Welcome, Fr. Feely! - St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola 980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588 www.stignatiusloyola.org “ B u i l d i n g A a C o m m u n i t y Welcome, Fr. Feely! s many of you know, I have only recently joined the staff of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish. How did I get here? Last spring, the provincial of our New York Jesuit Province asked me what kind of ministry I would want to engage in next if it were up to me to choose a ministry for myself. When the provincial asked that question, I took a quick look back at my years in the Society. After growing up in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, I had entered the Jesuits right out of high school because I wanted to be a priest and a teacher. I got half my wish. I was ordained a priest, but my teaching career was a short one. I spent five years in the classroom, and then I spent fifteen years in school administration. First I served as assistant principal and principal of Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola, the Jesuit high school in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Immediately after that, I served as principal of Regis High School here in Manhattan. After I had spent twenty years in schools, the provincial at the time asked me to work in the formation programs the Society runs for young Jesuits. So I spent five years as superior of Ciszek Hall, the community at Fordham University for Jesuits who have just finished the novitiate and are beginning their studies for the priesthood. Then I spent eight more years as director of formation for all of the Jesuits in studies from our three East Coast provinces. With well over a decade of service to my Jesuit brothers behind me, when the provincial asked me what kind of ministry I would want to engage in next, I immediately responded, “Work with ‘real people.”’ I don’t think any of my Jesuit brothers would be offended by the implied distinction between Jesuit and real in the answer I gave the provincial. In fact, I think all of my Jesuit brothers would intuitively understand what I meant. And I think they would agree with me wholeheartedly. Jesuit life has its joys and its difficulties, its freedoms and its responsibilities. All lives do. And none of us who are Jesuits would want to trade our life for any other. But the joys, difficulties, freedoms, and responsibilities of our life are not the same as those of most lives, and our life only makes sense because of those other lives. o f D i s c i p l e s ” September 15, 2013 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Society of Jesus was founded with an expansive goal, “for the good of souls.” In other words, Jesuits exist to offer what assistance we can to people who desire to seek and find God. Most of those people have been called to seek and find God in single life, married life, and family life – the lives of “real people” in my shorthand phrase. In part, this expansiveness is the product of Jesuit history. Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was a single person when he conceived the Spiritual Exercises which are the bedrock of what we call Ignatian Spirituality. In his own lifetime, he led many more single persons, married persons, and heads of families through the Exercises than prelates or priests or nuns. In part, this expansiveness is the product of Ignatius’ instinct “always to seek the more universal good.” Ignatius wanted the Exercises to reach the widest possible audience because he conceived the experience of the E xercises in response to what he considered a truly universal need. Every one of us needs to discover and respond to the mysterious call of the God who is Mystery in the circumstances in which we actually find ourselves. In one of our weekday readings last month, Saint Paul put the same thought in different words. “This is the will of God, your holiness.” We all need to become holy, not according to some universal pattern of holiness but according to the unique pattern of holiness we will discover by seeking and finding God exactly where we are. Everything that parish life offers and entails – sacraments and prayer, outreach and community, programs for spiritual growth and programs for spiritual renewal, reflection on God’s Word and reflection on our Catholic tradition – has that same goal. We do it all so that we can become more sensitive to the mysterious call of the God who is Mystery in the circumstances in which we actually find ourselves. We do it all so that we can fulfill God’s will for us, our holiness. So I am very glad my provincial’s idea of what should come next for me was exactly the same as my own, and I am very happy he has sent me to work with and for you here at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish. - Rev. Thomas H. Feely, S.J. Associate Pastor THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE EMMAUS BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th 40s & Fabulous Picnic in Central Park, 1:00 – 3:00 PM. A six session support group for those who have experienced the death of a loved one will begin on Tuesday evening, October 15th, in the Parish House from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The sessions, both educational and supportive are facilitated by experienced facilitators. Registration is required. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th Interparish Religious Education Classes begin. For registration information, see page 5. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st Parish Community Choir Season Kickoff. 4:00 – 8:00 PM. Wallace Hall. Details on page 3. COMPASSIONATE CARE Information Meeting IGNATIAN YOUNG ADULTS Thursday, September 26th 7:00 – 8:00 PM in the Parish Lounge Sunday Socials Fall Schedule Learn about the parish outreach to the sick and homebound. Eucharistic Ministers are urgently needed for DeWitt Nursing Home and Lenox Hill Hospital. Become a part of this wonderful ministry! The Sunday Socials are held in Wallace Hall at 8:30 PM, following the 7:30 PM Mass. They are hosted by the Ignatian Young Adults. All young adults (ages 21-39) are welcome. To receive updates on IYA events and other opportunities, you can follow us on Facebook at “Ignatian Young Adults (NYC).” Sunday Social Dates: Special Event: For information and to register for either the Emmaus Bereavement Support Group or the Compassionate Care ministry, please contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House or email [email protected] Sept. 22 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 27 Nov. 17 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 Join us at the Parish Celebration in McKinnon Hall following the 7: 30 P M Ma s s o n S u n d a y, S e p te m ber 29th! CHARIS NYC presents “What Next?” Meeting Christ In Prayer A peer-led weekend retreat for those in their 20s and 30s. An interactive 8 week guided prayer experience for small groups based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Friday evening, November 8th – Sunday, November 10th Mariandale Retreat Center, Ossining, NY Cost: $255 per person (early registration through September 30th: $230) Two sessions: • Tuesday Mornings, 9:30 to 11:00 AM, October 1st to November 19th. • Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, October 2nd to November 20th. Register at www.jesuit-collaborative.org/charisnyc Questions? [email protected] or 347-619-2692 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY NOW For information and registration, contact Sr. Kathryn King at [email protected] PLEASE REMEMBER US LATER! Remember St. Ignatius in Your Estate Plan. Thursday Evening Prayer Group Leave a legacy to the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola by including a bequest in your will. An opportunity to continue group support for those who have made the Meeting Christ in Prayer Retreat. Meets monthly from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. For information and registration, contact John Vernon at [email protected] Please contact Fernando Castro, Treasurer, at 212-606-3476 or [email protected] NEW... For your convenience... To reach the Giving page on the parish website, scan the QR Code at left with your smartphone’s camera. PLEASE OPEN FOR PAGES 3 AND 4 2 40s & FABULOUS MUSIC MUSIC AT MASSES The 40s & Fabulous group is excited to start its new year! We are the St. Ignatius Loyola ministry for parishioners in their 40s (and now 50s). We organize spiritual, service and social activities, and events that support a deeper understanding of our faith as well as building community and a deeper connection with one another. Sunday, September 22nd 11:00 AM SOLEMN MASS Widor Symphonie No. 3: Menuetto Monteverdi Cantate Domino Schütz Jauchzet dem Herren Widor Symphonie No. 3: Finale We currently have over 200 members and we look forward to meeting you! 7:30 PM MASS Upcoming Activities: Mendelssohn Andante in F (Berlin-Krakow manuscripts) Trad. Scottish, arr. Bullard Bread of the world Saint-Saëns Sept Improvisations: No. 7 Allegro giocoso • • Parish Community Choir Season Kickoff Saturday, September 21st 4:00 – 8:00 PM in Wallace Hall Picnic in Central Park Today, 1:00 – 3:00 PM Metropolitan Museum Roof Garden Bar Friday, September 27th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM • St. Francis Xavier Soup Kitchen: Sunday, September 29th, afternoon • Group Mass with Father Feely followed by a Group Dinner: Friday, Oct. 4th, time TBD To join our mailing list and learn more about our upcoming events, please email [email protected] We are a volunteer choir that enhances the ministry of our church through music. We sing at various liturgies at St. Ignatius, including the Solemn Mass, Wallace Hall Mass, 7:30 PM Mass, Saturday 5:30 PM Mass, the Good Friday Three Hour Devotion, the Parish Memorial Mass, as well as the Christmas and Spring Concerts. Rehearsals are Tuesday nights from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. BOOMERS & BEYOND Join other Catholic singles (50+) for a casual To all with musical gifts in our Parish and beyond: Come forward this fall and join in singing with our wonderful choir! End of Summer Meet-Up Monday, September 16th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM The N.P. Mander Organ Recital Series Dorrian’s Red Hand Bar & Restaurant presents (corner of 84th Street and 2nd Avenue) $25.00 (cash) payment at the door. No pre-payment or reservations are required. K. SCOTT WARREN Price includes two drinks and a variety of hors d’oeuvres. Happy Hour prices for additional beverages. Director of Music Ministries and Artistic Director of Sacred Music in a Sacred Space Visit www.boomersandbeyondnyc.com Sunday, September 29th at 3:00 PM is an inter-parish social and community service organization for Catholics who are over 50. BACH selections from Clavierübung III Prelude in E-flat, BWV 552/1 Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit, BWV 669 Christe, aller Welt Trost, BWV 670 Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671 4th Annual Friends of the Jesuits Golf Outing Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BWV 684 To benefit the apostolic works of the Jesuits and support the care of aging and infirm Jesuits. Fugue in E-flat, BWV 552/2 Monday, September 30th Meadow Brook Club Jericho, NY WIDOR Symphony No. 3 in E minor Tickets: $20 Individual golfer: $1250 Call 212-288-2520 for 24/7 ticket ordering and customer service. Tickets can also be purchased at www.smssconcerts.org Contact Debra Ryan at the New York Jesuit Office: 212-774-5544 For registration and additional information, visit: www.nysj.org 3 Interested in Becoming Catholic? We have the privilege at St. Ignatius of welcoming many visitors and new parishioners. We especially welcome those who may be thinking of becoming Catholic. If you feel attracted to the Catholic faith, we want you to know about a program at the Parish which will begin later in September. A group will meet here during the year to inquire into the Catholic faith, to come to know Jesus through the Gospels, and to pray and to prepare for the Easter Sacraments. This process is also open to those Catholic adults who have not received the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. For more information about this process, which is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), contact Maureen Fullam at 212-288-3588 or email [email protected] We p r a y f o r t h e faithful departed Norma Foerderer May she rest in the peace of the Risen Lord. Celebrate CASAColumbia® Family Day – Be Involved. Stay Involved.™ Announced Masses and Readings for the Week Family Day is a national initiative created by CASAColumbia to promote simple acts of parental engagement as key ways to help prevent risky substance use in children and teens. What started out in 2001 as a grassroots initiative to inform parents about all the benefits of frequent family dinners, has grown into a national movement that is supported by a network of partners and sponsors across the country. Family Day has evolved and expanded to reflect how important it is to connect with your children at various times throughout the day including while driving them to soccer practice, tucking little ones into bed, or having frequent family dinners. These every day activities have a lasting effect on your children. Each of these moments offers an opportunity to communicate with them and to really listen to what is on their minds. We are delighted that St. Ignatius Loyola Church, which was the first church in the nation to support and promote Family Day, and Saint Ignatius Loyola Grammar School, will once again be helping to make parents aware of Family Day. Monday, September 16th (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian) 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Psalm 28 Luke 7:1-10 8:30 MEM Samuel Maglione 12:10 MEM Jack O’Leary 5:30 MEM Kyle Larson Tuesday, September 17th (St. Robert Bellarmine) 1 Timothy 3:1-13 Psalm 101 Luke 7:11-17 8:30 MEM Rose Bernabei 12:10 MEM Mary Springer 5:30 MEM Shane O’Reilly Wednesday, September 18th (24th Wednesday in Ordinary Time) 1 Timothy 3:14-16 Psalm 111 Luke 7:31-35 8:30 MEM Giro & Elina Zullo 12:10 MEM Jack Joyce 5:30 MEM Alfred Ziccardi For more information, visit www.CASAFamilyDay.org CASAColumbia CASAColumbia’s Founder and Chair Emeritus is Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and a St. Ignatius Loyola Parishioner. Thursday, September 19th (24th Thursday in Ordinary Time) 1 Timothy 4:12-16 Psalm 111 Luke 7:36-50 8:30 MEM Kelly Gillebaard 12:10 MEM Assunta Sommella Peluso & Ignazio Peluso 5:30 MEM Evelyne Scott Hansen Simond ATTENTION PARENTS OF 8th GRADERS! The TACHS – Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools will be administered in the Archdiocese of New York on Friday, November 8th. Catholic school students will receive applications in their own schools. Public school students may obtain applications from Catholic high schools participating in the program, Catholic elementary schools, or Parish religious education programs. Online registration is available 7 days a week by going to the website www.tachsinfo.com or by calling 1-866-618-2247. Friday, September 20th (St. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn & St. Paul Chŏng Ha-sang) 1 Timothy 6:2c-12 Psalm 49 Luke 8:1-3 8:30 MEM Robert Meder 12:10 MEM Marguerite & Thomas Nelson 5:30 MEM Nathan Davidson Saturday, September 21st (St. Matthew) Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13 Psalm 19 Matthew 9:9-13 8:30 MEM Frank Burke Paper applications must be received by the TACHS office no later than Wednesday, October 9th. The deadline for internet/ telephone registration is Monday, October 21st. Sunday, September 22nd (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Amos 8:4-7 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Luke 16:1-13 For additional details about the examination, visit www.tachsinfo.com or call the TACHS Admission Office at 1-866-618-2247. 4 Habitat for Humanity Tool Drive in support of the ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF PARISH MINISTRIES Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project 2013 Begins this Weekend thru Sunday, September 22nd Sunday, September 29th in McKinnon Hall immediately following the 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, and 7:30 PM Masses. Habitat for Humanity’s Carter Work Project is an annual, internationally-recognized week of building that brings attention to the need for simple, decent, and affordable housing. During this week hundreds of volunteers will be completing projects across Queens and Staten Island. Habitat NYC is partnering with groups interested in making a difference by donating tools for this special build week. • Learn more about parish activities and events that are planned for this year • Refreshments • Music Needed items include small tools such as hammers, tape measures, screwdrivers, paint brushes, paint roller covers, drill bits, Home Depot or Lowe’s gift cards. Tools do not need to be new. • Supervised Children’s Activity after the 9:30 and 11:00 AM Masses We look forward to welcoming you! Donations can be dropped off at the Parish House any time during the collection period. Religious Education for Children Registrations for the 2013-2014 IREP and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd programs can be made by calling the Parish House at 212-288-3588 and pressing “0” for the receptionist. Registration forms can also be found on our website: www.stignatiusloyola.org IREP classes begin the week of September 15th. LAY MINISTERS’ ENRICHMENT All Lay Ministers at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola are invited to the first Lay Ministers’ Enrichment Program of the Season: Bringing Contemplation into Action: Bringing Action into Contemplation CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program of religious formation for children ages 3, 4, and (returning) 5 year olds. The program draws on the scriptural and liturgical traditions of the Church. Our meeting place is the Atrium, behind Wallace Hall, a space where children enjoy an environment that supports their spiritual development. Classes begin the week of September 23rd. with Rev. Thomas H. Feely, S.J., Associate Pastor Using a variety of prayer forms, Fr. Feely will invite us into a conversation about the relationship between contemplation and action. There will be time for private prayer and reflection, small group faith sharing, and large group faith sharing. Saturday, October 5th 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM in Wallace Hall Sunday, September 15th LOOK FOR THE CGS INFORMATION TABLE: In the Narthex after the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass. In Wallace Hall after the 11:00 AM Family Mass. Continental breakfast will be available beginning at 9:15 AM. Lunch will also be provided. Space is limited and registration closes on Tuesday, October 1st. Parishioner Admissions Information Meeting Hosted by Ms. Mary Larkin, Principal Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00 PM McKinnon Hall Parishioners are welcome to attend for a general overview of the school’s admission process. RSVP: 212-861-3820 x130 Register online at http://october2013enrichment.eventbrite.com Contact [email protected] with questions. 5 Church of St. Ignatius Loyola 980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 Fax: (212) 734-3671 www.stignatiusloyola.org Special Evening with Mother Dolores Hart: Sponsored by Lighthouse International, a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Monday, September 23rd, 6:00 PM. Mother Dolores is best known for walking away from a budding film career in the 1960’s to become a Benedictine nun. This event will feature both a screening of the Academy Award nominated short documentary, God is the Bigger Elvis, as well as a book signing for Mother Dolores’ new memoir, The Ear of the Heart. Lighthouse International, 111 East 59th Street. The event is free. Space is limited. RSVP by September 20th to Melissa Shorey at [email protected] or 212-821-9227. The Conversion of Saint John XXIII: From Roncalli to the First Pope of the Contemporary World. This forum will explore why the man remembered as “the Good Pope” still resonates with the faithful, and asks if Pope Francis is indeed his natural heir. Sponsored by the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture. Monday, September 23rd at 6:00 PM. 12th-floor, E. Gerald Corrigan Conference Center, 113 W. 60th Street. Free and open to the public. RSVP: 212-636-7347 or [email protected] Joanne Cunneen, M.A., M.S. Director (212) 861-4764 St. Ignatius Loyola Grammar School Pastoral Associates Joanne Cunneen Kathryn King, F.S.P. Assisting Priests (Sunday) Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. Rev. James Martin, S.J. Rev. Anthony P. SooHoo, S.J. Music Ministries Scott Warren, Director Nancianne Parrella Robert Reuter Michael Sheetz Maureen Haley Philip Anderson Sara Murphy, Administrator Staff information: on the website at music/music staff Assistant to the Pastor Diane M. Boyle Administrative Assistant Patricia Schneider Director of Facilities Czeslaw “Chester” Ciupinski Asst. to the Director of Facilities Caroline Fernandes Treasurer Fernando Castro Ms. Mary Larkin, Principal M.S. Ed. (Admin.), M.S. Ed. (Literacy) 48 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 (212) 861-3820 Fax: (212) 879-8248 St. Ignatius Loyola Day Nursery Ms. Theodora Crist, M.S. Executive Director 240 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 (212) 734-6427 Fax: (212) 734-6972 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sundays at the 9:30 AM Mass and the 11:00 AM Mass in Wallace Hall. Centering Prayer: Mondays at 6:30 PM Confessions: 5:00 PM Saturday or by appointment. Communal Penance Services are celebrated during Advent and Lent. Baptisms: Please call Joanne Cunneen Weekday Masses at the Parish House to arrange for a Baptism and the preparation given prior to Baptism. Monday-Friday 8:30 AM, 12:10 PM and 5:30 PM Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Contact Maureen Fullam, M.A., Saturday: 8:30 AM Masses for Next Weekend: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Open House: Regis High School, an all-scholar8:00 AM ship Jesuit secondary school for Catholic boys, Sunday: 9:30 AM announces its Open House for 8th graders and their parents: Wednesday, October 9th, 5:30 Wallace Hall 11:00 AM – 8:30 PM. For additional information, contact Solemn 11:00 AM Eric Di Michele, Director of Admissions, at 212 7:30 PM 288-1100 or [email protected] Music Information: (212) 288-2520 Director, at the Parish House. Fr. Ugo Fr. Feely Fr. Ugo Fr. Judge Fr. Witt Fr. Witt (212) 288-3588 Religious Education for Children PARISH STAFF Mary Manning Walsh Home Volunteer Association 26th Annual Walk-A-Thon. Saturday, September 21st. Walkers leave Mary Manning Pastor Walsh Home at 9:30 AM for Central Park. Pets Rev. George M. Witt, S.J. are also welcome without charge. Fees: $15 for Associate Pastors adults, $12 for children (waived if $60 or more is Rev. William J. Bergen, S.J. collected from sponsors). For further informa- Rev. Thomas H. Feely, S.J. tion, contact Sr. Michael Mary at 212-628-2800. Rev. Ugo R. Nacciarone, S.J. Seven Secrets to Landing a Job: Free Job Search Workshop: Presented by International Career Expert Rod Colón. Saturday, September 21st. 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Church of St. Francis of Assisi Job Seekers Outreach Ministry. San Damiano Hall, 129 West 31st Street. To register, or for more information, call 212-736-8500, ext. 357 or [email protected] • Marriages: The Bride or Groom should call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House to begin preparation for Marriage, normally one year in advance. Visits to the Sick: Please contact the Parish House between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Email: [email protected]
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