Epistle - First Presbyterian Church in Valatie, NY
Epistle - First Presbyterian Church in Valatie, NY
Epistle “We are a small congregation, part of God’s larger family, teaching and living God’s Word, and sharing God’s love throughout the community.” Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Valatie Reverend Kathi L. Jones, Pastor Volume 3 Issue 3 P.O. Box 267, 3212 Church Street, Valatie, NY 12184 email: [email protected] 518-758-9658 March 2016 From the Pastor’s Pen In this season, we reflect on so much fear - the fear of the disciples as they learn they are going to lose their teacher, the fear of the leaders concerning this charismatic man - and the fear of people. But, we have a model for love not fear! They Will Know We Are Christian by... Our Fear? Rev. Adam J. Copeland Faculty, Luther Seminary The call to welcome the refugee is practically an essential tenant of Christianity, and yet after the Paris terrorists’ attacks, many Christians are calling to halt our (already paltry) resettlement of Syrian refugees. This reaction is difficult for me to understand, but like many irrational responses, I suspect it's based in fear: fear of terrorism, perhaps, but mostly fear of the unknown. Fear of those from foreign places. Fear of those who speak other languages than English. Fear of non-Christians. Fear that the refugees will "take our jobs." Fear that the refugees will be unemployed. And fear, of course, of change. Many wiser than me have written about the Christian call to welcome refugees. Laura Turner says, "Jesus would welcome the refugees." Jim Wallis calls our response, "a moral test of our battle with ISIS." Stephen Colbert satirized our "fear turbines" in the biting segment, "no country for anyone not already here." Maybe the whole Jesus thing -- "I was a stranger and you welcomed me... whatever you did for the least of these you did for me" -- was too direct (Matt. 25). So, here's my quick attempt to step back slightly and apply three other Christian essentials to the refugee crisis. First, we're called to see God in the face of our neighbors. And, as Pope Francis reminds us, we see God most clearly in the face of the weak and the vulnerable. Second, we're called to teach love, not hate. Or even, as Dr. King wrote in the Letter to the Birmingham jail, those who follow Jesus are to be "extremists for love." Third, we're called to imagine, welcome, and embrace the kingdom of God. In the reality of God's reign it is the poor, the merciful, the hungry, the peacemakers, the persecuted, and the mourners who God blesses. As I wrote a few months ago, reflecting on Marilynn Robinson's essay: fear is not a Christian virtue. Love? Yes. Vulnerability? Yes. But fear? Oh no. Fear is the very antitheses of the faith for Christians know Christ has already won. Death has lost its sting. The Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA) put it this way in a recent letter: “The way to end terror is to prove that those who demonize us are wrong. We are not a heartless secular culture. We must witness to the Gospel with generous hospitality. To hide in fear is a mistake. Fear is the ammunition of terror. Hope is the best defense.” Several of the Republican presidential candidates have suggested we only allow Syrian refugees in who are Christian. How preposterous. Instead, I'd like to suggest another approach. Why don't we ask the refugees to judge? After we welcome them, clothe them, feed them, and love them, then let's ask our new neighbors: "And who, here in the U.S., do you think is Christian?" Now that's a response I fear. May we find peace and love, not fear, in this Easter Season! Kathi Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 2 Session Notes The Session met last in its regular meeting on Wednesday February 17 in the Library. After opening with devotions and prayer, the Session: Discussed having a joint meeting with the Deacons and what might be a topic and when it might happen. It was decided to discuss this with the Deacons before any decision is made Received the Triennial Report sent to us from the Visit Team of Presbytery Heard that $250. was sent to the Capitol City Rescue Mission to help in housing folks during the cold weather Heard that the women of the church are making plans to lead worship on March 13 Heard that the next presbytery meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 6 Heard that the Deacons are reevaluating their work load in light of the reduced number of members on the board There being no more business to come before the body, the session was adjourned with prayer until its next scheduled meeting on Wednesday March 16. In Our Thoughts and Prayers Gale Bury - as he continues with Physical Therapy. Laura Kinnicutt - as she deals with pain and is having testing. Malcolm Gay - as he heals from surgery and deals with the diagnosis. Christian Nurture March 6 - March 13 March 20 March 24 - March 27 - Sunday school children will be making pretzels for their Lenten activity No adult education, classes will resume on March 13 Gifts of Women Sunday Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday service light supper at 6:00 p.m. and worship service at 7:00 p.m. with the Sacrament of the Last Supper and Order of Tenebrae Easter sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Valatie, Pastor Kathi will bring the message Easter worship service at 11:00 a.m. in our sanctuary We have Easter flower order forms in the bulletin and this Epistle. Please place your completed order form in the offering plate, leave it in Pastor Kathi’s mail slot (next to her office) or mail it to the Church address and attention to the Church Secretary. The deadline for orders is March 13. We are asking this year that you take your ordered plant home within 2 weeks of Easter as we do not have the ability to place all of the plants usually left. If you absolutely cannot take them, please note on the order form and we will do our best to find a home for them. In an effort to reduce our heating oil bills our worship services will continue to be held in the Fellowship Hall through March 13 and will return to the sanctuary on March 20. * * * * * Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 3 Deacons Doings. At their organizational meeting in January, the Deacons elected officers as follows: Moderator – Pastor Kathi Vice Moderator – Hertha Matuszek Secretary – Alicia Albertson Treasurer – Laurae Hoffmann Sunshine – Karen Leffingwell Buildings and Grounds – Laurae Hoffmann Christian Nurture – Hertha Matuszek Congregation and Community – Alicia Albertson and Lynn Seftner Finance and Stewardship – Hertha Matuszek Since the board is 1/3 smaller than in the past (6 not 9 members), we had to make some decisions. *There will be 2 Afternoon Socials; one in June and one in December. *Pastor Kathi was asked to moderate (the pastor does that in some churches) which she agreed to with lots of promises of support. The Deacons will continue to: *visit, especially on birthdays of some of our older members *reach out in mission through Church World Service for Blankets+, Health Kits and School Kits *support local mission And the many other things that come before them annually. Prayer List We pray for: • Students having difficulty in school • Adults going back to school to improve their lives • Victims of Violence and abuse • Willpower for those who want to quit smoking • World leaders to work together for peace • People without clean water • Finding extra time for prayer and reflection during Lent We are thankful for … • Saving money on fuel oil this winter • Increased daylight each day • Co-workers and fellow volunteers who make our jobs easier and more pleasant If you know of someone who needs a visit, or should be on our prayer list in church or has a need in some other way, please let Pastor Kathi know so that the Deacons may address that need. The Board of Deacons Save The Dates! Church Street Preschool fundraiser: Paint and Sip, Friday March 11, 6 - 8pm. Come enjoy an evening with an artist who will teach a novice painting class. Cost is $40. You will paint your own treasure to take home and display. Guaranteed! Rainbow Girls will host their annual Corned beef and Cabbage fundraiser dinner on Saturday, March 12, 4 - 7 pm. $12 adults, $8 children. Don’t miss out on this great meal! Boy Scout Troop 114 is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on April 16th, 5-8pm $8 Adults advance tickets / $10 at the door, $5 Children 12 & under. Dinner is spaghetti, meatballs, choice of sauce (red or alfredo), salad, bread, drinks, dessert. Eat in or take out available. Speak with Pastor Kathi about advance sale tickets. Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 4 Presbyterian Women The Presbyterian Women meet each month on the first Thursday at 10:00am. They have a study, based on all of the ways in which God has used water throughout history and reflecting on its significance in our lives, refreshments and a brief business meeting. They also lead a worship service annually using the general theme of “The Gifts of Women”. This year the service will be March 13 “A Worship to Inherit”. We invite all women of the church to join us for our monthly meeting and encourage everyone to come to worship - especially on March 13. MARCH BIRTHDAYS 3/2 Judy Bury 3/7 Geraldine McCrum 3/9 Wayne L. Austin 3/11 Mary Heermance 3/13 Kimberly Dumont 3/14 Christine Smith 3/22 Marc Petrie 3/25 Charles Heermance 3/28 Quentin Barton 3/30 Trinity Armstrong 3/31 Nancy Pienta CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL If we have missed your Birthday or Anniversary on our list, please give Naomi in the office a call. We want to celebrate with you and let others know about your special day. If you are reaching some other significant milestone let us know. LECTIONARY FOR MARCH March 6: Joshua 5:9–12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16–21; Luke 15:1–3, 11b–32 March 13: Isaiah 43:16–21; Psalm 126; Philippians 3:4b–14; John 12:1–8 March 20: Palm Sunday: Isaiah 50:4–9a; Psalm 31:9–16; Philippians 2:5–11; Luke 22:14— 23:56 or Luke 23:1–49 March 24: Maundy Thursday: Exodus 12:1–4 [5–10] 11–14; Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26; John 13:1–17, 31b–35 March 27: Easter Sunday: Acts 10:34–43 or Isaiah 65:17–25; Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; 1 Corinthians 15:19–26 or Acts 10:34–43; John 20:1–18 or Luke 24:1–12 Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 5 Study, Worship, and activities During Lent March 3 Thursday 5:30pm. Supper and Study Soup/Sandwiches Session 4 - I Know That My Redeemer Liveth March 6 4th Sunday In Lent 9:30am. Sunday School ages 3-grade 9 Worship Sacrament of Holy Communion Supper and Study Soup/Sandwiches Session 5 - Why Do the Nations Rage? 9:30am. 9:45am. 11:00am. Sunday School Adult Education Worship 12:15pm. Coffee Hour ages 3-grade 9 graduated high school and up Celebrating the Gifts of Women Sunday hosted by the Women of the Church 5:30pm. March 13 5th Sunday In Lent March 17 Thursday 5:30pm. March 20 Palm Sunday 9:30am. 9:45am. 11:00am. Supper and Study Soup/Sandwiches Session 6 - Worthy is the Lamb Holy Week Begins Sunday School Adult Education Worship ages 3-grade 9 graduated high school and up Dedication for bulletin In memory of ________________________________ _______ Calla lilies $16.00 6” pot Total _________ ________ ________ $5.00 $8.00 How many?________ ________ Flowers in the sanctuary for Easter has been a tradition here for many years. In keeping with that tradition, we once again are receiving orders for them. The deadline for orders is March 13. We are asking this year that you take your ordered plant home within 2 weeks of Easter as we do not have the ability to place all of the plants usually left. If you absolutely cannot take them, please note on the order form and we will do our best to find a home for them. Easter Flower Order Form 11:00am. Hyacinths 4” pot 6” pot Easter Dawn Service Place – St. Luke’s Pastor Kathi will bring the message Celebration of the Resurrection Worship $9.00 $17.00 6:30am. Easter Light supper Sacrament of the Last Supper Lilies 6” pot 8” pot March 27 Phone number _______________________________ Supper and Worship Name ______________________________________ 6:00pm. Please fill out the form and return to the church by March 13 with a check made out to the First Presbyterian Church earmarked “Easter Flowers”. March 24 Maundy Thursday In honor of __________________________________ March 10 Thursday 11:00am. Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 6 Water Crisis in Hoosick Falls, NY by Donna Elia Photo credit: Skip Dickstein | http://www.timesunion.com These are strange days in Hoosick Falls, and my heart goes out to the good folks of the congregation I serve there and to all residents. Our congregation is wonderful and resilient, even in times like these. Hoosick Falls has been in the news a lot lately, because the water is contaminated with PFOA, a cancer-related substance produced in the manufacture of plastics. The water has probably been contaminated for many years. In the short term, residents are receiving bottled water (the church too). But imagine having to ask yourself if you should wash the dishes with tap water, or how long you should stay in the shower. Think about how different church coffee hour would be. It comes down to things like- do I wash my hands before serving communion? If we wash the dishes and then rinse them with bottled water, will that suffice? The long-term implications are more precarious. What about the children who grew up in the village and moved away? Who will get sick? How in the world will people sell their property? Many congregations have reached out to our congregation, and we greatly appreciate the prayers and offers of support. This weekend, Feb. 27-28, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) will be sending a team to meet with community leaders. At this point, they want to hear how PDA can help and how best to offer emotional and spiritual support in this time of great stress. Thanks to Shannan Vance-Ocampo who suggested the idea and reached out to PDA. (We have also suffered pipe breakages, with contaminated water coming through the ceiling. That’s a topic for another blog!) Through it all, we continue to worship, pray and reach out to neighbors in need. Life is precarious, but God is good. Please continue to hold the people in Hoosick Falls in your prayers. (Rev. Donna Elia is the pastor of the Hoosick Falls Presbyterian Church.) The bulk of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering goes to support water, hunger, disaster relief and empowerment programs. Focusing on these four areas allows One Great Hour of Sharing to address some of the root causes of suffering in our world. Your gifts make hope possible. We will be receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing through Easter, 2016. Please be generous! **** First Presbyterian Church, Valatie March 2016 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 3 2 10:00 am. Presbyterian Women 7:00 pm. Congregation and Community 6 Fourth Sunday in 7 8 Thu Fri Sat 4 5 11 12 5:30 pm. Supper and Study 9 10 Lent 9:30am. Sunday School Lenten Activity No adult education 11:00am. Worship Sacrament of Holy Communion 12;15pm. Deacon’ Mtg. 7:00 pm. Buildings & Grounds 7:00 pm. Boy Scouts 13 Fifth Sunday in 14 15 7:00 pm. Summer Lunch Program Meeting 17 16 St. Patrick's Day Lent Daylight Savings Begins 9:30 Sunday School 9:45 Adult Education 11:00 Worship - Gifts of Women 12:15 Coffee Hour 20 Palm Sunday 9:30 Sunday School 9:45 Adult Education 11:00 Worship 7:00 pm. Finance & Stewardship 7:00 pm. Boy Scouts 21 27 Easter Sunday 28 6:30 Sunrise service at St. Luke's 11:00am. Worship 22 7:00 pm. Session 23 30 4 - 7 pm. Corned beef and Cabbage Dinner Rainbow Girls 18 19 25 26 2:00 pm. Warm Up America! 5:30 pm. Supper and Study 24 6:00 pm. Supper 7:00 pm. Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 pm. Boy Scouts 29 5:30 pm. Supper and Study 6 - 8 pm. Paint & Sip Church Street Preschool Fundraiser Good Friday 31 7:00 pm. Boy Scouts Reminder! Daylight Savings Begins on March 13, 2016 Food Pantry Hours Monday 12noon to 2pm Wednesday 3/1, 3/15, 3/29 6 - 8 pm Saturday, 3/12 & 3/26 9 -11 am 3212 Church Street P. O. Box 267 Valatie, NY 12184 Phone: 518-758-9658 Email: [email protected] TIME SENSITIVE INFORMATION-PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY Join us for Maundy Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:00 pm. Light Supper 7:00 pm. Worship and Sacrament of the Last Supper Easter Sunrise Service 6:30 am. At Saint Luke’s Sandra Hohneker, Treasurer Melissa Barton, Clerk of Session Bill Ring, Financial Secretary Ardelle Stewart, Organist Naomi Handley, Secretary Virginia Becker, Sexton