December 27, 2015 - Holy Family Parish
December 27, 2015 - Holy Family Parish
FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY– DECEMBER 27, 2015 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am, 12:00, 7:30 pm Daily Mass Schedule Monday-Friday 8:15 am, Saturday 8:15 am OFFICE HOURS The office will be open Monday-Thursday from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m., and Friday until 1:00. 1 Lloyd Avenue ~ Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Phone 973-377-1817 Rev. Frederick Walters, Pastor Rev. Thomas Rekiel, Temporary Administrator Rev. Philip-Michael Tangorra, Weekend Assistant Rev. Mr. Artur Zaba Deacon Peter M. Fiore Deacon William Ward, Retired Virginia Akhoury, Pastoral Minister Holy Family School Principal, Sister Ann Kavanagh, RDC Director of Religious Education, Anne Giedlinski Director of Music Ministry, Randy Hertzog Youth Minister, Jason Marx Parish Secretary, Barbara O’Connor Parish Secretary, Celeste Walsh RECTORY [email protected] Phone 973-377-1817 Fax 973-377-6350 HOLY FAMILY YOUTH MINISTER [email protected] CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST SUNDAY Saturday evening vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am and 12:00 and 7:30pm WEEKDAYS Monday through Friday: 8:15am, (12:10 During Lent) Saturdays throughout the year: 8:15am HOLY DAYS 7:00pm the evening preceding 7:30 and 9:00am and 12:10, 7:00 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - First, second, third and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:30pm. Baptism preparation for parents first Tuesday of the month. Phone rectory for details and information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturdays, 4:30 to 5:15pm. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Dr. McDowell Council - For information, call Charlie Pane 973-301-0753. For Hall rentals, call Ralph Aurilia at 973-301-0297. PRO-LIFE MINISTRY - Frank and Barbara Tinari, 973-8220084. Important Contact Information: Crisis Pregnancy & Post Abortion Healing-973-497-4350 or [email protected]; Crisis Pregnancy Helpline-888-HOPE-4ME; National Life Center-800-848LOVE; Birthright-800-550-4900; Catholic Charities-Pat Chiarello 201 -246-7379; Several Sources-201-818-9033; New Hope-201-408-4726; Good Counsel Home-800-723-8331. MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE Ralph Aurilia 973-951-6508 Bob McCoy 973-204-6049 Gene Miranda 973-583-2469 Roger Siara 973-822-1661 Page 2 SCHOOL 973-377-4181 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 973-377-3101 [email protected] HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL - An environment for growth in faith, values and knowledge. PreK through 8th grade. For further information, please call the school office, 973-377-4181. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - A program of religious instruction for grades PreK through 8. Confirmation preparation for high school students. For further information, call the Religious Education Office, 973-377-3101. SOCIAL MINISTRIES Ministry to the Handicapped: Angela Landon, 973-765-0022 Ministry to the Homebound: Ginny Akhoury, 973-377-2315 Ministry to the Hungry: Anne Platoff, 973-822-0430 Sharon Carr, 973-568-5932 Hospital Visitation: Ginny Akhoury, 973-377-2315 ROSARIANS - Meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month, September through June, following the 8:15 morning mass. FINANCE COUNCIL Ralph Aurilia 973-951-6508 Bob Cottam 973-887-1232 *Anne Feith 973-966-1314 Peter Fiore 917-880-9601 *Bob McCoy 973-204-6049 Gene Miranda 973-583-2469 Michael Prokop 973-301-0678 Roger Siara 973-822-1661 *Parish Trustees 662 Holy Family Church • Happy Feast Day! Today is the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the patronal feast of our parish. In celebration of the feast, Bishop Serratelli will celebrate the 12:00 mass during which all married couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows. After mass all of the new Vestments and Altar Clothes will be on display in the church hall. • This Friday, January 1, New Year’s Day is also the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, a holyday of obligation in the United States. Our Masses for the holyday will be at 5:30 P.M. on Thursday evening, and at 9:00, and 12:10 on Friday morning. • The Christmas Elves were out in force this past week on Sunday afternoon, and Wednesday evening, getting the church, the auditorium, and the grounds ready for Christmas, and at the same time sorting, packing, and delivering the bounty prepared under our Advent Giving Tree. Thank you to the members of the Parish Liturgy Committee, the parish staff, and the Confirmation class who gave much time and attention to every detail. • May time in the coming year go a little slower for each of you, so that you can savor every good gift of God in the days ahead. Happy New Year. PARISH EMAIL MAILING LIST The parish has a new email mailing list service! The purpose of this service is to quickly provide interested parishioners with important news and announcements that are time sensitive (i.e. cannot wait for Sunday), or notices of interest to parishioners who might be away on business or vacation. These announcements might include the death of a parishioner/ex-parishioner, emergency needs of the parish, request for prayers, etc. To subscribe to the mailing list, simply send an email (i.e. no message or title needed) from your email address to [email protected], or go to http:// You will receive two emails in return … one asking that you confirm that you made the request (simply respond to this first email) and then you will receive a second email saying welcome to the mailing list once your request is approved by one of our moderators (you do not need to respond to the second email). To contact the moderators of the system send a message via email to [email protected] (Celeste) or [email protected] (Ed McGuire). If you have any questions, you can contact Ed McGuire at [email protected] or 973-377-7150. Page 3 Thank you for your support of the Food Pantry. This weeks items are coffee and tea. Please remember we cannot accept expired items. We wish you a Blessed New Year. Sharon Carr, 973-568-5932, Anne Platoff,973-822- 0430. Our next meeting will be January 5th at 9:30 at the home of Barbara Tinari, 17 Cathedral Ave. Newcomers are always welcome. For more information please call Barbara at 973-822-0084. ROSARY is prayed each day at 7:50 a.m. (before the 8:15 Mass). MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA is prayed on Mondays after the 8:15 a.m. Mass. CENTERING PRAYER The Centering Prayer Group meets at 7:30 p.m. in the O’Connell Room (convent) on Monday nights. All are welcome. CHILDRENS CHOIR We are looking for someone to start a Childrens Choir here. Please call the rectory for information. 662 Holy Family Church MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 28, 2015 8:15 - Robert M. Chapman Tuesday, December 29, 2015 8:15 - Margaret Farrell Wednesday, December 30, 2015 8:15 - Gert Stehr - Anna Prokop Thursday, December 31, 20015 New Year’s Eve 8:15 - Carl Krah - Gratitude for Prayers Offered for Fr. Fred’s Recovery 5:30pm - Special Intention Friday, January 1, 2016 Feast of the Immaculate Conception 9:00 - Ida Federico - Carl Krah - Joseph and Sabino Iandiorio 12:10pm- Manuel Infanzon -Margaret Farrell -Dorn and Weldon Families Saturday, January 2, 2016 8:15 5:30 - Michael Spiessbach, 1st Anniversary - People of Holy Family Parish - Anna Prokop Sunday, January 3, 2016 7:30 - Carl Krah - Tom Hannan 9:00 - Mary Shivietz - Norman Walters 10:30 - Marie O’Mara - Mary Botticelli - Angelo Consolazio 12:00 - Margaret Farrell - Linda Cavagnaro - Irene Gazda 7:30 - PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for our parishioners, relatives and friends who are ill: Alison Walters Soderburg, Brian Connolly, Fr. Fred , Peggy Steckert, Alyssa Blatt., Peggy Schneyer, John Mahoney, Kate Monteforte, John Schneyer, Linda Ryan, Stephen Matuszek, Christine Matuszek Bagniewski., Bernie Dorn, III, Carol Padden, Ramona Baumgaertner. PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER those serving our country in the armed forces: Major Timothy Renahan USA Sgt. Jared K. Nucci, USA Matthew Manzione, USA AS1 Brian Schramm, USN HT2 Thomas Dwyer ESWS, USN Master Sgt. Jennifer Sweetin USAF PFC Patrick Montuore USMC Page 4 January 1 January 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 January 31 Solemnity of Mary: Masses 9:00am, 12:10pm CYO Practice: Gym Coffee and Donuts: Church Hall CYO Games: Gym HFS Basketball Practice: Gym Men’s Baketball: Gym HFS Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Practice: Gym HFS Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Games: Gym HFS Basketball Practice: Gym Men’s Basketball: Gym Bible Study: Church Hall HFS Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Practice: Gym HFS Basketball Game: Gym (7:00 pm) HFS Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Games: Gym Martin Luther King Day School Closed & Office Closed Bible Study: Church Hall HFS Basketball: Gym Altar Server Party: Church Hall (6:30 pm) CYO Basketball Practice: Gym Holy Family School Open House HFS Basketball Practice: Gym Italian Dinner: Church Hall CYO Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Games: Gym HFS Basketball Practice: Gym HFS Basketball Game: Gym (7:00 pm) CYO Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Practice: Gym HFS Basketball Game: Gym (7:00 pm) HFS Basketball Practice: Gym CYO Basketball Games: Gym CYO Basketball Games: Gym HFS Catholic Schools Week Begins RELIGIOUS ITEMS FOR THE MISSIONS Ginny Akhoury is collecting religious items, prayer cards, novena booklets, medals, small statues, rosaries (broken ones will be repaired) crucifixes and greeting cards, for distribution around the world. These items will be sent to missions in Africa, India, the Philippines and many other locations. The priests and religious are in dire need of materials to propagate the faith with their poor parishioners. Please leave any contributions in the baskets at the doors of the church. CATHOLIC CHARITIES Please help support our local programs by donations of clothing, shoes and household items in our donation bin located in the parking lot. 662 Holy Family Church CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS Louis and Emma Acocella Frank S. Alvarez Steven Alvarez Ann and Mike Antoci John and Filomena Anzellotti Thomas and Edith Ashley Helen and Michael Autera Bartman Family Eleanor Bataille Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry Bialek Family Anthony Biank Rosalba Biondi Colleen Susan Blair Helen Blair William J. Blair John Bocchi Patricia Bonczo Patricia Bower Bill Brown Nicola Bruno Regina Bruno George and Helen Bukwich Philomine Caivano Parente and Camerlengo Families Garofalo and Cancelliere Families Frank K. Caruso, Sr. Dianne Cascioli Adelina and Pietro Cataldo Alexander and Katherine Cataldo Sister Thomas Theresa Catterall Celentano Family Cheeseman Family Joseph Chiarolanzio Michael Chiarolanzio Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Chiarolanzio Rosa and Gaetano Cianciulli Giorgio Cifelli Charles and Vera Cirrincione Msgr. T. F. Code George Colwell Baby Joseph Core G. Corvelli R. Corvelli Haemmerle and Cullen Families Frances Dale Joseph Danno Robert Danno Joseph and Rose Dassing Flanagan and Day Families Jack and Lycia Day Rachael DeLucas Frank and Rachel Demaio Joseph DePalma Elisa and Costantino DeTore Page 5 Helen and Joe Dittrich Donald Daley Eileen Dillon Mary and James Dohoney William F and Rose Duym William F. Duym, Jr. Debbie Dwyre Eileen Edwards Eulie Family Wiggins and Fagan Families The Federico Family Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferrara Simonetti and Ferrise Families Ralph and Nancy Finelli Jonathan Finkel Anne and Tom Flanagan Hariet Flanagan Ruth E. Foley Maria Frisoli Dente and Gabriele Families Lee Gandy Bundschuh and Ganley Families Dolores Garcia Jose Garcia Armando and Louise Garofalo Mr. and Mrs. R. Genova Fred J. Germershuasen, Jr. Fred J. Germershausen, Sr. Kathleen Germershausen Mary Germershausen Pat Germershausen Josephine Giordano Edna Gouveia Metro and Greenwood Families Grello Family Ann and John Graham Margaret and Thomas Griffin David and Flora Gubitosa Louis and Susan Haitmanek Ryan and Harkins Families Himics Family John Iantosca John Inserra Marion and Albert Inserra Filler and Jaunis Families Kasten Family Sean Patrick Kenney John and Nora Kielty Rich Knapp Theresa Koidl Jesse Korab Mary Korab Mary Kozak Carl Krah Krah Family Kozak and Kushla Family Mariann Kramer Kurdyla Family Ann Lally Agnes C. Lane Langhorne Family Gerald Lardiere Dorothy Lardieri Anna Lazorik Theresa Lazorik France Lijo Catherine and Michael Longobordi Maria and Joseph Lorenc Ann Lo Vito Frank Lo Vito Jane Biank Lunga Maccario Family Anzalone and Macchiaverna Families Elizabeth Maddalena Schneyer and Mahoney Families Pladis and Malakas Families Kathy Manfra Gubitosa and Manganiello Families Michael Marelli Theresa McDevitt Mr. James J. McGovern, Sr. Marlene McGovern Mrs. Mary McGovern Daniel Meeks Geraldine Melillo Mess Family Meyers Family Mr. and Mrs. R. Miche Bertekap and Miller Families Eugenia and Tom Moran Mosman Family Eddie Mulligan Elmay and Paul Mulligan Louise Mulligan Hoferer and Murphy Families Napoli Family Joe and Joan Nee Al and Ida Nastro Buddy Nastro Dr. and Mrs. W. Nemzek Bill Northridge Jim Northridge Paul Nugent Raymond Ocejo Matt O’Connor Eileen and Michael O’Driscoll Charles Olivieri Josephine Olivieri 662 Holy Family Church Renee Oster Michael Paoline Tino Parlavecchio Josephine Pellettiere Joseph Pellettiere DeSantis, Gentile and Petrillo Families Andrew Picone Eugenia Ocejo Picone Rose and Carmen Picone Rose and James Picone Rosanne Piccone Paglia Family Piegaro Family Pilla Family Roger and Terry Pitcher Mary Poreman Kathleen M. Post Chauvette and Radon Families Radziwill Family Frank Rivellini Modestino Rivellini Rodriguez Family Nucci, Avella and Romanetz Families Antoinette Romano James Romano Slack and Rosselli Families Sam and Charlotte Rosselli Rufolo Family M. Russo Nick and Bridget Russo Giovannina and Joseph Russomando, Sr. Joseph and Concetta Russomando, Jr. Russomando Family Anthony Salamone Camilo Sanchez Santillo Family Gretel Sarni Kevin Sauer John Scirocco Mary Scola Serwatka Family Carolyn Setzer Genevieve Shivietz Joseph Shivietz Mary Shivietz Margaret and Philip Sieb Page 6 Joseph Skladany Mariann Skladany Veronica Skaldany Doris and Lester Slack Ellen Stankevich Hugo and Stanzione Families Andrew Stenson Mary Stenson Stepanski Family Petrilak and Strenr Families Summa Family Jacob Tagorra, Jr. Rose Talamonco Anne and James Tighe Al and Millie Tinari Carlucci and Tondo Families Gerald Valvano Madeline Valvano Denise VanBenschoten Elizabeth VanBenschoten Maureen Velez Seery and Venducci Families Roberta C. Villani John Vitale JosephVitale Rose Vitale Earle Wallo, Sr Cathy Walsh Evelyn Walsh Gertrude Walsh Raymond Walsh Mr. Joseph Ward Terese Wild Robert J. Wilkinson Foley and Williams Families Gene and Madeline Wizorek Baby Mary Wogrzynek Raymond and Grace Wogrzynek James Woodruff Anna Yacenda Charles Yacenda George Yacenda Mary and Patrick Yannotta Vincent and Mary Yuliano Billy Zimmerman Zwigard Family A GIFT OF: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aurilia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Babb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Behringer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brower Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cannizzo Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Chambers Mr. and Mrs. M. Chiarolanzio Mr. and Mrs. Citarella Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Conte Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coraggio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cottam Mrs. Dorothy Crean Mr. and Mrs. A. D’Alessandro Mr. and Mrs. John T. Danus Barbara Deangelis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin DeCoursey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Detitta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ferrone Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gamba Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kelly Barbara Konel Mrs. Barbara Maccarthy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lakeland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malone Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Malone, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Marquez Mr. Walter Mattheiss Mrs. Richard McArdle Mr. Michael Moore Mrs. Robert Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Ross O’Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Palomba Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Racioppi The Roth Family Mr. and Mrs. Jules G. Spada Mr. and Mrs. W. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. D Tarencz Mrs. Barbara Tartaglia Mr. and Mrs. Daniel VonBrook Mr. and Mrs. William Ward 662 Holy Family Church