PVHRC Newsletter March 2015
PVHRC Newsletter March 2015
P LATTE V ALLEY H UNTING R ETRIEVER C LUB HRC—Conceived by Hunters for Hunters Affiliated with The United Kennel Club, Inc., & The Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. www.pvhrc.com March 1, 2015 Message From Your President 1 –2 Club Training Table 2 Meeting Minutes Sporting Dog 1st Aid in the Field Class 3 Drawing for Youth Entries f/Started 4 Started Dog/New Member Classes 5 WCHRC 2-day Jobman Seminar 6 Puppies Coming! 6 Training Property Info 7 Detailed Calendar & Contact List 8 4 UPCOMING EVENTS Message From Your President PVHRC had their first Board meeting of the year which was very productive. Our May 16th and 17th hunt test is coming together. Judges have been submitted to HRC and approved, Ducks ordered, Test Grounds reserved, Bird Tech’s lined up, Social dinner getting planned, and decided on a Fried Chicken lunch for Set-up day. So come on out on Friday, May 15th, have lunch and help set-up. David Westall is PVHRC Hunt Marshal for the May hunt test and he will be asking for volunteers for Started, Seasoned, and Finished Marshals so please sign up, it is a great way to meet new people. PVHRC May 16th and 17th hunt test is on Hunt Secretary so please sign up. For all the new members that want to sign up, here is the site https://huntsecretary.com/ and if you need any help give me a call. Also, get your dog registered with UKC (United Kennel Club) http://www.ukcdogs.com/ Web.nsf/WebPages/Home. This is pretty easy. You just transfer the information off your dogs AKC papers, and again, if you need any help give me a call. 03/07-08 WCHRC 2 Day Seminar Years ago, club member Rich Carpenter loaned out his training table and over a 15 year period it has seen some good use but, like many things, parts needed to be replaced. Mike Brockman, long time member, took it upon himself and designed and 03/11 Sporting Dog Field 1st Aid built a new training table with new features. It is made of two separate tables 6-8 pm Classes [Free] (2'x8'x6"), each capable of standing alone but ready to be bolted end to end. The painted surface has an additive that gives the surface a non-slip texture. The legs 03/14 Started Class-Session 1 can be folded up into the underside of the table for storage and transport. They are 03/14 Training Day fairly heavy, but can be carried and erected by one person. For being portable, it is fairly stable. Mike’s dog, Mojo, jumps up onto it without him being around and he 03/21 Started Class-Session 2 sleeps on it. Rich Carpenter donated all the retrieving aids and is very much like 03/21 Training Day those discussed in the TriTronics "Trained Retrieve" training tapes. There are So Colo Reg Hunt-Premium removable vertical pipes with aircraft cable stretched between for guiding the dog. 03/28-29 Finished Flight Added! PVHRC strongly suggest that the users of the table keep it out of the weather so it will last. It's available on a first come, first use basis. PVHRC gave Mike $200.00 for 04/08 Started Class-Session 3 supplies and the total cost was $250.00. Mike donated $50.00 and his time to make a nice training table, Thank you Mike. (See Photo next page) Roadrunner Reg Hunt 04/11-12 Premium For the May Hunt Test we have the opportunity to donate 4 Youth Started entries Panhandle Reg Hunt thanks to judges Russ Harris and Tracy Todd. When asked to judge, they wanted to 04/18-19 Premium—Iliff, CO judge both days. As part of paying the judges, PVHRC gives each judges one free entry. Since they are judging both days they each get 2 free entries but they won’t See last page for calendar details be running any dogs. So they wanted to donate them to the Youth. With that said, PV OFFICERS PVHRC will be doing a drawing and is open for PVHRC members only which include President — Curt Lacey their kids and grand kids that are 18 years and younger. Please e-mail the Vice President – Kevin Bernhardt contestant name to me and PVHRC will enter them into the drawing. There is only Treasurer — Kristi Goeringer one stipulation and that is the judges would like to meet the youth participants. I Secretary—Mike Schwan think a good time for that would be at the Saturday night social. These entries can BOARD MEMBERS 03/11 PV Board Meeting—7 pm Mike KevinBrockman Bernhardt Randy Gorby Randy Gorby Dan Feighert Steve Goeringer Jim May Myles Edwards David Westall David Sarah Westall Hailes Membership Chair—Kristi Goeringer Webmaster—Steve Goeringer Newsletter—Barbara Newsome (Continued on page 2) DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS TO THIS NEWSLETTER IS THE 26th OF EACH MONTH. Materials received after the deadline will not be included. Submissions are subject to the editor’s decision on inclusion and may be edited. Opinions are those of the various authors and may not express the official position of the PVHRC, Inc. Member contributions to this newsletter is encouraged Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter TO JOIN PLATTE VALLEY (Continued from page 1) be used either Saturday or Sunday. PVHRC will have a board meeting March 11th and we will decide when and where we will hold the drawing which most likely will be during a training day. So get those entries in. Go To PVHRC.com and click ‘Membership’ TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Send your check to Kristi Goeringer; 9885 W 97th Dr.; Looking forward to the first training day, Curt IF YOU HAVE NOT RENEWED YOUR MEMBERSHIP YET, THIS WILL BE YOUR Page 2 Westminster, CO 80021 PV Monthly Board Meeting March 11 7:00 pm—Sportsman Warehouse LAST NEWSLETTER Open to all PV Members & Friends 11 West 84th Ave, Thornton, CO [Near I-25 & 84th Ave] THE PLATTE VALLEY TRAINING TABLE Table details: It is made of two separate tables (2'x8'x6"), each capable of standing alone but ready to be bolted end to end. The painted surface has an additive that gives the surface a non-slip texture. The legs can be folded up into the underside of the table for storage and transport. They are fairly heavy, but can be carried and erected by one person. For being portable, it is fairly stable. My dog Mojo jumps up onto it without me being around and he sleeps on it. Rich Carpenter donated all the retrieving aids and are very much like those discussed in the TriTronics "Trained Retrieve" training tapes. There are removable vertical pipes with aircraft cable stretched between for guiding the dog. We strongly suggest that the users of the table keep it out of the weather so it will last. It's available on a first come, first use basis. [HUGE thank you to Mike Brockman for building this and making it available to members] Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 3 FEBRUARY ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES Wednesday February 11, 2015 7:00 pm – Sportsman Warehouse Minutes submitted by Mike Schwan, PVHRC Secretary Board members and officers present: Kristi Goeringer, Steve Goeringer, Kevin Bernhardt, Mike Brockman, Randy Gorby, Curt Lacy, Mike Schwan. Treasurer report—The club continues to be financially healthy and well in the black. Hunt Test (May) - Ducks have been ordered (200). Steve will be bird steward and will arrange for delivery and filling CO2 tanks prior to test. David Westall is Hunt Marshal. It was suggested that David give all of the stake marshals a marshal job description, to review so they are aware of all of their responsibilities. Steve Goeringer is raffle coordinator. The amount of money the club will spend on a raffle will be determined by the amount of raffle items that can be obtained. Social dinner and lunches will be prepared by Mary Bernhardt. Price will remain $12.00 for adults, $6.00 for children 12 years and younger. We will have chicken again for setup day. Mike Brockman will be Gun Captain. Curt will check the trailer to determine if we need to order poppers and or ribbons Purchasing left handed safeties for guns to accommodate left handed shooters was discussed. Tabled for further discussion. Webfoot calls: Wade Carpenter from Webfoot calls will be allowed to sell his calls during our social Website- Steve Goeringer, our webmaster, asked that suggestions on how the website might be changed be brought to his attention. Meeting adjourned. PLATTE VALLEY FACEBOOK PAGE Facebook Link Don’t forget to click on “like” If you have any questions, contact Joe Olson. Newsletter Email Addresses You are encouraged to use this distribution list to help form training groups, to inform others that you will be out training, and/or other training ideas/info useful to members. However, this email list is not to be used for personal agendas or a soapbox platform. MEMBERSHIP FEES It’s time to Get Your 2015 Membership Fees In and RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Trailer inventory: A date for inventorying the trailer needs to be set. Volunteers (Randy Gorby is one person who has volunteered) and will be asked to do this when a date is set. Send your check to Kristi Goeringer; 9885 W 97th Dr.; HRC Foundation: Kristy Goeringer obtained permission to order a $50.00 donation to the HRC Foundation in memory of David and Lee Ann’s dog “Hunter”, who recently passed away. If any of your contact info has changed, get that information to Kristi Initiatives to get youth involved in HRC: Curt Lacy, our beloved president, would like the club to take initiative to involve youth in HRC and hunting, as they are the future. Curt has spoken with various organizations to setup dog demonstrations. A meeting with Colorado Youth outdoors has been arranged to discuss. Fall Hunt Test: Randy Gorby will secure Tamarack SWA for our fall hunt test. Additional areas to have our fall hunt test will be entertained if any are found. CRHRC upland hunt test is scheduled for September 26th, and 27th. Discussed the possibility of combining CRHRC upland test with our fall test, or future tests, at the same location. This will be discussed with CRHRC. Westminster, CO 80021 NEED HELP FOR RAFFLE AT SPRING HUNT TEST SOCIAL We want to have GREAT stuff for the hunt test raffles this year. Steve Goeringer is contacting sponsors and companies to donate some great stuff. If you have a contact or "in" with any company that you think might donate something people would like bid on or see in a raffle, contact Steve at [email protected] Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter SPORTING DOG FIRST AID IN THE FIELD March 11 6:00-8:00 pm A FREE 2 HOUR PRESENTATION AT SPORTSMAN’S WAREHOUSE By Drs Dan Brod & Todd Rezac from Deer Creek Animal Hospital Topics may include care of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, paws, cuts, wounds, heat & cold issues, & other things that can affect our hunting dogs out in the field. Last year the Doctors taught us how to check the eyelids on one of their dogs, & brought chicken pieces to give us hands on experience on how to use the staple gun to suture up our dogs in case of a laceration in the field to slow/stop the bleeding until we can get the dog to a Page 4 4 YOUTH STARTED ENTRIES BEING DONATED Judges Russ Harris and Tracy Todd are donating their free entries to a Platte Valley Youth to run a dog in the Started Stake at the Platte Valley Spring Hunt Test May 16 & 17. Your youth can run either Saturday or Sunday’s hunt test. A drawing [date to be announced after March 11] for the 4 lucky youths will be held. Eligible youths are the children and grandchildren [18 years and younger] of Platte Valley Members. vet. Great discussions about what to keep in your pet’s First Aid Kit when out hunting or training. This free presentation is very worthwhile. So please plan to come and learn some first aid techniques. Youth must be available for the Saturday Night Social to meet with Judges Russ Harris and Tracy Todd. [email protected] by March 6th to sign Submit the name of your youth asap to Curt Lacey up for the class! Feel free to invite others [email protected] Contact Kristi at 720.291.3586 or email who have hunting dogs and might be interested in First Aid in the Field. Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 5 New Member & Started Dog Classes Dates have been set for this year’s Started Dog Training Classes. The purpose of the classes is to help inexperienced handlers and their dogs with their training. The classes also give new members a chance to get involved with the club and meet other members. Each session will be approximately two hours long and will consist of a tailgate discussion followed by field work. Everyone should plan to bring their dogs. Since we’ll be spending some time talking it is good if everyone has a crate or other way to put their dogs up until it is their turn in the field. Everyone should also bring plenty of water for their dogs, sunscreen, bug dope and appropriate clothes for our typical Colorado spring-time weather (jacket, rain coat . . . . snow boots?) All dogs are welcome. Whether you have a young pup or an older inexperienced dog, we will adjust field work as needed to fit the needs of those who attend. The weekend classes will be held at the same location as the club training days so check the calendar on the website for location. Weeknight classes will be held at Mary’s. The classes are free to PVHRC members. Also, if anyone knows someone who is not a member but who has a hunting retriever be sure to spread the word and invite them along. For more information contact Joe Olson at [email protected] PVHRC 2014 Started Dog Training Class Schedule Session 1 - Program Introduction and Basic Training Concepts Date/Time: Saturday, March 14, 9:00 a.m. Location: Mary’s Place Session 2 – Marked Retrieves for Hunting Retrievers Date/Time: Saturday, March 21, 9:00 a.m. Location: TBD Session 3 – Reliable Delivery to Hand Date/Time: Wednesday, April 8, 6:00 p.m. Location: Mary’s Place Session 4 – Introduction to Blind Retrieve Concepts Date/Time: Sunday, April 26, 9:00 a.m. Location: Mary’s Place Session 5 – Fun Hunt Date/Time: Saturday, May 9, 9:00 a.m. Location: TBD May 18 & 19 Platte Valley HRC Spring Back-to-Back Regular Hunt March 14 & 21 are also Training Days. Remember to take a turn manning a winger and help clean up. Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 6 The Western Colorado HRC Proudly Welcomes... Chris Jobman of Flatlander Kennels! What — A two day, all inclusive, retriever training seminar that will cover basics, transition, and early advanced concepts via an in classroom format! When — Saturday and Sunday, March 7th and 8th, 2015; 8am-4pm each day Where — LaQuinta Inn and Suites - 2761 Crossroads Boulevard, Grand Junction, CO, 81506 (970) 241-2929; Discounted room rate of $68/night for WCHRC seminar attendees! Admission — $150 per person; Includes two day entry and lunch/beverages each day! Registration — Contact Kevin Mansfield (972) 822-4034 to register Make checks payable to WCHRC and send to: Kevin Mansfield (WCHRC Vice President) 13022 Myrna Ln Eckert, CO, 81418 EXPECTING PUPPIES We have bred Inara to Tank of Plateau Labradors in late January. We expect puppies in late March and they should be available late May. They will probably all be yellow, and should make great hunting dogs given both Tank's and Inara's performance in the field. Details available at www.coloradolabradorretrievers.com. Contact Kristi or Steve Goeringer [email protected] / [email protected] Ruffwinds Inara Serenity Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 7 DIRECTIONS TO MARY’S PLACE (GPS Coordinates 40° 5'56.47"N, 104°42'56.59"W) map Directions from Longmont (North): East on Hwy 66 to US 85; South on US 85 to CR18 East on CR18 to CR37; South on 37 approx. .1.3 mi. Turn east just after the farmhouse and just before the gas tanks on the east side. Directions from South Longmont: East on Hwy 52, over I25 and thru Ft. Lupton Drive about 5 miles past Ft Lupton and turn left (north) on CR37. North on CR37 approx. .1.3 mi. Turn east just after the gas tanks and just before the farmhouse on the east side. Directions from Denver: North on I-25 to I-76; East on I-76 to US 85; North on US 85 to Ft. Lupton [Hwy 52]; East on Hwy 52 thru Ft. Lupton & about 5 miles past Ft Lupton and turn left (north) on CR37. North on CR37 approx. .1.3 mi. Turn east just after the gas tanks and just before the farmhouse on the east side. [or instead of turning North on US 85, you can stay on I-76 to Hwy 52 & turn West on CR37]; Then North on CR37 approx 1.3 mi. Drive East on dirt path to where you see trucks (about .1 miles) If you don’t have the gate combination, contact one of the Club Officers Directions to the Powell Training Grounds From the West — take Hwy 34 to Kersey, turn south at the Conoco and go 2 miles. Turn west at the Powell Veterinary Service/Wasatch Kennel sign to the hospital (2 story grey building). From I-76 take Kersey Rd (CR 49) north to CR 44; go east 2 miles to CR 53; north 3.5 mi. to the sign. Powell Training Grounds Platte Valley Officers & Board Members PRESIDENT Curt Lacey [email protected] (720) 849-4629 VICE PRESIDENT Kevin Bernhardt [email protected] (303) 877-5784 SECRETARY Mike Schwan [email protected] (970) 663-0892 TREASURER & MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Kristi Goeringer [email protected] (720) 291-3586 BOARD MEMBERS Dan Feighert Randy Gorby Mike Brockman Steve Goeringer Dave Westall Myles Edwards [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (720) 236-2914 (970) 481-9828 (303) 651-9589 (303) 432-3257 (303) 887-2673 (303) 698-2287 WEBMASTER Steve Goeringer [email protected] (303) 432-3257 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Barbara Newsome [email protected] DATE 2015 March 07&08 8:00-4:00 March 11 7:00 pm March 11 6-8:00 pm March 14 9:00 March 14 This newsletter is published monthly by the Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club. All rights reserved by the authors. For permission to reprint, contact the editor. Permission will normally be granted for noncommercial use, with proper credit to Platte Valley HRC Newsletter and the author. Unless a different author is noted, the editor writes all materials. FREE MEMBERSHIP!! We are always looking for additional training grounds. If you bring contact information concerning solid training property that leads to us leasing the property, you will receive a “finder’s fee” of a free year of PVHRC Membership for next year! Contact any of the PV Officers and Board with contact information. (303) 947-4739 Mark Your Calendars for 2015 EVENT ** Tentative Dates Western Colorado HRC is hosting a 2-day Chris Jobman Seminar PV Board Meeting—Open to all members and guests Sportsman Warehouse 11 W. 84th Ave, Thornton, CO Sport Dog 1st Aid in the Field Classes By Drs Brod & Rezac from Deer Creek Animal Hospital Started Dog Training Class—Session 1—Mary’s Place Coordinated by Joe Olson—Intro & Basic Concepts Training Day at Mary’s Place Coordinated by Kevin Bernhardt & Steve Goeringer March 21 Started Dog Training Class—Session 2 9:00 Coordinated by Joe Olson—Marked Retrieves March 21 Training Day Coordinated by Myles Edwards March 28&29 Southern Colorado HRC Regular Hunts Walsenburg, CO Finished Flight Added Premium April 08 Started Dog Training Class—Session 3—Mary’s Place 6:00 pm Coordinated by Joe Olson—Reliable Delivery to Hand April 11&12 Roadrunner HRC Regular Hunt Navajo Lake, NM Premium April 18&19 Panhandle HRC Regular Hunts Crook, CO Premium April 26 Started Dog Training Blass—Session 4 9:00 am Joe Olson—Introduction to Blind Retrieve Concepts April 26 Training Day Mike Brockman & Mike Schwan coordinating May 02&03 ** Great Plains Regular Hunts Kearney, NE May 09 Started Dog Training Class—Session 5 Coordinated by Joe Olson— Fun Hunt May 09 Training Day Coordinated by Dave Westall/Randy Gorby/Myles Edwa May 09 Elk Horn Valley HRC Regular Hunt Pierce, NE Premium DATE 2015 EVENT May 16&17 Platte Valley Regular Hunts Snyder, CO Premium Letter May 31 Training Day Coordinated by Dave Westall and Curt Lacey June 06&07 Hidden Pines HRC Regular Hunts Cheyenne, WY June 14 Training Day Coordinated by David Heldt and Dan Feighert June 20&21 ** Laramie Peak HRC Regular Hunts Douglas, Wy June 27&28 Salt Valley HRC Regular Hunts Lincoln, NE July 11&12 ** Platte River Regular Hunts North Platte, NE July 18 Club Picnic/Auction 12:00 At the Heldts Place July 19 Training Day Coordinated by Dave Westall & Mike Schwan July 25&26 Western Colorado HRC Regular Hunts Grand Mesa National Forest, Cedar Ridge, CO Aug 08 Training Day Coordinated by Kevin Bernhardt & Steve Goeringer Aug 22&23 Elkhorn Valley HRC Regular Hunts Norfolk, NE Aug 15&16 Platte Valley HRC Regular Hunts, Tamarack Wildlife, Sterline, CO Sept 26&27 Central Rockies Upland Hunt Tests SHARE A RIDE If anyone is interested in sharing a ride to one of the hunts tests or interested in sharing a room, let me know and I’ll try to hook you up. Email [email protected] if interested
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