For High School Bowlers
For High School Bowlers
Exp JULY 8 -10 For High School Bowlers 2015 Collegiate CHICAGO ILLINOIS AREA Featured Coaches: High School Bowlers – Greatness Awaits at the 5th Annual Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo in Joliet, Illinois this summer. Hosted in the neighboring suburbs of Chicago just days prior to the 2015 USBC Junior Gold, The Collegiate Expo V is a comprehensive educational program and recruiting platform for high school bowlers and offers great value for parents and collegiate coaches too. Diandra Asbaty Nebraska University Jeff Carter Tour Champion Unlike combine-style camps, students get 2 full days of on-lane and classroomstyle instruction with some of the best coaches and professional athletes in the sport. Parents and collegiate coaches get in on the action with various seminars presented by industry experts. The Collegiate Expo V concludes with a 6 game Audition Tournament where students compete in front of a captive audience of college coaches followed by an Open House. This is your opportunity to gather and exchange information on various bowling programs and scholarship opportunities. Jason Couch PBA Hall of Fame Carolyn Dorin-Ballard West Texas Del Ballard PBA Hall of Fame Mike Fagan St. John’s University Clara Guerrero Wichita State Dr. Dean Hinitz Sport Psychologist Bob Learn Jr. Tour Champion Amleto Monacelli PBA Hall of Fame Bill O’Neill Saginaw Valley State Jordan Vanover Turbo Tech Head Coach This is the ONE event that everyone is talking about, The Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo! Space is limited. Take advantage of Early Bird Savings ONLY through April 30. NEW on-line registration available in February. We look forward to seeing you this summer! “ Sincerely, Lori Mraz – President “ I attended bowling camps before but Turbo College Expo blows them all away. You get first class coaching from some of the best bowlers in the world. Turbo helped me get recruited and signed with a Division 1 college. I’m looking forward to returning to this year’s Turbo Tech! ” Lindsey Rosen, Troy NY Louisiana Tech University, Class 2018 As a former collegiate bowler and now collegiate coach, I wish this program was around when I was a high school student. Not only does it give me access to potential recruits and their families but the coaching that these bowlers are receiving from your staff is extremely helpful as they make that transition from high school to collegiate bowling. ” Jody Fetterhoff Head Coach Women Adrian College, Michigan “ It was perfect timing to attend the Collegiate Expo just before the Junior Gold tournament. My daughter took everything she learned at the Collegiate Expo and put it good use at the tournament. She had a great showing at Junior Gold, and based on her performances at both the Collegiate Expo and Junior Gold, she was recruited by multiple top schools. Hilary Knight, Richland, Michigan Like Us on Facebook NEW Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo page Turbo 2-N-1 Grips ” n 800.530.9878 STUDENTS >> Program for PARENTS >> P ro g r a m f or STUDENTS DAY ONE: Wednesday, July 8 - Physical Game 9:00 am - Noon Student Registration (MANDATORY for ALL STUDENTS) Mega Ball Demo & Product Showcase (Parents, Guests & Collegiate Coaches welcome) Photo booth sponsored by: Columbia 300 Noon - 1:30 pm Welcome Reception Luncheon (Included in Student Registration Fee) 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Groups A & B On Lanes Spare Shooting Assessment Test 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Group A On Lanes with Coaching Staff 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Group B in Class - Physical Game 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm Group A in Class - Physical Game 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm Group B On Lanes with Coaching Staff 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Pursuing Junior Team USA DAY TWO: Thursday, July 9 - Mental Game & Lane Play 9:00 am - 10:30 am Groups A & B On Lanes with Dr. Dean 10:30 am - Noon Groups A & B in Class - Lane Play & Ball Motion Noon - 1:00 pm Lunch provided on-site (Included in Student Registration Fee) 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Groups A On Lanes with 3 Junior Gold Patterns 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Group B in Class - Ball Technology and Lane Surface 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Group B On Lanes with 3 Junior Gold Patterns 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Group A in Class - Ball Technology and Lane Surface 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Groups A & B On Lanes with Dr. Dean - Mental Game DAY THREE: Friday, July 10 - Audition Tournament 9:00 am - 9:30 am Bowlers Practice Session 9:30 am - 1:30 pm Audition Scholarship Tournament - Sponsored by: Logo Infusion On-site review of competition and bowler performance 2:00 pm Scholarships Award Presentation & Closing Remarks 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm Open House; Bowlers/Parents and Coaches meet to discuss college bowling program and scholarship opportunities PARENTS DAY ONE: Wednesday, July 8 9:00 am - Noon Student Registration (MANDATORY for ALL STUDENTS) Mega Ball Demo & Product Showcase (Parents, Guests & Collegiate Coaches Welcome) Photo booth sponsored by: Columbia 300 Noon - 1:30 pm Welcome Luncheon - additional fee $15 each/parents & guests 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Seminar - Helping Your Athlete Match Up in Tournament Competition, Understanding Lane Surface & Ball Technology presented by brand experts from Brunswick, Ebonite, Kegel and Storm 6:00pm - 6:30 pm Pursuing Junior Team USA DAY TWO: Thursday, July 9 10:30 am - Noon Seminar - Tips for Submitting Student’s Collegiate Bowling Resume, presented by Gary Sparks, Asst. Professor - Bowling Center Mgmt. Vincennes University Noon - 1:00 pm Lunch on own 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Seminar - Effective Parenting for Top Performance presented by Dr. Dean Hinitz DAY THREE: Friday, July 10 - Audition Tournament 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm Open House; Bowlers/Parents and Coaches meet to discuss college bowling program and scholarship opportunities n 800.530.9878 COACHES >> Program for Collegiate COACHES DAY ONE: Wednesday, July 8 9:00 am - Noon Student Registration (MANDATORY for ALL STUDENTS) Mega Ball Demo & Product Showcase (Parents, Guests & Collegiate Coaches Welcome) Photo booth sponsored by: Columbia 300 Noon - 1:30 pm Welcome Luncheon - additional fee $15 each/coach 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Seminar - Helping Your Athlete Match Up in Tournament Competition, Understanding Lane Surface & Ball Technology presented by brand experts from Brunswick, Ebonite, Kegel and Storm 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Pursuing Junior Team USA DAY TWO: Thursday, July 9 10:30 am - Noon Seminar - Effective Coaching for Top Performance presented by Dr. Dean Hinitz Noon - 1:00 pm Lunch on own 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Seminar - Building a Powerhouse Team presented by Rod Ross, Head Coach Team USA, and Del Warren, Head Coach Webber International Girls 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Coaches Round Table - Moderated by Carolyn Dorin-Ballard 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Set up for Open House - Each Registered College will have table display to conference with students/parents and distribute program materials. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Dinner Reception. Collegiate Coaches only. Sponsored by: Rolltech DAY THREE: Friday, July 10 - Audition Tournament 9:30 am - 1:30 pm Audition Scholarship Tournament - Sponsored by: Logo Infusion Review student performance in competitive environment 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm Open House; Bowlers/Parents and Coaches meet to discuss college bowling program and scholarship opportunities COACHES Registration Form Additional Name: __________________________________________________________________ Coach Attending: ______________________________________ University Name: ________________________________________________________ q Men q Women q NCAA q NAIA q _________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________ Phone: _______ - _______ - __________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________________________________ I wish to attend: q Mega Ball Demo & Product Showcase (Weds) q Welcome Luncheon (Weds) $15/person q Ball & Surface Technology Seminar (Weds) q Effective Coaching Seminar (Thurs) q Powerhouse Team Building (Thurs) q Coaches Roundtable (Thurs) q Coaches Dinner Reception (Thurs) q Audition Tournament & Open House (Friday) Coaches Registration Fee (A) Standard Registration $159 – Includes comprehensive binder of all student portfolios, 1 ticket to Coaches Dinner Reception (Thurs), Display Table at the Open House to display college brochures and information about your bowling program. (A) Premium Registration $299 – Includes Standard Registration PLUS $299 product credit for your bowling program. (B) Welcome Luncheon (Weds) $15/person x _____ = ______ (C) Additional Coaches Dinner Reception ticket $40 Total Due: (A) __________ + (B) __________ + (C) __________ = ________________ Method of Payment: q Visa q MasterCard q Discover Print Name as it appears on card:__________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________ Card # __________ - __________ - __________ - __________ Exp _____ /______ Code: __________ Please make checks payable to 2-N-1 Grips, Inc. Mail completed registration form and payment to: Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo, 46460 Continental Dr., Chesterfield, MI 48047 or Email completed form to: [email protected]. NEW On-line registration available at starts February 2015. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you within 48 hours of registration form receipt. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION E-MAIL, WE DID NOT RECEIVE YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. PLEASE CALL 800.530.9878. n 800.530.9878 STUDENT Registration Form – DEADLINE May 31, 2015 July 8 -10, 2015, Joliet Town & Country Lanes, Joliet, Illinois – See Event Schedule inside. In addition to the educational opportunity for high school bowlers, the primary objective of the Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo is to build a recruiting platform for high school bowlers and colleges offering bowling scholarships. Bowlers will have the chance to showcase their talents in front of a captive audience of collegiate coaches from around the country. >> Student Registration includes: 2 full days of on-lane and classroom instruction with some of the best professional athletes and coaches in the industry, lunch weds & thurs, jersey from Logo Infusion, one year paid subscription to The Bowlers Journal and gift bag. Your Recruiting Profile The student information provided below will be shared with all registered collegiate coaches for recruiting purposes. It is important you provide the best contact information including e-mail and phone. Updates to GPA, ACT, Declared Major or Current USBC Average can be made through May 30, 2015. After registration closing, updated information can b e submitted directly to coaches at event. Early Bird Registration thru April 30th – ONLY $359 SAVE $30 Registration limited to 168 students. Register Today! Student Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________________ Phone: _______ - _______ - _________________ Student E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________ q R-Handed q L-Handed q 2-Handed High School Bowling Team: ____________________________________________________________ *USBC 2014-2015 Average: _________________ Coach High School Coach: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______ - _______ - _________________ Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________________Parent/Guardian E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Declared Major: ______________________________ GPA: ____________ ACT Score: ____________ Most colleges will not accept ACT scores lower or less than 17. Grade Level 2015-2016 School Year__________________________________ Student Date of Birth: ______ / ______ / ______ q Male q Female All Students will be provided with a custom jersey by Logo Infusion. For specific size chart with chest and length measurements, go to JERSEYS ARE NOT EXCHANGEABLE OR RETURNABLE ON-SITE. Please take time to ensure you are selecting a size that will be most comfortable for tournament competition. Male Size: q S q M q L q XL q 2X Female Size: q XS q S q M q L q XL q 2X (A) Student Registration Fee: $359 Early Bird by April 30th or $389 Standard Registration thru May 31st (B) Additional tickets for Welcome Reception Lunch Wednesday afternoon (parents/siblings/other): _________ x $15 = _________ (C) Personalized Backname added to Jersey $10. Name to appear: _________________________________________________________ Please Print Total Due: (A) __________ + (B) __________ + (C) __________ = ________________ Method of Payment: q Visa q MasterCard q Discover Print Name as it appears on card:__________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________ Card # __________ - __________ - __________ - __________ Exp _____ /______ Security Code: __________ Please make checks payable to: 2-N-1 Grips, Inc. A parent or legal guardian must complete registration form. If registering more than one student, please complete separate form. Please print all information. Registration deadline is May 31, 2015. No walk-in registrations will be accepted. Mail completed registration form and payment to: Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo, 46460 Continental Dr., Chesterfield, MI 48047 or Email completed form to: [email protected]. NEW On-line registration available at starts February 2015. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you within 48 hours of registration form receipt. Confirmation will include your Student Bowler ID. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION E-MAIL, WE DID NOT RECEIVE YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. PLEASE CALL 800.530.9878. Disclaimer and Liability Release: 1) Student is enrolled as High School Grade 10-12 for 2015-2016 school year or is a 2015 graduate. 2) Turbo has permission to forward student’s personal data including photos and/or video to registered coaches. 3) Turbo reserves the right to use student photos and video for promotional purposes which includes sharing student photos and video with event sponsors for promotional use. As parent or legal guardian for student, I claim student is fit for all physical endeavors and that student is covered under my primary insurance policy. I authorize 2-N-1 Grips Inc. dba Turbo Bowling Accessories, its personnel and contracted event staff to request emergency medical treatment or care deemed necessary for the well being of student during outlined event. I accept terms and conditions of Turbo Disclaimer and Liability Release statement above: Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________ *Enrollment limited to 168 bowlers. High school students grade level 10-12 for 2015-2016 school year or graduated seniors 2015. A minimum entering average of 190+ for guys and 175+ for girls is suggested for best recruiting consideration. n 800.530.9878 SPONSORS Exhibits and on lane product demonstrations offered by: TM METRO DETROIT Travel Information Hosting Venue: Joliet Town & Country Lanes 2231 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60435 • Ph. 815.725.1231 Hotels: Bolingbrook, IL Hampton Inn & Suites Bolingbrook SpringHill Suites Chicago Bolingbrook 165 Remington Blvd. 125 Remington Blvd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630.759.7100630.759.0529 Rate $139 Tues-Weds, $99 Thursday + tax Rate $144.95 + tax Rates expire June 7, 2015 Rate expires June 8, 2015 Please mention Turbo Tech Collegiate Expo upon booking. BOOK EARLY! Space is limited. All registered students will receive a Custom Jersey from Logo Infusion included in the cost of registration. $75 value! Video Capture Service Mike Shady, former PBA Tour Professional and a BJI Top 100 Coach 2005-2014, will be offering video capture services for students. Sessions are scheduled by appointment ONLY, in-advance or on-site, Weds & Thurs, July 8-9th, starting at 9:30a-6:30p each day. Video will be captured from back and side view with brief analysis by Coach Mike. Sessions are $20 each and include CD/DVD of session. Fee paid directly to Coach Mike on site. Space is limited to 36 students/day. Call 800.530.9878 to schedule appointment. n 800.530.9878
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