Faith: Glorify God with Your Life
Faith: Glorify God with Your Life
Fa i t h : e G l o r i f y G o d w i t h Yo u r L i f HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Mass Intentions of the Week Mon. May 9th Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. Kathleen Hartnett - Req. by Jim Gavaghan 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Tues. May 10th Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. Guidance for the President 5:30 p.m. Andrea Beidelman - Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Pete Piazza Wed. May 11th Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. Bud Galbo - Req. by Kevin Keegan 5:30 p.m. Barbara Burford- Req. by Gerry Burford Thurs. May 12th Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. Barbara McCarthy - Req. by Mel & Mike Greene, Ollie & Lou Bauer 5:30 p.m. Communion Service th Fri. May 13 Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. Evelyn Kurtz - Req. by Frank & Linda Hill 5:30 p.m. Dan Logan - Req. by Family Sat. May 14th Saint Matthias, Apostle 8:30 a.m. Bill Loveman - Req. by Family 5:30 p.m. Charles & Peggy McIntosh - Req. by Rita Gibson th Sun. May 15 Pentecost Sunday 7:30 a.m. Loretta Huber - Req. by Family 9:00 a.m. Marilyn & Tony Eversgerd- Req. by Red Eversgerd 10:30 a.m. Art Slinger - Req. by Deacon Mike & Paula Slinger 12/Noon Congregation 1:45 p.m Spanish Mass Readings for the Week of May 8, 2016 Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Saint Damien de Veuster, Priest Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-2; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-35a, 35bc-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; Saint Pancras, Martyr Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday Our Lady of Fa ma Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday Saint Ma!hias, Apostle Gn 11:1-9; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Sunday Pentecost Sunday Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 Monday Tuesday TJ Flinchum & Cara Doyle (1) Cody Weaver & Haley Lynn Baughman (2) May 8, 2016 PRAYER LINE - Do you, a friend, or family member have health issues, or are you looking for a job? Feel free to call the Pra er Line at 353-0358 and share our pra er intentions with Doroth Rile . We will be happy to pray for you! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Line, please give Dorothy a call at 353-0358. You are asked to call the next person on the prayer list, it’s easy & very powerful. We’d love to have you! Please Remember in Your Prayers: **We are trying to update our prayer list. Please call the parish office if you’d like a name added to this list. Jim Neff, Susanna Schene, Angie Cwikla, Michelle Stultz, Susanne Stone, Betsy Collins, Michael Rairden, Suzanne Stallings, Kevin Carter, Dennis Tippit, Marge DeBoo, Gary Hurst, Rosa Maria Santos, Ciara Richards, Mike Moss, John Moore Jr., Robert Mason, Anita Mimmiefield, Elizabeth Marie McDonald, Skip Schliesman, and Georgia MacDonald. Please note: due to some new hospital regulations, we are not notified when someone is admitted to an area hospital. If you or a loved one is seriously ill and in need of the sacrament of the sick, please call the parish office and let us know at: (353-9404). If you would like a name added, please call the Parish Office. We will leave names on our list for a few weeks, and then remove them if we do not have any current information. At Nursing Homes and/or Hospitals: Westminster Village North: Joe O’Connell Rosewalk: Mike Curtis St. Paul’s Hermitage: Rosemary Welch, Rose Callahan, Margaret Callahan, Mary O’Donnell, Sam Ajamie Wellington Manor: Patricia Webb Berkshire of Castleton: Alice Shanahan Methodist Hospital: John P. Lee Jr. Wildwood: Mildred “Millie” Warfield Crestwood Village East: Fr. William Munshower Please pray for the souls of the recently departed: Pat Thompson May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Ascension of the Lord Father Juan's 25 years priesthood anniversary celebration: To celebrate Fr. Juan's anniversary, we will have the following events: On Saturday, May 28, Mass in his honor at 5:30 p.m., show of videos of his ordination and presentation of gifts. On the same day and after the 5:30 Mass, we will all gather at the school gym for a meal of camaraderie, music and fun. You are all invited to come with your family to render Fr. Juan our cordial thanks for everything he does for our church. You are all welcomed and encouraged to bring a covered dish of your choice to share with friends at this joyous gathering. At this time, we will also show a few more pictures and videos provided by Fr. Juan of his home town in Mexico and his ordination 25 years ago. The Mexican group Los Mariachis will be on site for your enjoyment and dancing. We would like to encourage both congregations, Anglo and Hispanic, to attend and enjoy this event. The purpose of this reunion is not only to honor Fr. Juan, but also to give both communities in our church, Anglo and Hispanic, an opportunity to mingle, socialize and get to know each other. Dear Friends of Holy Spirit, As Fr. Paul is in Spiritual Retreat at St. Meinrad I am writing this letter to you. Last Friday and Saturday I attended Indiana State K of C Conference held here in Indianapolis and Our Fatima Council #3228 received the award of serving children for 50 years. Congratulations to all the Members of our Council for this award. May God bless you always. This weekend we are celebrating Mother's Day. Pope Francis says thanks to all the Mothers for all you do, all you are and for all the blessings that the Family receives through them. God willed to have a mother so he sent us his only Son born of a Mother, the Virgin Mary. We look at Mary as a model of faith, prayer, service, charity and filled with the Holy Spirit. St. John Paul II says that Mothers are heroes in the Family because they make a wonderful worker in the Family bringing closer to God the members of the Family. Also, May is Mary's Month. With great affection we crown an image of Holy Mary, the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. In faith she kept watch near the cross of her Son Jesus. She became the Mother of the Church, a witness to the Resurrection of the Lord. After Jesus ascended to the Father in glory, his disciples gathered his mother, Mary. Together they devoted themselves to prayer as they awaited the gift of the Holy Spirit. Keep us also devoted to prayer, of one heart and one mind, in the good company of Holy Mary, as we await the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Pentecost. May God bless you all. Weekly Budget $23,385.00 Sunday Collection 5-1-16 = $19,119.73 Avg. weekly online collection = $4,100.00 Total = $23,219.73 (-$165.27) INFORMATION ABOUT THIS YEAR’S FESTIVAL WILL BE COMING TO YOU VERY SOON. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH May 8, 2016 Want to help with the Mission trip to Honduras in June? 1040 Post Road Ladies Auxiliary will have its May meeting on Wednesday, May 11, at 7 p.m. If you have any questions about the Auxiliary please call Pam Donaldson at 317-431-5239. All ladies are welcome. Please come for a meeting and see what is on our agenda. Hope to see you there! Bingo every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. We have a $1,000.00 Jackpot! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KNIGHT TO ATTEND. ALL ARE WELCOME – COME JOIN US! C D F H T W This weekend we will be collecting cookies to give to St John’s Church Garden ministry to be given to the homeless people along with the sandwich and water that they provide to over 200 homeless people who live in the alleys and streets of downtown Indy. If you would like to donate cookies (either store bought or homemade), please place them on the tables, (in a plastic bag), in either the east or west vestibules following all Masses next weekend. If you have any questions or would like to join in helping the homeless, please call Dorothy Hurst at 317-898-5291. Thanks so much for your support ! Ministry Fair The Ministry Fair at Holy Spirit is coming up. It will be June 11 and 12 in a tent on the east side of the church. We would like some pictures from each of the ministries in the parish to put in a video. The pictures need to be submitted as soon as possible to [email protected]. If you have any questions, please call Colleen Simon at 861-6174. Looking for a way to make a difference to the people of Texiguat, Honduras? We will be taking a number of items with us on our June mission. As we will be conducting an optometric clinic as part of the trip, we could especially use your help with the following items: E e Drops, E e-Glasses prescription readers +1.00 to or +1.25 stren th and sun lasses . We also could use T lenol and Ibuprofen children and adults and multivitamins children or adult . Please place these items in the blue Twinnin bins in the east or west vestibule. We will be leaving on June 21, so please try to drop them off before June 14 for packing. Due to your past generosity, we will have enough toothbrushes and paste for this trip. THANK YOU FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Heritage Project at Holy Spirit This project consists in three parts: Mapping, Gathering Data and Telling the Story. You will soon find a large World Map in one of the vestibules and a box of tacks. For those who would like to participate, please place a tack on the country or region on the map where you have a line of ascent or ancestry. This could be one, two or more generations back. And this will be part one of our project: mapping. The second part, gathering data, will consist of asking those who placed a country of origin of their ancestors on the map, to access a web site we are setting up for this purpose. On this web site, they will narrate briefly their heritage and religious memories. What do they remember about worshipping God in their countries of origin? How are religious rites done at those far away lands? How are they different from the ones done in the U.S.? Finally, on the third part, we will ask for some volunteers among those parishioners who responded, to share their stories and to talk to our congregation during some Masses on a designated Sunday to recount these stories and religious differences. This presentation will be brief and the presenter could bring anything to show how worshipping is done in their ancestral countries. Please remember that the main purpose of this Heritage Program is to bring our congregation together. Our country is a melting pot, and so is our church. We thank you before hand for your participation. As our project progresses, we will share more information. Ascension of the Lord Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held May 13-15, 2016, for women and men who have known regret, sorrow, guilt or shame after abortion. The weekend combines living scripture meditations, spiritual exercises and discussions in a guided process that leads to the heart of God’s love and compassion. If you would like to learn more about this retreat or register for this retreat, you can contact Bernadette or Rebecca at (317) 452-0054 or [email protected]. For general information about Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats visit Inquiries, registration and participation are strictly confidential. Due to the nature of this retreat, the location is kept confidential until participants register. Scecina’s Spring Pops Concert Join us for an out-of-this-world experience at the Spring Pops Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 15, at Scecina Memorial High School. Scecina’s choirs, orchestra and band will perform a repertoire of music about space, planets, flying, stars, and even the Northern Lights. Admission is free and all are welcome. Free Educational Workshop on College Financial Planning As parents of students - Catholic school and Public school - you understand the intrinsic value of higher education and the need to plan ahead. If you are the parent of a college-bound student (7th-12th grade), join us for a FREE educational workshop on college financial planning. We’ll address the information you need to know and understand in order to maximize your family’s eligibility for financial aid. Even if your family is not eligible for need-based aid, we will cover the best strategies on how to pay for college - without it putting a strain on the rest of your finances. Access our website at to attend a workshop. Space is limited – Reservations are required! Contact John Baird, a St. Barnabas parishioner, at 317.536.1391 or register online. We look forward to helping your Holy Spirit parish students!! Living Global Catholicism: Loving Our Global Neighbors May 21, 2016 Discover ways to better love God by better serving our neighbors. The Archdiocese of Indianapolis and CRS invite you to join clergy, religious and lay faithful from across the archdiocese in a day of prayer, learning and discussion. Whether your parish is exploring ways to foster compassion for the world’s most marginalized people, or you are already active in humanitarian ministries, you will find something of benefit in this day. Guest Speakers: Fr. Jim Farrell, Director, Fatima Retreat House; Dr. Kim Lamberty, Director, University & Mission Engagement, CRS; and Beth Knobbe, Relationship Manager, CRS. Location: The Catholic Center- Indianapolis. Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with an optional session from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. about reengaging an existing twinned parish ministry. RSVP: Marilyn Ross at [email protected] or 317-236-7326. Learn more at THE NATHAN TRAPUZZANO FOUNDATION 2016 EVENTS: FUN FOR THE FAMILY WHILE SUPPORTING A GREAT CAUSE! The family of Holy Rosary parishioner Nathan Trapuzzano has established “The Nathan Trapuzzano Memorial Foundation” to honor the life of the 24-year-old newlywed father-to-be who was murdered April 1, 2014, near his home in Indianapolis. The foundation’s purpose is to provide financial relief and support to children who have lost a parent. Since its establishment, the foundation has been able to assist multiple Indianapolis-area families. We invite you to two family-friendly events, which will take place the weekend of May 14 and 15: *5/14 Nate Night 2016: All-You-Can-Eat Pasta Dinner with live music and entertainment at Saint Susanna School in Plainfield, Indiana, at 6:30 p.m. *5/15 2nd Annual Nate Walk-Memorial 5K Walk/ Run with food, music and games at Noon in Avon, Indiana, at Avon Town Hall Park. (Those who cannot make the date can still participate by registering as a “virtual walker” or bid on auction items online or via smartphone.) Visit or the foundation’s Facebook page for more information on how to register, donate, or sponsor the foundation. Thank you for your support! HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH May 8, 2016 Summer Leadership Academy Holy Spirit School Rooted in Faith... Fruitful in Spirit May 7-8 First Communion 12 Annual Fund Dinner 13 Beauty and the Beast 14 First Communion 19 Piano Recital 27 Last Day of School Come experience a interactive leadership academy led by Mrs. Amy Moran. Students will start by exploring themselves as a person and leader, then move into leadership skills in group settings, and conclude with leadership skills at a community wide level. All sessions are hands on and interactive thus students will get to use their learned leadership skills in real situations. Open to all students in grades 5-8. Cost is $50. It meets Tuesday from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. at Holy Spirit Catholic School . June 7 - Self Leadership - 10 qualities of a leader June 14 - Self Leadership - The Lame Game - I choose my attitude June 21 - Group Leadership - All In June 28 - Group Leadership - Gum Drop Towers July 19 - Group Leadership - Legacy of Leadership & Clumps July 26 - Community Leadership - Build Your Dream City Please contact Mrs. Amy Moran at 353-1243 for more information. Annual Fund The Annual Fund Dinner will be presented by the middle school. They will be presenting Beauty and the Beast as well as serving the dinner. The evening will honor Sandra Newhart, Eduardo & Lois Parada and Judy Spears. Thursday, May 12, 2016, in Early Hall (GYM) 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Welcome Reception 6:45 p.m. Dinner 9:00 p.m. Closure Reserve your table of eight or ten or single seats as soon as possible by calling the school office, 3521243. A donation is required to attend our Annual Fund Drive. An encore performance of Beauty and the Beast will be held on Friday, May 13, at 6 p.m. in Early Hall (Gym). The cost will be $5 per person or $20 for a family. 2016-2017 School Registration Please call the school office 352-1243 for information on Little Ramsies 6 weeks old - 3 year old and PK-7th grade. WE are enrolling for the fall. There is financial assistance available. Spring Cleaning We are looking for uniform jumpers and skirts. If you have donations, please drop by the school office. Thank you! Summer Girls Relational Book Club Come join us as we read the book “100 Dresses” by Eleanor Estes. While practicing our reading comprehension and expand our vocabulary we will learn about relational aggression and how to chose kind actions in difficult situations. We will use the characters of the book to explore these tough social situations and discuss how students can control their actions and their words to be helpful in their social circles. Open to all girls in grades 5-8. Cost is $50. It meets on Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at Holy Spirit Catholic School. June 7 - Chapter 1 & 2 June 14 - Chapter 3 June 21 - Chapter 4 June 28 - Chapter 5 July 19 - Chapter 6 July 26 - Chapter 7 Please contact Mrs. Amy Moran at 353-1243 for more information. Summer Study Skills Academy Come learn new ways to study and be successful in academics by sitting in a mock classroom where the focus is on what studying looks like. Mrs. Amy Moran will recreate a lesson with notes and tests; however, the main focus will be on study skills. Studies have shown that rereading notes is not an efficient way to study. In this academy we will discover what does work and practice those strategies so students know how to use them come the Fall. Open to all students grades 5-8. Cost is $50. It meets on Tuesday from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. at Holy Spirit Catholic School. June 7 - The Lesson & Good Student Habits (Priorities, Goals) June 14 - Note Taking & Questioning June 21 - Reading Textbooks & Study Tools June 28 - The Test & Test Taking Tips Please contact Mrs. Amy Moran at 353-1243 for more information. Ascension of the Lord Mary Kate Shanahan, Youth Director Directora de Pastoral juvenil, [email protected] Upcoming Dates May 15 - Youth Group Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers! I truly hope that you have a restful day to celebrate all the wonderful things you do every day for our youth. Without your faithfulness, prayers and guidance, we would not have the amazing teens that we are blessed with here at Holy Spirit. I commend you and thank you for everything that you do! Next Sunday, May 15, we will be having youth group from 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m. in the Parish Center. The theme is called Real Friends and we will focus on what it means to be a real friend and how we need good and strong friends in our lives to be better disciples and draw nearer to Christ. We will have food, fun and games, so make sure to join us and bring your friends! Please see the West Vestibule starting this weekend for an updated list of our Summer Events. We will have a lot of great opportunities this Summer for all High School youth, including those who will be freshmen in the Fall. All permission slips and waivers are available online and in the Parish Office. MINISTERIO JUVENIL DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Directora de Pastoral juvenil, Mary Kate Shanahan, [email protected] ¡Felicidades a todas las mamas! Realmente deseo que tengan un día sosegado y feliz para que puedan celebrar todas las cosas lindas que hacen por nuestra juventud. Sin su fidelidad, oraciones, y guía, no tendíamos los maravillosos jóvenes que tenemos en el Espíritu Santo. ¡Las alabo y les doy las gracias por todo lo que hacen! El próximo domingo, 15 de mayo, se juntara el grupo de jóvenes de 11:30-1:15 en el centro parroquial. El tema a tocar será Verdaderos Amigos y nos enfocaremos en lo que significa ser un verdadero amigo y como nos debemos rodear por amigos buenos y fuertes en nuestras vidas para ser mejores discípulos y acercarnos más a Cristo. Tendremos comida, diversión, y juegos; así que asegúrense de asistir y traer un amigo. Por favor miren en el vestíbulo del oeste comenzando esta semana ya que hemos incluido eventos de verano. Tendremos muchas oportunidades de verano para los jóvenes de preparatoria, incluyendo los que comienzan la prepa este otoño. Todas las formas y permisos los pueden encontrar en línea y en la oficina parroquial. Si aun no lo hacen, no olviden seguirnos en facebook:(Holy Spirit Catholic Church East Side), gram (@holyspiritccym) y en twitter (@holyspirit_ym). HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH May 8, 2016 The Memorial Garden is a Celebration of Life. Bricks can be purchased in memory of someone, in honor of a person or family or for any other named intention. Please consider memorializing a loved one and supporting the Garden. The bricks are available for $60/each, inscribed with (2) TWO lines of text*, 18 Characters per line including spaces. On the two lines below please write the exact text as you want it to appear on the brick. * *A third line can be added for an additional $5 Name: Address: Telephone #: Amount Enclosed Cash Check # Please make Checks payable to Holy Spirit. Please bring ORDER FORMs to the Parish Office. For question call the office at 353-9404. The Garden is sponsored by the Calleros de Colon / Knights of Columbus Council #15182 Our Lady of Guadalupe / Our Lady of Fatima Ascension of the Lord HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH May 8, 2016 Reaching for Tomorrow is a program offered to over 10,000 students in grades K-12 who are mildly to severely challenged, as well as at-risk youth. This program helps these children meet the challenges of growing up through character education and teaching basic living skills. WHAT: REACHING FOR TOMORROW’S “OUTDOOR CHALLENGE” WHERE: CAMP BELZER-INDIANAPOLIS, 6102 Boy Scout Road (Indpls) WHEN: May 16 – May 20, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. WHO: Parishioners The end of the school year outdoor experience for all participants of Reaching for Tomorrow includes a day at Camp Belzer on the east side of Indianapolis. To get a better understanding of the Learning for Life program, this is your opportunity to see the program first hand! Some of the activities planned this year are: Rope Bridges Dancing Putt- Putt golf Face Painting Bike Race BB Gun Safety Ring Toss Obstacle Courses Knot Tying Archery Earth Ball Tent Set Up Cookie Decorating Marshmallow Blow Tubes Nature Hike Rain Gutter Regatta Instrument Zoo Campfire Setup Crafts Body Bowling Sack Races “ WHY? BECAUSE IT WILL REALLY MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD. WHEN YOU GO HOME, YOUR APPRECIATION AND SENSITIVITY FOR KIDS WILL CAUSE YOU TO BECOME MORE DEDICIATED TO SCOUTING’S TRUSTED POSITION IN THE LIFE OF YOUTH. THANKS FOR ALL YOU CONTINUE TO DO FOR YOUTH.” Quote from David Krentler, Reaching for Tomorrow Volunteer ----------------------------Reaching for Tomorrow Volunteer---------------------------If you would like to volunteer or have questions, Please contact Jim Shaver, parishioner, at 861-5199, Heidi Virqutz at 989-8654, or Shelia Crain at 936-5141. Aʌɼɾʇʌʂˈʇ ɽɾʅ Sɾˆʈʋ Reaching for Tomorrow (Alcanzando el Mañana) es un programa ofrecido a mas de 10,000 estudiantes desde Kínder hasta 12° grado quienes con discapacidades mentales o jóvenes a riesgo. Este programa les ensena a sobrepasar las metas de llegar a ser adultos a través de clases de carácter al igual que habilidades básicas de su vida cotidiana. QUE: REACHING FOR TOMORROW’S “OUTDOOR CHALLENGE” Reto que se lleva acabo afuera DONDE: CAMP BELZER-INDIANAPOLIS, 6102 Boy Scout Road (Indpls) CUANDO: 16 al 20 de mayo, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. QUIEN: Feligreses La experiencia de campamento que se lleva acabo al final del año escolar para todos los participantes del programa incluye un día en Camp Belzer en el este de Indianápolis. Para que entiendas mejor el programa de aprendizaje de vida, esta es tu oportunidad para tener la experiencia total. Algunas de las actividades planeadas este año incluyen: Puente de Cuerda Carreras de Bicicleta Hacer Nudos Decoración de Galletas Baile Putt- Putt golf Pintura de Cara Seguridad de BB Gun Tirar anillos Cursos de Obstáculos Tiro de Arco Bola de Tierra Carreras de Costal Tubos para Tirar Bombones Caminar por la Naturaleza Rain Gutter Regatta Manualidades Comenzar Fogatas Boliche Corporal Instrumento Zoológico “ “¿P12 345? P12 346 76 892: ;6<7=2 >4? @=6<. C49<A1 26B26;6; 9 C9;9 74 9D26C=9C=E< ? ;6<;=@=F=A9A D12 F1; <=G1; 76 9?4A929 9 ;62 >9; A6A=C9A1, C1<H=9A1 ? D1;=7=I6 6< F9 I=A9 A6 4< J1I6<. G29C=9; D12 71A1 F1 346 C1<7=<49; 89C=6<A1 D12 F9 J4I6<74A.” Cita de David Krentler, Voluntario de Reaching for Tomorrow ---------------------------Voluntario de Reaching for Tomorrow ------------------------Si te gustaria ser voluntario o tienes preguntas, por favor ponte en contacto con Jim Shaver, feligres, al 861-5199 o con Heidi Virqutz al 989-8654 o con Shelia Crain al 936-5141. IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO BOLETIN EN ESPAÑOL Pastor: Monseñor Paul Koetter 8 de Mayo del 2016 Carta del Pastor Asociado Pastor Asociado: Rev. Juan José Valdés Secretaria de la Iglesia: Sra. Quenia Rodríguez, Disponible: Martes a Viernes de 9 a 5 p.m. Queridos amigos de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo, Teléfono (317)353-9404 La Ascensión, Un Misterio “Difícil” ACTIVIDADES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DE LA IGLESIA ESPIRITU SANTO M/01 23 2041567 1 71 1:45 4.<. C63=20/6320: 1:15-1:45 4.<. S13?6 R601@/6: 1:15 4.<. ∗Bautismos, primer domingo de cada mes, próximos el 5 de junio. ∗Pláticas para Bautismos infan les, menores de 6 años, las próximas clases serán el 27 de mayo de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m. Inscripciones en la oficina parroquial antes de asisƟr. ∗Quinceañeras, para más información, registrarse, o apartar el día, comuníquese con Quenia Rodríguez. ∗Reunión del Ministerio Hispano, segundo martes de cada mes, próxima reunión el 6 de mayo; 7:00 p.m. en el comedor parroquial. ∗Preparación Matrimonial, tercer martes de cada mes, 17 de mayo. Antes de asisƟr a las plaƟcas regístrate en la oficina parroquial. ∗Matrimonios Comprometidos, (Reunión de parejas casadas por la Iglesia que quieran seguir creciendo a nivel humano y cristiano) próxima reunión será el 6 de mayo a las 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón # 6 de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Más información con Eduardo Sánchez o María Ibarra. ∗Misa del Grupo de Adolecentes, el cuarto domingo de cada mes. Te invitamos a aprender y servir durante la misa. Comunícate con Miriam Reyes. Ensayo de Coro de Jóvenes Kudai, todos los viernes 7:00 p.m. Para más información comunícate con: Miriam Reyes (317) 737-4133. ‘YxÄ|v|wtwxá W•t wx Ätá `twÜxá4 ♦ No el de la Ascensión de Cristo, desde luego; sino el de la ascensión de nosotros los cristianos. ♦ Porque a todos nos gusta subir, pero casi siempre nos extraviamos en el camino. Es decir, subimos a donde no hay que subir. ♦ Tratamos de subir para que no nos pisen los otros, para estar más alto que ellos, social, económica y culturalmente. ♦ Tratamos de subir poniéndoles a los demás un pie encima o viendo cómo tiramos al que está arriba. ♦ Y esto no es subir, es bajar. Éstas no son ascensiones, sino bajezas. El misterio de nuestra ascensión consiste en llegar a estar muy por encima de todas estas cosas, y por encima aun de nosotros mismos. ♦ Porque el misterio de la ascensión cristiana consiste paradójicamente en descender: “El que quiera ser grande entre ustedes-es decir, el que quiera subir-, que sea el que los sirva… como el Hijo del hombre que no ha venido a ser servido, sino a servir.” Es un misterio difícil el de nuestra ascensión... ¡Dios los bendiga! Rev. Juan José Valdés por su Primera Comunión Fue un placer servirles y ensenarles un poquito de su fe Católica. Recuerden que su misión aun no termina, sigan aprendido de su fe, viniendo a misa y llevando el evangelio al mundo; a través de sus acciones. Padres y Padrinos gracias por guiar a sus hijos por el camino del Señor, continúen haciéndolo. M Gracias mamás por todo su esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicación, pero más que nada gracias por todo el amor que le dan a sus hijos cada día. Apunta a tus hijos para que ayuden en misa. comunícate con: Eloísa Pérez: 890-8420, Érica Romo : 345-4487 Virna Cárdenas 972-762-0751 Aʌɼɾʇʌʂˈʇ ɽɾʅ Sɾˆʈʋ IGLESIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Vida Espiritual Coordinador del Ministerio: Fr. Juan José Valdés 317-353-9404 [email protected] EucarisKa: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 [email protected] Lectores: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 [email protected] Hospitalidad: Grupo # 1 Sandra Guárenos 317-332-9353 sguarneros@aƩ.net Hospitalidad: Grupo # 2 Fidelina Duarte (317) 513-1076 Monaguillos: Eloísa Pérez 317-890-8420 Coro Parroquial: Directora de Música Holly Herber 317-353-9404 ext. 5 [email protected] Coro de Mujeres: Marisela Pérez 484-546-1954 Coro de Jóvenes y Niños: : Julio Reyes 317- 737-4147 Arte y Medio Ambiente: María Caldera 317-992-7264 Ensayo de Ceremonias: Rocío Mejía 317-513-0925 [email protected] Formación en la fe Pastoral juvenil, Familiar, adolecentes y confirmaciones: Mary Kate Shanahan 317- 353-9404 Ext. 125 [email protected] Grupo Juvenil Kudai: Miriam Reyes 317-737-4133 [email protected] Pequeñas Comunidades: Julio Muñoz y Virina Cárdenas 317-459-9717 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Mujeres: IveƩe Hernández 317-267-9649 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Hombres: Roberto Rodríguez 317-201-7115 Catecismo y bau zos especiales: niños mayores de 6 años Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 [email protected] Formación de adultos: María Ibarra y Cecilia García 317-612-1248 317-438-6545 [email protected] RICA Español: Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 [email protected] Matrimonios comprome dos: Eduardo Sánchez y María Ibarra Eduardo: 661-9253 María: 438-6545 Divinas Representaciones: Eric Vergara 317- 652-8602 Quinceañeras: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 [email protected] Pastoral Social Caballeros de Colon: José Alberto Ruiz 317-937-4862 [email protected] Grupo de oración SAN JUAN BOSCO: Dulce Lammers 317- 862-4474 [email protected] Grupo de oración carismá co FUEGO NUEVO: LeƟcia Meléndez 317-207-4686 Religiosidad Popular Virgen peregrina y devoción Guadalupana: Claudia Gómez 317-435-7630 [email protected] Novenario y condolencias de difuntos; Irma Navarro Y Sergio Vargas 317- 625-7547 [email protected] Comunicaciones BoleKn en español: María Alejandrina Caldera 317-935-5284 [email protected] Secretaria Parroquial: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 [email protected] Dʂɿʎʇʍʈʌ ʒ Eʇɿɾʋʆʈʌ ɽɾ ʇʎɾʌʍʋɺ ɼʈʆʎʇʂɽɺɽ Oración por los Enfermos Oh Niño Jesús, dueño de la vida y de la muerte, aunque indigno y pecador, me postro ante ti para implorar la salud de todos los enfermos a quien tanto amamos. Las personas que te encomendamos sufren mucho, afligidos por dolores, y no pueden encontrar otra salida mas que en tu omnipotencia, en la que ponen todas sus esperanzas. Alivia, oh medico Celeste, sus penas, líbralas de sus sufrimientos y dales perfecta salud, si esto es conforme al querer divino y al verdadero bien de su alma. Amen. Por favor oren por los enfermos y difuntos de nuestra comunidad. INTENCIONES Las intenciones para la misa se deben registrar antes de la misa en el vesơbulo del oeste, junto a la guardería. Alguien estará ahí para ayudarles de 1:00 a 1:40 pm. Les pedimos una donación de $5. ¡Gracias! Difuntos (+) Aniversarios Doctora Cuan (+) Patt Thompson (+) Francisca Hernández (+) José Luis y Genoveva Cumpleaños Pedro Valdés María Alejo Clases Bíblicas de Verano Del 6 al 10 de junio, 2016 De 9:00 am a 12:00 pm Ya que están las clases escolares por terminar y llega el verano, te invitamos a ser parte de las clases bíblicas. Sera una semana de aprendizaje y diversión. Aprenderás acerca de tu fe ya que este campamento se enfoca totalmente en la Biblia. Día con día habrán temas, juegos, manualidad y pequeños bocadillos que te ensenaran más de nuestra fe. Si tienes entre 3 y 9 años de edad pídele a tus padres que te apunten en la oficina de educación religiosa hoy mismo ya que el cupo es limitado. Si estas por Confirmarte y te gustaría ser ayudante, apúntate hoy para que comiences a acumular puntos de servicio a la comunidad que necesitaras antes de Confirmarte. IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO 8 de mayo del 2016 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia Escuela del Espíritu Santo Enraizados en la Fe... Fructuosos en el Espíritu CENA DE RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS ANUAL EN HONOR A Sandra Newhart, Eduardo and Lois Parada, y Judy Spears Jueves,12 de mayo, 2016, en Early Hall (Gimnasio) 6:00 - 6:45 pm Recepción de Bienvenida 6:45 pm Cena 9:00 pm Conclusión Reserva tu mesa de ocho o diez persona o un asiento lo mas pronto posible llamando a la oficina escolar, 3521243. Requerimos un donativo a nuestra Recaudación de Fondos para asistir. 2016-2017 Registraciones Escolares Por favor llama a la oficina al 352-1243 para mas información acerca de Little Ramsies, bebes desde 6 semanas hasta 3 anos de edad y para PK a 7 grado. Estamos aceptando aplicaciones para el otoño. Tenemos asistencia económica. 21-22 de mayo, 2016 Parroquia del Espíritu Santo Mayores de 18 años El Señor no te pide que seas mejor que los demás… sino que seas mejor de lo que ya eres… acompáñanos. Para más información o para apuntare llámale a: Roberto Rodríguez 317-201-7115 25 aniversario Sacerdotal Padre Juan José Valdés CORPUS CHRISTI Sábado, 28 de mayo Solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo Misa en la Iglesia a las 5:30 p.m. Recepción en el Gimnasio después de misa Domingo, 29 de Mayo, 2016 Misa y procesión alrededor de la parroquia. GALLETAS Feria de Ministerios La Feria de Ministerios en el Espiritu Santo se acerca. Esta se llevara acabo el 11 y 12 de junio al este de la iglesia en una carpa. Por favor compartan sus fotos con nosotros para ponerlas en un video que mostraremos ese dia. Envien sus fotos tan pronto como se posible al correo-e [email protected]. Si tiene otras preguntas por favor hablele a Colleen Simon al 861-6174. Todos los días el Ministerio del Jardín de la Iglesia de San Juan (ubicada en el centro de la ciudad) probé un sándwich y agua a mas de 200 indigentes, personas que viven en los callejones del centro de nuestra ciudad. Nos gustaría darle galletas al ministerio para que las repartan entre lo indigentes. Te pedimos que por favor dones galletas (preparadas en casa o compradas). Por favor tráelas a uno de los vestíbulos de la iglesia el este fin de semana, por favor déjalas en una de las mesas en una bolsa. Si tienes preguntas o te gustaría ser parte de este ministerio que ayuda a personas un domicilio permanente, por favor llámale a Dorothy Hurst al: 317-898-5291 Primeras Comuniones La asistencia del niño(a), papás y padrinos es obligatoria durante la practica de la Primera Comunión. Por favor, lleguen a la iglesia antes del comienzo para que puedan localizar sus asientos y podamos comenzar la práctica con puntualidad. ¡Por favor, NO lleguen tarde! Queremos que sepan lo que deben hacer durante la Misa de la Primera Comunión ya que este es un día tan especial para ustedes. Si tu Primera Comunión es: Su práctica está en: Inicio: Sábado, 14 de Mayo 10:00 a.m. (Español) jueves, 12 de Mayo 6:00 p.m. 310 N. Mitthoeffer Rd. 317-897-7777 St. JoSeph thurSday Bingo 4332 N. German Church Rd. Play for as little as $9 for 12 games Every Thursday at 9:30AM Live Fishing Bait & Tackle Where bait shop and country store meet! Operated by a family of U.S. Military Veterans 317-545-BAIT (2248) 3241 N. Arlington Ave. DEERING CLEANERS 1160 N. Arlington Jeannene Talbott Jeannene Talbott Agency Parishioner 1511 N. Post Rd., Ste. B 317-897-3750 EAST SIDE PRESCRIPTION SHOP [email protected] PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 ©2012 006441 - 9/12 5317 E. 16th St. Convalescent, Hospital & Sickroom Aids & Supplies 359-8278 356-2471 317-469-0169 800-887-0437 Parishioner Carpet Cleaning–Limpieza de alfombra 317-755-6175 • Whole Home Remodeling & Room Additions • Residential & Commercial Parishioner Since 1972 861-9778 Commercial & Residential COMPLIMENTS OF Backflow Preventer Certified RICHARD T. FOWLER & DAUGHTER Plumbing Contractor HALL RENTAL MORTUARIES & CREMATORY Weddings • Holidays • Family Gatherings Over 100 Years of Family Ownership & Operation Book Your Special Event Now! 1040 N. Post • 317-897-1577 Our Lady of Fatima Council #3228 Contact: Holly Blagburn (H) 335-1177 • (C) 965-8781 Five Locations 9606 E. Washington St. 897-9606 BARNES Licensed • Bonded • Insured 356-9191 • Repair & Installation • Drains Cleaned • Bath Remodeling • Water Lines FOR COUNCIL 11020 E. 10th St. | Dr. Dane Uhl, DMD | 317.898.9231 • Small, Custom Feel Community • Walking Trails & Pond • All Ranch Homes, with Brick & Stone Exterior Options • Bonus Rooms & Basements Available • Mt. Vernon Schools C RESTWOOD FAMILY RESTAURANT Open 6 AM • 7 Days a Week Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner (317) 387-7000 SPECIAL Buy 1 entree & 2 beverages get the 2nd entree at 1/2 PRICE An “Over 55” active adult and assisted living community. Utilities paid Fitness Center Free Transportation 356-4173 Carry Out Available 894-5570 ONE LIGHT EAST OF MEIJER’S Parishioner Cumberland VILLAGE EAST %15!,(/53).' /00/245.)4 9 Caring For You Since 1910 Anthony M. Campo Selling Homes is Our ONLY Business & Associates Attorneys at Law David M. Zeyen REAL, GRI REALTOR®/Broker Home (317) 861-3721 Cell (317) 753-4611 [email protected] FEENEY-HORNAK SHADELAND MORTUARY Please refer your friends and relatives to The Zeyen Team. H.S. Parishioner 8888 E. 10th St. 899-2577 Holy Spirit Parishioner for over 40 years by Medy Myers, RN State Massage Certification by Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Certified Geriatric Massage (H) 317-894-4011 (C) 317-432-1565 Ask for Rick Rohrman, General Manager 7101 Washington St. 317-613-7000 Indy’s Low-Price Powerhouse 317-614-5484 AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RESTAURANT Each office is independently owned and operated. 10417 E. Washington St. RESTAURANTE MEXICANO 317-898-3921 Parishioner 897-0328 Large Parties Welcome! 9918 E. Washington St. Corner of Washington St. at Mitthoffer All Types of Concrete Work including •Tear Out & Replacement Work •All Types of Decorative Concrete • Concrete Safe Rooms • Vaults CatholicMatch Indiana We Build Insulated Concrete Homes Dennis Zeyen • 317-462-9622 Sales • Service & Repair Installation LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Quality Indoor Comfort from Our Family to Yours Since 1978 FC Tucker Company Design to Sell Enterprise, Inc. 317-945-2040 Free Estimates - We Service/Repair All Brands $49 Tune-Up when you mention Holy Spirit! Owners/Parishioners: MaryBeth (Wise) Hughes Ken Hughes • Jason Hughes 1-800-282-5106 5129 S. Emerson Ave. .........................786-0799 8005 E. 30th St. ........................................894-1867 4914 Rockville Rd. ..................................381-9787 [email protected] 352-0956 Enjoy The Best Mexican Food In Town! YOUR BIRD SEED HEADQUARTERS Parishioner Residential • Commercial New Construction [email protected] Auto, Truck, Slip & Fall Injuries; Estates, Wills, Trusts; Powers of Attorney & Living Wills Bob Rohrman’s Indy Hyundai Integrated Therapeutic Massage ves “Always helping you make the right move” 6084 W. 800 N. McCordsville For Advertising Information CALL 353-6101 Family Dentistry Cell 317-945-8445 Fax 317-336-7152 Business 317-336-6051 Lana L. Zayen 1307 N. Shadeland Dr. J.R. Lindeman “Grow with the Flow” RODOLFO PALACIOS, Owner 317.443.7429 Real Estate Consultant 1st VP Residential Sales CRS, GRI, Interior Designer Parishioner [email protected] Try Our Weekend Brunch Pizzas Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Bob & Laura Stark – Parishioners Mick McGrath & Nancy Duncan – School Family 5646 E. Washington St. • 356-6612 GYROS • RIB TIPS • WINGS 899-5565 1002 N. POST RD. VISIT US AFTER MASS The place to watch all your college & NFL football games! Robert Lane Financial “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” As your life changes, so do your financial needs. Robert H. Lane, CLU Financial Representative, Parishioner 973 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 [email protected] Call Bob Lane today at (317) 294-9732. Robert Lane is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of and offers securities and advisory services through WRP Investments, Inc. Securities and Advisory Services are supervised by WRP Investments, Inc. at 4407 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505 (800) 589-2023. WRP Investments, Inc. is a member of FINRA & SIPC. 8001 E. 10th St., Indianapolis (317) 897-5787 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - SERVICE - REPLACEMENT Continuing 133 Years of Service Bob & Karen Lux, Parishioners - 24 Years Catholic Education John & Kara Traub - 28 Years Catholic Education 639-1111 2034 – In house implant placement and Crowns – Dentures – Braces – Root Canals – Tooth Removal – Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Lina se habla Español