, which include free general
admission, free admission to the holiday concert
series, Gardens and Galleries at Night events,
Annual Members’ Lecture, Tuesday Garden
Talks, and the opportunity to preview
exhibitions before they open to the public.
In response, the MSV revised the Membership
Members also appreciate discounts in the
and Donor structure and refocused their
Museum Store and Café, reduced admission to
marketing approaches. The strategy sought to
programs and workshops, and special Member
better define Membership as the best way to
trips, which, like May’s journey to Longwood
participate in Museum programs and the act of
Gardens, always sell out.
he summary on the previous pages
details this Museum’s many successes of
fiscal year 2011–12 and illustrates its
commitment to providing meaningful
experiences as a cultural resource for all
Shenandoah Valley residents. These
accomplishments of the past beg a question
regarding the future. What new direction will
the MSV take next?
In response, in the spring of 2013, the MSV will
publish a Strategic Plan that will guide all areas
of the Museum’s operations for 2013–2018.
This plan will demonstrate that the MSV is
committed to providing more: more programs
Entertaining at Glen Burnie
for all ages, more collaboration with community
partners, more exhibitions with a broader
The logo for the upcoming Moveable Feasts exhibition.
audience appeal, more relevance, and more
objects. These exhibitions will change yearly to
provide fresh experiences of this significant
As mentioned earlier in this report, the first
Earlier in this report, we described the
exhibition, Moveable Feasts: Entertaining at
transformation about to take place in the MSV
Glen Burnie, will transport visitors to Glen
galleries. This major change is worth repeating
Burnie as guests of Museum benefactor Julian
here, for this shift in space usage will result in a
Wood Glass Jr. and then partner R. Lee Taylor.
dramatic change in the experiences we offer
This exhibition will directly connect the gallery
visitors. The changes will nearly double the
experience to the house and gardens nearby.
space of our regular changing exhibition gallery.
Following Moveable Feasts, the next exhibition,
And, we will now draw from the Julian Wood
slated to open in 2014, will be guest-curated by
Glass Jr. Collection to create a wide variety of
one of the country’s leading experts in the field
dynamic exhibitions that feature different
of decorative arts; look for that exciting
themes, collecting styles, time periods, and
announcement in the months to come.
In addition to these new directions for changing
exhibitions, the MSV is shifting its collecting
focus in order to tell a more representative story
of the Valley. This shift will see the Museum not
only acquiring and interpreting fine objects
made in the Valley for the affluent but also
historical objects produced for and by people of
a more average means. To supplement our
Collection, we will place more emphasis on
borrowing and displaying examples from the
many public and private collections in the Valley
Collector Greg Bott loaned this signature star quilt to the recent
MSV exhibition Daughters of the Stars. Photo: Julie Napear
and beyond. And, we will expand our collecting
scope to include objects made by Valley artists
The first exhibition scheduled for the “new”
in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Changing Exhibition Galley, American
Impressionism: The Lure of the Artist’s Colony,
was organized by the Reading Public Museum
and will present more than 80 oil paintings and
30 works on paper, the largest display of framed
works of art ever presented in an MSV changing
exhibition. The display will include landscapes,
seascapes, portraits, and still-life paintings
arranged according to the artists’ colonies that
played a critical role in the development of
American Impressionism. The MSV is now
developing innovative and fun programming for
all ages to complement these exhibitions.
To more effectively tap the fundraising and
public relations opportunities of these changing
exhibitions, the MSV has now developed an
exhibition schedule that extends into 2015.
With this advance planning, the nation’s most
highly sought speakers can be scheduled, our
marketing department can fully tap the potential
of MSV-organized exhibitions, and Donors who
recruited and acknowledged.
From the upcoming American Impressionism exhibition, A Study in
White (no date), by Charles Webster Hawthorne (1872–1930), oil
on canvas, Reading Public Museum.
are interested in supporting exhibitions can be
emerged regarding the best future uses of the
Glen Burnie House, and this may well be one of
the most exciting new directions of the future.
The Glen Burnie House is now closed for major
With a goal of changing its focus from a house
renovation of all its mechanical systems.
tour to a community-centered experience, ideas
Planning for these renovations is completed, and
currently being considered see the house used to
construction work will begin in November of
host special events, small changing exhibitions,
2012. Funding for these renovations is largely
and displays of Valley artists’ works. All these
provided by the National Endowment for the
ideas will be evaluated over the next 18 months
Humanities (NEH), with matching funds coming
as renovations to the house’s systems are
from the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, the
undertaken, the Strategic Plan for 2013–2018 is
Hillsdale Fund, the Marietta McNeill Morgan
finalized, and a Master Plan for expansion is
and Samuel Tate Morgan Jr. Foundation, and
the Roller-Bottimore Foundation.
Similarly, the MSV also is evaluating ways to
With input from more than 200 people from
make the site’s formal gardens and, especially,
throughout the Valley, new thinking has
the expanses of green space surrounding them,
more accessible. A major step toward that goal
will occur with the opening of a portion of the
City of Winchester’s Green Circle for walking
and biking on the property. This is just one
action that will be outlined in a master plan for
the 254-acre Glen Burnie property that will be
presented to the Board of Directors.
As the site of the First Battle of Kernstown,
which factors highly in the history of the Civil
War, the importance of Rose Hill has never been
questioned. In fiscal year 2011–12 a historic
structures report and archeology studies
confirmed the degree to which the site’s house is
also historically important.
To make this resource more accessible and
relevant, new directions here will see significant
As this report goes to print, work on the Green Circle portion on the
MSV property is nearing completion. Photo: Rick Foster
changes and improvements being made. A new
public entrance will be constructed, as will a
provide for the programming that enriches this
parking lot. Public restroom facilities will be
community and region.
added, as well. In addition, the exterior of the
house and its environs will be restored to their
nineteenth-century appearance. And, to open the
site more fully to the public, conversations are
now underway to establish a partnership with
the Frederick County Parks and Recreation
Now your donations are more important than
ever before. A group of leadership Donors has
come forward to offer the MSV a major
challenge grant. By matching every new or
increased dollar given to the MSV in its Annual
Fund for Fiscal Year 2012–13, this grant will
provide the MSV up to a total of $78,500 in
matching dollars.
If you gave a financial contribution to the MSV
last year and increase the amount of your
donation this year, the amount of increase will
be matched dollar for dollar. If you gave a
financial contribution to the MSV more than a
year ago and you give a gift this year, your gift
The historic house at the MSV Rose Hill property. Photo: Ron Blunt
now will be entirely matched. And, if you have
never contributed to the MSV and make a gift
this year, your gift will be entirely matched.
For Museum Members, every new direction and
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley is embarking
program outlined in this report has an
on new directions with more programs, broader
associated Member benefit. The MSV has truly
audience appeal, increased relevance, and
become a place to see and the place to be, and
greater access.
there is no better way to do both than with your
Membership. Please renew your Membership
and also share the good news about the amazing
benefits with your friends. Every person who
joins the MSV helps build the excitement, for
the more who join, the greater the fun.
On the preceding pages you read that the
Now we ask for the financial support that will
allow the MSV to realize these new directions.
In this report you will find a donation/pledge
envelope, and we hope you will use it to return
your financial gift or pledge (payable by June
30, 2013) to the MSV. In so doing you will help
All of these programs have a price, and for that
us achieve the challenge grant opportunity that
reason we also encourage you to become an
is within our grasp. Not only will you help us
MSV Donor. For fiscal year 2012–13 the MSV
qualify for the additional funding challenge, but,
has set its Annual Campaign goal at $300,000,
more important, you are investing in the cultural
and these funds are necessary in order to
vibrancy of the Valley and your community.
The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley is
grateful to its Donors for making all MSV
programming possible. From the child who
brings us a few dollars to the Donor who
contributes thousands, every gift provides
MSV Board
Member John
Marlow and his
wife, Joyce,
owners of Marlow
Motor Company.
invaluable support to provide changing
exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and other MSV
programming that enriches the cultural life of
our Valley. We appreciate them all.
On the following pages you will find a list of all
Donors who supported the Annual Campaign in
fiscal 2011–12. Here, we pay tribute to those gifts
that supported special program needs at the MSV.
For providing the MSV with a badly needed new
van, we are grateful to John K. Marlow and
Marlow Motor Company.
Meadow Branch; Yount, Hyde & Barbour, P.C.;
Shenandoah Valley Westminster Canterbury; and
Wells Fargo Bank/Wells Fargo Advisors. Peggy
Denison provided support for Camp MSV, and
the Marion Park Lewis Foundation supported
Teen Art Camp.
Investing in the skills of the MSV staff is
another important need, and this year we are
grateful to the Virginia Commission for the Arts
In the galleries, for support to provide LED
for funding a staff member’s participation in a
lighting in the R. Lee Taylor Miniatures Gallery,
grant-writing workshop.
we thank Ruth Farley Massey. For conservation
of important objects, we thank the James L. and
Mary Jane Bowman Charitable Trust, Grace
Ritzenberg, and August Van Dessel (see page 8).
We also thank Shirley and Hunter M. Gaunt Jr.
for their generous gift that helped us
significantly add to our collection of Valley
silver (see page 7). These Donors helped the
MSV fulfill its pledge to preserve and present the
culture of the Shenandoah Valley.
Finally, the MSV also thanks those who
contributed their time to make fiscal year 2011–
12 a success. This includes our docent team—
who contributed more than 14,000 hours to the
MSV this year—and, in addition, those who
contributed hours beyond that by serving on the
Museum Board and advisory committees. You’ll
find a complete listing of these dedicated
volunteers in the back of this report. We also
extend our gratitude to the many other
The MSV also thanks those who funded special
volunteers who, in addition, also helped the
programming this year. Sponsorship of the
Museum, including those who worked in the
Business Forum Luncheon came from BB&T;
gardens and served in various educational
Sodexo Catering; Valley Health; the Willows at
programs. The MSV is indebted to you all.
For the Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Contributions (individuals and estates)
Admissions (includes tours, public events, and programs)
Café and gift store revenues (gross)
Other revenue
Contributions (foundations and corporations)
Membership revenue
Investment income (includes realized and unrealized income
on restricted endowments)
Total revenue and support
Program services
Management and general
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of fiscal year
Net assets, end of fiscal year
The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley’s audited financial statements with an unqualified opinion and our Form 990 are available upon request
by emailing [email protected] or by calling 540-662-1473, ext. 223.
admissions, retail
sales, other
and general
iscal Year 2011–12 at the Museum of the
Shenandoah Valley was characterized by
a number of milestones. Among the most
significant was the fact that more people
experienced the MSV than ever before, with
32,657 visitors enjoying our gardens, galleries,
and programs in the fiscal year. Thousands more
people shopped in the store, dined in the café, or
Museum Café revenue increased slightly this year.
attended a rental event. Illustrative of our
Photo: Rick Foster
commitment to the Valley community, 6,100 of
same time, the year’s increased donations from
those people, adults and children alike, enjoyed
other foundations, corporations, and individual
free admission and free programming at the
Donors resulted in the Museum’s ability to direct
MSV during the fiscal year.
more resources than ever before to collections
Twenty-seven percent more people visited the
MSV website this year, with 36,643 unique visits
management, exhibitions, educational
programming, and community events.
recorded. Also in this fiscal year Museum
The MSV is committed to fiscal responsibility,
Membership surpassed 1,200 for the first time.
with efforts to diversify our sources of revenue
In an improvement over last year’s flat figures,
in Fiscal Year 2011–12 revenues from the
Museum Store and Museum Café increased.
Earned income from site rentals increased, as
well. Revenues from grants were also up, as was
donated income, with the MSV exceeding its
Annual Campaign goal by $50,000.
being of particular interest. We also are
increasing collaborations with other
organizations to help manage costs and make an
even greater impact in the community. Now, a
challenge grant provides the additional
possibility of significantly increasing donated
income. We hope everyone reading this Annual
Report will help us meet this challenge, allowing
Many people made this success possible. The
the MSV to pursue new directions in the coming
important continuing support of the Glass–Glen
year to preserve and enrich the cultural life of
Burnie Foundation maintained the Museum
the Valley.
facilities and landscapes. In addition, this year
the Glass–Glen Burnie Foundation also made
substantial financial commitments to support the
Glen Burnie House preservation project and
improve the Museum’s Rose Hill property. At the
Dana Hand Evans
Executive Director
The role of the Finance Committee is primarily
of Directors. The Finance Committee is also
to provide financial oversight for the
charged with ensuring compliance and/or
organization. Although the entire Board carries
developing other policies that further serve to
fiduciary responsibility for the organization, the
protect the organization and manage its
Finance Committee serves a leadership role in
exposure to risk. These include oversight of the
this area as it is a standing committee of the
personnel policies and employee benefits
Board of Directors of the Museum of the
program; review of insurance requirements;
Shenandoah Valley. The committee is comprised
review of capital purchases, leases, and
of regional volunteer members and management,
contracts; and oversight of the earned income
with chairmanship by the treasurer of the
activities of the Corporation.
Museum Board. The committee, which meets
three to four times annually, is responsible to the
Board for reviewing and reporting on all matters
pertaining to the fiscal operations of the
Corporation, including but not limited to:
preparation and oversight of the annual budget;
short- and long-term financial planning,
including management of the organizations
investments and endowments; maintenance of
proper accounting and control procedures;
As treasurer of the Board of Directors of the
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley and
chairman of the Finance Committee, I am
pleased to report that the Finance Committee is
committed to the principles of good stewardship
and to building and preserving the Museum's
financial resources in order to support the
accomplishment of both the short and the long
term goals of the Museum
recruitment and selection of an independent
auditor and final review of the draft audit and
990 as presented by the auditor, and
presentation of the audit report to the full Board
David L. Blount
Enjoying children’s activities and beautiful gardens during Gardens at Night at the MSV. Photos: Rick Foster
Contributions above and beyond Membership dues provide annual support for the Museum of the Shenandoah
Valley, including important programs that distinguish this site as a museum. We thank all those who
contributed so generously to these important efforts. The Donor and Member names listed in this Annual
Report reflect contributions made in the 2011–2012 fiscal year between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012.
Please notify the development office at 540-662-1473, ext. 217, of any edits or additions to this list.
The Col. James Wood Circle
for Lifetime Membership
Mr. James A. Arnold*
Mr. Michael Gore*
The Irene S. Wischer Society for
Planned Giving
The Estate of John E. Brown
Dr. Peter G. Bullough
Mr. David C. Fogelsanger
Mr. Julian Wood Glass Jr.*
Mr. J. Matthew Gaglione
Mrs. Jane K. Krug*
Ms. Ruth Farley Massey
Ms. Madeline MacNeil
Mr. Christopher A. and Mrs. Maria Molden
The Estate of Bertha M. Muti
Mr. Sidney L. and Mrs. Sara M. Stern
Mrs. Kathryn Perry Werner
Mrs. Irene S. Wischer*
Compass Society Donors
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
MSV Circle
Dr. Peter G. Bullough
Mr. August Van Dessel and
Ms. Angela McDonald
Julian Wood Glass Jr. Circle
Mrs. JoAnne Armstrong-Jones
BB&T Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Benham, III
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Blount
James L. and Mary Jane Bowman
Charitable Trust
Beverly B. Shoemaker, Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Byrd
Mr. David D. Denham
Mr. and Mrs. Mazen Farouki
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Feltner
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Glaize, III
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Molden
Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Paterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert W. Werner
The Honorable and Mrs. Henry K. Willard, II
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Willey
Winchester Printers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hottle
Wise Foundation
Mr. Lewis B. Pollard and
Mr. Lewis S. Wiley
Giving Circle Donors
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Glen Burnie Circle
Mr. John C. Allen, Jr.
Mr. Eugene F. Dearing, Jr. and
Ms. Virginia Guthridge
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fawcett
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew U. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fetter
Dr. Benjamin F. Lewis and Paula Bromley
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Marlow
Dr. and Mrs. John E. McAllister
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. McWhorter
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Roth
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
Dr. and Mrs. H. G. White, Jr.
Shenandoah River Circle
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Allen, Sr.
Mr. Joseph A. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Beaudoin
Dr. D. Gregory Bott
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Byrd, III
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clement
Mr. and Mrs. W. Blakely Curtis
The Darrin-McHone Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Edwards
Mr. David C. Fogelsanger
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hollis
Mrs. Lorraine P. Hottel
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kalbach
Mr. Jerrald K. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Labovitz
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Laidlaw
Ms. Judith A. Landes
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lathrop
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Long
Ms. Angela R. McDonald and
Mr. August Van Dessel
Mrs. Terese S. Merrill and Mr. Mark H. Merrill
Dr. and Mrs. W. Tyler Mistr
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Riley
Ms. Toni Ritzenberg
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shockey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Slater, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Stern
Mrs. Nancy St. C. Talley (D)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. White
Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon Whitworth
Mrs. Susan Williams and Dr. William Mularie
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Wise
Timber Frame Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Allen
Mr. Joseph A. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Apostle
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brandt, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Burns, Jr.
The Honorable Harry F. Byrd, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Comstock
Mrs. George Denison
Mr. and Mrs. Myron I. Dickerson
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram R. Firestone
Ms. Virginia McGehee Friend
Mr. J. Matthew Gaglione and
Dr. Richard Certo
Dr. and Mrs. W. Jackson Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hernley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Hudimac
Mrs. Peggy A. Jackson
Rev. and Mrs. Donald D. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kremer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Lee
Mrs. Regina V. Legge
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Magarik
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor Monahan
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Napps
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ohrstrom, II
Mrs. Nicole H. Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Roberts
Mrs. Mary P. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Rockwood
Mr. and Mrs. George Schember
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Solenberger
Mr. Richard W. Stephenson
Miss Eloise Strader
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Vaughan
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
Dr. and Mrs. James R. York
Additional Unrestricted Compass
Campaign Gifts
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lane (2)
Ms. Virginia S. Morbeck (1)
Glen Burnie Garden Club
Lord Fairfax Orchid Society
Murphy Beverage, Co. (2)
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. deButts
The Estate of John E. Brown (2)
The Junior Century Club of Winchester
Wal-Mart Foundation - V.A.P. Program
Mr. and Mrs. William Swartz (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Allen, Sr.
Anonymous (10)
Mrs. J. Victor Arthur, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jerome Begley
Mr. Edward Bell
Ms. Mary C. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boyd (3)
Mrs. Magalen O. Bryant
Ms. Anne S. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Deaver C. Carr
Ms. Marybelle Clark
Mrs. Ellen Cochrane
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Craig, Jr.
Ms. Frances W. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cunningham
Mr. Eugene Dearing and
Ms. Virginia Guthridge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. deButts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Devlin
Ms. Amaryllis Dove
Dr. Charles Drake and Ms. Bonnie Paulsen
Ms. Elizabeth P. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson M. Duncan
Mr. Richard A. Farland
Mr. David C. Fogelsanger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. French, Jr.
Ms. Pamela Friestad and
Ms. Stephanie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Funkhouser
Mrs. Philip B. Glaize, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Goodloe, III
Mr. Charles Greeb, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grogg (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Adel B. Guirguis
Dr. H. Michael Hanna, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie S. Harp
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris
Dr. David K. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Heglas
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Helbert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hougham
Ms. Susan B. Howard
Dr. John Howe and Ms. Tyrrell Flawn
Mrs. Phelps Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Jaswa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kalbach
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Keech
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Kelble
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Kincannon
Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkpatrick
Mr. Jerrald K. Knight
Mr. Francis Kraemer
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Laidlaw
Ms. Aliene M. Laws
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leigh, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Rumsey S. Light
Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge Littleton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lore
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lovan
Ms. Mindy J. Loy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce MacDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Macpherson
Ms. Pauline S. Manuel
Ms. Hazel D. Mason (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Giel Millner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Monahan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muller
Mrs. Mary C. Mulvey
Mr. John C. Murphy
Ms. Elizabeth A. Murray
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Neumann
Mr. and Mrs. Keller C. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ohrstrom, II
Mr. Brad Omps and Ms. Susan Coffelt
Mrs. William H. Pifer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Place
Mrs. Louise C. Pulliam
Mr and Mrs. Hal Raffa
Ms. Mary Lou Raymond
Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Reuling (2)
Ms. Evelyn S. Ricci
Mr. Marshall M. Rich
Mrs. Patricia A. J. Richardson
Ms. Toni Ritzenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Romano
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Schroeder (3)
Mrs. Dorothy M. Shaull
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Shull
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Joan Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Eli Snelgrove
Mrs. James Stafford, Jr.
Ms. Sandra L. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Stierhoff
Mr. I. Fred Stine
Dr. Cheryl Thompson-Stacy
Dr. Margaret E. Toxopeus and
Mr. Alan G. Toxopeus
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Truban
Mr. Azmi Uthman and Ms. Susan Greenwalt
Mr. and Mrs. Massie Valentine
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Warren, Sr.
Mr. William C. Westgard
Mrs. Emily A. Whitehorne
Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon Whitworth
Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams
Mrs. Susan Williams and Dr. William Mularie
The Winchester Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Womack, III
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Wurtzel
Dr. and Mrs. James R. York
Ms. Patricia L. Zontine
Small Business Level Memberships
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Aikens Group
Annandale Millwork & Allied Systems Corp.
Bank of Clarke County
BB&T - Blue Ridge Community Bank
Blue Ridge Hospice
John P. Chesson, M.D. and Staff
First Bank
H.N. Funkhouser & Co
Harman Construction
Holtzman Corp.
Hoxton Financial, Inc.
Perry Engineering, Inc.
Ressa Construction, Inc.
Rugs Direct
Shenandoah University
Shenandoah Valley Westminster
Signet Screen Printing & Embroidery
Sodexo Catering
The National Sporting Library & Museum
The Shockey Companies
The Willows At Meadow Branch
The Winchester Group, Inc.
The Winchester Star
Trex Company, LLC
United Bank
Valley Health
Valley Proteins, Inc.
Virginia National Bank
VNB Trust
The Honorable Jill H. Vogel and
Mr. Alexander N. Vogel
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wells Fargo Bank
Winchester Obstetrics & Gynecology, PLC
Yount, Hyde & Barbour, P.C.
Donor Level Memberships
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Allen, Sr.
Mr. John C. Allen, Jr.
Mr. Joseph A. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Andreae
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Apostle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Armstrong
Mrs. JoAnne Armstrong-Jones
Mrs. J. Victor Arthur, Jr.
Ms. Hazel H. Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Barley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Barta
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Beaudoin
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Benham, III
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Blount
Dr. D. Gregory Bott
Mrs. Robina R. Bouffault
James L. and Mary Jane Bowman
Charitable Trust
Beverly B. Shoemaker, Trustee
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Boxley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brandt, Jr.
Mses. Cynthia and Jessica Brenneman
Dr. Peter G. Bullough
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Burns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Butler
The Honorable Harry F. Byrd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Byrd, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Byrd
Ms. Melissa Callahan and Mr. Adam Tipton
Dr. and Mrs. Winston Cameron, Jr.
Ms. Holly Carter and Mr. Vince Simmons
Mr. Louis Cesa and Mrs. Gail Hermosilla
Ms. Melinda P. Childress
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clawson
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clement
Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Craig, Jr.
Mrs. Caroline Craig and Mr. Oscar Nolazco
Mr. and Mrs. W. Blakely Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cunningham
The Darrin-McHone Charitable Foundation
Dr. CeeAnn Davis and Col. William
Hammack U.S.M.C. ret.
Ms. Betsy Davison
Mr. Eugene F. Dearing, Jr. and
Ms. Virginia Guthridge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeMott
Mr. David D. Denham
Mrs. George Denison
Mr. and Mrs. Myron I. Dickerson
Ms. Amaryllis Dove
Dr. Charles Drake and Ms. Bonnie Paulsen
Mr. Heyward Drummond and Mr. John Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Eisenhard
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Edvin V. Farinholt
Mr. and Mrs. Mazen Farouki
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fawcett
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Feltner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew U. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fetter
Ms. Amy L. Fielder
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram R. Firestone
Mr. David C. Fogelsanger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Fowler
Ms. Virginia McGehee Friend
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Galbraith
Mr. J. Matthew Gaglione and
Dr. Richard Certo
Ms. Sara Garland and Mr. Kim Uhl
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr.
Mr. Thomas C. Gibbs and
Mrs. Linda Q. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Glaize, III
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grogg
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie S. Harp
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hazel
Dr. and Mrs. W. Jackson Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hernley
Mr. Boyd A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hollis
Mrs. Lorraine P. Hottel
Ms. Susan B. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Hudimac
Dr. John Howe and Ms. Tyrrell Flawn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Huntsberry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Hutchinson
Mrs. Peggy A. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Johnson
Mr. Calvin G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Johnston
Rev. and Mrs. Donald A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kalbach
Dr. and Mrs. Vicken V. Kalbian
Dr. and Mrs. Don G. Karolyi
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. George Kessler
Ms. Angela Khatman and
Mr. David Yankoviak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kirk
Mr. Jerrald K. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll E. Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kowalczyk
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Kremer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kremer
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Labovitz
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Laidlaw
Ms. Judith A. Landes
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lathrop
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lauderdale
Ms. Aliene M. Laws
Mrs. Evelyn Lederer
Mr. and Mrs. David Lee
Mrs. Regina V. Legge
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leigh, Jr.
Dr. Benjamin F. Lewis and Paula Bromley
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lewis
Ms. Elizabeth Lind and Mr. Matthew Risley
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Lizer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Maccubbin
Ms. Angela McDonald and
Mr. August Van Dessel
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Magarik
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Major
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Marlow
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Mason
Ms. Ruth Farley Massey
Ms. Judith H. McCormick Cohen
Ms. Mollie McGarvey and Ms. Jill Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. McKay
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. McWhorter
Mrs. Terese S. Merrill and Mr. Mark H. Merrill
Drs. Lee Anna and Rolf H. Mielzarek
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. W. Tyler Mistr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Mohn
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Molden
Mrs. Eleanor Monahan
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. James Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Myer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Napps
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ohrstrom, II
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Paterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Paukovich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pell
Ms. Nicole H. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poland
The Honorable and Mrs. H. R. Potts, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Powers
Ms. Daria Rainieri and Mr. Matt Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Read
Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds
Mrs. Patricia A. J. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Riley
Ms. Toni Ritzenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Roberts
Mrs. Mary P. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Rockwood
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Sabatino
Mr. and Mrs. George Schember
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Schiavone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Schultz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schultz, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartzman
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Schwarz
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sears
Ms. Katie Settle and Mr. Scott Johnson
Ms. Ashley Sevits
Mrs. Dorothy M. Shaull
Shenandoah Valley Orthodontic
Specialists, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shendow
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Shockey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skala
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Skidmore
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Skiles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Slater, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim T. Smith
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. Norman Smith
Mrs. Helen G. Sperry
Mrs. James Stafford, Jr.
Mr. Richard W. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Stewart
Mr. Donald R. Strosnider
Ms. Joan S. Symmer
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. John Tagnesi
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Troup
Ms. Michele Trufant
Mr. August Van Dessel and
Ms. Angela McDonald
Ms. Amber Vargo and Mr. Jason Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Versley
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wagniere
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Warren, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert W. Werner
The Honorable and Mrs. John E. Wetsel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. White
Dr. and Mrs. H. G. White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon Whitworth
The Honorable and Mrs. Henry K. Willard, II
Mrs. Susan Williams and Dr. William Mularie
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Willey
Winchester Printers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hottle
Mr. and Mrs. R. Oakley Winters
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Wise
The Wise Foundation
Mr. Lewis B. Pollard and
Mr. Lewis S. Wiley
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wise
Drs. Mary Beth Wood and John L. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Wurtzel
Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. York
Dr. and Mrs. James R. York
Ms. Patricia L. Zontine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Zuckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Zuckerman
Honorary Level Membership
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cross
Restricted Gifts
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mrs. Karen E. Brill and
Mr. William J. Meyer
Hillsdale Fund
Ms. Megan Gallagher and
Mrs. Margaret R. White
Roller-Bottimore Foundation
Marietta M. Morgan & Samuel Tate Morgan,
Jr. Foundation
Marion Park Lewis Foundation
National Endowment for the Humanities
Virginia Commission for the Arts
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Mrs. Karen Brill and Mr. William Meyer
Mrs. George Denison
Mr. William Eddy
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr.
Glass-Glen Burnie Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Goodman
Mrs. Marleen B. Hansen
James L. and Mary Jane Bowman
Charitable Trust
Mrs. Beverley B. Shoemaker and
Ms. Rachel E. Shoemaker, Trustees
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kowalczyk
Ms. Ruth Farley Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Mohn
Mrs. Grace Ritzenberg
Mr. Douglas C. Saffell
Mrs. Joan Smith
Mrs. Mary Toth
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Trueblood
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
Gifts of Heritage
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Bausum
Ms. Dawne Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Mackay-Smith
Mr. August Van Desse and
Ms. Angela McDonald
Gifts to the Living Legacy Program
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mrs. Kris Goff
Mrs. Patricia B. Haislip
Mrs. Louise Nelson
Mrs. Patricia A. Richardson
Ms. Lelah M. Robison
Mrs. Rosemary Swope
In Honor of
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Ms. Mary K. Blake in honor of J. Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Helbert in honor of
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
The Junior Century Club of Winchester in
honor of Dana Hand Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kalbach in honor of
Mr. John P. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelly in honor of
William D. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Macpherson in honor of
the Babb Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Monahan, Jr. in
honor of Eleanor Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Romano in honor of
Kevin Romano
In Memory of
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Allen, Sr., in memory
of Ben Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Allen, Sr., in memory
of Dr. George L. Sheppard
James L. and Mary Jane Bowman
Charitable Trust,
Mrs. Beverly B. Shoemaker and
Ms. Rachel E. Shoemaker, Trustees
in memory of James and Mary Jane
Mrs. Kris Goff, Mrs. Louise Nelson,
Mrs. Pat Richardson, Mrs. Rosemary
Swope in memory of Patricia Greeb
Mr. Jerrald K. Knight in memory of his late
wife, Janet Battaile
Ms. Lelah M. Robison in memory of her late
great aunt, Onnolee Carson
Mrs. Virginia S. Saunders in memory of her
late husband, Winston D. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon Whitworth in memory
of Nancy St. Clair Talley
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams in memory of
Henry Stern
Dr. and Mrs. James R. York in memory of
Elizabeth L. Salyan
Donated Services or Gifts In Kind
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Bluebells Flowers – Gifts –
Home & Garden Accessories
Corrugated Container Corp. of the
Shenandoah Valley
Mrs. Gail Long
Marlow Motors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Marlow
Meadows Farms
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wake
Dual/Family Level Memberships
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Acker
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gary Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Nate L. Adams, III
Barbara and John Adamson
Mrs. Kay Adrian and Ms. Sara Vondy
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Alger, Jr.
Mrs. Jean W. Allen and Ms. Leslie Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ammirati
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Anderson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Argall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Todd Armel
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aschenbrenner
Mr. and Mr. Larry Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. James Baden
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baker
Ms. Rayner Balciunas and
Mr. Chance Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Barley
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barmak
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Barnard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bartosiewicz
Ms. Beth Batdorf and Mr. John Bresland
Ms. Mary Bathory Vidaver and
Mr. Ken Poole
The Rev. Dr. Ralph Bayfield and
The Rev. Maeva Bayfield
Mses. Sharon and Courtney Beach
Ms. Michon Bechamps and
Mr. Steve Pugliese
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Bechamps
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jerome Begley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Berlin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Betit
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Bettendorf
Ms. Linda Beville and Mr. Jim Charest
The Rev. and Mrs. David Bicking
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bidlack
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bierlein
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bittel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Bjelland
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Boi
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boling
Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Bolliger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boulter
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Bovey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovey
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowman
Ms. Anita Bowman and Mr. Keith Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boyers
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Braswell
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Breidinger
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Bricker, II
Mrs. Karen Brill and Mr. William Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Britz
Ms. Mary Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Bromley
Ms. Anita Brown and Mr. Jay Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William Brumback
Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Buettner
Ms. Julie Bulger and Mr. Nathan Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. Glen P. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Burks
Mr. and Mrs. S. David Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Butler, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Buursink
Mr. Clarke and Lee Cagey
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Caley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Shep Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Candell
Mrs. Patricia G. Canody
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Carnill
Ms. Katherine Carolla
Mr. and Mrs. Deaver C. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Catlett
Ms. Linda Challinor and Mr. Ben Zamore
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Chapman
Mses. Martha Christian and
Margaret Kingdon
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clay
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Claybrook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Claytor
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey W. Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Combs, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Comstock
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Copenhaver
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cordero
Ms. Pam Cornell and Mr. Glenn Wanielista
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Covell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Crawford
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Creasey
Mr. and Mrs. Don Crigler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cumberland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Curley
Mr. and Mrs. Russell O. Cutshall
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daly
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Damron
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Daugherty
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Davenport, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Davis
Ms. Kathleen M. Dawson
Miss Alisa Dayo
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Daywalt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. DeHaven
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dejong
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Delmerico
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeWitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dolsen
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Doty
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Drummond, Jr.
Mrs. Amy DuBrueler and Mr. John McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Dupuis
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Dutton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Eisenhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eisenman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ekberg
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Elliott
Ms. Anna Elwood and
Dr. Robert Schwander
Mr. and Mrs. James Emmart
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Enochs
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Erney
Dr. and Mrs. Yener S. Erozan
Ms. Dixie Erwin and Mr. Kenneth Hockin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. H. Ewald
Ms. Joan Brett Farrell
Ms. Mary Fehrenback and Mr. Jeff Bellis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Firey
Ms. Roxanne Fischer and Mr. Donald Orlic
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fisher, III
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Flax
Mr. Ronald Fletcher and Ms. Eleanor Shutt
Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Floyd
Ms. Karen Follett and Ms. Erica Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel F. Forero
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fox, III
Mr. Mark Frastak and Ms. Angela Meyer
Ms. Pamela Friestad and
Ms. Stephanie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Frye
Mr. Terry Frye and
Mr. David Look FAIA, FAPT
Ms. Helen and Joan Funkhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Funkhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gagner
Ms. Janet Gahagan
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carols Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Garrett
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Garrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky E. Gearhart
Mr. Harry George and Mr. Randolph George
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Gilpin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Glaize, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Gober
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gonzol
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Good
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Graham
Ms. Andrea Greene
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Griffith
Mr. Grim and Family
Mr. Roger Gurner
Mr. Michael Gur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gyauch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Haddox
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Haines
Mary and Ken Hall
Ms. Kay Hallett and Ms. Mary Axelson
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hardy
Ms. Cathy Harman and Mr. Ralph West
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Harrison
Ms. Michele Hartley and Mr. Steve Warrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hassert
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Haun, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins
Ms. Linda Wyman and Mr. William D. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hazel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Head
Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Headley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy
Mr. and Mrs. William Heidelberger
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Helbig
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Henderberg
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C. Henschen
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Herholtz
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Herney
Mr. and Mrs. James Herr
Mrs. Ann Herren and Ms. Jean McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Herson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Frazer Hilder
Mrs. Maria Hileman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hoak
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holland
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Holliday
Ms. Chris Holloway and Mr. Brad Hodgson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins
Ms. Suzy Hough and Ms. Sara Hough
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hougham
Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Hulsey
Mr. Alan Hummel and
Ms. Cheryl Willingham
The Honorable Dennis L. Hupp
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hutchinson
Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Hylton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Inglis
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk J. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs
Ms. Jill James and Mr. Bill Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Janowitz
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Jaswa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Broc B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones
Mr. William S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones
Mr. Jim Jordan and Ms. June Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Joyner
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Juergens
Ms. Maral Kalbian and Mr. Branson McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. William Keefe
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Keenan
Mrs. Jane Ann Kelchner and
Mr. P. Vincent Kelchner
Ms. Christina Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Keller, Sr.
Ms. Patricia Kelley and Mr. David Daniel
Ms. Susan C. Kemnitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kercheval
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Kesser
Ms. Christine Kestner and Mr. Ron Edwards
Dr. A. C. Kiczales
Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkpatrick
Dr. and Mrs. James V. Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klebieko
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Klimm
Mr. James S. Kniceley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kofalt
Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Kornreich
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kraske
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Kriz
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kruhm
Mr. and Mrs. Valentin T. Kruza
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Kushner
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kwolek
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laise
Dr. Paul Lambert and Dr. Anita Minghini
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lamborne
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lanzer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larsen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lauck
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Lauve
Mr. and Mrs. Gil LaVean
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Law
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lawrence, III
Ms. Carol Lefevre and Ms. Linda Zawacki
Mrs. Anne Legge and
Ms. Adriana Pavlinovic
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Legge, III
Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold Lehman
Mr. Phillip E. Lewis and Ms. Betty Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Rumsey S. Light
Capt. USN (Ret.) and Mrs. John Lincoln
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Lloyd, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lockard
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Long
Dr. and Mrs. Garrett I. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lore
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Louque, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lovan
Ms. Fenton Love
Mr. Daniel Ludwin and Dr. Donald Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lukens
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lumsden
Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce MacDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe D. Macpherson
Ms. Felicia Mair
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Marchant
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Marks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Marlatt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Marlowe
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Mason
Mr. Hayden Mathews and
Ms. Kay Robertson
Ms. Diane Maza and Mr. Dale Maza
Mr. and Mrs. John McBreen
Mr. Michael McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Timmy McCarthy
Rev. and Mrs. Dan M. McCoig
Mr. and Mrs. David McCormick
Mrs. Darla McCrary
Ms. Diane McDaniels and
Mr. George Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. McKay
Dr. Russell B. McKelway and
Dr. Laura Dabinett
Mr. Michael McKenney and
Mr. Kevin Craemer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McLoughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. McQueen
Mr. and Mrs. James Meehan
Mr. William Melson and
Mrs. Judith McCarthy
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Merkel
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mey
Mr. and Mrs. Brook Middleton
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Mikus
Kristina Miles and Craig Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Miles
Ms. Judy Miller and Mr. Stewart Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Garland E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Giel Millner
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Molden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Molden
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Monroe, III
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Morgoglione
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. James Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Myer
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Myer
Ms. Barbara Nelson and
Ms. Margaret Whitmore
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Nemec
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nemitz
Mr. Bill Neufeld and Ms. Kim Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. Newlin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keller C. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Noble
Ms. Diane L. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Ray O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. David Orndorff
Ms. Dawn Ortiz
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie R. Owens, III
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Painter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pampe
Mr. and Mrs. Barney R. Pannell
Ms. Clara Parham and Ms. Heidi Herd
Ms. Kathryn Parker and
Ms. Patricia Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pearman
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C. Pedersen
Ms. Nancy L. Pell
Ms. Tammie Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pheiffer
Ms. Sabine Phillips and
Mr. Scott Edmondson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Phillips, Sr.
Ms. Susan S. Phillips and
Mr. Christopher Slonaker
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Al Pilong
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pinner
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Syd Pitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Place
Mr. and Mrs. Dwain R. Place
Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. Plank
Mr. Thomas Potts and
Mr. Richard Seckinger
Ms. Cheryl Quinones
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Raffa
Dr. and Mrs. Tayman Rafter
Ms. Beth Reader and Mr. Chuck Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. Waverly G. Reames
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Redford
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed
Mr. and Mrs. David Regamey
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reiff
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reiley
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Gene O. Rhodes
Ms. Jennifer Rice and Mr. William K. Lamp
Mr. and Mrs. James Rice
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Riddick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Rider
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ringwood
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Rinker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Rio
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. John Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rupert
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Rutherford
Ms. Karlena Sakas
Mr. Kathleen and William Salyan
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sampogna
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sanders
Lee and Steven Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sankovich
Mr. and Mrs. N. Hartley Schearer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scherder
Drs. Andrea and Joseph Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Secrist
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Seipel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Selzer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Seward
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Seymour
Ms. Ellen Shanholtzer
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw
Mrs. Naomi M. Sheaffer
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Sholl
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shope
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Shull
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shultz
Mr. David Sicree and Ms. Lavinia Schoene
Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan J. Sincock
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sirbaugh
Ms. Beth Skinner and Ms. Caren Werlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slider
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Eli Snelgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snider, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Solak
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Solenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Sonner
Miss Sorenson and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Spencer
Ms. Nicole Spicer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stainback
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Stehlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stephan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stern
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stillwell
Dr. and Mrs. Craig C. Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Storer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Stovall
Mr. and Mrs. John Strackhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Strati
Drs. Karen Straus and Alan Donnenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Strickler
Ms. Shirley M. Strosnider
Ms. Tricia Strother
Mr. and Mrs. Owen E. Sumner
Mr. and Mrs. William Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Swartz
Ms. Donna B. Sweeney and
Mr. Steven Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tabaka
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Taliaferro
Mr. and Mrs. Damron Talley
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Doyne W. Teets
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Thalman
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thomas
Mr. Wayne Thomas and Ms. Barbara Kitler
Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thompson
Ms. Jeanne Tommarello and
Ms. Elizabeth Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tomsey
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Trevor
Mr. Ted Troxell and
Ms. Karen Fitzpatrick-Troxell
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Trueblood
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uphaus
Mr. Thomas M. Urtz
Mr. Azmi Uthman and Ms. Susan Greenwalt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Van Meter
Dr. and Mrs. Ward P. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Venuto
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Volkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Vorpahl
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Waller
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Walls
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wasko
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Raleigh H. Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Blake H. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Whitacre
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Whitacre
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ridgely White
Mr. Jerry White and Mrs. Roxanne Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. White
Mr. and Mrs. James Wigginton
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wilmot
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wilson
Ms. Beth Anne Wilson and
Mr. Marcello Estevao
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wiltshire, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Winslow
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Womack, III
Mr. and Mrs. John Woynicz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. David Yereb
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle W. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zarefoss
Col. and Mrs. Roger L. Zebarth
Mr. and Mrs. William Ziedman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Denman Zirkle
Dr. and Mrs. John Zoller, III
Valley Neighbor Level
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Berridge
Ms. Keleigh Sherrod and Mr. Ron Blunt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bohnet
Mr. and Mrs. James Boone
Ms. Diane L. Ferguson and
Mr. Patrick Murphy
The Honorable and Mrs. Daniel Hileman
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Moe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Zuckerman
Individual Level Memberships
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Ms. Sharon M. Adams
Ms. Ann R. Aldrich
Ms. Patricia L. Allemong
Mrs. Judith R. Anderson
Mr. Norman Andrews
Ms. Marianne Argall
Ms. Dorothy B. Arrick
Ms. Evelyn J. Baer
Ms. Mary Barley
Ms. Reba M. Barley
Mrs. Weldon Barry
Ms. Linda Bartlett
Mr. James D. Bauserman
Mrs. Edith J. Bayly
Ms. Ursula M. Bean
Ms. Carolyn L. Bell
Mr. Edward Bell
Ms. Pamela A. Bell
Ms. Hilkka-Liisa Bernheimer
Ms. Shirley L. Birkhimer
Ms. Joanne Bleavins
Ms. Robin Bodishbaugh
Ms. Ann Bogar
Ms. Sue E. Bogle
Ms. Sallie C. Booker
Mrs. Sharon H. Boone
Mrs. Peggy Booth
Mrs. Noel Borden
Ms. Pam Borgel
Mrs. Sara Ann Bounds
Ms. Rebecca A. Bowman
Ms. Virginia T. Boyce
Mr. Arthur Bragg
Ms. Joan R. Bronson
Ms. Glenene Brown
Ms. Kathleen T. Brown
Ms. A. Joan Brubaker
Mrs. Cary Brubaker
Mrs. Judy Bruce
Ms. Marsha Burd
Mrs. Mary K. Burke
Ms. Carmen K. Burnette
Ms. Cindy Butterfield
Mrs. Jane Campbell
Mrs. Loretta F. Carlisle
Mrs. Carol L. Carnes
Ms. Anne S. Carr
Dr. Jennifer Carroll
Ms. Donna Carroll
Mrs. Ruth P. Carter
Mr. Michael B. Chipley
Mr. Peter J. Chu
Ms. Marybelle Clark
Mr. Denny L. Clevenger
Mr. Donald S. Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cluss
Mrs. Ellen M. Cochrane
Ms. Nancy Lee Comer
Mrs. Earlene Cone
Mrs. Joy H. Costello
Ms. Beth D. Cristy
Mr. Mike L. Crites
Ms. Anne W. Crocker
Ms. Margaret E. Cummings
Mrs. Karen E. Dains
Mrs. Sara G. Dale
Ms. Jeannine Danielson
Mr. Donovan Davidson
Ms. Carol G. Delauter
Mrs. Barbara W. Devers
Ms. Moira Dewilde
Ms. Lorraine Dezarn
Mr. Mike Didawick
Mr. Patrick Diehl
Ms. Marie DiLorenzo
Ms. Alfrieda Donaldson
Ms. Johanna A. Dow
Ms. Diane Downey
Ms. Frances P. Downey
Ms. Danna Doyle
Ms. Elizabeth P. Duncan
Ms. Eileen Eddis
Ms. Janet L. Edgar
Ms. Janice L. Elias
Ms. Janet W. Eltinge
Ms. Judith Enterline
Ms. Dee Ey
Mr. Lawrence Fagg
Ms. Muriel Fears
Mrs. Suzanne Fleming
Ms. Jacqueline J. Fleming
Mr. Jonathan Ford
Ms. Katrina Fristoe
Mrs. Martha W. Gaines
Ms. Megan Gallagher
Mrs. Shelly Gardner
Ms. Margery R. Gifford
Ms. Janita G. Giles
Mrs. M. T. Gilpin
Mrs. Philip B. Glaize, Sr.
Mrs. Sybil B. Glascock
Ms. Susannah Godlove
Dr. Daisy Goodwin
Ms. Carla Gorman
Ms. Betty Gossard
Mr. Thomas M. W. Green
Mr. Robert E. Gresham
Mrs. Anne P. Grim
Ms. Patricia B. Grimes
Mrs. Audrey O. Grimes
Dr. and Mrs. Adel B. Guirguis
Ms. Christiana Hamilton
Ms. Amy Hammond
Mr. Bill Hanger
Mrs. Metka H. Hansen
Mr. James L. Hatcher, Jr.
Ms. Helen M. Hatfield
Mr. Tyrel W. Hayton
Mrs. Veda L. Headley
Ms. Eleanor L. Heishman
Ms. Melanie Henry
Mr. Thomas Hickman
Mrs. Wanda G. High
Ms. Janine Hody
Mrs. Ann F. Hoffman
Mr. Richard Hopper
Ms. Carolyn R. Hott
Ms. Susan B. Howard
Ms. Bethina S. Huddleston
Ms. Cheryl W. Humphries
Dr. Cliff R. Hupp
Ms. Marion E. Ibach
Ms. Eileen Isola
Dr. Bruce W. Jackson
Mr. Matthew Jackson
Ms. Amy M. Jackson
Ms. Paulette Jennis
Ms. Gail M. Johnson
Mrs. Sandra A. Jones
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mrs. Frances Kane
Mr. John Kauten, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth E. Kaylor
Ms. Evelyn J. Kealey
Ms. Kay C. Keely
Mr. P. D. Kelchner
Mrs. Robert G. Kendall
Mr. Scott T. Kenney
Mrs. Nancy Keyton
Mrs. Geraldine Kiefer
Ms. Mary E. Kilgore
Mr. Soon Kim
Ms. Sylvia C. King
Ms. Judith Kirby
Ms. Lois A. Kirkwood
Mr. Jerrald K. Knight
Mr. Conrad E. Koneczny
Ms. Sue S. Lam
Ms. Maureen D. Lane-Maher
Mrs. Jane Lee
Ms. Susan C. Lee
Ms. Karen Leeds
Ms. Michele Lefevre
Ms. Jacki Lewis
Mrs. Barbara E. Lilly
Ms. Elisabeth Lindon
Ms. Deloris L. London
Mrs. Shirley M. Louthan
Mrs. Dorothy Lowe
Col. (Ret.) David Loy
Ms. Mindy J. Loy
Mrs. Jane Lucas
Mrs. Thelma Lundin
Ms. Nancy E. Luttrell
Ms. Madeline M. MacNeil
Dr. Robert A. Magill
Ms. Elizabeth Manning
Ms. Pauline S. Manuel
Ms. Maryann Marcin
Ms. Melissa B. Martin
Ms. Hazel D. Mason
Ms. Jean K. Massie
Mr. John T. Massie
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Matheson, III
Ms. Margaret Matheson
Ms. Patricia Mathias
Mrs. Kendra L. McBride
Mrs. Mariah D. McCarthy
Mr. Kevin M. McCarthy
Ms. Julia A. McCaul
Ms. Judith H. McCormick Cohen
Ms. Martha Mead
Ms. Kelly Melester
Ms. Millie Mennard
Mr. Harold I. Merchant, Jr.
Ms. Sally A. Meredith
Ms. Antoinette Metivier
Ms. Diane Miller
Mrs. Christy Mistr
Ms. Nancy E. Molloy
Ms. Suzanne Montgomery
Mr. Anthony Moore
Ms. Virginia S. Morbeck
Mrs. Maralyn D. Morency
Mrs. Ellen C. Morgan
Ms. Barbara S. Morrell
Mr. Zack Morris
Mrs. Mary C. Mulvey
Ms. Roberta Munske
Ms. Margaret Neiberger
Mrs. Louise Nelson
Ms. Mary R. Nelson
Ms. Clowe C. Nicholson
Ms. Judith W. Owen
Mrs. Nancy B. Pakter
Ms. Emily F. Palmer
Mrs. Rebecca Parkin
Mr. Wayne L. Patteson
Ms. Karen C. Patton
Ms. Bonnie L. Paul
Mrs. William H. Pifer
Ms. Vera M. Piper
Ms. Betsy Pope
Mr. Daniel L. Pratt
Mr. Oley Racey
Ms. Brenda Rawlings
Mr. John Reiley
Mr. Stevan A. Resan
Mrs. Brit Reyes
Ms. Mary Rhodes
Ms. Evelyn S. Ricci
Pat Rice
Mr. James E. Rich
Ms. Linda Riddle
Dr. H. Bruce Rinker
Ms. Ina Robertson
Ms. Mardell Rogers
Ms. Susan Rose
Ms. Mary C. Ruos
Mr. Douglas C. Saffell
Mrs. Virginia S. Saunders
Ms. Angela Schwarzkopf
Ms. Rebekah M. Secrist
Ms. Judith N. Seddon
Mrs. Freda S. Sencindiver
Mr. G. Joseph Sewell
Ms. Donna L. Sheets
Mrs. Ellen M. Shell
Mrs. Pat Shiley
Mr. George O. Siekkinen, Jr.
Ms. Dolores Silman
Ms. Sarah B. Simpson
Ms. Helen R. Sioris
Mr. Demetrios Sioris
Ms. Susan M. Smith
Ms. Julie A. Smith
Ms. Ruth Ann Snyder
Ms. Carolyn Sober
Ms. Marilyn Ann Solomon
Ms. Nancy Specht
Ms. Sandra L. Starr
Mrs. Marilyn Stearns
Mrs. Gloria A. Stickley
Mr. I. F. Stine
Ms. Diann Stout
Miss Eloise Strader
Ms. Elizabeth Stratton
Mr. James E. Stromberg
Ms. Gina Sullivan
Mr. Thomas W. Sweeney
Mr. F. D. Taylor
Ms. Elizabeth A. Temple
Mrs. Ann W. Thomas
Ms. Barbara S. Thomas
Dr. Cheryl Thompson-Stacy
Ms. Genevieve J. Trandem
Ms. Linda S. Tucker
Ms. Jean Tucker
Ms. Stephanie Vale
Ms. Urshala Venskaske
Ms. Isobella Waddell
Ms. Donna Webber
Mr. William C. Westgard
Ms. Linda C. Wheeler
Ms. Dana L. White
Ms. Christiane Wiles
Mr. Ian R. D. Williams
Mrs. Olive G. Williams
Mr. Alfred H. Wilson
Mrs. Leslie C. Wilson
Mr. Michael Wilson
Ms. Sylvia Wilson
Ms. Sarah Wolfberg
Mr. Roger D. Wright
Ms. Penelope Yungblut
Ms. Mary Lou Zickefoose
Teacher Level Memberships
July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Ms. Nancy Albert
Ms. Bethina S. Huddleston
Mrs. Judy B. Whiting
Mrs. Sheila Yeager
Relaxing in the Water Garden.
Photo: Rick Foster
JULY 1, 2011–JUNE 30, 2012
Jean W. Allen
Cora Helen Anderson
Helen Anderson
Edwina Apostle
Carolyn Argall
June Babb
Phyllis Baker
Lucia Barbour
Darla Barrett
Edith Bayly
Courtney Beach
Robert and Paula
J.D. Berlin
Babs Bodin
Kim Brennen
Karen Brill
Stan Bridinger
Virginia Brothers
Joan Bronson
Jean Burdett
George and Joan
Judy Burks
Linda Caley
Joan Cameron
Beth Camery
Donna Carroll
Melinda Childress
Marybelle Clark
Margaret Cummings
Bob and Peggie
Marie Curtis
Rachel Daly
Moira DeWilde
Carolyn Dinsmore
Jean Downs
Lauren Earley
Carol Ebert
Amy Fielder
Terri Flynn-Smith
Nora Garber
Lynne Gardner
Shelly Gardner
Hunter Gaunt, Jr., M.D.
Eileen Gilliland
Hal Goodman
Daisy Goodwin, PhD
Tom Graham
Donna Gray
Judy Greathouse
John Guiser
Len and Sheryl
Carolyn Hadley
Nina Hidelberger
Bill and Janet Helbig
Roger and Linda
Melanie Henry
Irv and Marian
Jean Herring
Susan Howard
Leslie and Christina
Carol-Faye Janowitz
Paulette Jennis
Kay Jones
Sandy Jones
Joe Kalbach
Jessie Kanurin
Don Karolyi, M.D.
Ron and Gail
Sylvia King
Suellen Knowles
Dan and Tina Lane
Liz Lindon
Mary Linger
Gail Long
Mark Lore
James Louque
Winston Lutz, M.D.
Elsbeth Malik
Lauren Mallory
Robert and Joy
Benoit Mathieu
Adrienne McKenna
Martha Mead
Ashley Miller
Martha Mitchell
Eleanor Monahan
Sigrid Mueller
William Mularie, PhD
Michelle Muller
Mary Lou Mulvey
Sheila Murphy
Margaret Neiberger
Barbara Nelson
Pat and Sally O’Neil
Lacie Omps
Betsy Orndorff
Lance Pearce
Art Perkins
Richard Phalen
Mary Lou Raymond
Marshall Rich
Carol Richardson
Pat Richardson
Susan Roberts
Matthew Robertson
Melissa Rock
Linda Roseman
Mary-Louise Roth
Lee Ruddle
Carolyn Sabatino
Virginia Saunders
Kristen Schoenberger
Lisa Shaffer
Lora Shepherd
Walter Shropshire, PhD
Audrey Shropshire
Pat Skidmore
Jan Smith
Julie Smith
Rhonda Smith
Susan Smith
Robert Strider
Emma Sullivan
Bill Swartz
Ann W. Thomas
Jerri Trandem
Jocelyn Vena
Sara Vondy
William Westgard
Micki White
Jim and Robbie
Susan Williams
Janet Woolverton
Carol Yaniello
Bob York, M.D., and
Cummie York
Ted York, PhD
Annette Young
JULY 1, 2011–JUNE 30, 2012
Ad Hoc Business
Advisory Committee
Ad hoc Glen Burnie
Upgrades Committee
John C. Williams, Chairman
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
B. Scott Arthur
David L. Blount
Thomas T. Byrd
Elaine M. Cain
Mickey W. Coffman
W. Blakely Curtis
Marie DiLorenzo
Andrew U. Ferrari
Betty L. Friant
Thomas T. Gilpin
Thomas M. “Wilke” Green
Ronald L. Hottle
Christopher A. “Kit” Molden
The Honorable H. Russell Potts
Sidney L. Stern
Dianne H. Wake
William D. Wiley
Christopher A. “Kit” Molden,
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
John C. Allen, Jr.
H. K. “Bunny” Benham, III
Cary Brubaker
Joseph E. Kalbach
John P. Lewis
Donald J. Louque, Jr.
Rupert W. Werner
Edwin E. White
Kay S. Whitworth
Ad Hoc Capital Campaign
Steering Committee
Sidney L. Stern, Chairman
Sharon M. Byrd
J.P. Carr
Cary M. Craig, Jr.
W. Blakely Curtis
Mary G. Fetter
Thomas T. Gilpin
James T. Holland
Broc B. Johnson
The Honorable H. Russell Potts
Eugene F. Schultz
Daniel J. Troup
Dianne H. Wake
Kay S. Whitworth
William D. Wiley
Dr. John B. Willey
John C. Williams
Ad hoc Rose Hill
Restoration Committee
William D. Wiley, Chairman
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
Calvin H. Allen
David L. Blount
David D. Denham
Joseph E. Kalbach
Development Committee
Sidney L. Stern, Chairman
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
Cary M. Craig, Jr.
W. Blakely Curtis
Mary G. Fetter
Joseph W. Hollis
Christy T. Mistr
Christopher A. “Kit” Molden
Dianne H. Wake
William D. Wiley
John C. Williams
Finance Committee
H. K. “Bunny” Benham, III,
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
David L. Blount
Sharon M. Byrd
James T. Holland
John K. Marlow
Christy T. Mistr
Ellen A. Parsons
Mary S. Riley
Sidney L. Stern
Collections Committee
Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr., M.D.,
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
Calvin H. Allen
W. Blakely Curtis
H.R. “Bob” Edwards
Carolyn A. Farouki
Mary G. Fetter
Thomas M. “Wilke” Green
Pembroke “Pem” D.
John E. “Jack” McAllister, M.D.
The Honorable Ronald L.
Dianne H. Wake
Gardens and Grounds
Rupert W. Werner, Chairman
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
Peter G. Bullough, M.D.
Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr., M.D.
Jean E. R. Gilpin
Don G. Karolyi, M.D.
Diane Kelly
John P. Lewis
Stephanie J. McWhorter
William O. Minor
Mary S. Riley
Nancy St. C. Talley*
The Honorable John E. “Jay”
Wetsel, Jr.
Mary Beth Wood
Government Relations
John K. Marlow, Chairman
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
The Honorable Katherine M. B.
Broc B. Johnson
Kay S. Whitworth
Nominating Committee
Sharon M. Byrd, Chairwoman
John G. Lathrop, ex-officio
Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr., M.D.
Sidney L. Stern
William D. Wiley
Strategic Planning
John G. Lathrop, Chairman
Calvin H. Allen
H. K. “Bunny” Benham, III
The Honorable Katherine M. B.
David L. Blount
Peter G. Bullough, M.D.
W. Blakely Curtis
Carolyn A. Farouki
Hunter Gaunt, Jr., M.D.
Maral S. Kalbian
David C. Lee
John P. Lewis
John K. Marlow
Christine T. Mistr
Christopher A. “Kit” Molden
Sidney L. Stern
Diane H. Wake
William D. Wiley
JULY 1, 2011–JUNE 30, 2012
Honorary Board Members
Harry E. Byrd, Jr.
Wilbur M. Feltner
Calvin H. Allen
John C. Allen, Jr.
Katherine M. B. Berger
Sharon M. Byrd
W. Blakely Curtis
Carolyn A. Farouki
Mary G. Fetter
Hunter M. Gaunt, Jr., M.D.
Pembroke D. Hutchinson
John P. Lewis
John K. Marlow
Christine T. Mistr
Mary S. Riley
Sidney L. Stern
Dianne H. Wake
William D. Wiley
John C. Williams
John G. Lathrop
Vice President
Rupert W. Werner
Second Vice President
Calvin H. Allen
David L. Blount
H. K. “Bunny” Benham, III
Glass–Glen Burnie Foundation
Peter G. Bullough, M.D.
David D. Denham
James T. Holland
Allan G. Paterson, Jr.
David H. O. Roth
JULY 1, 2011–JUNE 30, 2012
Dana Hand Evans
Executive Director
Charles Clare
Security Specialist
John Adams
Head Security Specialist
Sara Clark
Museum Technician
Julie Armel
Director of Marketing and
Public Relations
Laurie Cocina
Museum Technician
Amelia Arnold
Human Resources and
Operations Manager
Tom Arthur
Security Liaison to
Special Events
Bonnie Barr
Museum Store Manager
Josefina Bautista
Museum Technician
Courtney Beach
Collections Intern
Rick Blume
Facility Manager
Catherine Bogaty
Special Events
Helen Bricker
Museum Technician
Virginia Brothers
Collections Intern
Amanda Cansler
Youth and Family
Programs Coordinator
Janie Carscallen
Sheri Cook
Museum Technician
Tamara Cooper
Director of Finance and
Frances W. Crawford
Director of Development
Sara Durham
Museum Technician
William Eddy
Day Manager
Harry Ewald
Day Manager
Ed Farrace
Building Maintenance
Corwyn Garman
Exhibitions Manager
Ann Goodman
Gate House Assistant
Kristen Goff
Visitor Services
Ken Graves
Maintenance Technician
Autumn Gray
Community Programs and
Marketing Coordinator
Alexandra Lew
Museum Technician
Madison Savarese
Museum Technician
Amberly Griffith
Café Manager
Joel Lowery
Grounds and Grounds
Chelsie Shaff
Museum Technician
Bruce Groh
Security Specialist
Garland Meehan
Maintenance Technician
Bryan Shephard
Assistant Gardens and
Grounds Manager
Ashley Hernandez
Museum Technician
Michael Mohn
Day Manager
Joan Smith
Day Manager
Charlotte Henning
Assistant Comptroller
and Grant Writer
Carly Mullin
Museum Technician
Carolyn Spielman
Museum Store Assistant
Stephanie Orndorff
Tea Room Manager
Robert Staup
Security Specialist
Pam Pampe
Lead Educator
Mary Stickley
Manager of Gardens and
Deborah Hilty
Curator of Education
Rachel Hilty
Museum Technician
Janice Hoover
Collections Manager
Elizabeth Killian
Collections Intern
Donna Kowalczyk
Day Manager
Jack Lambert
Gardens and Grounds
James Lambert
Gardens and Grounds
Ric Lambert
Gardens and Grounds
Marge Lee
Marketing Consultant
Lance Pearce
Day Manager
Morgan Pierce
Acting Director of
Sue Ridley
Development Assistant
and Membership
Colleen Ritter
Gate House Coordinator
Melissa Rock
Visitor Services Intern
Matthew Robertson
Visitor Services Intern
Douglas Saffell
Day Manager
Kunal Subramanian
Gardens and Grounds
Mary Toth
Visitor Services Desk
John Trueblood
Head Day Manager
Jillian Tucker
Adult and Gallery
Programs Coordinator
Kay Whitacre
Museum Technician
Winchester, Virginia