From the Desk of the Executive Director


From the Desk of the Executive Director
Summer/Fall 2012
Helping DAIS
Celebrate Independence!
Capital Campaign
Upcoming Events
Our mission is
to empower those affected
by domestic violence and
advocate for social change
through support, education
and outreach.
From the Desk of the Executive Director
By Shannon Barry
It is such an honor to share with you that
DAIS was finally able to publicly announce
on August 1st that we are on our way to a new
home and a new shelter. When I first started
my position as the Executive Director of DAIS
over five years ago, I had many people ask
me, “So when are you going to get started on
building a new shelter?” That’s a pretty big
question for someone as green as I was then,
but it was also something that I – and everyone else at DAIS –
knew had to be answered sooner rather than later because people’s
lives literally depended on it.
So we got to work and diligently addressed questions that needed
to be answered first. Questions such as, “What size shelter does
a community like Dane County need?” and “Where would DAIS
ideally be located in order to best meet the needs of the people we
serve?” and “Will the community support a project like this?”
The truth is, we knew that if we were to embark on a project of
this size we needed to make sure we were doing so thoughtfully
and strategically to ensure success. People depend on us each and
every day for the life-saving services that we provide, and they
deserve nothing less. And so, we have spent the last few years
planning, doing our homework, and waiting for our time – and
that time is now.
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We are at this point because of the work of
those who came before us; the believers,
the dreamers, the loyal friends whose
commitment never wavers. For what we all
share is the conviction that we can build a
place that is not only a refuge for those whose
lives have been touched by violence, but also
a place of empowerment, transformation, and
community building, where all are valued,
respected and supported in their efforts to
achieve safety in their lives.
As our dreams take shape, we stand proud
of our commitment, our passion and our
dedication to do what is right for those we
serve. We stand proud of our excellent
stewardship of the gifts from those who
have supported us year after year. We also
stand in awe of what lies ahead.
The truth is that what lies ahead will take all
of us pulling together, not just to build a new
building, but to create a future where domestic
violence is no longer hidden in the shadows
and where victims see a community standing
alongside them, letting them know that they
are important and valued.
The truth is that DAIS can and will do better
with your support. Our community can no
longer wait. We are on our way, and we invite
you to join us in the dawning of a new DAIS.
On behalf of everyone at DAIS – the staff,
volunteers, boards, and most importantly the
thousands of women, children and men we
serve each and every year – thank you for your
friendship. Thank you for creating better days
for others through your support of a better
DAIS. We couldn’t do it without you. •
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October is
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
One in four women will be a victim of
domestic violence in her lifetime.
You can help create awareness about
domestic violence! Please check for more
information about the month’s activities.
Want to know how you can help?
Contact Jamie Quam at
[email protected]
Helping DAIS:
One. And for all.
Thank you to the following for hosting recent
fundraisers for DAIS!
Greenway Station - Ladies Night Out
Inner Fire Yoga - Ten Year Anniversary and
Two Men and A Truck - Movers for Moms
Donation Drive
J.B.I. Charities, Inc. - Safe At Home Charity
Softball Tournament
Eat for Equity Madison - Eat for DAIS
The Bricks Theatre - “That’s What She Said”
Alpha Kappa Alpha - Wish List Donation Drive
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Celebrate Independence!
The 5th Annual Celebrate Independence!
Luncheon was held on Tuesday, June 19, 2012
at the Madison Concourse Hotel and
Governor’s Club. This year’s event was sold
out with almost 700 guests in attendance and
raised over $76,000 to support the critical,
life-saving work of DAIS. Keynote speaker
Denise Brown discussed how the murder of
her sister, Nicole Brown Simpson, led to her
inspiring work as an advocate for victims of
domestic violence. Ms. Brown issued a call to
action for community members to take a stand
against domestic violence and bring it out of
the shadows.
surv vors
The DAIS Community Service Award,
presented to the Zonta Club of Madison,
honors one individual or organization whose
community-based efforts have made Dane
County a safer, more just, more equitable place
for domestic violence survivors and their
families, and who has worked in innovative
ways to help our community move toward the
DAIS vision of a world without violence.
Members of the Zonta Club of Madison
Luncheon keynote speaker, Denise Brown,
speaking to a sold out crowd.
During this year’s event, DAIS also presented
three awards. The DAIS Excellence in Media
Award, presented to Chris Woodard of NBC
15, recognizes one area journalist or media
outlet who has demonstrated an exceptional
understanding of the complexities that often
surround domestic violence, and whose work
dispels the myths that can flourish in the wake
of domestic violence-related headlines.
They actively strive to educate and engage our
community to take a stand against violence.
The DAIS Phoenix Award celebrates one
individual who has shown immense strength
and courage in her/his ability to rise from the
ashes of domestic abuse, contribute to a deeper
understanding of domestic violence prevention
across Wisconsin, and use her/his voice and
wisdom to help others. This year, DAIS had
the privilege of presenting this award to
Betsy Johnson.
Award winners and special guests at the luncheon head table.
Photo credit: Michelle Allen Photography
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Celebrate Independence!
DAIS would like to thank all of our corporate sponsors,
table captains and event donors for their help in making
this year’s luncheon such an amazing and successful event.
Denise Brown Sponsor
Sub-Zero & Wolf
Phoenix Award Sponsor
Capitol Insurance Companies
Community Service Award
Meriter Health Services &
Physicians Plus
Partner Sponsor
JoAnn Gruber-Hagen &
Doug Hagen
Supporter Sponsor
A+ Storage
Alliant Energy Foundation
CUNA Mutual Group
Great Dane Pub and Brewing
Advocate Sponsor
American Transmission Company
Dean & St. Mary’s
Melissa & Steve Deller
DeWitt Ross & Stevens
Group Health Cooperative of
South Central Wisconsin
Liese Harter
Melany Stinson Newby
Summit Credit Union
UW Health
Wegner CPAs
With Special Support From
Holly Berkenstadt
M&I Institutional Trust
Services, A part of BMO
Financial Group
Ron Phelps
Linda Welch
Zonta Club of Madison
Table Captains
Balisle & Roberson, S.C.
Bank of Sun Prairie
Shannon Barry & J.J. Linscheid
Ryan Behling
Holly Berkenstadt*
Miriam Block
Elizabeth Bolt
Anna Burish
Helen Burish
Mary Susan Cable
Lisa Cappelli
Deneen Carmichael
Kristen Carreira
Cecely Castillo & Erik Gammell
Chase Bank
Tammy Hagen
Michelle Hanley
Sue Harris & Ken Hitzke*
Melissa Huggins
J&K Security Solutions
Letitia Jowosimi
Kass Konz Memorial Fund
Diane Keene*
Kennedy Communications
Heidi Kopras
Jan Loiselle
M3 Insurance
Madison Concourse Hotel &
Governor’s Club
Andrea Marquardt-Finck
Kathy Marshall
Jim McNulty
Merrill Lynch
Dani Michels & Tris Baker
Leigh Mills
Sue Mohoney
Boo & Loren Mortenson
Neider & Boucher
Alice O’Connor & Megan
Jennifer Parker
Ron Phelps
Restaino & Associates Realtors
Andy Richards & Lisa Ellinger
von Briesen & Roper, S.C.
Diane West
*Filled more than one table.
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Join us in the dawn ng of a new
Since 1977, DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) has worked passionately and effectively to empower
individuals affected by domestic violence. By providing a wide variety of vital programs – including the only
emergency shelter for victims of domestic abuse and their children in Dane County – DAIS advocates for a
nonviolent community where safety, peace, justice and hope are alive and well. But the truth is, there is still
an unmet need for services to help victims and survivors. Now DAIS is taking the next step to better serve the
Dane County community. After years of planning and dreaming...
The Desperate Need for a New Home
If we measured the need for a domestic violence shelter by the length
of the waitlists – and resources were not an issue – DAIS would have
opened a new emergency shelter a long time ago.
Over a decade ago, DAIS leadership began talking about the need for a
new shelter. Even then it was clear that Dane County’s ONLY domestic
violence shelter – the DAIS shelter – didn’t come close to meeting the need. And sadly, the situation has only
gotten worse.
• The truth is that we currently have only 25 beds to offer the 488,000 people in Dane County.
• The truth is, we are forced to use a lethality index to make sure we give shelter to those who are in the
most immediate danger of being killed. While funds from the City of Madison have allowed us to meet
the overflow from shelter, these run out by the end of the year and in 2011 were depleted by June.
• The truth is that domestic violence knows no boundaries and that it affects us all. With one in four women
experiencing violence in her lifetime, each one of us knows someone who needs the kinds of services – and
maybe the shelter – that DAIS provides.
• And the truth is that all of us in Dane County can – and must do better. Lives are at stake.
And the time is now…
“It is a fact that Dane County, the second largest county in Wisconsin, has one of the most challenged
shelter facilities for domestic violence victims in crisis. With high demand for services in a severely
limited space, DAIS has done their best to meet needs. The small capacitiy of the shelter has meant
that DAIS has had to screen out all but the most lethal situations and must manage a long waiting
list.”- Patti Seger, Executive Director, Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence
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After years of hoping and planning, on August 1st
DAIS finally announced its Capital Campaign
to a crowd of enthusiastic supporters. The
announcement took place at 2102 Fordem Avenue,
the future home of DAIS on Madison’s north side.
Nationally the trend is to move away from
undisclosed locations. Our new home will help raise
awareness about domestic violence and give those
who need support an easily identifiable place to go.
DAIS is committed to not only building a new shelter and facility, but also to increasing the capacity to best
serve those in need. The $7 million campaign goal includes project costs as well as $1.4 million to cover
increased operating costs of the new facility.
Leading the team to meet the goal are Loren & Boo Mortenson, Honorary Co-Chairs, and Holly Cremer
Berkenstadt, the Capital Campaign Chair. DAIS will still need to raise $5 million to reach our goal but work is
already underway.
The Design Build Team for the project includes Potter Lawson, Ideal Builders, Urban Land Assets and
Huffman Facility Development. Groundbreaking will take place when 75% of the funding is pledged or
received and it is estimated that construction will take between eight and ten months to complete. DAIS
hopes to open the doors in early 2014.
“The impact of domestic violence on young people is
What does a new shelter really mean?
staggering. Domestic violence is the number one reason
for physical assault. We need to bring this issue forward
With this new space, DAIS will have 56 shelter
so that everyone understands how this violence impacts
beds available and the ability to extend stays
from 30 days to 45 days. This allows clients
us all – whether at work, at school or in the community.”
room to heal and get their lives on track faster.
Madison Police Chief Noble Wray
DAIS will be able to provide a stronger
foundation to protect them from homelessness
and further violence. It means that clients will be able to reach better services earlier. They will have more
time to plan for a safer and more permanent home.
Not only will DAIS be expanding its shelter but we will also have:
• Larger and more suitable space for children’s programs
• The opportunity to offer more support groups
• Increased partner agency collaborations
• More legal advocacy services
• Space for other organizations to meet
• Safe and secure outdoor space for clients, staff and volunteers to use
Learn more about DAIS’ Capital Campaign
Download a brochure and find more ways to get involved by going to
or contacting our Capital Campaign Coordinator Jan Loiselle at 608-807-4012.
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DAIS DID OUR HOMEWORK – An open letter from Andy Richards, DAIS Board President.
While many people have long felt that DAIS needed a new facility, a comprehensive strategic planning effort,
initiated in the fall of 2008, identified the current facility as the limiting factor in our ability to serve pressing
community and client needs. It was clear that a new facility was not a “want” but rather “a must have”. We
would never ask the community for significant, expanded support if we were not absolutely sure that there
are crucial lifesaving services that are not being met in Dane County. And we certainly wouldn’t ask for
additional support if we had not laid a solid foundation to meet our goals. As the current Board President,
I would like to tell you about the work we have done to prepare for this major undertaking.
With the help of outside experts, we spent over three years engaged in a methodic, comprehensive planning
process. We researched and documented current and future needs in our county and mapped those needs
against what we could deliver with the current facility and a new facility.
DAIS thoroughly evaluated our programs and services, taking special care to make sure no resources would
be wasted by duplicating services. We then commissioned a capital campaign assessment and conducted a
comprehensive location analysis. By engaging a wide variety of stakeholders we were able to design a new
facility that will best serve client and community needs. Finally, we used a feasibility study and a robust,
“rock solid” business plan to ensure that we will be able to sustain a new, larger facility and expanded
Rest assured that the same prudent, thoughtful steps that have brought us to this point will continue to guide
us, ensuring that we will be good stewards of the community’s financial commitment and trust.
Thank you for all that you do for DAIS, and I ask for your continued support so that together we can achieve
this critical goal.
“I showed her around the shelter and she cried. After all she has been through with her children
now we have nothing to offer her but this worn, cramped place. I so want to see the day when we can
be proud of what we have to offer.” DAIS Shelter Advocate
DAIS Capital Campaign Team
Campaign Chair: Holly Cremer Berkenstadt
Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs: Loren & Boo Mortenson
Advisor: Susan Phillips
Honorary Spokespersons: Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney &
Madison Police Chief Noble Wray
Laurie Benson • Lisa Judd Blanchard • Betty Harris Custer • Michelle Hanley • Mary Lang Sollinger • Jodi Bender Sweeney
Anita Martin • Jo Musser • Amy Newton • Audrey Polencheck • Andy Richards • Louise Root-Robbins • Marilee Wertlake
Melinda Ferraro • Shannon Barry, DAIS Executive Director • Jan Loiselle, Campaign Coordinator
DAIS Board of Directors
Andy Richards • Cecely Castillo • Jim McNulty • Erik Gammell • Elizabeth Bolt • Anna Burish • Kristen Carreira
Stacey Hartmann • Boo Mortenson • Dana Pellebon • Melanie Schmidt
DAIS Board of Trustees
Sue Bakke • Ryan Behling • Holly Cremer Berkenstadt • Miriam Block • Helen Burish • Deneen Carmichael • Heidi Kopras
Kathy Marshall • Sue Mohoney • Dani Michels • Leigh Mills • Boo Mortenson • Alice O’Connor
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I was probably like most
in our community who
perhaps had no idea
that domestic violence is
such an epidemic. But
when I took a tour of the
current DAIS shelter and
learned the truth, everything changed. I started to
see what my wife Boo already knew.
I was immediately haunted, and continue to
be, by the thought that a woman and her children
might come to the shelter some cold, rainy night.
She may be crying, afraid and feeling all alone.
And she may be turned away.
The shelter is always full with a waitlist.
Maybe this woman had few choices to begin with,
and now no room in a shelter? Where would she go?
What would she do? Return to danger or sleep in a
car? Even if there is a shelter bed available, the place
is overcrowded and worn.
Boo often says that no one should have
to choose between being safe and having a place to
stay. And that is the truth - it is unacceptable for our
community to have so little to offer women and
children in need. We were not about to stand on
the sidelines waiting for others to do something.
“I had no idea that one in four women would
experience domestic violence in her lifetime.
Nor did I have any idea that abuse crossed all
boundaries – gender, age, race and economic
status.” Sue Bakke, Entrepreneur
As a businessman, I know that to have a
successful organization you need an important
mission, clear vision, and leaders who are
competent, committed and smart. DAIS has these
and more with Shannon Barry as Executive Director
and a long history of providing help in Dane
County. I also know organizations need resources.
Boo & I are committed to doing our part and are
calling upon others to join us.
Domestic violence spills out from homes
into our schools, workplaces, courts and beyond.
Our whole community suffers. We know this
community can and must do better. And, together
we will. That’s the truth of it.
Loren Mortenson
**Loren & Boo Mortenson are Honorary Co-Chairs of the
Capital Campaign
__ To make a gift or pledge visit or call (608) 807-4012.
__ To volunteer email [email protected] or call (608) 338-1045.
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Upcoming Events
6:00 - 10:00pm
Come dressed in your 70’s
best and boogie the night
away to Madison’s own VO5.
Costume contest and 70’s
inspired surprises in store!
Tickets can be ordered
And for more information please visit
or contact Jamie Quam at
[email protected], 608-338-1045
Since 1977, DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services, Inc.)
has been providing life-saving services to victims
of domestic violence in Dane County.
Einstein Bagels’ Car Show
1738 Fordem Avenue, Madison
Sunday, August 19th
Bonfyre American Grille Crab Boil
Wednesday, August 22nd
Dress for DAIS Fashion Show
Overture Center for the Arts
Wednesday, September 12th
Downtown Middleton Wine Walk
Thursday, September 20th
Purple Ribbon Walk
Capital Square
Monday, October 1st
Dine Out for DAIS Day
Tuesday, October 16th
AACD Charitable Foundation’s
Race For Smiles 2012
Warner Park, Madison WI
Saturday, October 6th
The 2012 Madison Club Foundation’s Charity Gala
Saturday, November 10th
Mr. Alpha Chi Pageant
November 2012
More information about these events can be found
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Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
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Helping DAIS: One. And for all.
The 3rd Annual Walk a Mile
Here’s How You Can Help!
in Her Shoes was held on
Host a Friend-raiser
May 5th. This year’s event
DAIS friend-raisers are a GREAT way to help
was the largest to date, with
raise awareness about domestic violence, while
close to 300 people walking in
also raising funds and/or donated items to help
high heels to protest domestic
a very important cause.
violence. Chief Noble Wray
opened the event and after
the walk, gold shoe trophies
were presented to the top fundraising team and
individual. Foxy Veronica’s Peach Pies even
demonstrated “How to Walk in Heels” for
first-time walkers.
Funds raised benefit DAIS, UNIDOS Against
Domestic Violence and the Wisconsin Coalition
Against Domestic Violence.
Friend, Follow,
and Stay Informed
DAIS now has a monthly e-newsletter.
Contact [email protected]
to sign up.
Sponsor the DAIS Luncheon
Every year, the Celebrate Independence!
Luncheon gives members of our community
the chance to come together and learn about
domestic violence and what we, as a community,
can do to help end it. The Celebrate
Independence! Luncheon is DAIS’ largest
fundraising event of the year.
Host a Cell Phone Drive
An easy way for your office to make a
difference is through a DAIS Cell Phone Drive.
For every phone collected, DAIS receives a
monetary donation from the Shelter Alliance
program. Simply publicize the drive, inviting
co-workers to bring in their old and unwanted
cell phones. DAIS will deliver the collection bins
and then pick them up when your drive is over.
You can also stay up-to-date by checking out our
new social media channels:
Facebook: Domestic Abuse Intervention Services
Volunteer with DAIS
Volunteer opportunities at DAIS fall into two
categories: direct-service volunteers who work
directly with domestic violence survivors; and
support service volunteers who assist with
marketing, event planning, and crucial
behind-the-scenes efforts that keep our office
running smoothly.
Make a Donation
More information on the back of this
newsletter! •
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Tribute Gifts
As of 7/5/2012
In Honor Of:
In Memory Of:
Betty Harris Custer
Lisa Hahn
Francie Weber
Belleville Community Health
Improvement Program
Letitia L. Jowosimi
Tess & Jerry Nechkash
Sheila Pokriefke
Brandon Bykowski
Carol & Jeffrey Bykowski
Carolyn Larson
Karen Larson
Jennifer & Stephanie Weber
The Locksmiths
JoAnn Gruber-Hagen
Linda Kustka
Marian & Ray Sweeney
John Sweeney
Myrna Kay Young
Barbara & Frank Lam
Shannon Barry
Brea Davis
Patty & George Whitely
Terry Parker
Barbara & Frank Lam
Tom Terry
Hathaway Dilba
Tracy Judd & Deja
Timothy & Karen Schaefer
UW Law School
Paul Kilgas
Gary J. Lichtenberg
Rebecca L. Schumann
Janet Stockhausen
Margie & Robert White
Hilary Bryant
Carolyn Caruso
Patricia & Daniel D’Angelo
Joanne & Jack Dukes
Heartland Advisors, Inc.
William Hoye
Cathleen Lewandowski
Florence Melster
Jo Ann Portz
St. Mary’s Church
Richard Smith
Elsie Taylor
Juanita Youmans
Jim Hughes
Peggy Hughes
Joy Svetnicka
Ja-Ja Howe
Kass Konz
Marilyn Moeller
Les McAbee
Jessica Ozalp
M.O. Thommesen
Kris & Tom Thommesen
Rhoda Semo
Vicki SemoScharfman
Tracy Judd & Deja
Rene Bain
Joan Bernstein
Suzan & Brian Cook
Lois Downing
Nancy & Darrell Fleming
Sarah Laufenberg
Maria Sandgren
Shirley & David Schoepp
Barbara Townley
Carol & Daniel Vale
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Madison, WI
Permit No. 895
P.O. Box 1761 · Madison WI 53703
[email protected]
Office: 608-251-1237
24-Hour Help Line: 608-251-4445
Your gift to DAIS is an investment in the safety and future of domestic violence
survivors across Dane County.
There are many ways to give:
Make an online donation at
Send a donation by mail. You can use the envelope in this newsletter.
Become a recurring donor by giving a specified amount every month, week, or quarter via credit card, check or EFT.
Secure a matching gift at work. Ask your Human Resources Department for details. It’s a great way to double your gift!
Transfer a gift of stock. For stock transfer instructions contact Emily Barnes at 608-338-0065.
Consider a planned gift or a legacy gift. There are many options for making a planned gift to DAIS including bequests,
gifts of stocks and gifts of property.
Make an in-kind donation. View our wish list online for items needed in the shelter and office.
For more information about making a donation contact Emily Barnes at [email protected].
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible as
allowed by law.

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