prophylaxie, préemptif, empirique chez les patients
prophylaxie, préemptif, empirique chez les patients
Lyon study group Traitements antifongiques : prophylaxie, préemptif, empirique chez les patients immunodéprimés Florence ADER Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hospices Civils de Lyon Inserm1111 Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNR Légionelles Lyon HEMINF study group VIH Aspléniques Hépatopathies OH chnq IRC REA Maladies autoimmunes CST long cours IS / Biothérapies Dysimmunité Onco-Hémato. CHTh séquentielles Profil: intensité, durée TOS Transplantation CSH IMMUNODÉPRESSION/ Complications SUPPRESSION non infectieuses Gestion du risque infectieux Mécanismes des complications infectieuses chez les immunodéprimés Muqueuses (mucite, GvHD,…) FRANCHISSEMENT /RUPTURE de BARRIERE Dysbiose microbiote Profil de dysimmunité / reconstitution immunitaire SEUIL Environnement AÉROCONTAMINATION Latence Infections d’acquisition Réactivation Opportunistes/invasifs Commensalisme/colonisation Translocation hématogène Virulence/Résistance Liste non exhaustive… Virulence/Résistance Réactivation Opportunistes/invasifs Bactéries Virus Bactéries Entérobactéries Strepto/entérocoques Staph aureus/coag nég BGN non fermentants HSV1/2 VZV EBV CMV HHV-6/7/8 Adénovirus BK virus Parvovirus B19 Champignons Candida spp. Parasites Toxoplasma Bactéries Mycobacterium TB complex Streptococcus pneumoniae Legionella spp. Nocardia spp. Virus Influenza/parainfluenza VRS Champignons Pneumocystis jirovecii Aspergillus spp. Mucorales Fusarium spp. Scedosporium spp. Stratégies anti-infectieuses programmatiques des immunodéprimés Prophylaxie primaire Stratégie préemptive Traitement empirique Neutropénie fébrile Traitement étiologique Prophylaxie secondaire Terrain ± statut sérologique pré-interventionnel Stratification du risque Terrain + Biomarqueur(s) Imagerie Terrain + Biomarqueur(s) + Clinique = fièvre++ Focus 1. Stratégies prophylactiques des infections à Candida spp. Ecologie: Microbiome digestif Dysbiose/Translocation Ecologie sélectionnée F de R : Colonisation Mucite KTC (biofilm) CC Nutrition parentérale totale Chirurgie digestive compliquée Transplantation hptq Néonatologie Réa Mycologie : Rendement HC faible Monitoring colonisation Biomarqueurs indirects (peu sb, peu spcfq) Résistances Outcome proven IFI All-cause mortality Prophylaxie anti-Candida spp. et transplantation organe solide Playford et al., Cochrane database 2004 Focus on liver transplantation Small bowel 0% Lung 7% Pancreas 7% Liver 27% Other 0% Heart 7% Kidney (unrelated donor) 33% Kidney (related donor) 19% TRANSNET cohort of multi-center transplantation network, transplant types 5-year “incidence cohort” n=16 808 TRANSNET cohort, Pappas et al., Clin Infect Dis 2010 Focus on liver transplantation Cryptococcosis 6% 11.6% 8.6% Endemic Other yeast mycoses 2% 5% Unspecified yeast 1% Unsepcified mold 2% Other mold 2% Zygomycoses 3% Aspergillosis 11% 4.7% Candidasis 68% IFI type in liver transplant recipients n=378 TRANSNET cohort, Pappas et al., Clin Infect Dis 2010 Liver transplantation Issue 1: is yeast-active prophylaxis (vs. placebo) relevant in LT ? Historically, mortality rates of 71% in invasive candidiasis following LT Nieto-Rodriguez JA et al., Ann Surg 1996 All-cause mortality was not significantly affected Playford et al., Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect 2006 Fluconazole – 400 mg/jour – ≥ 4 sem (> 10 sem ?) Liver transplantation Issue 2: does antifungal prophylaxis reduce IFI-related mortality in LT ? Antifungal prophylaxis reduced the rate of proven or suspected IFI and mortality due to IFI when compared to placebo. All-cause mortality is not significantly affected. Playford et al., Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect 2006 Cruciani M, et al. Liver Transplant 2006 Evans JD et al, Am J Transplant 2014 Liver transplantation Issue 3: risk stratification: high-risk LT recipients ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Score de MELD ≥ 30 (controversial) Re-transplantation Transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure CST ≥ 2 w within 4 w preceding transplantation H° ≥ 48h in the ICU at the time of transplantation Colonization with Candida spp. ≥ 2 sites within 4 w preceding transplantation High RBC transfusions and operative time > 6h Renal replacement therapy at the time or within 7d of transplantation Re-operation involving the intra-abdominal cavity Winston DJ et al. Ann Intern Med 1999;131: 729–737 Collins LA, et al. J Infect Dis 1994; 170: 644–652 Patel R, et al. Transplantation 1996; 62: 926–934 Sun HY, et al. Clin Transplant 2011; 25: 420–425 Saliba F, et al. Clin Transplant 2013; 27: E454–E461 Lichtenstern C, et al. Mycoses 2013; 56: 350–357 Huprikar S. Am J Transplant 2014; 14: 2683–2684 Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) BIC 3.78 x (bilirubinémie (mg/dL))+11.2 x (INR)+9.57 x (créatininémie (mg/dL))+6.43 P. Kamath et al. A model to predict survival in patients with end-stage liver disease. Hepatology 2001;33(2):464-470 Guidelines fluconazole (200-400mg daily) : preferred antifungal drug or liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) (1-2 mg/kg daily) as post-operative antifungal prophylaxis for liver transplant recipients at high-risk of IFI Duration centre-dpdt : 21d to 4 w Pappas PG, Kauffman CA, Andes D, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of candidiasis: 2009 update by the IDSA. Clin Infect Dis 2009; 48: 503–535. Silveira FP, Kusne S; AST Infectious Diseases Community of Practice. Candida infections in solid organ transplantation. Am J Transplant 2013; 13 (Suppl 4): 220–227. Focus on liver transplantation Issue 4: differential efficacy of antifungal agents : optimizing IFI prophylaxis ? Echinocandine 2014-2015 Winston DJ et al., Am J Transplantation 2014 Referential comparator vs. new echinocandins Randomized, double-blind trial of anidulafungin versus fluconazole for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in high-risk liver transplant recipients. - Aspergillus infection or colonization p=0.08 (3% vs. 9%) - Fluconazole-R Candida spp. isolates 5 vs. 0 - Breakthrough IFIs (no prophylaxis prior to transplantation) p=0.96 (2.3% vs. 2.4%) Winston DJ et al., Am J Transplantation 2014 TENPIN trial (Liver Transplant European Study Into the Prevention of Fungal Infection) Randomized trial of micafungin for the prevention of invasive fungal infection in in high-risk liver transplant recipients. Saliba F et al. Clin Infect Dis 2015 Focus on liver transplantation Issue 5: when using an echinocandin in LT ? Increased risk : - for invasive aspergillosis - for developing an IFI resistant to fluconazole - or having received fluconazole before transplantation < 10% of LT recipients Echinocandin use = careful consideration to cost, resistance and lack of all cause survival benefit. Singh N, Am J Transplant 2013 Winston DJ et al. Am J Transplant 2014 Huprikar S. Am J Transplant 2014 Prophylaxie anti-Candida spp. et réanimation Prophylaxie anti-Candida spp. en néo-natologie etc… Lavage chlorhexidine quotidien en réanimation adulte : diminution incidence des infections (bactériennes et fongiques) liées aux cathéters Huang SS, et al. N Engl J Med 2013; 368:2255–65 Climo MW, et al. N Engl J Med 2013; 368:533–42 Montecalvo MA, et al. Am J Med 2012; 125:505–11 Focus 2. Stratégies prophylactiques des infections à Aspergillus spp. Immuno-pathological spectrum of Aspergillus spp. Park & Mehrad Clin Microbiol Rev 2009 Inhalation de conidies/spores aspergillaires Colonisation Hypersensisbilité Asthme ABPA PHS Immunocompétence Immunodépression modérée Immunodépression Sévère Aplasie Clairance Cavités préexistantes Aspergillome APC cavitaire APC nécrosante APC subaigue API continuum Focus Hématologie Ecologie: Moisissures environnementales Seuil d’aérocontamination Secteur stérile F de R : Neutropénie CC IS, SAL, anti-TNF-α, Fludarabine, alemtuzumab, etc… GvHD Mycologie: Rendement culture faible Pb de contamination Biomarqueurs : Ag, PCR Investigations: TDM HR Endoscopie bchq High risk : graft versus host disease ≈ 40% 40-70% CHRONIC J0 Inj° Greffon J+100 CC forte dose ± IS (ciclo/tacro) Décroissance lente (6 mois minimum) Risque d’effet rebond 30% de mortalité reliée (directe/indirecte) ACUTE Prouvée Probable Possible Preuve histo-pathologique ou culture mycologique milieu stérile Critères de terrain Critères clinico-radiologiques Critère(s) mycologique(s) Critères de terrain Critères clinico-radiologiques HOST CONDITION Neutropenic host Non-neutropenic host LUNG CT SCAN Early inflammation Days Hours Bronchial and alveolar involvement DIAGNOSTIC-DRIVEN APPROACH Bronchial phase Angioinvasive phase Culture-based diagnosis GM antigenemia-based diagnosis PCR-based diagnosis ? Angioinvasion Lung infarction Statut immunitaire de l’hôte conditionne 2 typologies Neutropénique Non neutropénique Angio-invasive Endobronchique Leucémies aigues Chimioth intensives Allogreffe de CSH en pre-engraftment Allogreffe de CSH en post-engraftment GvHD Transplanté org. solide ANGIO-INVASIVE Caillot et al., J Clin Oncol 1997 – typologie princeps BRONCHIAL- or AIRWAY-INVASIVE Bergeron A et al., Blood 2012 Imaging Nodule with halo Air crescient-Cavity Dissemination Consolidation Ground glass opacities Fungal burden Tree-in-bud opacities Bronchiectasis Pattern Bronchial or Airway-invasive Angio-invasive Galactomannan (GM) serum BALF Time Adapted from Nucci et al., Haematologica 2013 Prophylaxie anti-aspergillaire et patients hématologiques haut risque Posaconazole vs. fluconazole or itraconazole prophylaxis in patients with neutropenia Cornely OA et al., N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 348-359 LAM + SMD n FLU n=240 p POSA n=304 p ITRACO n=58 IFI* 32 19 (8%)) < 0.01 7 (2%) < 0.01 6 (10%) IA 22 15 (6%) < 0.001 2 (1%) < 0.001 5 (9%) *proven or probable Prophylaxie anti-aspergillaire et patients hématologiques haut risque Posaconazole or fluconazole for prophylaxis in severe graft-versus-host disease Ulmann AE et al., N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 335-347 POSACO n=301 FLU n=299 96 99 Chronic extensive 64 60 Acute GvHD III-IV 138 137 Acute GvHD I-II Fixed 112-day treatment period n FLU n=299 p POSA n=301 IFI* 43 27 (9%) < 0.07 16 (5.3%) IA 28 21 (7%) < 0.006 7 (2.3%) 16 12 (4%) 0.046 4 (1%) IFI-related mortality *proven or probable Prophylaxie anti-aspergillaire et patients hématologiques haut risque Randomized, double-blind trial of fluconazole vs. voriconazole for prevention of invasive fungal infection after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation Standard-risk HCT recipients Little or no GvHD Primary endpoint IFI p=0.11 Cumulative incidence of presumptive, probable, and proven invasive fungal infection Wingard JR et al, Blood 2010 Overall survival by treatment arm Guidelines ECIL-4 guidelines, Maertens J et al. Bone Marrow Transplant 2011 Patients at high-risk for IPA No prophylaxis Mould-inactive prophyalxis (fluconazole) Mould-active prophyalxis (posaco-vorico) Issue 1: performance of culture and non-culture diagnostic tools ? Issue 2: performance of CT scan ? IPA diagnosis Proven Probable Possible Issue 1: diagnostic tools Aspergillus culture Positive cultures from respiratory secretions in IPA cases airway-invasive 83% vs. angioinvasive 17% Bergeron A et al., Blood 2012 Non neutropenic patients (allo-HSCT) : agressive BAL strategy with direct exam + culture + GM Nucci at al., Haematologica 2013 Impact of mould-active prophylaxis on cultural yield ? Diagnostic-driven approach: antigène Aspergillus Galactomannane (Ag GM) ANGIO-INVASIVE Bronchial side Vascular side BRONCHIAL- or AIRWAY-INVASIVE Aspergillus GM Aspergillus GM Correlation inverse PNN/serum Ag GM PNN Serum Ag GM Prophylaxie ATF ? Sérum LBA Neutropénie Pas de neutropénie x 2/sem Sb diminuée++ valeur cutt-off 0,8-1 Meersmann et al., AJRCCM 2007 He et al., Crit Care 2011 Cordonnier et al., Clin Microbial Infect 2009 Hong Nguyen et al., ASBMT 2010 Zou et al., PloS One 2012 Nucci et al., Haematologica 2013 Cross-reactivity Fusarium spp./Aspergillus spp. GM assay Tortorano et al., Clin Microbiol Infect 2012 Intégration de la PCR dans les critères diagnostiques (?) Guidelines IDSA 2016 Guidelines ESCMID 2016 ? Issue 1: diagnostic tools The GM controversy Antifungal therapy decreases sensitivity of the Aspergillus GM enzyme immunoassay Marr et al., Clin Infect Dis 2005 Maertens, Nucci & Donnely. Haematologica 2012 Girmenia & Perrone, Haematologica 2012 Issue 2: performance of CT scan Non-neutropenic allogeneic HSCT-chronic GvHDcorticosteroids-posaconazole-cough and mild fever Serum GM = 0.1 – BAL GM 3.7 Courtesy of J. Maertens Issue 2: performance of CT scan Solitary nodule under mould-active prophylaxis Possible IPA or alternative invasive mould infection ? (Mucormycosis,….) Wingard JR, Blood 2012 Une approche préemptive anti-IFI est-elle possible chez les neutropéniques haut risque d’Hématologie ? 1980 Pozzi et al. (1982) Hémopathies myéloïdes/neutropénie fébrile = surmortalité par IFI 1990 Amphotéricine B empirique Prophylaxie anti-levure (fluconazole) Emergence des IFI filamenteuses 2000 Optimisation pronostique: chb stériles/régimes CHth/transplantation de CSH… Optimisation diagnostique: TDM HR/biomarqueurs/Endoscopie-LBA Prophylaxie anti-filamenteuse (posaco/vorico) + stratégie empirique 40-50% ttmt empirique vs. 10-15% vraie incidence IFI Changement de paradigme = considérer l’approche PRÉEMPTIVE ? Galactomannan and computed tomography–based preemptive antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients at high risk for IFI: a prospective feasibility study Maertens J et al., Clin Infect Dis 2005 High-risk neutropenic patients n=117 Daily GM and clinical monitoring OD index ≥ 0.5x2 ≥ 5d ATB-refractory n=30 fever Infiltrats Rx Fungal positive culture Thoracic CT Scan ± Sinus CT Thoracic CT scan BAL Halo sign Atypical sign Endoscopie/BAL + Broad-spectrum n=9 (7.7%) ATF therapy _ Continued monitoring no ATF therapy Normal “Proof-of-concept” pilot feasibility study of consecutive patients : 41 episodes qualified for empirical antifungal therapy vs. 9 episodes treated with preemptive approach = 78% decrease in ATF use from an estimated 35% to 7.7% 10 afebrile episodes ATF-treated on the account of GM+ 12 w-survival = 63.6% But: 1 case undiagnosed zygomycose Daily monitoring GM until resolution of neutropenia (4170 serum dosages) : time and money-consuming !!??!! Lack of medico-economical data. Real-time availibility of diagnsotic facilities: radiology, endoscopy, mycology Empirical vs. preemptive antifungal therapy for high-risk, febrile, neutropenic patients: a randomized, controlled trial Cordonnier C et al. Clin Infect Dis 2009 Non-inferiority Serum GM x 2/w – HR CT scan within 24h Decrease cost 35% Cordonnier C et al. Clin Infect Dis 2009 185 high-risk patients with acute myeloid leukemia The multi-state model evidenced that the risk of IA is a complex time function of neutropenia duration and risk management. The quantitative PCR assay accelerated the early detection of IA (P = .010), independently of other diagnostic information used to treat, while B-glucan assay did not (P = .53). Our results provide strong rationale for prospective studies testing a preemptive antifungal therapy, guided by clinical, radiological, and bi-weekly blood screening with GM antigenemia and a standardized quantitative PCR assay. Terrain ± statut sérologique pré-interventionnel Stratification du risque Terrain + Biomarqueur(s) TDM HR Terrain + Biomarqueur(s) + Clinique = fièvre++ Synthèse Diffiiculté pour l’infectiologue : avoir la connaissance du contexte (pathologie de fond) et la maitrise de l’évaluation du risque dans les domaines concernés (réa, TOS, Hématologie, Néo-nat, Neuro-ophtalmo, etc..) Contexte évolutif++ : révision de la stratégie, adptatation La maitrise du risque IFI à Candida spp. est lié à l’identification des patients à risque en amont (importance des données de colonisation) et à la gestion des problèmes de résistance. Le maitrise du risque IFI aspergillaire est lié à l’évaluation dynamique du risque avec une balance à trouver entre les approches prophylactiques, préemptives et empiriques en fonction des catégories de patients et des capacités logistiques de chaque centre. MERCI ! Lyon study group F. Ader, E. Bachy, M. Balsat, F. Barraco, N. Benech, A-L. Bienvenu, G. Billaud, F. Biron, A. Boibieux, C. Chidiac, A. Conrad, S. Ducastelle-Leprêtre, O. Dumitrescu, D. Dupont, V. Escuret, T. Ferry, G. Fossard, E. Frobert, L. Gilis, S. Goutelle, A. Grateau, Y. Guillermin, M. Heiblig, H. Labussière-Wallet, M. Le Maréchal, L. Lebras, B. Lina, G. Lina, P. Miailhes, A-S. Michallet, M. Michallet, G. Monneret, F. Morfin-Sherpa, F-E. Nicolini, E. Paubelle, T. Perpoint, M. Peyrouse de Montclos, S. Picot, F. Poitevin-Later, A. Quintela, M. Rabodonirina, S. Roux, J. Saison, G. Salles, C. Sarkozy, A. Sénéchal, M. Sobh, X. Thomas, F. Valour, F. Wallet, M. Wallon, E. Wattel.
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