Week 2 Term 2 2016 Newsletter
Week 2 Term 2 2016 Newsletter
Week 2 Term 2 2 – 6 May 2016 KURMOND PUBLIC SCHOOL 494 Bells Line of Road KURMOND 2757 Ph: 45731648 Fax: 45732122 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kurmond-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Principal’s Report Dear Parents and Caregivers WELCOME BACK TO TERM 2! Welcome back to Term 2 at Kurmond PS, I hope everyone had a restful break as we have a very busy term ahead! It is with great pleasure that I write my first newsletter as the new Principal of our wonderful school. It is indeed a privilege and absolute pleasure to be leading our school community in its next chapter. I am very much looking forward to meeting and working with all the students and parents in the next couple of weeks. I have already been made to feel so welcome from all the staff, students and the parents that I have already met. Thank you for welcoming me into the Kurmond Community. Staffing and Baby News DATES TO NOTE Term 2 May th Thurs 5 – Mother’s Day Stall th Fri 6 – Mother’s Day Morning Tea Tues 10th – NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5) th Wed 11 – NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5) th Thurs 12 – NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5) th Tues 17 – Parent Info Session 7.00pm th Tues 17 – P & C Meeting 7.30pm th Thurs 19 – Parent Info Session (repeat) 9.15am th Fri 20 – District Cross Country Carnival th Tues 24 – Debating Team @ Bligh Park PS th Wed 25 – National Simultaneous Storytime June st Wed 1 – PULSE Choir Rehearsal #2 @ Banks PS th Tues 7 – Debating Team @ home th Wed 8 – Synergy Dance Fest Rehearsal & Evening Performance th Wed 15 – Synergy Dance Matinee Performance th Wed 15 – Rehearsal #1 H’bury Music Fest @ HHS th Thurs 16 – School Athletics Carnival (date changed) Thurs 16th – Multicultural Public Speaking @ GVPS th th Mon 20 – Thurs 30 – Hawkesbury Enrichment Prog th Mon 20 – CPR HELP for kids st Tues 21 – CPR HELP for kids nd Wed 22 – CPR HELP for kids th Tues 28 – Touch Football Gala Day th Thurs 30 – PULSE Choir Performance @ Opera House July st Fri 1 – Last day of Term 2 As you are aware Mr Hawkes, 3/4H’s substantive teacher is currently on paternity leave. I’d like to congratulate Carly and Robert and big brother Will Note: These dates may be subject to on the safe arrival of Eloise Jade change. Don’t rely on previous newsletters Hawkes born on 13th April. I’m sure for correct dates. Always check latest there will be less sleep in the coming newsletter or note on website for most up to months in the Hawkes household. date information. It is now with mixed emotions that I inform you Mr Hawkes recently applied for and has been successful at gaining the Principal position at Cattai Public School. Mr Hawkes has been at Kurmond PS since 2011 and during that time has been an Assistant Principal and Relieving Principal. In 2015, he relieved at McDonald Valley Public School as Principal, contributing to the professional learning of teachers and leading and managing the school community. While it is a disappointment for us, I’m sure you will join me in congratulating him on this outstanding achievement and in wishing him much success in this new phase of his professional career. Following Mr Hawke’s promotion, I am pleased to advise that Mr Townsend will continue teaching 3/4H. The school will fill Mr Hawkes’ Assistant Principal position, as soon as we are instructed by Staffing at the Department of Education. Principal’s Report cont… Principal’s Report cont… Professional Learning at Kurmond PS Last Tuesday during our staff development day, the staff were involved in a series of professional learning sessions. We received mandatory training on CPR and Anaphylaxis through the Royal Life Saving Society. We also received a session delivered by Mrs Whitton on the Targeted Early Numeracy Intervention Program (T.E.N) which is being implemented K-2 this year and the strategies being shared and extended for 3-6 students as well. Numeracy is a focus this year at Kurmond as part of our school strategic directions. Stay tuned for the presentation which is being organised for parents later this term. Parent Parking Area and Bus Stop Last term Mrs Chia, Mr Hawkes, Lionel Tomic, representatives from Roads and Maritime Services, Busways and Hawkesbury Council, and myself met regarding a proposal the Council has put together following an application for a grant lodged by Mrs Chia on behalf of the school. Our aim is to have the carpark and bus bays used correctly and safely by making some modifications to the current area. The council’s proposal will be presented during the next P&C meeting on 17th May. This is a complex issue and I am looking forward to input from our school community on their thoughts on the proposed changes. NAPLAN 2016 In May 2016 the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be completed by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN will assess the literacy and numeracy skills of students across Australian schools. The results of the tests will provide important information to our school about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the national minimum standard. Tuesday 10th May • • Language Conventions, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Writing Wednesday 11th May • Reading Thursday 12th May • Numeracy On Friday 13th May, there will be a catch up day for any student who is absent. ANZAC Day at Kurmond PS For our 2016 ANZAC Day Assembly, our School Leaders did a fantastic job of leading the assembly and raising and lowering the flags to the Last Post and Reveille. Each class made a memorial wreath to lay at the service. The wreaths were laid by the SRC representatives. The solemnity of the occasion was modelled by our leaders and echoed amongst the students who listened and participated in the ceremony so well. The school leaders attended the Dawn Service at Memorial Park, Kurrajong on ANZAC Day. Mrs Chia, our school leaders – Ella, Keira, Kye and other members of our student body were there to represent our school by laying a floral wreath. We thank them for their dedication to serving our school and for paying their respects on behalf of our school community. I’d like to thank Miss Foster for the organisation of the school ANZAC ceremony and Mrs Chia for attending and organising our leaders to represent our school at the ceremony at Memorial Park. Principal’s Report cont… Principal’s Report cont… Information Session for Parents On Tuesday 17th May, prior to the P&C meeting, an information session is being presented for parents on recent changes to the English and Mathematics Syllabus for K-6 and how this impacts on our written reports to parents. For those not able to attend the evening session, I will also present the same session on Thursday 19th May during the day for those interested. • • Evening Session - Tuesday 17th May 7.00 pm in the Library. Day Session - Thursday 19th May 9.15 am in the The Cottage. Buddy Reading On Monday the whole of Kurmond PS embarked on the school's Buddy Reading Program capably lead by Mrs Chia. It was wonderful to see all students completely engaged in the texts being read and asking questions to guide the ongoing comprehension of texts. What is It? Buddy Reading is an educational approach where younger students assume the role of tutee with older students assuming the role of tutor to develop skills and confidence in reading fluency and comprehension. Why are we doing it? The research literature on peer tutoring is extensive and international studies have clearly shown that peer interaction is conducive to a host of important early achievements, such as: • • • • • children's understanding of fairness; their self-esteem; their ability toward sharing and kindness; their acquisition of role-taking and communication skills; their development of creative and critical thinking. Research literature also shows that the gains for tutors often outdistance those of the students receiving assistance. These gains result from reworking what the tutors know in order to make it understandable to their tutees. The benefits of peer tutoring are: • • • • • • development of reading skills; development of social behaviours, interpersonal and communication skills; improvement in attendance; improvements in self-esteem; opportunities for leadership and social responsibility; gaining a heightened sensitivity to younger students’ needs and concerns. Principal’s Report cont… Principal’s Report cont… Thank You to our P &C On Thursday a band of hard working parents organised a beautiful Mother’s Day stall for our students. I appreciate the work that has gone into the purchasing and presentation of the gifts as well as seeking out donations for the fabulous raffle. As I looked on, I could see the excitement in the children’s faces as they chose the best possible gifts for the special mums in their lives. I thank you for your efforts and for making it all possible. As I write the newsletter I know that the Mother’s Day Morning Tea is on Friday and I look forward to seeing this in action. Happy Mother’s Day, I hope you are all spoilt on Sunday! Synergy Dance Festival 2016 Congratulations to the Dance Group on being selected to be part of the Synergy Dance Festival this year. Our school’s evening performance ‘Let’s Dance’ will be on 8th June and the matinee will be on 15th June. I know the students will be working hard to perfect their performance this term and we can’t wait to see the colourful costumes on stage at the Evan Theatre, Penrith Panthers. A reminder that tickets are now available for purchase from Ticketek at www.ticketek.com.au. A huge thank you, to Miss Foster for her time and efforts in choreographing and teaching the dance routine. Kind regards. Patricia Beggs Principal Lily C Lily E Jake I Lucy Wiggins Darcy B Jake C Brook L Ashton N Mia S Ashley V Cohen C Emily G Carla R Annaliese B Isaac C Abbey H Bella M Jai R Connie S Matilda V Tristen D Zachary G Ryan W Ella B Daniel C Caleb L Clayton M Abby S Joshua T Addison W Congratulations to our award winners. Well done! White Merit Cards – Week 10 Term 1 Sophie Jackson Ryder Maddie Emma Alexander Roise Emily Caleb Luke Aalliyah Evie Jacob Lucy Ella Abbey Logan Rochelle Oliver Brandon Jackson Jai Nathan Chelsea KW KW KW 1/2M 1/2M 1/2M 1/2P 1/2P 1/2P 2/3C 2/3C 2/3C 3/4A 3/4A 3/4A 3/4H 3/4H 3/4H 5/6C 5/6C 5/6C 5/6F 5/6F 5/6F Courtesy and Responsibility: Always using her beautiful manners and being a caring friend! Effort: Showing great sportsmanship and determination in our tennis lessons! Courtesy: Always following instructions, listening carefully and using beautiful manners! Responsibility: following class rules and routines sensibly Safety: using school equipment with great care Effort: Working hard to follow instructions with TENS activities Effort: working consistently during TENS activities Achievement: her creative and descriptive writing Courtesy: Always being polite and helpful to others Effort: Working hard to use a plan and punctuation in writing tasks Achievement: excellent improvements in expression when reading orally Effort: Working hard to learn her tables and use place value Effort: Working hard in Maths activities and teaching a peer a new skill Courtesy: being kind and thoughtful team player who displays excellent turn taking skills Excellence: measuring bean plants with accuracy and displaying them thoughtfully on a graph! Effort: Commitment to always doing her best. Well done Abbey! Effort: working hard to apply himself diligently to class tasks Effort: Putting 100% effort into everything she does and always being organised. Well done. Amazing effort to continue to pursue excellence, even with a broken arm! Courtesy: Being a kind, thoughtful member of our class! Effort: Effort in maintaining focus in class and achieving great results Courtesy: Speaking with manners to his teacher Responsibility: Displaying responsibility in his role as Captain Effort: Always going above and beyond in her classwork Band Awards Kenneth: working very hard on the saxophone 50 Merit Points Certificate Aimee M 5/6C Zack W KW Boyi L 5/6F Larissa P 5/6F Nelson K 2/3C Faith G 2/3C Mathletics Class Finalists – Week 9 KW – Lauren T - 1940 1/2M – Jett M - 3762 3/4A – Annalise B - 1040 3/4H – Lily C - 2867 Mathlete of the Week – Jett M – 1/2m – 3762 points Mathletics Class Finalists – Week 10 KW – Lacey T - 1738 1/2M – Brock D - 2378 3/4A – Taleah I - 1893 3/4H – Ava C - 1140 Jessica R KW Cordelia N 5/6F Jordan M 5/6F Chloe E 3/4A 1/2P – Eli & Lucy M 1010 5/6C – Aimee M – 1332 2/3C – Gemma C - 3171 5/6F – Nathan K - 550 1/2P – Matilda V - 1290 5/6C – Alex G - 3953 2/3C – Harrison M - 2248 5/6F – Jayden P - 640 Mathlete of the Week – Alex G – 3953 points White Merit Cards – Week 2 Term 2 Harry Jasmine Sophie Brook Harrison Brock Eli Isabelle Ethan Josie Carla Harry Beyanca Teagan Abbey KW KW KW 1/2M 1/2M 1/2M 1/2P 1/2P 1/2P 2/3C 2/3C 2/3C 3/4A 3/4A 3/4A Courtesy: Always doing her best in class and helping others to do the same. Achievement: Knowing all of the 'Jolly Phonics' sounds and actions. Well done! Effort and Achievement: Taking her time to sound out her words when reading. Effort: For giving an interesting topic talk. Effort: Working cheerfully in class. Effort: Amazing writing on your mind map. Achievement: Excellent word choices and sentence variety in his writing. Effort: Her thoughtful work during spelling and phonics activities. Responsibility: His concerted effort to be more organised with his work and belongings. Effort: Excellent listening skills and following instructions. Effort: Trying to listen to and follow instructions. Responsibility: Working hard to independently finish class tasks. Effort: Improved task ethic, Beyanca now gets all her work done within set time limits. Excellence: Contributing positively to our class KWL chart on our unit of work called 'Dreaming'. Effort: Working with care trying to keep her bookwork neat and handwriting tidy. Merit Awards cont… Merit Awards cont… Kobi Mia Ashley Orlando Mitchell Cohan Sienna Ebony Noah Jayden 3/4H 3/4H 3/4H 3/4H 5/6C 5/6C 5/6C 5/6F 5/6F 5/6F Achievement: A huge improvement in his 5 minute Maths results Achievement: A fantastic improvement in her 5 minutes Maths results. Effort: A consistent and thoughtful approach to her work. Effort: A quiet consistent worker in class. Effort: Mitchell is demonstrating improved focus and maturity. Effort: Cohan loves to share his wonderful knowledge about WW2. Effort: Sienna consistently strives to achieve her best. Effort: Applying herself to all tasks with enthusiasm. Courtesy: Always displaying manners and respect to others. Responsibility: Working to his best abilities during Maths Groups. 50 Merit Points Certificate Ivy KW Jake KW Emily KW Nicholas KW Evelyn KW Evelyn KW Lacey KW Liliana 1/2M Olivia 1/2M Ivan 1/2M Abby 1/2P Hunter 1/2P Lily B 1/2P Lily E 1/2P Lily P 1/2P Lucy 1/2P Matilda 1/2P Completed Premier’s Reading Challenge Ivan 1/2m Rose 1/2P Harry 2/3C Myah 2/3C Jade 2/3C Aalliyah 2/3C Carla 2/3C Josie 2/3C Evie 2/3C Max 2/3C Jack 2/3C Annaliese 3/4A Lily P 1/2P Mathletics Class Finalists – Week 1 KW – Lacey T – 920 1/2M – Jett M – 1279 3/4A – Chloe E – 988 3/4H – None Petar 3/4A Chelsea 5/6F Ebony 5/6F Phillip 5/6F Lyric 5/6F Keira 5/6F Olivia 5/6F Aimee 5/6C Molly 5/6C Gabriella 5/6C Emily 1/2P 1/2P – None 5/6C – Carissa M – 988 2/3C – Isabelle L – 57 5/6F – Jayden P – 100 1/2P – Brady A – 500 5/6C – Liam P – 300 2/3C – Joel A – 280 5/6F – Kira L – 220 Mathlete of the Week – Week 1 – Jett M 1/2M – 1279 pts Mathletics Class Finalists – Week 2 KW – Jessica R – 2150 1/2M – Emma K – 1276 3/4A – Taleah I – 880 3/4H – None Mathlete of the Week – Week 2 – Jessica R KW – 2150 pts • Hawkesbury Enrichment Program All students have been given notes with information about the Hawkesbury Creative Arts Enrichment Program that will be held at various schools between 20th – 30th June. If you wish your child to be nominated for a course, forms must be returned by Wed 11th May. Late nominations cannot be accepted. • Stewart House Donation Drive Donation envelopes have been sent home and need to be returned by Fri 13th May. • School Athletics Carnival please note change of date Due to a date clash with the Dance Group’s performance date for the Synergy Dance Festival, our School Athletics Carnival will now be held on Thursday 16th June at McMahons Park Kurrajong. Permission notes will be sent home closer to the date. • District Cross Country Carnival Congratulations to the following students who have qualified to attend the District Cross Country Carnival on Fri 20th May at Cattai National Park. Permission notes have been sent home and need to be returned by Friday 13th May. Jayden P 5/6F Jackson P 5/6C Liam P 5/6C Zac G 5/6C Kye G 5/6C Sebastian A 5/6C Ella C 5/6C Molly W 5/6C Keira F 5/6F Georgie D 5/6F Aimee M 5/6C Boyi L 5/6F Jai R 5/6F Noah Y 5/6F Cohen C 5/6C Harrison K 5/6F Darcy B 5/6F Mitchell W 5/6C Cordelia N 5/6F Chelsea H 5/6F Amity L 5/6C Gabriela M 5/6C Ella H 5/6C Carissa M 5/6C Jesse C 5/6F Joel F 3/4H Zavier R 3/4H Cooper R 3/4H Cody P 3/4A Jacob J 3/4A Chloe E 3/4A Teagan L 3/4A Phebe M 3/4A Ella G 3/4A Olivia G 3/4H Olivia J 5/6F Cody C 3/4A Lucas B 3/4A Joel A 2/3C Nelson K 2/3C Logan K 3/4H Elem R 2/3C Ava C 3/4H Taleah I 3/4A Lucy W 3/4A Ashley V 3/4H Jade T 2/3C Abbey C 3/4H Richmond Community Services Inc P O Box 260 20 West Market Street Richmond NSW 2753 Tel: 02 4588 3503 (direct line for EO) 02 4588 3555 / 02 4588 3502 (Generic) Fax: 02 4578 3322 www.rcsi-neighbourhoodcentre.org Coffee with A Cop! Everyone Monday 2nd May 10am—12noon PlayPower WITH FREE CHILDCARE For parents of children aged 0—3years Tuesday May 3rd 10am—12noon Aggression in Kids-Help for Parents WITH FREE CHILDCARE For Dads and Mums/ primary carers of children aged 0 12 years Wednesday 4th May 6:30 – 9pm CHANGE OF DATE: Supporting Your Teen Through Parental Separation For parents/ primary carers of teens Monday 20th June 6.30-8.30pm Solo Parenting WITH FREE CHILDCARE For Dads and Mums/ primary carers of children aged 0-12 years 3 x Saturdays 21st, 28th May, 4th June 10am—12.30pm ADHD diagnosis— next steps WITH FREE CHILDCARE For Dads and Mums/ primary carers of children aged 0-8 years Tuesday 31st May 10am—12noon For Dads 2 x Mondays 30th May & 6th June 6.30-8.30pm Stress Less for Dads Thank You to our Mother’s Day Raffle Sponsors