Charisletter - San Antonio Catholic Center For Charismatic Renewal
Charisletter Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal Newsletter 1707 S. Flores, SA, TX 78204 210-226-7545 Volume 11 - Issue 4 Email: [email protected] Website: April 2010 ARCHDIOCESAN EVENING OF RENEWAL NOCHE DE RENOVACION Asamblea Carismática Saturday, April 17, 2010, 7pm - 9pm Sábado, 24 de Abril, 7pm - 9pm St. Vincent de Paul Parish Hall Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática 1707 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78204 Predicador: Fr. Will Combs, BBD 4222 Southwest Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78227 (Inside Loop 410 between Hwy 90 & Valley Hi Dr) El Padre Will, director espiritual del comité Hispano, es conocido como un gran proclamador del Evangelio y abierto a los dones del Espíritu Santo. Theme: Road to Pentecost and New Life Speaker: Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD Tema: Camino a Pentecostés y Nueva Vida Fr. Bob is Associate Liaison for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, a member of the National Service Committee for Charismatic Renewal and nationally known speaker, teacher and preacher. He has given leadership training workshops for many groups and conferences in the United States. Vengamos todos a experimentar este “Camino a Pentecostés” y a prepararnos para una nueva unción del Espíritu Santo en la Fiesta de Pentecostés. Familias, habrá ministerio para jóvenes, de 13 a 16 anos de edad y para niños, de 3 a 12 anos. Hosts: Zone I Prayer Groups: St. Vincent de Paul, Resurrection of the Lord, Prince of Peace, St. Anthony Mary Claret, and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes Grupo de Santa María Magdalena Alabanza: Coordinadora: Lupita Lozano, 732-7691 Information: 226-7545 Inside this issue: From the Staff Service Committee Healing Masses 2 3 4 Prayer Groups Spring Training Events Other Announcements 4 5 6 Book Store Calendar of Events 7 8 Volume 11 Issue 4 Most Rev. Thomas J. Flanagan Liaison for CCCR Father Bob Hogan, BBD Associate Liaison Page 2 Rosbel Hernandez Director We are grateful for all the blessings of the Charismatic Conferences (Adult and Youth). Thanks to the many people who volunteered their time and talents to support these efforts. Jesus said that the measure that you give will be measured back to you. We believe that God has much more in store for us. We want to invite you to take advantage of the opportunities we are offering for getting further training over the next two months. If we are going to have a positive influence in our Archdiocese, it is important that we have wise leaders with good training. You are never too young or too old to learn more. We are always Jesus’ disciples, and the best leaders are those who are always learning and growing. Training Opportunity 1: I, (Fr. Bob) will be offering a program called A NEW GENERATION OF LEADERS LED BY THE SPIRIT. We need to pass on the gift of the Charismatic Renewal to the next generation! This program is for people between the ages of 18 to 49. See the information in this newsletter for all the details. Everyone should pray and ask the Lord who is a young person that you should invite to attend this program. The Holy Spirit will show you if you ask. Has your life been touched and transformed by the Holy Spirit? Then Pass this on to a younger person. We need you and everyone to pray that this grace can continue in the Church. Every prayer group is encouraged to invite some people to attend. We have many young people who attend our youth events, but we need young adults who are excited about learning to live in the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit empower them to serve others. All our groups need to raise up new people who are well trained disciples of Jesus who know how to minister in the Holy Spirit. This is an important time to build up our young leaders and have them get to know other young people who are excited about the work of the Spirit in their lives. Let’s get the word out! When someone with a healing gift comes to town the word spreads like wildfire. Forming strong young leaders is even more important! The program will be on 6 Thursdays at St. Mary Magdalen Church beginning on April 8. Call the Charismatic Center (2267545) to register. Training Opportunity 2: We will be having our regular Spring Prayer Group Training Days on two Saturdays (April 24 and May 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Charismatic Center). The theme for these days, sponsored by the Service Committee, is Building Foundations and Building Bridges: Solid Foundations and Connecting Bridges. It is important that every prayer group brings a team of people. Last year at these days we developed 4 zones in the city for the prayer groups. This has begun to bear good fruit. We want to build on this. We want to stay connected! When we are well connected we are powerful in the Lord! No matter what stage your prayer group is in, you can find God’s direction for your group and be a blessing for the group and your parish. You will learn about key principles for the ongoing growth and strength of your groups. I (Fr. Bob) want to set up a schedule for visiting each prayer group, so we need representatives from every prayer group at these meetings. Please call us if you are not able to have someone come. We need to hear from every group. We have started to send e-mail reminders to people. Let us know if you have an e-mail address, but are not yet on our list. Page 3 Volume 11 Issue 4 FROM THE SERVICE COMMITTEE: Greetings to all my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, Many thanks to you the faithful who read the newsletter, who continue to support the Charismatic Renewal Center through thick and thin and who remain focused on Jesus’ call to evangelize the whole world through the power of Holy Spirit. I rejoice in the Lord’s guidance of our Church in the signs and wonders that he accomplishes in us. This evidence has been seen in the people touched at our conference on March 6th and with its focus on the building and nurturing of our families who are the building blocks on which we build on the foundation of Christ. More amazing was the wonderful turnout of 1100 youth at the Youth Explosion on March 13th. I believe these numbers will increase in the near future due to spiritual thirst and hunger that the youth have and cannot be satisfied but only in the living waters and the living bread which is Christ Jesus. Be happy for the Lord has not abandoned us but is always with us. We must be confident in God’s abundant providence, but we also must do our part, first in prayer, then in action. Be prepared to heed the call by using the gifts and talents you were blessed with. Yes my friends, you have been called. I remain sincerely your servant, Deacon Agustin (Sonny) Arismendez, Co Chairman (en vivo) Canal 15 del CTSA (por cable) Segundo jueves del mes a las 8 pm. Hagan sus llamadas al numero en la pantalla del TV. Si tienen sugerencias de algún tema o preguntas, llamar al CCCR, 226-7545. Anfitriones: Jesús y Evelyn Ramos Michael & Erica Rodriguez are the hosts of Fanning The Flame, and are asking you to tune into CTSA (Channel 15) every 3rd Monday of the month from 8 pm to 9 pm. You can contact Michael & Erica at: [email protected] Page 4 † Healing Masses Healing Services † 2nd Mon: St Agnes, 804 Ruiz St, 6pm 2nd Mon: St. Bonaventure, 1918 Palo Alto, 7pm Last Mon: St James , 907 W Theo, 5:30pm Tues: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 9:30-Praise & Worship, 10:30am-Mass (salt, water, oil & religious articles blessed) 1st Tues: St. Vincent De Paul’s Church, 4422 W Loop 410, 7pm 1st Tues: St. Jude, 130 S. San Augustin, 7pm Last Tues: St. John Berchman, 1147 Cupples Rd., Evangelization & Healing, 6:30pm, Tel no. 434-3247 1st Wed: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 7pm 3rd Wed: St. Lawrence, 236 E. Petaluma, 7pm 3rd Wed: Holy Family, 152 Florencia, 7pm 3rd Wed: St. Mark’s Day Chapel, 1602 Thousand Oaks Drive, 7pm-Praise Music, 7:30pm-‖Family Tree‖ Mass, 8:30pm-Sacrament of the Sick Last Wed: San Juan de Los Lagos, 3231 El Paso St. 7pm Every Thurs: The Grotto, 5700 Blanco Rd, 7pm, Charismatic Healing Mass 1st Thurs: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 10am, (Salt, water, oil & religious articles blessed) 1st Thurs: Holy Family, 245 S. Hidalgo, New Braunfels, Tx, 7pm, Healing Mass Third Thurs: St. Phillip of Jesus, 131 Bank, 6pm Last Thurs: St Mary Magdalen, 1710 Clower, 7pm Last Thurs: St. Phillip of Jesus, Children Healing Mass 131 Bank, 6pm Fri: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 12pm (Salt, water, oil & religious articles blessed) 1st Fri: St. Agnes, 814 Ruiz, 7pm (Exposition 8am-6:50pm) 1st Fri: St. Alfonso, 6004 Chihuahua, (Spanish) Adoration 6pm, Mass 7pm, Tel no. 433-9365 1st Fri: St. Dominic's, 5915 Ingram Rd, 7pm to 4am 1st Sat: St. Agnes, 814 Ruiz, Devotion to Our Lady at 9am; The Five Mysteries of the Rosary & Mass at 10am Sun: The Grotto, 5700 Blanco Rd, 2-4 pm, Healing Service Sun: St. Mary Magdalen, Charismatic Mass, 1710 Clower (beginning August 30th), Song & Praise 12:10pm Mass - 12:30pm CCCR Prayer Groups & Masses Mondays: 7:00 pm (Bilingual) “Flame of Love”, Martin Family Music Ministry Info: Isabel Martin, 853-6900 Tuesdays: Mass at 10:30 am (Praise & Worship starts at 9:30 am), CCCR Chapel “Upper Room” Prayer Group Info: Helen Pickard, 264-5364 Tuesdays: 7:00-9:00 pm, CCCR Chapel “Jesus, La Palabra de Vida” Info: Jesus & Evelyn Ramos, 487-0432 Wednesday/Miercoles: 7:00 pm (Bilingue) Capilla/Chapel del CCCR “Tree of Life” Prayer Group *Every First Wed: Healing Mass at 7:00 pm CCCR Chapel Info: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509 Thursday/Jueves: 9:30 am, Capilla del CCCR “Sala Alta” Prayer Group Info: Rosie Chavaria, 923-2502 Friday: Healing Mass at 12:00 Noon, CCCR Chapel Info: Laura Montoya, 333-5913 Friday: 7:00-9:00 pm, CCCR Chapel Mass and Anointing of the Sick Bishop Tom Flanagan CCCR Chapel Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:00 am - Praise & Worship 10:30 am - Mass & Anointing of the Sick Blessing of religious articles ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please do not block Fire Lanes or assigned parking Volume 11 Issue 4 Charisletter Page 5 A NEW GENERATION OF LEADERS LED BY THE SPIRIT SPRING PRAYER GROUP TRAINING EVENTS As the Holy Spirit in Scripture anointed young adults like David, Mary and Timothy, we invite young adults to grow in leadership gifts, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through them in building up God’s people. Come to receive the wisdom, power and love of the Holy Spirit for serving others. Theme: “Building Foundations and Building Bridges: Solid foundations and connecting bridges.” Teacher: Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD. Fr. Bob has given Leadership Training Workshops for many groups/conferences in the United States. Participants: Need to be 18 to 49 years old. Cost: No cost. You will be given a chance to make a donation to the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal at sessions 3 and 6. Place: Hall of St. Mary Magdalen Church (1710 Clower St, 78201). Let us continue to follow the Spirit who gave us special graces for family and community building at our conference in March. It is important that we stay connected and build bridges in order to hear the Lord fully, and enter into the graces he has for us. It is important that every prayer group brings a team of people. We will be learning about some key principles for our groups. Time: 7:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. on Thursdays. We will join the St. Mary Magdalen Prayer Group at 7:00 pm for Song, Praise and Worship for the first 45 minutes of the sessions. KEY PRINCIPLES FOR: Growing in Leadership. Dates: April 8, 15, 22 and May 20, 27, and June 3, 2010. Developing Leadership Teams. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ TOPICS: 1) April 8: Athletes of Prayer: The Spirit-led attitudes and prayer life of a leader. 2) April 15: Wisdom in Relationships: Communicating and relating led by the Spirit. 3) April 22: Power Gifts of God: Receiving gifts of the Spirit (charisms) for leadership. 4) May 20: Community Builders: Building community and developing leadership groups. 5) May 27: Going Deeper: Leadership ministry that enables people to go further and deeper. 6) June 3: Prophetic Vision: Vision and planning led by the Spirit. ************************************************************************************ Register by calling the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal at 226-7545 before April 6. Please give your name, phone number, and e-mail address (if you have one). Developing Outreach Programs in Each Prayer Group: Reaching more people; serving the parish; joy in following the Spirit’s leadings. Working Together in Our Four Zones. DATES: Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:00 am to 12:30 pm Saturday, May 1, 2010 10:00 am to 12:30 pm LOCATION: Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 1707 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78204 Charisletter Volume 11 Issue 4 “Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu” Cada miércoles por siete semanas Capilla de CCCR 7 de Abril - 21 de May 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Page 6 “La Familia”, Grupo de Oración les invita a misa de acción de gracias y celebración de 26 Aniversario, Martes, 4 de Mayo a las 7:00 pm. Catedral de San Fernando 115 Main Plaza Informes: Rafael González, 226-2073 At the request of: Si tu quieres una vida nueva en el Espíritu Santo, te invitamos a este seminario. Grupo de Oración, Nuestra Sra. De Guadalupe, Seguin, TX 78155 Información: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509 Monday, April, 19, 2010, 6:00 pm Join in our The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of: Divine Mercy Feast Day Celebration Sr. y Sra. Pedro y Nelda Palacios Sunday, April 11, 2010 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm San Juan de los Lagos Parish and Shrine 3231 El Paso Street Procession and Rosary Divine Mercy Devotions Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Reconciliation Mass Jesus wants to pour His Mercy and Graces on YOU! For more information: 210-433-9722 “Piyamada de Papas con Hijos” Sábado, Mayo 1, 2010, 12 medio dia - 10 pm Iglesia San Juan de Los Lagos 3231 El Paso Street Predicador: Iliana Reyes de Terrones Informes: San Juan Parish, 433-9722 Rev. John Kilburg, MSF Encuentro Carismático 29 de Mayo, 7 pm - 9 pm Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática Jesús y Evelyn Ramos Tema: ―La Venida del Espíritu Santo” Actividades en Español Cada Lunes: 7-9 p.m. Grupo de Oración, Discípulos de Jesucristo en San Buena Ventura Cada Martes: 7—9 p.m. Grupo de Oración, ―Jesús-Palabra de Vida‖, CCCR, Alabanza, crecimiento y sanación. Cada Miércoles: 7—9 p.m. Grupo ―Tree of Life‖, Capilla del CCCR Segundo Jueves del Mes: 8-9 p.m. ―Hazme Volar‖,Programa de Televisión en Vivo Cada Jueves, Grupo de Oración 7-9 pm, Santa María Magdalena Charisletter Volume 11 Issue 4 Page 7 SALA ALTA PRAYER GROUP Bilingual Healing Mass with Fr. Jorge Baistra, 1st Thursday of every month Salt, water, oil & religious Articles blessed April 1, 2010, 10:00 am CCCR Chapel (Fellowship to follow) 1707 So. Flores, San Antonio, Tx 78204 For information: Rosie Chavarria, 923-2502 The Prayer Book, ―Magnificat‖, in English and Spanish will be available in April. We have a very limited amount only. ************************** We have an abundance of the following Dr. Bob Rice books, available for you or your prayer groups: ======================================= Misa de Sanación (Bilingüe) con Fr. Jorge Baistra, Primer Jueves de cada mes (Bendición de sal, agua, y artículos religiosos) 1 de Abril, 2010, 10:00 a.m., CCCR Capilla 1707 So. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78204 Para información: Rosie Chavarria, 923-2502 Will the Real Apostolic Church Please Stand Up Former Protestant Pastor Speaks Out on the Holy Eucharist Become Financially Independent God’s Way Will a Man Rob God? These books will provide enlightenment for your spiritual growth, are free of charge and will only be available until April 16th. If you are interested, please come by CCCR, Mon-Fri, between 9am—3pm to pick-up. Specialized Sessions Course April 28th – May 26th Faith - Encounters - Breakthrough - Empowerment WEDNESDAY NIGHTS - 7:00 pm - 9 pm Christopher Hall-Rm. 202, St. Mark – 1602 Thousand Oaks – San Antonio, Tx.78232 Sponsored by: THE SPIRIT AND THE WORD CHARISMATIC PRAYER & PRAISE GROUP (ZONE II) April 21: April 28: May 5: May 12: May 19: Fr. Will Combs, B.B.D., Family Tree Healing Mass and Introduction to the upcoming Sessions Fr. Einer Ochoa; “Salvation & Love… Do we GET IT?” Fr. George Montague, S.M.; “How To Be Born Again?” Dan Duet; “What is Indwelling, Infilling and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Mean?” Fr. Joseph Mary Marshall, S.M.; “What does Baptism in the Holy Spirit do for us” Family Tree Healing Mass (St. Mark Day Chapel) May 26: Fr. Bob Hogan, B.B.D. -“ How to be more like Jesus” Growth and Transformation session is designed to uncover the barriers and difficulty to yield to the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for your life and the life of the Church community, through constructed biblical scripture teachings and testimony on how we are changed by God’s miraculous intervention. For more information contact: 490-7820 Archdiocese Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 1707 South Flores Street San Antonio, TX 78204-1926 Phone (210) 226-7545 Fax: (210) 212-9330 [email protected] ... woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel! 1Corinthians 9:16 Y hay de mí si no predicara el Evangelio! 1Corintios, 9,16 Good Friday April 2 Easter April 4 1 Bilingual Healing Mass with Fr. Jorge Baistra, 10am at CCCR Chapel 2 GOOD FRIDAY— CCCR WILL BE CLOSED 8 CTSA Channel 15, Programa Carismático en Español, “Hazme Volar”, 8-9pm 13 Bishop Flanagan’s Mass & Anointing of the Sick, 10:30am, CCCR Chapel 17 Evening of Renewal, St Vincent de Paul Parish Hall, 7pm-9pm 19 CTSA Channel 15, “Fanning the Flame” Charismatic Program, 8-9pm 24 Noche de Renovación, CCCR Upper Room, 7pm-9pm Catholic Radio San Antonio 89.7 FM KJMA (English) & 1380 AM KWMF (Spanish) 3308 Broadway, Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78209 210–821-5050 Helpful Numbers: CCCR Youth Office: (210) 226-7070 6 Bilingual Healing Mass with Fr. Jorge Baistra, 10am at CCCR Chapel 11 Bishop Flanagan’s Mass & Anointing of the Sick, 10:30am, CCCR Chapel 13 CTSA Canal 15, Programa Carismático en Español, “Hazme Volar”, 8-9pm 17 CTSA Channel 15, “Fanning the Flame” Charismatic Program, 8-9pm 29 Encuentro Carismático, Jesús & Evelyn Ramos, 7-9pm, CCCR 31 MEMORIAL DAY—CCCR WILL BE CLOSED Chariscenter USA: (800) 338-2445 General Catholic Inquiries: Archdiocese of San Antonio (210) 734-2620
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