Just aGlimpseatWhatanArmyCan- Commencement at County
Just aGlimpseatWhatanArmyCan- Commencement at County
NEW JERSEY COURIER r 'A Ü t& S 1 to ti $ 2 .0 0 m Y « « r P IO N E E R NEW SPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. 5 e s t a b l is h e d i s s o T O M &IVEJ). N. J.. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE 22. 1917 C e n t s s C o p y VOLUME S7-NUMBER 38 Just aGlimpseatWhatanArmyCan- Com mencement at County Schools) Much Work Is Expected from These TUCKERTON tonment Means '«ncLVnV.VuV tuckerton , b »rneg »t 'I ************•••..... "— New Committees 8ARNEGAT RECENTJJEATHS ....... BASEBALL > »♦♦ ♦9 ♦ ♦ s s » » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ »♦ Commancement e i t n a m were held S»rtiegat, lime 13— The commence After liugsring mur« Ulan two weeks ) *jp ^Be M. li. church on Friday evening. with a broken bark and a crushed tkull The graduate* were attired in cap and went exercises o f the Barnegat high Lost First Gum« to Camp After 1 . Ro«sevelt Board o f T rad o to Moot school were held on P r i d a y night. I John T. Wainrlfht diod on Saturday, gown and *he church w u fitted will» Fridays Instaad o f Tuesday* Juno 16, at the Toms-Rivtr hospital, i people. 1 he decorations cone iated of Seven seniors received their diplomas, J u m e s t u r f — S coro 2« I Wrightatown. Juno 19— That thr big whither ha waa takon on May 31, altar 1 wlater*a (the claim flower! and green?;, also twelve from the grammar depart- I MHitls«/ Usiii*! wi«* oc hi* lalf at taa Mawb-iry lumbar yard. Mauwon C. Peters delivered an I At a roeetiiig of the Board o f Trad* The Toma Kivsr baseball team was nftjn#d sfti r iom « i.nporUnt t har»ct«*r During much of the time he had bees j I fie clai# motto waa auapended over w™eresting and Inspiring address. •the platform from a border of wisteria op Friday night last It was decided thxt jr nation»! history iaUie belief. Among conaclou* and rational, but ha waa para The graduates were: Aims Corliss, defeated 2 to 1 by Jamosburg in the .lereafter the regular meeting mght read *‘Only a Commencement." T A o m a s Galvin, Ruth Gray, Myrtle opening game o f the season here Tues UitG. A. K. n»#n throughout Burlington lyzed from the broken back, and at no Countv then* U m movsfnsnt to ssk the time had there been any hope o f hia re I Flag» and high achool pennants were Joscs.l hylii, Rutter.Ervin stockhouse day. The game 'was a pitchers' battle, should be the second Friday in each In the decoration». The fol- and Eleanor Walker. The program Holmes allowing four hits, while five month instead o f the second 1 uoadav War Department to name the V?righta covery. Men of couree have lived long i ! le^jng program was rendered: waa; were made off Uemott. A large crowd aa heretofore town camp after General K. BuniGrubb. with a broken bark, nr with a broken March, Mr*. Charles H Webb J. M, Downs and Nathan Irons wero witnessed the game. The score: famous 'ivil War leader o f the "N ew akull, but hia two week* fight for life I Music, “ Tia time for every boy to be Seng o f Greeting. High School elected to membership • taJdier , orchestra Jersey Yahoos and Game Chicken*" with both o f theae handicaps waa conJamesburg Invocation, R»v. Ernest Hanael Engine*r» now mapping out the camp aidered marvellous. He waa buried Mon* Invocation, Rev. Weaver Dr, E. C. Diabrow, who waa choeen P.O. A. t Salutatory, "National Prohibition", favor naming the place after a former day, services being held at ChHst Epis- |Claadya 8. Sprague Bklutatorlan, Phyllis Rutter a delegate to the State ( hamber o f Perrine, 8b , Preaideent o f the United btatea. This copal church at 2 p. m ., by Rev. j Music, “ In alumbersweet” ,orchestra Smith, as. Commerce meeting at Perth Amboy, 1 . °ratlon. '*Tbe Mound Builder»” , Al Idea ia pleasing to the people of the Rev. John Chattin. Kaum lodge of Odd ; bert reported he had been to that meeting I Address, “ America for all, and all Snedeker, 2b . G. McConomy 4 Wrightatown district. “ Camp Rooae- Fellows, o f which he waa a member, j for America” , Madison C. Peters and would make a more detailed report D. Demott, p. , Song, MA Perfect D ay", class 4 at the next meeting veitr’ is talked of aa a possibility. I Music, “ Nights o f gladness“ , orches Breck, If. attended in -egalia, and furnished the 1 •': " * y .7 .A League to Enforce Peace“ , tra Thirty-seven thousand six hundred pail bearers, holding lv. The committee on cleaning up RobM. Demott, c. , its ritual at the Stella S. Holman 15 j Valedictorian. Alma Corliaa thirty-eight officers andmen ofiMhe grave in Riverside cemetery. Frank, cf. 1 v, P " * reported that they had not Vjledictonr. “ The History and Work new United States army will be in , __ . . . _ ■ . . Presentation o f diplomas, President Zimmerman, lb 1 o f the Red Croea” . M. Mae McConomy Board 0 r f^ l?1abl* 10 Ret anything done. J. C. of Education gaining at Wrightatown, according to i #c*!,v®d Hayea, rf. 0 i ««U enghan, who was present, agreed 0 affinal figures o? the War Department. bl? J * Jhurwlay SchSof’ The B'U* ,nd Gold,’ • Hi* " Music, “ America“ , orchestra - ! *? atV l next morning removing the obBesides a division o f infantry, total- : C .0/ " " ? 1 „ y 31' ut the Newbury lumI Benediction, Rev. Hicka 2 4 27 10 1 (The sidewalk waa cleared Addree. "The Tem pleof Character” , ing 36.992 officer» and men. thine will i ? 2 5 ™ - " « w" fo^m an. and The following were perfect in attend: .Saturday and much o f the material “ one additional .............. aero squadron o f- 1 had charge o f getting the orders loaded Rev. H. M. Prentiss Tdma River be ice during the whole school term: piled in the street carted away) Song, “ Commencement Day” , class R. H P. twelve machines and 172 men; one bal- 1““ 5 f £ £ ? , ’ He V* waa wV °on n the “ • second * ^ ond floor Presentation o f class, Edwin Morgan, P «°th y Cranmer, Kendall MitcheU, Alloon company of 101 men, one regiment “ f ? »hed.and ia.uppo.ed u S 1 » aomething like |1S0 more in frettu Brower, Helen Elberson, Esther VanKirk, 2 b. . o 1 . 0 of heavy artillery, 1,872 men. to hava pitched forward „t h e r overor Supervising Principal Dill» than in cash, some o f the bills . 0 1 1 Awarding o f diplomas, JohnC. Price, ©•ynor. Pred Bunnell, Charles Hand, Wsaver, ss. . . ... . , . , under a ratling, striking on his head owing since last Fourth o f July carnival, Joseph Mannion, Lemuel Mathews, E. Schwarz, lb. . 0 1 9 A. there ia one aeroplane squadron in and U ck. He waa token to the hoe- President of Board o f Education. it was voted to borrow on note $150 and Holmes, p. 1 . 0 9 each infantry division, the align m en t |>iU |, where It waa found that not only Kvcry person prmmit Hough, c. . 0 0 10 ef an additional aero squadron to the was hia back broken; but hi. skull _ |grade pupils signed the note aa emloraer Jones. The last named completed her •A. Schwan, cf. Wrightatown camp means there will - b o broken l t th# 'b u,f t hia . 1 0 2 S on g., At Parting” class. four years high school work without Gwyer, If. 1 be twenty-four planes hovering over injuries • • • were such that no hope o f re . 0 2 Preaident Berry announced that he Benediction, Rev. Theo. P. Price. missing a single day. Shellenberg, 3b. the during _________ the »raining __c acamp m p ______ _ prelim- covery could be fe it . 0 0 1 miu.« public the standing comThe addreea was most eloquent, beSeventeen books were awarded pupils Johnson, rf. . inary to neld service ia Prance. muteea in a few days, and at the same . 0 1 0 John Wainright was the son o f Capt. I mg very interesting and appreciated for excellent attendance ^nd punctu Thecs-siUl ba-mot* t L a t O m JUll’d. Joseph 3. Wsrinrigl/t, who died last f y “ . aa it H MU wocld name a rommiitoe op *v w » n.rAertJ, Tt-r. -errui i'•o w i ality, ana seventy-enree were the reelings in the Wrightatown cantonment. 1 5 *2H 10 1 1 a«*weni, u^. .m ngasewer plant the most winter and with hia father spent hia , 0*^1 . . . . ■ |pients of ten-dav' certiflr.to.' Figures in the Quartermaster general’s early years on the bay. Later he was I In presenting the aJesa, Prof.Morgsn ' P d y certtfl ate* ♦Breck out for runningoutof base line, pubf K . improvement that office ir. the War Department show Score by innings: I ° ™ „ ,V*r could maUI in the navy.and was also one of a crack I a!inou" ce“ t *1*1 Lipman Gerber had I . , _ \ ' that it will take 1100 buildings to house Life-saving crew which Lieut C. H. ° n « « d • pnxe o f a gold medal.in mem- ElBnth G rade Closing Exercises lamesburg oo o o o n n o n o Ur ' Br° uwer “ r~ed the need o f havthe onedivisionof infantry. Additional McLellan used to show the workings o f ; n“ father, Nathan Gerber, for 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 - 1 ¡ S £ K»rbage collector to take away Toms River hangars and buildings will have to be u 1 v u 0 u 0 u 0— 1 j g*'Lage from the houses o f the town the service at one o f the world's e x -! Jhe average in English in the I The eighth »rade nr k , provided for the additional units, borne positions. For nearly thirty years, he four year course. The Tuckerton ‘ . . grammar school, nI C*l'ei ®urkwalter o f the Fire Depart of the barracks are to be two stories in Beacon a prize of a two and a half l ! i ” °2 * **lv*r •fS/’? 0 ’ “ * *I ita cloaing -r had been employed at the lumberyard lo m s R iv e r W ins from i ment, brought up the matter o f fire height; each one of theae structures where he met hia death, going there aa dollar gobf piece for the ^ t work I * i ! rC“ ?s Kriday » ^ r n o o n last! Point Pleasant, 4 to 3 Rrot®ction to South Toms River, on the will accommodate 200 men. k I p!iTLth? dir*ct,on of the teacher, Miss driver when it waa owned by the late done in the first year’s work -----n rkeM3luto^ nshlp side o f stream (Continued on Past 3) Tuckerton Bank, two prizes o f five L" n? atre®t- A number o f the William Aumack. He had grown up with the business under its present dollars each, one to the best oom m er., P,rent® ®nd f:nencis of the grade were 8 Pleasant * Iternoonspent, noon, Toms River won from romi. but that the property on *L-* management, and had a responsible job cial work, including English for the '£hL*e.nt Eight are H eld Linder $2000 Pleasant by the ¿core o f 4 to 3. To four years course- and thp ntRor f l }exercises were as follows: there. f t ! tbe -«ver pailnothing för thV Each in Sumner Theft <-.i-*.no d,u?,t’ . Helena look at the box score that follows, H# married Miss Florence Stokes of the highest average in_ science in the Grant and Estella Tilton men in the might seem that the Pointers Island Heights. She survives him with four years course. This should be an Concert recitation, “ The American have won, but they didn’ t Henry R. W'hite and Borden White, three daughters and three sons: Mrs. incentive to our scholars, to attend o f Trade might b r i n g T ^ t * ? £ £ The score: brothers, of Seabright; Harry Rogers, Ruth Wood, Misses Kate and Beatrice strictly to school work the coming year Flag , Piano accompaniment Recitation, “ The Present Crisis” , Point Pleasant AB R H PO and1 aeianetrkreley fow n*hiP commitWalterPerrineof BarnegatCity; Henry Wainright, Carlisle, loseph and Victor E' Class roll-B teiia S. Holman, Edith Margaret Parsons o f the * ^ P a y e r s In that part Harper, cf. 3 Wagner of New York; Max Shapiro! Wainright. He alao leaves a brother, E. Kelley, Elizabeth H. Kelley,M. Mae 0 1 o f the town. Mesais. Buck waiter Vocal solo, “ Rose Dreams” , Estella Cranmer, ss. 5 and Samuel Cohen o f Lakewood, and Taylor Wainright of Island Heights, McConomy Albert G. McConomy,Elsie Tilton 0 Ryan, 3b. ?! ^ r / ^ T 3 were a com-’ Isaac Fischer o f Long Branch, were! and four sisters— _____ ______ _. Cranmer M. Morev, M. Grace Morris, Helen E. 4 Mrs. D. O. 0 l b“*46 tbe matte? up. and see Recitation, “ Nobility” , Arthur King Strickland, p. held in |2(i00 bail each by Judge Haight o f Beach Haven; Mrs. Charles Ely and 4 0 0 1 if Berkeley was willing to help pa? for Class Prophecy, (written by Eleanor Moore, lb. jn the United States district court, Mrs. Bart Rogers of Atlantic High- Sprague athryn M‘ Seaman- G1»dy» S. 4 10 Grover), Ethel Willoughby Chafey, c. J wewwvfc, after ptoM o f not guilty to lUnda, and Miss Margaret Wainright of 1 fa? PFT 0 t te wL°n 11 hadbeen 8 ' ven free so 4 11 P laa* “ Only a CommencePresentation of Certificates, Prof. Simpson, rf. aI 1 S iaa Pointed out that some of (indictments charging them with con- this place. His mother, Mrs Joseph „ment 3 0 . Class flower, wistaria. Class Tiltdh V spiring to atrip the United States i Wainright, is living. He waa a de- colors, lavender and gold. Applegate, 2b, rf. and ThJttfv re8 the beR" in oB«rkeley, 4 1 11 and that from nature f things Class Song transport Sumner. The three la st! scendant of John W’ ainright, one of Lane, 2b. 1 0 i. *,be A"110? 1 school outing to At- i The class going from eighth grade to S. Makin, * named are junkmen. Wagner is a sea- ; Capt. Joshua Huddy’s compa-y o f ar- lantic City took place on Monday. 0 0 0 *h" * high school is the largest on record. man who was in charge o f the trans-, tillery, that helped defend the Toms McEilhenney, If. I 2 port I River block house against the British i he >umner while on her way from and Tories on March 24, 1782. Total 36 3 10 24 6 6 Panama last winter went ashore off ____ RaUroad c o m m i t t e e : Thomas A ♦-Ran for S. Lane in 9th Barnegat and since has broken up. I t 1 r,«m >p , Mathis, chairman, Charles C. Gates W ' Toms River AB H PO »charged that the White brothers, „ f Oover^own^hto j * nt A t the M. E. Church Weaver, ss. Disbrow8er’ °- N- Warner’ Dr- E- C5 Rogers and Perrine went to the ship in |Un e/2 0 a t sltoerton d‘ ®djW^ l,e3day' A t the Baptist Church E. Schwarz, lb. 3 boats and stripped her of brass and 1 l j e ?was a hrotoar ’ 75 J**™* E. Holmes, 3b. Childrens day was observed Sunday copper and sofef it to the junkmen. |on J C RJInH -and u arbor3 committee: Geo 3 Childrens Day was observed last Sun Dieghen, cf. _ - who---------------Wagner, although in charge of the 1 H“. Kamandied a few months at the M. E. church, in the morning 2 D S Priest Lha![man’ Fra" k Williams, day morning in the Baptist church, g . at „ J ?!118 ,Rlver. and with the exHough, c. Pastor Sayre talked to the children vessel, did not prevent them, it is ' 8 2 D ki x ' I ' H- Berry -E- C. Crabbe / Public charged. All but Wagner gave bonds. cestion of Charles Hagaman, who lives using as his subject a basket o f roses, i ne program included motion songs bv Gwyer, If. . , Utilities - ; ......— committee; C. A 3 at VanHisevilIe, was the last o f his ihere were also a number o f members the primary school; a recitation. ” But- A. Schwarz, rf. Brant, chairman, George H. Holman’ 4 a . y - ri ®.wa3 the son o f Barnett received into the church, as follows: tercups and Dasies” , by Edna Horner VanKirk, 2b. 3 and lane White Hagaman, and farmed and Alice Grover; songs py the entire Take M osquito Ditching from E- B l,k ’ , ™ * Shellen, p. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walton, Mrs. An4 the homestead after his father's death Ar!»° Kind als-° by indiv'dual classes. Contractor and Relet It in the Cold Springs section o f Dover Sf w ® 1P?°1J,9 Kenneth Jennings, Dora * / ' ermb!f mat,c piece entitled “ building Total 29 4 5 27 9 3 H i a K “ 5 M s ? ,s r ! a0 “ « township, up till this spring, when he the Ladder , was verv wall ronriQM® c . . Hoyt M. Wells, Otto C. Luhrs 18Cher’ score by innings: The Ocean County Mosquito Extermi sold it and moved toSilverton not quite Ethel M. Wflioughbry,dEdnaCUi ^ X o w ’ ' h ^ t h e ^ T ’ / T 3 V6ry Wel1 rendered 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1— 3 nation Commission met at the Riverside two months ago. The homestead had Publicity committee: W. H. Fischer Afberta Pla“ ;. M rs!; A ^ d e ^ r 's e v e n ftt'to i L g t h ^ w ^ ^ - Point Pleasant Toms River 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0— 4 chamnan, George W. Hallock, Wm C.’ house on Tuesday and relet a contract been in the family more than a century, j Elizabeth Dorsett on probation rftoHledT a u S the. different parts were refor nearly 300,000 feet o f mosquito Two b a s e hit— Cranmer. Sacrifice In the evening the c W h was crowd sentoA -TSe - 8ldes, o f the ladder repre ditching on the.Mulliea Riverand Great vivettoa rn > i ? llZa Wo°dfield,who sursented Faith in........, God” ,ami and uoinung pointingI ii*1— H°uffh. . — -........ Stolen base-Cranm er, Finance committee: Otto C. Lufirs Bay marshes, in Little Egg Harbor ters* K totoW tHr° SOnE an1 tw°daugh- ) ed for the Sunday school exercises and the h, e av.e" ward it was typical of man’s le a v e r , b. Schwarz,E. Holmes 2, DieglnnSnVhJetCuer Ha^aman of Highlands; both the main audience room ' •’ township. This contract had been a few Jonathan MathSanb raVR Mari0n’ Thoa A Hagaman and Miss Jess to gallery - -------being fifled-;------------— ■ The program om “ “ u ----------------------' ^ iCa' ° f man’S was c 'lmi >toward glorjA The rounds were 'o ? n;, Struck out— by Strickland, 8; by B r e w e r’ Dr- Frank n j aF° g>ven to Iesse P. Manahan Hagaman o f Silverton; Mrs. Otis Hy- as follows: P og m was worded: love, self-denial, courage pur 1 ? h®,lle,n’ 6~ Base on baIla—off S t r ic t Brower oi Red Bank, who also had a contract ers of Pleasant Plains. * I ity, patience, truth, meekness and ! [and. 4; °ff Shelton,1. H itby pitcher— Entertainment committee: D a v e given him last fall. The work was not MasterGeorge Geonre XydiaTrecited Xvdias reeirJa by Strickland,2, (E. Schwarz,Diegher.); Marion, chairman, Bob Travers Wm Scrqiture by school grace. Master satisfactory to the commission, either by Shellen, 1 ,(Harper). Doubleplay— S -N oite. Dr E C . D isb ro^ T h oa R.Prayer eai’ Tbe B , °y Christ The pastor The funeral services for Mrs. Amelia aa t0 quality or as to time consumed, Mooreunassisted. Leftonbases— Toms I a and the contracts were taken from him Roberts was held at her late home on A greeting, by Frederick Wilherf nnri ens nff<fb ar .u ddress' W. Burtis Hav- River, 9; Point Pleasant, 8. Passed Wilkinson, A. W. Sever, Rev Linnane, Chas. L. Tilton - J’ F riday evening last, conducted by Rev. MargaretAnderaon d IC the Prayer- and Supt. Leand re advertised. The Eaton Com ball— Chafey. Umpires— R. G. Robin The following morning the pany of Atlantic City were this time Sayre. Highways and Sanitation committee: son, Toms River,behind the plate; Vant « " :; given the contract at 2.18 cents per body was taken to Camden and funeral We E T n 5 . Y* . , £ lhr“ * ' " ■ ! f ™ - . f i . p“ Note, Point Pleasant, on the bases. Ur. b . C. Disbrow,chairman, Dr. Frank Brouwer, W. F. Widmaier ’ u r - rranK i?ot’ ,an advance on the price bid by services held there for the benefit of Time o f game— 2 hrs., 10 minutes. Manahan. Eaton has had another con the many friends and relatives who Waif . 1 Es.tate committee: Hoyt M Stackhouse . ' j — ---------------------There will be two games next weektract for the county, and did work sat- were not present at Toms River, and Tuesday with Belmar Mystics, one of Havens many who had long known Mrs. Robm,an’ E- R- Yoder’ W- B. T e ry i be commission, h> Mi” | E“ <1* Like Sum m er the best teams in Monmouth countyIhe commission now has men at work erts who had formerly lived in Camden. Membership committee: Wm. C. Thursday with Moorestown.both on thé I he floto! tributes were many and beau at Ocean Gate, and will next take up home field. to°hneÁ CTLairman, Î■ M.' H irshblond, the situation at Seaside Park and tiful, for Mrs. Roberts had been a pas b i ® 1“ ”bvQ, K V ■“ “ • shore, the vicinity. sionate lover of flowers, and that fact Ready for Children’s Day, bv Vesta ',ur,' erous resorts that string out like r ^hr w Th,ony ,80nA Dr- E - c - Mason Cornelius 'V' by Ve3ta beads on a string, both on the beaches G* 1? * Roy Grant R ay Drown,Roland ^ Buckwas not forgotten by those who had Ball season opened on Wednesday waiter, uckknown and loved her. Interment was Sunbeams, by Miss Grace Iron’s class fn ia°K the Ma,ln Shore road, the week Ihe team includes: Bernan Hough,who May License Boats in U pper at Evergreen cemetery , Recitation, by Sar^ p att enJ?.beg » ‘ tu look like summer. Auto has caught the last two years, and Special Sewers committee; Dr. Frank |Flag Drill, by Miss Adams’ class Partles ai'e numerous; summer homes Deigan, as catchers; Chick Holmes and Brouwer, chairman, Geo. C VanHisa Barnegat B ay by July 1st by Ethel McCandless ness°Dlacea h1 lea3t Sunday; bu3‘ ‘ Shellenberg, a new man, as pitchersJames B. Johnson, a veteran o f the! Recitation, cSSSS n S l -.j , „ by school ffu t?J| s ,have °Pened UP to be ready Kenneth Weaver, Bill VanKirk, Dusty A. BtodsMk GeoEH6 Holman. Last week the Courier told o f the in dled on Saturday last, June On Children s Day, by Warren Stock-^°r brade when it comes; hotels are be- and Babe Schwarz, Joe Flolmes, Bill license that is required for all boats, H;.ah L i yf a; f ' at ™hi‘ e 0ak Bottom. bridge and Albert Platt mg gone over, and most of them are Gwyer and Johnson power or sail, in the fourth naval dist He had lived all his life in this locality by Theodore ' °Pen by tomorrow H om e G uard o f 53 M en rict, from Barnegat Inlet south. So and was a farmer by occupation He Children s Day Joy, F ischer y o r e ; £veryb9d ,s putting his best foot tar no regulations have been issued for was the son of William and Margaret A ll to Be U niform ed W recked Transport B locks by Thomas McCandless 1 Ul th.eeffort t0 make the most licenses in the third naval district,from Bills Johnson, and a brother to Thomas Rectoation, B arnegat Inlet Channel urnegat Inlet north. However it is Johnson, another veteran, of this nlare A Motto for the U. S. army, bv Philip f’0Su 'b ?.out of a season that seems to At the Committee o f Public Safety Grant and Lewis Ti!i ^ V ni1 «« uu ...i------rr 1 • LX-- — ... vuiivu, iAUWc VCT “ Song, possible that licenses wiH be required n e leaves one son, John Johnson.meeting on Tuesday afternoon last it bv school aS . 31” es8 at tbe shore often goes bv Funerai services were held Tuesday Children’s Day bearers l 1- This information is based One o f the “ ironies o f fate” it is was voted to increase the uniformed on a letter to the Courier by Capt. K. at Pleasant Plains W. E. church at 1.30, bybjyohanna , Wells rS’ J» « » « " « toes great things has more than' „ Ilt:o that the U. S. Government should have strength of the Home Guards undpr entirely blocked off the inlet channel at daL / r y ° i,ibe Goas*- Guard Service, conducted by his neighbor, Rev. Mr Keep looking for the sunshine, bv 1whtotr,°Ut 3lim>,Pe( baPa this summer, Barnegat inlet, when it is the govern Borneo" C,llfford dated June 19 fr °mo 30 to Nobles; burial at Silverton. 53 men. I t was alsoElwell< the sense f the Elizabeth Dorsett y i whlch promises little, will really bring r»Lhf e iicenses or permits are sepament’s job to keep the waterways open- meeting that the Home Guards he inDrill, by Mrs. Dorsett’s class ' m° re from and additional to the licenses but it was done by the wreck of the structed bv their commandant to wear Pa,mer Stanton, aged 51, transport Sumner last December. The by Marion quiredaSSenger b° “ tS heretotore re- died Friday, June 15, at his home, 317 A rT ctàbeVery garden' drill anH°nniSl on,ywhen duty or at And This R eally H appen ed— Sumner ran into the mouth of the inlet driii, and not for o^inary wear. bookman avenue, Asbury Park. A widow and daughter survive. Private I eople at Main and Lein streets were channel and struck the shoal on the Samuel C. Bailey Jr. was chosen as a garla"d, by Mrs/Sayre's funeral services were held in BalJard sitting on their piazzas one evening seaward side, lying almost across the treasurer of the Committee o f Safety ^ Year Old Lad Drowned mouth of the channel. The result was Memorial church, interment in Mt recently, just before dusk, when Molly | was instructed to pay for the urd>n Lake Manetta, Lakew ood Prospect cemetery. A few years ago ' AddR Ä - C - A : Morri3and!- L"OoCOntai ca m p jumping illm n im r nnf Uo" tail came ¿ut o f r* Frankf that a sandbar forming around the l forms already ordered on the o. k o f he was pastor of the New Egypt M li Offering and announcements iVV. Sutton s yard, in the middle of wreck, has entirely blocked the chan chanthe subcommittee on Home Guards nel. So far no new channel has broken W nCbarles M. Lockwood, aged 18 years, church, being transferred to this con Song, h„ . , 1Main street, stopped, looked around through, though the men who run in B i 13 subcommittee was instructed to by school and proceeding up the street with a ference from Philadelphia. Btneaiction Sgatrt K df ? ednt sday Wiileswimm2? k a contribution o f $100 from the bathing beach, Lake Mansenes of little bounds. This rabbit has and out the inlet are looking for one to open directly opposite the lighthouse The funeral of Marjorie M. A. Wil»ater ¿ 1 “ ' 5 e had been in the m V p n n V V t 6 bner thicket around the from present indications. As it is thè Old 1 ond, but ventures all around the Enrollment Jumps to 1727 Panirmof 0r.j W0 or tbree hours, his comnUV m UghterL of, ? a<Ph H. and Mary fishermen have to go out and in over neighborhood. fai^°i tn8aid. made one more dive, and B. Wilbur, who died Sunday at her L ‘ed to come to the surface. Whether A woodduck's nest was found re- the bar, where there is only 18 inches parents home, 65 Wilkinson Place, . p w i "8 to enrollments that have come of water at low tide by cramps, 'or by heart Trenton was held Wednesday after iancPTnA tt.0,inty by CardS fr° m a dis- cently in a chimney in a deserted build C»rd of Thames. »a. , Í . ’ '5 not known. The body noon at 1 o clock. Interment at Green tance, and that were not received fill ing at Toms River. No, [w o n ’ t say The closing o f the inlet has made it necessary for boats of any draft whatSparks and6^ ? ' an^ D ls* Herbener> wood Cemetery. The child was 11 after registration day, the totaJ regis tbls county on the r e r n ^ Uiemed & e d thefinder doe3n’ tw a " b ?^,er. to go °n down the beach to New b«t could 3 hPmPßon worked with it, years old and died o f pneumonia. The r ° f i he,late J°hn T- Wain'rio t (Little Egg Harbor) and then n gh t wish to make known their heartBtouwerlr h r?suscitate him. Dr! httle girl was a granddaughter o f Mr. of Sheriff Brown and County Two little girls seated on the stone Ellis, has been, jumped 20.°f A<t*the frit appreciation o f the many kindcome up the bay to reach Barnegat or and Mrs. Eoriies A. Wilbur of Ridgway ^burial pemitP aC0’ toroner’ * ave time of registration, f707 young men floor o f the postoffice lonby, playing Toms River, or other bay ports. This shown ^"d jhesvmpathy of many friends (Continued on Page 8) . with a big bar of cocoanut adds about 40 to 50 miles to the enrolled; the total is now 1727 8 trip candy lying by, perhaps as a prize from New York ah B0d7eathnn^StK r ° d 0 f ^ Mrs. JohnT. Wainright and children Would Non»« W rightatow n ”•**‘•Isê'ssssr. is is s s r ä ä M U SIO F LO W E R S FOR CHILDREN’S DAY & jy a js tt“Tss™ijiiaar 1 NEW PAGE T W O J5 CHAffTtN XVlt. beg m p t i bet* sea bold and **! bluffs, atuuttg groves of ita THa M a s^ k s M Nat«»*. Ilea tree», now softly given Above. I lha r t '* C j n i i r ihf«h«tMNi tm on tim path.' V l-sy a >stp>-t of the shy 4 » a.krff them ** 1 1 1 NmivH I f frtülé wild h .p , !,• >*t h a at ifui of the pr n hair dan it* id ••eon * Ad about w*re slirutw i v i J H » « * t go lot« Ik* sud C te. rs, u «« putting fuetto tto*to W Tstain». „Ul V IrHot» ■ ?«! Kn»»*»« Tl»r »fttitil« uf rrvslry v e t« |«anl b> claim« In t.n* is le s n l life o f .pilog fist It».«» v s i the* "idol' af lb» fiaf . On tin- plain* led the buffalo, far as and ttsri left lit» Ftalbvafia, Ihr Mandimi. wh«> *«ai0 up |o (ha the eye could reach .tun-* a** deer, 1 that the»» ah«* t«h! nf *!»«>««"« to the gnla. lilla» u»< i» umita • »«Mlii iutdinr», ‘ the shy bighorn, all tin-«,* no*tit be j «»atward up «hi- to lb* aaimutt came. see«, and the P**, pilot* *,f the giant , They bad beard of whit» men to», to thajr m M. »i*d hiHN htal far r u t n ifr It was the ; tha w e t, many year« lelu ia Twu i f ituii tuljr arar# perf ili. thr gears along the I."*1 lies. , «1fr uf JtiiauiQ«, Ihr m in i« man «tul ulhteriiess, and It was (beh», They l>u«rn tb» beautiful «altffjr o f the Hit o f til« owned If all* K«< ijaw r«, dir flrl w(fr « f (h a rl«« ' n r liout river, «lilt »pteud 4 unmuiaih* Thu* far they Itati m s no sign of | no either aUe, they ptw*nl on, and on omu. ihr Inirrprvtrr uf (ho Miatlita any human occupancy They did not j the IHb <>f ftepleintier, IKH, they stop Ttt ar Iw« tiftil nmiijf |>rtw6 {f, Tür fa« t* of ( h t i j i t f i v u * r w iïM wee! a single human battìi, rrd or i |vt) nt it)# Ditiulb o f r ft ream cowtni ubile, sil that summer. A vast »tient, j «Sown from (I mp hHffltfa to It)# w«#t. muí Il r lull fort» uf M«*rlwt*ihrr |«rwt* i unclaimed land, t»-»«tiful and abound Their uM guide pointed up thl» valley. tug. lay u ailing for ovupato y There I '"Ttn-re I* a trwll,” *«!<! he, " » k k ? uaa no map o f It, mue aa*e that writ 1 rotue* m u here. The ImRana come tber U s i . g» her j iru on the soil now and thvu by an In to reach the buffalo. On tbe farther M.i bi«! din y. When her husband tbrmsbed , dian girl sixteen years of age. Bteriwtthar Ln. lit ThroJosta Burr aide water rune toward tbe »nnert " They plodded mi now. taking tbe b ■■ always he tbrasbed ber bmlamd ' 1 by PrtrU K MuitMy C « They were at tb* *a*lrrti extremity her simple child's soul she rou right hand dream, with full confidence o f that ancient trwll, later tailed tbe at. d herself to the task wbb h be I *»i their guidane*. forging on ward a goods swap from tbrtn We have ¡till- ’ S Y N O t SIS Lot» trail, kuuwa iniutetnorisiiy to the ut.stgti.-d act. lea. win-0 the gras*] hl(<* every dgy between the high tribe, on both side, of ltie mountain* r t the t h e . g.till r me tiled of kill r-h#r !,»• - pMi** e site would lake tbeae white men 1 bautta of the swift river that cim Inn them The Hluux will nut trouble flMHil niuina to lit* Vinrttil L.,tts»rlt«i*ly. always pres.lng forward, 9f***\ ©Ytf by him V>,«> , . ier own people. If they wauled te j down from the great mountain! April] they amended Ibe eastern slope« of us If tee hate plenty of tmwtier tuilj «** I*» )< • futur« ball. We l,uo«e that juu have route to *,-« the aall water* far to the weat passed und May. the «leal ra.igr. erueaed the summit, "id sui « e «ta the mount a It,« P' tn*i«t U » >1 t«t«r btcum*.# r m trade with u*. See. the m i . wr Is here her people had beard of that then found tbe t-Iear water» ou tbe we«t •»n u Ncrrtary nt . Ho in «I Kaeajawea. they ibmild go there also. Tbe bird Light your lodge fires with the Mali«Id* and no came to the Kooabooakle whi.« ridili«;, ih«« wotn. n h* a rotly lo And st Inst two mouths out from or Clearwater river, leading to the «email w*» very happy that Christ ilaua. May here uutll the grass ciiuh s Mrs. Alatuu <Tho«HÌofU« l:art mas day Tbe cblef had thrashed (1)0 Mutola ns, Lt-wia looked westward Knake. And alwaya the native* mar oilre more." feJdln« htimfwihl «lone L tvli nit And so the exploring expedition iicm 1 < hurbouneuu «ml had given her won from a little emit enee and «sw a low, veled al tbeae white melt, Ibe find «Mu-im Harr nt»d Ut* minuter, « broken Hue, white In »put», not to be lulu « inti i tjunMels, and a log foitive- \ derful present* tb**ny Mtrr>. whu «r# *li«*dy canapi! they ever had *e< n. ell*« I wraa built. Here they »««red aud j And ao tbe winter |*.srd, and the coni used with tbe Icaaer endurare* of The old Indlaui »till made maps on J«fl<?son rtctivri word that Nipolwii made ready for pushing forward a*- j welcome spring opened the way for the nearby Inlids-ape the »ami for them, »bowing them how h.-ta approved tha Louiaiana .oon as evtt.llrlon» would penult. "It I» tbe mounlalmr be e-clilmed. they would come to the great river further progress. Paitlm««. Ha commission« La« la to m Tin're He the Klonte»! They do exist! where the *alniou came. They were One cold winter morning while talk ' “ Which way, WHIT' asked Merl flora the now territory lug over Ibelr future plana l«w ls re ! Wether Lewis one bright morning li e »ball aurely reach tbetu! Wa bare now among yet another people—the Jaffrrwtn five« a «tala dinner and of marked to Clark:* "Which la the river? If we miss won!" Nes Perce». With tbeee alio they Cand* aome of hta yuoata by hia dtmoNot yet had they won. The»# abta amoked and couurited and learned that "We are at a hluak wall here. We many guewe* the British will brat us aratu * « * » Merry and tha Bpanlah mining mountain» lay a long distane* to It would he ea»y for boats to go all the r, Conor Yrujo. consider thamMivoa in- lark a guide uow; tbnt Is sure. Two through. Which Is our river bereT Interpreters we have, who may or may They stood at tbe Junction of tbe the westward, and yet other question* way down to the great river which Burr. Marry and ITrujo conaplra tosathor uot be of use. but uo one know» the Yellowstone with tbe Missouri and were to tie settled ere they might be ran to tbe *ea form an empire In the «ratero* terri* country. Hut. uow. you kuow our fa-ed one of the first of their great reached. By the first week of October they Jetfaraon «nnouncaa the Lwltteni Often again In etuergrarlea, often were at tbe Junction o f their river with problems. The geeae were fly ing northPun haar and that ha haa comminalolied other uew Interpreter, the autleuebup le a la to explora that newly axtulfad do* charbonneau, that polygamous aramp ward again; tbe grass was green. again In ra»ea o f doubt, whether to go the Busk*. An old medicine man of with two or three Indian wives'/" Three weeks ago tbe Ice bad run clear, In this direction or that, whether U> tbe Nr» Perce», Twisted Hair. • man "Yea. aud a surly brute he is," re and they had left tbelr winter quar take this fork o f a tirer or (hat, did who also could m»ke map», bad drawn Burr axplalna to Marry and Trujo hta Kavgjawea come to tbe rescue with them chart* on ■ white »kin with a to eelxe the new domain, and to win plied Clark. tets smong tbe Maudans. Law la through hta lova for Theodo* Always did abe bit of rhareonl. And on »bead mount “ Well, It seems that last summer rive months they had spent at tbe ui -ring lnitlnct. Charbonneau married still soother Mandan Tillage. For fire nionf.hr they guide them true. And eo a niche la ed runners of the Indian« pushed down Burr telle hta daughter that Lrwta* n uifc, a girl not over slxlteu years d had l*l>ored to reach that place: fo- due her In bl»tory at one who has a to Inform tbe tribes o f the comlnr of jpeditlon muit be «topped by her Influence, age. I should judge. lie bought her. five mouths or more they had lain at right to share In tbe glory o f that ex tt.- (a, i". *ug* nev>» eud pereuadea her to W»e It. She was u slut r, s captive brougM Kt. L ou is*T im e was passhB*; mJar It was no longer an exploration, but £*%!« «tart« from .Wa«hljra*.«w) May we not wouder In tlice later a reception for them now. Bauds of aaa overtax«« nlm and Imy’crea him to uown lroin somewhere up the river Meriwether l»ewls said, fefa wrong days If any of us, who reap ao care- red uieu who welcomed them b«d heard fflve up hla mlaalon. She fail* and ratuma hy a war party. She Is a pleasant gue.se» could lie afforded to her father. girl and a Iway* smiles. She seems Ksrly In April a great barge, maiued Irssly aud so »eltl.bly where other* o f white men coming up from tbe sea TI» dio not nt first h n r the gallop friendly to us. See the moccasins she by ten men, bad net out downstream, have plowed and sown, reflect a* we White turn bad once lived by the Tim o f hoofs on the street Iwhlnd birn made for me but now. Aud I only ha.I carrying with It the proof o f the sac- should upon the iir»t cost of what we Tim water, ou the great river of the m at last, a mila or more from the to knock her husband down once for <i-Hs of the expedition. It bore msny call our own? The 115.000.000 paid »almon, so they h«d been told, but new things, precious things, things un for the v«*t empire which tbe*e men never had any tiring Indian beard of lent Ing her!" l*w t» m*.t* Clark on the upper Ohio, "Lucky wan!" grinned William known to civilization. Among these were exploring—that was little—that white men coming aero»» tbe great end torn hr r they prepare for their met‘ lark. "1 have knocked him down were sixty specimen! of plant*, as was naught. Hut. ah, the cost In blood mountalu* from tbe sunrise. ail)cent adventures. half a dozen times, and she lias made u any of minerals and earths, weapons and toll aud wearlnes«. In love aud "Will," »aid Iiewl*, "It Is done. We Tbeodoeln then Implore* Jefferson to re- me no moceaslns at all. but what of the Indians, example« of their cloth- loyalty and faitb. in daring and suffer are safe now. We »ball lie first across eoli Lewie, but In vain. Lewis receives tbeu?” lug, specimens of the corn and other ing and heartbrenk of those who went to the Columbia. Till*"—he shook the word from his chusen companion, William “ Ho far ns I ean learn, that Indian vegetable* which lliey raised, horn-of aheud! It was a few brave leaders Nex Perce*' s. rawled hide—“ la the wap Clark, that ht will Join him In Ohio. girl 1b the only human being here who the bighorn and the autelope—both aid who furnished tbe stark, unflinching of a now world." At Pittsburgh Theodosia again overtakes Soon, «o said the Indian*, they would mnls then new to science- antlers of courage for all. Lewie and again falls to turn him back. has ever seen the Stony mountains the deer and elk, stuffed specimen«, After many burdahlps tbe mountains come to ships—canoe» with trees stand Ho starts bv boat along the Ohio. dried skins, herbs, fruits. Bowers, and were reached, aud Lewis led an ad Ing In them, on which tee|iee» were At 8t. Louis, then a post town, the with all these the broken story of a vance party across tbe range. One bung. American flag la raised. Burr and hla | new geography—the greateat story ever day. deep In the mountains, he was But they found no »hip anywhere In daughter arrive and she makes a last apsent out for publication by aqj- msjj «weeping tbe country with his spy- tbe lower Columbia. All tbe »bores or men, and ull done In Homeric sim glasn. a* was hia custom. He gave a wore silent, deserted. No vessel lay Overcome by hia love, Lewis embraces plicity. And kisses her, then bitterly reproaches auddcti exclamation. s t anchor. Before them lay the empty Almaelf. The explorers start and take As the great barge bud started down "What 1« It. captain?" asked one of river, wide ns a sea. and told no tales dart in a buffalo hunt* the river the two pirogues which had the party. “ Some game?" of wlmt bad l>een. They were alone They go into vnnter quarters among the come so far. joined by the cottonwood “ No, a man—an Indian! Riding a In tbe third rear out from home. Thou iCjUKiun Indians. Sacajawea, a Shoshone dugouts labor!-awly fabricated during good horse too. That means he has sands of leagues they had traveled and grirl married to a Mundnn, undertakes to the winter months, had started up the more horses somewhere. Come, we must travel back again. jtuide the expedition. river manned by thirty-one men. Here they saw many gulls. A» to will call to him!" CHAPTER XVI. With the pick of the origin«, party Tbe wild rider, however, bad noth Columbus these birds had meant land, 8ac«jawea. the Girl Guide. there had come but one woman, the ing but suspicion for tbe newcomers. to our discoverers they meant the sea. ROM the Sioux country the ex* girl Ka: ;:j.;wea, with her little baby, Sturlng at them, be wheeled at length Forty miles below the last village they piorcra, uurmountiug many dif born that winter at the Mnudan fort and was away at top speed. Once saw It—rolling In solemn, white topped ficulties. made their way to ress. Sacajawea uow had her place In more they were alone and none the bet waves beyond the bar. the country of the Mamlans. the camp. She and her infunt were ter off. Every paddle ceased at Its work, and tbe pets o f nil. She sat in the sunlight, Autumn was ut hand. Soou it would "His people are that way," said Lew the boats lay tossing on the incoming her baby In her lap. by her side an is. “Come!" be winter on the plains. It was more Indian dog, a waif which I-ewis had than five months since the party had But all that day passed and that found abandoned In un Indian encamp night, and still they found none of the left St. Louis. The Mandan village ment and which had attached Itself to natives. But they begun to Bee signs toy at a great wilderness crossroads, him. wr, rather, at the apex of a triangle, of Indiaus now—fresh tracks, hoof beyond which none had gone. Sacajawea smiled as the tall form of prints of many horses. And thus Big White, cblef of the Mandans. “Sacajawea ahe call« herself—the ‘bird the captain came toward her. she had finally they came upon two Indian wo woman/ V welcomed the party as friends, for he IFrom Alice Cooper'B statue of Bacaja- already learned some of the words of men and a child, whom the white men his tongue, be some of hers. wga quick to grasp the advantage the • vca.J surprised before they were able to es “ Which way, SucajaweaV" asked ■white men's goods gave his people over cape. Lewis took up the child and The girl says that she wag taken cap Meriwether Lewis. "What river Is the neighboring tribes und also quick showed the mother that be was a tive years ago somewhere near the this which goes on to the left?” to understand the virtue of competi friend. summit of the Stony mountains. Above "Him Ro'shone,” replied the girl. tion. "These are Shoshones," said be to here a great river comes In, which they "My man call him that. No good! "Brothers," said he, “you have come call the Yellow Kook river—the 'Ro- Him—big river," and she pointed to Ills men. ”1 cun speak with them. I for our beaver anil our robes. As for have learned some of their tongue Jaune,' Jussaume calls It. Very well. us, we want powder and ball aud more Many days or weeks’ journey toward ward the right hand stream, from Sacajawea. These are her peo “As I thought, Will,” said Lewis, Iron batebets and knives. We have the west this river comes again within ple. We are sale!" traded with the Asslnibolues, who are a half duy’s march of the Missouri. nodding. And again to the Indian girl, Sixty warriors met them, all mount ioolieh people, and have taken all their That is near the summit of the moun “ Do you remember this place?” ed. all gorgeously clad. Again the She nodded her head vigorously and great peace pipe, again the spread tains, and this girl's people live there.' smiled. blanket Inviting the council. The Sho “ By heavens, Merne, you've a genlu“ See!” FOR BATHERS. for getting over new country!” shones showed no signs of hostility— With a pointed stick she began to “ Walt. I find tbe child very brightthe few words of their tongue which very clear of mind. And listen, Will, sketch a map on the sand of the rivet Lewis was able to speak gave them "Will,” said Lewis, "it is done. We ar« A Kit to Take on the mind of a woman Is better for bar. showing how the Yellowstone flow assurance. safe row." Your Vacation Dips. small things than that of a man. ed from the south—how. fur on ahead, “McN'eal,” said Lewis, "go ba k now They pick up trifles and hang on to Its upper course bent toward tbe Mis across the range and tell Captain Clark waves. There was the end of the great trail. Yonder lay the Pacific! For the bathing girl there Is a spe- them. I'd as soon trust that girl for sourl, with a march of not more than ro bring up the men.” Meriwether Lewis turned and looked Inl bathing kit of toilet requisites, a guide out yonder as any horse steal a day between the two. The maps ol William Clark, given one night’s oeked In a fiat box which will not ing warrior In a hurry to get into a this uew world that first came back to sleep, was his energetic self again and into the eyes of William Clark, who tike up much room iu the bathing bag. country and In a hurry to get out of civilization were copies of Indians not In mind to lie in camp. He had sat at the bow of the next canoe. Each ’he box contuius talcum powder, cold it again. Raiding parties cling to the drawings made with a pointed stick already ordered c-amp broken, more of friend nodded to the other. Neither Team, sunburn lotion and toilet wa- river courses, which they know, but upon the earth or with a coal on a the heavier articles cached, tbe canoes spoke. Tbe lips of both were tight. "Men," said Meriwether Lewis at rt, a big powder puff and a lamb’s she and her people must have been whitened bide. concealed here and there along the rool powder pad. Vanity belongings, far to the west of any place these ad “She knows. Will," said Lewis. “ See, stream and had pushed on after Lewis, length, “we have now arrived at the uch as rouge and lip stick, may be venturers of the Minnetnrees ever saw. this place she marks near the moun lie met McN'eal coming down bearing end of our journey. In my belief there tflded to tbe assortment If desired, and Sacajawea she calls herself—the 'bird tain summit, where the two streams the tidings. Sacajawea ran on ahead has never been a party more loyal to the purpose on which it has been en n a crevice in tbe box the forehanded woman.' I swear I look upon fhn: are close. Some time we must explore iu glee. woman will tuck a supply of hairpins, name Itself as a good omen. She has that crossing!” gaged. Without your strength and “ My people! My people!" she cried. urge and small. The big jiowder puff come buck like a dove to the ark, this “ I’m sure I’d rather trust her map They were indeed safe now. Sacaja courage we could not have reached the a for powdering the skin freely after bird woman. William Clark, we shall than this one here of old Jonathan wea found her brother, the chief of sea. It is my wish to thank you for he bath, the lamb's wool pad for use reach the sea." Carver,” answered Clark, the map mak this band of Shoshones, and was made Mr. Jefferson, the president of the n powdering the face. The toilet wa The snows had come soft and deep, er. “His idea of this country is that welcome. Slie found many friends of United States, who sent Us here. If at r t will be refreshing on face and blown on tbe icy winds. The horses any time one of you lias been disposed four great rivers head about where we her girlhood, who had long mourned lech If salt water has left them dry of the Mandans were housed In the to doubt, or to resent conditions which are now. He marks the river Bourbon her as dead. The girls and younger ind sticky, a combined state which lodges aud lived on cottonwood in necessarily were imposed, let all that women laughed and wept in turn as lalt water only is able to produce. stead c f grass. When the vast herds —which 1 never heard of—as running be forgotten. We have done our work. The cold cream should be rubbed Into of buffalo came down from the broken north to Hudson bay. but he has the they welcomed her and her baby. She Here we must pass tbe winter. In the was a great person. Never had such St. Lawrence rising near here, too, and the skin of arms aud neck before go hills Into tbe shelter of the flats tin spring we will make quick time home ing Into tbe water as a guard against men returned frostbitten with their it must be 1.500 or 2,000 miles off to news as this come among the Sho ward.” shones. tbe enst! Tbe Mississippi, too, he sunburn, for even in the hottest sun a loads of meat. The sky was dark. No need here to follow the gallant thinks, heads about here, at the mouth bed bum is impossible If the skin is The days were short. ,The couree o£ tbe explorers now lav■ explorers on their homeward lournpv of the Yellowstone, and yonder runs well creamed. It Is not necessary to To Improve the morale of their men t r Root" m ountainf T l T ' f 7 : They hatl V e r s e d then unkJwn £ leave one’s bathhouse showing a shiny the lenders now planned certain fes tbe Oregon river, which I presume is ter Root mountains. The going was; ritory now forming part of Missouri aoee and glistening arms. If the cream tivities for them. On Christmas ev - the Columbia river. Tis ail very sim rude enough, since no trail had ever, Kansas, Nebraska South ¿akota le thoroughly rubbed Into the skin and each man had his stocking well stuffed pie, on Carver’s maps, but perhaps no! been here, but mile after mile, day aft-! North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washthe latter dusted over with talcum the with such delicacies as the compa quite so easy. If we follow that ol l tUrou^ to some ington and Oregon to the Pacific ocean. »indication will not be apparent. And ny stores afforded—pepper, salt, dried Sacajawea. This country is wider than point on ahead which none knew ox- They were the first white men to cross the sunburn lotion In the kit Is for use fruits long cherished in the commis any of us ever dreamed.” tZ V H r “ B ''eW : the ^ « n e i i t belween'the Spanish pos"And greater and more beautiful in If the cream has been omitted with sary and such other kniekknacks as ! br , f — t« the south a n d T h T Ä every way,” assented his companion. IbastTOUs result to complexion and might be spared. nmazed and curious as the Shoshones1 possessions to the north. Altogether ilDfl been nflpn at nf the thn onminff off these -vrhite - vj , _ had coming of They stood and gazed about them al On Christmas day Droulllard brought they traveled a distance of almost 8,500 out a fiddle. A dance was ordered and Ibe scene of wild beauty. The rivet men. miles. For more than a year they veut on *11 day •o»r of the mala cabin lu t « i k e rasiaa aud legging*, with hair long and lunU* belled -l«*» to (belt Wan walats. the «Mit* Wivii iliiiivd 10 Hw* Vttnac of (M r fita u momI ili# f##li mul btf#â0Wite al JER SE Y C o m ^ I I I tutany. lold U enture 7 j )K UKOKOlt . CBoÜT 1<M iniar D «*t m A ROMANCE .ameao.. mémw»»«m» »»raw n» L"1VIS«nd CLARK EXr EDITION £ Emerson J M E O in m E F IbC tìtu tu *«** Atvifi lier <*jr#g^fot]<t«rd « fmrrvrr lit*went, Ifrr own bu*ut.«l j t nsbot hrr tiuvlmiul, autl «InNM t — b a r ji E ii— •** Om.au t ri».*», E*T*au«uxi. lt>?7 OpKwrrt m Í KJ I óíurtT iI Tu*«.»,«» d krwr » « ru » rxA'i, a»n « u i 4fcB T •towp-i»*«. M m » , . Mui « » « I I.J (M»pt » ». w. Untan!»vs. (iaa , 7 , * J )•* 1 ' <)N ( ¡O I ! : |V< J’AUi- a o o B H n j DENTISTS ............ O » ; . * " " ■ ‘•a omo», tu-»»» n TOM» «IV I», » . t% D R . C L IN T O N O . FOGG O ste o p a th Confu)talion Hours: 12.3b to 2 do » u 0* c ! o..r, MM i m Mr*OTLf«r » « 1 T . » . m *.r, N. J. T »w * .„ Mo»., Use»nos 1 'iH E l‘ H R W IL L IT 8 ~~ Courier Building Tomi River, g, ». i, t -Xi«mined. iMo-hex ffw* ( •QVf rcytacH Year, of Experience. B ,,t ) «Afi'VlA ÍJ I • * 0 , 1 ,,u > - * ,r V / » j / f f ; j r S u d ù n o t » , iis iJ iie to U . .'Ol'âffi, Her«? riftfüing'IVr «fifi hpotita*«MA Hepalriof NMtlj Dora Ont. Maio «od WiAüiBftor 8t«. TOW* " ⻫o inibirti Fnnxfêr.! Hood row Fielder Carpenter 4 AU oiden promptly attended to a !; l o t Furúiture repairrd and poliahed lw /S «ne» .ad Wind.*,,'u ï ï i r  i . * J oins River, ÎÏ, Dorer I» . W IL L IA M S tX»)rr la S H O E S Hejut.rlc, Nesuj Done st Lowest B K t T OAK fiffnln S t. E (Continued an Page fi). L T S W S a. O c«*» Ho LEATH ER USEE T o m * Rlvsr, N, ARÌHUR C. KING. CL CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR S x r « Ä n, tow s FIVER N. E.S.VanNOSTRAND P lu m b in g , T in n in g and H ea tin g Honimhold Goods. f*tc. W a s h in g to n St., Tom s Kivw J. M. A B B O T T , C, E. j0 0 Civil EngineepSurveyor All work guaranteed by tbe Fidelity T ?*r«k,N. J., and Tbe Guarantee Me Title Insurance Co. o f Newark, If. J. T o m s R iv e r - New Jersey J A M E S L O G A N . C. E. Assoc. M. Am. Sec. C. E. ------- C iv il E n gin eer— Surveys, Plans, Speci/irations, Xffjerta Estimat'-s M t. H olly , N.J ffl SHSMÏ iE^5H5H5aiESEK5E5MHS35 : PL. B. GRAVATI [)l [r M ain Street Dealer in 1 g Z E E -Z E E T IR E S S a n d T u b es s |3 Guaranteed to give Service ef S Replaced. Also a Specialty of “ Second« Ford Hoods ard Supplies Al) I arts of Fold» cn Order m Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigar*t*e,| âeii'ESESHSMHSHSESèSLSESESESaiÔ*“ I John A . Dorsett iB oat B u ild er and S a il M aK er M Builder of Launches, Sail Boats, p Row Boats and Sneak Boxes.4 Sails, Boat Awnings and Launc Covers made to order, Sail repairing done »I abort node». W e«t Point Pleasant, N. ---------------- _ — COURIER PAGE TH R E E ft ifs^itmt»*,! ffun» r < i» t» rm o f (mm »II .'>nia><iuG»(Vno » lia 0» «0*14 Initoml. Il t u M l i t n i IImi Ibrr Imi! ivriboil HOUSE FURNISHERS Personal Mention withLocal Interest Isba I . Manning, ibo aged Now York C om m iM ioa for Jim U I IU ___ wao ______________ banker. who ««a. latri with lb* A b m m tn rod« (uri-nj»tjr ovar ibo fwiil tr%*nt tuft ftoTttftmfalft« In I.aal work fame* W, Li IIir at Turn lato i apt Amaa Htrdaall In building oiHittm* famoua fl**t of Blrdaall St. Lttuia tu iafr II* rorrlrd u o v t Itleor, wbo baa boon at Ibo Plattobarg. TU* WpotiiM» at t*mtt an i Clark kad N. V,. training ramp for aomo llano, Manning orh«on*r«, was mobtari It war irrottito* ndod for o rontcnimloB in , MO tor breach of pronti»# lo MHrMd! tb* ftold •rtllUry At I’lalUburg bo 1 MainUf by a jury In the Long I Ira, Ibras ant, a« I,m( thought “ «Iftwl tu tilo tblfd battery.font i City *ou, to. Manning, oeorgB eat,«.«, i uuttag #t ,n now with I pany 14 I Im H a graduato of lb* I'onn ago, bacon» mfaiuotod with Mtoo Hanown alary, w|tb ibelr proofs, Tko i aylvama Military Collogo at ClMator. i oca May O 'Orlon, and accordine to Ont boat# b*J paaanl t tiarwu*. bad Pa., «bora ho had four year* of mill ' loe timony mm oawor to marry bar. Hta MIU*(iHitaliM aud firw n U ; Wuttid__ , . Ha to tb* aon of Mm. own children and grandrhltoren fored, and cauaod him lo oe* (him dir {inning up IIm H*rr to ibr wairr frooi !» mo* W. Xllllr of Washington and ferently nornar atroet , and boa bo*nono of tbo ! at rn. U lU lioalf pic h m of tbo local ball train for aov* j *"**»• bnjra*" rtiad llrrr» Cbootaon oro* years part. and a m ngementa made for the wmêf. to bio •Tf-fou “Call out tbr poop)»! TrH lb«n to ¡-‘ay {*,» -jvi! »!><*« Bdwin, aon of constable "D ick'' Riley lo Sr* tbo gun« at lbs fort j-mdar. of Lakewood, to a tailor on board a tar John I. MeCariby. tbo Rod Bank •'•plain l*wt* and Clark bar* coma palo boat d«*Uoy»i, la »opposed to be man. who aa a private dotecuvo spent a month or ao bare last winter Jum « In European water bark Iw in -H ta , who aorodradC* (be Congroaalonal recount, watching At law (boy aaw ib-tn rowing, tbr paddir« (laablng In anluao la tbo horny Philip S. P. Kanlolpb Jr. and Witter lb* Interes (a of Congrvaamen Scully, i__ , . i . . k ______. ’soon to get a verdict from tb# tb* of i.• prS.'P. Randolph, aw, a aw w.w*wl■*«*1 diedI too toon baadr *bli*b tlr»l***'y ilror# tbs b»ata Randolph anna w» Phlfadoh*“ ni 1 ai ^ are Pennsylvania Rail rood goma tima age — ---------’Iphia- and Lakawood. down tbr rlvrr. T !» r ixiuM aoo thorn— i of v arthy was tld'.tw in an automata» tnwa wtin mag boon ». rlad In logging« ■mvm ken at the City t roop at Phiiadei- I at Manaequan. wboi. tb* car waa bit by Ipbla. Mi*a Hannah Randolph,a daugh • train, and he was Injured. A Manat tilt bMr, iu w a*ln* o f liufTalit and ter, baa joined the naval service. mouth ^county Jury f avYhim a Vo» diet dorr, tbrlr Uraddrraaro tboaa o f tbs o f « 4 7 7 . __________ hieb waa so • appoalod by tbo Indian«, tbrlr long hair braided, bud Redmond ( ‘arti* o f Point "leaaant baa railroad. Last weaki tbo v,„- Suprema rowrt roar, aoo. In tbs prow of Ibo for*moot craft ! enlisted In the navy affirmed Uw oardlct. McCarthy diod • •at two narn. aide bv aid*- l,*wia and month or two ago Clark, tbo two friends who had arlaon William Rickotta, a Point Pleasant aa If from ibo graro! youth, recently graduateti I« dentistry Misa Alto Westbrook, wbo formerly “ Cr.'wiit arm or rang oat a sharp In Baltimore, and passed U » Maryland taught In tbo Toma Rlvtr school, under tntnntn id a. tbo boats lined op along •tote board examination. He hasaign- went • serious operation for gall i ed up for Undo dam's dental corpa,and recently at a hoepiul In Bloomsbury, tbo wharf. Tbr brown and acarrrd rllloa cams to expects to bo called at any time. aw aw * arrrrgi n, la" j She waa osw hare for several yv* yearn, and waa considered an efficient teacher. place Wlilla Conover, son of J. Prod Con "JtlnT Pirrr Tbr rollrf of MlntaUon biased oat over of Point Pleasant, this work waa The engagement is announced of J. graduated from Brown Univaraity, Clyde Rugo» of Moorastown, treasurer aeon with tbo rborua of tba foyagrra Providance, R. I. of tbo well know^contracting Ann of ■ And cbrrra repealed and un. 8. Rage» and Co., of that town,wbo Mias Rhoda Lippincott last weak uuilt the Pino Beach inn,and have done g r a d u a t e d from Swartbmoro, Pa., other work In this »action,to IIim Ann» College, and will teach next fall at Borton Wllklna, niece of Mr. and Mm. Rockaway. N. J. 8. R. W illeta of Ocean Grove ooooooooooooooooooooooooa »««OOOOOOOOOOOO0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Everything 'ntast to makeÿhc home beautiful and comfortable, and a satisfying place to be in when the buttine** day in over. à A GOOD SELECTION of RUGS, NICE CARPETS and MATTINGS. LINOLEUM, OIL CLOTH, FURNITURE, BEDS and BEDDING. CURTAINS; and best of all-myriads of KITCHEN UTENSILS and little things to lighten the work of the women who keep the house and Our/ large stuck oi CHINA and GLASSWARE is most Dainty Charming Useful PRICES ON ALL OUR GOODS ARE AS LOW AS IN CITY STORES JOSEPH GROVER & SON furnish a biting drum in season, and som* aurf fisherman are particularly People who drive can along the woods successful on raoor.lic night*. roads toll of frequently seeing rabbits, Kingfisb and croaker* are reported in old and young. Quail are also fairly numerous, at- — this ttma w* of j> iwi iar m are ----------- —, ana ---—— »•••* »•••*« at th* aurf. aa being caught last we*k a* Prsb-tSly not »o ahy »« tb * / arc when being hunt far north a« Beach «Tav-n •A This o f course does not apply to they would b* caught at xaaida Hará or anywhere along our boachoc if there tl.e hen with a covay o f young bini*. had been enough fishing for them, ao tsisisisisisisibisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisist& sx& csisi Flounders are caught in the aurf and aa croaker» were atoo reported from Allenhurat and Bradley Beach. at the inlets in fair numbers Weakftsh are very scare*. Some There were ■ few bluefish taken last were caught in net* for a month past, Stock but the big pound nets slsea have Tend week at Barnegat inlet with the squid, ed comparatively few o f them. The troilirg. The blues come and go. They butterfiah in prime condition have been •trike on the beach and area way again, You can save money if you will look my line over. 1 of netted by tne pounds. The run of these raiders of the deep, generally fol have the finest lines of wheels and tires in Ocean County lowing the menhaden, their natural prey ahad is over. and food. Ole! folks telt us that when While the croaker has never been the blues came back to the coast about in very high esteem as a food fish, com- 1850, they had been gone away so long A Full Line Fishing Tackle, Columbia Talking --- " mvaam avwaj av IUIIB pared with its cousins, the weakfish and that only the oldest sea--fishermen could ------------‘ uia Machines and Records the kinqpfigh, it is claimed for it that a **-— — ■“ remember them. Be that as it may, in little care in cooking will make a dish recent yean there are always some fit for a king o f it. Stuffed withoniona around, though some seasons they w ill t o m s r iv e r , n . j. Cheers Greeted Them as Thay Stepped and baked, is said to be the best way be plentiful and otber summers they to treat the croaker. From Th»ir Boats. will be scarce. Pike fishing is allowable, but so far ceasing greeted them as they stopped we hear of but an occasional catch. Thought Ho Waa Raadlng. from their boats to the wharf. In an Most people hereabouts think that the General Barber to Lead Waa 8tlll loro on Qrstta. Margaret was not accustomed to the Instant they were half overpowered. A pike won’ t bite till warm weather, and I have a H'tle niece aged fonr and Jersey Troop* in France gtug of grace. One night she want a nephew ag»u eight. They had a Uttle •core of eager voices o f the first men they prefer summer and fail for pike fishing. to supper with the next-door neigh juarrel before being put to bed. Each o f 8t. Louis claimed the privilege of Adjutant General Charles W. Bar bors. “Daddy,” said obe the next bad to repeat his evening prayer. Linn hospitality for them It was almost Waretown and Barnegat City men ber, who has seen sixteen years’ serv Homing, “what was that Mr. Smttb repeated bla as he had been taught. by force that Pierre Chouteau bore The Greatest Security who were fishing this spring in the Del ice in the regular army and who to vail off the platter?"—New York Eve- Then added, “Don’t bless Qretta, O od; them away to his castle on the hill. aware bay. report an unusual number recognized for his fine personal and Established 1874 ling Post. she ain’t no good.’’—Cleveland Leader “ Ma foil” exclaimed more tban one of big sturgeon caught. Some o f them military tact and efficiency, will com pretty French maiden. “ Such men— ran up to 300 pound and over. One mand the first brigade o f New Jersey troops that goes to France, if the offi SSZSHSaiHSaSHSHSaSHSHSHSHSÏSHSaScSHSaÆiaSHSHSHSSSaSHSESHSESZSaSBSZSa such splendid men! Savages, yet fishermen is said to have obtained $250 cers o f the brigade have their way. An from the roe taken from one fish. For whiter election will T,e held at an early date They had gone away as youths, these three years now Russia has been unable at which General Barber will doubtless to export caviare, and the sturgeon roe be chosen two captains; they huil come back men. caught in this country has been made Ariella and Oorianna Four thousand miles out and back they into caviare here. The price runs from The brigade is composed of the First Run between Toms River, Beachwood had gone, over a country unmapped, 52.50 to $3 a pound for the fresh caught Fourth and Fifth Regiments o f the PineBeaeh, Money Island, IslandHeights National Guard and until last week unknown, and they brought back news roe. OceanGate, Seaside Park, Seaside Height General Edwin W. Hine was the com —news of great, new lands. ««STW ARU AW Hordes o f big drum fish are on their mander. General Hine, who is close to (To Bo Continued.) Lv Toms River 8.20 1.00 annual journey up the coast. They go the retirement age, and whose health Beachwood 8.30 1.10 up the Jersey beaches in June, and has not been rugged since his 'eturn Money Island from the Mexican border last year, has 8.40 1.20 early Pine Beach 1 om nnaJuly, n—.Jgenerally«returning 1 . i in Sept «* tendered his resignation and the officers ember and early October, i hat does 8.45 1.25 Henley Av | The Newark Sunday Call said: A not mean that there will be none on the desire to have General Barber named Island Heights 8.50 1.80 wedding which was expected to take coast between those dates, but rather as General Hine's successor Ocean Gate t place m the early fall but was hasten- that those are the times when the big The Second and Third Regiments o f U nder P e r s o n a l D ir e c tio n o f B O B T R A V E R S 9.00 1.40 Anglesea Av f fd on account o f war conditions was schools go. Drum are bottom feeders the New Jersey National Guard al Seaside Park 9.35 2.10 that o f Miss Abby Aikens Wood,daugh and particularly fond o f shell fish, clams ready mustered into the federal service 9.55 2.25 ter of Mrs. Rebecca Wood of Lanoka, and iS2^ s w ^SasZ53SHSHHSaSiSHSasaS2SHSaSHSa.‘S5ESHSRS?SKasaSH5MHSJ Ar “ Heights The big • oysters. ' D%heavy “ V fish, »«oil, 1runn uilll* will be thrown together with troop« W ESTW ARD A M p n Ocean Co., N. J., and Lieutenant ing up to sixty pounds in weight, root from some other state, probably Penn Leave Konert L. Simmonds of Battery A, up the bottom like a hog would, and sylvania, in the formation of another brigade Firet Battalion, New Jersey Field ArSeaside Hei’ ts 10.30 4.15 tillery. The wedding took place on their mouths are fitted with bony plates Seaside Park with which crackers they can mash up With the retirement o f General Hine 10.45 4.35 and Wednesday afternoon in the home of the shell o f the oyster or clam. When General Barber is the only officer o f Anglesea Av I 11,10 5.00 the bridegroom, 380 Lincoln avenue, the schools of drum find an oyster bed the National Guard with the rank o f in all the Best Granite* and Marbles Ocean Gate j this city, in the presence of the im 11.20 Island Heights 5.15 mediate families. The Rev. Dr. Henry or clam bed either, there is generally Brigadier General, who is equipped to My prices are very reasonable when the quality Henley Av l little left o f it after they are through. command a brigade and workmanship is taken into consideration. 11.30 5.25 R. j* 03e, pastor o f the Church o f the The oysters they fail to find are smother Pine Beach/ In the event o f the advancement of Redeemer, was the officiating clergy 11.35 Give me a call before placing your order elsewhere Money Island 5.30 man. There were no attendants. Fol ed in the mud and sediment they stir General Barber it is possible that 11.45 and you will be more than pleased with the wav I Beachwood up in rooting the bottom. On several 5.40 lowing either Lol. Frederick Gilkyson or Col. ceremony m the couple ltfit left rfor , ° the • , ««»vutwujr e uuuuie or do business. Ar Toms River 12.00 5.50 a short trip through the New England occasions they have done great damage Mahlon R. Margerum will be made Arrival ut or Departure from Docks at btates. Upon their return Lieutenant in Great Bay to oyster beds, also in the adjutant general of New Jersey 2 0 W a s h in g to n St., T o m s R iv e r , N. J. Raritan bay and Princes bay, Staten »m e S ta te d U o t G Ü A K A Ä T E E D Simmonds will report at Sea Girt for Island. 1 * ftF F M T Ri AY 30, 1071 military duty. The bride is a gradu The following are the eighth grade Drum are caught by surf fishermen, and while more the graduates at the New Egypt school: Local Pena in V ineland Contest ate or the Toms River high school , . , , . sluggish , s o 1011 than man me l-illian Fielder,Sara Allen, Doris Sager. channel bass, being heavier, stronger Ravmond A. Wiliiams of Point Pleas but less agile than the channel bass’ Elsie Hopkins, Florence Kirby, Norman Pens of poultry from this section in Borden, Leslie Reynolds, William Irons, the Vineland contest stand as follows ant, and Miss Norma Lloyd of New they frequency put up a fight o f from i Walter Southard and Joseph Watson Vork were married in that city on a half hour to an hour,and even an hour I in the number of eggs laid: June 12, and will make their home at and a half, before they are brought on ^ nee ,? arrr®d P1ymouth Rocks Point Pleasant in the Allen cottage on the beach. Some prefer to fish for i All three of “ the Brown boyp“ of Utto C. Luhrs, Toms River 1027 Grove street drum from a boat at the inlets and ’ Harry H. Ober, Lakewood Lakewood, are on Ihe list o f registered 1004 I represent Strong, Reliable Companies, B a r n e g a t and New Inlets are both men for army service, George, Walter t vrC° lumbia Plymouth Rocks favorite spots for them. Any o f the whose business plan is to iook after their Miss Helen Ashley Hedge of New fishing holes on the beach is apt to and Clarence, all of whom are known J. M. Jones, Hornerstown 1273 customers, because they know from ex as baseball stars and all round athletes ^ork, neice o f L. A. Grace of Point Pleasant, was married June 9 to Theo rr Su-.</ -nRhode IsIand Reds perience the company which acts fairly Underhill Bros., Lakewood 1371 dore Howard Talbot of New-York. The gets the business. r a PS- C- Whiie Leghorns wedding was one of the social events of U b. Greene, Lakewood 1274 the rom t Pleasant summer season SUM M ER Pinebeach farm. Bayville Policies*6 a P0Stal Card’ Siv>ng the date of expiration of your 932 Henry E. Heine, Lakewood W A R COURSE 1030 As the consummation of a romance beRichard Heme, Lakewood io 69 1069 A short, intensive course to Herman F Sonder, Toms River 1213 gun m summer at Seaside Heights,Miss prepare w om en and young Toms Poultry Farm, Toms River 1241 Gertrude W. Hobbs and E Edward Hoakes were married recently in Phila men to fill the clerical posi delphia, and will make their home in tions w hich will becom e Courier B u ild in g T O M S R IV E R , N. J. Usually. Logan, a suburb of that city vacant when the n e w army Many a time when a man thinks he is called out. Is taking a hand in a thing he is nUtMiss Agnes Josephine Heron, daugh Typewriting B ill Extension ting his foot in it.— Paterson Call. ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of Bookkeeping Penmttnship Lakewood, was married recently to Filing Calculations F Fitzgerald McCoy of St. Paul, Minn. T e rm o f s ix w e e k s , b e J,bf drid® 13 Jhe daughter o f . Henry ginning July 9 and closing Miller, the actor, and has herself been August 17. w 1 r ! !uaffe’ b? th with her father and Call o r send fo r fa rth er before the moving picture camera. She inform ation. V ic e -P r e s . N. J . S. P . T "A was educated at the St. Mary’s acad emy, Lakewood J hjriilim uiiiniiiT P r e s id e n t .^-. -M wiiiiwiiiim ulllllilllllllllll.| mininirmiin| u'lm mj P h o n e 1 26 * '* FISH ANO GAME Toms River, N. J. its Value is Inestimable— WHAT? LOOK! ?S |Tires S 125 Ä pairC Insurance Policy from Agency S C. BAILEY Jr F IR E L IF E TO RN AD O AC C ID E N T L. T. W1SSMACH, Representing the Leading American & Foreign Companies L A M B E R T 'S EXCURSION LINE T H E M A R IO N INN Open A ll the Year vòC v * recent weddings ISAAC W. RICHTMEYER. Monuments Fire Headstones Insurance P. L. G R O V E R Ocean County Society for the Prevention Cruelty to Animals H ea d q u a rters - Lakew ood, E rn est B u r d g e , A g e n t '****■............ i , Hr-iif-.yn n - N . J. Phone aagwaga 2 I. <* hm hm m h h o m e in O lder, Main Street I choot “ Bernstein” The celebrated writer and student of International Politics is now in Russia and his cable despatches from Petro grad will appear exclusively in the New York Herald. Read what he has to say about the Russian situation of Business Administration PINE S T R E E T , W E S T O F B R O A D PHILADELPHIA « N fc W .J E R S E Y p a c e C O P W ip t - fo u r T h . H o t e l L e ig h t o n S o u g h t by O . H . B r o w n Preehold Signes! F»e* Y*«r C o u lr w l ( w C K »u l»u q u » liver w*«f i pat Si * f TMu* H ay night when Ihr 're* hold on Monday ii'il^ u « vretk aim! •4mn Itti a Ave Jraa» contra t far 1he laatln# till 1 tea. wo* a big *i • h packed on Monda} when the otn ra "M ikado" * u aung. Fr*#hoM haa th* fain* program Ulto |uno that Toma River «III havo in A tM vnt Mr*. Kmlly Farrow Gregory, g h o « a i at Toma River two yoar* ago, ■ i t iha director of tho FroahoW l-lu o tauqua; Mr*. Tllua «HI bo tho director ■ -■ | « 00)1 waa alno Chautauqua week at MU Hotly, and th# week «a * alao a floe »ucroaa at that |d*<*. »«orvHng to the |iapor* of that town Point Piratant Charioa W Senator O, H. I lb# wools *M U r i í W r r w ft» c a lle d tiro i.Jef Lake wood atJ Spring Lab* | Mr*. Chariot W hrr oH iHinit* in rrn i4 »lv ib íi Inri ‘bo opened* ut>on upe lulv S under ! in4 I w te k 10 « t u m i I h r fu n e r a l o r h*r hi« ,personal direct»», ftfc’l CliÄfg*. ! b r o t h e r . O n h e r r o t o r n » t u u U y . Ur*. Havrtw of ‘•ah Money H r f M trhrr î*f. ca m # w it h h e r P R O G R A M Com fy lupi Mn ç , a . Morti* I nfTt] doughur 1 harlotte.left on Monday T o -N ig h t, F r id a y , J u n e 2 2 . C on tinu ous lio m 7 .3 0 . Admission lUc and 15« for a three weoka trip up M hon tho w a r l hie They will moke tho trip aa In the»« parloua tini P A R A M O U N T F E A T U R E F A M O U S hand n ml amt ana f ar , t buffalo uff alo in the t rutty Herd, and is drmamtli'g money on every ha P L A Y E R S piftenit P A U L IN E F R E D E R IC K in for as many purpee* 1Uthe public library the fico go by rail or boat, returning lb* _______________ „ . on. It It worthy M , * a y should not be fargotte A thrilling and rcmentlc tele o f th* Royal Canadian Mounted Police support tnu JU»l now the yearly o f - , ^ ¡$w< of tup who «pent the winter A lso B U R T O N H O L M E S T R A V E L O G U E , “ Vnncouwet and V icto r«” u> — being (llaughter, Mr*. C. A. Marna, fortt k , made ------- to collect tubacrip- w|ll| Uont for the capente». There It now 1 la tfendirg tom* time In Htyontve.with load of sorrow on thf mind of •»eryonrl another daughter, Mr*. Bill* S a tu r d a y , J u n e 2 3 . H alloaed:«!, Adm. 10c; Evening,continuous from 7:00,10c. tnd IS«. and it will be heavier aa daya goby, un Mita Viola Thompson of Cookstowr. til pence corneo. Ali the moro reason TRIA N G LE preienU “ y ! _ _ ^- 1 »*• — m Also All Star Triangle Comthen for trying to keep aan# and com, har been visiting her aunt, Mra.Geutgc It. 1 olma» BESSIE LO V E m U l n a . _ _ edy. "T h e Noble Er, and nothing will do more to rea tore raud" Longer Piling Ntaded on Jwttce Minium of Hoboken and hit A n d HEARST-PATHE W EEKLY No. 45 B ridge Repair* mental balance then good reading. Mlanatquan i The library keeps up a good circula ton Franklin, have been here for a frw tion of books, and many people have d*\ . the Justice coming down for the M onday, June k end C u k lia u v u i lio o i 7 -3 0 P , M . ■ un* Ht—*'inking a Admission lUc and !5e Point ITraaant learned to depend upon it for special Jeep m a la of « 0 .1. that Irate*« #! work* o f vorlou* kind» thrt they may A! r. and Mr*. Robert Shoemaker of tbtrt.v foot piling will require at leant need. Get: nantown. Pa., were week end M l i b foot pile*. Owen ). Melee o f Long One o f the directors recently attend gu*i it at the Ocean house Branch, the contractor, ha* etoppotl M Itarpi M. Thompson of Nr# ed the New ieraey Library Summer A tense story o f tpirltutl struggle am! triumph, with ROBERT CON'.VESs ami MABEL TRUNNEI.LR work on tho Ocean county end o f the school to hear the lectures on » hildren'a E g' . »pent Thursdiy here Manaaquan River bridge and moved A lso H E A R S T -P A T H E W E E K L Y N o . 4 6 V I literature by Miss d a r t Hunt of Pratt m*e* r.steue ana Doroth; (teller and over to the Monmouth county end. Me H) a of Newark.were home lost weeS ' will pmumnblv move back when he It Institute library, Brooklyn. T uesday, Ju n e 26. Continuous from 7.30. Admitsion 10c end 15c A hundred new book» will come toon when their brother, Fred, gradur.tcJ i able to sget longer piling deliver ‘ el K I from the high school fro Trenton. which 1 in t»he »erne Urn«?. 1 M»*, and Mr*. J. Aahley Brown of W IL L IA M A . B R A D Y m m ociation with W O R L D “ n A D I/C O T D IIC O ll» Roselle, were here tor the week end, P IC T U R E S presents A L I C E B R A D Y tn_________________ OCEAN^GATE More Personal* with their parents. Aahley mode • j sale of $124,000 liberty bona* at the , George Eliit it tpending a few dayt Joseph Stillwell ami family of Adel- bark of which he i* cashier in Roselle W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 2 7 . Continuous trom 7.30 P . M . Admission 10c and 15c at hi* home phi» motored down to viait Mrs. and Mr*. McLetn and Mitt Jessie Nor WilllamSchuItt is building an addition ,Uis* Croxeon on Sunday T R IA N G L E presents D O R O T H Y D A L - “ p k l n l e n n P n n m i ” A »¿»V "f th. ^ w©«(,i of Clio, Alt., have been visiting to hi* bungalow Capt. and Mr*. Mathis. Mr*. M. L. the dittos Pitcher this week, and wenT O N with H O W A R D H IC K M A N in U nlC K B il u B S B lf -Mist Mamie Ringleotlne it spending Berry1a™* Mr*. C. G. Gate* motored to very much pleased with this section of a few dayt In I’ hiltdelphi* A lso an A L L -S T A R T R IA N G L E C O M E D Y . "T H E G R AB-BAG BRIDE” th« Jersey shore Philadelphia on Wedneaday Mr*. Leslie Walter* it entertaining Mr*. John Smith returned Wednesday Mit» M. P. Horner tnd tome friend» her aunt of Newark T h u r s d a y , J u n e 2 8 . Continuons (tom 7.30. Admission 10c and 15c mao- two trips to the Chautauqui at from a visit at Sea Bright Mi*. Skirk and ton Fred are here for Mr*. H. R. Grover and daughter* are Freehold, on Friday tnd on Monday I the summer W IL L IA M A . B R A D Y presents the first B R A D Y - « T H W C M C W T » lot-.. She report* it * u 1 finely arThe Hartman family, alao Newllnt, visiting in Manatquan rti geil program, tnd that Preeholr! IN T E R N A T I O N A L W O R L D P IC T U R E A I W lV C a lV lIliN 1 Mr*. C. L. Tilton Jr. and Miss Grace was enthusiastic over it are hero for the summer Featuring REGINA BADET. the Vampire o f Prance Mrs. j. Mickle* and Mrs. Girvin are Brown »pent Wednesday and 1 bursday Miaa Addie M. Rogers, who tpeotthr in Philadelphia spending a few day* *t Pine Lodge wirier in Washington, D. *C., it now COMING— Friday, June 29, Irene Fenwick end Owen Moore in *A Coney Island Princes*" c sturd*y; Ju t*», Harold Dorgan o f New York, it visiting her nephew. Dr. Jerome Roger», j Mr*. Walter Pauling o f Newark it Douglas Fairbanks in •fhe Americano’ Monday, luly 2, Lenore Ulrigh in “ I he Road to Love” . Tu«*^ entertaining her titter, Mrs. Hopkin* spending a week at the Krefeld bunga it Pottstown, Pa., and will spend the day, luly 3( Carlyle Blackwell and June Elvidge in “ The Page Mystery” . Wedneaday. July 4, Frink summer at Chautauqua, N. Y. Char let odwin spent a few days in low on Lakeburat road Keenan and Thelma Salter ter in "The Crab” . Thursday, luly 6, Dorothy l>alt< Dromond in Wm. M. Austin and family of Cam Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Robertson “ A Gamble in Souls" Tuesday, luly 10, Charlie Chaplin in hit latest, " he Emigrant” . Dr. fc H. Hetmeentertained 1 house den, arrive here today to spend the of Newark spent the week end with _ w . H, An»tln .. rty over the week t>r.d, motoring, prrlj rr with Hr Mr.- ano M; . «2, *Aj Toner otf east ■ re irpm Philadelphia Washington street Mrs. J. Welsh entertained Mrs. Ciriude Updike, principal of the , WARETOWN Wateitton and her two children Forked River » c h o 0 1a, was in town R O S C O E " F A T T Y '* A R B U C K L E in T H E F IR S T P A R A M O U N T -A R B U C K L E Mr. and Mr». Wallace Seavey o f Ro Miss Leone Thibault and friend o f Tu* ,y . , .. chester, N. V., visited the latter’» Anbury Park spent the week end with Moritz Leetson. t h e Philadelphia COMEDY father. P. Y. V eederof Bayville her mother, Mra. Emma Thibault musi-ian. is »pending the we-k end* - tw o reels Mrs. Chat Keitel ha» returned home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Britton of Fork- e,*’ uilu” u“ . . . . after sper.dirg a delightful trip to Bal ed »pent Sunday here LMr- •"** John B. Morton o f Mertimore and Washington, D. C. j ii u and ch.iT.tville were week end visitors at RNMMNMNII Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eiseman and kivi»n»iHp Richard Holt spent the week end at hia home heTs'employed l° B“ 'tim° re ‘ l’«ul Fields was here from Phitad.lW. Franklin carries the bread for Mrs. Dora Shaw of Island Heights is #•'Palm house bakery these daya visiting Mr. anti Mrs. tier Stackhouse < Varies Gar.baldi of Lavallette was a Mrs. Horace Diaton spent Sunday Harry Grover o f Lakewood, spent a TuJ stb*y visitor here 4 days here recently I t . E. LaCour o f Long Branch, who Harry Hoffman in spending a few few C O M P E N S A T I O N IN S U R A N C E IN N E W J E R S E Y IS C O M P U L S O R Y ... . »____ i . si end» much of the summer at Lanoka, M108 Agnes lamburn nas gone to makes r daya with hia parents frequent trips to -Tom* -River in Spring Lake Beach for the summer Mr. Brink has been spending hia va his car If WilliamCranmerand wife o f Parker- ( Howar() AppleRate of Forked River cation at hia home to town, were guesU of Mrs. Cora blacku „ frequentV;Biror> „ a candidate for Laurence -'ox and Mr. Soneburg com house Sunday Surrogate mute every day to Philadelphia' Margaret Kilpatrick of Barnegat, , Samue] Horner of Philadelphfa.spent Chariea Guttentag was a Sunday was a recent caller the week end with his sister. Mrs. Arney visitor Jacob Birdsall who spent the winter Chas: Korn and F. Gold had a num W arren Seaman, who is attending an in Florida, has returned home for the Toma R iver, N. J. ber o f people here on Sunday Episcopal divinity school in Philadel Mr. Connell is spending a few days summer phia, is home for the summer vacation **9 .ra Wallace Bunnell spent a few days at with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chariea here 1 Mrs. Wentworth are daughter are Toms River with his mother T. Seaman Col. Samuel C. Bailey, for many son> has returned to her home in Irv- state Normal school. She will also here for the summer Adolph Arends and family were here Mr. and Mrs. W. E. K istof Jersiy years one^of the leadingjcitizens ofJthe |jngton. Her sister, M¡as Matilda, ac- spend several weeks in the Orange 81st‘ companied her and is taking a couree mountains with her sister, Mrs. P^bert Mr.Stringfield and family have open over Sunday^ ... celebrated - - —*- j *hia — 0,City, motored to their home on Hooj e • t. wn and county, ed their home on the Riviera yuite a few of our townspeople at avenue Saturday, bringing with them birthday on Wednesday, June 20 with the New York Telephone company Hudspeth Russell Conover is home from the for switch board operator Otto Page is visiting friends here for tended the commencement on Friday Mrs. F. A, Peterson and son Frank. Mrs. Peteison had been spending some Rochester University for the vacation William Brackenndge of Los Angeevening at Barnegat a few days Louis Cowdrick Horner, son o f the time with her niece, Mrs. Wm. McCabe Raymond C. Keisel desires to inform Mrs. L. B. Gravatt and her son Wil late Harry Horner of Toms River, was les, Cal., with his two duughten, is o f Jersey City his many friends and patrons that be is liam returned Sunday from a week with graduated from the Law College of the visiting his mother, Mrs. Gavin BraokISLAND HEIGHTS the only news agent privileged to sell Adolph Keller of Hoboken has been her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fisk, in University of Wisconsin this *veek, be enridge; John C. Brackenridge of Rich mond Hill, his son and daughter, and all Philadelphia newspapers, both daily Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nathan motored spending some time here at the River Trenton. Mrs. Fisk drove down with ing already a graduate of the Univer William Mieklehamof Short Hills,were arid Sunday He also sells all New side them, and the party was brought here sity. He is a nephew o f Miss M. P. down from Philadelphia yesterday also here for the week end. Gavin, York and Newark papers, and the Frank Peterson, who recently enlist by Grant King, a former Toms River Horner and Mrs. Arney of this place Mrs. Rudderowwas taken with acute grandson of Mrs. Brackenridge, ard Courier, too adv boy appendicitis and removed on Wednes ed in the navy, was home for the week A. H. Albert o f the high school, with son of John C. Brackenridge,graduated Wm. Alexander Brown, a Philadel day to the Lakewood hospital by Dr. end, visiting his parents, before going bis wife, leaves this week for their old from Princeton University on Satur phia lawer, spent the week end here Hrouwer of Toms River, for an opera aboard ship NEW GRETNA home at Lebanon, Pa., to spend the day with the degree of bachelor of Miss Elizabeth Bishop of Ml. Holly Mrs. W. H. Jeffrey was called to summer tion letters, and there was a family party was in town for the week end Trenton last week by the illness and motoring from here to Princeton for Mr. and Mrs. Sumner W. White of _ -----------B -----MissThcoraCramer is spending a few subsequent death of her little niece, George Schuster of "ollingswood and the occasion George Irons Jr. of Philadelphia, was Whitford avenue, Nutley, announce the days in Philadelphia Marjorie Wilbur family were here Wednesday I 0 . ,, ,, , _ . home for Sunday Mrs. Norris Sears spent part of the engagement of their daughter, Miss 1 ! Mrs. Susie Madden of Osbomvillei* Eleanor Frances White, to Dr. Edmund Miss Muriel Lawrence entertained Miss Arrowsmith of Freehold has week in Atlantic city „ stay *i ” -J5*2' eturned from visiting Miss Lizzie Brewer Waldemar Hi, son o f Dr. and Mrs. been visiting Mrs. Henry A. Low her sewing club on Wednesday evening a of some weeks inrnOrange Miss Marion Montgomery Bpent the Charles L. Ill of Newark and Island Miss Eleanor c M m of Brooklyn i» William B. Pierce of Princeton spent The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Eleanor Grover is spending week end in Atlantic city Heights. W. Sutton Jr., will be called Frank W. Tuesday here ¡visiting Dr. and Mrs. Brouwer some time at Manasquan Miss Mary Leek is in Phila for an ex Miss White, who was graduated from Sutton 3d. The only change is in the Mre. James Valente, who has been MrB. Sheridan Penn yesterday went tended visit Charles P. Anderson has been on a the Westover School at Middlebury, middle name, and the initial stays the spending some time with her grand Miss Vesta Cranmer is spendingsome i onn., last June, was one o f this sea same; the father and grandfather are parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patter to Trenton, where her daughter, Miss three day auto tour to Gettysburg, Pa., Frances, graduates today from the this week son’s debutantes. She is a member of Frank Waldron, and the little fellow is time in Trenton R a m nas Mrs. Howard Mathis spenta few days the lunior League, Nutlev Field Uub Frank William and Yountakah Country Club. in Bridgeton recently Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Grover have Dr. Ill was graduated from Princeton named their twin children Mary FranMr. and Mrs. Craig and daughte-, Miss Helen, of Point Pleasant arc vis in 1913 and recently received his de- j ces and James Percival Grover gree of doctor of medicine Qfrom the iting Miss Margaret Adams Lewis called " i " McConnell " u uiiiicu was waa irecently ct-cii t.iy ualicvj Mr. and Mrs John Post of Camden College of Physicians and surgeons, to Philadelphia to attend the funeral of New Y ’ ork. spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Adams lari uncle. His mother accompanied him ------ ’ . I home and is spending some time here Mrs. Joseph G ask ill and sor o f Ocean P L E A S A N T PLAINS ‘ !fiSHSESHSESES£5ESESESE5ES^5ES2SSSiSc. City are here for the summer Milton Chambers of Camden, spent the week end with his parents, Rev. BEACHWOOD and Mrs. Alonzo Chambers w Mrs. J. F. Poihemus is spending a ’ Rev. M. L. Stimson of Westfield, one week with her daughter, Mrs. Ernest jK of the borough council, has moved down McKelvey of Belmar lip for the summer The Herflicker farm has been sold to 1f? ' George F. Steinert, another one of vfr. Aschove of Asbury Park, who|[)j the prominent boroughites.has his fam moved here last week j ¡)! ily here from New York city for the Miss Doris Applegate is visiting her Qj summer aunt, Mrs. Anna Voight of Sea Side re Frank Perry fears that the injury to Park f? his finger will keep him from his work “ $ for some weeks to come, if not all sum NOTICE mer. it came just when he was busiest Ip and when workmen are very scarce. The Township Committee would give |[jJ M ilk Shake 5c ti or, »Unk rl inf mnef nnf no rnronk into n, notice that dirt must not be swept into ’ re Sinking F und Commission ^ tthe Uo m i t f o n i nnrJ o c l r k h c r t o n n ln t k o n ' gutters, and ask the people of the E gg “ - 10c The Ocean County Sinking Fund Com town to observe this request. 10c jC Ice Cieam Soda Dover Township Committee. mission met here yesterday and organ ized by making Ezra Parker, president Theodore Fischer, Clerk. B. V. D. 2-piece and Union Suits, regular and stouts. Porosknit for men and {? Ice Cream Milk Shake 10c of the Barnegat bank, its president; u and George H. Holman, president of boys, 2-piece or Union Suits. I Oc 6 Egg Phosphate NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS the Ocean County trust Co., Toms River, its secretary and treasurer. 10c The other members are Director Otis spale^ propoB&is will be received by The Town- [>j Strawberry Ice Cream of the Board of Freeholders. Tucker- Rhlp Con oittee of the Township of Benteley, of Ocean, at the Tow.« Halt, Bayvihe, Q: Fruit Sundae 10c ton; J. G. Holman, County Collector, County JM ou Saturday evening J une‘¿Sd. m i . at Lakewood; former Judge George C. 8 p m . for the removal of garbage from Pine I Oc »each and O c an Gate, from June 26th to Sep £ Marshmallow Sundae Low, Toms River Library Need* Nanette of the Wilds 25. paramour “ THE MARTYRDOM OF PHILIP STRONG UAnlltO I nUoOlH A C COMING— TUESDAY, JULY 3 “ THE BUTCHER BOY” T A R E NOTICE! .rom July 4th, 1917. you employ labor, under this new law yeu must insure them. Failure to comply with this new law will subject you to a fine of from $1.00 $100 per day. For further information concerning rates, etc., inquire G E O R G E C. V A N HISE . Straw Hats E lw e ll’s $ 1 .0 0 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 Panamas, $3.50 to $6.00 New Shapes in Soft Hats Caps 50c 75c $1.00 No Advance in Prices UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Resigns as Lightkeeper tember 15th, both dates inclusive. Said garbage to be collected and removed three days m each wee*. Bach Did mast state a price for which the con tractor will remove the g-trbaae and flat! a place for the disposal of same, aud niso « price for removal If the Township find a place for disposal. Ail bids mus be a dre*-ed to Geo. ti. williams, chairman Berkeley Township Committee, Ilajvllle, N J. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. oao. H. w il 1 4M?, otairma - Borden M. Cranmer of Barnegat,who for the past six months has been assis tant keeper at Penfield R eef light, Black Rock, Conn., has resigned his job, to take effect July 1. The depart ment has asked him to stay on till an other man can be found, Land he has agreed to do so. He will then returr, Marcus B. Allea, Township i Dated June 12, Hfl.. to his home in Barnegat Cleric, All styles of Ladies’ and Childrens’ Underwear from 15c up. Walnut Sundae 10c Banana Splits 15c Widmaier & Truex E lw e lP s ESaS25î5ESESSSBSS5E5ES2SE5ESE5aS2SÎ M ain S treet T o m s ‘. R i v e r , N . J* «¡ligaatariBa Ì new jersey c o u r ie r PATt News of the t*0.** F IV E M.£.5. S. aerretary; Meoara, Rtrhtmeyer and A. C h u rc h e s,^ ™ * Volunt»er for ¡Summer Program for I llsrrl». auditor». They are looking 1 Service in National Guard ! — into the matter o f buying hose and a motor truck ..... . i I The iu-Hlay school o f the Method let At the Raptlet church next Sunday, ■- ‘ u rch , r i nrr«»** cover Mr. and Mr». Knight have taken at I0.M a. m., Rev. U. L. Hunter will Last night a meeting was hrld In i mg every apartment» in the Dr, Goble building preach from the subject, “ faith, the ifCItU of Ihf {KMltufftrf bv ft dfttAfhfttfflt gihcH>l || Miwlfty in Ihr Rummer, Tb i fhtt condition, it* attendinet The Toms Klver dibit» Box defeated Force of Life. ‘ *i of < 0. G. »1 ,N. I. Inf., seeking re-| lssieUr being 144, whlvl »ok oii Sunday school H 4fia, m. * the Cmlar Grove team on Saturday, fruit*, Rev. f ather Millhank o f St. j ui«m m Highwater mark, Th< >pro 1 Christian Rndeavor at 0.48 p. m, Peters church. Freehold, wss the chief Score IE to # gram is ae follow*: Mim Naamah Duaham la working at Towc "Mtsolon Work in OurCItiea." speaker. followed by Lieut. Richard A. July I, Flag Sunday Play ball Preaching service In the evening at Sgitth of New Brunswick, The Free tho courthouse as aaaiatant to title “ 8, Memory Sunday 7 30. Subject, "Preparedness.'' Joite ru»0» hold Hoy Scout bend played patriotic searcher A. N. Then " 15, Boys' Day Prayerweetlng Wednesday, 7.46 p.m. air», »nd drew quite » crowd. Three Ceurt tod»y The proceeds o f the Rod Creea card at the church ** 22, Girls' Sunday lad* signed up Paul H. Grover, Ale party and dance will bo sent to t i t Vacation time '* 29, F lower Sunday aid Richard ------1 J. laylor ">tu »icnani B.Walton. n. wauon. They I National Rad Croce fund No« moon laot Tuoaday Augusts, Missionary f unday At the M. B. church on Sunday next, *111 go to Preehold todxy mber » H Tt 12, Bird Sunday School closed last Friday deal of lumber in Lakewood, and the r •l 70.80 a. m „ Rev. W J. Sxyre w illl The »«me .quad held a meeting at " 19, Poem Sunday 5 2 S white with dalaieo preach; topic, "The Man who Could Lakewood Monday evening, when the I wagons deliver it »¿.that distant point " 26. Harvest Sunday p , » . aro ot their lon«eat and Did.” I following enlkted: Ralph Barnholu, I Sept, 2, Missionary Sunday Mrs. Marion Kusao was taken to U e Sunday-school at U .*6 ». m. | Ifaeph Johnson. Luke lohnson, • Butonowoehleit » N « n e ** 9, Bib)« vara*— Hide and aeek Kimball hospital at Lakewood and Evening at 7.30, the Junior Epworth Morev, William R vno ,v|c | Gleason, Home grown peaa In market underwont a serious operation on Mon League will give ■ demonstration o f ,Thom*s Waidell and Thoma» Michel- Sunday sept. 16, Primary Sunday day , All trr«e are now in feB loaf the work they have been doing the d m t eon, all o f the Home Guard, and lohn " 80, Rally Day. Mrs. Henry R. Wills Is one o f the year, and the pa»tor • addreas will be Templeton, Chestar Cook and Oliver Prof r*nt magnolias are g a th m d moot lurrfto/ul rote growers in this in keeping wlih tha pccaelon. I Layton. Other men Joined the next .^.Sunday school picnic, |uly 18th. Rev. Boy* P«‘ I" • lot o f tinl* ln lb* w,U,r village, and has some fine specimens Sayre, Howard Rralinarul Albert Prayermaeting Wednesday at 7.46 day Hcneyeockle ecenU the heavy June now in b!o n Grant, committee. They are to select TO ...... j It is reported her* that four t»« som1' pia,.« a Ululi • mile of ioni» River, air The lireflie» lighted their candles this Services at Chriat Kplscopel church, former ball players on the Tom* River and it i» to be an old fashioned picnic, 1 E very day seems llag day tins sumweek—turned on the electric light*, Rev. John Chattin, acting as re cto r,' team, George, Clarence and Walter where*«)) put their food upjn the same j perhaps, would be the less poetic but on next Sunday, will be as follows: j Brown, »ml George Major, have en table and all partake o f it. 1,1Water lllie* » « n «* ip blooB1 hfr* more practical way o f saying it nowa Holy communion 8 a nt. listed In the Lafayette college ho ita) Sunday-school at 9.30. and there days unit for service fn France Monday »nd Tuesday were “ perfect Morning prayar and sermon, 11 a in. The First National Bank at thi* place Recruiting Squad Here Vesper service will be omitted till 1 was the banner bank of the county in A t the Courthouse further notice. ^Fourth of July a week from next I the tale o f Liberty bonds, putting out The Ladies Guild will meet Monday , Three men in an auto, with tent and ' about $70,000, including some $25,000 Wednesday at 3 p.m.,at the home of Mr a. fe d thorp He aid Henderson, a colored youth equipment, were ncre Monday and The new potato will soon be dug in purchased for the bank —“ j who ’ sme here from Philadelphia to 1 uesduy, looking for recruits. It was Kev.NJohn Chattin, son of Joseph the early garden* At Ft, Joseph's Catholic church, Rev. wor^ ■t the Marion Inn, was brought the Overland recruiting squad from the BrrbieStaple» has Huddy lark In Chattin, a former resident here, la recruiting station et Newark. The car »pending hia vacation here, and serv Joseph A. Linnsne,rector,services next before justice Willita last Friday on was imintcd red, white and blue, and flne shape for the summer charge of carrying a concealed weapon. Sunday will be aa follows: ing aa rector o f Chriat ihurch. He is Elwell haa had his ice cream parlor Mass at 10.30 a. m. Sermon and Ben He parked a loaded .38 in his clothes, decki-d out with the flag. It wss said rector of a large church in Germanrepainted, inside and out, this week and was arrested by officer Walter Irons. by the men that both car and chauffeur ediction | town, Pa. The justni- held him to await the was furnished by the Overland company Sunday-school. 11.30 I .lire! now in bloom; but it 1» not so O l oms River Home Guards elected for recruiting work. Corporal Edward action ol the grand jury. Weekday devotions, 7.30 a. m. -erbht as last y»»r, »nd not nesr *o Clifford M. Elwell, captain; Alfred W. M. Lutz was in charge. They set up The application of Fred Applegate,of Friday evening, 7.45, Rosary, Litany Plentiful Grant, lieutenant; William J Gruler, the hotel Leklic.Lavallette.ior a whole their tent on the courthouse lawn and Meadow» ar* knee deep inbuttercup», first sergeant; Edward D.m Schwarz, and Benediction had lots o f visitors Monday afternoon Beginning June 24 and continuing sale luense, was laid over on Friday and evening, but no recruits. Tuesday J S blue with little flowering grass second sergeant; LeKoy F. Grant, third each Sunday during the summer mass laat until today. sergeant. they went to Camden, end said their blossoms ...... . John <i»var,augb, who waived indict orders were to be in Freehold on Wed Dr. Austin suggests thst the town will be said in St. Gertrude’s church. King birds take great delight in har ment and pleaded guilty to stealing a Island Heights, at 8 a. m.; St. John's should have seats along the streets,and nesday. While they were after re rying the crow», like aeroplanes after on the Kiver front in summer. He say» church, Lakehurst, at 8. 80 a. m.; Pine watch from Mr. Downs of Cedar Crest, cruits, their chief jo b seemed to be to seppelins Beach Union cha el, Pine Beach, at *** placed in charge o f the probation »waken interest and to lot folks know it is an attractive feature of Florida Sun rise» tomorrow at 4.29 and »eta 9.46 a. m .; 9t. Joseph's church, Toms officer for two years. that the country is really at war. at 7. 35. m»king the day 15 hour» and life in winter, and would do as well River, at 10.30 a. m. Brinley and Kelley are laying cement here. Why not? six minutes long coping around the lawna, to border the R. C. Thompson, deputy collector of Threat» of food price fixing by the and drives. The At ---the Presbyterian church Sundayi walks iviiti Kiver iaitci uii ■—-s A . , .Washington , ® internal icvciiut, revenue, who was hi at Tores on Boy Scouta at D ouble T rou ble government hsa made flour drop a hall iiiwiuai Tuesday and Lakewood on Monday, to next at 10.30 a m.. Rev. Marshall Bar- , * « • ‘ 8' <lT * B,k ¡»ill be relaid to do away dollar a barrel * * • * • * rin^ton o f Rochester, N. Y ., secretary with the »water that now stftndfl .her« collect internal revenue tax from sell \ I The Bov Scouts have heyn cample?. Strawberries are at their height— in er» o f liquur, tobacco, and others who of Evangelism for the Synod o f New whenever it rains. quantity, and haven't come down a come under that tax. Jersey, will apeak on “ The New Evan- ■Judge ,: M . e try the civi, ^ . T y V ^ great deal in price Isuit for »»mages brought by Devine Among the graduates of the Pember gelism.” iilden Kirk and Al Grant as nis assist Summer will be 93 day* long; spring School yr bible study at the noon Butler against Ad Algor of Bayville. ton high school is S. Marjorie Goble, ants. Edward Crabbe furnished the was but X , lart winter and the coming daughter o f Dr. Leon Goble. Miss hour j Emma Burrell, colored, waived in camping place and ran U e commissary The Christian Endeavor meeting at fall but 8» day» long dictment and pleaded guilty to larceny. department. The boys have been hav | Goble will specialise the next two year» Summer beg»n yesterday at6.14 p.m., in domestic science, after w Inch she 6.46 Her mother died in Washington, D. t Evening service at 7.30. Rev. E. C. and senterc* wan suspended that she ing a fine time there. ’I odav will be and lasts 93 day», 14 minute» and 47 expects to teach that subject the last day of the camp Mason will preach from the topic,“ The might go to the funeral. seconds, to September 23, at 9.01 a.m. Officials of the Bridge Co. say that Man in the Land of Nod.” The Scouts have 3even sleeping tents, Everybody that goes up or down Main so far the total tolls on the bay bridge a mess tent and a ccokhcuse. They Prayer meeting. Wednesday at 7.45 street stops to note the eyrlnga hedge exceed those of last year. The Barne- p. m. Service preparatory to commun5 AT THE SURROGATE^ OFFICE have been catching a lot o f pike in the DCLTS CB1LDHE at Bay bridge yesterday had taken in ton on >uly 1 on the Widmaier property occupied by Oertar 1 reek stream, and have a sail100 toils; tho 'ianahaw;,in bridge the the telephone office Letters of administration have been boat and rowboatson the lake (a flooded C I c n From Stations Bar- 7 issued as follows; y I . » / I l negai lo Lakehnrit, . / 1 cranberry bog). The party includi s Anthony Irons has the two story store day before had passed the 4000 mark inclusive Edwin Levy, son of Sanders Levy, ments were served: coffee, cake, sand building at the corner of the Main Estate c f George W. Brown o f New Kev. W. J. sayre, Al Grant, Tilden wiches and ice cream has bought the 19 acre I ippett place, Shore road and South Main street, all Egypt, to Edgar O. Murphy of Farm- Kirk, i eslie end Rudolph Lane, Ed I From So. Lakewood roofed and enclosed. It will be occu formerly owned by Oren h. l ayne, on Snyder, Aiervin Hartbrecht, Mack Malter Davis went to Philadelphia inedale, administrator. and atationa Narti , the Lakewood road, and will conduct a yesterday and drove home a Ford tor pied by Max Leet Estate of Ic-nnic Estell of Lak“ wood, Crabbe, Henry Grant, lames Hayden, J Robert D is brow, Ralph Chamberlain, Contractors Cranmer and Parker poultry farm. He is now taking a Grover and Son to Lizzie Estell, administrator. course, Arthur Staples, lack Hirdaall, Arthur G o o d on ly on a b o v e date have been cutting the top off of Main , rpoultry j— ---- and is having part of the Ushers Association of the M. E. Estate of ttlizu K. Vock of Lakein mangel beets and church will give a moonlight sail onth and Charles King, Wm. Hoagland, street from tae pcstoffice to the central j the rarm put down do on S pecial E xcursion Train wood, Eiiau Lillian Lorey, administra "1 make the farm a white evening o f j uly 2 ^reston M'Clesry, Allan Brouwer, railroad, this week, and it is expected beans. He w, 1 sch eduled a* follow s: trix Evan Wilbur thas the crushed Stone will come next 1 leghorn utility rplant Rev. W. J. Sayre was taken sick at The will of the late Thomas Havens Thomas I. Grant received word this leave a m the boy Scout camp, Double t rouble, The Fire Commission o f this district of West Point Pleasant, has been pro from his son ElUworth Grant, and had to come home on Wednesday 64‘6 BARWEGAT .............. organized on Wednesday evening, elect- week bated with John Thomas Havens o f AsDavidson Family D ispute who was working in the copper mine at ting P. L. Grover as president; I. W. Butte, Montana, when more than 200 WARETOWH ....... 6 52 Mrs. Heilman, wife of Principal E.- bury ¡Park, a son, as executor. OSTKOM . . . . . fir i 'Richtmeyer, vice president; Adolph miiie-s lost their lives. Ellsworth wse L. Heilman of the high school,is a very , The children o f the late Joseph G, FORKED RIVER . e |o 1 'Ernst, treasurer; Thomas B. Irons, i in the fortunate number whieh escapeu successful rose grower, ana has some Davidson o f Lakewood are in court over Freeholders A cce p t Road LAffOKA ................. in s ‘ death, though by a hairsbreadth. He remarkably fine blooms the settlement o f the estate. The will BARNEGAT PARK 710 Hiawatha council, D. of P., attended ! writes that more than 200 men are still was probated October 11, 1915, with J. Classified Advertisem ents BEACHWOOD .. 7 ,7 buried in the mine, and that he has had the Presbyterian church on Sunday eveThe Board of Freeholders met at. Fred Davidson, Vary E. Thompson ard iOMS R IV E R .......... .......... 7 in One Cent a W ord about all the mining he wants n>ng last and listened to a sermon by Barnegat on Wednesday, and accepted Jennie A. ' ■ Davidson iul-vii wo as LACtuiuiD. executors. nil* An LAK EH O RST................... 7 » So Adv. inserted for less than 15c Mannahassett Tribe of ToniB River P<-'v- U. C. Mason. It was in honor of the first section of the barnegat-Budri- other daui ughter, Elizabeth M. Davidson, cOUTH LAKEWOOD 74? sent a delegation o f braves and warn.st anniversary of the council roa.f.'.» built by L. W. Holman of asks----forthe removal o f the brother as LAKEWOOD 75, FOR SALE riors over to Seaside Park on Tut-sMiss Frances Cowdrick has resigned Whiteaville. Mate engineer Meeker executor,for failure to comply with the FARM1NGDALE b 04 nt RppH WPrp nrpsfsnt ^rm c nf t*?i11* mhilo ..„,1 ___ OUR new stock o f Landreth’s seeds day evening of this week, and adopted as teacher of languages at the loms and bis assistant Reed were present, terms of the will; while Fred' and EATONTOWN . « 2? and spoke highly of the job. The road sister, Mary A. Thompson, ask in , nine palefaces. The visitors were 18 River high school, having been elected is now for sale at the up town store, SH R E W SB U R Y ...... 82s also pure seed potatoes, Maine grown. in number, and their degree team did to the teaching force of the high school is six miles long and cost about $23,000. counter petition to have Jennie A Also seeds on tape. T. B. I ROMS 24 the work. The new members are; H. at Landsdowne, Pa., where bhe will It runs west from Barnegat and stops Davidson, since m a r r i e d to a New abruptly. It will take about six miles Yorker named Mothersil), removed. Returning leave New York, West s. Lippincott, J. R. Hughes, H. G. teach Latin, German and French more for Ocean county and 18 miles for Wilfred H. Jayne represents the first BUICK Mx.mpdel 1917,slightly used, Titus, 0. E. Newman, George A. Driv 23rd St. 5.35, Liberty St 5.45 Burlington to finish it. E n g i n e e r petition;. H. H. Wainright the se, nd. like new, at good reduction. E. F. er, Wm. Reynolds, C. E. Fuimer, P. M. for above stations. matter wafi ),eartj fry |utJge Jeffrey Mrs. S. J. VanNote and her grand- Meeker says .e_* that .an if Ocean county builds LARRABEE, Lakehurst, N. J ._____ 8 Reuben Wilbur Jr., Daniel McCormick. After the initiation ceremony, refresh- daughter, Lola Ireland, art spending its end, Burlington will be compelled to last Friday, and rule to show cause some time here from Atlantic City FOR Sale— Hand-drawn Hose Cart, build the other end. will be argued before him on June 29 nearly new. Apply Point Pleasant and Miss Mabel Elwell returnee to Phila __________ WANTED________ Bay Head Fire Co., P. O. Box 94, Point delphia tomorrow after a fortnignt'a I he Ocean rounty Gas Co.has bought A pair o f swan on one of the lakes at Pleasant, N. J. 25tf. vacation here The Red Cross committee, will "ive a new Ford from Grover and Son FEATHER Beds Bought, anywhere. Point Pleasant, have hatched out six another dance and carriparty ' n Veerier cygnets ZANE, 423 Market, Camden,N.J. 35-38 FOR Sale cheap—2 barber chairs, 3 The advertising committee of the C. haJl on June 22. Fridav next Or Sat J-0ST AND FOUND large mirrors, 1 cup rack, 5 chairs, 1 E. society o f the Baptist church will urday, lur.e 30, the V. I. A. will held BIDS received for the cutting of the Pitney Havens recently sold a Hud clock and 1 electric barber pole. Ad „„ ... ID. LOST— Open face gold watch, roono- hold a cake sale in the Klippel building cne o f their famous “ bakes” , proceeds son speedster to Archie McClure o f rass at Money Island. Apply to Mrs dress Box 133, Toms River 35tf adv for the Red Cross fund. adv. Lakewood . SE LIG, Bryant ave., Monev Is- 5 ram M on hack, between my home and on Saturday afternoon, June 30 or Catholic church, lune 8. Please return ‘ 35 FOR SALE— Fifty Light Springfield land to MISS ESTHER HYER> 38* Gasolene gas machine, mixer, blower, WANTED—A farmer and wife for tank and weights complete; cost $350, LOST— \yateh charm, Masonic em Mail or tele will sell for $100. Address M. E., general farm work; must understand blem, monogram M. E. on back, Friday Agent p h o n e or Courier office 29 truck, poultry and stock. Apply L. H. or Saturday last. Reward if returned for WOOD, 1802 Chestnut St., Phila. 35 to MAHLuN ERNST 38* ders w ill be FOR Sale, cheap—Square piano, InWANTED—One or two well bred 33 quire Box 88 d elivered by LOST— Lady’s carbuncle ring at young milch goats recently fresh or Parcel Post FOR Sale cheap— Surrey runabout, soon to freshen. Box 451, 1 oms River Toms River, June 20. Reward if re 38* F A M IL Y O U T F IT T E R 35-38 turned to Courier office milk wagon and cart. W1EDENMAY at ou r exER Farm, Hooper avenue 37 LOS T— Handbag in Peachwood, about WANTED Four young pigs, about p e n s e on EXTRA quality fresh hay for sale. 8 weeks old. Box 26, Fork©d River 38* noon Wednesday; containing money, Adjoining Post Office addressed letters and other articles. purchases of MODERNA FARM, Hooper avenue, Return to Mrs. G. W. DAUMONT, Toms River, N. J. 36 One D ollar FOR RENT 1 Beach wood, Toms River 38* T E L E P H O N E 13 M FOR Sale— 350 cedar fence posts, 6 or over. FOR Rent— Eight rcom house, block feet long. Address L. W. M., box 352, HELP WANTED-FEMALE from post office, $200 a year. Inquire Toms River 36 Box 352, Toms River 37tf WANTED— Girl to do bookkeeping FOR Sale—1 horse farm wagon and stenography and tpyewriting. Good FOR Rent— Large house, furnished, 1 carryall wagon, good condition,cheap. wages for a competent applicant. A. } H. FuRCANsER 38 for summer only; $5i> per month. Com BRnNT LUMBER CO. 33^ municate with L. M. Toms River, 37tf FOR Sale— Pine eordwood. SAM- N. j. UEL APPLEGATE, Toms Rwer 38tf YACHTS FOR SALE SEVERAL large, light and airy fur Pin NO for sale, easy terms Apply nished rooms for rent, at reasonable 1 HOUSEBOAT for Sale; all convenWRIGHT’ S Bakery 38* prices. Mrs. CHARLES CRANE, Bay Bay iences,awnings,water tank, cook stove We are ready to supply you with the most complete Head, N. 1. 34tf , toilet; fully equipped, with engine for STOCK FOR SALE j power, etc. Very cheap._ Address A RBathing Apparel for men, women and children, and FOR Rent—3 large furnished rooms, ¡THUR C. KING, Yoms River* 37 tf HORSE and wagon for sale. Apply use of bath; gas for cooking. Box 119, with the biggest stock we have ever shown. U ILDS GROCERY CO., Main street, Toms River 35 FOR Sale- 18 fool motorboat, 6 h. p. Toms River 38 Eagle engine, $125; 14 foot motorboat, 2 h. p. engine, $90; 21 foot powerboat, REAL ESTATE We have the one-piece ladies’ bathing suits as w e ll LARGE team of heavy draft work two cylinder Ferro engine,$125; 14 foot Horses for sale. Price veryreasonable; FOR Sale—Corner property, River yacht tender (mahogany), three horse as men’s and children’s. Also the two-piece suits m replacing teams with motor trucks. and Central avenues. Island Heights, Mianus engine, $100. L a MBERT’ S Apply to FRANK M. HEWITT, Sea N- J-, best business corner in Island Machine the most popular colors and stripes. Shop, Toms River 38 hide Park, N. J. 36 Heights, containing restaurant, barber CABIN sloop 27 x 9, $50; motor boat »OR,,.-; for sale; guaranteed to work shop, pool room, apartments, butcher A lull line of bathing caps such as you very seldom o T’eds of harness, and good roadster. shop, and ground; also will rent restau 16x4, $o0. Capt. STOKES or « O n Island Heights, N. J. 33*! rant and upstairs apartments combined, Lr ,c e $100. WM. STACKHOUSE, see. Shoes and waterwings. Prices: or barber shop, pool room and down aretown, N. 1’ - Phone -P O. - Jones’ SILK racing sail for 20 ft. sneakbox. store 31 stairs apartments; a l s o separately Mrs. b. J. SMITH, Island Heights butcher shop. Communicate with R. 38-41 ' — Good medium size M. HIRST, 1213 North American bldg., N-_J-____________ 36tf buggy and harness; reasonable. Phila., Pa. FOR Sale— Houseboat, 18 ft. long, -Liquire at Courier office FOR Sale or Rent— Large house with with 2 rooms,good condition, 460. I.VV. modern improvements, electric lights, IRONS, Island Heights, N. J, 33 L . _ b u s in e s s n o tic e s gas, bath,_hot water heating system; FOR Sale—*¿2 ft. power boat, suit 1 ORDER your cherries earlv a short E^ice $2,750; Highland Park way," Toms’ able for party or pleasure; can be fake a gl ince at our window. bought at bargain. Apply p. o . Box 425, Toms River " gg FOR Rent -or Sale— A public garage °UR grass needs cutting; what FOR • ’-'■Hie— ’--lass cabin cruiser Agcn Main Shore road at Barnegat, N. J. »nape ]8 your jawn mower in? Bring Address K. S. MATHIS, Barnegat, N. nes” ; 36 feet overall; 16-20 h. .p. Buf LMiISeJi?^overhauling- THEODORE J., orT. W. SY.NNOTT, 4th and Wal falo Tutomarine engine com] fete. Fine F A M IL Y OUTFITTER condition. Can be seen at LAMBERT, Water street A-djoining Post Office ink’s ship 29 tf nut streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 15tf yard, Toms River, N. J. 20tf NFW JERSEY C O rR IER ** “ SBS8S - - a aafl. .-¿ « st S&" f u f f m w i i « Mi j < > r ]|)AV tAil»n»ooo) JURE I f , 1017 b r e v it ie s SPECIAL EXCURSION New York SUNDAY JUNE 2 4 1917 Round Trip Tickets J $1.25 t 65 n Am erican Lady H i r s h b l o n d ’s TOMS RIVER Corsets T to T ake Bathing Saits, 50c to $10 Caps, 25c to $1.50 ^ Shoes, 2 5 c to $ 1 .2 5 H I R S H B L O N D ’S PAGE SIX Summer Schedule Ocean GateY.C. ie jn r ö ö b ö W S H iw s B H ö t TOMS RIVER SUPPLY CO. « s.l «Uy. lu«» Ju Molinai of al 'ha Cid i in ite* I lu^t tluya». («00 P M O f f i c e r « i « d C o m m it « — a !.. t u t t a t.ueet Ct 44U0 Merket Street, Philadelphia VY«dn*»d«y, J“*' IV 1 H PatrhaB • V «»('a m madore t rutwt and '!» » t>Ml ftctft* Kvvntfi| «M N «Olli xtreet. l*hlUdalphta Dralrr* dance Harry Graham Prar Cammadnre 101 N «let Xtreet. Philadelphia Friday. July 6 by a .under RaWrvwo • . V td a y F.wmnj I»(d txrly I f«(rff AIM 1* M. III) S JStb Xtreet, PtuUdalphi* Met t*. C. C#u Jtnw. xhtadler Financial Serrelarr Saturday. July ? fill N. 20th Street. Philadelphia Uoai K*»v Kwrnn* Vid rata danca. rheadore F Setfert Treaeum Wednesday. July II I4H W’alaut Mreet, Philadelphia Mit. A CUik and Mr, J Kurina wtU mi,Mun at card* 1 00 r M All of tha above meatMoad namti, Friday, July 15 alM the loihrwing gt»*lc men Mr*, s. H Puritan will »«ttrtaiit at Wm. H N.wlm, I4J N. Patoa *i«„ Phil*. raid* 8 P, M )»mee V.coer, Carrettfurd, Del. Co., Pa. Satuiday, July H Bout Haem, Ev»*iag Vktwla dean». i .tarfi H. Sraruhan TELEPH ON E 95 M. 5028 K m (w «»n ( Ave , Philadaiphia WtdiMuiay, July l l ;2S252SZS252S2SZS25252S2S2S2~2S2S2S2S2S2S2S2Sfc£2S3 Mr» C hritmalarwd wtU m iriu m at b » t l g O iu h u card* 5.00 P M. William Hull. Chairman, Ntwark, N. J. Friday, July 10 Edwin I* MrAllintar Ocean Gate, N. J. Mr» Suit Smilh and Mr. K M Thnm;*. , Harry Etna Ocwa« Gala, N. J. m i wtU »oturtiin at card*. 8 00 P. M. Frank Daria. 410 K. ISM St., N.Y. City I Saturday. July 21 I Dr. W K Hu,h*». niustr,t*d travel Charlie Schmalariad, 5*00 Girard Ave., Phila. | talk oa Japan 8 00 P M. 71m m de»»utM Wednesday, July 25 Mr» W It Newlin and Mr». E Williams William Eaall, Chairman, Neararh, N, J, «ntartain at card» 5 OOP M. i'a.ilrr Godwin, 1« N, 57th Sc., Phila. Friday, July 27 J.mea Var»ar, iiarrettlord. Dal. Co., Pa. M i» Amy Chadwick will entertain at Dr. E. Roland llrarne carda. 8.00 P M Pannaytvania Buildin,. Phila. Saturday, July 28 j Dr. S. B rate hall. «J 8 N. 40th Sa .. Phila. Meeting of Club. 8 00 P M Vktrola danca Cbariaa Schmalaried, Chairman Wednesday, Augual I 5800 Girard Avs.. Phil*. Mra. Jame* Verner and Mra. Harr Harry Graham, 101 N. « l i t St., Phila. Ellia will entertain at carda. 5.00 P. ' K. Scott Smith Woodbury, N. J. Friday, Auguat J Mra. Joaeph J. Levy will entertain at F. Strainer, Car* Phil*. Hoc. Co.. Phil*. carda. 8 00 r . M. Flugeo* Brisk . Ocaaa Cat*, N. J. Saturday, Auguat 4 7Q«»kar aki* if a— Ul*< Vaudeville in the evening 8.00 P. M. Eu|cn* Gulhman, Chairman Wrdneaday, Auguat 8 5124 Walnut St., Phila. and Mr». Frank D»via will entertain at William ti. Tolliver Jr. card». 5.00 P. M. 5124 Walnut St., Phila. Friday, Auguat tO Harry Graham, 101 N. Olat St., Phila. Mra. E. Gulhman and Mra W, G. Tolli B.A. Shinn,588BenaonSt.,Camdan.N. J. ver will entertain at carda. 8.00 P. M. F. G. Kiaaelbach, Ocean Gate P. O., N.J. Saturday, August II 1 ntart*lr-aua! Coanltty O. G. Y. C. Dramatic Co. present* a pU,tet. 3.00 P. M. I Dr. G. CUfton Guest, chairman 4400 Market St., Phila. Wednesday, Auguat 15 101 N. «1 at St., Phila. Mr». George Lubker entertain» at card*. Harry Graham, 5.00 P M. VV. G, Tolliver, Jr. 5124 Walnut St., Phila. Friday, Auguat 17 Fair and Bara.tr under auapicea of the Eugene Gulhman, 5124 Walnut St., Phila. Ladies' Auxiliary. Georg* Lubker, 159 Walnut St., Phila. Saturday, Auguat 18 J0006X%VCC%XXX*WX*X'**X%V>XX>X%XV%%X%*X%>XX%>.’ <W"',% X *« TaU sata. to 26. 26. y . 2A.2A. Fair and Bazaar under auspice» of the R. Scott Smith, Chairman Ladies' Auxiliary. George Lubker Dr. G. C. Gueat Wednesday, August 22 Mrs. Edward McCalTerty entertains at 7 1 ..I Caytai« cards. 5.00 P. M. K. Scott Smith, Jr. Friday, August 24 7 « r * u r C e»»o4 a r.s Mrs. Harry Graham entertains at cards. Com. E. P. Ramer Com. G. C. Gueat 8.00 P. M Com. W. H. Newlin Com. J. R. Pel» Saturday, August 2S Annual meeting of the Club. Victrola Com. George S. Lubker R O B E R T F R O R IE P , P r o p dance. Official 2tt«aa»r.r Wednesday, August 20 R. Scott Smith Automobile,Marine and Stationary Engines Repaired by Mrs. B. A. Shinn will entertain at cards3.00 P. M. Expert Mechanics. Prompt Service. The Regatta Committee will from time Friday, August 51 to time hold races to best suit the con Mrs. William iixall will entertain at venience of the member«. Due notice of cards. 8 00 P. M. races will be posted on the bulletin board. Saturday, September 1 Charles Schmalzried, Chairman. Annual Minstrel Show, management A tennis court will be built, and the E v e r y th in g U p -t o -D a t e Dr. and Mrs. Guest. 8.00 P. M. members are asked to play this good game. A copy of the rules of the game, Monday, September 5 A tla n tic C ity B o u le v a r d T O M S R IV E R , N. J. Labor day sports—7th annual masque also of the court, will be posted in a con spicuous place. rade dance—Close of season nooooooooooooeooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooc Mam Street Poet Offic# Block JX V u Indian Motor Cycles Bicycles, A m o Supplies Sporting Goods, Hardw are of All Kinds, Poultry W ire, Paints Oils and Varnish i Just Received Another Carload of Buick Autom obiles Ä Fours $665 Sixes $1020 — E. F. LARRABEE Lakehurst New Jersey s Buy It Because It’s & Better Car Touring Car • $ 3 6 0 Runabout - 345 Chassis . Coupelet Town Car Sewaui - . . - - S3Z5.00 - 505.00 595.00 - 0 4 3 .IX) f.o.b. Detroit J O S E P H G R O V E R & SO N Tom* Riv«r, N. J. will make Billion* oat of it should have Ukei. the most of it without inturwt, a* it all come* their way. Doc* tha poor man who *quces«a oat • hundred for * bond earning him S 1 2 per cant, and remember non taxable, conaider who la going to be taxed the moat to pair the very interest be i* looking ior? Why do our great and wiae lawmaker» at waahlngton aeetn to be anx.ou* to let the men o f many million* down *o eaay and put a high tax on what the very poor rauxt absolutely have toexlat? During th«aeitranuoua time* couldn't the multi-millionaire be made to part with some of the million* of income that ia coming to him yearly and he would »till have milliona left? They teli the poor to do our bit and economize and yet they wonder why the »pirit o f unrest ia growing among the poorer d a w who their hard earned dollar will only go at far a* Stl cent* would a short time ago, while the rich man’a dollar makes him more than double by aqueezing the poor man o f his last cent to keep from starving, and a hard job at that Farm Loan Association A public meeting of the U. S. Na tional P am Loan AMOciation of Ocean county, N. J., will be hold at Barnegat in the opera house on Monday e renine June 9 , at 8 o'clock. All farmers of Ocean county who are desirous of borrowing money on their farm lands on very eaay term* should join this association. This ia a branch o f the National farm loan bank at Washington and its object is to assist ail worthy farmers by loaning than money at a low rate of interest to tum ulate farming A government repra eenutive will be present to explain New Ford Owner» Among the Ford aale* recently re ported in the northeast comer or this county are: Rev. Fred Lynch. Weal Point Pleasant; George T, Turk, Herbertsville; John Steward, Point Pleas ant; Joseph Johnson, Point Pleasant; J. E. VanNote, Osbornville. loeeph M. Thompson of New Egypt and Toma River has run his Dodge car ( Soldier’* uniform* are common sights 7000 miles on one set o f tires, and last! at New Egypt nowadays, but what'Will week traveled 54 miles on two gallons ) it be when tne Wrightatown camp gets 1 underway, with its 40,000? of gaa Toms River Garage and Machine Shop Fully Equipped Machine Shop 8 ARNEGAT R. C. BUCKWALTER PLUMBING STEAM FITTING. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKER, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Heaters; Steam, Water and H ot Air Heating; Blue Flame and Gasolene StovesJ AT REDUCED PRICES Toms River 21 W a sh in g ton Street WM. S. ROBERTS i;s H E A T KHS ROOFING stov W e ll D r illin g , P u m p s , H e a tin g an d S a n ita r y P lu m b in g . A g e n t fo r Aermotor Windmills. Rider and Errickson Hot Air Pumping Engines. WM. S. ROBERTS, Ladies and Gents’ Suits made to Order; Cleaning, Dye ing, Pressing andiRepairing Neatly Done. MAIS STREET Toms River Tailor F . H U T T IN G E R ii^ d Building Toms R iver, N.J Anyone visiting W ashington during these patriotic times should not fail to visit the “ Key Mansion’ ’ , the home of the “ Star Spangled Banner’ ’. It is 3518 M street, Georgetown, near the Aqueduct bridge Geo. Hollingsworth has sold his large power boat to A. W. Kelley's brother in Tuckerton We hear it said it is desecrating the flag to wear it on stockings, etc. It may not be desecrating it to leave it hanging out nights in a beating rain, but it surely looks more disrespectful to Old Glory than to display it on hosiery Capt. Lem Dothidav and Jas. Cox have planted hedges along their lawn fronts, which will protect them from thoughtless persons who will persist in walking on the grass, so long as it is someone else’s grass Strawberries are very plentiful and prices reasonable,but it isn’ t the grow er’ s fault, as they can’ t be stored for higher prices Irving Russell is chief steward on the power yacht Marchioness, with head quarters at Beach Haven and Atlantic City Motorcycles are a fine thing for those who have use for them, but when put in the hands of half grown boys, they become one of the biggest nuisances out. They like to stand in front of public places displaying its ability to d i s t u r b meetings; after which they spend the rest o f their time in shooting around the main streets like a rapid fire gun in operation, to the danger of pedestrians who dare venture on the streets Henry Brown has been transferred to Love Ladies Island from Barnegat City coast guard station. He.is the only man at this station, as the entire crew have been removed Several p e o p l e saw what they thought were aeroplanes hovering low and acting suspicious one night last week, when returning home from the extra meetings, but usually people who are out late are liable to see things The jetty at the lower landing is be ing rebuilt, the worms having eaten away the piling so the ice carried away a large part o f it last winter Sammy Taylor was the first one to register here for a soldier. His grand father the late Samuel Taylor, served the last three years in the Civil War. He was with Grant at Petersburg, Pa., and several other hard fought battles. One of his comrades, Jos. K. Ridgway o f this place, tells how “ Sammy” and a Johnny Reb had fired at each other sev- era! times at very close range but with out effect. Each had a heap of sand in front of him, but at last Sammy waited for Johnny to show his head and the instant he did he let go with the result that Johnny bit the dust and Sammy felt safer. Young Sammy may make as good a soldier as his grandfather, orovided he doesn’ Cgo in the tonsorial dept. Mrs. Mary A. McGee of Mt. Holly has been spending a few days with her nephew, Capt. Lem Dothiday Mrs. Jos. K. Ridgway is improvirg after several wetks’ illness Verily the seasons have changed. Andy Brown is still peddling soft clams right here in strawberry time Mrs. [. H. Hartzell, sister of Mrs. Mary V. Clayton, died in Philadelphia recently About twenty Freeholders and their friends were entertained at dinner last Wednesday at the Altnont inn, by the builders of the new road here. This old established house was built in the ea rly part o f 1800 by David Oliphant. The land at that time was owned by Stephen Inman who lived at Great Swamp, now Surf City. When Oli phant wanted to buy the ground, Inman found ne wanted to put up a tavern there and asked him such a price that he felt sure he would not want it. $100 for an acre was the price, and Oliphar t paid it, and cut off the pines and oaks and sold the wood for nearly what he paid for the lot. He then built the main part o f the house that is there today After him came Ephraim Ateheson, Wm. Schaeffer, John Hinchman, Sam uel Muliin, then his widow and son John,Sam King and Geo. Pitman, Wal ter Scott, Hugh Ireland, Wm. Mulford, John Barrett, Galudet& Morris, Lewis H. Barrett and Leonard W. Wilson. These are about as near as we can find from some o f the old settlers. During Samuel Mullin’s time, somewhere near fifty years ago, it was named the Mullin house, and continued under that name until a few years ago, when Mul ford bought it; then it was changed to the present name It is reported men are scouring the country buying all the potatoes at big prices and payings forfeit to bind the bargain. Now where is the man who wants to do his bit by refusing to help rob the poor and sell at a reasonable price? That’s all right on that side, but damn the man who puts up the prices of things he must buy. Now that the “ Liberty Loan” has been realized, it is hoped they won’ t quarrel over the disposition o f it, as they are over the food question while the prices are soaring. The men who ' W beat in yaiin owVernosite We can now supply a varnish that positively withstands exposure to all extremes of weather— The g u a r a n t e e d V E R N O S I T E E. H. BERRY, s p a r v a r n i 'sh We guarantee that it will not turn white from rain or sleet, nor blister from the sun’s heat. Vernosite is not cheapened with rosin; therefore it cannot scratch white. It is the perfect varnish for store fronts, kitchens, bath rooms, outside doors, boats and every surface exposed to heat, water or unusual wear. Vernosite drys dust free in ten hours. The guarantee formula on the can assures uniformity, proper ageing and freedom from adulteration. H. W. TOLBERT, Toms River, N. J. Barnegat, N. J. PAINT D E VQ E P A I N T nsasssasMasEsasHSHmMasEsssESEsasasHSHSHsssHSESESHSEsaasHsasas^a Singer Sewing Machines CASH OR INSTALLMENTS Ocean County Territory South of Lakewood W. S. CRANMER, Agent C E D A R R U N , N . J. S0SS5E5ESiiSES2SHSH5HSHS25ES3SESHSSSESH5EEHSESH5E5E5H5E£3SESESaS2S2SHSHS NEW JERSEY COURIER PACE SEVEN HARVEY CEDARS Awnines; J, Itnar* WOMErs SUFFRAGE THRIFT SERVICE B A T V IIU of W,rrhaft|vlll» I’ Miw m Potter and wife vtiierudnid t p e n d i lt f « ! • » d a y * h * r r over thv w „ k end Mr. andtii* tlevwl ll«aa o f Philadalpbl* Mias Katherine And,moo w vkHting ALL StZIS MADf ORDINANCE NO. 2 Th« Ballot and th® Preserving with bar »¡»Ur. Mr«. Cecil Word*, in TO ORDER Hoboken Kettle« Lined Up Together. Isiln att* Clv*o Alt or*tin*nee mvrj»ltt*u t«rUlnrOA(tA. Un, W. I, Bnggien and ton John o f or public highwajft, ami portion* o f Brooklyn are at Ibelr ntmmer bon»* Pklllng tn line with the offer at war ctrtain otb tr read*, or jnibtir highway a, Mr, Etiggren will »pend the week end I •"ttleB mail« by ib. National Ameri Cabinet Making In lhr borough o f ^ v ich to o d . with them. can Woman Huffrac* Amm-lathm to tb* Upbohttilng to Mr* M. O. Phillip» »pent 'b e peat President nf He (¡tilled Hfilr*. various VSbaraw , lh*r* hot born Altd lit tho all IM Btantba* vifllca o f ino U «rk o f lh* * ounty o f weak with bar daughtei* in lama .Over *>at* suffrage uwrlitlaM have called Laktncod, R. Ufp«R, Map« Numbrra II, 14« 15 ami A. S. Putinger end family anti Sam Ibelr member. Into pmcth*sl service. H», entitled '*B**chw«>d,Ocean County, Grant, ot I m u River, were Sunday IXSW The first art of tbe pmeldenl of the Krar lanwy, Surveyed and Platted by vtailor» of W n Ol*ckn*r and « If* Nehresks Hi*!» Suffrage AseorlstloO. A. D. Nickrraon. s Ivit B w ir m r , O f W, H. Holman, orif# arwl tUuffhtar Mrs W. R Barkley, ws* to Hue up her Lawton loiter 1914/* which Mid mafia a i« known B dm o f Lakawood »pent Friday fiU> .!„ » R iv a l f« iT u rn u B members In suffrage-thrift d o ts at Plat UA, UH, DC and DU rtiptc* 0 . ft. Wardell and t i f f Decker A Son • 6 ,1 * ( bU »ff ■'OK The stale suffrage aegenlvnMon Is 4 » Tort »*1 all *■»*«» *or' 4 »art •»«' at « * » lively, and ugen which aaid map# are CoftiUruArd Edgar Sexton ha* ttiovad »*»► » Fischer v I • wakening Ua members to the fact l U a n ivrtain atrrrta, foadr, avrnu**a a i aotau **•« »»•<* tax and highway*, ju by reform er to said HI# family to I*la ml tftoarh for the *tim* lhai Nebraska women can put up Becker Brof. *tw S>>-*«< « • * map* will tuotk fully and at large ap* incr month* Ibelr own foodstuffs, and so free the Kohler &. Campbell Paul Pete non I* employed at the Haf t|H#. trt*» •*** • • pear, therefore, produce of the canning factories foe l^rfciMi W «*r » e r » **<* am at*’ . Itf*. Riveraide betel. Forked River, eschauf , 'XporisiLu, y, loc ilte (P a ;, - Itcrvvcr Bradbury a«a«* P * hi* it nHaln.wf hy the C*u*t| ? f the feur a s tIst i fornii U fart. It will be mod needed. “Will Borough o f Beachwood i «rii« Jacob Broa. ua irutMa k Mr*. A, 9. Tilton entertained the MMIAtl*W|ift Id R i m i l i l*Hf t t 'l put preserve for future use double 1. That thr following road*. at reel*, Ladle* Aid Society on 1» edneed*** evenHardman r If 000 » . lm > iH M ® . • * * .* « * p • tour nsual quantity of foodstuff»?“ Is A»d ***» M i. MA pm avenue* and highwaya and portions o f I mg _ After the oualnes* meeting re' Blaaiua I tLe quest loti which baa been added to ce r ta in o t h e r s t r e e t s , rnedi freehmenta were nerved V A tlM A r t t U N and h ig h w a y a s h o w n o n aaid m a p . J a m e s & H o lt t r o m D. R. Arderaon and wife viatted ml- - tbe enrollment Mips of the Nebraska i t t i » ; iR d iu a tM ij •uffragtets. (ROW V •ti *nd piiixdtipbi» mu all point», i.ie and th e aam e a re h e r e b y a c c e p t e d ativc* in Lanoka on Sunday and for public rood» or highway«, About 1,M*> tons nf preserved food 9* ipma.sootiaa.i «tat, a m; aod wit: H. P, Butler and wife, and Mr*, F. a n d others, both upright R, Butler end children motored to \ can now, on th* present Iwtsla, lie re ir * and player styles. tata «otiti and potava aorta k »art all pc f» R«* Larboard leased, Is lb* estltnale made by thrift I ! (a) Ba yaide Av# Manahswkin on Thursday it, ta.au, a.<uand î.**v i>m leaders If each suffragist will double1 PAVID C , iíh kw km, foanaaater I S tr e e t tc i Lookout ! t r e a t Phillip Gottenberg, wife and son, her supply, 8.UOO tons may be expected Henry o f Paterson, are (pending a few I (b) Hr,con Avenue from it* intersec g A lU t O A D T I M TABLES from Nebraska's suffrage thrift effort, i daye *t their home here . linn with Lookout Street to the M>uth' erly line ot the Borough; Mis* Lucy Potter «pent laat week in : Iowa to another atat* to take up1 thrift work, tinder th* direction of It) Compels Avenue from iu inter Seaside Park with friend« Ames ("oilcite, one of th* foremost ag Raymond Vender-veer recently vlaltsection with Lookout Street to the T H A I «» 0 « A f » t » » « * R i» « H ed hie parent», Harry Vanderveer and i rlcultural college* In tbe country, In •outherly lino o f the Borough; fa t N*W T O R I. BJIUM'-» »«« N «»w . •trui-tlona In canning and preserving wife, and called on hi* friend* 4M. IJ. 4- « >« I ll r.a. I i i I i m (d) (Urnecst Boulevard frtm its in fruits and vegetables will be aeut out i.r > ■>.. i •**.*». Mm. Bills is epetnling tom : time in m b a r s i u a T. m ç » . ». » . . » - I» . CM u o tersection with Starboard Street to the to the suffrage societies through th* northerly line of the right o f way of Bradley Beach t m r.a. guadar* I t . l a g ¡ *.n P f i ft ULR AR l«'»C ''Ä H R t»T L A t * * O O U fKRO «A M I. the Pennsylvania Railroad; Mm. Ethel Seddon am* daughter, of , * * , lowg Ig to conduct suffrage » M F . * Nuoti»). atti., (M . • K . 1. thrift cooking schools. Easton, Pa., are spending some time t . p » b ., i t * *. »■ (t) Forepeak Avenue from its inter- with her parent*. Edward Grant and i B-tli Pennsylvania and New Jersey |i ,. »«NCR. TIC • * **. section with Starboard Street to the |H AM r ■; Nuoti.) ■ 7.». » . m.. t.M wife women are mohUtolng their frutt Jar* .. » t C A S f i c u * * * . »« t.M. M * northerly line of the right of way of Clifford Butler has returned to the 1 Into aerrlca, knowing that presently A .» .. « K Pennsylvania Railroad; ÍÑRCAND. »R ID Ö R T O «. *'«•. •> TQt VIH* guard aUtion, after a fortnight's I there will be a famine tn glass rani. 1 (f) Capstan Avenue from its inter coasp illn*ea with the measles Loral suffrage headquarters tn New r i l U w A U t R * W iM ln* J a le n o . section with Starbosrd Street to the Alex Stott o f Brooklyn was an over Jersey town* will be experiment sta northerly line of the rieht o f wsy of Sunday visitor. Mr. Stott i* doing a tlon* where experts tn canning will the Pennsylvanis Railroad; lot of farming at his summer home show willing suffragists bow to pre (g) Larboard Street from the north serve fruits and vegetable* tn a id erly line o f the right o f way of the I S. W. Cook has been on the sick lint Ï Â S « “ the past work, . ut i . now im foved entitle . ianrer. a c o m m u n it y can PeniAyisinia Railroad to Bayaide Av . u ttr»«« a®. i vi* ning (enter has been opened at No. 'ire. W. C. Shaw is entertaining this m u * from Toekffton. Uaa«*b H»r»t> and R onr- nue; ■at cut o Phliait« ipain. T r a u * and N«w York. 1T21 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, un week her friend, Mr*. Bob O'Neil of (h) Harpoon Street from the north dor tbe direction of Mr*. R. E. Keer erly line of the right of way of the New York only only Penney 1vania Railroad to Bayside Ave «s. Han «a. euo uau, State Chairman of Ruffrage Agrt Wm. Anderson and Edgar Lewi* nue; motored to Port Hancock on Sunday culture for Pennsylvania. A drying am pm am pa L*WE (i) Lookout Street from the Atlantic machine for drying apples, corn and Mr*. Martha Phillips of Jersey City 1 t* 0*1 ura* CUJ 4 4» City Boulevard to the " Reservation’ other vegcluhles will be Installed at T «o a ta is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jemes t»*»ct» llati ii 7 8 04 8 61 along the Toms River; Haruf**»« City Je fl la Cornelius this hendquHrlcrs so thnt by the eiul 8 «0 * 1 u 3 4M 3 1 2 M a in St., T o m s R iv e r , N . J. T o o ir a 9 47 (j) Club House Road from Barnegat 7 VI a 07 of the summer the Pennsylvania auf Orian Lane o f Forked River visited « M t Creek 8 90 « uu 7 41 à 9» Mankfinwkin Bou evard to Beacon Street; his siater, Mrs. lohn Grant on Sunday fr« c i s t s wttl Iv e aide to render tmmrdt 9 10 fi v« sa' 1 ta 8 RR Bumglt (k) Compass Street from Club House !9 14 79 89 77 t4 fl M Waren»wn Je Children’s Day will be observed in ate uld tn the government. Road to l-ookout Street; AMHl VE Walter Sprague and family have re 7EDAR RUN the M. E. church on Sunday, June 24 9 40 5 98 b n 4 06 W lutins» turned to Jersey City after spending « 7 95 (l) Club House Road from Beacon 9 U» 6 61 Philadelphia Devine Butler made a business trip 7 It Street to the “ Reservation” along the lü »« 6 46 Miss Dorothy Conkling has been couple o f weeks with his parents Treuwn to Philadelphia on Monday 10 IS New York P H R 11 61 7 va spending some time with her sister at S. B. Conkling and family left thi* 8 45 Toms River; New Ÿora C H K 1* 1* Frank vharp o f Camden visited rela Barnegat week for Beach Haven where they w ill (m) Beacon Street from Club House tives HITUKNlNi* over the week end Jack Cranmer o f Red Bank was an spend the summer in charge of MagyPan Han Road to Lookout Street; LRAVR Daily Dm? Mrs. Harry Aligor and children of | nolia cottage omy omy ex »on ex. »on over Sunday guest of his parents (n) Spring Street from the Atlantic Forked River are spending a few days Capt. Freeman W. Sprague, after a City Boulevard to Club House Road; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cranmer and two pm a m with Abner Aligor and wife sons motored to Asbury Park and spent brief visit with his family,has returned (o) Brigantine Street from the At New York C R K 4 oo 8 80 Mrs. Rdnn Stutter and daughter have New York P R R a ini I M Sunday with Prof, and Mrs. J. R. to his business at Norfolk, Va. lantic City Boulevard to Compass Ave i 40 8 Og : m Trenton returned to Asbury Park, after visiting Steelman nue; Capt. F. L. Keller of the Salvation « au 8 av 4 00 PWianieiphi* io in « m 1» ae fi 88 Wlumi«* (p) Starboard Street from Barnegat with her parents.Geo. Leming and wife Chas. A. Cramer and family spent Army, Atlantic City, is a guest o f flO 8 » f 8 40 7 * 0 4 8 re 8 7 Waretown Je Clarence Ford Sunday with relatives at Long Branch 10 48 6 44 Boulevard to the Atlantic City Boule Rev. Wm. B. Magsam of Titusville 10 4» e 01 Harnepat 10 68 6 84 vard; 11 0*1 6 14 MHDKiiawkiD Mrs. Julia Martin entertained com has been visiting friends here for a few W. F. Lewis of Barnegat,was a busi 7 08 11 I« 6 88 Weal Creek pany from Beverly over the week end ness caller on Tu sFayi 2. That the names of said roads, days AKHIVE 11 *R R 86 Took ertoti streets, avenues and highways, shall Mrs. Charles Vandeveer was a Tues The meeting of the National F*um< Mrs. Ethel Cranmer and son o f I-hip rn »»a darnegat City Je fil ** re 89 be the same as designated upon the day visitor at Toms River association to be held at Barnegat. Bottom are visiting relatives in town 11 86 Beach Ha vea 11 «o 6 Ml said mapa, except that portion of ComBar negai Cltji W «6 Yachtsmen are now getting ready for Mrs. S. B. Conkling and daughter opera house, on Monday evening, 25fh ass street from Club House Road to the summer season at Barnegat Pier _ _______ flagHii fessie spent a few days at Beach Haven inst., for the purpose of discussing Ji*HN C. PRIOR, General Manager ookout Street which shall be designa plans to establish a branch of the asso A. P. Cranmer o f Long Island was an ciation in Ocean county. It provide® an Joseph Grant spent the weekend ted as Compass Avenue, and except with A. S. Pittenger at Toms River over Sunday guest o f his parents at further that portion of Beacon Street way o f getting mortgage loans farv NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mayetta from Club House Road to Lookout farmers at low rates of-interest and on > Tbe Colombia Trait Company of New York, Miss Gladys Sprague is employed as easy terms o f repayment, it is hoped! executor of Margery McConnell, deceawd, r»% Street which shall be designated as order of the »arrogate of the Coanty of Ocean, Beacon Avenue. NOTICE T O C O N T R A C T O R S stenographer for W . S. Cranmerduring there will be a large attendance. The’ hereby glvei notice to the creditors of the aaid the summer 3. This ordinance shall go into effect farmers are going to be called upon to deceased to bring in their debt«, demands and cl<tlma agaluHt th*» eatate of oatd deceased, un upon being posted and published as re Mrs. Herbert Cranmer and Mrs. Har bear the burden ot feeding the alli'edl B each w ood B orough G arbage der oath or animation, within nine month“ from quired by law. ry Willets o f Beach Haven were recent armies during the war as weU a» our Proposals the Nineteenth day of March. 1917, oi they will own citizens, and in order to d® thi» guests o f Mrs. Carrie Sprague lie forever barred or any action therefor against Passed at a regular meeting of the the said executor. Borough Council held on June 9, 1917, Mrs. John L. Cranmer has been on they may need help not only in the l> *¡’ »0 lhat tne Council o f the T llE COLUMBIA TRUST CO. shape o f human hands and brains, but and approved by the Mayoron the same Borough o f Besoliwood, in the Count, of Ocean. the sick list OF NEW YOHK in dollars and cents. There is no reas * '£ *•*•*** ee»led proposal« tor ttie col-ectiou, date. Executor Joseph Hilliard and family o f Whit on why there should not be a farm lean removal and dlapos.l o f turhage from ad reel Dated March 19. 1917 Prs. tee *8.M) Attest: JOSEPH H. SENIOR, deuoee and huslnees place In said Borough, at a ings were recent guests of . S. Cran- association in Ocean county at onceMax Blasberg, Mayor meeting o f Council, to be hell on Jane 2«, i 917. at mer and wife 8 p. m , at the office o f the Borough Collector, Borough Clerk Mrs. Percy Mathews and two children NOTICE TO CREDITORS beachwood Boulevard said collection» to be Adolphus Fharo o f Staffordville was are at her parents for a few days J. Brown Barr, executor of Marv R. Beatty, Wtdue«dav and Friday of each a business caller at Barnegat recently deceased, by order of the »arrogate of the Countv week, from July l»17, to October l, 19 .7, in* Conkling was a Barnegat visit of Ocean, hereby give* notice to the creditors of elusive. The wagon or wagon* used bv the conChester t ranmer o f the U. S. service or R.V. last Sunday AN ORDINANCE the said deceased to bring In their debts, demands rracuir to be equipped with tight bottriius or be spent Sunday with his patents, M. L. and claims against the estate of said deceased, equipped with tight receptacles for transport.m: ,J 'V ;• Cranmer soid Fords the past Cranmer and wife, at Mayetta under oath or amrma lon, «ltbin nine month* the garbage Contractor win be required to pr<> An ordinance to accept tlie street or road from the twenty-fourth day o f April. 1917, or they known as »loop Creek Hoad vide a place or places for the disposal of garbage The patriotism o f the speculator in Roxsnn» ibftr- C' lTuckerton; on<T- Tw kerton? will be forever barred of any action thereior and if Bald piuoe so provided ib within the cor Koxanna Atkinson, H arry Wherea«, Albert 4. Tilton and Annie Tilton, One of the Official Suffrage Agriculture I food is bounded by his purse against the said executor. porate limits of the Boroagh. it, shall not he m v , . ’ L^ckerton; John M. Bell, J. JROWN BURK, Executor bis wife, A’ex&uder «*.»toit and Hedwig « Costumes for School Girl»—These !’nnnfi!lnhftIff ^0*,e one-ha,f miles from the Stott, hla wile, and David a Veeder, have, by Ini The Children's day exercises were lutings; Chas. H. Moore. iunction o f t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a «abroad oore, Lakehup«rLakehurst; Will Be on Sale in Every City. Dated April 24,1917 Prs. fee, Sti.oii strumpet in writing, hearing date •'■ugtHi.7, 1916, held in the M. E. church Sunday even 0 eorge Shinn o f Bpihwiiiiii* 1 Ka,,Load o f Nfcw Jer?ev. Each bl«i no died with the towuchipoteik of tn« Townth p Creek; motor ing last. A good attendance was at cycles to George CWest iS S S 1! ? 4 I" nwt4i>e accompanied by a certified d Berkeley, in the County of Ocean, dedicated ox"ofW est’ Creek* check or cash tu the snm o f Twenry-flve d »liars to the public use as and for a stre t or r- ad a NOTICE TO CREDITORS ed for the tabor situation to becom the service. Adolphus Pharo ar,d Clar K. H. t^ranmer o f New Gretna and as a guarantee that the bidder wld enter into a of land eituate In said township, and des »arah L. Wallace, administrator of Gtlber- strip ence Ford both made short addresses Lewis Asmus o f Manahawkin conr-raci for tu, fantiful performance uf eald acute before acting upon it There are cribed as follows: E. Wallace, deceased, by order of the Surrogate work «Dd farnlBh a bond thereror, wltti suretjfewer wage earning women ai! told in to an appreciative audience Beginning at a red cedar plug on the easterly or the County o f Ocean hereby giveB notice One thing about a headache is that to the creditors o f ti e said deceased to bring in edge of the State Hoad, formerly known as th» s s s r C o M . 00“ “ 0" ' l n » fcuui ” <"* the whole state than would muke up you feel so good after you get over it their debts, demands an«i claims against the es Main Shore Foal said plug ib dtatant ihlrty-ntx r, , , , MAX BLAIBBK V, S T A T E OF N EW JERSEY one industry alone iu Massachusetts. tate of said decea«ed. under oath or affirmation, links* on a course Sooth for y-two degrees forty Wm. A. Cranmer o f Bridgeton, is Date-1 June la. i*iT. Boroagh Clerk. within nine mouths from the twenty-sixth day of live nilnures E st from a stone th? Hourhwest It ts not us a corrective for an old spending a few days at his old home March, 1917. or they will be forever barred of orner of Acres 154 su-iuo as described In a need social sore—at any action therefor against the said adminis from Howard Jeff e , sheriff, to a . 8 . Tilton ami in Masschusetts—that I Board o f P ublic U tility ComS. Pitttoger, dated Mnr<*h'Z9,1MH a- d recor trator. this Arizona bill has been passed, hut O R D IN A N C E N O . 1 C. Norman Taylor has been visilintr ed In ^ooit 236 of Deeds, p go 445 Ac., thence missioners. 8 ARAH L. WALLACE, as a precaution against such coudi iriends at I hiladelphia „ad Cookstown Administrator, from said cedar plug (1) South thirteen degrees thirty minutes West twenty five hundredths Dated March 26. i*i7. Prs. fee. $6.oo tions of underpay for women as have To v.iom it may concern: An OTdlaaM. aliagli,, yearly compensatimi Edward Cranmer is working at Beach chains along the i*tatePoad to a st.ke. fh nee long stained New England’s industrial -N o tic e 1* hereby given that the Board o f Fublb Haven for the summer Beacbwo“ <l aQ*‘ oollector or «•« nor.mgii oi (2) South seventy-two degrees two minutes Kasi Utility commissioners for the State of New Jer P-ssli g by the North edge of a large white oak history. Charles A. Sprague and wife were* 1* <lr,i»inm! by the Cnoncil of the Borouih OCEAN C O U N TY CIRCUIT tree four and f Tty-one hundredths chains to op- „A «ey, at a. meeting to be held by It at the Starof Btach «00(1, lu the County of Ocean: over Sunday guests of his mother matte a ’ arge white osk tr*»e and at the Northerh ' hj®. Trenton, Tuesday, July ad, at 11 A. M COURT. v edge of samF* ther ce ( ) South sixty-nine de w.i ho d a hearing on the rmeation whether n' aeses«,?“ b»BrjL C? ? ,,ensa' lon ot tl,e grees three minutes K-tat iiiiv-Hght mid seventyaction m approving Issues o f stock try the Oeeai PianosandVictrolas During the thirty years we have been handling Pianos, it has given us a good opportunity to try out the different makes of Pianos. Below we give you the names of some that we have decided to handle, as follows: E. Aares G ood Uprights fo r $ 2 5 0 and up NEW JERSkY CENTRAL hr $375 up to $ 10 0 0 All for sale, rent or exchange. Players V ictrolas from - $15 to $ 3 5 0 Always on hand a good assortment of Records would like us to call and talk the mat IFterYOU over with you, we will be pleased to do so; or what is better, you come to our store, where you can see and hear the different instruments —and see them for yourself. Let us tell you how easy you can own a Piano or Victrola. Address 1 19 TUCKERTON RAILROAD CO. EDW ARD IR O N S . 886 E P.nati,m a . o_l__*r>:_i.w i I __ . ' nve hundredths chains nearly to the Easterly edge o f the swamp, theno» ro a stake (4) »outit seventy -seven degrees ten minutes East two and fifty hundredths chains 'o a Htake at the edge of the ditch on the Southern side of tne road tiience ( 5) «outh sev ntv-tbree degrees fifty min Notice Is hereby given that, a writ of attach utes East, six¡een and t tmy four huudrujihs ment was issued our, nt the Circuit Court of the chains down the ditch on the Font,he*lv side of an oar handle for a stake, thence (6) County at Ocean, oq the second day of Jane,A.D. the road *9/«, against the rights and creults, moneys and Suuth e ghtv-ihree degrees East ten chains to d effects, goods and chattels, lands and tenements cedar stake fifty links southerly from the center or M. Fanuie Evans Weitzel, an absent debtor, ot a ditch on the North My side of t ie road kt ihr m it nf James D. Holman, for the sum of tlisnce (7) 8 u h flfty-oLe degrees East on- chain three hundred and forty-three dollars and thlr- *o a stake at the southerly edge of the dock as it ow is and a few feet easterly from the weste tv teei) cents, and the same has been served and only executed, and was returned on the piue- end of the logs, t hence (8) fol owing around the tfenth day of June, A. D. 19 6, ny the bheTiff of outer edge of the d ck along Little «loop Greek and Big «mop Cre«*, Easterly, Northerly at a toe County of Ocean. „ , JOHN A. ERNST, Clerk, i w srer y to the m iu h of ad tch entering Big Sloop Creek on the Northerly side of th? dock t< w, H. Jeffrey a s ’ aae thence (9) Nertn eignty-three degrees Attorney /or Plaintiff. We>t e v n and t went -five ban*'reu hs chains DatedJunes 1917. to a stake* thence (1<) North sev nty-three de grees fifty minutes » est sixteen ami twen y-four hundredths chains to a stake, t,hence ( " ) North d r e d g in g a d v e r t is e m e n t seventy-seven degrees ten minutes West, two Office of tbe Board of Commerce and Navigation, an fltty hundredths chains to a s ake in tbe State House, Trenton, N. J „ June 12,1917. swirap. thence <lv) North sixty-nine degree nrnCa ei Pr0y08a'H70' dredging a section of the t iree minutes West fifty-eight and seventy-five ESP0??? Inland Waterway connecting Barnegat hundredth» chains ’ o a 6take. thence (IS) Nor li »ay theManapqnan River two minutes EhsI. four nod b c . swith V “t.*1 _----------...... ..... »ill be received , venty-two digtete . ----- ----------------------------.inn. 111-u . . -r 1..1 tn«« “ <llllcil at lä « ’clock noon. Jnlv v. i» n , anil 1 tony-one Uuntlreilths chains passing last South .h tf PPPdciy ODened. Ab nt$vi (r o.iro le avai - : of a very large white oak tree to a etnie at n e f “ f ,or rhlH work. The right le reserved to re- i erige of the State Roarl, thence ( 4) south ttilrt-i n “ »»J OT all bids, or to waive I formality In degrees thirty mlnn’ es west twemv flve hnn*ny bid if it. may appear to the atl-aMage r f the dredths c f a ebatn to the stake the beglnnlDg. Be it ordain d by the Township OommirreF* of tton 8010 d°’ PnrthAr - ------tahm 0 P1TWI, » ____|the Township ot Berkeley, ln the County of JOHN C. PAYNE, Chief Engineer., Oeeau and State of New Jersej: | 1. The said strip <t ’and be and the same is herebv acc ptedassud for a public street or NOTICE road, and tae name thereof shall oe sloop Creek Road. * • « « • it.may coroern: 2 That this ordinance shall take ■ff ct imme betöre1 "I® COIItr»cted bv. or due me. dated on or diately on Its p a s s a g e and pub l.atiOL a< me t?n¡1 n| il8t' 18,7 ate Payable by, and due required by law. ami ana » ft? r^ “5er’ bm au bme con,™,'’b<i l°r GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chairman. JameB D. Holman. Plaintiff, vs. M. Fannie Evans Weitzel, Deiendar r. In Attachment. . On contract. Notice. ®f (w^Harry Í Forcaneer, pft^*blc bj and due Attest: * arcus B. Allen, Township Clerk. * * River. N. June a g f ä S T P0RCAKSBK Dated June n , 1917. KsrspihÄ, W t Ä Ä K M “" Do“ar,i ea‘"' sum ut Toree tiuudrerl aun sixty Dolbirs payable Ly ?nê r|reufV“ r m“ nfho\ óug'“ Vtí elu!h' 3 This ordinance shall go Into rtfect lmmeqmied by mw betI,e pU‘,1“ “ loa aB<i S as re- i » J'JSBPa tí. SB MOR, Mayor. Attesi: Max Hlaaberg, Borough Clerk NOTICE A J1« ‘ iw CorarnKsl nets «»I ARbe Bmcnr, heretofore u Dninooi ¡.r u*#» Oou CP o ’ ! he Borough of Beach H ven f pe “y S v e b e e n ^ o n fX ‘ i “ T , iiuuZs si * Ä, Ä which ag that portion ii of said Mi* ougii from /. A,v1enu^- Por Uttnt 10 .»i <'™ i'rhulo« o f a battte!,'; obr0petilbr|,,ov" 1" ,or or structures for the protection r f thr. atrucMiro i ocean or b-aoh front ol the BnfoSgr! of B e iL Jav m n from *... ordinance meet v avenue, »each Hi Jn y 6, a . D, idi7 o o’clock P. p. m in.,. for at one for mH’ the purpo-e of heating the parries interested B y o r d -r of Jam es E . Otip. F r * .„ j Alphonse f f K e lly, (.’omml«‘ ioue?s P k A. PAUL KING, Borough Clerk. D ted June is, i »* t. Ä S Ä . Smartly Said i L0? n,t.5' ®l®er.rlc Company shall be reconsider«' I yoked 01<ler sPl'r°vh'B such Issues shall be re- Former Prosecutor Harry E. N ew man, who has been v e ry sick for the Worry ie the undertaker’s advance I Opportunlty will be afforded interested pa-ties past two months, is now pronounced out o be beard at tbe time and place mentioned. agent. oi danger. He will be taken t o h is ALFhED N. BARBER, Secretary Every white lie paves the way for a Trenton, N, J«, June 19tb. 1917. v •desce*' easan*; sumraer home to conblack one. As a rule, the good dodger does not have to stand many Lumps. The chap with nothing on his mind generally has a lot on his tongue. Fools jump on the accelerator whe:e r angels would pull on the emergency brake. Next to wisdom, the ability to look ' like ready money Is probnbly most to be desired. The cooing dove o f courtship some times becomes the screech owl of mat sa stE ea B ssau K i rimony. It Is evident that a lot of us are not going to cut as much ice tu the eyes TI TE BEST FO RD W O R K M E N of posterity ns we foolishly Imagine We shall. IN TH E COUNTY. ^ PR O M PT Some old fashioned winters seem to have a more disastrous effect on the m o d e r a t e p r ic e s weather prophet than others. F ord R ep air W o rk Charade. G R O VER & SON M y first is to drink fro m ; My second, to allow; M y w hole is tw o verses. You have guessed it by now, Answer—Cup, let—couplet Toms River ^ ” tX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X a^ New Jersey ^ * — PAGE EIGHT J u st • Glitnpae al W hat an A rm y C anienmant Mean* 4<\»«M«u*l tram P««# II ridmrtm* J«*»** I t - lit* mum S ttb U «f t*f tutlltll»« wilhifi til# Mr at *«rw »O ttilia lb«* Mil##« «1*1,1 <««t*>« •«•I*. »«.M i** III# him «t \Vright« tom* Hurliaxi**« cu««t/. N J„ for ifc# *r#hiii * ««4 k«*unu# ,*( <h** nr« mitwi' *rti»f at tfcWOOO mr».b«a *** M«c# •'»*<’ wtMff# til- W«r |l# lt«> M r tin•'111 In »hrttft tti a t m l roninti« Tfcpr* m u» m m r trrtutiof ÌI »May 1« »h âewâeg #en»fm-*.n Bll#flM*4orv Mira ««if ||y t|«> Mrlmrui wi* «Mr (u aiiiiiiaiiit it# full m l y##l#n!«jr. 1« all If# ttanlU, lb# >»b «*f f*mn« 5 * * ***tti|*# i#*d) in »m b i brl#f #f>«« * W»* •* «Af «*f tb# wait Ita ifitiu g u # Uavrr«t|ir«t brta rv#| J8U( ||* 4#r tsi t?#rh r*m|> will footalt) 10,000 RECENT DEATHS (OMttNtiwI irm a l ‘«** 1) Mm * h ,r l* . Mill«, wtf» of I# photflgraptMr who year* agomwi« h it home hare, died on june 10 at Can • den, being aoitjenly taken alt-k and moved to the boepilal there. She waa liv in g with her fam ily at Haditonfteld Word waa rerelved here bv U llbert 0 Wood from her daughter, Miee Dorothy R. F. Engle Cota on Board of Commerce and Navigation Trenton, lun* U — The members of lhe stale oounls crested by th« aeon omy and efficiency acta of 1958. which were appointed by Governor T.dga dur Ina the last legislature will aasume office on July I,when th«e# depsrtmente will complete thoireocond year» work All the boards involved will moot the wtek of July t and r* organise for the e n s u i n g year. The re organisation will likely not make any radical change. In the administration o f the departmenta or o f policy, it is understood that practically all o f the present employe, will be retained. JACKSONS MILLS James Apnieget and wifvanlertamad . on Sunday Jam«« flickiaa and family af Scobyvllle Mra, Chas.Strickland af Long Branch vtailed her aiater, Mrs. W a. Appleget and family, a part o f th« past weak ‘ Mrs. Silas Anderson and eon Uaorga «» Ut# place, and Albertus Hunlge of (.ream Ridge, wars Sunday guests of Ella* Anderson Jr. and family at Adelphis Edwin Strickland o f Bay Head is •pending s week with ralatlves her« Walwr Morton and family o f Spring Laka ware Sunday guests of C. L. Key nolds ind wife ' Holm«« Anderson o f Francis Mills, vtaitea Allan Aurnark ovtr Sunday Ray Hendrickson spent Monday In Trenton B. Springsteen o f Adelphit, spent Sunday with hi. daughter, Mrs. Wm. Applegate and family Mrs. ’•«job A. Hendrickson returned to her home at -¡outh River on sunday after spending a week with her hus band * parents, J. K. Hendrickson end wire, who accompanied her home with vra. jfHttfQ Cook, and »pent the dty Mrs. C. L. Davis and daughter Dorothy, were «ake wood visitors on Sat urday Treat»»«, «lua# H l M« F«ul rtf (hr Iton.Hii » '»tbole DIimvm* f«»r «early a quarter «*f a «waitury, «tie«) late thi# aflertiiMiti 1« the ..•)»! r#«itleuc# on North Warren atreet of a com plia» tint» of d b a iM . The bi*ih‘«p bail tieen in ill health iHAtlf a tear, hot hie o*iulitl«»«i betwrne Both outgoing member» o f the state ••ufe o«iy at»»ut a week •(«» Him*« board of taxes and assessment ware *w * «uM hiv# lb# b##t of tv*ry* Thureday he had bwn gradually aiok re-appointed, hence there will be no t«l«« tH«l U tt#nl»ti to lam out a ohm * in« and he wae iincttnwùiue neveral change In the personnel of this board PHtot fliituv «-ainifnrtablr H»u»|rig tirwf« hour# before hie death. ****** kilrlwB#, Military arwragv, Hiehop Jaittee A M« FanI wa» wi«le The members re-named b.v the Rover a a p t# w«t#r mpply, |»a»tsl rood», i f l r . ly known ae a writer and apeaker uu nor were: Prank B. Jess of Camden,and t r k Hfhtltic. n»«lr*»a«l aidln« ««<1 »tor#public »|u#eti»»n» He becaii«* pr» .ni Frederick A. Oontleu o f Penns Grove, mUmto farijitir* «»t* au uu|im ,«,d«ttt#i| n»*nt in the church when h# organised both progressive Republicans. Luclu. m u m And alt tfela muat b# in the American Federation of I'atholiv T. Russell. Democrat,of Elisabeth, will « ab«rt l*s»tv# w##fc«. if (hr army U to H«m i#tiee, « liii li ha# a iueiiile*retii|» in remain president of this board, as the jp» loiu tia i:iiu « on «clmlui# time «ml the Fulled Htatee «»f uiort* than •,t#M), act provides that the president shall be If»** l»mu#* itrucr#«# to fit fb^ui •hr). Th#reaft«»r he tinik an active part selected by the governor, and Governor t o r mark at in«* f*'r#ti<'h from. In the «’nodui*t «*f it# affaire. Fielder,in appointing Mr. Russel!,ape, A** ****** *»f lb# magoitud# of thi# Horn near th# village of !<arne. |ob wit ba- «aiuotl from a tlan*- at th* t'ouufr Antrim Ireland. Jmi * U. 1K.*V() ¡fled that he should be president Mat^m for a tytiirai caotuo I Dr. Thomas ti. Let, o f Camden, ia Janie# A. McFaut wae brought to th« «B#m. Riirh a» (bat al W natitaCowD Suited Uatea by hi# purent » when he the new man who will take a ssat on Iwobtr I# tb# big it mu. aom# -VxMl.ooo %■ •* *ix year# old. He live<l during hi# theatate board-of health, succeeding f##t, or 1..TW carload#, brio* th# .. b»»yho<Nl at H*mnd ItriMik, N. J. rMu- Dr. Edward A. Ayers, o f Branchyllle. i|uimr,< iit. K<M»tinff nail» #l«**t# will nil coted In ratho lir inetitutlnne. h# wa# Clyde Potts, a civil engineer o f Morris M. Barrymore, • groceryman o f Adelout freight car. Cruabrd at«»»»# for th# «»r*dain#d a prieet in I 87T. town, who has served one term on this phia, came near running off in the lake road# will make 812 carload». After eervirv in #everal N»w Jereey board, was re elected for four yesrs. at this place on Monday, when some cburchee be wn# appolutfsl rector of •h,vJLT * r* *“m' " f ' h<' 0,hw It'tna: 5W.0UH »«¡uaiv.H of i.Mitiuf. .ittv t » r » , R. F. Engle, a Republican, hotel thing went wrong with the steering St. Mary*# t'athcdral. Trenton, in lHHO. «wwnty rarli.iitl* nail* anti benla I.te lu 1HHI lie wa# matte HUhon of Treu* owner at Beach Haven, will be the new gear o f his delivery car. l uckily the twwiljf rarluail» plumbing, lit'.' »iHitacI« t*»n. I Inder hi« dii*e«*tioti nome# for member of the board of Commerce and strong fender along the lake prevented •f lank* b.'flti'f., atovn, raox*«, plnlnc, children and the aged were eroded «»id Navigation, aucceeding I. Ward Rich the car from going over. Ed Hendrick Wwtrii’al niat»riala, refrigerator* tad a college for the higher education <»f ardson, of Bridgeton. Richardson op son pulled the machine out with his *■ » '« » : railroad malarial for Bra y«»wng women wa# e»tabli#bed. posed Edge for the gubernatorial nom tesm and sside from a bent mudguard . t* . «f*1'»' dividrd into thirty oarH e ’ wa# a frequent visitor at !*akeno other damage was done mail» of tin and lither tliulj.’i tWeill y w «mm|. ami had been a tuimlier of time# ination last summer and strongly sun carload, of a|ilknt. rail». lab pint»» Me.. ported Col. Austen Colgate and as the at Tome Hiver ami Point Peasant. Ray Hendrickson and family spent . . *'? r«-"loaila of balla.l. t»n oarresult he was not re-appointed to thia Sunday with Mra. Hendrickson's great «■•d* of »loctrlr light win«, iu board by Governor Eage; J . Spencer grandparent*, E. Horner and wife at Atlelphia. June 18.—Mra. France# J a*>Mtor>, fir. Mat. rial, for lU.IMMI Hartman, wife of t'hirie# Hartman, »f Smith, Democrat, of Tenafly, Bergen Pleasant Grove eahlr yard, of roarrH» will tak. arv county, was re-ippointed to this board Klton, uear here. died at the Home of •aty rarlnad. of iTturot. S.T0 carload. G!?n U k o f» ™ for the her daughter, Mr#. Dr. Thom|>eon, at and will likely be retained as president. week end and Sunday otMoue and 173 carload, of .and were. F. J. WetI.akewo«Ml. on Haturday. of a cimipliThe men who will begin new terms zell and son Brace, Mrs. Anna Sproul T V nira of thf cantoanirnt. will ratiou of dieeaee». aged 70 yeare. The •locp in double-dock bunk. Thi. on the Board of Conservation and De g f t y . f t M g « ; U w to Morgans tern of funeral nervice will ts* held at her hmue vclopment are Simon P. North rap. of aioao. there will be .1 7 .01)11 .eparate ^Netherlands. N ew \ork; Sam at K l ton. <»n Tueeday. at 2 oYliwk. with Newark, succeeding Walter J. Buzby. iHuk«. «arh with Ita mattre... To Hev. Dr. Symn#. of Old Teunent traaaport the mattrewwa 1o.ri car. will m u imP 1 W'*e ° f F'»tbuah, L. I.; Ed (’htirch. offieintitig. Heslde# a husbaud of Atlantic Citv, who resigned some Hill o f Key port. On Monday J. V. and V required, and the bunk, will take #he i# aurvived by a marrieit daughter, time ago, and PercivalChristie o f High maty-two more. Water and arwer liuee M m 'l, h r T * ’ , M c™- S - J- Clayton, who re#i«le# at home. al#o Khomain Bridge. atakr »iit.v-live carload, each, ami When the board of shell fisheries c»ileri . t th r f.r m F,nnin* d« 1* liartiu aii, of K ltuo; Mre. Dr. Thompla « earload, of boapltal mittipmenl will W oeceiwary Three carload, of wreea. aon. of I.akewtMHl. and Dr. Hartmau. organizes for the new year on July 5 of Keyport. Mtt also included in th# eatimat#, a# L. D. Robbins, of New Gretna, will ar# twenty carload# of construction take his seat as a member, succeeding Idols. CEDAR G RO V£ Edward K. Allen Jr., ofthesam e town. LAKEHURST Each cantoument will contaiu clo## Joseph Fonder, o f Port Norris, CucuMiioS* Lucy Clayton and Elbe Will ‘ to 1,000 buildini». th# typical '»mpitny Frink W Wamwriyk. was down berlsrd county was re-animinied hy h«n a - at Spring ike fort' summer • • „b» 2 two «<«(-'» I touiit of w«MMlan frame «»»veml with from brooklyn over nunJay, hit, wile the governor and will continue on this ! he tpworth League held a business board. matcbiMl board#. The roof# will lie cm going back with him Monday morning meeting at Wm. Bryant’s on Wednes’ ••red with prefiared nmfing. They will John Warner was home from New dey evening be well ventilaiefl with flues. Inchr.»! by Brunswick over Sunday BAY HEAD electricity, heated in the North by if0"? ?,nd aj ,ter Helen motored Charles i!. Shinn and family of Phila atcaui und iu the Mouth by Move.*. Each to Ha> Head Monday evening (CootlnuiMl from Page S) will have a kitchen and me## hail. delphia, are occupying the Warren The Children’s day exercises were ^ In the comtmction of the I*nnauia bungalow for the summer Thievery is becoming more and more Canal the (loverntneut exfietided about prevalent hereabouts. Until recently held Sunday evening, a large number Miss Lizzie Chamberlain of Bradley J40,UNl,ll(Hl n year: for the cautonuients it was of rare occurrence that we hearu g»in£ present to hear the little tots. ! fiillr as much probubl.v will tn* ex|H>ud- Beach, is visiting her parents of robberies of any kind. Within a VV. B. Havens and Rev. S. H. Evaul W io a quarter of the time. Each can James Johnson, wife and daughter of week three houses are known to have gave addresses. tonment will require about *4)00 car Brooklyn, are visiting Mrs. Johnson’s A new carpet has been laid in our been broken into. Mrs. W. F. Jones loads of material. nsMiming that all of parents, l harles Hankins and wife frightened off a thief a few nights ago church by the ladies o f the church and 1 the material must be brought to the site bpworth League Archie Murray, Miss Lillian Larrawith a "rattler.” He was an icebox by rail. This make# a total of (¿4,0481 bee, Mrs. Herbert Richmond and thief and got away with the major part chrloads for the sixteeu cantouments Thomas Applegate is seriously sick pnqnised. Thmisunds of man will lie daughter, W. H. i ruser, wife and son of a roast ham. Mrs. Jones gotapretty at his home in Mosquito Cove j needed on eMch job. motored to Waretown and West Creek good look at him from the window as DL^iri ' ^ f^ u r Johnson is visiting in j The firxt step in the construction of Sunday he "legged" it across lots, and her de Philadelphia this week a cantonment has been the selection of Miss Sophronia Clayton o f Lakewood scription of him fits a certain party well. a sit«*. Paramount <*on#iderations in de A parcel post social will be held in termining the selection of a gtswi loca visited .V iss Sara Herrick over Sunday Probably the same fellow stole about 20 the grove near the church on W ednes-! tion are : Miss Gertrude Hankins returned pounds of bacon from an oceanfront day evening, June 27, for benefit of the ! cottage. Also the unoccupied cottage church <>ne— Accessibility by rail. The can from a visit in Brooklyn Monday tonment must be easily reached through of Prof. J. C. Egbert was broken into Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Adams of Phila about a week ago and valuable rugs adequate main line facilities, so that •*?r8: . P' W - APplegate, who has been building materials and suppli«*# may Is* delphia, are the guests of Rev. and and draperies were taken. Informa sick the past week, is able to be with carried in l»efore and during the court»* Mrs. William Moore tion is had by the town authorities and us again in our Sunday school work of construction. After completion of Mrs. E. A. Huntley has been visiting they nope to make an arrest soon. the cantonment these same rail facili relatives in Brooklyn the past week Here is opportunity for our special ties are necessary that troops may Is* Miss Annie M. Anderson was at marshalstodistinguish themselves. We A n Am end, an It be Needed brought there for training and taken away again for service when the train Spring Lake the fore part of the week have twelve o f them. They should or Made to Order, Any Size A. B. Depuy, residen t engineer for ing period is ended. Mrs. Herbert Richmond and daugh ganize themselves into a local "Pinker Two—Assurance of an abundant sup ter, Miss Lillian Larrabee and Mrs. ton” association and round these thieves Remington and Vosbury of Camden, on ply of pure water. Some authorities the Bay Head sewer job, writes a long up. Al»o Window Shade«, Upholstery, Cabinet Work estimate that u safe supply of at leust Charles D. Sayre were Wednesday vis Most o f our student element are letter to the Courier to take exceptions itors to Lakewood 12,000,000 gal Ions a day is esseutial. to something in the Bay Head corres home for the summer vacation. The Three—-Proximity to a center of pop L. H. Richmond is putting an asbes Misses Grace Foster from Cleveland, pondence of last week, which he thinks ulation. tos shingle roof on tne old part of the O., Esther roster, from Simmons col was intended to reflect unfavorably Four Assurance of good roads, mak Pine Tree inn ing for easy access to ami from the lege, Boston; Alida Eiseman from the upon him. As the letter in no way tells Things at the Eddystone plant are State Normal sch >ol at Trenton. Edna what it was that he objects to, I must community nearest ut hand. Telephone 186J 239 Fifth St„ Lakewood, N. J. Five—(Jenoral healthfulness. The rather slow just now, the report being Brower will be home from the last content myself (and Mr. Depuy) by •cantonment must lie «>u reasonably high that the contract for the Russian gov named institution after she graduates assuring him there was no malice and ground, the site being well drained, ernment is about complete Friday evening; Miss Ruth Foster from no intent of unfair reporting. with no standing or stagnant water. Mrs. Amos Bozarth and Mrs. Geo. D. teaching at Berkeley Heights; Miss Six—Mize. The site must be large •enough to assure sufficient room for the Bradfoid were Wednesday visitors at Mary Fester, from Point Pleasant; Miss Gertrude Fleming from West Point Brooklyn many buildings ard grounds required. Seven—Topography. Archie Murray, with the Misses Mary Pleasant, and Miss Helen Stout from The emergency construction commit Larrabee and Sara Herrick, motored Burlington tee. in making public the fee system The nre alarm put the boys on their of th«? contracts, explained that the fees to Toms River Wednesday evening mettle again about 7 a. m., Tuesday. vary from ten per cent, on small con Almost before the verberations of the tracts of .$100,000 or less to six per cent, on contracts of more than JM.faiO. W E S T PO IN T PLEASAN T first alarm had died away “ Mable” loaded with fire laddies was on the way. 0(H). with an upset limit of $2r!0.000. It was all over a gasoline stove in the The fees iu all cases cover both pro^i, H. B. Lansing, the monument dealer Fred Loveland residence,and President • and overhead expenses. “ In deciding on recommendations for of Manasquan, was here on business Francis Parker, who lives next door, I desire to announce to the people of Ocean County tin; cautonment contracts the commit Thursday had it smothered before his firemen got tee has had to consider three main there. The boys made a quick get Mrs. Hathaway of Princeton was )K»iuts of practically equal importance,” here looking after her property on Fri there though and were ready to meet that I am a F. A. Scott, chairman of the board, any condition as usual said. “The first has been the absolute day necessity of speed; the second, proper Mrs. Cornelia Caffery of Brielle was construction, including sanitation and a Friday caller Bancroft Gherardi has moved down communication and transportation facili Miss Hazel Havens is in the employ ■from New York for the summer. He ties; the third, economy. Tuking all is one of the foremost in yachting here, three into consideration, the committee of Mrs. Charles Osborn sailing his own boat in the mosquito in charge of the work advised the Quar Mr. and Mrs. Giddis of Point Pleasant fleet races; and is also one of the men termaster’s Department to make con were Sunday visitors who have made the Bell telephone ser tracts on the percentage, or costs plus, Mr. Wallace o f Lakewood delivered vice what it is basis, at the same time using all pos sible safeguards in the shape of guaran two 40 h. p. engines on Tuesday and Joseph F. Edwards and family are ties from th»* contractors as to their placed them in the cruder that is being among recent arrivals capacity and integrity.” built by J. A. Dorsett The Bluffs opened June 20, Wednes Miss Violetta Ivins of Germantown, day, and things begin to look a little Pa., visited relatives here on Sunday June Flight o f Mosquitoes more like summer J. F. Stephenson and family and S. S. Bryan of Titusville, has leased The June flight o f mosquitoes began to burst their bounds last week with friends are enjoying a stay at Mid the Nickerson cottage on Osborne ave streams nue the warm weather on the meadows. Some o f the large pines on the prop -Stephen Johnson o f Manahawkin, who Not many new boats this season, nor is in charge o f the actual work of ditch erties along Dorsett’ s Lane are being for that matter many new houses. The ing meadows and cleaning out old diteh- cut and used as piling for the repairs to recent building boom here famished a •eg.was in town Tuesday at the meeting the Manasquan River bridge supply of houses that will probably be Robert B. Hance o f Germantown, Pa. enough till the war is over and things o f the Mosquito Commission, and re ported that on the undrained meadows was a week end visitor; while here he begin to be normal again •in lower Stafford Township, Eagles selected and rented a cottage in Bay The younger folks, and the older ones wood and Little Egg Harbor, the mos Head where he will bring his family too, who enjoy baseball, are beginning quitoes were very thick. On the drain for the summer to wonder What the chances for the ed meadows there v. c:e far less. John; Mrs. H. S. Yarnellof BuckroeBeach, national game will be this season at and will greatly appreciate the support of the Voters son said there was considerable trouble Virginia, visited her father, B. F. Howe park in getting the meadows in the Metede- Hance and family over the week end. Orton G. Dale, owner o f the fastrac conk section o f upper Barnegat bay Mr. and Mrs. Yarnell will move to of my party ing sneak box Arran, with which he has drained satisfactorily, as there was so Newark in the near future won many races has arrived at his sum little rise and fall o f tide that the Oscar Parker of West Creek, inspec mer home here for the season •water where the meadows was ditched, tor o f the Manasquan River bridge, was almost stationary. called on John Dorsett on Tuesday Johnson had the Qommission’s power CLIFTON AVENUE D. 1. Holbrook of New York and boat and four men the early part of Point Pleasant called on John Dorsett this week at work around Mantowking. Mrs. Laura Vaughn of Lanoka, was a H e said one of the worst spots in the on Sunday Frank Havens has the mumps Wednesday visitor rs#per end of the county is on the beach ;i»6tween Seaside Heights and Ortley, Harold Errickson spent last winter in Mrs. Atwood Wardell spent Wednes where a low spot, with sand hills on the couth and he looks as if the southern day evening with her sister-in-law, ¡hath sides, borders the railroad and the climate exactly suited him Mrs. Abe Wardell in Lanrelton county road and there is no way to Jesse Miller returned home Wednes drain it. To meet duch places, it would day from a hospital in Baltimore much iN MEMORIAL •be necessary to level off the sandhills improved in health and fill in the pools, was his idea. Atwood Wardell and son Dewitt, Miss In loving remembrance of Edward Grimm, who entered the higher life Bess Lewis and William H. Irons, Point Pleasant Firemen’s Relief As June 21, 1913. motored to Asbury Park Wednesday sociation invested $1000 in liberty bonds evening Paid for by w. Burtia Havens Committee Daughter Surf Suits and Accessories Smart Surf Suits made of poplin,in a popular high waisted model; the yoke is finished with wide tucks, large collar of white silk faille, trimmed with black stitching. Priced at $3.95 Surf Suits, slip-on model, made of wool jereey, collar and belt of woven stripes. In women’s! misses' and children’s sizes. Priced at $3.50 Kiddies' All-Wool Surf Suits, with woven stripes of white around the V neck, belt and arm-holes. Colors are grey, cardinal and navy. Priced at $1.95 Cotton Tights, long and short lengths, surf shoes, hosiery, bags, corsets and garters Next Week Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 28th, 29th and 30th, a Sale of Drugs, Remedies and Toilet Needs. No mail, telephone or C, 0. D. orders filled j^tmbaríj (Hmttpang Aabimj Park, Nrtu Jlrrarg AWNINGS H. SCHMITT ® G. GR0MISCH Candidate for the Republican Nomination for SURROGATE W. BURTIS HAVENS JERSEY COURIER P IO N E R R ESTABLISHED 1850 N EW SPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. 3 C e n ti a C opy TOMS RIVEH. N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE 88. 1817 VOLUME 0 7 -N U M B E R 88 BEACH HAVEN ISLAND HEIGHTS Mr. end W "- 8 . H. Kill* of Jersey O r » « In ttm t ia being awakenend , Bay Head council met In i The Fire company ia ao pleased with C»T, f t " f° [ l*1 •¡^,m er . H* evengelistic cm paign now in eion Monday evening, lune 18. Nr. Schofield o f Philadelphia waa at *ifl *P«nd th. week «mi. her», motor- progr*«. in thto plac». Kv.ngeli.t P.tNiearaf 14- ____ . Andrew Hughes waa a viaitor at hia L »if* B u planning a I « to «nd from theritjr, where he is , t»n o n i. preaching .trong “ermon* to prevent were: Mavor Strickland. Bo n o f July celebration to get fund» hi» ullage for the week end for if. e, rough Clerk Foray the and SaSirtay h° m* ’ Th",tl* rottlf*> !»■« - ' ouncilmen 'equipment They now have a * .M g (r ot ever Increasing congregation., I'aatora Curr.niruf», Johnson, Dr. Rdward J. til and family o f New company, r~w\--------- • "eth er. Clayton fine big ig h rehouse. second to none In the er* are at their handeoine homo at the k one f f *o f. *the ? . *biggeat & • ! * maker» “ •i,*™ of o f V'« » v » r and A.pinw.ll and the united .« a . iplcg. ¿xy batterlee and clertrtral appliance» , choirs are doing their heel to inapire and Applegate nkG1"!! w ,i* o t Fbtladelcounty, and their motor truck equip- Bay front pnia, opened their cot:age on Seventh in that city Upon motion the following billa ware ■ M t the people. Large delegation* of con Mrs. M. L. Bodine, George Errlckson of Philadelphia ia vert. and friend» from Barnegat are ordered paid: Account atreeta, A. H. Harold Rocera and nartv 1 , '**• Bodine who apont •ent Sunday here here™ P ï f Tr* " ,0n , » ‘ nter j et peLand. 1F/a., *«•» »nu „*1 iav ({?, «prirur ,p nng vhitlng hia brother David £ ^ <>n.t *verv Tho afternoon Voorheee. « 7 M, Jame. Moore. »5.04; •pent Lamvon and Mis© Kih#l months et H addon field, is now el her ! B. P. Moore. «IS; A. Pleming. «81.28. I Bible talk, are very helpful. On Mon. Jnhn R Bant« apent the week end I 8 . RuimsM wv- rcc'irt’y LCiMf UfUtí), #ú. r*. b . »Vnrrr R A A * .i a * v* *«tdWei4# j b««íúeLl uay evening a large delegation. Indudwith J. C. Bennett ior ,h# »ummer.efter sp-ndtn« rormer a parents here recently LnK ’-he choir, went to Lanoka and Mr, A Ä ^ W. V ’ e N o Ä ^ : fivrbvrt StRrr o f thii piece, ■ sridu* Mr. and Mr*. Roy Co* entertained Pattomon o « ^ ,,vU ^ miviu th e» w !* a* uuwtm A. Gilford. «30.27; H. Clayton. ClayU», *I2S 38,•’ laf.w M ’ i r nt*r ln ‘?r,dlfoton and Long V Utfford, 2S 38: ” el" n «"d Dorothy Thomaa Mr. a.id Mr., Mra. Hartman ooff Trenton for 1 r. a.vi * " 5 * ? old £hom, ¡¿ * * 6« „WM vieltor at nt), his ato of the Toma River high school, is „entertained 1* J- Foray the, ¿17.*); total, OM nouae. Union aevice neat Sunday mom a house party at their - „ . „* i ’ c«ii;nir on f rl, now employed at the Fidelity Trust a few day» laat week «94.28 lug In the PreeLytenan church; men’» ^urtgalow In Berkeley over the week Will ''prague, who la employed In meeting at 3 . * n. m. In the M. K. *• *t the Acma for Company, [a Philadelphia On motion it waa ordered that the a * u ™ * t,y" New York la home for awhile Charles K. Haddon o f Haddonfleld, a church: alao at 7.30. Service« to be borough advertiee in the North Jeraey n “ r- Pf rrY o f Philadelphia spent a I *u«Mn»r resident here, is chairman of k . L R ‘ .V,nd; rb*ck- w if® » "d family Mra. Leale Parker o f Beachwood haa nelii nsxt week at 7.46 p. m. averv eve- Coast Guide at a coat o f »14 3 P»r« of June at the Acme I **®c<itive committee o f the Red Cross have returned to their home in Media, been viaitlng her aunt for a few daya except Monday On motion an ordinance to govern l i ! K.n* l*#]d* opened its doom on I ;,un<1.'1 Camden, with former Sheriff J *’ • * 't « r spending a month or more Mra. C. B. Corliaa entertained the Fred Brouwer la here from a stay In the onening of atrocto for «ewer eer- w Wednesday of this week for the sum- ; Devid Baird as treasurer. Mr. Haddon Here at th«* Gandy cottvgi» vice line» and connection» w m passed ■VI New York Ten Ten club on first reading ^ - ‘¡f.L, # Pui ll,R« T considerable time w L* wi* o t Merchantville. Mra J. Anderson Bugbee, Mrs. Lucy ia W spending some , Mr*. Nelson a a Rogers O J.VIIUII1« O UUIC . V*P.L Tilt Pox has has the roof re- working for the Rod Cross. One of the On motion council adjourned ...............ushi .J i l a thia season, and haa Hsxelton, Mra. J. C. Bennett, lohn È'. time on the ■ beach with her husband, a I ,p* hua put out, just now, is: opened the Bazaar" with aa fine a Crab’ ’*on ! th© old Mesdock alL'f‘road med de Sewer work is drawing to a close. vr«u Banta visited Toms River on Til fueaday coast guard keeper turn all money tnat you are going to display aa in other season* About a that ia needed to complete It and called on Vliaa Martie P. Horner Mias Ethel Penn of Philadelphia, ia »pond for Areworks for the Four&i o f f,'"«11 on West Lake avenue b u n i T J ^ " * w.build,n» • fine new July into the Red Cross fu nd." It John Price of Tuckerton waa In town visiting her parents D h U * l , nd wff* of Pbiladeland |the .making tight o f the „ . , 'i . l buI* “ . f° r hia »on, A. Paul King Tuesday Howard Applegato has about the basin o f the pumping station {)S m 7 ih ^and :J Undi v‘*the !tor" w i‘ h John “ e “ “ 1" ' now nearly com: eeema to be pretty good advice, too. L». Smith w ifey at Weldo Mrs. C. B. Corliaa haa been enter finest Diece o f rye around here, also nr------lJ— truck « J i.*r' I Bierfl? und •nd wife o f Haddon garden . ^ be B°.ard. of H#*lth o f Bay head held taining her aiater, Mra. Roy Ogden of some fine George Desse ia spending some time Hr . Ella Hoover Thacher of WsshI-----— * meeting II.| Tuesday evening with _____ ___________ ___ an important Jersey City ■ummer here as Under Sheriff W ilsey at Toms iwua|W *P*,ld Mrs. Norcroee and daughter. Miss ihooe present were: o?fo ™ .n ’avenue C" U “ l her » “ miner home ........................... — President R. H. on Ucean Horace Sprague Jr. apent the week Low, from Toma River, viaited her Metcalfe, Julius Poster Foei Jr^Carl Prieati diio°r!wi * tbiri y day oommitmont for George Maxwell of Wading River, disorderly conduct. B u t th e place end home mother, Mra. Patton, recently Harry Pleming — and u. go. VanNote. i„|A} bf rt, C- Lewie will open the Colon... • ---------*• where he bought the »tuff that takes ? *‘*k b0V c*Pu in fo» John A. Dr. Joahua Hilliard and wife of Mra. Burnett Fenn ia home from a I he PUIPoee o f the m eeting wan to Lucy, ia here for the summer, as usual with M ^ eplnJ,**tJir1 * y cvenin* ne*« hi Ttfl 7 » y ir° m bi* bu*i,le*a *nd family Manahawkin entertained Dr. Howard visit in Barnegat with Mary Pick ford in "Tea* o f the tv still going on Re usual PtM Mra. E. S. Prichard o f Oennantown, Conover and wife. Dr. P. N. Bunnell James Streat haa moved down from ordin,nce- embracing and fetJuTr£°Unu V i ’ * "d other *ttractive Bchondera ia down to aee Pa., ia here for the summer and wife, Dr. J. Lane and wife. Dr. C. New \ ork for the summer at hia hand controlling all matters pertoining to **/• Lewie spares no trouble H. Conover and wife of Tuckerton, some country home on the south side o f sewage made necessary by the near the place now and then. He and hia Rev. Chsrlee M. Boswell, D. D .. who and expenae to make his program* at>le*— o f our -------Tuesday eveniag at their home tractive and to provide for the comfort the river completion new sewer system, beck of H?ehi m biK pUtform is now in charge o f raising fund, for . . iH . i v Elkl1 clubhouae, which ia the support o f the M. E. hospital. South Mra. Fanny Paul u* Manahawkin waa Mrs. loseph Holmes spent Tuesday the ordinance waa passed unanimously aaid V M rK ew in * ° { h‘* (fUr* U- As last to hive been sold to them a recent viaitor -irvad street, Philadelphia, will spend y* V , " ' rUn * *u « ‘“ « 1»" jitnsy to with her mother at Btyvilie lh® w «»hington government has realized that a mistake was made . i ”kb* boLya are planning a baseball the summer here as usual. The near and from the near towns for a small Mrs. M. J. BunneM J £ e Tuckertop .(jakfr r a n hi. auto fare o f th.ee cento, and U ,„ r , " h u b i e r ,« ; p «« summer at Asbury oenvery every day now 1Island X J Ï ' Na\y Ö » M\\?a:J, h“ Pita‘ the Bojéíei.l League 1 azaWd a rest room and Ice c r e a m '.r lJ ? station, -md leaving the beach l»eGv?en gave^ Dr. abase ■hos- TO G-C SuiidlllgLilli 1. 1**11 Ikf .m a lie » -a ____a M . h Hernherg naited J.e Mrs HattR Dennett anJ Mi« Miu- if the Ueu of creating naval here and Liu iiiiotunpalrolleu. George ,r . * uiipíitroiáeu. iitfonn now wesri Brookville school laat week nette Horner spent Monday in Long VanNote * «* B r* the service uniform o‘f Unand William whe d ewSam. ----- — ----"...lain Chadwick, CISUWII'K, wr.o CouncilmanJ. M. Slimm has bought IGood games sre promised w Ji “ n rtwill i n nlbethu work as U now W. P. Cranmer and wife were in Branch formerly hei»,have been returned, soon way. it known NavvunderBase bhf - ar°o«.*l «t Seaside Height* and town Sunday night calling on friends Mr. and Mrs. Dater Horner of Tren and Abram B. Tilton who was at the ex^ rsive improvement* Rallini afLd hu 10,. ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra Avon station has been transferred to i«ll* i'linfi.is h*'"* bui|t along the new (ioo* 000 for that 5’work, beside turning$last Harry Lounsbury and wife of Cam George i summer th,n,r8 in runni"ir order dur boardwalk, seats placed at tren„Z7t month «9000 for the regular hospital ing ih Woolley the here. They will patrol the beach from den, were the guests of Ezra Parker intervals and lights erected also Mrs. W. Fouche and daughter Julia ! h' B: y, H« d station north, only; the and »*eunng the g ift of »3000 for and wife on Sunday o f Jersey City are here for the summer patrol from the Mantoloking station . . . I he Ba'dwir wiI1 h« conducted this Rna»eii* arabulanee- H is son, Martin nhur’ knd Mra Thsiher of PhiladelC. Waterfield, representing the New SGrh ub„*V* OP®1"«1 their cottage on taking care o f the beach south o f here. Bo«we|i’ who was a student and captain ^ixth avenue for the summer \ork Herald, called on J .C . Bennett Dean Imlay o f Lakehurat spent Sun B a ld w r n H ^ C o m p a n r ° W,'erS’ the o f the football team at Wesleyan UniTuesday Miss Amy Lane Dale, daughter o f day with Mrs. Ethel Butler Dr. W. F. Cramer has opened hia Z l™ P ’ J 1" the coasty defennce Mra, Harry W. Tolbert entertained a John Stone o f New York spent Sun Mr. and Mrs. Orton Goodwin Uale,will hawkiS81, B° lt0n hM m0ved 10 Mana t h J i . T“ erv®> and “ « t sea on one of th is^ a ea son th<5 h' “ 8 buil^ become the bride of Mr. William La’ a* ai" few of her Tuckerton friends on Wed day at his bungalow the scout cruisers H Earle McConnell and George 1 H throp Hopkins at All Saints church nesday Forrest Pyle o f Wilmington, Del., ia Cushing o f the Long Beach Board o f C. Watson Mathis Jr. and w ife visited Things begin to look more like sum A. H. Tolbert spent Sunday home spending a week with his wire at Mrs. june*the 23d*1 * tWe‘Ve> SatUrday- Stoto , “kUeni.ded the meeting of the meron the waterfront,along the streets m X l a ^ l n k “ at the ietTer» ° n b o ip iu l with hia family G. L. Parker’s Amh^vt i aT ber Comme',ce at Perth and at the yacht club. Particularly m Philadelphia one day this week Amboy last week. In 1916, this con Mias Amelia Stephenson waa a Phila Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shinn of West lm 2 " Rhu(r dM y f0f week (F1"K d*y) The Chenowah Tribe, I.O.R.M had Mrs. R H. Metcalf presented to the t •* p*tociiicu io tne delphia visitor on Wednesday weekend ,3 fi ernoon’ ever?in? the Creek spent Sunday with Mrs. [. P borough through the Mayor the 60 foot vention was held at Beach Haven, th£se week end ..ad a summery loo*. *nd SaturThl“ S? ad° Pktlon on Tu«»day evening** Bunnell J The Board o f Freeholders met here >ole, which had already been raised Haven e r m s ^ T h l 0 retUrn to Beach bflLafD nm00rnhand ,even.inR the automo 1 he Mannahasset Tribe of Tom sR ivef’ There seemed to be a biles from the cities began to roll in Wednesday and inspected the new state Lloyd Reeves and family spent Sun in front o f the BoroughJhaM, and the r „ „en, or a?optednRHaq dr the following membera general regret on the part o f many o f road day with Mrs. John Bahr at Barnegat H-S.Lippmcott, Harry Titu* JiSSf1“T 18 x ,12da» which was at it, the officers and delegates that it had and kept it up that evening. So 2 Howard Falkinburgh, wife and child Jack Hughes, Wm. Reynolds Geo’ Miss Florence Penn of Williamstown truck. In concluding her remarks Mrs not been held at Beach Haven thisyear came down the next day. o f Tuckerton Metcalf said: "M r. Mayor, allow me to visited her xatner, father, Post- is home for the summer ---- r j. vwiwu uw Services at St. Philips Episcopal as laster L. Mathews, over Sunday Hilton Bunnell and family o f Chrome present this flag and flagpole to the hurch thin lirvi mo* nr ill I-- --ll * church this O summer will asAfoilows Borough o f Bay Head f r o m a f e w j M lies Myrtle !ones of Waretown, who ape tt the week end with Mr. and Mrs a a. m „ holy communion; 9.30. Sunday. WHITESVILLE its patriotic residents.” Mayor Strick has {been perfect per______aL lne " ‘ J. P. Bunnell in attendance atlh e whe%^?un,c L t % ^ y^ e d reStaUrant lani accepted mii?0 ’ «10'»46’ hn'y communion and ser iccepted the g ift on behalf o f th. the Barnegat high school for the past four I . Mrs. Charles Woolley has returned -------and ----- 7 — third Sundays of each Mrs. A. Engdahi has returned from l _mon,t v first years, enjoys a record unattained by home very much improved after underThe Seaside Park Yacht club has * her two weeks stay in Montclair. Her I m“ rnin8. prayer pmyer and sermon, any other scholar whohas attended this u 'p i t a " operation at the Long Branch little granddaughter accompanied her ?nd6r t’undaya,;,8 P ' m ' evening prayer school. She has shown in her excellent Comm'^oreatW.tS EL ta home fo r a visit ,,,ea n" and sermon. Rev. Horace T Owens work which she has performed that she Mrs. Paul B ™ .i »"J in-».— I will be in charge during July; Rev Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Parker spent has accomplished a great deal by so lan'r.v r v aul Roya! and little son of At- Samuel G. Welles in August. lanric City are visiting at the parsonage Sunday with Mrs. Charles Tate at Sea doing. She is one o f the graduates of tjirt the air about the proposed license 1for MpM^ „ and Mrs. Ralph White and “ on the class of 1917 and we all regret in C. Castello has moved here for the motor and sail boats, he took the mat Merrill have gone to Atlantic City fo? summer from Philadelphia N. J. Holmes o f Oeean Grove spent losing such a good scholar, and wish the summer y ror Cnmn P 7 ,tb the Third Naval District the week end with his mother, Mrs. her all success in her future work Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frank have edEh(.F.r.?eman °kf Philadelphia has open- Commandant, and received a reply that Caroline Holmes Miss Reta Metcalf, who is visitimr been entertaing auto parties 6 ed his summer home here Joe McLoughlin and wife are househ «n V? rkk ° f IS8oing licenses had not vet been taken up, but further * yec Mr. Peterson o f Bayville has taken a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. h M e? Newark the past Sundays'^ June f keeping in Mrs. Harry Van Note's house p p ü r ie r has a long letter from tion would Ve given Th.I f° rnia' position as chauffeur for Eno’s River calf, expects to go to France and take Mrs. B. on Kailroad avenue Michaelson and daughter F red G. Stanwood, who is managinga side hotel up her duties with the American Red were recent guests of Mrs nounced in this w le k ’s'bulletin *Com ' . Mrs. Sallie Exil was a Saturday vis Cross early in August Ked kopf H. Harde- b? i b u^e a*;- Tulsa, Oklahoma, which Mr. and Mrs Bert Higgins o f Long itor at Toms River ? ‘ ,be printed next week. Island Miliss Ellen Warner o f Lakehurat was So far as young men are concerned Branch spent Sunday with Mrs. Grace Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown o f Lakewood Holmes our summer colony will be an A d a m e s a guest o f Miss Gladys E stlow ^ n SaG Heights readers, as well as others are warned that it will be well worth read . . . . » " " . V S S L apent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Eden this summer. They all have n? Henry Tilton is ill at his home Lai-'" ing; but then they all know it -arrie 'L. n— Cox, **-*this week are making arrangements to attach George Anderson o f Asbury Park Mrs. Harry Brown was in town re Councilman William Alexander has week h° re’ Put ° n by the p - R- lL last spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A w i " i S S ■°™ br“ ' h - < “ cently "joyed biV his fámfam1 rn?ehnf r dhf‘l I a *C»°*kUag.eand * * * and mov®d Music is being given Saturdays rhm Anderson Miss Gertrude Fleming is J, Leslie Crowell of Perth Amboy was the guest of Harold B. Cox over Sunday a„M? m l!.arlef Ro? ers of Lakehurat friends in Washington, D. c . (Continued on Page 8) Burt Ellis andwifespent Sunday here K T a r dkerSday,rithher S‘ater’ Mrs’ Davis ana daughter Marian MANNAHAWKIN Misses Carrie Holmes and Myrtle An aie visiting her sister, rs. I H hprague 1 ’ derson of Trenton Normal school have returned home for the summer I onLseuW ndav?mUS ^ 3 Wh¡tin^ v “ ¡tor Anderson Bugbee and Miss fi» from y thJet T re SpaCe‘ This ««lui Postmaster Grant spent a few davs muk. . dolph visited Tuckerton Tues- in Bridgeton recently J Captain Joseph Peckworth spent “ » » ” !■. a « » S i S M v ^ ? nne*h Tolbert motored from New Monday m Philadelphia ¿P * : to spend the week end Mrs. Charlotte Bennett is confined to with his mother a also arranging for a ehiidrdi s bathing: beach on iho k,?r her home by sickness y- Epnklin, a member of coast F. G. Steelman and wife o f Eatontown are here fQr the summer m atons shore, in shallow water. It will be en^ John Horner has sold his house at w taiidhis hatH Shipi.Bottom' spent Saturiiay de°r8in ^ no ff,re ^ keeP thei« from wan! with daughter, Mrs.Percy Mathews the corner of Railroad and Parker ave nue, to Capt. Nelson Rogers Mr. Horn of iMonmouth Beach, the keptnf r e f fr; n m S s Waterand Wi" be Wm. H. Wilbert libs been overhaul Seaside Park people are far from recnn!riI-C -i)a^ ?f tbe school, was a ing James Streets fine yacht, and will recent visitor here Atlantic *i?y — — * being pleased with the sewers that also put an engine in Harry Brown’s Mrs. Sarah Hernberg of this place, party Mrs. M. E. Crane of Beach Haven S boat J O ff with y o u r hat as the flag s o e , b v , 'l i dr a year aRo last wintM by the 'o L v rT nt LhelpinS teacher of the W « ^ T * S ? ? . Ä taJ Co; . o f . Philadel! Albert Boshierand acouple o f friends ShenvjoS CorHsng her da^ hteE Mrs. n phia I t is alleged “that”the*j0ints'3 a-e fKLv’ haa been re-appointed. Mrs. Y e d man 1Ct thenonoh e h e a r t fnr h a vae i t ? & V_ y! i onn,P rc were here from Waretown Saturday so iar from being watertight lenough for a tear in your e " bte^ , W" ' attend the teachers’ coiey e pumping the se w L e the ^ ?n Hamilton Howard has gone to Asbury um^merC° Umb‘a University during the Park to take a place as lifeguard on That y o u will not wipe away. emPty’ Loth 'the P0ceaJ Harry Corlis, of the coast guard lo aifd Ch try‘ T the bathing beach ford one obnay’small WhnCh i3 a little heavy work CM»n8i Wcahneta SPrag ue, daughter of cated at Island Beach, has bfen trans tor pump y worx Y ou’ r Ed Parker has potatoes as big as hi S. Sprague, is home for awhile ferred to Harvey Cedars eggs and about as fine a patch as It is hoped that Mayor Mathi< will . u s r cta toi ,e called as a Red Cross duck any around here contmue on the road to recovery saTe journeyPrance’ We all wish her reports were very favorable y ' Last ■ Fi,a.nk Britton and wife spentSunday «T O ». iNewLv 5 Vi ti la?eiton, sPent two days family ret° Wn WUh Aaa Tay |or and v” 1 S p ok e m ore than you r parted lips. w York this week on business y season „ A nu^ ber of our People attended the sojourners here Capt. Fred ICrugher of East Orange ¡e evan^r f °Ur townspeople attend evangelistic meetings at Forked was here on Sunday with his family L ifA n 3 yKU ,‘ hu-y on your »houlder high Friday eveningrC1SeS in Barn^ at ° a iver A nd show him the faded s h r e d - 8 ' Horace Taylor and Fred Armwell left !“ t e ' ' 1 T h ose,,ty„pes w ould be fed a j th d sunjet here Monday for the Remington Arms lIs h tTnfCOk-iSl ani Wife were Sunday lests of his brother, C. B. Corlis and works, near Chester, Pa. sItnCriPal orato.r ^ t h o 1Masonic^!supper Saturday evening, is considering Pan Q„A" tbur .'Paylor of Toms River spent If death could have d yed them red. offer from the Chautauqua Associf tion Sunday with his father ipeVwe^'l-^‘ Wri^ht> wh° G taking a Mrs. Bertha Cresse of Green Crpplr Dect/to 18 n? w at Los Angeles. He list1 1 "3’ Sa 16 LettS haS been on the sick with them’ It looksng 8 dressin& tent T h A °!? thunders through all the air ?home° reacb A*asLa before returnA nd strikes right in to the h ea rtErnest Stiles, who is now a rival to would be no bathhouses°for them to I I I on Ju n Y il LadieS Swift and Armour, is looking for a site BeeithtrCa 5 y o . u ’ b o y ’ be th e re ! Mr. and Mrs. John Layton o f OceanBe there, a n d ready to start. to build an abattoir. Rea] estate oner ah isPpaerdent°sre Spent SUnday bere port are spending a week with Mrs. G. .» ators will please note per' traffic is not very heavy ’ ''“ ouB‘l L. Parker (Continued on Page 6) O ff with y o u r hat as the flag goes byt Clayton Corlis and wife o f Barreo-at n v. r Edwin Parker and wife motored tn h i S f “ « “« t h .fÓ S ñ T e « , L T e r J heL y o u n 8ster'* h e a d ! OCEAN GATE J ? “din* and SEASIDE PARK ... “ Loan! r “Is ngerPe*H *en°f «■<>%S " Sf S Ä ' i r e S Ä Ä Ä ä fiIF *""'” r"°mn,,M- a a h e « » « ;^ ¿ Ä Ä Ä Ä 51 r,, £ • * , sw BV HENRY TL B Ü Ñ Í1: heri£“W t.GHolirniBViBltinB 31 ji/o Z ^ ,he" “ «*> °f the GoldeR Eagl^ w toUDr toTuring’ cara,“one o í m to Dr. Wm. C. Jones o f thatplace sister and family from Camden, also her mother from Barnegat LHaHeCbT r' June 13 to Mr- and, r,ane L. Jameson at New Egypt . W. H. Penn has planted a lot o f land in beans 1. WwJerbA tk'a8fc Week t0 Mr’ and - “at:v Tuckerton * u'-n.ei ion | . A number o f farmers are busy catchip» p,, p » u. rT- ^ ;----' naon »ard Ke, KeI|y> daughter o f Mayor lng horsefoot crabs b the school0;#^Tuckerton is a teachEugene Sanderson o f Cedar Grove , and is now hi™ ? * '^ ,aI AFt>Trsn* ' Was here for a C0UP|e o f daJ’s last week now home for vacation time (Continued on Page II) .-{• "S."' i s w - T„i& to. hoId ‘ t h oly and high F or the sake o f its sacred dead. ' ' « " . ' " ï " , . ! V ieto,, ». & Ba? at ai>ti daughters from her late residence on Thuraday at one o clock. One son ---- --survives u» v4V RiverAÌasthweeknd ^ are at r S s t ì s i r “ ■ ■“ » » * - •«•»•» Commodore Lubker waa o„n j » m° t0red to Toms Mra Judson Groff and children res turned home Wednesday afternoon a f ter a visit with her sister noon dI (Continued on Page 6) PAGE TEN JÍEH JERSEY COURIER • M , rt*t ncii tur n i « rw i m m NEW g fll 4i lé|f W # l»Of 1 Äi»*‘« *h«l i » t i t Ni«i> W# Mfc All »tliM « lisi «*!*•*«•!**»• ef « '«»*• II» !'«»*«• «UMfhl «f Pt.ilmVIphig gite lnuft*4Ütt «i ■imititi»««*f* «tul II» *li»gMi*f» i iniliiKi Iu 1br |*«Yt|*rr « iOi|Mnr«i| «f ||»rfr Imi)* t» ml« ifv • »III», »• |»*|W|«fl hit« |mnp» A. |t| l'hflrir* || KltriS* Httflr, ••1 1't|«|ii4li«a l‘ hIIH‘1» *|*l i» t*» mi!h ni«» J*ÌM» *»• ••»* «f *!• »II WttrfV In |H|« irM Jurlng th^ w t m ito ß July. A n g J n Itrft.dmtoh«»« U ». «H.l t*r •Ih) p*. (»Irtnlwt TW di«(«Iti rttA.r, 1 th ■’•«•et» af |Vnu«>lvnnjg, gli • I | M i« « ir •«»! «Il ut New Jrr*r» Vf » »g*i il»* t «»«orj mlkivut ia Som \tak t*riUltg a») l i l f f «III flW llw ll I Tt iliw fof», iwrlö«^ nil natile ? along ih«* N«w JrrmjF a n i l fh*» life) ||. 4>1 Mtulh Im Uj||»r May. Ih** Urta i ). \ 0*1 *r klM'W HI* ! ifeñf«* Ita», ibi* I M m i ) » ttifw. ilii p-hti?lklll Ititrr «nd ih*« Huwmrha». J Kun»t<«-. i««da«. rg.-h h..«.*- hm ! ll.tr«, T n m rl»«r* irr hnnwa g« i»«« lg».*!** W Itm wbrwff? m«»tnfbetgt* af» ut « un gii» atterit«Ml or i ni al 4r».IMgl1 KNi «Ira.l anundr«) , ili » bri» hin-rat m « «fctmM «•Ing h.. » «b« M low ln f «Miuiinttanilas Ai» Inr o f w ir ! ! i* «l at»t»iiabrt« f o f f l t ! IngnUfife r * . í í ’u“ d .«ft» " “¿ H » . « « l fifa uro irftlîff 1liliali Hm«*4 FM i'A Y M i. i bo «,#. JVHK U , 1017 TOMS RIVER, ft J. -»iftii* N*w rtrw* ( .w i i t Ruittms. Turn Rlv*r, Oc*an C* . N. J, SS OO p*r V**r In Advance •tffrd al II* 1*1*1 OSr* al T o' •t e i m*M metter W k ira ih* Syalem BrrakaDown W a r D id n 't A n n u i Mote tb* |*h uf ■ u latm b* «f * lhaii lì'« a»uniti arniaI fc? III« pfWs futida, PRE*. i Um I» pttt Itj IWuMci (n t thl.lili *« *I m («rsHltif tir I'M* h». al II « mi in H« «• a w ib ih Win- and unvrarrantrd bigi« r m r l. all thing« mnddrrr«!. la now rn •tat»lr and i.«»n pff|i|ha !•)«• i bètitMft a hiiltiilhi itM«*« Tb**** arr m ahrat and flmir. |ur«. 1 big bollar« going ti raL of. but Th». la Itarlf la rrwaun f«»r ! tbr tii|il«Ir», «a» Ibikt al Ira . i h i Imi» traina In Ifcr coitnlry Iwing 1 worth of «mall boi now bring 1* Uovrrtimrtil to «ohe Ilo» bullt in Ub«*wood. rg«t aidr and Wr*t f fotal «lUtrlhu doti. T b r •irle nf thr railr*Mi< 1 trarb. da nltb uà la that all tb«- ! nf tbr «lain. 1uri mir |«M<k- g*">i ilt.in- noi o lili thr Idea o( tu UhvWiHHl |«H.|.|r ami. f«>r that mat f.HHi rnn Ih* tal»rii frodi tbr 1 ter. ft* all that M-vt un. Th* Miurr M l «* *• « ‘datila anua I» «h ÍbM Tt*« Mlptf ri*i««a »f ihl* t a r i la ihr I h » . itw «»» i4 j u m u M* ha* k m «Mtfiuti | I» tl * Hill *r»t« rtf t*na»*Mi ht W im m Il r “f f U i » ih *»« t*f t Siainnm. >• *Mb Jtdg 9. f*»u» ta an«* MMlglllhW ÌMMkVlilfS allh It««»!tir{«taf a, «*Hpft| 1'•*’ f Muida llrtranr li«| RM k i i i •an ra d ìi ha (4«t)Uk*). allí U oitiM*» lf (Hiifuiltig wgtrta h*t ih* | J ■!*•••* '*1 ■)! l«mi* In t *e rfl*l|iri Thr*r f||#a tlftr tm!>; tn«tr»tr4rd «ad hat* had mm |'l« «’ijwdi « rr a» i*t bnHiirhai regula t»«»n». U m I Vili rhrrrfult) gl*r ai| i»m «Iblr itilonBiallua g* I*» Ihr |*m|iirf r«*n«’ |i!lniiff« wi h ih* lia . |a all matter« tu » will 1* w r t f o w and itMi«i4otair ta j «haling wit II *hr j»tthlir, fMPrfrrráng f*> «Idi lini ili4rtl I rathrr iban I« harán* ita’ »any or (MrrwHuitr an><*tir Harina gtvrn «ilptitlnl pnUIr •»i Ihr fnrihmailag ÍB*|irrtlitn, »frf* asitM iTjfttrt rarh and r t a t m i w ant It* Ihrir a* Iriitioa Ihr I a m arai rrgardhw» «*f aiíli«ai* •tañer». M authority I« mili rmif p'naît lea I« trrvted M»|r|t n a n nf < nmnirrrr ' '£ r^rd.. I i I [ The First National Bank TOMS RIVER, N. J. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $300,000 »*dge Ttlnf IC. r light* h “ih*ni •itrj «•> will a|w 0U|.ln) tbr l'nited Uetotp* Keeeaue tiex |, pto, tari. Work .he) wilf eianal mio torta wlthln halli»« .Metano* In «top end eiibtt.il tu tn,|ieftion. Oie-retot» «f 11,1.II.rie.e|. »ho wllfnllv dlereaard enrh hotliv«. or an.v iwneme *h«> amanti, rr»Ut or In ilnv » ay hìltder Iiaeleetli.n ; , toni li. thr r,m itlo In» lo tuoi irhoetn, pollalit of I mVUU Tbr lm,*.rt«»re ... ______________ • produci lililí io til eoBMUinrr paying frm two lui vani a* tiitirh fur f«> I aa dir tc» Ihr •^i|mtiflirr. If o| E’ d fur raitiDf il. by writ Government li Whrn Ibi Fr* applying at tin «*f thr r «|o|| (hat you pani fur j let : Jame» \ Ubrrt Itoli and g« Ni to buy aterí * It U«. Ih*|tiity Hurvryor, Vo. l.U Monili it. (hr untili nay get fifty «** nt« tfid *tr«H*t. Philadelphia ; nr Ihrar I«»* worth •f or il nay grt twentyneu J.thn II Webb. Deputy CVI|..t •rnis vitti b. Tbr nt ra«ia for I N, J ; J M l*rrkwn:th. at Ihr ra ir of j \4t a ton. whrn I* Tachrrfon. Mrrl uly IVdlrctor. Fork«! Hiver. N. J •trrl wa« sohl I brforr thr war ihr In vira- of thr frrtiurnl arvedmta ami at about a t..n Vo« ti" milla arr I * ‘ nrroua fatalilir« during thr auimnrr I trying to hold up tbr building of tbr I •on. dur to motnrhoat ownrra not I inmil talkrd of flrrt that ia to «avr tbr | ing provided thr proper equlpm*? t Allir« . « thy carrytag (•-«) gad munltiona « ««•• «afrgiiartliur thr livra of th *• But miwbrrf dur« our ayatrtn «if handling foodatuffa- fall «ini« __ «Iowa - _ mi < ii klj a» in tran*|»ortinf |>«*ridiable f< An inwiatirr war noted in lb«* Uourtcr lant f f r i of otto» ti«li|»otmd throwing away -ir«o harrrl* «if whitiug our day aad .'Hit Itarrrhi of tbr «aim* Hah Ihr arat «Jay. hfarkrt prior« olitaii>r«l by th r pound*Habrntirn «li«i n«>( pay for I .. Enrol- in *r.;«lcr qua» ill.. tb.n Oh- , Nlard ,* (h h ,,.,,. fb, n.p.rttuem ,.f handling, icing and «hipping, so tbr .ermnn « t a n t e . can «Inki unil I Cwunercr he. lin ed |k» I iìt . or.1-,. m hah w rrr ladled out ol I hr trap into the nprn *ra. If Ibosr Hsdi could havr \Vh> A n M ..... the .leel be I ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKVOOOCCK, h m i gotteu to Newark. Jeraey City, putri<>ti<* a« aril a« thr litt.'»- it-llow Fataraoa. KHiabrth. I'aaaak T m to a LAWYERS WANT j who Ittiught hi« leibrrfy H «tii«|> And Canulrn or many nmalHr p iirrs , and aohl direct to thr itarm for five <*rfit« hiat ! how many rrnta worth of oil or MONOPOLY IN DRAWING Í «mokrlrwM povdrr. of meat. Hour o ri a pound i*U» a I.Hrr.il of 1*1HI i«»iind«» iK ÚH* return «fry-fifty, the Beli- lentber. <1» yj.u think jmnr dnllnr «route dividing DEEDS. WiLLS. ETC. gfgmi would have made .none? at «T. w*yï For "I'ajr" 1« the Brat njrllihle of t g B »I. i i WandW ihr W traneiinrutlon W B i B I W I« mio I Paeriirtiem. «rbeaever the liovernmeat Atlantic Pity, .luo«* 10.— The Nrv thr trilli« fpijVVS r »,»t- -I f**r n V.-.id j *n* f J* » •> Phi .toMH iiitiai. in atiuuai conof Ir«« Ibai l«** 11' 11*a would have bctM v*i. 1ion «liM'UM**d prop«»««'il «.hangei* ia big. Alao. hungry hotiacwlrc« won hi I Whet* Wrightsfiiwn ws* taken a* a £ ati* law«. The pnqiomi n vUinij <»f liavc «niipptil up thc«r »i*li <pii« kl> at IVd'ial army training «uinr. in«t*Hd of tk« michuni«*«* lien law was givta «up* Hvc emt* a |Hiund. Ilorc, thru, wa have the coiiiparutively valuele««N land st port. Another law In .Ninteinplatioii 1» the product the murkot and the rail* I llnitover «»r Whiting«, or a (h**eu other t<* prohibit real e«tat«' ag«*tit* and other» rtnid to tratiRport the prialuct hut the pla«*«*« in S-*uth Jeraey, the reason given f' «m mMctisiug law in itgttrtl to drawfluid ia thrown away» hccniia«* the ea- was that the piiio lands were too «audy li-li wills, defila and «»ther legal instruta Mirim I chatinela *>f trade could not | for a camp. The Iasi ramp picked out polita. This measure wa« deflated last carry it. Had the ti*heruien been abb* j a* at Anua|H>lia Junction. Md., au«l if winter at Trenton. Uhangea were out* to get one to two cent* 11 pound abova it look« anything like it did the Inst time 1 «I h« re to meet the objeetions offered the en«t of parking ami «hipping, they I went through there, it is a dead ringer t and it ia hoped that the new kill would have aliippcd tin* food gladly, for | h r the Whitings tract. Start a South v. 1 meet with more >ucc*e»a. forem an blind-folded fwn Washing a cent a iniiiikI on aiieh a mfrh meant Governor Edge, Judge John Patter* S(MN> to flNK) to tin* pound tirlieriueu. t«»n. Baltimore or Annupolis, and let him s *:i. uf Philadelphia, and State Senator But by the time the (tali had hern «l*en his eyeu near the junction, und he Harold R. Well! were speak« ra at tue ahipped to New York« reahipped to would swear he was on the Tuckerton !.. vial bauquet. Newark or Jeraey City, or wherever railr«»ad somewhere between Whitings Without contest, the following offithey went, and had goue through two and Baruegut. *•*■;_** were elected to serve for the •uor three hand« to the retailer, it would ►uing year: President, Eowmd M. Col* One of the leading citizen« of the lie. of Newark ; vice presidents, Edward be neceeairy to charge at leant ten centr or m«*re a |Niuiid. ami that w»« county writes “The Courier” to voice a Q. Keasbey, of Newark; Walter Bacon. thought that has heeu in many minds, « Bridgeton; Alfred F. Skinner, of more than the poor people who mould and that has more than once been sug Newark; secretary, William Kraft, of buy whiting could afford to pay for it. Bonn* yeera ago the pound-nahertoeu gested iu the public press. His ouestion Uamden ; treasurer, Lewis Starr, of 00 making a hig <atch had an agree- is: "Why should the boys of America Camden ; for directors, Enoch A. Hig inent with the I*. It. R. to run a “ finh be sent ncross the sea to fight Europe’s b*t\ Rdwlu fi. Bleakly. Jam*» 1> <’artrain.'' The H*h were iced mid bar battles, when there an* millions of tou, Frank KutznibacV Jr.. Adrian Europeans of fi|bting age. from the Lyon. H ukIi Gaston, Hulph E. I.um, reled, put 011 a fuHt exprciw and *ent allied countries. In the Ignited States; George 8. Hobart and Michael Duun. cot through the citiea and towns of New why should not the Government «Jersey and Eastern renuaylvania. and first send home these men to their own Word wa* telegraphed ahead and ad armies before sending our own people INSTRUCTION CAMP OFENED vertised as well an could he that fi*h It would seem that there would he at the freight station at ftuch overseas?” FOR OFFICERS AT SEA GIRT be but one intelligent answer to a place on such an hour, and house- can that question. wives and peddlers flocked to the train Sea flirt. June 16.—The camp of in to buy these fresh-caught fish nt five War means pay, pay. pay. We are struction for officers and uon-oommisto six cent!, u ponml. The ritilrtu»! and sioued off,errs of the New Jersey Na just beginning to find it out. tb« pound net meu botu .nude money tional Guard not yet mustered into the out of thin plan. Federal service. o|>eijed here at noon But it interfered with the eatabiiahed today. Governor Edge also officially DO YOU KNOW THAT order of tldnc*. The reytilar tinh deal took up his summer residence here. Ac er* in these cities. «ettiiiK their supcording to custom, the camp is mimed Civilian health is the rock plie* dully from the New York nnirket, which military efficiency rests? upon for the Governor. could not sell tish on tlie day« when a Major Marcus Stokes, F. S. A , sen bail train came through, and the New The little house fly is a dangerous ior inspector instructor, d; tailed to York markets could not sell to tiiese thing? The time to “swat 'em” is in New Jersey, is camp commander. Cap tith dealers. "Trade wns demoralized.” spring? tain Claude E. I.anterinan. adjutant of the First Battalion. New Jersey Field Beanie F rcezers were built, hig is camp adjutant, und Cap catches 01 fish were sti»red for the winThe drinking of wood alcohol may Artillery, tain Walter H. Leedom, Third Infan -ter trade, and the “ fish trains,” like produce blindness? try, is cam)) quartermaster. The in wise the cheap tish, were at an end. structors are officers of the regular Would it not be well for the Btute Wwimmlng is a healthful exercise? army and the New Jersey National to see that these fish trains are again inaugurated, so that food need not he Human beings are the great agencies Guard. wasted, when it is so much needed. in the spread of human diseases? PENNA. AND N. Y. TROOFS There is more and more need of saving every ounce of food, so they tell us. No community can be really success AT W RIG H TSTO W N ; N. J. Then let's find some way of getting ful without safe waste disposal? TROOPS AT PETERSBURG, VA. food to the people who need it with out adding so much to its cost. •^Among the many, many announce ments that the Courier, along with all other newspapers, is asked to publwh for the Federal Government is one from the Attorney General's Depart ment, calling attention that it is a crim inal offense to sell or give intoxicating liquor to a soldier or sailor of the United »States wearing Uncle Sam's uniform. Query: If drink be so bad for a sol dier. whose duty it. is to destroy, so that serving him with drink become« h crime, why is it not bad for any young mau who is a producer, and why should it not be a crime to serve to him? Why should it not be a crime, particularly to sell to railroad engineers and other trainmen, pilots and other boatmen, chauffeurs arid all drivers of motor cars -these and ether men who in their daily occupation carry the lives of other people in their hands? BILLY SUNDAY CLOSES CAMPAIGN IN NEW YORK New York. June 18.—Billy Sunday closed his ten-week campaign here last night, preaching three farewell ser mons in the course of the day. The audiences at all three services were larger than on any previous Sunday. At the «lose of the night service John 1). Rockefeller, Jr., speaking for the campaign committee, thanked the evan gelist. Iu the afternoon former Am bassador Gerard spoke in behalf of the free will offering. A total of $114,000 made up the free will offering. This, the evangelist an nounced. he would divide between the American Red Gross und the Y. M. C. A. work among soldiers and sailors. The evangelist and his wife left after the night service for Indiana, where they will remain a few days before going to the Pacific Coast. During the campaign 88,26-1 persons “hit the trail,” a number 30,000 larger than that in Boston, where the evan gelist scored his greatest previous suc cess. Why should the people of the United States be taught to hate the German people? For two years the propaganda for war in this country used as its chief asset every endeavor to make the people of this country both fear and hate the German people; now. that the war is on, the same propaganda of hate WESTERN EVANGELIST TO BE is being kept up. Newspaper after CAMP MEETING PREACHER newspaper is flinging all th»* rime the darts of hate that rankle and sting and json in the mind of th»* reader. Why? Ocean Grove, June 18.—It is prac can conceive how those who were tically settled that all of the sermons trying to make the United States en at the camp meeting here this summer gage in the war, thought it necessary __ will be delivered by Key. Or. Paul to preach this doctrine of hate; Icould 1 ltader, the Western evangelist, now conceive how it might be thought mv- pastor of the Moody Tabernacle, Chiessary if we were now making up a cago. The "net" cast bv Or. Rader will volunteer army. But the young men. 1 be drawn in by Melvin Trotter, head of those of German Woo! with the othe-s. the Pacific Garden Mission. Chicago, have registered and will go when called ! who is something of a Billy Sunday in for, and fight if need be. Then, why the use of the Queen's English. The thin ugly and wicked gospel of hate? camp will open with the administration If we are not at war with the German of the sacrament on Friday evening. people, but with their rulers, as Presi August 24th, and continue until noon dent Wilson lias said, why try to makn of Labor Day. eur people hate the German folk? f Motor boatmen must lie sure to have all the regulations that are .required of them, as in previous summers, in addi tion, if you traverse the waters south j of Barnegat Inlet you must have a war regulation license, in upper Bameaat Bay no license regulation has been ar ranged yet by the Navy, but one is un der contemplation, apd license will jirobnldy be needed by July 1. Keep this in inmd. NEW JERSEY LEADS IN INCREASE OF GARDENS Washington, June 18.—New Jersey is m the lead in the increased number of food gardens, according to figures made public yesterday by the National Emergency hood Garden Commission, The New Jersey figures show a 501 per cent, incisa Washington. D. C., June 15.—Major General Bell, commander of the Oepartment of the East, has announced that the troops to be drafted in his de partment will be assigned to divisional cantonments as follows : "The Metropolitan district of New York city, at Yapnauk, L. I. ; the upper part of Pennsylvania and the remainder of New York State, at Wriglitstown, -V .1 : the remainder of Pennsylvania at Annapolis Junction, Md. ; Virginia Maryland, District of Columbia Dela ware and New Jersey, at Petersburg, \ a. LAKEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE ATHLETIC GROUNDS Lakewood, June 18.—At the meeting ot the Board of Education of Lakewood on Friday evening lust, the con tract was awarded to Mr. John B. Peters to grade the grounds in the rear of the high school building and put tltem in shape for a baseball diamond, football field and a quarter-mile run ning track. There were two bidders, the other being C. H. LeCompte The project was mapped and plotted by W. K. Kinsey, the local engineer, who thinks he can also arrange for one tennis court. The Peters hid was $l!)ti0.30. Bay Head Man Wants to Know. Trenton. June 15.—The .Supreme Court today allowed James N. S. Brewster, nf Elizabeth, a summer resi dent at Bay Head, an alternative writ of mandamus, compelling tlie Shrews bury Bungalow Colony, of Batontown Township, Monmouth County, and its president, Clarence M. Fowler, to show cause why they should not allow Brew ster the privilege of examining the hooks of the company. The writ was applied for some time ago. Brewster’s affidavit set forth that he subscribed for twelve sharres of stock ill the colony worth $50 a share, and was elected a director. He claimed that tnere had been no regular meetings of the company, and the records were in the possession of Clarence M. Fowler. For failure to pay its corporation tax the company was dissolved by Govcrmu' i Fielder in Ptl J. Brewster wants an examination „f the hooks to ascertain j the vulu* of liis stock Tic company was engaged in land de veloping. 11* apprrrtated h» nw.irr» a l mol„rboeln wbm tary rraliar thr r it r a i of thr finn !» /.T* V f « * * * hy thr rrgulation* f«»r thr folhiwiug viulatlon«, io wit : Aachor t ight ............................ go»rf> Itiinniug light ............................. ' j („, Financial Independenc SfMilid producili! «Irvii-m............... pai l.tfr-aavlna appliancr«.................... fon <i|N*rator*N licrnar................... .. NIrana far ritinguUhing bttralag gawiiiaa.................................... 77^ ]4N) !*Ì'ot rulr* noi on board............... 1*50 leali arawm. drapitr thr widr publicltv and warning givrn to nododm.at owo* ^lÌ > v*0,*fh»tiM wrrr rrportml iu thia diatrlrt. and in nrarlv all raara, bfavy finca wrrr imp«>«r<| and cfdlrctrd W KK>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf It** the money you save now th tablisbes your financial independ for the future. Besides, there is satisfaction in setting aside a port your income regularly ¿ach we month. NEHTENMILLION You can make this Fourth of JuJy one of the happiest days of your life by opening st ’"count -vi the County Trust Company. «■«hington, June 1«.— KegUtratloii, totaling K.ftWt,75»l In the selective draft had been re|mrtid tonight from forty-five State* and the District of Colombia. he three Stales still miming were Mus saehu setts, Kentucky and Wyoming, whose aggregate Is ejpeeted to bring the grand total done to 11.560.00'I Hr the time the registration roll, of the provost marshal general are com plete officials mav he ready to proceed with selections for the first war nrtuy increment. The greatest single problem present ed Is the formulation of a fair pollry of Three selecting exemption tribunals. plans are understod to be under con sideration. One would provide for ap pointment through the Governors of the States, a second through Federal Judges and the third through a central committee to be located in Washington Men who ri gistered for military serv ice are anxious to kuow how the draft will affect them. The public generally is interested in the method of conduct ing the draft and who it will take. The majority of families have at least one member subject to conscription and for that reason very keen interest is shown locally. The cry of "politics” in con nection with the exemption boards has caused such a stir iu certain parts of 'he Country that the Government hastens to reassure the public that no favoritism will be shown. In the seleetivc system the laborer will be on equal footing with the millionaire's son. Any member of an election hoard found showing favoritism is liable to impri onment. The status of the men who signed Registration Day will not he known until the actual drafting process in jury wheel. Regulations affecting ti e exemption boards and rules to be fol lowed ill making the draft have been drawn up and submitted for the ap proval of Secretary of War Baker and. Inter, President Wilson, hut are not yet ready to be made public. The withholding of this information, although trying to the anxiety of many persons, is done, according to Provost Marshal General Crowder, to avoid con fusion and false information reaching the public. The draft regulations, it is explained, will follow the provisions of the selective service bill to the letter. More than 1 .000.000 m,,n wj]] |)p ealjed out to insure the necessary 025.000 men for service. Out of the first number will be weeded the unfit. Military authorities deny the rumor that men drafted and found physically unfit for field service are to he utilized as clerks, stenographers, etc. Every man drafted will he used for military service only, it is understood. Fur thermove. men drafted, unless exempted "■ill have no choice of service, but to train with the conscript army. HOME GUARDS TO REPLACE MILITIA An inkling that the home guards of various municipalities may he called upon for duty on bridges and at irjportant points following the withdrawal from these posts of the National Guard is contained in a report from Trenton! Adjutant General Charles \Y. Barber is planning to organize a military bodv of home guard members to temporarily fill the place of the militia. Ifembevship will be made up of the present wHMnnFi,8" 'r ,ll<'s,' will^ not be interfered with. organizations Each man who volunteers for the new service will be called upon to take an oath to serve for a term of years or for the duration of the war and will be subject to the call of the Major of Ins municipality in ease of dutv'^mil’ ,“ f the Sheriff for county duty, and of the Governor for State. 5.10(10 (innSmenBthnif Kheapproximated. Nuti<1I,al Guard,Offior men, will be 000 wi h>P Chi,sen il,Hl battalions of o fS250 fir wmen b,‘ m ,f f,n,r companies of each. U1uThe company will have 10 platoons of 25 men Not less than 25 men will form a riHesatof "ion 0ffl0 " con?m!lnit.v and™for " a, of 100 000 population the tiasis m t Z Home vT cen> nf th<lCities military unitl of of the Guard hJ XeT.™? d aml vvi11scale h!" ’p will twl; pei cent.,0,Tand a graduated be followed for smaller places Requisition has already been „bade NnthmM ¡S ,0h Wil1 0(1 'furnished bv the Nntioi a Government. For the present tin State will not furnish guards a-' mapy of .he home guards have already equipped themselves. uireacij Blanks sent to the Mavois ask ■i’ei f!;™ir,K tb" guards willing to volunteer i0! •• - T companies. 4 ', Paid in our Special D epartm ent. TO M S R IV E R .M E W J E R S E Y . W ANTED -Notice .................... . pro ___ of any ined Municipal or SchoolIR Bond offer ing* or sales. We m ay he bidders. 4 SECURITY TRUST COMPANY Camden, N. J. OUR AR M Y of T elephone Workers D so A C K o f the telephone service that is X -' essential today in preparation for the National Defense, stands an anriy tele phone workers engaged in keeping th e service up to the highest possible standard. of It is a Picked Army, From the highest in command to the lowest in rank each employee is selected with the purpose o f bringing into the telephone business only those who ai|*e capable of doing the best work in the service c)f the public. I t ÍS a T i a i n e d A r m y . Each employee is fitted for his or her task in our telephone schools, where the proper foundation is laid for future efficiency and where the true spirit q f service is taught. It IS <1 S k i l l e d A r m y . The high order o f work manship displayed in the building o f lines, in the installation of switchboards and telephones and in the systematic handling o f calls is evidence o f this practical training. I t ÍS a L o y a l A r m y . Day or night, in sunshine or blizzard, in fire or in flood, the call tjo the service is ever uppermost in the minds o f the Bell Army. It never Jails to respond in any emergency calling for prompt and effective work. Your Bel] A rm y is in fighting trim i}OW, alert, watchful, dependable, prepared to furnish the best possible service under all conditions. Cooperarían with the operator and care o f your fetePhone equipment tn prevent damage tviH help us to étrnl f h you tlie ^‘Ith quality o f service so essential at the present time. N EW YORK TELEPHON E Veterans’ Yearly Encampment. Asbury Park, June 15.—With tile election of officers today the fiftieth anL : il encampment of the New Jersey \ eterans of the G. A, R. cane to a TIojo. The new officers are: Walter I. i’ Jersey City, commander; George .«oyd, Jersey City, senior vie« coni. ni.icr; (!. A. Warden, Millville, c® command«*)-; Rev, William 1. AM'ott. Asbury Park, chaplain : Wi! limn T». \ an Dnynrt. Trenton, medical director. The loyalty of the New Jei- CO M PAN Y sey veterans wras expressed in 8 gram to Presicilent Wilson LAW PROTECTS BIRDS’ NESTS isAmong the laws of New Je,se? one that reads; , ,,.p «epts “It shall be unlawful to rob the , ' *-o.v the egg« or w i w r or take or dest except the under f bird whatsoeve Igliau rf:| -f.x **- 'V ---'o,r7obl eggs of the English »ari° ,........ . .,-U for each i W t J W ' penalty of $20 and each egg so removed or dest TIMELY SUGGESTIONS FO R_ VEGETABLE GROWERS W E O FFER r«4r||i|g lltm il Ib is S|Mir Mtt)«*t9«**t •*» Will l r MlfrM.|r,| hv (hr y r f ) ‘UIHta iHtMr I I U lfllA lluM t'Vrl, »«M *»f Ibrrr » r r r M «rln| m fit»* ***• *[ to VffT <t|*|*iir«iif Ibut I ■ ‘t l l ir r lA n li-tii Hr* lulling In Th« «»It U not krl.f l) ttlrtl III $60,000 ibk r rrfuwa <»r npgin i* f anlnu «* |d»M* an that llirjr ran i * .•"*»* »» «•» ramar w l>*9hrt. If jt |a Unit nf bwiWlrtL .... «tvwrr ta» llar |irl»Urf . ,,f * riling to Jr** ****,# Agricultural (‘«ill«**** at > W | ridi. N J , iftd ««à fur ttorlr Hr* •u lit«* lltkinr \ rg**| «loir (¿«rtl •it din» i *t. tfiviitg (tor ** N|Nirt (to# id«nt- »toiMitd «to*nd t hr«( kwrlximietit. T ill« d r ,y . ! tot »1*«» br tor||»fu| 1«» lto«MM* gr«»W* I » »rr MVlRBlhf It» tiNvr vin*mi! 1» Ibeir as rill-it w lirto in») b# l'Uttlfal tu Uhm» i ihm whirl» Mill bar* timr to maturr f«»r fall an i winter tiar tv ff‘ inrb i f Ur ut ilia to tlintr lore tbr Intmisl bui.l foul #« It rrulljr rxlst.. Asparagus. \C ß and and “ Open Your Mouth Shut Your Eyes m Give You Som ething M ake You W is e !“ to LAKEWOOD TOWNSHIP 414% BONDS Due Serially $ 3 ,0 0 0 June 1, 19 18, to June 1 ,1 9 3 7 (Whan, aa and if issued) Particular* on Application A. B. LEACH © COMPANY - J V . « " ? « * « ■ «■»■»'i I* ararla* iu 115 So. Fourth Street ««I. In lari. iiian> gruwrrs bsvp *1«•!) ain|i|in their real )»un* - 1 rulliti* It .,«. Iha» tbv> may grow up ami tU Philadelphia Penna. Cri«p. delicious c o o k ie s -n n d never a burnt one I T h e steady, even flame stays op a Btnmg nml ayateiu fur ft»*« Jr put you don t need to watch the New Perfection. * »♦•ut of tirai ymtr’a rrop, M¡t|j havr not pr»Mlur»»J a «hravlly t 1« lb«*)• »liniihl bavr, Tbla mi to lu a n V d h t ^ ^ L U ‘ a 0* ° r l c* * fange “ nd a M * no m o ra coal orwrKvl » Lbv fac-t that lu*t fall a wry ar<1rough!, ami, |M>rba|ia, wrinJa. E & j £ A f i r e " ■ »“ • ' " y - la * , »n d . c « , : to prt*vent tbr n**»ta from Mtoritig Representative tigih from which to produrr a vy • <M tbia apring. irvcraiQie 1u1 i A *1 UIJ. ' U ,h® — -----Barne gat, N. J. j i *1 c« ' ° *h° VUy? new...c fe",ure,he «lasa reservoir. «!••• reservoir. Celt ry. d S rb tt ’ 0 ,1 ' < » k'« » « * . V . d . . y cIm d .nd Tbr crlrry plaota arr growing ulcrly ÌA*t- ila tail crop, winch t« uaually Step*.. TUCKERTON •**' tbr brida during July. On a vary SILVERTON •inuil iKuh* it la adviaablr to trauaplaut tbr wlrry •»rrdlinga whro tbey arr ab«iut ey G«!e spei Mr». Harvey Gale spenta portion of . H*? nah Til Uin of Osbornville two incur» high. l»rt them atand about the week in E. H. Berry rPhiladelphia .,and ana M rs. g. Mrs. E. Vinter Vanter and children of tbrrr tuebra upart racb way uutil thry T. S. Sprague Mia* Pearl Greene of Harrisburg ia Brooklyn were Sunday gueata of E. B it» «ueir iMTinanrot pla«*ra in tbr Joa. Grover & Son Beach^Haven , , , the guest ie of Mr. and Mr*. Houston j Irons and family held. Iu tbia way an imuirtiar root Ocean Gate Beach Haven Plumbing Lakehurat rlacoll ^ ___ .. ayatrr.i will br drvrloprd, ao that the Driscoll . «»— Mre. Geoi Toma River Supply Co n; "oorge Manaon and son Dougv Company E. F. Larrabee J. F. Johnson plant» will grow aplendldly whru art in W. I. Smith spent Thurada;* in! laas -----1 V . “ *n* *P*nt a few days last tbr Mdt regardIraa of vratbrr Where Philadelphia week with Mr. andMra. D. A. Clayton c-onvniirnt t«» do ao, apraying with Bor S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y deaux mixture ia nTtiuunenUrd at iutrrRev. S. K. Moore, Dr. F. Black and I Arthur Clayton and wife of M .n. vula of rvrr.Y trn day« from the timr tbr N ew «L ,N~ W New Jersey amJIjnga Are up uutil thr m p ia grown, “ turn Irgf blight may b** pr**vrnfmf p o i* , »rtiiug alat trti. in PMidelphi. "* W” * " ^ Cabbage Worms. Thr rab'iage worm »rema to hr quitr M m^W illard'^iougii Monday * l * * * * ' ■ " 5 u E l t o t S (leaffurtive to rarly nihbugr tbia attrntorr. In such caaea, tMiwdrml unuMiatr the home o f Mr. and Mre. C. E. Parker p / v 1? * " I r.u.ex and friend o f Aabury of, lead diiatrd U|»on the dew-wet plHiit« Mias Clara Morns and Mias Clara i n j w ifV o v t's u n ^ .y ^ Wm' w ill completely dtatroy any green worma ----.. V i uin ov.f ... New ork s|ic spent a portion o f vv« i n . , ^. which may be preaent. lie« sum. tbia Scarle ■ i* the week at the home of ------* Mrs M 1 " f 8* eF Gant and w ife entertained on \Norji i» exactly thr «»lop of the leavea J- Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Livj* nniv I - priKont without mir realizing Morris zey and children o f Lakewood It. I line 1» uhaolutely tu» diiugur «*f Mre. A. Townsend of Atlantic City is |m)im»iitug thow wlm cat the canbage, spending the summer here Messrs Eden B. Irons and Richard LAKEWOOD «ili Stiperintend ls that recently pur|ir«»v. uu th«* | H > ia r»ti ia applied before 1 homas callec^on friends at Chadwick •Imsed b> Mi»» Kthel Walker for her DAILY TESTS ORDERED Mrs. Mary E. Stiles is spending sev tii«’ i»* * jti! login» to develop. Thin name Sunday achool. I oÌN*»noiia diiht will aia«» dcHtr«»y potuto eral weeks in Trenton Ailwrt ttrreuield n-turnrd Hatuiday Hr. 1. H. Hauce is 011 a inotor trip OF GASOLENE PUMPS bugh, ton .jto worm» uml the cucumber Chester Irons and party o f friend* to New York after u vi»it with big C. W. M. Guhle o f Philadelphnspent of lOT or three weeks. Ile Intenda viabe«*t i»% ntother here. a portion o f the week here with his motored down from Trenton Sunday itin* thè I lattsburg engampment, 8urWhat Not to Plant. family Trenton, June IN.— Under a rule John Walker, colored, official dog UHSP l.ake sin] Msiiebesler. \*t. Miss Lida L. Irons spent Friday and promulgated hy State SuiierintendCnt catcher of Lakewoinl township, ¡h held Altuoat any vegetable may be plant Miss Bianche tìiuder, daughter of Mr wrth_Mre. |. C. Price is visiting her daugh- <Saturday w i t h " rs- 1 imbrook Apple{•rank Wunxer, of the Department of ed at tbia time, therefore, it i» not twi terMrs uoder |600 bail for the grand jury on unii Mr». Martin Giudei-, of Bei-in-n m Trenton , £ute at ! oms River v\eights and Measures, dealers using lut«* to start u home garden. However, a charge of threatening to kill John a\enuè. and Joseph H. Moulek, of New automatic devices for the sale of gaso Momc crops abould be avoided, aucb as Thompson, a colored prize fighter. Mrs. A. Bachrach and daughter, Mies *p i^ 1™ J i 7 ? nor Irons Mrs. Eden Irons» in°N«w ì'ork* " 6 '“a’TliMl ',D s » tu« l“ -v lene will he required hereafter to make p«us, i>Ui(»UM and lettuce. ------- -» *their * Kicnard I nomas, Lida and Barbara Thompson charges that Friday, Walker Anna, r»f of ronwL.. Camden, i*—— have opened dtiily tests of their pumps. The rule we« much the worae for taking aomeIrons called on Mr. and Mre. Fred summer home here Rutabaga Turnips. requires a test before the first sale each thing other than water and became ob Marra o f Lavallette Mrs. Joseph Markley of Salem is vis JUNKMAN HELD FOR BUYING jectionable. When Thompron remonday and also before commencing to use i his very isipului' large growing tur atfirted, he boys. Walker pulled a renew supply of liquid. Standard liquid nip may he piantisi during the next few iting her parents at the M. E. parson — .7 ’ 7 8si,e c layton of Freehold is METAL FROM TRANSPORT ameaaurea visiting Wesley Clayton and w ife volver and threatened to kill him. of the gallon and five-gallon weeks. '1 lie seed is usually sowed thin age 1 whereupon Thompson had Walker arcapacities are to be used. ly In rows two and a half feet apart On Friday last, Samuel Cohen, n Miss Anna Summers o f Philadelphia Fred J. Marra of Lavallette and Miss l rested. With the constantly increasing num After the seedling; are up they are has been spending several days as the Elia Irons o f Silverton were united in Lakewood junkman, who is well known Mr«. R. J. Tilton, of Fourt street, all along shore as a hover of jnnk whs ber of automobiles the sale of gasolene thinned out to stand six to eight inehes guest o f Mr. and”Mre'. and i ' " Frink'Layton marriage at Torrj River, Thursday ha« gone to Anbury Park to open the arrested by a deputy u* U'. 8. Marshal, fh1 o t .her »upply points by apart iu the ;■iw. If the ground where .(ne l « renal, on J' charro of buying hnv nu ,,n Hotel Biberón. the charge up junk „»li stolen the old method of using measures has they are to grow is still occupied with Miss Ethel Kelley o f Trenton is spend- une 14th at 10 p .m . Judge w Ífra Joseph Naylor ami »on William, from the wreck of the transport Sunibeen practically abandoned, and there the previous crop the rutabagas may he mg the summer with herparents.Mayor leffrey performed the ceremony. The happy couple will reside at LaVallette of Kidae avrnur. have bran spendinc ner which stranded on Baruegat are now about 1*000 of the new auto started iu a seed bed and transplanted and Mrs. W. H. Keliy Homs time with Mr». Naylor’s mother luter on. I.nng lslund Purple Top ru shoals last December. His employee. where the groom is in business matic pumps iu use in New Jersey. Mrs. Florence Kaiser spent the week at < ollingawood. Max Shapiro, was also arrested. They tabaga is. peinaps, the standard vurlp,isSTii D f « , the B <,w ™nlation, Sup end in Trenton The regular monthly meeting of the erintendent Wanner said that the me <ty. I he regular small turnips need WT A*b" rv «nd held nnder tHKKI bail each by U. 8. Coml i C h a m b e r of Commerce wa» chanical devices, such as the automatic not be planted until the middle of July Mrs. Calvin E. Parker is visiting rel OSBORNVILLE U -tiri held Tuesday evening. missioner Juiiifm I), Csrton. l ump, frequently get out of order, aonie- However, the rutiibuga requires a longer atives in Philadelphia The Hanes cottage on Third street This is a sequel to the arrest of five times working to the disadvantage of growing season for its best development. has been rented for the summer by Wilfishermen and the watchman left on the dealer and sometimes to that of the Mrs. Lyman Alien o f Atlantic City is Edgar V’anNote and Tylee Reynolds Strawberries. ham B. Howard, of New York Sumner by the Government, on a charge consumer. The new rule, he added, will the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. have purchased a Ford auto truck “ of conspiracy. The Government holds Mrs. 8. 8. Gaylord and daughter insure a square deal to both After the plants have produced their E. A. Horner Mr. and Mrs. John Applegate anenf that the men employed in wrecking the Margaret hare gone to Califoruia, ]•«., Air. Wanser also called attention to crop they are quite exhansted.ThereWilliam Stiles o f Philadelphia spent Sund“ y at Long Branch with their Sumner and taking valuables from her to spend the summer with Mrs. Gay another practice of some dealers which fore, they should not he transplanted for lord s parents. had an understanding with the watch ® 'J’,eek ,®n(j here with his parents, Mr. William,who has been ill for some tta£ " T ‘" hv his department, severul weeks. A new bed may be es and Mrs. Harvey Stiles man. and carried off the brass and Mias Silvers, of New Brunswiek, is t V t0 ithe twi speedy withdrawal of tablished by setting out the newly-de bronze httiugs with his knowledge, visiting with her sister. Mrs. Charles Mrs. John Rogers and Mrs. Hartson the hose from the tank before oppor- veloped plants as fast as they are pro M iss Dora Lazoroff is visiting rela A. — Bye, »Second street. ^ v 'eft the ship for the shore, •'-1 of U VVUIIU Blicri. tuinty has been given for all the gaso- duced. tives in New York while in the Government employ, and John E. Henderson, who ha» just reh,f. 7 , drain from the hose. He attrithat they sold this metal to the junk Rev. Wm. Disbrov. was a recent vis turned from Simsbury, Conn., ha» ac ~ i., hi butes the practice to undue haste rather Albert Hulse motored to Long Branch itor in Philadelphia 8 a small part of its real value, cepted a position as superintendent of t imer «Du attemPt tu defraud the cus- SHERIFF ADVERTISED SALE; on Sunday and spent rhe day ™th l i e Comer s Baruegat correspondent an estate and will go there next fall. tomer. and suggests that motorists friends Mrs. Louis Selliez of Philadelphia mouths ago told of the destruction of Mr. Henderson will as usual have hi» JUDGMENT NOW REOPENED spent the week end here with relatives tank df n r e 7?* 7 * hose remains in the valuable mahogany doors and other riding stables at Spring l.ake this sum,0 f . 7 7 h a v e he er, m o t o r i n g 7 » i f . ,at leaKt a f‘‘w seconds after woodwork, to get from them metal to mer. The estate which Mr, Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rider o f Ess- to .Seaside l ark from this place the Although Sheriff Brown had ndveihe sold as junk.________ been madeUrn ^ PUmp Crank llaH ^ave CaKen UP their residence fast week to have a few hours snorS I T ., th.£ hale " f P«rt of the right of wav here each day crabbing port ot the Trenton, Lakewood and Seacoast i ail way Company, under a judgment Florence Brittingham and son Mrs. Warren Waidell was a ManObtained against them by Charles O. o f Oxford were recent visitors at the asquan visitor on Tuesday of this week KJopp Judge Jeffrey on Friday last agreed to reopening the judgment and home of Mr. and Mrs. George Horner Th^r" ^ rs’ C- A. Johnson and son . F*. Hess of Lakewood spent a nor ih e onSnd having the case retried. The application were out o f town vis;»«, 2 P p tor reopening the judgment as made bv tion o f the week here i Wednesday o f this week 1 c° Lawyers Halsted H. Waiuwright, of Manasquan and Richard C. Plumer, of Lakewood. FORKED RIVER 1he Sheriff’s sale had been adver tised for May 111’, but was held up bv a fContinued from Pag* 0) may ex ;,°urt order. The sale was to satisfy three judgments obtained by Charles A Mrs. D. A. Parker visited -Mrs Dora pand to meet the increasing McCue, Stewart Holman and Charles Herbert at Barnegat Saturday ! ’• rtlopp, all for work alleged to have foods, but it will Sheriff Edward F Haughton o f Mid- cost I am a candidate for the been done for Mr. Valid.-grift, of the dfernXi ounf y an|j family were guest - buy a sufficient quantity \jmdergnft hij^iioennir and also ’ ’ i l heaik° th<‘ ,a,lw».V company at that at the Greyhound inn Sunday Shredded Wheat to nourish ^ h '1 were brought against of^m fthb R^man APP,eSate and friends »""»Putties, and it is alleged that or South River were guests ar s every member of the family. the KIopp suit was not, defended by the hound inn Sunday g the GreJ ‘ Two railway company, because its officers knew nothing about it. m Af APPP7 %nd j?arty of LambertviUc, with milk make Mr. Waiuwright. on behalf of the . • J-> spent Sunday at the Orpvbonn i company, petitioned Judge William H. inn and engaged Capt. John Hofmes for good, nourishing breakfast stated rP.opeD, tllr judgment. He Mhln^ tr’P and reP°rted a fair catch at a cost of a few cents. «toted tbat at a hearing held before a ?£V« i Nt?r 1U chancery KIopp had viSf « n g Chhearrj tyBUnneil ° f P™ o n is , the body-building material Wi k °h dn-eot examination that lie in the whole wheat grain. Pn i.ctn h,r7 1 b-v R,’-V T. Havens, of l omt Ilcasaut, to do the work he bad For breakfast or dinner with done, and that, he was working for the Vandcrgrift Rngiueeriiig Company Thberries, or other fruits. jnligmenLn0d “ "'hpening the _______ ____ J. HORACE SPRAGUE Dtalen who tell and recommend New Perfection Oil Cook T° " Ri'" -...SET ¿ 0 2 » ** ii£ S 5 were here X n ,s.l?,r><,*y v“ito" NEW PERFECTION <ML C 0 O 3 É S T O V E wTh?eiatitrt0nSpent Sunday hepa ANNOUNCEMENT Y o u r W if e 's “ A l lo w a n c e “ not of cuits Republican Nomination for of Shredded Wheat Bis a All Surrogate of Ocean County at the OLD HOME DAY AT LAURELTOM September Primary Election The ladies of th. Church will celebrate min j »rient Baptist i.'-ir fourth an- O ld Home D a y «,„ J i m o 'ü s 'a t fy v Hall, Lmireltou. The, „ronose to sc-ve ZV' “JHl a;,d «the:- refreshirnnts. Special music will h« a tV-ntu»c • and respectfully ask your support - u ?ve '*?■, ThlV w:\] r. 1 »» op'o’ ’- ‘T ? 11 ^’h’iidships anil of Laureiti aI ’y w,tb thp P«»!»!»’ and fertilizerJS,*lg l “ lm lor pig i&od 1 No crabs have bet ji c aught in the l so far fiPirir'i f i etCherha8returned to Plainfield after a stay at his country place , F. O. Briggs is giving fine show« his plavgroutjij iheatre Frank Penn, the caught 90 fish"^Monday,"mostfii blues and weakfish 01 lbem Made at Niagara Falls, PLEASANT PLAINS HOWARD APPLEGATE Fa,d for by the Howard Apnlegate Commit.!« Forked River, N. J. P. j. Zabriskie, Supt. Jersey City Char.'ex Stock Yards Company, Jersey ley and (rtuufhter Vvn rfoWard Br«dCity, New Jersey. ! ISa.v-s ; W<’ user] RAT-8NAP mir| h.iHi-d_of ,vou abóut ouv piart forche !I Ìssrnnftatìsm Vri!!' pi-i-narntion « '« - W a y a t / e C Ä « , R'v I . I!> a" fWoriderful - r did beyond questiun all y„„ (,.j to Ä ' m0nUe i wouM do—kilhng thè redenta, di-iv- P h ^ 0^ ' P^ ■ ria. ‘>m ,fmm ba«nts. orni e!iru mar,ng oi,„-s ariKitig troni thc’ r dr-itìi a n t e s '! tohnHW Ph' V ÍV’ J ^ P * ! « u , r ^ 7l *avi "n n,(V-rKV Th m * mv». iu ■ 1 >ajnrestc U iyvernini. •>.• a Atlantic C,ty last'Sunday 5 “ :otored 10 iUver.nd Starei.'"Tomi ' Ä Ä ^ ; - , RED r u b b e r s They Fit All c . „ Standard Jura S^d 2c st ^ n ? mCnd^ f?r Co,d tmA *3end ¿c stamp ror new hrnlr on «»»»« 1» - canning. — in. J““ 1 ^ tof °.nc doze? if yo«*connot u*t them at '• A d d r e .. Departm ent 49 BOSTON WOVEN HOSE & RUBBER CO. Cambridge. Mass. NEW EGYPT Mom 1 0 1 a u fi R I R A 1 D 1 E ■ ! P I 0 V C .I L i E n lis t L I C Y M I I N o w ! m it« merit«. When you purchase it you know that our guarantee goes with it. If for any reason It does not give satisfaction, let us know—“we’ll make good”. Not merely sales, but permanent customers, that’s our policy. If you are not enrol eJ in the ranks of our army of regular customers, we ask that you call on us and give us an opportunity »0 serve you. Enlist now. S A T m I 1 s F A T I o n The A . B . N E W B U R Y Opposite Central R. R. Depot CO., inf Willard Parfcar and wife o f fronton, rallfd on friend* In town on Sunday William Ruthfua* and wlfa niter Uinod over tho e w k end tba pa rents of Mr. Ruthfuaa o f Newark Charloa Henry Iron» haa Dean quit* III the paat weak. Mu eon, Albert of Trenton, »pent the week rnd with the family Augustua Ridgway and wife enter tained on Sunday Waiter Pitman and wife, Garrett Pittman and family of Camden, Win (tideway of Coiurnbua Mra. Moilie Archer o f thia place ■ bdgar Murphy Jr. o f Parroingdale. la vuitiitg hi» his grarxfpsrei.ts, grsndpara *- Juhn*>turnhy 1 “ * wifei of o f thia place Murrell l hompeon and wife o f New -h hie M fin t i William I hompaon and wifa Mr. and Mr*. William M. Naah and • l»e aona o f Haddon Heights, were Sunday visitor* with hi* father, W m. N an Charles Hopkina and wife entertained in Sunday I. P. Seaman and wife of Further Argument Usele«« There's a certain point in nearly everything a id e , beyond hicn cheapness ceases to be economy. One of these things it lumber. Cheap lumber, like shoddy furniture or paper soled shoes is always dearest in the end, Remember, it*« the final, „ot the first, cost that counts. Evety time repairs have t* h. made on vour buildings makes your cheap lumber cost you just that much more. Ii any further argument accessary in favor of using g 03,j lumber when yuu build ? We sell the good kind and every, thing else best in the building material line. You can't get poor stuff here— we don’ t keep it. C J! • Lumber and Building Material Hardware for the Boat, Home or Farm Coal a n d Wood , mhi \Y 1HEN an article finds n place in our yards or VV 8tore You may know it was chosen because of « . »Ifn «m l rhi 1-1 r*M of ... w*r* rioiconi on »und«]; I Y «1Viioroatnuii m* hom* o f Hirry R. Walton and • •If* 0 On 1 b«ir«<l*v, tuna U, born la Mr. and Mr*, Ifart* C. Jamaaon. a Man y fruliman and wifa at I’ hlla u dolphin, Trtvanian Iron*. Mr* K lM rhiMn|i»on nnd MI Holer Charity «ere R 1 l.tkrwootl visitors on Saturday In e. Telephone Toms River 36 11 L Mabel Challendar and Russell ti- Mias place, were among the ----------- Pemberton high school. A. A. BRANT LUMBER CO l he exercises were held last Friday 'ening at Pemberton, and were atnded bi by the two families and by Mr. Building Materials Near National Bank Misaea Clara Tantum. May J¡oulse, pplegate, Edith Compton, Mr. and Telephone Toma River 101 ra. Harvey Moore and family Water Street Robert W. Parry and others have quite some trouble in getting the nec nesday night. The guests were: Mr. Men enjoying peas from their garden* >i,i.. . . . . . i ,........ essary material for finishing and to- and Mrs. Todd Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. this past week. Charles Woodward ether with inclement weather con- Russell Mickle, Mr. and Mra. Wm. T. had beets from his garden ten days ago The high school baseball team defeat Itions, the work has been held up conHon. and Mra. Geo. L. Shinn motered ed Manaauuan high here Saturday in : aiderably. The new quarters were to Johnson, Ur. and Mr». Frank Denniaton, Mr. and Mrs. William Cochern and to Atlantic City on Sunday the concluding game of a three game be finished the first o f thia month. daughter* Ethel and Marion, Miaa Mil Mra. Ellis Cox visited from Tuesday series by the »core o f 6 to t. The local until Friday with Mr». Gordon bodine St. Faith’s Guild of the Episcopal dred Magee and Kobert Draco school for the paat five jeara haa sueo f Florence church is already preparing for their Mrs. Leon Errlckson and daughter old rivals,'in 1915 winnings largo penn annual fair to bis held at the pariah returned to Trenton, Wednesday, aiter On Wednesday evening, June 13,MIsa ant provided by both schools. Since house August 15 and 16 •(lending several weeks with her par Rebecca Cranmer, daughter o f William that season no pennants were played Cranmer and wife o f this place, was Visa Fannie Cooper of Rutgers Co' ents. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Stines *'*’■K.ir t nr aerie» cent1nued Joe Male In united in mandsg« to Olauie ini» Gre lege gave a canning demonstration to Mr. ami ilrs. Frank Hookey ol Phil wca on the inounu tor the locals Sutur day (Friday) in the meeting room of waid of Lumberlon, N. |., at the Epis adelphia are in town for a few days day and hurled a wonderful game, hold the Presbyterian church copal parsonage, by the Rev. Alexander this week ing: Squan in check until the these sixth frame, Bostwick o f Vincentown. Mr.and Mr». when James Quigley o f Philadelphia ______, ____spent -en they scored their only tally Toms River, N. J. Mrs. Wm. T. Johnson entertained a Oreenwald will reside in Lumberton here with Mr. Mr. and and Mrs few friends at tea on Monday afternoon where he is engaged in the shoemaking through a passed ball by Risden, who the week — end -------re with I’lltl for t>j J w, Com. . Edward Harrigan substituted behind the bat for Ander at her h o : « on Bay avenue. Her trade son, the latter being unable to play on 1 Rev. Fr. Austin, who will be the guests were: Mrs. Russell Mickle, Mrs. G. H. Kirby and wife, Elvin Kirby account o f injuries. 1 pastor of the R. C. church at Seaside Edward Warded, Mrs. J. E. Harrigan, und wife, Clifford Challender and wife «V ?AîÀyj|jji Mrs. James G. barton,Miss Joyce New A dog show for Wie benefit o f the Park thia summer, preached at the 10 spent Sunday with Wilson T. Lee and I The Misses Ruth and Berths Mww WEST CREEK baseball association here is being ar o ’clock mass in the local K. C. church man, Mias Mildred Magee, Miss Eliza wife who have been employed in Camden! ranged by Charles Clark o f Philadel Sunday morning He will preach again beth Johnson, Misses Betty and Dorothy Mrs. Albert Bockius of Merchant* Miss Alda Leigh, who-is „employed in ^ave returned their home he— ford» “ “ ---------------------------„ r „ JVU „, — to ---------Barton phia, who was In charge o f the show next Sunday k i i . j . i - L i . is js q,om e for f o r tthe |,e sUmnler ville, visited part o f last week with Philadelphia, home summer summer given at Lakewood the paat winter. Counselor Peter Backea and family Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Conover and Mrs. George (J. Lower Mrs. Henry Morey and son of Stam- . Frank Cox and Fred Sprague spenti The show will be held some time in o f Trenton, have opened their Atlantic family motored to Providence, R. I., Mrs. Thomas Lovegrove of New York ford. Conn., is visiting her brothers, few days at home recently July avenue cottage for the season Sunday, to be present at the graduation returned to her home on Wednesday of H. Z. and Matson Pharo Mrs. J. W. Holman is visiting ha The new postoffice building is not Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warded enter exercises the following day o f Brown this week after a ten days visit with Mrs. J. Harvey Salmons o f Trenton daughter, Mrs. James Rehn in Phil*, likely to > be completed the middle . tained a* iiu number o f their friends a at University, o f which their son Willis is 're. George C. Lower - - - - - ----- ,before ---------'■“ ‘"'•i* < u iu c i ui uieif inenus recently cently visited her mother, Mra. Anna delphia o f July, contractor Johnson has had I their home on Forman avenue on Wed a member of the graduating class Miss Marion Sherman of Mt. Holly; Cranmer ,1 N -Ec . ncu Kelly spent th.weekend« Miss Adelia Errickson o f Newark and Misses Florence Applegate, Marie Shar Miss Kate Shinn is visiting friends in Philadelphia brother Willard of Trenton visited their key,Irene Larsen,of New Egypt; How .Eugene Kelly and wife were recent parents over the week end ard Thompson. William Kahilly of Philadelphia and Pennsgrove Messrs. William and Vernon Mullery viaitors in Philadelphia Wrightstown; Oliver Britton o f JacobsWalter Neary of Trenton, well known of Bayonne motored down and spent Miss Elsie Stevens o f Philadelphia* here, has enlisted in the engineering town, and William Dolan of Camden, the week end with their mother on spending the summer with Mr i all enjoyed a day’s outing up the lake corp of a Trenton Regiment now in on Sunday Thomas avenue ' Mra. N.E. Kelly camp at Sea Girt The Alpha society is planning to re Mrs. Harry Hszeiton and son of Miss May Applegate is employed as Joseph Maloney, who has accepted a stenographer in the law office o f Coun peat their musical comedy, “ I he Min sey City were recent visitors atJ ister’s W ife’s New Bonnet,” in the home of Mrs. ,hos. Cobb position in Connecticut, spent the week sellor John Meirs Hall on Saturday evening, June 30 end in town with friends Messrs. Vernon and Wm. Muller Charles Atkinson, wife and family On Sunday evening next Pastor Glenn \ipent the week end with their mother, William Letts and family are to move spent Sunday with her parents, Wm. Mra. Cordelia ............. Mulfery of the Baptist church will take his con |Mrs. to Wilmington, Del., where Mr. Lett’s Kinsley and wife of Pemberton gregation on “ A vacation trip through Miss Edith Le'gh has returned from position with the Central R. R. has Mrs Sarah Johns of Middleport, Pa., New Jersey” in an illustrated lecture a visit to Philadelphia been transfered sister of Dr. J. William Bichler, is with lantern slides from the State’s Henry Kelly, who has spent the lut Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bryant of New visiting at the latter’s home collections three years in California, has returned York City are spending the summer Thos. E. Lawrence, Mrs. Annie Law to West Creek Mr. Taxis,student o f PrincetonTheo with Mtrf. Bryant’s parents, Mr. and — 1— u n io ir n c a Miss Kate uLawrence and Master Mrs. Clay M. Green Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pole motored logical seminary, filled the pulpit on ■rence, Dr. R. Grower and family areoccupy- Sunday in the Presbyterian church. He Gordon Lawrence of Philadelphia spent here from Collingswood the latter part ing the Hookey cottage on Forman ave will be with us again on Sunday, July 1 several days of last week as the guests of the week of Miss Kate Shinn nue for the summer season Percy Horner and wife and John H. Our vjl|a2 e was well represented in C0UNTY HAPPENINGS Earnest Wright of New Rochelle is Horner of South Amboy, were visitors the Tuckerton high commence, ............ O “school V..WVI VUUUHCHI C- j the guest of Bill Scott for a few days on Sunday with Mra. John H. Horner T H E W IFE O r X MAN W E K N O W came home ment, both in graduates and guests. I ----- — B——__ __ n «iiu guvs us. i Tuckerton milkmen have raised the this week iuaoa k ntL n... i *•*■ <• Mra. Rebecca Challender visited in M the other day with u great “bargain” in silk. Misses Kathryn Seaman, ju Edith Kelly price of milk to ten cents a quart A C. W. Williams and family of New Pemberton from Friday to Tuesday the via«* and Stella Holman were in class', has the h. c. of 1. ark have opened their cottage for the Samuel J. Irving and wife, Lewis and many carloads of friends motored SHE H AD PA ID “ O N L Y ” 79 CENTS a yard for Tennis tournaments are occupyin* season Courdet and wife o f Westfield, were down to the interesting exercises the young men o f Lakewood about no» six yards cf silk. The silk was eighteen inches Mr. R. Kilburn and family of Engle guests of Hon.and Mrs.George L.Shinn Miss Sara R. Rutter spent the week ' that crack players are home from wood are occupying the McCloskey cot June 9 and 10 wide. end in Tuckerton as the guest of Miss i sch° o1 and college tage on Atlantic avenue for the season Fanny Brooyn ' Lakewood 1 — >--------Mrs.Clifford Hopkins of Bordentown, ■mijr uruqn | women have registered for Miss Catherine Curtis o f Montclair is who has been seriously ill, is now with IN A N SW E R TO H ER H U SBAN D ’S questions attended Patr'otic work; also a separate départ spending the season here with her par her parents, Earl Davis and wife ., Rev A J. J jA.• Glenn last week wee» accenaei she said she could buy silk of the same quality, the mept ["ent has been raade for &irl3 ,lx' ie Camden Baptist Association meetents, having completed her second term teen and under who want to help Miss Emily Buck visited over the ings in Merchantville thirty-six inches wide, for $1.25 a yard. How at Montclair Normal week end with her uncle, Aaron WainLakewood complains of garden thieve# much did she lose? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Horner are visit Miss Marion McCloskey, who grad wright o f Philadelphia that rifle home gardens in that town uates this year from Trenton Normal ing friends in Trenton and MerchantRichard Lippincott and wife of Vin viile uw . uui.uii 11U1UU03, Stratton Norcroas, ICCCIIUJi recently expelled school, spent the week end with her centown, were Sunday evening callers from the Lakewood fire department for parents Leon Holloway has purchased the racing a motor truck he was driving on Wm. Davis and wife Miss M a r t h a Rice, kindergarten Job Parker place on Main street home from a fire, has been re-instated. Miss Sarah Rockhill and Fred Rockteacher o f the local school, left Satur hill are guests of their grandpa: ents, B' W Usonof Newark was a u k . E. Tomlin, a Lakewood pn y Drr R. phy day for her home in Cape May Ivins J. Davis and wife i . , ™ w.e.el>. at the home of Mr. and sician.has also graduated in osteopathy, ____f t f e j__________ Arnold hall was packed to its capacitv Joel Wainwright was a Burlington . E' Kel‘y and has his diploma from that school of last Friday night, when the graduation Ordinary Paint m, he M. E. Ladies Aid society met healing exercises of the high school took place. visitor last Tuesday Thirteen, eight girls and five boys were Rev.C K. Dilks was a Monday after Harifo^i?;)efVenm g at the home of v,rsD- H- Hills, who has a pharmacy at in the class. The exercises were semi- noon caller on Osborn Hopkins and k n n n ilk i... Pla"3 were laia for the Spring Lake, one at Bay Head, andfor» lulv d ar and festival to be held on : e y one at Lai, ewood, is ; ow one if patriotic and attended by the largest wife Inferior Paint assemblage ever known here the ¡state Board o f Pharmacy David Ford visited last Friday with G y . . . . John Scott and family of New Re his daughter, Mrs. Osborn Hopkins j chelle have opened their beach front Mr.and Mrs.M. Eisner and son George, IN FE R IO R PA IN TS C OVER ICO to 200 square j cottage for the season o f Newark, Mrs. losephine Pier of feet, two coats, to the gallon. Jersey City, aim and mra. Mrs. mary Mary u Geer Dr.. and xjv auu Mrs. mis. Henry nenry A. a . Price rrice of ol ! J eer of Swarthmore, Pa., have arrived at their i Jonesville, South Carolina, were week O R D IN A R Y R E A D Y M IX E D PAIN TS and hand fo r the season end quests ooff Mrs. Anna !. fiin a la in . home here for end guests Anna L. Singleton made paints cover 200 to 250 square feet, two Children of St. Vincents Home, Phil Mrs. Anna L. Singleton, Mr.and Mrscoats, to the gallon. adelphia, will arrive at their Retreat George Rawley and guests were Sun here this Saturday, accompanied by day visitors of Anthony VanHise Sr. of N O W FO R TH E NEW L A W N M O W E R several Sisters. There are6U0 children Horners town LUCAS T IN T E D GLOSS P A IN T—for which we in all. Miss Cora C. Singleton is visiting for are exclusive agents— covers 350 to 400 square Although the market is bare of the good ones, our stock is a fortnight with her sister, Mrs. M. feet, two coats, to the gallon. Eisner of Newark T Flyer and CLIFTON AVENUE M. Eisner and wife of Newark, who GET A PENCIL AND P A P E S and figure out for were here over Sunday visiting at the yourself how much paint of each character will I Miss Margaret lohnson of Lakehurst home of Mrs. Anna L. Singleton, left here for a two weeks visit at Amherst, . was a recent visitor with her sister be necessary to cover a fixed surface of, say 3000 Mr, and Mrs. John Hitt are entertain Mass. square feet. Field, Garden and Flower Seeds ing friends from the city Forrest Bright, who enlisted in the engineer corps, has been transferred Mrs. Edith Miller of Belford is visit Agricultural and Garden Implements MAY W E SEND YOU other interesting facts along ing her mother-in-law, Mrs. Hettie to Camp AmericanUniversity.at Massa with a color card? chusetts and Nebraska avenues, Wash Lawn Mowers Miller ing: -n, D. C. Mrs. Mat Rosenthal o f Red Bank is Poultry Fencing visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Tansley LAN0KA Charles Miller of Belford spent Sat“ House Furnishings urday night with his mother, MrsJesse Miller Ralph Mulford, the famous driver of Anthony Applegate returned home racing automobiles, is spending the Opp. C. R. R. Depot Phone 36 Friday from the Jefferson hospital summer at his home on the north shore o f Cedar Creek, formerly the Jesse P. much improved and chi) , rplace, ------- f with his wife " iic a uu C h ild . Frank Tansley and family spent Tues brant day evening with relatives in Island Mu ford married the daughter of Mr. Contains a Full Stock of the Finest Goods Fickett of Brooklyn, who has owned a Heights summer place here for a number of Mra. Hitt and son George and friends years, and the Mulfords are now occu F L 0 U R > FEED T O B A C C O , C IG A R S motored to Asbury Park Wednesday pying the home POINT PLEASANT J ANNOUNCEMENT I AM A CANDIDATE FOR THE RE PUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR SURRO GATE. JOSEPH GROVER COVERS DOUBLE THE SURFACE Of Cheap Paint Berry’s Stores u-lxvrL fe e the ownsend High Wheel. the Pennsylvania D E V o A. B. NEWBURY CO.. Tom s River E IS Our Grocery Department •Jooooa aias* * * * ^ ti ’ si a ai tt ai io fr Pi Wi C] m ed of ne a. Mc 1 ani bui