November 8, 2015 - New Castle Catholic Community
November 8, 2015 - New Castle Catholic Community
THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN NEW CASTLE DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH VICARIATE 4—DISTRICT 1 November 8, 2015 WWW.CATHOLICNEWCASTLE.ORG The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time MARY, MOTHER OF HOPE PARISH 124 North Beaver Street New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-658-2564 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Sundays - 10:45 am—11:15am SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER PARISH 1111 South Cascade Street New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-658-1683 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Mondays - 5:15 pm—5:45 pm SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH 1 Lucymont Drive New Castle, PA 16102 Phone: 724-652-5829 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Saturdays - 5:00 pm—5:30 pm SAINT VITUS PARISH 910 South Mercer Street New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-652-3422 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Saturdays - 11:30 am—12:30 pm The Adoration Chapel in the Religious Education Building on North Beaver Street (across from St. Mary’s Church) is open for adoration and prayer. Anyone wishing to visit may come between dawn and dusk. Adoration Chapel Hours: Open Sunday at 1:00 PM until Monday at 4:00 PM Closed Monday 4:00 PM—7:00 PM (CCD) Open Monday 7:00 PM until Saturday 2:00 PM Those wishing to sign up for one hour per week—or every other week—or once a month—may do so by calling Vickie at 724-652-5829 x 8. Rev. Frank D. Almade Pastor Readings For the Week of November 9, 2015 Monday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 -- 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Wis 7:22b -- 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Electrical work began in St. Vitus Church on Monday, October 19th. The work is estimated to take 5 weeks. St. Vitus Church remains open for weekend liturgies. The 8:00 AM Monday and Wednesday Daily Masses will move to St. Vincent de Paul Church. The Friday Daily Mass will be celebrated in Fabbri Hall at St. Vitus School. Rev. Larry Adams Parochial Vicar Rev. William P. Siple Parochial Vicar The Catholic Community in New Castle Parish Directory Clergy Rev. Frank D. Almade, Pastor Rev. William P. Siple, Parochial Vicar Rev. Larry Adams, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Events and Meetings The complete four parish calendar of events can be found online at 724-652-3422 Rev. Joseph Pudichery, In Residence Pastoral Associate Lauren DeFelice [email protected] 724-652-3422 Business Manager Nancy Bonk [email protected] 724-652-3422 Bulletin Editor Susan Dexter [email protected] Bulletin Information Deadline: Fridays 12 NOON Mary, Mother of Hope Parish 724-658-2564 Fax—724-658-9024 Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Monday-Friday Janet Book, Office: 724-658-2564 x 10 [email protected] Susan Dexter, Office: 724-658-2564 x 11 [email protected] Sheryl Skowronski, CCD: 724-658-2564 x 21 [email protected] James M. Hackett, Music: 724-658-2564 x24 [email protected] St. Joseph the Worker Parish 724-658-1683 Fax—724-654-7076 Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Monday-Friday Rosemary Colgrove, Office: 724-658-1683 [email protected] Sheryl Skowronski, CCD: 724-698-7136 [email protected] James M. Hackett, Music: 724-658-2564 x 24 [email protected] ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Monday, November 9, 2015 Nut Roll Prep MMOH Parish Center 9:00am CCD St. Joseph the Worker (Grades 1-6) MMOH CCD Building 5:00pm—6:15pm Adult Catholic Education Program "Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible" Added Question & Answer Session MMOH Marian Room 7:00pm to 8:30pm 2016 Mass Books Open—City Parishes ♦ ♦ Tuesday, November 10, 2015 St. Vitus Gift Shop 10:00am—3:00pm Nut Roll Baking MMOH Parish Center 4:00pm ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ St. Vincent de Paul Parish 724-652-5829 Fax—724-656-0413 Office Hours: 8:30 AM-1:30 PM Monday-Thursday Mary Ann Salmon, Office: 724-652-5829 x 3 [email protected] Steven Empfield, Office: 724-652-5829 x 5 [email protected] Edna Hill, Safe Environment: 724-652-5829 x 6 [email protected] Vicki Onufrak, Music: 724-652-5829 x 8 [email protected] St. Vitus Parish 724-652-3422 Fax—724-652-2322 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Gift Shop: 724-654-8851 Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Monday-Friday Cheryl Passerrello, Office: 724-652-3422 [email protected] Joyce Sapienza, CCD: 724-654-9371 Louis Bosco, Jr. High CCD: 724-923-4190 [email protected] Sandra DeCarbo, Music: 724-652-3894 Marcia Miot, Music: 724-652-8234 Your Church Contribution Envelopes may be dropped off at any parish—please be sure that the parish name is on the outside of the envelope. Online giving is also available—visit your parish website for more information. Our Campaign for the Church Alive! payments should be directed to: Our Campaign for the Church Alive, Diocese of Pittsburgh, PO Box 4, Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0004. Sunday, November 8, 2015 CCD Mary, Mother of Hope (K-6)10:00am—11:15am CCD St. Vitus (Grades K-6) 10:00am—11:15am Jr. High CCD St. Vitus School 11:30am-1:30pm St. Vitus Gift Shop 10:00am—Noon T.G.I.F Faith Night St. Vincent de Paul 6:00-8:00pm ♦ Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Nut Rolls: Package & Sell MMOH Parish Center 10:00am-2:00pm 500 Card Club MMOH Marian Room 1:00pm St. Vitus Handbell Choir Practice 6:00pm—7:00pm St. Vitus Choir Rehearsals 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Choir Rehearsals 7:00pm Knights of Columbus #512 MMOH Parish Center 7:30pm Thursday, November 12, 2015 St. Vitus Gift Shop 10:00am to 3:00pm Mary, Mother of Hope Thursday Night BINGO (Kitchen Opens at 5:00 PM; Early Bird Bingo @ 6:30 PM; Regular Bingo @ 7:00 PM) Teacher Training Morality: Life in Christ St. Vitus Parish 6:30pm to 9:30pm St. Vitus School Float in Light-Up Night Parade Saturday, November 14, 2015 Anointing of the Sick Mass 6:00pm St. Vincent de Paul church Dates To Remember Wednesday, November 11th Veteran’s Day Thursday, November 12th Light-Up Night, New Castle Saturday, November 14th 10:00 AM—4:00 PM 4th Annual Craft Show Christ the King, Hillsville November 8, 2015 Faithful Chronicles By Father Frank D. Almade On Mission for the Church Alive! is on the move. This planning and evangelical outreach initiative was begun by Bishop Zubik more than two years ago. Much of its work has been “behind the scenes.” I served on the preparatory commission for three years, during which we reviewed the current statistics of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, future projections for priests, lay ecclesial ministers and people, models of parish ministry from around the country, and what outcomes we wanted to make happen. One of the decisions the commission recommended, and Bishop Zubik accepted, was that the current diocesan staff is stretched to the max with ordinary ministry, and that the diocese should engage a planning consultant for this special project. In January the Catholic Leadership Institute of Philadelphia was hired to accompany the bishop, the leadership commission, and the people and priests of the diocese for On Mission for the Church Alive! CLI ( ) is well known to our diocese, as it has organized the Good Leaders, Good Shepherds and Tending the Talents projects. I completed the second GLGS cohort three years ago, and Father Larry Adams began the fourth GLGS group two weeks ago. (GLGS uses excellent business practices to teach priests and deacons how to pastor more effectively.) For the past year, and continuing The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time into 2016, Bishop Zubik exhorts us to pray for On Mission ( We do that using the prayer at the conclusion of the Prayers of the Faithful at all Masses, in the Adoration Chapel, and in our personal intentions. Prayer is an essential part of this planning initiative, in which we open ourselves to the creativity of the Holy Spirit and the will of the Father. The next step in On Mission is forming and training a parish team. Each pastor is being asked to suggest six active parishioners who will form a parish team to lead consultations with their parishioners. Deadline for submission of names of team members is the end of February. In April each team member will be required to attend a training session led by CLI and diocesan staff. Then in the second half of 2016, each parish team will conduct listening sessions within its parish, and share the results with the priests, pastoral and finance council members, and other teams in their cluster and district. Also over the winter, CLI will conduct one-on-one listening sessions with active priests, deacons, and lay ecclesial ministers. The goal of all these listening sessions is to have the parish teams in each district make recommendations for the future leadership of parishes. This will happen early in 2017. This consultation will proceed “from the ground up” through parish teams, to district meetings, to the regional vicar and ultimately to the bishop. If necessary more consultations will be held. Finally, about two years from now the bishop will confirm or adjust the rec- ommendations for parish leadership for the future. What does this mean for us? Our district (the eight parishes in Lawrence County) is already a pilot program for On Mission. We are using two newer models of parish leadership: the deacon administrator model (with Deacon John Carran leading Christ the King Parish, HillsvilleBessemer, and St. James the Apostle Parish, Pulaski, along with Father Phil Farrell as priest director and four nearby priests as sacramental ministers), and the one-pastor-for-multipleparishes model, with myself as pastor of our four parishes, supported by two parochial vicars and parish staff. There are other models of ministry available. Each of the 21 districts in the diocese will have its parish teams look at all available models, in light of four criteria—being missionaries to the unchurched and fallen away; caring for our active faithful; being financially viable; sharing the clergy equitably throughout the diocese. What about right now? Pray for the bishop, diocesan staff, CLI consultants, and all 200 parishes and 650,000 Catholics in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Pray for the success of On Mission for the Church Alive! Pray that we be willing to think “outside the box,” act courageously, and position our parish communities and institutions for growth. Keep yourself informed by reading the On Mission column on page 5 of the Pittsburgh Catholic, and our parish bulletin. Love your Catholic faith and your church by sharing your prayer, time, talent and treasure with your parish. Anointing of the Sick Mass Saturday, November 14th 6:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Church, Mahoningtown Be a part of this Mass as our Faith Community prays for those in need of this beautiful sacrament! If you wish to be anointed, you must RSVP to Mary Ann @ 724-652-5829 Ext. 3 The Catholic Community in New Castle Mary, Mother of Hope Parish The Tabernacle Lamp burns this week for: Ryan Peter Chlebowski by Parents Mass Schedule Nut Roll Sale The Christian Mothers/Ladies Guild of Mary, Mother of Hope No November Meeting: We will make Nut Rolls November 9th & 10th in the Parish Center at Mary, Mother of Hope Sunday November 8th—The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Thomas & Betty Schooley (Ken & Jan Schooley) 11:30 am Ron Bobek (Wife &Family) Wednesday November 11th—Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop 7:00 am Joseph Sheldone (Anthony Gallucci) Friday 7:00 am November 13th—Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Dr. Nick Viray, Brian Viray & Ashley Viray (Olette & Nicole Viray) All Volunteers Are Welcome! On Monday November 9th we will Prepare Filling 9:00 AM—Finish On Tuesday, November 10th we will Roll and Bake 4:00 PM—Finish Please Bring Your Rolling Pins! Sunday November 15th—The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Anna Mae Finnerty (Barbara Raeburn) Gregory Paul Marshall Jr. (Mom, Dad, Scott, Jenny & Rachel) 11:30 am James J. Fee (Family) On Wednesday, November 11th we will Package and Sell 10:00 AM—2:00 PM Nut Rolls will also be for sale after the Sunday Masses on November 15th Price is $12 per Nut Roll Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those who have passed from this life. Clara Telesz Ministry Schedule November 15th 8:00 Mass Lector: B. McVicker Eucharistic Ministers: E. Hill, K. Johnson, M. Klamer Altar Servers: A. Stone, C. Stone 11:30 Mass Lector: P. Latsko Eucharistic Ministers: M. Janacone, N. Kolodziej, S.Latsko Altar Server: H. Harcar, H. Harcar William R. Fry Pierogie Project Schedule Mary, Mother of Hope Ladies Guild Prayer Chain Please call Carol @ 724-698-7376 The Prayer Chain would love to be updated on how those prayed for are doing! Mondays 3:00 PM until Done Tuesdays 9:00 AM until Done Upcoming Work Dates: November 16th & 17th November 30th & December 1st Financial Stewardship: Mary, Mother of Hope Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….……………...…..$ Weekly Offering Loose Money……………………………….$ Total Offering 10/25/15...…..………………………...……..$ Electronic Giving 10/19—10/23/15……..………………..$ 5,390.00 730.10 6,120.10 100.28 Families Registered in Parish: 1,325 Number of Envelopes Used: 380 2015 Parish Share Goal…………………………………………...$ 84,990.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week…………………....$ 150.00 Parish Share Total Paid…………………………………….……...$ 78,869.04 Amount Needed to 2015 Goal…………………………….…...$ 6,120.96 Easterfest 2016 We are in need of leaders for our 2016 Easterfest. (March 19, 2016) It will be here before we know it! We need many volunteers in order to have a successful event. There is work for everyone! Your help is needed! Please call the rectory at 724-658-2564 x 10 for more information The Catholic Community in New Castle Ministry Schedule November 15th 9:30am Mass: Lector: J. Graziani Eucharistic Ministers: J. Fronius, T. George, R. Stachowiak Altar Servers: S. Graziani, J. Medved, L. Medved Joint Choir Rehearsal for the St. Joe’s & Mary, Mother of Hope Choirs Thursdays in St. Joe’s Choir Loft. New Members Welcome! Contact Jim Hackett @ 724-658-2564 Ext. 24 Stellan Graham Saari Son of Ryan & Kristen (Letera) Saari Mary Martha Guild The next meeting of the Mary Martha Guild will be held on Wednesday, November 18th. All ladies are invited. Please bring your Rosaries. Social Committee Chair is Louise Widdowfield Save the Date: The Mary Martha Guild Christmas Dinner (Catered by Hill House) will be held in the St. Joseph the Worker Social Hall on Wednesday December 9th at 5:30 PM. Cost of the dinner is $12 For Reservations, call Dolly @ 724-658-7238 or Vincie @ 724-658-1788 Please pray for all men and women who are serving our country both at home and abroad. May the Holy Spirit be with them and protect them from harm. Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those who have passed from this life. Richard D. DiCaprio, Jr. Desdemona M. Colecchi Joseph L. Colecchi St. Joseph the Worker Parish To have a Tabernacle Lamp lighted In Memory of or In Honor of a loved one, please call your parish office. Mass Schedule Sunday November 8th—The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Joseph Evanoski (Marilyn Neve) 9:30 am Monday 6:00 pm November 9th—The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Deceased Members of Joe & Jessie Trivilino Family (Daughter, Delores Gagliardo) Tuesday 7:00 am November 10th—St. Leo the Great, Pope Reino Chiaverini (John, Joann, Jesse & Nick Valentino) Sunday November 15th—The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Anthony Medure (Ann Medure & Family) 9:30 am If you have the Mass Intention for the Sunday Mass, please let the ushers know if you plan to bring up the gifts. For Funeral Mercy Dinners, please call Kay Nocera @ 724-652-9564 Our Food Pantry is open the first and third Saturdays of the month from Noon to 1:00 PM. We have been serving over 40 families each time. A big thank you goes out to all those who volunteer their time, talent and treasure to the St. Joseph the Worker Food Pantry! Financial Stewardship: St. Joseph the Worker Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….……………………..$ Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………………….$ Total Offering 10/25/15....……..……………………………....$ Electronic Giving 10/19—10/23/15…...…………………….$ 3,315.00 183.00 3,498.00 230.00 Families Registered in Parish: 803 Number of Envelopes Used: 163 2015 Parish Share Goal…………………………………………...$ 55,856.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week…………………….$ 177.00 2015 Parish Share Total Paid……………………………………$ 35,339.00 Amount Needed to 2015 Goal………………………………….$ 20,517.00 The Catholic Community in New Castle The Tabernacle Lamp burns this week for: Helen Nastal by Ed & Judy (Dudek) Balmer Mass Schedule Saturday November 7th—Vigil—The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:00 pm Deceased Members of the Women of Faith (Women of Faith) Sunday November 8th—The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 am Ryan Chlebowski (Grandmother, Marie) For the Parishioners St. Vincent de Paul Parish Ministry Schedule November 14th & 15th 6:00 Mass Lector: T. Walczak Eucharistic Ministers: E. Hill, R. Perrotta, P. Lepore Altar Servers: J. Dominick, J. Dominick 10:00 Mass Lector: M. DeProspero Eucharistic Ministers: P. Jones, W. Jones, R. Carley Altar Servers: D. Data, D. Data Katelynn Jean Tressler Daughter of Daniel & Jessica Tressler Juliet Michelle Crawford Daughter of William & Rebecca Crawford Monday November 9th—The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00 am Cecilia Marie Fuleno (Mom, Dad & Vincent) Tuesday November 10th—St. Leo the Great, Pope 8:00 am Edward Kusnierz (Jessica, Brandon & Lynda Kusnierz) Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays, at 7:00 PM in St. Vincent de Paul Church. New Members Welcome! Call Vickie @ 724-652-5829 Ext. 8 for information. Wednesday November 11th—St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 8:00 am Angela G. Ross (Son, Joe) Thursday November 12th—St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr 8:00 am Helen Plonka (Brian & Sue Miller) Saturday November 14th—Vigil: The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:00 pm George & Sara Boyle (Chmura Grandchildren) Sunday November 15th—The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 am Edward Kusnierz (Jessica, Brandon & Lynda Kusnierz) Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those St. Vincent de Paul Women of Faith Schedule Sunday, December 6th 3:00 PM Women of Faith Christmas Dinner The Call Committee will call members for their reservations. Reservations must be in by November 24th. There will be no Women of Faith Meetings in January or February. Meetings will resume in March 2016 Nut Roll Bake Sale Schedule: who have passed from this life. Rose Tommasone Financial Stewardship: St. Vincent de Paul Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….……………………..$ 2,583.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………………….$ 214.80 Total Offering 10/25/15…………………...…………………….$ 2,797.80 Electronic Giving 10/19—10/23/15……….………………...$ 156.00 Second Collection: St. Vincent de Paul Society…………..$ 254.00 Families Registered in Parish: 894 Number of Envelopes Used: 150 2015 Parish Share Goal……………………………………………..$ 48,655.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week………………………$ 220.00 2015 Parish Share Total Paid……………………………………..$ 36,323.50 Amount Needed to 2015 Goal…………...……………………...$ 12,111.50 Men We Need Your Help: Women Students Donuts, Coffee, Lunch will be provided. High School Students can earn School Senior Project Hours We will set up and measure ingredients for the Nut Rolls Thursday, November 19th at 5:00 PM. We will make the Nut Rolls Saturday, November 21st at 9:00 AM. Nut Roll Pick-up will be Monday, November 23rd from 9:00 AM till 4:00 PM The Catholic Community in New Castle St. Vitus Parish Ministry Schedule November 14th—15th The Lamps burn this week for: 4:00 Mass Lector: L. Fulena Eucharistic Ministers: B. Ondako, S. Huff, R. Muraca, L. Litrenta, A. DeCarbo Altar Servers: Z. Ondako, G. Muraca, C. Litrenta Tabernacle Lamp, St. Vitus Church Anthony V. Venasco by Ruth Ann, Justin, Megan & Family 7:00 Mass Lector: S. DelPrincipe Eucharistic Ministers: P. Costa, W. Humphrey, S. Bullano, R. Doneluck, A. Scarnati Mary & Joseph Altar Lamp Bullano & Isabella Families by Anna Zumpella 9:00 Mass Lector: M. Marshall Eucharistic Ministers: T. Liverani, G. Fulena, S. Marshall, V. Fuleno, E. DeThomas Altar Servers: N. Dando, L. Lamb, J. Lamb Mass Schedule St. Vitus Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the loft. New Members are always welcome! For any questions about joining the choir, please contact Marcia Miot @ 724-652-8234 St. Vitus Gift Shop Saturday November 7th—Vigil: The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm 50th Wedding Anniversary of Joann & David Cain (Joe & Donna Giangiulio) Sunday 7:00 am 9:00 am 12 Maitland Street Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00 AM—3:00 PM New Sunday Hours: 10:00 AM—Noon Other times by appointment: 724-654-8851 St. Vitus Ladies Guild Pumpkin Rolls Pick-Up November 20th & 21st in Fabbri Hall 11:00 AM—3:00 PM $8 Each Call Carol @ 724-652-3212 for information. November 8th—The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Ralph & Christine Urian (Ron & Beverly Urian) Maria Colatruglio & Antonette & Michael Latella (Salvatore Colatruglio) Monday November 9th—The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00 am (Celebrated in St. Vincent de Paul Church) Wednesday November 11th—St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 8:00 am (Celebrated in St. Vincent de Paul Church) Friday 8:00 am November 13th—St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Domenick J. “Gabby” DeCaprio (Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren) Angel Tree The Angel Tree will be placed at the side altar rails the first Saturday and Sunday of Advent. Please tear off the bottom of the form and place it in the gift boxes with your name and telephone number. These gifts are for the elderly people of the parish. (Celebrated in Fabbri Hall, St. Vitus School) Saturday November 14th—Vigil: The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Helen DeVincentis (Son & Daughter) Financial Stewardship: St. Vitus Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….…………….$ Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………...$ Total Offering 10/25/15…………………..................$ Electronic Giving 10/19—10/23/15…………………$ 11,985.00 634.00 12,619.00 704.40 Families Registered in Parish: 1,575 Number of Envelopes Used: 635 2015 Parish Share Goal (Revised)……...…………….$ 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week…………..$ 2015 Parish Share Total Paid…………………………..$ Amount needed to 2015 Goal…………………………$ Sunday 7:00 am 9:00 am November 15th—The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time For the Parishioners Bonnie Appugliese (Anthony & Children) Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those 99,512.00 00.00 54,630.12 44,881.88 who have passed from this life. Anthony Nero Eugene M. Janovick Carmel Nocera Chester Toscano Joseph Chill Catholic Education in New Castle CCD Parents Reconciliation Meeting Reminder to all parents and guardians of 2nd Grade CCD students of Mary, Mother of Hope and St. Joseph the Worker: There will be a Reconciliation Meeting Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 PM in the St. Joseph the Worker church basement. All parents are expected to attend. (No Children, please.) Letters have been mailed out to all parents/guardians. For any questions, please call the CCD office at 724-698-1736. St. Vitus School: Pre-School, Kindergarten, Elementary 915 S. Jefferson Street New Castle, PA 16101 724-654-9297 Cathy R. Ryan, School Principal: 724-654-9297 Upcoming St. Vitus School Events: November 10th—Hard Rock Casino Bus Trip November 12th—Light Up Night Float November 20th—22nd—Christmas Festival The Rite of Acceptance and Welcome was celebrated at Jr. High CCD Schedule Sunday, November 8th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM three of the city parishes the weekend of October 24th Sunday, November 22nd 11:30 AM—1:30 PM the Catechumenate. In this rite the pre-catechumens are Sunday, December 6th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM Sunday, December 13th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM 2016 Sunday, January 10th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM Sunday, January 24th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM & 25th. The Rite marks the beginning of the period of gathered publicly for the first time and introduced to the Church community. They express their intention to respond to God’s call and follow the way of Christ. The Church accepts them as persons who intend to become her members. They then enter the period of Catechumenate. Our catechumens are Rachelle Kane from St. Joseph the Worker and Sherri Kettler from St. Vincent De- Sunday, February 7th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM Paul. These ladies will be baptized and receive Confirmation and (Confirmation Parents Meeting 5:00—6:00 PM) (MMOH Marian Room) Eucharist at the Easter Vigil in March. The candidates for Confir- Sunday, February 21st 11:30 AM—1:30 PM mation and Eucharist include: Jessica Cherichetti, St. Vitus; Sunday, March 6th 11:30 AM—1:30 PM Johnathon Puff, St. Joseph the Worker; Melissa Nonnemacher, Teens Growing In Faith Schedule Sunday, November 8th 6:00 PM—8:00 PM Faith Night, St. Vincent de Paul St. Vitus, and Maria Sansone, St. Vincent De Paul. Please encourage them on their faith journey. November 20th—22nd Fall Retreat, Camp Allegheny Sunday, December 6th 7:30 PM to the end of the first half Steeler Party MMOH Sunday, December 20th 6:00 PM—8:00 PM Christmas Party, St. Vincent de Paul Prevent Child Abuse: If you or a loved one were harmed in any way by a Catholic priest or employee of a Catholic church at any time, please contact the Diocese of Pittsburgh's Victim's Assistance Hotline at 1-888-808-1235. You may also call the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Abuse Hotline at 1-800-932-0313. The Catholic Church is committed to address every instance of child abuse, and to prevent this in the future. You need not carry this burden alone. The Catholic Community in New Castle Christ the King Parish 4th Annual Craft Show Saturday, November 14th St. Lawrence Church Hall, Hillsville, PA (Martin Kelly Spear Road) 10:00 AM—4:00 PM 40 Crafters & Vendors, Chinese Auction, 50/50 Raffle Free Admission & Parking Everyone is Invited! Special Guest: Mrs. Claus! She will have free activities, hand painting and pictures (with your own camera) Women’s Faith Sharing Group The Faith-Sharing Group is preparing for Advent sessions. There will be a pre-session on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 PM in the Marian Room at Mary, Mother of Hope Parish. Advent sessions begin on Tuesday, December 1st, also in the Marian Room. All Women are Welcome! Please Register at 724-656-0236 for free session materials. Final Baptism Class for 2015 Dining to Donate For St. Vitus School Wednesday, November 11th 11:00 AM—10:00 PM Starwood Rib & Steak House 1115 Butler Avenue Present this Coupon & 15% of your total bill will go to St. Vitus School Come out, enjoy a great meal and support St. Vitus School! Please contact the parish office of the church where the baptism will take place to register and for further information on baptizing your child and requirements for sponsors. Wednesday, December 9th 6:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul 724-652-5829 Ext. 3 The New Castle Music Club Chorus, Directed by Harry Cunningham, will present Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, November 29th at 3:00 PM in St. Vitus Church, 910 South Mercer Street, New Castle. Admission and Parking are free. (A free-will offering will be collected to help defray production costs.) Come and enjoy our 75th Anniversary Celebration. A reception will follow the performance. For more information, please visit our website at Save the Date! Catholic Family Christmas Party Sunday, December 6th 5:00—7:00 PM St. Lawrence Church Hall, Hillsville (Martin Kelly Spear Road) Fun for all ages: an Advent lesson, Crafts, the Christmas Story… and a special visit from a V.I.P.! We will share a potluck dinner, so bring your favorite dish. So that we may have enough crafts for the children, please RSVP to Cathy Frank @ 724-658-8132 Submissions to the bulletin for the Catholic Community in New Castle should be sent to: Susan Dexter (the Bulletin Editor) at [email protected]. Information may also be faxed to 724-658-9024 or mailed to 124 North Beaver Street, New Castle, PA 16101. Bulletin deadline is: Fridays at Noon 10 Days before the Sunday on which you wish the article to appear. Parish announcements have priority. NO articles will be accepted by phone or phone message, regardless of length. All articles submitted must be typed or printed legibly, and must include a phone number to allow for fact-checking. For Paid Ads, please call 1-800-945-6629. (JS Paluch) October 18, November 8, 2015 The TheTwenty-Ninth Thirty-SecondSunday SundayininOrdinary OrdinaryTime Time The 2016 Mass Book will open on Monday, November 9th. Mass intention sheets will available in the bulletin and on the website the weekend of November 7th and 8th. Masses will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a Mass, complete the Mass Intention Sheet and return it to the parish office of the parish where you are requesting the Mass by placing it in the collection basket, in person, or by mail. This year’s Mass Schedule has less Masses available for intentions due to the new Mass Schedule. Here are more options to remember your loved ones: ♦ Mass Intentions can be given to the retired priests. ♦ Intentions are needed for the local Nursing Home Masses. ♦ Intentions can be sent to the Missions. ♦ Tabernacle Lamps may be dedicated at each parish (St. Vitus Parish also offers a Mary & Joseph Lamp) and the Adoration Chapel for $25.00. ♦ Hymnal Dedication Bookplates are available at all parishes for $20.00. (form is also on Traveling? Looking for a Mass? Visit BULISCO CONSTRUCTION, LLC DINE-IN TAKE-OUT Residential & Commercial Construction and Renovation, Plumbing & Sewer Inspection, Electrical, Masonry, and Concrete “Family Owned & Operated” • Fully Insured 116 South Wayne Street • New Castle, PA 16102 Dogs ✦ Cats ✦ Hamsters Guinea Pigs ✦ Rabbits ✦ Ferrets and select Small Birds (724) 698-7115 • 24 HR. PHONE (724) 944-0995 [email protected] 827 ADDIS ST. 724-658-9260 ALSO TRY OUR NEW LOCATION Dr.Maureen Altman • Dr.Erin Snyder • Dr.Barbara Harrington CEDAR NORTH PIZZA 1101 HIGHLAND AVE. TAKE-OUT DELIVERY ONLY (724) 656-0980 724-652-7657 143 State Rt. 18, New Wilmington, PA 16142 JOHN KARSKI Owner 724-652-2341 • BURGLAR • FIRE • MEDICAL • ACCESS • CAMERAS Timothy M. McGonigle, F.D., Supervisor • J. Bradley McGonigle III, F.D. [email protected] 2539 Wilmington Road New Castle, PA 16105 Karen McGonigle Murphy, F.D. PRO-LIFE Just like you ALL Unborn Children Have A RIGHT TO LIFE 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (C) 24 HOUR Local 911 & Noga’s Monitoring Your Best Choice for Physical Therapy NORMAN A. GABRIEL, PT (724) 654-2444 FAX (724) 656-1265 8 North Mill Street New Castle, PA 16101 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Castle Builders Supply, Inc. – CONCRETE – Concrete Block • Builders - Supplies Jim Carna Owner/President 1409 Moravia St. • New Castle (724) 658-5656 1325 Broadway Ave. • Hermitage (724) 981-4212 305 Steel Street • Aliquippa (724) 375-0555 VALENTINO CHEESE & DAIRY CO. (724) 654-6777 100 Perry Hwy., Suite 109 Harmony, PA 16037 Phone: 724-473-8080 Mechanical, Inc. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATION SERVICE ESTIMATES BUSINESS PHONE P.O. BOX 231 (724) 528-1133 WEST MIDDLESEX, PA 16159 OHIO: (330) 542-2914 FAX: (724) 528-0321 Cialella & Carney Floral Designs & Giftware “We love what we do!” Quality & Service Since 1943 1006 S. Mill St. New Castle, PA 16101 email: info@ 724-652-8412 LAW OFFICES of CARMEN F. LAMANCUSA, P.C. 724-652-4401 Carmen F. Lamancusa, Parishioner A full Service Firm Serving the Community MONDAY-FRIDAY 7-7 • SATURDAY & SUNDAY 8-3 414 N. Jefferson St., New Castle 10% OFF Total Purchase Support Your Church & Bulletin. S. Mill Street at E. Long Ave. New Castle R D O ’S L O M B AE CARY H T APO Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Get Spoiled at Southpoint! Area’s Premier Personal Care Home. 24 hour care Call Cindy Schaefer 800.945.6629 Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription Phone 724-654-8100 (724) 658-3758 Southpoint at Jameson Personal Care Home Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. 2409 WILMINGTON RD 3198 West Pittsburgh Rd. • New Castle, PA HILL HOUSE RESTAURANT SHARON 724-347-4411 NEW LOCATION Board Certified Pathologist Pain Management $1.00 Off Happy Hour Specials from 4-6 218 West Moody Ave. 724-658-6367 New Castle, PA 16101 Fax 724-652-1109 GROVE CITY 724-458-6980 NEW MENU J. FRED STONER, M.D., P.C. Fax: 724-473-8072 NEW CASTLE 724-658-7111 (724) 658-3380 Germani’s Jewelry provided by licensed nurses. Activities Director. Family Style Dining. Call 724-658-9262 for a personalized tour. If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! 39 N. Mercer St., New Castle 652-6861 ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! Home Helpers provides your loved ones with care at home, in retirement communities, nursing homes wherever we are needed! • Grocery Shopping • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Companionship • Errand Services • Meal Preparation Caregivers are bonded and insured. Dr. Joseph J. Berkely Dr. Marilyn K. Berkely Dr. Christopher J. Berkely Michael Morici Optometrists 142 Enclave Dr., New Castle, PA 16105 Eye Associates, LLC 724-658-1781 “For All Your Glass Needs” 1064 Beckford Street 724.654.7241 New Castle, PA 16101 800.478.8188 [email protected] Fax: 724.654.6231 Locally Owned for 4 Generations 724-652-5379 John & Amy DeSanti, Owners 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (B) Matthew Morici 800.393.9954 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Ed & Don DeCarbo 3000 Wilmington Road VINCE E. FULENO 941 South Mill Street DONALD G. DECARBO Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. Supervisor 724-658-4711 • M & M FLOOR Uneeda Tire COVERING “When Uneeda Change” 1007 Moravia St. • New Castle, PA 16101 George Liskooka Owner 724.654.8473 Carpet - No-Wax Vinyl - Ceramic Tile Accent Rugs - Vertical Blinds - Pergo Laminated Flooring 102 Plaza South Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. 654-0886 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 201 S. Jefferson St. New Castle, PA 16101 CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Thursdays 8:30 AM-7:00 PM New Castle’s “Best of the Best” Family Practice Associates of Western Pennsylvania, P.C. Cascade Park CLAW 800-566-6150 • INC ELECTRICAL & HIGH TECH CONTRACTORS RANDY CLAUSE New Castle, PA Joann Lamb, M.D. Travis Bessell, PA-C (724) 656-1223 email: [email protected] Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Comprehensive primary care: - Immunizations: child & adult - Ultrasound testing - Cardiac stress testing - Allergy testing & shots 188 Enclave Drive, New Castle, PA 16105 Phone: (724) 657-3221 Fax: (724) 657-3223 Keystone Specialty Co. Supervisor For further information, please call the Parish Office. The Most Complete One Stop Party Shop Online National Birthday - Graduation - Wedding - Communion - Showers Chris DeJoseph, Owner Directory of 1029 S. Mill St., New Castle, PA 16101 • [email protected] Check It Out Today! 724.652.7600 BUSINESS DELIVERY ONLY 10% OFF Home or Office • 10 or More Family Style Catering Dine-In Take-Out Only Catholic Parishes Mary’s Restaurant Middle Eastern Cuisine 131 E. Long Ave., New Castle 724-652-2447 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months SEAN DORAN 724-730-3161 JIM MEDURE 724-730-0165 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • FOUNDATIONS • WALLS • FLOORS 107 Taylor Street New Castle, PA 16101 BILL ZBEGAN, Agent FALL LEAGUES NOW FORMING 3210 Wilmington Rd. 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (A) 724-654-5000 1 Mahoning Avenue New Castle, PA 16102-1331 Bus (724) 652-8561 Bus (724) 654-9141 Fax (724) 652-4633 [email protected] BUSINESS: 724-654-4686 FAX: 724-654-8894 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629