October 2009 ChamberLink - Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce
October 2009 ChamberLink - Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce
A Publication of MAY 2012 Expo theme is “Made in the USA” Local Elected Officials Speak ELI Graduates 23 www.daltonchamber.org Chairman’s Message CALENDAR Member Mixer Thursday, May 17th 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. HealthCom Federal Credit Union 1412 Chattanooga Avenue Free to Attend BUSINESS UNIVERSITYAre you an Emotionally Intelligent Leader? Friday, May 18th 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. North Georgia Center for Educational Excellence 113 West Gordon Street $75.00 light lunch & EQ Assessment Chamber Connections Friday, June 8th 11:30am-1:00pm Outback Steakhouse 955 Market Street $15.00 for members Morning Member Mixer Tuesday, June 12th 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Bradley Wellness Center 1225 Broadrick Drive Free to Attend Member Mixer Tuesday, June 21th 5:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. City Electric 211 E. Franklin Street Free to Attend Welcome to the May edition of ChamberLink. The Greater Dalton Community has a tremendous legacy. That legacy has a foundation based upon a rich history of leaders who sought to give much of themselves, their time and their treasure, for the betterment of our community as a whole. Presently, much of what we enjoy here is based upon their varied contributions and for that we are thankful. Our opportunities for the future will be based upon the outcomes of many of the decisions that are being made by our current leaders - the elected, appointed and volunteer leadership of Greater Dalton. This encompasses the Cities, the County, the Educational, Healthcare, Business and numerous other entities that comprise our community. Your Chamber leadership strives to serve as a catalyst that will bring focused energy on those efforts that will provide unity, progress and a high quality of life. Please read carefully the interesting interviews with some of our local elected officials that are in this issue. Be sure to become informed and engaged in all that is happening in and around Greater Dalton. Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce 890 College Drive, Dalton, GA 30720 (706) 278-7373 www.daltonchamber.org Mission To serve as the unified voice of business, to promote the economic prosperity of the region and to build partnerships and leadership that improve the quality of life while delivering superior member services. Vision The Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce will provide the leadership necessary to leverage community resources and build partnerships that are focused on positive community growth. Organizational Priority Strengthen our ability to marshal the resources necessary to achieve positive community growth by focusing on three core areas: economic development, leadership development and community development. 2 Chamber Link We are excited about a summer of upcoming events such as Business Expo on July 12th . “Made in the USA” is the theme of this year’s Expo! Reserve your booth space now and join us to show off your products and services, while learning about your business neighbors. Business Expo is the largest regional networking event in Northwest Georgia, so mark your calendar today!! The Chamber will also be offering our 3nd Annual Chamber Classic on September 24th at The Farm Golf Club. This promises to be a spectacular day of golf and networking, so you want to mark your calendars now to attend. Sponsorship opportunities are available for the Chamber Classic. Please call Beth Morrison at the Chamber for more information. As always you can stay informed about our upcoming events and purchase your tickets on our website at www.daltonchamber.org. Our events are great opportunities to make new business contacts and grow your network. Plan to stay connected with the Chamber during the summer as we offer you even more exposure opportunities. I strongly encourage you to get to know your fellow business partners in your Greater Dalton community. I hope to see you at the Expo! Joe Yarbrough, Chairman Executive Board of Directors Joe Yarbrough, Chairman..................Mohawk Industries Bryan McAllister, Chairman-Elect.......Brown Industries Penny Carpenter, Treasurer................Morehouse Group Lynn Laughter, Past Chairman............Laughter & Jones Financial Management Brian Anderson, President & CEO.......Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce Don Adcock.....................................Adcock Financial Group Carl Bouckaert.................................Beaulieu Group Vann Brown.......................................ArrowStar, LLC John Davis.......................................Peacock Alley Kelly Fletcher....................................North Georgia Business Machines David Jolly.......................................J&J Industries Jim Kortum.......................................Windstream Communications David Morgan.................................Shaw Industries, Inc. Jeff Myers........................................Hamilton Health Care System, Inc. Pablo Perez, M.D.............................Saint Joseph Clinic, P.C. Dan Rogers.....................................OMNOVA Solutions Robert H. Smalley III..................................McCamy, Phillips, Tuggle & Fordham, L.L.P. Andy Walker.........................................Alliance National Bank Staff Brian Anderson......................President & CEO Michelle Bartenfeld.................Membership Account Executive Andrew Carnes......................Economic Development Project Manager Elyse Cochran………..............Senior Vice President of Economic Development Beth Morrison……..................Vice President, Member Services Summer Nix..........................Administrative Assistant Judy Sawyer….............……....Vice President, Finance & Administration Alex Stall...............................Economic Development Senior Project Manager Phyllis Stephens……................Senior Vice President Barbara Ward…….................Director of Workforce Development www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Feature Story Local Elected Officials Speak Mayor David Pennington: The merger commission scheduled to conclude its work and forward recommendations to local elected officials. What do you think will come from the merger study? Hopefully nothing short of important departments that can be merged. If a new consolidated government charter is not proposed, in what ways can our local governments work together creating more effective and efficient service delivery? We should have countywide recreation and countywide Policing. David Pennington, Mayor of Dalton If you could change or improve one issue affecting our community, what would it be? Why? It is imperative that we greatly improve the overall education of our citizens. We have fallen from the richest county in NW Ga. As measured by per capita income to 7th in the last decade. At the growth rate of the last 10 years we will fall to 10th of the 12 counties in NW Ga. We will only turn this around by a population that is educated for the 21st century economy. We have invested hundreds of millions of dollars thru esplost and property taxes with little to show for it. It is time to think differently. We must strive to get every child on grade level by the end of the 3rd grade. Mayor Dan Peeples: The merger commission scheduled to conclude its work and forward recommendations to local elected officials. What do you think will come from the merger study? At this time it appears that the merger commission is stalled on basically two issues. The first issue concerns the requirement to adopt all existing county alcohol ordinances by the new government which will adversely affect package and Sunday sales in Dalton. Second, the question of how Dalton Utilities will be incorporated in the new government and how the existing transfer payment will be allocated. So, given these two major obstacles to overcome and the time element requirement to complete the process, allow time for a public campaign; in my opinion, I don’t think that a consolidation will be on the November ballot this year. But, the exercise of studying local government and service delivery will be valuable in enabling all cities in our county to work better with each other and our county government. If a new consolidated government charter is not proposed, in what ways can our local governments work together creating more effective and efficient service delivery? The merger commission has studied and also retained the Carl Vinson Institute of Dan Peeples, Government to study all departments of the city and county and we have learned that Mayor of Varnell some of the departments can be functionally consolidated in the absence of a full government consolidation. Assuming that the full governmental consolidation does not happen this year, I would call on the County Commissioners, the City Council of Dalton, and our other City Council officials to aggressively pursue all departments that could be functionally consolidated and that would provide most cost-efficient and effective service delivery. If you could change or improve one issue affecting our community, what would it be? Why? The main issue that I see is the continuing conflict between the city and county governments . Although a unified metro-government could eliminate conflicts and competition between the governments especially in the area of LOST and tax distribution issues, consolidation has not produced tax savings. But through collaboration among all local government entities, we could produce a unified agenda focused on economic development, planning, growth, and providing for the most efficient and effective use of scarce resources. May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 3 Feature Story Mayor Kenny Gowin: The merger commission scheduled to conclude its work and forward recommendations to local elected officials. What do you think will come from the merger study? It’s hard to say. We gathered a lot of information, but didn’t really answer any questions. I suppose the information will be useful and perhaps some departments can be merged. But, we didn’t identify any savings or how services would improve. If a new consolidated government charter is not proposed, in what ways can our local governments work together creating more effective and efficient service delivery? The Leadership in our Cities have to understand we’re all citizens of the County. Likewise, the County Leadership needs to understand the importance of its’ Cities. The battle between County and City isn’t new or unique to our area. It’s a system that’s been in place for many, many years and will not be easily changed. I guess that’s the thing I hoped would come from merger talks. That we could see the importance of working together for the good of our entire community. The people want efficiency. You don’t have to merge; but, you do have to be able to work together, not for the good of Dalton, or the good of Whitfield County, or the good of Tunnel Hill; but, for the good of the entire community. Personally, I don’t think it happened. Some of the parties are still too far apart. If you could change or improve one issue affecting our community, what would it be? Why? I wish we backed our SPLOST referendums (I wish we planned our projects better too). We, first, must admit that some taxes are important. There’s not a fairer tax than a SPLOST. I’m a business man and I despise taxes as much as anyone. But, private business isn’t going to build infrastructure. And we can talk economic development all we want, but without proper infrastructure, the business community isn’t coming to Whitfield County. Over the past six or seven years, while we’ve fought among ourselves over a penny, Catoosa County has put in wastewater treatment pipes and facilities almost county wide. They’ve passed several SPLOST referendums consecutively to pay for the expansion. That’s a community wide plan that benefitted everyone. It didn’t just benefit Ringgold, or Ft Oglethorpe, or Catoosa County. It benefitted everyone. That’s the kind of planning we need and that’s the kind of community support we need. Kenny Gowin, Mayor of Tunnel Hill Whitfield County Commission Chairman, Mike Babb: The merger commission scheduled to conclude its work and forward recommendations to local elected officials. What do you think will come from the merger study? I'm sure that every member of the merger commission has their own thoughts on what has and has not been accomplished. Even if a merger charter is not developed to be placed before the citizens I believe the commission has done valuable work in laying a foundation for the future. Some of the suggestions to come from the commission will be valuable and achievable in the short term. The commission has already determined several "unintended consequences" (such as alcohol ordinances) that could be a problem in a merger. These issues are now known and can be addressed through the legislature or by actions of the two governments that will make local government consolidation easier to achieve in the future If a new consolidated government charter is not proposed, in what ways can our local governments work together creating more effective and efficient service delivery? The local governments can address functional consolidations either through intergovernmental agreements or the setting up of authorities to oversee certain service deliveries. A successful example is the Dalton/Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Authority. At one time Dalton and Whitfield County ran separate landfill operations. In the early 1990's these services were combined and operate under an authority. The results have been exceptional from both a financial and environmental viewpoint. The operation is a benchmark for landfill operations in the state and host visitors from around the state and southeast. There are numerous issues to overcome in combining fire departments or sheriff/police services but I believe recreation is a service where consolidation can be achieved in the short term. Mike Babb, Whitfield County Commission Chairman If you could change or improve one issue affecting our community, what would it be? Why? The one issue that I would like to change is the same issue that the commissioners are already trying to address and that is to increase the availability of good jobs in our community. The BOC is of the opinion that there is nothing better for people and a community than the availability of good jobs. The BOC intends to be competitive in the retaining of present businesses in Whitfield County and in the recruitment of new businesses to Whitfield County. There is justified criticism of the use of incentives in recruiting and keeping businesses in Whitfield County but until incentives are outlawed for business recruitment they will continue to be one of the major recruiting tools being used in today's economic climate. 4 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Business University Thank you from the Emerging Leaders Institute Class of 2012! The Emerging Leaders Institute Class of 2012 expresses sincere appreciation to the following volunteers for making the program a great success: Dan Clark, Co-Chair (Shaw Industries) Carla Kelley (Whitfield County Emergency Services) Managing Conflict Katie O’Gwin, Co-Chair (Katherine O’Gwin, PC) Susan Newberry (Carpet & Rug Institute) Group Problem Solving & Decision Making The Program Facilitators and the Modules: Brian Anderson (Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce) Kick Off Retreat Keynote Speaker Jessica Oliva-Calderin (Calderin & Oliva) Valuing Community Diversity Michele Pirkle (Whitfield County) Group Dynamics Tom Arnold (J & J Industries) Group Problem Solving & Decision Making John Relaford (United Way of Northwest Georgia) Effective Communication Rebecca Bolden (Mohawk Industries) Effective Communication Nikki Robinson (Mohawk Industries) Effective Communication Joe Bolduc (Shaw Industries) Group Dynamics, Conducting Successful Meetings and Building Communities through Collaboration Mike Sarkowski (FSG-Dalton Whitfield Bank) Team Building Vickie Burns (North Georgia Center for Educational Excellence) Understanding Generational Differences Kandi Edwards (Whitfield County Extension Service) Valuing Community Diversity Dana Holsomback (Minor, Bell & Neal) Understanding Leadership Conducting Successful Meetings Jason Hopkins (Hamilton Medical Center) Group Problem Solving & Decision Making Miguel Triviño (Shaw Industries) Building Communities Through Collaboration Vicki Warren (Mohawk Industries) Group Dynamics Cynthia Wilson (Murray/Whitfield System of Care) Conducting Successful Meetings Special thanks goes to United Way of Northwest Georgia for working with the Emerging Leaders Institute by providing the BOARDWALK Training program to the class of 2012. Our appreciation goes to the following for their time during this program: Chester Chaffin (Shaw Industries) Rob Cowan (Cowan Law Firm) Andrea Dobbins (United Way of Northwest Georgia) Josh Killion (Shaw Industries) Bryan Macon (Dorsett Industries) Mitch Sanford (First Bank of Dalton) Larry Winter (Winter & Scoggins CPA) May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 5 Emerging Leaders Institute EMERGING LEADERS INSTITUTE CLASS OF 2012 J. Shane Adams Owner Bear Creek Bicycle Company Rigo Barragan Business Process Associate Mohawk Industries Samantha Bearden County Clerk Whitfield County Stephen Bingham Project Manager Meco Builders, Inc. Steven Bridenstine Director, Finance Hamilton Health Care System, Inc. Christopher Callahan* Management Trainee Mohawk Industries Brian Childers Manager of Information Services North Georgia EMC Anthony Lamar Cline Operations Manager CARE Daryl Cole* Marketing Communications Manager Hamilton Health Care System, Inc. David Cook* Account Executive Starr-Mathews Agency, Inc. Deanna Gray* Process Engineer Shaw Industries Holly Greene* HR Benefits Manager Shaw Industries Zachary Hall* Tufting ManagerPlant 81 Shaw Industries Adam Hood Buyer- Management Trainee Mohawk Industries Nathan Horne* Communications Specialist Mohawk Industries, Inc. *Perfect Attendance 6 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Emerging Leaders Institute EMERGING LEADERS INSTITUTE CLASS OF 2012 Erin Malone* Provider Relations Representative HealthOne Alliance & Alliant Health Plans Jessica Marks* Community Engagement Coordinator United Way of Northwest Georgia Mena Morgan Enterprise Excellence Engineer III Shaw Industries, Inc. Summer Nix Executive Assistant Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce Jonathan Pinney* Raw Materials Purchasing Agent Mohawk Industries, Inc. Congratulations Emerging Leaders Institute Class of 2012 Ryan Provost* Coordinator of Student Life Dalton State College Chris Quarles* Doc. Services J&J Industries Troy Virgo* Director of Sustainability Shaw Industries, Inc. *Perfect Attendance Congratulations to the recent graduates of the Emerging Leaders Institute Class of 2012. Pictured in the front row kneeling are: Holly Greene (Shaw Industries), David Cook (StarrMathews Agency), Jessica Marks (United Way of Northwest Georgia), Rigo Barragan (Mohawk Industries), Samantha Bearden (Whitfield County) and Chris Quarles (J & J Industries). Second row: Anthony Cline (CARE), Deanna Gray (Shaw Industries), Jonathan Pinney (Mohawk Industries), Christopher Callahan (Mohawk Industries), Adam Hood (Mohawk Industries) and Program Co-chair Katie O’Gwin (Katherine O’Gwin, PC). Third row: Summer Nix (Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce, Steven Bridenstine (Hamilton Health Care System), Troy Virgo (Shaw Industries), Nathan Horne (Mohawk Industries), Ryan Provost (Dalton State College), Stephen Bingham (Meco Builders), Erin Malone (HealthOne Alliance & Alliant Health Plans), and Program Co-Chair Dan Clark (Shaw Industries). Fourth row: Shane Adams (Bear Creek Bicycle Company), Daryl Cole (Hamilton Health Care System), Zachary Hall (Shaw Industries), Mena Morgan (Shaw Industries), and Brian Childers (North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation). May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 7 Morning Mixer Morning Mixer at Massage Associates of Dalton Brian Peters (Advanced Insurance Strategies), Michael Williams (Bradley Wellness Center) and Connie Carter (Shopwhitfield.com) network at the Morning Member Mixer. Adam Sanders (Aladdin Printing & Copying), Michael Green (Apex Supply), Randy Waskul ( Global Environmental) and Linda Summer (Massage Associates of Dalton) get to know each other during the event. Lenora Johnson (J & J Carpet Mart), Kristie Gazaway (Jarrett’s Business Machines), Nancy Green (Wells Fargo Bank) and Andrea Owenby (Servpro of N. Whitfield, Catoosa & E. Walker Counties) enjoy the event at Massage Associates. Patricia Devlin (FSG Dalton-Whitfield Bank) and Lacey Bennett (Servpro of N. Whitfield, Catoosa & E. Walker Counties) catch up at the Mixer. Tuesday, June 12th 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. - Free to attend! Bradley Wellness Center • 1225 Broadrick Drive 8 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Minutes away, miles ahead Center’s HealthGrades HealthGrades Hamilton Medical Center’s achievements include: clinical achievements s2ECIPIENTOFTHE(EALTH'RADES3TROKE#ARE%XCELLENCE!WARD©IN s2ANKEDAMONGTHETOPPERCENTINTHENATIONFOR4REATMENTOF3TROKEIN s2ANKEDAMONGTHETOPPERCENTINTHENATIONFOR')-EDICAL4REATMENTYEARSIN AROW s2ANKEDIN'EORGIAFOR4REATMENTOF3TROKEIN s2ANKEDIN'EORGIAFOR/VERALL0ULMONARY3ERVICESIN s2ANKEDIN'EORGIAFOR')3ERVICESIN s2ANKEDIN'EORGIAFOR')-EDICAL4REATMENTIN s2ANKEDIN'EORGIAFOR#RITICAL#AREIN s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF(EART!TTACKYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF3TROKEYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR/VERALL0ULMONARY3ERVICESYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF0NEUMONIAYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF')"LEEDYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF"OWEL/BSTRUCTIONYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF0ULMONARY%MBOLISMYEARSINAROW s&IVE3TARRATEDFOR4REATMENTOF2ESPIRATORY&AILUREYEARSINAROW HHAMILTONHEALTHCOMs).&/s-EMORIAL$R$ALTON'! AMILTONHEALTHCOMs ).&/s-EMORIAL$R$ALTON'! (AMILTON -EDICAL #ENTERISA (EALTH'RADES® (OSPITALOF$ISTINCTION (OSPITALOF$ISTINCTION FORAND4OPOF ALL53HOSPITALS!LSO(AMILTON ISONEOFTWO(OSPITALSOF $ISTINCTIONONTHE(EALTH'RADES LISTOF!MERICAS4OP#ITIESFOR !MERICAS4OP#ITIESFOR Hospital Care CareINTHE#HATTANOOGA REGIONnONTHELIST Economic Development Highlights from the Small Business & Franchising Workshop The Mission of the Dalton - Whitfield County Joint Development Authority is to facilitate the long-term, positive economic growth of the community by attracting/retaining jobs, diverse investments and growing the tax base. The Development Authority repre- Over fifty local entrepreneurs and small business owners attended the 2012 Small Business & Franchising Workshop last month at the NorthWest Georgia Trade & Convention Center. Sponsored by BB&T and Minor, Bell & Neal, the workshop featured many helpful hints and suggestions to assist local businesses. Presentations were provided by the Georgia Small Business Development Center, Northwest Georgia Regional Commission, FranChoice, BB&T and Minor, Bell & Neal. During these presentations, attendees learned about business lending, legal considerations, franchising and other factors to consider when starting and running a small business. In addition, attendees had the opportunity to hear from a panel of entrepreneurs currently operating a small business in the Greater Dalton area. These included Angela Gordy of Gordy CPA, Shane Adams of Bear Creek Bicycle Co. and Savannah Morrison of ACE Transportation Repair. sents a public-private partnership funded by Whitfield County, City of Dalton and Grow Greater Dalton. Lastly, the participants were able to hear about free services offered by the Joint Development Authority, including customer analytics data and a new small business website found at www.daltonsbn.org. The website includes local resources, business plan assistance and action items to consider when establishing a business. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Andy Walker - Alliance National Bank Vice Chair: Bill Davies – BB&T Secretary-Treasurer: Kevin Harris – Arrowstar, L.L.C. Dan Combs - State Farm Insurance-Dan Combs Bob Kinard - Kinard Realty, Inc. Lamar Lyle - Lyle Industires Frank Robertson – Robertson and Company Elyse Cochran, CCE Chamber-Senior Vice President of Economic Development Alex Stall Economic Development Senior Project Manager Barbara Ward Director of Workforce Development Andrew Carnes Economic Development Project Manager 10 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Economic Indicators Feburary Unem mployment Rate 2011 13.9% 12.4% 10.1% 9.5% Not seasonally adjusted City of Dalton Whitfield County Georgia United States 2012 12 2.5% 11 1.7% 9.2% 8.7% May Building Permits Residential Number Issued Permit Value YTD Number Issued YTD Permit Value Commercial Number Issued Permit Value YTD Number Issued YTD Permit Value 2011 2 $23 30,000 5 $54 47,113 2011 1 $1,7 764,091 2 $2,3 339,091 2012 2 $20 0,000 8 $14 48,000 2012 2 $23 33,000 5 $3,650,520 Sikes Paper, your local choice for all of your janitorial and building maintenance needs Lo ocal Sales Ta ax Distribution City of Dalton (LOST) Whitfield County (LOST) Mar 2011 Jan-Mar 2011 Mar 2012 $213,945 $1,192,879 $647,505 $3,610,255 $217,853 $1,214,670 Jan-Mar 2012 $702,825 $3,918,691 Retail Sales s - National Not seasonally adjusted; estimates shown in millions of dollars Feb 2011 Jan-Feb 2011 Feb 2012 Jan-Feb 2012 Total retail sales Automobile dealers Floor covering stores General merchandise stores Food services & drinking places 306,748 54,247 941 46,293 37,207 612,032 104,408 1,905 91,098 74,005 338,014 60,504 1,270 49,306 41,146 661,002 113,659 2,524 95,840 80,961 *Unemployment rates and local sa ales tax are the e latest state-proviided figures. Numbers N for m county recorrds. National retail sales figures p provided by U.S. building permits are obtained from Census Bureau. May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org 636 Glenwood Place Dalton, GA 877-398-9456 Chamber Link 11 Wake Up...Whitfield Wake Up...Whitifield Social Media Marketing Made Simple This information-packed seminar will review the essential strategies and best practices a business or organization should understand to successfully get started with social media marketing. The seminar will cover: • What social media marketing really is and why it’s important; • Various social media networks and tools: how they interact, ways to leverage their strengths, and how to evaluate them for best use for your business or organization; • How other businesses are using these low-cost tools to gain visibility, develop relationships, and drive sales and engagement; • How to incorporate social media marketing into your business life without losing productivity. Participants will have plenty of time to ask questions, share experiences, and network with peers. And they’ll leave with real-world insights and knowledge that they can put to work immediately, to help their business or organization succeed. Led by Authorized Local Expert Howard Flint for Constant Contact. 12 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org Howard Flint May 2012 Ribbon Cuttings We We wish the following businesses much success +NOWLEDGEs)NNOVATIONs)NSIGHT +NOWLEDGEs)NNOVATIONs)NSIGHT Conasauga River Alliance Nathan Vance 10780 Hwy 2 (706) 618-0059 Cotton & Twine Boutique Larissa Boston 106 W. Waugh Street (706) 529-8186 FloorMAX Jerry Stanley 3021 N. Dug Gap Road (706) 277-2599 Sikes Paper Company Scott King 636 Glenwood Place (706) 980-4090 Rebel Soul Christie Clayton Walnut Square Mall 816 Walnut Square Blvd. (706) 226-0230 Giant Scissors Looking for Work If you are a new business, new to the Chamber or have moved to a new location....call us! The Chamber will provide the giant scissors and ribbon and will take a picture for The Daily Citizen and ChamberLink. AlliantPlans.com May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 13 Diplomat of the Month Diplomat of the Month Andrea Ownbey I am so honored to be named Diplomat of the month for the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce. I work at Servpro of North Whitfield, Catoosa and East Walker in sales and marketing. We are a Fire and Water Restorations company. At Servpro we understand the stress and worry that comes with a fire or water damage and the interruption it causes to your life and home. Our goal is to help minimize the disruption to your life and quickly make it "Like it never even happened". The Greater Dalton Chamber is the heart of the Community. With the Chamber I have the opportunities to network and really get involved in our local community, through ribbon cuttings, business of the week, morning and evening mixers and all the other great events that the chamber has to offer. The thing I am most excited about is that through the chamber I became a member of Young Professionals of Northwest Georgia (aka YPONG), I now sit on the board for them. It is a great group that is growing and I am very excited to be a part of. I was born and raised in Dalton, I am married to Clayton Ownbey and we have a five year old son Landon. We love living here and being involved in our local community!!!! Working lunch? We have choices to suit anyone’s appetite, including our Chopped Chicken Cobb Salad with all-natural chicken, romaine lettuce, Applewoodsmoked bacon, Gorgonzola cheese, tomatoes, hardboiled egg and herb vinaigrette dressing. Make your next meeting both productive and delicious. Contact our Catering Coordinator about menu and delivery options. Order online at paneracatering.com 1303 W. Walnut Ave. Ste 1UÊDalton, TN (865) 220-5699 www.Panera-EastTennessee.com 14 Chamber Link ©2011 Panera Bread. All rights reserved. www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Chamber Connections Chamber Connections at Savannah Morrison (ACE Transportation Repair), Meagen Morrison (Tease Salon) and Lexie Oliver (Peak Fitness) enjoy the Chamber Connections Luncheon. David Rhea (The Auto Club Group), Cheryle Schoeneman (Dalton Funeral Home), Shelly Faucett (Dalton Funeral Home) and Jamie Kennedy (Signs, Graphics, Printing) all enjoy catching up at the event. Jennifer Williams and Renee Davis with Four Paws Pet Resort exhibited during the recent Connections. Tammie Willis and Chris Stanley with Ponders Funeral Home are pictured at Chamber Connections. Next Chamber Connections Friday, June 8th, Outback Steakhouse 955 Market Street 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. • $15.00 members $65 non-members May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 15 Emerging Leaders Institute Leadership Dalton-Whitfield Medical Services Session The Leadership Dalton-Whitfield Class program topic for the month of April was on medical services. The session began with an overview of the Whitfield County Health Department by Chairman of the Board Bruce Broadrick and staff from the Whitfield County Health Department. The class enjoyed a tour of the facility before they departed and conducted the remainder of the session at Hamilton Medical Center. Session Chairman Jeff Myers (Hamilton Health Care System) reported on trends in health care delivery and gave an overview of Hamilton Health Care System. The session also included a presentation by Dr. Steven Rohn on the topic of Evidence Based Medicine. Senior Vice President of Hamilton Health Care System Gary Howard gave an overview of the Transformation of the US Healthcare System. The day also included presentations by Sheila Baker on the topic of Creating Jeff Myers, President and CEO of Hamilton Health Care System gives an overview Hamilton Health Care System and Trends in Health Care Delivery. Class member Graham Fox with Hamilton Physician Group is pictured speaking with the Gayle Brannon, the new manager of the Whitfield County Health Department. 16 Chamber Link the Exceptional Patient and an update on the Northwest Georgia Healthcare Partnership by Board Chair Ralph Boe (Beaulieu) and Executive Director Nancy Kennedy. After lunch the class took department tours that included: Hamilton Regional Cancer Institute, Labor & Delivery and Neonatal ICU; Emergency Department/Laboratory; Ambulatory Surgery Center; Observation Unit – Mediavision, Endovascular Lab and Radiology; and Royal Oaks, the Bradley Wellness Center and Rehabilitation. The session concluded with a tour of Ross Woods Adult Day Services. Special thanks to Jeff Myers for serving as Session Chair of the Medical Services Session. The class began their Medical Services Session at the Whitfield County Health Department. The class is pictured taking a tour at Ross Woods Adult Day Care Center. www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Business Expo Business Expo 2012 NorthWest Georgia Trade Center Thursday, July 12 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cookout on the Hill 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Made in the USA Company Name_________________________ Representative__________________________ Address_________________________________ Phone___________________________________ Email____________________________________ Send to attention [email protected] or mail to Beth Morrison at the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce 890 College Drive, Dalton, GA. 30720 Join local businesses as they show off their products and services “Made in the USA”, right here in our region! Be a part of Northwest Georgia’s largest networking event. FREE TO ATTEND May 2012 Yes! I want to spotlight my company at the Business Expo 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 17 Earth Day MAY IS BETTER SPEECH & HEARING MONTH HELPING PEOPLE CO M M U N I C AT E PSC Metals Celebrates Earth Day LO O P E R S P E E C H & H E A R I N G C E N T E R is offering FREE hearing screenings during May, Better Speech & Hearing Month OOPER Speech & Hearing Center Call 706.226.4623 to schedule your Free Hearing Screening, between May 1 - 31. tXXXMPPQFSTIDDPN 18 Chamber Link PSC Metals recently celebrated Earth Day with a cookout! Chamber Diplomats joined in the fun along with: (L to R) Liz Swafford (Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority), Nancy Green (Wells Fargo Bank), Lenora Johnson ( J & J Carpet Mart), Michael Green (Apex Supply), Andrea Ownbey (Servpro of N. Whitfield, Catoosa & E. Walker Counties), Lacey Bennett (Servpro of N. Whitfield, Catoosa & E. Walker Counties) Andrew Crowe (PSC Metals), Heath Patterson (Advanced Insurance Strategies), Glen Crowe (PSC Metals), Steve LeRoy (PSC Metals), & Dustin Dickson (PSC Metals) www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Flag Presentation Flag Presentation Chamber President Brian Anderson raises the new flag presented by Joseph Weatherford (Modern Woodmen), as staff look on. May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 19 Member Mixer Member Mixer at Dalton Falls Golf & Laser Tag Keith Burton (Americas Best Choice Windows of Dalton), Lacey Bennett (Servpro of N. Whitfield, Catoosa & E. Walker Counties), Michael Chitwood (Courtyard by Marriott) and Amber Morrison (Book Gallery) enjoyed the Mixer at Dalton Falls. Ben King, Tim Rowe and Cheryle Schoeneman with Dalton Funeral Home play a round of mini golf during the event. Matthew Staats and Daniel Staats (Helping the Hurting, Inc.) speak with Stan Capps owner of Dalton Falls Golf & Laser Tag. Terry Tate (Total Print), Bill Bell (Minor, Bell & Neal) and Chamber President, Brian Anderson catch up at the Mixer. Next Member Mixer: Thursday, May 17th HealthCom Federal Credit Union 1412 Chattanooga Avenue 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Free to attend! 20 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 Go Green J&J’s Aquafinity Water Reclamation System 2012 Chamber “Green” Sponsor J&J’s Aquafinity System is capable of removing dye and chemical additives from its industrial wastewater by using a blend of filters and reverse osmosis. The past several months have been devoted to tuning of automatic control systems as the overall system has been brought up to full production capacity. This innovative filtration processes is an industry first and is helping J&J recover 80 to 90% of its dyehouse wastewater annually. It is expected to pay for itself in just over three years. “This system is a practical and economically feasible way to remove dye and other additives from industrial wastewater,” said Howard Elder, Director of Research and Environmental Affairs at J&J Industries. “The reuse of wastewater in carpet dyeing is an environmentally innovative process that J&J is proud to pioneer.” The company has been tracking water reclamation since the system went live in December and reclamation has almost reached the one million gallon mark. Because J&J thinks that a sustainable industry is better than a sustainable company, tours of the facility are being offered for its associates, customers, regional officials and even competitors. This year J&J Industries anticipates that 30 to 35 million gallons of dye house wastewater will be recycled by the Aquafinity System removing dye and other chemical additives, and creating a warmer and more consistent end product for reuse in its dyehouse. “With the Aquafinity System we are going to see warmer, cleaner, and more consistent water than we have ever seen. That means we won’t have to use as much energy to warm the City’s 60 degree water. More consistent water for dyeing should improve quality in the dyeing process,” says Jonathan Sierra, J&J’s Research Manager, “As a result, we expect to save 5 billion BTU’s of energy each year (the equivalent energy to power 150 local homes for a full year)”. Is your company Green? If so, share your story with us and the business community. Email your story to Beth Morrison: [email protected] and you may be featured in an upcoming issue of ChamberLink. May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 21 Spotlight on Business Wells Fargo Wells Fargo works hard to be the best local bank in Dalton while offering all the benefits, conveniences and strengths of a nationwide financial services company. Wells Fargo makes decisions locally, from loan applications to charitable giving, whenever possible. Just in the last year, Wells Fargo has given to local groups including Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Dalton, Roman Open Charities, Dalton State College, and more. In Whitfield County, the company’s 50 some team members serve customers through three bank stores and a business banking office, located at 201 South Hamilton Street. Wells Fargo also serves customers through bank stores across Northwest Georgia, including stores in Calhoun, Chatsworth, Fort Oglethorpe, La Fayette and Ringgold. Wells Fargo believes in promoting the long-term economic prosperity and quality of life for everyone in Dalton and beyond, giving not only money, but also giving volunteer hours and leadership for groups and initiatives. As a coast-to-coast financial services company, Wells Fargo provides not just banking but insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance products through more than 9,000 stores, more than 12,000 ATMs, the internet and other distribution channels. Wells Fargo has a proud history of serving Dalton and Whitfield County and hopes to continue helping its customers and the community for years to come. The company is the nation’s no. 1 retail mortgage lender and the no. 1 SBA lender in loan dollars. Fortune has named Wells Fargo among the world’s most admired companies. Its vision is to satisfy all the financial needs of its customers so that they can succeed financially. That’s why building longlasting customer relationships are so important. Wells Fargo is proud to be lending to local businesses in Dalton who may not be able to find the financing that they need elsewhere. The company’s commitment goes beyond business. Supporting local communities is an integral part of the culture. Dale Cruse Nancy Green !"#$%&$ $ '#()*+#$#,'#()*+#$ $#,.% ,/012 .%,/012 E SIZE ANY SIZ 9 179 $ * TA ED STALLE IN INSTALLED *Up to 120 UI ·100% Maintenance ·Saves 30-40% On E ·Double Pane Insulat ·Limited Lifetime Warranty ·Many Window Styles Available 706·519·1161 706·5 519·1161 abcwindalton.com abcwind dalton.com com Best Window...Best Price...Best Choice! 22 Chamber Link www.daltonchamber.org May 2012 New Members & Updates NEW MEMBERS G&K Services Kevin Booth 73 Center Road Cartersville, GA 30121 770-382-5151 Uniforms Facility Services Logo Apparel Legal Shield Mark Rowland 108 Watt Drive Dalton, GA 30721 706-218-9709 Attorney Legal Services Identity Theft Protection The Lock Guys Jason Jaudon 417 North Glenwood Avenue Dalton, GA 30721 706-581-7215 Locksmith Keys Tatanka Hills Bison Farm Derek & David Jolly 70 Lanier Lane Lafayette, GA 30278 706-397-2177 Meat Markets MEMBER UPDATES • Apex Supply welcomes Outside Sales Representative, Michael Green. • Dalton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau welcomes Sales Manager, Alyce Heifner. • NorthWest Georgia Trade & Convention Center welcomes Tyler Wright. Do you have changes at your company? E-mail Summer Nix at [email protected] to have them featured in the next ChamberLink. Peacock Candles Ashlee Swilling 3865 Dunnagan Road Rocky Face, GA 30740 706-673-3987 Gifts and Specialty Shops Ronald Blaylock Associate Member May 2012 www.daltonchamber.org Chamber Link 23 PRST. STD. U.S. Postage PAID Dalton, GA Permit #502 Measure of Success: Having a commercial banker who is a partner and a friend Discover how successful your company can be when you have a personal relationship with a commercial banker you can count on and trust, day in and day out. > Commercial Lending > Business Internet Banking > Business Online Library > Commercial Deposit Products and Services Return Service Requested Dalton-Whitfield Chamber of Commerce 890 College Drive Dalton, GA 30720 Cohutta Banking Company commercial bankers work with you to help achieve your company’s financial goals. We offer the sophisticated products you need, including enhanced Business Internet Banking and our Business Online Library, paired with commercial banking expertise and local decision making to build powerful business banking solutions that are ready to work for you. > Treasury Services > Payment Services >/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ >ŵƉůŽLJĞĞĞŶĞĮƚƐ > Corporate Investments* cohuttabank.com | 706-695-9431 Ύ/ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĂƌĞŽīĞƌĞĚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ^LJŶŽǀƵƐ^ĞĐƵƌŝƟĞƐ͕/ŶĐ͕͘ŵĞŵďĞƌ&/EZͬ^/W͘ Not FDIC insured. No bank guarantee. May lose value.^LJŶŽǀƵƐ^ĞĐƵƌŝƟĞƐ͕/ŶĐ͘ŝƐĂƐƵďƐŝĚŝĂƌLJŽĨ^LJŶŽǀƵƐ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŽƌƉ͘ĂŶĚĂŶĂĸůŝĂƚĞŽĨ^LJŶŽǀƵƐĂŶŬ͘ ŽŚƵƩĂĂŶŬŝŶŐŽŵƉĂŶLJŝƐĂĚŝǀŝƐŝŽŶŽĨ^LJŶŽǀƵƐĂŶŬ͘^LJŶŽǀƵƐĂŶŬ͕DĞŵďĞƌ&/͕ŝƐĐŚĂƌƚĞƌĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ ƐƚĂƚĞŽĨ'ĞŽƌŐŝĂĂŶĚŽƉĞƌĂƚĞƐƵŶĚĞƌŵƵůƟƉůĞƚƌĂĚĞŶĂŵĞƐĂĐƌŽƐƐƚŚĞ^ŽƵƚŚĞĂƐƚ͘ŝǀŝƐŝŽŶƐŽĨ^LJŶŽǀƵƐ ĂŶŬĂƌĞŶŽƚƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞůLJ&/ͲŝŶƐƵƌĞĚďĂŶŬƐ͘dŚĞ&/ĐŽǀĞƌĂŐĞĞdžƚĞŶĚĞĚƚŽĚĞƉŽƐŝƚĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐŝƐƚŚĂƚ ŽĨŽŶĞŝŶƐƵƌĞĚďĂŶŬ͘
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