February-Salem-Conne.. - Salem Lutheran Church Deerwood MN


February-Salem-Conne.. - Salem Lutheran Church Deerwood MN
February 2016
Salem Lutheran Church 21276 Archibald Road PO Box 100 Deerwood MN 56444
Phone: 218-534-3309 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.salemdwd.org
A Word from Council President,
Diane Hein
confirmation kids will need mentors, soup needs to
be made for Ash Wednesday, pies donated for the
other Lenten Wednesdays. Items donated to
Salem W.E.S.T., clothes to be washed, bins to be
filled, deliveries to be made.
At home we have neighbors to be visited, shut
ins who might need a ride. Taking the time to call
someone you haven’t talked to for a while, lending
a hand, taking time to listen to a story even if it has
been repeated time and time again, giving a hug
just because, offering a smile to a stranger, giving a
word of encouragement to someone who needs a
word of hope. Praying, worshiping together, just
being there for someone else. Buying some gift
cards and just giving them away, buying the person
behind you their meal or groceries. The more I
type, the more I can think of things to add to my
Set a goal to do all of these, NO, but to just be
there and be aware of the God moments when He
can use me to be His hands, His voice, His love, His
compassion this will be my tough Lenten challenge
for this season. It’s so much easier to stay on task
when you aren’t trying something alone, so if you
don’t mind, I sure could use some friends to join
me in this challenge.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith;
and this is not your own doing, it is a gift from God
- not because of works, lest anyone should boast.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
for good works, which God prepared beforehand,
that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10
Greetings and Salutations!
This is one of my favorite expressions from
Charlotte’s Web. It is one of the things I miss, not
being in my classroom and sharing this classic with
a new class of first graders. 21 years of reading
that story and I never could get through the part of
her guarding that egg sack and saying goodbye to
Wilbur, always wiping away the stray tear as she
died alone in that empty stall. As we approach the
season of Lent, it again brings tears to my eyes
when I think of how Jesus gave everything up to be
my Savior and died alone on the cross for my sins.
These tears are not just the sadness for the pain He
must have felt in His human flesh but also tears of
inexpressible joy and awe that He did this all to
save us once and for all from the clutches of sin
and death.
I have some good friends, who every year are
very dedicated to giving something up during Lent,
something for each of them that is quite a sacrifice.
It might be a meal a day, the internet, TV, things
that they used daily. I am always inspired by their
commitment. So this year I wanted to try this, so I
decided I’m going to try to give up something that
would be a challenge and this might sound strange
but I am going to try to give up myself. My time,
my talents, my money. It’s not going to be easy, I
will probably backslide and give in to the I can’t, I
don’t want to’s, I just need some time to myself
but it will be worth the effort to try. We have so
many ways to give of ourselves here at Salem. Our
God bless,
Di Hein :)
Words from Pastor Glen
Welcome to Lent!
February is one of the hardest months of the year for most folks. Winter has dragged on for a while and most
of us feel the need for sun (all except you lucky ones who are enjoying some sun in points far south of
Deerwood). There is probably a reason that Valentine’s Day happens in February. We don’t like to focus any
more than we have to on short days, cold and snow. With Valentine’s Day we can focus on something that’s
warm and comforting.
Lent is hardly something that people think of as warm and comforting. We may think of the drudgery of giving
up certain foods or activities. We think in Lent about Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. And
it may be difficult to slow down and think about things of faith when we are trying to hurry our way through
the worst part of the winter.
February is actually an ideal time to do this, as long as there are no snowstorms to shovel after and fight our
way through! Nature has a way of forcing us to slow down. There are no flowers to plant, lawns to mow or
leaves to rake. Nature naturally slows down itself and rests while the ground is cold and hard. Most animals
try to conserve energy by moving as little as possible when the temperatures and winds are harsh.
We are no exception, as we are part animal. We might try to stay busy in winter but often we don’t succeed. It
is easier in winter to get up later, put off that trip to the store for as long as possible, fall asleep after dinner in
our TV chair or rocker. We are less inclined to exercise so we can gain weight.
So what can we do to make things easier and satisfy both God and our desires for slow motion? We can eat
less and think about God more. We can simplify dinners so we make fewer trips to the store, have less meal
preparation and cleanup time and more time to (re)connect with ourselves, our loved ones, and God. We can
cut out the chaff in our lives, so the enriching, good, valuable things are clear to see and don’t get crowded
out. We can use that extra time in our morning bed or our evening easy chair not just to sleep but to reflect,
read and pray.
Winter life can take a toll not only on our bodies, but on our souls. Lent is that special time of year to restore a
right relationship with ourselves, our God and our loved ones. How can we use the 40 days of Lent to make us
more able, body and soul, to take on the new life and busyness of a new season of spring? How can we
prepare ourselves for the joy of new buds and flowers, and new life in Christ after Easter? Each of us can craft
our Lenten journey so that it’s not a time we dread, but one we anticipate. Let’s pray about that.
–Pastor Glen
“I can do all things through him (Christ) who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
PS And don’t forget to pause in pausing on Sundays, if you wish. Technically, Sundays in Lent are not Lent. If
you add up the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter you only get 40 days if you don’t count Sundays!
Director of Outreach/AiM
Greg Meyer
blessing and are deeply appreciated. God gives us
this unique balance of diversity as we serve in
unity. Thank you for answering God’s call in your
life to serve and to generously give of our time and
talents to build up the Kingdom of God.
[email protected]
Last Sunday as I was listening to the Bible readings
during worship, we heard again Paul’s words to the
Corinthians. What powerful words. God has
blessed Salem with so many wonderful, gift people.
No gift more important than the other, all gifts
equally important to the Body of Christ.
The Social Ministry Governing Board was created
some years ago by the Council to provide oversight
for Salem’s outreach activities which required more
frequent input than the Council could provide,
primarily with regard to Salem West. Since then
the outreach program has grown enormously
thanks to the efforts of many dedicated volunteers
and staff, and the role of the Social Ministry
Governing Board has evolved.
Concerning Spiritual Gifts
12 Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and
sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You
know that when you were pagans, somehow or
other you were influenced and led astray to mute
idols. 3 Therefore I want you to know that no one
who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be
cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except
by the Holy Spirit. 4 There are different kinds of
gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There
are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6
There are different kinds of working, but in all of
them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is
given for the common good. 8 To one there is given
through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another
a message of knowledge by means of the same
Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to
another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to
another miraculous powers, to another prophecy,
to another distinguishing between spirits, to
another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a]
and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b]
11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit,
and he distributes them to each one, just as he
At the latest SMGB meeting it was decided to
recommend to the council a name change from
Social Ministry Governing Board to Salem Outreach
Committee. At Thursday's Council meeting, the
Council unanimously approved the name change.
This was done to match the name of the
Committee to its overall function, noting that Greg
Meyer has the title of “Director of Outreach” and
the functions of that committee extend far beyond
Salem West and the Mustard Seed---they are
directed toward all aspects of our outreach to the
community around us.
Over the coming months, the Council and the
Outreach Committee will be working together to
clarify roles/responsibilities to enable the structure
to meet our needs as we move into the future.
Unity and Diversity in the Body
For many people, selecting who will participate in
their own funeral is an important life decision.
However, when families of the deceased make
such decisions at the time of the death of a loved
one, their actions are often done under a great
deal of stress, and options are not fully understood
and the wishes of the deceased may not be fully
considered. (continued on page 4)
12 Just
as a body, though one, has many parts, but
all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
We celebrate that same unity and diversity here at
Salem. From quilting to serving communion, from
reading at worship to replacing floors, from serving
coffee to delivering furniture, or whether knitting
prayer shawls or doing laundry; ALL your gifts are a
The Church Council recognizes that there has been
a desire by some to designate in advance someone
to participate in one’s own funeral.
The Church Council has developed a form
(available at the office of the church secretary)
which you can use to make some advance plans for
your own funeral. The pastor of Salem will honor
those plans to the best of his/her ability. Please
note that the ELCA Constitution places some
restrictions on the activities of former pastors
serving in roles in a church which they formerly
served. If you wish to have a former pastor of
Salem participate in your funeral it will be
necessary for Salem’s then current pastor to
contact the former pastor at the time of your
death, and determine the permissible role of the
former pastor in your funeral.
To support youth and outreach ministries at Salem,
Salem’s Council has given permission for the
following fundraising activities. Please plan to
attend and support Salem while enjoying great
food and fellowship.
Ash Wednesday, February 10th SOUP SUPPER from
5:30-6:30 p.m. The funds from this event will
support the Youth Boundary Waters Canoe Trip
during the summer of 2016.
PIE SOCIALS beginning February 17th for the
duration of Lent. Great pies and coffee following
each Wednesday Evening worship service. The
funds generated by the Pie Socials will be divided
equally between the Honduras Mission Trip and
the Youth Boundary Waters Canoe Trip.
If you wish to pre-plan your own funeral, please
obtain the Funeral Form from the church office,
complete the form in duplicate, give one copy to
the church secretary and retain one copy for your
permanent records.
Funds from the sale of Butter Braids during Lent
will support the 2016 Salem Honduras Mission
Team’s purchase of construction supplies as well as
food and transportation for the children who will
visit the camp.
Have you been to Salem’s website lately? Have
you thrown away your bulletin and now are
wondering when a meeting or event is going to be
held at Salem? Are you looking to register for the
Men’s Retreat this year?
Check out www.salemdwd.org
A huge thank you to the Salem Memorial
Committee, Salem Outreach Committee (former
Governing Board) and private gifts for the support
for the 5 youth traveling to Honduras with the
Salem Team in March. Each youth is receiving
$1040.00 in scholarship monies towards the total
cost of $1700.00. This is a wonderful investment in
the faith lives of our youth. Each trip participant
pays for their expenses personally, all fundraising
at Salem is done for the materials and expenses
incurred in hosting the children at the
camp. Thank you again for your support and
It has upcoming events and announcements,
together with a weekly calendar. Click once and see
the entire month and upcoming months. Have a
prayer request? Click on the link and fill in the
prayer request information...it will be emailed to
Salem’s Office. If you have pictures of events and
happenings at Salem or the Men's and Women's
retreat, please email to Meriellen Pisarek at
[email protected]. We would like to include
some of those pictures on the website.
Jim & Jan Rude, Carrie Johnson, John &
Marlys Orr
2/14 Pancake Breakfast
2/21 Steve & Joan Haglund, Adam Carlson, John
& Marlys Orr
2/28 Jay & Sue Stromberg, Sandy Archibald, John
& Marlys Orr
Ed & Sherri Godfrey, John & Margo Wojciak
Elsa Ray, Ken Schultz
Randy Holmvig, Helen Ryan, Herb & Barb
Ernie & Mary Erickson, Dean & Pat
Ralph Carlson, Chuck Lubowitz, Karla
Jay & Sue Stromberg
Clark & Joyce Marshall
Pat & Laura Guimont, Roger & Marlene Prill
January 3
January 10
January 17
Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 21
Feb 28
Tina Royer
Ken Stebbins
Lynn Hansen
Kim Coughlin
Gary Guida
Myrna Nelson
Sandy Archibald
Diane Hein
Nicolette Anderson
Kay Bendorf, Brent Fields
Jasmine Siliznoff, Linda Stebbins
Curt Bordwell, Ernie Erickson
Cari Skeim
Debby Leonard, Kerri Sanderson
Nancy Meyer
Dee Dee Frahm, Joey Stromberg
Jan Rude
Paul Erickson
Kyle Bartels
Jerry Sanderson
Lavonn Reeves
David Olson
Doris Carlson, Dale Klungness, Lee Midthun
Betty Damsgaard
Tina Royer, Phil & Donna Turnquist
Greg & Shelly Skeim, Ken Stebbins
Lynn Hansen, Jerry & Polly Pflepsen
Teppi Bundy, Tim & Kim Coughlin
Kay Bendorf, Gary & Becky Guida
Meg McGuire, Roger Prill, Ken Schultz
James Harold Nelson
Elaine Greene, Randy Holmvig, Shirley Taylor
Paul Hein, Rob & Kris Schmidt
Meriellen Pisarek, Mike Shermock
Al Schiffler, Bruce Swanson
Lynn Hansen
Meriellen Pisarek, Mike Shermock
Charlie Anderson, Bruce Swanson
Lynn Hansen
Meriellen Pisarek, Mike Shermock
Charlie Anderson, Al Schiffler
Lynn Hansen
Meriellen Pisarek, Mike Shermock
Al Schiffler, Bruce Swanson
Rick & Sue Johnson (1969)
Kyle & Devan Bartels (2006)
Dan & Shirley Goodwin (1964)
Jon & Shirley Ross (1998)
Mike & Jami Bodle (1998)
Archie & Deanna Olson (1959)
From the beginning of the Call process, it has never
been about pushing forward on OUR time. While
we have to discern whether a candidate would be
right for Salem by reviewing information,
contacting references and doing interviews, we
have also put our faith in God and know that He
will provide the right person at the right time.
PIECEMAKERS (quilting group) meets each Tuesday
at 9:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. All are
We have been blessed with 2 more candidates
since my last update. We have received 6
candidates to date. Of those 6, we have
interviewed 2 candidates and are in the process of
setting up an interview with a third candidate. One
of our candidates has chosen to withdraw their
name for consideration, so we currently have 2
WORSHIP & MUSIC COMMITTEE will meet in the
fellowship hall on Tuesday, Feb 2, 5:30 PM.
candidates that we are conversing with.
GIRLS NIGHT OUT – all women are welcome to
come and enjoy dinner and fellowship at Coach’s
Corner on Tuesday, February 9th at 5:30 p.m.
IN STITCHES (knitting/crocheting) meets on
Tuesdays at 1pm. You are welcome to come and
work on prayer shawls for Salem’s ministry or a
project of your own.
ONE FINK NITE (confirmation) in February Wednesday, February 3rd at 6:30 p.m. During
Lent, the FINK students will be worshipping with a
Faith Mentor each Wednesday evening at 7pm.
February 10, 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
This supper is to raise funds for a summer
Boundary Waters Canoe Trip for Salem Youth.
EVERYONE is welcome and encouraged to come
and enjoy a delicious Soup Supper and support our
PIE SOCIALS Starting on Wednesday, February 17
following worship each week. Donations will be
divided equally between the Honduras Mission Trip
and the Youth BWCA Trip this summer.
Social Ministry Governing Board) will meet on
Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 5pm in the
conference room.
The Church Council has decided on Lenten offering
designation: ½ to Salem Outreach Ministry
(formerly Social Ministry) and ½ to help support
Missionary, Pastor John Lunn.
Salem is hosting worship at the Care Center in
Crosby on Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.
Help is always needed on these occasions. If you
will help, please come to the Care Center around
1:15 p.m. The residents really appreciate our
participation. Stay and worship with them!
Pancake Breakfast!
ages. The book, The VonAwesome Family in the Digital
Age, is a good discussion starter.
Sunday, February 14, 8:4510:00 a.m.
Valentine's Day is February 14th. It is being celebrated
at Salem with a pancake breakfast. Janette Oke and Jan
Karon are popular authors of romantic fiction. Visit the
Library to check out books, DVD's, and games.
Everyone is
welcome to this
fundraiser for
materials for the
Mission focus in
Honduras, March 29-April 6, 2016. Free-will
donations for breakfast will be accepted.
We celebrate President's Day on February 15th. For
some this is a vacation from work and school and a
good time for games and movies.
We have a large mission team from Salem going to
Honduras this year. The Living Language Spanish
Program (CD and book ) can be checked out for review
and vocabulary practice.
Leap Day on February 29 provides us with an extra day
to curl up with a good book.
Happy Reading!
News from The Mustard Seed
Deb Selk, Manager
The cold is here. We have really been feeling
Minnesota winter temperatures over the last week.
Those of us that don’t go south, just have to get used to
it. I want to thank everyone that lent a helping hand at
the Mustard Seed during the flooring job. It was much
more than what was anticipated at the beginning to
be. With all the great volunteers that helped at the
beginning taking everything out and for those at the
end who brought everything back in and put it in its
place. Since reopening have had lots of great comments
on how it looks and we have not used a shim
yet. Halleluiah.
All men are welcome to
Salem’s Men’s Bible Study Group
8 AM on Fridays
in the church Conference Room
We look forward to seeing you!
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES: Wednesday mornings at
6:30 a.m. in the library; Thursday mornings at 8:30
a.m. in the conference room; All women are
The cause of the month for the last part of January and
February is Kids Arc. I have put a wanted volunteers ad
in the local papers as we are really short on them this
time of year. A lot are escaping the cold frigid temps.,
for much warmer ones down south. I don’t blame them
one bit. If you know of anyone who would like to help
out at the Mustard Seed or Salem West please let me
know or send them in to see me. The donations are still
coming in and are bringing us a lot of neat items.
Christmas is coming in also, so the much empty
basement will be slowly filling back up for next year.
I hope everyone is staying warm and blessings to all.
February is a month with diverse occasions for
recognition. There are a variety of books on the Library
desk to further explore these topics.
February is American Heart Month and African
American History Month.
On the 9th of February, Safer Internet Day focuses on
staying safe online. This is a good time to discuss safety
and scam prevention with family members of all
By Gary Guida
Dear Salem Lutheran Church,
Thank you for all your prayers, your
cards, and your calls wishing me a
speedy recovery during my recent
hospitalization and surgery. A special
thanks to Pastor Bickford for his visits, offering
communion, a reading from scripture and prayers.
Thank you. It is good to be back home, recovering
and once again enjoying the gifts of Salem. God
Dan Goodwin
As I sit inside where a wood stove is keeping me fairly
warm, I can’t help thinking back to last summer and the
great times that warm weather and soft water gave me.
With temperatures forecast for temperatures in the
minus column and snow, it comforts me to think about
launching my boat into the beautiful Kabetogema Lake
and enjoying 80 degree temps while spending time with
fellow Christians next July. That trip to “Kab” has been
a wonderful time each year to catch up with old friends
and make new ones, all the while enjoying some
amazing scenery, fantastic fishing, wonderful meals and
provocative Bible studies.
To all my Salem Friends,
Thanks for all the cards and prayers with the loss of
family members. Also my eye surgery went well and I’m
enjoying the beautiful flower. May you all be blessed.
In Christ,
Lenore McBroom
Now that we all have our 2016 calendars and are
making summer plans, take time to flip the pages to July
and pencil (only God writes in ink) in the dates for the
2016 men’s retreat. July 18th will be the day we depart
Salem for four enjoyable days at Kec’s Cove resort on
beautiful Kabetogema Lake. The friendly crew at Kec’s
will once again be providing us fine dining, comfortable
cabins and a room for our evening discussions. Our
retreat planners would like to have the same problem
that we had in 2011 when we had more men signed up
than Kec’s had cabins/bed for. Some last minute
situations arose and a few had to cancel which left us
with the correct number of guys so I didn’t end up
sleeping on my boat .
Thank you to each and every one of you that kept our
family and our son, Connor, in your thoughts and
prayers during his time of surgery and also through the
healing process. He is doing really well now. We
appreciate you all so much!
The Goff Family
(Connor is Deb Selk’s grandson)
Thank you for your recent gift of $759.00 to ELCA World
Hunger. Your faithful support makes a difference for
families and communities in need here in the U.S. and in
more than 60 countries around the world. Your gifts
make it possible for ELCA World Hunger to work with
churches and companions as they identify and tailor
solutions to hunger and poverty, including multi-year
projects in water, micro-loans, livestock, health,
agriculture, advocacy and more. Thank you for
responding in faith this holy season to Christ, the light
and life of all people.
Blessings and peace,
Daniel Rift, Director, ELCA World Hunger and
Disaster Appeal
Reserve your space on this much anticipated annual
event by getting your $50.00 deposit into the church
office now while you are in the summer event planning
stage. There will be registration forms in the Narthex
kiosk. I will also see if they can be downloaded and
printed from the church website for those of you
spending these cold days in a warmer clime.
These cold winter days are also a good time to put new
line on those fishing reels. Most of the boat captains
will probably be running 6 pound test which will provide
you with enough strength for Kab’s walleyes but
present a BIG challenge if you hook into one of
Kabetogema’s monster sturgeon.
From the Salem Staff: Thanks again to all of you who
pitched in to help decorate the church for Advent and
Christmas AND for helping again to take everything
down and put it away! This is a big job, but with all of
the helping hands, it was fun and done in good time.
Until July then, stay warm and dream of keeper
walleyes stretching your line. If you have questions you
can give any of the past participants a call and they
would be happy sharing their trip experience.
What Does This Mean?
It is not your fault!...and you are not alone.
It’s not enough …to change worship styles or use a new
curriculum. There is something bigger taking place.
It’s time! …The church must recognize and name the
current situation. The Church’s Call to Nurture Faith
Has Not Changed…..but the environment in which it
does so, has changed.
Connie Lou Swanson
[email protected]
SO…..We will continue to meet as a Faith Formation
Task Force and look at:
1. Who are the children, youth and young adults and
adults in our congregation?
2. Who are the children…adults in our community?
3. What would encourage them to grow deeper in faith?
4. How do we proceed in building a vision/team for
Faith Formation at Salem Lutheran Church?
Salem’s Faith Formation Task Force met on Tuesday,
January 12 with Catherine Anderson , Youth
Coordinator from the NE MN Synod. It was great to
have Catherine meet with us and share - Cultural
Realities and What They Mean for Ministry
The Bob Dylan song - “The Times they are a Changing”
released in 1964 comes to mind my in a big way!
IF you have an interest in being involved in this
process, please talk to Connie Lou or Pastor Glen. We
will continue to meet monthly and forming teams of
adults who will focus on birth to Kindergarten,
Elementary, Junior/Senior High, Young Adults. IF you
have a love and a passion for any one of these age
groups, please participate!
We ask for your prayers as we proceed, knowing that
our God is walking with us and leading us on this
The following are excerpts shared from Catherine’s
presentation to the Faith Formation Task Force:
“Technology changes every day! Knowledge doubles
every two years! The church is changing! Overall
Congregations are reporting to be less healthy: Finances
– Conflict- Aging Members. All major religious groups
are experiencing decline. Christianity is no longer a
majority in the U.S. Nor is any other.
The church once nurtured faith within a society which
supported, or complimented, Christian values and a
Christian rhythm of life. Church is no longer supported
by society. The cultural understanding of faith is
changing. God is not changing but our understanding of
faith is.
I will leave you with a quote from Rollie Martinson –
“Great Youth Ministry is Good Adult Education!”
Think about that! We ALL need to continue learning
how to speak the Language of Faith!
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - Friday – February 19 at 6:30
pm – “Inside Out” EVERYONE WELCOME – ALL AGES are
invited to come enjoy this movie.
The Bad News
1. The Christian way of life is no longer the norm.
2. Families are not passing on the faith.
3. World is not going to pass on the faith.
4. “Church” language is not familiar to most.
will be Tuesday, February 23 at 6 pm. Light meal
The Good News
1. Youth are open to faith and religion.
2. Youth are open to parents and significant
3. Actions are important.
4. It’s time to be creative and discover new ways.
Please note this schedule of the hours that Connie Lou
will be in her office: 
 Sunday – 8:00 a.m. – 12 noon
 Tuesday – 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
 Wednesday – 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon, 1:00-4:00
 Thursday – 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Let’s clear up a few myths:
 There is No Easy Button
 No Silver Bullet
 No Curriculum
 No Program
 No Youth Director
 No Budget
I will be available at other times by appointment, as
needed. Thank you!
Pastor John Lunn
Greetings to my sponsoring churches! Last time,
I left you right before Christmas which I spent with
friends in Padhar. If you remember, I was going to
sing in a Christmas Cantata. Well, it went well and I
didn't make a huge mistake or sing out of turn. I
stayed at the guesthouse and met some very
interesting people from RUSHA/CMC (Rural Unit
for Health and Social Affairs/Christian Medical
College). RUSHA is an outreach program of CMC
and now covers well over 120,000 people and has
been involved in all aspects of rural development;
agriculture, animal husbandry, adult education,
vocational training, women’s training and help for
the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as a
hospital. They were nice people and we had good
conversations. I even got up to see them off when
they left at 7 a.m. I was invited to attend a lot of
programs in the week before Christmas – singing
programs and dance programs and skits and plays
and combinations of them all! And I had lots of
lunches and dinners with very nice people.
I had a lovely Christmas Eve with my friends in
their courtyard with dinner, a bonfire, and
Christmas Carol singing. Christmas morning I
preached at the English service at 8:30 followed by
breakfast some hanging out in the sun, and a
community lunch followed by an epic game of
Monopoly that lasted five hours.
The next day I headed back to Vellore which
involved 2 ½ hours in a car, a one hour flight, a two
hour flight, and another 2 ½ hour car ride! My good
friend JP arrived the next day and we were off to
the state of Andhra Pradesh and Tadepalligudem,
the village where JP grew up, to spend New Year's
Day with his family. We went to a New Year's Eve
service that started at 10:30 p.m. 2015 and lasted
until 2 a.m. 2016! I was only responsible for 30
minutes of that with my sermon which went well
with JP translating. He had fun with the
Salem Lutheran Church Operating Fund
Financial Results for December 2015
$ 42,406.94
$ 40,328.92
$ 2,078.02
Prior Year
$ 49,056.02
$ 49,065.16
Financial Results YTD (Jan-Dec)
Prior Year
$ 16,272.21
Overview of Mortgage & Building Fund
Salem Lutheran Church
Dec 2015
Original Mortgage Amount
Principal Balance
Monthly Mortgage Payment (Principal
& Interest)
Additional Principal Payment
Building Fund
Beginning Balance 12/01/2015
Income Dec 2015
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Expense Dec 2015
Mortgage Payment
Additional Principal
Ending Balance 12/31/2015
$ 12,133.54
$ 3,274.46
($ 3,274.46)
(The ending building balance is what we have in savings accounts
dedicated to the building fund. $79,000 of this is in a special account
which is set aside for any unexpected large building expense or need)
Note that complete financials are available by contacting Sandy
Beyer at the church office. Any questions can be directed to either
Council Treasurer Paul Tesdahl or Financial Secretary Sandy Beyer.
congregation helping him figure out words he'd
forgotten since leaving Andhra 35 years ago! The
gist of my sermon was this - judgment is not based
on what we do, but who we are (saved by grace).
The text was Matthew 25:31-46. The people who
did ministry just did it. The other would have done
it, if they'd have known it was Jesus.
JP's whole family was at the train station to see
us off and they ended up waiting with us several
hours, so I had time to chat with the two nieces
and a nephew. Suren, my favorite driver, picked us
up and we took JP to the airport for his flight to
Kerala. I needed to stay in Chennai and visit the
American Consulate to get a new passport. They
print a whole new one and that has to be done in
the US so my old one goes and my new one comes
back in the diplomatic pouch. Applying only took
30 minutes and I should have the new one in time
for my trip to Hawaii in February. JP came back to
Vellore and we visited the cemetery to pray and
leave flowers for JP's wife's uncle who was a
chaplain at CMC and who arranged their marriage.
It was the 20th anniversary of his death.
Since then, I have been working on travel plans
for the end of January when my colleague, Mike,
comes to India. We need to visit Padhar,
Mohulpahari, and Parkijuli in one week! Please
keep us in your prayers as we travel. And know
that you are always in my prayers.
Peace, John
through several stages, but the final cost to the
church after private donations was $3900, which
was taken from Mustard Seed revenue only. Here’s
how it unfolded.
In mid-November a person approached a member
who contacted Paul Tesdahl about selling the
property to Salem Church. This person wished to
remain anonymous. In fact, the man was executor
of the estate of a Salem member and was himself a
former member of Salem Lutheran. Some
background: the member whose estate the man
represented had had conversations with Greg
Meyer starting 5 years ago with an offer to sell the
property for $120,000. Paul put Greg in touch with
the executor of the member’s estate. Before he
passed away, the man had lowered his offer to
$67,000 and the estate generously to $60,000.
The prospect of acquiring the property for $60,000
was tantalizing, as a similar property nearby sold
recently for much more. The Social Ministry
Governing Board (now Salem Outreach Committee)
had set aside $10,000 towards purchase in case the
land ever became available. When approached
privately, a non-member Deerwood resident
contributed $30,000 with no strings attached.
Others soon followed, with members and others
contributing an additional $6,100 towards
purchase. It was agreed to carry $20,000 balance
on a contract for deed @ 4% with biannual
payments of $636.46 to be paid by Salem Social
Ministry from the funds earned by the Mustard
Seed. No other church money was used. In fact, a
second anonymous individual guaranteed the
payments leaving Salem with no liability. Closing
costs for both estate and church were paid for by
the estate.
Please note: Since the date that this document was
created, we have been informed that Brian Skone
does not serve as the executor of the E. Terry
Skone’s estate. The executor of the estate of Brian
G. Engen.
A question came up recently regarding why the
congregation had no knowledge of this purchase
until after it happened. The reason was twofold:
anonymity and the need for the estate to have land
There has been some confusion over the recent
acquisition of the lot adjacent to the Mustard Seed
across the street from Salem. The acquisition went
closing completed by December 15th, then to
finalize estate issues by the end of 2015. Time was
short: if the purchase had not been made by then
the deal would have fallen through and Salem’s
chance to purchase the land at bargain prices
would have evaporated. In fact, the agreement
was finalized on December 7, with the closing on
December 11. Council approved this purchase.
and is indeed exploring these things on behalf of
the church’s ministry, as well as proposing a new
sign for the property. Mr. Skone and his family
have been quite generous in selling the land so
inexpensively, but it remains the decision of the
outreach committee and Salem Church to accept
such gifts and move forward with any
So why wouldn’t the congregation have to approve
the purchase at a special meeting? Church by-law
C12.04.01 states that the council without
congregational vote may enter into a purchase so
long as it is less than the greater of a) 25% of the
operating budget (budget for 2015 was
$434,306.68, 25% of which is $108,576.67) or (b)
$100,000. The Church Council executive committee
and myself decided since there was no liability and
that the $60,000 purchase price ($36,100 initially
donated) was well within these limits, it was within
the authority of the council to complete the
purchase, even though the congregation as a whole
knew little or nothing about the purchase.
No such plans by Salem church or Salem Outreach
Committee (formerly called Social Ministry
Governing Board) are contemplated, and the
planning involved with these improvements would
be long and careful. They would not even be
considered without full improvement costs
donated to the church.
Before the deal was completed, the land acquired
and even after, the seller had again and again
stressed the need for secrecy. Afterwards, the
seller (the estate of E. Terry Skone) announced the
sale to the community via the local paper on
December 23rd. On December 30th the Courier
announced anonymous donors would complete all
payments for the $20,000 loan. Salem Lutheran
had no direct control over these announcements or
their timing. The Council had planned to announce
the purchase in the January newsletter and did so.
What follows is the information that was projected
during the informational meeting on January 24:
Land Acquisition
Initial 2011 Offer
Later 2015 Offer
Final Offer from the Skone estate
Land Acquisition Cost
Less Non-Member Deerwood
Resident Donation
- $30,000
Less other private Salem
and Non-Salem donations
Amount taken from Mustard Seed
Amount of Mortgage @ 4%
$ 6,100
Mortgage guaranteed by a private individual leaving no
Salem liability. Closing costs for all parties paid by the E.
Terry Skone estate. The $20,000 mortgage and all
payments was almost immediately assumed by the
Skone family. $3900 was taken from the $10,000
Mustard Seed reserves set aside for the lot purchase.
This $10,000 came from Mustard Seed proceeds. The
remaining $6100 after purchase has been retargeted for
upkeep on Mustard Seed building and property.
It was further stated in the Courier newspaper
articles that the property would be paved and
lined, and that a committee was being formed to
explore painting a mural on the side of the Mustard
Seed depicting the history of Deerwood. Working
with his family and friends, Brian Skone, the
executor of E. Terry Skone’s estate, has proposed
Net costs to Salem Church
Social Ministry Board Meeting January 14, 2016
Present were: Dee Dee Frahm, Noreen Steinbrecher, Steve Haglund, Sandy Kretlow, Debbie MacKay, Greg Meyer,
Pastor Glen, Diane Hein, and via telephone was Cecil Schmidt.
MSC –Motion, Second, Carried
Debbie opened with devotions.
Staff members and volunteers were asked to sign a covenant with Salem Lutheran Church pledging to work together and
pursue the mission of the congregation.
Secretary minutes were read. MSC
Overview of Social Ministry:
1992 Pastor Fred started with layettes, etc.
Greg wrote grants for supplies to help give to the needy.
Someone donated the Laundry Mat.
Services continued to grow; we bought the Mustard Seed building.
Today we support many ministries.
Cecil Schmidt proposed a recommendation that Social Ministry Governing board change their name to Salem Outreach
Committee. This will be sent to the council for approval. MSC
Organization chart:
We were given an organization chart last year. Greg is the one who makes administrative decisions and if he is not
available the pastor will make the decision if needed. The committee has to make decisions as a whole not individually.
Limits of money and boundaries of actions have to be made by the committee (board).
Financial Report:
On December 28, 2015 the following motion was made via the phone from Greg.
1. I move that SMGB returns the $6300.00 from the dedicated account to make 5 years of payments on the old
post office property, back to the Summerfest funds in the general account.
2. I move that the $4160.00 that has been donated to help with the purchases of the land go into the building fund
to be used for improvement to the MS property or MS building.
3. I move that as funds are received at Salem specifically for the payoff of the contract for deed, Sandy Beyer may
pass them through to the E Terry Skone Trust without individual motions to be made for each payment. The
checks are coming from several sources and will add up to the balance of the money due through the contract
for deed.
4. I move that $3500.00 of the funds from Summerfest (of the $6300.00 we returned to the account) be moved to
the 2016 Honduras trip to be used for $500.00 per youth (a total of 5) for scholarship funds to help pay for their
trip, and $1000.00 used to cover supplies they will use for hosting youth groups at the camp (piñatas, food,
candy, gifts, transportation costs of buses, etc.). Social Ministry has been hugely blessed with these gifts to cover
the land purchase, which gives SMGB an opportunity to bless some of the youth of Salem.
All motions MSC
Audit will be done around March 20th.
Some of the items that have been purchased this past year for the ministry at SW are:
62 at $77.00 each = $4774.00
Bed Frames Full
49 at $26.00 = $1274.00
Bed Frames Queen
50 at $37.00 = $1850.00
Box Springs Full
24 at $70.00 = $1680.00
Box Springs Queen
12 at $80.00 = $960.00
We also have bought Mattresses, Cribs, Toddler beds, toaster, microwaves, coffeemakers, etc.
Financial report: MSC
Mustard Seed report:
We had a fabulous 2015. We went well over the budget that was set. We were gifted the lot next to the store, we did
some much needed renovations to the floor at the store along with new carpet. Have a much needed office area which
is great. Clothing work area got a little bigger to work in. We moved the break room upstairs along with the use of the
kitchen. We also have a craft room and extra clothing room for extra items upstairs. Now using the full use of the now
paid for building. We have to thankful for all of the volunteers and members of Salem that have gotten us to where we
are today. With Gods help and guidance we will continue with the wonderful social ministry program that has helped a
lot of local people. Thank you and Blessings, Deb
Salem West:
In December we served over 60 families. SW is no longer partnering with Bridges of Hope. The staff and volunteers
are working hard to set up guidelines to handle the volume of calls.
Mustard Seed floor project was bigger than we anticipated. We were closed only one week with a special thank you to
all the volunteers that helped with this project.
The land acquisition has been a huge blessing and complicated. There were articles that were put in the paper that
were close to correct, but some details that need to be clarified. Greg will attend the next council meeting to clarify.
Greg met with Planning & Zoning about the new sign on the corner. Permit states that the sign will be managed by
Salem Lutheran Church for Community Use. Clarification was made regarding the application for the new sign – the
process began with the Skone Family when they still owned the property, Salem is now the owner of the property and
that was clarified. If the sign is built, it will be done fully by donations of material and labor.
June 13 will be the Pizza Ranch Fund Raiser.
A motion was made to use grant dollars to obtain a consultant (Renee Sheilds) to continue work on our goals and
organizational capacity building. Greg will check into this for next month. MSC
Council will set up a meeting with the Outreach Committee (SMGB) shortly.
In the mean time we should think about and identify and discuss challenges we face. Education is the main challenge.
How have decisions been made in the past. The board has voted on what we should do about the following:
Apartment—we inherited a tenant with no problem at the time
1. Tenant moved out we cleaned the apartment (painted, removed
wallpaper, etc. Tried
to rent it out which didn’t work well.
2. After two evictions SMGB decided to enter into an agreement with LSS Hope Housing that would manage
the apartment and place a family in transition (which was a goal of Social Ministry). The apartment was
cleanup, a door was replaced and paint touched up for the new tenant. The rent was discounted over
50%, as that is how the program works. The tenant had issues that involved several police visits and
ultimately an eviction. The partnership did not work as the family was not given an in-home visit by LSS
as was agreed upon. After that experience and PD’s resignation, the apartment was once again fixed up
and held for the interim Pastor.
3. Since the apartment was used for church use, not a rental, that square footage was allowed to be
removed from the property tax showing a savings.
4. SM left it open for use by the church for future pastor, but Pastor Glen did not select that apartment and
felt it was not appropriate for a Pastor. With the poor track record of renters, SM not able to attract a
good tenant and damage and unpaid bills, SMGB determined it best to use for the MS and strive to
increase sales to cover the loss of income. Note: SM had not received income from the apartment for
about 2 years and with the mortgage paid off, felt that the space was more important than the income.
5. Now the plan is to use it for MS breakroom and storage.
Evaluations of staff were led by Paul Tesdahl, Debbie MacKay, Pastor Glen and Greg. These items were lifted up:
1. Better communication between MS and SW
2. Educate the volunteers on procedures
3. Our purpose is a mission of helping people not always looking at the $.
4. Meet with Greg every 2 weeks with staff to see how things are going ,will
discuss any problems that may arise.
Meet with Renee Shields (consultant) to set up a system for setting up the needs of clients. This will be paid for in full by
a grant from the Initiative Foundation.
In 2016 Kristy Tesdahl, Deb Selk, and others will go and make presentation to how our Outreach Program works. They
have a Power Point program that they follow. The goal is a minimum of 12 presentations in 2016.
Salem West could use a cubical (office space) for more privacy when on the phone. We need to look into how we can
arrange this matter.
Need guideline for contacting clients at SW;
1. call once --- leave a message to discuss their request.
2. If they don’t call back, the second message is they go to the bottom of the pile.
Motion was made by Cecil Schmidt that we skip taking a VISTA worker this year MSC
Evangelism: We need to think about how to reach out to people more.
Debbie MacKay-- President
Noreen Steinbrecher—Vice Chair
Dee Dee Frahm-- Treasurer
Sandy Kretlow—Secretary
Meeting Adjourn with the Lord’s Prayer
Next meeting will be February 11, 2016
Submitted by Sandy Kretlow
Council Meeting
December 17, 2015
Council Mission Statement: “We exist, with God's help, to provide leadership for the Salem Lutheran Church
Present: Pastor Glen Bickford, Lynn Hansen, Diane Hein, Randy Holmvig, Paul Tesdahl, Marc Venter, Sherri Godfrey, Kris
Schmidt, Rick Shafer, Cecil Schmidt (via phone)
Absent: none
The meeting was called to order by president Diane Hein.
Pastor Glen opened with a Bible reading.
Introduction of new Council members: Marc Venter, Randy Holmvig, Sherri Godfrey and Kris Schmidt
Election of officers:
Vice President: Lynn Hansen, Treasurer: Paul Tesdahl, Secretary: Kris Schmidt
Social Ministry Governing Board: Cecil Schmidt, Facilities Team: Randy Holmvig, Worship & Music Committee: Sherri
Godfrey, Columbarium Committee: Lynn Hansen, Memorial Committee: Kris Schmidt
Minutes from Council meeting November 19, 2015 amended under STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS to read: MOTION:
by Cecil and seconded by Di to allow Greg Meyer to carry one week of vacation to 2016. Motion carried.
MOTION: by Rick and seconded by Cecil to approve amended November 19, 2015 and November 30, 2015 minutes.
Motion carried.
As of November 30, budget deficit is reduced to $1,385.34.
All budget line items are below budget, except for two.
Loose offering is up significantly from projected amount.
Warmer winter weather has helped reduce utility/heating costs.
MOTION: by Cecil and seconded by Lynn to move $500 from budget line item 7110, Office Equipment, to
dedicated fund 2356, AV Technology. Motion carried. This will be used for replacement of the sound
booth computer, when needed.
Land purchase of property next to The Mustard Seed. Purchase is complete and deal has been closed.
Social Ministry has budgeted for this and will be making payments.
Pastor Glen distributed his time log for the month.
Presented a behavioral covenant to be signed by Council and staff.
Recommends a congregational meeting to explain land purchase.
Direct deposit system proposed for payroll: This is not budgeted in 2016. Social Ministry will consider
payment of additional fees for this in 2016. Payroll software needs to be converted to new Quickbooks.
Salem Church will then budget for this in 2017.
MOTION: by Lynn, seconded by Rick – If Memorial Committee agrees to pay additional payroll costs for
direct deposit in 2016, move to proceed with transfer to new Quickbooks and set up direct deposit for
employees. Motion carried.
Pastor Glen presented an outline. This will be discussed further at the Council Retreat.
Confirmation time has been extended from 60 minutes to 75 minutes to allow for new FINK curriculum.
Pastor Glen asked for vacation days December 25-31, 2015. Approved.
Summer Worship Schedule: Per Worship & Music Committee recommendations, worship schedule will stay the
same, with 2 services. (8:15 & 10:00 a.m.)
Housing Allowance. MOTION: by Di, seconded by Randy. That of the $64,191.70 payable to Pastor Glen
Bickford in 2016 (includes “salary,” the congregation portion of Social Security and “housing allowance”),
$30,000 be designated as “Housing Allowance” with the remainder to be defined as “Cash Salary” as defined by
the Tax Code. The motion carried.
ANNUAL CALENDAR REVIEW was tabled to next meeting.
There will be a Council Retreat at Di’s house January 9, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
Christmas Party for staff, Council and spouses on January 7, 2016.
SOS (Suggestions, Observations, Solutions)
Council received an SOS suggestion regarding worship lighting. This was forwarded to the Worship & Music
Brainerd paper advertisement for Salem December events completed by staff was nicely done.
Meeting adjourned and closed with prayer by Pastor Glen.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris Schmidt
NOON Devotions and Soup Lunch
Lent 2016 Wednesdays at NOON
February 17
February 24
March 2
March 9
March 16
Cascade United Methodist Church, Deerwood
Salem Lutheran Church, Deerwood
Assembly of God Church, Crosby
Life Spring Church, Crosby
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Crosby
9:00 AM
1:00 PM In Stitches
6:30 AM Women’s Bible
10:30 AM Staff Meeting
8:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
8:00 AM Men’s
Bible Study
2:00 PM Funeral
5:30 PM Worship & 5:00 PM Praise Team
Music Committee Rehearsal
6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Salem Ringers
8:15 AM Traditional Worship
10:00 AM Contemporary
Worship & Children’s Christian
9:00 AM
1:00 PM In Stitches
6:30 AM Women’s Bible
9:00 AM Diaper Cutting
10:30 AM Staff Meeting
9:00 AM
Learning Planning
5:30 PM Girls Night
5:00 PM Praise Team
5:30-6:30 PM SOUP
6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
8:15 AM Traditional Worship
10:00 AM Contemporary
Worship & Children’s Christian
8:15 AM Traditional Worship
10:00 AM Contemporary
Worship & Children’s Christian
8:15 AM Traditional Worship
10:00 AM Contemporary
Worship & Children’s Christian
7:00 PM Salem
Ringers Rehearsal
9:00 AM
1:00 PM In Stitches
6:30 AM Women’s Bible
10:30 AM Staff Meeting
6:30 PM Quilting at
8:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
9:30 AM Sarah Circle
8:00 AM Men’s
Bible Study
5:00 PM Social
Ministry Governing
Board Mtg
8:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
8:00 AM Men’s
Bible Study
1:30 PM Naomi Circle
5:00 PM Praise Team
6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
9:00 AM
6:00 PM Council Mtg
6:30 AM Women’s Bible
8:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
7:00 PM Salem
10:30 AM Staff Meeting
Ringers Rehearsal
12:00 PM Devotions/Soup
1:00 PM In Stitches Lunch at Salem
6:00 PM Faith
5:00 PM Praise Team
Formation Task
Force Mtg
6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM Family
Movie Night
8:00 AM Men’s
Bible Study
7:00 PM Salem
Ringers Rehearsal
1:30 PM Salem Hosts Care
Center Worship
Coming Soon:
CAMP SUNDAY – March 13
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 June 13-17, 2016!!
“Cave Quest – Following Jesus, the Light of the World”
Pastor – Glen Bickford
Director of Outreach – Greg Meyer
Office Manager – Deborah Carlson
Financial Secretary – Sandra Beyer
Coordinator of Children's Ministry – Connie Lou Swanson
Facilities Coordinator – Glen Helm
Organist/Pianist – Becky Klingelhofer
Choir Director – Scott Ruffing
Handbell Choir Director – Kevin Edstrom
Praise Team Directors – Becky Klingelhofer/Noreen Steinbrecher
Salem WEST Program Assistant – Amanda Meier
Salem WEST Program Assistant – Dennis Peterson
The Mustard Seed Manager – Deb Selk
The Mustard Seed Program Assistant – Sandy Archibald
Kitchen Coordinator – Kathy Schultz
Sherri Godfrey
Lynn Hansen, Vice President
Diane Hein, President
Randy Holmvig
Cecil Schmidt
Kris Schmidt, Secretary
Rick Shafer
Paul Tesdahl, Treasurer
Marc Venter
Pastor Glen
Greg Meyer
Office/Debbi Carlson
Connie Swanson
Sandy Beyer
Glen Helm
Salem WEST
The Mustard Seed
Wedding Coordinators – Kim Coughlin, Sherri Godfrey
Cradle Roll – Jessica Jones
Control Booth Coordinator – Meriellen Pisarek
Salem Lutheran Church Website – Meriellen Pisarek
Phone Numbers
Salem Lutheran Church: 218.534.3309
Salem WEST (giving ministry): 218.534.4962
The Mustard Seed: 218.534.2945
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]