01/10/2016 - Fata Online
01/10/2016 - Fata Online
Church of the Ascension 4603 Poplar Avenue • Baltimore, Maryland 21227 January 10, 2016 BAPTISM OF OUR LORD Rev. John A. Williamson Pastor, Vicar Forane MASSES: Weekday: Tues, Thurs. 9 A.M. (Church) Weekday: 5 P.M. at Good Shepherd Chapel (4:30 P.M. Wed.) Saturday: 4 P.M. (Church) Sundays: 8:15 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. (Church) Center St. Augustine Masses Weekends: Saturday 5 P.M., Sunday 7:30 A.M., 9:15 A.M., 10:45 A.M., 12:15 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00 A.M. Deacon Thomas Yannuzzi Deacon Robert Smith Mr. Robert Sutliff Pastoral Associate Mr. Viktor Nowak Coordinator of Youth Ministry Ms. Bonnie Kabara Mrs. Cathy Carlin Mrs. Mary Jane Thomas Music Director Coordinator of Religious Education Coordinator of Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Brenda Miller Secretary Parish Center 4603 Poplar Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21227 Phone: 410-242-2292 • FAX: 410-242-6807 www.ascensionbaltimore.org Brewer Hall: 410-247-4982 Eucharistic Adoration: First Monday of the Month Confessions: 3:30 P.M. on Saturdays. Other arrangements by appointment. Baptisms: Sundays by appointment. Please call the Parish Center for information concerning Baptismal Preparation Program and regulations. Marriage: Couples planning to be married should contact Robert Sutliff six months in advance. Engaged couples are expected to take the preCana course. Religion Classes - (C.C.D.): Pre-Kindergarten thru 5th grade - Sundays 9:10-10:20 a.m.; Grades 6 thru 8 Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. @ St. Augustine. Sick Calls & Communion Calls: Please contact the Parish Center. Bereavement: Contact Mrs. Mary Jane Thomas 410-5642395 JANUARY 10, 2016 BAPTISM OF OUR LORD Pastors Message: This weekend we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, as well as the official close of the Christmas Season. As Jesus is baptized in the Jordan by St. John the Baptist he begins his public ministry of preaching the kingdom of God. It is at this crucial moment of his Baptism that the Holy Spirit appears in the form of a dove and the voice of the Father says this is my beloved Son. At his Baptism Jesus was confirmed in his true identity as the Beloved Son of God, and our Baptism our true identity as God’s beloved children by adoption was also confirmed. Sadly, most of us have lost touch with this important moment in our lives where God claims us as his children. This feast of the Lord’s Baptism challenges all of us to get in touch with that crucial moment of our own Baptism so that we can once again hear the voice of the Father claiming us, and that true identity that we received at Baptism may transform our daily lives. Liturgical Calendar Jan. 11th St. Hilary-Bishop and Doctor of the Church End of Year Contribution Statement If you would like a statement of your contributions to Ascension or St. Augustine Church for the year 2015, please call or email the parish office. These statements are not sent out automatically. If you contribute thru Faith Direct, your statement will be sent to you from that office. Ostia Faith Sharing Program SIGN UP FOR OSTIA FAITH SHARING PROGRAM – challenge yourself and your faith to move from just being catholic to being a dynamic catholic. Go to [email protected] or return flyer to be found on website. Ascension Welcoming Committee Welcoming Committee: We are looking for greeters to welcome parishioners to weekend and Holy Day Masses here at Ascension. If interested email Mary Hoban at [email protected] or call 410-536-5738. Please pray for all our faithful departed especially; Stanley Clark and Doris Anderson May they rest in peace with the Risen Lord Jesus. Mass Attendance January 2 4:00 PM Ascension St Augustine 189 5:00 PM 275 January 3 7:30 AM 8:15 AM 161 122 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 307 197 10:45 AM 303 12:15 PM 241 5:00 PM 271 Total 508 1558 Adoration Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament Ascension - Monday, Feb. 1 - 12 noon -7 PM. St. Augustine - Friday, Feb. 5 - 12 noon-7 PM Ascension Loaves And Fishes Next weekend, January 16-17, is Loaves & Fishes weekend. Your donations of food for the needy will be sent to S.W.E.S. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Save The Date Knights of Columbus Annual Bull Roast / Dinner Dance February 27 - 6:30PM-10:30PM (March 5 weather date) Location: School Hall. Stay tuned for details - don't miss out! M a s s C e l eb r an t s an d In t en t i on s St. Augustine Ascension Celebrant Intention Sun. Jan. 10 Celebrant Intention Sun Jan. 10 Fr. John Williamson 7:30 AM Jerome Bujanowski Fr. John Williamson 9:15 AM Msgr. Joe Lizor Fr. Phil Brown 8:15 AM Elizabeth Trebes Parishioners Fr. John Williamson 10:30 AM Parishioners 10:45 AM Norma Plack Tues. Jan. 12 9:00 AM Steven M Ashby Fr. Conan Timoney 12:15 PM Joseph & Dorothy Holzinger Thurs. Jan. 14 9:00 AM Peggy Trescott Fr. John Williamson 5:00 PM John David Shaffer Mon. Jan. 11 7:00 AM Joseph Foley 4:00 PM Bill Mchale Wed. Jan. 13 7:00 AM Madeline Johns Fri. Jan. 15 7:00 AM Gaila K Townsend Fr. John Williamson 8:15 AM Parishioners Fr. Marty Hammond 10:30 AM Bob Keyes Sat. Jan. 16 Fr. Marty Hammond 5:00 PM Sat. Jan. 16 Fr. Conan Timoney Sun Jan. 17 Mark Wilkens *DTA-Deacon. Tom Assisting *DTP-Deacon. Tom Preaching Sun. Jan. 17 Fr. Conan Timoney 7:30 AM Shirley Scott Msgr. Joe Lizor 9:15 AM Paul Mullineaux Jr Msgr. Joe Lizor 10:45 AM Barbara Dorsey Prisco Fr. Conan Timoney 12:15 PM Parishioners Fr. Leo Larrivee 5:00 PM Marie & Stanley Pastoral Care Ministry/Communion to the Sick If you are house-bound due to illness, shut-in or recovering from surgery and cannot attend Mass, please let us know. Our Pastoral Care Ministers will bring you communion. St. Augustine's, call Mar ty Byer ly (410-242-2743) or Tom Devlin (410-379-6052). Ascension Parish, call Ascension Parish Center (410-242-2292). Parish Prayer Circle Our Prayer Circle members offer prayers for your intentions. You can email your petitions to Frank Stanitski at [email protected] or call 410-796-4582 Prayer changes things! *DBA-Deacon. Bob Assisting *DBP-Deacon. Bob Preaching Good Shepherd Mon. Jan. 11 5:00 PM Brett Lanasa Tues. Jan. 12 5:00 PM Michael Coolahan Wed. Jan. 13 4:30 PM Richard Keyes Thurs. Jan. 14 5:00 PM Brett Lanasa Fri. Jan. 15 5:00 PM JoAnn Lesko Church of the Ascension/ St. Augustine Inclement Weather Policy If Baltimore County or Howard County Schools ar e opening 2 hours late there will be morning Mass and the parish offices will open at normal time. If Baltimore County or Howard County schools are closed there will be no morning Mass and the parish offices will open at 11:30 AM (weather permitting) and all other parish activities are cancelled. If Baltimore County or Howard County schools have early dismissal because of weather issues then all evening parish activities are also cancelled. Stewardship Ascension Second Collection ****Not Updated**** Care of Clergy will be the second collection next weekend, January 16 and 17. Finances for Jan. 2-3, 2016 Ascension St Augustine Envelopes 6,625.05 6,855.00 Loose Contributions 1,107.67 2,151.00 300.78 838.00 1,300.00 1,545.00 Poor Box St. Augustine Second Collection Care for Aging and Infirmed Priest will be the second collection next weekend, January 16 and 17. EFT Second Collection Ascension Daily Bread Team # 2 Please bring your casseroles for Our Daily Bread on Friday, Jan. 22, to the Church parking lot (Maple Ave. side) between the hours of 7:30-8:45 AM. Thank you. Ladies Sodality The next meeting of the Sodality will be this Thursday, Jan. 14th, in the school library. Social time begins at 6:30 pm, and the meeting will start at 7:00. All women of the parish are welcome to join us. Come see how you can get more involved in your parish in 2016! For more information about the Sodality, please visit http://www.staugustinechurch.org/ index.php/outreach/sodality or contact Carol Bateman at (410)-796-1030 or Marty Byerly at (410)-242-2743. Bereavement Ministry “A New Day” Our next 6 week Bereavement Support Group will be in the Spring. One-on-one bereavement counseling is available for anyone who has lost a loved one. Call Mary Jane to arrange for an appointment (410-564-2395). No one needs to grieve the loss of a loved one alone. If You Are Hospitalized If you or a family member is hospitalized, please remember that you must give the hospital explicit permission to inform the parish of your hospitalization. Federal privacy laws prevent hospitals from giving visiting clergy access to patient information without the patients permission. Prayers For Our Sick If you have any sick among you for whom you would like us to pray, please contact Ascension at 410-242-2292 or St. Augustine at 410-796-1520 to request their name to be put on the prayer list. Names will remain on the prayer list for two months or unless otherwise notified. This week we remember the following: Joseph Alvey, Alyssa Andrews, Tom Annulis, Lorraina Arca, Paul Arca, Timothy Ashley, Barbara Bageant, Bill Bageant, Donna Bailey, Joan Bartels, Eileen Bednar; Gabriel Bellagamba, Jean Bennett; Carl Bernhardt, Jake Bowen, Fred Breitenother, Mary Bronson, Abram & Magaret Brandt, Paula Bullinger, Denise Carroll, Dominic Didomenico, John Drussel, Ned Farley, Carolyn Fitzsimmons, Janice Fitzsimmons, Earl Fletcher, Terry Forgacs, Audrey Foster, Bruce Fox, Nancy Gallagher, Brian Gallizzo, Paige Gilmore, Mary Greenwell, Keith Griffin, Carol Harman, Caroline Harrison, Richard Hatfield, Heidi Hemler, Michael Hemler, Ron Hemler, Grant Holland, John Hoban, Anita Jones, Don Knowles, John Kordusky, William Leash, Thomas Lester, Sr., Thomas Lester Jr., Sr. Mary Catherine Lewandowski, Deb Marvel, Jim McCain, Sharon McCain, Catherine McLoughlin, Alan McIntire, Bill Meagher, Karen Mellott, Stacie Mendoza, David Mertes, Art Mock, Mary Mogenhan, Jennifer Morgan, Sharon Miller, Terry Moran, John Murray, Cole Gabriel Newman, Raymond Noon, Ralph O’Den, Bo Oliver, Pat Padgett, Aidan Marie Pahel, KC Paige, Phillip Peeling, Sarah Poplin, Mae Raley, Robert Raley, Patrick Reilly, Omar Rivera, Dorothy Roedel, Jeff Sanders, Joseph Saurusaitis, Mary Serio, Tami Scovitch, Ed Sissel, Rita Spitzler, Kevin Stricker, Kathleen Sullivan, Al Tackes, Bernard Trescott, David Vane, Joan Ward, Laura Wheeler, Ernie Willinghan, Paul Willinghan, Matt Yannuzzi, Flora Zamorano. Family and Children’s Ministry Youth and Intermediate Adult Ministry Children’s Liturgy of the Word Upcoming Events in Youth and Intermediate Adult Ministry! 9:15 AM (St. Augustine) & 10:30 AM (Ascension) Mass 1st, 3rd, & 4th Sundays More details can be found on the youth ministry website Lifeteen Night- Understanding Catholicism Sunday January 10th 6:15pm-8:15pm* Religious Education Save the date for Vacation Bible School We’re going caving as we follow Jesus the Light of the World! July 11-15, 2016 Your Marriage Matters Ministry Surprise Midway Trip- DATE CHANGED Friday January 15th 6:00pm-8:00pm Email Viktor for Details! 9th Grade Confirmation Community Hours MLK Day of Service Monday January 18th Email Viktor for More Details Your Marriage Matters Ministry Six Dates –Date 4 is January 15! You can still join us! Child care is also available. For more info about marriage ministry programs, contact Cathy at 410-796-8150 or [email protected] Confirmation Rite of Enrollment Sunday January 10th at 10:30am, 10:45am, 12:15pm, and 5:00pm Masses Adult Faith Formation Women in the New Evangelization (WINE) Save the date for Lavender Springs Spa Saturday, February 13 Join us as we explore the beauty of the psalms and enjoy a high tea. And no blizzard this year! Take a Prayer Card & Support Our 2016 Confirmation Candidates *Confirmation Candidates Receive 2 Hours of Parish Hours for Attendance at Lifeteen St. Augustine and Ascension Parish Playgroup Connect with fellow parishioners and their little ones ages birth-4 years. Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month 9:30-11:30 AM 2nd floor youth room at Ascension Parish Center. Call Amy Borsh at 410-788-5809 for info. Beat winter cabin fever and join us on January 20th! MLK Day of Service Monday, January 18, 2016 – volunteers needed for registration, kitchen, service project directors – Linus Blankets, Rosary making, Cards for Nursing Homes and more. See the parish websites for job descriptions and schedule for the day as well as the upcoming insert. Register now at [email protected] Our Daily Bread TMIY Saturday, January 23 – sign up quickly as we only need 4 volunteers thanks to some advance registrations. January 14 through April 14 with a break for Holy Week. Mon., Jan 11 Tues., Jan 12 Wed., Jan 13 Thurs., Jan 14 Fri., Jan 15 Sat., Jan 16 Sun., Jan 17 Coming Up This Week Girl Scouts St Augustine School Basketball St Augustine Hall Pastoral Council Ascension Parish Center Cub Scouts St Augustine school RCIA Burke Wing Girl Scouts Ascension School Bldg. Family Ministry Team Mtg SAS Music Room WINE Team Mtg SAS Library PREP St Augustine Hall & School "Mommy & Me" Playgroup Ascension Discovering Christ Brewer Hall St Augustine Hall, School, PREP BW Choir Rhrsl St Augustine Church TMIY Neumann House MidWay Ascension Youth Room HSA Mtg St Augustine Hall Sodality Mtg SAS Library Boy Scouts St Augustine School Ascension Adult Choir Ascension Church TMIY Neumann House Basketball St Augustine Hall Marriage Ministry-6 Dates Brewer Hall Basketball St Augustine Hall Italian Winterfest Brewer Hall SNFF Ascension CLOW Ascension Church Baptisms St Augustine Church Loaves & Fishes Food Collection Ascension March For Life The annual March to Washington, DC will take place on Friday, January 22. The program in Washington begins with a rally at 12 noon on the National Mall. St Augustine Pre School St. Augustine School Preschool Preschool Program Survey. To ensure the at St. Augustine School is meeting the needs of our parish community, we are reaching out to families with children ages newborn through age 4, regarding our preschool offerings. A survey will be sent to families through Flock Notes and available on our school website (www.staug-md.org). Your participation is greatly appreciated as we make plans to better serve you in the coming school year. 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 9 AM-3 PM 5:00 PM 9:10 AM 10:30 AM 1:30 PM Boy Scout Group 111 Restaurant Night Fundraiser at Tino's Italian Bistro – January 26, 2017 Mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 26th! Take a break from cooking and support Boy Scout Troop 1111 of St. Augustine’s' in Elkridge for our Restaurant Night fundraiser at Tino's Italian Bistro restaurant located at 8775 Centre Park Drive, Columbia. The restaurant is located near the Giant Food store just down the street from Howard High School. The restaurant will donate 10% of all sales (dine-in, carry-out, and delivery) between 11 am and 10 pm on January 26th to the troop. Please bring this ad in or mention Boy Scouts when you come. Visit tinositalianbistro.com for menus or call 410-730-TINO (8466). Enjoy pasta, subs, pizza & support Boy Scout Troop 1111 at the same time. Thank you in advance for your support! Pope Francis reminds us: “The mer cy of God will always be gr eater than any sin.” - CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION IN BALTIMORE THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Ambrose Funeral Homes Family Owned and Operated Since 1936 Call and ask to speak to one of our Pre-Arrangement Specialists 410-242-2211 Ambrose Funeral Home Ambrose Funeral Home, Inc. of Lansdowne 1328 Sulphur Spring 2719 Hammonds Ferry Rd. Arbutus, MD 21227 Lansdowne, MD 21227 CHARLES M. COUSINS, JR. & SONS RES. PHONE: 410-242-1881 410-379-6500 410-747-6724 410-781-1000 Jerry O’Neill Life • Home • Auto Long Term Care 6325 Washington Blvd. SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE US SPACE AVAILABLE 410-768-0110 www.PadovaTech.com 410-566-7770 4300 Old Frederick Rd. Baltimore, MD ADVERTISE Call: 410-578-3600 for more information www.halethorpepharmacy.com OUR LADY’S CENTER Catholic Chapel, Bookstore & Giftshop Ascension Special Providing Person Directed Rehabilitation & Nursing Care For Over 87 Years. non-discounted item 3320 Benson Ave. Baltimore, MD 21227 One-Stop Catholic Shopping! 10Any % OFF one One per customer, expires 3/08/2016 3301 S. Rogers Ave • Ellicott City, MD 21043 www.OurLadysCenter.net 410.461.5066 TODAY! 410-501-5284 Since 1871 It's Wise to... 1307 Francis Ave. Halethorpe Shopping Center Mon-Sat. 9-7, Sun 9-3 ALL AGES FAMILY HAIR CARE, PERMS, COLORING, & TRENDING CUTS 410-418-8000 or 800-290-4645 www.hairstationelkridge.com Visit our website for today’s market price. Personalized Full Color Designs Call 410-578-3600 www.huskyheatingoil.com The Gary L. Kaufman Funeral Home 7250 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD 410-796-8024 THIS WILL DO IT! The bulletin is available online… Call 410-578-3600 Barry Miller Visit parish website to view… Associate Broker, REALTOR® Knowledge, Experience, Integrity, Service It's Not Just A Business, www.homesbybarry.com It's Personal EXIT RESULTS REALTY Sign up to receive the bulletin electronically each week 443-623-7053 410-705-6295 WHAT CAN STRAY CATS TEACH US ABOUT LIFE?... You may be surprised! OUR Fr. Joe Breighner's book - "For the Love of Stray Cats" an easy "purrfectly" insightful read. Send $10.00 plus $2.00 for postage & handling to FATA • P.O. 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DIGITAL PRINTING Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to [email protected] 410-578-3600 If interested in this space please call us at 410-578-3600 #2097 Jim Bush Plumbing Senior Discounts Plumbing • Heating Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling Waterproofing Drains Cleaned 410-644-1399 Advertising Space Available For Ad Information: Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600 or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211- © 2016
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