From the Desk of the Executive Director


From the Desk of the Executive Director
Summer/Fall 2013
Highlighting Midwest
Family Broadcasting
6th Annual Celebrate
Independence! Luncheon
Capital Campaign Update
Upcoming Events
Domestic Violence
Awareness Month
Our mission is
to empower those affected
by domestic violence and
advocate for social change
through support, education
and outreach.
From the Desk of the Executive Director
By Shannon Barry
Oh, how time flies. On August 1, 2012 we
announced the public phase of the DAIS Capital
Campaign. Prior to that time, many of us – even
the true believers – wondered if the day would ever
come. After all, DAIS purchased our current home
30 years ago thinking it would only be a 10-year
solution. So, it was understandable that even the
most staunch and steadfast supporters breathed a
deep sigh of relief after that big announcement.
Now, less than one year later we have just passed another huge milestone.
The Groundbreaking Ceremony for our new home and shelter at 2102
Fordem Avenue was held on July 24th. It was thrilling. And it was also so
symbolic of the support provided to DAIS for this desperately needed
From the very beginning, when we began talking about the need for a new
building and an increased capacity to help victims of domestic violence and
their families, the responses were always the same. Not one person said the
need isn’t here. The statistics and stories of our waitlists, the worn and
overcrowded shelter, cramped office spaces and lack of room for support
groups and programs are just a few of the reasons that supporters have
stepped forward to make sure that Dane County has more to offer those
affected by violence.
How many have stepped forward? Get ready for this: Over 1,000
individuals, companies, organizations and other entities have already
contributed to the campaign!
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Gifts have come in all sizes; some with heartfelt notes
and others anonymously. Donations have been made
in dollar bills and electronic recurring gifts. We’ve
been speechless, moved to tears and bursting with joy
at the generosity, thoughtfulness and kindness of so
many. Undoubtedly, by the time we open the doors to
our new home in summer of 2014 there will be many
more gifts to count and people to thank. DAIS has
just over $2 million left to raise before we open the
doors of our new home. We hope everyone who can
participate in this campaign will do so and be part of
this tremendous effort.
The Groundbreaking Ceremony gave us an
opportunity to once again try to express our
appreciation to many who helped bring us to this
point. The lists go on and on. We know that we stand
on the shoulders of those who gave DAIS roots over
35 years ago. We broke ground in memory of and in
honor of those who faced violence and their families
who carry on in their names. We broke ground in
anticipation of the summer of 2014 when we will be
able to provide shelter and services to so many more
individuals seeking safety and support.
Finally, we broke ground in celebration of this
supportive and generous community. A community
willing to help lift domestic violence out of the
shadows. A community that recognizes that safety
and hope must exist. For one. And for all. •
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Highlighting Midwest
Family Broadcasting
Each year, businesses from around Dane County
give to DAIS in unique and inspiring ways, which is
why we would like to highlight one such business,
Midwest Family Broadcasting. Midwest
Family Broadcasting has donated two years’ worth
of PSA’s on various stations to help raise awareness
about domestic violence and DAIS as a whole.
This donation has been key in raising important
awareness about DAIS, both with community
members and potential clients.
Midwest’s General Manager, Rick McCoy, explained
that community service is incredibly important to
them as a business. “It is in our fabric to do so; our
family founders created the companies to serve the
communities that they work in and the idea is
passed from one generation to the next,” he said.
“We do this because we are literally able to give a
voice to organizations that help make the
community a better place.”
Rick also stated that while he sometimes feels like
he lives with blinders on, the more he hears stories
about domestic violence, the more he realizes that
this isn’t an issue people want to talk about. But,
we can all help to make the community a better
place by recognizing the fact that domestic violence
affects us all.
“Business owners and community members need
to recognize this issue because it does exist and
people need our help,” Rick said. “In addition to
being recognized we need to learn how we can
tackle this issue at its core.”
These PSA’s have made, and will continue to make,
a significant difference in bringing the issue of
domestic violence into conversations. After
hearing radio spots, new supporters and volunteers
have reached out to DAIS to get involved. We
hope that victims or their family and friends have
heard the Help Line number and called. We would
like to extend a huge thank you to Midwest Family
Broadcasting for their amazing generosity and help
in raising awareness about domestic violence in our
community. •
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6th Annual Celebrate Independence! Luncheon
DAIS Executive Director, Shannon Barry,
speaks to a sold out crowd.
The 6th Annual Celebrate Independence! Luncheon was held on Thursday,
June 20, 2013 at the Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club. This
event was sold-out for the second year in a row with over 700 guests in
attendance and raised a record-breaking $110,000. The funds raised will
support the critical, life-saving work of DAIS. Keynote speaker Mildred
Muhammad captivated the audience with her personal story about how the
domestic violence in her relationship spilled out of the home and terrorized
an entire community. Ms. Muhammad is the former wife of the D.C. sniper,
John Allen Muhammad, who was convicted and later executed for the attacks
on innocent women, children and men in the D.C. Metro area. What many
don’t know is that these attacks originated from the stalking and control tactics
he used on Mildred.
During this year’s event, DAIS also presented three awards. The DAIS Excellence in Media Award, presented to
Neil Heinen of WISC-TV and Madison Magazine, recognizes one area journalist or media outlet who has
demonstrated an exceptional understanding of the complexities that often surround domestic violence, and whose
work dispels the myths that can flourish in the wake of domestic violence-related headlines. Neil was honored for
his For the Record Show and editorial in Madison Magazine that focused on the need for a community wide
response to domestic violence as well as a call to action to support victims and build a new and much needed
shelter. The DAIS Community Service Award, presented to long-time DAIS volunteer Rebecca Schumann, honors
one individual or organization whose community-based efforts have made Dane County a safer, more just, more
equitable place for domestic violence survivors and their families, and who has worked in innovative ways to help
our community move toward the DAIS vision of a world without violence. Rebecca has volunteered with the
Children’s Program for 20 years.
The DAIS Phoenix Award celebrates one individual who has shown immense strength and courage in her/his
ability to rise from the ashes of domestic abuse, contribute to a deeper understanding of domestic violence
prevention across Wisconsin, and use her/his voice and wisdom to help others. This year, DAIS had the honor of
presenting this award to Bea Christensen. Bea courageously told her story of her 30-year abusive marriage and has
since helped DAIS by reaching out to the faith-based community to raise awareness about domestic violence.
Luncheon Keynote Speaker, Mildred
Muhammad, signs a copy of her book,
Scared Silent.
Neil Heinen accepts his Media Award.
Rebecca Schumann accepts her
Community Service Award for her
ongoing support of DAIS.
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6th Annual Celebrate Independence! Luncheon
Hope Sponsors
Meriter/Physicians Plus
Sub-Zero Wolf
Summit Credit Union
Phoenix Award Sponsor
Capitol Insurance Companies
Partner Sponsor
JoAnn Gruber-Hagen and Doug Hagen
Supporter Sponsors
A+ Storage
American Family Insurance
Holly Berkenstadt
CUNA Mutual Foundation
National Guardian Life Insurance Company
Advocate Sponsors
Alliant Energy Foundation
Bank of Sun Prairie
Boardman & Clark, LLP
First Business Bank
J&K Security Solutions
Liese Harter
M3 Insurance
Melany Stinson Newby
Media Sponsors
Brava Magazine
Midwest Family Broadcasting
NBC 15
Table Sponsors
American Transmission Company
Miriam Block
Anna Burish
Dean & St. Mary’s
DeWitt Ross & Stevens*
Group Health Cooperative of
South Central Wisconsin
Andrea Marquardt Finck
Morgan Stanley-Ron Phelps
Boo & Loren Mortenson
United Way of Dane County
Urban Assets
UW Health
Bea Christensen is presented with the DAIS Phoenix Award.
Table Sponsors
Wegner LLP
Linda Welch
Table Captains
Balisle & Roberson
Ryan Behling
Dana Lin Bernstein
Helen Burish
Julie Campbell
Mary Susan Cable, Tess Nechkash,
Sheila Pokriefke
Kristen Carreira & Dana Pellebon
Cecely Castillo & Erik Gammell
The Employer Group
Gordon Flesch Company
Tammy Hagen
Sue Harris & Ken Hitzke*
Ideal Builders
Kass Konz Memorial Fund
Heidi Kopras
J.J. Linscheid & Heidi Bosch
Jan Loiselle
Madison Concourse Hotel &
Governors Club
Kathy Marshall
Jim McNulty
Merrill Lynch
Dani Michels
Sue Mohoney
Neider & Boucher
Jennifer Parker
Andy Richards
Timpano Consulting
Urban Land Interests
U.S. Bank
* more than one table
DAIS would like to thank all of our corporate
sponsors, table sponsors, table captains, and
event donors for their help in making this year’s
luncheon such an amazing and successful event.
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A Place for All the Community to See
New DAIS Facility Means Goodbye to Confidential Location
There are so many reasons to be enthusiastic about our
new home. One of the most exciting things is that for the
first time, Dane County will have a very public, very visible
shelter for victims of domestic violence and their families.
Our name – Domestic Abuse Intervention Services – will be
prominently displayed on our new home. Gone will be the
need to protect the location of our facility.
Once we open the doors of the new facility at 2102 Fordem
Avenue in Madison, there will be many opportunities for
DAIS, those we serve, and our entire community. With a
new public home we will take a major step towards
lifting domestic violence out of the shadows and secrecy and into public awareness and conversation. It will be
easier for victims of domestic violence to know exactly where they can go for help. Neighbors who want to support
the community by helping those affected by this violence will see a place in their own neighborhood where they can
go to volunteer and give food, clothing, household goods and more from the DAIS Wish List. This public presence
will serve as a reminder that, as a community, we value safety for all and are willing to say that domestic violence is
not tolerated and it is unacceptable.
In recent years the most frequently asked question of
DAIS staff has been some version of, “is it true that the
shelter will no longer be in a secret location?” What starts
as interest and curiosity quickly evolves to understanding.
One can almost see the pieces fall into place. People
understand the need for safety, dignity, and public
awareness. For most it makes perfect sense that a
batterer would not want to be seen outside a DV shelter.
Sophisticated security systems, common sense, and
extensive training will all play important parts in making
sure clients have a safe and secure place in which to heal and prepare for the next chapter of their lives. We are
looking forward to the day when the new DAIS facility will serve as a reminder that domestic violence will not be
allowed to thrive in darkness and shadows.•
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From the Excitement of the Announcement to the
Shovels in the Ground
On June 20th at the 6th Annual Celebrate Independence Luncheon,
these words were finally spoken out loud “DAIS will be breaking ground
for our new shelter on July 24th!” The 700 guests at The Concourse
were already attentive and engaged while keynote speaker Mildred
Muhammad told her story. Most attendees had already laughed, cried
or held their breath.
And then just before it was time to leave, DAIS Executive Director
Shannon Barry said there was just one last thing…
Shannon had just finished telling the story of a young woman and her
children who tried for 20 days to get off the wait list and into shelter.
She reported that thankfully the woman eventually did clear that list and
was able to come into the shelter. Shannon said that she also knows that DAIS can’t shelter everyone who needs our
services and that situation is unacceptable by any measure.
Then she placed a hardhat on her head and announced that the long-awaited groundbreaking ceremony would
take place on July 24th! The room erupted with cheers and thundering applause; to say it was thrilling would be
an understatement.
As the crowd of supporters and
soon-to-be supporters of the Capital
Campaign quieted, Shannon reminded
everyone that we have come so very far,
but we still have funds to raise before
meeting our goal. Long-time DAIS
volunteer Rebecca Schumann who was
recognized at the Luncheon for her 20
years as a Children’s Program volunteer,
was certainly ready to help bridge the gap.
“Since I’ve been volunteering for DAIS,
we have talked about a new shelter. After
a while I listened but didn’t think it would
ever be a reality. Then we purchased
property but needed to raise $7 million.
That sum of money was beyond my
comprehension. But then I thought,
we can do this! We must do this!”
Members of DAIS leadership and elected officials break ground in front of an
enthusiastic crowd.
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Schumann obviously isn’t alone in her commitment to the Capital Campaign. Over 1,000 individuals, companies and
organizations have already donated and that number is sure to multiply in the coming months.
“We went to the community and told of the need for this new facility and the community responded,” states Shannon
Barry. “It is the community that made all of this possible, with donors who gave gifts large and small and volunteers
who have invested their time and talents.”
The next big celebration will be the ribbon-cutting ceremony in summer of 2014. In the meantime DAIS staff and
supporters intend to spread the message that they hope everyone will find a way to participate or give what they can to
be part of this historical move because it does indeed take a village. •
The scene is set for the DAIS
Groundbreaking Ceremony.
DAIS Capital Campaign Honorary
Co-Chairs Boo & Loren Mortenson shared
their passion for this project and their
excitement for this day at the DAIS
Groundbreaking Ceremony.
A crowd of 200 DAIS supporters
gathered to celebrate the dawning of
a new DAIS.
Our Gratitude Runneth Over
All of us at DAIS are so grateful for the amazing design and construction team that
brought us this far. From the beginning, the team at Potter Lawson listened,
patiently designed and designed again as they took early wishes, hopes and dreams and
brought them to life in the drawings for our new home. Ideal Builders were with us
all the way and now will see us through to the day we open the doors at 2102 Fordem
Avenue. Urban Assets has kept us on track and Huffman Facility Development
will undoubtedly continue to keep us moving and meeting deadlines. Special thanks
to the Building Committee volunteers, which include Shannon Barry, Cecely Castillo,
Deb Ersland, Erik Gammell, Dani Michaels, and Andy Richards,
for providing their expertise and leadership.
Thank you to our amazing team for your
above-and-beyond patient, creative, and budget-stretching support! You are the best!
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Francie’s Room
Francie Weber was our beloved sister, aunt,
sister-in-law and the mother of two young girls.
Francie died on May 16, 2009. She was a victim
of domestic violence and was killed by her husband
who she had recently divorced. There is not a day
that goes by that we do not think about her. The
sadness of that day will never leave us.
After she died, DAIS became a very important part
of our lives. We have mourned, hoped and
celebrated in the company of DAIS staff and
friends. We have walked, marched, participated in
vigils, and advocated for others. We also attended
fundraising events and bid freely at silent auctions
to help raise dollars to support the current shelter and the new building so
other victims would have a safe place to go when the new DAIS building is
complete. Helping DAIS helps us heal.
The new DAIS building will provide a safe, secure place for those who are
experiencing domestic violence in their lives, just as the current building does.
But with more shelter beds and more room for programs, more people will
be served. That means more hope and guidance for those looking to change
their lives and move forward, not only for themselves for those that mean the
most to them.
“I WILL for DAIS!”
Help us raise the final $2,000,000!
Right here in our community
Domestic violence affects us all and we can and must do better.
However you would like.
Learn how to give, get involved
and make a real difference by
checking out
When you say…
When our family first learned about the opportunity to name a bedroom in
the new shelter after Francie, it was overwhelming. In a split second we knew
it was something we wanted to do, but we knew that raising $50,000 to name
a room was a daunting task. Yet none of us could let the dream of having
“Francie’s Room” in the new shelter pass.
So we are on our way. Thanks to our family and friends and to people we
don’t even know who stepped up to help meet the goal, we are raising money
for her room. It warms our hearts to know there will be women and children
who will be safe in Francie’s Room for years to come.
good things happen.
Francie’s family and daughters
If you would like to help Francie’s family meet their goal, simply write “Francie’s
Room” in the comment box at or send a note with your gift.
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Upcoming Events
1st Annual “Raise for DAIS”
Proceeds benefit Domestic Abuse Intervention Services
Reserve Your Foursome!
Call Jeffrey Beckmann, Jr. at
608.255.5799 or email
[email protected] for
registration or sponsorship
9 Seconds
In America, every 9 seconds a
woman is assaulted or beaten
Nakoma Country Club
4145 Country Club Road, Madison, WI 53711
11:00AM Registration, 12:00PM Shotgun (Scramble)
Of all referrals to the Dane County
District Attorney’s office are
domestic violence related
Domestic Violence is the leading
cause of injury to women
2013 Purple Ribbon Walk
Capitol Square
Monday, October 7th
12:00 p.m.
Celebrate Nonviolence.
Recognition for Work to End
Domestic Violence in Dane
The Brink Lounge
Friday, October 18th
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Jazz Benefit Concert
Save the Date!
The Brink Lounge
Sunday, October 20th
3rd Annual Dress for DAIS Fashion Show
Overture Center for the Arts
Wednesday, October 9th
Dine Out for DAIS
Tuesday, October 15th
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October is Domestic Violence
Awareness Month
One in four women and one in seven men will be a
victim of domestic violence in their lifetime.
You can help create awareness about domestic
violence! Please check for
more information about the month’s activities.
Want to know how you can help? Contact Jamie at
[email protected] •
Friend, Follow,
and Stay Informed
DAIS has a monthly e-newsletter.
Contact [email protected] or
go to to sign up.
You can also stay up-to-date by checking out
our new social media channels:
Facebook: Domestic Abuse Intervention Services
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Helping DAIS: One. And for all.
Here’s How You Can Help!
Host a Friend-raiser
DAIS friend-raisers are a GREAT way to help
raise awareness about domestic violence, while
also raising funds and/or donated items to help a
very important cause.
Host a Donation Drive
Donation drives are a great way community
members can support DAIS and victims of
domestic violence. By hosting a drive for DAIS,
you are both providing important resources for
our clients and raising awareness about domestic
violence in our community. Your business or
organization can collect some much needed
items from the DAIS wish list. For more
information about hosting a drive and DAIS’
current needs, please visit
Host a Cell Phone Drive
It’s an easy way for your office to make a
difference is through a DAIS Cell Phone Drive.
For every phone collected, DAIS
receives a monetary donation from the
Shelter Alliance program. Simply publicize the
drive, inviting co-workers to bring in their old
and unwanted cell phones. DAIS will deliver the
collection bins and then pick them up when your
drive is over.
Volunteer with DAIS
Volunteer opportunities at DAIS fall into two
categories: direct-service volunteers who work
directly with domestic violence survivors; and
support service volunteers who assist with
marketing, event planning, and crucial
behind-the-scenes efforts that keep our office
running smoothly.
Make a Donation
More information on the back of this
newsletter! •
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Tribute Gifts
As of 7/8/2013
In Honor Of:
Nikki & Mark Barnes
Jennifer & Kevin Mirus
Shannon Barry and in
memory of her grandparents
Floyd Robinson
Alice O’Connor and Holly
Joan Collins
Phoenix Award Winner,
Bea Christensen
Shannon Barry & William Bolz
Frances B. DeGraff
Frances Degraff
Judy Edelstein
Lori & Gary Edelstein
Luella Schmidt &
Roger Finch
Lynn C. Brother
Gwen Hannes
Jennifer Lang
Rebecca Peck
Chris Raymond
Jennifer Zupan
Joyce Godwin Grubbs
Trula Hensler
Laura Gutnecht
Joyce Barbara Aasen
JoAnn Gruber-Hagen
Ellen Fitzsimmons
Linda Kustka
The marriage of Pastor
Stephen Marsh & Susan
Marcella Averkamp
Ann Matz
Nancy Maloney
Katherine & William Strycker
Betty Sandstrom
Glenna Oleson
Melanie Schmidt
Marla Frank
Maxine Dinnel
Donna Katen-Bahensky
Fae Renfert
Debi & Barry Berman
Margaret Schmelzer
Yvonne Eide
Reghan O. Walsh
Marge Dumphy
Ja-Ja Howe
Bobbie Sward
Heather & Karl Duncan
Patricia Forret
Cherie Forret
Trish Washbisch
Rosetta Harper
Antoinette Aleman
Virginia Hart
Jeannette & Kenneth Golden
Francie Weber
Jenny Elliot
Kristin & Robert Fewel
Kurt & Muggs Helin
Sheila Pokriefke
Dorothy Natalie Helman
Jack Kaufman
Hazel Wenner
Patricia & David Reisinger
Joyce Jahn
Melinda Lewis Ferraro
Grace Winter
Connie Winter
Noel Keene
Melanie Carpenter
Suzan & Brian Cook
Diane & Wendell Keene
Kathleen & Daniel Schachte
Cleone Witte
Sue (Margaret) Harris &
Ken Hitzke
Ann Massengil
Sarah Key
Shira Phelps
Nancy & James Youngerman
Susan Ramspacher
Jill Jacklitz
Kris Rasmussen
Mary Stoffel
Renee, Sandy, Marechiel,
Libby, Deedra, Martha, Angie, Toya & Marlene
Leslie Ann Howard
Nancy & Mike Shinners
Margaret McEntire
Michelle Hanley
Kris Stroede
Pat Hanson
Beckie & Doug Strub
Caroline Stopher
Jonathon Beck
Sue Harris
Rose Ann Scott
The hard-working Board of
Directors and Trustees of
Jill & Peter Lundberg
Susan Mills Hudak
Leigh Mills
Gail Askey
Jean & Thomas Herrling
Joyce Mihlbauer
Bonnie Ziegler
Jenny Boyce
Adept Insurance Group
Sarah Bregg
Suzanne Binversie
Ann Chodara
CrossFit Sanctify
Cathy Damptz
Jonathan D’Angelo
Tiffany M. Hampton
Laura Hanks
Susan Helms
Mary Henningfield
Inner Fire Yoga Center
Allison Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Lily Khadempour
Susannah Jane Rockman Lee
Neal Nettesheim
Jacqueline Pittz
Joette Schleisman
Bradley Schubert
Judith Siers-Poisson
Geoffrey Swain
Jan Loiselle
Louise Root-Robbins
Alissa Alexandra, Merry
Spanger, Jamye Patterson,
Renate Bennet, Amelia
Barbara Spierer
Sue & Ken Hitzke
Elizabeth Crawford
In Memory Of:
Libbi Tuscher
Kristi Thering-Tuscher
Patty Whitely
Elly Chybowski
Kass Konz
Kay Kinderman
Paula & Randy Lundberg
Gertrude Mulcahy
Lizabeth Koch
Charlie & Bert Smith
Kathleen Rounds
Doris Nelson
Bonnie Trudell
Charlene D. Perry
Donna Marsik
Alina Pressman
Jenny Pressman
Tracy Judd & Deja Renee
Joan Bernstein
Suzan & Brian Cook
Kathy Foss
Stef & Kayla Graser
Deb Pollock
Leah Uhlenhake
Arlene Wirth
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Madison, WI
Permit No. 895
P.O. Box 1761 · Madison WI 53701
[email protected]
Office: 608-251-1237
24-Hour Help Line: 608-251-4445
Your gift to DAIS is an investment in the safety and future of domestic violence
survivors across Dane County.
There are many ways to give:
Make an online donation at
Send a donation by mail. You can use the envelope in this newsletter.
Become a recurring donor by giving a specified amount every month, week, or quarter via credit card, check or EFT.
Secure a matching gift at work. Ask your Human Resources Department for details. It’s a great way to double your gift!
Transfer a gift of stock. For stock transfer instructions contact Emily Barnes at 608-338-0065.
Consider a planned gift or a legacy gift. There are many options for making a planned gift to DAIS including bequests,
gifts of stocks and gifts of property.
Make an in-kind donation. View our wish list online for items needed in the shelter and office.
For more information about making a donation contact Elizabeth Klaus at [email protected].
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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