IHM - Immaculate Heart of Mary
IHM - Immaculate Heart of Mary
I 3834 N. Spaulding Avenue Chicago, IL. 60618 H M 773-478-1157 (Parish Office) Reverend James A. Heneghan, Pastor, Ext. 27 - [email protected] Daniel Maul, Director of Religious Education, Ext. 16 - [email protected] Luis Galvez, Director of Music & Liturgy, Ext. 15 - [email protected] Betsy Lazar, Parish Accountant, Ext. 11 - [email protected] Denise Garcia, Parish Secretary, Ext. 12 - [email protected] Reverend John McNalis, Ext. 26 Web page address: http://ihm.archchicago.org - Fax (773)-267-6884 Office Hours 7:30 am— 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday For the sick: Rajim Arwat, Joseph Avila, Abigail Avitia, Leticia Bagasoro, Sophia Bahena, Carmen Barajas, Barbara Biller, Robert Bistry, Katherine Boettcher, Richard Boniface, Pamela Bradley, Mary Bratko, Alfred Brenner, Karen Bridges, Carolyn Buoniconti, Elsie Burger, Karen Cannella, Felicitas Cardona, Jose Angel Castellanos, Roman Castillo Jr, Mary Conney, Carolyn Cordes, Benita Corral, Gilberto Corral, Ray & Norma Corcoran, Dorothy Creed, Rosario Cruz, Cole Cunningham, Mark Debowski, Mary DeBlase, Irene De Leon, Robert Derendal, Ralph DeLeon, Judy Diaz, Dawn Dixon, Janet Duda, Bruno Dworak, Ethan Elliott, Tom Feighery, Leyda Flores, Bobbie Fox, Judy Fox, Dolores Fragos, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Kathleen Furlong, Marty Furlong, Nicholas Ganshirt, Daniel Garcia, Eliza Garcia, Marilyn Garcia, Clara Genovaldi, Nelida Gjudich, Nydia Gonzalez, Mary Beth Grecek, Eugene Guiab, Leonard Guida, David Guzman, Leo Hernandez, Irene Herrera, Rafael Herrera, Hugo Higueros, Christina Howe, Marge Hickman, Diane Hollister, Tracy Howery, Stephen Hujar, Julio Inestroza, Mary Jamrozik, Florence Jaszczak, Ivan Jerkovic, Kata Jerkovic, Richard Joeffrey, Alice Kaye, Henrietta Kellermann, Derek Kennedy, Michael Kofshur, Jesse Licon, Sulplicia Lim, Maria Linkiewicz, Kathy Lundeen, Vivian Lyons, John Maender, Ron Malmin, Dominica Mangognia, Nataly Maron, Ray Matz, Tiffany Mavraganes, Francisco Javier Mendez, Michelle McDow, Mike McGrail, Galina Melnikova, Eloisa Mena, Jose M. Mendoza, Larry Michalski, Ivan Mihelcic, Lili Peña Miller, Karl Mirkes, Crecencia Morales, Ricardo Morales, Tina Murray, Gillian Nabicht, Michael Nabicht, Anne Nee, Ilanta Nelly, Karen O’Connell, Jerric Ocenar, Kristina Obradovic, Maureen O'Brien, Nicholas Olivero, Felix Gramajo Ortiz, Willie Panzerella, Angeline Pilat, Adalyn Plourde, Alice Polanin, George Polanin, Dolores Popilchak, Bill Powers, Jason Puthusseril, Hilda Qadri, Magdalena Quiñónez, Lorena Quintero, Jorge Rayas, Bill Reidy, Rosa Rivera, Orestes Rivero, Anna Robb, John Robinson, Mary Romano, Elizabeth Romero, Rose Rosasco, Julia Rosso, Ricardo Ruelo, Jose Salemeda, Salemeda Family, Ray Sanders, Jorge Santiago, Lucretia “Lu” Sasso, Maggie Sober, Susan Schoepp, Maggie Schultz, Beth Shields, Louise Shilvock, Casey S. Shooper, Lucy Shooper, Jeff Skrundz, Amber Smith, German Solórzano, Pat Stanek, Hubert Stevens, Waclaw Szymaniuk, Rosa Taico, Steve Timble, Raul Tomameng, Lucia Tostado, Jose Vaena, Juan Vega, Jose Vega, Carolyn Wagner, Judi Wilczak, Alex Wild, Tom Zimmerman, Barbara Zoellner Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas Saturday Mass of Anticipation at 5:00 PM Sunday Masses in English at 8:45 AM & 12:15 PM Misa en Español a las 10:30 AM Weekday Mass 8:00 AM Monday Through Friday Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 4:00 PM or by appointment at the Rectory. Rosary/Rosario The Rosary is prayed every morning Monday Through Friday after the morning mass. Baptisms/Bautismos Congratulations on the birth of your new child. Please call the parish office for details. Felicidades en el nacimiento de su hijo. Favor de llamar la oficina en la rectoría para mas detalles. Weddings/Bodas Congratulations! Marriage is an important sacrament and preparation is a vital part of the planning for the success of your marriage. Please contact Fr. Jim at least six months prior to your anticipated wedding date. Felicidades! La preparación para el sacramento de matrimonio es parte vital para el éxito de su boda. Contacte a Padre Jaime por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha deseada. RCIA (Becoming a Catholic) Many times, people have questions about our Catholic Faith and may also want to become a member of our community of faith. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. Home and Hospital Visitation/Visita a Casa y Hospital If someone you know is homebound or in the hospital, please call the rectory and let us know. We would like to keep them in our prayers and try to arrange to visit. Si sabe de alguien que este enfermo en casa, o en el hospital y desea la visita de un ministro de la iglesia favor de llamar a la rectoría. Mass Intentions Part of our tradition as a Catholic Community is to remember our loved ones in our prayer and gathering. Many times, we do this simple gesture of our prayer in the intentions of our masses, published each week in our bulletin. If you would like to set a special intention for a loved one, please contact the Rectory at least two weeks prior to the date you would like to reserve. Other Parish Activities and Groups Adult Social Group First Tuesday of the month at 11:00 AM in the Rectory. Parish Pastoral Council Usually this group meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the rectory unless it is a holiday. Knights of Columbus Please contact Deacon David Reyes at 312-343-5553 for information on becoming a member. St. Vincent DePaul Society/Sociedad San Vincent DePaul Please call the rectory for more information about any of the above groups! Para mas información acerca de los grupos mencionados, por favor comuníquese a la rectoría. WEEKLY REPORT OF FINANCES August 1st & August 2nd Weekly Collection Envelopes (170) $1,826 Loose Cash 1,281 Mass Intentions 20 Vigil Lights 130 Sacraments 100 Fuel 20 Total $ 3,377 Amount Needed Weekly $ 5,000 Amount Budgeted $ 25,000 Amount Collected To Date $ 20,643 Amount under budget $ CICS – Lease $ 11,601 4,357 Religious Education Collection $ 696 Thank You! Centennial Campaign Centennial Goal $ 275,000 New Deposit Collection to Date Money Spent to Date Parking Lot Tuckpointing $85 $ 135,176 $ (51,355) $(106,000) Grand Total On Account $ (22,179) Amount Needed To Reach Goal $ 139,824 MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LA MISA MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 2015, SAINT LAWRENCE, DEACON AND MARTYR 8:00 AM †FELIPA DELA CRUZ TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015, SAINT CLARE, VIRGIN 8:00AM †PAUL JOSEPH BRENNAN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2015, SAINT JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL, RELIGIOUS 8:00 AM CERVANTES FAMILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2015, SAINTS PONTIAN, POPE, AND HIPPOLYTUS, PRIEST, MARTYRS 8:00 AM FOR THE SICK FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 2015, SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, PRIEST AND MARTYR 8:00 AM †DONALD ANDREYS SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2015, THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 10:00 AM PEOPLE OF IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2015, VIGIL MASS 5:00 PM †JAMES KOFSHUR, †MARY ALICE BENTLEY SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2015, TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:45 AM †AUGUST CHESNEY, †PAULINE VELASQUEZ 10:30 AM †ROGELIO RUIZ, †HECTOR GONZALEZ, †ESMERALDA OLMOS VIUDA DE RAMOS, †MELVA CARTER 12:15 PM †ESTHER CAMPION THANKSGIVING FOR BLESSINGS RECEIVED BY AMADO & CATHY RONDOLO Please Welcome Our Newly Baptized Mia Rose Alba Thank You! LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR AUGUST 15TH & 16TH 2015 TIME PRESIDER EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS LECTORS ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 PM Fr. John McNalis Daniel Maul Mary Krauser Bea Gundlach Jim Herrmann In Need Of Servers Fr. John McNalis Maria Morales Jim Collins Jeri Collins Maggie Diaz In Need Of Servers Consuelo Medina Wilfrina Guzman Alsia Ramos Fernando Solorzano Nora Arroyo In Need Of Servers Judy Mitrenga Tim Porcelli Helen Rosas Daniel Maul In Need Of Servers 8:45 AM 10:30 AM Fr. Gene Gratkowski 12:15 PM Fr. John McNalis READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday: Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17; Mt 18:15-20 Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6; Mt 18:21 -- 19:1 Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Sunday: Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Martes: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Miércoles: Dt 34:1-2; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17; Mt 18:15-20 Jueves: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Sal 114 (113):1-6; Mt 18:21 -- 19:1 Viernes: Jos 24:1-13; Sal 136 (135):1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24; Mt 19:3-12 Sábado: Vigilia: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Sal 132 (133):6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lc 11:27-28 Día: Apo 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Sal 45 (44): 10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lc 1:39-56 Domingo: Pro 9:1-6; Sal 34 (33):2-7; Ef 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 ICE CREAM SOCIAL It’s that time of the year and once again we would like to invite you to IHM’s annual ICE CREAM SOCIAL! Like every year, this will take place on Sunday, August 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. after all Masses, along the Spaulding side lawn of the Church. We will have ice cream creations with brownies and muffins, as well as soft drinks and coffee---all at modest prices. Spend some time relaxing with a refreshing treat while visiting with friends and neighbors of IHM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELADO SOCIAL Es esa Época del año y otra vez le invitamos al evento anual de IHM, HELADO SOCIAL! Como cada año, esto se llevara a cabo el Domingo, 23 de Agosto de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. después de todas las Misas, al lado de la Iglesia sobre la Avenida Spaulding. Tendremos creaciones de helados con panecillos de chocolate, al igual que refrescos y café --- todo a precio moderado. Pase el tiempo relajándose con un bocadillo refrescante mientras comparte con amigos y vecinos de IHM. 2015 Summer Mission CO-OP APPEAL The second collection for the upcoming weekend of August 15th and 16th, will be to benefit the Mission of, Daughters of Mary-Tabora, Tanzania. A speaker on behalf of them, will be in our church to conduct the appeal in both our English and Spanish Masses. We thank you in advance for your contribution! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2015 Colaboración Misionera Del Verano La segunda colecta para el próximo fin de semana del 15 y 16 de Agosto, será en beneficio a las Misioneras, Hijas de Mary-Tabora, Tanzania. Un orador a nombre de ellas estará en nuestra Iglesia para llevar a cabo la apelación en todas las Misas en Inglés y Español. Le damos las gracias de antemano por su contribución! IHM Religious Education News We'd like to thank all of you who supported our Summer Service Trip to Wichita, Kansas. It was a very successful trip. We were able to serve elderly people and low-income families, in their homes, at social service centers, and at childcare facilities. And we sought to draw closer to the Lord, through our Catholic Church and faith. Because you were a blessing to us, the following teens were able to be blessings to others: Jenifer Alanis, Krizia Andalajao, David Bahena, Cairo Benitez, Maria Flores, Julia Kalnmals, Codi Limberg, Cesar Perez, Eva Reyes, Cindy Sinchi, Jose Juan Vega, and Mauricio Vega. For most of them, this was at least their second trip with the parish. Thank you again. We look forward to your support again next year. God bless! Next school year – The Religious Education Program will begin next year with a Catechist, Aide, and Volunteer Retreat on Saturday, September 12th at 10 AM. Our first class will be on Saturday, September 19th at 9 AM. Please mark your calendars! Registration Fees: $30.00 thru September 6th for all families, (returning and/or new) $50.00 After September 6th thru September 30th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Noticias de Educación Religiosa Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos los que apoyaron nuestro Viaje Servicio de Verano a Wichita, Kansas. Fue un viaje muy exitoso. Fuimos capa- ces de servir a las personas mayores y las familias de bajos ingresos, en sus hogares, en los centros de servicios sociales, y en los servicios de guardería. Y hemos tratado de acercarnos más al Señor, a través de nuestra Iglesia católica y la fe. Debido a que usted fue una bendición para nosotros, los siguientes adolescentes pudieron ser de bendición a otros: Jenifer Alanis, Krizia Andalajao, David Bahena, Cairo Benítez, María Flores, Julia Kalnmals, Codi Limberg, César Pérez, Eva Reyes, Cindy Sinchi, Jose Juan Vega, y Mauricio Vega. Para la mayoría de ellos, esto fue al menos su segundo viaje con la parroquia. Gracias de nuevo. Esperamos contar con su apoyo de nuevo el próximo año. Dios los bendiga! El próximo año escolar - El Programa de Educación Religiosa iniciará el próximo año con un Retiro para Catequistas, Ayudantes y Voluntarios, el Sábado 12 de Septiembre a las 10 AM. Nuestra primera clase será el Sábado, 19 de Septiembre a las 9 AM. Por favor marque su calendario! Cuotas de Inscripción: $30.00 hasta el 6 de Septiembre, para todas las familias, (regresando y/o nuevas) $50.00 Después del 6 de Septiembre y hasta el 30 de Septiembre Just a reminder… Saturday, August 15, 2015 is the Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will have a Mass to celebrate this Holy Day at 10:00 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solo un recordatorio… El día Sabado, 15 de Agosto 2015, es la celebración de La Asunción de la Virgen Maria. Tendremos una Misa para celebrar este Día Santo a las 10:00 a.m. Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 512019 3834 North Spaulding Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60618 773 478-6554 BULLETIN #512019 CONTACT PERSON: Denise Garcia TELEPHONE: 773 478-1157 x 12 SOFTWARE: MS Publisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 8 PRINTER: HP Laser Jet 5P TRANSMISSION TIME: Wednesday 12:30 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 8 pages SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN: 8-9-15 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: