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Meliá Hotels International
The Doyle Collection
Marriott International
Fairmont Raffles Hotels International
Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
Sofitel Luxury Hotels
Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Barceló Hotels
Dorchester Collection
Hilton Hotels & Resorts
InterContinental Hotels Group
Jumeirah International
For 15 years, HotStats has been known as THE comprehensive benchmarking tool for hoteliers to improve their profitability performance. Currently 1,650 hotels in over 70 countries, represen&ng 360,000
rooms, par&cipate in our monthly P&L survey. Bringing more benchmarking innova&on HotStats recently
launched a new Revenue Management product - MORSE - which helps clients to understand
segmenta&on, revenue produc&vity and buying behaviour.
Monthly P&L Benchmarking
In-depth Daily Revenue Intelligence
> 80 metrics on revenues, cost and profitability from Total Revenue to GOP
6 key metrics: Occupancy, ARR, RevPar, Addi&onal Spend, Length of Stay and Lead Time
Analyse opera&onal departments and undistributed opera&ng expenses
Each split into 12 customer segments and 5
distribu&on channels
Chief Execu&ves
Revenue Managers
Func&onal Group Specialists
Area / Group Revenue Managers
General Managers
Sales & Marke&ng Managers
Group Development Directors
F&B and Conference Managers
P&L data generated through HotStats Data
Template or General Ledger
Internal (MORSE Insight) and Compe&&ve
(MORSE Market View)
Delivered through repor&ng website + excel
reports directs to your PC
Daily data generated through secure connec&on to your PMS
Delivered through repor&ng website
Iden&fy performance gaps and their origins
Monitor performance of single departments
Analyse profitability of individual channels
and segments
Assess the groups performance
Monitor and increase F&B and C&B produc&vity
Maximize revenues through adapta&on of
revenue tac&cs according to peak and shoulder for each segment and channel
Set targets according to the markets capabili&es
Time and cost savings through automated
detailed repor&ng
Target Audience
The following summary provides an understanding of the features, benefits and applica&ons of HotStats
HotStats profiles every aspect of your hotel’s ac&vity for the last trading month, for the year and for long-term
trends. Our service benchmarks your performance against that of your selected compe&tors across a wide range of
key opera&onal performance metrics and rooms sta&s&cs including:
Your operated departments’ revenues
Your costs of sales
Your departmental and overhead expenses
Your departmental and overhead payroll costs
Your departmental and hotel profitability
Our International
Barceló Hotels
Concorde Hotels
Conrad Hotels
Copthorne Hotels
Corinthia Hotels
Courtyard by Marriott
Crowne Plaza
Fairmont Hotels
Four Points by Sheraton
H10 Hotels
Hilton Hotels
Holiday Inn
InterContinental Hotels
Jumeirah Hotels
“The informaon provides us with clear insight
into how our key drivers of profitability compare
to those of our competors. The HotStats website provides us not only with great flexibility of
reporng opons, but also a huge volume of
historic data and we have found it to be extremely useful and easy to use. “
Paul Simmons, Vice President Finance
UKIMEA, Marrio Internaonal
Key Benefits
HotStats does not limit you to reviewing your rooms – performance of your F&B, restaurants, bars, conference, leisure opera&ons plus your overheads provides more real insight
than other benchmarking services. You can review your en&re opera&on from rooms to
GOP with an in depth look at your rooms segment sta&s&cs too. This analy&cal tool can be
shared across your team and will unify your knowledge of what is going on in the markets
you operate. Moreover, HotStats is a useful tool when you are seCng your budgets by
providing benchmarking targets to aim at. Last but not least, HotStats is the only benchmarking service that helps you directly generate more profit.
Customised Benchmarking Reports
Our HotStats website is designed in a fully flexible web repor&ng environment, and all your
reports are delivered in one place. As you would expect from custom benchmarking, this
provides the ability to compare the performance of single or mul&ple hotels against agreed
sets of compe&ng hotels. Any of your team can be granted access to it and their access can
be limited to hotel, region or group as you choose. Custom benchmark reports are provided
at an agreed annual subscrip&on rate. Just 5 of more than 80 line items you can benchmark
are shown below
Le Meridien
Marriott Hotels
Meliá Hotels
Millennium Hotels
Park Inn
Park Plaza
Radisson Blu Hotels
Raffles Hotels
A traffic light system gives an immediate visual check on your performance against your compe&&ve set.
How to contribute
St. Regis Hotels & Resorts
The Luxury Collection
The Doyle Collection
W Hotels
Waldorf Astoria
You just need to submit your data in spread sheet or text file format every month by email
to our support team - a template is available if required but we prefer to help you by working with your data format and making submission even easier. You can contribute your data
with confidence. Your website data is protected by ‘bank level’ security and the HotStats
“promise of confiden&ality” covers our repor&ng at all &mes.
The ground-breaking Rooms Revenue decision support system for Revenue Managers
MORSE t, the cuCng-edge Revenue Management tool developed by the HotStats team, takes daily market
intelligence to a whole new level: it delivers reliable, consistent, &mely and meaningful internal and external data at
a level of detail that has never been available before. Our web-based service enables you to take informed revenue
management decisions and to op&mise your revenues.
MORSE is the first Revenue Management tool that in addi&on to delivering you
Occupancy, ARR and RevPar on a daily basis also provides
informa&on on addi&onal guest spends, length of stay and lead &me
split into 12 segments such as Corporate Individual, Retail and Wholesale
and 5 distribuon channels (GDS, Own Web, OTA, CRS and Hotel Direct)
through an automated process
comparing your performance to your main competors
every day from 9:00 am
“I recommend MORSE to many of
my clients as I believe that this innovave system will be the future of
revenue management. It allows basing yield decisions on specific
knowledge and the actual market
Shona Whitehead,
Revenue Consultant
So much
MORE than daily
occupancy, average room
rate and RevPar...
The technical side
MORSE is a very user-friendly system that will save a great amount of &me and cost for your organisa&on through
its innova&ve automated data transfer func&on. Instead of preparing manually reports to support your revenue
management decisions, with MORSE your PMS will automa&cally create a flat file containing a specified dataset
incorpora&ng detail from last night's business and send that file to our MORSE server. Technically there is thus no
interface. This new technique is not only cost-efficient but furthermore allows for more reliable repor&ng as human
error or deliberate manipula&on is avoided. Your data is kept confiden&al at all &mes.
Some key advantages of MORSE are
Time and cost saving repor&ng through secure connec&on to your PMS
High degree of detail to inform and op&mise your revenue management tac&cs
Easy iden&fica&on of the best performing segments and channels and more exact defini&on of peak and
shoulder for each segment and channel
Improved forecas&ng thanks to trending of the business per segment and channel
Commit to more aggressive business planning in the annual budget round by maximising planned exposure
to proven higher rated demand
Improved understanding of market movements and your performance in comparison to these market dynamics
Real-&me evalua&on of the effec&veness of revenue strategy decisions
MORSE not only tells you if you are under– or outperforming the market
but also WHY and WHERE