August 30, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
August 30, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 330 Third Avenue Carnegie, PA 15106 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Emergencies after hours call: 412-276-2353 Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday • 8:00 a.m. Monday - Wednesday - Friday • Noon Sacrament of Penance: Confessions Saturday 11:00 a.m. to Noon or by appointment Pittsburgh Diocese Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 Telephone: 412-276-1011 Pastor: Fr. David Poecking Parochial Vicar: Fr. Robin Evanish Business Manager: Tim Castello Pastoral Associate: Tess Keddie Pastoral Associate: Steve Geitgey Music & Liturgy: Prof. Nicholas Will Religious Education: Mary Kay Smith RCIA Director: Dorothy Fitzsimmons Receptionist x212 x213 x216 x221 x217 x219 x222 x225 x210 Fax: 412-276-0816 Email: [email protected] Visit us on the web! Smart phone users: scan the code for instant access! 1 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 30, 2015 SACRAMENTS Baptism: For arrangements call 412-276-1011 x 210 Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Call Fr. Dave or Fr. Robin to make arrangements (before surgery, during illness, etc) Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements must be made with one of the priests at least six months before the proposed date of the wedding. MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 30 4:00 p.m. HERBERT REFFERT by Children 7:30 a.m. WALTER FOLCIK by the Folcik Family 9:30 a.m. FRANK SUJDAK by Mary Louise Gruda 11:30 a.m. EILEEN BROWN by Bob Kinzler Family 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, August 31 Weekday 1 Thes 4:13-15 Ps 96 The Lord comes to judge the earth. Lk 4:16-30 8:00 a.m. PEG ENRIETTI by Family 12:00 p.m. RUSSELL SEKELIK by Irene and Family Tuesday, September 1 Weekday 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11 Ps 27 I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. Lk 4:31-37 8:00 a.m. HELEN HENNEY by S. F. Lunch Group Wednesday, September 2 Weekday Col 1:1-8 Ps 52 I trust in the mercy of God for ever. Lk 4 :38-44 8:00 a.m. JEFFREY HOFFMAN by Wife, Marge Hoffman 12:00 p.m. HELEN P. AND CHARLES CAVANAUGH by Denny & Terry Cavanaugh Thursday, September 3 St. Gregory the Great Col 1:9-14 Ps 98 The Lord has made known his salvation. Lk 5:1-11 8:00 a.m. CINDI F. ALLINGTON by Sue Formosa Friday, September 4 Weekday Col 1:15-20 Ps 100 Come with joy into the presence of the Lord. Lk 5:33-39 Sacrament of Penance: Confessions every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to Noon Also by appointment. 8:00 a.m. CALABRESE & ADAMO FAMILIES by Angie Calabrese & Family 12:00 p.m. RUSHOFSKY & MCCONNELL FAMILIES by Herman Rushofsky & Sons Saturday, September 5 Weekday Col 1:21-23 Ps 54 God himself is my help. Lk 6:1-5 8:00 a.m. RITA RAWLINGS by the Budner Family 4:00 p.m. ROBERT E. AND ROSE K. STORY by Daughters & Family Sunday, September 6 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-7A Ps 146 Jas 2:1-5 Mk 7:31-37 Age & Illness 7:30 a.m. PEOPLE OF THE PARISH If you have a family member who has become seriously ill, homebound, or is in a long-term care facility, please call Tess Keddie 412-276-1011 2 x221 9:30 a.m. CORA MAE LEN by the Christian Mothers and Guild 11:30 a.m. LORETTA ROSE GRANATA by Family If you live in Carnegie or one of the nearby townships or boroughs, we'd like to know! Register as a member of the parish or get on our communication lists. Or you live farther away but visit us regularly, please consider registering as an interested non-member. Contact Fr. Dave or the parish office. Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Perhaps you're not Christian, not Catholic, or just curious. Our staff is here for you! Contact Fr. Dave Poecking or Dee Fitzsimmons to learn more. Adults interested in becoming Christian, adult Christians interested in becoming Catholic, and adult Catholics in need of First Communion or Confirmation, please call Fr. Dave or Dee for information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Today’s Second Collection is for St. Vincent de Paul –SEAS Conference. See page 9. FINANCIAL LITURGY & MUSIC NOTES Thank you to all of the singers who participated in the Summer Choir this year. Your dedication to the prayer life of SEAS Parish is appreciated and valued. Thank you also to our cantors, Pat Riley, Lana Lamb, and Lindsay Mitchem who took on extra responsibilities over the Summer while the Parish Choir and Contemporary Choir were on holiday. It will soon be time for the Summer Choir to end and for our “regular” choirs to resume their schedules. Now is a wonderful time to join one of these groups. Most people find choral singing a great way to learn, relax, and become a member of a close-knit community. Also, singing is good for your health! CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: The Contemporary Choir, under the direction of Lori Dedola and Mary Kay Smith, is comprised of singers high school age and older, and regularly sings at the 9:30 Sunday Mass, occasionally singing for other liturgies and concerts. Repertoire is drawn largely, but not entirely from music composed in recent decades. The Contemporary Choir normally rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The first rehearsal is on Tuesday, September 8, at 7:00 p.m. We gather our music in the St. Cecilia Room and rehearse in the church. PARISH CHOIR: The Parish Choir, under the direction of Nicholas Will, is comprised of singers high school age and older, and sings at the 11:30 Sunday Mass. Repertoire is drawn from the breadth of the Catholic-Christian tradition. The Parish Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the St. Cecilia Room. The first rehearsal will be Thursday, September 10 at 7:00 p.m. All adult singers are expected to be compliant with Diocesan Safe Environment protocols. Interested persons should contact Nicholas Will-- 276-1011 x 219, [email protected]; Lori Dedola— 279-6789, [email protected]; or Mary Kay Smith—276-1011 x222, [email protected]. —Nick Will PARISH WEEKLY SCHEDULE MONDAY, AUGUST 31 10:00 a.m. Ladies of Charity Officer Board Meeting—Maximilian Kolbe Room 7:00 p.m. Bingo at Bishop Canevin High School —Cafeteria TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 6:30 a.m. Men’s Faith Sharing Group —Maximilian Kolbe Room 9:00 a.m. St. John Paul II Co-Op Home-school Group —Bayley Building Classrooms 2:00 p.m. Afternoon Faith Sharing Group —Maximilian Kolbe Room STEWARDSHIP Sunday Collection August 23, 2015 Regular Collection: $8,264 Parish Share Gifts: $1,779 Capital Campaign: $1,156 Faith Direct for August: $17,809 Enroll in Faith Direct! See our website for more information or scan the code to get started! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1:30 p.m. Golden Agers Meeting —St. Luke Hall THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Holy Hour —Church Knights of Columbus Meeting —St. Luke Hall Alice Goodman This Sunday’s Tabernacle Lamp burns In Memory of Suzanne Kapton and Frank & Teresa Kapton by Family Please remember SEAS in your will! 3 FROM THE PASTOR BACK TO SCHOOL This is the season when students of all ages resume their studies. Teachers rededicate themselves to their craft. Parents shift from cultivating other aspects of their children’s lives toward the cultivation of the academic. For all of us, the process by which we move out of, above, and beyond ourselves is called education. Don’t stop learning! Last month, the Steiner family hosted a pool party in appreciation for our parish altar servers. The Knights of Columbus joined the effort by making an appreciative presentation to each of the servers. Not to be neglected are the altar servers’ parents, whose commitment enriches our entire parish. Thank you, altar servers, parents, Knights, and Terry & Maria Steiner! Many volunteers—with less recognition than altar servers— work on behalf of the parish. I call your attention to the members of the parish Finance Council, whose responsibility it is to monitor parish finances, accounts, fundraising, loss control, property management, and related issues. Recently, Erin Kisak joined Mark DeAndrea, Bob Greek, Jeff Hinds, John O’Keefe, and Jeff Palastro on the Finance Council. Thank you, Erin, Mark, Bob, Jeff, John, and Jeff! The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recently revised its laws concerning adults who work with or volunteer with young people. The revision adds to the extensive protections the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh has been putting in place since 2002. Volunteers who have lived continuously in Pennsylvania for less than 10 years, and all staff, must now be fingerprinted as part of their background checks. Volunteers who have lived in Pennsylvania for more than 10 years must either be fingerprinted or submit a request for a waiver. Some volunteers find these Safe Environment protocols burdensome: “Why do I have to do this? I’m not the bad guy!” But of course, that’s what the bad guys say, too. Even so, the SE protocols are not only about screening out those inclined to harm children: They also help the good guys know better how to create community environments and cultures that protect children from abuse. I encourage all parishioners to participate in the Safe Environment program, so that when you want to volunteer, there’ll be no impediment. To begin, visit: Safe_Environment_Compliance_Instructions.pdf Mark your calendars! The annual parish picnic takes place Sunday, September 20, in Scott Park, starting around 1:00 p.m. The $2/person cover charge (with discounts for families) covers an unlimited amount of food—not a bad deal! —Fr. Dave SAVE THE DATE: October 10, 2015 The New Evangelization for the New Millennium Conference II at the Monroeville Convention Center. Doors open at noon. Program starts at 1:00 p.m. and concludes with Mass at 4:30 p.m. The cost is $10 per person. Teen and Young Adult tracks available. 4 Sponsored by St. Bernadette and North American Martyrs Parishes. More information at: or ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 5 SUNDAY IS TODAY!!! TH Thank you, 5th Sunday Donors!!! The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society thanks parishioners for your constant and continuous charity shown by your generosity in our ‘5th Sunday’ financial donations. As you know, the ‘5th Sunday’ comes around four times a year. What you may NOT realize is how your ‘5th Sunday’ donations help those in need in our local area. Financial donations to the SVdP help to purchase food, and help to provide emergency/crisis assistance to people who are having trouble meeting their utility bills, rent, and other urgent needs. Please know that all requests for financial assistance are responded to with much careful discernment and prayer, so that your contributions can be used effectively for the good of those in need. This is a ‘5th Sunday’ weekend! If you want your donation to go to wherever it is most needed, simply direct it to the SVdP-SEAS Conference. May God bless each of you who give so consistently, and so generously! This good work couldn’t continue to happen without your donations. A Rosary a Month for Vocations Join the “31 Club Prayer Team” to prayerfully increase the number of seminarians in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, including more seminarians from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish! Your involvement in the program involves praying one rosary for priestly vocations on the (same) day of your choice, each month for a year, beginning in September, 2015. ALL ARE INVITED TO JOIN Most Rev. David A. Zubik, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Pittsburgh for the Registration forms are available in Holy Family Hall. Complete a form, and turn it in to our SEAS office. Fr. Joe Freedy, Director of Vocations at St. Paul Seminary, will send you a prayer card and a reminder magnet. OPENING DOORS DISABILITY AWARENESS MASS Currently, there are 14 priests and 9 sisters who have connections to our parish! Let’s continue to do our part in building up the Kingdom of God through the Church. The diocesan Mass is an opportunity for laity and clergy to celebrate the presence and gifts of persons with disabilities. The Mass inaugurates a Diocesan triennial celebration to heighten awareness of persons with disabilities in parishes, schools and institutions in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. —Carol Dlugos on Sunday, October 4, 2015 2:30 p.m. St. Paul Cathedral St. Paul Cathedral is accessible. However, please contact the Office for Cultural Diversity & Persons with Disabilities if particular mobility, visual or hearing accommodations are needed or for additional 5 information: 412-456-3170 WTAE ANCHOR, MRS. WENDY BELL, GOD STORIES TO SPEAK AT Presently during this Inquiry Period of the RCIA process, we gather to reflect on how we notice God acting in our everyday lives. It is through our own stories that we learn how close God is to each of us. Here is a true story of how God is always at work in our lives, even when we are unaware. Once there was Sam, a Jewish man, who had been married to a Catholic woman. Over the years they had several children who were educated in the Catholic School system; though Sam, along with his Jewish family, faithfully attended his synagogue. After the children were gone from the nest and his parents were deceased, Sam had time to observe how very often God had entered his family, and in turn, his life. He then entered the Catholic parish’s RCIA process, was baptized, received the Sacraments and continued his life as a Catholic. What a great party his family held for him that night of the Easter Vigil! This year we have several candidates who are now taking the time to ponder their own God stories? Have you wondered about yours? Beginning September 8 and continuing during the month our parish RCIA sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. New candidates are always invited and most welcomed. SEAS EVANG ELI ZES HEARTS SPEAK TO AQUINAS ACADEMY OF PITTSBURGH "Getting Your Family Back: How to Unplug Your Kids From Electronics" Wednesday, September 2, 2015 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Wendy Bell’s Summer Electronics Ban (SEB) has sparked an international conversation with parents about how to reclaim their children and their childhoods in the face of ever present technology. With her humorous, poignant, and honest style Wendy will be sharing her experiences and lessons from her SEB. Wendy’s Facebook posts have “gone viral” receiving over 2 million viewers and 34 thousand comments. Bring your friends for this engaging evening of sharing about the challenges facing parents in this brave new digital world. "One thing's for sure. It's going to be a battle... now that I've removed XBox from our house ... I'm hoping this bold and long overdo move will help me get my teenagers back. Remember the good old days when we actually played outside? When our parents didn't coordinate playdates? Where your mom had no clue where you were until the sun set ... I'm taking a stand. I'M DONE WITH ELECTRONICS. No more iPods, iPads, Nintendo 3Ds's, XBox ... We've created a generation of users who expect to be paid whenever they pitch in, who walk past trash on their driveway without picking it up, who'd rather sit inside on a beautiful day than grab the kid next door for a game of soccer ... I'd better stop before I REALLY get going, friends. I'M TAKING BACK MY FAMILY. And it starts today." Wendy Bell WTAE (Facebook post June 5, 2015) Lecture is free. A light reception will follow. HEARTS Have you ever heard this line before? As we continue through this list of proposed responses to friends' excuses for not coming to Mass, we can stop and think of who in our life (family, neighborhood, workplace, etc.) needs to hear these thoughts. 4: Church Is Full Of Hypocrites Yes, it is, and as our Protestant brothers and sisters say, “There’s always room for one more!” A family is only as good as its best member, and is as bad as its worst member. A parish family is no different. Are we not up to snuff? Not quality people enough for you? Come! Make us better! That’s a huge part of 6belonging to the body of Christ—we are a group of broken, messed-up people who God makes better, and who make each other better. We could use your help. CONDENSED HISTORY OF CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN MOTHERS ANNUAL GATHERING OF CATHOLIC MEN The Christian Mothers originated in Lille, France in 1850 by a few women who were concerned about the secular forces that were undermining family life and Catholic values. These women prayed for a solution and found courage to carry out their vocation. The Capuchin Franciscans brought this organization to the United States in 1881, and it was canonically established in Pittsburgh, PA, and later raised to the rank of Archconfraternity. Father Bertin Roll, OFM, Cap, who was the National Executive Director for over sixty years, brought joy and enthusiasm to thousands of Christian Mothers. When the six ethnic churches in Carnegie merged, they each had their own Ladies organization; with the help of Sr. John Bosco, the Parish Social Minister, we formed what is now know as SEAS Christian Mothers & Guild. We have a wonderful group of women with talent – business women, teachers, accountants, cooks, bakers – all working for the Lord. The members enjoy many benefits, among which are: social contacts and Christian community, the good pleasure of working for the parish and the local community, a share in the prayers and good works of thousands of Christian Mothers, many plenary and partial indulgences, Masses prayed at the time of their death and other parochial benefits. Golden Agers Wheeling Island Casino Date: Wednesday, September 9 Cost: $24.00 Bonus: $25.00 Free Play Must be paid in full by September 2 AND Vicki Lawrence & Mama, A Two Woman Show Place: The Palace Theatre, Greensburg Date: Thursday, October 22 Time: 2:00 p.m. Cost: $75.00 Includes Show & Dinner at the Lamplighter Must be paid in full by September 19 CALL DON CAIN: 412-279-0885 The main purpose of the confraternity is to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of Catholic women of the parish, through the medium of a balanced program of spiritual, cultural and social activities. Another important CM&G function is raising funds for our parish. We do this by sponsoring dinner for the Annual Anointing Masses, Rummage Sales, Cash Bashes, Valentine Dances, Bread Sales, and Cookie Sales. We also volunteer for many parish events, including Fish Frys, SummerFests, Parish Picnics, among others. We also acknowledge all of the CCD children with gifts for Christmas, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. There are blue brochures in Holy Family Hall, for your convenience, pick one up, read it and join us. We are asking the young mothers and ladies of our parish to come and join us to make our parish and organization the best it can be. CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H 7 BA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H CA$H — OCTOBER 24 CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H Tickets on sale September 8CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H CA$H BA$H (excluding special orders) PJ’s Deli, Catering & Bakery 37 years of catering experience! Bower Hill Road - Bridgeville 412-257-4944 Now open on Painters Run Road! • • • • 409 Jane Street - Carnegie PA State Inspection & Emissions Tests Auto Air Conditioning Service Cooling System Service General Automotive Repair 412-279-6681 Fax: 412-279-0105 Hours: 8:00 to 5:00 Monday thru Friday 8