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•• . POLIOY.PLilYERS' • r- w ^p -AKD- WHEEL OF FORTUNI. •S..^ BLIfiHED..By. :EHMajt'HiBRQ8^gia6«PABK-. -ROWj iRiPITV^ N. Yi"^ • OOPTIUOnC, KUKXKIUjUUX. BY BUHUY J. WBHUAS. ' smm liiilii'.• OS. Ti^ ^^irnrnma Its.- »i • maI^ iii:iiii#iiilM •,• \ • '•iwlT^^iiudi^^belbra IttaiiaSfeyfaimriefiapM Vr.'fi;• ;.• aif^ljaing 6oortii)«>,iTb6iw ••') •' I;i'/ ' •'••:'• ( ' • , " o ' / . r V " ' . ' i;i':;,i'," ^vWrftoiiri sfe±»i;si!fe _AGOtftSTiT.TaTS' 'fii M'ft f"/li;|ie'i(;w^,;;)tip assssi ahfengages M nTtiiStfooms-. Jm- >: htitolknd'Syiiti figiiiiisis^ss "oortQTiliil ;ang|or|'oia ow^bf Oi-ieyer otild'Syo lanfbinmiS ;n»ot1 Wil olliarM&oti otstof lirea'gn 'a9leyer|lwehj,li sHils •r8*J8Bfewti5i;if6 rDBE^Ii IHJ w» I • *»'J *' •* t!?.. .n* ( staiidpsit Wa ^aSiiS$S« ittllflfgbbdiitni^ne; fjijiit ,iffBu^adbiiro iby, :one'else,: l. ,, faiffD. 50.71. ' • li POMOt 6 POUOT PLiTEte pBliAH BOdK.' DBBAM BQO?. AlfTS.—To drt'am of them' idhowg covrtouBneMi If a» tdne^ vou Will itmka a dHiinurpuB voyi^e, or daiiL, tlie dream isgood Jor fttriupra, plpughmen and public stavutfl. 2, 7, ii; ' AEE —To see one in your dreams, aliows thatyou Trill fall into the liiiiida of abarpera; and that some enemy wffl enaeavor to dfr fraud'you. % 6, P, 81. APRICOT8.^to m ipbinted iti what you . •' EWthe season for ^em, it denotra greatmisfortunes, u i«(^ are ^ry, Uiey bring Mtrow. 28; 40, 78; liiive new clothes, it d& .ATXDA ^ "DVT.-1—Tf vrvn flwAm'tfa'at ^ VOU'^wnentel^ wbitti, ia^ - ^except icl^j^jinenV to > » 8lg3 jn, r A lun'frKi rf •" JI UW.I Vf Ib'lifes;! •:to^.• •,4lie ';-:l sidk/diathM, -If.. l>oweYOT,^itM ofiiblack, it l5 aidgn^df fedoVeiy. I'M ith^y .are ~ 19. wte' ' 'BAGE.-r—iTo se|e your own bnck'. denotes a fortune, and .premap' 'ture (ilrl »ge; to druuin i)iat-ynur ii^k is bn'ikeand full of snra^ n^iis Ibat runr ienemiea' will persucute you> and'turn you ^to ridicule. 27, 43. BaCIvGAJIMON.-To piny a gwie si^ifles that you will qnarrul wltb HKlca^^ fricnil'; if you wtu^ success in luve and biidkietu; If j'oii lof^, the reverse. 29, 52. ^^em, lair penaUiullUWMv ATTOM^TION.—Signifles servitude and ibond^e to droanis of ihein. ' 7 for BALL.—To dream that yoU' an at a hall, denotes ;hat mon^ will be lefiitoydu. 89, 58, 68. BAIiiiET:—;Jny and boundtess plen^re will'be your lot 0. BALLOON.-^To dre^ of It, shows ith^ yoii' will' engage in iadiiy chfmerfcul 'pUiii& 45, 69, 68: BANDITS.—If you attack tbem, rely upon ynu^ own judg ment and vigor; if' tliey aitiick you; bewnre oC accidents; if ycu' •xUy isce ibem, it deuoius prosi>eniy in your bu^u^. 1, IS, !w. BANrSH'^tliENT,—You will liave sorrow, but of short duror tlon. 59. BAN'S.—You will .be mlslM by deceitful promises. 4,5,11,44. Bankrupt.—A b&c{..dreiim; your .busine^ is iu.adabgerous iposltion, mid without greatciire 3'ou wUl be forced to stop. 17, ^ m. &::bep^e^^^ Otto^y are^^^d rud , will bring much happinera. if they axe Banquet.—To dr?am .that 310U are at a iMiDquet, is a caution' to avuiii,.plciu>urtis which inny.Cost you dear. 80, 601 • with some ona 4,11.44. driltsto^itiiLgt youliavethe^ri^it aniiicui BdRN.—Fidud with crain, ,a ritih marriage; you will gain a lawodit; it also slguifles thitt you will live a htippy life. 10, 44; BARitEta.—iSigiiify wealth if thajr appear full; if empty, pov- ft^a defend;,^ wiSi brbkeiolwl^Brrf ana%wwi>^hobdT^'^^^ 'erty. 14. . ' ' " Basin.—Tf you -drecm that it is full, money; if empty, you' will make mu^' duM?. 2.18; " prepare for misfortwe. OMd tMtags; Bat H muted, you mo"l o„„*v ^CITBlSHOiPl—To dreani' of one, you wifl hear of the deatii of a friend. 18. AUTHOR.^' t)»e death of ichitivcs or To stte a lijiiii. iinpcr; .o uike warm' batll''Idenotus tninl)lG8, If j„u undrefw wfiliout going idto tbe water, you inav 'M •apect trouble, but it will En(in pass away; n^a- mih iei dgn of nuuur, iandiincroise of fortune. 6, 8, 16, •BATTLE,—If ynu take nart' iii .it, you have much causo .n> fear. ' l^oulhear lience great loss. money. To dra 'disappointed hup ynu. will enjoy g»Hid heulth; if litippiiniss; Jf you' lake onej#;itlier to« Jjjit or too cold, domestic ARTlST.^ol4r^ pleasures, 37. ABHES.-:^ A8B —If yott 4. 80. Bath.—Todre»m tlmt ^u V'he in(dear water, is a sign that fnendo. eat fast, ynu will be BAI'S.—If bhick,^you will quoriel; whitai, bring-pleasure and' happiness liitboF diMsUjr; you wflf hiive iiiisfupiiino m love and' bualne^; if .vfiii. nnlsh it, you will have quiirnjU in your fdinily affai^ .8, '14'."29; • Bayonet.-This ia a sign which you shouM fear. 2, 9,15. BBAM.—You will becpnu groat, butbawaxe of falUog. 1,8. $ ^r i>pLIpr yLAT'EHS? _ ...•> r ' • BOOK. , -' - --'"• foreMl> liO'fuli jrrsrrr: BEAira.-f-^Dispiitea nn<l qiinrreW. 3. 20, 25. fillLd. 2o;fi8. . .duiippoiotDuni. 6,10,40. fiiEAK^Tf y6u.are ritiMkrf liyU,you wm eiwmieav but IfitIs iMiiing, bappmiiM islu stornfor >on. 44, ( 'R'RA'RD =^lf von drcam-you Imve a-lonj: lienrd. it.rfgHiflra thjit ti»u iiiinr- if .t.lift iMtiii-tl irt. ouitc ibliick, greiit trouble will yn« ^>*aye«| become ^ wiclow; if^you sbuve a prefemiint wwimn. she a son. 13, 40. > liGGrileto drenih ofbating SOJJJJW ; t^mly her BOAj[t.-rSticce^ in life to him -n-ho kills one; I , bOOES.^To be rending ^rious books, tiph^ in. life;, to rend Iiwciviuus btaiKs, sbituie timliuis onoF BOQii'S'-^if 'tiiiey 'am.ooxy, ''auccu^'<iiiVlbve)imdlous^ jld. qiiarrulling aud failure. 2131, 0'rTiiBS.-?~To.dreatn of liottlM is ii aii^; if a wgd.i one, slff* O^i^TilEW J LiJ ii • i li.' L—*. BO,^|^Ifc;a^;'liidy dreamia :tb»t^ ftlemiflcR Ilia lea8iuiLton& Iratl^ itiSbunni sToBlreiimltliiil SER.—To drink; trouWie. 43. 70; • 3EU-nOUSE.—To ineut yourfrienda there, algnlfles jny and iio Art'.Ati lie^v tbithe ahowaft fflSflli .' #,siicc^?i>ylff^tIiroiieh tolfiilllf theyMillfUeftii ^.Biokuew. as. • ht'ars^ tiiuniitl ing. 6. tbat you ll.present^id'' tb 'ynuuu^';A^ ick; it you U,44. • pinion toreise ivWffiiliou nr. to liwt 11. 19. 2a. Ul i p;-r- i w -.i.™™ ftsd sorrow. 15, Itt. ^ jtiiUoW rniiiHtboll ^yiiidn.^vSiI •ffiiielPfl »;,™.Jlitin>r. you ^ ;-ou. y),,ruyou for iilfuriniiB, faiiiwi you-sdon nriatKlitiw'Mtl wigagetiln a""Briuu8 quiirrel.. Sf. BUSU^^i^Todxeam of -bdng fullof bu^Bss, isiBlifmacwft iPOLICy PLAY£B8' DltEAM BOOK. 10-19. - . • •• '-HF' -.--1 • of some unexpected go<id' fortune; to finish it, ttHnlage; if tfio appearslo te bod it.lB a £uod' ogn. 17, ^1. BTrrTER.=r^ you eat Iti^ou will ha Bui^rls^ by Mme good fart unti, but mix«'witli sadn 4, 7,,18:. G4J3BA0E.=>3ad.tidings; 9^80. CAGE.^Witbout a bird, meani iihprlsopmeiit; with Wrd, • 11. ' • , eA^S.-r-To'flee them to ^t, them, fw wom0n, disappoiptnient, andm^e, loMtctf tret^cheiyf, lov,eM aud'iproperty. 19,88; 0AN®lM.^Mll'burh8-^i^tly. bappinc^^ if thelight lie d^, misfortune; if you light it, success in what yoaunderfaike. 31, CANDY—To dream that you are .eating cnS?yi;.^SS^®^ you ivill Ma victim of ful^ood^ andflattery., W, M, oo. G4NN0N.^A si® of toeachfiiy and danger; to hew one, death. 69. poijcrji: pi,atiibs' paa^M - - 0||l^ON-B4Lt.-^^to. ^ one, misfortune. 40i 51. C'^^X.r^To siee a.camel, f(»retell8 riches; 23. cK^o putbii^ W'be amtfiil in your lnve cra#dowti^8hfe,tlJat « yon witili to hwle will _be discov ered; if you iwrfye a capOPM'will bu murnecL 18. GAIffilAGB.—1« ride in one. success inJove imd richra; u it n^ks d.»wn, >ou will liaeyourlover. 57. GART.r-Its iipi«iirance indiciitt'S sickness; if you go upon it,. ftntl slmuiu. "" CHiESTN.UTS.--To eat tBem;iBw, shoWa i^utlot .WeaUoeSft 44; 78. ' GHlCE^.-^Itscooking Is'the si^ of coi^g.jt-CHlLD.^To see^a child at its mnther's ib^^i sig^esr^m sIchncsH; biit if the wife of tliu dreamer be jjre^an^U^^llld will besfi-kly. To seeninny childitin; and ^CHOCOLATE.—To drink it,' fbretellq good he^Ui and a GIlRI8tENrNG.^TodTMm.that you are present at a christen ing,lisa I^Hi sij^n, youhwiil )fi^t ^liat,yi)uTh()iie ;"f6r^^ rigniSofi Qi'iit slJe will soon ihwrieil. 4, 35, 26. •GHiURCH:,—To drenni of building a church, is a good sign to the drtrnmisr; to^enter one. ypiii^illt re^ve a liiiidii^'fromia^e one; to play in one auocess iii marriage. 3. 19. 88. GHURCHTARR-makesahappyiifa. 86,60. yt^y^iflMFmjs£bftMe';»i^^hcfligli^ii^heim •0IiT,Yj-^*Td ^'.^eain an'i^dbi^OcityT^^ 'bu®|||^||'^Y||ty. CLEll^lWGf#ifeyoufClimbla|tr^J^6 s^^iClpT^NG'^In^witihij^ clotUUtti i^ves siitic^ & ,?» Slandered by envious persons. shnws thHt you will always renuiin .^offand unknown, unlesa you exert yourself. 46, 01. #^LLAR.—Signifies'sickncM tind misery. 13, 27, 36. CHAINS.-^To wear, them, melancholy; to break them, ^vpsv SM|ftiipm^66, to dream that he is clniritable, ^feifies loss of fortune; if a Imiy dreams it, sUe willi bestow ber blwiSriMlon ail unworthy pem^ 1.16.56. it, pain. 5„a5. 6fi. - . CIGATl.—To the man who smokes it. 8ucc^';iii%it|l^^S, . ;^^:;cMbrai^6njieIU •vi::,;,,iGE0p)RSj:^iiimify.L:diMirii6h;;S ibutBDtiiniaiiy.iBucceea'tiWiWilS'' •yn"--y wtthytiiet^gt^i gr&ttJitsiies for the dreamer. 1.18; 67, 69. —TO'drenm of sitting in the chihiney-comer, for a ; mnid!;f8lio\^'supvedyimaiTie^;ii£ith^;^i^ilre i68. yo\i will lireMMie^heir to Jsuiiie money: |l»S)t^t0cantrGd;gcnbai'lnf£R^ ""••""•••'"• 8;;(;ci^leJ;?^ .be. . } •|^J$bailp^tidn';5fe I•;-T.i'..-••V) 1^.'.t. •'(,TF.rr '.^/MW.. i[Qf|'|bigl^&bitlu;|p ifdlcialealiit arivesi ,mitM|ku^^ ennn^ .,.™/»ftnw!'f— ..iil)0\vsijauit^ynU«:i " •^ n®9S «4i'i 1A'liltovri ♦■' Il-J •! SMM& 181^ i^Sf» efoworcelof iindi'iIl'(Klllw6^'^ conn mmuud. ;lwiui a and Tbu •^sSWp :iief|^(l|mj^™|#X aatSiyoul., ••• i81t« PgW3if^jt¥ighSlWp<)Symri|UwUE if | ffia2o.. ^•••;:}|g|_, iimSfEi^lllBliMi^auUluiiiacjliOT^ pcFtum^f7^l':7j qfti Wo-.j -- • itmtesf" 3t||^HSlgmfle8^M|eT| an etitK inltt wtvourse runs c!iiTJi>orsticn couuJid Lff)jil^!:llf|]ie' sffiti/'littns sr " ywi3liiui®f^g " anoOiWj.pQiBou; '^IFu^lB pumyMSplpf^l >V' .• ^.i.^.^ •. " • • • '• - POLICY 14 POLtOT PLATEES' DBEAiM DEEAM BOOK. ^'B3®BA,Gi!.^To 4»am) of erabmirig Telativ^t Ib a s?arnlnp-o? ^IfTiErienasrf&Pjoiitine^^^^ "&'S!'SS!,£? yourcourage is weak. i9, 46, 63. i^Et.—To dream tbnt yjiiur feet'are ent off, fbratdls p^; yon; you'^ill tra^i the embrace rf awoniM brmgs gotid lu<^ 19, e». y ,w^ibfc tliemt Sgiufii« ifelutbb^; %ine*^Ddfdi%r EMBR^tfiaER^.^To idSBftmt oj' (^bfoid^y,, fcvs tliatj yo^' ai^raudi wd amWtfb^; iWtiwea^ honor and wealth. idrttEiml ofWaving imunyifeet, dbpwe thationfeipf yptuw is'(inldiui^t.ii wry .g(iiod(i1i^w. ;To.ibum;;iaifpp^,: i; ;|s«^l^' sigh. Ifyoiiif^^t apE^ i^i llgbti, aiad y embj^iderMidresai^^mes 1,16, TO. • i! TJiigidreami^bii^a'tee^c ° idatidifig.'yijut i^Ulhaye i^iichi!filiaa|a]|if^ iahdrmwy fnen^; To i 'shows': aVja(teiinMt''',i^^;, d jil&ire! fM iS^^iiit ijourheySi^^diaUyjSi wdlhihciirauc^ Tiiibu^^; iliitij^ '^igg feet, foifetells shanre. K^ithe idi^iuec is inMpriso&i he wil|!be| ^ustdl iguilty andi ,p^irih^! ^ he%,^phi,he iw of Ida ERtJPTiONa-^To dream of yo^^^y'l^etog co^e^ :"raotbtiii ;bl(^e8, shows that a great fortune will falli.t*) you. 1£, JS4. STTENING.^-Todi^of it, dM 6. la.-60; ^ EKCfU8B.r^Td seein to ^ malting, excruses in youi drean^ ^owBthat youwilltellIfea.- 71i 7^1 ynn^bear lit tllayiBdUt happiness^ ,,d6mc»t^ life: # itfibg' sSTen^ |fS*ouiJilay ^"t^ileuge^ fa'-'desperate enlerprises. 11, wl FIELD.—Peisecutirm; to ^ in a field, deception thtough false wS yoW WSess; iinytMut ^ifeifjealous of T«ison " .toi « f ou; ey^^slmt. yoM md unworthy frieud^ 11» 16, 73. fiaalosthis ey^igUt, he will lose a dear fnendi U, w. W. FACE.—To see a handsome woman's face, menna FIGHT.—To. see women fighting, dgnifies Jerfou^; men, sori row. pli^p^; if i woman sees a b^dwme man, she will shortly be • Hurried to tUe one uhe desires; 7, 8i muy wifows; FA.lNTIING.-=-To dream offainting, shows yoa are wanton. 8, jmcemintyglO:''43. FAIRY.^If you diWnjof seeing a faiiy you ^11 meet a wfr man who wHl seduce ypu from Uio path of proi^ety. and m^e yo^^Ufe'VexatioiiSi 7,'0'. * • FALLING.^lf ytiu dream Uiut you fall down, but rise a^tt cniickly7ypU'WiUi-attH^^ linnm;;. ibut :ifr'0'i^ : TOU reniHin '^fhure you fell, you will Uve obscure, and in povurty. iAilEVrEivL.T^To say farewell^ or to h^ another say it, Is. a FATIGHJE.^To dream of being very tl^ed, foretells that you ^oiil^ ^ a fault, l>e ven- cnrefiil itt r cbndiict; if you sre ar|uii'ltyi& a lndJ^wl>p Is vewidbar ipi vo,rt;,j IldTyou ti^t her; she will bo faithful to you iu overythiiig. . ' , l«iBi;nma^ti^ble:a^^ ^ IBm'ilgdMmilihmiSftteirdJr^p^ If you bear It, EPiwe@te**' ^ 1 t. • lFliBawqrte^^^^gaB«thatlhelfa§faeoim fleshy, hei ItiS^chfaBlimriliBEi^^ Ifi'mi-dreain jrouTorMwIStlntla^avllv^^ . |TOV^^®Tifeli^ke»ow®i^a^a^Piwharo^ jinagine Mrffi®Sl«fWdivW« isa (ire- pi®oanfSHltft1Sfever»6^e% ^^'iBaT|^ip§li^i^To¥lf^mih¥€voWatft 3W 4B. and »i:flwi#nig\^wi^f;MouPili|ha^'ifever^ fdllho®^^ iS%0T^SroPrl^lypu^'&tfalpc^^ !g^ on another, and luugUs " FIWQEEiM^MIMiflng^ mmm •wJll bewellrewarded for yourindustry. 39, 39, 71. FAN.-r^Your mistrefis will beinconstant. 5, 23, 81. \ , ' FIi^^SS%f^miy:6ufpay|a|fineldgnifliffl|^ had^gn; ycm will bear ti.^u'ful news. B, 40. " fat,—To eat Int. ynu' will overcome all obstacles; to cutit, loss of fortune and Wends. 3,14^ 17. Uiey are dry, your liappiness is at sbU^ l?8»BfeB^suGCero;g^^ 11, &. 37' 4, 9, 48. 67, FIG3i^T&eat->tliem, signifies future fortune; i£ they are riHt|o|| to' ai and bugs, ^ of anoUier meana 18. wmm lt« l.nt.t>lV .M.AY®1i8' mEEAJI iSObE. ' _ _. gitiiiiigaaiaaiiigeg^^ mi aCTofecpuraga 1 j • SWlfM '•) ®S!S;i s. dangOT i^^yi iisii wmmm itldo^, HMfSif - - msnm ff^V:! ilj - „ rai; §fiil^SS if y^tt lreETom . weax... iiiMlfelSstei?sii^SwiSiil« lifmil lBii^'tfjiK;ii5i:;i(ii^oliJiw ifsflri^ne ilCUBDilW^®®®®y» tracts' SSI •vj11111 •: i; iai' GOLD.—The sign of ambition andavarice. oiiseeffa wm |e •^asiee; iVfiUl'iCilily likaiirl^i li:* An |> n'ofifliAWa^llId 3i}lac@)ni»Jla MSiaalsBi "'"IpfSfiiSlii^iililpliSliS^ 4, Stuef'iqsirii wliowsTithat ouiundertake; tiiaii3\^iu{arti ,yo wwiAwffioabaf^M^ •I^^^^SifluppointmculB^^^StouBi tm !rim)U!jjj3iiwjji>inW.'.WiiHjHv>»%^^ friepd; ^to lose, younwlll cliaiige'yourTffiWL'nce. ,.'3, 23,'66i Tl-. GARDEN.—Tour fortune will !bo enlarged. To walk Id one^ joy. 15.78. ..*' ' :rouglM^e.m4:', ; GBUo: eitlier •. ••. •iiuir'f.illB out lusa • ;, M.loLK hiVsuit or i^!'^E^\^m'J6)i\undG^o. if you;: ]u^ '•••;:•/:• •• •."•.»•••'.' .V. ..'A <••'. •.-. •./-•rif i' i-'vXlTl!. " " POMOT .PLATEBS DEEA^iff b'dp^&'of^'i Meing'i'bellf^idenot^;}:ithntj( mm^ I'.ra being bald, d I baa one. *du uu uxm 61, .. lifiaT M'' „Trof uTfifltDi' .so. <rf tr««mng over WUs.bSows ttat t ViilUK'w *jy d-fffii steep owoo ^ ' l? • v-'^ir«®w Ot ^l^^wkceimucliliiSirevwi®^ dj,,,, ,ffl|BiA!JSf®i^^6|are&mt(^^ .' f .' l i f ! ' ' I ' i c u i\ioff^;'i)hi8ii]ti^f it!i;™'%!i:|;}!;!i'i;:^:^'If(;a'Sp^irjn;)dreanijM '0'" liifSijf iiwpn ipffjwoTtkinjf """" ijMie19 _To dream of going a hunting, brings ^accusg ^oiui^:sw(Mtb^ ^^IlllfSSoldS i w. th^.the d^6rM^^|e^ BUCCUSS! SiililSfSlfff« MilM y.iJuWuvel n umi iWiiM!iiil)» ^SaSwrnf • liilRij ^ ;)t(^^ou§ 6?. for a married man. SSsMiyS^siWi unfidtbfiiliiess of liis svv«ftlicurt; fai tlie tradLsmun. Ipaa of buainesa tluougli diBhbniist ageiiii 5, 28» 47 ••j: •, • PpIJOT PtATEia' DBT5AM BOOK ppIJICT PiiiatT^s'' ISBBAM BpOKv fl| rarte^iif ikr^M.• M liADfiSB.—To. dream of going up a ^der, foretellfl tko pd»- bf w,qiltk;. to cbine down, povei^. 11, 21,4B. iiAilDl^^To dream of land, dgnifi^ tkat you tHU travel;, to *?'at y6U;aT0; present ;at ^^cogdae^Slfe tau^jtf^'is^S toad'y&u will^^ue^ti|n^ €o0^b. IA .^fiTflTiF.i^i^3VnHfrti*rTW«ia, nn^l. ^^^^inTiilba - . . «f#v-top t!K^>Hi^'&nfaven^e ^ ..-Sfii I Hye iP'the icpjmtry,-ineans loss of'property. 66. , OLAMP.-^To light one, siraifies suffering md roirow; if it B00& tttingiiish^ you will die yuung. BB. n. :. . ..i o j^i ^^ofli signifiMi itlie sl^^fli^g, of^ -:;4^'^l%j7i.i60l,:, , '• t . - LARK-^To dream of the iMk. shows .i^edy incr^e pf iatr idre^ ^at tM itpn, loriwm^ api ptMfJ^(giMv^iS'Ooaiwra P"*? f^> yiOO' jHave 'A&ye ;PMe .tune. Jiitcli^ sfipwS that ^ou wUl! supr^ fe^^ ' 89*i . ,^tilie di^mbf, f#Bti Ms|6i«^ ;^ife©ei cm. a >ijng ^dt mu'owuitffiu ym^g lieautiM igiii: ffeSigt^fies fri , ,.M IiATTl^Ii-—Signifies siicewis, to men; to "wbinan, the birth ol ddldnju; to girls, speedy mamiige, 76. ^ LAWYER—To'dreamof ineeting a lawyer, brings bud tidings; ' t?i SJOV IBS. if yoii speaU to Jiim, you will lose some properiv; if you hear 'be Jealous, shows tKatypuiate 'tiPtlaS^ W. ^eorie speaking in bis favor, you wlll meet with, some, misfor- JfEi^EtS.^Tord^i^ ofppss^sing'lewetoi show^ttiatf^oiii^illi iW^Ubsesoinetbin^ 3'bu Uiii^ly valltjet W you seis #ye)ai ^dl are: ^^ntenipted itOiitaUe .tiliem; yoif. eful action. 28, «,.60. graco. 6, 27, 49, LA!tFGErrER.-^ls a.^gnof tears. It, 19; 28. 47. oai^ op. rod' ?^bi^j itwe; 15,.,114:. t ta ., . ^: ^ - you lie careful ofthem; if btliore bike liberUes with you, it showe they intend tocheat you. 10, 27, 8O1, CO. ~ tPPverty; LIQB.—Signify wealth; abundance of go^ and silver. 28,41. ^ , LENTENANT.^Povertywith' honor. 16, 69. aign!;^ '8ibln«i?J Tp. MidTOim^lpf ^l(l'Uug,Jpn„^l^^_ jkde^.;(jeaottis'jiniafor yoi^ idlibiM,• ^(»r a wpmnu, tb tete \i inaA'sr^kiiee,; skews that l.l!^i1iiivA:;^mniriv;^HiTi>MM^VMlh.U^M LIGHt.^A burning light siLrriifius wcpvoiy to thedck; fwr 'tune iind lionor totbe liciilthy. 81,58. ^ ^ t' .-. in ^'Siii^'eE^.VTpi ^M||o.»we;-ini, womiin;s^'kriee,-'good' 'luck,' iEmd'''&atTia^..--tOv'.&e •girlnot;' ^ LIOHTNING -:-If the dreirnior sei;s lightning rtiike life honra. ad or full' upon his liead. it is the sign of the dutiUi of a relative. 8^, 63,78. ^ LILT.-TO dream of swing l«ies in ...,. . . ^ Utdl^uteiaidjatigOT of seastm-your liopus will bo vain. .1, Oi l*t »'• ® ^ ' i LIMP:—To limpi sbame. 18, 63. . , „ iftON—tosee one. denotes admittance to, tte society of dlfr tinmlshed persons. To light willi. a Ii<m,jIgnitiLS a quiunjl wuh nTiiitnlXiiirt wisnn If VOU ovLTLlirow hini. vlet^iry over trials S V I ^ ikwife, tihows; diHui>pojint^nent ioi Ibve: to c^l^a^^ingj&kfii^e, sign^ KJIIGHTit^To see ani^amed kuigkt,.;foreMls:CTO^ be prudent^ yml hi idhn^^; j ff• yhitiiitfttlTft Tb ^e/jtbe'a^b#; oiily> Joii will overcome all difficullies. 7,'80 ^ A^ir)lltlR.--^'Fn RPM nriA n clirn nf weakness; • and sorrows To sit w -riiie on iliu hack «£ a lion, dunoUa ^ "''^e nesb of a lion, shows soino high pfllcc instore for yon, ^tUo sl^ ^teeUou of some purs-^nage 1 ^•i orto reciuTO tiiem, good iiew^ 35. LEfTEEt^ABRIER-^News of an absent friend. 18, 51. liliBEtiTY —To dream of taking liberties with any one. bids KISS.-^r/To kiss the eiirth. sliows 'soitow apd'care; to'kfesth'e hiiEidB joil^y, g:6od! luck;,^if^ljlier face, you willi M:ic^Ml )in love; mdi tr^e, jtiliioutfk cbui-u^. To Ibe Mssedl'siginl? yc>Uj^tit:ou; 'liiB;)^ s ij^AV^S.—A badsign. 39. 63. 78. ' ISQS.-=-To see well-sbaiieii ^egs, beaith. and kappiiiess; sbie legs; losses and bad fortune. 10, 41. LEOPARDS —Signify fortime of different kinds; happiness iWdlinisforLuhe "following cucb otlior in succession. 1, 4'. 45. •LETTEM.^W ;/^ •- L&WSUiT.-rTo dneam of bang'mgaged ina lawsuit, mg^ea theacquisition of solid friendsliip, 1,16, 23, 26; d^^rarbf ijiomiidtiiinff.spaet^ : . 7 4®, 54." ^fcoliOr? . .-,- n ' M PPLIGT, I'M^RS^ iJ^AM Bbp^ SI *M • RT^t To, 886 AJibni..^ni (avo "° ^ ^ 1^'toiyour POU01 PtATEBS' pilEAM .BOOK. •••' j ~ ' '' " ' ' ••" • • "' • " 23 . 3IIiLiL.-^ot going, single Md dwaiT^ llfoj mo^ hwpy u-. -_^|i,d^ Ib^edl yoftpliftf waiffuitune ara midtmg^. .._ erentful exLieuce. 16, Sfei .8&. MmPTER.—Benevolence: ST; W ive^of' ^t ;you!^lI beMbtonoUsi M, (i% ~ ^iilZAi^^i—Msfbrtwe'^oug&iai4'4e^ti^i^;' LO0^^Gh<3'S^S,^fW ri^i of ttr^y^i, 8; ^,'1^ • ^^w^ti»at you iaire e^ bytlie Abye of a<^ iK-ywoilg irfrlt iioy;, a liandisdineiWomanL wanton s'; to lave m oldi ^woman, misery; i 8 , , '" ' " yom are man^eF of! any. cnttb^u ^ • it, your afluirs'iwiUi '^umediiat^ 'TOep^; -to'!countr4t,j gain. 46; aifi^ fo^uip; M^gt, ilii^iionor. J ^ I8i 29. Mfiilti FW'R. ==Atii iohitini lof 'C0o*l( iliipfe ttf'ilio dre^iiipr. Toa,^ . f»^^ to, sp^k liv&irittii lier sp^K tp.^er; toD^^er; g,.i^d-. gin^ - ^rnfLine U® Sfto„'at" a^mror^ Property. 8^ ^15^ 47. ' _ - MotJNTA.lN.-^^'lRo' we amourifeiui siid^: ,t^at ^oii will ^vel ^ ^ io ^iatahi'i^dBi l8V2bi * f seciu^ty; arti>ed P? •' lewtl' SQrfo^. ii^Ai^T0L^To see a mulatto ini sle^i bri^ li. Ift - .3'"i "vrill tie niaraie^ to aianjlBome^yourtg l^yvjif y"" ^Ilnbe iooniio-teUi syiUirsorae 49i ^~ f)l('ti^^ ^9^^^ ^rtamf lof ilj^Pg^ nmrried^. px^icts^ mudhi u yiT^l^r^l infRDEk^A bwil'dr^mn itsights d^g^- • i?» ?"• JttJSEfR'OOM.—Lnng lifp. 40.' . . -- . ire.. Jn- . i^Sl^.=^Signifies^»^'^^ M'VJbljU.—Bigninus -*. ^—•--ri-iiTTi.;. .Tii.» :«: ^«1,:.ipYfMltlt; ,fOT! illbVSiClI M(lire€AiR©i^^4d sign; excepif^^ ii « H-ri'ir (i> iiV. .i. i|. » Iilli^iii ve' a diecUiraUnH ipf 'love. ' haijpy lif^ J dreaui of he^iigj maaS, aenol^' 'UgU.teor imd^a* HIP ^ ^^itlon 6jweatflu, 8i for wot-fdmr^fn T° iu Uidr busiDLS W one iHiiiig in a muadnw, fs ngnod slini otiicra iialgjiities embiiniissmout tq,kp^incaicine. foretells poverty,; to give any, f>^*n sickness. Miri^ sM- 8. 29. 86. ^ ^Inidwife, siguifles'sfaiure tniutile, .l;, 5« ilaa^' ; a maiii tliei'love ttf ftO niif slie.l.,i8 ii fuIl bmwtrof to wonitin ^rit porteuOs » f mu^uKtuuy. 14. "JE a' 'Une oUiid^' »u an uu old uiQ woman, * • ims. • .-^To find a bird's nest, si '^stUeiauffinCTtJitlnrilJiTC ^ • yotldt; PljAy^BS' .: . PpLIOT iPiLAYEBS' DfiEAat BOQK. KoS^li^^O'firl^l'of^{hating a laf^ iitts^ rdieiintffl 'aelisuiobeiT; fUtaokoA nt^, igalfelity;, ta n^i^fen aW^f #«>^tin^f, j^a«t^;aaiiiose!ieseeuuawtw noa§ jipp^oobe itogOT tiiamiuiimfj^GU nose •aDn(>nr.>tnrliaiiD«»m t^iwnniWiat^ your N;tJK"s%^^i|!^0j^gOT,, ik ^ ^ ^ pmTff.K'WrFE.^inflUulitY inthe m^ied.lifiB. 2S; ^ . v<i>A.tS.^lQ;.afeg tt fibl|i ,<^ Sfegajfibli m ^ me oi^r'teisgl^lpMil^; <ja^r1)iisgsinwtpme8a; « m t ane,i Ki pse m it cut down. e " 1,11^ ,^ 40: ^^,. ' , ,®AE.—A. of w«UtU ^d longlife, ll, l&i Mgni aiidi^i^t^r ifyp«t^lptjntit,^)|•ism^'pnora WiUlpfeiTOnfg^iii^^ wjir:b^4^nfQiji^[i^ ©Fif:GfIp^agyi^^^ 350^ ibol ifiiOt • ^ m' Md "playing BALL-^Brte^ning of P'^? *® jjpyje an''0:t ! • PLOlySH.--Tp dream of a pJpugK wmiiig toW success in your onterpnBes; if goiu^ from ^yo 1 - •pluuis out ofsuiSnn. iudicaite misfortune. ^14. »'• ' withnjaC iliorris; fibnor - S2;-OT"; WacK, dSn#,'^: M So " ^•.friendship':and •W^Uh;t?ifi;'^ei'pMfe«S4S '^^-8 you* not tO'^hier. .entSfj^ffljt tor^t 47»4?. 37; . ^Sp&eiofio^le M a ige^jTtiful won^; if wpinabt she mill many a handsome gttiagiaiS|igk li^d^- ' hsB#^sa|rod|BTpj* a-' ^AiRL.—Solitude anditcara. 9.' -" mellow penrs^give ipy and plcasnira: choke •eara. "riiig misery and paiu.. 13, 31> 85, SSi ^ -- ' - •;--^,,;:t';:;! !'£ \il isgra :o^a;^h^ wllli .. I qfeiir I «.°.ce-m fflnfulpibaautes: '-14', '.Sii. -7 - . , • ' •;' •..•vp - ^I^NTmpp^ ii|g|t;|^TR)ssaMj^nninMi^l)d^^ j; IE Jtlb^yow^'fe^ i:, fchtTpond. signify theUai^^krupW^ 8. a 1hdy',"8ho;Wi3;that ^iiedeisVaTav^flble . io«* watpr foretells J; POND.^to drenm of scoing » " a u d pov- PAINT.-r^To Goyer your 0^ clieelts "Crith pnint, signifies that , ^ 1 plums. ca«= ta,eat ^em. ^ppoipunciit; ; ;Wareioi'f - debotes POLICE OFPlCER.^uch, a dream ^ould teach ^ou to be- |tl ^ . ' pliiyed, forciolls tli6 speedy rccii^it oif tthimt. signifies,delay lu its,rec«puoii, ;8,.». , ^ij ^ dBi t0& itt' jdifeainin^, ani 'oxlat',iaBpr» Is iiititai; PliaS.-^i^ifyi that there ^ dugg^ who wish to Kvo rt PL^jINS-r—To idream'. of being on' abeautifiU^ plain, ihapp ; ®^^'^^'=1^p g]^jt.,j^eid^tihi pf a-iiEiji^vgi '9^^^'^Pi ^ , PlTCHEIt-^^iiukri'Ptcy tJ»rough your own carelossp^. 10. UnmsLgBi to 3i fe' , drinking->vatOT/i8 u^py encc^; .W . PHEASAN,T.r^HeaUh and riches. 8^ «i %5i7;'?6r '|be 8. joiii^ expense. 4; 50, 70. PINSi-^Slight quarrels. 46. m PIPE.—To breakone, a:quan'el; to smoke one, success; I31 31. 1^ ^Oj|/.=t=TTo:df^mi Jt kspfilledi oiii ;&eiiflia<ji?,,' I PTiiP.p.l<iTL-jr-Avarice. fortune and good'btu^ of much money. 14,50. • dream; ikhotes sickness; ii J® U"«b=^ryin-." «uui cnui^sdoo of "^PRlsoiriTo drea»> of *" main in jt. consolation; to leuyu it; d^fe *ie„ifios joy followed promenade.—To bo promenadii^, slgninoa 3 y, by sorrow, l&i VO. iLiiidiL 27 POLICY PINTERS' PREA^C BOOK. PpiijOY 36 dM ai^ the !rey««Si gi, TOOK. 0at $ou; ^ that yra 3; isdii^t^i eo; m, - M b^nes^ „ _ . tfenotesi itfiiiB iiosjtioo o| jhonOF tand we^^;, <1», 'smc Tpn (one;iibi^]^ildgh st^ * 4 liO \'D.-^Tt> be iraveUiug oii a goixViindiSihilgbt niaii, duiioius Njotl tui:k; 'i£ it be uneven iindmiiildy. ynu will liuv« nutny i.iwtii; •Ira 10 cont«uS; wltli:.if It toe very W. Bomo of ^sc jou dwd .j^Ui will cbuiit you. 89. ROBBERSi-ir=To dre^.of being ^ttooked by robbera, abows lorn of luimey or frieuds. 19i 6& RO.GKING^CH^MR.^T«" obtain a good situation. 25. RdC^S,—If you ore on tliem.Jprepare for trmiW ifyou'come down from,them, you willfiud friends. 21, 80, 80. quan^I i^tiiryoiir 8^64^^ your sp^dy; Mnibn tbgetbe^rj wMia ifiaendi #6 Iom of money, M; 47. , labbit, 4<^ni)tesi someibfdl'^cci^ dent; ia w^tute one, succH^: 'To;^t> one, lii^ 4 |i)l ^8. RAi&S,T=^eilote8t tiiiySeitod! misepy;. >td jpiok' tliem/;gteiafr<ip&ini. 84^ 87. , ]it rnins . " . " fmdl i^buc6>iqp^ed[ iby-^tidt is' a goo^' drtiant' ii<>r wnrkinj^mehi, Toi'dreami of a stpm^ ia-b^'for meniini business. Foi itiiiB (pobr#aji> it is a slg$> of • 48;'45.. a . , fortune.' ^ • RAjfNiyoW,-%-To dfearn of seei Is a RAM-%Ifit ibtutypuv it4g^>tsil(^ g| iprope^^. 4ti8i 8Stl , ) , favorable'aij^L .|f yousee rkjs! ^oundi tue b^i "f ao eneiny. he "wnlidefeat you^ if you, se^ f^y^ ur^iidi itbe bead: of woman, make'iQve^L^ bi^i andl youi wlU' ^cc^'ln youridesir^, eii/ RiBSiTf^^oi dream of iba^g tbe fibs broken; gUa^l'between ' ' ' •^ ' " buab^iijand.wifei T;271 . " RI^Er^Benotes 4bun4bt!ce and' foorensedl bappjUie^ 17; W'. ' ly'DERlrb^A ^>dj^j^ toj one who >nievev lid® Qji b^i^bgok;. ito'^ '^RJ^G.^Toi T|W^ve pne> i^ndfi^p;^ lv» . " five bne,/roMdence.; li^^sisicknesRi diiiigw atfdi long lawsuit '^'p * . • , i ' RtriNS.—to see tbem, denotesrepentant, i- ' BUN.-U is a^oodsign to dw ''H^fnel? denotes infldeliiyIn mamaj.'e; U) run ®Vll 11) &»• many people runniug, eignifles qoarrela. 6, lo, SAWDi^-luBtability. 8,16, 84. siTJSAGE8.-i;o dream of maktog tels: tocat Uiemi love toUe young, and bealtu tooiqpeupie. 83 40 ' - rr SOAFFOLB:-^Dangerous Bpeculations; «j. ,8CH0OK*1Ii ji»eap-^ edge; to;gOiInto.pne„ mndesty, to ebows that yoii' 3^ . ^ gg„ ^ t h « 4 i d i k ^ u t e s oi BeipsoM-signify marriedcouples iu business. '6, 18, op. SGORPION.-r-Loss bysecret enamles, », »». SCtTHE-^Aaways a bud sign. M. 44. ~= J^i^^R.^Sfo drefra\ol swimraingife a river. indicattis.tUgf .gef(ifl ,nigli;,,to,be iu a riipidi'riy^, and' iiot able toboip yburaey^», a 18.i4;.24. 8Gil*E8.-^Bcnoto arrest, md appeaianoe before a court. 7; I^^V^I^.-^To.^ o^ aV8,9i,\^* .^pA^S^To hard atcroiirn iOf faysi w^oundl^yptir'b^i israyeiy- fall fron^a liorsei ^gnmeslowr fli 37; «etsm or u, Sold, U.™ In t.« tand, in IJ.^r s^ont is an cxculiiiotdrisiim; out of saaBon, itis a b«i aigu. 8. 8, ^ Si\iLAJi);—Sickn^, if it be eaten. 9* 87. ttow lin good ii/jrrtufor tbe p(3o£ and iSidKf in __ i;ia-gowj ipm^jgr Uie ziclu 1£it is overlieud,iuok ^^sery and' ^e,d^^<Q| soibefono . yini aoye, iO, 17, 70r ' , V^T$.^ ROSEMART.:=r^Tp, see it, a good r:pputution; to smell: it, r«uck; td^bcar^tbem bleat; dam.^ b be' Bui^iundiklf: by ^ny ;iiied^ fg^i a small^^ clitar' si^tiiflcs 'tpa< tiiiin. that lie willl maimy a neat aiid jiireifcy to a *»«ide». itliiis dfi^ara portends t^l^Ij^ng of ber'cl^lht^ n clear^ri throu|^ti< your dbanMHjr, ehnwe ubu^ voa 1*1111 1% befrtendecli by soine jitrsoii of gt^t InSuenm If *lbei ati^rs uiudcK: and'oull^ it bria^> quurrelUnk>aud turbuace. 17, 40, (W. .• £a — .». . . 28 pokier PLATERS* pRj^at boos. ^ *-!-• apjobiCT iPIiATiJBB* dbeam book. are anilmff'in a aljjp. in fair w^itfaer, Ij^fciitunVi., aid BOOrBTY.—To dream of. bein^in theeomM^y ,poTSons, forotjBlls Uopor unfi' bappinew, SSt- 4fi/ 77. aaw sUoiffl, foiHune;, Ib low) jpEq^y. 3B0©^p.-Tr^T6J^^,;aip^l^nl^SfipQitinff^inflid^ ®T^t; ® joutfi^twtyoai^ll, pnOT good luck. •• Sd'AP —Signlfi^ trouble in bu^^, but it wlUl(K)<)M is/ia, 88] 66/74/ shnie SOai^i^lrBIJIjTST.^Tb dream of ^walking ini i^ows aiukne^ and fever. 18i.'8.6, 61- fSi 6 . ibiid' *h^s:'';flrah5i:, 69, 66i inaM^jWiiii beMi vp% Tw . = ^ 0Sei'6hi.a wnlli jpredi^ 1 ;g7^ I ' ' ' I; ]Tbuy it. mWoit^e;, to =Mli ifc^ 'fc^lUcU and-^^jt sifGc^/jni what 3^00^iind^takel 12„ 23, 44, '67. ., SpRRQW.—T6 feel, much sormw in^ a dream, mcansl djowMal you. s |SlG!|p^^3S|.-^^I^Q6irn^ w ^in 80RES.^Tohave ^ arm fr^ of Bores, ahqjsa bustiie^. IIM; 89." f peeiai joy., 27, 8t .• SPECTRE.-^Wbite. brings'-i^^ plbaBU^^dblack, pain and trouble, 21; 80. SBBPI©ER,^to.dreiim',tlint a spider lQoUsia| you will'iiB tbe victim of -.treacheriy. To kiU^a -miuok. 64.75. •6P0l!l&E.^'Avarice and bad. faith. SS, SrN6I\§rG.-^ora man to dreumii^ singing-, il)iini» hope- to a promsn, sorrow, 2i.- o -a & . <a# .» . ®^^-"tA ®^yr denotM ayoiii maxzdnge, speedv and ^a red! sky, incrQiise ipf w^lt^; asi^nd) into'^lie s^^. 'liaripv; .jroU mav ioo^ foy imucpi honor;; ^ cl^d^ aVy./siibws mi^pirtuu& ^32,124. j dream d£ -ji)i^ig^, ia 'an' erimW i siaugUter;^oyG«,,^p:v^ prec^ytiioii;., ygu iarajnidan^r. 'but can '^6id'~it'liv .se,§ aMhiaiis duugiiTter^, is'a if ithe sicknuissi li3,,<14. BPY.f^Sbpws semtude. 41, 65, » «n&^ •throllllS^W doM not flow, jwu 'wiU meet wiUi. sleep with a p^rson of the'oDixv- 5^5*^ pfojoctaj witfif;ai jpei^iTbf tlie ' S, ' neWs^ Sf.S^' • ^iMhief ito h^mselj: WSffi ^ molimolibly fddkinir i^ckB^r a li^idsanf^i. woiiian. ^tf^J'rerv life I ^sf^ ^ 'hushed::^:dbnnt^>ibiid. wiWityour wife.,ipl0mui:^ -T^thi youTTOotheit. ^ood ,y»'"'.daugl.ter,«.md»l; vtiuf staler. ure. Sii"".'? i^JiU a> fiiBUioiiable woman, s'ucces& Uu, 14; i^;'66. depS o f S ^ n ? « a«<8n SMOKiB.—FrridiQry and yanit^; IS, ^49 'Signifies jnjuiry "by the malioe oi! a^man/ or ™ of one^twining X" around one. victory^, lortime to dreani' -yofi'. 16;Bipkness :SS5, .49. and iUSNEEZE.-^To sneairo, long. life. 21, 42, ' 8NOW.—To ^ it fall, obBtacle&. It3. 46; 88. j. so 70LICT PLATSSS' DREAK BOOK.. PO^ZOT :PX,AYSRe^ DKBAM BQOk^ TENrPllffS.rT^To dream of playing ten-pins,^ ffirotel IbdisL'tnoe; if the centra ipin fiUlf), one of-tlie piuyen will die: if nuuiy pihs 8T01!^S.>r-Aji^r andiiqii^ti^ . B. 2^1', iMi .teXf dt me^stil^d (weuUi^- and ibf^jieeia^bei of the players will niffer lufia. 10,40, 48, 67. THTGEL-^For a mwi to dream'of having a broken tliigh, shows losa of .goads sent to- distant parts; if a .voiipg girl dr^iii it, abe 2,14, 4& mill miirry a stranger, and live far away from Iict relatives; wido^Iic^' for a- woman, a ^gti ot-ipoyejity. 17^ THFRST.-r^P f^ei thirst, imbitfous, but unsucccsiiful] if quenched', richcs. 89; 66. - ANi&3i£.»'T6 dr^miidf ati^fcling imp ^pne. predicts vio. lory (iver enetpies; itb ailStpgleiCTe^lisell iby tiiiTi^'lie p£ ^ows sickn^; .: .. . . ., of -atitu^ling ini d^tb^, ehjoj'ifi^t of<£d(^ h^ltih;, jto , , , •- Vt6SA0CO;—ioy,:and! STUDT.t—Tranquil Md iasllng Viappinesiai 87, 78. ' STlJ^^EBi^PQdtei^of siultuiing ^'ows r^ilutioni M'. ^60; SM.Cp^i|B.»$oj.i^amif6^^ cbhiniititiiig wibi^ie„[^owg,it!bat youf ^rid is disordered. '8, 9. 09; 87. 78. ; IT • f0^:MM^ei^. loss ' TBitEADi-i^Diffleulties and embarr^ments. 87, 68. . TH'ROAT.-^Tq cut your throat in a dream, signlQ^fhope; to a bandi^me throat, succ^ in' love affairai 88, 66. a xnen^in tji^ii^n^ of' dmth, '1^1>wa tliut lie1b M*ell iaddi ibsppy;, itoi sw a rf prop^y., 4% 84* 7!^. from officei 8, 45, 55i 6!f. = "IT^A• Sli^trGGI^.a-To THORN.^To dream of the thorn, shows ^at you have niali- .cioiis neigbb^. To he wouiided by tborus, sig^eS' dlmnissal dleuoti^ alraBd^ce; if tseattoi^ ^ if a man see tbe white iand linudwine thigh, of a woinim, he will be always fortuuate, 41, ^6, 67. but if cold, abftyti-'^yerty^ i8, 31 69. i^oke^itT coi^^ ipiea^^ among'^^ffieitto ^.:'i^«Myjjiia^B^; gi^tlsucici^ijnMbv?in • StfN-DIAL.^Take heed how you spend your time. 49, 66. STJJTf.^To, dirram ;of s^lng the rah, iiiw;, biiitijgs, gopcl iievi's >tndi incki the wtting^uii, misfortiinie; If ^ts di^be^ iptirsciual dim- ger; w^tbt hrilliant fiwie, glory and: fa^e: a # sun: tiiiafottune. The &mjuiictiunfuf Me suiii wd' mi>onii!portendl a^^wt war. 29V SUiFiGiEOj^.-rT-Ani unexj^e^t^'^yent. 3,01 ^" S^S'PfeN©E1^.t^TpIjvfiar tliem, pre^ution; lito>take wine'djsugr^iibleieyeiitL: ' SWALtpiw.—6^ 8 M>, Sll. 68.^ 2. m 25^ AM|*:-^To idieam jof faljlngiiito one;, 76. , , .'TOl iiriiite iw^;i<sij^^es rlch^; ,abla^ o$e, ^jdoo^estif:!! i^i^o^. Its rang d<^ot^ d^ 9, S7, ' SW,EEiP.^'l^Idreani of sw^eepipg" one's Tciomi^gcwidlluck i|i ^bu^ ine^; to '^weeb a 3^1^ 24,43. W. ° 4. celliuc, iui8ft»^un& " . 48, 60, 67. «tkwaCTD^|flliaof@pfpOFtuneiforitheioetter^P(t^iSfgjl • SWORp.^To dreain of seeing a sword, is |. prediction of tneiiclieiy. Ifp': one,, <the pp^e^nhi ©f pow«E;i -ica beat i^ith one, misfortune ai^d disgraca. 1, 9, 1^, 81. TALKING.—If you'dream tliiit ynu talk miich, 3'ou wlll be exposed to some mallclpus. plans; if you hear much talking around, you, be careful of your nuighbors. 48, 67TXLARS.—Consolation. gMra^vtf«iiiath«tti wiii^'«r6gr^&i7^^^M ; TRCTNK.^r^A full trunk, shows the necessity of econony; an empty oao, si^Ifies tbatyou may expect .to receiye -money. ^,,08. TWINS'^To dream-of havtagtwhis; brings good abwg: 6, 47, M, 6a ^ ^optot, WA6^E6:-=-I)'enole tiad' teiii^P wd diBappiiiiitment ,4, -1^4. pOi'IGT, PIiATITRS' ©Rj^^ftj EtoOK. tSb ;=rf 4t tii^ fiEtVitd .ivitlii wafer, yori, 'bnvei je^' i^inpty j^b;rdiJi4flfiail^uble;^ 4Dd!toi^^^ i; T'iE^i0'i^^^Plie'"Bante eOi^ex&^^B \ '.' ^"''- '" .^^ •:' \^!'/''^ '^UftNf^ WAjSQN.—To drciira'of. a :wa^n j'bu will'surely have soin* jfeajg;, gpod fortune. 4,1% 4A. W^4jLKTIT6K.=^To tie fixtipuedi In.w^km^, .denotes much trnn- 'ittev'^;i;bfe j^ftl^ngvin^dfi^pi^^ shows inliiitiliiy in tliernla^^ y^' • ' •-• 8t^. 18, 49, 68. .' '". witiSffeU'OTdKdGin^ W4'LNT!lT8.—Signify the fulflllment of ygur most ^gu^a '^»/ 'wifih^. 8 ito 78 couil^ipatitju. .^;Vi^,'4q;'84."' •' ^•'".' • ,'• ^ . , ©NDREBS =Tf> see jmiB iwiff,imd|eMi ;8)*j^ifi^ ^an'tonpfe^;, ;> lu>,«iindr^s in> tlie iprestjiioe cit oillier^i slan^e^j jtoi^udireg^ to ,yow® ut«ne. itii.e, iljasbveiy r<»f' seotets, 2\ -80; ^ ; . , t, r. unexp^^ ,esta^%P^'to3 '/ ^dlto^une. 65,'l^t. '^' ^',;;''^>|ii'avau%. -67, 761• ; ^ • 'i • ^WQE^ASW:^Tb dri^ g£ i<tft,fl^3dsibyffir& ai, 68. : s 1 foi^tdls JoDd^oqewSt i dr^^ hands are full of ISyp'UlmuBt^^he1M^i^fuMn^ctTnft^ct^bg'^yp^l^illi^M^^r^^ "• ^Afe'X^iiSG^ some 'd^ngerojw ' 4 S^l r - - • \ •: VfA^Sl^gnif^ • ; •riOTifitorttbia#hregxtarii#v.p ' fnjiired. • ^O' driuk Viii'eiiiti', is' (tiUe s!^ tpf 'domestic 'ulsseusipi^ Iri. 61. 66. 71. iffie one in' seriBon;,im^ns igftOTinieM 3n4biv:e^^ '^t; scwon, loM of ipitjpeiityV^'ri^ods or niiHtressi _ >, VISiT^^If yo!i di^in 6? recel%ang a viisit. youi '^11; lundlgi^c^ enme eiiteriiir^se iat iart^nt iinthougiftiof.! *TiSspiWiW Mine jrreat loss. TO 4, 16, 64. ,&>|%t!eU8 • : fl,^yslclim,;ibitoga g«at;<p^ . WAl^: i{ ife stands in yoiuf emban^^^taj 4? 35W' it,vjoy.;^' 14^ " . . WASH'lisrG.^Td ibe wa^ng, ^gnifl^ a iiOTy 80,50. , S^i : "W;ASESi^Tpul:^, sfahg iby cmej, Inia dre^i 'ftiticjii :ttpuWfc : ^V'^ltCK'.-4'fq, drarimv w •:, •^caiief111 bow >y,oia; sp^di 5:pnr. tinie.;; 28v.S^^ ." f?Ql w^ing i ^ 4'renni; Bf ^ a tnktSn-tV>,i^ri^oh! by a watclnnan^ sbo^8,^iit yc^|bn^ •be' aiifretiii -irivcpnfluctln^' ym :31J tbe jiv,a,tobtnahr,take bold'uf.vnii it )h a very gnnd si^. To uee atony watc^en'to^ iether, ^giu&ea the lo&a 6t mdhey. 1, '9, " . . °- ^^11oM]p|^aidiBhbne^^^^ ;• III >Tlti®.'^BfenotM Ipatbies^ o f :35,; ^ Wiy goo '6ij8^6. ., ^ , VlN^0Afe.^pi^iiniinjr oli^fed', vine^. sigiiifl^ •will insult xbii ; wliite ^inegiv. ipdiciitiV^ itlmfc. yqiiB^OTfl8,^0 • VlOI^^l • 0 ' a b u n d a n c e . 1^ 50, 73. s^ ba?i loss of (officej i i^ratog^v^ge^ fl^ VISTElrCAsignii^'ai^ a' wanUewr, denotes Bbuin& al8, ; "WARj^ignifies trouble' and dun^r. To ^am you go to •"^'. VEI^,—Pretended fmodie^lyi - WANT.-=^To dream you ore ihwnn^, si^ifles, richM. 1,6, 69. • 'i- : i, _ ^egetaia^., jmi^citiTftt^; W-"f • ' •,' YELLA^E . WAITEti.-^ignifles dlSbdnest servants. 40, 48, SO. "W'AjSDEItI-N§'.-==-To' .dreamiof iWiuidering- alwirti -signifies loss ,; : |; '? S#l^^¥e®K83, 38. ;;r'^*:;•• *•• •» • ^I3..4rBeware ot a ne^liicted cold or obugh^ il, 81, 67, ^ WL® «»y rfffBlfitoi ;t|o! •a^\ •"foyorfof ipemiiis.ioiiidistmbtibi^ <S^ 4,.^ . dj^triiyott'hiat 4h;e w^tid feli^, / To Wca^bt in. a 4fuat of ^yinidi) ' windmni'.^yQu WiUiexQe!^<inc@io^^ '!**"=•* -*• .•••• . ..1 ^otbs< siclm^. t. %bi i4feani of a- • 1> 43V" ". V " d^mi ttbat; youi.throw, ybui^lf ipirt,^^ow8 yon iwiili nieel w^hi^nie ^cideut, or 'Inse itSawsjiit yp^^eKpeot^: to ^i"yotiiBtw itlirijughi a w^ndoiw/soine pnewillllnjiirejypUL cipejii window,^gnifiesithst ypui airtf fiivof^ pCTroiWibB di^ .tlncdoti; a .window ,elu8^ imeaiis embanps^en 80r'65,(69: WlNlI.—TO) d^m of ^ne ;al^> Ibadl lietUth; \^)|j|te pleiisure >^nie4be H. iiiot' blew,riwirite lit ib jMtflJiflow,;f|he ^bm'good'Wf^e> <indi(^;^'office if ime tblopdL I'o \ • iu^. lOi 3^i/^, W.OI/F.%^ToHjfl«tnm sei^g a wplf, j^owsi ani ayaflctoiw ti^i ^," ! hm^-bedwedi peighl^r; to> cq^qiaei; a ^ol|. mgniflra, titot ;, i b^ertlirbw so^ Ct:::^l6i "BSi I; f^o h^< mi ,tlie'baa' et^sUitiies oi a "Wp^ % ~ ^ _ WO0]O8i^Tb, dream of hiding yoios^ in tfieJWQO^ij ^bws 2^^ '48, €18., "W0Q5¥ARB.-^^Tq b« iDi dtib,, happy ^an^ip| vfbrt^ If|»tt • • • own OEie, ^obdi luck and abunj^nce: ;^i 8ti^ 4i%i^ yoii are btr^ng! wobli^ {orett^ jou iparry your ipr^nt lover. .Ta dreifim' you^ MlLwodJl ifipmtenUs^bfa To dre^4C$ a wbi^deal^, denpt^ WORMS-^Youi winid^ise fnendaj iBi8i^,60C W0|lM^^0QD>-^4:Sbi^ fpi]|ow,ediby''3Py... |i,i;S3; W(i)tei^©.^^dr^^ idf beliig wouiiU a daggei:, rfjg^ifleBi Ij^Toleuce; a woond imade by am niiktiowi ipe^n,, d^ptes^ much tirouWte: by 4 wolf,^ l^dblity Jm narria^; t&, ^oundi ingratitude. Woi wp^i^i ^otiieri pe|S^/will^bjf|ct you ^31,^, v. •WiRI^.=^Tc» d^mt pf a letter? Iprete^ ag li^la, yon wilr^b^ the victim blil, an accusation. 48,44, 55; 5K TAd^!-^ignifles distress; tpjthe si^pr; ^ 35 POLTOT PJiATEKS' DBEASf B06iE. P-dLiCY PI^TEBS* DREAM BOOBU 34 'PFa^ Ifti 4,8i|3ii VA&Ef.^=4a bnj&ous bf diagracie. ^ ^ 50ta ;. ^ForetellB aickness and vexation. 9, 4, flS, yHOIi4N.r—Ib the fMerunner of eviL 1, ?» Wi •TEVT-T^tEBi-riiTp drwm of a yerw-trw, the dreiuner will' i^- •rive at some gr^t honotj and recdvea legtu^, from, a rdative. 4, 6, li;44, iB8. TOtiriSr&.--To fancy youra&ft young, denotes that'some unex- pected ne^'s willi reach you. 1' 10; lli, 18. ISPOHTH.^Pora woman to dream her youth restored, she will liava a loving and true bushMd. I'i, 13,31, 56. TOUNG irA,N..--Augiirs but little good to the drc^eiE^ 86, 73. ZEBRA.Ht, tl, 44. ZODIAG.^To dieam of .the.twelv.e dgns of the Zodiac, thqt a mm willibecome popular, tmdbe a great ^veuer. 17i73* 76, 69, 70, 3(5 JPOLICj PiAYiEttS' 'DK3SAM BOOK. ^nnWA'MH. 2fOT COlSTi^DnOD IK TSiB iTOXUBIGOTO TVB HinffiMOiBa <^ioa tbst Ab^;..v. A'by&s. .1.2 . 72 OHAP^DEI^ Wti* ' (Ba^vlol.. . ... . ; iBuLblDg.. ...... . . A......:i6i Aciontinis.1 ,.i;:.-:-.-.^-.v 7i .89 Actnisiitibh ....^ AcqUHintance.. ^. iBwfellnWw Adieif.'......... 84^ ^onition....... 9S T. 73 18 Adulierusfl,.... v.,Vw .(6% Afi^t^fXini. .ii . Afflidinn Alulnister Alum 41 ...4.^^46 w..wi r'»; i-, •All&y .. AJiiisfflvinfe. ..^ .i... ....6i C.......55 ....V 7,21! 4..-1.. '7-; iBera SelihiSiig^i.; ,-„. i 70 IB^lid^'i .V^ 4... ISiElH^i.. Ambitiuo AmuMmeot,'..... ^51 i >«!.,•• . .86 ; . 5.. , Aiicliur .;.. ......'.-...V.8S(i 68i iBta^ rc^L\^ i..:. BlkdiB,,pf Ic^i.W.s AnclioTy 1 ; Anger. .'..•.i.^.,.:-:,..:..4iiii i •• • iBleeding,^». Answer Abt-Iiill:. Apples 4xf gold.... Appreutice .. .r.,'.. ^ IBh^Dg.. . rr-y ; .. ..^ , ^dies, ^aiigibf. .i ^. Aroliliect...-... ,•...;i.....i85i Artn-clialE ^,, as, 69 .BnneS'..... i Artnciry '... SG Br>'l}indcr...... Arrnw ...19. 86, 48 Kofik-dtore^....... ATtilluri' ..........18 ..•", 55 AstifHiance. 7 ** At^arAgua Attiick ... ~.. 1.... . . . . . . Axe Biwl wciAlier 09 48 7 .........".33' Biikfry Bukliig. 1 20 •I3nnT0,,wlhg. Bitstmn Bnttio Buy of .silver,..; ; Box ill n tUGuti*o'.. B.»x-t.ree ,. i. 59 .....18, 19 ........40 .61 26 .4 4 .74 261 ; 8 Caty^'..... Giil^ba ....'K j|i8j 1.. i , ;41 '(Blerfe•.!•; G^le-^lck Cairera ........... I i; iOioiak, .*v". \ • : . ';:.^.8i>i?r3| • Galtimmiitar.,. .i.? ... vi ploaM^anyp^w"''' 45 .18 ...^.:..i4 . .ell ; v...; .§9^ IGo^'^M!TOrBft%M llv''C'':V^Cai»bpva. , ' V . . . . . .%'iS' Gttpt^u.... >.... i.,... i ^ ^... ,8 '^j^Giijmrhvakor...•.-..'iCs..,.:.'i.'.p.. ® .;.. i... i pbilege^^^^^Mw Cajni\^V .:.>. .^:.V. • ,.. pofi^oBiiiE^^S „.,. y'.'.li'V i'i;iie3' ,{Gtii,iwliitjo'i,V ;• .v.^:1.14" !©atet|>llll».... i iiiGurflfe:?.;: i.. ;•....: 40' tGtlai inaudp^ :;80; 66i Mommerce^S^ ';^€!iaBatBUer.:>/j;:'.-iv.'M' tGomWiui'ii^ibtt' I^Glmliil^r^ pilampafliiB^^ ei1ii^c|fonli»S kGU'tinM^g'trn'oue^, / i''i:C. i!l('• •8^*' X'tfuil........_ ...,....'41) .. .,'...8. 9 .18' ' "" Giipiuiil'ptiiiisbmi^t. ,., <€ CapririiikBi:. t..;;. i... li:..; •.; teiViilk.. ;...:• I.:.: :i. ..-.It ill 8 ^ .3*iv?oi fcsblSffi'iKiBlfe MGUalice.i. iU.;........ .V:i ?0i [(|;oalwunBuimte| Bnifielitits Bri-eMlics....!.... .'isl ...^;, Thi Glibir.. 01iut;i(tli meetiiig Galenuiar.s....,.. .41 17 ,40 44 Buttonsiof limffi.... i;„... ^,^'70' iCUar^fin^PuiDs^;^^^ ? Biitums of 0<)ldl. i..,. r, V. Biiitons . i...,.?..'.. .fiSi Buv!ng: imvthing.^.: ."86 Brains Biirk (>r.iru'eii .....44' jjtriilu............ Biirliiv :2a 'Bri(lu*jni"m. iBHH'ktiL 15 Bi'ini&tonu Batikeiiuukeir.......... ....85/461 €?|ierrie8 (!3hiu....VVf BuTying-gtoimd., .40 .;4,...:.:.19 87 $>585) '.Giiesuiutrsdi^ ;.i........ .64^^671 (tlbild-ifed..... •. i Gliild bu^tjb^ Buiton-muker.. ^ ..*;.*;*:;84 ,.i.6 i ........84, 63 'BraRS Barber ......i»... . . ......18 Bnisfl kettle....,. .^ •Biiref'KJt... ,ii.., -. 4' Breiist. Bar of in>n;-... Burglur .M, .; jE^iofgiii. .,i =....i-. i-.s. .,.605 V 8i43 ,...>40,,68. .lej Blind!infttgi i ..a Aprou •' Arch. Broom. ' Briioiii'ticilL'r Biiftiilo... Building.., £*. . .1^1 : .881,84^ sBl^kld^l;; U. -;i Ahdinm,.. i 1......' PbtlGT PLATEBia- D^AM r&OOK. \;-cui"e,. .V. Blinfft>i ipr^y? ;... Amlttii^tdoir ^-. ^..i Accent 20i 8S , tCtmifiisiunBgWS^Sl •iPllliiiii^bjUfilmrbMl,'J: ; i,': ?.•.'Sto m « dohveat..-. ^,.. .^r.,^^...,.... Sfedhfl^asta!.. ii. j... 9 . 6?; Goofc.......»... i. i. .1.V..... .M OPaiib^salbiioni....,i..;, ?.4^ eboting... .u.,iQiJ| 70| CkJoper.;... Coppw .... v,...:.... yi,... i j.;...... .|p i:lf IPt;® @oi>per-^ate. ».s,. w, ... ^i Gopper8mith.>;i.:i,^T, i.. Gbpriagi..... V.j.>.,,, ;i.. ,j.. CJoriU......i.,..,... i; iBIice; , ;,. i i,.,V.... 1.m 66. i Corn&ia..... ,•.. w... ,.'est; (65 (Dfe^rt.. >. i . ^ i 81 I Goronatibn.... .,.,> v . t0 ... i..: .ji.,.. ..7,1;. i.., 53 i Cptton ™.;.;i,-,.,. „ jga Countei^eit .• 58 'gif^vil. Cough,.. . •' ,• fiung.-fotli: 87; 78 .•-. >^63. :50)j iSa^grfl^m'v.., i ; if ••j •'IS ,. i^i. .^. ®bony; Fiasti of ligh^ig:..... Fliittoiy.. ;iEipp3t«. ;..s CoW' .s Cowrboy.... if. ,„ Pxe^tiPSi,.... (.. iMl IDbg#, .i i |o? .. i. , .78 I . .4fl Gov-Btoble.. .ji,,... .>.y.W, '178 ®og, imadL......;. V. .5,;fv.. .70' Crabrolaw'.... i, •... ^ . iBftj Ppg„ #Mt;e..,. ..,.*.,.:... .17 OreatniB,-,..;.... i ; . , i .i§ lOreek Creeks, many. .^.... ..., ^.40. Ippit>bini5,...i. t. i p.. ^.:,; ^ Crop.'..........,..., Mf Pojain^i^.^i,. .38 Cross of woodl.... .u .......86] i :68 Gross of silvef... ifiic^r^ol' irionVif.:.' v. OroM of goldi ^..... .,... i .vSai i i . i i. r.'i. .60 i 'Oruoi^lou'..47! .,..'..;...;." Cruelty.,....;.. y... i ^ I..., ©ja^my. .88 C r y i n e . . . . . j . . , . ^. .2& Dream' Crystal _. Ory^i vas&; Drillr Gunning ..,...'. Cup L Cup of ooffra. Cuitains Custom houfie 'Cut or wound^ Dairy-mold i . .17, 66; Drowning man.... Drug i^re. Drum : . .73 DrumilaOT;...; .\: 5.08 Drunkard .,.! 63 Dryn^ 80 Ducats........ 28^ 00 Diicka rioiiT dealer; iml . , i iy. i Foftl-..-., >••••• I^g.....^.,,....-vFoot g^gittdie|M .i II iBiiier...;:..:.:.;V..>>. itolreigl^^^^^ Jgcstacji ii i. .•-/.;•• -"Is FaWe.ii........ .Ji .i-;;* ••J# liFuUs^c^i:., v.ii,. .1.. V-* •V'™ F^bibiit.. .,r; 1 it ^ lEat^eii^.T. V. •'. •i.. IFounaerf^lBs 'S' |'Father<an^#-. .Li.'.';, 'ii(• V't •'vJ§' 17tl9| Fenoingi^tw... 8 18,43 hS!''-®;;;;;;;:;;;::-;-:.^'.?®^ .'.33; 40 i : ;, ,74 : ^ . 4S W ^ jei; 54; 1 !65| 1501 ,51 n, 41 : 13 : 16/i 16- 19. 86 J itliM #M38| IFiax bfflJie. i.;.. i r -ll 48' 73 ©river... .27- Dromedary .. , . plnti^og.T...ii, • ••- ♦ i..... v";.",,.,.15 Oucumb^.......... i.. ."."43,60) "Briiiks. T/.,. i.. ?/.,•>> .••••' •••.S. I^Bn^^llsinciQt., .j.i i ••;• *t; •• 8 'i *. . . v . 6 5 MS(8| ^^*31 #lhx-ariBBeE^^MMH :®nie"iny .T. • •• - ••%: Fhime..-. ^Blbom........ Gpuntry Countiy squire^t:. ^. j,.,;,>* ^62 paOinrieFit,^;..,y.,. vCourago.;.. i.,.i. .46 . •..,.. it. > 1 ^ , ,'64 i Conrt......,v... ...Miffs piscpjiira^mefit.; t. s . . 1 Cousin 1$ .i..... ^.... i§4i' I^i^rust',,.,.. „.i,.... .^; ; ... il4 1 Covet CoverHd..... v.v". /. ^>^7;, (64', 70i toi^brce ... .,. ^>... •,.,.., 70j Fishnet Fishinarket ^ ^ ^t v -is 78 JS6^ |0|iaSi^rati.>...^.....,., 60' 1 W ©iffertinti^llpra'. .. I ^....\. ^J71 t w.... ..,7.1.... .30; i^ig^Lug^...,.; i .>-.,. ,vV, .t. 17, 46 i ♦ •. ••-j • Fishhook 5i^ppnd graiesi. ^^• - t->.v-Si ;|g ^BJlannel.... -i; .44- ^^ v; V Fbre'place... iPnigbtiPerson .1^... -3^, m Filing, Fialibone /......,.. /• ; iEiaN:. ilFisiietmem jF^rthit-i•?. .ri .'••• • .J ...,42 ! ..;. .Countingmodi^.:, i,,. >. ^. Country hdu^. .> .V,,^. ^ Cutler Cutler's wife Dagger •••3i prtt.tfiy PLA^TEM' iDBBAM liOOE. 38 ^nding any^ing. Pmdinga key iFingemail'. . ffiflofaflsh _ Fur Furiiecis.. - Furniture '• "•iL Gamingtable '•••21 Gardener 'S Garland "* JJ "^0 4r, 80, 50 POlJiDt PiLATEM' DREAUkE BOOBL 40 le^oinLGY SnquiBitioii. i>s^M book. : m Lining . . ii. .. . .f.v . J.. i .,r 'CN^^n. ••.••% .>. C^Hdemtin. -v .>•. 4-Ui.":'^4 , i c. ^ 1 • • ^V* e ^^i. • _ /!r&niu§,^ir^. • • .7(18 . r i. ... i. -. .*.. .W i?^Meymauii;.. jubHee. -. .^... „;, .^.. 87,78. .8t ©ightobiir. i}... r... as.. ...-.. 87 tfSlgB^^ pla^. . , . : . -vt ,.... .TO: iiStold.^v.'.,^. i I. L. J6fl Kijgb =S ..... : .. . ...16 Gbj'd cbtti&s^. i, wt._:,. ai.,.• ^.li!. ^igbl @igb;sdliiicilL.. ....VCiS' E 0(j)d^ ...., r..6J^| jpver, v,i. i. \,., .XW liHip'i.. .,*'.>s'. .> 'A r ^. .45; i. J.86^ w ......... }w^,;y.. M .40 .,. .atf^gg Griipesi vliiti. i; ^..../.,,.. , f8i .,^v. Gaaraiiin»..i.. tlusb^. «iHtwdUeijc3iiief.. i.. .t^^., ;)86'^ ^®^acli'thf. iSi^rlfe :..,. i ^•nugnnitlbn.. 48' iinitmloii..^...;^ S^*fe2if ^^ •••••i' EM4iWrf^g...........,. . .,.. ,^0 H^orness .>. .. .j, ^,. V.. ,•, \ H&jt.f;': .•'.c--... .v.,...; i0ay-sei1er . i. .', v: Ijiidian bbm. . :ii!7, Indigo......... 'ludingenccs;. ^ Hilt vrtfliifcrajie,.... .i..,. ...17 1nfaiH Si^mnk^.I ..f, ;f; ^ifa logratitude " ** ggrine stoging... *. V;;;;;; •Inhjatincs. Xiadlra'mud tittmlb I4me person.. Ij^ce ^46 Idmccr 71 '• 'liWtem. La^.. ...;.. .86 .86 La.^. Lead 7 Lei^slattire Ij^bzif^e 89 '. :ivV''..;-V8fi . ...49i70^ M^in^ ...iV«'.].::8, MllBt 131 Miieter......'.... 31 iMnsteipiera....... i&i ]I/I[a6()n Lily, gnldun lifly. wbifb.; Limb of a mw. .^.. ' Iittinii m 40', 72^ MualwoFm... ..^. • 12:80^ ft^W84 lp20|M |yM^»29, temw .6; 65;'80 148 ...81, 89 ...19,44. .1, 19. 43 78 .'...J..17 .881 ..45 70. Me^la... MemoriiU | : ...S8. 87 61 ...88-54' Men's slioes | .......44 .......41 AreiiBU.rc Melancboly 18, IT ,MercUBnt-. & Mermaid .........14 Messuugcr .....IC, 2^i Metal , .10, 44. 51« Miller. .....85, 40i .... Lettuce Lie .64 ^7 ...15;^20 iMiiriner.... 1..... v;6(ft Mark.....;....,. Mnrket. ........ 23,,84 ... .6, 65. 66 ......9, 86 *.", ........481 ...3 Le^ i...68 .'e& Maccaroni... ^... .,.'6, 10, fi9| Mntiing Iiapidaiy ,...'06,,M Intraplditv; mfliug..;.,. , . .i... Idice Mring.... j... .• V' •. -26,''8S|' IntxoauoUon Keys. ^^*69 , Eiiifegrinder.. ^.... .;...30. 4T^ Matt^ss-maker... Knitting...,". ^..60! Map. L(V!M 6Si Meafl ,.H 5 . . .2^ H i i ^ u u t . i . ; ' * 8 1iiii6rtlanes.. >,•.ji'.,t. •... .68; 60 . i ; * ' **'m ^Ilk-maker.. i . ECe^t'pf ^ telr^f.....,•li,*?*,**;fo I nl^Btand. Q^' ciit V... ]!*s *54^ 1necription .j ; .81 Hufin oE a hbt^e.,...... .*•]; riitarfiteter. 1, 7, 8 j-luad of a man',., |jiii,ga.........,; v..,..^ Lute Lynx.. Kitchun'ware.... ^:... ..^ ..^.. 91 MuttTcss ...' ^:H^iC^llIl^ajnei....... i... 17- Husbiindni^. -v> -r- IKlettile of 6^1.:...... Eitclien.. .i;;.. V-^* •- . • .48, 47 1*,861 k' ^iiritS^ ^usISnndi;. ^i!;?^/ ;6,41 Bituale ^^.....;., V*. . ^ndifxess .. .Zi 11,68 .#iim]^a^ ., .^.1^ . y<. j,v .... .^ adrppwder .>.:...... i;. .m ® ^inisi.. i . ^ Kettiie.,^,... <,, Kindllag'a .flt« Mouo^jLeeper...03 !Gro^..,.. IW|1S21 IS»^1B0 Judke.. . ;...!.. v.... ; :.r. j38i 501 Hiicliine Jiwt^p..'... ,'.u ..i ;.v^.... & Miigviino .41 Aliigiatrate. Killing Bome one.... '^i^liS . Ijr,; ; . . . i-i r. . GrandlatliOT . i..... i ^, ;.701 ©oli^ii^ .^.^.1.,...•i.. If...-. ,. .20 Sfii^dmbtkeF . . , J.i-.,..,, .jijl ?iH^jtcide.^.....:.. ...: .61! iGmiitodielv...v.....;;..; .TOi Ai -.IS, Gra^i . ' . : ; ^ -.fsj f f i t o r s ^ P ^ . . . ^ 8 ' I iGra^a; T^. ..;:.. i-. ;.i.......;.iTi. ^ 'Lookiiig'ghiBs.... . . , .. ij.80, 491. Losing money .... /eWeleril....(.>.', . .i .. ....... jQo; Lover , i... ^awSliajt^ . .>,1.'.^. : ., i . . .,; . Safetoiil yB.#i J. k-. 4'. ' . " . . . . . . . . . .,M ^CNi^bei^es.:. . i ^ .ff; ^;^7i . .8, 0, Ii<K:ksinith.. Lftcusls.......... u....l^(l Wf it, Joilgt.,,. .j,. .,i ..; 26 'Lodj^ng. •......., Jaspme 4.... i 1... j...i.;..;., 2i Lod^iig-bfiuBe... :Qiider-;-^...>:"•.. .v^isim m Gtll^fiiiwer ^ w. *.,;....iL|(1 'Gijageliihread. ,*.: i,.^. ^... r,^. J36t 89i iiLe^lho'UBe'^ ..v ^ ^ TOj .... . . . » . / . v . ' s r t ^esTfTO^. .......3j.......31 Gilass ibouK^^ . ^ V; ii/. ^.B# idSeiSbiS!.;. i. is. w;...).. .=^ V.j.U), 65, Gli^^ibii£er i ii.Vr;'Sfe, T® ^€kf14'&>!& . 5. . ^. rJ. .,»•.«i?li3j isl^idl.].*..!., .V;«..;... .87 f . r..,. • • ••-.. -•.. .fiija GlaaiiB^i:"::......... ^'UfVe-n^ai^; i. .T. ,;.ia.. ^ .'.Si . . .61, 68 ........82 Lotidatons.i.87 Locks ..." rjiTBlia.... = ..,., 41 Mine. Mipcnils. ^ 81 Mixture ...55 Model ...1,57, 78 Mole 67| Mortar. ../..I : .9, 26; 84 Klonk 19 16 67 f- I . .17 Mineral Water... ..."....8, 18 Mint .».47 5, 49; - *4 84 60: 46 29 7, ^ 40 i ..4,11,88 KSfSS p«ii«i! • I. i(l>a^,^i^:,v;.Vi;:^ l.®B5a2UBe;";':;?:^;':: ^araroi'^ v'>5;'6fv151 • . ' ' PLA'SEBS; B^Alt BOOi. f'>(./;.iii.'':viv.'''-'.:.^imi'i^in«'• '• •' '('• -• •'•' • • ' •' •••'•"•; f??''''•iJii:';;. .f'•/ •/;'.'tlivOOKct: ' - i rfV r**' IJ;|?.i v :;• v'';'iC;;Eb^et-l^f ^ 'i•••;''i'68'; •• l#«41'«*f'- ^siissiiiiiisg «:j;v;.'.;;iMyi®i;;, ' uiii';:.-..; •••-"'.I'l ',;, i''i(p6rcelain'.:'•' i'' v-.'"i '• •.'"••••-I'.'^i'iiSO! 'tei^ssiiiiiM /,i^;.'''..'!''7'i'i':i4^'' * * I* * # 't**!! Nest'., .'i 'iiit'/.'Vi. . i©^S5ia^;V ' ^ ' INoon.;'•'•,#!•' • r*' • |V V».-'iii'•• •' *'V*"• '* m-«'»•"» fii'-L":• •:'• L'-j'.:.':.:;. i/'':•• •!'• •; .v•v""^.. ••:; i ,T9A<]tndr<i : .1J1 .b'.-'^'i'':' ,';•'; ,'^53' r Ak- t^SsihSSSli? ?60i fPettic^tii f X iSteOsW^^wvK;^ . mmm StteSireftii iSiiiKi !:s»iig>ifeKi'5;:';:i;?i';^ •^^pisaaaasg^a^ PhiDter "li®iiiiia nirtnff. hnHs i • ®iEraM#W^^ iSjiSMl^iSSigSli i MWlllii PGLIGf IRLAYi^SS* DKiBAM BOOK: AiM BOdK, OT 8 .wool. .. 11, 71 »1. 87^ 17J24 SKs^old: 8i^®|b£ velvet. SiUtTflfth [Saltpetre MDijiiiinira,, .i.,,, Slio^iiat a murk 59. S SOevdi.* 40 .i6iy Ji Spi^W.... v.......... .vl3;;20 J8p^.tari(ea.^^^ .. BtdB.... i .'... iu i s piieMh..;..: Sj^ejpilierdcsB ... li^6|j£uker...'.. taltliike; s;|pwp'V i. ii.* i. .110' ISiiur ^:80; rBvifh|bgiie; fSqyerdCT..,.,.•..•...-,. i.- • • -.a;.,, f'ruttle.-.-; ^ «Rih« . © i iSpicft^UiBr . .-.i..'. . ivv .i.i ,. .ifi. js iSiiiiiadlii.. i ;, 70) 1Spid^'swell:;;. I.. igp nning,.s iSi^ii^tei;... mi i.nfttfiiintwr ^'ttptsti^. ...41 •.* •.- ,...,,,.,. ;Vf.W.f 1 weaciieK;'. Igp i.tingr^.,. .-; .dS] ......4 io .'. .41 «f..'; .'50 io Sctinci Scniind Siil^Tcss factory.... s garters ;j:oo(Is rhurcliiiDt ckiugs..... Sciiiii.J Still —»88 jSllCwork-... 1...... mmzQ j jSwumui.. J 6S .: so 14 48; 66 .,14 It .12,15. m ..;. .io |taWe..;....,,..:J,,,,,,,,!sg- IMfsv....., |8i§lk..., .,1.... 1, / v6il ;,..37; 67' I|lalifi)ni,.%..i.,iu: .15,.^ IS^npIug;...^.;..; ...^ ...i.ia, 73 7. 78 iflt^liug.. V. .,. SifftOTS... .26 ........70 .......;10j 54. 67 M 395 .-...'Si 30 bmitli .42. B5l 70 »—Bge SFon^... ..:..20, 20' SnufFlbox Boldleiy... J |fti«tria(!lii. .si Bei'aVaal^iri ..;. .1$, 1-7 Ser^viEliimia ;6ii oflf .. 4,. ,v|ih»tiOTri .y.,,,. {(...•; .,v. .•.•••;6^ |StrawlH«*ie8i... ..,*. . .iq^^go ptTeet,.. /.. .ri...,..:. ;'ig; ;! SiiingBi.^... it..J. .. .. :iia;M IBuire-'ki^pet.. .u.. i;.. :v;;:60; iSwdlln^.. i . . . - . ' . . ii ,4a* . Vv;ii',;''i. i87.' iSw^t itastej.., i..., C.<-,; ;^i V. jBOf SwfadHng..' m .,..,;...4^ ;Btouf*8iaioii..... j.,. i...." Swindler bbileri ^681 l|m>s.^i.26' Swlrnnilng 5 iiiHarmv,! a JStaff ..... i i ^,...i;...... V... .86 ISiiigtt driver..'.•,... i. .."...86^32 ......29 nei Iliad . ...^..... -60^ SftyefBtnitlii ;..68 Sec'd^'Mt' ^uirrel;...... i.. SilverJcoiQ....... okutesl... Seanislress M81S Slander... peaiB^ allow ^ M e s i tSlav^.... SSiSyage.,. J I27» 6 lil®... »24 mM27, oleiElinde Searecji^^^^B^H SecrtiiB Securit iSflunuaiMiii^ -71!: Switch..; Smniiier...; Surpriw.i. Surveyor ii', 25, 40 irrees........ *33 Trembling. 1.....34 78 Trees and grass i& 8di Trial 18, 88. 69i Triunipji. ..781 'Ilropbv 14^ Truniiwt • J® w •* '.J ft r.^' 19. 37 a ;.^-7 jV: >•. HI wmm . • 46 • • .. • ... m ^ W'""' SMmMfS' ips.;V'i';i''i'ii'ii';;,;.';''v:'^i ^!^;;'ii';'.;':.Tfci^u|«''i''i'I 'i' . mmi m, •::r'''(ilf.;: '-i'.l ''.ft f f - i ' . ' i-';-''iy'J •- ;/fi ^jKDznnoNiA^ ,., ,. , •.,; ,:.:^':';v,: ^ipm^'^ai',m ;:•. f-U:i iv,;••>i0;:.,20i:^;:' >:.'i I'inlvOT/ii'i'{i•;.• 'i'i i^. iiViVi'.^vI> titl' li3^' {ii^tiijr^'i:i':r|'6:v.^ '.>•;;.•: •;:• V;i 1^'eat j|l|e^i:j'":'.:>''^ .;;•'•V:>;*;''*;.v,V^''-3?i'i '• ; 'i'' /VvJ: ;• fj; ii.'61''.'Mti i; ^'r ',• i'V!i••i •J''i/-• :tV ;!;V2|;i;'fff'if #: W^!'i •i'63j'(;6ei; >•' 'i' li:': •' • '.• ;j • 'al,//, Sftr !i'v:,:'.''•^ •'^••si,%i"'' ^' (^Tlilte',i^feeL'-v!^".'v'li'H •;i!!['.''J ^.•'.:;,_.; :••:•; ^>1 i \ •;. p.!iiwftlw;;':#anfce';';'i^ iiaiiii'iip •0mii)ien^ ;JFp')):.;drto;((io|ii^^^^ itlienfiin*g?« ^ ne^^^botties•; • .• >'(•'; y^-;. '•i'vi'i' I;|j;;j;i}i:;i|f:;;;,:^Un.• •.; i: ;.„,.v.;'j. ^l£^ldfamm^ii^dsti| f!lip||^S5,S.ii''?)#yif#?;:s^^ »;'*>i'':armaK^^ai ,,.,;fj•Kv.rtf.'ATjj""S? • i-i'.'.i•i-i'.^'i'i•.', i .^.--.—^..77:™ •:•' !• i'•••®® • i^iine^'Q^'':: '.'^ i'ji •: i'i''.'i v iiuiribersMMoW k:i;.^ 'i-yi'•)^ iWinniiiig,«iattoneyi" „.^iiliiiMapS^etUei^ ;'i:'«:'fiii^!;:'[i'^atGli-io^OT^^^ •••fei'i •'tiBiEy: w: ;j-."i'i?3iif::''(iii iiiiiiiiiiilir P|l9i{|o. [i^bmaafs^tiire^ ,.•3;';:•;i^'i;•.•vi'SO: iilillfea;piii;jii®ipii j^pc^loobfc'i;;;'v 'i';ii'';;i'i';;'liw ii?4 flHrc^SuttiBii:'^':'!'^':'^^^ ii'; •i'^.••••:ji'.'^' ;. •;i9; ^Mater^pl^eri,:• l''';';; li^iiiiilpSiil -SyifeiiSg^fliiy ®' ®J' ??• 4,11, M. 88,80,76: 8!i|'M! Ijjf^^ooSianliilioeB 'iv,•;•:'•;••';'iii:''!''I Ppbdi^^^ • -i lillliiSi*.•.•••.•" tl I|,|ill|i!l|ff*|!.•. t WiNo. ^#\tf!ull'il;inip<>h:'j fJipgWfSl V *"• %^» LTota^nM Write? •i: :*••,; ' •(''lii?;-!.'•.•;,•;•/ij';• tmSM0MsM iwiS A colo^ '''&$tM¥iS:SllSSsi^s^ liSMlM .11 .46 House'.biaL:,fiTe i-y'it;-i/i'.ij;.'.',''.., . voman • 1 •:•'•>!•-I:'hr.•.'.• • I'lji'"Hv ^ :, •'.•.•.^y.. •:/ • : V'tiMi'/Jli'''./V,'t'•••;.i' • li!J„ 1?"-w,;;^;fe^Mt'•^a£t^kilL•J 1-. •. y.w"/, . - • • nOKIFIGA^OKi .OP GAIWS DHKAHED OP, AND THBIIt 0!c>^r&m^i^attii^^ ^v:.;:.^,' .iijSkwSjQu^t'ctf wiMBteiiiSnliMmtiOTf-S»liH ia j'i'i? •j J ••;•:tfmnfe;!7^j•• i,i,'•}!''-il/rr'rs/,v'^11''/•u'j;Jiliy/y\ /I'lniif'•'•''^f''^';'h.)4^iioir^'^'rinV./>nffin/ J i t i ' l ' . \' '''.r. -. . ,., !,?''•' ''/'. ..""iw iTr^D'j6f!'club8vv;;V';i'''i;.''i'i-'^ iSei^e»^^:£|lie%1|if '7ip:'*"i6uven.i'GC';cliQtb8(i'^^ f«si|4?®iire io® 'c1.Hl>8V.'j-.'' iSi*|o¥ ^,iyeT(^ifUi#jrrtlf^ i'iv'i .';i';iiii!;;28'' :EE,tiy e; t utp;ji uh ii lo f . ?^;;6fioliili3i'i--;i.'iL'^^ i;.ffise'i)!0 'i^i •: 'L^t'v'16;v'l'9" j&ce,,ciE(diitm'onai^^ •5B4s::iiEIbg:;6f"aik^ ''^Siiil'i.Q"MjQ t."f!:<tiiamai>ds';'': ;'/:• i;-:;;>!?li',Cf7i/ rliijiiiiEniive'iofilaianfbnffm^ |'5ii!i;S';iN1ne (jSf.idl^'iii^d^-I'li•i'' :^''!;';;i;iiivii ;'.'61* ;vr.!t|i|;'iE!igl>t''!t>f,.'UiMm •Be ven ipfA'spiidtisEWSf flkiiiiiSe^^ •'•fetvefralspadei® I^J'our/t^;'tliaiiinii'ds':; Xii^••> 'i;,Ijeui^i^idi^b'hdii'iii: T.rey-nfspHd«S: i'l' wmmsmmm. WliiliWi^Ilp9 •.•:!'• •;• \, h.i/;S.i'•• •;.•,(•»»•,l;'m'iV;;:;''. "f.'ii!:8Sfl)H£ J»i siiiiwssssaa^^^^^ ••! Miiiiilliltil • • • • iliiiiiiiiiipiiisiis^^ ••••• p* ill lltaiii pHii' iiiliSi|||ii i•is^v.issJ i^?48w'"••ilSSS? g" ss n a • ,--!Ay';.. :r • 300: ...s300....U!aao piilliiiiiiiillgl^ :^:^.!vAli';:;.' % . ;•• .. -TTwTT^;.--,,, „•, ,.•, I ...j •., • , ,• ,n,.j;; -" _. .. MMfeti - •• - m'A <'• • f ,<i-i '''•• • ''• • M ' • I r 111 v j'.' '• j '.V/ !•:;; •:!' ••••'••••;!••;''• I ''i 'm lym I'l 1.1 M' ' '.• 'T'^L FlSZSiMISIBSiS y..;.;.j'.'-' .'i':' ,:i!'.; •ililiilpiili^isiii ililiPillliii^i P|liitiiitSp8^ ii'Jiiii? .'•ii .'!Fl,fI.Ti"ii. j. •iMteii ,^o;||^'i;:asoo^ ppliilili^^ iiliipiiiiiiill ^liiliipiBSiplilliiii •numbjBr;((piE//8pqte;ibrbwia;j^^en.t^fl^ ' ,,•;;' ^if :youi};mll^thu86g0ti:^e;ai]M ••, •'.•/.''fs Hriplay.Kii^ •iSiiiiiWilSii ..IlliiiiiilPii , "S®.•*.!••• • '• .V.''* ,v" ^ >V;',7!.':•''?i'/'j'; •';;;;i:iWB'Ln^i '7. 11 54 69 75. '**•.',•*/.*• *^:'' . *i,• Wcdne^y Jv;„i.'v'^ii;'^ij!.kialk''/j Ii i® 'Satu.^ay.-.K ^ ^7 POUOT PLAYina* DKEAM BOOK. 62 OXLACTUIit^ TABIiB. POLICY iPLAyiEBS' BKEASC rn Or Napoiebn.OB'aaiidpiu^'ll' iOQ-K OF :FAfl,«: Tlie lvink of irblch tlie following iS'atranalnflniii was ohWlned' from Bimaapiirte's 'Ciiliinot of Curio^ties, ni Leipsic, during tlip' ooiifusioM which ruigntri tUure after (he .defeiit of the Prciich arnfij'. jtwns lieltl by hitu tis a...'iacrt^l treiisnre; and itis aiiiito liave liiien a stiniiiliis t« nidflt of liisspcculntinns,- 'he lieliig used fq CDDBiilt it cvbry ocrtiainn The iran-siaior-lias/B&vehJ lirties boneultcd It for Ih'b (iw'd amusemmii; mid, lioweyor, innreHihle it inaj- appear, lie'fouud its iiDHwurs t^i correspond witlr'triith. iisthey afterwnnls CJiinn to'piisa. IJo oilier iiiillteni, liesifles obtjiiq- ing a knqvylvdgu o* any understunding. or iiny iiiiBwer to. a.quLSr tjon you propiise, tire realty cudous nnd useful;'and aiich. it presuijiuli ]is iire not. to IJe foiiiid iti «nv work in,th« EngliHhi Iiinguiige. Ttio wli'Jle forming a Caliinet of GuriasitlcB.uDd vithmble ^•crcts, which Im/e been approved' of bv .parsous of respectable' liLerury chttrwtor. •. ' _ 5* • #. ^ METHOD OB; WOKKIHO THB QTJ^illlONS . folio wioif niuuner. either moire or less, in the four linea: -• ...... . «*«**«* . • ♦ * * • *,•«,* * *. * ♦ * > *1 ***** * * •*. *>!,«!**»'*,' TJifs.done you wij] 1>cgin frvreckon the .mimber of marks In.eacll «nc, rrnm .eft to nght; niid. if tho -niini'ber he odd. yoii must ^nrlt down odoriot.; tinri IF oven, tw-o d[)ts. When,the nnmheriof piarUfi III any of the liues cxceu^ nine, the surplus only must be ' tak^cii notice of. i-'. The number of irinrks In tho first line of theforegoing, is.odd. '. * The numhur of marks in t)>e SKcond, even I he number of nmi ks in the thini, odd:: .i he number ofmarksin the foiiFtb, even ...-. I .4 ; : * To o'ttain the nnswerto j-oiir question, yoji. .must refer "to Uie. . Oi^utum Tahle. lit (bo topjjf which you :4viII find a-cblumh of aots tilmllai'thntsQ you hitye pniduoed. Giiidtr 3'oilrieye down ^0 fniiiH; colinnn. until- you come to the letter ranging with itbe. •^ure of the question you are-trying; refer to the 'column having tw same iytlcr at the top; oud' ^evcp wiili Hit* dots corrcspoitdiiiB with yours^ is tbo aiuwer-to your question. ' , .4': Nomto 53 pIlP • 54 • i ^ ... . : . msnouiarF ,i| •• I; ; .** 1^;'|p^e jmres^ifliBflliniB^em * /Bpm.eji^raofe'';;•;• ,•;T; •; '• i'.;'•'.i ••• •.yi• ,•7),?,:"" i' ! _ ! ' ♦J-^■■;!ll^^^:'^dfeif^"d!l;■■>^■dlf^^n4OTV^y6uK^ rfHenOB; ifaapOT. ** • • •. SjpliatuMm^y^^ 'MOfwijilihave fh'fstraiwiio''jwiili 'iiehejii^ » * • ! ^TO!^lu3';i1j«ttm,dQldfne love; '-•.I'ivj ! v%g^t lii€k'wa prosper * • ivfV'.''**!,;' ij.,jj.i' -I 111 " cli'fipki^ei!' 1 ! fiiinfiglp^I 'lytel f-ydn ■'♦'/Vi felUitUe fexpMtj'!;'-T:v!.'• ^ •• V;••^learaedl•alldswifle.•^;;'^('7y:•;:••l?;!^.,'^ •,! T |Th.prl»™.» illAViS feSiiv fe/yoni'iiirianyjjtt * :!:':!|Y.v.'.rj.'*.^/Ijfll ••' V|V*' '•' l' ^i'* 'j^'V 'X'"' %^ '**'' IV*I' '^ ' liii:nWilnotjbeit6r;i^nr,'f^ I . _ • bf.*; •'IK' ti' '.''ii;'i •' ;• •' •"• ;• '• "• "• ' • .•'• •' "i'5'.!• tt;;::::; {DeoltoelmlM^ |s^^y;;travelLwith':yd6i; ';;:!'andiS]e8fl'j;ouiV;7i''.'.'':'):,•;••'•'•:•• ' .: ** !(:7:'^• law,to ctetoio- „.__]f6lse mM:: liSi OT.iV.sK? ; . ** i •••'' f;;;,; '^i;.••, s 1"" ^^^fbavea-'daUful luid-hand- . liv,;.#',i Ii'.ti[3!iiiB^)idve 'coiBsa}fwtt'ipiiiiBpri^lit ' ** *• . ,• i^bnwl^{',1m've''/a -yiitwas'aitdlii^ llMt^iis iwonirai dr^inaih fOB'VQi^ M _ ji.'W';:•If.wiiatewrsinayjbe ''ilfi'iy.:..^in«'n^»KtaMfty,yaliacdoalUieiBj . to^Jeave tble nvovld^ •! . itheWaccpm- !*»" !• . :Ai weiy ihaiid^im dMghtraV^oikta fe'!wlfe',oc::'JiusbandI;\: • tfieBlthw-lJwjtt dayviorMmi ttiniipamoadriti .HV.'i,,,,. t)iappjiiics8 iisnia i smm tnisfortnoe Gddi^vnll sintDienccesB /r''[/i;.l|j;.;>:r;,'; » ^era yomfimn GddjfcB^liis ** I^'ll'Slgni|l^>iiJavoK'qr'1dn(^'e6s'fi<>^i^^^ Be voJTjcaniaoaBiwflarypn do qo this ,..Mi..., : mmmm I ; ; /:••. ,iv.''•', . /•'!.•"•••:••'i iDetil&e^a'fcOTroih ' 11'.' n• ••'• .V •••. •'•'V Ti'lih 'TdQiriviHU.j:Bbrt''itieedvCT,'']tti8 I'Beware iofJ;ft<ei^\;wKdr "•"i" -l&W ;/iili(/i.y^;i.yop 'ifj ipiropeT^:>ijl;.'V;?;''!,(;•:•• V*•//;:•'• vr.:•: • •'%m'' V^f'JirjfSsiMdfdc^ '^'hd^ 1•Pci«on.whodoe8:-not;i,V;;;^^^ . •• ' sSmlfc«Br£iStk'4vHiHToltW "* .liLW^V!W(fjAAi''i'-'- ** !• * i'.';;.'^'^v ( ♦ 1 ... / ^ . llTdnlwIU :atlpraflo^ W{'$mmii. lii^ve'mBBymtBi'hla''rete ^ ' . . 'i'" "".' fltieartMffpl^ !'s: j. V B «♦' OTe'ifLo^dl5.^iii jisoi^ gOM raum. • •5* llr'JtToiir;;Btia.y.:i8ifiidt 'l>^i;"i«bi; * I fore, pwjjKtrod for a change.; ^ ail mtioM L.. : s'^uie'itra^ iSIoRiieBa immm: ... •• ,WBae|tbt: • tBilb"atayiwliere 'atinn^iag!^ 66 P.OLICTi PlATiTRS' IJTtEAM BOOK. ,....^. • ... .- : j (ITbe'' Qtrangerfmllil'iiot 'n^tvhi riu • • r 1 nd" liihifc; pimj^'.Qodl •J « i t .'audrstzive 'hou^Uy. , ^ ' - •" - • * :j |'fii6»ainamoi?gyonftftiM^'a^ ^ l|| ypQi.v^^fsDi • ' K - 1 - 'Born^tii st? tiiniifii <8tnoii^ ywiw* frltiiidB, ^ndi ^.ou -wiUuescutw Titiafortnng. i^oar i '®hfe 1 * i:^j-.i iiaiWini^jn^ •* 1 ,'7 ** ' r^prom A- cortain i ^tm. wUl;ime<^t no,g^ thu yonr Y«»ir' foztime ydti will • ftbnnditiwabto^.. J«jpdt8ult8i' -- » *« « : t>» iSronrjhopes'toi^ovw^yow orty imt vain. /otdaiinedl for • 1SlgnUesjtliat TOrii ^^ve ^enemle^^ [ • who -wfllreudeaVon to TniSt'snd _^iniike you nnhappy. Bocrotly. • forUthdo. ^Ifhoira ila'a<ihihdtHn66itb>ybwsa ^ • Year .pretended frlettd- hiixca yon Ton. hiUBt IxQir ^nr loasi with -#*• ¥ Com'incnGe .ypnr .tntvclik, and.thegr -will'go on w 3t>iicould -wl^ ^IB' friend aceceds.olli otlien in evety rapeet. yo9;/»watt,paaeimif:r-^ r ' »» i!wV:.aii.iSihj iB^^sLui * j1'4js^;jfcn^ • 3^11'X>fia^ra<£ d1)^.ln1fronii^ yrt^ca-iby : ^ "^1IFtPO means * &7 iPbLIGi platers' DTCISAIS BOOK. ."i"- I- tO;remrni ' 1 ,] !;yoriir\rtn Ph^^ft^ galntyJbatiyoti 1 Mtfte trnt Of th8^Bti^ ' ^ • 4 _ ^- <., / 1' jj; J •* ** -i: •T B^'are; am enemy 19^ jehflSavopi : ui^tp brine yomtOKata^fe and :< msfortune.' if * '. lety orb •nuoertain., ~" • 1* J '8be 'pin i^ayeia iflanclitOT. wfib * 'f iyilr<beiho~ilor^atiai niapuqt^l 1 -•... .' * 1 ♦♦ ^_fiBl|^or herself thereby. M J i¥^.- 1 THU^&nlriBO itiir » «* : — 'ThejpaUont'a lecbv^.is. dont^ - ^-ri-vn-u:::-; ♦ fsigntfl^ thai! yoniwllllfiborU^ • '««' .oiiV'bfitbe i^wer of yoniigeae^ :>n]l(f^. * - = youroipcctatloim are ^^^Syoui * iWo. ' - «* -™ :« 4rK lobtm^^hn^" sTonI ' ' 4SI ^Sl iniMooltawaite yon; Itwlll^ljeiair^ fldUtfoityoahtoie^p^lL • " ' • . lloiior; nnd i%v)M'dehiitte ililm- ** do well." * |.:s-.»s-:r.-i-..:^ . Tonr pnrTnfflf will hn foiid of 4i.i - I Ube^ 8nd>fr^p]^ Dcclhie tho pnniiJlt and yonwUl <miyou* > nen .prlBonee wlHi ibe • * " ^—. ** ** •* * - • ,5iie ^patient >'Vrtlli eooti' Tecovorr . timrc iu no danger; ^iwyom^lntenapm' « |! k : t" fThlB, day Is' iinlaclw: itherefoieu audi hia relea^' • ' i iroi^^ggforo y^^-i ; i^®'pSBpneriB sorrow atidnanx-^ 4l • * , ' : / ' iSho win.haTO a vetTflna1^. i^np\y^ povCTty; », ^oriBfifcK, -.-J fBpmtoffJo iS"-'- •« 1i^"^9!^y*pei»c^ 'imdfa fine fortone. t- hlegaifj^'of iQodi the pfc tlttiil wHl i^over. meat »S3: "" , ' W^wM0. "A "Yoni* .InteTitloTJs woald* dbstmr *« •:." « —; '1 • f- • • . . _ . . !1 ** 1 :: •* ' •i.''i ^iiey wiilll'W dangerouBi i t. .... . J V To^wjlli nbtiirecover ihei^pni}^ 1 ^ |AJaa^^,bnt.ofk;!iifety.w^y — THlgieriBOii lai seHiitje ^and frno: :( audi dcEKcy^ itoi'be rtmpe'ct^. i 2 i i. yonr rcat and pou^. •] ^W5ssvR<awsmvj ^oii' aht!liotiesC;yoai)gv 4n|^ li^^ome^ipututiK ' orty you .havo IobU ' « PiTOPed nn ynnr tntTolB or iotir; n^, a^. y(Hi wUl'.nbl havei • caiuH] to rc^nt It. DecUtie liniUTla^i'elBo'itiinaji ^beitoiyduniMrroiv. • .1 " 4* 4« , ij^liot^ jnhftvc aliooJiby mh- . V -.. • to yc • 1 Mm • If yon trnat this fHcndl yoa mitr . * navu caneo for Horrow. ;, r:si«s::hsss^--sa.s^-:sm^ . • • ,1„ • >arelfor{ft|anortHnuni "'A';• ' XwiJi£t@l^gaUu^iiBE3y » ^L .t*t« j Ko-in, (ud will eoiiiiiim; imill dogtii. IMl po£ioy P1.ATE^' i>l^AM boos. IPpiflGl 68 2K. iDiilAM #0OS^ Y(m.'VMni JjM a yvei luia'disome peinoa<mr7^*pirav^ I«liaa«ysiWiiiita;fi^ » |1 ^ti^imni^itmittfbrtijuie I •* 1 1 ♦ ♦. « * ' —•^- -—• •/•- '^e 'Similar willl aoon' letnin III; , * ^ * .not -. i ?w 'Toni will'not be .pn»pen>ns''bi . 1 fortoQ^ Iniforelgnipafta. ' ' * ITlioipropeii^iilsi'lb^fdreTOT that |i "<fhe tmef ' • ** 'V. • - * mmVl <iii> ^oixr —^ " " : i^iPonr ^mtane changed * '* Bhortly the mMOTt^e. , wd'noiaehmbniBj. i^fiUsm * aho iDT'he'wiahes'to!lM'70iii8 this -' moincuL lliiB >par^?si jnst and truo: .^'Yoam^ r^oni-iL !7ooxMbnhili7»'wiU|pzi^ •Too *flii Hose;Iwt! Place no great^tE^tfn IBOSi; «* 1a^eitravenesiiyllllM.aluwt Bome * sthitf wHl *, v^l' -eoon Mtmn ..^... U'^li' remaia at homa, ;oa will o w e BQCcesB. ♦♦ 4* BOffciHinost. 'Pl^e yonrtnist in isbdipltb Jb , * ' 1j^bii^'V(dUr<nie^'^noK; iaSd'tUv^. <the qisikOBM of Impptoess. -a* 11 itws inra^fbrel^.eo^ti7.r * &lpann • -ondi ;•- t considierable time. II....::." J.; : .."i" .. S l^fJS"j *• Sllo^^U , ** LJ* . ^ *« *• ' ' • **. !•* ' ** ( :o£~t^ <peraptL '*• 1-- ** * - ** Ton' Wflli tniTalBi j '^ant.if1Ui$»!dTCTihe^^lQni.prdp^ 1 . TlilS ilfil .lyWm^i^ll cbaDgralilei „ Tdtiivdll1 i n t i ^ c f m i ify 1» < • tTiln.ttinrrlngnj, " aa sitfcm si yon j , f* 1 SeaiC J . T^onf fiiend' J** 1 TarlooBiimi^oftmeBtitl^ii ot^ , 1flinoere 'lovo-ftbmi ahi ^ I ** MM •7g^^w^ailind[h|imorif '1 * •* 1 >* >i4U !| iilw'c6mfortaHe<anar'hSppy. • " L *' *' •] « • 1 ..A 1 • .Sb«i>\wlUi>h(i'irepLl^^ i«— * • 59 'Tbnt^U*'nbt*baye anyjeqebeiss at **. ♦ , 'pti^nt r I p - * ' j: Yon rli' ^lt;'"i''cQirt^6'itliiSkM°™ '™" •* I Tho travellc^'a jre^nn-ls nndetod * 'I donbtfol byUBundcot. i'I . I foKifin poitB. Tow ^aiit' deairo in • * ^Ton vUli,lacc<^ ff -- - 1 '** Sf fc fc ^*1 * Sl^ifles tho Tnlafoitone which thtentsw'^llrbe iprq^^ * takings ' 1 * ** * * {Tdn':ii^tll im<icgedi'tni vj^inre wtiflffl.' * ) ** • Ghan^yoOT^Intontianj^.and yon *1 *• Too willi tvrafe ^^fIii;Boitow Md tzonplp; Toa rtrtll' raccecd according to " yoor ** I iI Eipeot no gain; U ' vain. * T ''|i Toa-will »T» diS yotir BGolc to do yqu hanti. « *« ** .who »* Signifies that/yoQ *« * * jArora short time yonr anzloty ♦* t for prim:^ " |Bu rucohoiled; yonr circamstan1 ces .wUl efaot^ mend.' •** ; •* ' 1 God will R;ivc the 'patient hedltti ud Btrensth again. ' !. «« *• '•- Incite of enemlce, 7on^^ll do , '• itirJde8lics|aMgy.Qtt yibbmlnluia^ e^yonEVW asked >veddins^ • n* The ptieoner m be leased. ,' * . • ^^MffeWhatevOT r ** . j monoy. The prfBonor will.pacis n^y 'days In conflnamoiit. frw»iuft^yeiiio^^ ooinplalnlo^Ui-InflK - - •* She will havo a very floe dimgic • • I M •' i . Tho patient wi^U deport tills life. ter. *' . * » Tou nrll] marry a penon with M ** mmwbom^yoariA:ralliaTe^llttle com- i tlontTBljecDver«ifl iBbciwiilihave ajiBon.' Sbc'v'Hl have a diiiif»hter.- ** *« •• *m W* • Tbi^ man-Inge will not onfiwor IfyomiespTCtaUoh i'it\Win|t>^(iliB^it¥for%^ -,. e:pnsoner • -• fort l^BttnolwlHipl^, and nlcaK^ The patient will, rccoycr. .- , itao paisnor. ' "i ^LA-YERS^ i>ll3EAM^BOOKi 60 i „• *. .; • . -t • T 1 rSlio ]wt^t^wtUv>cecdv^ Irat ?Sla "* aw • , - ,1• *• .. . ' • ._ ** 1S^^Ilihdyeasbh,who\vl lri{T6 IBhff ipflBbnor wy|( .wesxpa from .'. iiptKing. >sainj r" ~ : ; ^^'Ipvbiglirea^ '.1 .. __ ; ' . *:• 1iKofie t* • * .' - -11 » 1 SRMoroi^&ffiHn^ WOIB ^iog.pmim wliliibe jgor • .•„• -!- - |i ' i •' * f : Sha will have a eoiSfKm^ saateni yonr narHB^; <W \riii ||fM|EMKpnta bad temper . ._ .•' ^ipfiKeedt witht bo^^ donee. = ' 'bntig,yoa''miDD||li^ OT^TOdiTtpthlalw^ Toq^ffOl nevwii^coyer fheiihetf^ , * O qnlckly. .* 1 • r ' • tlu expccL 1' ," ♦* 5 Ton^111 have greatracco^.' *• - • - 1 ** ^ow mil, 5^011 tefialvfl .yonr mifvln ' • , • 1 oad Jay will reiura. »•" \ « i Ywir Inck ta fn #• \ ii! • .shnnoybnatprcMDC, 1 * ' *•- Ir will ••«* blo nowB. ' . . T<i'Dcotb • w may eud tbo 'imprlfion< maht. . . ^' liiat yon v.'jll Bcon hoar agrooA- noon ht) at. btuid. Mi • , •• yet letoni. " ijetiuuiifatmoniei 1 ' _i -4 , ,im^Ktianeerlff.lll tiOOU^ y"" Dep^dt pot 'm<imiuih^oii- yoor ^^%Oddaucfc;i ^ , ;•,' •• • 1 " " ^ jf^g^fU^falrlyliOTMlltEwlr i* • • There oro' mi^ottniuA hiiKiiur Mrt^tyoai gwg . •• ii^StKvnwPBlngqlarSintttiiiertyqo <BtntH!c6ver,^oiiriprop(irtr Bells 1 ** • fmd^dt^it^li .. 1 *•> « • 'Be joyfolij for fninrei^prosbeHty " te;oed»^4ifor ytiu ' i ^ |no^ St^^tflefl that ponmw will depart, • >• •" ( Yonr ^hopo Is in v^; foi^iio — * H ^Si^ld^ pe^d.^poniydm ifidni^ifiaffld •t ^Dhelpetfi'piiltoo^Ss Tbla firlofidi io moro .vtUnablc 'yout misforhmieB- will' vanish, i and yqn will be'happy. ~ ** dtiinoil for you. 11 • •i • L« 1 • Kjtejolca ever <i^t^dmt which' Is br- »n Si . 1Yon .wUl bo•, bbehtcd'ont qf ,yonr iji !galn, • * Yoja-.wUl not ipxoaiwfrant home; sXSi hnbcu yonr foi^ne. ** I. m ivouKbaiSiiuicss^* • V ** m • • ' * ' 1AforoI^'Wbihaii.wlU'gt«atIy cii= ' /%m wiil'BOdji galn^bsit yoQ Ht- ** • :••' *♦1 ^rm. ' ••"•Bi™ /';•• . *» 1 » m * . Wben ^allirnsd;. It^p ftbitii evil * 1' womeff,' or they will do yba *• j The sfran^ will^^^l^fetoni. * *♦ - ^ rYo^^\^li^n recovoT what la The ptraii^E wlH retard liat hoi * *« • thbtigh^he (b6w|^,^% W^'-\ • •• - .. .. ■»♦ • 1. , I . li.iHotafziend;^bnt'a'Sb(^<anCT : * * -. oihonoK' Ol* ^•^• Stto will 'bave,tn-a danghlcts tlo^' mn'- iVettCT in> flUsi " Yon * Binom fHendv • * [i world;' • •'•** '— liniia pMobniis stHelltho'iinveisei rubei^tho '• Ij^u. , ' meefmn^^p^neeii •4 * • Thife^diW.^fiiWfM!^!!!!?^'^^ «lcoYor, ^and Jiyelonfc - twe^lriuilAi hiBeiiemleSi The 'ijiaitent' ©eloTinbt'ffiiBiaaaidt^';, yonwJUl 1 ** • YbntQra^ot'i^owtliom& T •ft*' hApplibtu ibt'liappiiicu. |lsrgtt wflii!^[& i •**. ' **' 1 J&l'^ait'fbe.time wd'yon will' find j^QMCTT mimmm ^ i « » b >ibb' 'icil8a^): !IJms dayi^bj^gs iran on Inet^^ ifott will siiati^ itnlio a >yiety ir&J *• Hpectable ifeunfly.*' / " ^ j ; • i •• I By fbiBvmi^nia^ yb^ «' .J ijlrag^HlmlS'aii^gS^ ls:i| " V - . J * -Wr - • and td'yot ssasJ.^stS' • I » ;., wionty; ,;, ,,II,, ^!rBftt53^?BKblld|bo^^ffi«t^l MtWlB'davMbatfariWa'cMdMtl^ fdlEye'B*™ " " yoi^prcs^amorm'ii^ POlLiCX; P1«AY£^' DKBAM BOOK. Proaiii J^teippfeeta^iQitts a»d' 'JLUirfy 'IiottcK^y? :^otii'bfaa»< ^ionm iffdt Cniinevated 4b' i&S^SSi^If you dfe^i youi fnlllinijbnevii^^fl^ ?6m of i^^jSa; .• t6j]^isiick,,:d^t^ii/ii', ^ AjRTtlBf^'-^tt'jftiig ibad' dreaid'for a^;perwnBi eacept clefg^en; ) li;,SOy (TO. ' ' '^ . ' ' i%W^:^peflot^iit!hat secret eneraie!^^ itiiyf to! in^e fPin 4at I yp^^i^eSj./aiid'S^i racdeed ufiiesl 6; ; ABB0T,^Iibnff lKf6 fo a m^de&^^di d Z "' , : ^^SCONiDiTR^^To d^^ of ab^nd^^ 111 yea^ badftof a. ' di^tmef/ ^o^g wiStt; 26180,85; iff. ^ ^ 1 ]^pCpS4Tf0N.^Jl bAd d^am, M, |fc e^ows ypu wlU' the baai^ of slia^^gr^^, 0; IQi 89: | V A^IOil.-^iDijnotesJo® t<J themaffie^, raPtte® to lovers; ma^; il^geto maidens, ^d recovery to tl^ ^ck. I',^i0; ill, 7^1 ^Oi^UAiNT^llSrCE.^fojdrehm ^aty gO(A news, andliviU'Iw very tbrtuuote ' 43,46^ 561 ° AftrA ^i —Tft dreoin yoti see thefather ofiinen ^apfey fe7?ent;. f if hp ic^ks pleas^t, be s^-e you wniiisucceed^iini whatever ^oui uu- £ ^," ^ ^ '"• ~ -fVo ^eet blm fp»ra|iad6w8' spjif^ aod^ /l t^uble. ra^plaily ^ yoa a"^ iCOn^b^fie|d!i % 60;, 55i iAEtlBtf^^i'or piieto-di«Smi Pf%iddib^ tieuiatly so ij ^e parties pre fiiha^ « 1 -^iCTL'TE^SSl^To ifeefone^iy^iMdrB^#%iir^^ denotesonPi^id of f^f^ut if you^'H to,i^ahder 4,11, a5i,i51l, 6?i ' ,';• ? Pae speaking, some one ^OBATlON.i^To dream'' ybp adbre cpi^^'iich^rough theid^tbiofi %relltttd(?e. »*, ««, «w; iepMA^ H4I^.^<Suardiaii8hip, of gPodi sod very jrrejit fortune. fdi^iiei; yoa ^aVeIt diBXLpt4»'i^at friefids'&^ '^alBdi, a , " " "T " "" .", idemPt^' great) ^iaithf^andflfoSiin •ai!i^y.i^T\Oiffr^mto^ i^r^ey Isi a b^ dl^eo^^ it /ofip^p^y-. ilij ITi,!?!"" • '•:.••• 8. 18, 28. ' •iS;: ^ou will be- ibeggirig;aii^'i';&igriifliM^ &aitHfd< if Vo^t ^yp.~^d th^tdfflcultie3'#ill|ij^^ 4; 11; Is. it ^io^ 'die^t '-in^dflh; 'iii6?iCTeMiMherlli^rl ;i_v'-1.^" AXil^G^rV'jil^&.==Tlial; youi wlilbe succesafid, In imyliilng you nndertake., 6,10; 54. AM7M.~Fot a inaiden. to dreami of alum. Is. good, as they will be v^ discreet In what they undertake. 29; 43, 51. .AIib]S^.':---fl^ipinera in your futtire life, with the protection of Hwven. '1', ^,"7. AXiLtGATOR.-^^q dream'of thismonster ai^ifiragwattrouble ' and law-suit. e, 7. ?, lit 4, 7, 9,11. " . 8,81,69. To kill one, that your trouble will end. . • A!B^ABSAiD0R.~SiimifiiBS misfortune and hasty news. 68f 66, 73. Aa!iUSEMEKT.--Tp dream ofbeing at a place of amusement is a'certain, sign that you ?villi be engaged in some lewd aciipn, ana that your sweeUieact will prove false to you; it foretwoM ioM ny travelling,and that yolirfriendsare fickle and unsteudy. a,4S,oo,Du. AN8WEB.^To dream df answering one in your sleup brings joyous tidings. 83, 88\ 66. ANCHOR—To dream you see one sigoifles j^at assuraocc and'icertain &opes: M, 89. 58. To sailors a pJejisaut voyage. 47, 86. 66. ANGLINQ.r^TioUble in obtaining wlmt you.desire, which sliall bo oWcome through] a l^y friend. 1; 0. II, 60, fiG; ANGER.—To.aeotf,person, angry, be oireful for some of your friends are treaclieroiis; and ik careful or- yo • business concerns, 5,11, 65. Or, if ."u a journey, tnke espticui core of your health. iaha:, py, 16, 41, 44. . ANGHOVY.^To dream of thissmall fish denotes great ncUes. 7. 9,11. 57. A^'irBBN"('ipiN'.^To dir^m: of" t^ing ai ;waik; ANIMALS-rrrMany kinfls is n good dream, to a lover, and tUat andiron —Signifies great assurance and certain hopes. 28, signiiScfl liastv news; to a Dinirfed woman, hai^y llfe nient. 18. 3^, Si, 65. , APPTjTCT ION.—'Denotes great care and calami^. to • A^BlTlOii^.-^IJenotes bealtb/wealth, odd-g^^t good fortune. t AiCO050N*1'a.WQiTeat wtwubriong, life and power, andlauc^rai I -''W^lbyer^ liJ, 4%. • • __ •' ' ^ •/; 6, ^;;48l tecl^ed tO . jMOjSflSi-^Tb: idBeami of of tfee facfitoie^of iil^es aiid! botiorsi ^amiabJo bMldren/trlnin]^^^ ^ Midi Iw^tever ie tsays Wrili pratve rto' i69j 70! 75i(ciDm=' biiiaupn. AOl^.^Sbpwe that you yotirv^l lo^i |;oui he will many very sborrty, 4; 14, *14. 8, 8,14. 84, 48. J mmmmBmismmSSmrn 9i0Sif9BSttSig3SSISSM ;:/y. P?:' i-LJ fv;rV^r:r--'j:: ?j.-i.i:5i Vl-^^^^^ fy|-iif'.4'il'.''.l11li^;ft WWj^llYJ®V^i^<W;iV wJ»OMGY5fii^LA^K«EatsW^>EiSEiBOO^ •iVir '-'• . . . "" . . . Illlill^ilftiSS ,. IS't^^^^Tbtd'i^mioT'isfelrijffjyo .tague^InlibfetKjftby^ iiii'isr^' ,Qi,^';t^ ANtX^Ii.^Succ^ rad'^onor ••;'v. ".."•'Trrr',:..' Mii'r-"^''',r ':. . '/. •/':••• olf'iyi <ra|^^ •' •'-i IL'J 'JI'li'.' li" LiliJ il^'.".li',''''!il!T!." !''y7'; ''','i',' iiv/,'•j,'''\.' '!i"V'' '.', ' 5\\'' ' '"!''<)V'' ^' .i'l'<li^'f'i'V' '^^ Jl;. • anS' joiir ....iS '•'"'•'"''''''ISiHiiii® • , I'M • Ci;;•: 'Ji Iill'S'j;ir%[[i!ii.^ ::;®^to^0.@jri^4vpidi!.-a^;:Bu6H lill®*"^ B^^O? iSOK^P^sage wa^.h. a.d .lnc«a.a of V.^iiL;<;rj*.i'£c;;.irrv^-.fyr'^-'i---'J^ '•.;'r-.'L' i:Mi^i.'i' :^' /I'y.'A fV:, , ;:;|j!i5(®a®E\;',©jFj;;!TItEE8r^0WBiydutw^ jourownmegligeiice. ^ - 1.44/66. ^ - . . -- lffv^£:i'^l>aDavJ'marTRtaiga'itri^^iiifliHHhfi^?iiri^oTOr.vM^ •?••; „,16TOiii'i'd'fenQiMrdi6iii)b"i)uiLtmeafc':bB^ • love and. , empty, of; :^f0 TT^j&fenotl^ tfdiffl'^uit.lenii?fm'flillliAi^^tVlj^Tfinvii'Ajli^' ,. vodveraipy.' 18; IB, 86. 46:. ,., ' : some game of chance. 18.20,86. ' . . '^ ki. BASE ViOL.--Yau\vill^w, tut of sbort duraUoa.; •^^»iSii|saia 'y • Ai3P - .. ^ IS . l,.8,.18/20. -• - . • ••• 10.16,48. . ..U...OCC" UIOK UlHIH.-tl '«V..«v-^ 'S ••"-••/ --• - .IS' ' ' ^^bman nuraing .Imblua dunotes trouliie; IS,. 21. sld^. Tadrcam •. , .;: i '•f',sr,,^ • : ._ 1 ]... • iA cli see.tlii^mi-riinnlng.about the Uou^ ^1^03 bmmco^m^ bu,w. m ' /'tiTGuch SlfcfeM«B;ariiaSggiSE^ jim\i/jw!j;-=7Tpenot«a®aetiuisu^ ^ ;/i'.ft';v''/.fi':Haesi^''i<:?T6*'fieeithemraescenail'dlerioties;i4foiiibIfei\f:ii?fSfi?.'fi(iiB'i^:fTf^ : ,. .' iTlHAia ^I'fi-nfj'Ain llV.*.®-'. • o^JiA "66 roucy- playeks' pjiisAM book. POUCY P^YXBS' pBdEAM. BOOK. BACK-HOtrSE^-^ls ^vU;. it dapolcs' decay oi busiuuss to a mer^rat -and w o f .fimplbymeiit to a mechanic, and loss of placfl to a secant, but .to a Nwoni^ it is good; to a luafiitin it de notes tliat she will hare im^y new lovers;''to the' wife <that will' baVe an increa^' in. hOT farpily,' the widow that she will soonmarry. 3, S8, 40, or 18, 21, sides. BEAST OF PBST.—Denotes'-the escape from a heavy misfbrtuDo; ito ^a loVisr .the loss of swrathe^t. 6; 9„ 14. BEETS.—To dream of caclhg bc^' signifies freedom from trouble juid, eiEpeditiduof linslnesB, because they make the body soluble. i,2i,'.69., . SEACH 'aND myrtle TKEBS.—Peace and prosperity. wheels yonr 'bitter enemy; tiopbse your .cunfldence in some it i^no^ that yu,ur swe^ra^ I anil pKfera wotiier. ' ends, tuid tlmt In baalH^H,denote iMt m one plays ulindl- fls^rvanteii^ibeitrUs^^ ^6; 4», man's Buff signifies .pAMperi^. BLTJSaiNG.-ltp see a maiae siroilies that you will settle some guarrel' miitah' ti) your e SLOSBOA^G OF 19. 40: mutdi joy. 44.68; come BEL'L7,-^To dream one's 'belly 'large and great predicts a fair and large ^tate. IX, 2S, To dreiun youi have tho bellyache signifies trouble and disscniribn. 10, 11/22. givesiiwbmfee oijajii^^w^^ IS; Ifsii tne cplbr; 'iftgr^; lie ^1 bei^deb^tful they will IJve a peaceful life to bachelora, good fortiino in thialr amours. ' IS to IS'combinution. , BEEF.—jCutting beef is an ill omen^ denctting sickness and misfortune. If not disgrace and 2, 20, 60. To see. It boUed, denotes shame. 20, 46, 4fi, To see it roasted', signifies success in love affairs. 30; 53, 61. BEHEADING.—To see one beheaded denotes the rapid realiza tion of ycmr wi^es; -totbo buhutded, success is'love; to th& poor, denotes that they 3will become rich. 4, 7, 69. BEWlLDEBEbi—To be puzzled in a dream is a sign you will hear good .news from, abroad; for the rich it is <rathor unlucky, but to,.tlic poor success. ;51, M, 74. BIER.—To a person >in. business It farmer good .<^ps. 4, 16, 65. ' o BIRT'HDAY.-^—Shows^ hc't is in danced of'being unhappy and unfortunate during his life, 11, 14,.20. ..BISHOP.—Foie.tellB much jealousy and soirrow.^ OO, 51, 89. ,BLO WIIJG, —To, blow a fire IndicaliM' a chaoM in present clr- cumstunws; to the rich' a' failure' in business. ^To sw the wind blowing denotes sicknessL "10, 27,71. . " . BLACK OATT£i^.—Deiiotes good-fortunei 4, 11,.20. BLACK LEAP.—-fiitmififtH that all voar 'cxpectations will- be /ultillcdL 1-1,18.86. . . BLADE OE IROK.—Denotes prosperity and[-wealUi; 1. 11. BLAN'KET.—B^ga strife, fi, 8, 40. BLIND.—To dream of being blind Is a oo^ln sign that you 45.; gets a new bonnet mill lasting, " 17, SOt If liluraS his Ibye'will not be ^Oi'^Btit® iWnnlSl i^liaoves her to be guarded' of henvirtue. fb£ sB^istini But if' $ feml3a )lbe^i her ibbniiet d^l^iijpri^isMen^fm BOI>Y.)#^^o>^!a*^)aea(it;l>^yf:4 18, i9»6i. BOI^S.-:-To see them denotes 0• ut itbat depends on 16; 20) i lf sellowibf i.;- _,,_ _jTivill quickly improve tnarria^; 15,. BORROWma-^iToreteil^S i!*r:^"j:oreiieiiBw,»u liii aatruy. 16,17', 31. I have bomatliing she g of a treasure. 11,14, 41. 29. 43, ei. Bi0S©m^r^lb:aibyer:iffiEo» childrehpandi-toia^njan&it^showslthnfehi^wife-will, receive some un^ -happiness. 4. 7, 9, success, and to a ' BIiLLlAiRD*TABIiEr-T—To see one denote love. It 4; 44. 6, lil, ig.i^^ll' be BOl^S?®#.^ mt 9#e 11,18, 44,' 66. * BEAUTY.—To. dreaita-yoti see a beau^ul' la^ denotes that 07 wo. bream' <op"a nox tTouble. andi; ^i^^bil'upsitbxjarmera^^l ^roii^U theniV it^^riai ^es;pftvthe^|dht'^^blm themkwitl)£but|in1ui^^M u,2(n;i,,jo;;fip'n;f ^enuesl B'iR^^^^bYdManiloi^one^s biit tblhim^that is 21. B 12. BROX Ijiw"long- 1 ' \ • POLIGX PI.AYBES idiB^lUl! BOOK. >';.:;v>.^,,••/v;.•p.©I,IG.y^:.PI.A'^iEBSal^^ i will- be iiiasjfl^ you will- 'I:: GABiPET.—Denotes, pom fort. iCTeift'iS^ucp'eM Iflhpwsii^mEH^UllhaTO^i^ ^RiH)lE~^o|fs^}|<m^ . _ ilWI ^ _• i. Si "68ii'"" / ,. , ,„ - • • ' ^' • ' denotesjiroSpfeH^ 4, 44, 66: . •To^feed'them^it\;;--;^/.:'ii,f|^i.^ To'drietim dt calves- d6-'' ^ ' ,,, .afgniflies ssdnessi , 3; 3.,33;. '/'i''.'/•.;!&; i;;.ybiiLl^l|}^ffi|!'jtta^Ie'!^tt^ I'fli^lTOQofwSaiuielfifafiWtfluitVjrdu^ m iBBOOMSTf^dre^lpfjaweepingiiWl® nf^riraplSI^ , 63, 78. I To sue a person I ^4 „, •'• 11,18,36. , , '•! v! ,69:>:' 'mU 'denotes'tbafr' mimy da^era'!'' '.-: 'it- M g|,©!a5C,^Ein«py-^Toi:dre^!fG{fi^ .„.1BHEES2E|„., V it^^ipie!|^e ujindwvoxiiig'^'Swindle, ''j ^^f_' Bt^nEj^yi^teniyiy :f^i:t^youSM8^lf^ le0iifte^de^-^iEl^xelte BOOS^. 'kw'1/•'•' ®®'.fGiS:®©Sii^306f!iidifea^}j^;o^^ , • > • |ri^%|an'(^);ib6n6e;.(f'dIamoiti^ S,^6u^f;ibv^;f;'clu1j8i''j;iia^ • • . .fijiMfc , ••• ' . '0'y!r'ii^S wealtli;bea^;••;. ) •';: y that you' wiU^quarrior.with- '/•Mi'':' ' ^%M mades'.-tbat' you\-will • !•. ;-f.-:l'.-^^fi| To .dream oTlci^-pljiying:'.-?... ' „, .'" '/''VIi5^•''^'' •''I'lv"'' • 'i'l^ J i ••'•> X•••'' •"!' •'•^^^''^ jfliiMlyiyQiiurMput»SonSj$8^ ®®URMl!J:sToi,;;dream^f;a|bu;Mf(i^passes}i^^^^ |6^jffipIyliff9^ia? ii29.K - lllii._.„-.' •-: • .... i living mar- • C^&POif.t-M['ndicates troubloiimd sadness. IS; 15, .SB:',' J^ • jjiv.aBifu- :: ;• or goiced by one ipreiwarns you riU^iiid(MTOrij^te#baM^^ tl^rettaflimiraSwllol;^^ iBU?lHi/*ti!EBSl V . ^•' enoteB|16ss|6£{igb^8iitan • fl@i^|tha^TOin^]^r8on wbo pretends to tic your friend Is ^about itmtake yantag^SKP^' Mess n?10TOlaffalre.#tll|• •• - C • V • CABiPENl'EB.r.^Dendtea.itliafyour.ifortune will incEease;-..-is;';' r 22,75,52.. • •"•.•• • '• • " \ ...; i' •; .• •'• .CAS9>IE}B:—Prafitablfl 'to'theidrQanier. 3( CO,-BS.- >/• •.CAVAtRY.-^To'.dream .'of caynliy fpr^^ains .yoiiv^g^t:^^^^ crct enemies .wbo' "wili endeavor''tib 'narm3'OM-. ' 'pi '«>' ""•!••. '!vV{••.>;•/• •v;-.//\; ;'j|3;' .GBRBERtm8.-rSignifie3 sin. 14.^16., M' l!';?' •?• ;. r ^^.,•;vv .• CBLBSTIAt BT<^S.—It Is a good' pmM.-' ..-gii 19, 69/. •.!•. %V;''" OHiER'RIilCS:—I>iaappoiiitincnt' umald ini. ni(ffirtBg&- • .• •: 'i'... ?>. •'?•••! •.jif"y:''!.' .r.-.ipp.' viil.iSlfe !vS?re:m." o., Site'i3ij l POUQY PLArSBS' JDR'ESU BOOS, 70 PpLIGY J'LAYiins" DKEAM BOOK. G^ICK0.—To.dream one bathefaeeka plump md fat IS'.g^^ll toalJ, eapMl^^y to wumen; but. to dreani hagg^ signifies grlu'f. 8; 45i you w liaan mj^ CHIM'£S:-~£tennte-pFospei4t7, thriTing. (liiildren, attd siiCKesBful suit in loye. ^ 18, 37. .• ' ^ CEiMiR -^0^qtes prosp^^^ isnccess and (honor, 1, 8is|lK iFp'dream pifaxbuiruian[^^ .denote riches. ;,T6 seeaichdrj^^ through your own iuJustry. 4,50,69.. tLat you will 'b^me rfdhp^ . • ;CLOy^. —Is a sigb'iof pro^nty, also voyages .^e ab^ut ^d ruveiifipg of sec^.tsi 1,18;•Oi. • GQ^CH»-^To ride in oneforetells disappointments.' 4'. H, 4iL To see a CQucli-driver denot^'poverty and din^nice. 4', fiO, 71-.' jCOJ^ORTl-^Denotes a speedy marriape; if mnrriL'd, a sign of 'Ohildren. it denotes to the pour and ufflioted uid and comfort. I 1,8, 17: ' •CHARM.-^Expect to be married to the porsdn.oh: whom', you ydu;;.yyiilr^en^go \M': sam^ aciiiih, and .tliat yqiir sweetheart will prove false to you. 3, 66, 78, 82. ' GHilN.-^iDenotes good'news. 8, 5, 10. * CHA-LE.-^To SL-e one wrltinf^wlth cbalR denotes quanela; to f^,;£>'Wrge ;]unip.^jch^ denotesHchra'and <honor. 1; SO; '66: GHI MHEY.-t^To dream of a chimney comer, to a m^d shows st^y manlii^; itoisee a Are burning brightly, you will become!^ 3, 5, 66. iiCM^N^DEiLlI^—Denotes trewhety 'and hrutalitv.* or diflOHAMBER^To dream, of a chamber denotes love! l,-40, 47 To di^m 6f a cIiamberrpbt lsagoodalgn, andi y^^ will goon bo married. G0.A!T.T^Den(>tea much happiness. 4, 81, 44k COMETS.—To, dream' tliat ynu see one is ominous of war, •labile, famine and death. I!ustruUoa of his hopes.. CyMPIJEXipK.—a pign 'Of glory and honor, successes, and' ijispaicb of UuslneM. 4i 8.18. . • CHARCGAL-^SienifiMdis^ess. 18,80,81. To see it bum 17, 54. ^GrDEB^jFtf4ream!of being drunk on cider denotes safetv in I.trayelg8lll8i80i47.; -' " . " '' " eiBCLE-^DunoLeK profit and strength to them .who ate at law for un iuJjerituuce. 20,- 37, 20. ^ Ts good hotli for man and woman, for it pMiflStblgotVput pf evi) timrj. dehlf^jpleusurc ^dfist^n^'tih."^ /11^^,^ 11. 48, 61, 54. To sue a comb To seea conib-nisikbr signifies profife To see !i person combing the uair denotesl gtgl'ke^Whiclftdeno.tes evil. 8, 13, .60. ^^)S!E^S^^^Sliatyou will-besucce^ulinlifo. 16,18j<6&' '4, 31^ 60. io will grow rich. 4, 5> 65. ^ COURT.~If in session, to a'maiden denotes man #iJl rub her ;of chastity. 1, 44. If in' open court, siguiflea JapriMnment. 18, 40, 68. COLO^P.WOMi^.rrrS, 6, 66. COIiOKEli MATT ^6,14. 60. - ^ ' j .COIfD.—Denotes yoyages, and return'of the absent. 16,18»". ... " GOLI^GE,—^Denotes succ^ 'In. your undortakiugs; to drcan- | .foU' are inside of onedenotes a speedv niarritige, aud tliat you. will be very happy with, your family. 6, 40, 69. COLOR-^Eeuottis tbatsome friend wfU' endunvor topreviul on you t<i .commit an act by whidh your roputuiioo wiU be e^ d^gcretl. 5, Ml 71. ' ! , COMMAiNDi—To dream of being commandcr denotes' rvcover^-lo'Llie sidk. 4, 61,.:69. .COJi'^IiEtRCE.—Indicuto ' .G0&lM (Jirrc.4!TI0N.—To dream you communicate with any one dei'ioius you will gain ^vealth. 40; 8d ^tlon. COMPijAlNT.—To ituftfone compliuuiug denotes trouble ami oouleiiUiiit. jfe®. flrst, COMRAT>j£.—rTo dream of having a comrade denotes wcdth . by iu(lin*ci \\d}-A. OLERK.-rBhows that you are ji)danger. 4, li, 28. . CUR-NS.-^Fbr a man to dream his flesh is full'of corns shows It tokens long life and success in businesB •• To tliis luver dt forebodes an entile 4,15, 69,70: ''diug.. o,'10. 14;dream you biuywitb a cook denotes a wed16i , To see^area person cookiugtb.iiidicuiivo of aQteedv .hia^uga'. 14Iiret. . 30, 31, 47. gSI^60l61.' ...... COAST.r-^Ts an eyiriomen to ^iors. 9,17, 40. have placed your Sections. 6, 7< 80. CHiBM'lSE.erTo a Jadr to dream of a chemiw ngnifles that heir to au estiite. 71; It/. '15. a(du8. CONiFBSSlo:^ ~rr> dretnu you aro coofesslng to any onede> nOt^ you are In love. JT, iS. j •.;)^i;vv^ I-,-. • • . r •• •' POLICY PLASTERS* OI&EAM i;M •'SGGit;' POLICY PLATK^' ©BEAM, iOOK. _ ^. .,1 1- • •'•:•''O'/TS?';^^ rsfT^Fi?? >mar^'icra^llri^bnTiffie • :i|i5i;;;;;iGp ^Ibyeis • seHmj ro»®Ml(0- Ciyfi , ..^ .'^ '., , •11• I I ft. Xl--ri^M SS,.-: '^; iMv.'77t.//i^ Ivi'i :,',VI,,s ffli •'8d. Clip of .cbiDEea''te.;»•••( • • • • •'••^ •'' •••^•'" •iam' ;iii®0SiHoilEipSoBr! pymmt^Brnates joy.' S. m. ' GjiUw'6 'iFi^.;iapblii^i/ •6i'68.m . • •'"^ •.• j . •.. •;• • ii)i^rPODIiL8.^To tboae. i..trouhlb :i^i^g^j|al!iBnnti>ayiwniiifA •rt«. • Indiesi ;ilf;•'•AifR'^i^iJeiibtesi'ne ; . . . •...•• •.• •• \ i-^.: \::-X0$m •./•.'Ms 'loyp- • ." '• .. ®''• ^•'' '• v'To'V;.vM ;W.:;:i.!;,y,:-i7 • • •• .'toy, '.•: 8®P* of.yIit '.^At delraud^ 'BA:T£3.-r-'Pi8noteS'eiiomiw. i6, i4i\6^» 48..'.'.' . •, ' ']'fn||58i ^o ibe Id a cow stebte > SSMble. 83,40,78. Il3wf® fdi^io and Ill-luck {b all por PBO^S® H-wsm w.. . ., £S ta business; .to^see pne •m i< Ivihv/ V"- • • • POLlOy players' dream book. POIilOY PLA7£KS7 ..of this profcdsed .enemy of Uit hiii^nTaC8 you. il', iflrst. In Ipv^ BOOK. 75 Bl:d^a£^^^--^Denotes dckn^^ 8, 88,60, DlNIinGILr^To dream of gping to diuier denote distil.' 2, if. To flee him idwicendiiig Jutc^ll> ffl ifl'iihdiirtaklng youi will' to suQP£ssrul. 7^ ; DI^OUBAGll&EE^T.-T^Benotcs wealth. £1. 60, 65. assured, slgni of sickness, especlfllly if your BOllINOS.—To ^ream' of dominos signifies ^od worb and' ^ncipalLy <weddings; to a prisoner it denotes liborty and fr^oin. liieuk of day. 17, 81. . duatli to the drcumer. -8,'43^.69,' 28, 88, '66. To dream of each, one aud what Uiey deaotei, with if.writing at a deykshows /youiwiU violate . wiu' betokens seoret .enemies ,th(^ eni,<66. 'Fo dreuni of euch spot and what » 6tit-iArvB.—Qolng to a public ^usement. 1%.6S, sldea. Bdc-fgdh.—Lawsuits. 14', .64, 78. Six-Two.—Present of olotliing. 63; ,64, 66. I^Lfies richtis. 2, 4,-6. 4, DoDB^ai^-^Reraiving a sumof money. 44; 6^, iS6. «*• Sii-THBJEB.—Ride in a coach. 28, 68, 72. 8,19.83. surprise. '^e .numbers attaulud: . will soou 'p^form a friendlj^ action. 6,16, !&. 82. •le one. .0,17, 62, ^ tio will prove a friend. Six-fiLAJfK.—Guard against scandals, or->you will suffer by your inattemioii. 2; 7, iO. \ ' » 1* 9^ 10. DotJBL&Fiv£.—^ Uj9w abode tb youradvantage. 28. 28, 40, 4.8.40. S^EVS-FQUB.—A fortunate speculation. 66, 66, 76. scand^. 88. 65, 70. , roach. 11, 23, 88. , PrvB-THBpB.-^A. visit from a suj^rior. 3,10, 56. _ Frv]M«wo.-T:-A. lyater party. 7,18, 60. I'lVEdpKB.-s-Ai love intrigue. 6, 28, 76. • , IBiv^BiiAKK,—A funeral, but.not of a relation, 18, 63, 60; 1, 6,10. , ai which some important ovwt- vjOl 'PbuBTiB-^ponit —'Ftriiilting liquor at a distance. 21, 86i 74.' 9. 39, Four-thjjeb.-t-'A false ^arm. 8, 4. 43. Pbun-Two.—Beware of thieves or swindlers. Ladies take of this: it 'means more than it ^ys. 3, 4, 42. ruwoi into sonie trouble or Sbvekteeh.—You will eltliW h« on the water or deal with. thosu 'bBlungiufi to it to your advuntugu. SB; 47. 74: Eighteen. • great profit, rise in-life, or sumc most ^sirablo <mnrt will haopen aUiioat immediately, for the uiiswera to ihu'dice we always fulfilled within nine days. 14,18. 26; digging.—Is a sign of wealth, and. happiness. 17. 36. 46. To.SL'e persons dig^ng ditches ptirieniis loss of labur. 14. 17, 46, 71 T(I'llreal II vnu arc digging dirt nr filth of any kind denotes a profit and rise iu iif«. 9. 81. 64. 66. niAMOND.—To dream of a diumund denotes riches. W. . 2, 39, Fo.tiB-pKB.-^Tr()uble from, creditors. 1, 4, 4i> Foni^niiAlTK.—Letter from anvongry'friend^ 4, 10, 40. a 'BocBiiE-TmiEE.—Suddtunwedding, at which you will be vexed. 8, 8Qj 38. , . THREE-TOo.~Buy no Idtten^ tickets, nor enter into any game of' chance; ur you will iuw. 2, 8, '28. Th:bh|m)nb.v-A great discovery at.handL 1. 8. 81. Thbb&bIiAKic.'—An illu^timate child. 4, 80, 21. fiouBLE-Two.—VcxntionS' fram a jealous piutner. 3, 4, 22. T^ou^wiUsmorj^eeaprwPlBdge^somo^pro^rtyjt^ BOOh. 1,2, 21. • • • »a.:4i. : " " "" , fottie't sptAtiKps' POiilCY PLATEliS' DEiGAM BGOK.. 76 EB^EH©iEl.=^To 'dream' of 'b^bme an officeholder or maint^n a^3iigfi&>ddQii!g4.i . iJIBHOiiElST.denotes sUame Mid disgrace. 2*^ 73^..T• draaiii any bhe distrusts y^iii sigirifles you' cjsme- to povefly. j U. liS. 72. PWO-RGE.—^Penotes shaine, 14, 70, 72. D0]^HiErsrS.^l8 a sweethe^L lEIMPIiEtiE.-^Denotes smat loss,. aiS^^S^^false fiianc 7,0,87. . • 4; 8, 68. ' El^S^.'e-Sigi^fles ^eoltb and oif business; M, 73; sideS; ' 31. POGTOH.—^ a'gOod'bmeii^' prewging long life. 44, 5% '50. EKGMN!E]®R.-^To dreiunt of oneliij 86. . peraiis in -Nvliateveis yoU'UUderEake. ENSIG-N-.-rr-Is ai-sood' sign", tmd' DRAG0iif.-^iU>tBS g^. 14, aift 77, i&i, M. DR0S®M0F4©OWfl.-r-Tp see tliem is a veiy favorable omet^;, ui£tb;|^tm^dl4t^in^ra .evil M tli$ di^eamer. 6i 7, sides. ' ENT'RA'NCE.-^lgnifies wealth; forebodes'evil and.dissena^ti-aDiong^^^^^^^^^^^^l^Q- ' ' -dressing denote -honor. • •• • " " • ••'" ^48:'''''. • foretells poverty and disgrace. ENV"S.:—D'enotes tbaf the .person^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "• and success attend his iindeitak'iags.^^^^^S. ^ ^ -• jiSry- imd -hazard' by his", 'person, .andflllaMiaWIP<^]fflPMs^K Cl!)R^i^R,r^lio\78 much bappinessj 4, 82, 60. ^ ;t^^r.,.of.;J^..,.,.,l,.,6,.d8^^ Elk^!©!!r.ION®^j^uguililcraiH apeal£8f;^ape^yt^'amaglg^^.'ivi7^119,^^^ nee onedenotes sickness. 16, 52, 66. iPRT^^^^Mfe^^^uarrBllIng.' 4, 15, 19, 86." To. see a • ler denotes that you. will ^ slandored by sonie one.' 4,!.40> u b. Iq aud busing;'; 6; '18i),6l. ' accompUsbing . . ' 'love:fsiaohii!a'jd:i^itS(io'wawM^^^tt!i^atmSP^^>L^ will be rich and prosper||n^all| jMou Twick your ear ie an evil inen'.:bto<iutedi^titiidtiisi^ai^^^^^^^^^^^^^^3&L*,..-.— , ^§allilve| a new pair of ear-riiiKS dc- denly^§'eojueii6iybu^^^®|^ »!winliiilBTOmimV lovers. 2,'52, 59. nat you w.ill liuvo m'ti^y se- .' '. i' , 30: -Preaming •^^l;eaTO^ I. ii. ,, them, denotes that youti^l| . jm.. _ a^m^'^tlie\-Moi^Mi^^^B^^P^ 16. 43, 60; 54. difflcultics ealousy '"""'" who'tfee»imd6uiif:oiexiQ^ibfttiiM^fSQm^angc^Blgl^ less: 8, 21, 88, 64. ! and trouble. 1, 12, SO^ =^91B ^ , JJLB0 W.Ti-Is a aijgn tliat lie who. 18, 4iB, 61. ^QStEPARy.^ignifies loss and-d^oge.. 11, 14, 41. >R^|^STO Sd'StetTon.^MiEKT.-T=rl8 a Hif^ioWislg^^rdC»«.< •a roewdreas denot^' 'aiteedy^'! ill^M2,%21lmW^8m J; dreamoF.' an Indu^ chi^en,. und h^r' BSfMTelseefSTO^ ^•& Ifirst. T6. see an. iron ^oot der 4,, 6i DOW£R.-^Penotes Tiches. e;" 106;-661 • " • !EajrjOYMIE]S^;-=:8igEJflM 8orrp\ omen, wd diandtea liie loss, of your DOOR-r-Ts a happy aJgUi "aptcs lo^ !Blil!E'R'j3£^P'.-^ignifleS''1ionor ariidl'kw^ld^^^^^^fe above, yoiii; .present sitnatidni 7^|/7| 27. era bal mint; friends. tl2. a d'cno.tes persoiwL ;^ ;5i 7i:!^J C |Ti<iM^y>]ai^'ifl^Wgfea^^lSiaSil^^^^^i3bnsine^.Si:lfSfJ:^^' sides. L^kM : •'• y'fi POLICY PLAYEES DKISAM BOOK. POIJCY PLATEESV -DHJiAit iUOOK. FA.CTldl!T.—I'o lie on^iged. in udq denotis that you will mddenly bec«jnie rich. 21, 40. 79' FUNDING AN'YTHllfa.—^igtiifiiiS' loss of projieny, and i- anCTB ji^d^m>ui4es^with; -friends. .Si% ^'flrst.i::?;T6)idr^^^%!diDgi Bis fatber-in-law, a 'Key. shpwS' yOa w^ll lia^ otHers W wbrlrTwP®^u^ieiSiiDg whether he be dead or alive, la an evil oxqeh, wd' denotes' lusa of property. 12, 8, GO, 9. FAIR.—To dream of being at a fair, to a inalden is d^geroun, as some one will try to roh liur of her chastity; if yoa aru In love, FfLTH OR DIRT.^Benotcs great trouble -and siokness, 9, PATHER-I'N IjA W.-^To 'dream one beware of a qiiarrul. S, 15, 3l, profitable. 31, 65, .or 8, 88, aide^. ^ FII^S.—To dream of dealing In files shows OiCtlvity; to pur chase tiieini shows' you tO' be of a zpTiiig disptrsiiinn. and shows, •FASmOX.—Signifies that you will ibe vain and d^itful. 7;, ' 'that youi will'have others to work for you, yieldiug profiuible. 1, . FABLtE,-=-l8 an evil omen, and denotes quarrels and lawsuits. 46. 64." FISTUTjA,—Indicates inuc^' good- luck; in love it 'foretjoUs • mueli unniaihftfs; to the ma^^ many healtliy ciiiltiren. 7, BARRIER.—^To dream of one denotes great gain. 89, first; FELLl^ G TREJIS:—Signifies sickness, and Lhat your recovery will Wi d«>u.'litful. 14^ 41. ' FLSAS.-H-£>enote inony enemies, and treachery of your lover ^ or ffleiid^ FEMALiB THUSF.—Demries -many enemies, and that they will try to slander you, 10,. 10, 45. FLYiN£(.—^'Is a very excellent onieu; it fulfils elevuiiun of •fortune, that you will Vrive' ut diiiniiy in the Siuie, aud be happy. PbaSTINQ—To dream Jtbat you are at a feast denotes that in' tliel most anxious about, feiaiitfff^^usiuudutifmpu«i'w 'lu-love it foretells 10, e», 70. y fa J . •FXiAM'BEATJ.-^To dreiimio^ fliiml}caus in a sign of trouble, .ex citement aud. distress; to the merchjint, liisstss at sua; tu the roe- and to those that are inar- ohauic. Wantof enjployuieui; 'lo luvum, deceit uud tr^bery. 6, yoiiT 'lovor, and loss of FLOODS.—'Opposition from powerful persons; U)' he devoured ' by'oh?" siguifiis Uiat yolt- will seek your furiunu in'tmoiiier luud. 2,sj ^ ^i)^tItIilG^^Fo¥dr^i^ypBlllSBlhiril!<fderiotw.....'great.. ^ troublei ^Smi^®JUsimi!M»;7,i^i7;|l3t;^:B7;i^ (To'^drettm^yof^a-d^ fe*'il^[;^^^yf^|^itifa^^^7.fgSl4M7i«aTmdrea»i -of .a-fisU-Lxiue sigr' Siiaisic;roM^l#ig82»Tb^0r'iS'i^g|seeiuavirian^ «• iii^;veversluing yiiW fffi®BfortunOi|%oSt^l3luii@i^ giiMntfelktimaffl&.iMj^BuSBffandltliaMV^feillS' loye^'^a |-woniai| itiffiKiliOTijWi^«2l%M^i?^dreaij^oqtSBthgllnCa;Iiflsli willli^lewaniliil MS^^^iSliTrotibitt^SfflMfo^^io'idreariafofltiiel-fiu 'of IwfllBMeuo^li '"^^jj^Sbeu^^^^^^SSDS^Sd^^StlpluasuTe. 1.. sides, or 72, flrst. 1, 2; 8; 4, 6, iPI(I'ES.-^To dream of files shows that you carry extreme ^habtid' to your euemies; tuid au addition to your foriuuu, 8, 6, 8. - FENCING-MASTER.—mgnified weulth and' prosperity, 28, •Aral. Tmlrtminof bciug at a feucing-scUoul denotes loss uf busi- f^itii ' iFl'IiBfiRTSiT^Angur and, trouble -with- your sweetheart, and much vexaiion. 6. 29; 76^ ' " FAXiSEHOOD.—Denotes secret enefmies; to dream of telling, a ' falseliotxl siguifles lotm of pntperLy. 22, 24; 89. 31.32.. 4, 27, sides, a " Oito 60, cbmbiuatiiJiLi '. ifi^LAG.s—If you.see it waving,aiCTlfles trouble; if you bear it, sigftili^ ribe iu your ptisiLiim, 11, SI. 40: FLAGEOLET.—To hear one played, trouble and dlssensloQ. 8. 18, 2B; 'B^U'rE.—Tp hew or play one is strife and malice. 8, 18, FLA2S-K;EL.-7r-To dieam of flannel donotus ihat ibe iierson that you will- ni^y will be very ludiBureut. '7, 86, 46. F. jAMB.-r-Penotes-qufurels and•brawls, 4, S8, sides. FLAS'H OF itIQHTNlNG.—Signiiicfl distress, and is a very ill dream; 7> first. „ ' FLAi.—Isa ^od.omcn, and indicates that yourdream will conie true; to dream of a fiiiXTdressiir sigblflea grout trouble aiid misfortune; tc dream' of a flux-spinnur is a good, sigu, aud Uiat yoa will be left a f(irtune. 19, 36, J1|0; iW ••' PGl/IGif PIjATE:ks' BBiEL&SI BOOK. ...; • :»««' ••'"•'•••: • ^/'A' • Tl" . '^••; >• • ••••.- '^••. • • :•- ,... : ,j.„,,„„., — K'. '. •.-v':^ .1W\-C11.1 .':.iT .'''^ •.^•. !•1/. • • SMMmiiSSimSMimis •.;... iv.?i^;, •?.'.''•! -.i>\.' .'r. '• 1.• • r/. V.... ' ;.HUl '• Oil'-; r- Si ••:.• ' r.'-. niiii J;.v. • . '-,0? ' om®: ifc' foretiaHs ppv^il> '. ^••^pjh i'30i';-66i'., .'vk . ' .. • • a |-by 'indixect •ways. o^S na• oi • .'• 4,,BO, 31. . -;•. r :.:i :i • ••« l-, '6, .30. , one,denotes -joy; • '-•' ''• a' gamf ja<i|^0jdi^^y ot.ljeing'in. S6-, 4pi 45., •ain^dicti(^:aty^ _' S if?S;O liS:;••?' J'r,..•.'7?'.';.a', ;;.;j&mr.::::'if, ••}.i.i,','ii);;? ;,:Vi;/:, • '•^.'>. i';f-r.. 1', 11, 17; 'GHEJ^|^^,©nG^'iitififiife •^•V"J'ix rise _. riclies.' . jjipiippi' !»«• 5 tUat A^oii ' iBLMteft/j (MMB .rtcKcs. • i • . • WwlW# iiSmrn !''((i''rTji\•'•iTOiJmii;, Hiw ~''v ... you'will' 'beconie' poor.: •,50y "' " ikoltl" • . •• /,;' • •' ift.'ijfoi' 8,'^16i 43j • • Vv ' ^ ^MSEOiraf^IlItf^xon^MiUpeJffdccesS^ if^uritirrout if'-.'- • xvg jttjif^v* • ' I • V • V '..'i-y y:'.\yi ' /• '\'a«sai|p®6a!S^^iQl them, f:y;:. BprTOm;^h6ji!^U^ you happy-' -^SOiproper^. 9, 88, .40. To dream of friiit trees, ybu wlU^ortl^ be momra'aiid haVetimny c^dren,' 41, last, > . |' .FK^MA80K.-=Ia a dgn of trouble andexcitem^t anddl»-. tress. 1. lasL FftEKOHMiAiN'.—Forebodes mtuih uneasiness amooff sweet-: hearts, and to- them that are -maziied. it foretells. unduUful' chil- ^ dran. 8, 9, 88; . i^OCE.'^To dream, of a frock slgnlfles 'th^ you .will suddenly become poor. 11,12,31. FURNIT^TRE.—B^utlfiil furniture is a good omen; brpken and ugly a%ad one; to :be dlsplayioe it Is a sign of trouble. .6, 1 11, '66, '68. , • ( FU^&GE.—^Is :an evil dream ^and => portends .fb somegr^ ' danger. 87,3d; . . • . FUR.—^Denotes sickness and poverty; to the maiden that some i one.-^1 try to rob her of her Ti^e. 2, 3^, 34. ' Jr;.-: • fh^' -• • slsSSirii£siai;i^^ M ^ long;ipiiriiQy..'l.T» i®' Mdivdii®r?OB;'^ , •:'.v^••:-\ . ©KBAM' BOOK. H l l i rpMlfBEEi i f W ' •" 'M-(aMl-„m:Li^.'.vv^':v --.Tr.rrT^.^ir.• • •^Oiil©®^,; . ' ' '"' , '• V "'''• • • •' •'• will.iaeicjilatgeai:-.-m^,^5p.\ :•, • •. •^•- ••• *. 4'. •.';; •: •; • ;• .'•> Ulnjij '• y- •"/ j'(: '.'.!t'.i..iwio.i.' • FOilGY PIi4.TEB8' I m&MOt FXc&TSBS' DKBAil BOOK. ; To dro^i of walking on the £^ound vpu' \wllli en- Jcoiuo^noiai^ diffioultlmj ^d! enter upon some arduous .miSdeiN II, 21 , ' •• . —liienotes wralfh. . 69;, 'JO, 73. your ^andoiotJitir denotes; honor. 17, 89, 70; ' OB&T'ITUD£.^SucceBS in trade. 9, i60. - 31,47,67,76. To see H!EiE^8M!A2Sr.T--Signifieant GROCERT.tthTo see a gropezy store denotes great wealth arid 8,11, 40ie8.' Gil®Mils.-s-Tc dxeapi of walking io' groves augurs thatwithfl^i dreamer wUl expe^ence i^ucih adyei^tyr 11, 44. j66; 81'. ^ GUAIIPLA^.—^Your a^ts will prosper. 42,.78, 75!. GroESTS.^:8lgnifies d^ppolntoent and eotiow.- 47, 74; &Fl!RrrS.-=-To see one; misfortane: life is vicious. 31,'8d'atatibn, ' HIGB GH'Am-^To draam.;ofrdnei'ili0W8^^^m|Mffi rately in love, -.37, 69;,70. ' _ •"-^Oa 'PLAiG^.^^enotes Eiacc^'|nb^B^ HIGH ROGK.'-^To dream ioalice. you '^ve^^^llbte of someone whomyou do not kndw. 6Q, JI0^ 76. •' iBGERBS.'^To.dreiW'Pf i^;RMiTO--^Bftiiga!rouB ackaess. ;aS7^78. sides. : ieERRl3!T<5k-^*l4> dream of ^ I OBE'^k,-=—Denotes racTitude. U, fSZ, 88; iptni™ diows th'at you are-about to tec^fe;aiiietter#:^^^^P^^^^|ig^ •78," 76, ides. To .dream'-of a?•^hkBroblt^lllwiUf 16, 69, 70: HIGH' SGHOOii;—to < tendsi^me e^' tp'the dr(iamer.?;>,''''^;ii^^pS, 76. HAW^.-:rls a bapOT opuen to the dreamer; a mixed Q^fitenee H'lGH TrBE.-^Signifies HISTORY;—Long life to Ml^DLE.-rIs ominous ofsuccess. 6, 25> 61. HOI^. —Portends .toevil. 3^1(0, 56. HOLY-DAY.—F^tivity and gladness. 1, 3, 20. '"'^lti]^i£feiand pain. 2, 20, 2Si. — • w t r FACE.—To Ae lover it shows your Sweetheart pflu amiable tem^ ^d faithful; to the tradiesman. sutoEbI Imd^clies, B9i 69,7fi. ' . , HAIU^B8.-=-Showstliat your sweetheart is uiifaithfiil, 4, 4^, You -will' leave your present ifeaidMce. 1'. HOSl-lCIDE.—Banger to the dreamer, and wealth andi impovtanco, ^61, 63, 66. ' H6'OP.-^8hows you will have to do -witU people tbiit will as^ MuJtyou. 15. 33," 88. ' , 0^0 " HOUSEl^EPEK-^ignifieg recovery to Uio siak. 2, 23, 6-. . HOiEE.—To return' tome mgnlfles great gain and increase of business. 1, 8, IG, 40. . ; • 'fiORKET.7-=Shows you will ineet with; many misfortunes, l-l, fH^T''iRI'liirGfcalliJiir#0 o fall -in ifausiness. 87,47, 68, • e'merience.much, heat shows- that eue- ^ealarmenc^ypringlp slima^ vou. 11, IT, 19. _ ^MS®§it3|S5^ream of one. If'you are in- a lawsuit, it dMid&iai^st you; if you ^ iudedm7M8i44. " In trade, you will be diPl " •" iHEMItl^NQfeSl'NQ-l'NG.—Toi dream- you eirig or hear sini showsyou will be suocessfui in life and save mpney. 8; 18, Bj HEMP.—To^drcam of- hemp shows ybu will overcome difflcultiM, 21, 38, 8fl. To dream of'hempiseed, you-^111 be successful *nlove. 14; 17, 76. To dream of ithemp stalk denotes poverty and wretchedueffl. 14,19,'8S. r HEN.^To dream you see a hen, with her little chickens fun- mng around, denotes health and pmapurity. 2, 8; 19, S3. To dream you beur beus cuckle shows that youi will, after many dtfflculties,. bo very happy. 47, 67, 76. To dreaitt of a hen-house • HO&.-^Jgfiifies'joy.and profit. 18, 37. B-i. 40, 43., To see them crating, 18, 37, 40. . !H'irSB'A33^DRy:^To'dream of a plojjsli denotes riclics; of,a . yoke, ill-luck, uuless'it is broken. husbandmufi denotes the breaking ofl£.of a 8«t,ttbcart. 4, 46, jO. Hii/8BAND:r-iFo dream of your buAimd, a boy to a woimin witb cbildi faitbfuluesB in your aweetbeurt, uud nched by the. death :6f a raluLion. 6, 41, w. ' i < HintfPBAiCK..-To dream you have a •bump on your buck shows au indiistrlouB pci-son aiLdtbat you will bo-.suct;tiS:iful ui Ufe. 5i 19,35. - , ,• . HU8BAR.-^To dreaiq? of one denbtcs-a goo^ '^egaey fn>m a reiallun; to Uiu s^or, sickuusa.on hisnyxi vnyiige. «0. 89. ^1#. M. "HYACINTH.—To sue tiiem biuomiug. see them withered, bss of property by fire. 8, 14, »d, t>«, <l. Mg^^^^»iBP*al %:-.-• WSM'Mfflit'ii.fei'i-ii'• } )sB!l • liSWS* i'ja.:.'!?,77"-^;,3•.v.tizi'••:•:•:•£:; ;#'6MeT4pl^^i™»ogMrs^^ SpBdEAM BCJidk! ' .• ' " _ • " --^ •. . , !-jr--V-."-Tt•' ,',|jm-. TION:^ a.«rWn.Bign.6f wsr, TlM i >^Tn,ii™m:von,oro,an,faSaSoSomm^^^^^^^ aiswpeth^. disliibue^t w#Jats E>,0]iji^JRo !!/,;wor8liip iijvone ijirinftjaiii dreaimnidenotes /'flc^ieitaDniiittfii!;'.'!;!';'i;;;jf•; •;• ?! ,,, ,._ , .., P^' v>;r."!"A —Kl "- foitowmH^^^;8ii^ii;^aiaifi ^preM^eaiifa^ J^;:i;:;;;j^i!l{iv ' SiffS siiiiifgp..V'•V:i :*^!, ^ , wviv.f*-'—Z^1 lii^Denbtj^iPpyeito pn'SfdifigTiaCfifiillm „ , ,..., --T.. ' 'noiiSmMMWr;•;•;.• : fV ////:':^:. kIji'li'i:;. .•• • r - . - . 3iies ay amw - ^pt^esiandlimagesjarefeveiysf:^ ::;?ti)gisa£mBidne , • , lI^r^iM^GORlf'i^TbjdreamwpuiMt^^ S^HS^wwK^llFv^" lifef'f'.;1/. ('i i :;5' .'>;VTmietriiiii.' t SfTrtlwlii • .' • • • • • vie • • . mm iyliiN©0'JtGENi^ESi^l?0notM^i;tliat|7jCmr,ji,;[ej^cte^ '•liiiiiSiiiiii!^^ SlN"GitA^TflflTriTir>IK1—*Po\i<H.w>jiiTikTrtiiifetiavB S^\-. :,//:l;^;>>;:^•;;^^' v:;:TTO/?kTn' *i**-r*TW';SLT*lSSM*<in m»vmWMMm»leot«lM7f|3TOW ir^piSiSisiEidSHiiSEpiaa^^ '-iii•SS fiiii'ori^tAfiiiitKin'f\3|;i');|;fjii^ i::'3' arv^firt>6ag5^^Stl|iepj,t^|;aucc^ K*®teHl-P.!SP."®tlsbowsfdisappointmenfcsatidiieiiemitB||amQ ft^^blepn^cdntcntionffinBSli'i^eloYeirUiTriwtniija l/7.:8. ' • -fa feffiBteaiaifiPioO: • • •••... rtfi{nHlstoTloMVPjaKC^» , • ; •.•::^»tilf •III •^. b INTESTINE3.-T0 dream of lliein.denotes tliat. you >e"' '• .; \ liiii ' >0 ••:'\£''f,YifS.fe4^i •Mr ?4^i0Y PliAYIifiS' DBEA3I BOOS. POLICY P^Y'EKS' DKEIAM BOOK. p^^NfliE^R.—To goUier juniper berries foretells tbnt you pi^Klifliondr.-in''<tfae'T.^tatei--but that jou>Tril] quarrel'wftli u.^ch pieiglrWr.'fei';.3;'8i::y |lreasM8B9^17; you'.buy^them la sickness and disdenotes tliiit you. will overcome ilMl^tiinM^d|glscoYer,,ia^]^ -who Is robbing you. 28, 60, TOi JUSTICfi.-r-Danotcs poverty and wretchedness. 3; 81. a present fvom some mend. 1, Itf^S ^G.—To diwm of n keg, to widows,and maids signifles mar- S^^^^ltbiTQlcoml^ To see a kea of wme ^retells diarl tesmiS, 85.70. ' ® • ' T.AvVT^W^n f^-or hririg a lamb to alaugtor tb 8^ one feeding upoti grass dfenotes hedth luid happiness. 4, o, 44. • . - IjAW.^Aa to patters of law, 'to dream of KAliEIDOSCOPE.—To, dream you are lodking through owq i^^fl^ati you*will y.A ITBi —A ti^quilt glassy lake denotes incroase of wenlth. W, 16; *; " ' ••• KETfLE.^To see one in your dmam is a sign of health. ludu^siCTifles misfortune ibrongh.falEo and deceiitui inontu.? LACES.—la an unfavorable omen. 18. Mi siaes. To drc^ fif a lace'string denotea that you will' be yictonous. 41. ti», /o. ^ •IjAM'E PERSON.:r-Tff dream you meet a la^ poraoa atoog your life and fortune are in danger. ,9, 36, w. ou- ' LANGB^^Sucii a dream siKnifles to ihe rtnripar. 1.11,-48. To dream of o loncer you mil bedece ^ BOBW? •Tb^sJee a%^e to a girl that her lover isi ^ig^^ay to a distiMit-country. 62, GO, 70, KINDLIl^G A FliRE.-^Is a sign that some deceitful person 8, H. 50; pitiit^^|k|ahi^p.|btrfui-e shb leaps. 3, 6, 65. .that will occasion the loss(if your e^teto. 1,10. S]jpiuu^&6u;p^aii'se^ young girl Ws such a<dream, aUe . wculth and honor. 19i 68, 76. ®o™e one is enaniored of vou: this ^felij^gD||3i^er/seX| 40. To see much kitchen-w^re de^ niBui of a kid is au'cxcelleat omen, ad it' denotes mili^g3i32. _ • ". Kli^^Snbi^TMm you JtiU a person, denotes tbat'there will'be' ^^EKxp«^|^i,|-ieg|^ you through the diaath of a kind! Ifi^end^ny^&ig^l^f^^^ 2, 12, 22. To much blood' de^ gtSthatfsomeion^jjilajBkia favor of yoo. 11, 19.-sides: To some ohe denotes wealth, mMM 23: 2, •' Siafe*69SWl8iUj clouds sfgoiflcs trouble in busi- bird of that numu is a sien of 111- ilgSlS@W'iiciesman. 2. 32, 69,7a ' " discoveiy. 5, '7, 20. pQPeteUs that he will be robbed. 7, 20,• of knitting denotes .long life ad'd ^^^BQ3^BjTp!^iy.fl^li.iard atwork signifies a speedyincrease slie is overtaken with' ckiid-lubor, -it is a po<td omen; !f she looks realize niisfortuue. 3^ 22, 40. ' LAP-=-Denfatos suctesa. ^ 6,8,14. LAPrD^Y.-^Is death to the dreamer. 14, first. ^ iiEAfi -^You will bave suits at low, or some other ill^bUSinM hi. • liEeHjERY.^To dream oS leoheiy denotes sickness. ^ 19 20. .bjAPPROG.-.Por a man to drearo he plays g fles that some' trouble will snon overtake vou: if a iiimueo tliis dream, she will soon be married, 4. uu. ' LEAPIiTG.^To leap' over dilcbes -or oilicr obstacles sign , tormieut 2,22,44L ' , LEAP YEAR-rr^to tbink you are In tbe able omen, and indicates success in busiiieiw. lo. ; • LEtTTiTC;E.-iOr other salads, eaten, siguvfy .""S!^'ipi,,,«sB. denw. M, 80lm •To:.dieam you pick Icuuce siguiUcs Mckness. ^'comhiuatlon. lemons.—Denote strife, disappoint'"®"* '"f^.ITnlKreiU wS' I lemouiule MgmliL-i. tn-iu h .. 10; 17. 20. . MJAK.^eceit and malice. 1?. 86, 40. LIONESS.---J>reamini! of seeing ii hnuess is good nnd i to mucb happiness. 4, ili 44, 69. 70. ^r ti.rn«(»h L!GHf-HOySE.^Prdmablo ^vice, and niisfortune Uirough false frlunda. 0,11,40.. LINiJN-Bressed aides. To drwm- .voiir Mnen heir to au estate. 9. 26. 84, 48. 50. ^ c i 44- \ S slySillt-a you wilH ^ • ^ . • 1 rrP irlinrv il LIP8.-T0 bave th«m .^«"»Mied UoSSonfmm 10 tM Jrv and colorless, you willbedeceived, oomouiuwuu PGliGT PLAYERS* ©KBAM BGOE. 88 T tiOAi)8T0!NrE.~i£ a maiden La^ this dream, it proves that'her lover u mconatant 28, 51, 68, 76L , • LOGKS;-^To •dream .of looks- denotes a good' wife home'and many friends. 4, 9, ^ 71.' To dreanictf a ' si^ifiesfortune by.the deaiih, of ajelatlph. 8; 9, 38, :50; iiQdlJSTSf-T'is ^ 'UD'favorable .dr^ia.. 2) 16, 23.i^-^fllNinake your 'home' •iii MAjR^T.-^TodTciim vou ore at market Ijrings an accusatioo -jt - lodging denote, travelling, and'that ^strange Jand. 1, 8, 89. Tpdr^m. ^lodging7houfe ahqws you'are d^itfuli' 8,16, OT. dream tbat one 'is cleaving.logs Jb a Bigflj^that ers shall come to theparty idrauning.--- i;il,.BidM; J J""#' 'rill fau 'ora lady to dream pf her lovor Is good; sh6 will auccesB f<^r a man,, he willi b^m6 incons^t. 1,18, •kM-T-x^ciiOte health and happhie^. 11,19 '69 P^'^y 8i,.18, 8ft ^ •P^otLse. ®had omen, --r- ® r ™ ^ — it end" docelve proplfl tolayondenpies pro^erity. 6,14, ®'i; ir treacheiyand deceit. 18,:17. ,81. ^expectedi hdpois thrust' 89, •»«'« danotolovej tt ako fore- lireaiMlie dies for.rtligion, tliatmBn g|g||»^l.onori dt sipjfie, ' some one will'overfe5^^y9S>%a«^argain, or that you will" do®'Sneomo foolish, act. Id iMkin.lovB alEairs.' Ifl, 27, 86., octTaaiily in some qu^i' you;haveide^^^ 89^ P.OLTGT PiiATERS' IjREAM "BOOK. -to you. Md thqt you will, ho' poor and u^appy. of dishonesty; lo dreiun yon are conuog froni market, good for- lime IU.U awaits M>|V«UU» ^joii. \#Uk 35, 29, 43, 62. MAST,—To., you climb a riiast signifies ^creasod^ ricT^ '• , ! • MABTEiL^To'dream you have -one algnifles that you arejear 28, iB7,"43.' . leys of ji^r BweutUeaiCt or wife. 6, M, 69. ' 'MASTERPiEeBl—Signifies great success., 48, 49, 69. ' MASON.-r-^To-di^ni of ft nuiaon is a sign of waste, loss, or. ertnietion of property. 81, 89, Dp. • ^m flft •"il ATTiNG" ^Signifies'consolation-in. troublQ. 4, i«, «, o"- MATTRESS.—To HreaTn of ofao aignifles ^neive . ' 10. 48. 6b Tojdream of a mattresSirin!^" will receive u (Icolni'ntion of love. M, 43, 73. i-» io' ilAP;—To dream of one is a sign of secret enemies. 1., " METALS.—To dream of inettds hasdifferent cording to tlie one you drciim of. 5, 49. Below ^ a.eorrect iis^ witA^their numfaers:. . . BitiS8.-To dream you see ablr^' prnsment signifies increased ' GoPPi^l.To°L.m of copper aignifles long Ufe and "GS,D.tTo 4«,am of goW, you will soon to ma""!"! '"'l^.iio^Jlofi.on is fatal uJ theWofWrs. 9;; -Signifies tiMityou wUl make the acquaintanoo of afool,' •' 70i75. 78, „ . ' ' , in\.To^' ' 0.uicitarTiVHai.rr-Sliows troubles-and ^vcxfttions. . , > • • 8TB6L:-SlgEifl5 tuat yon .njured.byOie do. j i • # .it s hn Tra.-To dream of tin is tbe foreruW oj misoliiof. 7, 8 ..6. edit of- supposes friends. 1,14, 69. Zmo.-Is asign of. prospority and long hfo, -^llh mnoU happ.- Meiit, raw, fa not a nKaL^i^rslg^i^ot dS' MEDDLERS,—Aro an omon of ilMuck; if-yoU'reprove them,, you will triumph. 5,11,05- iMEEtRIMENT.^To be,a looker-on of - ' uot^ sadness; to.partake, you wUl have trouble. 8, 58. 49. POMOr PLAYEES' DKEAlkL - BOOK. Jll 11f »ws you .will do w- something in jI(i>t>Ep.;^8how8 !U£Ai^\yORAI.-;-Sucli a dream ahows av^ce. 1, 11; 46. mJ ' I IMEASLlE^—To 'dteanii yoii 'have the' -measles Is fatal to tfio Pgo^^^cts of lovera; to buslnem inen, rifalinnaHt. sery^ts, 12, 2J8, goriy »V ' 1. ' - Trill cut . .^cT ^ON-K.—To ^ureaxutiox^nuoiii ;dream of if one is (i signsome one will- reveal a afr a proof-yon wIU'be unsuccessful' in sootte fn- 88, 64, .08: .V 7,,78, W. T jifXy^*T = —1"^V'AirtSJlIllK lilt 7i Is pn>hn-Miir i|09?i™?ftonc6: Ifiyau It ^iiapp:em^to.J]b^^a^^^^macy. 4, 11."oft" ^• We sopMthing. wlllliappei M14STJEE.-=-Ifl an unfaTorobleomen. 60, 8.8, 87. l^EBLAiEirCHOLY.—Is a sict that somehonor awhits you, and lJU;t;vnn-wilI'riRP'in tliP wnrlri. Ir- 60: rA' 61 t;=( |tl#^yo)i will' rise ia tlie worltf 15. lypritemursuit. : , • cxetyou.l^^ W. " • .r^-iLTT.nT^ JllS®generous SHOES.^To.dream men's shoes' is deliglitjbu. a sfcfn you "willf act, or confer of a benefit tiiatwUl 6, ,. . .i»ii vAm'. diflaoultlM: QQaUlut». 6, D, 17,fe2. i f, JKJ, jj:*.w - . ' •. , , e-* An nn- .—Z~: ' Vi^.TT.7•!;* • :: with her. Ifl ,u :wiiii'inwtA'witlii 62. A"witlii l^uWo.,'l84,^';46, ifbiiWo.,vi84J44Sj^« the marfodVtite.- f^Ts, SpSlTO. ;iH.UPo.^u:o' QTBiim'bg -ttOBa''sigwu».i,^^v''Sii°tr»*;a!ig^ •• a»d happlh®, .-happiness'and riches; and-they foret^'t MtlS^Meo they ^ cauaht in a trap, i; fl, Ad. |3!S3HM)lii^m^ IIONTH.-Mbrdreato-:bf:,^h^ llOSffli it denotes. OPEJ^BTO^Ti^^finotesiribh^ /"•^^mll rise _ jAimABr.Tr^ignlfles long life. 19i 56.-63. 2£Aiup.—iiliencitee thrift - j|U:iu;/ii^^;?:^x^woieB^IurrUuta^ dream of middle alley sifinlfles slo^ ill the ^orldl 7. 16. 30. A .-OWTT. To n aigniof nt»<. nf siokness afnlrnAQR .1 APBn4.*^Isa in ro ofa miller shadows' Ibirthc'^ tljtat yrfui Wit jTmE-HSipnlfles success In |otJ dreamer. 2,62^ 80. ' ^ almve your preset orw.,; Ififi „ iI06bep©t^5no4rtii'alen of misfortune. ». „ ; ' ' ' d r e a m ' of a merchtful denotes thrift and inapplDesalangi^at^youi^ nse in thc 'wurld. 41. 54, 63.>i4'ifo' of one signifies'tlipxcveaiing of secreta. • 76;" mine signiliii^iliatt yp^ wiU be^pj^^; ,, iU, «v. M6I?. t otit. JUXiT.rrs^Foi^llB ooflTflt. nf JUXiT.rrs^Foretells sonw i^cr csancss. 0.17. • Atr0iJCT-^l8|aiBignibfebaa^ T and pleasure. 84, 43. 33. 46. ' 'SIM3f4^Q]3 5riti5?5R(ii iM^omr io miredenotes slckd^. 8,10,11,88. Die to the dreamer. 29, 41, 82. IwStergiskfffOGdidi^iiniifoiiim bfS^^^lby ONStTER *70I«a OcTo^s3t.~Forot(dls i yenin^stor husi „j ; UD. 9: 08. ;• '• ^st k .dKUa iboraiwitiiih-lw^^fM nteyCT •will^toilunaSiSiaiM^^^ on that day- will' 14. 2d. The secon OT hidden 0, 69. 70. . 8; 42; \Jyoir\ %, 61^"°' some hoDo^^waits yoii. i'Sti. ' KETIN 1^1. «-SHDimEMDmBat! . _ br^hadowsptu , dream of drinking mineral 'water ilurge your business. 60,9,37. 8,16, SZ. . . _ ,. - . • .i.:_„., l„.t 93 jPOtTCT PI,AyEKS' ' 666g. •'POT.TnrfPII^T^.IlR! PGIiIOt PliATEES' D 3(1. The child'bortf on the third, day wDI be'^fortunate throuch goraons in power, and whatever is- dr^ed will prpye tni.e, •% S^thi. On, the it born, -will b.e di^nj^ .• 4tli. The fourth day is.bad; .pOTons foiling sick on this dav rarely recover. . 41, 7, 22, , 1 Bth. The ^tfe day is favorable to be^ii. a flood work, andithe sUst ^ uciifliia . lealthv- and 8tedng,(ibut T i;pa^wdl bs^tolcratdy successful; the Chil([ bora oathis dup :^ha: 91, .80,8i$; • aadi Thtf child 3^1 ^damswill not iinmediately come top "S'.pnd the child will not, Hve lone. 6,16,08. ' tiuiate; lie or '^& ill be vain and decdtful, 6,13, 43: * and much beloved. s^nd lip(^, L 7|. !^d'. The child, thatas/ an'ungovjernia.ble temt rwacniier about in a 3 through li£e. ^ S4tai. Tfie'child trouble SthaOjolaie 6ic iuQftian8;< andS tO' pass; whatever IbuBln^. at^p^ uaflerlokra: on; ithis doy^mi^bitiaiior and tirn kramost beoeflqial. results. 8; 46, .61. ^ ttiV :^eihinth|daM ,-|on|liiis|dt^|,w^ - - n- ^ ^ ji^ ab^ti^ 2tf,;j68; J3f6i' ^ gBfh. Widked; lie little from'the former; the child . ji6th: Oii tbe twOTty-si . _ then ibom -willbe ricli and ^atly esteemed. 0th,•The tenth floj- is Hkdy to be fatal; those who fall siok on^ittiifl d^ ^^ live lone and bea great traveller. 10, 87. 89. • ® ^7,86.45. religion, of an eng^ng ftrm aiidmannets. 11,15,61. {0*1^°"^ I .**• :v i ' • * dreams wfll prove^e in avery any on, It . ^ ' SSth. Thechfld boraon the twenty,-eighth day will be Ac light of his patents, but willnotUve to auy great age. vB. aj, uf. -•agoii Childnm: bom on. the twenty-ninth 'daywill experience mwy hardships, though' in: the end they ii^ay tiirn'out happily. U the twelfth day the aw^s are .rWher fortunate, and O 35, 46. S7th. The twentv-^enth dw is Tcry favorab1e,for dreams, and the child'' then bornwill boof ^ .sweet and umiable disposition. 11th. iTie ^Id tl^t ta bora .on tlw deventh day will be buch lichildSbornishalMivedonff; '6i fineetOTl^' ^ilfi>ena: »''chc3 and honor. ,.9i 34, 86. ' * ¥ i to Sto oilinBdosii and busiiessVuo on tlils doy will . be prosperous. 39, .58, OT. > 80th. The child that is' 'born on .the thirtiuth dtiy willbe for- itonate and happy-, anti weU skilled in arts pnd-sciencea. «i oUi 81st. The thirty-flrstis'good, as it favors all iinderUiklngfi. 9, 18,27/ **>81 is-boni on-the sixteenth' daywill bo'of very |ji^SSIffl'^fen|o*|naat!e;rit|i8meveMeli^^ •soiling pf all kinds of merdiandise. 18, 167ri. verSfll^roosedlafd •ottSilMiBl ' wDlWe many .trials .through life; ^"tto a woman ah? will haw •a Bood' liusband, with tnany dutiful cbildrao. 1. 3,^ 1^ l o. |S^m^™g»*^nsact anypl^f/^oXlck'* 3nariuaKe^^M'$l7S27i ®W» * • MOLE.—To dream of ft rtolc on the" arm, right or leftj shows the person to be-of'an amiable•diapcfiition; it do^ftes tha u day for-the dream of a mQli on the anWe showsill-auoccss in buHine^. 6, . 14. 89. On. the anus, you. will 'be of a 4, 6, 9. tIf you dream of tJiem on .the iirmpith )on lU suddL^ ^valiant, but tecomeiiGh ' 16 33 36. If on the back, allows an ihtemiiQinto •jlh^wiUibo chnste andslothJal'disposUibn. 19, 65. T7i « S S' • much miBfortuaeinlifel 0, 18; 29. ' V " ' ' n ' ' « U wiU be dnin who Vvilf-marrV well. 1,4. 5. If on tlie, brciist. you wiii receiVe a fortune. 45. 69. On ihe bntfocka, show's of an indolent dlsposiUon. 18, 47, 56. ;On the cheek, you wfll \k: Mdii 94 FOItZCY PLAYEES' DBEAM ' BOOK. POLICY iPLATE riee'aboTe yoiir present cduditfon^ 16; 47,. 66; On thecBiii, ypa 'Will receive a declaration of love. 9, 48. 73r Ontbe eat" or eye a contended: dlsposdtiow^ 1, S, Si8. lOn the elbow, signlflea shiftfiilu^ aiia! poverty. 1. 6; 11. 0u the eyebrow, predicts an Mtive<dl^ijsitiofc (ffi. - H on tbe 'finger, signitics emliar- i^ment iiit^u^esa: 6, 66. if rim the fodt. abows you \^ill be. atbie£,or a disbtjii^,person iii some way. 31. 66, 67. On tbe - at great htmnr. 1,4.63. If on.ibe groin, you ivm be yeryiortu 16,60.61. 'Outhegullet,you wUL'b^meipopular. i6, 88, . If on tlieband tirbeurt, denotes Mve^ and a beadstim^^ 15, 84. 47. O.V tbe beel. 6i44, 68. H on thebip;.you wlHi ^ very'iortun^^^ 2 37, 84. On theleg.or knee, sbows a •®*i>t!Cied ;bqnb^^^^^ If on the navel, you willi iiav#i d^catei^piatltej 8. 59. 60. If jon tbe Jips, you. will rist U) ui^« 63. On tbe neck, you will lie wrelchedi 26,^. 77. If on tbe nipple, showsa prudent luid# VJ^«etjempe^i V^i W, On the uc^denotes yoS will get § igood.wife or,husbMii when you marry. 50, 51, 76. If on tbl it BuccesB in life. 16. 68,. 74. On tbS ^P!ritftte!miBmbeE;,ij become auddinly: ribh; i il 6,:i6l Itfoii, rihouldiar.:• •yoilwflli twiM married, 4. 26. 28. 'If on tbe ^e.:abc^wstalperson of a foppish disposition. 3' 26. 35. If 6ni rather indolent. 6. 0, 71. . if on tlf^ ;t|!?jgti,,sbow8 a gwjd and benevolent disposition. 29,45 4i5 ""1 will be distingQiahrf. 7, 23;40. If on tbe ^ ry tho one of your choice. 5, 13,.86. --^An omen, of good luck to tbe dreamQr. ^4, sides. todicates you lifa 47. _WAM!E|rpToi: dr^Jof-' free coii- 8d^^tolhe:afei^^^^^^ followiog a correct list of,both gondetsi with i^a, Anne, or ' Arabdla, IS'. 31,. 65, •Amy. 4', 8; 54. ' . Agatba, 1, 8,16, .iffoesi 6, 7. 8. Adeline, 4, l8' 50, , • ^andu, 9. 43; 80. .A3ice. 8,16.42, "le. 17, 46, 78, Gertrade OBeulah, 19. 35. 47, ^-ntrice, 4, i4. 18{ gn^ota. 2, 7.9;.,, Blanche, 11.42.69,. Bernfce, 8, 19, 38. ®rtd^t; lCl7. 20,. .C%llh4 16; 1^140, be|[a/lCl?i:40i ra, 17. 86, 42. fiariptte, .Cm^ty,^2V8;l8i srtends much money. 6111.19, 20. a-ofthese mischievous creatures is an evil ^cret enemies. ,^ , 1, 3i 4, 44. .Hickperson dreams of'a^in^^otumeSS the .healtliy such adream isgood. 11, eoBri*® l,4HP'®*To BM many people Is a sign •Gomebodyf™ IWI _ " oIbo '^rediots slander by a supposed friend. • • IIES.—Denote revealing of secretij. 1, 8, 64, 70. a sign of lawsuJta and enemies, 6, 61, 60, iS. M; 43 BlSr; i, 60. 70. . «-6Mt^: a5, 56,76; De]^^, 39; 47, 55* Diana^ 8, l«i 20, Dpitrthp^.ni, 13.15, Dorcas; 38;: 41, 71, Dora. 6; 40, 60, Bllen;'6. 8; 13; . EditHi 23;;28, 68, S@. 8, 11, 18. 88.— fMlSl^^B^^^nfavorable dream. 9,11, 18. /.W •»" Eyoi 18,i56; 65; ' Elizabeth, 5. 8, 61, Emily, 5. 41, 56". Esther, 86, ffs, 118, liJlTdfR: ••li IITicDla, 7, 12, 60» Nancy, ?, I9i 37, ^orab, 8i 11'. 03, ^ WotMi 2, 8; 13, 21,1 Oliiiria, 42, 21, 42, ©lyTOpm, Xlo^leer, 14, 37, 88 ' 82t iPaulinej. 8, 19( 71, ' 60,'l77^ Borbort, 14, 15, 16, H'^bert,, l;6; SB, 75. ' i:, 10, 66, . .Susan, 3, 10, 56, ipFudoDce, 2, 7, 9, P^elbp6^3,rl9, 27, Philippa, 3, 9.40, 8i 21. 43, iKiscfllai^^aG, .54,1 Ipfirillsnf; 12.88, 1, 15, 4^^ Sa^hiiii, 11,19, 33, Hugh. 19i 38, 63; ' Tempfei^ce. 18, 23, 40, Israel, 28, 84, 75, Isaitth^ 38. 63, 66, Ishniae]; 5, 10; 44, Jacob; 15, S8, 66, Snsaniiah, 6,14, Sarfib,'83, 66, 60. Sophia, 6i 9; 54, Tabitha, 8.13, 43. , James; 3, 18, 45. Joseph; 18. 85; 62, JDal,.9i 15, 63, Johfii 81t,~66, 76, Job; lOi 14, 68, Jonah, 16, 44. 58, Jonathan: 6,'6, 35,Joslas. 56, 64. 66, Joshua, 18, 46. 59, i^ohnston, 6. 66, t ffcntfTTfpu'WTnKgag jTrt, febrahauii 2. 67, 76 Constantinc; 8, i8, JSGw < taolpliua,w28. 84!; 62, Bavia,.7, 8'. 73;. . ' DodIb, 83, 40. 70, Edgiir, 8, 86, 74, |M";a8r.'4frv74,' , iroiiV,l2,17, 48, IDoniel, 61, 68,'69^ Mitiii 66. 60, ! i^Maii'dei*r#lli 23, 38; Libert; 17,119, 21',32, feiribWseiiil.' 11,-If, Bllswortli, 18, 38^ 40, pSaidiiiill'O, IS. 31, Elijah, 15, 34, 5l.. tercdiitialclf^. 33, 4S, Ephr^mfl, 30. 73,. Mpia;:;8ri6. 71,^ ^ 21, 47, • fc^u|piBt^W9, 30, 49, l^ffiHolomcw, 48, 49, 5% 3|i^i®aini.'l!>, 41, 62, 15, 18, 70( fei^^lO;.ll. 84, . |i0Sftr,^3S8. 40, Pe^>8i:7. 8r |Si®ir^'^8, 88..49, • gfeail, 20. 25, fiem^'tWO, 87; 42, fCjonfM»4^p, 63, iUtbet^S, 50, 61, Hi^on&i:^, U'e, 37, 50; Edmund, 6,11.13, Edwin, 30, 56, 61, Edward. 35, 48, 74, Elisha, 18, 32, .68, fcdrew|;8i. 30, 72, 61, 55, 14, 16, 1, 56, 75, ^ •fBlmer, 1,14, 6.6, • Xieopold, 61, 78, 55, it^TUsi 48, 68, 67, iIWwi% 62, 57} iiuke;; 3; 589, 45, liionel, 3; 87. 56, Erasmus, 48, 52,. 76, IplS^i a^b^ti8w»ii fliKpM fM5W, iKwlahB®(8,TO 6i38»5, 68, Sj@fflllSl0S^. 44, Samsonl 8f46, 57, Sii^MMMl27| 46, . 50, Simep 63. 59, rp^tb^l'1160, 67, •ohiM 16, 43, 51', : 0[ltiihisi28^60, 78, 45, Mattitew,, 81. as, 77,, :Bi|ME0l27,'87, 50;, -19. 34. 40, iMarkS^^fSO} •84, ,. 7^. 50, Piael; 4: il, 38. ^ Jlas, 21, 40, 71', KoTmanf^48; 85, 50; Nathinidlfi3;,67, 78 Eu!gi£i'p34, 68,-69. EzekielL;il,33. 67, Evorard, 7,'69, 70, P^, 3; 5. 68^ Frederic, 81, 56, 76i • 'Ftakcis^ai, iSl 18. Ferdinand, 2,16^41 df»r«e, 3. 4. |,- 19, SO, 60, •3 Oabrfel. 6, 15178, • Godfrey, 38,^, 691 ' 6uy, 4, 3I, 62. .iQilea, 5, M. 16, Gideon, 1&. 4d| 50, »liln^37i8a559. 19, sides, Theraoria. 18, '27, 83* Theresa, 4, 18, 49, Utsala, 26, 86, 85. Rachel, 2, 30,23, mwwl j9. 51, gg !^Mlie, 18, 42, 65^ Futience, 9, 11, 66, Oliver •Henry, .Bi I7, 20', .. iRosamond, 39, 68, 67. ' , i51, 66, Hannibal, 8, 98, 67, i^^foild, 18s. 47. 78i Ruth, 45. 78, 78i , ' KehtiCcajrG, 60, 70, Bfaodo, 1, 54, 71, Hosa, 15, 60, 61>. Margurr, 18. 19' 30, BOO iPOtlCT PIATEBS^ POILTCT T^LATETtS* ' DitiEAM SOOK. d6 NAVIGATION —If any one dreams ne m aaiiins lu ix uua^, u« will have"success lo bnsincsat •but if tlie water be JS will have trouble omniiff friends; to dreiunof l»Jnp i" » jT 7I " th danger ofupsetting is usigu "f treachery.^ 11, 23, WJ, 4i, <*- a Gilbert, 13, 15| 67, GeoiEry, 3,1^. •••Si:- TV*V7^. „ -.V- POIiIGT players' dream D8 „ Jo dream you Benr 'horses neikh augurs that ybo lew, and powerful frieiiUB'.wUo--wm-do y®u xnuobaeTEB:—Signify infldi^ty; to:'the jailor ]6, 9, 14, 75. Ift )lov|i•tO'^thBi-,. pae^jffi^fe';mrtniffi^dto't1 t^trea'clieif wb|maufiigniflra%(t^ IMOON.-Signifies sorrow', to see .•& full moon, pros. < [GHT ANip DAT.—Denote a diVerdfled life. 10, li, IS* • . lff®MARB-DRBAM9.-^Are ominous to the dreanwr; if OTumeaga^Toi^^jp careful of your character. 8, IBi 50. ~ GH|rSr®ES.—To drei^ of walking in the nigh^iwrtends sEsaa >ld go^r|«i^un^: ; 0Il-^M&ES;^5R6iKdTMmi'^ ;'etttin®• 12, 86 . , .Oj^©IjtiV»R©i-a=3^enotfesi'ijhhilT£m game; o{'rihadc^ ' lijli,, 44^,^(06. ?NICt0^^^Q.—^t'dr a woman to dre^ of a night-hag denotes< 31. licild •^r^Sighirira' l©lliltoCEB.^To dre^i of one, your vanity will 81,4:1. 09 y ^U^.ibeware offalse friends. 1, 11, 40, 60. siiieiiriloncssj^^^^S r^eive'-'a ,01E&F®Ai^l^~ WilioeverJdreai^^^^^orbli^^S^Ill 83,40,60; ^ Taj'a^ 08T«f®&Bbii'cit^."sbl^ of night-birds denotes isuccess In love; to <thu sailor. K-whtle iijuai of quarrels and law? msm mi. 1, 9i 10,11. mmf^therlnMand making, nosegays is unlucK^BSSlBlSS offtone ifies great success m love; it i^ore@llSulwiUffu[ddenl^eciSlTOi!ac>me money. 38,45, 10 44". OSitTftEBERS ietilneslfalsafrien oisee iflesfsuc OTOUSlhUS ay them as you-dream in love, a kind and indus40, sides. yerdom<iWBiMdiffl0alUS!lmd^ael:i^om^p^.eat)T^8itionM6M mbihatioglf^ emfdenotes S®oretellSpleasiirawitnials6CTowf a#« binatioh re?on emaic uiiiotlri n|w,itni»wo'man tfullsOM ilfwiiTiivmSwi&nSSLt'cil"flBimnlth#b.ceflDSli3fcyety^uriluok-V;! OLD AGE.—signifies good news. 69, 70, 78. To mo an old' iin; 00, 09. ^ I , Pardon.—To dream yt^ii ntcalve a piirduuils u budonun, and' fontAll» loss In tirade^ 7, W. •••'-i POUGY platers' icfo POLTGT P»YE«9 BOOK. peepers, .G11EB5r-.4i-|!'6(drep:Bgl^i.^^B3^^^^@ pAtJPBR.—To'dre^ of one foredh^ows good news; 11, TO. iPARBi!llB.-r-lB-good to the dreamer andi ngriitolong life. careful o'f your buBiness ot^ybmi^llimlel^wifemiBforfeu 1. 23; 60. , •PET.—To'.dream you 'haTe.'^it>a@Ep^wMadiforetell^^w your estate tiy jtUahra p aI^HQIN'.—Denotes rtrifa. P(Ht^y5J®;Q3jr^ig«ytt,iia^-l^fpre -yo®Miu 61, SO,'64. PARTRtBGE.—=^or a; man' to droamiof tliem aimifles some silly ^rl will f^l in lo^ve with him; tor a womM, such a dream denote quairels. 2,16, 84, 23. PASSION.—I'o idreani you are in a.p^ion foretells a disap- Itointmeiit. 74, 76, 78. BH^¥Sf^!ltA^1ig;-:=^^/rt^Ami^^^fily:•'-:^Sldgnifl^«gi^wllg friendi^ 44, 63, 66. rlHliOSpFi^R^D^^ enterprise. 16,|9! PpySIG;-^To'.^i«amiyout''.take\|®|iOT honors. and success in love. 8, 87, 40. ir^ffif^^^ebo®^pui^l|meet •witli' some n^ortun^ 4,; society. good. 18, 89,. 46. of evil. 48, 84, •& signifies that there are sluggao^ " you eat pEBS^To aemiislitnder: »8,69i you see a pine health' ancl happiness. denotes 5l]pS^g^^fl5^ou*will%ieet withLfsomeixfoutilgi»M h1jnor*21®lSq^ itrieacfaeiyiandfinalicei a.lMtlftl ah abundance ""of 'fhem signifies =Si^fles i®ACHES ^ deceitl :a8i89] Mlth. I0;' i:7::5p. WISPJ G^^Sen^^o ^T>liRM^EES!MTo IGKFQeKiElrS: to eat them, tf,jiii^£o£*in6urnin i^iS'^iCN^b^^fdenoi^B^cces ^Mj^^Bleasantlpeif!imes|dimti^idle- 4,11, 68. nMlhatoliLlonel'ybu willim ISHMo rnes3! cellent omen. nsiness; n^'willlliav.eSreatlincre ^^ecret&emi^ SBllM bmdre.iiiW^iff®wjitin friend! jToMrcati] Sffigfrom^fbriigafandl 80M0, 63. aM»aM6Mdei i^l3flD'ntas)a'Varii^^g7S69»7Qi :nenWdife|ll| oidei&uDk'FupIc^! bies#dreteI'ifl|tMspMdy prM?R eife|el«®Iiaa»^ wrn'olMai lom™ PIiK^TESr=Tcildre^eoflbirate^is!HMiilfQ.fflgP 8.17M CBipl¥of 111691701 te^'i^^tifdreamlv^lMmi^UTOflQne^ . _ ' ^ml^retlplay 72175! ax.'^^Bt^^^^^mfayoratiWdreaml EM€<WSFnr a 'aideW^.reanffihelSShe c™W'?l33* mmm T.g^™i^^Sca^^Biffltliaheaymaiao3 incs. ' 00; 69, TO. •POLICT PLATERS' DBBAM BOOK. POLIcir PLAT^BS* -PRTEAW book. . PLiVNTING. —To drenm you are plHbtibg ^ythlng denntaa yb'u will rise tilwye your pre^t liotfdition ud gi^tly esj^med. 5,67.76. ' PLATE.r^Is an unfavorable'omen. , 80 .to TO. combinotlob, PLAY^iNG Dlcii.-^9igi>HfleQ ^emburriassmeut la busluesa. 1, a, s. aOi " " • . PT.Ti A' RTTTtTi.—Tfl a snre sign of much sadness, 66, 80 65. , PLANT -;if .you dream.yim see .a pluut growing, augurs bufe little good to tbu dreamer. 19, 31, 63. PLAGUE ^If. any uoe ilmuns lie Lath the plague siguifies he -will mt'et with disgrace. 8, 14> ^8. FOYBRTY. —To dream >bu ^ poo' denotes > clew con science. 1.. 8,1«7- ° . * • POCKET.—To: drram you Ia<te Bbinething fmin your pocket demiteH.decf'it. 9, 81, 4S.- To dream of 'a p(X;ket*-kDife dbnotes mlstiik'ea friendsi '7, 67, 76. ^ a POISON.—To'dream ynu tahe pni^n dennfcfl a innlicinus dis- posilliin; to dream yiiuipiiiwn one slguifiiis pDveriy and distress. 4, 48, 7'1. To dream'yuu liruipuisoned by .a iriend denotes riches. ' 14, 44, 781 FOMiEGRAKATE!.-^Foretena'good fortune to. the dreamer. 8. 17,63. .• . V.' P0RT.—Denotes great giUn ll, 49. 60.' lPOTIHllRBSSiroldre>imiofipol4ierbg|signifiesia!ai^^ 1614a! iddeilLliift! PO»TOES^ aofdi^msyp tmc(wMtheii& oi^V'iiil^rdisgru'cei P01^-Sl|'Oidreaiii« dreauitpf 0M% of^ 103 POTJiLTRY.—Tp dreain of pouliiy tdmotes benevolence aiid: lic^Qiity. 73, To dream'of a ppul^-sttllei; denotes ftxtravugande. .'3, 60i 33. ' POSTAj&E.-^Shhws a metancboly dispoution wd. false fHeiids; ,6,"68. To drejun of a:post«oach 'foretells- greu^ success, in'' lovti. '4:78;. " " *" PO^R.—Denotes loss of friends. ?, 14,. 26. ' POWDER,—To dream of using powder indicates sinceri^ io loTC. 27, 88,67. ' - PfiAYJNG,—To dream you pre praying denotes a dear gi- iBcfeiuA. 81, 63, 67'. POACHER—To dream' dS onedenotes impudent flattwy. 87.'67; PftAYERS.-^To dreamyou offer .uppiayfirs. aignlflee. ud'happiness. 33, 4u/7a. PRECEPICBS.^Dreaming that you ^ notes you have many 'enemlte 69; TO. 76. great preclp^ccfl| j PREGNANCY.^Augnii ill wccess In life. 11, B0.,5a» 32. PRiELATE.—Poiretells the loss of money. 6p. 68, 70. .i^mwTTMiPTTON.^Is not aeood omen to lover^. 30; 35, 80.g. PStNCE.—is a^d omeb; you will 7^l**°To®dS money, or have it left to you aia a^gfwy. 49, 69, 70., rio' •dr^r igofga^prineeaBiiiafa^8igni,ofathrifL,^jW„61. 66. of tTMch- 36,86,46. ifiesiiifYssfot p(Ww^yqu'pi'inisBimi°tiir\libl^iTi UM^SuifU rsMittlef^ Iili|succeffi%thn)UttOTlire 35. 86. toltueldreniuer ^1861 r^miyflujarel-idfa POOR! 88M0i sToWiUreani 6191151 ilaiiderMyM IPOPLMBP tauatPanditacmpyl !^3^PkM«rei«li8ftl^ra- TdBJreamtbfia Klf^J^Komouidraotes 48163! that.a sccrel;,wIU ixdiscovered. t«S9i POKCELAI'N.—To dream of porcelala you will receive S3. 80. 81. POLICY OFFICE.—Foretells rlch^, J 4.11. 44. PORCUPINii-Pnidictfl a>fortunate aud'wealihy n^tiage. POU£<*^li on unfavorable dmun. tag, 71 89, 60. ' , ,t. 11. an IB An PRO^®—Shadows forth disappointments. 89. 46, . PRO^Pf.—To.dream of ona. you wUl encounter many dlffi- culties,^6^^, 67. ^ nn AH PRTJUEKCE.—Signifies long life- 31, 89, 46., itiSfi i§§Blii^l°iillSgfli^;^ij^^ ' • mgmmrn • ' «• ^ fii; > • j i£ -a... (PGLie* bHBAjit ^•—i iii;'"' - • 4iSliQTifliii^SWTdSrieainfctf IquUlBtif^ 88.501 •HEGEEPTS-^To .dream you-sign .a reeeiBi§BOj^!^fe°"*y' J »iiii mmm mm iOT^ »»0- REED:—Signifies some one tM been scandallitog you. 60. 71v Siiii ©IMStHUEKIM •KEOT8TER-D»ote.veiati fellM •8.88;44,. • -• ; . , TOUg^^g y<"i •, aoou Win ^an^ • 89, rforietella REStmiffieTIOIir.—I-pr^adowsM^^ 'i^icriic^i^^Fa^itiii^i|i38«^ * Mm iaetialll^|af^[8agreeaBle,^dei^ sun ^ ^ i: , , hnd happ'ness- ® RllBiiif «liKg if you are l^tiWnmDg|afrac^fyoulr^;Uif}!% Iwll® ^^H^&ibleJ heds. and riches, |rouBieMi^iitOTtJfimB|iu^ 'ortunS adultery and WwA . g^SkeBiiliKfoHbe i. way'% • «RlSPBEBRlES!?^WpekJ-tliffif®Wplnt®1»^eat*m iDjTjIn Q W'!:^ tt awl oiiV.<m ti 'rt>* ri 4 n-• f row. 14, 26; 31'. - >BA8P —To dream you Bee a-rasp is an ill omm to the married; to the raaidcin, bewure o£ a rival; to the lover, ireachety and de ceit. 1, 11.16. . ' ItA.DISH£S.-rTo'droam you eat radishes, you will' Iw success ful in business.. Z, 8, IS, RAKES. ^Denote strife. 10. 26, 62. RMSU^Si—To eiit .them you will obtain a good situation, 2, 89,..62. To reud anyUiIng remarkable shows loss of money or 6, 15, 61. RED.—To dream of seeing anything red denotes success In, .••'r •• » stnuiger Witt viBit • llf •• '' '••:.'//::••• 9. &, 49'. 'REAPING.—penotcs quarrels between huBband and wife- 4, frieuds. ""rIoV-^" : RAW :A1£AT—Troubles in the itfarrled state. 9, 36. vV RIFI^.-To of a ^Ue-muk^r foreteU#. '%M': ?3..». ; -:/i&•. :/• , 106, F POIilOT PLATTiBS' SBiiiAU BOOK. rOjDB.-^TV^;;^ liiHHi ftroairibnotes abandtijice; ft,brnk(!n xM-sigiUfies lp^'Of Mmds. 1, ll', '67. ROU&E.-^;-Xo dream von' are roiiflod from tjltep is ominous of srti. aa,48,6iB. • • i BiOQUE.-:—To .dream Oi^'cme au^rs butlittle jroodi ^3, 65, '67: ROH'AK^.-=-ForeteUs licbes and liouor. 43, 02, 73. will come,to great disrioctibu. 1,11, 25. To dream' of arope^niaker, yoo will be ^engaged' iO' some acffw that "wili liriug you.'to. di^race.' !•. 60,. 51. lR6s|N:;^8iCTifi!»;iing^ POLIGY PtA BGOTJJinJRifcL.—Benot^ dl 14, BO. iSOITliL.—rSigni^ slckn^; ilmsinesa. SCUI/P3C0R.—sDenotea sncdoss 60'. ^ ^ S0trM.^gnifles infid^p ueed^ ,SB4.r?=To,;b8hbW ,o:Ba.r^-ro,;D8Uom, a a rougw 'Tol::;8061-868^^olI f iienotes ® sea-oni m% I 37. fir ft plTl^jg 11, '23i fl^fdiiMbSribni 28;'.89. denotes to lover riches. Jp! 61 aTscas ,T^^^ig|^^; ah S® AO STAVDClC «. 88, 71,78. |Btrilj^S^.^oi^Sti^SfdWnoi^^e^fidenco.K.sil7s,4Pivi6fl- falH^ . 42. P^lQE5Qi69170^T61saBltti'^iaililS>flfillliip:idenotcBM'fprtuuB^gy4^' T eX^taptbflt; il» iEm.= hotesit^cu ililluokfatiidlmiifortuiie. ftSSdle otiMlwealtu 601162,1711 B^TsT^^TBaltTdenoteslbeaebteCT; denotesEha ^^wuMii^sudde^^^ dreamfra hlefgnifl^ ToBtti^ aefiMfinfsaliipBtrelaijgtfifies a salt! 8. :'J'^ .eslto ElfeSlL^Peno C. 7, MckuesK iandlpr^tyj liufi troubliBi S«I88WJ iwiodlng tabuitv^ SWSMdf »7»i ofiaisaw dcsoessO enntesltoitbe memTBDell nf Ferldeout^ mithelmBnageinQntfo SOliBBi^j^G^si^^^^^^arrels be loversj 5 you MW .inrdlmiia an iSTii:?. SDeootiCTb^efand &TM6oratenatheiheM etokenB fcbtithatlheMialffltfQmtfliimselft offiffiKTeflOTenotSfp liliSthat ia In51811'72. :OCK.—8JgDJflo3 a ; 6,15.25.65. ^mmmmiWMi '/•'•• iSS!e&. •.19^ aii»«iiME:i'"'''[MlK.:ii'fgaii - •— - - -- •- " _1 --f. — • • •— •* P ...•.• ' » T^,sxl-r«.HrP«T i|aenbiSM|p^w|^ ^o -Kft -po ! I •SHBOWSdII iMe. : f • rlnhesa •-•_ 4, 8, 88. , ' lli^fil ~ _'MJf ,®^:-to 1 SIGN^ '" lie leathar Is not a good Bilu fli 60, 06. SHAVING.^To shave yourself deiio^ h^vy loss in trade. 7; ~ —• SOLB iiEAsT® ,WntetS«^laBA|i*'. Si™ iiiilSaiS^teffOISlO,; mble and adversity- ll'» ly fa an evil dream'. A. IP'*V .ows mischief and meddling a bad dreamy but to ,eat. it lebotigood lMk in business Itfeuffi w« •notesfamSgK^Sfl fcfte . . ipjRBo»Si!°mejssi^fc^a • • •. ,. iS^|^Bg|ai,tloD of treachery. •.3. 4, .es^ • :. |ogag^«»4w!^P 67.. • • •.| aef«mis|^^e» i^S: .7, , T, . ..'.' pewl^frSnf@EM|3lBiiMiic^ -- ''•^® • wi J^S- - _^^BS%SieMSno Isuco^fialbusiiiS! ;thelo ige'r.. 7, 9» ;• .,•• ••'• • i II taiQQ 1 a§ IfcliHSahiH^ *^|>£i|viMfc5IS<t*P5 r:.? -. ,;>-. : pSSM e-~ • .S'^^^M ,... ..=-^5.-:vC^ .V •. •.. ^ '• : =.; V" •%"-=--.^5 .112. PptieT PLATEBS POLIOf- pLXTBBiS* DKEAM BOOK. ^FiGXPS^ TEACHER.^to .dream you have a teacUM denotes the dls- , To dream you' are spinning covery of so^ts. 1, 8; 23. TEME^AiTI01T.-i=^Is the foMru is^Tpidr^^ of strife- 8,10; 58. TEilPEST.^To dream in a teinp^t shows youvlll 'becotne lich and' many well.you6,are 9, 66. TENAJffT.—You ?:®0W>^Is::anii^ay alandered. 1> 85, 40i •0 chMge your residmce. 10,16,43, THiEF.-^To dr^ of one, loss ofproperty. 10; 16; 45, 71. hear thun- (denotes strife. •bB'^^Vbuslysinjur^ltiyi^uppo^^^^^S. To dream of a thunder 8.1I, TBM®fiS.^^eMing 18; 88. •a'ffROEi^'y'.^tg' fli!TOf^.gcbd?dreai^^S8lp9i>l7,Qf :EATKE.-^to dream you are at the theatre auguia to ^;^n,er. 6,8.12,60,66. 'RIMBIiE.—For a womanto dream die Iosm her thimble, she I hosl&ndered. 1,10,20.. " ?HOROUGHFABE.—Foretells that you will acquire land by purchase or Inheritance. 8, 7,11- q>WBRE¥'.^iro./ 'TTnVTBT.TCT?' Uealtli and longi'lif^'^ dream you see a'tiger, you wUl receive evtftid• , . . TURPENtTIiNil^^fDenot® in TUR%LE.-^&ontot^^Mh offl«o. i •t; 'i •UN-:^,owN, tol1b poveitfcy:S8nd^di^racial^9,'' maid -UN'PERC^LOTMESil^isii^^^^S yM^BER moMseo im of one. con iarerteUsMMteS^nimliSlbye that herjioveriMUIbeiofwIiMMMlE itlhenti 561351 ' U m o k ' — ^ ,, ... TJFKOAB.—Bicnifles that you shall Be treacherously dealt witn. 1 8 12 Mihctipn Tmdii^^mifMtlUl denotes *turners for the better. $> 4i{0i| |8,f88l6li :6l8ll2; 80; 6pl - !j 20, SI, 64. ^fffefet^ul!s^^olatio 86. lathe siirnifi^ AIir -B^iiihg':ofla11a^su|t^ljaw.^/. • Otierma^^SfliiffliBiilt^fiiifftnHyftTnl^rrasBmeiitB. ^® sigHiyoii ^*^'oVeiwmeT^ur^Mij^^^^^^g 33- 44, 62. —^Denote imprisonment. 8, 4, 63. To dream of a . juroperty , 1, 10, 27' iQKNtBUSHi^Is a sign of a journey by sea. 1, 5iSS.;; E^Hi8i@MT#dreEn 'vou cut a thistle signifies Itwiness;. to'he ••'••• 1, 2, 8. To dream of % cinp of 27,29,88. • iblci^olgis, l^ore :6ri Qessi'weSltb^itl^UMO^^^^^^^j m trees' -"With fruit'.' foretells ;,•:&• ^Bucc^fflugjb.ii!^^ ^re^pi'of't^eearandtg^n^^¬e8^^^^^^^^^2®• rotten-tiiee" denote. 'TKPIp3Irl^G.=^^ofdtM^:y^^^B I*-— - marriage^^ei bolt signifies lawsuits. 27, 29, sides. , 88, '61.' • Tb'receive-'a'treasure ) success in Mt luu . . . o • THjfliFT.—To dreaiu' you 'have coanmitted a theft, you- will t,""" torture M-sp^ijlfttiomSO^M ' 'utensils.—Of crystaK.denotes love. 28, 42. ourla ^ e®'J» denotes riches. 10,16; 60, 64. Of silver, denotes honor. 7, 18. frl. ™ ^ » VALE.—Foretells some great low. 85, 46. 64. To dream ofa ; i'..;•• . • .'• . ..,,• viUet indicates wealth and power. 24,4^, oU. inou#bf%vill ONS .. • i ••• ,.,, . , . .. •••••ynmwM, mmMM mmrnsm . ~ DKIIAM BOOK. ' ii .' ^AL.—To druani yoii roiik and ent .vciJ la avery good dreiizn; m i wilfil/i;;;;'' 75T'.' "', "n'ln MreumS ouito •^'1 i !i*iJ ^HlS^^6E>^.€Bi^Sighlfie8''itliati''iidusi^aUll]^)^^ :;{''if;:y^Y®3^^.l6i}itr:Si^ I ;aiMfeWjtori^n&w:fi nn.. ii^psWW :4'7i'lSi7S3^ ^ » • . '...t _:-...__-i Jllium a.iut. 61. ' . ,:;•a'!''\'';'':'40.''; ^.'^Pb/drwinijiyrviii'are;,yp^viii^;,!aenbtwi^u*^^ «^i^kvefcsWame d •^: iiWBEAT.^T6;:s^b,'afffidd;;of! l;''iP;';''!^;V)4i'.^':.:;Tb>:i!^e^.';';;ybu\\ ^y;oba^Hb^;j^^i•i^|tb,);•i7lti:j^'*"^^ yiL^ur^n-ii.!.,-,i^««^M.^ jTofeeafflSfR //^otrai'youi,w^ Bl^selaflftws^ \aw fi01^51'i'ii:62» i- , ^ « V^y^eWe-Vlolin algniflts good news. IBSII* i^IGjrOR¥;#F6,dmim» .Tnl^r;?^tM..« misfortuue. 92,8,16. « i« ® Irfei^iidijiiotiiis'lsuiM^'iiin ^ "fcM U IVHaiT ''^yr/lteEW^'DangerouBiLenomiraifMsM V1 PIGEi—EorelellSfsnme c™iw 15,66.65 p^QlGE3^jliofaTemn^youjiitHir|:mtinyi)i»uli^ .d^MUEiiim^SI® 41; 60. Idbmiesda I ;/W^HlTE';;.IlERBOK':^10.;;i8i'j^l;|:|| 'WlLTDi/i'lBOAlti'i^'Etinbles :a^ linA. ; Mi0NE¥iiTr^Oeribtiefi miiiasgsNE^ip^nbi^ MXmsim .:'1V/It:c:hM|>» MW iMiesievilffo areiimerliiSi^ iM5 . . ;in11i'^tEfi|f'is].8^ .oi;-wilciicrii:ftMighinesibiGk:0.t!^..,. •. , ,. ). dreaiuBa, mlm^m to Tio awake donotea sickness. MlmralaiivelW •i • , . • •.•' vf••?••;: m liirAiiiia»t a . t t t ^ B n U ; : , . . / ; ' ...•'.;: y®'' O"'^ water sliows tlie Budilcn .death ]f ilie waier Iw cle|ir,_-it isa sign^jf ir,-iyf. "f aieknuss. -6, 47 74 MVl • (J .' . WKEATH.—Signifies, iiifldolity in tUe married state.; 46; L . • '• • • • • ,• . •,'j••.••/ WRrST.—To dream j^uir wrists ore broken is evil; weakiiuKs of clianiincir.' "WREN.—Todrcamof lUifi birdis agoodomcai. S, 8, a». a wnter-cnn Mgiiiaea trouble. l.'6p. 73. •'? a?'K" ,'>f diiinestic tmnlilel 8, ii 40.' Bg5K»ffi|li|Siltu,le.- n, 60767. TWilliSiMiSwiwswiS'jiJiw'o Afriio w-rSra'wi; 16, 7. 19 89 43 ir#jfeM|i|^ill?!iill iiuViciiiKS iil your 12. 21, "•••wi t.o tlirift 11,111.1.1, .11, ji'ut affaire. tiLuaiiu. lA, al, ^^'''t^rfa l d«nr,ies a Siwedy niarriiigo. '9, IB a sign ofa journey). '8, M, p'M9M^o^d]^m ^ JB oigu ui u juiii'iiey, g SSiSIS«» . ; ••''••-•••'•'S;, 4^ gj pjllfiyiilT.—To dream 3'ou.vomit signifies >Yerv-;|l«;sU ••4\M •':• •IttpMitfil fe«S3rfs|«fc8M Slojif tffTOmairelip|IUciilitUi^v^ •wMatJ 1 ;we^iai^ wcheracter • • ..w™.w»...« VI 11 oiitvx* victim of a- false love. 1,11, 37., To, . foretells good news. 16^83, 4S. To dipSi^oflwatetvvorkBTdBnoteB nfflucnce. 0, 06. 08. " ' '• • ;•. •l' '/'• • •;• '•' •• ••'••••., ^•;••••• 'l- •'•:,:\I..•/•:'•'•.'•••••)•.•;•• •: :';^j\i. Ml ••lllESi*! •iiiiiiiiii ';;'/V ^ POLICY FLATEBS* DEEA^lt BOOK. v.'• /;<;/'Ml•..-r• •'••.>,'.!,!•..• ' vl';• ,V ... j ^ . mm iKESi is -^.J • •,• •i^ec6ii^eoij:'i-'i''i;''.r''>^ • •'JI ^ ;• /.•'• '• '.' ' • • •••it•• •^•.?,:;%y • •!• :• • • ;• ,' ;• "Ban • ' • 9 SSlft.7l •J'i••;••;;',.:.4v44>"|'.6^. •' • • ^• • '•;^i;!i'.;: •••^^••|.':.'.^i» •••^ ift#": :•;?• ^S•'•;•; i;:^®atikiWlls iDiSS&iwwilte iO®I27 iDiliiW' •-'• • W^«M ©°kiri<Mrd^^^Sj •iWh'^' '.'. .1. iM, iiiW •«ii M'.ihi-Oimln ©mnlien^^ffl^ »I>iinkiDg.^r' ;!V.'.'.' •ii'<.:! •, • .' •'•' 'i^ ipfljl^pyi*n.H ]| ^ '"•'•' •V:•''.• ^i' 'j\i^4 lEati^MitPDC^ /f'iBiBCUit'i'S'' ••^i''iii*'*- 'EntinglBreakf Eiiinlflunctil rgisMoa ^^*31109 ^»f3i •EIcpIlSLsE '^;:y:i 7PKM' Emiperoi —riiyiwiw--vMK Feuce Cane •eiiy. Frmt cna.....;. _, _ • Conl cart .-.ftw#* Fcaiiiors Fifiii. .< i,:,,85:,«'j r to 5 - ••••v.* '\.Vr' .vl;A;4 •i." ? liATERS*''- «.«5' DEEAW --- mii Sto^ nj „, agto-i ^b^iiiBGrSSciiiae luskliiMcbral ;f » 5 ' ^ a : *•*%*®y'*''*'* mi 66 ' fes S»a5f69 37«57 Jlif>Op m tHaiiSiij|iffi» ^fi| V'• • • '.'ii; Slwii " "31 faf83. ih^lcaiiasl ¥^<re '®S 8d|i78 py 1 ff8,188 t'lfl^eSlotbing • "••% ^ictorioe mMmi " • "' ,/i8ite piojfaop'o ffgSWiia'i , W0 lifTIMi ®}Mi[ng SOiii "ijTf!-2"i ;••'.? )'<i italiSre i^aihtibfe;'! igiir.T^* |o jlmoiiiig arr •••'•II-' ibatXM^S WailliGii) — •gipirctss IBkatingionl-ic iBiwiinrauElffi P'-!\ • K'.!-'' '.'-;. •. • •' iB)il|rpad(!^S8i™ ™—jj _ V//.;.!.V' naiMdEiVp _ litid-iiafrtid' mtuu,.. '~^"~\;igV^1 'Rtnik of Btone .Rouch, • ^v'V' ...1,3,3;41 !5,14J (ind woQitiD; j .„', _;,,;33 bo- Bonibbing....... ^.,..38, 88, 60| Sbift 13,.16. 48' 'MarUeHiouse .'0; 33; .15 •02 ScWiof; tnacliluu;.......4', "Si M" •• .• • - ' V'.V.-i-,:. iiiljO**'•'ff'• • iStiwiog wo(]d wuiid ••.:....l..a.,8'4. • ••:.• 1.• 2.,8'.' 4• iSHwiog ...4. 4i 10: 60' |l^'S?^,':!V'?e ^..43,:48.'22, 'Sicknefls . ...','. ...44; ...44, 45, L"? ••. --*-48/22, 50 50 'Sickniifls 45. 89, ' '' '•'•• • ••••--- -B,-6,.SBj'50. 8io.imbont:...:....lli 88.-47, 74. Sifl^-CWB...,.;;... A.4::a;,44 i-'V^••••''/••• ••'.' '. •,'• • '•;. . -^ •i '• '•! '.'• • .•,,.' '•. wmm . ' •' r •;•; • .. .•.: :- • .'• 11 i\\^iod(>MCurtui3 iVHliisKefam •tilerlicl ;i®4ofe0 lltSlE iWutormelon \vffililfiiiliSll &ttce'.....'... i-...;.;'. ..'.4;'8, "fti' :iSiivcet potatqoa.;..; ^1, •.7;- ;l'l'i:58 Specuiclea..'. .3;!8,.48 i^ittbon I'j: I ••.•.• :•¥( •.•.• r.-" • •! tipuiie^ SIpSJ '27l 57 feWflfa9|s9 *'• 'WMsm tof48,lflO iSlla'dP j'—s. . : •?I^,?; n'dingoD liorsebftf-k.^.i^ SO 'S » .'.'.. 1 • Af-m V J'r. J.. .69, 70] Rat.......i.|... iWiiiterfiil Will?OH SMIl giawn ;8i 10^ ;83, • .•! i.-.! .!.' mtsm lafia! ,68 f81181 |o ®,F8pa iWJue ;•••.•.'„V;'!li^ POMOY platers' 3!)E^M Booi:. 120 DOailNOES. • • KAOH-^QKE AND THBl It 'inXMBBRS. HmEBEntSi Bix-doubie:..... - -> .. 44., 50, 66 nr. 48 single; .. - ? • - - • r • ... :..j.:. .118, eSipr6. Tl. . A4t, i6^, f3 OT 80.single. Siitt'hrejBv!:. i,...' i; -••.• ••.. Slx^two^i . . J;.. ..... SiS^ne.^ ......... ...:.38,m4Qipr8,1i8,1 FiTO-ioiir... Five-threel / . .d6,' 66,^ 75!ior IQ 6ingl& ,.;. 3,101 56OT5i7,^ ..,.]..i..7, iS^?' 50ior 80rsingle. .5i ^; 75t,orSi single, , Fivo-ono.!?. Five-bltmk AcBCia..Blo^^B Sroiiiitei^no^^^^SSSli Meartaeasel^re JStinMantifflii^^S fttlwrlBlosspm «®13f56 KeliotfdOT»»ffi#Jf#g HflSevsuckl^^^^^Si'lS^SI ^ tttliSaingle* fblef8l4|83|53f{ri I0I83164. aydrangiwx mobile.... Ifi^po J^effionellrooS^^^^^® aaiiiiittiiii^goiggl Hyacintuel . .18; §3, 60ibr 3 single. .31^,38; 74!;b^78 single, i .8, 4, 48 pr i' single, i -..3. • 4, 43 or S•. ai.i Four-doublo Fovtr-three ^eSuor Sfeinrfe. s .. . .5; ilBt 3i' or3. 54i .. i2, 7; AOlou 85 einglei i i. BIXrBlnnk .... .... .i. Five-double... Five-two.. 68, 73'orJ5 fSingle. Griiss. .. .. : B0188 : . ... i '8®Of 5 single. Four-blank ! or:^; single; iT'hree^publ^%^®^#Sfe miaifso #ue^iouble Blwk-double. JO. ^00 l^aMslngle. •StsB ^0ne-bl;ink ElyMitS oiiS^ Three-two. ^ '....' 281 OS sa mallo pr^D, 17. W20 2, '5t 41' or S|Bingla ,4i; 33;;mP tillia^^S luGhroo 3^3; 6? oS; pssis i3, 10;;31 lOj 17, 70 or 6 aingla' elBrau jglaSli'c^lel 661 68 18*1"^^ fiS 2^^ 24 Century .. 86 Blossom C^^tnnt %nM Bl6^S« i^^»8i39i Cro^ OuQ^O Will inc ^ rtliusuu J13 l'ir43 !48 til tl iBililta! m lEmSn DOaODUQoaiia Orapovlne RSfwlnto^^^^OI 4-'' , EOLItjy - BUSINESS lETtfR WRiTEli. DRBASr BQOK. - • T :— .1 " PRICB, 25 CENTS, by mnM, T Hnsehud .80,^6,88 Sweet W-inif^.i.....27; .86, iBl a we. pink. .'.1,4" 45 Swqet r•; -. .9,11, i® Violet.. i ,4; 42. 67 .9,41,6iS ,Boae luBf, red... 1. .58.60, &8 Thyme; 9.19 Rnse lisaf, white 28. 41 44 Jerpnica 88^68 ' Bosemflty... i87, dO,'48, 1, 9, U: 9i 4fi, 54 Bnow-dnips.: .7, ii, 17, 6i AJintprmen...,, .8, 8S{. 61 StrHwI)^l'y Ms, 491 Wood•Sorrel......... 80i 8ft;6B Swfl(0t,Fea....... 4,-il, Si- , initfd' to moefc the wants' ot all thoso who,are Beek.... .^innmbee irmo lUHBu. lu MUDiuw---- of,; 3se?&iitssAWS0SBmkiei ' • 'ponyorol'Atwroirt^.Q^^aotWbte, £V)rm AgreamanCTiMaitiaanyj'dl heraltoo; nrnnewnsitranehUonlyl^tiie^^ 1 of MGgrgtW^iriUhlCTBoHiDe^lIaitCT I TtrnYtmBifilirJljiisIneiEiB | Murc.^ntilQwbbrOTlfilionEra I 111 the lpr^!9KMtHl^tii^kl^l|et J fiirtfr BiiBin'i^fF6rm8.SStrle3land' enc^ cominerolh^ In leMDOrOT^opHngBm P terms coosisteiitwitnltb^tadloitn wM»an6mfe'Hi<MWflOT«>tiglpaS^ maridedWn®Mmmerolal®yeltte'r8* •Evory-pdidtiMffi®Ilf®6mands)J^^ •Unk l^fl^^f^'ajT)n^e^tBft^lla!co lie renM .botvTCCh#l^r«K®®e™l{0.1^ wlilleiio tiaRlaB3BlreinUooBat makeag fortuofca 'mamlTralttiBii^Ij^aiMc^^ liJfln.gB'SwfelaqtJSSiasi^ Qiiido vaellntflr- B»ntiaral@<iiii^M.oiPWHloh theIiS;SJa? Tutilelfoi TidiiW vi^all ouWdatSfln wiliWfjprTOr, kwFethlM«o«Tri^^ Ifnonoyfflo^fs adreiiSSiait inpom OV©; o*uiiiI®WT WtUlOtlCOOO^iI^"B> try ioirfUjxwt-pald- AdarWitlt Vi-r,: fe: ufflfflUf' B""* dirwt to WHlIWi . -g •Oallahan's'"lS5S5'®Ventril<BsitfQUicKljf BROS. .IfEitlS !vm titan .Tiri»«ls5!^^eSS?l ihnn^^iiilrofitlt^SQS 'K •'"!&' m K^SWME^eDM@ ffjgatt^^^S:o»iQodbafly;":h'a8i8eV,erali®otewortii^^ «J8 4^anWd^s6:that^^ ^itlH or ortiolo .veB;Bonie^radtic^rihlntai^drsug^sUons it Tor se- IS?fStiiSiWoria?8#^i^ mbaafbiEit^ wiA».uwiireii aii a.ofjflinM,thR.-^y^^ BeTOffiai^:!® gtthowa^ipusHDteaia, _.. vcseto* ble^i^V^ias^^iraU'aafdlreotioQBl^^ rment|wei^^™ ®iiiy Ipteservingpsf-bplngiahdl..__ ^ .thpm;. '3pdcfal'atffintl6niigip: et^namyjfaD^iante£E6rtWim^ ifeSTSSfefeS ;TCrobve^itineli«pt^aQhXvtrhl6iirj^ Gllh^'tto^;^mericauirlM ihg'" iM-trdvagaiit' w^^^eing,. p,af {F^aUfjiisi^Qc ii distant: bUltd togSUl W|U"i 1^ b itorking ventixT <kind^61til!ilea' -... • 'Son] Jetc.'^iiiifani QOTnicManaappeaztniKinanD^ ^ itj^mbis^mlioel^ i t\% fit h fi ill U SS mow's :Mngiari^cb6KIin^ ?;weUiMlpi»' rb"eSS|rpndMm Avi»t]thep^t!Mt ^ =^=^ttcobipliBti0linsl:riiOtoriln .nbrok ,*3 k-o !ir* 11 o ^A^'if.'-.TV'.s S^pertSialnglfca', tbe|bntisaliu9ldiattii^t fRknliia«lQaoi^&peeiMi"'Spb :8taln'i^fink'<Simtsin>Bbol£s^^^ InfaSBomin ' a ''TartetiFi'olfotblrs^ eqttallrluae ^EiSPece|sa,;^SiS$bh>m pture^ma'k"«Mttle|i^oir!Ultbffib"efflt& popiUeirlccmk ;ev|EIs3iOred^i®hlB|tw61tlwJllfb0p maU^^wst^p^qii:^alri^l c^ttl ^NevHBodklof-" ^ci^n ^2StCents^lnfBlIver;fepo8taaTO Fngraylnt^ iiSarS?^ Sndfchttnge thtiBQilntb Hrlblio imcll2§fcEfiTO^«aiM mills ffater ^waFpihe~fitiaM'f;|ii'ot^® ^tneirntnresandfmaKesieveirBpW) rsoD. ovun: you how to -knuw tlie SexIw^Gfiildren Wl8M»i it; liow to hiiik'' l^o w!th»"t • oefnre birth; to kiiow|^h6^<iUiwnb ^oa Mdtor into Inriiimm'jt.» Ibiit. "'HI burn. Wife will be; the Lovet-'s •Oborm, ori year: how J' nrtf to inftk® FortuotiS by- ilia OronndB of a Tea or] ColEoo Cup; to know if If your yi Love of a bow to tlie numW numburiinj otciirart.boWTO 1.tell ^ »ny nj, Tiill Marry, iinrl>.wbiitBpttuibolyoat'lviUfl hava,' wbo your 'FuturjS^eb^dt'ol'S u-Iiiu, n Witches* Tnue Mutbod of'Teliingl f,mr-.> vimr--> 0. (J •bow to t*jll or HudbntidB'yba will bnva: how to tbey nii^uot|1^|I>Ifico^t«d9^he old P; aon if, In in In iov« lpv« ;bow wilhuuVfJik•filll y Vrliii*, tane. Ubnjt^pTirnfKeHaTidPy 'Controlfotberaiaiidifflin^^ Hi'l-j den TreasfflesSShalili^WRtful®rice. dBlaBfl (rf W^i®f1° 137 mull, post-paid, only TWENTV.FIVE oy poat-paW. oavy .•iruMAH BKUfri BROSil tagemall. Btampg). j,-ot lo.WEHWW, AddrsM all ords" dirt"* AddrvH all ardors dirept tp WEHMAN BRSS., 15B Park Row, Nl Y. Clly. in yo»i' mouth; aiiK inoUso^froi"»:k t°^Shi9 cii™<?r vrBt.; libw to l.r.ld Write Pdye#l5Btw3.8ecfetlirifeMth CENTS por copy (sIIvqt or poetofro RtnnipHl. n„i„5 j^Mon tlilnkror, u«Jj hy .wny one: :(MuLunl; for^uoe fo . Tolling ..„ gcraon win^beiMutml; >y C/irdu. It tbllB thu numbur ^ Wives Witcb caii|liOTifyo®Gp6d^i^^^ off ,••.«.• =.;i'K hoW to «'it per copy (bI^^ Ijould -not rai.i l;•TWfe"'*" si • „ or mw rii* „„„, «. V. CM*. 11 III i H 5* •ftoc"®®'* ® ni' i I i Be ell ittiiiitti jfcliilliilliii! IEi5-TK^^a2; i Si ii m ii M m 1 Isiis^l^pgRiiljk!^ Wiiwiiiiiiiii «PS|iiwfiiliftiM !H||jipli&l«Hl SS^ giS^&S^ igpliiiBiliiililiil Kg|Sg|i iiliiisl ei)^t>yngWHalS^ie^S^«^"'o jo,gj5.gfo!gsaglH^aaSjal3iBX'^BiR 1 i ^nim . TOMjwitH Aftftoa, inuitjK ......J08;;iFURTAnOM AtnusWQ ^ ON THIS PaOB only 10 CBNT^ problems: SSqko^ Wi^>-SOU' gahtMing. ^ tABLET. Aa Aatrulogura. J^llN^QmV'FORfUWEmLER. TbU fTOOr^tVfWft ' fjir,tm»re. iSb aliuplo a wTin,i i:; con lu^rn'i it. •• • CONUNDBUWS AND ? ^^our.'Wul lanffh till yon'^abh.6,' S2)M0NE^ SECni^ How to imatoiiUli^Jtinds of Soap, Jhfe, Paint. Olao i S ^ ^ ? F:,0il. am i t Bye, »r6 PnlinV • |M^lnBOi^Hi>lr Hair WaaliiM' tefi^giand'^l^'fch' Pb qte. " INMAQIft " . I^^ewafari'greej^ by ~ e!fl J^tortalim^t Yotmg ana Old. ^„!0&R0|TiWtt^ Amnft^nnw* i ^oiMra]>an^^m^^p(httlnuuiu^ i ' ,.; LqikSiimuUi^ir^liovBr'n,Tetegralili. [«l|gTAPH» |lla^ Hnak,. | iST^p^lh thfi m •WBSiTfe.. .1U', ttti >trfr(; tvitrn, 711 I atnogu •" :; • V